As is often the case, my previous SITREP has touched superficially on a number of issues which have raised some eyebrows and, since I have the time, I feel that it might be a good thing to clarify my position on some of them.
A “limited” Russian military option
First, this is clearly a possibility whose main quality is that is falls short of a full-scale ground operation. However, those who advocate for this option often do not really understand what it entails. Let me give you an example by using a grand favorite of Americans: a no-fly zone.
The standard US/NATO practice if to precede the imposition of a no-fly zone by a almost total suppression of enemy air defenses. US/NATO generals always do that because they want to make it look like this is a clean, victim-less operation since, after all, nobody gives a damn about who many “bad guys” die as long as “our boys” come home. The problem with that is that a total suppression of enemy air defenses rarely works. This is particularly true of the Ukraine which holds large stocks of Soviet air defense systems which remain very capable even when old are. I remind you that the super-dooper mega-secret “invisible” and “we own the night” US F-117 stealth fighter bomber was shot down by an export version of the 1960s Soviet 125 Neva/Pechora (SA-3 GOA in the NATO classification) air defense system. The US also lost another two F-117 to the Iraqi Air Defenses (I know that for a fact, but that is officially denied). The Ukraine inherited some very powerful systems like the S-300, S-300V, several versions of the Buk, the Tunguska and the Igla MANPADs. They are not as new as the Russian systems, but they are still way more capable then anything Yugoslavia had. Furthermore, we also know from the war in Georgia that Ukie air defense systems have been modernized by the Ukrainians themselves and, in some cases, with Israeli help. So while the Ukrainian military is more or less a joke, the Ukrainian air defense capabilities are not to be dismissed too easily. In other words, it is one thing to impose an no-fly zone over Libya and a very different thing to try that with the Donbass.
Also, this scenario simply assumes that the Ukies will take a Russian attack sitting like ducks and without taking action. This is naive. There are a lot of very capable senior officers in the Ukrainian military and they know that just sitting and waiting is no option. Does anybody know what they might or might not do if the Russians attack? I sure don’t.
Limited and “no fly zone” types of operations have this way of getting out of control which makes them all very risky.
Finally, while there are people dying every day in the Donbass, there will be many more people dying if Russia intervenes.
Wars are messy and ugly and they typically refuse to proceed according to the plans of those who start them. This is why Russia is doing the right thing by avoiding such a war for as long as it is possible.
Objections to my mentioning the “sads”
This time again I got not only comments but even emails objecting to my reference to the “sads”. My recent post of the Conchita Wurst photo with a bearded man from the Donbass has also irked some readers. Mostly what I am told is this:”stop your anti-sads rethoric or your readers will be upset” (of course, were I use “sad” they use “gay”). My reply is simple:
I never wrote a single word on this blog with the intent to become popular or not to ruffle any feathers. If fact, I don’t give a damn about catering to the modern sociological and cultural trends of the day. I simply write the truth as I see it and in this case it is very simple: what modern society calls “sexual diversity” I consider as psycho-sexual pathologies, personality disorders. Second, I object to the instrumentalization of sexual pathologies for political purposes: sex belongs in the bedroom and it should stay there. And third, I consider that the so-called “West” suffers, among other ailments, of an acute case of psychological, moral and spiritual “AIDS”: an acquired deficiency in its ability to distinguish between what is wholesome, healthy, natural and contributing to the growth of the individual and what has the opposite effect. In Russia there is a comprehensive rejection of this “western societal model” which I fully approve of and I have no intention of catering to the micro-agenda of those single-topic folks who would have me join the passive herd of bystanders who dare not call things by their name. This is why I refuse to use the term “gay” which I consider a ridiculous misnomer. Solzhenitsyn used to speak of a “decline in courage” and I personally see everywhere and in everything. If I was also afraid of offending somebody for simply speaking the truth, I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror. People should come here to get my honest opinion, not to get my support for whatever lifestyles they fancy. The more pressure I will get to shut up or accept the modern dogmas of political correctness, the more I will push back and denounce that kind of pressure for what it is: an attempt to silence the opposition.
The Eurosceptics: Right-wing racists or anti-system progressives?
Let me begin by saying that the only country in Europe whose politics I follow really carefully is France. I do not know what the Eurosceptics are like in other countries. With this caveat in mind, is the French National Front anti-Muslim and racist? The answer is, I believe, yes and no.
