Dear friends,
With over 200 comments (thank you all!!) I am opening a 2nd thread to try to keep the discussion current.
Kind regards
The Saker
Dear friends,
With over 200 comments (thank you all!!) I am opening a 2nd thread to try to keep the discussion current.
Kind regards
The Saker
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No mention at all on european media of troop movements in Ukraine. Euronews, bbc, fr1, tvei, etc, all quiet.
Methinks they are planning the classical “no one saw that one coming ” excuse.
My thoughts exactly Anodinous!
They will only report when the “aggressor”, Russia, moves troops into Donbass.
After all, that’s what this is about.
All action before that is “Russian disinformation”.
What will be difficult for them will be the result of the war they begin.
And the captured troops from NATO.
And the war crimes trials that will begin shortly after Ukraine is destroyed.
Putin will have leverage against “their sanctions” and their attempt to tar the RF as aggressor, which would cost them their seat/veto on the UNSC.
They are actually walking into a huge trap, a geopolitical cauldron, just like the attackers will be caught and annihilated.
Hopeful assessment.
AFP-REUTERS : Russia deploying troops at ukrop border…Russia ready to ‘invade’..etc
”Russia ready to invade” was the pretext for starting two World Wars. They did not believe it then as they do not believe it now, but they can’t declare openly that they want to punish Russia.
There was an item on flemish tv tonight. Had even images from Donbass soldiers, was almost objective…but saying Russians were agressive on the border…while showing tanks on the Kerch bridge. Then showing the White House comments…
Nothing here on french official tv (a2) at prime time.Had to dig deep on Google news France to only find
some French MSM bad mouthing Russians.
Reminds me of the Odessa massacre covering: nothing,except some rebels killing them selves.
Bad omen. Thank you, Saker for this thread!
What you will see on the Internet, however, are articles on Russian troop movements, which are presented as follows:
1) Russia is moving troops to the Ukrainian border,
2) Russia is moving troops to the Ukrainian border and Ukraine responding (!),
3) Ukraine moving troops and equipment towards the Donbass (very rare articles).
What we have here, obviously, is psychological preparation for a Ukrainian attack against the Donbass, which will be presented as a Ukrainian “response” against Russian “aggression”, when in fact it was Ukraine that started amassing troops and equipment. After that the US and EU join in, introduce additional sanctions, and most probably ban the completion of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline.
The only thing which remains unclear at the moment is the intention of NATO, ie. if it will send troops and equipment to the Donbass region. It probably has, this being a small number of intel officers who are advising the Ukrainian military. We shall see if the US will really force Ukraine into an attack against the Donbass. The probability is, unfortunately, very high.
In the meantime it is well known who owns the MSM, don’t we.
Only SIX people own MSM.
What do you think we “news” can expect from them?
There will be only one boogey man in their wargames: Russia & their President Mr. Putin.
IMO, we all have experienced through the years (since 2000) that Russia is not The Soviet Union.
And believe me when I say from my heart: The Russians love their children too and despise wars.
But the Bear has been trampled up for too long.
That is it.
Surprise, surprise! …. it is the Russian way this UkroNazi problem will be tackled.
Everybody who wants to involve himself, better get out of the way before they get crushed as well!
There is also no mention of Zelensky’s decree no.117/2021, decree that is basically a declaration of war against Russia and actually trigger the crisis we witness today. And of course the decree wouldn’t have been signed without green light from the Biden administration.
The only article I saw was completely neglecting the declaration of war by Zelensky and the subsequent movement of Russian troops. The narrative is that agressor Russia will probably invade the Ukraine. The naïve European fellow citizens will surely buy that propaganda. So called Russian military analists like Felgenhauer play a dirty role.
Many commentators don’t seem to understand that western governments are bound by national constitutions: which are safeguarding the equality, freedom, human rights, and democracy for its citizens.
The only time these right can be canceled is during National emergencies, like a pandemic and war.
Now all NATO Nations are in a lock down, “caused by a Pandemic”.
The Lock Downs has sent the main street population of NATO nations into economic dire straits, while big corporation are on government handouts. A creeping hyperinflation is easing the load of gigantic government and corporate debt, but making it harder for the general population to keep up with price inflation.
More and more Americans are openly calling the nov. 2020 US election, a theft.
Biden receives 10 times as many down votes as he receives up votes. Thus Facebook, Twitter and Google has started removing down votes from Biden related tweets and articles.
In All of Europe demonstrations against Lock downs are pushed down by Police enforcing Pandemic rules.
In all NATO Nations:
The constitutional right to free assembly has been canceled.
The constitutional right to free speech has been being canceled.
The constitutional rule against State Propaganda has been canceled.
NATO nations are now run by de-facto Fascist rule.
The escalation towards war in Ukraine is the next step by the Fascist Elite to retain control over the west.
The current shelling conducted by Ukraine in Donbass is left out of the fascist propaganda, instead Russian build up of military forces along the border to Ukraine are making the headlines.
When NATO invades Ukraine it will be sold via the Fascist propaganda outlets as a humanitarian intervention against Russian Aggression.
There will be no opposition to war in any NATO nation. All opposition will be canceled by big tech and MSM.
There will be no demonstrations against war in any NATO nations. Right to free assembly has been canceled.
Europe has re-entered a very dangerous situation; similar to when Hitler was leader of Germany.
The western Neo-Fascist will drag us into world war once more, whether we like it or not.
A. Dane
There are quite a number of commentators that see what you described. But they get deleted because the moderator thinks that this “pandemic” is what the media that belong to the deep state are telling us the truth about it.
Guessing the future is a mug’s game, but it’s still entertaining. If there is a war, I say that RF takes all of Donbass, Luhansk & Zaporizhzhia oblasts, and everything south of Zap. along the east bank of the Dnieper down to the Black Sea, as it’s new border with Ukraine.
What do the rest of you suppose?
I think a false flag in the ME is up next. As soon as the Ukraine war starts, a war with Iran will easier to justify.
False flag coming at an area near you…
Except for the hasn’t been in the Med since 1st April. Going to Arabian Sea and likely Hormuz Strait transit
A war with Iran, and Israel instantly destroyed? Hmmm, not bad..
Iran already gave the Yanks a bitch-slapping; still waiting for a response..
Q: What do the rest of you suppose?
A: I humbly suppose that rabid Ukronazi dogs even under the firm tutelage of ”woke” NATO commanders are exactly the same kind of absolutely worthless garbage that they were in 2014. The only Russophobic force that could actually make a substantial difference for the worse is Gównopolska with her ingrained instincts of plotting and land-grabbing in each and every weak state — past and present — in the vicinity of Russia’s territory. It’s of course not what passes for ”cunning” on the part of Poland which is frightening, but the determination of the Poles to enable all kinds of cataclysmic disasters in order to ”save Christian Europe” setting fire to everything in the process.
Personally, unless Gównopolska ”succeeds” as per her very impressive achievements in the past, I should feel inclined to say that not Zelensky, neither his Ukronazis, nor NATO will be confronting Russia in outright war. If ”nothing” happens now, then it’s definitely game over. So-called ”Ukraine” is depopulating fast meaning Russia could seize this entire ”country” and settle the territory by ethnic Russians, stalling any ”funny” initiatives on the part of Poland.
Agree. The amount of stupid, self destructing and dangerous that Poland can come up with is amazing. Top hyena of Europe, one of the Vatican’s Cerberus. However, I do not think Russia needs any more of anything. They have everything x 10. They just need more of good quality people.
I think Putin would stop before taking all of Ukraine or would take it and withdraw to safeguard the predominantly Russian ethnic regions shortly afterward. That is, if it doesn’t all blow up in everyone’s face and spin sideways into WW3.
Capitalist oligarchs did this with the aid of rabid Blob neocons and the sheep will bleat along. I despair for our species.
@Numbnuts: “What think ye?”
Russia needs Odessa region more than any other territory. Because only if takes Odessa it can protect Transnistria.
And of course, as a Serb, I would be very happy to see the Odessa oblast as a part of Russian federation, it would bring Russia only 300 km close to Serbia.
All of south and east Ukraine in Russia would be the most prefferable.
Why no analysis of British forces working inside Ukraine?
Why no analysis of British Contractors working inside Ukraine?
Why no analysis of British-Ukraine Industrial partnerships (including building missile boats and missile systems)?
Why no analysis of British proposals to deliver “scrap” military equipment (including decomissioned Challenger Tanks and decommisioned Hawk trainer jets)?
Why no analysis of British MI6 (who created the White Helmets) transfering selected Pet Terrorists from Syria and Libya to Turkey for potential deployment to Georgia and Ukraine?
Why no analysis of how the British have been leading (from behind the US Regime) all provocations inside Ukraine and the Black Sea since well before (and including) the infamous Kerch Straight / Crimea Bridge little boat incident.
Why no recognition, much less analysis that the British have been pushing the Ukraine conflict more than even the US post Nuland (during the Trump years), and pushing the Syria crisis more than even Turkey (they run MI6 covert ops, spec ops infil for target tracking, and monitor Iran through Cyprus and Gibralter – with Israel and the US of course. This is easy to check too).
The anti-Russian propaganda in the UK has become rabid, with even the public anaoucement that the UK are breaking nuclear arms treaties in order to “confront Russian Agression”.
Imagining that the Ukraine issue is US led misses a much bigger and potentially more serious picture – especially if the UK is show to be supplying (or planning to supply) signifficant military aid hidden as “scrap” sales.
Yes, the Brits are there, as are the US Americans, the Poles and all the other traditional “friends” of Russia. They also were there in the previous two wars. These are mostly “advisors”. But I don’t expect any of these countries to actually commit troops to the Ukie military effort.
And Turks. They signed a military cooperation agreement with the Ukranians end of last year.
Turkey is supplying Ukraine with drones/UAVs.
A 5-year old boy was killed by one of these near Yenakievo today.
It is hard to imagine a Crimean war without Brits, Turks, (French?) :-)
Best regards, Spiral
Yes, and Vyashcheslav Volodin, Speaker or the Duma, has demanded that the Ukraine be expelled from the Council of Europe for this.
I am most definitely not holding my breath on this one…
As you will have heard, the Brits have also just massively increased their ‘defence’ budget by £21.5 billion, so it now overtakes Russian spending. See:
Britain Overtakes Russian Military Spending
What are the Brits up to?
I would like to see more assessment of the role of drone warfare in any future Ukraine conflict. What are the lessons for Russia in Ukraine of the recent victory by the Azeris against Armenia in which drones appeared to have played a major part? Is there a danger of Russia underestimating this type of warfare?
During the Yugoslav war, the West rearmed and trained the Croatian army, transforming it into an effective force. Is there any danger of a repeat of this in Ukraine?
Oh, oh, oh….the west certainly sh….it himself because of this statement as well as because of the previous ones. As an agent of the influence of the Valdai regime can you give us timeframe ……. When will FSB young men start killing the Nazis? So far, they have been killing battalion leaders to get business things done with the West.
Nato sending 1.000 + troops for an ”exercise” in ukranistan
More than a thousand Ukrainian and NATO soldiers to simulate military offensive to restore “the territorial integrity of a state that has been attacked by one of the hostile neighboring countries” as Kiev accuses Moscow of escalation military. In a statement posted on Facebook on April 3, the Ukrainian armed forces announced that joint military exercises with NATO troops would begin in a few months. According to the same source, more than a thousand soldiers from five Alliance member countries will participate in “defensive actions […] followed by an offensive to restore the state border and territorial integrity of ‘a state that has been attacked by one of the hostile neighboring countries’.This announcement comes in a context that is still as tense between Moscow and Kiev: on April 1, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced in a press release “the show of force in the form of military exercises and possible provocations along the border”, which would be according to him “the traditional occupation of Russia”. An allegation swept aside by Moscow. Asked during a press conference on April 2 by the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN about a strengthening of the Russian military presence near the border with Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov retorted that Russia was taking “the necessary measures to ensure the security of its borders” due to “increasing activity of the armed forces of NATO member countries, other alliances and independent countries […] along from the Russian border ”.
“The consequences for the aggressor would be very deplorable” Despite Moscow’s firm denial, Kiev justifies the deployment of NATO forces along the Russian borders. In an interview with Ukrainian media Ukrlife posted on April 1, Ukraine’s representative in the Donbas Trilateral Contact Group Alexei Arestovich announced that the Alliance had already started sending forces. . The Balkans and Crimea are among “the target areas” reports Ria Novosti. Ukrainians and Americans have reported recent movements of Russian troops in Crimea – attached, following a referendum, to Russia in 2014 – and to the Russian-Ukrainian border. Ukrainian military intelligence thus accused Moscow of preparing the entry of its “regular armed forces” into the territories under rebel control “on the grounds of protecting” the inhabitants there, several hundred thousand of whom have Russian passports. In response to the Ukrainian representative, the Russian deputy for the Crimea region, Mikhail Sheremet, warned that a possible Ukrainian attack on Crimea would be “before taking military actions against Russia, I would advise them to [remember] the history of the Great Patriotic War and to change its mind. The consequences for the aggressor would be very deplorable ”, he declared quoted by RIA Novosti. For his part, his colleague Rouslan Balbek, commented for RT on the Ukrainian declaration in these terms: “The declaration of Kiev on the NATO exercises simulating a war with Russia is an attempt on the part of Ukraine to show its importance, claiming that it was only because of Ukraine that the alliance had formed a grouping and is preparing to fight Russia on all fronts. This is how Ukrainian leaders present these events to [its] citizens. ”
In another video released shown big columns of Belarusian armored vehicles go not only south to the ukrainian border, but also near to the Poland..
