“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” – Carl Jung

Yes, we will have a captcha. Yes we are under ddos protection. This is both excellent, but also frustrating.

I will say, seemingly this time the intent was to take us down, forever. It was a new world to watch the server statistics, see The Saker Blog being restored, and within 2 or 3 minutes after that, the take-down starts, with ease. But do remember, the Russian hacker group just took down most of Lithuania, so it is all part of the new warfare.

I do not have much more to say, except thank you so much for all the wonderfully supportive emails and thank you for the donations. We could do with some more of those at this stage and always your prayers.

Thank you to certain unnamed techs for the supportive work with Herb, and thank you to Herb for running just about round the clock to solve this.

We may hear from Andrei (The Saker) as well.

Kindest regards to all

Update:  We are still fixing things, so patience is still a virtue.

UPDATE!  Bear in mind we are still using only http and not https.  Refer to this:  http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/https-has-been-disabled-use-http-thesaker-is-to-access-our-site/