Peter Lavelle with Mark Sleboda, Alexander Mercouris, and Nebojsa Malic. How good can it get?!
I love you all guys!
The Saker
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Excellent,excellent, program. After having grown-up under the “spell” of the MSM, I’m always happily surprised at the level of truth that I see on “Crosstalk”.Now having said that,I will have to say,there aren’t any voices from the other side debating there.But since the MSM manner is to confuse an issue, and argue,and then argue some more.Hoping to stop any real truth from coming out.I see it would be difficult to include them.The program would need to be a couple of hours long to actually get the truth out if we had Empire loyalists included in it.Sometime I would like to see that though.A several hour long debate that tears the Western arguments apart,one lie after the other.
I understand your point Uncle Bob 1 but I watched a few programs that included one of those… Believe me it is a pain to watch and it produces nothing of value.
Except for one thing. It is always amazing to watch the techniques these guys adopt to avoid the hot points and how they twist the truth around. You simply realize after a while that all discussion with those people is futile and a loss of time.
I much prefer listening to a group of knowledgeable and intelligent people. You learn something and increase your understanding.
Oh,yes I agree.I was just saying on a greatly extended program (to give time for their delaying tactics )it would be nice once and a while.But no,most of the time its right to not have them.All they do is spin,no substance to their arguments at all.
Unfortunately, they will not be presenting illogical arguments to be skillfully unmasked. They will present perfectly logical arguments based on egregiously false facts.
Voices from the other side… I liked the ex- US ambassador on the Syria subject very much, he should have had more speaking time, but the reaction of mr Lavelle was just fantastic! In the past there was more space for different voices, but often they had very bad manners and talked loudly over the others.
RT has difficulty finding knowledgable people, because for their political careers, it doesn´t look good to have appeared on RT…
I am very much in favour of extending this show to a full hour! (and I think to much time is spent on economics: the criterium should be that the average watcher can learn something: after
very many hours of insomniac watching, I have learned very little.
Sorry, the above ´anonymous´ comment was mine (I forgot to fill out the name).
I pretty much agree with your assessment, but I respectfully disagree that “there aren’t any voices from the other side debating there”.
In my experience, “Crosstalk” indeed often has a “friendly” panel, by which I mean that all of the participants, including Peter Lavelle, are reasonably simpatico and in broad agreement.
This episode is one of those. There is some disagreement, but the discussion doesn’t get heated or acrimonious because the participants are making complementary points and analysis.
But many episodes feature at least one “odd man (person) out”– typically, a Useful Idiot type who either supports the West’s positions outright or promotes innocuous conventional analysis of geopolitical events while scornfully rejecting alternative analysis and argument as so much crazy talk.
This may just be universal standard TVcraft: bring on a reactionary stooge as a foil, or living “straw man (person)” to ratchet up the contentiousness, pump up the others, and present a “lively” debate.
Maybe these dissenters are ringers too, but they do present an “other side”.
And speaking of the other side, the issue is complicated by the fact that the other side’s True Believers hold as an article of faith that RT news programs are all organs of Russian/Putin propaganda. (Actually, they hold this belief as an article of propaganda.)
I can’t recall offhand if Lavelle has addressed the problem of getting the “other side” to appear on his show, but FWIW RT correspondent Anissa Naouai has credibly asserted that she and her producers have often asked representatives from “the other side” and/or critics of RT to appear on her show “In the Now”– and are typically refused point-blank.
Everybody’s heard the “other side” ad infinitum.
My three favourite commentators!!!
I have been reading Nebojsa Malic’s work since 2006 and I have been very influenced by views.
I highly recommend his grayfalcon blogspot. Caveat emptor to the left-wing crowd of this blog however: Malic believes in voluntary trade and private property i.e “savage capitalism” to some of you…
@ Serbian girl,
Q; …the left-wing crowd…
R; I have noticed that both the gray and saker falcons use their left and right wings to propel forward. It seems they would go nowhere without either…
@ Daniel Rich
Great analogy!
