Today is a major day in the Russian military operation. Why?
Because Russian forces are now on the outskirts of many major Ukrainian cities. If yesterday was “standoff weapons” day, today is the first day when Russian forces can now begin to degrade Ukrainian artillery dispositions, engage Ukie armor and break through Ukrainian fortifications. Today is also the last day for US PSYOPs to try to present a counter-narrative (Ukies heroically resisting, Russian dying in huge numbers, effective counter-attacks, etc.).
Yet we live in the smartphone with camera era and picture like this one tell the full story:
What you see in this picture are immense traffic jams of folks fleeing not Mariupol or Kramatorsk, but Kiev, the capital.
Here is a quick machine translated news update from Col. Cassad:
1. LDNR – the positional nature of the fighting remains, with attempts by the LDNR armies to advance to the borders of the territories occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
2. The southern direction – the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation retained control over the bridge over the Dnieper at Kherson, repulsing attempts of counterattacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.. Fighting in the Antonovsky Bridge area continues.
A New Kakhovka is also being held. Melitopol was taken this morning and the advance towards Berdyansk began.
3. Kharkiv direction – fighting continues on the near approaches to Kharkov. Both sides are suffering losses in people and equipment.
4. Sumy direction – the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took Putivl and passing through Sumy (the battle at the airport continued there today), advanced to Konotop, surrounding the city. Today, attempts to take Akhtyrka continued in order to reach Kharkov from the west. There are Russian roadblocks on the Sumy-Kiev highway. There is an advance to Kiev and Chernihiv. (The APU repelled the attack of the Russian Armed Forces in the Chernihiv direction).
5. Kiev – Gostomel airfield is held by paratroopers. The APU could not dislodge them from there. This morning, tank columns of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation broke through to the near approaches to Kiev and are close to establishing direct communication with the landing. The AFU is preparing a counterattack, stating that another landing will be thrown out in the Gostomel area today. The Pentagon says that Kiev will fall in the coming days. After 10 o’clock shooting was heard in the city. Also, according to the statement of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the landing was thrown to the west of Zhytomyr. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are actively undermining bridges on the approaches, trying to slow down the advance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
6. In the morning, strikes continued on military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the territory of Ukraine. A Su-27 of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down over Kiev – according to one version by the Russian air defense system, according to another – by the Ukrainian ones. The downed “Caliber” fell on a residential building in Kiev, but there were no casualties. During the shelling of Gorlovka, a school was hit – 2 teachers were killed.
7. The AFU launched a missile attack on the Millerovo airfield on the territory of the Russian Federation. Damage is reported at the airfield, but there are no losses in aircraft.
I now leave you with an open thread, please try to stick to FACTUAL INFORMATION and please refrain from prophecies about the future or stream of consciousness about the present.
One more thing: today Putin appealed to the Ukrainian soldiers and told them not to let the Banderistas to rule over them, he basically called for them to take power and negotiate with Russia. Ukie generals need to think hard about what they will do next.
I will try to post an analysis of the day later today.
It would appear (media reports) that Zelensky has sent out word that he wants to open negotiations with Putin I’d imagine its aimed at a ceasefire. Zelensky also had a go at the EU/Nato for what he says is abandoning Ukraine in its hour of need. Maybe the penny has finally dropped for Zelensky that Nato used his country to goad the Russian bear.
It has been proposed that discussions will take place either in Minsk (Belarus) or Warsaw (Poland).
Zelensky is a professional comedian – for WHOM does he speak ?
His CIA curators
I was gonna say, I dont think one gets to simply choose to leave the role of poodle when it becomes “inconvenient”…that’s not quite how it works….
One should recognize that Ukraine is a failed state with fragmented power. Zelensky retains what little power he ever had because he is useful to the oligarchs and their neo-fascist/Nazi political allies to maintain the facade of shamocracy (something that is not what it purports to be; a spurious imitation, fraud or hoax; pretended, counterfeit; feigned; to assume the appearance of in order to deceive). He is now playing the role of the sad clown, now that it is clear that the Ukrainian puppet state can expect now material aid from NATO and the EU. This is Russia’s dilemma, there is no one to really speak for Ukraine with any meaningful authority. I wouldn’t be surprised if the neo-Nazi’s put a bullet in his brain before heading to the U.S. The only other significant power in Ukraine are the army commanders, whose power is not going to last much longer.
This appears to be off again, as Ze has broken off discussions according to Dmitry Peskov
Is Putin suggesting Minsk as some kind of symbolic reminder of what the last Minsk Agreements were supposed to presage?
I would think that’s the point. The defeated party doesn’t dictate the terms or location for their surrender.
The Russians will negotiate only after the Ukie military officially surrenders.
Until then
Putin is suggesting that the top Ukrainian military commanders should seize power.
Without knowing much it may be sensible to speculate just who are the leaders of the regular Ukraine military (not AZOF). We can assume they are men of the age range 55-65. 32 years ago these guys were regulars in the forces of the USSR. They were not teenagers but men about 25-35 with views and sentiments well formed. While many may have become solid Ukraine nationalists, I would assume that a significant number would retain strong affection and loyalty to the Russian military. No idea how this will play out.
This article below elaborates on Zelensky making moves to negotiate with Russia:
Ukraine’s hybrid war is mutating
Essentially, Russia is now coupling its military intervention with a political track in terms of these possible negotiations. In fact, the former complements the latter in that militarily crushing the neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine would strengthen Zelensky’s hand to negotiate with Russia.
It would be quite a Putinesque judo move if Russia can “flip” Zelensky, the American/European vassal, into being a partner for a negotiated settlement that satisfies Russian security concerns.
I am sure there would be much tie and rug chewing in Washington DC, London, and Brussels if this were to happen.
Zelensky should be careful, however, and be aware that the Americans would dump him and try to regime change his government (or worse) in a heartbeat.
See Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, or other leaders that the USA liquidated, when they were no longer political assets.
Have the negotiations in Switzerland. Zelensky will see how a neutral country lives.
Yes, and one that is not a tool of Uncle $hmuel.
Switzerland not a tool? They asked for 6bio. ﹰﹰworth of ﹰﹰﹰﹰﹰﹰF35…
Switzerland is not so neutral as it used to be. The Bundesrat would have liked to bind the country tighter to the EU, but was hindered by a close vote of the people. Swiss elites are clearly working to undermine the neutrality of the country and are supporting the sanctions against Russia. US NGOs are heavily represented there, formost the WEF. Despite being an EU memmber, Finland might be a better place for negotiations.
Cassis the current president and foreign sinister is an atlantist and anti-russian, of course. The F35 mean integration into nato. Switzerland is not submitted to eu, but to us.
Both Switzerland and Finland are NATO “partner states” via a NATO front group called the “Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.” Their neutrality is, to put it mildly, exaggerated.
Switzerland is where all the EU devils behind this hide their looted gains of centuries and they themselves hide from everyone else.
The financing bribes etc… of the UKN Kiev devils will have thru there via secret money transactions hidden from everyone and govts investigation elsewhere.
Its existence has been part of the entire problem for at least 500 yrs.
Any discussions need to be in sensible place like Iceland or Finland.
When the West thinks it holds the cards it refuses to Negotiate. But when it’s getting smashed like in Debaltsevo, it says ‘let’s talk’.
Sorry, you should have talked 8 years ago. It’s too late baby, now it’s too late.
Totally agree. Ukraine had two chances to negotiate after being obliterated twice in Donbass. This invasion would be there 3rd chance. Hope they don’t give this chance up. Because it’s three strikes, and you’re out.
Almost all the crap i see and hear on TV and radio in the UK is full of weaponised ignorance,all this started this week according to them,we don’t really have the time to educate the morons.
First it was Minsk, then Warsaw, and then the line went dead. His own people may have cut him off because he is a flight risk. He may have been going just to beg the Russians to grant him political asylum before his own Nazi friends shoot him. Yes, I am speculating, but this seems quite a realistic scenario.
There another hypothesis his US mentors vetoed the negociation.
Seria ótimo ver a cabeça do zelensky sendo chutada no meio da rua pelos seus parceiros do acordo para benefício mutuo. Um final digno e pedagógico para todos como ele que acham que podem controlar tudo o tempo todo, que podem brincar com o caos na certeza arrogante de que o caos por ser o caos não acabará colocando tudo de pernas para o ar no devido tempo.
Se existe alguma coisa parecida com justiça divina seria um desfecho emblemático como esse.
My understanding as of this evening is that Zelensky offered negotiations, then the Azov Battalion or some other Nazis called for recruitment, accusing him of being a “partner with Russia”.
From Twitter:
George Szamuely Retweeted
Aaron Maté @aaronjmate
This is where I feel a lot of sympathy for Zelensky. He’s governed under the threat of these psychos since being elected on a campaign of making peace. It hasn’t helped him that his patrons in Washington have effectively sided with the neo-Nazi position: no peace with Russia.
Quote Tweet
Oleksiy Kuzmenko @kooleksiy
Internationally active far-right Azov movement, its military wing the Azov Regiment (National Guard of Ukraine) call on “foreign volunteers” to join as the leader of Azov brands Ukraine president “servant of the Russian people” after Zelenskiy indicated he’d negotiate with Moscow
So he’s probably looking over his shoulder for assassins right now.
Imran Hosein names those who pull (and always) the strings.
Imran Hosein had predicted in 2014 that Russia would in the end have to intervene in Ukraine, in line with some Koran suras.
Andrei. Is it feasible damage has been done to Chernobyl?
Update: Radioactive levels at #Chernobyl reactor have increased sharply in the last few hours from 3200 nSv/h to 65,500 nSv/h.
Well, I hope Putin and/or Ukraine is prepared to pay the costs to European farmers of another clampdown on their product selling?
