First, in Hungary, Viktor Orban won a supermajority in the latest elections. This makes perfect sense, as Orban’s policies have guaranteed that Hungary will get her energy at a low and stable price for the next 15 years (if I remember correctly) while the Eurolemmings will get their at astronomic prices on the spot markets which they themselves chose over long term contracts. The same goes for food items, fertilizer, etc.
I want to congratulate the Hungarian people not only on being the smartest in Europe, but for showing and proving that even a nation which is part of the EU and NATO can defend its own national interests.
Now about the Bucha fake, I won’t repeat it all here, I rather simply refer you to these:
I also would like to use this opportunity to point you to the YouTube channel of Patrick Lancaster:
Unlike Gonzalo Lira who is in Kharkov, Lancaster reports from Mariupol. They have very different styles, but they both deserve the recognition for the crucial work they are doing.
I also noticed that the Chinese channel CGTN has very good correspondent in the Ukraine, although I have heard him only on the Russian-language CGTN chanel. Here is the main one, FYI:
Finally, it appears that the USA is trying to color-revolutionize Imran Khan in Pakistan and that this might even involve a plot to kill that man. Makes me wonder – did the CIA really learn nothing from Belarus or Kazakhstan???
In Russia the mass exodus of pro-western 5th columnists is continuing, which is a real cause for celebration. The sad part is that the official spokesman for the Kremlin, Peskov, seems to think that these folks are not traitors. Considering how the Atlantic Integrationists in the Presidential Administration and the Russian Government have totally mismanaged PR war, and then sent a pitiful figure like Medinsky to talk, which resulted in a real panic in Russia as most Russians are much more afraid to have diplomats negate all the efforts of the military. Frankly, sending Ramzan Kadyrov to negotiate would have been a much better move.
If the first phase of the war has shown that the Russians could achieve amazing results against a major force with a smaller force and the focus on maneuver, it has, alas, also shown that Russian PYSOPs and Civil Affairs capabilities are minimal and mostly ineffective. Now, wars can be won with little or not efforts allocated to PYSOPs and Civil Affairs, but such wars are much more costly not only in time and money, but also in human lives. Negotiations, PSYOPs, Civil Affairs and military operations have to work together, towards a common goal – then they act as a force multiplier. But when civilians do their own thing and the military their own, this needlessly complicates military operations and make wars much harder to end.
In all fairness to the Russians, they never had the kind of propaganda resources the Empire of Lies has. In fact, since US forces are typically of poor military value, the US has developed very sophisticated capabilities which they now bring to bear with great efficiency. So Russia faces two very different enemies:
- The Ukrainian soldiers who are just the cannon fodder for Uncle Shmuel
- The formidable propaganda machine of the Empire of Lies
The only good news here is that INSIDE Russia the Empire of Lies has totally failed, Putin’s personal popularity is now well above 80% and the popular disgust with the Russian fake “intelligentsia” (the self-applied label of “creative class” the Russian 5th columnist always claim for themselves) is real. So more and more of them are resigning, moving abroad, or openly caving into the immense pressure of the Empire to condemn their own President and country.
Lastly, remember how for YEARS I wrote that a Russian invasion of the Ukraine would be a dream come true for the Neocons?
Now that this has happened, do you see what I was referring to? We can now say that thanks to this war, the Empire of Lies can now officially “cancel Russia” – their 1000 year old dream.
That being said, I think that the West also overplayed its hand. Yes, they managed to make hatred for Russia and Russians a new type of woke virtue signalling, but they went so far overboard that they got the undivided attention of the Russian people who now see the true face and intentions of the Empire of Lies. And now that most Russians have understood that:
- Russia and the Empire of Lies are in an existential war which only one side can walk away from and
- The Empire of Lies wants to genocide the Russian nation (by a combo of means), this is a fight for survival, and for the right to live in a sovereign country
At this point in time, Ze has indicated that he will make no concessions, etc. etc. etc. so the negotiations are going nowhere. Good. I think that the Russians need to get rid of the Ukrainian force inside the Donbass cauldron first, and then offer negotiations again. But until that battle is over, I don’t see the point of talk unless these are talks about the surrender of this force.
Open letter by WW2 veterans to the German government and its people regarding its support for the Nazis:
“We hear from the high German rostrum in Berlin today: “Russia will pay a high price”!!! This is the German Chancellor’s speech! Unthinkable! We have already paid the price — 27 million of our lives! Isn’t that enough for you?! What price are you still talking about? There is no home in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus where “this price”is paid! And there is no home in Germany that did not participate in that terrible bloody barbarism! It’s scary! It’s wild! And today there are already more than 13 thousand dead Russian people in the Donbass at the hands of the new Nazis! The German Chancellor’s public mockery of the Russian genocide in the Donbas is a crime in itself!”
so true. unfortunately, this appeal will not reach the German media, not even that of the left camp, whose representatives of the people are already in line with the government.
here is the German answer:
The German Foreign Ministry has decided to expel 40 employees of the Russian Embassy. Germany will also impose tougher sanctions on Russia.
“We will continue to tighten the existing sanctions against Russia, significantly increase our support for the Ukrainian armed forces and strengthen NATO’s eastern flank,” the Foreign Ministry said.
… further and further into the abyss.
Germany will be forced soon to reconsider their “hate Russia” policy.
The economy is tanking and there will be an uprising against the Govt. coming, should they continue with backing the U.S. narrative.
That was in Berlin yesterday:
But what if the rulers were planning all along exactly for running German economy aground? Increasingly, the American empire survives only by destroying the vassals.
I think you are wrong.
Like you, I thought that EU countries will have to take reality into account.
But it was a mistake.
Leader of Eu countries are not working for their people anymore. They are working for someone else. Someone not impacted by those economic realities.
So they will continue because “the price” of their decisions is not paid by them.
They don’t even pretend to be “democractic” anymore.
Thats why she became foreign minister in Germany the Soros Schwab puppet.
All has been planned before hand.
She is a Green and if you know anything about the Green’s – they are USA through and through. Green Fascists who do their utmost to destroy creativity , industry and human ingenuity.
They are civilisation wreckers and they seem to be very gun ho for war which is ironic as one would assume War is one of the most Environmentally destructive things humans can do to the planet yet here we are with the Greens riding the Dog of War in both Germany and it would seem Finland too. Although the Finnish PM is a WEF Young Leader and the President is a Banker – so well 2+2= hostile neighbor.
Lets Go Brandon and F the WEF “Great Reset). Thanks to the Russians for throwing a large spanner into the Reset Machinery.
The Greens (Joschka Fischer) were also the biggest supporters in Germany of the NATO war in Yugoslavia, openly advocating the bombing of that unfortunate nation. Indeed, green fascists is what those people really are. And agents of the US Empire.
You know the saying… “Scratch a green and you get red” They’re as bloodthirsty as any other totalitarian. They just think they can do it better.
Here it is the natural progression : green first, then yellow, then brown.
The German Greens have now entered the last phase.
On Twitter the most fanatic blueyellow flagwagging nazilovers inevitably also can themselves “tree huggers”, “environmentalists”, etc. I have no idea if they imagine that nuclear war destroying civilisation will be good for the environment.
Keep “tightening the sanctions” but buy lots of thermal clothing and invite some of the migrants welcomed by Merkel to your homes to cuddle with in the coming winter.
Oh, and if you change your minds and are ready to buy some rubles maybe you can ask Uncle Sam for permission to repatriate the gold it is “safekeeping” for you. If you get any of it back, check to make sure it is not tungsten.
Serious question: why did Russia not disable the internet and cell phones of Ukrainians? Can anyone give me logical and reasonable justifications about this?
I don’t know about the reasons, aside from wanting the people to live a normal life, but the fact that Internet has been up the whole time is showing that there was no corpses in the streets when the Russians were in Bucha, or the two days after they left.
People would have shown the corpses to the whole world if there were any.
Only if the whole town came together and decided that any dead body in the street must lay unburied for 3 days, and nobody can take photos or film them. Is it likely? The westerners seem to think so.
That would only have been possible if Internet was down, and the whole area completely blocked from any communication, postal service down, road blocks not letting people out, and so on.
I find it incredible to believe that the Ukros were stupid enough to leave the white arm bands on the civilians in Bucha. I’ve read that it was a professional false flag but that couldn’t be true or someone would have quickly removed the all important white arm bands. That leaves the fact that the Azos are complete idiots!
We can only hope that someday the truth of this situation – as well as all others – will come to light. I hate that we in the west are deceived, duped and otherwise ill-treated by our “leaders”. They claim to care about truth, but there is no truth in them.
There is none. Anyone with a cell phone can record and transmit Russian troop movements. I don’t agree with how Russia has waged this campaign at all. I understand not wanting to put civilians at risk, but this should not be at the expense of Russian soldiers. Make no mistake, Russian soldiers have died because of this go soft approach. Recall in the early days the decision not to target enemy barracks? Well now Russia is targeting enemy barracks.
The laws of warfare state this any dual use of civilian/military infrastructure is fair game. That means highways, bridges, telecommunications, power stations are all legitimate targets. Furthermore, just because the enemy places military assets in civilian areas does not invalidate that asset from being a military target. It is question of proportionality. ie; If the enemy places Air Defense units on top a populated apartment building, the risk to aircraft may not warrant the entire destruction of the apartment building as it is not proportional. Anyways, what Ukraine is doing by putting military assets in civilian areas is a war crime, one which they apparently will never have to answer for.
Strange, what puzzles me is why are the citizens of Germany not out on the streets sharpening their pitchforks?
Have they been too zombified by the vaccines?
At least some WWII veterans still have some decency and fighting spirit left in them.
Not all hope is lost with the germans, being german myself im ashamed of my government and massmedia supporting nazis again and even delivering thousands of weapons.
“Rally against Russophobia held in Berlin”
A glimmer of hope, in the end germany has 2,5 million german-russians which are amazing people!
Only one small caveat, one which I was made aware of a few weeks back on a similar expression of revile referring to the origins of the conflict being in Donbass – the number 13k (or 14k) represents ALL casualties, civilian and military, on BOTH sides of the theatre…its true, a knowledgeable & somewhat impartial poster providing a link to a a reliable international source akin to Human Rights Watch or other NGO… and since this guy is also a dedicated modern communist then I know he’s certainly not an imperialist & wouldn’t repeat any of their narrative as gospel, unless of course it was so…CRT
«the conflict being in Donbass – the number 13k (or 14k) represents ALL casualties, civilian and military, on BOTH sides of the theatre»
Indeed, but the ukrainian government is responsible for all of them, because if they had negotiated with the Donbass people about their right to autonomy and self-determination none of them would have happened; instead the ukrainian government sent the military to massacre the “terrorists” who wanted autonomy or self-determination.
Naturally the Empire of Lies claims that the Russian Federation troops attacked and invaded the Donbas in 2014 to oppress the people of the Donbas, and the ukrainian military just attempted to defend the people of the Donbas from that oppression. :-)
But consider the difference: Crimea became independent and then asked to be a member of the Russian Federation, defended by the RF military, and the ukraianian government did not dare to massacre the crimeans, but the Donbas people just wanted autonomy and were not helped by the RF military, and they were massacred.
Arguably all the victims of the 2022 “special military operation” are the responsibility of the ukrainian government because the “special military operation” is claimed to have been made to end the constant attacks by the ukrainian government against the people of the Donbas.
Would it be too much to hope that some cracks may be appearing in the Empire of Lies’ propaganda solidarity?
It is interesting to note the Pentagon’s recently issued a statement saying that it “can’t independently and single handedly confirm” those Ukie allegations of Russian atrocities in Bucha. Of course, they hasten to add that they can’t refute them either, but unlike the U.S. president, they aren’t automatically assigning “war criminal” status to Putin.
Besides the major the police also did not find any massacre in Bucha(2.4.2022):
The “propaganda solidarity” will probably be the very last thing to crack. After all, the propagandists are employed by governments, richly paid with the proceeds of plundering taxpayers, and sheltered from all repercussions.
I may be wrong, but this statement from the Pentagon could be because they don’t want to be used in a war they will lose, so they are trying to defuse….
Of course – is there reason not to?
They certainly don’t want everyone to see what happens to their over priced F-35 when targeted by S-400 missiles. Not good for business LOL
It seems that this obsession Biden has with Putin (actually, he’s surrounded by Russian haters) plus his son’s laptop may cut his presidency term by quite a bit! The Duran:
That being said, I think that the West also overplayed its hand. Yes, they managed to make hatred for Russia and Russians a new type of woke virtue signalling, but they went so far overboard that they got the undivided attention of the Russian people who now see the true face and intentions of the Empire of Lies.
