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I really hope he is right about the Kharkov offensive.
Proper understanding of what is going on: Planetary Clearances.
Read it. Fact devoid nonsense.
In the UK power vests first in the intelligence services, second in the PM and parliament, third on the wealthy and influential.
Charles may be a green nut since before but he is not a genocidal maniac. If anything the government will find him a nuisance to their aims as he likely will be more open with his thinking than his mother.
Let us focus on the real problem. The MICCIMATT.
But who controls the MICCIMATT ? Dig deeper.
It is the private banks, who create the money supply as debt using computer keystrokes.
“Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws”
Meyer Amschel Rothschild
Why should any sovereign government have to borrow money, when it could just as easily create it with a computer key stroke, but without incurring debt.
Negative. You have it backwards. Power rests in the hands of the wealthiest, always has, always will. The “big money” always gets it way. At least that is what I see from history. Today is no different.
That’s sounds like a black pil you’ve eaten. Perhaps, you’re just reading one story/ history. Absolute power is an illusion and it’s aspiration is tragic hubris that eats itself alive. History, as well as it’s making, is happily far more complex than that
The Reverend, using a broad brush and few strokes, gets it basically right. The green is but a beard for the ugly monechangers´ face, and they do trade in global death now.
Being pro the ‘Green Shift’ is in reality being pro Eugenics. The poor will have to die. No energy, no food.
Some random thoughts about Andrei Martyanov’s latest talk, which as always is very valuable.
When I studied political science (I confess!) many of my fellow students would go on to study law, and some of those would grace the ranks of the political class. Or they would go into journalism. Now if these people learn about military science from Hollywood, it may be because they are extroverts and spend their time at cocktail parties instead of reading books like Herodot and Thukydides, also Leo Tolstoy, Eric Hobsbawm and Arnold Toynbee and other fine literature.
Those who have read about the Sicilian Expedition of the ancient Athenians, a disaster similar to the one the US proxy Ukraine is experiencing at this very moment, and the rise of sophism in Athens will see many parallels today and learn from them.
But there is another thing. When my grandfather and father were members of the parliament of an alpine republic, they saw their role as being servants of the people and the common good. In today’s neo-liberal world however there are only competing particular interests, including the defence industry. But the aggregate of all particular interests is not identical to the common good, as liberal dogma would suggest. Even more so in a political system which is obsessed with sophistic (fallacious but effective) argumentation, as well as PR and marketing, often of rubbish. This may be why those who clearly have a sense of duty, arguably Queen Elisabeth, are respected.
Liberalism as social Darwinism or economic liberalism (the freedom of the fox in the hen-house and of the hens to flutter to safety) was neither humanistic nor enlightened. It has contaminated foreign policy. We are human beings after all. Even the other liberalism which stresses the self-determination of the individual has become extreme today, leading to vanity, self-indulgence and divisiveness. Therefore some philosophy, and if you will religious dogma and tradition, will restore the balance – not in the declining West, for that it is too late, but in the multi-polar world emancipated at last from the US’s destructive foreign policy.
Thank you for pointing out the clickbait tactics. I thought I was the only one annoyed by this. Words cannot express how unprofessional this is. Just a few years ago it was only the yellow press publications like the National Enquirer that used to do this, but now it’s commonplace. Just another (more subtle) indicator of how far the quality of journalism has fallen.
I think that Andrei’s analysis of the latest Ukraine counteroffensive is the most definitive that I have heard. I wish every commenter on the Saker blog could hear it. It would erase a lot of doubts.
I disagree with Andrei’s comments about queen Elizabeth. The phenomenon of “Royalty”, of kings and queens and their subjects is a true sign of ignorance. It feeds people’s childish need for authority. Secondly, the so called royal family is an essential part of the global bankster cult that is about to do a Great Reset.
I didn’t get the impression Andrei was defending monarchy, per se. Rather he was asking for a little decency for a fellow human being; he is also correct in that she had old-school class. As a young girl at the time of the early death of her father I’m sure being Queen was the last thing she wanted. We demean ourselves by being mean-spirited. It doesn’t mean we also agree with the institution.
“…she had old-school class…”
At or near the time she was photographed giving the Sig Heil salute? Or the many toimes she was een and photographed in the company of Jimmy Saville, Ex PM Heath, etc?