Hal turner was talking of the Belarussian armoured columns a few days back but I couldn’t find any independent corroboration. What is the role of Belarus going to be in this conflict? Lukashenko has proved to be untrustworthy in the past. Maybe last year’s attempted “Colour Revolution” has chastened him.
You can follow this Twitter account for latest military buildup in and around Ukraine.
Specifically Belarus video:
I would guess that Belarus is at least passively helping Russian forces by forcing Ukraine and NATO to divert some of its resources to Belarus and its border.
The second reason could be that Belarus wants to prevent infiltration from Ukraine in the fog of war in Donbas (there is an increased inflow of all kinds of people to Ukraine inclusive those dedicated to subvert Belarus).
One additional thing: According to the ColonelCassad Belarus TV in prime time proclaimed Ukraine to be conducting terrorist politic against own population.
So different winds are blowing in Belarus now.
Honestly, it is merely standard for any and ALL countries to move military units to their borders when there is any threatening conflict even one that outwardly does not involve them. For instance in Azerbaijan vs. Armenia recent conflict, Iran moved military units to its borders. This is simple standard work to protect your people “just in case” so do not read too much into any Belarusian military movements. It is as simple logic as, if your neighbor started having a massive shootout/gunfight in the middle of the night in his house, you would probably arm yourself and take up a position by your window closest to their house ‘just in case’ to stay vigilant. It is nothing more than that.
Hopefully, Lukashenko will have a learned his lesson and he will know where the future lies. Belarus troops are likely tough nuts and they could provide a bulwark against a diversionary attack from the north through Poland and/or the Baltic statelets, should NATO lose what’s left of its already faltering hold on reality.
I hope those “foreign advisors” are not spared should open warfare breakout. Enough is enough with these people and the mayhem they are responsible for. I am an American and I have no sympathy for any of these “Western foreign consultants” should they be die in Ukraine. They shouldn’t be there and they are responsible for the deaths of many thousands of civilians in Donbass.
Saker, it would appear that the shit stirring mi6 is even more involved in ukraine against the Donbass, with stupid brit SF willingly going along with it.
boy ze had to appear before the director of mi6 when he came to London in Oct(?) last year.
On March 7, military advisers of the shitstirring brit armed forces arrived in Kramatorsk 50 kms NW of Gorlovka & at the Mayorskoye checkpoint.
british instructors continue to teach ukrainian servicemen to kill Donbass citizens, have allegedly taught >22K soldiers.
brit military base on ukrainian territory raised before 2-day visit of ze to London last year. A memorandum signed there, in which uk agreed to help ukraine against Russia in Black sea, allocating kiev a loan for 10 years of £1.25 bn for development of navy, for construction of 8 missile boats equipped with anti-ship missiles of brit production or ukrainian “neptune”, will be based on a slightly modified and modernized version of the Barzan-class missile boats that London built for the qatari navy in 90s. 2 ships for ukrainian navy will be built in uk, & 6 at 1 of ukrainian shipbuilding enterprises under strict supervision & guidance of brits. brits intend to take majority of loan allocated to ukraine, supporting their own shipbuilders & making good money.
A brit RER Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint aircraft number ZZ666 [yes, you read that right] flew to ukraine on 11 3 21.
It’s all true, but if you compare the aggregate military power actually available to both sides, then it is pretty obvious: Russia has a huge advantage over any combination of western forces.
Agree and this concludes similarly. Note in the end what he concludes regarding Murdoch press in the UK.
Excellent commentry by Alexander Mercouris on the situation. I find him one of the most sane and well rehearsed of individuals that will give an objective assesment.
This reminds me how the Brits started WWII between Germany and Poland.
The Poles should start to provoke Hitler and the Brits would “come and support” the Poles.
It never happened of course. The goal was to start a war between Germany and USSR.
A kind of scenario is being played here as well by the Brits. “That is the way to do it, always go forward and when they start beating back, we will come and help you. Of course coordinated from England, because when it gets hot we will be turn around and straight forward to London to support you”.
I am not suggesting the British soldier is a coward. But a couple of Russian submarines in the Newcastle area and some more around the “undefeatable island” is a little bit too risky for their brave politicians in the City of London.
This is a total different ball game, if it gets hot.
About 15 years ago, I had the bad sense to visit Manhattten, Southern Queens (oh, those nice Russian- and Hebrew- and Yiddish- and Georgian-speaking seafront houses!) and also the Orthodox Anti-Zionist area of local Jewry.
All very interesting. But the greatest shock was this: I went into a bookstore and went to the section where they had US of North A history books. (Yes: They still have bookshops on Manhattan: Maybe a Russian or Jewish thing? And noticed that in Chapters on pres. Lincoln and the North-South wars there were no mentions of the Czarist Russian battle ships that in 1863-64 protected the approaches to the ports of New York and San Fransisco, I looked through some ten or twelve books: Nada! Zilch!
So of course no thoughts in the US publications of US Navy help up through the Bosporos end beyond either…
… who ever heard of the Krimean Wars???
It’s not the Brits it’s the treacherous bankers in the City of London… us Brits just want to get on with our lives in peace the same as most other people around the World. “All Wars Are Bankers Wars”, a great film and so very true. I would probably add most revolutions in with that as well.
Could everyone stop this nonsense about the Bankers of London? ….. It’s the British Private School System of entitlement to do as they chose? It’s also the ingrained Cecil Rhodes mentality and when you roll that up you don’t need any or reason.
Anybody not white and who can’t speak with cross eyes is of no value!…. !
So is it any wonder the Russians should be shown their place and it’s no in the “Club”
Here in Britain the schools that you call “private” are actually called “Public Schools” for i-do-not-know-what historic reason. i went to one of the top ones. It had both working class (mostly fee-payers) and middle class (mostly on scholarships). Our fathers had just experienced WW2 15 years earlier. There was a strong pro-Russian feeling and a strong-anti-American feeling amongst the kids, naturally passed on in conversation at home, at that time.
At that time too, entrepreneurial capitalism was respected and future career choices were between the Military, Sports and ‘Being someone in the City.’ I was one of the few pure foreigners and certainly felt the racism even if i had white skin. So whilst you are correct that the public school system breeds a “Little Englander” mindset, it was most certainly those who had careers in the City who were the arrogant types. Today the racism has gone almost completely and the main problem is that Casino Capitalism has seduced too many into thinking of fast short term gains, so these are the predatory types where both nature and nurture played a role.
The types that you mention who entered the political circles are very much linked to the Banker friends from whom they receive their instructions….because that is where the money is – as well as future career prospects for an unemployed politician….
Absolutely true. The main role in this play belongs to the perfidious Albion. Nothing has changed from the days of the Russian Empire. MacKinder and his heartland theory isn`t outdated.
Correct,i live in Britain and the frightening thing is many of the public have bought into that Goebbelistic bullshit,people who are normally quite rational sound like lunatics when talking about Russia.
If a major war doesn’t break out in the Ukraine this month then my reality will be proven wrong:
The United States is at the center of an empire of currency, not territory.
The currency is maintained through the control (financial/military) of vital energy resource chokepoints.
The Trans-Siberian pipeline and Russian oil exports in general have weakened the Empire’s control of the energy markets.
NordStream 2 would weaken that control even further, and therefor must be stopped.
A war in Eastern Ukraine would surely stop the completion NordStream 2.
Spring is the best time to start a war and the pipeline is nearly complete.
Agreed that short term goals of USA are to stop NS2 and to increase German antipathy toward (and fear of) Russia, especially as German elections approach.
Long term, achieving the overall goals of the international corporatocracy, which include the reduction of political power of peoples throughout the world, will require some sort of war in which the people of the USA suffer enough to relinquish their remaining sense of independent sovereignty. But I don’t think they are there yet.
If I’m wrong, then this incipient adventure will include a direct response aimed at provoking a non-nuclear escalation, perhaps aimed at the US power grid or other infrastructure, across the oceans.
A crippling response to the USA would allow the US military-industrial complex to avoid a land war they know they cannot win while also allowing them increases in their domestic control and, of course, funding.
LOL, @ “they cannot win.” As brainwashed as the world is, if you think the most technologically advanced, highly trained, perfectly armed military cannot win with air, sea, and LAND superiority, you are simply retarded. We have been UNBELIEVABLY restrained in Iraq and Afghanistan. We wanted “surgical” strikes and had unreasonable and excessively harsh restrictions on our rules of engagement. Turn the US Military loose and a new level of violence completely unheard of in the history of warfare would be achieved. I was there . . . three times. I KNOW how hamstringed and restricted we were. If you think for an instant that the US could not completely wipe out the russian, german, chinese, iran, etc etc etc military’s simultaneously, then you have been fed propaganda that could quite possibly lead to your countries demise. Literally, we allow the world to continue to function as is because we could not administrate the world after its destruction. There is no military, no sea service, no standing army, no air force, no space force, no cyber force that could not be brought to its knees in less than a month by the US military. Please consider that the only thing holding back the US is the political restrictions, the wealth of countries, and the organization of law and order in each of those countries, the productivity of those countries, and in general the everyday running of EVERY country on the planet is what prevents the complete destruction of any AND all military’s. You simply cannot comprehend the destructive force that could be unleashed.
Don’t be shy, Jed. I’m absolutely convinced that you — in person — could effortlessly subdue any opponents of the US Empire, however determined they might look. You are an Exceptional and Indispensable specimen, after all. Off to Ukraine!
On a more serious note, I see what you mean by your inanities about being hamstringed and restricted. In 1951, the drooling crackpot Douglas MacArthur wanted real badly to nuke not just North Korea but China as well. Sadly, however, even such a solid, hard-core, gung-ho, effing reactionary as Harry Truman understood the risks involved since the USSR had broken the US monopoly on nukes two years earlier. Hence, poor dear US patriot Douglas MacArthur was booted out. Isn’t it awful?
Jed, you really should sign up for Ukraine. The sympathy and awe of the Ukronazis will make you feel elated — and rightly so!
Well Jed that was a mouthful but you forgot a couple of things?……..
Russia won the 2nd WW in the Western theatre. And when Clint Eastward jumped down on the Beaches of Belgium and France in June 1944 the Germans were out of Oil–Ammunition–Reserves and the Russians had destroyed their Air Force.
In the Korean War when the Chinese were about to drive the US Forces into the Sea of Japan it was the Australians ho stopped them in their tracks allowing your mob to catch your breath.
The US was never restricted in the Vietnam War ask the other Countries defoliated and still suffering cancer? And by the way the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese never feared the Americans but they stayed away from the Australians (Watch the TRUE story of what Australians did in the film “Danger Close” when 115 Australians were attacked by some 2000 to 3000 Vietcong and were driven off leaving hundreds of bodies)
Then there was Afghanistan and the Mighty US Military Machine ?…….. Years and Years without Victory?
And Russia did you over trying to take Crimea and as Obama wanted the Port of Sevastopol? As it has in Syria as you destroy wheat of Farmers and steal their oil?
And another thing…….. You haven’t won a War since 1945 and it was the Australians returning from destroying Rommel at El Alamein, who were the first to defeat the Japanese on land in Papua New Guinea?
So Jed the US Education System need some updating!
Vietnam was ultimately lost in large part due to congress defunding the AirForce aviation fuel.
i am happy that the mod let ur comment trough jeddy boi so that everyone can see the result of a murcan education and brainwashing.
I do not believe i am much wrong when i say that ur comment is The Dumbest on the internet so far this year, a “person” with ur intelligence will fare A Lot better over at the gateway pundit.
”I am happy that the mod let ur comment through jeddy boi so that everyone can see the result of a murcan education and brainwashing.”
Agreed! I even admit that I’m looking forward to more beautiful gems from ’Steady Jeddy’. Now that the notorious Biswapriya has been cancelled here — with good reason — ’Steady Jeddy’ comes in handy as a prodigious replacement, corroborating 100% voluntarily my notions of ”the moronic US majority population” and its ”deep yearning for repression, war, and chauvinism”.
