Note by the Saker: if you don’t care about the Second Amendment, consider this: if they can go after the Second, there is nothing stopping them going after the First next. Besides, did you ever wonder why the Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment right after the 1st? Yes, why does the 2nd one come 2nd? Think carefully!
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When they are done with Trump, they will sweep the nation for guns.
Totalitarian ideology cannot allow citizens to have guns.
Its not over yet
Oh please yes, come for the ‘guns’. Who are they going to send to pick up the iron, the contractors they have working in Africa and Asia? No serving cop, NG or Military in his right mind will go out in public with the purpose of taking citizen’s weapons. Oh, I forgot, send the minions of the Three Letter Agencies to do the deed, that will make the attempt doubly interesting. Bloody, but interesting.
“No serving cop, NG or Military in his right mind will go out in public with the purpose of taking citizen’s weapons.”
“In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.”*
~ Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, 1935
There are police and military waking up to this now, but some are still asleep and the banksters can bring in more due to the high unemployment rate and worsening economic conditions. To those “gangsters for capitalism,” the banksters’ opposition would not be “citizens.” They would be “race supremacists,” (of any race) “Trump sympathizers,” “pro-Russian propagandists,” “conspiracy nuts,” etc. The cartel pulled a similar stunt in Ukraine. Opponents to Nuland’s IMF coup were not viewed as such; they were “Moskals” and “pro-Russian rebels.”
This is why the 2nd Amendment is second to the 1st. Bearing arms is counterproductive if people are not informed enough to point them in the right direction.
Auslander, perhaps but when all is said and done law enforcement are government employees and one of the most pampered groups of society. They have amazingly good pensions and benefits. I would be quite surprised if a law enforcement officer would put his pension at risk by refusing a direct order.
Personally, I am more or less neutral on Second Amendment issues. I feel that gun ownership is not really an important issue.
“I would be quite surprised if a law enforcement officer would put his pension at risk by refusing a direct order.”
And that’s what makes the 2nd Amendment so important, Jon. Risking one’s pension is much less appealing when side-by-side with risking one’s life… Risking one’s life for the Big Lie has even worse appeal, so keeping people truly informed via the 1st Amendment is also very important.
“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other — this is who we should fight against.”
~ Donbass militia member Alexey Mozgovoy, 2015
Censorship is getting scary. Seriously scary. You-tube getting rid of gun channels. Google cracking down on alternate websites. Since Google stepped up its censorship last month, Global Research views are down 62%, Consortium News down by 47%. Twitter is now blocking Texas Bentley, the American fighter in Donbass.
Prescient move, Saker! Glad you went to Iceland and you host your own site. Even WordPress in censoring. They started blocking Quemado Institute, making it hard to update. Alternate websites need to link with each other to keep the community going. Even if we don’t always agree, our freedom is in the balance. Fantastic article by Claire Connelly on internet censorship:
While we’re on the subject of the 2nd Amendment, one of the things (actually really the only thing) that really bothers me about Russia is that they restrict their citizens ability to keep and bear arms. That is the behavior of a dictatorship, not a country that trusts its citizens to (mostly) do the right thing and to prudently use arms in defense of themselves and the State.
Is this a relic of Communism, the laws we inflicted on them in the 1990’s, or something else?
Really? And how about Australia, England, Japan, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
Paperwork to purchase a weapon here is not that bad but somewhat more detailed than in US to say the least.
We both know that Uncle Sam has for a couple decades slowly been chewing on the ability of the citizens to obtain and keep weapons without having to register them with anyone. That is the key, registration, but with today’s health care personnel apparently asking anyone coming in if they have weapons in their homes methinks you should worry about this back alley ‘registration’ of in house weapons. If I was still there and someone asked me that question I would instantly reply ‘No, and I hate weapons and want them all picked up for our safety.’ Problem is if it’s a doctor or nurse it’s difficult to hide the scars and artwork. Oh well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Concerning the rest of The World, anyone who wants a weapon can obtain one. Case in point, one of literally hundreds, do you really think that all the civilians in the area of the Debaltsyevo Cauldron Battles of early 2015 dutifully turned in whatever weapons they found during and after the massacre? If so I happen to be willing to part with some el primo beachfront property in Dzhankoi not too far up the road.