They overplayed their hand not only with the Russians, but with their ability to control the narrative within the West itself. So far, most people in the West are still zombies, but the West is playing with fire right next to a gas leak.
What happens when the Russians have won the Ukraine war; the war crimes tribunal has started its investigations; more and more witness testimonies come out in the West despite all efforts of the West to suppress them; more and more independent journalists and bloggers start visiting Ukraine and listening to Ukrainians who were held as human shields by the nazis; Russia calls security council meetings again and again to discuss crimes against humanity; captured NATO soldiers testify at the war crimes tribunal … and so on.
How is the West going to keep a lid on all that? And if they CAN’T keep a lid on it, what are all those hundreds of millions of people all across the West going to think who had swallowed all these grotesque lies hook line and sinker, when they see how comprehensively they have been deceived?
The level of deception has been unprecidented in all time. Consequences go with that – the bigger the lie, the bigger the fall.
Over recent decades the willingness of people in the West to question the narrative has been decreasing – first ever so slowly, but over the years gradually accelerating, and in the last 2 years greatly accelerating. I strongly suspect that with the Ukraine deception the West has blown it – come the end of the Special Operation in Ukraine the narrative will collapse like a house of cards, and the willingness to believe ANYTHING Western governments assert will totally collapse.
If that does happen – and it is obviously just an essertion – that would be a devastating propaganda victory for Russia.
You’re right, the empire cannot keep a lid on the war crimes perpetuated by Ukrainian nazis once the war is over. However, one must not underestimate the power of the propaganda narrative. It’s pervasive as it is all encompassing. 24/7 programming and brainwashing. Many know no other reality.
Folks that have hitched their wagon to the ‘Ruskie bad, Yankie good’ trope won’t give up their cognitive dissonance so easily. Even overwhelming evidence won’t sway some. The reason? Their entire existence is framed around their political beliefs. The need to believe their ‘side’ is “good” and their opponent is “evil”. To admit one has been duped on such a grand scale is to loose part of ones identity, their own narrative so to speak.
This isn’t the only narrative that will collapse, the same story tellers are behind all the narratives going back to JFK.
I keep hearing on my local South Florida news programs that, after “fleeing” from Kiev, the Russians left behind enormous numbers of dead Ukies, many tortured and buried in mass graves. They allege there is considerable evidence that should lead to Putin’s personal conviction on war crimes charges, a promise that Lord Biden underscored once again today even after his own administration backpeddled on his incendiary characterisation of President Putin.
All this seems hard to reconcile with Russia’s deliberate go-slow campaign meant to spare both lives and infrastructure. In contrast, the Ukro-Nazis are outspoken warmongers and purveyors of racial hatred such I have never heard since Hitler. They started this entire conflict with their widespread oppression of ethnic Russians who have been living inside “Ukraine” since it was Novorussiya back in the 1700’s.
Why should anyone but brainwashed mostly Russophobic Americans too lazy to enquire after truth rather than their official “conventional wisdom” believe any narrative other than that all the dead bodies represent Russians who were victimised by the froathing Ukie murderers. Just panning an alleged scene of wanton atrocity victims with a wide angle camera does nothing to identify the dead, ascertain who they were and who actually tortured and killed them. Based on the rhetoric emanating from each camp, simple logic tells me these are most likely Russian victims of Ukie war crimes. Putin promised to capture, prosecute and punish war criminals the day he sent his troops over the border. I take him at his word that this will come to pass and I venture to say most of the war criminals are likely to be Ukro-Nazis, in spite of America’ best efforts to protect those bastards.
In America we fervently hope that a true conservative will simply state:
“We will not sacrifice the lives of the men and women who serve in our military to prop up one of the worlds most corrupt regimes and third world shitholes.”
Between the pseudo-slap at the Oscars and Zelenskyy’s “appearance” at the Grammies, you can see how desperate the Biden administration has become to change the media narrative and avoid the exploding evidence of Hunter Biden’s financial feast off the Ukrainian people.
The Republicans are house training their voters to hate China like little puppy dogs.
It is a religious war they are eating against the God less communists.
Listen to Steve Bannon’s the War room podcast for details.
Fox News is trying to make Hunters laptop all about China and not Ukraine.
I’ll connect some dots for you.
Steve Bannon was US Naval Intelligence.
US Naval Intelligence wants war in South China Sea zone with China.
Ergo, Bannon is virulently anti-China.
Historically, the branch of US military that loves war is US Navy.
Nothing has changed.
Yes, ships are very expensive, and it was apparently the navy that were first to push for the Cold War.
It was the Air Force and Gen Curtis LeMay openly stated that they’d “have to scare the hell out of the American people” to keep the DoD’s funding.
Let those US Navy ships come, I say, and get a good taste of Bastion and Khinzhal cruise missles and whatever else the Russian MoD has in store for theses sods.
Bannon is here :
Actually has an abbey at his disposal, Trisulti.
Conservatives say that. Populists say “we will not support your war against a manufactured enemy that you created to escape accountability for what you’ve done.”
True conservative? Libertarians are the only “conservatives” that fit that definition, and they are rabid financial neocons (as opposed to the military kind). Libertarians abhor physical violence – especially the violence – because it costs so much! But economic violence is just fine and dandy.
Face it, both parties, the right and the far far right, both work for the same interests, and that is not the citizenry.
+ Black Cloud
The Chicago Boys/Friedman neoliberals are what you just explained. Not the Dr. Ron Paul and the Austrian School/Rothbardian school of Libertarians.
Friedman, Hayek both of the Mount Pelerin Society, as well as Popper, Soros’s mentor. Just look at Poppers book title!
Cosy little steamy family, what>
Adding to the Bucha propaganda debunking, there is this one (from a Canadian journalist based in NYC):
As already written at smoothiex12 it’s getting scary here People are completely crazy! Whether it’s the messages from the governments or the population, I feel like a steamroller is coming at us without anything we can do. The period is extremely dangerous, and I sincerely hope that the Russians will be able to make themselves heard!
Andrei, you’ve picked up the usage of Empire of Lies, but I think a better term — or at least a parallel one — is Empire of Hate. it is hatred that enables one to feel that he or she can lie, because it is all for a “higher” purpose: working out one’s own psychodrama.
The hatred is not only from one’s personal experience, but from long-lasting feuds. It may be the Holocaust, leading to a hatred of Germany, or of the history of one’s family’s suffering from anti-Semitism — a hatred of Russia going back via Stalinism to the tsars.
it may be the Irish hatred of the English. Bobby Kennedy said that he loved the Irish because they were “good haters.” Herman Kahn quipped that they were one of the ten lost tribes of Israel for this quality.
Or it may be a hatred of people who fight back when you try to rob them. Fighting back is an attack on your RIGHT to steal, to impose your mentality.
the Neocons hate anyone who resists their self-reighteousness. it is much like the Roman Catholic hatred of Protestants in royalist France and other European countries.
Hate is the mother of lies, their legitimizer.
I’ll just quibble with one thing. the Irish have good cause to hate the English. However, hate makes you a stupid fighter. To combat your enemy, you need to know the truth of him
Nah, we don’t hate them, sure they had nothing till we brought them culture and civilization…..okay, we’re still working on the civil part.
Cheers M
I agree!
From now on, it will be the “Empire of Hate and Lies”.
Thank you Michael!
Worse than hating (US population has been programmed to hate the “evil” Putin/Russia) and worse than “lying” (US population is programmed to believe that it’s others who lie), is KILLING.
Given the “defense” budget, trail of destroyed countries, it’s a real trick to bend one’s mind toward the notion that the US is a “peaceful nation.” Just as with an alcoholic, one doesn’t merely say that drinking is bad (and all the other actions associated with it), one has to be blunt and call that person what they are -> an ALCOHOLIC. Hard to dodge from that: one is forced to bring up the attributes of such, and when undergoing such inquiry will then open up the door toward actual truth.
ALL should refer to the US’s “Department of Defense” as it once was: Department of War. A spade is a spade…
Other proposition:
Empire of terror:
Hitler (founded by the US-Oligarch, see Antony C. Sutton )
Trozky (founded by the US-Oligarch, see Antony C. Sutton )
Al Quaida, Taliban
Assov /right wing extremists
Or: Empire of war and terror (every war goes with lies and seed of hate against other human, so this are included).
“A spade is a fu*king shovel!”
@ James j
Correct. So, Empire of Death applies, too.
The American citizenry has been misdirected and deflected from expressing its rightful discontent and frustration with those who thwart and rule over it. Their anger has to find an outlet for expression somewhere. For those who control the narrative, it’s an easy task to point the blame at a foreigner (any nonjewish one will serve the purpose).
Worse than hating and worse than “lying”, is KILLING.
What comes before that killing, what causes it?
Worse than killing is hatred, because hatred causes killing. The proclivity to hate causes a proclivity to kill. If you have a mind of love, you can avoid killing, if you have a mind poisoned by the proclivity to hate, you will never stop killing which is exactly what happens in the USA both locally and externally.
Just one act of mental hatred can cause speech-hatred that incites thousands of killings. One act of mental hatred can cause one killing that causes thousands of other killings by incitement and emulation.
Therefore hatred is much worse than killing.
Thank you Michael Hudson, “Empire of Hatred” is the most perfectly fitting and the most deeply insightful term.
Why not just the Evil Empire. The irony is sweet.
The Evil Empire is what I have been calling it since Putin came up with the Empire of Lies.
I give you my vote, Soren.
I prefer your old name for Europeans: Eurorodents.
Yes, hatred leading to cancellation and erasure. The erasure of everything Russian makes no sense if one doesn’t also understand the final ambition of the Anglo American empire: the complete seizure and plunder of the Russian land mass with the concomitant genocide of 200,000,000 Slavic and asiatic peoples, including the Ukrainians.
With this they would also choke out China’s resource supply and return them to Anglo subjugation.
This is not without precedent if one looks back only as far as the genocide of North American indigenous nations and their federations; and the ruinous operations in China in the 19th & 20th centuries.
The US $ is at the end of its reserve currency status on the present trajectory which would mean utter ruin to a system artificially inflated with printed money, its value having been extracted from other nations across the globe since the 1971 closure of the gold window. [see Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism for how this works].
Will they succeed? Not if China also understands the stakes, and it appears they do. China’s Economic Eurasian market integration plan includes a healthy Russia and Europe (which also illuminates the reasons for crushing Europe at this time). This would leave a certain island empire sitting alone on the west end, feet dangling into a cold Atlantic, muttering to itself into its warm beer.
North Americans might discover their own brain and realize Russia is a natural ally. The British brain has prevented America from realizing this since the late 1800s or so. It will be British perfidiousness partnered to Neocon/Straussian unbridled ambition that may be their final undoing.
IMHO of course.
Exactly its just pure simple greed and lust for LAND/Resources just as the US elites say ‘how come those arabs have all our oil” ie “how come those russians have all our Land”
What good are radioactive land and resources to dead people on a dead planet? No, this warmongering madness has nothing to do with greed and lust for land and resources; rather, this is a spiritual war between imperfect good and Satanic evil.
All my life I have wondered how people still can live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Anyone care to explain that to me?
Ann, Kudos for noticing. There are many who argue that nuclear weapons are not what they appear to be. To ask such questions is to be tarred as a kind of ‘flat earther,’ and yet back to your unanswered question.
Also, about a year back, a drone was flown over the exclusion zone connected to Chernobyl, and it was apparently teeming with wildlife. The Youtube blogger, ‘Bald & Bankrupt’ also entered the zone in Belarus, and found people living there in abject poverty, but seemingly unaffected by radiation. Blogger Owen Benjamin also has some interesting takes on the radiation topic, saying it is massively over-egged. Meanwhile, those thinking that Fukushima would kill all life in the Pacific, they were wrong.
I do not myself have any insights, but maybe the neocon crazies foaming at the mouth to use nukes, have superior info to us, or at least think they do. It seems ridiculous to question what nukes really are, but I’m also surrounded by people who believe in a jab. The point is, that very few people actually know what nukes really are, and the majority of people simply don’t see, that they don’t know.
Why do people live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Because they are beautiful cities, and because the cities are home to the citizens, and was home to their ancestors. People in my country don’t care about their history, and the corporations are trying, successfully, to re-brand human beings as “consumers.” At least Putin seems to care about his country, and he recognizes the existential threat posed by the globalists.