The last time Chernobyl sent out radioactivity lots of UK farmers couldn’t sell their sheep for several years because of long-lasting ingestion of radioactivity.
It really isn’t acceptable to be contaminating the whole of Western Europe again.
Your getting mixed up with Sellafield. Chernobyl did not affect the UK at all. I was alive and reading about it at the time!!
I was walking in the Welsh mountains when the radioactive cloud passed over. Welsh sheep from the were indeed banned from the food chain for years afterward. Whether there really was a good reason for that, or it was PR and/or precaution, I cannot say, but here’s an article on the subject:
The contamination of the West started by placing dangerous nazi fanatics in power in the Ukraine in charge of all its nuclear facilities.
what could go wrong?
Is it now that the danger starts for you?
In fact, the Russian operation , after Zelensky crazy claims on going nuclear, is securing such an outcome does not happen again in Europe, as they will be the most affected by vicinity…
“The information we currently have is that the existing infrastructure of the New Safe Confinement and the Interim Spent Fuel Store 2 (ISF2) has not been damaged and the essential operational and maintenance tasks are being undertaken,” the EBRD said in a statement to Reuters.
Sorry ASB News / MILITARY seems to be somewhat one-sided in it’s ‘reporting’
Yesterday I saw report of a battle there against nazis that included UK Polish, and US special forces…they lost, but some containment of “stuff” was breached. I posted this at Saker when I saw it. I said they’re either dead or POW’s. I’d bet they surrendered and are POW’s…though they may be under arrest as criminals, considering the reason for the police action. report was probably @ ASB on twit.
Is there any news about Kadyrov’s Chechen army in Ukraine? I have seen several videos in the Chinese media about how the Chechen army is preparing to support the Russian army in Ukraine. Would like to know if anyone here has an update.
I posted this on Andrei M’s blog several hours ago.
thanks Larchmonter -always such interesting input – haha
Chechens believe revenge is best served cold
“Chechen Battalion” “East” S. Yamadayev (battalion of the 291st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division of the RF Ministry of Defense) and “Gelayev Special Forces” (Special Purpose Regiment “Borz”) have long been there
Chechen Rosguard – 46th defense (46th separate brigade of operational purpose) of the National Guard of the Russian Federation / Rosguard arrived today, 10,000 mountain eagles.
Z will meet V
Do you have the original report somewhere?
The containment dome I believe is something stupid like 4m thick of reinforced concrete. Unless it was hit directly by a bunker buster or artillery fire, it is fine.
Two scenarios are plausible:
1) The passage of so many tracked vehicles put enough (still contaminated) dust in the air to trip some sort of sensor
2) It’s not correct.
The region has many sensor that report in real time to some authority. Sure, kick up dust, but the report said “containment”…knowing how tough the big containment is, I assume that there are casks of radioactive contaminated junk which are liable to be damaged by cannon and rifle. I have lost track of map, and yeah, it may not be honest…but as you say, kickin up dust. I am more interested in the nationality of pow’s.
Or it is breached by “defenders” on purpose to make disaster and blame the Russian Military.
There are so many “humanitarian” actions by western armies all around the world, Vietnam, Latin America, Serbia, Irak, Syria, oh Hiroshima, and Nagasaki not to forget.
Most likely the Russians have come to Chernobyl to take away all spent nuclear waste as this is the basis from which Ukraine could quickly construct nuclear weapons? President Putin has stated, the Ukrainians have the knowledge of nuclear weapons and only lack a nuclear enrichment program. Without their stored spent fuel, it will take much longer to make any nuclear weapons.
I remember reading about the bombardment of Toulon during WW2. American cruisers’ 8-inch shells were bouncing off the thick walls “like tennis balls”. They called in a British battleship whose 1-ton 15-inch shells made a breach.
There were threats of terrorist action at Chernobyl electrostation, and the RF armed forces took control of it. Then, high levels of radioactivity showed up on computer reports and this got spun into a Russian act of diversion. Most likely, the computer reports had somehow been hacked to spread false news.
IAEA Says Radiation in Chernobyl Area Low, Sees No Threat
That was disinfo spread by ukies to scare the europe of the russian spec ops consequences.
The Russian forces and the Ukrainians who were guarding the station agreed to work together to keep it safe.
Fake news
I found a site that sells Tours to Chernobyl. As a part of their marketing, they include links to radiation monitors in and around the zone.
non-english :
english :
The site lists the current radiation at Chernobyl (prob the village) as being just a bit lower than the radiation in New York City. It is of course higher at the power plant itself (NPP)
Unfortunately, the site lacks a chart to show past levels to get a feel about the numbers shown. is reporting that all is within ‘normal’ (remembering of course that the ‘new normal’ is more radiation than the ‘normal’ before the plant was built as is the norm with all such reporting)
And, BTW, when talking about ‘containment’ at Chernobyl, remember this.
There was the original reactor containment. When the reactor exploded, the top of this was blown off.
This was quickly replaced by the Soviets who did a bit of amazing emergency engineering and construction to quickly build a ‘sarcophagus’ to contain the reactor.
Since this was done quickly in an emergency, it has to eventually be covered by a new ‘sarcophagus’.
I don’t know details of that, but it would seem reasonable that it was built around the outside of the original sarcophagus.
Oh, and they’ll take your money and sell you a ticket for a tour. You can arrange a ‘private tour’ with a guide if you give 10 days advance notice for permits, etc. Thus, if you give them money, you can visit Chernobyl NPP on March 7. The next public group tour is a one-day tour on March 21. But they definitely appear open for business, and there are no notes about tours being suspended on the website.
“Chernobyl is the most famous Ukrainian phenomenon”
— the first words of the marketing pitch on the ticket site.
The most famous Ukrainian phenomenon without question is the rich history of Orthodox Christianity as far back as when Saint Andrew (Andrew the Apostle of Christ) The First-Called, visited Kievan Rus’
When Andrew was teaching in Sinope and came to Kherson, he observed that the mouth of the Dnieper was nearby. Wishing to go to Rome, he traveled to the mouth of the Dnieper. Thence he ascended the river, and by chance he halted beneath the hills upon the shore. Upon arising in the morning, he observed to the disciples who were with him: “See ye these hills? So shall the favor of God shine upon them that on this spot a great city shall arise, and God shall erect many churches therein.” He drew near the hills, and having blessed them, he set up a cross. After offering his prayer to God, he descended from the hill on which Kiev was subsequently built, and continued his journey up the Dnieper.
Chernobyl is but a curiosity, a work of man; Christianity is the Logos of God, eternal and everlasting. The best part is you don’t have to buy a ticket to be int the presence of the Father, only belief is required.
I read that Ukraine had hit a section of the storage areas with a shell, to create a UN environmental justification for an intervention perhaps? It was one of the reasons the Russian forces took the area.
Who has put this info out?
I heard this tonight on Irish national tv and answered the question by looking at who broadcast it.
This is why I am against nuclear power. In case of war a nuclear power plant becomes a gigantic weapon i.e. a gigantic “suicide belt” (Presumably to avoid that, the Russian army occupied Tschernobyl).
Even if nuclear power plants were 100% safe and even if we knew what to do with the refuse – you just don’t hand such a technology to a bunch of monkeys (humanity).
Clarin newspaper (Buenos Aires) has this headline today:
“Putin calls the government of Zelensky ‘drug addicts and neo-nazis’ and urges the Army of Ukraine to take power”.
Clarin: “Putin calls the government of Zelensky ‘band of drug addicts and neo-nazis’…”
Thanks for the updates.
Excellent analysis if anyone’s interested: Юрий Подоляка
It’s in Russian though.
English subtitles are available, even though it seems to say Closed Captioning is not available. Merely click on the “gear” icon, then click on Russian and then you will see the options for all the languages. English subtitles are working. Thank you for the link.
just to mention something even better. live! see for yourself upto the minute
I shall be interested to see if Russian forces capture any British or Canadian or Polish or US mercenaries, particularly those thought to be in hotels in Odessa.
It will also be interesting to see electronic air traffic files for the past few years.
No doubt the British and US embassies have been abandoned to “looters”
@Paul, as they say in western Canada, “shoot, shovel, and shut up”. Best they stay in Ukraine, eternally.
В Мариуполе украинские боевики ограбили храм, избили священника и церковнослужителей
Сайт «Донецкой епархии» пишет, что «сотрудникам собора, в связи с пребыванием в шоковом состоянии, не удалось определить принадлежность группы к конкретному виду вооруженного формирования».
Но понятно, что грабителями были украинские боевики. Никого другого в Мариуполе пока еще быть не может.
Грабители отличались особым цинизмом – беспредел в Николаевском кафедральном соборе начали в тот момент, когда там совершалось таинство крещения.
«Злоумышленники унесли деньги из сейфа, продукты, хозяйственные принадлежности, а также угнали две машины священников».
In Mariupol, Ukrainian militants robbed a church, beat a priest and clergymen
The website of the Donetsk Diocese writes that “the staff of the cathedral, due to being in a state of shock, could not determine whether the group belonged to a specific type of armed formation.”
But it is clear that the robbers were Ukrainian militants. There can’t be anyone else in Mariupol yet.
The robbers were distinguished by a special cynicism – the lawlessness in the St. Nicholas Cathedral began at the moment when the sacrament of baptism was performed there.
“The attackers took money from the safe, food, household supplies, and also stole two cars of priests.”
This is disgusting. There is nothing sacred for this bastards!
