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Did they really use the French resistance during WWII as a case study on how to repel an invasion? This has to be some kind of prank.
It definitely seems so. It must be something in their water they drink, as they probably never heard before anything happening between WWII over the Oder river or in Yugoslavia. They just need to find those little stories from western resistance, to ramp up the narrative of western greatness. Sadly Mr. Martyanov forgot about Yugoslavian organized resistance during WWII, which was extraordinary and unique from all other European states at the time, except for Russia of course.
When reading over Yugoslavia in WWII, like with sources Wikipedia (most people tend to grab fast food info):, omit the “communist labelling” which is very often Nutella like evenly spread out the western narrative and you may find some truly nice data lying around.
The Viet Cong ran a pretty effective resistance operation.
The French resistance was not particularly active until just before the D-Day invasion. Meanwhile, the Polish Home Army had between 200,000 and 600,000 active members fighting against the Germans from the start of the war. The lesson is that while they were successful in causing problems for the Germans, and they occasionally achieved tactical victories, partisans alone cannot defeat a regular military occupying force.
Thanks so much Andrei. Your videos are so necessary and allow us to cope with reality and cut through the BS so widespread in the West. I live in the EU so cannot get Strategic Culture Foundation newsletters that I have followed for many years (now FORBIDDEN when I try). Ursula’s orders rule in this wonderful free democratic part of the globe, where abundance is at an end according to our micro-brained Macron who is a big part of the problem.
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The reason the US loses wars is because its militray isn’t designed to fight modern day warfare. The US is still stuck in a Second World War era of biggest is best and ‘we’ve got more than you.’ Slugging it out against third-world countries it’s unbeatable, but everywhere it puts boots on the ground it loses.
A recent example is Afghanistan, where after 20 years and billions of dollars later, the US packed up and ran and the humiliation is instantly wiped from American collective memories as though it never happened. Next war please and the show goes on.
The Yanks might forget, but the rest of us are free to remind them, every single chance we get. Those of us in the West can also remind our brain dead governments every single opportunity we get that being allied with the USA is aa stunningly stupid move bcause they cannot win a war against poorly armed tribesmen, let alone a peer level opponent.
US and Canadin Military is a job creation project for the ones that cant find work anywhere else. In USA in particular its a plce for the poor and uneducated as well s migrants who are allowed to stay after service if they survive. You also have the career ones who use their militry service as reference when they get out in order to get work with the government. In Canada its also a place the poor families sent their children to get an education after which they serve in the army for a short period and then leave for civilian life
Dr. Jessica Rose has written on Substack about Canada, veterans, PTSD, and an assisted suicide law. The men are supposed to serve, and die.
Read western media only when you need a laugh. Its planet crazy talk. Sad that the target audience hold their bowls out for second helpings of the bs
So, now we are told that the Russian Federation forces turned tail from Kiev due to the undeniable mighty presence of Boris Johnson channelling his best Churchill and stiffening the resolve of Zel-baby, but not in the way Churchill failed to do with Weygand.
Could you tell us please Sir what doctrine-mongering accomplished the Retreat from Kiev?
Doctrines are orthodoxies – correct beliefs.
Confabulation occurs when someone doesn’t have access to some evident realities, perhaps because those parts of their brain that perceives and knows them is damaged, and is required to describe them. They have to make up what they think it ought to be, based on filling in the gaps according to the rest of their model of realities. They then believe that their inventions are those realities, and assert them as correct, persuading others that their plausible bullshit is true, ‘lit by gas’, inserting those confabulations into the minds of others, even when incompatible with those persons’ own valid knowing of what’s real.
People also don’t have access to realities because they refuse to know them, as this would be spoil their mental models of real worlds. This is the Trump/ Boris Johnson paradigm – walls against refugees and Thames estuary mud airports and big bridges across troubled waters.
As Martyanov points out, the USA has only ever fought wars on someone else’s home territory. They’ve never been invaded. Their war with the British was one set of invaders against another. Civil War was a war against themselves.
