Dear friends,
The situation around the Ukraine is very rapidly escalating and there are a lot of signs that everybody is preparing for some kind of crisis. I would draw your attention to Andrei Martyanov’s blog and, specifically, this article of his: I would also point you to this recent article on ZH:
So far these are the key elements of what is taking place:
- First, the Ukronazis have moved a large force (infantry, armor, artillery, MLRS, etc.) close to the line of contact.
- Ukrainian forces have also penetrated into the “grey zone” which was supposed to remain neutral and separate both sides.
- Kiev has officially approved a doctrine which calls Russia the enemy.
- The Ukrainian Chief of Staff has admitted that the Ukrainian forces are forward deployed and in the highest state of readiness.
- The diversity-freaks who now run the US “diplomacy” have made numerous statements in full support of the Ukraine.
- NATO has failed to reach any consensus (Germany seems to be the main reason for this).
- The Poles are now openly provoking Russia by sending military ships (surface and one sub) and aircraft in the direct proximity to the Russian pipe-laying ships in the Baltic. In one case, a Polish fishing vessel has even rammed a ship claiming “engine problems”.
- The French AFP reports that General Mark Milley spoke with General Valery Gerasimov, the Russian Armed Forces chief of staff, and General Ruslan Khomchak, chief of the general staff of the Armed Forces.
- Russia has been steadily reinforcing her western border and, especially, Crimea.
- The Donetsk People’s Republic has declared a mobilization of all her reserves.
- The internal situation of the Ukronazi occupied Banderastan is quickly degrading due to the pandemic, the infighting of various factions and the economic freefall. What does the government do to counteract these problems? Repeat “Russia! Russia! Russia!” like a mantra.
- There are consistent reports that NATO is either already on high alert or will soon be.
Things are going to move really fast now, so I am opening this open thread primarily to REPORT FACTS. You are welcome to include a commentary, but please let’s not make this is the kind of “stream of consciousness” thread which trolls and low IQ folks seem to revel in.
Please note that I have updated the moderation rules (see here: with the following rule: “Okay, I am fed up with all this idiotic “there is no pandemic” nonsense. So, from now on, any post denying that there is a pandemic will be removed and its author banned.”. There are a gazillion of websites out there which will welcome such nonsense with open arms and a standing ovation – please make them happy and post that there, not on this blog.
I have asked the moderators to strictly enforce this rule.
Finally, this open thread is NOT to be used to discuss my evil censorship, the horrible rules I impose or how much you despise me. There are other websites which will also welcome that with open arms.
Here, I get to set the topic and the topic today is the Ukraine, NOT my horrible COVID-gullibility.
Having clarified the above, I turn this thread over to you.
Kind regards
The Saker
This is where Joe Biden finally gets to pay off his debt to Ukraine.
For anyone that doesn’t know, the “Russian Collusion” narrative re: Trump was always actually about Ukraine. The wheels for this were set in motion leading up to a Hillary term but Trump fucked that up. So now after a 4 year pause, we’re back on.
No ‘pause’ on the Russian side. They have completed the Kerch bridge, made dramatic improvements to their military capabilities and made it crystal clear to US-NATO that, should their red-lines be crossed, the result will be military conflict according to Russian rules.
The bloviating US warmongers appear to be blissfully ignorant of what ‘Russian rules’ will mean for them. I fear they may soon have that ignorance remedied
I agree… fighting the ragtag Arabs in the desert is one thing, fighting the the Russians is totally different matter all together. The neocons are in for a rude awakening about what it means to fight the Russians especially in their backyard.
Ahhh, …the new woke-US military will send their best transgender panty-wearing bra-snapping LGBTQIA eunuchs led by the toughest, roughest pregnant-battalion prepared to leave their diversity-safe places for a group hug. After all, there are no facts and the postmodern Russian gun lead is not real… Lol. So sad. :-/
If this crime were not so brutal on the people living in the frontline contact areas then it would be easy potato couch and popcorn time again. At least Trump, for all his egomaniac faults, kept this metaphysical criminal zoonosis somewhat at bay. If it sparks (and it looks likely) then, if the Russians do not put their stamp on the western border lands that they feel comfortable with for the next generation, the blame is on them, imo. Time to either stand up and display national agency and define their futures; or sit down, STFU, and take the neocon shame delivered by the criminally insane running the mental assylum operating between Canada and Mexico. It looks to me like they are standing proud. Those young post-Yeltsin hopefull faces we saw in the great annual Red Square parades a decade or so ago are now lazer focused on defining (for the world) what 21st century Russia really means — China-orientated orthodox business models backed by cold hard steel; oil-and-gas and yellow gold bars in the vaults surrounded by S-400+.
if war is inevitable, let it be. this may be the way to finally settle the scores between russia and the west- specifically america. we can finally witness how putin will act this crisis with unbending resolve.
there will be no awakening for neocons. They will be dead.
I expect the russians will not leave the war to be fought on the russian soil only. The americans have not had to feel war in their homeland and i think this is one reason that they are so keen for it. For them, it is a.way to make some money. Unlike the russians and Germans they have not felt the heartbreaking sight of their cities and culture in ruins, may.once thus happens they may become a kinder and.more reasonable nation. The contradiction one sees between the American people and action s of it government is stark.having lived in both counties, I see that there should be no reason that they could be great friends. There are no territorial or other historical dissagreements and indeed russia has helped the usa when it needed help the most, during the revolutionary and civil war as well as the 20th century conflicts.
I think the key to understanding the gambit here is using the false narrative of Russian aggression to bring the UN into this, ultimately. Ukraine has already moved to complain to the UNSC over Russian aggression when they are the ones shelling the contact line in Donetsk.
They are trying to create an intractable situation which transfers policing power to the UN here by blaming Russia for everything.
We might like to consider an opposing point of view.
I offer this purely as a point for discussion – which usually is stimulated by considering two sides of a coin.
Whiles on the surface we can see some aggression from Kiev, Alexander Mercouris offers reasons why his analysis deduces that, failing some insanity from Oceania, the intransigence shown by Russia is causing a backing away – and that the sabre rattling is about to die away.
A good analysis I think – one worth considering.
Well, not really. The Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine are of minor importance in the overall picture. What we have here is geopolitics.
When I first read that in September of 2021 Russia would have Parliamentary elections, I immediately knew what would happen, namely a new Western attempt to destabilize the country. The intent was to see pro-Western liberals win the Parliament and, failing that, to use Western backed NGO’s to organize demonstrations in the country because of electoral “fraud”. The West was hoping to create preconditions for a color revolution. And, of course, a catalyst was needed.
This catalyst was to be a new war in the Donbass, and I fear that war is inevitable because of the following reasons:
1) The economic and political rise of Russia and China cannot be prevented, giving Euro-Asia the prime political and economic role in the world, the nightmare of Anglo-American bankers for more than a century.
2) European countries are beginning to show “insubordination” towards the US, regardless of efforts made by the Anglo-American created European Union. Any sovereign decision making by any European country needs to be prevented. The best way is by war, bearing in mind EU countries are also NATO members.
3) Ukraine is looking into a political, ethnic, economic and financial collapse. The best way to prevent this is by a “victorious war”, and old political trick which, unfortunately for it’s proponents, has seen reverse side effects. This will certainly apply to Ukraine should it foolishly attack the Donbass.
4) The US Empire and the US its self is, on the whole, in no better condition than Ukraine. It has a huge foreign and domestic debt, while the dollar is printed backed by nothing. We also have secessionist movements. Analysts have for years been warning that should the US try a wider war in order to bolster it’s economy, that the attempt will see a complete failure, as the country does not have the manufacturing base it once had, nor financial resources. Unfortunately the neocons who control the country have ignored this warning.
We shall thus have war, as the temptation to launch it will be overwhelming. And geopolitical repercussions ? We shall see what will happen. This year is going to be both interesting and extremely dangerous.
A question has to be asked: How is it that a world superpower has allowed a minor country half a world away interfere in it’s own elections. What kind of superpower is this? And also Americans have interfered in countless elections, around the world for the past 70 years. In Iran, in Russia in 1996, when they installed Yeltsin, and bragged about it openly in Time magazine, one of the well known American Publicans in the world. Americans have denied others their choices, and now they find themselves in situation, where their choice is taken away. As I always say, evil perpetrated on others eventually comes back, like a boomerang on perpetrator.
As a Ukrainian, I hope and pray sincerely that the soldiers refuse to fight. There are small signs. You have to look, but they are there that people in Ukraine are beginning to realize that West is not their friend. My dad the other day remarked that there are lots of people in Ukraine who collaborate with Russia.
I do not believe the Americans rigged the Russian election.
It could be ture, however in other places, Americans clearly did. Places such as Iran and Chile.
My heart goes out to all the Ukrainian citizens who are caught in the middle of this very sad affair. The country and citizens will suffer dearly for what is to come, but of course, not the elites who control the country.
The US does not care at all for the well being of Ukraine and will happily see the country ruined if they can sell more weapons and keep the military-industrial machine humming. This is so obvious to anyone who is awake. Just look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and so on. I am so sad that Ukraine is about to be the next victim of failed American imperialism.
I will pray for Ukrainians during Easter.
Thank you for understanding!
@ Andalusian Musician and Andreas,
I am very sad, again, that Ukrainian people will possibly suffer severely. NatolBlah!
The USA leadership/military can and should leave their ambition aside and have
no part to play in the Russian-Ukrainian affairs. It is none of their business, they
are not needed or wanted in that part of our world.
Some parties/actors trying to control the affairs of other nations are psychopaths.
They are not limited to those in the USA…we find them all over the place. However,
the USA is a contender for first place. We “citizens” are beyond beleaguered when
considering the USA’s giant mess within our own country. Making $ from making war
is just plain evil. The people would prefer to make peace and take a cooperative role.
Should we be told we are untrustworthy and no -thank-you then our best “help” would
be to get our bases, ships, planes out of other countries space and butt out.
Possible false flag to draw USA domestic attention away from Ukraine:
I don’t see any fake news media reporting about the situation in Ukraine yet, but expect that to change soon. CNN is weirdly writing about…Ethiopia?
My gut feeling is telling me that Ukraine will be split along the ethnic lines after this war.
I suspect the Americans will start the war but not turn up to it! I’m thinking Georgia in 2008 here. Various ‘off the record’ soft promises are being made. I rather think the US would like the Russians to take over Ukraine, let it pay for its up keep instead of draining the IMF and European coffers. A False flag aided and provided by the US, the Ukies will have their military dispatched within 48 hrs by the RF, maybe even the Poles will go in as a supporting NATO force, they’re stupid enough BUT the Yanks will not set foot in the Ukraine.
I can see this whole thing concocted so that the US can stop NS2, (Western Ukraine would be a worthwhile sacrifice) they also get to show the West how ‘awful those barbarian Russians are’ and they offload the whole thing back onto Russia (who will then allow China to ‘re-finance’ all that beautiful Ukrainian soil) I think that the RF can completely destroy the Ukie military without entering the Country, using long/short range artillery, cruise missiles, drones and of course the well drilled and armed East Ukrainian militias/troops. I don’t think for one minute the US are going to let their troops die face down in the Ukrainian mud. If they do then we finally have all the confirmation we need for what we have suspected for some time, the neocons are truly insane and they’re running the white house. The US always betrays it’s allies, they are expendable and after all Ukies are just cultural Russians to the idiots on the Beltway. NS2 must be stopped and this would be the way to do it.
I hope you are right and the NS2 is the only real target.
But I’m afraid that Russia itself is in the crosshairs this time.
Friend, consider the horrible possibility that NATO will nuke Ukraine, blame Russia, and insist that *now* Russia is to be the world pariah. I hate to even write it down, they (deep state of the west) are completely capable of it.
“My gut feeling is telling me that Ukraine will be split along the ethnic lines after this war.”
Most likely the old Catholic-Orthodox lines down the Dnieper river.
The Ukraine as identity is mostly done. The ex-pats in Canada/USA will throw custard pies but the general reconfiguration most likely will be a win-win for Nato and Russia. The former via Poland moving into its old terretories in western Ukraine, and the Russians moving as far west as they feel comfortable with — aka some neutral buffer zones and the Balck sea basically theirs to govern.
NS2 completing soon will undermine the criminal skimming of winter transit gas supplies to Germany and so the Ukraine economy will effectively revert to agrarian levels (with or without GM seed).
“My gut feeling is telling me that Ukraine will be split along the ethnic lines after this war.” Most likely the old Catholic-Orthodox lines down the Dnieper river.
Of course, anything is possible but do not consider the population of Eastern Ukraine to be “pro-Russian”. It is not. Old rules do not apply and I am on record for years now that Ukrainian nation did happen and developed its own, however ugly, identity. Russia has no interest in taking backward, crime-ridden, utterly corrupt localities on her balance. For what? To spend her resources on getting those people there Russian style economy and standard of living only to be hated both privately and in the open? One has to earn the right to get in line of candidates to join Russia. Donbas earned this right, and even there, by different polls there 30-40% of population who are not happy with Donbass eventually becoming Russia’s region. It is not black and white there at all.
Polls can be deceptive. As for hatred, Russia in the past did some awful things. I used to know people from Tajikistan if I remember correctly. I know the son of our good Tajiki friend told me that he hated Russians with passion. I remember reading how Aleuts in Alaska were disgusted with Russians immoral behavior, and with the fact that Russians exploited the Aleuts.
Historically Russians moved northwards to escape from ‘Ukraine’!
…and strategic geographic features of (Eastern) Ukraine. Russia will NOT want to adopt the Neo-fascists.
I’m glad my father in law is not alive to see this. He was from Kharkov and it would break his heart.
I am so sad , too, Davi. At the end of the day Ukrainians are Russian family, , it is their corrupt leaders whom the West has led astray. Such a tragedy.
Tony Kevin.
I watched a Vlog (video blogger) on Kharkov that was filmed just 2-3 weeks ago. I was shocked !! I was in Kharkov 2003/4. The place has gone to rack n ruin
Very clear to see – there is zero money getting spent on facilities or infrastructure etc.
I pray this escalates enough for Russia to take Kiev.
Take Ukraine back where it belongs.
My mother in Kiev would welcome this with open arms and heart !!!
It looks like a final suicide pact between the Ukies and Biden/NATO is in place.
Gerasimov and the Russian forces will have to supply the means. Like in the streets of urban America: death by cops.
This will be “death by the RF”.
Lots of Heavenly Hundreds lining up with their white sneakers and purple capes, getting their cup of Koolade (democracy) and heading for the nearest kill zone where either their own mines or thermobaric munitions renders them into ashes.
It’s all just pulp to Biden and the Russophobes.