Back to the subject: With Gównopolska rooting about in an extremely contaminated international political situation, one never knows what that might bring in its train, but personally I’m feeling optimistic. This whole vile rubbish strikes me mostly as a tiresome rehash of imperialism’s flop in Belarus back in August 2020. Lots of noise and cheap provocations, not least by the brave Poles, but Lukashenko and the Belarusian KGB, duly supported by Russia, put down the nonsense swiftly and resolutely. I will never understand why these Western apeshit stunts elicit so much fear and anguish around here. The US neocons and their disciples abroad have no other ”recipe for victory” than omnicide — end of all life on planet Earth. They have neither any wits, nor any interest that would truly consolidate Western imperialism. It’s game over, essentially.
The scary thing is that the “exceptional” neocon leaders may, God forbid, be deluded just like Jed. We always appeal to common sense, but does this sound like Jed and his empire masters possess any?
“A war in Eastern Ukraine would surely stop the completion NordStream 2.”
Really? How so? I don’t see the Germans giving up access to cheap Russian gas. I also see no scenario (at least involving Ukraine) in which the empire can install a puppet regime in Moscow. So regardless of how badly the Ukies get hammered, no matter where the Russians decide to move their border to (or not), the Germans still need Russian gas.
My prediction? Ms Merkel’s political career is nearly over and German business will not allow a situation whereby Germany is cut off from cheap energy resources. I believe that greatest impact of a direct Russian intervention in Ukraine will be seen in Germany, rather than Ukraine. Germany is not going to allow herself to be used as cannon fodder in an Anglo/Zionist war against Russia. I’m not suggesting Germany will “switch sides” but that she will, as a matter of her own survival, chart a more independent course. But then, I’m wrong a lot too.
Have to fully agree Germany without the cheap Russian gas will be no industrial power at all, and they aren’t going to give that up, German industrial leaders have a huge say in the political establishment in Germany, so they will sit this one out oh they may pay lip service but behind the scenes things will continue on the way they are.
The only loser will be the Ukraine as its sliced and diced up, so it never again can cause any trouble..
It is not so much Ukraine that causing trouble as the US-led West. All over the planet. This situation for Europe is the result of brutal colonization over the pas 500 years! You reap what you sow. Europe brutalized others, causing untold suffering all over the world, stealing entire continents, and now Europeans finding themselves in similar situation. Chickens have come home to roost. As Thysidities, Athenian historian once remarked, when writing of Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta: “Tyranny Athens imposed on other, it finally imposed on itself”. I always remember a quote: “Evil that we do to other, will inevitably turn against us ourselves”. Until and unless Westerners confront their brutal past, things will not change for the better, and at the end Westerners will suffer horribly. So please take a look in the mirror, and see how you disrespected and brutalized others. Feel their pain, and beg for forgiveness.
@Bogm: ‘I don’t see the Germans giving up access to cheap Russian gas. I also see no scenario (at least involving Ukraine) in which the empire can install a puppet regime in Moscow. So regardless of how badly the Ukies get hammered, no matter where the Russians decide to move their border to (or not), the Germans still need Russian gas.’
Merkel is trying to play both ends against the middle as usual. I see it coming out like this: War in Ukraine is followed by a political shitstorm in Deutschland. Merkel begs Putin to do this or that thing to save her “face”, and Putin tells her “It’s been nice knowing you”. Merkel reluctantly falls on her sword for the good of the CDU,
and allows the Bundestag a ‘vote of conscience’ to renege on NS2.
The Germans want cheap gas, yes, but if Uncle Shmuel orders them to jump, all they will reply is ‘how high?!”
The Europeans are all spineless protoplasmic jellyfish (B. Johnson said something similar once).
they think that they can obey the US and the later get Russian gas.
I seem to recall in the recent past all the concerns and trouble regarding the transit and transit charges that Ukraine imposed on Russian gas to Europe. It was considered by some as extortion yet essential for the finances of Ukraine.
Following this the concept of bypassing Ukraine with a pipeline directly to Germany was mooted. Of course with the US intervention into Ukraine the money from the Russian pipeline transiting Ukraine became even more important to US interests as well. Losing this money was not an option for Biden etc.
It appears from what I can gather (perhaps I am wrong) yet the Russians have already limited some of the Ukranian piplines both by transit finance and also the direct gas supply to the Ukraine.
Perhaps this may background some of the perilous financial situation of Ukraine and the importance of the German pipeline. Just a thought recalling past history.
Saker, the problem is that Germany needs the gas as the gas infrastructure in ukraine is getting worse, without the needed repairs/replacement. It is now 50 odd yrs old, because the batshit morons in kiev refuse to deal with Russia, Gazprom has begun to dismantle the pipes going to ukraine (including the gas pumping stations), and when the current agreement for gas transit ends in 2024(?), without NS2 the Germans will definitely suffer economic problems.
In April 2018, at a press conference in kiev, Director of energy programs at the Center for world economy & international relations of the Academy of Sciences of ukraine, zemlyansky, reported that the Gas Transit System (GTS) is “in a bad state.” About 18 000 kms of gas pipelines shortened by 100% and require replacement, and about 4000 kms more are in disrepair.
It used to be that at the entrance to the ukrainian GTS from Russia, the total capacity of pipelines exceeded 200 bn cubic meters of gas, and at the exit about 180 bn (so maybe 20 bn for internal ukrainian use).
The transit contract last yr with ukraine was only 65 bn cubic meters, and then for the next 4 years 40 bn cubic meters per year – so Gazprom is dismantling its unnecessary pipes.
So even if Gazprom/Russia wanted to pump the max amount of gas, the state of the pipes would eventually – prob sooner rather than later – not be possible.
Then, there is the other problem with the batshit morons in kiev: diesel fuel supplied from Russia directly was stopped on April 01. 75%-80% came from Russia & Belarus (via Russia).
So of course, ukraine can ‘simply’ get it from elsewhere, and the sellers and middlemen can earn more money, while the poor Ukrainians suffer with shortages/higher prices.
Which B. Johnson are you thinking about? Is it British Prime Minister Boris Johnson?
“No mention at all on european media of troop movements in Ukraine”
-> yes, it’s starting in the media: first time in Belgian VRT news:
-recently the Minsk agreement is being violated more than usual (showing map of devided Ukraine)
-showing Z in his Palace declaring he has called with Biden: Biden promised steadfast support from USA. (or something in the line)
-Showing images of Russian trains with tanks “build up”, East Ukraine Trenches digging in..
-Lavrov stating something that didn’t sound good for the Ukraine we are supposed to imagine from our perspective.
Sorry, I had a couple of bubble guests, and it went quick at the end of the news. Yes the same old propaganda droning is now starting. And Biden is still the guy that needs to bring a sigh of relief after evil Trump. So we automatically asume the guys supported by Biden are the fighting the righteous fight.
Media dropping all context and brand it Russian AggressionTM for weeks to if they must, or for 20 minutes if they get relieved from the tedious job by an early and unexpected sunset.
Hard to not factor in the Covid distraction when talking about media behavior.
Per Cassad’s latest post, Serbian Dejan Beric, also known as Sniper Deki (subject of 2018 documentary A Sniper’s War, highly recommend this doc, by the way) has appeared in the DPR again:
God, bless that man and give him the strength he needs!
I’m glad our boys can help their brothers in need once again. I’m sure there are many more of us there.
Yes, and not only him.
Russian social media says that A LOT of LDNR commanders are back, ready to go as soon as the action starts.
A nationalist riot took place before the Russian consulate in Odessa (why was it not closed by Russia a long time ago). You can see the footage here (in Russian):
Great many of 6 people took part. Ukronazia seems very popular in Odessa.
I have been searching all day and have not been able to learn very much about what is now happening in Ukraine. The US media seems to essentially be ignoring the entire issue. Prior news indicated that the Russians have amassed a large force which could be used to attack, and maybe even occupy part of, Ukraine. What is the true extent of these forces and what are they now doing? What about the NATO advisors in Ukraine. Are they on their way out or maybe they are secretly increasing their numbers?
It is obvious that the Minsk accords will never be implemented, but this mess must eventually be resolved. Has Moscow decided that sooner is better that later. Maybe the US and EU have decided that they no longer want to support Ukraine and are therefore encouraging them to commit suicide by Russian Bear? Also, no doubt there are people in Ukraine that could produce evidence which would be very damaging to Biden (Blackmail)? Maybe it would be good for Biden if the Russians would eliminate those people.
The fact that Western media is so quite tells me that something is about to happen. They want it to be a surprise to the people and that way no one will be asking the big questions. The people will just swallow whatever CNN tells them.
I had the same thought.
Reuters actually put up an “article” of “1 minute read” with a headline crowing that The White House Is Watching Russian Propaganda Closely”. Below that was just a paragraph that repeats the same. Folks better buckle up ‘cause this is gonna be a bumpy ride.
The Western media acted the same way with the war in Georgia and recently in NK. Funny model of action.
Actually, during the crisis in Crimea, they also acted the same way. They started whining and crying later on after they lost.
RT and Sputnik are also somewhat silent in their English branches. That’s very interesting.
At the same time we have this (most likely very related and important. and can try taking part in UA as well):
This is also not far from related:
(if one ignores the hysterical side of zerohedge, it can be quite informative)
There’s considerable Russian naval presence in the Eastern Med.
The US media seems to essentially be ignoring the entire issue
Well, that makes sense :-)
Since “nothing” happened and, “suddenly”, “Russia attacked” Russia is the aggressor and the Nazis in Kiev freedom fighters.
Nothing changed since 08.08.08
The situation is if the ZSU decides they want to do military manoeuvres on DPR/LPR/Crimea would effectively be an invitation for Russia to do the same. Ukraine knows full well, that they cannot contest against a much larger force, so they have PL, UK, and USA sitting at the ready for backup should Ukraine do anything stupid. (like sacrificing the entirety of Ukraine just to poke the bear)
The following weeks will consist of a bunch of training exercises from both sides to tell the other that they are ready, all while Azov and ZSU breach the contact line and blow up in the minefields & mortar civilians/non-combatants in an attempt to make DPR/LPR move to Russia.
Kiev will still be in utter chaos while the FSB operates against the CIA and SIS (MI5/MI6), shortwave radio war is back on, both sides are blasting propaganda at each other, and encrypted radio chatter is up again.
The only thing that may come of this is, Ukraine does something incredibly foolish and Russia retaliates, or nobody feels compelled enough to declare full scale war, then talks will be made for another ceasefire.
In past hour, S-300s reportedly moved closer to the 2 Republics, with long range 152mm arty.
A child born in 2016 was murdered today in a residential area, and a lady was wounded, by the satanic ukrainians, using an uav with an ied.
Also, 2 enemy mobile mortar teams reported as shelling residential areas too, not to mention the cowardly scum placing their military equipment in civilian areas, and jamming the OSCE’s uavs, and what does the cursed usg say about that!???
Thank you! Generally, very little information is available on the activities on RF side.
Putin knew this 3 days ago: Ukraine says joint military drills with NATO to begin in a few months
KYIV (Reuters) – Ukraine’s armed forces on Saturday said joint military drills with NATO troops would begin in a few months’ time, a step that could stoke tensions with Moscow which has expressed its opposition to such a move.
NATO voiced concern on Thursday over what it said was a big Russian military build-up near eastern Ukraine after Russia warned that a serious escalation in the conflict in Ukraine’s Donbass region could “destroy” Ukraine.
The Kremlin on Friday said that any deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine would lead to further tensions near Russia’s borders and force Moscow to take extra measures to ensure its own security.
Ukrainian troops have battled Russian-backed separatist forces in the eastern Donbass region in a conflict Kyiv estimates has killed 14,000 people since 2014.
The drills will involve more than 1,000 military personnel from at least 5 NATO member states and will be held in a few months, the Ukrainian armed forces said in a statement on Facebook on Saturday.
“In particular, defensive actions will be worked out, followed by an offensive in order to restore the state border and territorial integrity of a state that has been subjected to aggression by one of the hostile neighbouring countries,” the statement said.
It did not specify exactly when the drills would take place.
Reporting by Ilya Zhegulev; Writing by Alexander Marrow; Editing by Christina Fincher
The precise future borderline between Russia and Ukraine is, I think, irrelevant. Most importantly it will be heavily militarised. Ukraine will willingly host US and NATO forces which will enter to stop the Russian ‘aggression’ . The warmongers in the west are upping the ante in their attack against the countries that are not yet absorbed into the imperial blob of US/NATO/EU. These fu**ing idiots are risking a nuclear annihilation of our planet in order to grab yet more power. Every citizen in the west who shrugs his/her shoulders and is like ‘its complicated politics, i just try to live my life’ is actually a part of this plot to either destroy the earth or bring it under the rule of a single empire. Wake up west! It’s fucking time. You are about to kill us all. You are like the ‘normal’ citizens of nazi Germany that while pretending not to know what is going on, after all, collectively committed the gross part of the war crimes.
