Translated and captioned by Eugenia. Make sure to press CC for English captions.
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Translated and captioned by Eugenia. Make sure to press CC for English captions.
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As shown in this article, Russia’s intelligence network is creating a severe case of paranoia in the West:
It’s a good thing that neither the United Kingdom nor the United States would ever think of intelligence gathering on this sort of scale….as long as you can forget about the massive snooping programs of the Five Eyes member states of which both are card-carrying members.
I have an allergy to Russophobia already. It’s based on unadulterated stupidity, not ignorance. It is over used and boring. The stupidity of American and Euro media and Officials has made me permanently turn off the TV. Russia should stop aping laws, talking points, and activism that comes out of this stench. My response reflects the vile nature of this trend. No good comes of it.
Is there no end to this flood of beautiful, clever Russian women?
Nope. Russian women combine femininity, charm, brilliant intellect, willpower, courage and strong personality. This is why feminism has (almost) no traction in Russia. This is my most sincere and totally *biased* opinion :-)
The Saker
Why would you want an end!? :)
Because its depressing comparing to our own public dumb femen.
Very articulate and professional.
I question Angelina’s conclusion that the West’s russophobia betokens its genuine fear of Russia.
IMO most of the posturing is just that—posturing (in full awareness that there is virtually no “there” there, as in the Mueller probe) undertaken to create attitudes in the Western public such that it will continue to support any and all actions taken against Russia, to hem in Russian economically and on the international stage and ultimately soften up the whole situation for attempted economic take-down, break-up, and take-over scenarios. Those potential actions against Russia that the Western public has been prepared and is further being prepared to support go as far as actual hostilities and possibly a nuclear first strike.
It is of course laughable to characterize Russia’s defensive actions as a sign of Russian paranoia.
Paranoia is exactly what Western russophobia–as fueled by our politicians and other “public figures” whose pronouncements are magnified in the MSM— is exactly what said russophobia is designed to generate. An ever-increasing feedback loop of russophobia and paranoia. I have very intelligent friends who casually refer to Putin as a thug. (These same people can’t take on board that Israel is the country actually meddling in our domestic politics.)
In the face of Russia’s successes I think that Western elites, with their exceptionalist psycho-profile, are furious that upstart Russia achieves any successes on the world stage. Russia must be slapped down and put in its place. Along with any other power that follows its own and not Washington’s agenda.
It is funny.
At another blog where I write comments under a nongendered handle, the other commenters (at least those who respond to my comments) assume I am a man, calling Mr. X, etc.
I wonder how many intelligent ladies might be hiding behind handles right here at The Saker!
As always, great thanks to Eugenia for the splendid Translation and Sub-Titles. Спасибо!
Angelina will be a Media Superstar soon. Hard to read the English subs while she is on screen. Russian beauty and a lovely voice.
As for the content, it is the perfect analysis of the state of relations in the titanic battle of words, images, lies, false flags and duplicities spewed from the West at us.
The most recent, the last 48 hours demonization of the Russian candidate for Interpol President. The Horror! A Russkie at the top of Interpol? Cannot happen. And of course, it hasn’t and won’t. They voted the South Korean for two years. Qualifications didn’t matter. Fear mattered. Fear of the Russian.
And the West has much to fear. Fear that all the murders, ostensibly pinned on Putin and the Kremlin and the GRU will be uncovered. Fear that all the corruption and money laundering, human trafficking, human organ harvesting, pederasty and corruption of all the other institutions of the West will be uncovered.
Those are real fears. Russia represents an antithesis to the moral depravity of the West. And that is the basis for the West’s fears. Not just the superior military and weapons systems. It’s the moral high ground Russia upholds on some very basic human rights and traditional behavior. Particularly, Russian abhorrence toward public acceptance of deviant sexual behavior and irreligious and cult conventions.
The brilliantly subtle message of Angelina’s presentation is correlation of McLuhan’s maxim: the medium is the message. Angelina is the message. Normal, intelligent, well-spoken, attractive, reserved, precise and logical.
Thus, the Russians are winning. This brief video packs a double-tap of common sense and messaging that is flawless.