Not a royalist but their role and influence is exaggerated in terms of bankers
After working in London for years the upper classes who are monied are movers and shakers the royals in terms of Queen and Actual line of succession avoid politics and trust no one on banking. Their circles they confide in are small and they would never talk openly to eg Mr diamond of jp Morgan. They are rich and influential enough. They
Don’t need the bankers.
Queen Elizabeth was an incredible monarch and dutiful leader and kept very neutral on social and political issues. She was also religious. Let’s giver her her due she has never complained, always smiling always dutiful.
Let’s at least take blinkers off long enough to respect that.
Nope, no, nyet. The rotton old cow was the head of the British Zionist snake, The City of London.. A figurehead but with influence.
Good riddance and rot in hell with Jimmy Saville and the assorted other sexual deviants the Uk seems to always have in abundance.
What an ignorant statement, ie “…kept very neutral on social and political issues.”!
Did you know that she was personally involved in the illegitimate sacking of Australia’s duly elected Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, in 1975 – Nov 11 to be exact.
This was proven at the highest levels in the judicial system in 2020 through the now infamous “letters to the Queen”, from the Governor-general at the time of the sacking, John Kerr. Written corresondence between the queen and her representative, Kerr, discussing the removal Whitlam, all against a backdrop of CIA complicity. She was 100% invlonved and many in Australia will neither forgive nor forget. Colonialism at its finest!
Under normal circumstances I would agree it’s uncouth to speak badly of the recently expired. However, these are not normal circumstances/times and the British/Euro royalty and so-called elite have a lot of blood on their hands, including sweet old Lizzy . . . . . . . . . . . and I’m not talking about Paedo Prince Andrew fingering virgins.
The Western Establishments have been genociding developing country saps for hundreds of years, generation after generation have suffered, that’s why they’re still referred to as developing countries. When you genocide mostly people of working age, then underdeveloped countries can never develop, D’uh. Should they be given a chance to develop then many would begin to understand they’re being shafted and begin to ask pertinent questions, like what’s in those lorries being rushed to port and what’s/where’s the source of that black oily stuff that polluted my land, that I can no longer grow f-all?
True though, I’d rather be reading about Macron’s demise or Mr Kinzhal quietly entering via the roof of the US Congress while in full sitting.
Understand one thing.
The British monarchy is a constitutional monarchy.
The queen has never had any political power. By all accounts she was not a great fan of some prime minister’s including Blair who she refused to knight and title until Boris Johnson made her do it.
She can’t influence the government. The US president probably has more influence.
But she has been a sounding board and wise counsel for many PMd whether they listened or not.
Most modern UK PMs lust after fame power and money , excluding Theresa May. They wantol big American money.
The queen is not a fan of any of that.
Let’s not over estimate I’m a ridiculous way what she can do. She is just a figurehead not an executive.
Her only real power is she can dissolve parliament and remove a PM if she did that they would likely remove her.
“The British monarchy is a constitutional monarchy. The queen has never had any political power.”
This is an outstanding distortion of the truth (truthseeker ? really?).
To use just one example to show you are making it up. During the lead up to the Establishment illegally sacking the Whitlam govt. in Australia decades ago she was ion constant contact with her treasonous Governer General, Kerr the cur. That is just one example and many more are documented.
And Bonnie Prince Charlie has long had political influence, again may examples abound of MPs and royalty colluding.
The same is said of the Thai monarchy too, but that is also a lie as events over at least 70 years have shown.
Dear grr, The English monarchy is NOT constitutional because England does not have a written constitution. Its monarchy is parliamentary.
Yes I know that Oscar, I was quoting truthseeker’s incorrect statement. They are constitutional in name only.
Didn’t she once remove the prime minister of Australia?
No, Governor General Kerr did that removal in 1975 and it was really only thing he could but it was on the condition the caretaker PM would immediately call an election which he did.
There are reserve powers and those are necessary so as to deal with any corrupt politicians.
Unfortunately the US system doesnt have any such a structure as if it did people like Pelosi who effectively are the PM would go at warp speed (its only reserve power really is the US Supreme Court).
Kerr in fact possibly acted with CIA MI6 urging in it.
The then Aust Govt (1972-75) was seeking petrodollar financing for projects from Iraq and the London and NY bankers couldnt have that.
Wrong!! She was directly involved. Please refer to my comment in reply to “truthseeker” above (whatever that name is supposed to mean!) At least some people here know the extent of the Windsors’ stench.