And the citizens of that empire, working stiffs like you, me, and all the dimwits who faithfully vote D or R on no basis whatsoever, don’t particularly care for the state of politics, economics, or racial harmony in this madhouse. We feel used, abused, and picked clean by the top fraction of 1% who receive all of the benefits of government and pay no taxes for them, hated for our ethnic heritage by the lazy freeloaders looking to attack whitey, trash his homes and businesses and receive free stuff as a reward. We see our children perverted by sexual deviants and purveyors of mind-destroying recreational chemicals, denied an adequate elementary education or an affordable higher education, ensuring that the remaining few good jobs to be had in this hell-hole go to foreigners on special corporate visas who are willing to work for peanuts and drag down salaries even as the manufacturing businesses are relocated to foreign shores. Why in the name of sanity would WE want to see this empire expand its rule to every corner of this globe? Why should be want to see it rape and pauperize further unwitting saps in foreign lands? There is absolutely NOTHING in that equation for the average citizen or voter in the thoroughly evil and discredited United States of America. Nothing will improve in this world until IT is overthrown, but that won’t happen until WE do it. Losing a major war can only help make that possible. It’s what the poor people of this country deserve.
I’ve read an amazing count of interesting comments, still I have the idea that considering Germany things may be explained.
I don’t think this is about Donbass, the price is Crimea (which they won’t get) and NS2.
NS2 isn’t only for Germany, it’s for the EU but in Brussels they are clueless. In Germany the influence of German industry on politics is immense. Last week Merkel wanted to have ‘Ruhetage’ around Easter to counter Covid-19. The morning thereafter it was already from the table, German employer organizations had called her with something like ‘maybe you are going to tell us what it brings, but surely we are going to tell you what it will cost’.
Merkel is toast. She is retiring, the field battles between her are already busy, and Merkel herself has been so busy in killing any talent, that it’s uncertain what will remain. The Greens with their Greta-plans? Forget it. I’d put my money on Armin Laschet, the present prime-minister of Nordrhein-Westfalen, and NS2 will just be finished. And any Polish sub in the neighbourhood will be sunk. They also threatened Minister Shoigu flying over the Baltic sea to Kaliningrad, remember?
Cheers, Rob
(@Auslander, your Crimea will not fall to the Orcs. Happy Easter)
I think many people are prematurely judging a positive development with the fact that “Merkel is toast” because from what I read (and this could be wrong) the replacements in the wings that may take her position as German Chancellor are arguably as bad or worse in terms of being globalist puppets who take their orders from the neoliberal west. So Merkel stepping down may have no good outcome whatsoever and may in fact put someone even WORSE than her in position (remember, at least Merkel had SOME secret regard for Russia and friendship with Putin). So do not be surprised if the person who soon takes her position is rabidly against Nord Stream 2 and will damage the resistance movement’s plans even further.
I’m not sure about Merkels friendship with Putin. According to the western sources Merkel is afraid of dogs, which is the fact that the Russian side know, and despite that few years ago Putin greeted her together with his dogs (I believe he has two).
That was interpreted as a public humiliation by the Putin.
I’ve seen the video with dogs and Merkel though it was not obvious if she got scared or not.
So if this is true I strongly doubt the existence of the friendship.
I fear that you are right in your assessment. Things will not get better for Germany with the departure of M., but much worse. Many German politicians are members of the Transatlantic Bridge Club. In other words, US loyalists. The other half are hardcore communists, especially the Green politicians. And on top of this we have that loony crazy Klaus Schwab of the WEF and their big and great reset.
Thanks, Rob, and a Good Easter to you.
The news channel Russia24 is reporting that, for the first time since July of last year, the Ukronazi forces have used their artillery to attack Donetsk. They also murdered a 5 year old boy in Donetsk by dropping an explosive on him from a drone.
The Ukros also are moving heavy equipment near the line of contact (including artillery and tanks) near Lugansk.
The same kind of drones with improvised explosives that ISIS used in Iraq and Syria. With the same blank response by MSM. Words fail
The situation is very complex. Like many others i believe that Germany is the real target.
The neo-con / neo-liberal fraction of the Empire in DC wants to send the Ukies towards the Russians. They are happy for every Ukie and Russian who dies and the best of all is of course the sanctions etc that the West will impose on Russia afterwards. These people believe they will not have to pay a price for the aggression they encourage and that the Ukies will have to carry the whole burden.
The Ukies are too stupid to realise the price they will pay for aggression against Russia. As our Saker says, they are truly brain-dead. I will not discuss this more.
But i do agree with the neo-con/-liberals that a big fight will lead to the cancellation of NS2 which they will celebrate as a big big victory. I agree with Mercouris that NS2 is not as important for Russia as it is for Germany. So the defeat of NS2 will be a big defeat for Germany and in particular, it will be horrible for Merkel’s legacy.
Hence, what really beats me is why Merkel has not stopped all this rubbish early on?? Why did she allow the fake Navalny theatre carried out by defense & foreign ministers Kramp-Karrenbauer & Maas? Why did she allow the Donbass situation to deteriorate? And why does the stupid Macron try to support the neo-cons and torpedo the Germans by supporting the destruction of NS2? He has the strategic mind of a 5 year old!
You do not have to be Einstein to realise that Germany and France will not have much to win if Russia crushes Ukraine (however you want to define a crush). They are such idiots to believe they can gain anything by going down this dangerous path. And if they think that they will do fine as obedient dogs of the Empire, let me tell you that the Empire is setting them up for some really really bad things.
Because the empire is Anglo European in origin. America is just a host. Same for Israel. Merkel and Marron represent two classes, the industrial class and the usury class. Usury class is international and is dominant. It is not an American or British or French empire, it is a Usury empire. And in China the Usury class has little or no say. In RF, Usury class is not dominant or at least not always and appear to be on the way out. Thus the intense conflict with Russia. Without RF, China will be taken over as too weak to resist.
Good comment.
Sometimes the “nationalist” analysis confuses the issues… and the “class” analysis is too broad… you seem to be finding a way to use both usefully…
Everyone is the target actually. Has anyone thought that the US might be a main target in fact? I mean the US population and everything of value there. Think about it: they devoured their culture and short history with sodomy, their military is put under cultural woke pressure (that goes everything against having strong and battle capable army), its resources are wasted into empire, the blood of regular dumb Americans is spilled at all ends of the world, they are economically weakened, random foreign immigrants are invited without any consideration, everything American is being attacked and humiliated, their statues torn down, their infrastructure neglected, their business oppressed, their ideas and opinions canceled. Even their highly expensive and important F35 project was a failure, leaving the big country without much of viable future aircraft platform. People need to pay unbearable loans to buy houses. People are addicted to opioids. There’s massive pandemic of depression and mental problems. People are locked down and forced into vaccines.
This is in fact related to Ukraine. Look at it: the US is on the verge of facing a massive military superpower like Russia (cooked by their masters) being completely confused and unprepared. Their population is completely split and uninformed so that regular people are deprived of the chance to protest against such a thing and sanction it with their side and opinion on that. The US is just treated as a pile of biological material by the masters. I claim that the US is a defenseless nation.
Bingo, we have a winner. The American “nation” is not synonymous with the American empire. In fact the former is a hostage of the latter. The attitude of us “nationals” towards that empire is as I spelled out a few postings above. We hate it and recognise it for the cancer it has become upon our lives. Hard to beat it though. You all saw what happened to the naifs who tried protesting the last presidential election in the Capitol building: rounded up and everything but lined up against a wall and shot as “insurrectionists.” The only way we get our country back is for the fools who run the empire to lose big time (even bigger than they repeatedly already have) in the endless wars they maintain, quite aptly portrayed as tyrannical cannon per Orwell in “1984.” For the whole world’s sake, I hope that Putin plays his cards right, picks the empire clean, and finally busts its bank, putting it out of business permanently. Play a hand wrong, however, and the cowboy gunslinger at the poker table just might shoot everyone at the table out of sheer pique, especially if Joe Biden, in all his unstable, unpredictable and antagonistic magnificence, has any real influence at the top of the empire. You cannot reason with madness. Nobody deserves some novichok on his order of hot wings more than Joe.
PS, That is why marxism is so dangerous. It conflates the industrial and usury class into one non-existent class, capitalist; in an imaginary system, capitalism, that never existed. This obfuscates the nature of the conflict and villifies the industrial class. The usurists use them as “straw men”. That conflict has gone international now and the open conflict between China/Iran/RF vs. “The West” exposes the true nature of what is happening. But nobody yet has called it for what is. It is a systemic or class conflict not a national one. Once you recognize it, one has to concede that capitalism is fictive and Marxism along with its historical narrative have no validity.
That is why marxism is so dangerous. It conflates the industrial and usury class into one non-existent class
Have you actually read Marx, Engels, Lenin or Mao?
Yes Saker he has perhaps read a bit of Marx. But that reading did not pull him down out of his own ozone. He is crudely employing a dimension of Marxist analysis in order to invalidate Marxism. Then he steps into the core of Marxism by declaring the issue to be an internationalist class issue! He attempts to invalidate and in the doing validates. However he has cleverly chosen a label that reveals himself.
@Snow leopard, Saker, Yowsah
In my opinion you all miss Ozone’s point. His root cause is the usury class who have governed our world for centuries and was ready to take the rest by “7 wars in 5 years”, “full spectrum global dominance”, “New Reset” to “nwo”.
Remember the CO2 problem was invented by Goldman Sachs, and that Bank of England has threatened with Armageddon on their official home site if you don’t believe in Climate Change and the Green bs Deal.
All right, then some clown got in the way in Syria and “the usury plan” got frozen :-).
China and Russia got time to restructure and we have their tremendous resistant force together with Iran today against the usury class.
Thus the superficial use of the word Marxism in this context by Ozone is only to explain the artificial labels that have been put on our eyes.
So you all three can continue your love affair with Marx :-D.
False. Marx did not conflate the classes. Only people who haven’t read Marx conflate the classes.
It is true tho’ that Marx did not pay sufficient attention to banking — not to colonialism either.
I have read both Das Kapital and “Grundrisse” and that seems very apparent to me.
Marx was however doung his best research in years when industrial capital was preponderant.
He did not clearly see that banking had historically come from Babylon and Alexandria to Venice, and that it went on to dominate much of the Low Countries and Britain in cahoots with the local imperialist aristocracy, And punished Spain and Genova for having expulsed them.
Russia is hated for the very same or somewhat likewise reasons — for actions against tribalism starting with Rurek and all the way to Stalin. Now they are wetting their pants because of a fear that “Putin” might some day find it necessary to torn on them too.
It is said that Russia destroyed their big Kingdom and expelled them from Khazaria, as all the neighbouring countries were tired of their usury lending, slavery, child sacrificing and sexual excesses.
Dear Ozone, You hit the mark. Marxism conflates industrial and usurious of merchant-banking capitalism into one bogey man called “capitalism”. The reason is that Marx was patronized by the British establishment to create this deception. If you read Marx you see that his political sociology is nonsense and his economics rehashes of Smith, Ricardo,
made even more insufferable by his pedantry. His “falling rate of profit” law was to explain away the period crashes of British merchant-banking capitalism, and his “class struggle” was designed to create mass movements on the European continent to impede industrial capitalist development (especially in Germany) to prevent Europe from competing with British industries. Early in his career, Marx made a vitriolic attack on Friedrich List, the advocate of national industrial growth and creator of Germany’s railways. During the American Civil War Marx denounced the Union and President Lincoln for blockading Southern cotton from reaching England. He also attacked the Union for its policy of promoting industrial growth. Marx was a tool of British finance capital.
The NSA/CIA/MI6 have a lot of dirty things on Merkel, Macron and probably all EU politicians, ask Snowden he will explain to you…(joking)
Corruption, sexual files etc…blackmail is power no need for war.
Merkel cannot stop anything because German military & security issues are outsourced to the Anglos for decades. After the fall of the Eastern bloc, the Anglos were reckless enough to take anything they could including many former Warsaw pact countries. (They even tried to take Russia but they failed.) This conquest was a jackpot for Germany economically, it has lead to a Berlin.centred EU with strong economic and financial influence but without any political & military power.
The catch is that the US and the UK slowly found out that they made a bad deal with the Eastern conquest. Now they are messing up everything in the region to cover their retreat. And France assists them because the decline of Germany strengthens its position on the intra-EU political scene.
The real loser of a conflict like this would be the region between Germany and Russia. At least I think the instability might become permanent.
On the previous, interesting open thread, i have read every possible color of opinion so far, from “When it gets hot, the US will vanish and leave it to the Ukie canon fodder” to “When it gets hot, the Ukies and Europeans will vanish and the only player remaining will be the US” :-)
This is great, because it means that nobody can really read the great Russian mind, a vital strategic necessity, I think, for the good guys to come out on top.
It’s not headline news yet, but it’s all over the British tabloid press for the plebs
For a major war to begin, there is a proper timing. That comes only in May, not in April. There is still much snow melting, so there is much mud also (Napoleon invaded Russia on June 24th, and Hitler on June 22th; both aimed Moscow, which is much northern than the Donbass).