When push came to shove during the last election campaign, the Democratic candidates were instructed not to talk about Russiagate, but instead to focus on the Republican attempts to bankrupt or kill people by their insistence that the rich get richer from for-profit health care.
The thing about election campaigns is that when it gets down to that last few weeks and careers are about to be made or lost by the election results, you find out what candidates and their consultants believe will really appeal to the voters. Russia was not in that category. Republican goals to deny health care to all but the rich was.
Russiagate began when Hillary got caught with her hand in the cookie jar rigging the results of the nomination fight against Sanders. She needed those Bernie voters to support her in the fall election, and thus she needed a distraction so they didn’t get mad over the truth that the whole thing had been fake. At that point, Hillary cried “Russia did it!”
Russiagate is a great example of the misdirection of attention that magicians master.
Live in a relationship? Not possible ? In the land of Permanent Devolution there is
the sad and rather click-bait alarmist conclusions of the article in the latest Atlantic (Dec. 2018)
entitled, “The Sex Recession–why young people are retreating from intimacy–and what this means for society.”
Expect a robot to replace looneytune’s UN ambassador soon and maybe more will be accomplished.
Intelligent, articulate, perspicacious, and — yes — beautiful Russian woman. But, then again, the West has its truly stunning women too: Theresa May, Madeleine Albright et consortes.
Just when you thought that the West could not be more pathetic and depraved in their Two Minutes of Hate campaigns against Russia, the British have upped the ante.
The British media are suggesting that the children’s cartoon Masha and the Bear is…wait for it…Putin Propaganda, designed no doubt as part of a nefarious Ruskie plot to subvert the innocent minds of children around the world.
Note: this is not an Onion-style satire.
What’s that old saying? History repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce.
Children’s show is propaganda for Putin, say critics
Is Masha and the Bear a Putin stooge? Critics claim cartoon with 4.18m subscribers is made by Kremlin to subvert children
Stooge or not, it’s a wonderful Cartoon. Besides, unless I missed something I have never seen any political messages on it. Cultural yes, but this is what makes it so funny.
Accordingly to this article:
There are 21mln subscribers.
BTW, the bear in the Walmart commercial looks almost like Masha’s friend.
One day you will wake up and realize your worst nightmare. Everybody around you are Commies.
The story about Commies under your bed you didnt believe in WAS ALL TRUE.
US and Canada took in all the Fascists from Europe after WWII and now “the chickens have come home to roost.”
Masha and the bear is one of the best if not the best animation going . My grandchildren loved this animation and could not get enough of it. There were few clips that were not appropriate in that if children imitated Masha it could be dangerous for them. .
I had never heard of Masha and the Bear.
I just watched part of this——very cute, but I didn’t see the Bear.
Anyhow, my take is that intelligence experts dissecting Masha and the Bear need an excuse for the amount of time they spend watching children’s cartoons. Kinda like “porn experts” who have to watch porn all day to determine whether it is indeed porn, and “hate speech” experts (Southern Poverty Law Center springs to mind) who wouldn’t have jobs if they didn’t patrol the public space 24/7 in search of “hate.”
Watch these traitors in action…
Russia’s 5th Column Speaks Out! “Oppositionists” Thank America for Sanctions on Their Country
On Thanksgiving eve some Russian oppositionists decided to personally thank the US authorities for the sanctions against Russia. They met them in Washington, but instead of the traditional turkey, the guests offered senators and State Department officials to check out their lists of Russians who deserve to be sanctioned.
Incredible anyone can go to another country and be so slimy and backstabbng toward their own country on the official government level?
In my opinion its clear treason in the present situation.
that was enjoyable. – Thanks !!!
“Russia hasn’t gotten involved yet but is already winning” Two lies in one sentence is pretty good going but no record,sorry.
anon, these things are relative…..and you are in denial.
How will you handle it if the Mueller Investigation fizzles and then ends, with most Americans identifying with the falsely accused nation?
Denial may get very rough for you and other MSM victims, very soon.
Of course the ‘Russia did it’ meme in Britain is all being done to distract the British public from the ongoing farce that is Brexit. But it’s not working. VVP and Mr.Lavrov need do no more at this juncture than watch the show. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy….