Nothing but respect.
@ Serbian girl,
Thank you [bows humbly].
Ha ha, Vienna has cooked up a lot of things (besides the original croissant) in a lot of places in the past, including Mexico. They can’t even stay in their own backyard. The Holy Roman Empire is the ultimate vampire, alright. It is not likely that the final stake will ever be driven into that moldy old heart. Always cooking up a batch of something (cookies), but pretending to be dead, but not quite – like the undead vampire character, “Vlad, The Divine Executioner,” from the Canadian-German t.v. show, “Lexx.” It’s back….
You can never get rid of these vampire entities, they just go underground. And play dead.
Nobody does vampires better than Canadians. “Forever Knight” is the best vampire show ever made. Nicholas Knight “crossed over” 800 years ago during the Crusades and becomes a modern day Toronto police detective who only works the night shift for obvious reasons (except his partner, who doesn’t have a clue). He drives a big old Cadillac because he needs the trunk space in case he gets caught in the daylight and can’t make it back to his coffin in time. Every episode is filmed at night, it’s hilarious! He’s a vampire with a conscience who wants to repay society for his centuries of vampire crimes who keeps bottles of cattle blood in his refrigerator and sometimes raids the morgue in a pinch. Here’s the opening:
A portrait of the Queen features prominently in the darkened police station, because everybody knows she’s a vampire…..
Have just finished watching the final episode of *Scholar Who Walks The Night* a Korean vampire costume drama set in the Josean period.
A scholar vampire sets out to rescue the kingdom from the evil Gwi (also a vampire) who controls the throne and feeds on the kings concubines. Matters are especially complicated as he falls in love with a human girl who cross-dresses as a boy to support her family as a bookseller. She is also a descendant of ..well, there are twenty episodes so discover for yourself.
Beautiful to look at – the costumes and set are fantastic, as well as brilliantly acted, I am experiencing major withdrawal symptoms since the series finished. I would love to see Ang Lee make a trilogy of SWWTN with the very same actors, right down to the last extra – they are all excellent. It would be sensational..
Somehow after this exquisite Asian vampire confection, I don’t think a cattle-blood guzzling Canadian cop in downtown latter-day Toronto is going to cut it for me. :)
Wow, you’re right, eimar, this Korean vampire series is visually stunning! Great recommendation.
Canadians (and Germans) make it really funny; funny-serious, because their themes also carry intense moral dilemma, but damn, they sure know how to make fun of sh*t in the most creative ways.
I’m Canadian and I’ll definitely take a look at that, but I have to say my current choice for best vampire show ever is from New Zealand: What we do in the Shadows.
Here’s the trailer:
The whole movie is just so bloody hilarious.
Not quite true. They actually survive in music (New year concert from Vienna), culinary arts ( cakes, gulash, coffee, apricot jam, etc) and philosophy (L. Wittgenstein, Kurt Gödel,…Vienna circle) and quite a number of other enterprises. Not everything about K und K empire was rotten.
Regards, Spiral
and the best Schlagsahne in the world!
DressTalk; Do men really rule the world?My money has always been on Hanan Daoud Khalil Ashrawi. A brilliant person and inspiring leader.
According to Voltairenet, CSTO has agreed to coordinate their interventions at the UN General Assembly at the end of September, with the aim of creating a global Coalition against terrorism, saying that they can now deploy under the auspices of the UN, in the same way as NATO.
On Sept 30 Russia has called a UN ministerial meeting on the subject of the terrorism affecting the entire Middle East; it will be chaired by Lavrov. There is an article covering an advance memo on the content of the meeting here
I gather that one of the targets of the meeting is to disallow the “R2P” doctrine as an excuse for violating sovereignty, as Russia makes it clear that only non-state actors can be terrorists.
Putin’s speech at the UN will be the 25th.
@ Penelope,
Q; they can now deploy under the auspices of the UN.
R; they can now deploy under the auspices of the US.