War destroys the land it is fought on and the people who live there. The people governing the USA have never had access to that reality by being invaded.
The European nations have declared economic war on themselves. Economic sanctions are the forbidding of commercial exchanges between two sides. Europeans, gaslit by USA/NATO, have banned exchanges of goods for currency with Russia. Europe denies itself vital goods, withholding currency from Russia. But currency is tokens of imaginary worth, and doesn’t exist in the real world. So Russia is denied nothing real, while Europe is denying itself the means of living and working. As Martyanov puts it: “stupid”.
The problem with invalidating this delusory thinking is that it is possible, as leading US Government spokesmen have asserted, that confabulations can create the realities they are about, in the StarTreck injunction: “Make it so”. There wasn’t a war in Ukraine, but USA/NATO ‘made it so’. Unfortunately they can’t ‘make it not so’, as if you made a bomb explode and then try to disexplode it. The Russians are trying to disexplode the Nazi process of lethal harm. Good luck to them.
In scientific work, there is a clear distinction between what is an explanatory hypothesis or conjecture and what is a theory validated by experimentation. Both are essential but occur at different times. Furthermore, scientists never argue that a theory, however beautiful, constitutes a complete description of reality, immune from any criticism. It is valid only as long as it is not refuted by another with greater scope in the explanation of phenomena that were beyond the reach of previously accepted theories. All this is evident to anyone who has ever looked at the development of ideas in any branch of science. Absolute certainties fit only in truncated descriptions of reality and are completely foreign to any mind touched by the anxiety of knowing.
> “scientists never argue that a theory, however beautiful, constitutes a complete description of reality, immune from any criticism.”
… unless that science is Economics.
…will be Iraq next even before departure from glorious Ukraine ??????
Andrei, once again; Thank you.
That’s a propaganda outlet but the point made is a good one. President Joe “Rob n Gette” (I am a Zionist) Biden is in for the long Teleprompter presidency with ongoing Zoom meetings from his hearse 43 floors below Wall Street, Scare Force One or son Hun-Turd’s most recent meth lab.
All coming together in the age of Zoom? Doesn’t it seem almost too real to be true? Yes. This was worked out in detail ages ago. Notice no one has anything. Raw sewage washes up on the shores of the Limey Child Molester Tory ruled royal Incestuary of Coburg-Gotha on Thames. Water is nearly gone. Maybe Glow-Ball warming is sound science, but maybe the US Air Force not so mysteriously hijacked all the water resources of the American west for their vast subterranean Cold War v 1 infrastructure so their flyboys and Miss Silly men would be able to fight the enemies of Oligarchy far into the radioactive future. (They in fact did).
+1 for Coburg-Gotha on Thames. Is that original? It’s very good and I’d like to adopt it with proper attribution.
Yes, original. Adopt away but hopefully only in a noble cause. It’s out there anyway. I’m an broken down old man. Accreditation and opportunity – those ships sailed long ago. Personally, if I was charging by the word phrase or line, “Incestuary” would be my choice there for those buggering creeps.
The power of the U.S. is not it’s military but it’s debt based financial system that allows it to finance everything it can’t afford by printing unlimited “money” and exporting the resulting inflation to the rest of the world as the world’s reserve currency. The purpose of war for the U.S. is to NOT win wars but protracted extension of war for as long as possible to create exponential debt that the debt based system requires or it collapses as does the power of the U.S.. Despite “losing” every war the U.S. is in no way diminished from making more war or loses any territory or it’s cities destroyed. War is to create debt to protect the system, all other considerations are secondary. To believe the U.S. is stupid or weak is fatal. To end Russia the U.S. only need destroy the nuclear power plant with plausible deniabilty thanks to Russia allowing Ukraine to shell it for weeks. The radioactive fallout will force a Russian military withdrawal and retreat from Southern Ukraine and cause a mass migration of refugees into Russia from the Donbass thereby negating all Russia’s gains and sacrifices. Embedding saboteurs and terrorist cells in the refugee flood to destroy critical infrastructure will destabilize Russia for years to come all brought to you by the go slow SMO that denied Russia the manpower necessary to secure the area around the nuclear plant from artillery.
