This is the true face of the West, it’s “values” of “human rights”, “freedom”, “pluralism” and all the rest of the bull.
This morning my disgust knows no limits!
The Saker
This is the true face of the West, it’s “values” of “human rights”, “freedom”, “pluralism” and all the rest of the bull.
This morning my disgust knows no limits!
The Saker
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Indeed in one pithy sentence Maria Zakharova said it best, “The hand of democracy” is squeezing the “throat of freedom”.
Geo Holland
What is remarkable in all of this is that the US is demanding the extradition of a foreign citizen who committed no crime on US territory. In other words the US demands that it’s laws be applied in every single country of the world. Dangerous paranoia.
Maybe this is why they are intent on making the Chelsea Manning connection.
Although–was Manning on US soil when she hacked the computers and released the video footage?
My absolute solidarity with Julian Assange.
Mario Medjeral
Lavardens, France.
Consortium News, which has been holding weekly online ‘vigils’ for Assange, are now holding an ’emergency meeting’ via podcast. People like Ray McGovern and Daniel Ellsberg are advertised as being a part of this.
Crosstalk with Ray McGovern and consortium news tonight….
It was apparent for some time now that it would end up like this for Assange. Equador has been one of the few Latin American countries that resisted the US, together with Bolivia and Venezuela, but that has now been reversed.
I am neither surprised nor disgusted by this logical outcome. To be exact, the actions of Western governments cannot disgust me anymore, this is expected of them and that’s what they truly are. A good thing that may come out of Assange’s arrest is some people at least will wake up to the reality in which we all live in today.
Yes, I feel sure this will attract many people to wikileaks website who have so far ignored it, right minded people will always want to dig a little to see what all the fuss is about and it could prove a positive unintended consequence of the US/UKs further decent into fascism. One would have thought that the Brits hands were full at the moment what with a panicked establishment fighting tooth and nail to avoid committing to the will of the peoples vote on Brexit, their constant efforts to further circumnavigate democracy has proved highly entertaining but most time consuming. Democracy is dead in the UK.
Its worth reviewing the headline piece of what all of this is about.
“Collateral Murder”
Watch US helicopter crews happily gun down innocent civilians, reporters, and a family who stopped to help an injured man lying on the sidewalk.
And notice of course that there was no real reason for this to be classified as secret. It doesn’t reveal any current army operations. It doesn’t reveal any informants or undercover agents in the field. It is just embarrassing to the USA and its PR image. Thus, it was classified as secret and supposed to stay buried.
What happened today is the USA’s revenge on the fact that stuff that should never have been classified was revealed to the people of the world. So, its worth 20 minutes to remember just a small piece of what this is all about.
Well! Betrayal at HM Gov level should be nothing new. Payback for treachery comes at the ballot box. It will be interesting the entrance of The Brexit Party which is a spanner in the Westminster works – Long Overdue.
And don’t forget to laugh at all of the paid corporate journalists who go on and on and on about the ideals of freedom of the press, when its a WaPo columnist who gets murdered for example, but who strangely get laryngitis and take the day off when the most effective journalist in the world gets hauled off to enhanced interrogation.
Always going to happen, the pompous, inbred Brits and the paranoid, frightened yanks hate being exposed for the hypocritical, corrupt buffoons they really are. The Brits really are weak vassals of the US and its plainly there for all to see. I wonder if Julian will drop the much hinted at ‘motherlode’ (a selected best/worst of western political misdemeanor, ineptitude and gross delinquency that would make what has been so far revealed look like childs play) or whether he will use it as a bargaining chip (or indeed whether it even exists at all?) I have enjoyed the fact that all UK MSM have been caught on the hop and had to pay Ruptly for access to the film of Assanges illegal ejection from his cell in the Equadorian Embassy. For the rest of us this has been a red light flashing for the last week or so. The west has just shown how it cannot abide the truth, and indeed fear it and how shallow their idea of (non) democracy has become. I await the Swedes resurrection of the dead ‘sexual assault’ allegations and the tying together of Manning and Assange as ‘terrorists’ in cahoots. The US is truly a ridiculous nation.
As a thought experiment, picture what a true land of freedom and democracy might look like. A land where the citizens have rights that equal government’s or corporation’s. A land where the government listens and responds to what the people want, since in a democracy its the people who hold the power. A land of freedom where people can say what they want to say without fear, and artists and writers and vbloggers from around the world flock there to be a part of that.
Now, picture the places that the world’s self-proclaimed champion for Freedom and Democracy have left in its wake after its wars, coups and electoral interference campaigns. Kosovo, Kuwait, Haiti, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, parts of Syria, Honduras, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Brazil are a partial list. And of course we also see the actions of the countries with whom Uncle Sam has a ‘special relationship’. The UK is now violating international courts over the Chagos Isl (aka Diego Garcia) and arresting people out of embassies, while Israels murders protesters and tortures people and threatens everyone with war.