Yes, there is most definitively an anti-immigrant core in the FN. This group is represented by Marine LePen who, logically, is also rather Right-wing in her politics. But you have to look beyond that and understand the following:
First, immigration in Europe is, objectively, a real and very serious problem. Denying that makes no sense at all. Second, this problem has been created the capitalist classes who saw in it a way to not only get cheap labor, but also to break the resistance of the European workers and to deconstruct the social state. In other words, from the point of view of the worker in France or German the immigrants and his capitalist bosses are very much part of the same threat to his lifestyle. Add to this toxic brew the Euro-bureaucrats who took it all one big step further and opened the EU to the huge and poor people of Central Europe. For the German or French worker what used to be a problem of Arabs and Africans has now turned into a problem of Poles and Romanians, especially Gypsies. In fact, a lot of the French Arabs from northern Africa now vote with the FN against immigration because they now see their very hard earned benefits melt away under the influx of Romanian and Moldovan immigrants. Likewise, it used to be that Islam was seen as a threat, now it is Muslims who are on the front lines of the fight against thefts and muggings which take place in London or Paris.
So, yes, the first-step of the rejection of the system often goes through an anti-immigrant phase. And some remain stuck there. But the next step is a realization that immigrants and local workers are both equally the victims of the capitalists. This is what Alain Soral’s movement Equality and Reconciliation stands for. This movement is probably 40% Arab or African by now and yet while E&R does not make the political endorsement of any one party, Alain Soral (himself both ex-Communist and ex-National Front) clearly states that the FN is the only non-system party in France. And since E&R is clearly pro-Muslim I think that it is likely that most anti-Muslim voters of the FN could easily turn their position to a pro-Islamic one if they are explained what really happened to Europe and how both local workers and immigrant Muslims have been used and artificially pitied against each other by the plutocrats.
Does the French model hold true for the rest of Europe? I don’t know. But I have no doubt that very voter for the FN is at least a potential member of E&R at which point he/she will automatically drop his/her anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic stance. Does that mean that there are no racists or bigots inside the FN? No, of course not. But even if their rejection of the “system” is initially polluted by racist or secularist bigotry, these elements rapidly disappear as soon as they are explained how misguided these views are and that immigrants and Islam are not a risk for Europe, but a fantastic and possibly life-saving opportunity against the real threat: the plutocracy, globalism, turbo-capitalism and imperialism.
To those who still would not accept that I have a simple peace of advice: study Soral and see what E&R does day in and day out. They are the “proof” of my thesis: the real enemy of the patriots in Europe is not the immigrant, it is the globalist. In his book 1984 Orwell has Winston saying “if there is hope it lies with the proles“. So to paraphrase him I will say this: “if there is hope for Europe it lies with the extremes” (whether Left or Right).
Kind regards,
The Saker
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Russia can’t avoid the war, the war is on, the US is taking over Ukraine and will make it a US/NATO base, and millions of Russians will be repressed. That is a war and if you don’t fight, you lose. US Navy base in Odessa is tolerable?
The war is already on, the US is taking over Ukraine, the only question is how much of it will be taken. In my opinion.
All this shows how brave the Vietnamese men and women were. They kicked the empire in the nuts and they did so very hard.
Of course, the ruling party, like anywhere else, corrupts and doesn’t give a f***, as long as their pockets are lined. Russia and China are no exception either. It’s everywhere.
Sad thing to see another truck filled with dead human beings. I’ve seen too many dead people by now and realize I’m becoming emotionally numb.
That’s sad too.
#Ukraine govt & occupation army will use special forces Vs #Donetsk defenders & they refuse 2 evacuate civilians WANT 2 KILL AS MANY AS CAN?
I was stunned to learn as an adult that some babies were born with both male and female sex organs. I was angry that I had not been told in my science classes. In the past usually the Dr. would pick a sex and in most cases keep the vagina and cut off the penis.
Later I learned that some people are born with extra sex genes. They may be XXY , XXXY , etc. This may or may not be coupled with both sex organs. At any rate is an XXY person an XX female or an XY male. If they have both male and female sex organs who can they have sex with – both men and women or neither. I have asked many Christians this and I have yet to have one even try to answer.
If this is part of God’s order, I don’t understand why he would visit such confusion on babies. I hope you will reconsider your views on gay people. Why would God create babies without clear gender if he wants them to follow strictly specified sexual roles.
Not everyone who is gay or transgender has one of these conditions but if you use that as a starting point it becomes clear that gender is not as fixed as we like to think it is.
I am not gay. But I am appalled that high school science classes do not teach this information. We might be a kinder society if they did.
I disagree in homosexuality being psychological. There are other mammals that also have homosexuality, it is therefore a genetic glitch. Or it may serve population control purposes.
While there are some (the minority in my opinion) that may choose their sexuality, I believe sexuality (whether homo- or hetero-) is more or less hardwired into our being.
The distaste some have towards homosexual ‘culture’ so to say is somewhat understandable, though if one looks at the history of homosexuality in various countries and culture, one can understand that the excess driven stereotype of current homosexual culture is a rather recent development.