There was more to it than Iraq. The Whitlam government engaged the Soviets in talks about yellowcake. Kosygin was a direct participant – I wonder if there is a memoir of his.
Actually you are wrong. There are many,many instances of the monarchy circumventing democracy.
In 1975 the Queens rep in Australia actually fired the government.Also,the UK military in the 1970s also plotted a coup and were going to base the resultant dictatorship around the royal family.Tthere are many instances when the Royal prerogative has vetoed anything that they see to be against their interests, much emanating from Parliament,.
“The Hollywood film “Schindler’s list” is a true story about WWII where 54 mio people died to save 6 mio Jews.”
If we never relate ourselves to true reality but only to “white noise” and fake, we end up as mental disabled as our brain and heart deteriorate because it cant take on the long term not to be connected to factual reality.
Lavrov’s early description of US as a monkey with a hand granade is today a gorilla with a minute man and when they talk so much about it, its because these people want to be close to the trigger.
Andrei always speaks of the incompetence of Western leaders. I think the bigger problem (for the world) is the insanity and evil of Western leaders as well as the insanity and evil of the owners of these leaders.
Sometimes, these people are quite competent in achieving their insane and evil goals.
Sometimes my friend?
Sadly it became normalized in the western world and I’ve observed the phenomenon personally as a soul born within the former united states of America.
A cancer infested the western world and now, as this cancer consumes the beast, it dies.
So shall many souls perish, however Truth shall prevail and His souls shall know peace-:)
Understand one thing.
The British monarchy is a constitutional monarchy.
The queen has never had any political power. By all accounts she was not a great fan of some prime minister’s including Blair who she refused to knight and title until Boris Johnson made her do it.
She can’t influence the government. The US president probably has more influence.
But she has been a sounding board and wise counsel for many PMd whether they listened or not.
Most modern UK PMs lust after fame power and money , excluding Theresa May. They wantol big American money.
The queen is not a fan of any of that.
Let’s not over estimate I’m a ridiculous way what she can do. She is just a figurehead not an executive.
Her only real power is she can dissolve parliament and remove a PM if she did that they would likely remove her.
Sorry Truth Seeker. Nothing could be more from the truth.
The British Monarchy is an absolute Monarchy.
The Queen/King have unconditional power, she is Chairwoman of the Board of the 300, Chairwoman of NATO, approve the legality of all her governments and ministers, and approve legally all major decisions of the British Commonwealth.
The PM’s of Canada, Australia, m.m. all have to swear their unconditional loyalty to the Queen under oath and before they are legally appointed PM’s.
How is bojo going to “MAKE” her do something.
If he had this kind of power over people, where is he now?
He’s nothing but a patsy.
Who is telling bojo, what to tell somebody else?
bojo runs nothing.
The royal family runs nothing.
Who are the rothschilds?
A good sitrep on the Kharkov offensive:
Kharkiv Front. A sober assessment.
The heat of the first day’s fighting has subsided and an interim summary can be made. The Ukronazis attacked in three directions. As a result, only one tactical success can be noted: the loss of Volokhov Yar and the advance towards Shevchenkove. In the other directions, fierce fighting ensued, as a result of which the Ukrainian Armed Forces were halted and bogged down. The fact that by the afternoon of yesterday, the enemy had already begun to bring in reserves. Not even twenty-four hours had passed. Mainly the cadre units, trained according to the NATO standards, were thrown into the battle. They acted competently, but not in a well-coordinated way. One motorized infantry platoon of the enemy in Verbovka came under friendly fire because of the lack of coordination and was practically completely destroyed, all this happened in full view of our soldiers. In general, it is not surprising, they have the same problems as we have. Our artillery was as usual yesterday. Everything that could work worked on the advancing troops, it played its role, lots of losses of the enemy exactly on the march. Units, that broke through the barrage of artillery fire, engaged in battle, but the ones, that were behind them, stopped. Aircraft began to work actively against them. Thanks to this, limited enemy forces entered the battle near Balakleya. This, in turn, helped the relatively small garrison to hold off the enemy. Several combatants took the initiative to send reinforcements to the city in the form of several tanks, which under enemy fire (the road to Balakleya is under enemy fire) managed to skip into the city and support the defenders. Several desperate drivers in Kamaz trucks with BCs also managed to get into the city. By evening, our reserves had pulled up to Balakleya. A heavy combined arms battle began, in which our units showed resilience and as a result Balakleya is still ours.