Inappropriate climate conditions favours the defender (Donbass) and disfavours the attacker (Ukraine).
Maybe Russia is trying to push Ukraine to attack too early…
Anyway, the Ukrainians would be stupid for attacking before due time.
I would bet 50 eur on …the 9th of May.Pr action.
You state a “major war”. This won’t be nor is intended to be a major war. It is a combat action meant to draw Russian into Ukraine so it can be labelled an “aggressor nation”.
You also state it would be stupid for attacking before due time.
It would be stupid to attack at any time.
And due time is when the US says they want it.
Russia will act in whatever way is necessary as the incitement by the Ukies develops.
The Ukies will have to throw the first blow.
There would be no need for Russia to act unless their action was imperative.
The Russians have planned for this event for seven years.
Larchmonter: I would take it one step further and argue it’s not even necessarily meant to draw Russia into real conflict, it is merely meant to saber-rattle Russia into staging a few troops on the border, with the power of today’s CIA controlled media propaganda that is enough for them as they will generate a whole global ‘invasion’ narrative simply from a few grainy videos of Russia tanks in an indeterminate border zone, which will be portrayed as “omg Russian tanks are now 50 miles from Kiev! The full Russian army has invaded!” yadda yadda. They have already achieved this exact effect in the last conflict, if you look at any ‘official’ source or wikipedia etc, it is already treated as perfectly conclusive historical FACT that Russia objectively “invaded” Ukraine and the full Russian armed forces were actively fighting inside Ukrainian territory in the last conflict. I suspect this will be quite the same this time around and so they do not need Russian forces to so much as even come close to actually invading. The mere troop movement videos will provide more than enough fodder for them and the likes of ‘Bellingcat’ et al, when the time comes for the full Mockingbird media push / propaganda offensive.
Here is Alexander Mercouris’ assessment of the whole situation from 3 April:
I am coming to the view that Russia has rethought the necessity of NordStream 2.
Russia is heavily investing in LNG facilities at it’s arctic ports, and is building a petro-chemical complex to convert Nat Gas into petrochemicals.
LNG is fungible. It can be sold worldwide.
It makes no sense for Russia to heavily invest in low cost gas / oil to the EU given the current paradigm of hostility on their part. Instead, it is in Russia’s interest to make them pay heavily for energy supplies for the express purpose of making EU manufactures un-competitive.
It is also plain that NATO intends to exact a heavy toll for Russia protecting the DonBas and Crimea. When Russia realizes that it needs to “go for broke” in the sense of annihilating putschist/NATO forces, to get value for the consequences being imposed, we will see a vastly different tactical situation.
I for one, believe it’s long past time for Russia to give up on micro-managing the DonBas armed forces to ensure they behave. It is much more in Russia’s interest for the DBAF to be loose cannnons…. going off the reservation…. over-reacting to Putchist provocations by activities such as destroying putchist refinery in Odessa, mining putchist ports, destroying the Deniepr, Denister, and Ob bridges, destroying putchist locomotives, marshaling yards, and airports, destroying putschist oil storage facilities, and electricity generation and distribution infrastructure. That for the purpose of destroying the putchist economy.
I don’t believe that would happen.. but that MO would make the DBAF the bad guys…. and mazimize their utility as proxy forces.
For the companies involved in NS2 to get compensation in the court for the loss the decision to stop building NS2 has to be forced upon by the third state party. So They will continue with the work even if they don’t believe that it will ever be finished.
Russia is continuing to laying the pipes even probably releasing the project will be forced to stop and at the same time investing heavily in the pipelines to the east, NLG-terminals, icebrakers etc.
In his assessment the Ukrainian crisis of the last days and weeks is already over its peak and looks like heading towards ceasefire talks instead of an all out war.
But the in general critical situation between West and East Ukraine of course will stay unsolved.
I recommend to listen yourself.
In the video that you reference above, Mercouris concludes that Ze will step back from the brink.
But we don’t know how desperate this misbegotten president actually is; or what threats have been made against him, by Pravy Sektor or other uber-nazi groups; or what promises he made to them that he now realizes he can not fulfill.
Most of all we don’t know how many tens of millions Uncle $ugar will offer Zelensky to pull the switch, and then bide his time a few days before escaping to Switzerland, or where-ever such people go.
Look East,
Thanks for posting Mercouris. He bases his entire analysis on official statements from the US, Ukraine and Russian leadership.
The reason he thinks this whole thing will blow over shortly is because the US has not given Ukraine an official and explicit war guarantee…
Unfortunately the US has a track record of using official statements deceptively and reneging both oral and written agreements so I personally I don’t find this very reassuring. I do hope and pray he is right though.
He was totally wrong about Assange – thought absolutely – Julian would be free within 24 hours of the verdict of no expadition.
I love Alexander’s channel – but don’t know about his predictions. Too much sensibility.
My own view mirrors Mercouris’ analysis. As far as European political affairs are concerned he’s been very good over time. I think Saker and most people posting here are over hysterical. As I’ve said before, Washington is not as united as it seems and the finance oligarchs do not want to risk major war at this time. They’ve blocked other movements towards war particularly against Iran–they don’t mind wars per se but they only like those against relatively defenseless foes or using proxy force. In the case of Ukraine the RF has made it clear it will not tolerate the crushing of Russians in the Donbass and Russia is less likely to bluff than Washington.
Pretty sure the Empire doesn’t want a “real” war, because that one it would lose.
1) They want to blame the upcoming partition of “Ukrainistan” on Russia, for that they need a war, which Ukroland is sure to lose swiftly.
2) Internal PR managment of EU and most importantly, German public opinion: any rapprochment of Germany and russia has to be stifled in its infancy
3) Empire of Chaos
DPR says Ukraine poised to derail new round of Donbass talks in political subgroup, MARCH 30, 2021 11:03 // UPDATED: MARCH 30, 2021 11:03. There is a continuing pattern of aggression by US at critical times. ie Biden and Zelenski phone call and the shelling ramps up.
According to Ruslan Ishchenko, the contact line(Minsk 2 Agreeement) was drawn to be within range of Russian artillery from inside Russia.
We know the Southern Boiler was aided by MLRS across the border. Video was available back then.
Likely, key kill zones on the roads are pre-targeted by Russian/LDNR arty groups so immediate fire will shred the Ukie columns when they roll.
The hope of the Ukies is the Russians will line up their armor and head straight at Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles (FGM-148) the US has provided.
They are in for a surprise.
javelins are not that effective for city fighting because of all the obstacles the missile has to be able to negotiate and the fact that it does not come straight down but at an angle as I understand it, so parking a tank next to fairly low lying buildings/structures could easily protect it.
There are many limitations to the javelin which is probably why it has never been widely used to any success to MY knowledge in the actual field in live combat, only highly edited tests on youtube (yes check some of the “famous” videos of it on youtube, they are literally edited and are therefore fraudulent. For instance in one, the missile is fired at a tank and then the camera ‘cuts’ to the tank which is now a completely different color as it ‘explodes’)
Javelins are fired shoulder high or mounted on a vehicle. They fly generally horizontally to the target. Though they can fly up to altitude 500 ft. for a top attack, but generally against tanks they only lift to 190 ft. for a direct attack. They can be fired up at low-flying helos or large drones also.
It’s the Ukies who park their tanks next to civilian buildings.
With armed drones, we see in Syria, and recently, in the Azer-Armenia war, UAVs are highly lethal platforms for armored vehicles and tanks.
Is there a reason why Javelins have never been fielded in any modern conflict with any great success? I would think another possible reason would be that they are infrared/heat-seeking which could pose problems in an urban environment as there could be many heat sources that could distract the missile’s sensor, but I do not know for definite.
I find UK /Russia,strain in relations rather odd
Historically these two powers act as a balance on the excesses of Europe
It is in their mutual interest to have working relations, particularly post Brexit
The EU looks more and more like greater Germany
Bring the Ukraine into greater Germany and maybe eventually Russia
How would that benefit the UK?
It is not that odd Britain is arrogant and deluded about it’s status as world empire. Arrogance, hubris, and hatred truly blinds you. Given how Britain behaved during colonial era, it is not so surprising quite honestly.
Please, please, please read a history book before you succumb to any urge to comment here again.
I assume the many educated and informed commentators here have read your comment, laughed, and moved on.
But as you have found your way to this esoteric site, it is important that comments that are total tosh and are overwritten.
Please familiarise yourself with The Great Game. A European geopolitical rivalry that continues to this day, with the starters whistle dating from Napoleon, if not earlier.
Here is a very simplified, simplistic, “explain like I’m 5” site to get you started:
Terribly sorry old boy
Didn’t realize one had to be a history professor to comment
Accept my humble apologies
Just thought Britain and Russia
Allied against Napolean
Agaisnt Kaiser Wilhelm
Against Adolf Hitler
But those were just trifling world wars
And of the Great game was of enormous consequence
Kind of like the present day actually
But alas I digress
My opinion is not worthy
Good day to your sir
White Whale: Nothing wrong with JB’s post, and certainly did not justify your comment to him. So I suggest you apologise.
I frankly doubt Britain would like this development, albeit not because Russia would hypothetically be in trouble, but because the resulting EU would challenge Anglo-Saxon dominance.
Many of us have said before that Britain has tried to prevent/been preventing any comity between European powers, such as the German-Russian alliance that von Bismarck was in favor of.
That Britain and Russia have both fought against Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler does not IMHO equate to any sort of ‘friendship’ – otherwise Britain would not have supported Hitler against Russia, nor would there have been an ‘Operation Unthinable’ in the works post-WWII. I don’t think it’s black or white.
Is anything in international relations ever black and white?
This isn’t about friendship
Its about shared self interest
Current international relations is an incredible balancing act
The days of US being the sole influential power are gone
Influential does not equal dominance
So US,Russia, China and EU(Germany)have strong areas of influence
UK and France some but less so
Ukraine is at the crossroads of great power influence
Interests there, both oppose and align with all powers
This is the cusp of a big change in the geopolitical landscape
Just the musings of 5yr old
Insults in 3 2 1…..
Not sure if you folks have seen the recent video rolls of supposed Russian military vehicles rolling into Crimea on the supposed bridge. And the second one was a similar video roll (I say roll, because it turns out, these are just looped videos making it seem as though there are hundreds of vehicles). They are rolling pretty fast so it is hard to see the repeating nature of the equipment. The tip-off is there are civi vehicles in the closer lane, and it is easy to catch, that these are repeated countless times as the video rolls on.
The whole thing is a put-up sysops effort to look like the ‘invasion’ is already underway. Surely there will be more of them, involing marching soldiers, planes, etc. The west is rolling out the propaganda early this time…watch for it! PS. they never show a Russian flag on the vehicles, another reason to be suspect.
as many commentators have noted, so far ALL the ‘armor’ seen in such videos is light armor like APC’s, BMP’s etc and I don’t think a single shipment of actual heavy tanks has been conducted which should be ‘telling’ in regards to what Russia’s intentions are. As someone stated “when you see Russia shipping T90’s / T80’s / T72’s etc THEN you will know that Russia is actually preparing for a war/conflict” until then, this is merely posturing.
All we have seen thus far is in broad daylight against blue skies. Its meant to be seen. There is likely a lot more happening.
Tend to agree somewhat on no or rare visuals of heavy tanks; however, visuals have been seen of the 152mm SP arty in numbers going into Krim. That is a most effective wpn system and indicates with those numbers that the Russians are indeed serious.
Yes the massive 2S19’s or 2S35’s I saw being shipped to Crimea are definitely what I would call ‘heavy armor’ but with that said they are not frontline units that can penetrate territory, so taken alone I would classify it as a defensive position. Until I see units whose sole job is to stage a vanguard and penetrate enemy lines (like main battle tanks) I will consider this as more of a defensive posturing.
At least one unit: 56th Guards Air Assault Brigade has been permanently relocated to Feodosiya on Crimea.
Air assault brigade is rather offensive unit.
Could these be used to safely evacuate front line Donbass military to reconsolidate the line further back….let ukr troops come in a bit than go back around them?
I got an email from a friend in Estonia today (a technical advisor and ex-mid-ranking Officer).
I asked what was going on up there and this was his very interesting reply (I have had to translate it and edit it a bit to protect identities and cut out swearing):
“This sh-t is getting dangerous. Brass believe have it all covered and Russia wont risk doing jack.
Seen loads of heavy sh-t moving everywhere. Its like international day – never heard so many different languages as people coming from all over. Spoke to an American RF tech and he told me he had been kitting out some Uki independents. He was told me that sh-t was going down in Romania as well. They have got those new himars and mlrs down there cross crewed by american regs and contractors.
Spoke to another american the other day, he looked about 12 but as he was a full LT he must be around 20. He was saying the same thing as brass – that there is Jack that the Russians can do as they are flanked and overmatched.