There, I corrected it for you. The UN is bankrolled by the US [for a large part], housed in the US and run by the US [for a large part].
The UN is a clever invention, so ‘we’ can pretend it’s all about democracy and such. It’s not. It’s the western way to keep a grip on what’s going on in the rest of the world. And, of course, as you know, this explains all the US’ shady shadow dancing, the persisted pummeling of Putin and the cacophony of clambering cutlass swords, in China’s far and near backyard.
Daniel Rich,
You’re right there is PARTIAL control of UN by US, but not total. Its statement of international law is fine, for example; it’s just not enforced where US is concerned.
It cd be made more effective imm’y– just by making the voting in general assy secret. In that way votes wdn’t be subject to US bribery or bullying.
Hope Putiin condemns unilateral sanctions in his speech, too.
BTW, I really wish that The Guardian would hire Peter, Mark, Nebojsa, Alexander, and The Saker to write some fact-based material in their areas of expertise, but I don’t think Mr. Burns would go for that.
The Graun is emailing their long-lost readers, trying to ascertain why we’ve gone astray and dropped off the radar, I guess. That must be a really big email distribution list. I blamed it on Luke Harding. I told them he’s a “Big Meanie!” That same day, I opened up Russia Insider, and at the top, there was that Off-Guardian article basically calling Luke Harding a Big Weenie! That was a great synchronicity, thanks for the laugh, RI!
What a terrible tragedy the way the Guardian has gone to pot. All it takes is one rotten apple (Harding) to spoil the whole barrel. That is so wrong. Sure, everybody’s MI6 to one degree or another, but Luke Harding is RIDICULOUSLY MI6! Come on, man, don’t be so obvious. Exercise some restraint like the rest of the in-house journalists, who probably secretly wish they could break free of this terrible gubmint pressure and oversight and are caught up in the national security web and would like a measure of their independence back. Maybe readers can help them break free by giving the management a piece of their mind. It’s still a business, after all.
Franz, the Zionazis who run the Guardian must be off their rockers. Just today there is so much evidence, not just of their march to the hard Right, but their sheer insanity, that it’s almost self-pardodic. That dreadful creature from Le Monde, Natalie N. is their spewing insane hatred and lies at Putin for daring to actually fight Daash, rather than supply it and pretend to bomb it, like the glorious West. And Zionazi capo, Freedland, spews yet another deranged attack at Corbyn, for not singing the National Anthem. Of course, if he had mumbled along, these crazed bigots and hypocrites would have accused Corbyn himself of hypocrisy, as he is an unapologetic republican. It is pretty clear that the Jewish elite, inside Israel and in the Western Fifth Columns, is leading the ‘get Corbyn’ lynch-mob, with their trade-mark lies and smears, because he has dared treat the Palestinians as human beings, and refuses to crawl on his belly to lick the Zionazi jack-boots, as proper Western Sabbat Goyim MUST DO.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain
Q; if he had mumbled along
If he had mumbled along, they’d blamed him for not singing along
If he’d been singing along, it wouldn’t be loud enough
If it had been loud enough, it would be out of tune
It it had been in tune, the neighbors couldn’t hear most of it.
Who am I talking to? You know the drill :o)
Exactly, Daniel. The sheer hysteria of the Establishment’s attacks on Corbyn shows, I believe, that the psychopaths are frightened. Resistance to their parasitic rule is growing everywhere, and the mania of hate directed at Corbyn is just like that spewed out at Putin and Assad and any who dare not bow. The Guardian sewer also had a pile of propaganda shit headlined ‘Fury in Crimea…’ etc, when Putin drank some old wine in Crimea, when the story was entirely about the Nazi junta getting upset in Kiev. And there was a truly stupid beat-up, where that dear old queen, Elton John, fresh from shaking Poroshenko’s bloody paws (despite the putsch junta being run by homophobes, but Elton was never the sharpest knife in the drawer)was conned by a phone call from some merry prankster claiming to be Vlad the Empire Impaler. So, the Guardian (after Putin’s office denied that he had made the call)asked the remaining masochists who read its drivel, to decide who to believe. Elton or Putin. Priceless. How low can they go?