Boris, May, and other charlatans are tanking Brexit intentionally to bring UK back to where it was in Europe. It is funny to think they care about people and their votes. They care about their power, money, and one’s perception of them. Sovereignty is a good thing and it isn’t going to be found in the EU. What can Russian leadership to with any Western government when they never follow any agreement and constantly villainize them. There is more to the world than US and EU.
Maybe OT, but regarding the ongoing farce that is Brexit, Matthew Jamison has an excellent screed at Strategic Culture:
The writer in the article doesn’t seem to be able to write without venting steam. Arguing against sovereignty because the current government is inept is very silly. UK lost its sovereignty to the US during WWII. It gave up favored nation amongst its subjects within empire, agreed to close bases in the Atlantic, and gave all secret technologies to the US for access to mass production. Subjects don’t usually get respect, especially more corrupt the ruling power becomes. Having nice words spoken of the country is useless. Now that it is under the EU, it is even further distanced from being sovereign. I don’t believe the clowns like Boris Johnson, May, Cameron, Blair would really give a darn about UK regaining its statehood. They seem to get along with money and power. EU won’t care about people’s lives in Britain. They will just follow extreme left liberal ideology of regulating the wattage out of your vacuum, Migrants flooding from countries the EU helped the US to destroy, and stomping on people wanting their countries back while holding signs saying stop hate. The vote to leave despite the massive funds to sway the UK needs to be respected. However, these corrupt leaders will do anything to change your opinion through perception control via media. The people of these states will be the ones who suffer.
“Arguing against sovereignty because the current government is inept is silly”
Actually, everything you list following this statement confirms the historical ineptness that Jamison points out in what I did already described as a “screed” (df. “venting”). Yes, he is venting because it is pretty damned frustrating to be a citizen of a country run by dolts, as we know all too well here in the USA.
A more measured tone is adopted by Finian Cunningham, also writing at S-C. Unlike jamison, Cunningham does think May’s deal will pass:
For a non-agenda-linked view, see Patrick Cockburn’s essay on British military cemeteries in Iraq:
“Parallels are easy to find between the mistakes made by Britain in Iraq between 2003 and 2009 and those made between 1914 and the Iraqi rebellion in 1920. Many of the worst failings of the earlier campaign were identified a hundred years later by the Chilcot Report, published in July 2016, on the most recent British intervention. The report’s impact was reduced by the inordinate length of time it took to produce, but also by the fact that it appeared a few weeks after the referendum on Britain leaving the EU, which was dominating the news agenda. That was a pity, because the British decision to join the US-led invasion of Iraq was the most far-reaching action affecting its position in the world in the years leading up to the Brexit vote. The most glaring similarity between the EU departure and the Iraq intervention is an exaggerated idea of British power: intended as a display of British strength in alliance with the US, the invasion turned into a demonstration of weakness in the six years the British Army was present. Jeremy Greenstock, the British envoy posted to Iraq, told the inquiry that ‘the preparations for the post-conflict stage were abject: wrong analysis, wrong people.’ Chilcot was categorical about the extent of the defeat of British forces in the Basra area: ‘It was humiliating that the UK reached a position in which an agreement with a militia group (the Mehdi Army) which had been actively targeting UK forces was considered the best option available.’ Criticism by Chilcot of British wishful thinking in Iraq is strikingly applicable to the policy options considered in the months before Brexit: ‘The UK spent time and energy on rewriting strategies, which tended to describe a desired end state without setting out how it would be achieved.’ Departure from the EU means greater reliance on the US, but British engagement in Iraq as a US ally produced almost no British influence over US policy. And there is another point of comparison with the present EU negotiations. In Iraq, the British government devoted its main effort to putting into reverse the consequences of the original decision to invade: Chilcot concluded that ‘between 2003 and 2009, the UK’s most consistent strategic objective in relation to Iraq was to reduce the level of its deployed forces.’
***This came from a recognition – a recognition that may again have to be made post-Brexit – that Britain was engaged in a risky venture that was beyond its strength.”****
Everything I list came after England lost full sovereignty. The UK hasn’t been ruling without US guidance since WWII. Because current and past leaders in UK will promote status quo and allow the center of power come from Brussels and Washington, that distances themselves further from ruling themselves.