This is why they cultivate “alliance” with nazis and Bandera scum. They need thousands to throw at the Russians to complete their goal to label Russia an aggressor.
Of course, NS-2 is in play. The Poles trying to disrupt the pipe-laying with military and fishing vessels is part of the game the West is urging its vassals to play.
Germany is the real game here. The US is losing control of its big bitch in the midst of EU. They seem to have to destroy Germany in order to control her. Stopping the NS-2 means the gradual end to Germany as the engine of Europe. That means the EU will be on life support. The US offers them respite if they would just join the war in Ukraine and damage the Russians.
What we see is all the chips the US has are in play, on the next hand of the deck of cards.
Ukraine, NATO, Germany, the EU, all of which the US formerly controlled are being bet that they can hurt Russia and break Russia away from Eurasia and China.
What Biden, sitting at the table now with his endorsement of Zelensky’s proclamation of intended war against Russia, does not calculate is the US itself, its power as Hegemon, is the blue chip stack sitting in the center with the lesser white and red chips he pushed out there. Biden is going to lose much more than a short conflict in Ukraine.
Classic miscalculation by US Russophobes.
There is plenty of time to stand down.
But, watch Germany. The NS-2 and its own future are in the balance. Merkel has left a mess behind as her career ends.
It’s all about the gas. The Ukraine is cut off from the main supply so it is becoming desperate. Many will not survive the next winter without gas heating. But I’ll be damned if I know how the war against Russia helps with that.
You say watch Germany. Germany is becoming more and more like the UK. Russophobia is exponential, although NS-2 is still in play and wished for. The economy always trumps ideology in Germany. And thanks primarily to the Federal set up, divided national opinions as we see over COVID, means the reaction in the two northern states Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein is still economically a positive one. They know what they will lose. The Green party, however, have now made opposition to NS-2 an election issue. Petra Kelly would be turning in her grave! The former East German population (Merkel is of course one), and the many who learnt Russian in school simply don’t buy in to this Russophobia. This familiarity with Russia and the Russian language makes any attempt to simply copy the UK doomed. The Navalny affair was not quite identical to Skripal, but whoever engineered this (Think Tanks, etc.), clearly wanted desperately to create a similar effect. I don’t think it will work.
If the report from Southfront is accurate the Greens are becoming openly neoconservative and with their rise in the polls now that Merkel has purposefully screwed the CDU with lockdowns, expect a Green-dominant government in Germany this fall, with the CDU the junior partner.
Merkel has used the Greens as the whip hand in the Bundesrat for years now, and she will formally turn the country over to them this fall. This plays directly into my argument that Germany is setting U.S. foreign policy now, via the WEF and the Biden administration. I know that’s not the popular view around here ( and my vehement anti-communism) but it is worth considering that this is more accurately the state of play than anything else.
Merkel wants NS2 (as The Saker reminded us recently) for Germany’s political leverage over wayward states like Poland (a point I made 5 years ago), she doesn’t care about Ukraine one whit other than as a way to push the U.S. beyond its breaking point. The goal is UN control where Europe gets to make the argument that the U.S. and Russia are repeating the mistakes of WWII, using Europe as the battleground for their war.
And there needs to be an intermediary. The goal is still the subjugation of Russia to supply Europe with energy on a cost-negative model. Germany will turn openly aggressively anti-Russian after the election if the Greens win and things will only get worse…. unless Europe implodes financially, which it is.
Good metaphor. You put it wonderfully. If everything ongoing from NS2 to Ukraine, to Syria, the internal things in the US, pandemic, economy, etc. can be put in one word, that is “desperation” (maybe a gambler’s desperation). Despair can very well lead to bad miscalculations and outcomes, and even an outright war.
Russia is really really strong, but would not attack first. They are ready for war but hope for deterrence.
I support and value restrain typically, but I cannot in clean concision argue against the need for Russia to defend her people in Donbass and other parts of Ukraine.
Biden is not making decisions. If you live in the US, that is abundantly clear. So, who is? It may be to Russia’s benefit if US foreign policy is chaotic. It may not even be possible for the US to make a decisive decision. This could already be clear to Ukraine, which means they may do nothing.
Like Crimea, it would maybe be a good thing if Russia uses its little green men and preemptively advances and secures the “official” borders of Donetsk and Luhansk. The confusion that will result in thinking that a full bloodied invasion of Ukraine was taking place might allow this strategic move to take place and for forces, after the fresh borders were secured, to cleanse in a backward pincer motion. Thus overwhelming the Ukranian forces from behind. The panic in Kyiv would be such that quite possibly the strategic limitation of such a move would be mistaken at face value thinking that the forces were proceeding to the capital. The cries of an invasion underway (in progress) would make this strategic move possible. Again similar to Crimea, followed by quick referenda in the peoples republics to provide a democratic mandate. The Crimean solution. Maybe this move has already been gamed-planned by NATO?
Hello people, the events in the area are moving fast!
” According to newer information, fierce clashes are now taking place between Ukrainians and Russians [seperatists] on the contact line in Donetsk and Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly wounded. The towns of Pyshevik, Krasnogirk and Gnutove are being bombed by the Russian-speaking [seperatists] and Ukrainians are firing rockets at their positions in the town of Oktabyrsk in Donetsk …
…Reports suggest there is a preliminary agreement on an American “No-Fly Zone” over Donbass. This means that US forces will enter the region in the Syrian model and the USAF will have the right to intervene. Perhaps that was the reason for the withdrawal of forces from the Middle East that we mentioned yesterday.
The Russian military headquarters issued a readiness control order for all Russian forces in the Black Sea and Southern Military Region… as an Airborne Command and Control Centre was spotted flying in the area… At the same time they have transported Tor M2 anti-aircraft systems belonging to the 56th Airborne Brigade. This indicates an intention to engage in military action very soon.
The US president, Joe Biden, had telephone contact with the president of Ukraine. The two presidents spoke for 30-40 minutes. Everything indicates that Kiev has received a “green light” to launch operations.
[Excerpts machine-translasted from Greek:
Good luck with that US no-fly zone. Should the US attempt that, it will turn into just that, every US plane will not fly there (for long),
question for military experts here: is the US that desperate to get electronic data on the S400 system that it would risk this sort of direct military confrontation with Russia?
Hello Perimetr,
My understanding is that the US’ interest on the S400 is not so much about its specs (though, this would be very welcomed), but the reverse: that the S400 system stealthily “phones home” all the information harvested to Russia.
The US fear is reasonable. Modern electronic systems are incomprehensibly complex, so it is very easy to sneak a few lines of code to do so. Depending on the complexity of the system, it can take months for a security audit to figure such a leak in software—and nearly impossible to find one implemented hardware. The latter point is important considering that the Russian military hardware use home-brew processor—mostly of the Elbrus line, which is very little known and studied in the US. [Sidenote, Russian electronic engineers such as Vladimir Pentkovski, were the brains behind Intel’s Pentium Pro and Itanium processors. I mean, they know their stuff.]. Simply put, the western block does not have the time and resources needed to audit such sophisticated and complex weapon systems for leaks.
In my mind, it would be totally stupid for Russia to sell Turkey weapons without built-in guarantees that these weapons would not be used against her. Likewise, it would be equally stupid not to use these systems to harvest information for them.
Your comment makes absolutely no sense. If the US/NATO military couldn’t introduce and enforce a no fly zone in Syria against a much smaller expeditionary Russian force, a force without the benefit of the RF’s most recently introduced and upgraded versions of S400 and hypersonic weapons, what on earth makes you think they could do such a thing in Donetsk, right on the borders of mother Russia.
The far more likely scenario would be that as soon as hostilities break out it will be the Russian military that announces a complete no fly zone over the entire Ukraine. And it probably introduces a simultaneous naval blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea coast line.
It appears to me that the immanent provocation in Ukraine, in whatever form it actually takes, is intended to goad Russia into a military response. This in turn will be met with hysterical demands that Germany and Denmark cancel Nordstream 2.
In short, they intend to force Russia to choose between Nordstream and the Russian population of Ukraine.
The possible miscalculation on the part of the Neocons might be that they think Russia will act as it did in 2014 by merely supporting and training Donbass militia without committing any actual Russian military units on Ukrainian territory.
The suprise might be that this time Russia simply rolls its armor to the Dneister and annexes the ethnically Russian half of Ukraine. Russia has been punished with sanctions for the past 7 years as if they had done this anyway. At some point the calculus for Russia becomes, if we are to be punished for it anyway, we might as well do it.
At that point NATO would face a crisis decision. Tuck tail between legs, or activate armor units in Germany, Poland, and the Baltics. If they make that choice then WWIII begins. Unlike the previous world war, NATO countries no longer have a native population willing or able to endure hardship.
A second likely crisis point will occur if Russia sinks any NATO vessels in the Black and Baltic Seas. At that point the question becomes whether the US decides to escalate to nuclear attack. If it does so, Russia seems likely to survive, due to S500 defense of its cities. DC might not fare so well.
Most discussion of nuclear exchange assumes it would end life on Earth. This was useful propaganda to both sides during the cold war. However, most people do not realize that over 2,000 nuclear weapons were tested on this planet since 1943, with nearly a third being open air. The biosphere has survived. Nuclear Winter is a gross exaggeration.
If a nuclear exchange occurs between Russia and the USA, it will probably result in the collapse of the US power grid, and mass starvation of the US population in about 180 days. Russia may come out of it reasonably unscathed, or they may also lose their power grid, depending on how effective their S500 defenses actually are. The Russian population is better prepared due to the widespread use of daschas, and the practice of canning their vegetables.
I certainly hope it does not come to that. But Russia has done the math already. Given no other choice, Russia will defend itself.
I dont think that will happen. Russia will not be provoked into an all out escalation. They will let Ukraine rot. Problem for the empire. And of course Nord Stream II will be lost, but Russia was long sure of that. And again,problem for Germany.
You are off-topic. Please take this conversation to the Cafe – any further comment will go to trash. Mod.
Ken, you don’t have a clue when you talk about nuclear winter.
The smoke produced from nuclear firestorms caused by the detonation of US and Russian launch-ready nuclear weapons, will block up to 70% of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and 35% in the Southern Hemisphere. This would create sub-freezing temperatures every day for 1 to 3 years in central North America and Eurasia. No crops could be grown for years.
IF you wish to read about it, you can start with this article, which provides links to almost all of the most recent studies, see (the article also details the fact that US military and political leaders have chosen to ignore these studies because they don’t fit their agendas).
“rolls its armor to the Dneister and annexes the ethnically Russian half of Ukraine. ”
You must mean the river Dnieper. The Dneister is along the Western border of Ukraine.
I meant what I said, the Dniester. Transnistria is the Russian ethnic enclave on the border between Ukraine and Moldova. Also, Odessa, the Russian speaking city, is on the West side of the Dniepr. It would make sense to unite all the pro-russian territory. Leave the Western mountains and plains for Poland and Hungary.
It will never happen. This provocation is all about Nord Stream 2 and Putin knows this. What I suspect will happen is that ZATO will do everything in their power to draw Russia in so that they can effect the cancellation of NS2 but Putin will be wise and will not overtly use any Russian forces. However, what will happen next is, ZATO media will STILL spin it as 100% Russian attack and will scream 24/7 that Russian forces are inside Ukraine, waging war etc etc. This will be backed up by conveniently timed fake ‘findings’ from Bellingcat and other mi6/CIA outlets, so they will still get part of the agenda they are seeking to try to cancel NS2.
But like I said, in the end, Putin will not actually utilize Russian forces in Ukraine. The current forces being shipped there are all for 1. deterrent purposes and 2. to protect Crimea as a last resort / ‘just in case’ doctrine because Zelensky signed paperwork for the commitment of Ukrop forces to retake Crimea. I don’t think Ukraine will actually be so stupid as to do this but Russia is sending deterrent force just in case that they do.
My thoughts exactly re Nordstream. This is about Germany ultimately. After the UK left the EU the USA needs a clear position from Germany / EU on Russia (and by extension, China).
Those tests weren’t done over cities, and most of the open air tests were stratospheric. The rest were either small or buried. Nuclear winter isn’t propaganda, but the logical outcome of setting entire cities and forests aflame. The science was formulated, corrected, and redone long ago.
The extreme provocations on the Nordstream 2 ships appears to be particularly dangerous, because if the Russian Navy opts to provide escorts for the pipe laying, they will be compelled to fire on the lunatic Poles if the ramming become a serious thing. This would possibly invoke a NATO Article V confab, which could then lead to an actual state of hostilities or even open war. The modus operandi of the ZioAnglo Empire always is to induce the appearance of having been attacked, allowing it to frame its subsequent actions as those of a “grievously wronged party of peace and love”. As for the Polish submarine, perhaps some impromptu live fire Russian Baltic Fleet exercises in the area of the pipe laying, with depth charges aplenty, might concuss some sense into the idiot Poles.
Moscow should tell Berlin to protect the pipelayers with the German Navy. If they refuse, walk. It’s Germany that wants and needs NS2, make its protection its problem.
How many operational ships do you think the German Navy has?
With luck, it may be two. You know, the great Ursula von der Leyen was Defense Minister here before she was ‘asked’ to be our Great EU Leader. She left a mess here, and will do that in Brussels either.
Cheers, Rob
There are signs that the German Navy is taking steps (of some kind) in the Baltic Sea, with NATO Standing Maritime Group 1. It is possible that without some involvement by Germany, Canada, the UK, Denmark and others, that Polish interference with Nordstream 2 could have been even worse.
Please check out PCR’s point of view here:
PCR is too hard on Russia here. Many Russians consider their Slavic brothers in the Ukraine as victims of a faschist, crazy regime in Kiev. The coming defeat will the the final nail in the coffin of their Neo-Nazi government.
yes, I agree, but his voice deserves to be heard (at least in my opinion)
So, if you are Tory Nuland now, your goal is 1. Ukies to attack Donbass, 2. crucify Russia in the media when it destroys the Ukies, 3. UK launches their next Skripal false flag, 4. Germany is forced to shitcan NS2 and 5/ Rissua is forced to take on the long-term drain of the tar baby that is Ukraine?
Is that more or less the goal? Oh, and the neocons are free from any consequences as all this takes place in NATO land.
1, 2, 3, 4, yes. Amend 5 to “Russia takes back Novorossiya.
Add 6: Writes off the entire West and their ‘tar baby’ – and NS2 too.
We live in a world, where there are no easy answers. It is a situation of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. A rock and a hard place. Ukrainians now and Russians few decades back were deceived by a lie. The Western governments never had any intention of friendly, peaceful coexistence. One way to help is for Americans by the millions to show up in front of Pentagon, and cripple operations of neocons. Mass sustained acts of civil disobedience, day in and day out is what is needed.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is an excellent analyst when it comes to the US, EU and NATO. However, when it comes to Russia, he is prone to make exaggerated statements, as he does not have the contacts nor insight into current Russian affairs. Crimea was reunited with Russia. When it comes to the Donbass, it can be reunited any time Russia wants it. However, it has currently been give the status of a buffer zone, something Dr. PCR has failed to grasp.
