“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” – Carl Jung
Yes, we will have a captcha. Yes we are under ddos protection. This is both excellent, but also frustrating.
I will say, seemingly this time the intent was to take us down, forever. It was a new world to watch the server statistics, see The Saker Blog being restored, and within 2 or 3 minutes after that, the take-down starts, with ease. But do remember, the Russian hacker group just took down most of Lithuania, so it is all part of the new warfare.
I do not have much more to say, except thank you so much for all the wonderfully supportive emails and thank you for the donations. We could do with some more of those at this stage and always your prayers.
Thank you to certain unnamed techs for the supportive work with Herb, and thank you to Herb for running just about round the clock to solve this.
We may hear from Andrei (The Saker) as well.
Kindest regards to all
Update: We are still fixing things, so patience is still a virtue.
UPDATE! Bear in mind we are still using only http and not https. Refer to this: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/https-has-been-disabled-use-http-thesaker-is-to-access-our-site/
yes thank you mods and techs….very slow to load up…but once loaded seems ok..anything is better than absence in last few days!
Today Monday since above post is first time got through again. Was using VPN and via blogspot and telegram….cloudfare came up but kept saying error522 I think it was..cannot establish comnection to server…timed out..database not respond.
Not seen a captcha yet…I hate those ones identify bus plane etc…you do it then another comes up you must do again. Tedious.
All respect for Herb and the staff and other helpers.
We will never abandon you. If the site is (god forbid) taken down permanently, we will keep you in our prayers everyday, until you re-emerge somehow or other.
But for now – I am so happy you are here with us
Yes, I’m very happy my favourite informational and truthful website is back in the air.
Me too.
Now if we could get “Strategic Culture” back too… well we’d all be double blessed.
STC’s problem is different – turn off IPv6 inn your client. Works fine with just IPv4.
Brilliant news and best wishes to all who are on the right side of history in these ‘interesting times’.
Excellent. I’ve checked almost every hour for this to happen.
You are now flying in Norway!
Glad to see you!
Keep on fighting for the truth.
My full support for you, Andrei, and your team.
Keep posting new articles, please. Some of us still manage to land here occasionally.
All the best
So happy to see you back. Using Brave TOR to access now. Still being shadow banned by my ISP. They will pay.
Thank you for the extreme effort to keep this valuable resource alice!
Yes i noticed you were down yesterday ,the Empire of Lies, attempting to silence dissent from their BS a few sites seem to be losing updates Defence Politics Asia i never get updates on Youtube and less posts,, American Jackson Hinkle The Dive has just come back after 8 days he’s been demonitized. Anyway glad you are back, keep up the great work.
It is truly a miracle that blogs last as long as they do, given that the hacking groups control as
much security code as anybody.
Lets get a mirror site, a back up.. anything! Just please keep this site up!!
Perhaps an IPNS copy of the site. That gives an automatic redundancy similar to CDN networks, but without the centralisation risks that they entail.
Free, Opensource, self hosted … and ends up being decentralised.
No surprise. Er kann nicht erobern! (he cannot conquer). Sick and tired of this verlierer (loser)!
Now I know what withdrawal feels like. Glad you guys are back
My wife insisted that I go outside to rant and rave to the wildlife that I feed or take a handful of chill pills if I wanted to stay connected to the router to keep hourly checking the blog. She kept the nitro handy just in case.
Receiving The Vineyard loud and clear here in the mountains of western Virginia. A big shoutout to the ER team who labored through the BS to bring the blog, and I, back online.
Of note is an article on Debka File (yes, I was desperate) about Russian forces bombing Al-Tinf in Syria after warning the US away from the base. The US was gracious and forgiving enough not to retaliate ( snickers)
Good news about Syria, thanks. I read in VoltaireNet two days ago that Russia told isahell to stop its activities there, too.
My sincere admiration to the folks at the very top, the sluggers the navigators, the watchmen.
Yes I had suspicions that the snakes were determined to strangle the voice of reason and truth once and for all.
Smooth sailing and may you keep gaining strength and march on, fly, keep rising.
Ahh, we have found an untapped resource of super hero’s that are able and willing to assist Herb/Amarynth/Saker/et al in the fight against the Empire. That super hero is the unamed techs who in a single bound, have lept over the behometh’s tall buildings faster than a speeding bullet.
The Saker has landed on the wings of angels. A new D.C. comic series has begun.
God bless the saker team and allies.
I felt like an orphan in these days. A big hug from the south of Brazil.
I was starting to get despondent but the Saker Blog lives!
God save the Saker Blog!
Indeed my thoughts exactly But this site is real deal big boy racing its going to get tougher for sure the Beast lashes out because its losing God bless the Saker we know we re winning Truth cant be pinned
Time for a new Sit-Rep!