There are obvious historical analogies between the British Empire and the EUSE (Evil US Empire) and their modus operandi suggesting, among other things, a certain continuity, that is, it is the same empire with its formal seat moving from the City to the Potomac. Consider that most, at least the dominant, thinktanks and academic institutions in the US were transplanted from London (e.g. the Round Table, Tavistock, Chatham House, Rhodes House, etc.).
Here is a statement from one of the horse’s mouth (Cecil Rhodes, the imperialist par excellence):
“I … desire to encourage and foster an appreciation of the advantages which I implicitly believe will result from the union of the English-speaking peoples throughout the world and to encourage in the students from North America who would benefit from the American Scholarships…”
The English contingent was later reinforced by the home-grown twins (e.g. Rockefeller, Brookings) and infiltrated by flows of Jewish (e.g. Frankfurter School, Straussians) whence the EUSE drew the cultural ingredient to the imperial-globalistic project.
Tavistock House – look at their 11 point plan
Tavistock Institute was established in 1921 by Luciferian Jesuit agents serving the Vatican Roman Catholic one world empire. The sole purpose of Tavistock then and now is to devise methods of mind control in order to socially engineer the masses into subservience and ultimately “slavery.” This invisible agency has unlimited funding and works closely with other Jesuit agencies such as the CIA, FBI, MI6, media corporations, Hollywood and advertising agencies to ensure the implementation of cultural programs that distract and ultimately blind the minds of men everywhere.
“Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation.” On another occasion Toynbee called Wellington House “a lie factory.” From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia,
Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” The origin of “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.”
This has been the primary programming center for England. The Rothschild programmers work out of Tavistock. A large number of slaves in America have been programmed there. Tavistock has been doing mind-control since before W.W.ll. Under the supervision of London’s W Board & 20 Committee MI6 and MIS’s Section BIA ran double agents and mind-controlled spies/couriers during W.W. II. MI6 has had an office at Century House, No. 100, Westminster Bridge Road. MI5 offices have been in part on Curzon St. MI5 has operated behind a number of fronts, incl. their fake travel agency Casuro Holidays. MI-5’s address for mail is Room 055, The War Office, London. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) dealt with all types of mind control. Tavistock was under SIS. The British government has had their own telephone exchange with a 222 prefix, which was later linked to another secret exchange YTAN. Outsiders could dial 222 8080 to get into the secret govt. exchange.
A whole month of hate disguised as Political Racism.
Mein Gott im Himmel could those Roman Catholic nuns in their school system hate the protestants back in 1940/50’s America. Giving the protestants a thorough daily beat down in the classroom seemed to be the most impassioned part of their curriculum. Writing essays or answers to test questions that ripped Martin Luther or King Henry a new one was sure to earn a kid highest honors. I basically existed at the line of contact in that never-ending fight because my father was Catholic (meaning I had to be raised such and sent to the Catholic indoctrination center) whilst my German Protestant mother who acquiesced (within limits) to the Catholic Kulturkrieg provided alternative insights. But the day I told her the nuns insisted that my recently deceased grandmother was now in Hell because of who baptized her, the Scheiss hit the fan. Only baptized Roman Catholics can go to Heaven (whether it exists or not!) don’tcha know? All others are damned. Tough luck. Now Pope Frank says even Atheists can get into Heaven. Pederasts too, no doubt.
A good term for the EU vassals across the pond, instead would be EUnuchs.
When I look at Norway saying they are ready to join nato, poland saying they are ready to host nuclear weapons, 404 regime following its nato s masters orders no matter what, the main nato countries refusing any kind of compromise and keeping escalating I really wonder if a solution to the current crisis can be found without a direct conflict between nato and Russia.
Norway is already a member of NATO. Has been since 1949.
Jens Stoltenberg were against NATO when he was the leader of AUF (The social-democratic youth organization).
Sometimes I wonder if he still is. It’s a chance he will be at helm when it goes down.
Sorry I meant Finland.
I think Laurent meant Finland.
I don’t agree that it would make sense to send Ramzan Kadyrov to negotiate, it is just a waste. Just look at one of the “negotiators” Arakhamia ( I think even Medinsky is overkill for this.
Medinsky does not know how to talk to scum like Arakhamia
Kadyrov would be PERFECT to talk to that creature :-)
Agree with Andrei. Kadyrov would be really PERFECT! Gamechanger
Kadyrov: “Listen Arakhamia, I’m giving you two seconds to accept our offer or otherwise, we’ll be playing football in the streets with your head.”
@ Lazar
Hahaha…. Terrific. Thanks (sorry, I should not react this way, but I couldn’t resist…)
Ah ah.
To talk with scum you need people able talking with scum. Kadyrov would start beating them. :)
Since we don’t want the world to see beaten negotiators Medinsky is perfect for this purpose.
And Medinsky is better since his apparently sterile peacefulness provokes a desire to fight more by the Russian population.
on another comment:
I would stick to pertinent only. So only “Lies” — that “Hate” will be implied seen the quantity and the quality of lies, and seen that this is a kind of Tepid War. Another reason is that you can refute lies, but have to argue about hate. In PR the technique of implied is far more efficient.
Excellent point.
“Lies” can be objectively identified and refuted. “Hate” cannot – the concept itself is extremely subjective and using it in the same phrase as “Lies” would detract from the effectiveness of the point one is making.
While use of both “lies” and “hate” may be emotionally gratifying, I would argue that such usage ic counter-productive. “Empire of Lies” is purely objective, short, sweet, and to the point. “Empire of Lies and Hate” just muddles the message because it adds subjectivity.
It is premature to bring in Kadyrov. Let Medinsky continue the “negotiations until the Ukraine has been demilitarised and denazified and the entire Donbass and south coast up to Transnistria has been secured and in total control. That is the time to bring in Kadyrov as negotiator. Until then he is superfluous, he would have nothing to do. In the meantime let useless persons twiddle their thumbs uselessly and let Zelensky think he has someone to talk to,.
Regarding the US/Russia war, Russia has to do nothing more than to print a hundred million copies of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and have them delivered throughout the US, for free.
The sexual stuff is shocking, apparently, let alone the Big Guy’s ‘10% cuts’ on shady deals, especially in the Ukraine!
The US intelligence services are legally trapped with their crimes of Omission, 40 million Trump supporters will be seized with hysteria, the country will tear itself apart!
Some small compensation for Russia’s inability to combat the west’s media machine, the Great Wurlitzer, and the fact that I have been unable to access RT for days! Does anyone know of how to get the site back up??
If you are in the EU, it may be your internet service provider that is blocking RT and Sputnik. On EU’s order/”recommendation”…
Ric, install brave, 2 minutes. Easy to use.
Brave doesn’t work for RT or Sputnik, here in Ireland.
Set your VPN to India. Tass Sputnik RT pick up anything in Russia that I have looked for
RT works fine if you are accessing it from an American IP address. It is largely inaccessible if you are accessing it from a western European IP address. IT seems to be hit or miss is you are accessing it from an Asian IP address.
Malaysia is ok too…even Southfront is possible
Your comment “print a hundred million copies” brought back memories of Iran printing counterfeit US Dollars. The US got to know about it but did not dare to publicise the amounts they suspected of being printed, for fear of themselves undermining the Dollar…but Iran was able to buy a lot of technology and weapons with their counterfeit Dollars. I recall over $1billion mentioned at the time.
“The government of Iran, in an unorthodox effort to ease its own budget deficit and make trouble for the American economy, is printing and circulating billions of dollars of counterfeit U.S. $100 bills, a congressional report charged Wednesday.”
Whoever has that info needs to make it ALL public and downloadable. let is spread like wildfire.
Agree re dissemination of Biden-Ukraine corruption info.
Such info will be dismissed by the Western “legacy media” as further manipulation and disinformation by the Russian state; even so, it may shift another 5% of the Western population out of the ‘blissfully ignorant’ camp, and is still worth doing.
I have only seen a couple of stills from a video on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and we are not talking adult erotica here, we are talking child sex. God know what the entire collection looks like!
And even more importantly, 50 US intelligence officers signed a document saying that the laptop was only Russian disinformation, nothing to see, regarding Ukraine fraud, etc, and the US media shut down all reporting on the laptop as the Trump/Biden election approached.
If this information has been available, Trump would have won in a landslide! There are so many crimes going on here that the lawyers will be happy for a century!
I am serious when I say that this laptop is a grenade which can tear the US apart. It makes Watergate look like a child stealing a cooky!
Explains Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Jackson and her soft stance on pedophilia crimes
trump won landslide- they- DS- steal election from him…
Just use Yandex browser and search. Translation in English is immediate and of acceptable quality.
RT is by far not the best news site.
I advise:
RIA NOVOSTI: (Newsfeed every few minutes)
VZGLIAD: (Very good)
RIAFAN RU: (Daily updated map and sitrep)
RUSSIAN.RT.COM: (Mediocre)
Install Psiphon app
Hey Ric,
No idea where you’re located but the best solution is to get a VPN that allows you to virtually adjust your point of connection to the internet, i.e. your location in regards of the IP-address you’re using for external connection. For perhaps connect to a vpn server based in Moscow, that’s what I’m doing since this whole russian media blackout started in the west. It’s kind of digital carnival, you pretend to be someone/somewhere else. Most vpn providers require a subscription, which in my opinion is money well spend, but just be careful where they are located and what their data/privacy policy is. You can find some good sources on the net who provides the details and should help with your choice. Any Q pls let me know!
Bucha massacre: time and location
The first video that appeared online was filmed during daylight hours on April 1, at the latest. It was a cloudy and rainy day. The other videos must have been from the same day.
The location is Idilika on Yabluska Street in Bucha. The largest concentration of bodies is right in front of a gated residential complex named Idilika Home – продаж таунхаусів в Бучі. Yabluska Street runs parallel to the Bucha River, only 200 meters northwest from it. This is very close to the front line. Interestingly the videos or photos show no signs of shelling.
Russian troops left on March 30th. If the video is from April 1st, there is a two day time window.
@ViktoriiaUAH is a naturalized US citizen tweeting for America. It is likely that his brother is also an American citizen, maybe on some voluntary mission in Ukraine. We do not know if he got the video from some friend or filmed it himself. In any case, the video adds an American connection to the events.
23 minutes before the massacre tweet @ViktoriiaUAH sent another tweet with a critical observation. I made the same observation based on another map a few hours later.
For some reason Ukrainian sources were holding back the information that Russia had left Bucha and Gostamel. Was it because they were preparing the ground for a false-flag massacre? Or was it because the massacre had already happened and they were in damage control mode?
For more sources, see the Bucha massacre page in my massacre archives.
Why so much hullabaloo about nothing? Here comes Occam with his razor:
“The simple explanation is usually the best”:
Had the Russians done the killings, are they that stupid to leave the evidence behind? Only fools would think so and only fools would come up with that scam.
The question should be: Why did the Ukrainians kill those people? Were they friendly to the Russians?
The survivors, if any, will tell one day.
As usual, you left nothing to add or oppose.
Let me just contribute with short version of yours:
“Until battle is over, I don’t see the point of talk unless these are talks about the surrender of this force. Sending Ramzan Kadyrov to negotiate would have been a much better move.”
8 years of begging to talk was more than enough.
These eight years are what made it possible for Russian to stare down NATO and the USA.
8 years ago Russia did not have the mean for this war.
Now she does.
It is really that simple.
100% agree but it has given the Ukronazis and the CIA time to break the spirit of naturally Russian orientated people. France was only occupied for four years and de Gaulle was worried at the damage done by delaying the invasion from 1943 to 1944. Eight years….
It is going to take time to put that right and an absolute guarantee that the nazis will not be around to poison the well.
I think that the Russians need to get rid of the Ukrainian force inside the Donbass cauldron first, and then offer negotiations again. But until that battle is over, I don’t see the point of talk unless these are talks about the surrender of this force.
For the next phase of the campaign, to close the cauldron, what are the chances the Russian military uses/tests its state-of-the art weapons systems, such as:
*T-14 Armata
*TOS-1 thermobaric weapons
*Kinzhal cruise missiles?
Once the cauldron is closed is the Russian military willing to bombard the area WWII-style, where towed artillery and Katyusha rockets were parked tire-to-tire firing nonstop?
Better yet, would it be feasible to use maneuvre warfare to close the cauldron, bombard it with artillery, and then launch an amphibious and paratrooper assault on Odessa supported by naval and air strikes?
How often are you going to repeat that post, especially since people already answered your questions 2 days ago?