At Volokhov Yar, the Nazis were a little luckier, probably their commander was a little smarter. The AFU did not storm the town, but began to bypass it and move on to Shevchenkove. As a result, our small garrison was encircled. However, after Semyonovka, the enemy received artillery and aviation, and so halted. From Volokhov Yar the grouping split, a part of it went to Kunya in order to cut off the transport artery. They were also met with artillery and aviation fire and also stopped.
Bottom line: We can’t speak of any Nazi success on the Kharkov front yet.
Except for the loss of Volokhov Yar, the AFU failed to achieve any serious successes. The tempo of the offensive stalled already on the first day. If our command continues to manoeuvre competently and strike the enemy’s second echelon of advancing forces accurately, by the end of tomorrow it will be possible to speak of a complete cessation of the AFU counter-offensive. At the moment, heavy fighting is taking place on the Kharkiv front. The one who has stronger nerves and stronger operational thinking will win. I wish good luck to all our commanders and fighters.
Another important aspect that I find interesting is the Ukrainian equipment. It is perhaps 50% NATO equipment and 50% Soviet equipment that even the Soviet Union did not use in the 80s (BTR-60s have been seen on the front line in Kharkov) and converted civilian equipment, for example we have the video of these Ukrainian soldiers going to the front not in an APC but in a kind of van.
This does not mean that the Ukrainians will not have equipment, I think NATO will supply them with everything they need, for example APCs and armoured cars. But the loss of the army’s ORIGINAL equipment points to huge casualties.
If it were a matter of upgrading the army, i.e. moving to using NATO equipment exclusively (although the M113 is not an upgrade to a BTR in any sense) then we would not see outdated equipment such as the BTR-60.
For example it has been months since a BTR-4 has been seen in combat that were the main IFV of the Ukrainians.
All this points to a large number of casualties.
Does this mean that Ukraine is currently defenceless? No, as I said, material is arriving and personnel are arriving. I am talking only about casualties. Another question is the capacity to replace those casualties.
Attacking is a complicated business in this war, we find ourselves in a situation similar to the first world war.
If the Russians attack looking for big moves the casualties will be heavy.
If Ukraine attacks the casualties will be heavy.
The difference with WWI is that there are no firm lines so to speak, although trenches are visible, especially in Donbass. But we have some units covering positions or areas with nobody (for example that village behind the Donetsk river with 0 Russian troops where the Ukrainians entered and left), this is due to the drone-artillery combination. In this way the vast majority of Russian or Ukrainian “front line” forces are kept miles out of the line of battle, relatively protected from being seen by drones and covered by artillery.
The problem is the attack when they are easily spotted by drones, and the artillery arrives …
It isn’t a surprise, what is happening in Balakleya. Thousands of Ukrainian armed forces, with thousands of NATO mercenaries and SF built up in Kharkiv and rushed the much smaller Russian units.
Balakleya is a very small town, very close to Kharkiv, and due to heavy civilian population there, russia’s fire superiority is limited in preventing a large build up. There is very little Russia could do to fortify the city, and cause problems for the civilians there, and fight
That being said, these thousands of troops, along with mercenaries won’t change anything except they will die for some propaganda value.
Russia has limited their own casualties, while inflicting massive casualty ratios (40+ to 1) on Ukraine. Kharkiv and Balakleya are very close, pretty much right next to the Russian border, and It is a cake walk to deploy forces to destroy Ukrainian forces.
I don’t see Russian command being concerned. the mass worry bullshit on telegram is hilarious, even on “pro-russian channels”. The strategic game right now is the energy and economic crisis in Europe, not this tactical show for online trolling.
Why are Russians not advancing? Why should they? What does Russia really again from advancing right now, to 10 months from now? Nothing strategic will change. Ukrainian lines are so thin, literally anyone can go through them, mostly without resistance, Russia already demonstrated this in the opening days of the operation, when Ukraine’s army was still intact. There is simply no way for Ukraine’s small army to protect its long borders, so they build up military units in heavily civilian areas, and launch these propaganda spoiler attacks.
I agree but problem is for pro RU civilians who can be killed or tortured by nazis.Like in Butcha.
” Ukrainian lines are so thin, literally anyone can go through them, mostly without resistance, Russia already demonstrated this in the opening days of the operation, when Ukraine’s army was still intact.”