Of course, when you compare what the Yankees have left behind them to what an ideal of freedom and democracy should look like, it of course becomes obvious that what the Yankees and their allies stand for is pretty much the opposite of freedom and democracy.
I guess it was easy for me. I grew up during Vietnam. So, I knew both that the government wanted me to die as a draftee in their wars, and that the so-called DeepState really ran things. When unarmed protesters are shot down in Ohio, then pretty much every illusion of freedom and democracy falls from your eyes. Hopefully today will wake up some more.
If you see someone opening their eyes and acting like they just woke up, be nice to them, buy them a cup of coffee or the local beverage, and have a good conversation with an awake person.
But, but, but, Bing-those examples of which you speak, to which I would add, being a nostalgic, the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and the sacking of the Cuban Embassy in Grenada, where the US ‘warriors’ wrote abuse on the walls utilising their own faeces, are just examples of the semi-divine (or auto-divine if you prefer) ‘International Rules Based Order’. Repeat one hundred times daily, with suitably stern expression.
Freedom fighter executed gently from ministry of love..we can allready raise some euros for his monument.
Its like Gleb-main character from Solzhenicin novel First circle heading towards tajga…
For any on the east coast of the US, there is a protest outside the UK embassy in DC at 5pm eastern time.
Couldn’t agree more with you Saker.
RT showed the whole drama as it unfolded and it brought tears to my eyes to see him so frail and betrayed as one realizes the depths of betrayal that has been visited upon a truth teller and the very dark days we have entered. As we have already observed – International law no longer exists.
If ever there was proof of just how corrupt the system in which we live in – here it is. When Hunt (and May) says “No one is above the law” what they mean is that none of us, the people, are above the law, whereas the likes of Bush, Blair, Clinton, the bankers and them are above the law. And yes, Assange is a hero, and Jeremy you are just a complete and utter Hunt!
As you say shame, shame, shame!!!
When people say to me that no one is above the law, I say no one is above the laws of nature, but many people can be above defective human law, its been proved and is currently being applied to politicians.
If you have eaten something that disagrees with you and need to be sick, just go read the article in the UK’s Daily Mail online. It’s words about this courageous man pass any ability of mine to describe.
I never thought the day would come when I would learn what it means to hate.
Today I did.
I never thought the day would come when I would learn what it means to hate
I know *exactly* how you feel, I have been in a daze most of the day.
But we need to turn this hatred into determination and love. Determination to resist evil and oppression, and love for those who, like Assange, are willing to LIVE according to the noble values of the West, and not just talk about it.
Yes, decent, honorable and kind people often appear to be in the minority.
But in reality they are everywhere.
We are everywhere.
Don’t despair!
The Saker
Assange is genuine? I remember INH also stated once that Assange is Israeli planted. What is the truth?
Veterans Today is the Internet equivalent of a ‘mockumentary’.
Oh ok thanks. Didn’t know that VT is fake news. What’s their agenda? They seem to be very harsh on ultimate world oppressor Israel so I thought its legit.
@Mulga M,
Those are strong words.
I don’t share your opinion, VT has excellent reputation, however would you mind to elaborate further to help us the “deceived” to understand the truth, otherwise please hold back your unfounded statements.
Ps; Thanks for the article Saker. It is a dark day but I have hope that this incident will help masses to finally see what plans those overlords are forging. Otherwise (caps on) shame (caps off) on masses too.
It’s just my opinion, S75. I perused its content for a while, and found its narratives, first suspicious, then often ludicrous. It takes all kinds, as they say.
Thanks for clarifying your position
Cheers to that Saker!
We decent, kind loving people gather on this website together and we are the remnant gathered opposing the godless, wicked and insane Hegemon!!
It is disgusting what they are doing to Assange but as Holy Week approaches this is what the Pharisee cowards did to our Christ!
Let’s all join in prayer that God will give Julian Assange the strength to continue to tell the truth and expose the injustice of the West.
Love to all!
How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent
I attended a Rally in Melbourne today for Julian Assange organised again by the Socialist Equality Party, who are the Only political organisation in Australia demanding freedom for Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. Let that sink in for a minute….. The Only political organisation in all of Australia. It was called short notice, but still, only about 200 people there (rough estimate) in a city of abt 5 million people. Yet nearby streets and malls were heaving with people loaded down with multiple shopping bags. Heaving. Most in Australia could not give a rats fig. They are soulless automatons grasping for more stuff and bling and pursuing hedonistic pleasures. I feel disgust at the sheer depraved selfishness and callousness of so many in the West, particularly Australia. I feel ashamed to even live in this country. Well, the whole world now see’s what the West; the Anglo Zionist Empire truly is. I feel anger and disgust and sadness all at the same time. Echo you Saker: Shame. Shame. Shame.