Never The Last One
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol
Auslander, my apologies, I should have explained myself better. I know it’s not that big a deal for a Russian to buy a shotgun, but those aren’t much use for personal defense outside your own house. I live in one of the 38 (I think) shall-issue US states, where any citizen of legal age and no serious criminal record is welcome to carry a concealed pistol (a real one, not one of those gas-powered jokes legal in the RF) for a minor administrative fee. That’s what I’m talking about. I believe in some Eastern European countries it is similar. You are absolutely correct that in most of the “civilized” world it is not possible to do this, and we are CONSTANTLY fighting in the courts here to preserve our right to do so.
Having an AK and spam can of ammo hidden in your cellar at home doesn’t do you any good when someone pulls a knife and starts a mass stabbing attack on the metro, right?
For readers from other countries who may not know, there are literally millions of Americans who carry real pistols, concealed, every day, legally; and most of us are MUCH, MUCH better shots than the average policeman, who will maybe come to rescue you 5 or 6 minutes from now, if you’re lucky.
You might remember that some of the best and most numerous snipers in WWII were Soviets. And most of them were people that had experience with weapons training/use before the war. Another set of well known snipers were Germans. Both of those countries were said to not let their citizens use guns. And yet all of a sudden they are instantly good at the use of guns.There seems a contradiction somewhere involved there. I smell propaganda somewhere in that situation.I can’t exactly point to where. But commonsense says you don’t get instantly good with guns without knowing about them. I’d hate to all of a sudden give a group of young people in most countries sniper rifles and think I’ll have a bunch of “sharpshooters” on my hands.
You would be surprised at how many carry here, especially away from the big cities such as Moskau and St. Pete but I agree, in general the populace is unarmed as in Europe and most of the rest of the world. However, the events of early 2014 brought home to many in this AO the importance of having at least a long gun or scatter gun within general access instead of having to face down the local cops and take their weapons. That is why I tell everyone in US that no matter what, don’t let ‘them’ limit your ability to have weapons in an way beyond special license for full auto, grenade launchers and such.
As for accuracy on target, I couldn’t agree with you more. 25 years ago I assisted in a training regimen for an arms manufacturer, not US based but the regimen was in USA, and most of the first batch in attendance were local cops. Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn down wind with a shotgun, let alone a pistol or their proudly presented M-16’s. After the first 15 minutes on the range after two days of classroom work we stood them down and did a day long class in Weapons 101 and safety thereon. What a bunch of maroons as Bugs would say.
Two cents from mine:
1) Free speech must be warranted, but there is no warranty for any revenue. In fact, there never was. The contrary still holds true: free speech is costly.
2) The faster the web becomes cleansed from ads, the better it is. Folks, get of your ad-addiction.
Best regards,
The (((left))) has lost the idiological battle.
What are they to do on a platform, that is in essence – informational?
What other option do they have?
Imagine, that the millenials and z and the forthcoming generations grow up in a free marketplace of ideas…they have tried it, and it isn’t looking pretty.
It looks alt right.
I have said many, many times, that the net, as we once knew it will not b allowed to excist.
I have terrabites of content saved up on old harddrives, stuff worth sharing with the newbies, normies sprouts and the intellectually qurious. All, that I find worthy, or outstanding, I save.
Shut it down.
Da goyim know…
As the sole purveyor of fake news Zion has been deeply upset and enraged by the millions of bloggers decoding fake news, fake history, fake terror, fake health care, fake academics, fake education, fake everything in real time with utmost ease. To prevent irreversible damage to the matrix of lies – it might be too late already – the very essential monopoly on fiction & fraud has to be regained as soon as possible at any price. I repeat, at any price.
A fact to consider: Censorship on the internet is legally speaking not censorship, as Zion’s monopoly corporations running the internet hardware and software-wise have their Noahide ‘terms & conditions’ every user has agreed upon simply by using the monopoly corporation’s services.
Our response? Don’t let yourself be pulled into Zion’s fallacious discourse on Nazis, white supremacists, the alt-right, etc. Zion has been using so successfully during the days of the Weimar Republic and ever since. Just make sure that in ‘your space’ such talk is not allowed.
We are all like team Russia entering the stadium while the Zion-mind-controlled crowd is booing. What could be possibly do except keeping our breath rate low and steady, stay concentrated and focused and go out and give our best performance to win the game.