This is a Mike Whitney story. Did Putin really say that?
9/18/15 air bases at Incirlik and Diyarbakir. The US doesn’t have to compromise on these matters because, after all, it has a strategically-located airbase from which it can protect its proxy-army, bomb cross-border targets, and control the skies over Syria. In an interview with Russia’s state Channel 1, Putin said, “We have our ideas about what we will do and how we will do it in case the situation develops toward the use of force or otherwise. We have our plans.”
yup good show-
Mercouris stated or kind of said people in Donbass could easily just go over to Russia as emigrees if minsk doesn’t work out….I think he doesn’t understand or fully appreciate how emotionally and spiritually tied to their land, birthplace and what they have put into it, their mining jobs , dachas etc etc, they are………….but if this second winter brings huge amounts of trouble from AFA-eg there is still very much recon from AFU continuing-or supply services, economic situation is just as tricky, then this could be decision time for many residents. BTw i wish he’d interview Zakharchenko and similar big participants in Donbass for example.
Ukraine announced the resumption of hostilities. The operation involves thousands of soldiers and hundreds of military vehicles, said the advisor to the President of Ukraine ,Yuriy Biryukov.
“Officially: in the zone of military action army began an operation to search and destroy sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy. Throughout the war zone, do not look for “holes” – he wrote on his page on Facebook.
He stressed that this operation include “the best UAF force.”
We can only guess what more of Kiev’s crimes this will justify, in the name of anti-seperatism, under the guise of beautiful words.”
maybe US inspired to keep Rus away from Syria? Maybe to keep up moral of troops, maybe to convince USA to keep believing in them?
“And ahead is the fall, winter and a lot of very interesting events…”
“MOSCOW, September 18. /TASS/. Ukrainian forces are not only imitating the implementation of the political part of the Minsk agreement, Russia’s Envoy to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Alexander Lukashevich said on Friday.
“Over the last week, different sources hinted that the Minsk agreements are allegedly impossible to fulfill, that the implementation cannot be approached formally,” the diplomat told the session of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna. ‘in this respect, I would like to unequivocally stress that the Package of measures supported by the corresponding resolution of the UN Security Council, has no alternative. It should be implemented in full measure and in the order envisaged by the document,” Lukashevich noted.
“We consider Kiev’s attempts to interpret or distort [the Minsk agreements] to their own advantage as a departure from the agreements made in the five-party format,” the envoy said.”
Polish media are flush with excitement over a statement by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The official ostensibly declared that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which effectively created contemporary Ukraine’s western borders, was an act against the interests of both Poland and Ukraine.
Read more:
article speculates Yats is ready to hand over west Ukraine….
or maybe try to hang his hat there, in a recombined mini empire, although other recent articles say Poland is not really happy at the prospect of closer ties with ukraine, maybe Yats is looking for a better place for Ukrainian refugees now EU is rapidly filling up and they don’t like muslims………….although the renegade Tatar medjlis are being supported by Ukraine to blockade Crime now………
“The official ostensibly declared that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which effectively created contemporary Ukraine’s western borders, was an act against the interests of both Poland and Ukraine.”
Dear Psheks and Ukros: Your “interests” are totally null and void since they’re not the interests of any of the world’s grown-up peoples but simply those of noisy, utterly clueless wannabes full of themselves. Stalin outsmarted you effortlessly and the Soviets were 100% right in taking your ill-gotten territories back. As for Nazi Germany, it showed convincingly what the West thinks of failed states that grovel before it on sheer vocation.
people in Donbass could easily just go over to Russia as emigrees if minsk doesn’t work out….I think he doesn’t understand or fully appreciate how emotionally and spiritually tied to their land, birthplace and what they have put into it, their mining jobs , dachas etc etc, they are………….