Many voices over net now repeat that Snowden was smart to end (by chance) in Russia, and Assange was naïve chump who could not accommodate for his safety…. All based on the luxury of after-knowledge.
Imagine that Putin would NOT decide suddenly to save Snowden and would let him rot in airport until him dehydrated and hungry and unconscious would be loaded on board of some US plane. And then we would make serious faces and discuss at length how street-smart was Assange to secure himself a shelter in the embassy, and how inept and naïve was Snowden.
Almost 10 years ago they made different bets and for a while it seems their bets are equally good. While Snowden, in theory, had some flexibility in choosing himself “lord-protector” in practice that was a flexibility of hungry stray cats running after strangers in the street hoping some one would take it home. Assange instead had a certain accommodation that just worked, even if totally lacked flexibility and emergency exits.
But practically speaking both approaches worked well, until recent.
What changed is that WikiLeaks became needing a “sacred victim”, a “martyr”, just like EuroMaidan, etc.
Well, I hope you would not tell me, that a man confined into a cage of the embassy for 7 years still was ruling WikiLeaks with iron grip? Just remember Timoshenko in her “jail” – and how her party behaved in her absence. And she was in the same state, almost in the same city, she was quite adept in all the intrigues – still nominally “her” party was very content with Lady Yu becoming an impotent hyped symbol rather than queen. Or remember Lenin, nominal ruler of USSR, in his last few years.
Then, Snowden. I remember Snowden tried to leak something about Russia. “Grim non-smiling men” quickly came to him and took his whistle away. He was clearly told that Russia does not care about his crusade for abstract good and fairness, that he would keep silent about any Russian transgression he learns of. If that makes him feel accomplice – he better come to terms with his conscience, or else.
Snowden got the message and learnt to be humble, to lay low.
We are made to think Assange disrespected warnings from Ecuador and kept his hopeless but brilliant “crusade in a cage”.
We’re told that unlike Snowden Assange (or WikiLeaks?) did not pushed brakes. WikiLeaks (or Assange) still rushed to expose things about Moreno, while Assange was dependent on Moreno’s benevolence.
Dementia and bravery?
Or a plan?
What would WikiLeaks loose with demise of Assange? Nothing, but maybe someone’s hurt feelings.
Could WikiLeaks bargain with Moreno and cease blowing their whistles on him? Sure.
Did they know breaking pots with Moreno endangers Assange? They should had know.
And they did it.
Now they have a holy martyr, they reinforced the image of organization true to the core principles even when it endangers them, plus like in USSR after Lenin demise now WikiLeaks would be free to delve into “Assange’s best student” competition.
Just when one would think that slime can’t get any slimier!
The government of Ecuador rescinded Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s citizenship, granted in January, following his arrest Thursday morning on charges of conspiracy to hack U.S. military computers.
The only way Trump can (somewhat) redeem himself is if he gets Julian Assange to provide evidence on the public record that Seth Rich, former staffer on Democrat Party, provided the Wikileaks documents, pardons Assange, and then immediately arrests the Clintons.
Otherwise Trump is a fascist.
So when are Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Obama, Clinton (both) John Howard, Nicolas Sarkozy, in fact the whole lot of the Empire’s mafiosi going to be dragged out of their homes and sent to The Hague for War crimes and crimes against humanity? Anytime soon? The mind boggling hypocrisy and lies and complete degeneracy of the ‘civilised’ West makes me want to vomit.
The American Evil Empire gets its way by threatening sanctions against the International Criminal Court… and, then in Orwellian fashion, runs its mouth about the “rule of law.”
International law is long dead–replaced by America’s global dictatorship.
‘Major international victory’: Trump cheers ICC decision not to probe US atrocities
Jesus anonymous, what a truly screwed World, with most people, especially here in Australia completely fast asleep and slurping on the Kool Aid dreaming of how civilised this country is…
Gezzah, this country is going to get its long overdue comeuppance soon. Any country that produces a Joyce or Scummo or Turnbull or Danby or a psychopathic hate-rag like the ‘Australian’, has built up a ton of bad, bad, karma. The system, dominated by the Right, by greed, by boot-licking groveling to Thanatopia and Talmudistan, by mass stupidity, pig ignorance and preference for filthy lucre over the living world, has produced a country rapidly collapsing ecologically, and a polity dominated by Evil, moronic, time-serving thugs, exemplified by the pig-thug PM, the Pentecostal lunatic and truly deranged liar and hate and fear-monger, Scummo. Plenty of humans have lived through the moral, spiritual and intellectual collapses of their homelands, but we are blessed by the unique privilege of living at the time, the one and only time, where the Evil swine among us are destroying everything, once and for all.