… was just watching BBC Farsi. Frankly, didn’t know until today that BOJO had such a strong personality. He sounded like a historical figure , Churchill perhaps. It seems BOJO has reached the conclusion that all Russians from now on would experience a much lower standards of living, because London and allies are going to impose sanctions on her. The only problem is of course energy. The west is still very much dependent on Russian energy. BOJO promised this will be resolved, soon. Persian speaking experts, are suggesting Tehran is better off with the West and should break ties with Moscow. The West is trying hard driving a wedge between Tehran and Moscow. They’re also counting on perhaps Iran and Arab Persian Gulf sheikhdom’s higher oil outputs to replace Russian energy, just in case.
that’s just a thing UK pols do for the reason you stated: the churchill cliches. drop half an octave + brit accent = instant “gravitas”. especially in the states and canada. related: why john oliver has a job.
Next we’ll hear Israel have opened an Embassy in Tehran, just across the way from their pre-revolution Embassy, the keys to which were handed over by Iranian authorities to the PLO.
What the corrupt the zionist arab regimes, like ksa , bahrain, uae etc . would do is predictable, but Iran will never go against Russia and all moves by Iran will be in mutual and goodwill cooperation.
Are you really watching bbc Persia ?
…Yes I do watch BBC news. I’ve discovered that if I want to discern what’s going on in the world I must always watch the BBC. Though, I use the following formula: hear what they have to say then toss it around 180 degrees and there that’s the truth. After all what the Empire of Lies is good for?
News about thieves attacking church in Mariupol were translated by the Yandex translator. Sorry for grammar mistakes, but I am really mad about what is going there and audacity of these criminals.
One of the very best, most honest, and sophisticated military analysts in the world today is Mark Urban. Although Urban is employed by the BBC (another anti-Russian propaganda rag), he does possess a 40 year proven track record for reliability. Urban first came to my attention in 1987, when he published “War in Afghanistan.” I regard this work as one of the very few comprehensive and objective accounts of that war ever published in the English language. So, I believe we can all trust Urban to tell us the truth about events on the ground in Ukraine.
Within the past hour, Urban summarized the war situation as follows: “Advances to date from Crimea north & Belarus southwards have been significant. In the east not so much. It’s more heavily garrisoned by Ukraine +they’re better troops. But the function of the eastern attacks may be to pin them while Russian forces to the west cut the country in two.”
This has been my thinking. Kiev is the primary objective. Cut the head off the snake.
The other fronts are secondary and intended to force Ukraine to divert critical resources from Kiev region. This seems to be working. Also, there was never any intent to dislodge the neo-Nazis from the east, only to put sufficient pressure on them.
The exception is Chernobyl. That was a critical objective that has been achieved.
Once the head is cut off the snake, the neo-Nazis and US/UK/Polish mercs can be completely surrounded and destroyed at a more leisurely pace.
The Ukie troops in the east will be surrounded once the Russian troops coming from the north and south meet up. Then it will be “game over” for those guys.
Maybe – but I read his Twitter feed, and it is filled with propaganda. His feed had both these stories – a story about two Russian paratroopers taken prisoner, who reported said they didn’t know they were going to Ukraine…..that story has been proven false. The video of reportedly of a Russian artillery column destroyed was also proved to be not from this year/this war, but from Syria some years ago…..and that column was likely attacked by US back in the day.
So no, you can’t trust anything anyone from Western media is putting out at the moment about this conflict. All the Western media either outright lie or tell half truths with only one aim – to deceive and to hide what is really going on. It took me a long time to discover that those in the West have never been any better than are so called enemies of the East (Russia and China).. If anything, they are worse, and that pains me to say that I have have lived in the West for years and married Western woman.
Please do NOT post ANYTHING from ANY journos working for the US PSYOPs.
Next time you will get banned.
Although Urban is employed by the BBC (another anti-Russian propaganda rag). A little half truths is fine for the Zionist owned bbc employees to make a buck or two… I won’t give hime the time of day!
George Welsh to GW?
Urban was kinda notorious for his involvement with associates with the Skripal affair….the Blogmire went to town on him. Nuff said.
Craig Murray, former British ambassador (fired by Tony Blair) did a lot of investigative work into the Skripal affair, including the role of British intelligence. Murray, a friend of Julian Assange, has been particularly scathing about Mark Urban’s integrity. Murray has recently done prison time for work uncovering a political scandal in Scotland. Two political prisoners in a country that weeps for Navalny.
Mark Urban was in the Tank Regiment with Pablo Miller, who later was Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler in Russia at the time that Skripal was arrested. There is a censorship notice in the UK on mentioning Miller’s name, presumably because he lived close to Skripal in Salisbury and would lunch with him regularly. At the time that he was reporting on the whole Skripal psyop for the BBC, Urban did not mention that he had been interviewing Skripal for a book he was writing. That book was later published. There are good grounds to doubt its accuracy.
Surely the first thing to do is stop all fuel to all vehicles and bring the zelensky regime to a complete halt. Once it kneels then only fuel allowed in, and ONLY from Russia.
I am quite concerned that Russia may get bogged down if the Ukies fortify in the middle of the cities. Liberating those cities will destroy them like Aleppo and Mosul after ISIS. That being said, after eight years of shelling Donetsk civilians, it is good for Ukraine’s major cities to learn what it is like to sit for hours in bomb shelters.
why would russia bomb the cities? or even invade?
so far it seems only military targets are secured.
teoretically, you could secure the whole country militarily without messing much with the cities.
they are inviting ukranians to take a stand.
whomever remains will be able to talk, and given the supremacy, any attempt to go outside civilian parameters easily countered.
give them some fraternal love for rebuilding and extensive care to keep them out of zone a way and meddling, and im sure enough ukranians will be up to the task of rebuilding the country.
imagine this as a coup, only that imposed on the barrel of a gun (again, with fraternal love) instead of with the classic color revolution.
All those guns the Ukie authorities have distributed in Kiev could be used on the Ukie authorities and national guard types by the locals.
David Sant,
…I am not an expert in Russian or Ukrainian relations, but without a doubt very large segment of Ukrainian population from east to west Ukraine have deep affinities with Russia and these people won’t put up with the neonazi gangs and certain naive supporters build fortifications in the middle of the cities.
Well they have so far,there should have been an uprising a long time ago against those Nazis.
ATM’s have run out of money….shops closed .. presumably food will last a few days..except for all those people stuck in their escape rout cars?…..presumably Russia will ensure water supplies until Ukr fuel or power runs out …..petrol diesel stations gonna run out? Any lorries still delivering goods….crossing borders be either way?
I think the New York Times needs to come to terms with itself. Every time Trump talks about anything controversial, they say Trump said something either “false” or “falsely.” Now it’s Russia falsely this, false that. They are using the “false” word too much for journalists.
Looks like this will be over soon. NATO just got it’s ass handed to it. No more rule by edict or hypocrisy and lies. Time to face the music. And that goes doubly for the USA and EU. Take your sanctions and shove them…..
I honestly would have thought there would be more Iskander and Kalibr strikes to eliminate UA command and control and air defense. What’s holding Russia back from using their strategic bomber fleets?
Verkhoglavk (Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) Putin chose a strategic-operational plan for conducting a “Peacekeeping (counter-terrorist) operation to restore constitutional order on the territory of Ukoaina.” (((
The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Mr. V.V. Gerasimov (the actual Minister of Defense) has many plans for any type of operations with any enemy, alliance …
There is “causing unacceptable damage” / guaranteed (0.98) defeat of the enemy in: 10-20 minutes; 2-4 hours; 5-7h …
But Putin is a liberal and humanist, not a military one. (((
Neopalimyi for Navalny?
Praying that peace and justice will come to dominate our troubled globe. The Empire cannot say they were not warned. When studying maps one gets a clear sense that the Ukraine is too close to Moscow to have a nuclear armed adversary ensconced there.
Thinking 7 decades of throwing countries against walls would qualify them to carry on as if they have earned respect instead of contempt, is truly delusional.
How many times does the US have to throw their allies under a bus before an aha moment occurs?
Encouraging the Ukies to desert Nazis seems like it should bear fruit.
We will know when US PSYOPs is on its final page when it announces that the poor Russians are burning in their tanks.
The Russian military said on Friday it had seized a large cache of Western-supplied weapons inside of Ukraine.
Deadly sanctions blow to Russia
Homosexuals (two sexes), etc. sodomites perverts declared indefinite mourning !
PRESS RELEASE published on 25 Feb 2022
The EBU has announced that no Russian act will participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.
The Executive Board of the EBU made the decision following a recommendation earlier today by the Eurovision Song Contest’s governing body, the Reference Group, based on the rules of the event and the values of the EBU. The Reference Group recommendation was also supported by the EBU’s Television Committee.
The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute.
Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership.
The EBU is an apolitical member organization of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.
We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.
Russia can’t participate any longer in a freak show with homos and shemales. That’s a fatal blow to Putin. :)))
Good for Russia.
For years now, Russian singers were ridiculed by that event, yet still many Russians are naive towards it and are urging to send the beautiful and ridiculously talented 18 year old Diana Ankudinova.
I pray and pray, that this would only be a trauma to her, since it wouldn’t be a fair competition at all.
Though she would win in a landslide, if it was a clean contest, the EBU would aim to destroy her, since she’s to full of love for family, honesty and motherland.
Eurovision was used to provoke Russia with Ukraine’s 2016 act, and having it win. It is a political contest.
EBU is really their name? It’s sounds like a Russian insult (the F word).
From a young man in Moscow, an excellent good summation of the events for those that reside in Zone A!
Really good Alexandra. Thanks!
Thanks Alexandra. A very good video which i will enjoy sharing widely!
Saved this to send out, thank you for the link.
Yes, that was very well done.
I hope we hear more of him.
Yes, I know some of those virtue signalling types — a very strange mental condition that cannot be classified as healthy..