UK should be in charge of their own destiny. Problems with leadership is their own to resolve. Asking Brussels to rule them because the current clowns that benefit from them, tank their own people’s will, just distances the people from the leadership.
Iraq war and Brexit being linked because of UKs feeling of strength? I seriously doubt that will float with any Brit. Blair was eager to pull UK along to support the US, all based on lies. Floods of migrants after US and EU destroyed Libya, the EU policy of accepting these migrants despite the residents wishes of the UK are the leading cause of votes for Brexit. Economical reasons with loss of fishing, since they are now obligated to share their waters, closure of mines, and many more. These problems are impossible to address being apart of the EU.
I don’t think either of the articles I cited took a position on Brexit itself, just on the chances of the new deal’s passing, and why/why not.
I also didn’t take a position in my post on Brexit.
I see pros and cons on both sides, but I am not British so consider any view I might have as uninformed.
Thierry Meyssan has a piece up that takes more like Ugh’s view.
Thank you, Katherine, for conversing with me. I appreciate it.
Very articulate and professional.
I question Angelina’s conclusion that the West’s russophobia betokens its genuine fear of Russia.
IMO most of the posturing is just that—posturing (in full awareness that there is virtually no “there” there, as in the Mueller probe) undertaken to create attitudes in the Western public such that it will continue to support any and all actions taken against Russia, to hem in Russian economically and on the international stage and ultimately soften up the whole situation for attempted economic take-down, break-up, and take-over scenarios. Those potential actions against Russia that the Western public has been prepared and is further being prepared to support go as far as actual hostilities and possibly a nuclear first strike.
It is of course laughable to characterize Russia’s defensive actions as a sign of Russian paranoia.
Paranoia is exactly what Western russophobia–as fueled by our politicians and other “public figures” whose pronouncements are magnified in the MSM— is exactly what said russophobia is designed to generate. An ever-increasing feedback loop of russophobia and paranoia. I have very intelligent friends who casually refer to Putin as a thug. (These same people can’t take on board that Israel is the country actually meddling in our domestic politics.)
In the face of Russia’s successes I think that Western elites, with their exceptionalist psycho-profile, are furious that upstart Russia achieves any successes on the world stage. Russia must be slapped down and put in its place. Along with any other power that follows its own and not Washington’s agenda.
Ridicule of N. Korea is exactly fear based. Russophobia is fear based. The US Mueller probe is a joke from the get go. Beyond lunacy to think that Russia would care to prop Democrat or Republican into office. Neither side is beneficial to Russia. They are only there to give the populace a choice. Externally, the US, behaves the same. Expand NATO, Colored Revolutions, and expand foreign conflicts. Russia, wanting just to have functioning relations and respected as an equal will never get that. Fear and ignorance go hand and hand. The one theme US is most ignorant is Russia. Those with power use that to their advantage. Yet behind all that, even those with power do fear Russia because they can’t control them like other countries. The EU said they would definitely do business with Iran and not back out of the deal with them. US twists their arm and got their way. US loved Russia most in the 90’s when they were dying. Says much about US political leadership and media. As they were being thieved by carpet bagger types and own corrupt oligarchs, the US media at the time called Russia a 3rd world, disappearing country that rejected Democracy. US actually propped Yeltsin up and kept him in power. So I agree with Angelina
Despite all this, any American visiting Russia would be welcomed and treated nicely. Even though every time a Russia turns on a TV channel from the US (yes they have all the channels FOX, CNN, Animal Planet, Discovery, and more) they see the awful lies spread about them. That they have cheating in DNA and are bad people. This nonsense is because of fear too. US power doesn’t want competition, yet they can’t stop it. I don’t think those in power in the US no how to share or work with others after acting like bullies for the past 70 odd years. The way the world works now if Russia were to want to smoke a cigarette, but didn’t have a lighter. The US would run to everyone demanding they don’t offer a light.
Wow amazing report…vast scheme all the individuals named need chasing up to expose them…part of Bellingcat and Atlantic Council set up…..deserves to be a separate post and to be archived too? Is on rt news too.