Just noticed this, in another forum —
Poster says they are not Azov members, they are regulars. Perhaps the Mariupol op is complete.
“Makes me wonder – did the CIA really learn nothing from Belarus or Kazakhstan???”
You can never improve or better a psychopath That is the first rule in that game.
I bet, it applies to psychopath agencies, states or countries as well..
Maybe Israel is busy elsewhere? When the cat is gone….
headlines in Jerusalem Post
“Israel can continue striking Iranian targets in Syria after Bucha condemnation – Gantz”
“Russia to resume flights with Israel and 51 other ‘friendly’ countries”
“At this point in time, Ze has indicated that he will make no concessions, etc. etc. etc.” Why don’t we pretend that Zelensky controls anything? I know I make that mistake sometimes too, but the truth of it is he has zero control over the Armed forces. He has told that group in the Donbass repeatedly to disarm and pull back and they have ignored him every time. So even if he signed a surrender tomorrow, the group in the Donbass would not disarm. They are going to have to be removed.
People need to understand that is not just Fascist groups such as AZOV, Right Sector, Aidar that is the problem. Nazis figures have been promoted to command positions throughout the Ukrainian Army. That’s why this army has to be destroyed.
I’d speculated that this was all set up for this, by Zelensky (he didn’t come to office embracing these folks; he had no ability to, and add in the US point a gun to his head as well, purge) and with Russia. Yes, a bit of a rather huge conspiracy, but if one were actually going to purge and implement anything resembling Minsk how could it have been done? This “story” works out the same whether there’s “collaboration” or not: it’s even possible that only Zelensky knows of his own actions/aims. Again, the Ukrainian troops in the Donbass WILL be fully encircled: I figured that Russia will give one last chance for a resolve before unloading on them. Zelensky will allow it to happen as a show of “brave Ukrainians’ last stand”. The US/West/NATO will claim sadness in that they were collectively handcuffed. Zelensky and the political fallout will move on to picking up the pieces. Russia will retain Crimea, have freed the Donbass, broken the military capabilities of Ukraine and wiped out the bulk of the Nazis.
We won’t know the full story for decades, if ever, in which case my theory cannot be debunked: Zelensky can deny or promote whatever story after the fact, but that won’t mean that that was what he was actually thinking/doing (only what sells the best- sells the best to keep his behind alive).
If your only options is to get killed or become a’ murican idol – most would go for the latter, I’m afraid.
Dennis Kirevs fate isn’t lost on the Ukrainians I guess. Now also the civilians have had their warning – Bucha made sure of that.
I find the interview with Sergey Glazyev extraordinary. Well focused questions and absolutely frank (this is the perception) answers. So everything about image and communication is very important but, as S. Glazyev points out, the correct reset of the management of the monetary and financial side is absolutely vital. I think, frankly, that Russia will win, although it will probably be a long war. And that by winning it will also do a huge service to all of humanity. To Asia in primis, from Middle East to Japan. It will need their support first of all, and I think it will get it because everybody needs raw materials. But he will also get it with respect, for the courage and integrity he has always shown. The Neocons want to annihilate Russia, but Russia and the whole world have their balls full of them permanently. 87% of the globe’s population has an extraordinary opportunity after 500 years. I may be “romantic” and naive but I don’t think they will let it slip away. Thanks to Russia’s example of courage and tenacity, first of all.
100% with you brother – Russia has shown the way and others must join to save the world from the evil that has the West by the balls.
Germany seems intent on committing suicide, over Russian gas supplies! Truly astonishing!
I will be surprised if Germany does not cut up the NS2 pipeline for scrap metal.
I remember when the Iraqis looted their own country, during the fall of the Saddam era, when they sold the power lines for scrap copper, and when they returned home, they found that their fridge no longer worked!
But that was a wild mob, not a considered, intelligent, logical nation such as Germany! Someone would check the German water supply for hallucinogens!
The Geman Industry titans have already warned Scholz to expect a revolution by the workers if he doesn’t change his politics.
Germany is suffering hard due to the Govt’s posturing/ hate Russia mimicing of the fake U.S. narrative.
Germans have lots of nice “stuff” like BMWs, Mercedes, Audis, nice houses & apts., long vacations, etc. All that great stuff will go away if they do not have energy, They should have finished Nord Stream 2 and opened it. Sadly, the pensioners in Germany are getting hit the hardest but the German govt will just kill them off.
The thing to remember is that it is not “Germany” that is making those bad decisions about Germany’s future. It is a tiny handful of political and business leaders who are, frankly, in the pay of Washington. They couldn’t care less about the fate of Germany or ordinary Germans.
Why are those traitors not prosecuted for treason? Because they control the prosecutors.
Why do the people not vote them out? Because Germany is not a democracy.
Somewhere, violence will have to play a part.
We have since 2014 a totalitarian regime in the media. ‘Putin-Versteher’ (Putin-understander) is the new Jew since then. Human is again in inner emigration, hoping for the Russians.
German nationalizing Gazprom! What does that mean? How do you get gas from Russia if you confiscate its assets?
This would be like Germany nationalizing the gas pumps at a gas station (gas = petrol). Silly. Just buy Russian gas and pay for it in rubles.
Ric G, as a German and as a physicist, I beg to differ. Germany has not been an intelligent and logical nation for many years. The majority of Germans follow the transatlantic narrative in blind allegiance.
Gazprom had cut its connections with this German subsidiary. Subsequently that company had changed hands several times within a short time and the company seemed to be on track to be dissolved.
It looks like the German government was afraid that such a dissolution would endanger the long term contracts that Germany has with Russia. Of course such contracts have much lower prices than the present market price.
PCR was right saying that Russia should have accepted the Donbas’s request to be a part of the RF when they first asked – less time for the fascists to dig in to create death from life.
As much as there are many qualities of VVP to admire for his country to succeed, he’s a politician, his background explains the subdivision of Syria with NATO’s Turkeys for Israel, the fear, a similar result for the Yankee’s Ukraine, et al.
Russian Generals admirably are and always look serious, a natural for successful professionals, the world’s best, but they work for politicians, as in Kadyrov’s sadness at losing friends in this fight…for politics.
Best wishes Hungary, sorry about the EU
Militarily would have been easy, economically no, Russia needed more time to be able to withstand this type of sanctions like now. In 2014 it would not have been possible.
I also got frustrated about the economic/financial side for the last 10 years. But at the end Putin always does the most with what he has, no point to overpromise/undeliver and be worse off than before.
It seems to me the propaganda strategy is following the Bosnia scenario. Zelensky is Izetbegovic, beleagured war leader, David fighting Goliath, and his people are being genocided by the evil Russians…etc.
The Ukrainians even did their own version of “Danke Deutschland”
(Remember that dreadful Croatian song LOL)
I just hope the West is not miscalculating by escalating this.. Russia is not Serbia..
Biden is escalating this. How can the president of the United States call for war crimes against the leader of a nuclear armed county?
He is now facing a regime change operation directed against him, except it is internal. The world is fortunate of his weakness; he does not have the power to lead his nation to war. Only play-acting words. Everyone is power understands this. They are waiting for his Vice President to assume the office and see if it results in any changes.
Don’t give Biden so much credit. Biden is escalating nothing – his puppeteers are.
Biden is in charge of the actions of the US gov’t in exactly the same manner as the Queen of England is in charge of the UK – she does exactly what she is told. The only difference is that we know exactly who the Queen’s puppeteers are while, though we have many clues about Biden’s, it is not always clear which group of puppeteers are in control at any particular time.
And Harris is likely to be even worse. While Biden’s thought processes are impaired by senility and/or dementia, Harris’ impairment is that she is truly intellectually deficient. And the person next in line behind Harris clearly demonstrates impairment due to chronic alcoholism.
The world is going to be stuck with completely inept US Presidents who are being totally manipulated by not-completely-known behind-the-scenes controllers for at least the next two-and-a-half years.
I can’t seem to find ‘Danke Deutschland’ anywhere on the web. Has it been vanished ?
Goal of U.S. / U.K. is to ruin the E.U. , make the E.U. more dependant upon the U.S..
E.U. is not allowed to build strong relations with Russia and China- which they should be doing.
Stupid E.U. by supporting the U.S. sanctions on Russia are suffering for their blunder.
German Govt. will depart from U.S. Fake narrative as German industry titans are now warning of the consequences – worker’s revolt coming soon.
Russia should continue “full force” until Ukraine is ready to surrender.
I think that the hate of the Empire for Russia is founded, at least partially, because the latter has made “Lese-majeste” toward the former. In the eyes of the empire only USA, UK and the zionist entity are entited to sovereignity. For them, the rest of the globe must be a feudal entity, with varyng degrees of autonomy (first the “eyes” Canada, Australia, NZ, below them the EU, etc), but without real agency.
About Bucha, I think that the challenge it causes is that any territory that the Russian army withdraws became a potential for repetition on this false flag (much easily done that chemical weapons stuff, etc.) that can also reinforce the ukronazi reign of terror in the areas that controls.
I thought that the Russians had mantained some, albeit diminished, presence in the Kiev axis. Seems they didn’t (I wonder why) and this gave the murderous nazis an opportunity that they took in earnest for soiling Russia and increase control. I wonder if this will make more difficult the achievement of denazification. Specially because it seems that the Ukro army has been itself fully and succesfully nazified. So it’s not about the 20 thousand of so Azovites, but about the 600 thousand or so (with reserves) Ukro army.
It looks like Russia has an expanded “R2P”, beyond Donbass, towards the civil population in their current and future areas of influence. Is Russia prepared to keep and protect those territories and neutralize the nazis (potentially at least the 200 thousand plus active ukro army) as quick as possible? I don’t know if I have to worry, and how much, about these scenarios.
That said, is totally true that for Russia this is an existential war. I believe that the state and the population have clarity that anything short of victory is not an option.
From my very humble opinión,, I think there will be war between europe and Russia.
The gringos and english think that they can keep it in europe but that is urealistic.
The nuclear weapons parking in europe will desapear in less than 30 minutes maybe including some in poland, rumania etc.
After the first shoot, nobody in this planet knows what Is ahead.
My best wishes for everybody.
No, there still will be no War in Europe unless USSA gave the green-light, that in the first case, USSA will get the taste of Russian 1st strike on their land. USSA needs EU to buy gas from them, remove Russian gas and influence from the EU states, that is their plan! so I don’t think USSA wanted their European Satellites got decimated from Russian Nukes, although I think USSA no longer had had control over the EU except maybe Germany, or French…. and we se that they already losing control, day by day the Military Operation continues in Ukraine.
Hi Saker. Just a quick correction to the article spelling: Eurolemmings will get their at astronomic prices on the stop markets which they themselves chose over long term contracts. The same goes for food items, fertilizer, etc.
As you know it should read “the spot market”, not stop market. Although Russia could easily “stop” the gas market at anytime.
Anyone know where to find the most accurate map of control for mariupol?
I am not a military expert nor do I profess to be one. Here is my 2 cents on what is occurring. Russia had seen the rise of pure Nazism on it borders. An enemy it had fought in the past and won but at an apocalyptic cost. Russia had to conduct this operation for its survival. And I do not blame her for that. To me how it is being conducted and the length of time it took is nothing short of astonishing. Surrounding the NAZIs in the east and doing the same around Kyiv has shown to be accomplished exactly how they planned it. They never wanted to occupy Kyiv and why should they occupy such a garbage landfill, sad to say that. By keeping them on their toes, they were able to conduct the operation in the east with much success. Now Kyiv is a mess, with bands of armed hooligans causing havoc and the Court Jester in Chief is no where to be found. He’s got to go back to Kyiv now whether he likes it or not, sooner or later. Russia is more or less saying to him, “You made your bed, now you sleep in it.” If I was to give Russia a grade for this event, I would give it an A++. They really do deserve it.
“why should they occupy such a garbage landfill”
If you leave a garbage landfill alone, garbage will only keep piling up and flows over your home. Avoiding your enemy is not an answer.
The news is true. MASS SURRENDER of Ukrop 501st Marine Battalion in Mariupol.
264 Ukies captured. Video + photos
Looks like Mariupol is almost over. Probably just the most drug-addled fanatical Nazis left to mop up hiding in the lower levels of the Azovstal factory
Excellent! Good and humane choice by the marines, too.
Thanks for this. Great news, and the next best news will be found in reports of their “interviews” about what actually took place in that city.
503rd too, not sure where they were stationed.