Many Twitter feeds inform that the Russians have annihilated a large Ukrainian military convoy on the highway near Kherson. Rabidly pro-Ukie journalists and social media influencers are acknowledging the same. Even Michael Kofman, the widely respected military expert from the Kennan Institute, confirms the truth of this report.
This happened in the last few hours. Hopefully it’s a sign that the Ukie army is starting to break. When we begin to receive reliable reports that the Ukies are retreating in disarray, and surrendering in large numbers, then the end will be near.
Let’s hope for the best.
“by annihilate”, I wonder if they mean the equivalent of what the exceptional Americans did to the retreating Iraqis on ‘the highway of death’?
“put some hate in your heart” — American commander ordering the airstrikes.
The slaughter went on for 2 days.
report from the American ‘history channel’
The Americans have no honour and no soul.
Not them and not now.
The Americas are occupied territory since ‘63. The country is now the United Paperclips of America.
I was at the so called “Highway of Death” with the Empire’s army shortly after the destruction stopped. It was always portrayed in the US as a destruction of Iraqi military assets. I can tell you that many civilians died on the “Highway of Death” as everyone was fleeing and the bombing was indiscriminate. The US never makes attempts to guard civilians in bombing campaigns. If a target is in an area, it is hit, regardless of potential injury to civilians. That is a fact. Then a PR clown is trotted out to lament the regrettable loss of civilian life or “ collateral damage” as the US likes to call it.
And the Iraq armour was retreating as had been arranged. The tanks had their cannons reversed (pointing backwards). They were tricked and led to their destruction.
It was a massive and disgusting war crime. I remember what the “PR clown”, said when it was pointed out that there were many childrens toys in the wreckage; “the Iraq soldiers had been looting ….”.
I saw those children’s toys up close and personal. It is seared into my brain and haunts me to this very day.
“Michael Kofman, the widely respected military expert”
I brought his name up in a post on Andrei Martyanov’s blog. Martyanov dismissed him as an idiot. I probably wouldn’t go that far, but he’s definitely not unbiased against Russia.
After this remark, decide for yourself whether Kofman is worth following:
Michael Kofman
I don’t want to mischaracterize what I’ve seen in the first 48 hours. There’s been intense strikes, fighting, urban warfare, attacks & counter-attacks. Its just some of the big risks taken by the Russian mil appear don’t appear driven by sensible operational requirements.
What part of seizing Kiev with that paratrooper attack and Belarus incursion doesn’t he understand? He doesn’t like it because it was “risky”? Is he an idiot? After that remark, I agree with Martyanov – Kofnan is an idiot.
perhaps that is the event depicted in this video:
The Russian Federation demonstrates decisively that it is not only the United States which acts forcfully in its interests. The military situation has developed with rapidity, with Russia showing it can tackle and pin its opponents in the fashion of a large scale coup d’etat. Zelensky was never in charge of anything and his pleading for terms falls rightfully on deaf ears. Putin calling on the Ukrainian military to seize power is the most realistic thing I’ve heard in all the diplomatic wrangling these last 7 years.
UKN Army should have dealt with this years ago.
But I suspect bribery and a element of UKN nationalism stopped that.
Russia needs to ensure the new Free UKN has some degree of nationalism incorporated into it but with friendly views on Russia and to view the EU as a dangerous entity, which its elites are so not just for Russia but the entire world.
This whole situation I think justifies all EU countries moving to dissolve the EU and Brussels and simply go back to a EEC type arrangement. And the ECB must also go as it is at the heart of all these problems.
Seems the reign of the Thirty Tyrants is coming to an end.
I think things will develop at a slower pace now because Ukraine is big, there’s lots of ground to cover and Russia needs to pull in lots of armor and logistics. My main worry is that the ukrops are using population of the cities as human shields and they’re going to be blackmailing the Russians with casualties. If they get enough time to dig themselves in, that’s going to be a problem.
NATO Stoltenberg has said that individual NATO contries would provide air defense systems to Ukraine. This sounds like something heavier and more long-ranged than Stinger. Which air defense systems could he mean?
And would it be possible to train Ukrainian personnel in their usage within a short time span? Or would they have to be operated by foreign personnel?
Retard Stultenberger is way behind as he should.
He cannot even deliver a chocolate box to Ukraine by now!
I wouldn’t be so sure. Does the Russian ait force patrol the Western approches to Ukraine? It seems not. Even if it did, shipments of smaller weapons would be easy to hide.
Russia should perhaps a “no-drive zone” for delivery vehicles of all sizes and shapes throughout Ukraine.
We can be confident that Russia has assets in place to identify and disrupt potential supply lines. They will have all bases covered.
Remember that they have had eight years to plan this.
“… individual NATO contries would provide air defense systems to Ukraine.”
Sounds like the Germans are restarting WW2 by default.
Do we hear any — I mean any at all — calls for non-aggression on Russia by/from defeated Germany?
I say flush them out — using criminal boy-Bush & Blair binary logic, if they are not for peace with Russia then, ergo, they are with the agressors and should pay a huge price. Are the 20-million deaths they caused in WW2 (at least) forgotten so easily?
Not too many tears on my pilllow if a Russian flag lies over Berlin again somewhere down the track.
Their silence is deafining, and at the minimum, complicit.
Stoltenberg is not German.
He is a Norvegian social-democrat. Former prime minister.
Just in case you forgot: Norway was occupied by Nazigermany during WWII.
Now it is Germany that is occupied, buy tens of thousands of American troops.
(I do not know if there still are Canadian, English and French baracks in Germany.)
The Anglo-saxons install puppet governments in the countries they defeated and call them “allies”.
If these politians are not docile enough they get disposed of one way or another.
Aldo Moro was murdered in a false flag operation, to get att the left. His country harbours usonian nuclear warheads in at least two airbases.
The Great Firewall or Bifurcation starts to take shape. Day #4 of New New World Order © Smoothie.
RT headlines right now:
– Russian regulator restricting Facebook (US Big Data)
– Counter-sanctions against West to hit its ‘weak spots’– Moscow
– Fortunes of Russia’s richest decline dramatically (Glory to Ukraine! One of immediate dividends is the neutering of oligarchs)
– Council of Europe suspends Russia
– EU to sanction Putin personally – Austria (Eh tu, Brute?)
– Poland and Czech Republic close airspace to Russian airlines (Russia did same to Brits)
– Ireland cancels visa requirements for Ukrainians (parcel of ongoing Operation Paperclip II)
– [Olympics cartel] calls for global ban on Russian flag and anthem at sports events
Significant cultural, technological and physical separation is in process. As one analyst noted, Lavrov & Russians have an air of relief lately. A steady return to reality!
RT english is blocked in Western Europe for almost two days, strangely not on FB.
Moscow will ‘finally’ block facebook(partially), about time.
As fin markets are manipulated, they are back to their tuesday level, Brent is down 9 dollars.
It’s not soon at all. This might be far more complex than most are thinking. There is Syria kind sad next phase era looming.
Ya’ll must have been moved like I was watching Ursula Von Der Lying’s crocodile tears at the Euro Parliament, not a dry eye in the house. Even the one member with a glass eye had tears streaming from it.
I was moved, having been constipated for 2 days, to run to the bathroom.
Here in the UK, Boris’s Partygate scandal has now been forgotten about while the House of Commons unite in their condemnation of Vlad the Impaler. A 15 minute discussion on the merits of sending British troops into Ukraine while pumped, soon gave way to the reality that Big Brother Uncle Sham wouldn’t be at that party and so talked turned to FM Truss to get back in her luxury private jet to do the rounds in Europe to take Russia off SWIFT. Good luck with that you pathetic cow.
Over the last couple of days I’ve been reading some headlines in the press (while flicking from the home page ) that even China has turned its back on Putin the lonely devil worshiper and baby eater.
This particular cash-cow of supplying WMD’s to Lesser Ukraine has literally been halted in its tracks, the Bullet Express put in storage until their next colour revolution.
The patriotic Nazi battalions using civilians as human shields to fire their rockets, straight from the playbook of IsIsrael & Al CIAduh NATO backed terrorists and holding up the Russian military’s swift progress. Not only this but the Nazis full qualifications have been exploited to the maximum when their US handlers threw them shovels and said dig, tunnels and trenches. Their mothers must be proud of them.
The arming of civilians and prodding them to fight is not a good way to fight or resist. Joseph Goebbels armed civilians in 1945. In his last article, “Resistance at Any Price” (April 22, 1945), Goebbels wrote: “A fourteen-year-old lad crouching with his bazooka behind a ruined wall on a burned out street is worth more to the nation than ten intellectuals who attempt to prove that our chances now are nil. The fighting lad acts instinctively in the right way, the intellectuals act in a false and illogical way because they give up since things do not seem in balance.”
NATO Rapid Reaction Force Activated
For the first time in history, the NATO RAPID REACTION FORCE has been activated and DEPLOYED. 40,000 NATO troops now moving into NATO member countries along the eastern border of Russia.
“NATO” has just sent it’s first convoy of what they call “LETHAL AID” across the Ukraine border from Poland.
If this is really true, Putin had a special warning. I guess that will now be activated. This just makes my heart sink.
Latest update with further information at bottom of page on this link:
They should be minutes from annihilation if they cross Ukraine western border.
@Greg Galloway it could also mean that Ukraine gets broken up. Western Ukraine will be divided by the neighbors Poland, Hungary and Romania. Thats the Lethal Aid and possible ground presence in Ukraine.
If so, this is excellent news. I thought V. Orban looked pleased at his last visit to Kremlin. Right after the Polish FM visited. Neither love Nazi orcs. And EU was hysterical against both in last days, cutting off funding!
So VVP’s decommunization proceeds very briskly, with a division of labor. Chechens @ Mariupol, Galicia can return to rump Austria-Hungary, etc.
