Yet another excellent CrossTalk show:
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Yet another excellent CrossTalk show:
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It sounds indeed like EUSrael is pushing for war. No mention of the participation of members of the Azatlyk movement from Crimea, who militate for autonomy of Crimean Tartars and Greater Turkey. These guys are jihadists returning from Syria transported by the Turkish Govt.
I did not watch the Cross Talk yet but I’d like to go back to the former text on Ukraine – “The gates of Hell are opening for the Ukraine” for a while.
Let me point to a short Polish text on Ukrainian nationalism in interesting way, written by the best Polish political columnist, by Mr Stanisław Michalkiewicz:
Na „Środkowej Ukrainie” (On the “Central Ukraine”).
Please use google translate. I checked the translation and I can say it is very good reflecting the text’s points superbly.
The ZOG keeps rolling out these rhetorical talking clones. The reptilian from the EU is utterly despicable. The zombies have completely overridden their conscience and do not have any compassion or humanity.
The real war has always been against HUMANITY.
Hey read that Saker, besides the russophobic garbage, it seems that Yanukovitch might also going
Putin’s way against the oligarchs, yes I know difficult to believe, but read, what’s your take on this:
except for the usual russophobic garbage, very interesting scenario.
@Yanukovitch against the oligarchs…
It is not that farfetched. I only half-joked when I commented that the oligarchs “want to hobnob with the Rotschilds”. Were the oligarchs trying to do what Khodorkovsky tried to do?
methinks there might be one other piece to this puzzle, namely the possibility that the new Chinese regime is a lot less passive than its predecessors (not least because the spectre of economic collapse looms larger in its nightmares) and that the ADIZ might just prove a causus belli.
Perhaps your ‘Anglo)imperialists’ have decided that it may be better not to be at war in the Middle East and Eastern Europe if THAT one blows up!
Bro . Pinnex Just got home from the trip and wanted to tell you thank you again for the opirttunpuy to be a part of the missions trip. My wife and I had our hearts touched for this difficult and unique mission field. We will defin itley be praying for you luke 18:1Love the Allens