What do you recommend be done with those 264 soldiers — for example, let them “go home” if they sign a piece of paper saying they won’t ever fight against Russia again? How in the world can those people be trusted to behave well for even a few months, let alone, years, right after how they’ve behaved in the very recent past? Are they all going to be given “memory wipes”?
And after the war between Russia and Ukraine is over, are they going to “keep in contact” with each other in the future and exchange war stories over drinks in the local drinking establishment? What songs will they be singing? What slogans will they be shouting? What salutes will they be making? To whom will they be swearing allegiance? What stories and lessons will they be telling/teaching their children? Will they and all their children be getting together to do some “exercises” in the local parks?
Typically the soldiers are used in prisoner exchanges to get our own troops back. It’s much more valuable to get ours back because we know theirs will just be killed eventually anyway if they try to continue fighting after being handed over, since Russia will ultimately crush Ukraine. There was just a prisoner exchange that took place 2 days ago and I heard it’s at least the 2nd or 3rd one. Ukraine claims to have hundreds of RF/DPR prisoners so these can hopefully be used to exchange and get our boys back.
The prisoners should be held until the end of hostilities, they should be treated fully in accordance with the Geneva convention, properly fed and housed and given appropriate work to do. They should also be allowed to contact their families
At the end of hostilities they should be repatriated
Devil’s Advocate….what if the hard core Azov controllers got killed, no one going to shoot you in the back….shell shocked, a touch of ptsd, hmm….surrender? Or, what if shell shocked, with a touch of ptsd, the Azov controllers were fragged, hmm….surrender? If all those guys are reg force, they are smart, and very lucky, they get to live. Thirty plus days under torrents of rockets, no sleep…. I’d imagine those lads all have severe PTSD.
Cheers M
Iran & Venezuela didn’t go under with extreme war sanctions, and in the case of the latter, the people knew perfectly well what life under the Guaido regime would have meant. China, Russia, Iran and Venezuela, that’s 50% ( more gas) of the proven world oil & gas reserves. Big Oil US/EU would be bit players with Saudi (gulfs) one third of the oil, most destined for China.
These 4 countries – VIC-R = Victory Russia
Not rocket science as bring in Saudi-Gulfs and Qatar and you have near monopoly status.
Tomorrow I could alone sell 5 million barrels of Gasoil per month in Africa and bring that up to 20 million bbls per month in 6 months with the desired strategic Storage Floating Facility/Infrastructure. An African Rotterdam replacing the European/Zionist chokehold. These Euro grifter cockroaches resell Russian gas-oil to South America-Asia-Africa.
Pakistan is a bit worrying. It seems Khan and his allies are well aware so this is good. However, there appears to be many fools over there that are jockeying for position with the US. Khan needs to get a hold of this immediately. Maybe Peskov is simply accepting these 5th column traitors to leave on their own. Fine. At least they’re gone. That’s the important part..I hope (bitterness and resentment will fester). I agree on Kadyrov 100%
I am personally thrilled that Russia doesn’t engage in all the lies and propaganda that the US does. It’s sickening. Can you imagine the warped ones that actually peck out these articles on their keyboards?
I truly think in the long run that no one will harbor hatred for Russia. People are inclined and are attracted to winners and success. Russia needs to stay the course, be smart, achieve their goals and their prosperity will be the envy of everyone.
Yeah, totally agree 100% that it really suits the Russians that they don’t do PR, are total crap at it, dismiss it as fluff, and think it is beneath them, and it is all stuff and nonsense. They are not Mad Men; they are MAD men. They mean to be taken very very seriously.
It seems to me that the Ukrainian side is completely off it´s rocker; nolonger has any sense of balance. The staged events are increasingly shot full of holes. It is very sloppy stuff. I am more and more often thinking it all emenates from a single consequence of the war, which is that the Nazi regime never died and it is now being dragged completely into the open. It has been living quite comfortably in the shadows for a long time and that is nolonger the case. Just like the destruction of Adolf Hitler, the Nazis are going to go down hard and ugly to the last bunker. I think it will be a completely different world after this is all over, if we survive it. My take.
Yes, the end approaches for the regime so they cling and gnash and wail but to no avail. I hope more of the ukies surrender and the whole thing collapses underneath them. It would be sweetly ironic for the whole US Eurofarce to run.out of steam and have no ukies left to fight the Russians with. They’d have to start importing their tame jihadis from Syria and Libya, it would fully expose their fetid depths of degradation, first the Nazis, then the extremist jihadi vermin.
Small nazis in a much less powerful country than 80 years ago. It is ironic that the original nazis would’ve regarded them as Übermensch. They had no prominence a generation ago. It appears that is how long it takes to grow them into a mature form. They will not survive into 2023. Someday someone will try this again.
Don’t forget the entourage. Nudelman, Kagan, Blinken – they all have roots in Ukraine. Deep roots.
more headlines from Jerusalem Post
“Jews behind Russia-Ukraine war to form new Jewish state – Islamic scholar”
From Saker’s linked MK Badhrakumar article, “𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗲𝘃 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗱𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹”:
“That is to say, Phase 2 may last anywhere up to a month or so to be completed. Make no mistake, the Russians have to win here (which they will) as they will also be breaking the back of the Ukrainian armed forces.”
““April”, TS Eliot wrote in his masterpiece The Wasteland, “is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.” But the dark irony of this year’s “Aprilness” is going to be that the fecundity and renewal here will be about Russia’s regeneration in a world of both history and the myths spawned by quarantined western minds.”
This is why I read him for some 25 years, even before Pepe. A soulful diplomat-poet who can discern the subtlest shifts in the times. A beautiful man!
Dear Larch, do you still consider this man a luke-warm friend of Russia, a hopeless Anglophile?! If so, forgive me and the Saker for being hopeless romantics!
“In Russia the mass exodus of pro-western 5th columnists is continuing, which is a real cause for celebration. The sad part is that the official spokesman for the Kremlin, Peskov, seems to think that these folks are not traitors. Considering how the Atlantic Integrationists in the Presidential Administration and the Russian Government have totally mismanaged PR war, and then sent a pitiful figure like Medinsky to talk, which resulted in a real panic in Russia as most Russians are much more afraid to have diplomats negate all the efforts of the military. Frankly, sending Ramzan Kadyrov to negotiate would have been a much better move.”
5th columnists – good riddance but IMHO Peskov is right not to burn bridges with them for the sake of it. As my grandfather used to say “it is never too late to call a man a blackguard.”
To have sent Ramzan to the talks would, I think, have sent the wrong message at a very early stage when I supect Moscow needed time. Having said that I thought he talked a deal of sense about the need for civil support after military occupation. Medinski may turn out to be, if not a wolf in sheeps clothing but at least an Alsatian. He is a founder member of the Izborsk Club that does not much favour a soft line and have been prominent in supporting the separatists when the Kremlin was not so keen. Club members include Galzyev and Rogozin. He does not seem to have conceded anything yet and indeed there can be no real negotiations until at least the cauldron is successfully cooked and few other matters are dealt with.
Why would Russia offer negotiation again? It is still only phase 1 of this military operation. Operation against rabid nazis and war criminals in Kiev, who simply must be destroyed, in order for problem to be solved. Not just in Donbass. Once they are destroyed and white flag is waving in Kiev, talks should resume. Talks about reorganizing the territory of former Ukraine, under Russian control/ guidelines. Anything else is against demilitarization and denazification, Russia’s original goals in this operation.
I am very much afraid with the extent of hate and propaganda on the western side. Specially UK, USA and Poland. It seems that there is no step back possible, no reconciliation, no negotiations… Just total war.
Is that not very strange? Somehow unnatural, somehow outdated, middle age?
As if the lives of UK/US elite depends on destruction of Russia.
I believe the situation can only be “understood” in Biblical terms. As I see it, this is a spiritual war pitting Christian goodness (albeit imperfect) as embodied in mighty Russia, against pure Satanic evil. The cult of demon-possessed theistic Satanists that control the corrupt West, i.e. the aggressors, have sold their souls to Satan. This is to say, by way of knowingly and willingly giving worth to evil (worshiping Satan), they seek to achieve complete world-domination and control (Luke 4:5-7), whereupon successful realization of this goal, all “goodness” on earth will have been wiped out.
IOW the Satanic, messianic, judeo-communist empire (aka the first beast of Rev 13) is in a sense proselytizing the world for Satan, and anyone or anything that can’t be corrupted must be destroyed. If everything goes according to the evil plan, the beast ultimately gets to rule over the hellish communist world empire, and the spiritual quid pro quo for Satan, apparently, is the fulfillment of Isaiah 14:13,14 (evil can then call itself “good” since there is now nothing better to compare it to).
So Russia is fighting for its survival against demonic forces which seek to destroy it at any cost, and in so doing, Russia is actually fighting on behalf of every decent person left on earth. As I see it, we all owe Russia big time for this. We owe Russia all the moral and spiritual support we can give.
Nicely put, Harold. “Russia is actually fighting on behalf of every decent person left on earth. As I see it, we all owe Russia big time for this.”
As an American, never imagined I’d be a citizen of “the Beast”.
Maybe they do. There is still the pharmacutical industrial comples war on humanity to answer for, and the evidence of a truly massive crime against humanity grows ever stronger by the day. WW3 would certainly starve that conflagration of oxygen.
You watch too much TV (teasing). I think the mass media PR loss is partially offset by the positive Financial press. Everyone in the world is tired of this fake, fiat currency whose debts will never be paid or funds benefit us, the people. Setting currency to a commodity like gold or wheat makes sense. Sell wheat to the people of Iraq and Iran and the American bases in the Mideast are useless. Sell Palladium and nickel to China in rubles. Prices are up, and need rubles for investment. Good news in the polls also this weekend I understand.
There are a lot of people also questioning, “What do I get out of this? Higher prices on gas, electricity, cars, houses, food including Wheaties, on top of already rampant inflation in apartment rents, and now the real possibility of nuclear war. Hey, I live in a city where our Liberal Senator got us a bunch of F35s to fly to the front lines in a war against Russia and we got nukes at the airport. I found out from a security guy that the government of this capital city has a bug out location up in the hills out of blast range. All the Libs are instead worried about getting COVID.
Anyway, watching the mass media it is obvious to both you and me the masses in the West need to be more scared than they are. This spasm of Liberal support for Ukraine is a psy-op, and fake. I really don’t think the average person cares about the Ukraine that much. This is an existential war. Pretty much all of the US security state’s chips (NATO) are on the table, and so are Russia’s. Who has escalation dominance here? As I remember it, both the Ukrainian side and the Russian side took out satellites and may have exchanged tactical nukes last time. I think things will be getting worse before they get better, especially for us, the people.
I really think too much is made of the NATO psyops “success”. Where people are given an alternative account it totally fails. Meanwhile, in the NATO countries the people are so zombified that no matter the quality of Russian efforts to impart the truth it would fail. Hence, even the success of grossly moronic propaganda that only the incredibly stupid would and do believe.
The only thing Russia could possibly do is to limit any “own goals”. But even then NATO would continue to make up lie after absurd lie and a large portion of its dimwit population fall for them. In US,UK etc. its totally pointless as the truth is totally beyond them.As it stands.
Negotiations are and will be senseless. Unfortunately. Seems like Russia has to learn it on the hard way
The West does not believe in negotiations, hence it expels diplomats.
Western propaganda is effective if it managed to make you believe that negotiations are senseless.
It wants you to believe that, that is how they sell their wars.
Right now they claim they want peace in Ukraine when actually all they want is a victory over Russia. They will return to the negotiating table when their hope of winning diminishes , to avoid defeat – or if they thought they could win by negotiation.
And if they refuse to negotiate until the very end, they will learn the lesson of WW2 again – the hard way.
While I mostly agree with Saker posts, I strongly take issue with the continuously repeated assertion that Russia is “losing” the information war. I’m writing a whole series on that specific topic.
Depends on who and what may be considered as the target and aims of the current so-called information war. Given the almost limitless propensity of the American mind (and some others) for unquestioning acceptance of just about any self-aggrandizing self-justifications, total victory of their usual propaganda sources is hardly open to question. Nor are any “losses” by those attempting vainly to oppose any such innate and carefully cultivated tendencies to be regarded as a defeat worth bothering about.
The rest of the world, on the other hand, will seek out and find the truth regardless of distortions. And they will do so eventually even without much artificial outside assistance, although every little clear window and candle in the corner certainly helps to speed up the process.