He is right not only him.What kind of big power is Russia?They did not have to allow all this to happen.
How is it possible to let a ‘coup’ happen right next door(Ukraine), without action?Sorry I don’t buy that, or FSB-SVR were sleeping, it was clear it was coming(intelligence interceptions etc why not a single action?)
THE big mistake was not to intervene after the massacre in Odessa, then let the ukronazis kill 14.000 innocents people for nothing.Tactical miscalculation, afraid of sanctions?Then MH17 false flag .Russia has like all intel services of all main countries sat imagery, why are they hiding them,same for the US?Kerry said clearly we have the proofs(sat imagery).Then came all the possible sanctions anyway, no reaction or almost nothing.
Same in Syria.Why let the Al Quaeda crowd move from Goutha by airco busses to Idleb?Why let the US forces enter Syria and steal the oil?Same with Erdogan in the north?
Half(or even less)proclaimed(too early)victories are simply half defeats.This is why we are back today to square one.The West is not afraid by Russia anymore(only by the nukes,but they know pretty well they will NEVER EVER be used).Even an idiot EU pseudo ‘diplomat'(Borell) is trolling Russia tonight.
please do not use caps to make a point, this violates the posting rules.
thank you,
The Saker
Nothing will happen as usual, every year for 7 years we had false ‘imminent attack’, they have no balls,and the main target is not so Russia but Germany, as during former wars.If there is no Germany anymore(economically strong)there will be no more EU.The yankees want to transform the EU(their supposed allies) in a failed entity which is not difficult in fact as they are so weak,bankrupted and vassals anyway.Killing NS2 is killing Germany productivity(nothing to do with US LNG).German greens are almost in power(we will see in sept),they are USAID/NED entities, Germany could once again become a full ennemy of Russia, I mean 100%.These idiots don’t want to use oil or gas anymore(good luck).I was asking myself:and if the all ‘climate change/green deal’ narrative was also a targeted anti Russian campaign?
The final target is China but it is too early.The West will never invade or attack Russia(impossible),but their wet dream is a second Maidan, this year is perfect, last chance to get rid of Putin.But the problem Russia has no nazis, no Galicia and the Moscow yuppies are really not the one to revolt violently against the Kremlin.The Navalny false flag did not work, I doubt there will be a lot of new candidates if it is to end up at best in jail.The West even failed in Belarus where there was some crowd more ready than in Russia to try to colour revolution Luka.
With all their statements ‘à la Putin is a killer’ etc against not only Russia, a lot of non Putin fans in RF,feel now they also have been insulted, and that there is absolutely nothing good to expect from the West.
If the ZE dare to try anything anyway he should prepare his private jet to exfiltrate himself asap as he will not stay alive very long.Ukronazis after having lost another ‘war’ in the Donbass and maybe some territories, will not let him go away alive, they will seize the power with even more idiots taking even more stupid actions.
Time for Russia to sit down and wait for the final self collapse of this fake country.
Once upon a time in a country called Ukraine…
Yes it’s easy to get angry on Putin and Russia for letting these things happen
But I think also that Putin tries(d}) desperately to avoid what will come anyway (sooner rather than later) WW3
That’s why Russia speeded up the modernisation of the military the last 7 Years
7 years ago Russia (and China) where not yet ready (my opinion). But now they both are (and that is clearly visible in the tougher reactions towards the US imbeciles from China too)
So probably what Putin has done was the right thing (at the high cost of many 1000 innocent lives) to save millions
We will know sooner or later
Absolutely – you nailed it!
Russia today and Russia seven years ago are – at least from the economical the military perspective – two different entities.
The Problem is: nobody in the West seems to have realized it.
Very dangerous…..
In my humble opinion i believe that US/NATO has/was attempting to start a war within the Russian World. The Putin Administration did everything they could to avoid war within the Russian world.
History shows us that the Neocons will double down, ie they are again attempting to start a war within the Russian world. The Putin Administration will do everything they can to avoid war within the Russian world.
I am not going to even try to guess what that will be, i can only assume that the Putin Administration is way more informed and way more intelligent than me. After all they have coped very well for the last 5 years.
PCR is a neonatal neocon….his solution is always that Russia needs to go to war. He can’t conceive that Putin and Lavrov might have better thinking than his own – having been formed in neonatal neocon land. Having said that – I agree with Saker that PCR’s articles are always worth a read.
PCR is like an American football coach at a chess match yelling: kill, kill, kill.
Many Russians consider their Slavic brothers in the Ukraine as victims of a faschist, crazy regime in Kiev.
Many, but they now are in minority. Russians had enough and do not consider and do not want to be “brothers” with Ukrainians.
I think the same goes for Americans also. Americans shown again and again that they have no intention of being friends. In spite of the fact that Russia helped United States historically, during The same also goes for Europeans.
As for Russians and Ukrainians, as a Ukrainian I do not support what is happening, and I am ashamed and saddened about what happened. This is how propaganda works. I think you Russians seriously underestimate how effective western propaganda is. I remember reading about Vietnam. I admit, I am surprised that there is faction of Vietnamese society, who admire US, given the fact that Vietnam war is still within living memory. Even Japan who had Atomic bombs dropped on it, seem to admire Unites States. However having said that, I understand and respect Russians wishes. Hopefully some day we can at least respect each other even if we go our separate ways. So be it.
As for Ukraine being crime ridden, I disagree. US in my opinion is way worse, and Europeans. I cannot imagine anything more criminal or insane or corrupt than wasting trillions on military hardware (F35 comes to mind) that hardly works, while infrastructure collapses, and also lack of universal health care, where people have to bankrupt themselves to get medical care, crumbling infrastructure. Feces in San Francisco, recently power grid failure in Texas. Even in poorest third world nations, you do not see anything like this! Where are the protests in America? In European cities? It is their societies that are going down the drain. In Europe’s case, European leaders are leading their peoples off the nuclear cliff. Ukraine’s situation is no worse. We Ukrainians and you Russians survived Soviet break up, we can survive this. Hopefully we Ukrainians will have some sense knocked into us. Just as Russians had sense knocked into their heads in 1990’s. I remember Andrei (Saker) speaking in one of his podcasts how Russians were lining up for McDonalds 30 years ago.
His assertion that Poland provoked Germany into war is tenuous and stretches credulity. It does not correspond to material evidence which plainly shows Hitler planned to go to war over Danzig (Gdansk) believing that Britain was bluffing and would not go to war over Poland – an obvious strategic miscalculation by Hitler.
It’s not tenuous at all, it is actually what occurred. Polish snipers, and the massacre of German speaking peoples by Polish radicals forced Hitler to act. Poland was over confident that Germany was isolated and thus would refuse to act.
Kiev correctly, Poland was given assurances by English of military support.
Some things don’t change.
That has to be corroborated by some hard evidence. We do know, though, that the Germans themselves staged the Gleivitz Incident as their immediate pretext for war, which the operates which participated in it (SS) plainly admitted to.
The same method was used in Czechoslovakia with Hennlein’s Freikorps and there were actually clashes with Czech forces in 1938.
The guy who organised the False Flag at the border to Poland was Otto Skorzeny. He wrote a fascinating autobiography describing the ‘incident’ …and there is also a biography about him which is worth a read, to compare what Skorzeny said and what the historical record documented… Skorzeny was in charge of a team of German special forces. Being Austrian, he had the full trust of Hitler…
I think if Putin would have known then what he knows now he would not have refused the request from Donbass for the unification into Russia
He made a big and costly mistake
I think now the situation is very different
If these western retards really start a war now in Ukraine{and it looks like that} they will get much more than a bloody nose
This time Russia will hit hard, very hard
Iskanders will be flying and a lot more
Anything else would make no sense
Thank you for disinviting the fools who still believe the “Covid-19 is a hoax” hoax. They have destroyed some sites (such as Off-Guardian) that previously were worthwhile.
Thank you Eric!
I am in total agreement.
There were huge credibility issues looming with this absolute nonsense completely dominating the narrative.
Sorry but in MHO Off-Guardian is an Excellent site.
Is not only your opinion, it’s a fact despite what others may think.
Well Eric, good to have you visiting here. In this case I do not completely agree with you, ok?
I respect (and think it’s good) that this blog has moved Covid-19 discussions to the Cafe. Seldom have I read on the internet so much nonsense about this (not necessarily here, btw).
But imho Off-Guardian is still a worthwile site.
Yet, I have some side conditions:
– I don’t feel obliged to read everything on a site.
– I don’t feel obliged to read comments.
– Even when I do, I don’t feel obliged to react on it.
– Most of all: when I read, hear, see or whatever way I take some news to me, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I agree with it.
Peace on you all, happy easter and cheers, Rob
I understand this is a response to a comment in this thread but this discussion does not belong here. To continue, please take this to the MFC, Mod
I thought the point was not to have to listen to anyone’s opinion on this topic, including yours. Personally I come here for insights into issues concerning Russia.
Erdogan Wishes To Abrogade The MOTREAUX Convention
This week, Turkey’s Erdogan government declared its intention to abrogate the Montreux Convention regarding the regime of the Bosporus Straits. The 1936 agreement gives Turkey control over the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits and regulates the transit of naval warships. It explicitly prohibits the transit of large military vessels, which includes aircraft carriers.
Therefore, geopolitically the treaty benefits Russia and not the US because it prohibits the Americans from, say, the 6th Fleet from passing through and settling off the Russian coast and Crimea.
If abrogated, the Straits will pose threat to Russia’s vital interests, as the US military will immediately want to impose their control.
At the same time, however, the Treaty also protects Turkey because it puts it out of the conflict between the two superpowers.
The issue has divided Turkey. Today, Turkish media have printed a joint statement by 126 Turkish diplomats against the construction of the Istanbul Canal and against not revising the Treaty because, as they say: “It will jeopardize all these gains and create a real survival problem for Turkey… We may lose absolute sovereignty over the Sea of Marmara. The Istanbul Canal must be abandoned.”
Turkey’s unpredictable foreign policy is further highlighted by the rumors that it has supplied Baytraktar drones to Ukraine, and possibly an airborne Command and Control Centre that has been spotted over the area.
He can wish a lot of things, but he does not have the authority to do so
True. However, this has not prevented him from making all kinds of unreasonable things in the area. Including restricting the Euphrates’ water to Syria, routinely violating neighboring airspace, supporting extremists, making Turkey the global distribution hub for the Captagon drug, etc. Point is, whether he or not has the authority to abrogate the treaty, Erdogan can certainly further destabilize the area by trying to do so.
Russia completed the Turkstream gas pipeline. It is building a massive 4-reactor nuclear power plant in Turkey, financed by Russia. Why Erdogan can do what he does regarding Russian interests is a little puzzling. Certainly Turkey is very important to Russia as well …
I believe the Canal plan has got approval now:
“Turkey’s Environmental Minister Murat Kurum recently confirmed that the country has approved development plans for a huge canal that would parallel the Bosporus, dubbed the Kanal Istanbul.”
Even when abondoned, what will it bring?
I’m not a military expert, but I think the ‘gunboat policy’ of the British in the 19th century might be outdated. in the 21st century, ships that pose a threat to the RF are ‘highly likely’ heading for the bottom of the sea in minutes.
Maybe it’s this ‘sending a message’ again. In the 21st century people do that with a cell phone.
Cheers, Rob
Perhaps Hagia Sophia will be returned soon.
Erdogan won’t be the one to close the Straits. Those who replace him will.
As insane as he appears to be, he has more sense than the others.
Friday afternoon is when sneaky stuff happens which is deliberate in order to slip it by the American people. Good Friday for Western Christianity. The neocons would be delighted to start a war on Easter. ( yes, double entendre) .
it would certainly seem so…the entire stucture of Christianity in the west is threatened for a whole year now.
It’s still possible Germany will fold in cowardice – the CDU has shown weakness and the Russo-phobic Greens have ascended. Scary.
The US wants an excuse to force its Euro Poodles into obedience by baiting Russia with Ukraine cannon fodder.
It is more true than you can imagine that the clans are indeed gathering up north. It is well publicized that literally several thousands of veterans from the earlier stages of the war are streaming back to the colours including some who are now grey beards and should have been pensioned off. It is common knowledge and well publicized about the large and ongoing Russian troop movements and rearrangements, plenty of vids out there but I won’t, of course, give a specific location ID even though I can just by looking at them. It is well publicized about NAF mobilizing and calling up the reserves. Hopefully it won’t be needed, the ground up there is soggy and wet and trust me, if you’ve never seen the rich black chernozim of the steppes wet, you ain’t seen mud.
Apparently President Putin was pretty strong in the video conference he had with Merkle and Macron, apparently telling the pair of them that they were guarantors of Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 and to this day neither has done jaque schitts to make the orcs follow the agreement that those very orcs signed along with that pair. He apparently told that worthy pair that Novorossiya will not be attacked. Period. And never, ever forget, VVP don’t threaten nor does he say what the consequences will be if The Fatherland and La Belle France do something stupud, at least more stupud than they’ve been of late.
Having seen the conjecture maps about what NAF might take if it comes to a fight, I have no idea, but if certain parts of orcland are, indeed, freed from penury under Kiev ya’ll need to look at the map in detail and find the canal coming from the Dnepr to Krimea, you know, the one the orcs dammed conveniently after they were paid over 4 millions of dollars for the water for Krimea. If anything is taken in addition to all of DNR and LNR it will be a wide corridor along that canal, defensible for sure and wide enough for same.
Locally, the populace is going about their business without a care in the world. No shortages in shops, no hording, no one casting nervous eyes at the skies waiting for the cloud of cruise missiles that will without a doubt come our way if the kaka really hits the whirling blades. If it does come to war with someone beyond the orcs then Romania and Bulgaria will be in it, Uncle Sugar has plenty of missile batteries there and somewhere between the second and third Patriot lighting off is when the Wrath of God will fall upon them and the pair of them will cease to exist. Turkey, who knows, but I wouldn’t trust them any more than I’d trust a lady of the evening with my wallet whilst I shoot pool.
Never The Last One, ebook edition. A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
Great to get an update from you and your locale, my friend.
It seems the Capital of the US is more dangerous than the federal city, Sevastopol.
It is as if the legs of the Hegemon are melting like wax in a furnace.
The US government has had to “shelter in place” regularly for quite some time.
While the EU refuses Sputnik V, they seem to want to be “jabbed” by the business end of some cruise and hypersonic missiles.