OK then, why don’t the Russians advance and create cauldrons of these built-up areas? I find this assertion that the lines are thin very dubious.
There is way to much supposition in the comments section. Some very vivid imaginations.
The reality is that support in ukraine among civilians for russia is low, esp the western side. This was shown in initial days of war during feint.
Ukrainians are apathetic and don’t resist zelensky. They don’t want to be drafted and fight, but they don’t stop being human shields for mercenaries and nazi units. Cauldron formations for cities of million+ is a high cost for a limited russian operation. Russia has destroyed the Ukrainian army but against terrorism, the population must stop it.
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Why are Russians not advancing? Why should they?
Yes, but they are not advancing
Why … it is very difficult to explain Russian strategy
Maybe they want to destroy as many Ukro military potentials as possible and then just to walk into towns
Serbian guy Dejan Berić who is fighting on Donbas front said couple of days ago that town of Marinka was taken 75% but command did not allow them to take rest of that town.
And just yesterday they were allowed to take the rest of that town except one very small part of industrial zone
So Russian command deliberately stopping their military units for some reason
What is the reason only they know for sure… maybe they really do not want too many casualoties anfd let their soldiers move only if target is completely secure
I do not know. But Russian command probably know what they are doing.
During the Solovyov TV show, the head of russian Harkow administration Vitaly Ganchev said that Ukros did not take Balakleya and Shevcenkovo.
He said that they tried to go toward Kupyansk but that they were stopped
So frankly I do not know what is going on
We will see
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Ukrainian surprise counter attack ..
It seems to me that somebody was sleeping on Harkow front.
It is very irresponsible behaviour on the Russian side. Some commanders should take consequences for this.
This MUST NOT happen to Russians
There is an element of these events that seems to be overlooked in the general concentration of attention upon the military developments, namely, the number of local people that already got their Russian passport, that publicly showed their Russian identity, which become instant targets of attention of the nazi goons arriving back at any settlement, town or city they had left sometime earlier, expectantly for good. That is a serious matter for the morale of the civilian population elsewhere as well.
War has its own vagaries but uncertainties amongst the civilian population should be given great attention, given their indefensible position under such developments.
I am happy Smoothie raised the point of the tiresomeness of the “incompetent ritualistic insanity” of the neocons and other crazies. Yes, the “incompetence” and obsession of AZE technocrats is indeed linked to psychiatry. However many do not appreciate psychiatry itself, largely quackery in opinion of many honest physicians, obscures that a large subset of psychiatric disease is of satanic influence. We should differentiate between real disease and possession.
There is a place for psychology in medicine and it is a vital science.
However the clinical discipline of psychiatry went off the rails before I was born. It serves the mindwars department now. The “keep them pleasantly numb and confused and suggestible to outside influence” directive. Few honest experienced generalists in USA trusts them! They are not mere pill-pushers and salesmen of Big Pharma, using millions in unauthorized “off-label” mass experimentation on zombiefication, but they pioneer the stigmatization and “pathologization” of countless. Every human behavior and activity can be categorized as a pathology according to their high clerics. Peruse the latest edition of their grimoire, the DSM! Many spiritual physicians, imho, validly claim their combined efforts work in effect to facilitate mass possession, by (1) masking symptoms, (2) weakening self-defense mechanisms and/or worst of all (3) misdiagnosis of the actual underlying demonic activity.
They treat trivial symptoms, preventing society from understanding or addressing the deeper spiritual issue. How many once on their psychotropics go on to complete suicidal ideation?! It is so common many are forced to write the increased suicide risk in the inserts and to post the adverse effects!
So playing along with dishonest Khazarian terminology does us all a disservice..
Once we get all this, what does it say about true pathology of AZE oligarchy?
Here is a sample piece on the distinction between real psychologic disease and possession. Many such stories are available online… also VIP to keep in mind demons tend to focus on elites so as to corrupt entire societies thereby.. so the neocons and royalties and technocrats would be expected to be afflicted immeasurably more than normal people. I do not fully endorse this piece’s findings, but it provides one spiritual approach and deeper consideration of the real underlying issues.
How to differentiate Demonic Possession from Schizophrenia
“Every human behavior and activity can be categorized as a pathology according to their high clerics.”
This made me chuckle. Indeed, it seems that according to the psychiatric establishment, a good and healthy human is a dead human.