There will be no protracted fighting. Orcs and holdouts will be rolled up largely by internal forces while external RAF will degrade big formations and protect critical infrastructure and provide civilian exit-routes out of city cauldrons, just like Kazakhstan and Syria. Good night!
That means US anticipated surender of Ukies just before they plan to enter the battle. Bummer…
It looks like we are one short step away from the U.S./NATO invoking their famous R2P justification for entering or starting a war. What would Russia do in retaliation?
If Hal Turner says it, it is probably bullshit.
By the way, why the only posts you make are about promoting Turner’s website?
Turner is not a source of reliable information, I agree. However, if you’ll trouble to listen to his broadcast you’ll understand his character. Although he adopts an hysterical pose, and a view from the standpoint of a man of his class, he also tells the approximate truth…so what? So think about his audience…he’s a significant voice, just not a source…he’s opposing the Zone A narrative…which is actually courageous…and yeah, he’s nutty.
I study propaganda…as it tells us what the other fella wants us to believe, and That implies his agenda.
Dear Margie Nieuwkerk,
I suggest you take a breath, carefully think about what you wrote and then pick up a geography map.
NATO troops now moving into NATO member countries along the eastern border of Russia?
How did 40,000 soldiers (approximately a Corps Order of Battle) travel all that way to say, the Far Eastern Federal District of Sakha Republic or maybe Kamchatka Krai, Primorsky Krai or even Amur Oblast?
The Hal Turner Radio Show is what is known as yellow journalism; an Internet based tabloid to hook readers on a hyped up headline to get them to subscribe to his website.
If you want to know what NATO is doing, go to the source and not some dubious, digital barking dog.
See: .
Please stop clickbaiting, you have been promoting hal several times already. If we wanted “alert news” and so on we would be hooked on CNN.
According to Intel SlavaZ’s telegram channel:
*Migirod air Force Base & other military bases near Kiev have been hit with ballistic missiles
*Kiev’s power plant has been destroyed, according to Kiev mayor (denied by Ukrainian government)
*Bakraytar drone factory in Starokonstantinov has been destroyed
*Mariupol under attack
*Russian armour approaching Zaporozhye
Russia wants all peoples of Ukraine to freely determine their destiny — Lavrov
“We want all the peoples living on the territory of modern-day Ukraine to be able to freely, without trying to drive them into the clutches of Bandera psychology, determine their destiny,” the top diplomat said
Is it the call for the break-up..?
The Russian leadership is very experienced in diplomacy and handling world events, for example how many different foreign ministers has Lavrov had to deal with from the USA and UK and how many Presidents/Prime minister’s for Putin?
It is difficult to believe that they have not considered an exit strategy after this operation has finished unlike the US military who just want to blow everything up and leave a big mess afterwards. Surely they must have planned some political solution in advance to help keep Ukraine peaceful and settled?
Russia surely would not want a failed lawless state on their border and have to come back and do all this again in a few years time.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Russians obviously underestimated the enemy.
Their advance is slow.
Not about taking territory, it is about killing them. Purposeful and methodical advancement.
So you know where they want to go?
read my latest comment soon to post to see how “slow” their advance is. In fact their advance so far is double what the German “blitzkrieg” was and quadruple faster than U.S. allied advance in Iraq, which took 3 weeks (from march 21 to april 10) to capture Bagdad from a broken down country MUCH WEAKER than Ukraine.
Very fast to the contrary.
100 km a day is by all account a fast blitzkrieg speed.
Ukraine is an immense country.
Militarily Ukie Army is cooked … Af and navy gone …
Ammos blown up!
Awol all over the place …
Very last asset is Ze the clown …
that’s correct. U.S. at its absolute fastest manages 10-20km a day. Russia in SOME places is doing almost 150km a day, and 50-80km in other places. This may actually be the fastest advance in military history, I would love to see someone find an example of a faster advance. Even in WW2 with armies of 500k to 1 million troops barreling over small territories they could not advance this fast.
The Wermacht advance to Leningrad was 200 miles a day after they flattened Latvia.
Similar to General Guderian’s rush to The Ukraine to help block The Soviet Third Army east of Keev.
So I haven’t commented on this blog in ages but I have to add my voice to how dismayed I am at the mind melt being pushed on viewers of MSM these last few days. From ” Kiev Ghost ” that knocked down 3, 4, or 6 Russian warplanes to bloodthirsty rushenzz to contrived video propaganda ( camera crews being right there as a grandma picks up a child or as a weeping father says goodbye to another child ) it has been an absolute 1950’s level howl hysteria sh*tmob. I don’t recognize America anymore. God save us all here.
Similar things in Western Canada, which has a sizeable Ukrainian community, the most (in)famous currently being Chrystia Freeland, who is simultaneously:
*Deputy prime minister
*Finance minister
*George Soros personal biographer
*Granddaughter of Ukrainian nazi Mikhail Chomiak
Lots of ordinary Canadians are currently:
*Flying Ukrainian flags for virtue signalling
*Claiming Vladimir Putin is a power – hungry tyrant
*Admire Poland for “bravely standing up” to Putin
*Blame Putin personally for “throwing grannies & babies into dungeon shelters.”
*Screaming for Canadian Forces to “do something about Putin”
*Demanding Alexander Ovechkin & Evgeni Malkin make (correct) statements about this situation, because “it matters.”
What change a news week makes, eh Dick, DOD was so overwhelmed with phone calls from Canadians to protect Canadian Protesters from imported police goons, asking them to do something about Mr. Diversity, it jammed their switch board. Now they scream to do something about Mr Putin……hopefully they go hoarse.
Regardless, Schwab Scabs are being outed, in Ukraine and Petit Kiev……….we know who the enemy is. What really surprised me was two hundred plus Schwab Scabs in the US electorate. Lots of work ahead.
Cheers, M
You forgot one important position on your “simultaneously” list:
Chrystia Freeland is also currently on the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum!
This lady deserves a dedicated article to explain the nexus between Ukraine Soros/CIA corruption and the wider WEF Great Reset agenda.
Australia not much better.
But fortunately were dont have as many fools running things as currently exist in the western northern hemisphere.
Steve Cortes Reveals Major Signal of Communist China’s Move on Taiwan (VIDEO)
”Because of this emerging axis of Beijing and Moscow, they are increasingly emboldened in the Chinese Communist Party that they can finally make a move on Taiwan….That they have a West that is unwilling to even take serious action against Moscow right now and therefore that this may be their window. It may well be ripe for the taking to attack Taiwan….etc”
reading globaltimes today that idea seemed to be implied. Forge iron when hot.
Praying that peace and justice will come to dominate our troubled globe. The Empire cannot say they were not warned. When studying maps one gets a clear sense that the Ukraine is too close to Moscow to have a nuclear armed adversary ensconced there.
Thinking 7 decades of throwing countries against walls would qualify them to carry on as if they have earned respect instead of contempt, is truly delusions of grandeur.
How many times does the US have to throw their allies under a bus before an aha moment occurs?
Encouraging the Ukies to desert Nazis seems like it should bear fruit.
Just use a translater for the written part, it is very clear. Positioning, battle data straight from the MOD.
@ Eric Cartman
“Russians obviously underestimated the enemy.
Their advance is slow.”
What do you know? Are you in the planning team with Shoigu? For what I heard and read from people who are in the loop, all objectives were reached on Z Day 1. Throwing statements like yours to the air, without any knowledge or backing, should be considered trolling. They are irrelevant to the blog and to the unfolding reality in Ukraine. Remember, there are people dying there, and they are not on a race to die. Any war is a sacrifice, and should be treated with respect. Get a grip, think before you write.
Lone Wolf
Well said
Serbian government officially said that violating Ukraina’s sovereignty a very bad thing.
At the same time, it does not condemn Russia and does not impose any sanctions.
Interestingly, Georgia does no impose any sanctions either. It seems they have become more level headed now that Saakashvili is in the cooler.
I have been following the conflict very closely. A few very important but random updates on KEY ISSUES:
1. Russia is now confirmed to have captured both british NLAW and American JAVELIN systems. The NLAWS they have captured multiple, and Javelin only 1 so far.
2. The citizens of many Ukrainian cities are actually posting secret ‘ambush’ locations of Ukrainian forces online in order to notify the Russian army (yes this “treason” is dangerous and brave for them to do). This has happened so far both in Kiev and Kherson/surrounding areas. This shows that many Ukrainian citizens in fact support the Russian army in liberating them from the Nazi regime.
3. Some people in the enemy sphere are commenting on the fact that initial Russian SEAD/DEAD suppression strikes were not as effective as they hoped because Ukraine continues to have some air capabilities. The reason for this is very simple, the U.S. gave Ukraine intelligence on exactly when the invasion would occur, and it has now been confirmed that the large majority of Ukrainian air assets took off on the night of the first airstrikes, went to the air, and many of them were transported to nearby Poland for safekeeping and are NOW coming back to safety. This includes (allegedly) the infamous Turkish TB2 drones as the Ukrainian side is now reporting they still have some left that have returned from hiding in Poland. There’s not much Russia can do about that, the fact that neighboring countries give aid to the enemy. When U.S. attacks a country in its many invasions unfortunately those countries usually don’t even have the luxury of having neighboring “allies” to help them conceal weapons like this, as U.S. generally turns everyone against said country via global hegemonic pressure.
4. Another important topic that many enemy analysts have been incorrectly spouting off about. Some are saying that Russia is showing inferior capabilities because they have been ‘bogged down’ and haven’t taken Kiev as quickly as they intended. I’ve prepared some numbers to give you a comparison for the purpose of context.
