Try out this thought experiment. Imagine for one minute that you are a fundementally decent and honest person who, by an ironic twist of history, has been put in power during an armed insurrection basically conducted by neo-Fascist thugs who do not represent the majority of the people of your country. They are now making demands and they want to become part of your new government. You, of course, being a decent and honest person, are uncomfortable with that situation, but things being as they are, you have to accept the facts on the ground and take a pragmatic decision: either include some of them in your newly formed government, or risk being overthrown.
What would you do?
Well, I suppose that you would have to give the neo-Fascists a certain number of ministerial positions. Which ones would you give them? I think that the logical approach would give them the ministries where they might to a halfway decent job and which would minimize the harm that these crazies could do to your country, right? So, let’s look at my personal choices would be:
1) Ministry of Sports and Youth (Nazis and Fascists are good at sports and health issues)
2) Ministry of Transportation (trains will run on time)
3) Ministry of Infrastructure (Hitler built good roads)
4) Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (no food shortages even in 1945 Berlin)
5) Ministry of Environmental Affairs (pagans often worship nature)
One would imagine that Mr Iatseniuk would do something very similar, right?
Well, not quite. Check out where he put his neo-Facists:
Vice Prime Minister Alexandr Sych (Freedom Party)
Minister of Defense Igor Teniukh (Freedom Party)
Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov (officially member of the Fatherland Party but in reality an agent for the Right Sector)
Head of the National Security and Defense Council Andrei Paribii (Social-National Party of Ukraine)
Deputy Head of the National Security and Defense Council Dmitri Iarosh (Right Sector)
Amazing no? The neo-Fascists are occupying all the positions of power, what is often referred to as “power structures”. Instead of putting them where they could do the least amount of harm, Iatseniuk put them right where they are the most dangerous.
[The reality is, of course, that they – the neo-Fascists – put Iatseniuk where he is today, and not the other way around, but if we want to believe in the “democratic’ myth, that is not a notion we are allowed to contemplate.]
So what are we make of Mr Iatseniuk, Klichko and others? That they are either spineless cowards or, in fact, willing accomplices of a neo-Fascist coup?
I think that it is absolutely impossible to deny the following facts:
1) the regime in power in Kiev was put there by an armed neo-Fascist insurrection.
2) the regime in power is still fully controlled by neo-Fascists.
This is whom the US and EU are supporting: real, bona fide, ugly violent and hateful neo-Fascists.
And, yet again, it is Russia which stands alone against them.
What else is new?
The Saker
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This short documentary shows how these fascists are operating:
Crimea: Unmasking revolution
Making this go viral will be a good counter to the BS the zionist western media is peddling.
Yes and with help from their sponsors Amerika/Euro, pretty sad.
I don’t know if this will work with blogger but is kind of fun.
This comment has taken many days to get to where its at. I think it is important and very relevant to the discussion. I’m not sure if it is causing all the crying, or not. The comment is basically just facts. Facts that can be debated if you believe that they are wrong.
So, how is it that the Jews, Oleksander Turchinov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Vitali Klitschko, etc, have teamed up with the Ukrainian Neonazis to conduct a coup in the Ukraine.
Why is the coup always called a Neonazi coup but never a Jew coup (look it even rhymes).
The Ukrainian coup was organized by Jews; they got the most important positions of power.
So it was obviously a Jew coup. Then why the Neonazis? Simply so the lying press could say “It was a Neonazi coup.”
I think these Ukrainian Neonazis are actually a “false flag” group of Jews.
Hitler was the same. Hitler was actually a Jew.
I have gathered yet more evidence from various web-sites and people, and it gets better & better. It is very interesting;
1) Hitler ordered the tanks to stop for 3 days near Dunkirk when only a short distance away. This allowed the entire British army and part of the French army to escape to Britain.
2) Hitler refused to take Gibraltar and turn the Mediterranean into a “German lake”. There was nothing to stop the Germans from driving through Spain (their ally) and doing the job.
3) Hitler declared war on the United States.
4) Hitler refused to allow the tens of thousands of tons of weaponized nerve gas that the Germans had produced (at Dyhernfurth an der Oder) to be used. Over 500,000 artillery shells and about 100,000 bombs filled with nerve gas were found in their storage areas (mainly at Krappitz = Krapowice) at the end of the war.
5) Hitler refused to conquer Britain. After Dunkirk, Britain was totally defenseless.
6) Hitler refused to authorise the production of jet fighters. The Heinkel He 178 had its first successful flight in 1939, but the Jews Milch/Goering/Hitler showed no interest in it. The fighter version, the Heinkel He 280, was successfully demonstrated on April 5, 1941, but the Jews Milch/Goering/Hitler refused to put it into production. Hitler wasn’t interested in a plane that could travel a couple of hundred miles per hour faster than the others. Same story with the Messerschmitt jets.