Just read an article by self-described American patriot, Mike Adams of Natural (
In it, he outlines the steps that American patriots can take to defend themselves from a Maoist-type Communist takeover, and truthfully, he notes it is almost time for the final step of evoking Second Amendment rights as the last line of defense.
It is disturbing to me because his assessment appears accurate. And for the financial industry, wouldn’t a Maoist-type Revolution make sense? To align US more with China financially? Which has been happening for a while anyway?
China is not Maoist and they are quite concerned about the BaiZuo ((White Leftists) based on their experience in the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution.
True – I was thinking the same powerful financial interests may be behind both Revolutions (one in US, one attempting to create in China — heck, maybe behind the previous cultural revolution in China, too). I meant non-state actors in both countries, not representing the official government. Can’t claim to know how these actors reason, but I’d guess they might conclude that they could force concessions from China, if they gain a definitive hold on the US — with the ultimate goal of overseeing “matching” cultures (post cultural revolutions) in both countries. Ambitious goal, but it started to seem possible to me with recent events in the US (and Mike Adams’ commentary).
“In it, he outlines the steps that American patriots can take to defend themselves from a Maoist-type Communist takeover”
In the 1960s there was a fascist politician who refused to make left hand turns with his auto. Or so he claimed.
I think he had something there.
I we all kept running in circles, chasing our own non-existent tails, the Godless commie hordes would be faced with more difficult to hit moving targets.
Physical seizure of firearms is impossible in the US.
First, there are an estimated 80 million gun owners with an estimated 200-300 million firearms. That makes it a physical impossibility to collect them all.
Second, it’s likely that millions of those gun owners will use the “it fell overboard while boating at the lake” excuse – or the “it got stolen years ago” excuse when anyone inquires about their guns. While, of course, in reality the firearm is hidden somewhere.
Again, the US doesn’t have the manpower to search for three hundred million firearms.
Third, as an example, back when the ATF declared a year-long amnesty for anyone who had not registered their full-auto firearm, there was approximately a hundred thousand full-auto weapons which had been registered previously. During that year, ANOTHER hundred thousand full-auto weapons were registered. That means there are at least ANOTHER hundred thousand full-auto weapons out there that will NEVER be registered. And that was decades ago.
What they CAN do is find some way to prevent any future sales of guns. But as long as the NRA exists, that’s going to be a really tough sell. Which is why the state and Federal government are engaging in “guerrilla tactics” by trying various taxes and restrictions on magazine size and the like.
And if they DO try to seize everyone’s guns, as someone said, “If it’s time to bury your guns, it’s time to dig them up.” If they want a New Civil War, they can have one.
And for those who think that personal firearms are not effective against a modern military – look at the Taliban. Americans own the same AK’s they do and many Americans own AR-15’s that are more tricked out with accessories than the military uses, as well as millions of long-range rifles that are excellent as sniper rifles.
And as we know from history, insurgencies always end up with the same quality weapons as the military fighting them – because they kill the military and take their weapons. And in the US, all the weapons the military would use against us are HERE for the taking. We already have thefts from National Guard armories here all the time.
The US military and the national police forces would be insane to try to suppress a real revolution in this country. The problem isn’t that – it’s that the vast majority of US citizens don’t have the balls to oppose the government directly.
Hell, even the criminal gangs are enough to oppose the US military – there are several hundred thousand in LA alone, and millions across the country. You could create an effective insurgency from them alone if they were ever provoked to stop spending their time selling and buying drugs.
The US will NEVER be disarmed. It’s a pipe dream of the gun control idiots.
Most of the people I’ve known in pindoland obsessed with owning GUNS have been people who I would specifically arm myself against. Another reason people need to be able to wear “short sleeved shirts”.
Think Tank Proves Mass Censorship of Internet Worldwide. The Role of Search Engines. What are the Solutions
“For anti-censorship search engine alternatives to replace Google, Bing and Yahoo, it recommends DuckDuckGo, Qwant, UnBubble, and GoodGopher; For anti-censorship video service alternatives to replace YouTube, it recommends Minds, Vidme, DailyMotion, and Vimeo, combined with Patreon for monetization; For anti-censorship social media platform alternatives to replace Facebook and Twitter, it recommends Minds, Seen, Gab, and Diaspora. It also recommends a list of uncensored reliable and credible news outlets which give fair coverage to independent or alternative news reports.”