What does it say about a society when satanic death cults masquerade as healthcare organizations?
“Ah yes, depressed and unhappy with life are we? Take this pill three times a day. It will make you dead in every way that counts, but you can go on looking like you are alive.”
The systems that reward a lack of morality are going to be rife with mentally ill and morally devoid individuals e.g. narcissism, sociopathy, etc. The current western system from early education indoctrinate individuals into believing that the morally defunct system is the only successful system. Most people in the western societies are infected with this mindset somewhat. The passion of their lives are hollowed out to a point that people with either join the system, or will fight it. The people who believe in the object lie of materialism can wind up being mentally ill. The ones who fight but do not understand what is wrong usually become mentally ill. In either case the basic virtue of giving of ones self is lost. Having a sense of faith which dictates virtue e.g., conscience, small voice, etc., gives healthier people a chance to have a joyous life absent of mental illness or possession.
In my view the west is a corrupt, and decrepit dying empire brought about by narcissistic sociopaths who appear dumb to the healthy person because of their genocidal, and suicidal thinking.
CNN today published that “The government of Ukraine is considering shutting down the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant”. In all seriousness. TODAY.
How – the Russians are in control of it? But if CNN say the Ukies are considering shutting it down, it means they want to cause a nuclear metldown.
Liz Truss and Biden, m.m. have been talking for years about the necessity of nuking a desert in Iran or something to show everybody we mean business.
Beirut got the first test bomb, and the International Community are today ready and prepared for action against anybody who jeopardizes or show aggression against the American people who are innocent.
Anyone seen this morning’s destroyed ‘division’ of the s300 complex in Zaporozhye region (on intel slava z telegram )?. How did they get hold of all these systems, I count at least 10?
India and Turkiye received from memory 2 x s400 or would that be 2 ‘divisions’?
Yes I saw it, I remember one of the eastern Europe countries gave S-300, in april or may.
These are all older versions of the S-300. They were exported to many countries including Vietnam, Algeria, Bulgaria, Syria and yes, Ukraine too! I’m sure some were warehoused by several former Warsaw Pact nations and these could have been shipped to UKR.
Nobody outside of Russia has the very latest S-400, S-500 and S-550 systems. The S-400s that have been exported to Turkey (and soon to India) are very good but these aren’t the most potent versions with all the latest “bells & whistles” included.
Artillery shells from North Korea? lol. Russia, throughout its Soviet past, has produced – and still – so much weapons and ammo they lost count, they are even finding them in Siberian forests by chance, like the MBT parking lot facility deep in the forest many years back.
When the West use toddler’s propaganda one knows what they think of their own public.
NATO still wants Ukraine IN.
Almost a declaration of war, WWIII.
‼️NATO believes that if Ukraine renounces hostilities, it will cease to exist-Jens Stoltenberg‼️
The main of the statements of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:
In the long term, NATO will supply Ukraine with weapons and ensure its transition from Soviet to Western weapons.;
*NATO is deploying new forces on the eastern border and sending an unambiguous signal to Russia that it will defend every inch of its territory.
Freeland (nazi Canadian) will probably become NATO head…a nazi at the head of NATO…
perfect match indeed, at least it is clear
Neocons only have 8 weeks left(before midterms) to finish their vendetta, the 8 most dangerous weeks for the World.
They will try ANYTHING, even the worst..last opportunity to destroy Russia maybe before 100 years or more? Playing their ultimate joker, doubling down going for broke, no surprise.
There were two bomb blasts near Naukova metro station here in Kharkov, about a block away from where I was writing at my favorite cafe. It happened a little after 2pm local time.
In other news regime change now in Chisinau Moldova.
Dima mentioned Ukie moving armour into the Metro subway…….maybe Russia is closing the tunnel doors.
Cheers M
Andrei’s comment about ideology here raises the key fact that Russia China etc.. have a master plan (which will yield solid results), whereas in the US etc.. there is no real plan – its simply a short term crap shoot (see what happens and deal with it as required).
They control events, whereas in the US (under its political clowns) events control them.
Most western businesses except maybe for Japan and Germany only have short to medium term plans focusing on immediate profits, not a long term strategic one.
And this is why things have slid and are in hole and the cupboard is bare.
And there are EU globalists elites trying to destroy them too.