@ The Saker Team
Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
Alhamdulillah, you’re back.
We have felt the presence of your absence.
Kudos to The Saker Team for all your effort to defeat the MoFos.
Walking on a truthful path is always risky, but we know no other way to walk.
Lone Wolf
Hi, Saker is flying again in NZ after several days absence, so glad
you are back.
Deepest gratitude and thanks to everyone for their hard work over the last few days.
As one of my very few go to sites for factual, truth based news it was like losing a close friend.
Best regards.
The site being back just made my day, a big thank you to all to get the site up and running, God Bless and be strong. And thanks to Russia and all its people, for standing up to the Empire. Winter is coming
She loads as fast as ever. Great work, Herb, et al. Thank you, Amarynth.
Wonderful to have the Saker site back. Bravo to all who worked on this and who keep the site going. Greetings from the southern hemisphere. Go Russia!
“Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it ?” (Lamentations 3:37).
It is apparent the Lord has decreed your continued participation in soon bringing the end of this earth age to a conclusion.
It will bless all lovers of truth !
God bless you going forward.
You really notice what you are missing when it is gone, Saker became an important part of the daily information and news for me, as massmedia inverts the truth on these topics.
Glad Saker survived these attacks and got stronger to spread the truth!
Good you boys are ok.
God bless.
Keep your powder dry.
@ arkx Brasil on July 09, 2022 · at 6:06 am EST/EDT
Excellent response to Jorge Vilches at the “HTTPS has been disabled … use http://thesaker.is to access our site” thread. I could not follow up there for obvious reasons.
You might have noticed the phrase “Winter is Coming” is being used by many posters, and we are just beginning summer. What that says is that this winter has a special meaning, is not just winter that is coming, Marshall Winter is coming along to visit too, after a long hiatus.
Russia should place an ad on the moon with Russians swimming on icy waters that reads, “Eurobastards, winter is coming. Enjoy!” :-)
Lone Wolf
Winter is indeed coming.
“I can feel it in these old bones of mine, and Maester Aemon agrees. The cold winds are rising. Summer is at an end, and a winter is coming such as this world has never seen.”
—Old Bear Mormont
I missed The Saker community, and thanks to the tireless staff to restore a beacon of light after 48+ hours in isolation, also known as solitary confinement.
The comments say it all!
Rejoice in the knowledge that we are alive to witness and participate in this century’s greatest victory.
Great that you are back. Thesaker is one of the most importent thing..in this days!// peter
Dear Saker and Saker team,
I have noticed several youtube channels have been demonitized/under attack. One of them is “The Dive, with Jackson Hinkle” and also “Redacted Tonight.” Both of these alternative news channels usually post content every day, and both have taken a week off thereabouts. Jackson just came back with a video saying that his channel was completely demonetized.
It seems they are cracking down in yet another wave of censorship, and DDoSing this site may have been the only effective way they could harm The Saker, since there are so many safeguards protecting Saker’s work.
Thank you all. Missed you so much!
Thank God for this victory.
It is one of the few places where you can honestly and seriously search for the truth. And it shows that there is a will to fight; and I want to be a part of it, even if it’s from the other end of the planet.
Blessings to El Saker and all his wonderful team.
Welcome back after your summer break for “much needed maintenance”. I was worried you might have been taken down until I saw the notice on your IP address:
Saker IP
If you are taking flak ti means you are over the target. Kudos to team Saker. Keep the truth flowing.
Very glad the Vineyard of the Saker site is back roaring again. It was quite upsetting not to have been able to access the site for a few days from my location in Iran. This shows the Empire of Lies has reached underrepresented degrees of desperation regarding independent-high quality websites such as the Saker blog.
Welcome back! Very happy to read you again. Thank you to the whole team for everything you do.
Well done gentlemen to shake off the distributed denial of service attack(s).
It proves that you are important enough to be attacked (there was no ransom asked I guess, because the presumed attacker prints its own money).
And we as readers and respinders are inportant enough to you, that you did noy want to deny us your valuable service. THANKS !
As Nietsche wrote: what doesn’t kill you ….
Congratulations and thank you all those who laboured through this insidious attack.
@ Colin Miller on July 11, 2022 · at 12:23 am EST/EDT
Winter is indeed coming.
Eurostan went from being Zone A paradise to show her true colors as a banana republic in Zone LBTGQYZ..etc. Russia’s SMO blasted Eurostan pretenses of being “free, independent, liberal democracies” and made evident their neo-colonial ties to the Empire of Lies.
The delusions of “peremoga” in which the Ukroreich has mounted their monkey business operation getting billions by the planeload, are falling apart day after day with every new town the Russians take, and with every retreat of the UkroWerhmacht. The rumor goes the US and Europe are looking for a negotiated exit to the SNAFU in which their proteges are sinking deeper and deeper.