Russia is currently utilizing only a tiny fraction of its forces, roughly 20-30 Battalion Tactical Groups (BTG’s) out of the roughly 60 it has prepared for this operation (which sit on the Russian side of the border still, waiting). This is equivalent to anywhere in the 20-40k troops count, roughly the same amount of troops as the late stage of Georgian operation. Keep in mind Russia’s entire Armed Forces is in the region of 800,000 – 1,000,000 troops (of all 3 branches) so you can get an idea what tiny fraction of Russia’s full potential is currently being used. The reason most experts are giving at the moment is Russia did not want to create mass casualties even amongst Ukrainian military/soldiers because they know that their fight is not against even the average Ukrainian soldier but rather specifically the more radicalized Nazi types. This is why Russia has held off on true “shock and awe” style campaign and has not even targeted troop massings, mostly targeting materiel and command objectives. In short, Putin is trying to achieve this campaign as “cleanly” as possible without creating generation blood-libel hatred between Ukrainians/Russians as the ultimate goal is to have the two countries as brotherhoods once again down the line, once the Nazi’s and such have been cleaned out.
So to give you an idea of how Russia’s progress so far compares:
Russia as I’ve said is using so far anywhere between about 20-50k troops vs. a Ukrainian armed forces that has total probably 200k++.
In 2003, the U.S. and “allies” had a force of 309,000 that invaded from the south of Iraq on March 21. They finally captured Bagdad in the north about 450km on April 10th. Now, Iraq is a country of about 24 million people, Ukraine is 50 million. Ukraine is also 50% larger than Iraq by pure territorial area. So it took the U.S. with 300k troops almost 3 weeks, about 20+ days to go 450km and capture the capital.
After only a single day of fighting Russia with its 20-50k troops has already reached Kiev and mostly encircled the capital.
Now onto the speed, some are claiming Russia is going “slow” and is ‘bogged down’. At the height of the famed German Blitzkrieg in June 1944, the Nazi’s progressed as much as 50km per day into Soviet Territory. But when you average their rate of progress over the course of the entire Operation Barbarossa (up until they reached Moscow) the famed “Blitzkrieg” averages to about 9km per day.
If you compute the numbers of U.S.’s invasion of Iraq that I gave, the U.S. did about 20km a day with a force of 300k troops against an army far smaller and weaker and less equipped than the Ukrainian army.
In one plus days so far, Russia on some axes, such as the southern axis from Crimea towards Mariupol or Kherson which it is now storming, has averaged approximately 50-100km per day. This is so far DOUBLE THE RATE of advance that U.S.’s allied force of 310k managed to do in beaten down Iraq and upwards of double the rate of the famed “Blitzkrieg” of WW2. You can easily see this for yourself, just go on googlemaps and use the measurement tool of kilometers towards known captured cities like Melitopol, which is 125km from Crimea (reached in about a day) or Kiev which is 110km from Belarus border and has already been encircled on at least 2-3 sides. On other axes like border to Konotop (80km) Russia progresses at a rate of 50-60km a day. Folks, these are record breaking numbers. No force in history progresses this fast. The U.S. took 3 weeks to take Bagdad which is less than 450km from Kuwait and had a force of 300k troops. Russia is doing 60-100km a day with less than 50k men. This is astounding progress on the modern battlefield that I don’t think has ever been seen before, and Russia is using only a tiny fraction of its capabilities. The forces represented here are about 10% of Russia’s entire armed forces, and anywhere from 30-50% of the forces that have been mobilized for this specific operation in general.
REPORT: MASSIVE BUILDUP of Assault Helicopters in Southern Belarus —
: @Maxar, Feb. 25
Russia Prepares for Major Airborne Assault in Ukraine
Christopher Miller
NEW satellite images show nearly 150 attack and transport helicopters, as well as support equipment in southern Belarus, some 20 miles from the border with Ukraine and less than 100 miles from Kyiv, Ukraine.
A must-read headline from last year if you want a good laugh. Paradigm of hypocrisy
Christopher Miller
Likely fakenews
I’ve heard reports of Ukrainian snipers being deployed on roofs in Kyiv. Could helicopters be a relevant defense against this? What if the guys have manpads?
A great synopsis, thanks for posting this.
I agree. This is a lightning fast advance. What is more impressive to me is the measured restraint in terms of destruction in combination with the speed of the advance. In other words, there doesn’t appear to be wanton destruction of everything in front of them. This speaks to a high level of discipline and professionalism among the RF forces. All of this accomplished with a relatively small force against a much larger force in terms of numbers. A very impressive combined forces attack.
“At the height of the famed German Blitzkrieg in June 1944…”
Eh? At that time the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS were being driven steadily out of the USSR. Operation Bagration, between June and August 1944, was probably the biggest land offensive in history and destroyed far more German troops and weapons than the Normandy landings.
Did you mean 1941? Operation Barbarossa began on June 22, 1941 so it had hardly got underway before the end of June.
Yes sorry was typing fast, this is a typo. I meant ofcourse 1941 :)
With that said, in 1944 perhaps German troops were doing a negative -50km a day in retreat so…..
Russia liberated regional cities: Melitopol, Kherson, Sumy, Chernihiv,
There are battles for Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkov, Nikolaev (landing)
The RF Armed Forces are marching towards Poltava and Berdyansk, closing the Mariupol cauldron/ring from the rear.
– Kyiv CHPP-6 has not been destroyed – this is a fake.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are fleeing from Starobelsk and Severodonetsk (LPR), and from Ugledar (DPR)
The grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine leaves the fortified area of the demarcation zone with the LDNR and begins a forced march to Kyiv and Kharkov to help keep these strategic settlements / directions. Or maybe they run off down the road.
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are fleeing from Starobelsk and Severodonetsk (LPR), and from Ugledar (DPR)”
Were Ukrainians shelling a lot from these places.
On the march they will be blown to dust and spray.
The Ukrainian Air Force still operates SU-27? Where do they come from? I thought all mil airfields are inop.
Ukraine put all their air assets into Poland right before the first Russian airstrikes after U.S. intelligence warned them of impending Russian strikes. Now Ukraine is bringing their assets back from Poland selectively. Nothing Russia can do about this, Russia is not going to strike Poland so, not much can be done
Let me remind you that in 2023 the contract for pumping “Russian” gas through expires territory Poland.
In 2024 – through Durkain, although the closure of transit through Poland is quite close to the death of the EU economy and humanitarian catastrophe.
The EU will find workarounds. The Russians prefer perhaps selling to the Chinese and become dependent on them, I am sure the Chinese will extract their price at some uncomfortable point in time too.
Ukraine today is Russian Taiwan, figuratively speaking.
China applauds us, but secretly. )))
yep, both countries even have fake names. Ukraine is basically “corner territory” in Russian, and Taiwan is a fake name, that’s not even the official name of the country. The official name written into the country’s constitution and listed in United Nations (which the West is too embarrassed to use) is “Republic of China”…..woops!
Ukraine is basically “corner territory” in Russian
I thought it meant borderland or edge.
close enough!
Not “corner” – “edge”! O(U)kraine – outskirts.
Regarding the etymology of the toponym Taiwan “Plateau over the Gulf”, it is closer to Kiev (turk. Kyuyev: Kyuy – lower / harbor, Ev – settlement).
“Communist China”, in my opinion, is already taboo. )))
Taiwan isn’t a country and it is not a member of the United Nations.
Gas transit under a denatozfied Ukraine might be the issue here.
Who needs N2 then, anyway?
Btw I see some people mention the Ukrainian “highway of death” in case anyone is interested here is the full video. It is a 15km long stretch of a Ukie convoy of about 70+ vehicles destroyed by Russian air assault
To me it looks like most equiment is abandoned, not destroyed. The vehicules are mostly scatered, with only a few clusters of jammed groups.
Hard to tell which is what, as the filming car drives at a steady speed.
The scene seems to have been cleaned of personal weapons.
There seems to be a bit too many abandonned private cars on the roadside, even though there are a few pedestrians and a cyclist on the road.
The person filming seems to respectfully avoid filming dead men, but it does not seem to be that many of them.
So where are the crews? Prisonners? Hospital patients? Regrouped?
If it was an airstrike there was probably nobody on the spot to disarm and release them…
The story of that convoy would need to be written under the video.
3 or 4 large Chinese banks are limiting loans for buying Russian energy, in compliance of or anticipation of US sanctions. In the past, China, for fear of being cut out of the dollar system, has complied (at least in appearance) with sanctions against Iran, North Korea and even Chinese personalities in Hong-Kong. The working around Iran sanctions to buy millions (I think) of barrels of oil was actually no one’s secret, but Beijing adhered to the letter of the sanctions. Probably some such workarounds were discussed between Pǔjīng and Xí Jìn Píng.
I suppose you read that in Zerohedge. It is a clickbait title. If you read carefully, this banks are limiting loans IN US DOLLARS but not in Yuans. In other words, it is called Dedollarization.
I think the original article comes from Bloomberg, which means….. that it is just Propaganda.
I saw that on Bloomberg too. I passed it by.
An example of the fake Psyops that Ukraine is attempting to desperately stage. Here is a video that was presented as captured Russian troop giving a confession, but if you scroll down the thread you will see he was identified as a loyal Ukrop
Of course those with a keen eye don’t need to see the photos because you can tell just by his bad acting and inability to keep a straight face that the video was fake. So beware of any other photos/videos you see of alleged “Russians surrendering” as Ukrop forces are staging a lot of fakes to try to boost their troops’ broken morale.
A video on Bitchute does a breakdown of Zelensky’s body language as he makes a recent address telling people he’s trying to speak with Putin. Narrator notes that NONE of the expected cues of extreme stress are present which should be there – his country is “invaded”, he and his family’s lives supposedly under threat of assassination, etc.