7) Jewish financiers gave billions to finance Hitler’s rise to power.
8) Only the Nazi’s attempted to kill Hitler. The Americans, British and Soviets made no attempt to kill Hitler. It is known that the British refused to allow a number of feasible assassination plans to proceed.
9) An article from “The Jewish World” tells us that Hitler, Goering and Himmler, all have close relatives living as religious Jews in Israel today. Namely,
Hitler’s nephew’s grandson,
Matthias Goering – great-nephew of Hermann Goering, and
Katrin Himmler – the great-niece of Heinreich Himmler.
10) In 1932 the Jewish genealogist Karl Friedrich von Frank published Hitler’s family tree. It was pointed out (June 16, 1932, in the newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung) that the name Salomon, which came up repeatedly in Hitler’s maternal line, was unlikely to be Aryan. On July 14, 1933, the newspaper Osterreichisches Abendblatt published photographs of graves of various Hitlers from Jewish cemeteries and mentioned a cookbook written in Hebrew by Rosalie Hitler. Also, a number of Jewish families, surnamed Hitler, officially applied to have their names changed due to Hitler’s (supposed) antisemitism. [Hitler’s Vienna by Brigitte Hamann]
Learn from the past to prevent war in the future.
Saker, are you conversant with the “Machiavellian” political theorists (named so by James Burham) to-wit, Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, Robery Michels, Ludwig Gumplowicz et. al? These thinkers shed an immense amount of light on what is going on now, not just in Ukraine, but all world-politics. I ask only because you mentioned “the democratic myth” which echoes very much this kind of political thought.
You are right the Saker. Look at the positions they have. Now the parliament has voted for a 60,000 national gaurd “apparently” made up of military personnel – cough – right wing groups and sympathiers more like…..
The EU is an utter disgrace supporting these nazis/facists.
Thanks for the most enlightening writing on the Ukraine that I have found. After 23 years on the Web I have encountered gems in the field, such as the late Chris Harle-Story, and now this site.
I thought you might enjoy the posting I found on
“Friday, March 7, 2014
This is a private letter from a Retired Special Operations Officer about the Ukraine.” The corruption described sounds like DC.
Plus a provisional Chief public prosecutor named Oleg Machnizki, who is since 2004 member of the Freedom Party.
You are looking at it from the point of the opposition.
I guess the Americans love fighting Russia with the far right. The Mujahiddin (the Osama one and not Massud) against the soviets, the far right in Ukraine. And in other places they also wanted to court the Mullahs of Iran for a while at the beginning, the Contras, the wahabi regimes in the gulf, zionism etc etc etc
They must be thinking what else was Nazi Germany good at? Internal repression, propaganda, attacking the Soviet Union, Secret Police. Let us put them there.
I’m glad the Tartars are staying out of it.
Did anybody expect anything different? Croatia 2.0 with Ukrainian ustashas in charge whose only job for their zionist masters is to exterminate (pro)Russian population via kill / expell / convert-to-catholicism methods which have been proven to work beautifully in the former YU: Serbs reduced to a marginal error from being the second largest ethnic group in Croatia before WWII, “agressors” in Bosnia where we were majority before WWII, & open air prison population like in Kosovo – the cradle of the Serbian civilization.
And I don’t wonder at these zionazis; I can’t stop wondering at the limp Russians for whom the Ukraine has been the birthplace of their statehood and under Russian control for a milenium.
There are two ways out of this:
1) allow ethnic cleansing of all (pro)Russians from Ukraine & thus improve the much-needed population growth in Russia proper; the ziofascist west won’t blink – as they didn’t when the same happened to us, the Serbs, in Croatia / Bosnia / kosovo.
2) Protect areas of Ukraine populated by (pro)Russians by all means; they won’t be left alone by the ziofascist from Kiev, & will end up living in barbed wire like Serbs in Kosovo live now, or be converted to anit-Russian zombies to be used in future atacks on Russia itself.
There is simply no a way in between.
What else new?
Mekel gave a speech this morning.
After that China announced that it supports Russia and is against sanctions.
What do you think about ruble exchange rate? Isn’t that sanction alone enough?
Igor Teniukh is a retired Commander of Ukrainian Navy. He’s clearly anti-Russian and he was indeed appointed by Svoboda party (exactly because he is anti-Russian), but I still wouldn’t call him neo-fascist.
Does anyone know of a convenient source for the ethnic and religious background of figures in the Ukrainian government? Wikipedia is predictably useless on this score—except for Yatsenyuk who Wikipedia says is Catholic of Jewish background.