I “heard” General Gerasimov told General Milley, the Chief of the JCS to roll up his sleeve.
Or something to that effect.
Larchmonter, my friend and comrade,
Things are amazingly calm here considering how everyone knows in detail what is going on. On the other hand, methinks we may well meet the real ‘Putin’, that would be the one who is fed up with the sanctions and insults against our country. As for the ‘Doomsday Clock’, I put it at 23:30 27 July 1914. It’s that close…..
Minutes ago. “Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, head of the Russia — Donbass integration CommitteeAndrey Kozenko said that in the event of an increase in military operations in the Donbas Russia will have the full right to protect its citizens living there.”
As for ‘safety’, we can walk anywhere we want in this city or surrounding villages 24/7 and not a thing will happen, and this even if we don’t take young Aleksandr with us, all 2.5 meters of him.
What if D/LPR “invited” Russia to help/protect them? Kinda like SyrIans… Publicly, in front of the entire world. Now. Well, maybe a silly thought. Cannot imagine that my Krym would be attacked. But then I also cannot imagine to what depth of idiocy Poles are able to sink. As they say, you cain’t fix stoopid.
No need for an invitation: they are Russians and will be defended as such.
Washington sees itself as an “island” protected by two oceans and will not learn to behave responsible, until the very day damage happens on their own ground, instead of far away lands.
I still hope that France and Germany understand that time for US silly games are over.
Purely motivated by self preservation.
Cheers from France.
“It seems the Capital of the US is more dangerous than the federal city, Sevastopol.
It’s as if the legs of the Hegemon are melting like wax in a furnace.”
If you are referring to the financial, insurance, real estate US Hegemon, it’s debatable whether it’s losing any ground. The US Multi-Billionaires have “earned” TRILLIONS of $$$ since Covid arrived. Whether that gigantic hegemon is falling sway to the incredible rise in China’s Economy/Trade/Market is also questionable.
But if you’re referring to the Hegemon’s citizens, millions of them, they are feeling the pinch with exponential increases in poverty, and anywhere between 28%-30% unemployment. Only the latest Helicopter $$$, is but a drop in the bucket compared to the amount needed to right a very wayward citizenry. Source:
Thank you for the update. I see that moral in the Donbass is high, as I knew it would be. I sincerely hope that Kiev is not foolish enough to launch an attack using it’s demoralized conscripts, as repercussions for Ukraine could well be catastrophic.
Hello Auslander,
Thank you for the updates. Please keep them coming, your first-hand experience and witness in very important to us.
Thank you Auslandar. Good to hear from you. All the best.
So Rasputitsa has commenced. I told a friend that the Ukrops would be insane to attack during Rasputitsa, but their Washington handlers wouldn’t understand the problems.
Hopefully, the NATO game plan was in those papers passed.
To get an idea of who high on drugs Ukie soldiers are, just watch this video:
(CAREFUL, this is very graphic, but so is often the truth).
I paused and noped the f*ck out when that poor bastard pointed the gun to his beard. Sad that it has come to this, the nazies have turned their own to suicide.
Dies with a smile on his face. Remarkably quick and anti-climactic. Guess he just wanted to be done with it already.
They are reacting like any other human beings, when they digest horror of war. What is happening in Ukraine has been happening all over the world for the past 500 years of European Colonization. In Iraq, Vietman, Africa, Latin America. What is unique is now the regime change happened on West’s doorstep. Europe has been creating, and also enabling the United States to create failed states everywhere, and now Europe got a failed state right on it’s borders. Nazi Regime in Ukraine is a monster created by US and Europe. US and Canada especially have nothing to complain about. US and Canadian governments brought Nazi collaborators, and also Nazis over to their respective home countries. You reap what you saw. If Ukraine implodes and causes disaster for Europe, it will be a just case of divine retribution for all the crimes committed over the past 500 years. West thought that it can commit atrocities in far away places, believing it will never be touched and always have immunity. However evil done on others always turns on perpetrator. I will end with a quote from Thysidities, Athenian Historian, who wrote about Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta over 2500 years ago:
“Tyranny Athens imposed on others, it finally imposed on itself!”
Washington has wanted war with Russia since the Maidan in 2014. If it just wanted the Donbass oblasts back, it could have had them 6 years ago by complying with the Minsk Accords. (Obviously, it is calling the shots, not the clueless Ukies who have been promised Putin’s head on a stick by the DC barbarians.) But no, it has caused Keiv to procrastinate and prevaricate on that topic for all of these last six years to keep the embers of war glowing until it was ready with Madman Biden in control of the American war machine to provoke Russia, insult Putin and intimidate Idiot Zelensky into doing something infinitely stupid.
I doubt that the warmongers in Washington have anything quite so simplistic as a repeat of rounds 1 and 2 along the line of contact planned. They know their war won’t be “won” in Ukraine. Can’t be. It will only be started in Ukraine. These maniacs plan to take the action right into the interior of Russia. I hope Putin has prepared a response, even if it means this God forsaken land of the Devil and mentally deranged presidents takes some real military attacks for the first time in its entire history as an independent nation (aside from the damage we imbeciles did to ourselves in the Civil War).
Suddenly the kangaroo court trial of Officer Chauvin will no longer be the centerpiece attraction on the mainstream propaganda networks here this fine Spring. Won’t take long to kill off millions once the power grid goes down and stays down (Obama and Biden have threatened Russia with that potential “punishment” for Putin not to return the favor). No one will even know what’s happening in the world. There will be no info on winners or losers in Crazy Joe Biden’s Beautiful Little War and the dead won’t care. Hope the surviving “snowflakes” are up to rebuilding civilisation from scratch in America. If they can’t order it on-line from Amazon for next day free delivery, forget it. I give the surviving Russian kids out in the taiga a better chance. Maybe the gene for warmongering will finally be selected out of the human population…
Do the Ukrainians seriously think the US is going to help them defeat the Russian military? Because if not they have to know that they are being sent to ignoble pointless deaths. Even the retarded SS wannabes in Azov and right sector have to know that they are guaranteed death and defeat.
That’s the revolution of dignity for you. It’s logical conclusion is neocon Jews sending idiots waving around wolfs angles and swastikas to die on behalf of US oil companies. There is no Golem in the world as reliable as neo nazi golems.
Yes, you finally touched on that issue. In Ukraine, the USA, and Nazi Germany the nazis appear to be puppets of Jewish controllers. Scratch a nazi and you will find a Jew underneath. Zelensky is supposedly the puppet of Kolomosky. Kolomosky moved to Switzerland so he does not care who dies in Ukraine.
I think that the empire operation -which is another battle of this undeclared hybrid world war- targets to: make Russia bleed utilizing a disposable rubbish lot of Ukranian flesh, who will certainly focus on killing civilians. In addition, a full scale smear storm is on track in order to blame Putin for everything. Major developments are also to expect in the Syrian front. This is probably going to be the best alibi to seize the Nord Stream II pipeline as we all knew that the empire will wait until the final tubes are laid down on the ocean bed, as a kind of moral blow on Russia. I think that with a couple of days of artillery salvos and aviation Russia will easily keep the ukronazis at bay. The empire could use this as a rapid build up of public opinion hostility against Russia. At least at a spectacle level, since the western population has long gone totally cuckoo. Bref, another battle in the war escalation course. But remember, the key to victory will be economic power, where we should expect more agressive initiatives from China in the coming months.
It appears that the Turkish public opinion is are highly alarmed by the developments:
Turkish Experts To Erdogan:
“Ukraine will be dismembered! Turkey should distance itself from the Russia-NATO conflict”
Turkish experts advised Erdogan to distance himself directly from the Ukrainian conflict because “Putin will attack, he does not even recognize that there are a Ukrainian state and Ukrainian citizens”.
The report notes that the 2014 change of power in Ukraine, in which the Russian-friendly Yanukovich was overthrown, was a western-backed plan against Russia.
The report continues to say, “After Ukraine, NATO has plans for Georgia and the Black Sea region will be plunged into war.”
However, they stress that “the West, although it now supports Ukraine, will nevertheless abandon it as soon as the war begins and the country will be dismembered.
Apparently, the Turkish media has no illusions about what is happening in Ukraine and the Black Sea, and they are questioning Erdongan’s wisdom on foreign policy.
All true apart from pizdec Janukovich being friendly to Russia.
If the U.S. becomes involved in this fight there are going to be a large number of surprised Americans. There hasn’t been the usual propaganda build-up you usually see before military action as far as I can tell. I have a hard time imagining a U.S. public fed up with these wars welcoming such news.
The US participation is secret as far as their population is concerned. It was the same in the war in Georgia. God knows how many US soldiers were killed in that war.
It would happen again. A lot of US soldiers will participate secretly and will die. If a war breaks out, probably it wouldn’t be a bad move for Russia to simply sink US ships in the area and test their resolve, call their bluff. If this happens, the country will sink into chaos internally. The country is way too weak for the things her leaders put her through.
Russians are too nice though, and understandably.
We are too deep into Woke-ist idiocy, and attempts by the Democratic Party to establish a one-party State. There is still plenty of Russia bad, China bad, but it is down the list. You are correct that a conflict in Ukraine will be a surprise, and any involvement of US troops is completely impossible.
As I recall, when Georgia invaded South Ossetia
Russia declared that it would use tactical nukes against Georgia (and it’s Israel and US support/trainers)
if Georgia used smart weapons against Russia.
My question for The Saker is,
“Russians do not bluff” – is that true?
It seems that the Georgian advisors (US and Israel) got cold feet
and did not use smart weapons. It didn’t have an answer to the use of tactical nukes”
Ukraine – does the US *now* believe that it *does* have an answer?
And does it want to put that answer to the test?
Georgia President Saakashvili said,
“We have two Israeli cabinet ministers, one deals with war [Defense Minister David Kezerashvili], and the other with negotiations [State Minister for Territorial Integration Temur Yakobashvili], and that is the Israeli involvement here: Both war and peace are in the hands of Israeli Jews.”
“Where are they now?” is a familiar phrase in the US, there was even a weekly tv series by that name.
I had wondered, where are these guys now? I looked up Defense Minister David Kezerashvili
and the first thing that came up was a doozy.
Bonsoir Saker.
J aurais une question a vous poser.
Selon vous la Russie devrait intervenir meme si l Ukraine devait se limiter a lancer une offensive sur le Donbass ou seulement si l offensive devait inclure la Crimee également?
Google translation from the mod:
I would have a question to ask you.
In your opinion Russia should intervene even if Ukraine was to be limited to launching an offensive on the donbass or only if the offensive had to include the crime?
Thank you.
Je pense que la Russie doit intervenir si le Donbass et attaqué.
(I believe that Russia should intervene immediately if the Donbas is attacked)
Russia has warned that it would regard any deployment of Western troops in Ukraine as a serious provocation, after Kiev asked NATO to step up its local combat readiness and claimed the US would come to its aid in any future war.
When pressed on what those measures might be, the official (Peskov) said only that the country would do “everything that is needed.”
Sounds like Peskov, allright. That man is always too “kind” with words. He never threatens, even when he should be.
“Measures” are such a weird word here, I almost giggled.
What a fool made Defense Minister. Would be better he still believe in Santa instead of US help. Poor Ukraine…
This man should be taken to prison right after people with brains take back control over the country.
Forget the bullsh*t that Biden has been compromised, et al by Russia…nonsense
Russia (& China) watched the US deep state savage Donald Trump, who wanted to make peace with a new multipolar reality based on better negotiations (of reality)…. they watched The Donald get completely trashed, culminating in the vote fraud of 2020.
So what have they concluded? The US DeepState is after complete hegemony, and won’t be stopped as it progresses in that direction.
So what to do? Sit here and let them deny us access to the Black Sea & the Caspian? Sit here and let them slowly put Ukraine in NATO? Sit here and let them arm-to-the-teeth neighbors on our doorstep in SE Asia? (China)
“Ain’t gonna happen, we’re taking action right now.”
Get ready for China to join the fray; all the US can do is fuss & fume.
IF NATO had any balls, they’d tell Putin, “you invade Ukraine, you lose Kaliningrad” …. just watch and see if they do that??? and tell everyone they did it. Fat Fuc**ng Chance.
I agree.
I think that if there is a war, China will take advantage of the chaos to invade Taiwan.
The US cannot handle two fronts at the same time – with two powerful enemies.
I also have a feeling something more is a-brewing Alfred. More so considering the recent conferences between Russia and China after they both diplomatically and comprehensively dismissed the US propaganda attacks.
Perhaps they expected the US to overreact and well understood the situation in Ukraine and elsewhere. It would not surprise me if a trap has been set in which a co-ordinated plan between Russia and China is at the center. To underestimate the planning skills of such superb tactical opponents would be a ‘grave’ mistake.
scuze me for saying – but the two above comments – are totally American thinking. As if China would take advantage of a war situation and make war….western people just can’t think outside the western box. Boogeyman China war monger. Nothing is further from the truth
I’m sure the Chinese have a plan to take back Taiwan with no war to speak of.
And I share Alfred’s and John Hagan’s view that if the US does get involved in Ukraine in any direct way, then it would provide an argument for China: “We don’t want a war in the SCS, do we, dear Taiwanese, so be good boys and girls, and join the motherland before the Americans try their Ukraine trick here…”
Why not?
I just don’t think China would do something like that. There’s no honour in that strategy. I’ll bet you a dollar.
Taiwan not being completely part of China is a left over of the century of humiliation…
Lately, the US has broken it’s word vis a vis Taiwan, by offering Taiwan weapons, and high level diplomatic recognition…
The PLAN now has sufficient stuff to invade. Sure, they prefer a peaceful re-unification, but beggars cannot be choosers….
Then there is the issue of Meng, caught in unilateral sanctions, the US claiming jurisdiction because HSBC clears dollar trades in NYC. This means both Russia and China have issues with Canada….
So, I’d not be surprised if the PRC decides to Take Taiwan by force.
Andrei My Orthodox Brother,
I know Trump was weak and far from the best leader but things happening in Ukraine right now underscore the absolute reason why I voted for him twice. I voted because I hoped that he would steer my nation (the USA) clear of a hot war in Russia and not seriously make worse the conflict in Donbass or Syria.
I knew as did you that the Clinton/Bush/Obama/Biden Gang are all one in the same. I call them the Globalist Cabal you call them the Anglo Zionist Empire but we both know that we are talking about the same people.
I think NATO is bluffing about large troop deployments in Ukraine. They are rattling their sabres at China too over Taiwan and Myanmar. The Western economies are teetering on the brink because of the lockdowns. The treasury is printing dollars like toilet paper. The DoD is turning the US military into a Rainbow/Trans Flag Woke Social Experiment.