Link –
@ Nightvision on February 25, 2022 · at 4:10 pm EST/EDT
“I have been following the conflict very closely. A few very important but random updates on KEY ISSUES:…”
Good report, thank you very much, your night vision is being accurate. -:)
Appreciate the “speed” historical analogy, just keep in mind it is not the main factor, even if the Russian army is breaking records.
Keep on trucking.
Lone Wolf
There are no good wars, only bad ones. People die, lives get destroyed, children get traumatized for life. That is true for both sides, Russians and Ukrainians in this case. Makes no difference. This is so old energy, and it is not like Russia can pretend it is a particularly better country or civilization either, even today freedom is not the main feature of Russian civilization. Eye for an eye. Doesn’t work. Never ever. Grow up.
Ukraine will “fall” or not, perhaps there are Nazis indeed, perhaps the USA manipulated them. But dimwits are everywhere, including in Russia btw. They were also born under soviet times btw. Why do you think they hate Russians?
Now If it is ok to go kill them dimwits in Ukraine, then should it also be ok to go and kill the same ones in Russia? And who decides who is so dimwit he needs to be killed??? And does that make the killer any better? Do you become a man, a hero for killing stupid or mentally hurt people??? Does anger and revenge make you happy and fulfilled?
Think over it before judging and rejoicing about so much destruction. Think about it: it takes 18 years to make a woman out of a baby to be able to get a child and raise it. It takes 9 months to build a new human and 18 years again to make it able to live on its own. And you guys are here to discuss how quickly a country will be dominated, broken to your will, so you can feel better in your own insecurities? Now those you break today will rise up in x years and say the same things about you, come after you, rejoice about destroying you. Does that make sense???
Man up, and start building, that is a lot lot harder to do to figure how to build a strong country than to destroy one you don’t like, though it’s your very own blood you are shooting at. Do the hard thing and tell Putin he lost it. He can still walk away showing benevolence, that will give him a lot more respect than winning. If he continues he will break Ukraine, probably, but he will also lose the respect of billions of silent people who can see right through him.
And before you shoot at me, yeah the same applies to Biden exactly. Simply unexcusable what the Americans do, and yet no reason to throw bombs at them either.
Just to make sure you are writing about Putin when you say: “If he continues he will break Ukraine, probably, but he will also lose the respect of billions of silent people who can see right through him.” Actually the opposite is true. Billions will admire him for standing up to Western imperialism and racism.
You can’t say, like Metropolitan Onufrij, “war is a grave sin”. Perhaps it is just the formula that sounds lame and he actually meant planting the seeds of war; I didn’t take the time to read the declaration (on
In fact, Muslims are prompt to point out that a strict observance of the Sermon on the Mount amounts to passivity in front of evil. Actually, in the 13th century, the Western theologian Aquinas took great precaution to define what he called a just (or righteous) war (*not* a holy war, the only holy war being the spiritual fight being waged inside a soul, as described by Saint Paul).
I think it is with full knowledge of the evils brought about by war that this war is being fought with a preoccupation to limit these evils and that, rather than the beginning of a war, this is actually a response in the course of a war that started in the last decade of the past century. The main justification of the current offensive is that delaying action, or taking no action, given the methods and motivations of the enemy, would be abetting much greater future suffering and devastation.
Mr “we are all of the same blood” is obviously a troll – but let us entertain the troll of our same blood. Same bllod says this classic, almost Biblical line “And before you shoot at me, yeah the same applies to Biden exactly. Simply unexcusable what the Americans do, and yet no reason to throw bombs at them either.”
OK. So you would compare Russia to the US. All Russian military operations since the collapse/implosion of the USSR have been defensive operations, including Syria where the legitimate government made a formal request for Russian assistance against the most murderous & psychotic armed formations since the Nazis. ISIS & Al Nusra were the SS of the present day – & incidentally, via the Muslim Brotherhood, have a direct link to the fascism of the WW2 period. That is Russia, literally saving the world from the worst kind of filth.
The US on the other hand – you know what? I don’t need to make a list. The US is the most aggressive imperialist aggressor in the history of this world. That is a simple hard fact.
So you would make moral equivalence. Try again. And do it somewhere else – not here, this is a blog where open Russophiles gather, we don’t pretend to be something else, like US/UK Atlanticists do, making nice tales about humanitarianism to justify their aggression. You are in the wrong street my friend, you need to find your way home, maybe to CNN, or BBC.
The Ukrops used a Tochk-u against Millerovo. They also fired a Tochka-u with a cluster bomb warhead at unspecified targets in Donetsk. The doby of the ballistic missile fell into a garden, killing one person. The cluster bomb warhead seems to have been a dud.
The Kalibr shot down by the Ukrops was coming in from east of Kiev, heading west. After being hit, momentum carried it west until it fell on a building in residential Darnitsa area, fortunately with minimal civilan casualties.
Personally I don’t buy the ‘kaliber’ story, the explosion was way too big to be a cruise missile and I could have sworn that Russian MOD already confirmed that it was a Ukrainian Su-27 downed by friendly fire who THOUGHT it was a Russian kaliber. I’ve never seen a missile intercept create that large of an explosion and obvious burning fuel plume in the sky, only a jet with full fuel tanks could create that. The explosion was so large many analysts didn’t even believe it could be an Su-27, they initially guessed it was a bomber like Tu-22 or something that exploded. Yes a small turbofan was found on the crash site but that turbofan could very well be from the intercepting missile that shot down the Ukie Su-27.
The Su-27 came down elsewhere – Oleksandra Koshytsya 7 – a cpouple of miles from the area where the Kalibr came down.
“Later Anton Gerashchenko stated” !!!
Got crazy, drain these slops here ?!
“Caliber” they shot down … what? When? Where are the facts, photos, videos …
“Rusvesna” is a propaganda dump of fakes, albeit pro-Russian – but hohlyatsky! let Russian-speaking, but hohols.
Tie with such sources, especially here to place them. Damn, “Anton Gerashchenko said” …)))
Btw it is quite something that official Russian MOD estimates for Ukrainian losses put the enemy death toll to somewhere in 100-200 range so far. While Ukie/western death toll estimates for Russian troops is as high as 5,000.
So the army that’s easily overrunning all your defenses and penetrated 150km into your country from every border, and is already inside your capital has suffered 5000 but you suffered only 100. That’s believable. Just another example of ludicrous desperation propaganda from the West/Ukraine.
With my many years covering and analyzing these conflicts from 2008 Russo-Georgia, to Syrian conflict, my educated estimate for Russian losses so far is maybe anywhere in 10-40 range with Russian MOD probably being accurate about Ukrainian losses being in the 100-200 range give or take, but it could be much more depending what all those airstrikes actually hit.
Russian MOD said they whacked about 200 AFU and specialists at the airport when the paratroopers took it. They didn´t say anything about the counter attack the Ukies made. It is in one of the two links I posted a litttle bit above this.
That sounds reasonable/believable. The Ukies claim they wiped out everyone in the counter-attack but there is zero evidence for this and every evidence that the airport was in fact held/contested the entire time.
What you see in this picture are immense traffic jams of folks fleeing not Mariupol or Kramatorsk, but Kiev, the capital.
Where are they fleeing to…… Poland, Belarus, Romania or Russia?
I heard massive traffic is fleeing to Poland from Kiev.
Lviv and points west. Many Neo-Nazi rats fleeing a shinking ship, especially when it is known that Russia is hunting for perpetrators of the war crimes in the east.
Zelensky released military arms to the general population so there is a significant outbreak of armed violence and looting, the proceeds of which will also be taken westwards.
Southfront reports that Azov fighters block people from fleeing Mariupol.
One more item. The Russians have taken control of the Ukraine-occupied island of Zmeiny in the Black Sea. The island was held by normal Ukraine military who surrendered without firing a shot.
The island is about 20 miles offshore, close to the border between Romania and Ukraine. It places Russian military assets about the same distance from the US Aegis Ashore nuke-capable system in Romania as the forces in Kalingrad are from the equivalent system in Poland.
Interestingly, any reasonable S-300/S-400 system based there will also cover the whole of Moldova and Transdniester, which was to be next on the CIA regime-change hit list.
A fine strategic gain that will have caught the attention of anyone awake at the Pentagon.
yes the island where fake Ukrainian propaganda heroically claims that soldiers told Russians to “fuck off” and heroically died as martyrs, sacrificing themselves to evil Russian bombardment. When in reality Russian MOD confirmed the whole island was taken alive as prisoners. So much for that corny fairy tale.
Fun fact: the ship that made the ‘assault’ on the Island was the world famous heroic Moskva super cruiser, one of the largest and most powerful ships in the world
The ship is a veteran of both 2008 Georgia war and 2013 Syria war.
The garrison of 15 dug itself voluntarily “heroically” surrendered!
The range of destruction of the air defense missile system, missile defense S-400 – up to 400 km ..
Do you want to cover him with the first blow? Or stolen? )))
Mi6’s famous babylonian ziggurat building is now flying the Ukie flag (zoom into picture at front of building)
i have a question are the donetsk and luhansk peoples republics restored to their orginal borders or not yet ? to me it feels like de scale and development is too small and slow? i also some videos of chechen warriors leaving for ukraine are they fighting yet ? to me it seems there is less video of fighting on the ground than 8 years ago.
Consider Yes!
Chernihiv. Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev [and Odessa].
Now there is a cleanup.
Not yet because right now the DNR/LNR frontline is not really about progressing/invading but about ‘pinning’ the Ukrainian troops down on the contact line. The Russian plan of attack seems to be, to concentrate their forces in the west (from Crimea and Belarus), and decapitate Kiev while taking the important cities of Mariupol and Odessa, while the DNR/LNR forces have only been instructed with staying in their defensive positions and shelling the Ukrops in order to pin them down to prevent them from reinforcing the Ukrop forces in the west, which is where Russia’s true assault is happening. So basically to summarize, it can be said that the eastern DNR/LNR area (FOR NOW) is being used only as a ‘decoy’ to keep the Ukrop forces busy while Russia decapitates Kiev.