Yes. This is the sad sad truth that no amount of study or practice of military affairs will equip a person for. The peoples of the world, even with decent education are like illiterate peasants of another age before this reality. Even Andre, an otherwise intelligent and cultured man of wide experience doesn’t seem to understand it. Maybe he does but it’s too depressing to think about. Possibly Putin does, I would hope so. It’s an otherworldly impersonal force like gravity or electricity. There’s a way to end it. But it means tearing down everything and starting over from scratch which would require overwhelming repression. Or else I’m missing something. Changing human nature would do it. As impossible as levitating or breathing water.
The US has way too many officers so some people sit around and make up doctrines. The ass kissing bureaucrats love them because then they can CYA. Political Correctness also shapes their mind into following some doctrine. This is why Russians will continually surprise them. Russians are taught to think and use initiative and creativity
I think you are right. They say leftist are like children trying to escape any kind of adult responsibility.
They know campaign slogans, doctrines, and what some power said and want which relieve them from having their own opinion.
If you are adult you know yourself have to filter and decide on every order and strategy from above to the said situation.
The US has not allowed war correspondents to embed like in Vietnam since the First Gulf War. Stormin’ Norman gave them a nightly show and all the content they needed without their having to leave Baghdad. What few stories appeared from the front (I helped coordinate one) were tightly controlled and sanitized. Journalists are fallible people like the rest of us. They have been voluntarily coopted. Instead we get current intel from the citizen journalists toughing it out for no pay and no recognition. God bless them.
Andrei, you are describing a war among brothers. It was NOT a civil war.
I trust everyone is familiar with the no-smoking sign consisting of a burning cigarette in a red circle on a white background, and with a diagonal red stripe across it.
This sign was ubiquitous in Europe wherever smoking was prohibited. Yet during the 1980s, I read an article in a US regional newspaper about a local guy who had invented a simple, clear no-smoking sign. To my utter surprise, the guy was proposing the sign described above and stated that it was his design.
Methinks this symbolizes the way the “American mind” operates: it is incapable of conceiving that anybody not living in the US can come up with an original idea. All that is new and original, all inventions perforce originate in the US. That is the way US people think.
That is why Obama could state that the automobile was an “American invention.” That is why US people believe the powered aeroplane, the television, the computer, the telephone, indeed anything at all, is an “American invention.” Yet, of course, these items were all European inventions.
Clearly, US military officers do not have a mindset that is different. Hence they are inherently incapable of understanding people outside the US, be they friends or enemies. Hence, they will never be able to understand the enemy.
In a way I find that thought rather comforting, don’t you?
Therefore, what Andrei is fulminating against essentially has little to do with military affairs, but rather with the way the US collective mind works.
Mr. Martyanov says many things that are correct in his video, but what he said about the US’s ongoing economic systemic failure and its ramifications, which I absolutely agree with, especially caught my ear because I wrote about this very subject almost a year ago in response to an article written by Pepe Escobar entitled “Requiem for an Empire: a prequel”. The question is: can capitalism survive and, what exactly is “capitalism”? The microscopic percentage of the population that is “the US” is going to find out real soon, but the microscopic percentages of the populations that are “Russia” and “China” will have their own days of reckoning soon after “capitalism” in the US goes bust.
You have to conclude that the Andrei’s observation the US military did not win most third world conflicts is the fact they (or more the point their political masters) really did not want to win them.
Vietnam was one where they only put enough in to keep the war going for decade and keep the money flowing to the MIC. And their battle strategy was flawed to and the kids forced to fight it werent interested in winning.
Same with Afghanistan.