An information campaign during wartime has several targets
A. Your own soldiers
B. Your own civilians on the home front
C. Your allies
D.Neutral countries
E. Allies of the enemy
F. The enemy home front
G. The enemy’s soldiers
The effectiveness of the information war by both sides should be looked at in this context and both sides might see different audiences, e.g. own people vs. Neutrals as more important
The assertion that Russia is losing the information war begs the question: What exactly is it losing?
I overheard someone at my grocery store say that Ukraine is winning the war so I thought that I would help Russia in its information war and said in language that the moron could understand: “Ukraine ain’t winning shit”.
@ Ian Kummer
Agree. The propaganda offensive has become farcical and it will snowball in reverse as it becomes literally incredible. When the shootout is completed the Russians should compile a list of all those involved in the psyops as well as the war criminals and conduct a trial before an international neutral tribunal for those involved as accessory before and after the fact (accomplices) in this war. Of course “those involved” would mean everyone up to the political actors at the top.
Not all is lost yet in Germany, lets hope the empire went overboard with the hate Russia meme.
forwarded from
Voenkor diZa
Eyewitnesses from Kramatorsk report that at 22:50 Moscow time they recorded a powerful explosion from Slavyansk. We saw a fiery flash and after a while a blast wave came, but from afar – most likely Slavyansk or Karachun.
This is probably the result of the work of the Russian Aerospace Forces before the start of the ground phase of the operation. The information is being specified.
For what it is worth from the Historian Fursov: “When they say that Russia in the West is losing the information war, this is not accurate. We are not conducting an information war in the West, we do not have the means for this. We are blocked there. And in Ukraine, Russia does not have the means to wage an information war. The West has super stupid propaganda, but it works. One very large Western businessman told me a story. When there was a Kosovo crisis, the Americans threw in the corpses of the Albanians, as if they were killed by the Serbs. But there was no blood on them. And then he said to the CIA chief: “Couldn’t you have done better?” He replied: “Yes, we sent several tanks of bull’s blood to the Kosovars, but they did nothing. But on the other hand, because the public ate it.” The average Western person is absolutely indifferent to what is happening outside of his business or apartment. He doesn’t care about that! He will not question what he is told from the power box. After all, this means to doubt and come into conflict with the authorities, and he is a conformist. Therefore, it is unlikely that we could, in principle, convince him”
Surrender of 267 Ukraine soldiers
Andrei, here is a good advice, to calm down regarding those talks headed by Medinsky. What it is – it’s a deflection, the sort of what illusionists do – to draw your attention somewhere else while they are doing the main trick. These “talks” are perfectly pointless (just look at the people they are talking with) and organised as some kind of PR exercise, although not very convincingly, at least for me. :)
Medinsky, by the way, was specifically hand-picked for this charade. Despite his looks and how he sounds, this guy is actually extremely smart (he was on Mishustin team when Mishustin revolutionised Russia in it’s Tax Department affairs, now considered to be the best in the World) and not only smart, but can play a part. He managed to convince you and probably many others. This is WAR, where the fog will be quite thick for quite a while and where Russia needs to keep her playing cards close to her chest. That is exactly what Russia is doing, considering that the whole NATO intelligence apparatus is now helping the other side. So, relax and don’t worry yourself needlessly regarding these “talks”. It’s a screen.
Russia is steadily achieving all that was set out to do with this Special Operation without missing a beat. And yes, the BIG mop-up is still coming..
Russia needs to purge all of Ukraine of Nazi’s and the right sector, otherwise in another 20 years they can do it all over again and then again and again. The Nazi’s within our own government will see to that as they will try and stir up WWIII with their old cohorts in Germany, the Catholic Church and France with England as a kicker.
You write “but they went so far overboard that they got the undivided attention of the Russian people who now see the true face and intentions of the Empire of Lies”. Incredibly that is the same thing they have done within the US. The liberals and Democrats have pushed their stupidity so fast and so hard trying to make hay off the stolen election that most of the country sees them for what they are. The Empire of Lies. I say that noting that the Empire of Lies does not actually include most Americans. We are as disgusted with them as probably most Russians are. Further most of us do not see Russia as the big bad bear but rather see globalists as the real enemy.
Sure, those of us who possess humility, and do more than just google or search deep enough, courageous enough to tread down that path of being a sentient, learned, dynamic, vulnerable and good a person, ultimately. I know quite a few so called conservatives who seem to have disdain for Russia. One is an older chemist at my job (who’s family roots goes back to 17th century here in USA) and another a former army special forces. I don’t really understand the chemist’s reasons (he ought to be grateful for Russia for helping us during times we were most vulnerable! ie events leading up to, during the revolutionary and civil wars (when Russia dispatched their navy to help secure our coasts).
It hurts my heart all of this needless pain and bs directed at Russia, Russian people. I told the veteran guy at work, asked him how it must feel to be a child living in Russia, to hear all the slander, libel, horrible things said about them from the USA, the (wicked) West. It has to be truly awful for them.
It is hard to look these men in the eye anymore, tbh. The chemist saying how he couldn’t blame the Ukrainians (he might have been talking 1st half of last century. The business of Holodomor, whatever else the Bolsheviks may have done to Ukraine, Ukrainians. I had mentioned Volyn. If he was speaking to that, as if the (Russian or Polish speaking, from prior pograms Polish had inflicted on Ukraine) people had it coming, that just didn’t sit well with me. I don’t need to listen to such pathological drivel.
The theory by those elite interests in the west that they can cancel culture Russia is more being put to the ultimate test
It is a theory and nothing more,based on creation of information and devoid of reality
Based on the belief that the majority of western populations believe the information
On a superficial level that maybe true, but on a deeper psychological level no
Reality has a habit of tapping into the deeper levels of one’s psyche
The controllers of this narrative wish to retain the ability to change the channel whenever they see fit, that ability is slipping away
Idealistic fiction “oil” meets reality “water”
It doesn’t mix
Oceania is at war with Eastasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
An important update from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I think they are picking up on the information war Saker.
There was a Press-Conference by Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia held this afternoon. The Russian Rep had asked at the UNSC twice to hold a session on Bucha but was denied. So he went and did a press conference instead. The MFA put this link:
I will add the MFA Russia’s twitter link too ( as lots of interesting things today including a lot of kickback on the fake news from Bucha and a meeting with the League of Arab States with Sergei Lavrov:
The World (Zone B) is moving on without the collective West.
I am amazed with amount of hate against Russians in Ukraine. All these war crimes committed against Russian POWs, all these mutilation. We havent seen that in the recent wars, maybe not since Ottomans left Europe. Maybe we had that in Croatian nazi puppet state during II world war.
So, how to define Ukrainina mindset?
But maybe that is not just Ukraine. The amount of hate in Anglo Saxon world is immense. I read in UK news how they describe with uncontrollable joy how British produced missiles rip Russian helicopters apart.
The crust of culture is thin in Europe and in the western world. This hate is buried, but not so deep. The neoliberal order, political correctness, they proclaimed that they created utopistic society of low, without hate. They claimed they punish hate in their advanced societies.
But the hate is back. It seems that there is no culture, the western European societies are still in middle ages, or they are put back in that context by the Anglo Saxons.
I think wait until the European winter. The people will start to ask questions and see the lies. The power will be theirs to take back.
If we make it that far.
Russia needs to stop talking to zelstein and his cabal for some time. No more humanitaria corridors, unless Russia decides to set them up itself on its own initiative, and no ceasefires. Just surround the donbass and neutralize that ukie army. Then, move on to odessa. Don’t stop until zelstein agrees to all terms. Kiev and its western masters want to stall and drag things out to buy them time to come up with the next atrocity, real or fake that they can pin on Russia and make their propaganda rounds. Russia must not allow these thugs to slow it down.
“Now that this has happened, do you see what I was referring to? We can now say that thanks to this war, the Empire of Lies can now officially “cancel Russia” – their 1000 year old dream.”
But more importantly Russia can “cancel” them now too..and good riddance..As an American – and i live in the very heart of the monster in the I 95 corridor between Washington and New York – its becoming more and more clear to me that the information war is now being waged, against me and the rest of the people who live under these governments. We’ve seen that “psyops”cannot turn just another nazi massacre into a Russian war crime. Information war cannot fill the fuel storage facilities of Europe, or the granaries of Africa . I guess the big fear at the beginning of this heroic project was, that the other citizens of the world would cave..but they haven’t .”Psyops” cannot make the Chinese commit suicide in exchange for some trade concessions and I wont be surprised if some of the Chinese 5th column begins shopping for real estate in the US or France (or wherever it is they ike to go retire with their pilfered money and “man of the year” awards) ..The “information war” is now mostly a way of keeping the subjects of the empire of lies, in line, to stave off the reckoning that is coming. I feel like so many of us over here now have a strong friend also..i don’t deserve to feel that way i sure but I am wishing Russia the best for years to come anyway.
I don’t disagree with your assertion that Russian infowar capability is bad. But maybe that’s good? Liars are good propaganda, honest people aren’t. In the long term is it better to project honesty to the rest of the world or to sink into the mud to wrestle the masters of lying?
The flip side is how impressive the Russian humanity is in this conflict. It appears that Russia has put as much thought into the logistics of humanitarian aid as it has war fighting. That’s a form of information war too. Russians see their nation helping its brothers and sisters in Ukraine and the rest of the world sees Russia doing that too.
Perhaps there are tactical loses that are strategic victories in the information war?
Dear Saker,
If strategy and tactics are not working, then both should be changed, one must adapt.
Russia diplomatic strategy is not working, pain dial has no effect, no matter how many talks you offer after defeating the enemy in many fronts and battles, then this should be changed and the truism of Russians talk to everybody” should be discarded for something that would benefit Russia, rather than hurt Russia. This strategy is hurting Russia.
If it really is about an existential threat to Russia, Russia should consider adapting, and discarding that which is hurting Russia, and achieve its goals no matter what, that is if it truly is an existential matter, it is is not, by all means hold on to the current strategy.
Drop leaflets in population centers warning citizens to get out, request human corridors with expiration dates, announce publicly that you will flatten those areas, and then flatten those areas, move quickly because time is becoming a real problem for Russia, the more Russia let’s time pass, the stronger Ukraine will get, and all those Ukrainians killed, surrendered or captured will not matter, because it is just a matter of time, and the West will send “peacekeepers” making Russias efforts and goals much more complicated, and any existential threat, will be greatly worsened. If Russia is destroyed, will it matter that Russia was acting morally? Or if an apocalyptic event happens will it matter that Russia tried it’s best without sacrificing its Moral position? Or if 200k Russians die, will that sacrifice be worth the moral position?
I still trust, because I’ve been shown many times, that Russia is very resourceful, and it is in the right side of history.
It is a long game.
Russian adherence to sanity and reasonableness in the presence of insanity and lies from the US regime all these years helped countries with independent foreign policies to support it despite costs. Building a “brand” takes years. Russia needs to present itself as a credible, sane, law-abiding, agreement-capable alternative to the US in the coming multi-polar world. This is a far more important strategic objective than theatre level “revenge”.
The regime lashes out in frustration as Russia is not responding in kind. It is a sign of desperation and weakness. Years of peddling in obvious lies weakens and corrodes internal plumbing. It did not work for USSR. Nor will it for the US.
Não vamos sacrificar as vidas dos homens e mulheres que servem em nossas forças armadas para sustentar um dos regimes mais corruptos do mundo e merdas do terceiro mundo.”, já fazem isso há muito tempo… só que o contrario usam e matam as populações do terceiro para lucrar muito, roubar muito e destruir btudo.
“…they managed to make hatred for Russia and Russians a new type of woke virtue signalling.” Not in Serbia!
Here is a clip from a basketball match between a Lithuanian team and Red Star Belgrade. The match was in Lithuania. Red Star refused to hold the Ukrainian flag and were booed by the locals.
Thanks for the thoughtful update. I have mixed views on RF ‘losing the information war’:
1. Given the parlous state of Western media and politics, and the utter subjugation of media to information warfare agendas, Russia was never going to ‘win’ in the West, if by ‘West’ you mean liberal elites, media talk shows, headlines, etc.
2. There is a significant, and I think growing proportion of people in the West who take the media’s endorsement of a point of view as a reason for skepticism, who begin to find the Zelensky show–the haughty, disappointed, you owe me teen, the Greta in olive green routine–tedious.
3. In the war of narratives (in the West), Russia may not be winning, but losing has not resulted in any more serious action than the West was planning to take anyway. (So far.) Win, lose, or draw, the West is now looking at a major defeat in the economic war, which is having its own effects on the narrative. And in the Western psyops vs. fear of nuclear war, the latter is still winning handily outside of the most fanatical corners of the West.