I think the provocations in Ukraine are about goading Moscow into a large scale military intervention that will justify more US, UK, EU sanctions and more importantly shut down Nordstream 2 Pipeline that is nearing completion. I think this is about keeping Europe dependent upon the US for it’s energy needs.
Maybe it was impossible for Russia to do so when the war in Donbass first broke out 7 years ago but my thoughts then was that at the very least should have created a land bridge to Crimea if not all the way to Odessa and Transnistra. Take over all the Ukrainian ports. Cut off their shipping and economically strangle the Junta Regime in Kiev.
I knew that the Western “Partners” could never be reasoned with. You know the Neocons. Have you ever known them to be reasonable?
Right now these psychopaths are antagonizing Russia, China, Iran and Syria at the same time. I think what keeps the Neocons from launching WWIII is they know they cannot win without going nuclear (in which the whole world loses).
However that does not mean that the Neocons aren’t willing to sacrifice every Ukrainian, Georgian, Moldovan, Pole, Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian in a major conflict with Russia as you have pointed out time and time again. Are leaders of these different people too thick to realize they are being used or are they all just Prostitutes for their Imperial Masters like Zelensky?
“I think NATO is bluffing about large troop deployments in Ukraine.”
We have a saying in Serbia: “Iz tvojih usta u Božje uši” (From your mouth into God’s ears).
Iran is already pacified with promises of restoring the JCPOA. US Neo-cons are crazy, but not that dumb. Syria will have to wait too. Or not if Israel plans an attack. Russians will be too busy in the Ukraine to do anything about it. That’s why this war has to be quick and humiliating to both the Ukraine and NATO thugs.
Ukrainian soldiers posting videos of themselves heading to the front with white deadhead skulls of the SS Panzerdivision sewn onto their uniform
Btw, is ever going to start reporting on any of this escalation happening right now in Ukraine??
I think we will get the first official reports tomorrow morning.
Some people have estimated that clashes will begin around 15.-25. april. It is clear now that the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi junta is eager to hasten it’s freefall to oblivion.
I give them 3-4 days.
Serbian girl
“Btw, is ever going to start reporting on any of this escalation happening right now in Ukraine??”
No, rt will only publish FUKUS writers opinions about Russias actions, that news site is turning to trash b4 our eyes.
Indeed! I am quite disheartened by what RT has come to be. RT has published nothing about the impending crisis that might trip Russia and the US in a global confrontation.
As already pointed below (earlier comment) – please take this conversation to the Cafe. Any further will go to trash. Mod.
RT? They sent a reporter to Artsak-Azeri conflict who ran around doing “ain’t war hell reports” and “look at this church they shelled”. There was very little analysis. But thanks to South Front, thesaker analysis as well as Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs PR folks one could piece together what was happening.
And this is process is underway again.
Please stay on-topic – take this conversation to the Cafe. Mod.
A sad aspect of that video is the old man sitting next to the young dumbass and looking ashamed. I hope this is all resolved diplomatically, for humanity’s sake.
I pray that when the war comes, most soldiers will defect. I sincerely hope so. Miracles happen.
Fifteen years ago I escorted a young man from Ivanno Frankovsk to an army induction center. I thought it would be good for him but his mother was very worried.
My thinking was : with whom is Ukraine going to war? Polling, Romania, Belarus. Russia?
How lacking in imagination I was.
usa democratic administrations start wars. its what they do and have been doing for as long as i have been alive and that dates to harry truman.
some republicans also are war like but have nothing on the democrats. whether its because democrats are bribed to begin conflict or its just in their DNA its just a fact.
expect war sooner or later under biden!
I am musing about the support the US/Biden assured Zelensky the Ukies would receive.
What do they need the most in their coming adventure waging war against Russia?
Body bags.
Sappers who can negotiate mine fields and recover Ukies blown up in their own mine fields.
Coffins, so a few mothers can grieve in public and be videoed for the propaganda war.
Drugs, to distribute to the survivors and the populace. They will be in bad shape, defeated, injured, poor and without a government and a country.
Joe could pay for it with the 10 Trillion budget for his pipe dream budget. There’s nothing but slush in the entire budget. A little penciled in for Ukies is easy to do. Congress is corrupt and no one cares.
He would send more weapons but the war is only going to last a few days. No need to rearm a decimated military.
If the Ukies think the US military is going to fight alongside them, they really are delusional.
Like Debaltsevo, the first to flee will be the “advisers” from US and NATO.
The utter stupidity of Ukrainians thinking this war will end well for them is sort of funny at first, but the reality is that it’s also sad and tragic. We have Ukrainian “patriots” happily marching who knows how many Ukrainian men to imminent death and defeat and the country into total dissolution. We are seeing Ukrainian nazi wannabes leading the country and people they so loudly claim to love to suicide. Suicide on behalf of Zionist. The German NS in 1941 at least had a reasonable chance of winning, but Ukraine vs Russia would be like a retarded 1 legged mouse thinking it’s going to kill a full grown Anaconda. How the hell can these people not see that?
Shame on all these nazi wannabes and fake patriots. If they really loved their people and country they would be trying to storm the US embassy, not the Republics. Even if one hates Russia you have to blind to not see that the bigger threat to Ukraine is from the west. Moscow is pleading with these morons not to start a war they can’t win while the west is egging them on. What more proof does one need to see who the real villains are here?
The Orcs have had a new generation to prepare the latest cannon fodder.
I’ve been there.
i do not think should war break out the russians will allow another minsk to save nato/usa advisors caught in cauldrons. frankly i do not think hostilities will last long enough to form them.
if war breaks out it will be the west/usa that will urgently plead the case to the UN to act a peace mediator knowing how russian diplomacy values such. an in a backward move the globalists controlling the usa will try and get the UN elevated into a form of world government capable of forming a peace.
russian beware of this back alley usage of the UN if it is called upon in the event of hostilites
Lmao…I hardly comment but had to. I read a post where someone said the US wants to impose a no-fly zone in donbass.. I almost choked on my shisha pot due to laughter. Peace
Yeah, I read that too. Come on, stop it. U.S. would not even attempt such an absurd thing let alone propose it. With that said, they will attempt to do it sneakily by the fact that you can bet it will be american operators who are piloting the drones (such as turkish Bayraktar 2’s etc) that will attempt to ‘dominate the skies’ in the conflict. Last I heard, Ukraine wanted to purchase 50 of the Bayraktars, not sure how many they actually did end up buying.
LOL Rancho. What’s in the shisha? Fruit or double apple flavored tobacco? Or maybe something more exotic?
There are in my opinion two main things to consider in this upcoming crisis: first it is impossible for the junta in Kiev to conquer militarily Crimea and the Donbass, they will certainly end up in a total catastrophe; secondly, as the Saker clearly says in his point n. 6, Germany is the less keen in joining an anti-Russian crusade. So the real aim of the Empire is to block any reapproach between Russia and Western Europe (Germany) and block the Nord Stream 2, after the failure of the sanctions. The nazis in Kiev are the useful idiots of NATO, ready to be sacrificed for their dirty agenda
Here in USA-land I don’t see anything that would lead me to see that the green light has been given to Ukraine to attack the Dombass or Crimea. Usually, the State propaganda organs will crank up the Mighty Wurlitzer to serenade the US and European public but I haven’t seen any of that. But maybe we are in a new era and the State figures it may as well do the opposite which is, in the US, to completely ignore any foreign news other than the disaster in the Suez or something like that.
There’s also little taste in Washington or in the EU to send its troops into combat considering that, for US troops at least, morale is low and success rare. The only motivation I see is to make permanent the Cold War II and a nuclear confrontation possible. I don’t think the oligarch class in the US wants such a war and they’ll make a quick end of movements towards that eventuality–but maybe they have been cowed by the Washington government. At best, an attack by Kiev will invite intense hand-waving and “evil empire” rhetoric–but that’s already been done for almost a decade and nothing comes of it.
Yes, as Larchmonter445 said Germany is the real game here. Will it go the way of the UK and be a fully supine fiefdom of the Washington War Party or will it join with France and a few other countries and move towards a more independent path. I don’t see Merkel as someone who wishes to be completely under orders from the War Party. There’s nothing in it for her or Germany.
It’s possible that the War Party will ignore the Wall Street/Silicon Valley realists who only want to continue to annoy rather than fight their alleged enemies–their only interest in Cold War II is to keep the populace of the USA ever more controlled but they can do that in other ways which I will not mention.
a large part of usa military forces in conflict zones are now what historically were called mercenaries. private arms which carry little risk if killed or harmed in battle in terms of usa public opinion.
even when those mercenaries are ex official usa soldiers the optics are not the same in the publics mind
read your history on the types of governments that come to depend on mercenary fighters.
I seem to remember that when Mme Lagarde was head of the IMF, a loan to the Ukraine was made conditional that it was for the entire country, and conditional on government commitment to suppress the rebellion in the east of Ukraine.
Whether or not my recollection is correct is not material. What matters is whether the government in Kiev has any real control over their course of action.
The next question, since President Biden seems to be keeping away from contacts with Kiev, is who is operating the puppet show?
It became quite evident as early as December last year that the new Biden administration will be hellbent on one thing: war with Russia. Using a crazed proxy to do their dirty work is one thing, but directly provoking Russia another. Have the Trotskyists parted with little sanity they got left and are now prepared to go up against Russia without hiding behind a puppet? I wouldn’t put it past them to do so, though one has to wonder whether some sane, level-headed men in the military top brass in Washington are there to prevent them from making such a criminally insane move.
Russia has had four years to prepare for this attack, let us hope that time has been used wisely.
from a military analysis for what it is worth:
JUST IN: A Massive blast heard in #Luhansk, #Ukraine, now something is on fire. People have shared the picture on social media sites.
Pictures confirmed our previous reporting on heavy artilleries exchange on both sides!
According to Reports, the armed forces of #Ukraine are shelling the city of #Gorlovka, located 50 km in the north of #Donetsk.
Amid fear of #Ukraine’s incoming offensive for liberation of #Donetsk in #Donbass, #Russia Army has started deploying its forces including the 56th Independent Guards Air Assault Brigade to #Crimea.
Eyewitnesses say this has not happened for a long time. The artillery of the NM LNR responds to the massive fire of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Art duel is in full swing.
Intense shelling in #Donbass region by ukranian forces .
The fight has already begun and “we are expecting” an official declaration of martial law from #Ukraine.
#Donbass Clashes around the Bakhmutskoe highway in the Luhansk region.
Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation said that if hostilities in #Donbass intensifying, #Russia will have every right to protect its citizens living there
With escalating hostilities, both on the ground & diplomatic, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Ukraine has the USA’s ‘full and unwavering support’. Russia has blamed Ukraine for escalating the hostilities, & is concerned about ‘Ukraine’s provocations’. #Donbass
Reports are now coming in that from around 7am (local time) Ukrainian armed forces have started shelling in, and around the region of Donetsk airport. Heavy fighting is now ongoing. #Donbass
Ukrainian Armed Forces have fired nearly 50 shells into the Donetsk People’s Republic since this morning. These mortar attacks were conducted by the 58th motorised rifle brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the areas of Avdeevka and Pervomaisky. #Donbass
Ukrainian soldier heading to #Donbass with an SS Division Totenkopf patch on his arm. So these are the guys Nato, the US and the EU are backing. Interesting.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are shelling the outskirts of Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district, Oktyabrsky settlement). Fire is conducted from mortars with a caliber of 120 mm.
The war is about to start again in #Donbass. Both #Ukraine Army & #Russia’s paramilitary forces have started launching mortar shells at each other’s positions in #Horlivka which is 35km in Northeast of #Donetsk:
Lots of US activity over Ukraine and close to Russia. Global Hawk testing Russian radars through varying heights.
In military logistics competition #Putin will absolutely dominate anything #NATO can throw into #Ukraine.
Borders are open, #Voentorg can provide unlimited arms supply to #Donbass. 1000s of PMCs are on standby. Every inch of contact zone is landmined and covered by arty.
#Donbass armed forces is very far from a bunch of poorly trained and armed militias like they were in 2014.
They now have several fully functional mechanized brigades and C3 run by #Voentorg.
If #Ukraine tries anything funny, make no mistake, they will shit the bed again.
Russian agricultural machinery manufacturers facing sudden logistical hurdles as cargo companies say railway carts are now in military use.
according to the Kremlin spokesman Peskov, the possible concentration of NATO troops on the border with Ukraine will require additional measures from Russia to ensure its security..
“The United States will not abandon #Ukraine in the face of #Russia|n aggression.” Phone call between President Biden and President Zelensky.
#Russia warned the West on Friday against sending troops to #Ukraine to buttress its ally, after Kiev accused Moscow of building up a military presence on its border.
According to this source:
the Lugansk People’s Republic is has also declared a mobilization.
Abject insanity on display for the whole world to see. Gen. Hodges wants to blockade the Black Sea, I wonder if he understands the concept of hypersonic ship killers.
I wonder if he understands the concept of hypersonic ship killers.
I think they are in deep denial. Besides, Hodges won’t die in this war.
As always, poor people will die in the biggest numbers.
This is probably old news but the map is informative:
It is mentioned that US General Ben Hodges, previously Commander of US forces in Europe, voiced an opinion that NATO should enforce a major naval blockade against Russia in the Black Sea. I cannot find the original, though. Can anyone confirm?
The Anna News correspondent Akim Apachev reports the following events in the Donbass: (corrected machine translation):
7: 01 – Near the airport, Peski arrivals are single heavy with an interval of up to 30 seconds 120th.
7: 40 – the Airport area is thick and dense.
8: 19-strelkotnya and mines airport.
9: 15-heavy airport.
During the day/evening:
Oktyabrsky district/ Zhabunki-mortars, heavy.
Staromikhailovka – again the BMP hits mirnyak.
The outskirts of Donetsk are beating for half a day. They stopped counting for a long time, 120-mm!!!!
The Panteleimonovka area is a copter, just that they are not flying in a swarm for more than the first day.
Gorlovka/ Glubokaya-mortars, people in the basements and in the entrances.
Gorlovka-hits in the residential sector.
Yasinovataya – mortars, heavy, k/k small arms.
Suburbs of Donetsk – mortars, 120-mm.
All official reports of the defense departments of the LDPR can be safely multiplied by 10. The full picture will be in the morning.”
So will this war take place during the rasputitsa, using only planes, drones,and artillery flying over the mud?
I would guess that the timing of the attack takes into account two important facts.
Holy Week in the west. So western civilian populations are distracted from the news.
General Mud. To keep wheeled and tracked vehicles on paved roads, easy targets for air power and satellite cameras.
This would nullify Russian Armor superiority, and turn what would be a mobile battle into one of infantry formations and attrition.