Glad I’m out of it now. Its like f–king 1914 all over again. Just waiting for a f–king Arch Duke or some General to get shot and the whole f–king region will be on fire.”
Nothing particularly groundbreaking, but I thought the above may be of interest to someone as it helps join a few more dots and seconds what a few others have said (that NATO moral is very high and they seem to beleve that they have Russia covered and trapped within her borders).
sounds like typical arrogant/cocky young american jackasses that have little understanding of what Russia brings to bear. Either way this seems to be from the lens of Russia invading Europe and as such they appear to be commenting with confidence that they would be able to repel a European invasion, and so has little to do with Russia’s ability to strike Ukie army in Donbas so their comments are quite futile in that regard.
“No war plan survives contact with the enemy”…..
My view…..
The US and UK are fighting to the last Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Pole, Romanian….
They will advise…. train…. provide cannon and ammo….
They did this in 08/08/08…..
The Russians are fighting for God and Country….. For them…. it’s either win…. or lose everything….
I believe the Russians will wait for the Ukies to attack….. for reasons mentioned by Larchmonter….
Think of Kursk….
If this happens, look for a counter attack….. how far that goes is anyone’s guess….
If they’re going to risk war with NATO, which this is, the objective has to be “check mate”….
So, what is “Check Mate”???
It most certainly is not a return to the current frontal line….
The Denipr River would give them a natural boundary…
Closing the Suwalki Gap…. Sweeping up the Baltics eliminates NATO’s threat to their flank…
Abkhazia moving south to Turkey gives them another front, and eliminates probs in the Caucasus
Sweeping up the Ukie Black Sea Coast eliminates NATO navies playing in the Black Sea…
Sweeping south out of Belarus to encircle and take Kiev, puts the Ukies out of business….
Sweeping south out of Belarus with the Polish border on the west flank, cuts the Ukies off from NATO…
I don’t think Lukashenko is in a forgiving mood…. It depends on the STAVKA….
Remember 6 subs are loose in either the Black Sea, the Med or both… Not to mention half the Black Sea Fleet in the East Med… Russia’s SSBNs loose in the Arctic Ocean…. Any in the Pacific??? The mobile ballistic missiles are on the move….
Look for moves by China/Russia/Iran/DPRK in the Pacific / Indian Oceans……
Now would be a great time for the PRC to settle Taiwan for good…
Perhaps, but re-quoting you, “No war plan survives contact with the enemy”.
Bravado and braggadocio from the sidelines and a safe distance. The price will be exceeding high and no one will know how it will end.
As the Chinese joke goes, “War not about who right or wrong. War about who left.”
Remember 6 subs are loose in either the Black Sea, the Med or both…
No.. another prime example of mistranslated Russian press releases. The wording picked up by MSM isn’t quite what was said by the Black Sea Fleet PR.
No there aren’t 6 submarines lose,
2 in Black Sea
2 in Mediterranean
2 in Baltic shipyards – 1 in post refit work ups
All 6 modified Kilo subs based in Sevastopol and Novorossisk sortied when the Montgomery and 2 DD’s came in to the Sea. I do not know if they’ve returned to base yet. These are the subs that Nato calls ‘black holes’.
A disturbing level of arrogance, if true. When one side completely divorces itself from reality it sows the seeds of its own destruction.
Yup, just go into Bear country and tell the Grizzly he’s trapped inside his borders. Maybe enter his cave and see if he’s napping.
The Kool-aid is being served in the Baltic and around the Black Sea.
They really have a handle on Putin’s 20 years, eh?
The wise ones in DC deal with lobbyists, the media and each other. I doubt that many have even held a weapon. They live in a fantasy world. They think US airpower will make Russia fold and run.
If there is conflict and US servicemen are injured or killed, the current administration will either crumble, or it will direct an escalation, then experience defeat, then crumble.
As many Serbs could confirm, most of us now very well know the extent to which the MSM can go with their lies and parroting the “cabal’s” narrative while ostracizing the perceived “enemy”. Still PTSD-ed from the early nineties :)
My concern is the availability of the Internet in case of a major war. In early August of 2008, I was with the family on a Disney cruise. The only source of news on the cruiser was the CNN. When Georgia attacked Russian peacekeepers, the CNN coverage was identical to that from the Yugoslav wars (C. Amanpour and similar). Just based on that, I could figure out the truth (which was confirmed afterwards, thanks to the free Internet sites).
How likely/possible is it for the “cabal” itself, and “cabal’s” so called tech giants (i.e. junkyard dogs) to restrict the access to the Internet for general population?
Very likely. If China can restrict that access to some of it’s citizens, be sure that USA can, too. Not counting the fact most ordinary, less educated Americans percieve Russia as a communist republic, so it is even easier to form a narrative of “Russian agression”.
We are in for some very dark times. Even our people in the Balkans, we must be ready for any kind of destabilization attempt.
I think someone may have posted this link here before, if not here you go. Are hostilities timed to coincide with this?
comes up server not found
try this
In short, it is europe-wide military exercises featuring NATO that will be happening from now til mid June or so, involving thousands of troops and heavy equipment all over the european continent
Thanks for that.
Past performanace might suggest that it will be cover for sometihng nefarious, if past performance has any relevance at all.
Of course, ALL military exercises are meant to cover for various covert movements/preparations, it is literally their only purpose
A word of caution to my friends who are fed up with Hegemon:
The US for all its failings is a formidable war machine with tremendous range and depth of assets. In addition, it is safely located between two oceans thousands of kilometers away from any potential fighting. Nor does the US mainland, with crumbling infrastructure, offer any key unified strategic targets like Moscow does.
If things deteriorate it will be exceedingly ugly. In all preparations for war, one must earnestly and fervently pray for peace.
I am not sure that is true.
I have talked to people in the military. They say that often the weapons don’t work and that often there is no ammunition.
America spend huge amounts of money on the military but large amounts are simply wasted.
With new hypersonic missiles, the oceans are no longer an obstacle as they used to be. Also the war machine is crumbling. Look at F35 for example. In addition, the polarization, massive social problems, huge debt. And there are strategic assets. Washington D.C, New York for example. US is weaker than you think. But I agree with you we need to be cautious.
” Nor does the US mainland, with crumbling infrastructure, offer any key unified strategic targets like Moscow does.”
There is the Pentagon…there is the CIA HQ in Langley Virginia… I would say THESE are the ONLY ‘key unified strategic targets’ that need to be considered, for elimination…
And comparing Moscow with NY as a ‘target’ ? There are 70 million US citizens within reach of a Hydrogen bomb dropped on Manhattan… Moscow is a not so densely populated…AND has far better installed perimeter defence capacity.
“ Moscow is a not so densely populated…AND has far better installed perimeter defence capacity.”
And their very deep subway system as a shelter….
Who exactly would be interested in taking over a cesspool like Ukraine. Would be similar to taking in an hysterical stray pit bull terrier that was foaming at the mouth. I am afraid Ukraine are on their own.
“…..cesspool like Ukraine.”
Take a look at the west, especially the United States with mass shootings, crumbling infrastructure, millions of hungry children, feces on the streets, no universal healthcare, and also the fact that 4 out of 10 Americans are unable to cover $400 dollar emergency. Who is the cesspool tell me please. We Ukrainians will survive, just like we gone through the Soviet Collapse! Ukraine has fertile soil. It is crucial for feeding the world.
Many months ago Dimitry Orlov mentioned that the biggest bang for the buck is to destroy the three dozen or so key electrical distribution stations. This could be done with conventionally armed cruise missiles fired from submarines.
The current crop of Russian SLCMs are hypersonic and have significant range.
Dimitry is an engineer, as I am, he predicted such an attack would eliminate USA grid power for months.
He also predicted social mayhem within weeks, because the entire supply chain would collapse, food in particular.
Look at what happened recently in Texas…. Imagine that nation wide….
I believe a similar attack against the EU would have consequences…. Ditto UK and Norway…
“The best laid plans are rubbished upon contact with the enemy”
Spot on.
All national electricity networks have critical node points. Economic rationalism has dictated that the spares carried are not sufficient to replace ALL the equipment at once. Often one spare covers multiple installed components like transformers or breakers. Often that spare is stored on one of the sites. Well aimed and calibrated strikes could reasonably be expected to be extremely effective. Add in the minimilisation of skilled manpower for economic efficiency and getting things back up and running could prove very difficult in a time frame that avoids the smell of rotting food becoming a defining memory as a trigger to mass civil disorder.
Who knew the preppers were on to something?
war is needed by the west and especially the united states. the economic/financial model its lives under and pushes onto the rest of the world is utterly incompatible with the world system russia and china have created.
they are so different that once the russian/chinese model fully solidifies its close now, and the world sees the benefits to ordinary people that are created from this model of economic social development there will be a traffic jam of diplomatic scheduling appointments towards russian and chinese foreign ministries from the global south.
in time and less than one might suppose the american system will be isolated and americans pitied as americans have pitied the third world for ever.
wealthy middle class chinese mothers will tell their kids to eat their dinner there are hungry american children who would love to have just a bit of what you enjoy.
all this is coming and the american ruling class knows it. thus they have gone all in now in an attempt to reverse their slow motion implosion from planetary power. the biden coup was necessary as time is fast running out for an atttempt derail the eurasian train………..its actually run out but washington is full of ivy league slow learners intellectually more at home on the short bus unable to contemplate how much the world has changed in 10 years
ergo 2021, place your bets, and soon!
Tonight, there is an emerging “Republican” line which asserts that “the pending Russian aggression in the Ukraine” is the result of Biden’s “weak military posture.” The useful idiots within the Republican Party are overjoyed that the “aggressive Russians” will reveal the weakness of Biden. Democrats and Republicans are simply irrational ideologues, the opposite sides of the same counterfeit coin!!!
DEFENDER-Europe 21: More US-NATO war games: who are they aimed at?
DEFENDER-Europe 21 operations begin this month across Europe and continue through June.
Se more with photos at
The Russian seer Vanga saw this and her words told the outcome
We will obtain immortality in year 5600 and just 400 years after, around year 6000, we will all disappear in Armageddon. What a fantastic human life all in complete vain.
So when you finally think got it, it disappear………………………………….LOL.
American mercenaries in Ukraine, glibly advertising their services for the nazi Ukrops
Is it just me, or do i detect an excitement, an eager anticipation around the prospect of war in the tone of comments posted in this thread?
So it was no doubt on each side before the start of WW1 and other great wars before mayhem and destruction set in, and human, families and societies were shredded limb from limb.
It is the bone wielding Neanderthal in the dark parts of the human soul, never as far away as we like to pretend.
Personally, I don’t know if it is excitement but more like resignation to the almost inevitable. This war seems to be coming if not now then sometime in the near future. I don’t like it but there it is. Wars are funny things though. Both sides will likely start with a limited objective that soon could be overwhelmed with mission creep. Military success doesn’t depend solely on the number and the abilities of soldiers, the brilliance of solid strategies or the quality of technical devices. Something else is needed, that something is intangible, contingent, and very volatile. That something is good national morale. I don’t think the hegemonic West holds the upper hand with its “woke” cult or its lip service to “equality”. I don’t know much about the morale of Russian soldiers, but I do know many American soldiers despise the leviathan even if they can’t articulate it.
No, it is not just you. I don’t believe there will be a war. Both the US President and his Secretary of Defense have told their Ukrainian counterparts, in so many words, that there will be no US military boots on the ground for them. End of story.
I pray that you are correct. Perhaps this is all posturing but this kind of showmanship is dangerous nonetheless.
That would be unfair to the Neanderthals. This is all “modern man”‘s actions.
Its exciting for me as an American to possibly see Putin and Russia bloody our govt and military for once even if for a brief minute. America has never been more divided and we truly are circling the drain as a society. I hear Russian youth are embracing American debauchery culture and degenerate Hollywood and music. Trump should have allied in many ways with Putin. America should be aligning our interests and resources with Russia. The last white Christian superpower on Earth!
Moses, I see it too. However, I think it is at least partly rooted in the desire for justice. The outrages perpetrated against Donbass have gone on for seven years. The gay empire is forcing their perversions on the world. If God doesn’t intervene soon, He may owe an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah.
The oligarchs that are running the Banderestan have too much to loose at a war with Russia or Donbass, the Kremlin has been very clear on that. The US by pushing for war are actually gonna have to face the opposition of the Oilgarks, to at least some of them. An opposition that Russia could easily exploit, Putin knows how to deal with Oligarks…. Guys, this is gonna be fun )
Come get some Ukraine/NATO
Hi! I am living in Austria, we habe a total media Blackout about the crisis. People are not even thinking about the horribile consequences of Nato stupidity.
If Nato does not withdraw to the positions of early 2000 there will be no peace in europe
SitRep Federal City of Sevastopol and Gorod Sevastopol
We are as safe as possible. Our defenses preclude any kind of ground attack but a flood of cruise missiles, well, that’s a different story. On the other hand, VVP has said more than once that an attack on Sevastopol is the same as an attack on Moskau and the consequences will be the identical.