If the West really wanted to help the people of UKN they would give a $1000 cash payment to every Ukrainian so they could buy things they need. Rather than pay for weapons.
They have though thru Soros kept the UKN people in poverty and a boot on their necks certainly since 2014 then have tried to blame Russia for the bad eco conditions. It is they who oppressed them.
Its amazing that people that really should know better keep falling for the same Nato propaganda lies. Its the same nonsense that Maria Zakharova recently called believers of stupid but that ,in fact, 85% of the worlds population do not actually believe in
BBC = “British Bullshit Corporation” is about right.
Been an appalling news agency for some time now.
Ever since Tony Blair became PM.
And CIA and Washington people get their ideas about warfare from Hollywood is also about right too.
Great assessment Andrei ! AAA+
Everyone should re-quote those.
Pravda and TASS too.
Just little bit Ukie propaganda of “military success” and quite many commentators here running in panic like headless chickens. Kharkiv was taken by Wehrmacht in 1941. Then by Red Army in early 1943. Then taken by Wehrmacht/SS in March 1943. Then after failure of Citadel taken by Red Army in fall of 1943.
Every army after achieving some success will face issues with supply lines and reserves. That’s the military history. And land warfare is never as fast and “fascinating” as military romantics are fantasizing. It’s long long road to those planning to win. And besides what does military victory really look like? Not always like in May 1945.
Speaking of white noise, I wonder if everyone is aware of the YT channel, Saker Daily News. At first, I thought Andrei had a wild sense of humor and was Trolling us all. Its a fairly sophisticated propaganda channel. IMO designed to pull in Saker fans. And it is definately hilarious.
Interesting, I was not aware of that.
I can confirm that the following websites have no connection to the Saker Community:
Saker Daily News:
The Saker is Global aka
Not that I care either way, I chose to consider this as yet another proof that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” :-)
Reports are coming in that with the disaster of the Kharkov attacks, in the seized areas the Ukies are “punishing” those residents that sided with their Russian liberators. This is going to have a chilling effect in the other liberated areas.Not even to mention the tragedy for those innocent people themselves. Showing residents that they still aren’t safe from nazi savagery. No matter how we on the pro-Russian side try to spin this. This is not good for us. And shows once again,if another example was even needed,that the SMO is undermanned. Instead of wargames in the east. Those troops need to be having true wargames in the west. There is no doubt in my mind that Russia will overcome this setback and take back those lost areas. But the damage done,was preventable,and is a setback but will be overcome in time.
Here is the latest from the Military Summary Channel on this situation:
Update. The Military Summary Channel new report seems to think that the tide may be turning and the Russians are getting ready for a major counter-counter attack:
Who do you think Blinken responds to in terms of orders? If one links the dots , could the real boss not be “the City” , with deeper connexions to the BIS , especially the “money bags” behind it?
Those guys feel really threatened today with their strategy with Ukraine and they know it’s historic and that it may some day be included in the Bible as a new chapter, naturally reflecting how God’s ” Chosen people” dérailled again .
The real boss is apparently the Council on Foreign Relations. Blinken is too mediocre to have any real power. Even that noodle woman who has caused so much harm to Ukraine (using Ukraine as a weapon against Russia) is just a subordinate. Of course the British have ideational influence because of their imperial temper and history. It is in the CFR however that all of the strands of influence converge, at least as far as constructing the Western narrative to which everyone is committed. It is a network. This network wields the power, not the individuals who are a part of it. They come from governments, the MICIMATT complex, FIRE, OGAM etc. It is a network by invitation only, so there is little internal dissent and self-correction. If they have doubts they will tread softly.
I have complete confidence in RF strategy and believe each action taken, be it advance or retreat certain areas are beyond my understanding until described after the fact from the ministry of defence. When viewing opinions from flag wavers on telegram the mistakes and the options that should have happened, I roll my eyes and wonder with such broad viewership what is wrong with their minds? Or is it part of the propaganda to give
The west the idea that RF offensive is crumbling? (part of the RF trap)
We are all observers, 2nd, 3rd hand for the most part though some here are first hand experiencing the SMO. Raising doubts or fears is nothing but gossip. Lots more to say, I’ll keep restrained for now as my indulgence of famous grouse could get me into shit list.
Cheers to everyone from northern Alberta, I hope your fall harvest is plentiful! Few more hours to be Elk hunting in solitude with my children. Wish you all good health!