4. In Zone B, Russia’s somewhat stolid, unfashionable, sober approach appears to be at least as if not more effective than one might have hoped. The contrast to the lies, hypocrisy and theatrics seems to be favoring Russia in much of the Global South. Offering basic truth, without the theatre, contrasts well with the Empire of Lies, particularly over time. The Snake Island theatrics stand to have a significant diminishing return curve.
5. China has been at least as solid in its material, rhetorical and diplomatic support as might have been hoped.
6. Perhaps it is especially in Ukraine itself that the Russian information operations and Civil Affairs have underperformed. Not protecting sympathetic town administrations in the early stages; this lesson was learned, but then not anticipating the need to offer evacuation for cooperative civilians, as in Bucha, when Russians cede territory; not finding some way to broadcast news programs packaged explicitly *for* Ukrainians, and broadcast to them. Provide some real diversity of opinion–allow criticisms and even self-criticism by military spokespersons; give different civilian perspectives.
But to be fair, in all the analyses of this very unconventional ‘Special Military Operation’ there does not seem to have been much recognition that the Russians are having to improvise procedures as they go. Has anyone fought a campaign like this?
Finally, in the Duran’s interview with Scott Ritter, he conceded that though the Russian military intel has seemed very strong, estimates of how much support there was even among Russian speaking communities outside the Donbass seem to have been overly optimistic, and the sheer extent and depth of insanity in the society–including hatred for Russia–seems to have taken the Russians by surprise. I may be wrong about this.
“I don’t see the point of talk unless these are talks about the surrender of this force.” — The Saker
I agree. Zelensky has proven himself to not only be a mere US puppet, but a complete bastard. And I was not someone who started out hating the guy. Half of my ancestors came from what is now the southeastern Ukraine and the southeast voted for him. So I was definitely willing to give him a chance, to see if he would try changing things for the better. Obviously, if he had tried, there would have been a Third Maidan. But he always could have gone into exile somewhere. Everyone can now see that he is nothing but filthy scum — one of the most despicable US puppet dictators ever. Frankly, Russia needs to do an actual “regime change” — Zelensky should not be allowed to remain in power.
Now a few videos for today.
DPR residents talk about Azov’s war crimes:
Russian troops storm Mariupol steel plant used as base by Ukrainian battalions:
In the air with Russian fighter jets – new combat footage:
Shows a Russian Pantsir air defense system:
You have to remember though, Zelensky is an actor and does not control the Armed Forces at all.
In what remains of the aircraft from the crash site, the Russians discover – or rather identify – one of the Azov leaders, Commander Palamar (known as “Kalina”), 2 other Azov officer members, Tymius Juri Vladimirovitch and Dyachenko Maksim, as well as 3 other people presented as 2 French instructors from the DGSE as well as an American officer, and not just any one please: General of the Marines Roger Cloutier (photo below). Is this a bluff from the Russians? Note that General Cloutier has always been a great supporter of Colonel Sirsky, commander of the Ukrainian Forces, to whom he was very close, so his presence would not be illogical in the device. Via Gleb Bazov and Ole Nkarei:
“Gen Roger Cloutier, commanding general of NATO Southern European Task Force and senior responsible officer for American Military forces in northern Italy is said to be trapped in Mariupol” and “If Gen Roger Cloutier, GoC/NATO Land-Command is trapped in Mariupol, as is being rumoured, the Russians will dig up every inch of that city to kill or capture. No escape. Some of his H/Q Staff, too. What a holy f*ck the Europeans are making of this Ukraine mess.” and DGSE would have been evacuated in the same helicopter as other officers of the Azov unit… (knowing that the CIA has been training Azov since 1998). Note that we know that one of the survivors speaks Russian without an accent, which leaves only one Frenchman possibly surviving the aircraft, the nuance is important here.
Indeed, if the Russians showed the interrogation of the Ukrainian, no information was given on the 2nd survivor, which is by definition suspect.
The information about these two French service officers who died in Ukraine in the company of soldiers from Azov even gained momentum, and I said to myself that – if it was true and if they did not survive – Putin then had quite a leverage over Emmanuel Macron, namely to recover their bodies and repatriate them so that they could benefit from a proper burial (not to mention the other consequences).
As a result, we better understand Macron’s sudden decision to immediately fire General Eric Vidaud, head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, the very old-fashioned DRM.
The reason? The DRM had given bad information to Macron (who, on this basis, would have taken the decision to authorize the DGSE to send instructors to help the Nazi “Azovians”?)! This will improve relations between Macron and the French military, not to mention the fact that it amounts to a kind of declaration of war on Russia!
But here is the most important part:
Not knowing if it was pure Russian propaganda (this possibility is logical, hence my use of the conditional in the first part of this article) or if 2 officers of the DGSE are really in the hands of the Russians, I wanted to check the information at any chance with one of my historical contacts early in the morning, frankly without much hope, given the level of secrecy and paranoia in which this world lives. Is it correct that 2 DGSE officers were killed in Ukraine?
My contact called me back much later that weekend and just said this: “YES. I got confirmation. And I can’t tell you more, you’ll understand later.”.
My translation: either the 2 are dead, or one survived but is in serious condition.
As a result, Macron will no longer be able to drag Vladimir Putin through the mud on the media too much, since there are 2 men to recover, even if they are dead (at least one).
And even if Putin still takes the President of France on the phone, what is certain is that Macron will now be forced to submit to the Russian President: there are indeed 2 DGSE officers to recover for the families, knowing that one is possibly still alive but seriously injured.
By extension of this confirmation, then there would also be the American general in the heap (dead or alive), and everything leads us to believe that this is going to be one hell of a negotiation, given the profile of Roger Cloutier who is still at the head of LANDCOM NATO from the Turkish base in Izmir. If he was captured or killed, then it would be a tragedy for Joe Biden, the US Army, the CIA and NATO!
“Allied Land Command formerly Allied Land Forces South-Eastern Europe (LANDSOUTHEAST) is the standing headquarters for NATO land forces which may be assigned as necessary (…) When directed by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, it provides the core of the headquarters responsible for the conduct of land operations. The command is based at Sirinyer, Izmir in Turkey”.
Below, his taking command from General Thomson (with an intro from General Walters) on August 4, 2020 in Izmir:
But whatever the reasons, it is totally irresponsible on the part of Emmanuel Macron to have sent DGSE officers to a battlefield of the Russians with whom, to this day, we are still at peace, at the risk of triggering additional hostilities and, above all, to aggravate the situation.
In Syria 13 French instructors had been captured, but there was total silence from the media in France, only the London Telegraph had broached the subject.
So NATO gangs are all over ukraine. There could be dozens of Military instructors from UK in Odessa as they were building a base in Odessa. They must not escape and all should be captured.
If the RF captured a US 3 star that’s a very big deal.
BTW – a Star always travels with a bevy of handlers and assistants. Wonder where those are ?
I see no sign of Macron toning down the inflammatory rhetoric. Quite the opposite in fact.
A few people in the west understand the nature of the all out war with the empire – an article on discussing the effects of the ruble/gold for oil exchange:
Look ahead. I am afraid that by fall there will be a NATO attack on Kaliningrad and Belorus and whatever territory is then still held by Russia and the two Peoples’ Republics. There are immense amounts of prepositioning war materials pouring into Poland in the North, and into Romania in the South (via the Greek ports). And I have a hunch that Serbia is also in the line of fire (it’s on the list for 10+ years now). There WILL be war. Even if Russia retreats – which I pray it does not – there will be war and the front will be straightened. Either by Russia taking Ukraine (and Transnistria), or by NATO taking Kaliningrad and Belorus.
P.S.: Orban urrah.
The biggest problem for any mechanized forces entering the Ukraine is that Russia blew up most of the gas station tank farms. Still a work in progress. That makes any slow moving tanker truck a nice juicy target. And Russia has lots of experience at tanker truck interdiction.
NATO will line all their knights and pawns along the Polish Ukraine border and pray to their Gods and Demons that the Russians stop. Prediction: not my thing but I’m paying attention. The first piece of NATO armour that crosses the Ukraine border….gets blown up? No. Too easy, plus they will make nice trophies back in the LDNR. Mr’s Kinsel and Kalibar will visit every rear echilon fuel supply depot…..boom. Armour will be parking faster than you can say “put your boots on lads, we’re walking to the front.”
Cheers M
Many comments here are intelligent and well intended, but let me shows some facts that exists in the western press, directly relating to your feelings.
1. Did USA not state repeatedly that No NATO troops in Ukraine? Fact.
2. Did USA not state no No-fly zone in Ukraine, despite repeated requests? Fact.
3. Did great USA hold off testing their nuclear missile, for fear that Russia might respond? Fact.
4. Did general Milley not tell congress that he called China to tell them not to worry about things they might have heard. That was Trump wanting to send a nuclear missile to China. Do you know why general Milley did that? It’s because China’s missiles went on red alert, and that is the same in Russia today.
5. Do you know that all your NATO troops assembled in Poland and the racist Baltics, plus the military bases all over Europe can be easily destroyed by Russia in record time? Maybe no, but wait and find out.
The real fact is that Russia waited until they could destroy the entire Europe.
Michael Hudson , Scott Ritter and the so few good Americans have always warned their countries for their foolish ways, but it is right that they would want to find a way out, for their misled country. But that is soon over, unless you want nuclear missiles hitting us in North America.
I remember clearly that Putin said” if you go too far you will see something never seen before in your history”. That was not to Europe for they spent centuries killing & destroying each other. That warning was for us here in North America.
This is what he said: “Whoever tries to hinder us, and even more so, to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate.
“And it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history.
“We are ready for any development of events. All the necessary decisions have been made in this regard. I hope that I will be heard.”
I do reckon the “crazies in the basement”, the dual national ZioCons did not listen. Now is the first time in hundreds of years that the chance is here to wipe them out.
Reading thru the comments and I notice some attention being given to “hate”, even to the point of changing Empire of Lies to Empire of Hate and Lies.
I question if that is such a good idea, or even accurate. Look at what you hate, and you are looking at what you fear. And the Empire of Lies (a good and accurate term) is so fearful. Mostly they are fearful of being caught out in the lies they rely upon to keep their narrative at the front of the public queue.
Like Covid19 – first the fear, then the control.
I also question the assumption that Russia is losing the PR campaign. Even in the West where we who comment here mostly live no one seems to be fooled. In the MSM, yes, undoubtedly, but who pays attention to the nonsense echoing around in that echo chamber? I suggest fewer and fewer as the sheer improbability of their latest statements and the then necessary corrections come to the fore. And in the rest of the world, it is looking more and more that the hysteria is seen for just that – hysteria.
Russia has a lot of patience with the
Perfidious Albion
white helmets syria
black sea incident
Skripal was recruited in Malta.
I do not believe it.
Malta is the center of world freemasonry where everyone serves the perfidious albion.
I think the Kremlin sees the world in the soberest of ways in terms of western propaganda, which is to say: it doesn’t matter. Western propaganda has lost it’s effect in the west over the last seven years and that’s not mentioning everywhere else. Smart people in the United States assume the media is lying and I can get virtually everyone I know (I am from the US and have no familial connections outside the US for a few generations) to agree that watching American media is on par with psychological self harm. There is no reason to turn on the television unless you want to be angry or fearful and completely misinformed on the state of the world.
What matters is getting the sane part of the world to work together and to militarily and economically checkmate the psychos that run the west right now. Change the facts on the ground and the facts in international trade and the lies will not matter because they will all come crashing down under the weight of reality eventually.
Does this make sense to anyone? Takes ‘Live to Fight Another Day’ to a new level!
“The Russian Defense Ministry also said that starting from 9:30 a.m. on April 5 it organizes a humanitarian corridor for soldiers of the AFU territorial defense units and foreign mercenaries to leave the encircled areas of Mariupol.”
If the nazis and foreign mercs try to get out of the humanitarian corridors, they will be caught and sent to siberia. Only the civilians will be allowed to pass.
No it doesn’t make sense apart from perhaps Russia getting impatient and just wanting Mariupol to fall already so they can begin Phase 2 of operation. So from their perspective it could be a good compromise to let them leave so they can be liquidated later, but at least Mariupol will be fully secured and the real war can begin in the Donbass.
Leaving the encircled area does not necessarily mean that they get to go home.