Moral here and in Novorossiya is very high, although tempered with reality. Streams of veterans of the Novorossiya War are pouring in to the two republiks, how many I can not say and would not say if I knew. Here, there is no panic, no one is rushing to magazines to stock up on food and essentials, all is rather calm. Church bells rang at dawn and trumpet calls in the bases and ships calling Morning Stand To were at the usual times and locations. Weather is damp and wet, chilly but well above freezing. Snow is long gone except on the mountain tops along the south coast.
To give an idea of the moral both here and in Novorossiya, here is a quote from Incident On Simonka, spoken by Sarjant Annya Dmitrovna as she and her comrades were trussing up their US Marine prisoners.
“What do you think you are doing, you bastard? We are a NATO mission, by law you can’t touch us! You idiots, the Ukraine Army will be here in minutes and they’ll kill all of you that don’t surrender! You shot one of my men and that monster at the door hit my Colonel so hard I heard his arm break, and you had your dogs attack one of my men! You are insane!”
She knelt down, gently but firmly pressing her knee on his neck as a very clear message. He was powerless; all of them were now secured with zip ties hand and foot, the plastic wire ties that work so well for prisoners.
“Who do you think you are, Tovarich Kapitan, to speak to me with such language? Who do you think you are to come to my city and try to take it like a thief in the night? That gang of criminals in Kiev that you paid for and you are supporting from our city is no government and we do not recognize them. It is a good thing most of you did not resist or you would all be dead. Consider yourself lucky, Marine, because if you had reached for your automat, I or my Starshi Sarjant would have shot you.”
The Marine Kapitan turned grey as he almost whispered with fear in his voice. “My God, you are a woman and you speak English! What are you going to do with my wounded men? Where are you going to take us?”
Annushka lifted her knee off the officer’s neck and smiled at him as if to a child. “Now, Marine, don’t get upset and don’t worry, your wounded will be taken care of with the best of care, I’ll check on them in a moment and if needs be they will be taken to Hospital immediately. As for where you will be taken, well, you’re going for a bit of a ride, it seems. You see, we don’t like you, we don’t like the idea of you being in our city and we know what you are here for. It will not work, Tovarich Kapitan, it will not work. Why is your ship, his name is Klakring, thirty kilometers west of our harbor? Is he there to bring you more Marines so you can try to take my city? I am not the one who is insane, my good Marine, you are the one who is insane, you and your superior officers who ordered you to come to my city. You have been in my city for almost six months, some of your now prisoner comrades have been here for a year. You learned nothing while you were here? You believed your own propaganda about us?”
“Know this, Marine. We will fight you, if needs be we will fight you alone and to the death. You may take this city but what you will get is a smoking ruin where we will fight you for every house, every cottage, every wall, every back alley, every window, every hill, every ditch and every dacha garden. You will be safe nowhere. Sevastopol will be your grave, Marine, you and all of your comrades, it will make Stalingrad look like a kindergarten tea party. Now you wait right here, I must check on your wounded.” She gave him a sweet smile as she stood.
Says it all for both Novorossiya and Sevastopol.Written 2014.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
Never The Last One, paper back edition. A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
Very best wishes, Auslander to you, your wife, and your collies. I pray for your safety.
Silly Collies. Only in America do we have true diversity among guard animals:
(Yes, I know Babylon Bee is a satirical site, yet it speaks truth to the spirit of the times in this country.)
Hello Auslander, I read and thoroughly enjoyed both books. Would recommend to others. Who knows what the future brings but whatever it is I’m pretty sure you can handle it.
Regards Steve
Thank you, Steve and cdvision. We will be fine I think, hopefully cooler heads will prevail. US does not have enough troops in EU to be much more than a speed bump if the balloon really goes up, and the moment they threaten the borders of Rossiya and Moskau takes the threat seriously, they will run in to 1st Guards Tank Army. If that happens then woe betide them, it’ll be a helluva fight but Russian soldiers will be protecting their own country, their towns, villages and farms, ergo they will fight all the harder. Let’s just hope and pray that everyone cools down and backs off.
The only military news on Zhedge: We are now calling Al Queda/ISIS our assets in Syria and Iraq with a carrier parked in the Med. Point is clear, if Russ moves on Ukraine the brave freedom fighters of the US will finish off Syria. The cornered wounded animal is lashing out. Time for China to step up.
This twitter link has updates on ME and Ukraine.
Four B-1-Lancer supersonic bomber has been placed in Norway to Ørland since 22. th februar. That means they fly much closer to Murmansk than usual,
The War Zone writes about that:
”Until now, bomber missions over the Arctic have been staged out of RAF Fairford, while on other occasions nonstop missions have been flown from airbases in the United States. The upcoming deployment to Ørland will bring these aircraft much closer to the operating area and send a powerful signal to Moscow.
Moreover, there is a significant value in the ability to deploy bombers to different locations from the perspective of distributed operations. Having only one base in the region where bombers are sent regularly is predictable and makes those assets vulnerable.
Also the B-2 Spirit stealth bombers are tirst time closer the Arctic.
The War Zone writes:
”Two U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit stealth bombers joined a pair of B-1B Lancer bombers for a mission off the coast of Iceland [- -]
Although the four bombers remained a long way from Russian territory or key installations, their route did take them through the so-called Greenland, Iceland, United Kingdom (GIUK) gap, a critical gateway between the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea that has been of considerable interest to the major powers in the region since the Cold War. Russian Navy ships, submarines, and long-range patrol aircraft routinely pass through here and Russian Aerospace Forces bombers also fly similar routes when headed toward Western Europe or the Mediterranean. ”
The B-1-bombers have been exercising attacks several week also in Swedish airspace, but the swedish press has been very quite about that.
Here is an article from the swedish militär:
And here in an other announce in Swedish, that the B-1-bombers have been practising several weeks in swedish airspace:
”Under de senaste veckorna har flygvapnet med stödjande markförband övat tillsammans med det amerikanska bombflyget.”
Como alguno dice,es muy improbable que la OTAN se enzarce directamente en una guerra total.Pero cabe la posibilidad que decidan dejar caer Ucrania para justificar romper todo lazo con Rusia(lease Nord stream2) y ahorrarse mantener una nacion(ucrania) en bancarrota y que peligrosamente puede volver a la esfera de influencia rusa en las proximas elecciones.Eso si proximos calderos belicos es muy seguro que veremos.
translation … mod
As some say, it is highly unlikely that NATO will directly engage in a total war, but it is possible that they decide to let Ukraine fall to justify breaking all ties with Russia (read Nord stream2) and saving themselves keeping a nation (Ukraine) bankrupt and that it can dangerously return to the Russian sphere of influence in the next elections. That if next war cauldrons is very sure that we will see.
Additional information, statistics for those interested in the NATO air missions along, near to Russian borders in March.
It remains busy, always watching the Russians
Some additional reading on the Ukraine. This time for the Russophobes who sometimes make an appearance on this website. Here you can salivate over the “truth” >
As wikipedia reports it >
As the EU media see it >
and a typical CNN posting>
My old schoolteacher used to advise us students: “If you lie, you will need a damn good memory as i will eventually catch you out.”
Well, it seems that the blow on the 5 years old child and the babushka was not so accidental after all.
It seems it was not your usual AliExpress bought drone which was used, and thus they could see very well, from the command center, who they were going to blow…The Novorossiyans know it, and thus the Russians, and thus will know the ICC along with al the info compiled on the Odessa massacre…
No wonder the Russians have already warned they will point first to the command centers..this seems to have been the response from thsoe command centers,.,,for what it seems…A clear savage provocation for the Russians to come into battle in Ukraine…
It will not wash…the Russian will enter into battle once the NATO governments implied are enough discredited before their own populations, not before…
And if aTurkish drone…….? What will Putin say……..and what will Russians say to Putin…….
Previous years, time was on the side of eastern powers. While Western empire, drunk on its self-deluding sense of triumph and power, have wasted all their (at the time real) strategic advantage on lesser wars all around the world, to start with wars in Balkans as a general repetition of war against Russia, Russia and China went through military-technological renaissance and have emerged as a real high-potent powers, especially Russia. After years of bleeding and all kinds of humiliations caused by western policies, I think no one in Russia has any illusions left anymore about where it all eventually leads to. Same goes for China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, North Korea etc. etc…..
Balance of power is this time in maximum possible advantage on side of Russia and allies. From this point on, it will start to decline. So if Russia wants to settle things once and for all and ensure its survival (because that’s what’s at stake here, forget NS2 and such), time is right now and not later. I expect it to go on aggressive offensive, quickly but steadily escalating all over the global frontline, till the point where opposing side settle for true longstanding peace or we all perish, end of the story. As two can play that game, crisis in Ukraine might be an equal bait from Russia to NATO (in opposite of how US perceive it), where they will seize the moment and go on very “proactive defense”, escalating 3x more on anything adversary does, as to keep initiative on their side. Romania, Poland, Georgia and Baltic states have a lot to fear right now. As Putin once said: “the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: if a fight is inevitable, go and fight first”, this time might be very much different than what anyone expects. Russia can take the fight to the hart of US & EU, and idiots will never know what hit them. To be clear, as someone who has seen the fraternal war I’m not cheering it, western empire is about to reap what they have sown all those years. If they think that they can set Slavs butchering one another over and over again for bloody western interest and never pay the price for it, they are about to have a very rude awakening and smell the gunpowder in their own home. What goes around comes around…. Mozes kako hoces, ali ne dokle hoces!
“Balance of power is this time in maximum possible advantage on side of Russia and allies. From this point on, it will start to decline. So if Russia wants to settle things once and for all and ensure its survival”
Agreed because US fell behind on hypersonic missiles and air defenses. Russia has a 2-3 year window of technology advantage before they catch up.
London’s Beelzebub Broadcasting Coven (BBC) aired this fictional video of a Russia-NATO clash a few years back. Is this predictive programming?
The US is supplying Kiev with more weapons & supplies, material that Kiev cannot actually afford. What is Ukraine secretly promising the US in return for US assistance & support ? I suspect that once the first stage of selling off the precious ‘black earth’ to Ukrainian citizens ( oligarchs ) goes ahead, the 2nd stage will be those oligarchs selling that land to the likes of Monsanto & other US businesses. From a US point of view, a hot conflict or just the dread of one will be enormously profitable in terms of propoganda, draining Russia’s resources & future investments. And best of all for the US, only Ukrainian citizens will be the ones shedding their blood to make it all possible.
Apologies if this has been posted but the overview of the situation is good. It is from Rostislav Ischenko – an analysis on Donbass-Insider.
His conclusion:
Thus, the overall diplomatic, military, political, financial and economic situation powerfully requires the Kiev authorities to intensify combat operations in Donbass. By the way, the Americans do not give a damn whether Ukraine will hold out for any time or whether it will be blown to pieces in an instant. They believe they stand to gain from either outcome. Only the personal indecisiveness of Zelensky and some of his advisers today keeps Kiev from quickly unfreezing the conflict in Donbass. But cowardice is a bad adviser. Today Zelensky is more afraid of war, and tomorrow he will be more afraid of the Nazis setting fire to his office door.
Furthermore, official Kiev is still living in a regime of provocations, not only on the Donbass contact line, but also on the border with Crimea, where provocative exercises are being held. Provocation is a double-edged weapon. During the military hysteria, events easily spiral out of control and begin to develop according to their own algorithm (not calculated by the provocateurs). The higher the tensions, the greater the danger of an accidental collision, igniting a major conflagration.
That is why most observers today speak of a high risk of Ukraine starting full-scale hostilities. As Barbara Tuckman wrote of the outbreak of World War I in The Guns of August, “no one wanted war. War was inevitable.”
After all, it has long been clear to everyone that the Ukrainian crisis cannot be resolved peacefully. Ukraine is not ready for this. Therefore, the question of war is only a matter of time and place chosen by the parties concerned.
The Ministry of Truth has an article. Not prominent but not hidden:
(Russian troop build-up on their own border !)
For what it’s worth my feeling is that for next several months, the US and others require a ‘wag the dog’ distraction providing time to whitewash various crimes and grimes (the US election steel, Trump’s new media platform, the border invasion, Biden family criminality and Joe’s imminent stumble into full time oblivion & the ascension of – ineligible?? – cackling Kamala toe Harris).
Also to take world lockdown, health passports & vaccine kickback from the front pages?
Putin’s ‘aggressive and provocative military manoeuvres’ will probably suffice & throw-in a false-flag explosion or two, perhaps a downed plane followed by some ‘diplomatic’ talks (no such thing as US diplomacy).
The Western media can run with Putin’s non aggressive aggression while the ongoing killing of Donetsk & Lugansk civilians go unreported.
Thank you The Saker for keeping us informed on this and other important topics with your well chosen associates.
Much appreciated.