Hi Saker,
I think that you have it completely wrong about the power structure.
The positions you list are all to do with internal security, every one. All of the economic portfolios are held by the real masters.
The thugs are just tools to brutally suppress the people, and they have to be paid or they will wither away. Who pays them is the question you should answer.
Israel Shamir puts it well in an article in Counterpunch:
Best wishes,
So what’s the scoop on Yarsenyi Yatsenyuk, the Freedom Party and LGBT issues?
Hello Saker,
Make no mistake as to how bad this can get..the empire is playing one of it’s best card (maybe the last one?) and what else is new? A wide broader view of the different theaters where the US is involve probing that they are showing the power of their tentacles is Siria, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Ucrania…
You’re right Russia stands alone against the empire in the Central Asia, but Venezuela and the Sudamerican countries are also standing against this so-called color revolutions.
China and North Korea had military exercises last week…they showed a lot of power and sent a message to the empire..why this message? China is also seeing a increase of terrorism attack in their this has no turn around, you have confidence on the US generals that no nuclear war will be ignited but this is about the surviving of the empire and the emerging of a new one, this is causing a seismic that is hard to know who will keep standing.
Many regards and take care
You forgot to mention one important issue – future Ukrainian presidential elections.
I do not remember where I have read a speech given by one of the nationalists (it was rather a declaration of their political goals) but he firmly stated they would have their president.
Local election offices are to be controlled by the so called “nationalists observers” for the fair election – I read from another article.
The statements one could read in the early days of the coup or when they overtly took control of Maidan.
Now they keep their political goals low. Today the limelights show only the front men puppets.
But what is dangerous is today’s speech of Mrs Merkel. When Germany didn’t want to support attack of Libya a deadly pestilence had bloke out of “Egyptian sprouts” (just before Mrs Merkel had to go to Washington). I believe the U.S. exerted sort of equally serious pressure on Mrs Merkel now. The only medicine for the Germans is opening “a red binder” with the stuff Russia has about Mrs Merkel.
Slowly it is going to hotter and hotter in this part of the Europe, I think. As we all know, the trade was the real cause of all the wars we learned on History school lessons.
Yes, there is a great paradox here.
All this can only be explained one way: both the Nazis and Yatsenyuk are tentacles of the same American octopus.
Understanding the Soviet octopus was easy. It operated overtly through local Communist Parties and covertly through a number of “front organizations”. All of these tentacles could be traced back to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The party was 100% open about its goals and what it stood for. Its leader the General Secretary was the absolute leader, subject to approval by the Part Congress.
The US Octopus operates just the same way. There is just one gigantic difference: No one knows the name of the Party, who its leader is or what its goals are! President Obama is not the true leader of anything. The real party structures of the “Imperialist Party of the United States” are somewhere deep within the structures of the National Security State, the so called “Deep State”.
What it means is simply collusion between neo-cons and nazo-fasco.
The history of collaboration between Trotskyists and Germany and Japan is not so far-fetched as we were left to believe.
The collaboration between Nazis and Zionists is to well known also.
The dialectic method allows for the creative use of the contradictions.
Quote: But what is dangerous is today’s speech of Mrs Merkel. … I believe the U.S. exerted sort of equally serious pressure on Mrs Merkel now. The only medicine for the Germans is opening “a red binder” with the stuff Russia has about Mrs Merkel.
Mrs. Merkel just returned from a visit to Poland. I’d say her strategy is rather shaped by Donald Tusk.
Just for info yesterday’s speach of Dr. Gregor Gysi, a well known key politician of ‘The Left’ (Die Linke):
Thanks @anon
But Mr Donald Tusk is Mrs Merkel’s poodle, just as Mr Blair was __very__ personal mongrel of Mr Bush Jr.
(I did still remember one moment when Mr Bush sitting at a table turned back slightly back and barked Blair! to the passing Mr Blair and UK PM was all smiles in a jiffy leaning down on the table close to Mr Bush and listening keenly what he were to be said. It was very, very pathetic – 0 (zero) dignity in that man!)
BTW Mr Tusk and other Polish politicians are mainly the US puppets.
Well, Mr. Bush also gave Mrs. Merkel a backrub while she appeared to be a bit indignant.
Mrs. Merkel is Consensus-orientated and for the last 10 years or so German politics for countries east of Poland have been shaped by the Polish view. The Lady dosn’t have her own vision for this region (or she doesn’t show it)
It’s not “the Ukraine” but “Ukraine”. Even if I agree with most that is written it is extremely difficult to take seriously writing of someone who makes a mistake at that very basic level.
More likely a case of an another instant expert and likely someone who would not have been able to find Ukraine on the map 12 months ago.