The EOL has ferreted out those 5th column back stabbers and collusionists. Good! Better that they be identified and removed. That you mention Ramzan as a negotiator makes me laugh… he’d kick butt and take names. Much respect to him and all those sacrificing themselves in order to out an end to the evil going on within Ukraine. Shame though that it had to come to this
“Makes me wonder – did the CIA really learn nothing”
Everyonceinawhile, you give yourself away as a non-native American. No native American could ever ask such a question …. the CIA is an organization that has prided itself on learning nothing for its entire existence.
The list of CIA failures is so long that trying to list them might be mis-perceived as a denial of service attack. You could include, but certainly not start with the unforeseen collapse of the Soviet Union and then the revelation that their intelligence estimates had massively overestimated both Soviet spending and power for decades.
But really, if you read about plots to poison Castro’s underwear, then read about Navalny and the evil, deadly, well-not-so-deadly, Novichuk … does this really sound like an organization that learns?
If you want to see Hollywood before the CIA got script approval, type Col Flagg and mash into youtube?
stuff like …
There are a lot of posts on Russian Telegram channels of interviews with Russian prisoners that were exchanged.The soldiers all talk about beatings,torture,and the murder of other Russian prisoners by the Ukies.I would say by now millions of Russians have seen or heard about them.And that is without the many other videos showing murdered Russian prisoners shown on these channels. All the reports I hear are that the Russian people are enraged by this,and committed to total victory no matter how long it takes.A negotiated loss is not acceptable at all.
How we can tell Elenski the clown is lying when he describes what happened in Bucha? One can notice several major discrepancies but certainly there’s more. First, why would the Russian military commit atrocity against people who are culturally and linguistically so close to them? To what purpose? Especially why should they do such thing right after they’ve officially announced a pullout from surrounding Kiev regions, two days in advance? They could have done that without leaving Kiev or if they are so brute why didn’t they dispose of the bodies before leaving? That’s what criminals who commit crime usually do i.e. erase all the evidence. Then, somewhere in the middle of his blabbering about the Bucha massacre – Elenski the clown – mentions how civilians in Bucha were taking care of their pets (cats-dogs, birds,…) even during the occupation of their city by the Russians. Does this prove that Russian military personnel are bad because they don’t care for pets? or make the Ukrainian even more an innocent victim because he/she likes to take care of pets? As far as I know VVP has a pet dog that he likes it very much, does that clear him of any wrong doings? Therefore, all of these carefully engineered claims about the Bucha, are intended for gullible western audience who’re conditioned to hear/watch news reports as if they’re consuming something edible. The westerners are used to consuming things – they don’t have the time to follow important details. They’re conditioned that way through years and years of watching commercials, soaps, …etc. on MSM.
Good things in this article, some things I disagree with. Thank you for recommended links.
“…Peskov, seems to think that these folks are not traitors.”
The other word used by Putin was “scum.” If the spokesman denies both terms, he could be contradicting both. Putin was bold in setting the meaning of this type of thing. It’s easier to call them “scum” than not for someone speaking in his behalf. When a president with the power of Putin says “traitors” and “scum”, it’s watch out! “Run on for a long time.” We’re talking about an exercise of power unequaled other than maybe in China (we felt it from here, or I did). The most powerful man in the world is Putin, for obvious reasons (hypersonic weapons, political power, etc.).
“…now well above 80% and the popular disgust with the Russian fake “intelligentsia” (the self-applied label of “creative class” the Russian 5th columnist always claim for themselves) is real. So more and more of them are resigning, moving abroad…”
Amazing, thanks for this insight we can’t get from U.S. media.
“they went so far overboard that they got the undivided attention of the Russian people who now see the true face and intentions of the Empire of Lies.”
I can understand “true face”, but they shouldn’t think “intentions” because no doubt they have pres. Biden’s administration in mind. Biden believes what he says about pres. Putin; Biden believes his own words, sees himself on the side of victims. He lies, but that’s like another story.
“,,,the US has developed very sophisticated capabilities which they now bring to bear with great efficiency.”
It happens spontaneously. I think it’s not efficiency per se, but the larger consequence of confusion at the level of individuals. A bad result is the consequence, which just looks “efficient.”
“-Russia and the Empire of Lies are in an existential war which only one side can walk away from and
-The Empire of Lies wants to genocide the Russian nation (by a combo of means), this is a fight for survival, and for the right to live in a sovereign country”
I think maybe not one or just a few in high positions of authority have such an animosity toward Russia. Americans do not see it as an “existential war.” I can understand how Russians may come to that view, but Pompeo, Trump, Biden, or Gingrich, Hannity, Levin, etc., do not see it as “existential war” and also do not use the word “existential” (in environmental debates maybe). It’s hubris, manifest destiny, prejudice, wicked biasness – that kind of thing, which is much better because it’s a matter of knowing…them, the beloved, and communicating in a way they can understand. I think both countries are failing in this area of knowing each other and communicating better.
You have to leave some room for people to come to their senses and return in the future, as long as they didn’t directly betray their country.
There’s no draft that they are running away from, no ban on leaving the country if you prefer living in some other place for whatever reason.
They didn’t sell Russian state secrets to the West. Their personal judgement of the situation is just that it’s better right now to move to some other place. Not harmless, not moral but not a betrayal or treason either.
On some people the Western PSYOPS worked (even I’m feeling discouraged sometimes even though I know for a fact it’s all lies) and they are now very afraid and fearful people aren’t acting wise in general. But no reason to burn all bridges and make it impossible for them to ever return in the future once these lies have been shown for what they are to the world.
I didn’t know who “they” was for a while. I think the Saker wrote that they are leaving on their own, which also explains Peskov not wanting to call them traitors. They can come back tomorrow if they left so, but they must have their good reasons to leave The Saker explained their circumstances clearly, which were implied and anticipated when Putin said those people – traitors and scum – would be “spit out” by the people. He must know his people and country to put it like that. The Saker basically confirmed here that it’s happening.
Putin is accused of a lot of things, but when I see his face I understand W. Bush saying he saw his “soul.”
I see an intelligent, responsible, and trustworthy leader. A great opportunity is being lost by the West because later they may just get – heaven forbid – a leader like the one they like to describe so much, and then they would know the difference, and that the world would have been safer if they had recognized Putin for what he is, and negotiated with him accordingly (I’m in good shape today). I like Putin. Pompeo said he’s “saavy”, “genius”, and elegantly… he went on. Why do I have the feeling that Pompeo, a CIA Director (2017-2018), is not really an intelligence agency guy like, say, Putin is a KGB one? That he is more Secretary of State than intelligence agency person? I think he’d agree, since I heard he is interested in being president too someday. He went overboard in praising Putin, gushing really. (Neither a presidential nor an intelligence person does that.) That seems to be now well known Suhoj jet hit. Is that new British Manpad system in action?
Thanks Andrei, this is my number 1 go-to site every morning.
FWIW, IMO Kadryov is a good soldier, but diplomacy is a game that requires sharp brains and a cool head. Confrontation will result in resistance; you will get a better deal by being quiet and inoffensive. And in poker it is not a bad thing for your opponent to think you are a fool. I suspect Medinsky will get a far better deal for Russia’s long term prospects than Kadryov ever could.
I think the Saker may be being ironical with that, because I think what he writes there would mean an offer of unconditional surrender and not negotiations. Your point is well taken, but this is a different situation. For example, who would be better to negotiate with Adolph Hitler, Kadryov or Medinsky? Kadryov, right? Better still than Kadryov would be what they did, no negotiations with H. and only an unconditional surrender declaration. This intransigence perhaps helped to cause the insurrection of July-1944, which only failed because of errors (the perpetrator realized he was missing half of the explosive material just before going in; the perpetrator did not then choose to shoot with a pistol to guarantee his success and save his fellow plotters). Hitler had several points in common with Ze. What’s the difference? Fight to the last man, says Ze. The German secret services did not do what the “Ukrainian intelligence service” is quoted in the media as doing. Their intelligence told their media that women have poisoned Russian soldiers successfully, which could only be true if Russians do not take the food by themselves in an emergency, and if they have instructions to accept food invitations from anyone. He’s more gung-ho, with a smaller army against Russia, than Hitler. Would Hitler have organized a Bucha “operation” and then toured the site? No. He did not do it. (Many of the accusations against Germany are exaggerations of war and others false, because they fail two take two facts into account: the pride of the German as a German, 2) the pride and laws of the German army, which we know from several accounts Hitler could not cancel (weakened when the war was clearly lost or the war conditions too extreme, but Russian soldiers were also breaking rules and committing abuses, according to the Germans.)
The “negotiations” were helpful in the sense of showing the nature of the govt. in Ukraine, but now that’s known and negotiations with such a government would even discredit the Russian complaints against it. You don’t negotiate with a terrorist government, right?
Oh boy … yes, you do negotiate, with everybody. Putin negotiated with very bad Russian Oligarchs initially. There are negotiations going on with the Taliban. You negotiate with a terrorist government for sure (and I wonder who we can designate as a terrorist government today ;.)
Please – a reminder.
This morning there was a prisoner exchange between Russia and the Ukraine. Something like 87 or 78 – I forget now. How do you think the exchange came into being? Via negotiations – where will it be, how many, who will do it, who will oversee – a mess of details.
Keep negotiating. It does not mean to give the farm away. Please go read the primer again.
“This morning there was a prisoner exchange between Russia and the Ukraine. Something like 87 or 78 – I forget now. How do you think the exchange came into being? Via negotiations – where will it be, how many, who will do it, who will oversee – a mess of details.”
I also thought about the pathways for civilians to leave the cities, but these are not the central points of the negotiations being conducted. The main negotiations have only emboldened Zelensky, no? Besides, I don’t think it’s the policy of Russia to negotiate with even a terrorist. Russia called the Bucha atrocities a “provocation.” Provocationis is the third, fourth meaning maybe. Was it terrorism? The media headlines say, “Horror in Bucha”, “Russian Terror”, “Worse than Isis”… If it’s terrorism, then that’s the first meaning. If it’s a false accusation, then that’s the second meaning and certainly over “provocation.” Like that, they can continue negotiating. There’s another key question: Is Ze insane, literally? Fellow commenters rejected that he’s insane to say he’s a “druggie” and a “puppet.” Methinks you negotiate more easily with a druggie and a puppet than with someone insane. Putin might change his course on negotiations as circumstances change. After Bucha, it would be more consistent to keep “negotiations” for exit pathways to save civilians, but not for releasing prisoners. The Soviets did not negotiate with Hitler on war outcomes after the war started. Did they negotiate for the release or exchange of prisoners only? I can’t think of an instance; I don’t think so.
Let me remind you of an instance but comical OK …
Think of the series M*A*S*H
There was this one scene where Hawkeye gets tired of the war, he hears negotiations are going on, he goes there, talks himself into the negotiations and tells them to just declare the war over.
There are always negotiations, sometimes through cut-outs, sometimes direct, sometimes by secret and backchannels. Read the piece that I posted: From Maria’s office” explaining how Coco Chanel the lady herself played a communication conduit in the 2ndWW.
I agreed with you on negotiations until I finally realized Ze is insane (and I refer myself to the video for good extra evidence for those inclined to accept it). With that light, I looked at the negotiation results and everything else.
The path of further negotiations also makes things harder for the sane people who Ze calls traitors and who want a military coup in Ukraine, whereas an end of the negotiations, and a lot of talk about the military dock for war crimes and terrorism, surely would aid the sane leaders who want to end the war (“fratricidal war”) today.
Russia’s concept of an information war is Vovan & Lexus.
Ukraine’s is shooting 80+ civilians and posing the bodies.
Its pretty telling.
– Shyaku
“I want to congratulate the Hungarian people not only on being the smartest in Europe, but …” — The Saker, above.
“A Hungarian is a man who goes into a revolving door behind you and comes out ahead” — Anon, attributed to a mathematical physicist circa 1930-1960.
Pictures of Ukrainean Marines surrendering on mass in Mariupol April 5, 2022
Three questions about “information-warfare” and its discontents:
We saw the “Mightiest Wurlitzer” cranked up a couple of years ago in a Great Venezuela Hate over that country’s refusal of the UN demand that the United States appoint Venezuela’s President–and how many “news-consumers” even remember that?
Do not the US and the UK and their NATO stooges have “oligarchs”?
Will the peoples of the US and the UK and their NATO stooges ever grow tired of paying for and fighting and paying to be propagandized for billionaires’-wars?
General Cloutier does not seem to be denying that he is in Mariupol, or custody, or dead.