This would also slow the pace of operations, allowing politics to be waged to the fullest before any decisive decision is reached on the battlefield.
I think this also explains the artillery duels, telegraphing Ukrainian intent to Russia, in order to test the resolve
of Russian politicians and Ethnic Russian forces in the separatist areas.
The 56th could stage a landing at Zhulyany, and end the conflict the day it starts, but what would NATO do then? Ukraine is just and engine for corruption now, a money pump. Western aid flows in, bribes and “jobs” flow out.
This war will take place during a Jewish calender holiday.Just check their religious calendar for April.
Here in the United States, I went to the Google News Page to see what they were reporting about the potential conflict in Ukraine.
The answer?
Nothing. Not a word.
So I typed in Ukraine to see what the news feed would show.
Here it is:
1) They cited a German paper reporting Russia’s warning to the United States.
2) There were four articles from the Atlantic Council (A NATO front organization). One of which stated that “Ukraine could feed the world.” That article contradicted by another article in the same news feed which was from “Successful Farming” stating that Ukraine’s grain exports are down 23% so far this year. The second article by the Atlantic Council was entitled “Five Reason why Ukraine Rejected Vladimir Putin’s Russian World.” The third article was entitled “Vladimir Putin Does Not Want Peace with Ukraine.” The fourth article was entitled “Maidan’s metamorphosis mirrors Ukraine’s national coming of age” which stated, among other things, “Maidan is quite simply the ultimate symbol of Ukrainian independence.”
3) There were two articles on Covid 19 cases. One, stating that Ukraine had a record number of cases in the past day. The other stated that Ukraine had a record number of Covid deaths for two days in a row.
4) There was a scattering of articles implying that Russia was threatening Ukraine and how Biden is showing support for Ukraine against Russia.
5) There was one Reuters article which stated that Putin was afraid the Ukraine might re-start the civil war in Ukraine.
6) And a scattering of other articles.
From living here in the United States I can tell you that most Americans would have stopped at the basic Google News Page and would be unaware of the movement of troops occurring on both sides.
Yessiree, full spectrum agitprop here in the “land of the free.” All the news not fit to print and none of that troubling other stuff. Just like the food we eat these days, it’s certified 100% nutritional content free.
This Twitter account appears a good source of news:
Absolutely crucial interview of Sergei Lavrov, a real “must read”:
Lavrov: “those who try to unleash a new war in Donbass will destroy Ukraine”
Thank you, Mr. Saker!
Things are quite neurotic and confusing now. The calm style of Mr. Lavrov is quite soothing. It seems things are under control. Mr. Ishchenko predicted a war but he is inclined to doom and gloom.
Let’s with peace see how things develop and how they brew. Maybe the time for major war hasn’t come yet.
I predict what the Russians will do is invade Ukraine with the aim of either completely destroying the Ukrainian military, or at least reducing it to an ineffectual state, and once that task is accomplished, withdraw all of its forces, but keep a goodly number of them in the Donbass area to remind Ukraine not to try another attack.
Despite its guarantees, the US will not militarily intervene, simply because this is a conflict it cannot win without sparking a wider conflict that could go nuclear.
Question: Are there other conflicts very near of a clear Western-block defeat? If that’s the case, the likelihood of war in the Donbass raises significantly.
For instance, if the Houties are truly ousting the Saudis (or controlling Marib and consolidating it) of if Idlib is really about to fall, the need of a Russian setback for the US coallition becomes absolutely necesary before the perception of weakness reaches the Western public and accelerates the collapse of the financial house of cards.
On the opposite, if the West feels that Yemen and Syria continue to slowly bleed under their control, getting more trouble in the Donbass becomes a risky move.
How do you see that situation?
The West has basically lost its military superiority, some would even say its combat capability.
They know that.
What they will do is what the did during the Prague Spring: promise to help and then do nothing.
The Ukies are so terminally stupid that they cannot fathom the fact that they are being used as canon-fodder by people who smile a lot, but in reality despise them.
You know what a Zionist’s wet dream would be?
To have as many Russians and Ukrainians as possible kill each other.
The Russians understand that.
The Ukies don’t.
The conclusion is sadly obvious.
The Saker
Ask the ‘normal’ people in the street in any EU city, almost noboby cares of even knows there are conflicts in these countries.They have heard about Syria but not for a long time and the refugees crisis stopped with the covid.Yemen maybe 1% have heard about a war there but can not situate the country on a map.Donbass, 0.001 % know what and where it is.Simply because not a word in their leugen press, nada, niente,nothing, niet.
My point is about the PERCEPTION OF CONTROL by the Western powers, not about what is actually happening there.
Ordinary citizens and, above all, investors may believe the official narrative and mass media, but all of them have an instinct of survival that prompts them to search for clues of who is in control and when the next financial turmoil is coming.
I guess that most people made a blind eye when the subprime bubble was growing, with homes in California raising to values impossible to pay by those with ordinary jobs. But at some point, when events unfold such as the bankruptcy of Lehman Bros, the charade cannot stand anymore. My comment goes into that line, such a defeat in Yemen forcing the Western block to “escape” through Ukraine cause the papers won’t be able to masquerade such defeat.
I think the neocons are pretty much losing everywhere, but are too self-regarding to let that realization sink in. They’re vainly hoping (as they did in Vietnam and the dismembered Soviet Union) for an easy win — the only kind they can ever allow themselves to imagine. They’re betting that this war will finally deliver the geopolitical reshuffling that will make them ascendant again and make any setbacks in Syria or Yemen or Venezuela a thing of the past. Simple minds can only digest simple narratives.
Far more likely is that all of the US’s enemies will take the opportunity the neocons are so foolishly providing to strike at US interests while the US is preoccupied. With China, Iran, and Russia sharing considerable strategic information in their united attempts to escape from the crippling uni-polar straight jacket, I would expect China to reclaim Taiwan, and Iran to use its proxies to target every single US troop in the Middle East just as soon as war in the Ukraine goes kinetic. Those countries’ interests in helping each other to weaken the US’s hegemony is a sort of partnership the neocons can’t take into account in their simplified manipulations in the war room.
As Americans, the neocons have been spoon fed self-aggrandizing mythologies since birth. They were taught to fixate on their strengths, real or imaginary, while assiduously avoiding paying any attention to their weaknesses other than covering them up. Thus, we Americans tend to be terribly deficient in honestly assessing our overstretched capacities and fragilities. It’s a trait we learned form our European forebears, George III in particular.
The neocons have surely imagined that any one of their opponents might grossly overreach in their enthusiasm at the US’s distraction with Ukraine (in a classic case of projection by the neocons.) Those formulaic imaginings probably result in each of those overreaches yielding advantage to the US (that would be fixating on imaginary strengths.) What the imaginatively-challenged neocons can’t let themselves notice is just how exquisitely far-flung and unstable their empire has become, with vulnerable supply lines and decaying infrastructure providing their enemies with a very target-rich environment.
I seriously doubt that China, Iran, or Russia would foolishly step into the neocons’ trap, since crippling the US empire requires no such overreach — death by a thousand cuts rather than one decapitating blow. Besides, the Democrats already provided that blow with Biden. With the US having turned itself into a headless chicken, running amok, the entertainment of throwing stumbling blocks in our careening path is priceless. Various African and Latin American countries will certainly want to get in on the fun.
Will Ukraine be the overreach that sends the not-so-United States to its dismemberment, or will it just be a warm-up act before the real circus finally gets under way? Looks like we’re going to find out pretty soon.
The following is from this source:
The European Command of the US Armed Forces (EUCOM) has brought the army to the maximum degree of combat readiness due to the movement of Russian troops. This is reported by Politico.
The article notes that this was facilitated by several events that occurred this week. We are talking about the escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Russia’s military buildup along the border, as well as the surfacing of three Russian nuclear submarines in the Arctic.
“This is a new show of force in the Arctic region. The American armed forces have yet to reach this level, ” the article says.
EUCOM spokeswoman Wendy Snyder, in turn, declined to discuss in detail the levels of combat readiness of the troops, citing operational security requirements. However, she noted that the European Command of the US Armed Forces is ” very closely monitoring the situation.”
The subs resurfacing is likely a reminder: Hey, you braindead western idiots, remember that we have nukes?
Still, not good news. The silence of the fake news media is what truly horrifies me. If this was Serbia in the 90’s, they would be screaming on all ears how Serbs are ruthless baby killers and genocidal freaks in an attempt to demonize them.
yeah – the last thing Biden admin needs is the population’s opinion on this crazy warpath
Hi Ann,
It is eschatology. Try asking the question in the Cafe …you might get answers there.
Hi Teranam 13 – more answers below here too — thanks…
Wendy ???
Say no more :-(
The Russian’s and China must be wetting themselves – with laughter not fear
Dear all,
We (all of us, I mean) should have realized a long time ago that war (WWIII, I mean) is unavoidable.
Yes, I know what Einstein said, sticks and stones. That is the very reason WWWIII has not happened so far.
There is one nation outside, though, which believes God gave it the mission of ruling over the planet on His behalf. That nation, however, is disintegrating. Besides, it is witnessing other nations taking on its (so far) exclusive role of cleaning the mess the world is.
Thus, the only chance for WWIII not to happen would be that special nation to settle for those facts.
May a war over the Donbass be avoided? Sure it may. However, to accomplish this would only postpone our (the world) fate.
(Churchill on Chamberlain, after Munich 1938: “You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war”).
So let’s win this goddamn war. And let’s do our best for nukes not being employed, never, nowhere.
Dear Russia, be Saint George blessing you. All throughout the world, Zone B people are with you.
American RQ4 Global Hawk yesterday flew within miles of Crimea and Russia proper at 53,000 feet. Presumably monitoring all Russian troop movements to the border. Personally am quite shocked Russia allows foreign spy planes to fly that close to its borders and its military.
No foreign military aircraft have violated the Russian Territorial Waters, to do so will invite immediate shoot down.
It is common place:
I have written about the intel-gathering missions carried in proximity to Russian borders, (NATO members and Sweden too). The flights don’t violate the Russian airspace and all flights are monitored and if needs be QRA fighters are scrambled to investigate and shadow. The Russian MoD produces weekly infographics that includes this info.
I don’t think ‘it’s all about the gas’ as many here think. This is much more about ideological hatred of Russia and Russians, White People and Christianity. Probably in that order?
The ‘people’ (and I use that term in the loosest possible way) who make the decisions in the Democratic Party of the US as well as in Canada are a ukrainian diaspora who hate Russia and Russians. We saw this all throughout 2014-16 and then, once they got their Ukie asses kicked and were forced to sign the Minsk agreements, they carried it on with ‘Russia hacked the election’.
I’ll be very interested in what the Western media reports over the next few days. I’ll be looking for quotes from the Canadian PM and her/his? deputy PM who is one of the main anti Russian players.
I would never hope for war anywhere or cheer it on however, if it starts, I do hope that this time, the Russians really finish it in such a way, that they’ll never be parodied again by the Western leaders (I hate that term too) through a guaranteed fear of retribution.
It’s time for Russia to do enough to demand respect from the west even if respect is only garnered because of fear of what may happen to oneself.
The treatment that Russia has endured by the west over the last 20 years or so, is nothing but disgusting and Putin, and his leadership in my opinion, have shown great restraint to the point of looking weak at times.
Maybe, the time has finally come where Putin can finally exhale from enduring the myriad of insults, lies and pure hatred and finally blow these anti God, anti Human vermin into the oblivion where they truly belong.
It’s not only Russia who would benefit. The world at large would benefit from the removal of these loud mouth neocon parasites.
Nasty Canasta: You are right in that the general overall conflict from the beginning is much more ideological, but this specific confrontation right here and now, this specific flare up and sudden need for the Ukrops to invade out of the blue is centered 100% around the fact that Nord Stream 2 is coming close to completion and the Navalny psyop/falseflag didn’t go as well as they wanted because Russia has eliminated most of their CIA / 5th column networks / Soros NGO’s etc, from the country. Nord Stream 2 has only a few miles left to its completion, they are literally resorting to ramming it with polish boats to try to stop it, and NATO submarines snooping around a few hundred feet away below the water, possibly hoping to accidentally ‘ram’ the pipeline and set it back another few months to buy themselves any amount of desperate time.
Re. insults levelled at Russia’s leadership for the last 20 years, and giving the West a good drubbing so that doesn’t happen again, I would say They Were Just Words.
President Putin, ‘the adult in the room’, and a supremely self-confident person always seemed unruffled by the name-calling, etc., so why shouldn’t we react the same way?
No, save the drubbing for the disgusting Ukies, and never forget that the Anglo-Zionist neocons are behind the bloodshed…
My thoughts exactly re Nordstream. This is about Germany ultimately. After the UK left the EU the USA needs a clear position from Germany / EU on Russia (and by extension, China).
Thank you for opening this thread. In November Bank of International Settlements (BIS) warned that we are moving from liquidity crisis to solvency crisis. They have tried to prop up the global economy with more debt ($125 trillion in 2006, and now $281 trillion as of Q12021). Gee, I wonder if there is a looming global banking crisis, combined with global financial market meltdown, that needs distractions. Like Gerald Cekente, editor of Trends Journal, has been saying for nearly a decade…when all else fails they take us to war.
Just to add a little more to the very, very big picture…according to Islamic Eschatology, we are in the end times. Satan, Anti-Christ and their foot soldiers in Gog and Magog (Khazaarian Bankers) and the spiritually blind people in the West, including evangelical churches of all denominations hijacked by zionism, are being led to their destruction…Satan loves unscrupulous bloodshed…just as is happening in Eastern Ukraine, Syria, Yemen…due to their belief that might is right which is causing spiritual blindness to see and realise that Russia has been given power by God Almighty to return things to Balance. In the Holy Qur’an God Almighty mentions HE (Mighty and Majestic) checks a corrupt power with a Just Power…I believe (along with my teacher, Sheikh Imran Hosein) that that Just Power is Russia for now, until Muslims return to uphold Godly Justice. We have prophecies that indicate a Christian power (all honest analyses points to Russia) will join the Muslims in liberating te Holy Land upon which most Prophets (peace be upon them all) treaded or passed through. So get on the side of God Almighty and be Just. God Almighty loves those who are Just. May God Almighty give victory to the Just. Amen.
interesting view point – what does it mean ‘end times’ ?
Is this a time of endings or is this the end of the planet ?
This is the end corrupt rule and cleansing, before Just Rule is established by God Almighty under Caliph Imam Al Mehdi (a descendent of Prophet Muhammad, who is a descendent of Prophet Ismael, who is the son of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon them all), whose Deputy in Jerusalem will be Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them both), who is a descendent of Prophet Isaac who was the second son of Prophet Abraham – peace be upon them all)…but before then Imposter Christ (Anti-christ) will create havoc (wars) around the world to exhaust people through ears and deceive people to accept him as Prophet Jesus (pbuh)…and God Mighty and Majestic knows best.