Could be true…
The Biden-Harris Foreign and Domestic Policy in essence is this:Exterminate the Russian People and exterminate the Historic Native Born White American Working Class Majority. And there is a symmetry to all of this. The Democratic Party can implement this policy so that the Foreign and Domestic Policies can complement each other in creative mutually amplifying ways.
I have no idea if mod central will let this comment through….But it will go through on unz review…when I post this comment over there.
Thought just occurred to me:will Iskander Missiles play a big role when the Russian Military starts to kick Nazi Azov Brigade Arse? I mean if this is going to be a three day to day-six day war…would this be the way to go?
[link to (secure)]
Two more American ships were added to two Spanish frigates in the Black Sea. USS Monterey joined USNS Watson and USS Thomas Hudner.
******The ships are heading to the southwest coast of Crimea as “special military exercises” have been planned , the Russians note.*****
In the area are the Spanish frigates Méndez Núñez (F104) and Cristobal Colon (F-105), the USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116), the USNS Watson, and the USS Monterey (CG-61).
Scott Ritter: US Empire in Decline, Biden Administration is Dangerous, Nuclear Specter Remains
There ramais only one option: “Chicken Kiev!”.
For we do not do battle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. — Ephesians 6:12
The point, of course, is not religious, it is epistemological.
Larchmonter445 suggests the Ukrainians are walking into a trap, which is tantamount to saying that they are being set up. I agree and precisely for that reason, I suggest it is fruitful to survey the larger dimension of the trap.
“The rulers”, “the authorities”: the trap is for them, specific features of the Ukrainian situation as well as the duality vis a vis Russia, direct conflict, are merely instrumental. Once upon a time, not too long ago, someone came on the scene with an insight: NATO is obsolete. “The rulers”, “the authorities” made the mistake of assuming that Trump was articulating a “policy,” i.e., they assumed he would act politically against NATO, which he never did: he merely collected more money than ever before and ripped up the charades, called “treaties” (INF specifically, Open Skies, ABM was ditched by Bush), making it imperative for the obsolete institutions to reopen dialogue with Russia. The institutions (“rulers” and “the authorities”) neither perceived nor recognized that the abrogation of such treaties necessitated a new understanding with Russia, but they deflected and decided to concoct the “Russia-Collusion-Hoax”. That was one face of the “big trap”. Instead of asking themselves whether they were confused or walking into a trap, they, the “rulers” and “the authorities” then committed the additional mistake of assuming they had contained a whimsical, willful political thrust.
To the contrary, Trump articulated an overreaching diagnosis, so, while “the rulers” and “the authorities” decided they would not deal with themselves nor anyone one else on that basis, when it came down to the nitty-gritty, Russia increasingly articulated that it was impossible to have a reasonable and honest discussion with these “rulers” and “authorities” on the basis of realities in Europe and the world as a whole. “The rulers” and “the authorities” made the mistake of assuming that their old war-gaming scenarios and old info- and psy-war tools were sufficient to let them safely ignore the Russians (and many more powers), which, on the background of their assumption that Trump had seemingly lost an election, landed them in the conundrum of having to prove not only that they are not obsolete, but operationally relevant. – Remember Talleyrand: It is worse than a crime, it is a mistake.
For about one and a half months now, I have been writing to my friends in Germany, Austria, Greece and the US, that while, for example, the German President, Steinmeier, was relieved that Trump had apparently lost an election because “NATO would probably not have survived another 4 years of Trump”, soon NATO, in which I always include the EU-apparatus, will consider itself lucky if it survives a single year of “Biden”. I would say that the schedule of that assessment currently seems to be on target. Trump’s “get along with Russia” agenda is on the table even while Trump seems to be missing.
Saker yesterday posted Lavrov’s interview with the “Great Game” show in Russia, I had picked it up directly at the MFA site. The Russian Foreign Minister’s words beg for a “listen between the lines” approach and if formulations appear to be cryptic or ambiguous, they may be exactly that and deliberately so.
Vyacheslav Nikonov: The word “war” has been heard increasingly more often lately. US and NATO politicians, even more so the Ukrainian military, have no trouble saying it. Do you have more reasons to be concerned now than ever before?
Sergey Lavrov: Yes and no. On the one hand, the confrontation has hit bottom. On the other, deep down, there’s still hope that we are adults and understand the risks associated with escalating tensions further. However, our Western colleagues introduced the word “war” into the diplomatic and international usage. “The hybrid war unleashed by Russia” is a very popular description of what the West perceives as the main event in international life. I still believe that good judgment will prevail.
Is Lavrov more concerned now than ever before? – A natural question if we are fixated on Ukraine. But “yes and no”. There is “still hope… still believe that good judgment will prevail ”. – Does the Russian Foreign Minister sit around hoping, or does he know something we don’t know? Is the hope based on something far away or is it based on intelligence, in both senses, political-military intelligence and smarts?
Vyacheslav Nikonov: …. How dangerous is the situation in Ukraine in light of the ongoing US arms deliveries, the decisions adopted in the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday, and the statements made by the Ukrainian military, who are openly speaking about a war? Where do we stand on the Ukrainian front?
Sergey Lavrov: There is much speculation about the documents that the Rada passed and that President Zelensky signed. To what extent does this reflect real politics? Is it consistent with the objective of resolving President Zelensky’s domestic problem of declining ratings? I’m not sure what this is: a bluff or concrete plans. According to the information published in the media, the military, for the most part, is aware of the damage that any action to unleash a hot conflict might bring.
The Ukrainian military openly talking about war, but from open and published information it is also apparent that the Ukrainian military “for the most part”, “, is aware of the damage that any action to unleash a hot conflict might bring.” So if the Rada or Zelensky are really opting for war, do they really have the support of the military? If there is bluffing, who is the target of the bluff? “For the most part” sets off against a “lesser” part, and is this real at all, is it a bluff or specific planning? Does this help Zelensky tottering political support? Lavrov’s questions or what he puts into question, pulls us back from the “brink-scenarios”. Whatever we or others speculate about just reveals what we do not know, and what we do not know is something dynamic, it is shifting, pulling, and tugging.
Or is there a split? Kolomoisky (some may recall his NYT Op Ed in 2020) was blasting the US Democrats for “wanting to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian”. Is that the tip of some iceberg? “The confrontation has hit bottom”, so something has to give and what is not helpful is a faux-Biden-led USA inserting its weakness as a solution to anything. Whether or not some figure called “Biden” is in control or not, recall Obama’s once-upon-a-time quip about him and then copy-paste that onto the “committee” which seems to be on stage in D.C. at the moment. ”Do not underestimate Joe’s capacity to fuck things up.” That is a quite personal remark, but the question is looming, whether NATO-EU are really willing to screw things up for themselves or will they continue to rely on narrative-engineering that impresses no one any longer? In as much as the NATO-EU Europeans miscalculate consistently when it comes to Russia, this “Biden” is not what they bargained for, so their intelligence is rotten no matter which direction it turns to. Perfect revenge: be careful what you wish for.
Without “Biden”, NATO is irrelevant because “Biden” is the opposite of Trump; with “Biden”, NATO has the delicious opportunity to prove that it is irrelevant. Both Andrei Martyanov and Patrick Armstrong (see his latest Sitrep, RUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 1 APRIL 2021) have come down for a variant of a Georgia-2008 scenario if the conflict goes hot, but the most interesting thing about 2008, and probably the only thing that has not changed since that time, is that the US promised Georgia support and then sat on its thumbs.
Along these lines, see Russia and China prepare a two-fer at either end of Asia By J.E. Dyer April 4, 2021.
Not only is J.E. ex-US Navy Intelligence, she is adept at “messaging” and reading “messages”.
“It is well to understand also that the “correlation of forces,” to use the popular Russian concept, is unfavorable for NATO in Eastern Ukraine. Russia occupies Crimea, and has effected its de facto separation from Kyiv-administered Ukraine. Parts of Luhansk and Donetsk, as mentioned, are already hosting Russian officers and “instructors” in significant numbers, and Russia has the full advantage of interior lines of communication to her rear and her logistics pipeline.
“NATO, for all our years of exercising military capabilities with neighboring nations, is on a long tether for any supporting effort in Ukraine, and one that relies entirely on the political willingness of neighbors who fall inside threat envelopes of every kind emanating from Russia.
“We can’t expect to have free rein in the Black Sea in 2021, and Romania and Bulgaria will want to be assured NATO can protect them if they support the operations of NATO forces. Turkey isn’t likely to agree to the use of her bases for NATO combat forces potentially exchanging fire with Russia in Ukraine. (If you were Turkey, you wouldn’t either – even if you weren’t Erdogan. The decisive factor here is not who’s in charge in Ankara, but who’s in charge in Washington, D.C.)
“The Black Sea nations have to live with Russia when this is over. Putin’s Russia has a vision; NATO doesn’t. …” Etc.
“Unbalancing power in the Black Sea is the kind of move that has loomed since Obama began shifting the emphasis of U.S. alliances in the region, and leading from behind. He effectively unwrote the Truman Doctrine back in 2016; the work is already done. The pins have been pulled out from the infrastructure of global stability for a decade now, and shaking is to be expected.
“Note that I don’t foresee the prospect of full-blown combat between Russian and NATO forces. What I do foresee is Russia taking advantage of the situation to clamp down on the Black Sea. If Russia is going to do this, it wouldn’t pay to act tentatively or with self-limited goals. Other than Ukraine, those likely to be hardest hit are Georgia, Romania, and Bulgaria – again, not necessarily in the literal sense, but in terms of Russia coming out of it with a veto over their political independence.”
There is much more. The message seems to be (1) the US military is not under the control of team-“Biden”, and it is (2) setting up for a managed defeat.
Finally a real analysis, good Sir.
What you have just painted here was there at the really foggy back of my mind for years and then for months now. But, seemingly unlike you, I do not stand on a perspective from which I myself could clear it out loud. One cannot do that with speculations and suspicions, no matter how much they point to. Knowing some things demands not only perspective but direct sight.
But hey, following my intuition I came upon this thread and I just read you.
Of course I appreciate all the good content brought about by the hundreds of comments. But most are simply reactions. And the whole Trump bashing garbage is so extensive and tiring, it is unbelievable how many millions fell for the stupid narrative that Trump was ‘just a clown’, which blinded almost everyone to the genius in his foresight, to the very well documented fact that he is an outsider to traditional politics, which is exactly what was needed, to see things a bit from afar to learn the tricks that keep the behemoth living in the swamp. Even on this prestigious forum there was no contemplation of it aside from the pejorative, which was most depressing. And if you ever dare to point some sense out, you are immediately discarded as ‘Trumper’, following the old agency character killing script developed for the ignorant.
The thing is that I, too, can do a tiny bit of reading and hearing between lines. You just cleared the fog for me. I, eternally in love with the epistemological segment of my cognition, bless you for this. May your eyes keep watching out there for all of us. And may I keep reading you anywhere you wish to share knowledge with the rest of us faithful trying to make sense of all this.
Thank you, sir.
Nothing would make me happier as a German-American than to see the restoration of pre-WWII borders. Germany gets back Pomerania,Silesia and East Prussia, Lviv and it’s fanatics get sent back to Poland, and Russia gets Kiev,Odessa,Donbass etc back.
Good man, that is a very good Plan!
Could Russia be in a better position to inflict a devastating blow to the subversive activities of the Anglo-Zionists in Ukraine? I think not. Is it not a good thing to destroy the backbone of this ukro-nazi-land? To refuse to fight wouldn’t be a second Munich? To refuse the fight wouldn’t be equivalent of accepting the remilitarization of the Rhineland (1936)?
I know the exploded bodies, the flesh rotting in the open air. I know the fear. I fear war. May the russian leaders do the right thing. I pray for it. A clear victory for Russia is in the interest of all mankind.
The things are getting worse than I thought:
Some news from TASS;
and here from
the latter is translated by service.
This is probably not about The Ukr. It is more likely about the dollar payment system. No Syrian pipeline, and Nord Stream II about to come on line with currency swap instead of USD.
The Bankster enforcement system has been activated to create chaos and raise the price of Russian self interest.
My first time commenting here.
I agree with your opinion. Turning Ukronazis into roast pork in self-dug trenches is in the interest of the usury clans (bankster class) and various Atlanticist oligarchs, in particular the military industrial ones, suckling on the teats of the ultimate in usurious Ponzi schemes, the Breton Woods petrodollar, but only IF it doesn’t end most human life on earth.
The scions of Khazar do not want to die for the zero sum ideological vainglory of their political tools. They fled Babylon then Tsarist Russia before. Heck, by their greed they naturally have a lust for an eternal worldly life.
The trouble with Mutual Assured Destruction is that there won’t be anywhere to flee to.
I believe the reason behind the absence of agitprop in MSM is their masters holding back the reins of frothing-at-the-mouth editors gagging to “report” gossip from “anonymous intelligence sources” (imaginary friends) while they try to contain Joe Dementia and his woke groupie.