Comrade Putin told them the other day the Ukroreich refusal to negotiate will make it ever more difficult to find a negotiated solution to the conflict. Invaluable A. Martyanov had a Russian joke about the West’s hopes for negotiations today.
“…As some sources (German Welt) report, the US and Europe are in secret negotiations trying to find a diplomatic resolution and to stop SMO (in Russian). Good luck with that–too little, too late. As in that famous Russian anecdote about two bear hunters. One of them finds the bear and shouts to his buddy:”Hey, I caught the bear!” His buddy responds:”Then, bring him here.” The response is:”I can’t, he doesn’t let me…
The Collective West is slowly but surely making concessions, and Russia is not even giving them the possibility to safe face. For example, Germany is now showing renewed enthusiasm about NS1, and requested from Canada the return of a turbine they sent there for repairs. Ukroreich opposes the return of the turbine as a violation of sanctions against Russia, however, Canada and Germany agreed on the return of the turbine at the latest G-7 meeting.
The turbine will go directly to Gazprom, for Germany to avoid violating the sanctions. Gazprom has another turbine in good working condition they could have used instead, however, Russia decided to poke on the sanctions regime, and force Germany to break the Ukroreich stranglehold on puppet Eurostan by forcing them to get the turbine from Canada.
To add insult to injury, Gazprom is stopping both lines of NS1 for “annual schedule repairs” from today to the 21st of July, and the Germans (and others) are concerned Gazprom will use the repairs as a pretext to delay the restart of NS1 for indefinite time, which will increase the price of gas skyhigh even more. Gas prices are approaching the $2,000.00 mark.
Norway unblocked the delivery of supplies to the miners in Svarbald, after Russia’s Duma threatened to denounce the agreement on the “Delimitation of Maritime Spaces and Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean,” and told Norway they will open their own way to the archipelago.
The EU is avidly working to convince yappy dog Lithuania to allow free passage of goods to Kaliningrad. Russophobic Joseph Borrel, who recently was foaming at the mouth swearing to fight to the last Ukrainian until Russia’s total defeat, said the EU is not going to impose a blockade on the Kaliningrad region, and the sanctions will be revised to allow cargo through Lithuania.
So? Wasn’t Eurostan going to keep the sanctions from hell squeezing Russia to death?
Whatever happened to their Nietzschean affirmation?
Where is their will to power?
Winter is coming.
Lone Wolf
The road ahead is tough, but our own liberation depends on Mother Russia prevailing.
I ll continue to put followers on.
The attack demontrates to the ignororant “It might be the truth”
Yeah, and with Canada keeping someone else’s property, next day a major Net supplier went down across the country……interesting to say the least.
Cheers M
Glad to see you are back. Keep up your good work!
Hello the Saker blog!
Kudos to Herb and the technical staff for all the hard work to keep the site running.
And thank you Amarynth for publishing all the fine articles here.
Just logged in from the UK and got in immediatelly. Thank God. I need a VPN so I can access RT and Sputnik, can anyone recomment one. I was thinking about Kapersky because it’s Russian, I believe, so should be safer to use.
Opera has an inbuilt VPN offering Europe, Asia and the Americas. It works for most regional exclusions, and is free.
To the guy asking about VPN
I use Proton via Serbia to get rt but cannot get sputnik website..use telegram for that..posts are a lot shorter than articles anyways
Yes welcome back!
It was like losing touch with a good friend.
Thankyou to all involved getting our Saker back in the air.
Jah bless from nZ.
We are Z.
Great! Welcome back! I did miss accessing the site when I had time. As the site was irresponsive, I tried in different hours but had to save the article I wanted to read later. I was never able to open more than one article… Now, I can open several (it will be hard to catch up with so much reading).
Thanks to the Saker team! Well done!
Amazing job guys. Thank you for all the hard work to get The Saker back online. Its short absence left an informational black hole.
The Saker blog is making a difference in a world saturated with media disinformation.
Thank you for your IT support in resolving and defending this beacon of light.
Pfew. For the pasr days I feared the site feld under the sanctions of the stupid EU, just like Russia today. Glad to learn it’s not the case.
Good day to you, saker community.
Thanks to all who sorted this out. I’ll admit I was worried, and discovered just how much the information and discussions here mean to me.
I’m sure this isn’t over. We live in a strange and dark time.
Keep faith and pray…and stand up.
Great work. This is a proof that the Saker is telling the truth and exposing the savages.
Here in Jordan it loaded very fast, as before.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Logged in from Athens GR and got in immediatelly.
”Thank you” to all of the Saker’s team and its helpers.
Keep up the good work !