You just don’t have real/factual information. (((
Some news coming from Sputnik:
Zelensky has asked for mediation in the talks with Russia by Israeli pm Bennet.
This strikes me as being the Israeli’s looking for leverage on the jcpoa outcome and/or their recently restricted offensive operations in Syria.
Very odd to involve them otherwise or Ze must be so desperate to appeal to his remote jewish descent to come and drag him out of his burning wreck..
it is a trick to hide facts about nazism in ukraine. Israel should not be dragged into this conflict for biblical reasons.
Israel should remember this
Oy vey iz mir! – don’t make fun of my slippers.
According to the Torah, the Devil is not an enemy to the Jews, but a friend – an assistant in business. To whom, every year all their sins are forgiven.
And as you wish, the unrecognized non-state (the Torah replaces the Constitution with it) Israel considers the Land of the Promised Ashkenazi Uraina, Belarus, part of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia .. The Jews of Catholic Europe were driven there from a contemporaneous, Grand Inquisitor Torquemada.
That’s where they lived. After the Second Partition of the Commonwealth, when its eastern territories, together with the local Jewish population, went to the Russian Empire, Catherine I separated them with the Line of Permanent Jewish Settlement. Until the reign of Emperor Alexander II, none of the Jews in Russia had the right to permanent residence outside the Pale of Settlement. But then they settled throughout the Ouraine of Russia.
Do you know what Chabad is (Chabad-Lubavitch), Hasidim? And you ask and much will become clear.
So the Ukraine President calls for talks with Russia at the same time as he is belting on the door of NATO?
Belarus is no place for the meeting but Poland is, does this guy understand why Russia moved? Is he even in Ukraine? A showing on the street with his troops might provide a robust fight.
And isn’t the British pathetic now, all their Journalist just seem to be American whores.
And Joe Biden seems to have lost interest moving on to local politics with the announcement if the first Black Judge. Is this what NATO members can expect when threatened?
Fitch credit/rating agency downgrades Ukraine to CCC
She has been in tech since 2014. But in violation of all the rules, she is given loans.
It is clear that the used Ukraine will declare force majeure that it is insolvent. The question is, who will pay the debts?
Or forgive? ))))
At the UN they seem to be setting Russia up for an illegal expulsion from the UNSC and the UN…see meeting …anyway that what happened with the League of Nations and the USSR…and history rhymes.
Actually I’ve been expecting this, and it may fail…but the dark side is setting up the deal, and wants war…so I expect the illegal expulsion…and of course sanctioning a head of state is a declaration of war…aheemmm.
See this previous headline from last year “we don’t sanction heads of state”
How sad to read you (((
No one can expel a member of the Security Council without his consent!
The UN Charter itself does not provide for a procedure for expelling board members. In addition, amendments to the Charter can only be adopted with the approval of all the permanent members of the Security Council. The US initiative has no chance of being implemented.
Yes, that’s true. I said illegal…just as the USSR was also expelled illegally from the League of Nations…as to no chance…well that depends on whether the blackmailed and the bribed stay obedient… Many have noted, as has VVP, that international law and the un charter have become…let’s say “fluid”…they do what they want when it’s legal, and they do what they want when it’s illegal…(Belgrade?) goose, gander, Westphalian Order….and Russ is a civilizational state with a long history…so the quisling finks at the UN may commit another crime…and then…so what…”we chit on your sanctions” 2.0 . It’s not a catastrophic matter, it’s to be expected…and maybe it won’t happen. Either way doesn’t change the ultimate pathology (among ruling elite degenerate perverts a terminal case of dumazz and vice) of zone A. Ultimately international law is based on the law of contracts…and zone A is universally understood to be incapable of contract it and it’s minions do not see themselves bound by law…so for the expulsion…well…QED
Russia exiting the UN may or may not be a good thing.
So reasons yes and some no.
The UN is UK EU elite setup organization for global control by them.
Why would any country want to be in it today ?
The UN constantly seeks to enforce its policies on sovereign countries.
Time it was broken up and some other type of simply international discussion group was setup – not some global polit-bureau that it has become.
Who wants to run by a handful elites in UK & EU ?
This site (the Institute for the Study of War) has the best analysis and maps of territorial control in the Ukraine I can find:
If this is an analysis, then it is exclusively medical!
Possibly the “best”. )))
This is a typical collection of fakes from social networks, with an inaccurate and false statement of “facts”.
seems detailed but woefully behind in much of its info, as many of the things it lists as ‘not captured’ have already been captured earlier, but maybe this analysis is a little old. Still seems a detailed and thorough analysis
David, that ISW has a famous list of people, so I would take it with a large prise of salt –
from the English Wikipedia:
General Jack Keane, Kimberly Kagan, former US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft, William Kristol, former US Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Kevin Mandia, Jack D. McCarthy, Jr., Bruce Mosler, General David Petraeus, Warren Phillips, and William Roberti.[10]
Sadistic pervert Putin introduced only one-third, in terms of the number of troops.
The operational-strategic rearranger growls, swears and prays that they do not conclude a ban.
In Chechnya, they gorged themselves on such betrayal.
Sadistic pervert Putin introduced only a third, in terms of the number of units unified group of troops.
The operational-strategic reserve growls, swears and prays that they do not conclude a truce with the enemy.
In Chechnya ate to hell this is a betrayal.
I have only one explanation for this form of Russia’s humanitarian peacekeeping counter-terrorist operation – the domestication of limitrophes.
Like, we will affectionately demilitize you, not painfully denazify you – you won’t even feel it!
Meantime: today, 2/25/22 my European friends heard word that President Putin is going to unleash Chechen troops onto The Ukraine. Now we saw the same headline on RT: 4:00 pm US west coast time.
This is like Genghis Khan unleashing his entire army onto Ukrainian territory!
Putin means business, but he needs to get this done asap. What better way for the Grand Finale!
The 57th brigade we reported last night had surrendered to Novorosiyan Forces
It’s getting harder and harder to obtain up-to-the-minutes news about the combat on the ground. It’s particularly difficult to find news expressing the Russian perspective. I’m not seeing any tweets describing Russian military successes.
On the other hand, Twitter seems flooded with pro-Ukrainian trolls and social influencers. It’s also awash with pro-Ukrainian mainstream media reporters. Every conceivable rumor that reflects positively on the Ukrainian military is tweeted by a variety accounts. But little to nothing concerning favorable concerning Russia.
Twitter may be under and order to censor pro-Russian information. If so, that may be an indication the Ukies are now suffering some savage, brutal combat losses. I say this because I tracked the 2014-15 combat very closely online, and I remember two things from that time:
1) Everything the Ukie defense ministry and government announced (all lies whitewashing their defeats) was treat like gospel truth by Western media in 2014-15.
2) There appeared to be an English-language media blackout on war news (in 2014-15) that reflected badly on the Ukrainian side
3) As this was happening in 2014-15, the Ukie military was suffering devastating defeats on the ground, like Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo.
4) Only after the Ukie military positions became hopeless in 2014 (leading to Minsk I) and in 2015 (leading to Minsk II) did corporate media report openly and honestly about the severity of Ukie military defeats.
Right now it’s possible that the Ukie military is deep trouble. Ukie KIA and WIA may be horrifically high. Ukie battle positions may be become vulnerable.
To repeat myself, I’m speculating that this is the truth only because of the strange, eerie lack of pro-Russian information on Twitter and anywhere else on the Internet.
You’re right because the ‘journalists’ allowed in/near Ukrainian army territory of course are always western aligned journalists and so they report favorably about their horse in the race, but Russian journalists of course would not be allowed anywhere by Ukie troops, and Russian troops don’t want them too close to front lines either for the sake of not giving away strategies/initiative/positions. So most of the Russian successes have in fact come by way of “indirect” Ukrainian reportage like the “Highway of Death” destroyed convoy which was filmed by what appeared to be Ukrainian civilians driving past it.
With that said to be fair, there HAVE been a rash of PRO-Ukrainian twitter accounts banned in past couple days for some reason, but also pro-Russian ones. Many of them have been re-instated and in fact the Twitter ‘community manager’ has commented on it. I know of at least one pro-Ukrainian account with a lot of followers that is still banned (OSINT_Ukraine).
Here you can see Twitter’s statements:
and specifically in reply to the accounts ban:
They claim this is from “coordinated Russian bots” etc.
Other interesting social media related developments:
Thanks for the feedback. To repeat myself: it is really, really eerie that NOWHERE on English language Internet is there any information that so much as hints are Ukie combat dead and wounded. Nowhere. Nowhere at all.
Twitter and English language media have no problem reporting and echoing Ukie government claims that 1,000 or even 3,000 Russian soldiers have been killed. This information, which can’t be verified, as widely available. But nothing – nothing at all – that speaks to Ukie KIA and WIA. No speculation. No nothing.
This state of affairs has got to reflect state-directed pressure against corporate media concerning the very touchy issue of Ukie KIA and WIA.
Ukraine is a US political and military puppet state. That’s why Ukie combat reversals, KIA, WIA and equipment losses are treated by corporate media as top secret.
Wow. Never thought I’d see this. The official TheSimpsons twitter account:
More photos/confirmation of the Ukrainian Su-27 which crashed last night, possibly one of 2.
Some people have asked last night about the status of Mriya, which is the world’s last surviving legendary AN225 plane. Here’s statement from Antonov company themselves
Russian Hind destroys Ukrainian Buk on busy highway in broad daylight.
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