End Times means the return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead.
Thanks Saeed for your perspective on all of this.
You may be interested to know that, a couple centuries ago, the mystic stigmatist German Catholic Nun Anne Catherine Emerich (recently canonised as a Saint by Pope John Paul II) foretold similar things to those you speak of, including an alliance of Christians and Muslims to fight the Antichrist.
However, the details of Sister Emerich’s visions point to Europe first being conquered once again by a Muslim army, before eventually being driven back out by an army united under a German king, before the Antichrist finally makes his appearance.
And FWIW other mystics in the last few centuries have stated almost verbatim that a war using bombs of enormous power will engulf the entire Northern Hemisphere.
For us mere mortals, it’s not so easy as for the mystics (who get to see the actual events) to put the pieces of the disparate puzzle together, but I fear there’s way more mayhem to come after whatever mischief is now brewing in Ukraine.
“So get on the side of God Almighty and be Just.”
This is pretty much the best advice available.
This is the end corrupt rule and cleansing, before Just Rule is established by God Almighty under Caliph Imam Al Mehdi (a descendent of Prophet Muhammad, who is a descendent of Prophet Ismael, who is the son of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon them all), whose Deputy in Jerusalem will be Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them both), who is a descendent of Prophet Isaac who was the second son of Prophet Abraham – peace be upon them all)…but before then Imposter Christ (Anti-christ) will create havoc (wars) around the world to exhaust people through ears and deceive people to accept him as Prophet Jesus (pbuh)…and God Mighty and Majestic knows best.
I know this a side-spring, but nevertheless.
I am not a muslim but a Christian, a newborn one, a very New Testamentical one. However, I’m familiar with the wise words of Sheikh Imran Hoseini (I’ve read his book explaining the Holy Qu’ran). If we can reach each other on wise words, than it will be so much for the better. I have faith in the best for us all. Ukraine will not change that.
Cheers, Rob
Russia should not be to nervous and excited. And it is not actually.
All this western and Ukro- hysteria is fabricated as some tool of pressure on Russia. But all of that is stupid and meaningless
Russia has to be prepared. But if they really start military conflict, then Russia has to go to the end to overthrow Kiev junta and establish normal government in Kiev.
I believe that Russia has some persons in Ukraine that can do the job.
But somehow I think that West do not have guts for war because they are aware that they can easily lose war and Ukraine …forever.
I like your rules. Good for you!!
Geez….Andrei M’s article is very good, and helps explain what this obsession with Russia is. Anger issues?? I figured it was just the normal….Russia has backbone. Interesting.
I would add this other key element (copy of a tweet by US Embassy in Kiev:
“US, CAN, and UK Defense Attaches met with Minister of Defense Taran, DepMin Petrenko, DepMin Polishchuk, JFC Commander LtGen Naiev, and COL Budanov.
We stand with Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty and territorial integrity and are watching the situation in Ukraine closely.”
This just in: Rostislav Ishchenko, the foremost Ukraine expert on the planet, has just predicted a large scale war between the Ukraine and Russia:
Machine translation here:
Interesting. I find this very difficult to believe as the ONLY way I can see Russia actually joining into the war directly is if Ukraine attacks Crimea (or if the Donbas rebels start losing VERY badly and a mass genocide occurs but I can’t imagine this happening as the Donbas armed forces seems too strong and well supplied now). But with that said the massive arms movements in Russia appear to be unprecedented, although as others have remarked there are no tank movements yet, just lighter armor which should be a telltale sign. But it’s hard to fully predict what can happen, with the wiles of the U.S.
It can happen. If the USAF attempts to establish air dominance (which is their usual trick) on the territory of eastern Ukraine, Russia will get involved instantly and feathers will be flying. Not getting involved would mean leaving their people to potential slaughter. They will not allow enemy aircraft flying constant sorties close to their border over the heads of their people, bringing horror, while Russia remaining an inactive observer. This is not going to be allowed no matter the cost. It’s simply impossible.
Russia is acting not in her usual character, but the situation is unusual. Putin though wants peace but let’s see if he can salvage the situation. If he does, that’s like “axios”.
I agree with you that there’s no way to have a real war between UA and RF. It’s just not a relevant or meaningful occurrence in itself, since UA is finished before the start. One possible empire plan would be to throw Ukraine and follow that by the European minions joining (reliving Barbadossa). However, this is a miscalculation. This is developing as a direct military clash between Russia and the US. UA will not fight in any meaningful way, but will run away or rebel. European nations will back off and US and Russia will be face to face. The US is not planning for that and will be faced with something they cooked but were not expecting to turn out this way. If this happens, there will be a major air clash above UA and the Black Sea between the two powers, where the US will be completely crushed. This would be the end of the US forever, because it will be overtaken by internal uncontrollable chaos and it will never recover.
On the other side, time is terrible for war now due to weather. So they would need a couple of weeks or so. This can cool down the emotions if they started foaming from now. So it really can be just saber rattling that can turn to nothing. However, Russia is not into such type of theater. So they truly consider the chance of a war breaking out. And I’m pretty sure I saw tanks being delivered. UA has no capacity for any war and Russia moving all that military equipment is indicative that they don’t expect to face Ukraine there.
About North Stream: Pres Putin just assured that Russia never would break energy contracts and would not freeze EU civilians as a sanction.
But is it not true that all Urcrop gas contracts are over and out after 2021? (or has this been amended/ renogiated (under which conditions?))?
If hostilities would arise, and N stream 2 would be ‘cancelled’, with only a few Km of construction to be finished…
As an EU (Dutch) citizen, I would certainly think it as reasonable, when all the cards are on the table coming summer, that Russia could set the condition for it to be finished in order to fulfill their obligations…
No guarantees though! Right now Brussels is almost delighted to sacrifice millions of their citizens to Covid, by bureaucratic sabotage of the Sputnik 5 vaccine!
Consistent in
thanks Saker – if it wasn’t for you – I would not know WTF is going on in Ukraine. So extremely sad. omg.
Thank you for saying thank you!
Kind regards
The Saker
Price of freedom is high. In the Noble Qur’an God Almighty says HE is will the patient, and HE is the One Who chooses martyrs and gives victory to the oppressed…when they are ready to assume leadership.
Russia knows that it can obliterate Europe and America with it’s Avangard Hypersonic, Nuclear-powered, limitless weapons…but Russia, President Putin and FM Sergei Lavrov have been patient for 6 years of demonization and mistreatment… when have we seen President of one superpower calling another a killer. How low America go? Patience has limits as well, and at some point President Putin has to act for the sake of preserving Russians and it’s territorial integrity. May God Almighty give victory to the patient and Just, Amen.
i assure y’all this is plain ole sabre rattling as NS2 is < 100 miles from completion. last hurrah.
And I assure you there is still plenty of time to stop it. NS2 has been 100 miles from completion for the last 3 years. They can easily freeze it for years more with the right falseflag/psyop campaign.
It seems a little unforgivable that Russia let the coup unfold in Kiev, and Assad let the insurgency arise in Syria. They both must have seen it coming, and it is easy to snuff out a flame, but not a forest fire!
If war breaks out it will be hard to defend Crimea. The bridge will be endlessly smashed, and there goes the supply lines, gas, water, etc.
The neocons, as always, are terrified of Germany switching to a Russian-Chinese alliance, this will be the end of their dark dreams.
What will China do is a powerful question. I cannot see China standing by. It might be time for a Chinese naval fleet to visit Crimea, just as Russia anchored in the US ports during the war of independence.
What would happen to Kaliningrad if war breaks out – medieval sieges there and in Crimea would be a nightmare for Russia?
Will China move to regain Taiwan if hostilities break out?
And if I was Putin I would have a poseidon torpedo tracking behind every Israeli sub, with warnings to Israel that they will be sunk if they ever get into firing radius on Russia, along with Dimona and any other useful target. Even if the Israelis already have nukes parked in warehouses in the targets they wish to hit. Never underestimate a psychopath!
Quote “The neocons, as always, are terrified of Germany switching to a Russian-Chinese alliance, this will be the end of their dark dreams.”
It is not neocons it is English in London who always want 2 strongest nations in Europe fighting each other as lions fight while hey a in form of england waits to eat kill after the lions ha ewoubded each other.
Do not blame j~ws for the crimes of english parasites.
If you want to know EXACTLY what the US Elite think about the world, read the following 2018 document entitled “U.S. Strategy Towards the Russian FederationL:
And if you want to truly understand the meanings of the words “irony” and “hypocrisy”, watch JFK’s so-called “Pax Americana” speech at American University in 1963, just a few months before his murder by the CIA in Dallas.
Take careful note of what Kennedy says beginning at 9:17. Here’s a transcript of that part:
“Second: Let us reexamine our attitude toward the Soviet Union. It is discouraging to think that their leaders may actually believe what their propagandists write. It is discouraging to read a recent authoritative Soviet text on Military Strategy and find, on page after page, wholly baseless and incredible claims–such as the allegation that “American imperialist circles are preparing to unleash different types of wars . . . that there is a very real threat of a preventive war being unleashed by American imperialists against the Soviet Union . . . [and that] the political aims of the American imperialists are to enslave economically and politically the European and other capitalist countries . . . [and] to achieve world domination . . . by means of aggressive wars.
“Truly, as it was written long ago: ‘The wicked flee when no man pursueth.’ Yet it is sad to read these Soviet statements–to realize the extent of the gulf between us. But it is also a warning–a warning to the American people not to fall into the same trap as the Soviets, not to see only a distorted and desperate view of the other side, not to see conflict as inevitable, accommodation as impossible, and communication as nothing more than an exchange of threats……”
Now that we have the 20/20 hindsight of history, compare what the US Elite said through their mouthpiece, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, to their Congressional slaves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in August 2018, to what JFK said about Soviet “propaganda” in his speech at American University in 1963.
1. The US wants to stop the NordStream2 at all costs. It has already brought all possible political pressure upon Germany. Since the Germans are willing to be subservient to the US in everything except the efficiency of their industrial economic segment, by which they clearly need cheap Russian gas, and since the German industrialists are a powerful force in that country, the US has so far not been able to stop NordStream 2 by soft political means. Then the usual comes into play: Crafting an aggressor narrative for Russia, to make NordStream 2 politically unsustainable for Merkel or whomever else pulls the political strings there.
2. Russia was very careful through all these years, managing the Donbass issue with painstaking detail, knowing the usual pitfalls. She furtively defended Donetsk and Lughansk with fighters and military support to sustain them, but did not allow them to advance to liberate Kyiv, which at certain times the armies of both republics would have been able to do. Meanwhile many GRU and Armiya officers were able to train in Donbass, as in Syria, and play experiments with certain infantry technologies, drones, electronics, etc. VVP bought his time and prepared other things. He strengthened both armies. And then the Donbass passportation began. An estimated 250,000 residents now have Russian passports. Therefore, Russia is now legally bound to defend, this time directly, the Russian citizens in Donbass.
3. Krimea: Because the prank with the color revolution in Ukrainiya did not go as expected, which was to take over Krim, the US has been building a naval base in Odessa, which by the way is a historically Russian city. But it is not enough. Ukrainiya, even in its present form of subservient government, stands in the way of the US projection against Russia and it needs to ‘liberate’ it completely, not only from Russian political incidence, but this time from Ukrainians themselves. Therefore, it is in the US’s interest for Kyiv to provoke a Russian military response of such magnitude that Ukrainiya is indissolubly broken. Therefore, the real goal is NOT to recover Donbass, much less Krim, but only to break up Ukrainiya, to acquire the satellite zone that orbits Poland, and turn it into a Polish attaché, from where it can then extend the missile bases it already has in Poland, closer to Russia.
Therefore, our projection is that the true goal of this movement is to provoke the fracture of Ukrainiya and the functional annexation of part of its territory as a satellite of the strategy that the US executes from Poland.
Odessa is just as much a traditional Jewish city. There is an expression in Yiddish for living i n and enjoying the fruits of one’s wealth: “Er lebt we der Herrgott in Odess” (He lives like our lord God in Odessa).
Not all about gas. Biden’s criminal gang needs to get the fiat printing up into the next number scale: after trillion is quadrillion, or a 1 with 15 zeros after it: 1,000,000,000,000,000. We do not need three working (or is that woking) neurons to guess where the last traunch of $trillions will be diverted too. Hello, war machine — the only economy left in town. I can’t wait for the mid-term cycle to kick in. But they have a summer window at least to wreck havock on the Russian borderlands.
In the unfortunate event that war does break out the Russians will defend their territory and use missiles to eliminate the source but I doubt that Russia will set foot in Ukraine that would invite disaster even though the Ukraine is not a NATO member but it will give the excuse for NATO/US to intervene.
I believe the timing of North Stream 2 completion and this present march to war is too obvious to be ignored. The Empire is running out of time to stop it , and they appeared determined to do so, regardless of cost.
I’m wondering also as to what would occur in Syria once war breaks out between Russia and Ukraine with NATO/ US backing. There may well be plans to escalate that situation as well. I can only assume Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah will be prepared.
And I agree with a previous commentator that the South China Sea, in particular Taiwan, will be worth keeping our eyes on.
@ Keen Observer… Scandinavia will also be worth keeping our eyes on. On previous occasions I have mentioned that Norway (Empire’s Most Faithfull Vassal) is literally a US/NATO occupied territory (many locations already identified). Meanwhile Sweden and Finland (with Norway) have agreed to have a special defense relationship with the hegemon. With UK now completely in the fold of Empire, it has been allotted the task of watching over the GIUK gap, which is the corridor between Greenland-Island-UK. If undefended that corridor would provide the Russian Northern Fleet access to the deep waters of the Mid-Atlantic (surface and sub). Alltogether a situation where one asks who acts first. There is a precedent from April1940 when the Brits rushed an expeditionary force into Northern Norway and found the Germans already on the ground to be kicked out accordingly.
Writing from The Netherlands I must shamefully admit that this country is also one of Empire’s Most Faithfull Vassals, albeit of less strategic importance (being just a port on the North Sea)
Hi from Tehran – I don’t know if there’s going to be a war in western borders of Russia starting from Ukraine. In my opinion, the banker elite class who run the affairs in the West today are setting a diversion trap for Moscow, so keep her busy for while. Anyway, even if a war breaks out those opposing Bandaristan should quickly teach a good military lesson to Kiev for its adventurist behavior and being on the wrong side of history. Certainly, the only way to stop the Western banker oligarchy from further threatening others is to hit the current US-dollar status in world trades by allowing those mostly oil importing economies the choice of payments for their imports/exports using other currencies than the US dollar.