Thanks god ……you are back
Well done, congratulations, excellent, but why were the problems kept quiet for so long ?
Many great minds on the mill wheels may help achieve miracles!
It seems there are more easily navigable sources of knowledge and information, and with various commentary and articles on here, and that allow for a wider perspective on the current world situation, other sites do indeed provide this variously, but the content comes over as being more fragmented. I don’t think it’s a question of info quantity, but of the how, there’s a consciousness stream going on here, a spiritual battle, and that is a very inclusive factor, we are all part of what is happening, and I think that is the defining ground. Nothing like having the devil under ones nose, most energising…. ; )
Sleeping in the cooled server room is no fun! Could catch pneumonia!
IIt’s bad out there on the other side of the DMZ :
BTW – that Siemens NS1 gas pump is a unique Rolls-Royce machine (Siemens bought RR turbine units years ago.). Likely needs a special repair shop.
Took Habeck a MONTH to figure this out!
But politics screws up normal engineering business big time!
Good News you’re back. The Saker is like a gasp of fresh air in the UK, ful of these corrupt politicians, pedophiles, faggots and warmongers in government. Good job guys, keep flying…
Interesting that the Saker site goes down at the precise moment BoJo the clown gets turfed as UK PM, then Japan’s Abe is murdered.
Somebody has something to conceal.
Thank God you are back,as for Lithunia being taken down they deserve it,the Saker doesn’t LOL!!
Alabado sea el Señor por estar otra vez en línea.
Muchos en hispanoamérica os seguimos.
Que la Virgen, nuestra madrecita, os proteja siempre de todo mal.
machine translation:
Praise the Lord for being online again.
Many of us in Latin America are following you.
May the Virgin, our little mother, always protect you from all evil.
So glad to see the site back! Many thanks to all the hard work of the admin team. Also, very relieved that everyone on the Saker team are well as I have no illusions about what The Anglo-West is capable of.
Is there a Telegram channel as backup for thesaker.is ??? That would help during this sort of outage.
Hi Andrei, so glad to see my link work this morning!! Tried so many times in last few days to drop in to get the latest info and alternative perspective on events. I am still pretty new here, and so I am reluctant to comment, other than congratulations on surviving the attack!
Have to admit, I was nervous, but had faith in you, the team and the community.
Great work guys!, real David vs Goliath stuff right here.
Very glad you’re back helping those of us in NZ with eyes to see, ears to hear …
So glad to see you back! Thank you to Amarynth, Herb and all others who helped. I wonder if it is just a coincidence that former prime minister Abe Shinzo, who was on good terms with Putin and Trump, got taken down permanently right about at the same time as the DDOS attack here. The Empire has come out swinging, I think.
It’s good to see you up and running again. When I was trying to connect and was refused entry I thought you banned me.
I’m relieved.
Brilliant…missed you so much.
So glad to have you back fingers crossed)
Congratulations for getting the blog back up!
Yesterday morning when I opened the site, all was well.
But when I tried to open a link, I started getting error messages.
It was upsetting to see the results of ongoing attacks. It is really like a sniper war.
Many thanks to those who have the ability and will to put up defenses keep the Vineyard open to all .
It hasn’t been possible to access the site for several days.
This seems to be widespread. Things like Pepe Escobar’s material and many others are also being blocked.
This must be the free speech I hear so much about in our wonderful democracy.
Probably the handiwork of our chums at 77 Brigade and Tugendhat, who is trying to step into Johnson’s shoes.
Thank you for the best coverage of Russia´s special operation, particularly the detailed account of events on the ground. Unable to provide any material (money) support, please receive our thanks and congratulations for returning to our screens
I was looking at the numbers of visitors/view of recent articles.
Usually it is somewhere between 10000 and 40000, but look at the article where Saker asks for urgent help: 600000 views!!
Is that where all the ddos went?
Amazing number! (it is is correct)
I am so happy to read you again! Keep doing your fantastic work! Thanks again from Brussels.
Purely for readers’ info and entertainment, I came across this EU Disinformation site. It expresses very naive, backwoods mainstream “received opinion”; for instance, perplexed at the Saker’s “blind loyalty” to Russia. But I was impressed by these remarks about the Vineyard:
“The Saker has a rather impressive traffic – data from Similarweb shows that the site had over 360 000 visitors in May. Most visitors come from the US, some from Canada.
“The Saker sounds like a really impressive guy; with integrity.
“The Saker has developed into a community. The Saker’s readers can share tips on what to read, what to grow and how to stay healthy; the list of reliable news makes the members of the community feel comfortable.
“A set of different language versions is found. The English version links to versions of The Saker in French, in Italian, in Spanish, Serbian and Russian.
The Saker motto “Defiance towards Authority” certainly runs deep across the community.