This is an unusual event that has not been much analyzed:
The military implications are manifold and that means primarily Black See and Turkey’s aspirations towards Crimea, then Armenia/Azerbaijan/Turkmenistan/…
What it means to me is that NATO badly needs Turkish help, certainly military one (which, in fact, is reasonably modernized, large, well equipped, more experienced than any other European army) to do a lot of dirty work in the near future, perhaps even participate in the coming war in Ukraine, possibly Balkans, and/or having to do with a number of gas line projects.
I do not even pretend to know what NATO promised Turkey as a reward for its participation, but it is not a small thing knowing that Erdogan is a shrewd negotiator, thinly spread, and knowing that just one miscalculation may lead to Turkey’s partition.
It certainly reminds me of a number of such “deals” done in the runup to WWI.
Any insight?
Best regards, Spiral
Turkey has some levels of aspirations to be a major player on the world stage, but it has many limitations and knows it. At the same time – history shows – Turks don’t just easily fall prey and become a foot soldier of NATO when receive orders from the NATO HQ. So, from Western angle, Turks are rather very unreliable partner for a lead role against an adversary like Russia.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Ukraine with Turkish support appears to be preparing for new conflict against Donbass
~Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst
…There is no doubt that Kiev believes that inciting a conflict can help unite the country as Ukrainians are frustrated and outraged since major internal problems remain unresolved.
These issues include increased poverty, a rise in gas prices and a collapsed health system, among many others.
Kiev seems emboldened and believe they can recover Donbass from militia control.
It seems that Azerbaijan’s success in assuming control over seven districts surrounding the former Soviet Union’s Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast from Armenian control, partly thanks to Bayraktar drones, has encouraged Ukraine to follow a similar path – this is despite that the Ukrainian army, as in mid-2010, is doomed to military defeat.
Drones have been recorded flying near the Line of Contact in Donbass and close to Crimea; some have already been destroyed by Donbass militias.
This is in addition to videos emerging of the Ukrainian military transferring equipment closer to the Line of Contact.
In fact, at least two Boeing C-17A Globemaster of the Qatari Air Force delivered cargo from Turkey to Ukraine on Sunday.
Turkish media claims there were five transport aircraft of the Qatari Air Force that flew from Istanbul to Kiev.
Although Turkey has ambitious plans to establish a self-reliant arms industry, it has been a catastrophic failure.
In fact, even the so-called “indigenous” Bayraktar drones rely on nine foreign companies for parts, with at least four of those companies withdrawing their contracts in protest against the Turkish-sponsored invasion of formerly Armenian-controlled territories.
With the struggle for domestic production, Turkey is turning to Ukraine.
It was announced on Sunday that Turkey’s ATAK 2 helicopters will use Ukrainian-made engines. Ukraine today stands out as Turkey’s main partner in a number of critical military technologies.
These include inter alia turbo prop and diesel engine, avionics, drone, anti-ship and cruise missiles, radar and surveillance systems, space and satellite technologies, robotic systems, active and passive shielding systems and rocket engines and guidance systems – there are about 50 joint defense projects between the two countries.
Only last month, whilst addressing a special event on Crimea at the UN Human Rights Council’s 46th session, Turkey’s Deputy Foreign Minister Yavuz Selim Kıran vehemently denounced the so-called “illegal annexation of Crimea” and alleged that Russia persecutes the Crimean Tartars.
Although Russia and Turkey have a partnership that includes the sale of the S-400 missile defense system, the construction of Turkey’s first nuclear powerplant that experts believe is the first step towards a nuclear weapon, and coordinate in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said last October that “We have never considered Turkey as our strategic ally.
Turkey is a close partner, that partnership has a strategic nature in many areas.”
Lavrov did an eastern tour to try and move Syrian situation ….Qatar refused to stop assisting Syrian rebels and refused to let Syria rejoin Arab League. Like Turkey it wants Assad gone. Apparently it wanted to become part of the Astana process replacing Iran….which was refused. It seems to have an agenda against Russia now? This might develop into another dimension to both Donbass and Syria that Russia has to strongly deal with. Oh boy. Turkey and Ukraine “partnership ” under close scrutiny we hope.
If this actually turns into an actual hot war with Russia, all those Ukrainian suppliers of technology and parts for the Turkish military have painted a huge target on their backs.
Destroying those production facilities would be killing two birds with one stone for Russia – eliminating important and productive elements of Ukraine’s defence sector and also getting back at the Turkish leadership for their role in recent events in Armenia-Azerbaijan.
Only fm Like lavrov. Could advice putin to give South stream gas pipe line with in a week of Bulgaria rejecting it and giving a nato country turkey all secrets of s400 and being proud of it.
Darwin award must go to Russian nation.
Turkey is playing a double game.
On the one hand, Turkey tries to become part of the Multipolar resistance by buying Russian S-400 or developing business deals with China and Iran.
On the other hand, Turkey serves the interests of Unipolar axis led by America and the West by arming jihadist terror groups in Syria and further into Eurasia. As that article above states, Turkey can try to destabilize Russia, China, and Iran by sponsoring ethnic secessionist terror groups in those nations.
In short, Turkey cannot be trusted.
In fact, if Turkey continues its support of secessionist/terror groups, it should be given a taste of its own medicine with other countries sponsoring and supporting Kurdistan independence organizations to break Turkey into pieces….
08:07, 03 April 2021. Heavy fighting has been extant around Gorlovka in DNR. There are casualties including civilians. One interesting tidbit of information has become known. In all previous combat events, any foreign service members captured have been quietly returned to the orc side. That will not happen this time, foreigners captured alive or dead will be prisoners of war and kept for the duration, their identifications made public.
Thank you for the updates Auslander, respect.
Thank you for the update. In the ‘free’ world, word of the events in the Ukraine are finally beginning to surface.
Martyanov’s post clearly states the reason behind the pathological hatred of Russia (it is actually Michael Hudson speaking). It should make clear why ‘they’ are so frustrated that their coup in Ukraine failed to bring the desired results, the fulfillment of the old dreams of the Jewish Soviet republic in Crimea and southern Ukraine.
From down under…Watching these omg events unfold as I share a Russian cooking lesson with my grandchildren.
Thanks to Saker and other esteemed commenters for the updates.
Stay safe dear friends in Krim.
Easter blessings.
Babushka, thank you for your wishes. We are safe, this entire city and island is bristling with weapons. Only a fool would attack us, as VVP has said often an attack on Sevastopol is the same as an attack on Moskau and will bring the same retaliation.
Easter blessings to you, too, my dear lady.
Kindest regards
I’m actually surprised. I recently started following the events in Ukraine again, after 5 years. I expected all of this to be yet another yearly propaganda stream from the West, about the inevitable”Russian invasion of Ukraine”. It’s concerning that something might actually happen.
It seems to me that, unfortunately, the most useful situation for Russia in the geostrategic sense is for the LPR and DPR to remain part of Ukraine, because that way they prevent Ukraine’s access to full NATO membership. As long as Ukraine has unresolved territories, it cannot be fully admitted to NATO. While the accession of the LPR, the DPR in the Russian Federation would create a new legal border between NATO and Russia. Which is unacceptable. It is most favorable for Russia for Ukraine to forget NATO. Otherwise, the second option is to break up Ukraine and create a new border with NATO countries through combat operations. I do not believe that Russia wants to destroy the Ukrainian army. Then Russia would have to engage a huge part of its forces to replace the Ukrainian army. Maybe just break the striking forces of the Ukrainian army. The only solution to the “equation” is to absolutely militarily block NATO combat operations in Ukraine. Putin promised to target American command centers on US territory if there is a general conflict between NATO and the Russian Federation. I am not at all surprised why RT and other MSM say nothing about this situation. What must be done will be done. It is better that people know as little as possible in this frightening situation where there is not much alternative for either side in the conflict.
Well you know as well as I do they change the rules to suit themselves the Ukraine could be added into the NATO block along with Georgia any time it suits them, the IMF is a good example of that as they break their own rules by loaning money to the Ukraine full well knowing it will never be repaid.
I won’t try to double guess Russia for I’m sure they are all set if the Ukraine is stupid enough to attack, being on the outside of course we are not privilege to know all the facts or the intentions we can only wait until it starts to play out before we can even have a clue as to what’s going on..
Ia ma afraid that the West is simply stronger. It can attack on many fronts. Russia and the world are doomed.
Hope it doesn’t happen, but common sense says it’s inevitable, war that is.
Gerald Celente the trends forecaster, has always stated, when all else fails they take you to war.
In 2020 the U.S took in just over 3.5 Trillion in taxes, year spent 8 Trillion, this is the beginnings of what a failed state looks like. So the lunatics in the U.S probably can’t accept that the U.S is losing its grip on the world and are willing to throw the tables over while still have that choice.
Russia has to pull a rabbit put of the hat this time to avoid a major conflict, I hope they can without backing down 1 inch.
“the U.S took in just over 3.5 Trillion in taxes, year spent 8 Trillion”
Martin Armstrong, the financial forecaster, says that there is no reason to collect taxes. It is a rip off in favour of banks. They organise the raising of money to buy government bonds.
Governments can spend without borrowing. We have been seeing that all over the developed world in recent years. There is no need for taxes. Collecting of taxes is done to keep tabs on people.
The value of money depends on confidence in the state. That is why there is no hyperinflation in the USA. As soon as confidence disappears, the dollar will become almost worthless. That is the real story about hyperinflation in Germany post WW1. The money printing came AFTER the inflation. It did not CAUSE inflation.
The history books are lying.
Future generations might refer this conflict as Crimean War 2021. Should NATO (incl. Turkey) back the Ukrainians, the war could easily become WW3. Very dangerous times for Russia, or perhaps opportunity to remove strategic disadvantages from its borders if played correctly.
Looking at the geopolitical outcome of this showdown, the options seem clear. (1) The primary motive for the US is to stop the completion of NS2. They will engineer this by a hopeless war that the Ukie rump state will lose , disastrously. This is assuming that Russia either takes part directly or possibly indirectly in this conflict. In such a scenario the EU-NATO MSM will go berserk at such ‘Russian aggression’. NS2 gets cancelled as those gutless creatures in American occupied Europe fall into line. But at least the final nail in the Ukraine coffin will be in place. It seems most unlikely that the Ukraine will recover from this humiliation and begin to disintegrate. End of story 1. Second scenario. Putin considers his options. Russia stands aside and leaves to Don Bass/Crimea to the tender mercies of the Azov Brigade and the Right Sector; this is similar to what happened in Yugoslavia. This means that the Ukie army will push right up to Russia’s western frontier 128 miles by car to the large Russian city of Rostov-on-Don on Russia’s western borders anyway. And just to rub it in, the Ukraine will then, courtesy of the US, station short and medium nuclear tipped missiles, again on Russia’s frontier. This would be a massive provocation which the Russians could hardly let happen. And they might even lose NS2 into the bargain.
I’m not a military or geo-political expert but this seems like a no-brainer to me. Option 1 means you finally put pay to the Ukies but lose NS2. Or, Option 2, you stand aside and lose on both counts.
I would expect Putin to go for option 1, but hey, what do I know.
NS2 is not a matter of selective choice for anyone but absolute necessity for Europe’s future. The fact is Russia has the gas and Europe doesn’t. So Europe needs close partnership with its neighbor for mutual development, unless they plan a major conquest all the way to Siberia – so they start now while the weather is getting warmer. Unfortunately, the US as usual wants to show off himself and make life difficult for EU. Their big problem is that EU economy too deeply involved in the US-led casino banking economy and are afraid might lose their privileged position, but at the end will to come to their senses, for sure.
NS2 was Merkel’s idea. Gazprom organized it as a favor. Power of Siberia and other W-E pipelines to the
PRC make energy trade with the EU redundant.
Autarky in Russia made EU trade redundant.
Go to [the link is NOT in english: mod]…. world’s oil production is predicted by EIA to decline 10% per annum for each of
the next 5 years. The loser is NATO. The SCO principals have secured their supplies/markets for the next 25 years. The final peg was driven in that with the recently signed China/Iran trade deal.
I believe this confrontation was scheduled to occur in 2017 following Hilary’s ascent to the Presidency. Trump was villified because the borg knew he opposed it. The election was stolen to make this confrontation happen BEFORE collapse of NATO energy supplies could no longer be hidden.
If this is so, it’s NATO that has little maneuvering room, time wise…
Events will settle this matter one way or another. But…. The Texas debacle…. has portents….
Ukraine would lose, no matter what. Everyone involved knows this. Hence.
US purpose with war in Ukraine would be to put another diplomatic barrier between Russia and Europe.
Ukraine’s purpose would be if Ukraine is already failing and the regime is losing power. However, losing wars never kept noone in power, so?
Also, Ukraine loses war, the ownership structure in Ukraine and US taxpayer moneystreams to US and Ukrainian oligarchs might be upset. Hence, very hard to see Ukraine+US start a war. The up side is not strong enough. And both US and Ukraine have veto.
Could this be just a big psyops with a little bit of terrorism thrown in? Will there be war that ukienazis will loose, nobody knows. AngloZionist empire of death, destruction and chaos wins either way. It is a long played out theme to make Russia and Putin look weak and it is working especially when you consider the dangerous harrasment of the ships laying NS2. That is also a bitch slap to Germany to mind your masters.
How many people will plan on staying in Novoruss, get married and raise their children all the while under constant attack, schools destroyed, neighbors and family members killed. Why stay while your protector does nothing to stop the terror and horror. This patient chess match is working against Russia and the Axis of Resistance.
The west will collapse when it suits them. They can conjure dollars out of thin air until the cows come home and then change to some other currancy and what do you know overnight a brand new Empire. And all the while new empire bases spring up all around Russia, especially the Black Sea coast loaded with anti ship missiles.
Russia is in a fight to the death but acts like someone just stole their crayons. In my humble opinion Russia needs to take all of Eastern Ukraine down to the Black Sea coast and let the Empire and the world know that yes they are a super power that will defend its interests, it’s citizens and it’s very existence. Shit or get off the pot. Time for polite diplomacy is over or you will cease to exist.
You are mistaken my friend, respectfully disagree. Russia is playing the long game and it is winning. Sure it’s an ugly game where Russia takes losses also and isn’t winning as “prettily” as we might want it to, or with as much glory or fanfare, but mark you well, it *is* winning.
Who is right, only time will tell. But Ukraine has declared with the support of NATO war against Russia. Will the Ukies now decide to sink Russian ships. Russia has warned NATO about stationing troops in Ukraine while the US builds naval bases along the coast. The Empire is also very good at playing the long game all the while strengthening their positions which weakens Russia.
In the long run neither one of our opinions mean anything and I do hope your assessment will prove to be more accurate.