Religion (particularly Abrahamic religions), while having certain merits in its original teachings, unfortunately often also promotes division and hate between those who are different, and is frequently (though not nearly as much as in the past) a control mechanism of the masses.
“Second, I object to the instrumentalization of sexual pathologies for political purposes: sex belongs in the bedroom and it should stay there.”
Yet, that’s just what you have done by 1) using gay as some political slur and 2) by ignoring your own advice and most pointedly not keeping it in the bedroom but using it for some political purpose.
At least your views on the subject are probably similar to the Kiev fascists which may, perhaps, show some common ground around which to compromise, right?
When gays and lesbians are attacked and killed outside their bedrooms, who will come to their defense?
The feminization and masculinization of animals occurs within the womb via an imbalance of hormones, and people are thus born with such modifications–They are not chosen via culture! The seminal book, Our Stolen Future explains in easy to understand layman’s terms how that happens. Please read it and learn something about human biology. When I served, my bunk-mate was very gay, but he was the second best soldier in my platoon next to me. That I pushed him to become a very good infantryman was my doing, but I pushed the rest of my people and they didn’t ever perform as well as he did.
Couldnt you just not talk about Gays much at all on this site? I would like the site to not get distracted from important issues.
And I agree with Steve above. You dont need to approve of homosexuality but I dont see what good it does anyone to slander it.
Well, I think comparing Saker to the kiev fascists was too harsh though,Steve, just too harsh…
Dear Saker, as much as I may sympathize with your enthusiasm for justice and moral consistency with respect to the atrocious way some evil and incompetent aparatchiks in the EU and the US State Dept have destabilized Ukraine, I can’t agree with your increasingly uncritical portrayal of those entities that you favor.
This is constructive criticism and not an ad hominen attack. Lately, you seem to try to justify whatever action or non action the Kremlin takes. This has the effect of making you look partisan, emotional, and immature (like a cheerleader). I am guilty of the same in some of my writings and that’s one of the reasons I’ve learned to recognize it when I see it: A case of seeing the world the way i wish it to be, not the way actually is. So understand that I am not criticizing you of anything I have not criticized myself of.
A suggestion: When writing a new blog posting, Take a breather, set aside your post and wait some time before publishing, then after waiting, reread and ask yourself “did my emotions get the better of me? Is this a little over the top? Or is this exactly what I wish to convey?”.
Case in point: you conjecture all kinds of reasons as to why Moscow has not got involved – and then move on to justifying Moscow. You have no idea why Moscow hasn’t acted, it could be as simple as pure inertia in bureaucratic decision making machinery of the security and political sector of the Russian government, it could be ruthless selfishness, it could a well planned out strategy executing on a premeditated schedule, it could be waffling, it could callous indifference, it could be Russian is lining up all their ducks (gathering intelligence, selecting targets/key personnel for neutralization, mapping out their contacts and escape routes, etc.) before they act, it could be they are as confused by the sheer stupidity and irrationality of those hysterical EU-trash policy dictators of the EU bureaucracy and US State Dept. (as Putin openly admitted in his speech at the SPIEFF Conference), it could be that Moscow is privy to info that tells them not act right now, it could be dithering pure and simple on the part of the Kremlin, it could be many things.
We don’t know! I can’t understand how you can justify the Kremlin so enthusiastically when you can’t know the data that drives their decisions.
Anyway, those are my 2 cents, I wish you success in your endeavor.
As for Dilletantes comment, Flamingos can be homosexual, so it must be something more physiological, as even among birds Flamingos most definitely do not have very complex psychologies.
Thank you for not bowing to the pressure of political correctness (the “sads”).
Good points about France and Alain Soral’s fight against “the system”.
However, I would argue that Islam is a problem for Europe, if only because they are virulently militant and look to impose their laws to their host countries —like in England, where the Sharia has been deemed applicable concerning Muslim wills, not a big deal maybe, but a start, and you can only imagine where it can lead:
Or like Tariq Ramadan, celebrated Swiss intellectual, uttering such things as “we should re-open the debate about the stoning of adulterers.”
Islam presents some cultural attitudes — especially towards women, of course, that are unacceptable. But, and that’s where the plot thickens, they are protected by “the system”. See in Sweden, for example, where you can be fined and punished for even suggesting that the rate of exploding rapes is due in majority (20 to 23 times more) by Muslim immigrants:
Or get a peak of what it’s like for a young woman to walk in Brussels:
But of course, if she had a veil, maybe she would be left alone. No wonder why so many women “voluntarily” wear it…
So I’d argue that yes, what “the system” likes to label “islamophobia” did play a part in the results of this last European election.
@steve: using gay as some political slur
What a load of bull! When you say “gay” is ok, when I say “sad” is a slur? Oh Peuhleeze…
most pointedly not keeping it in the bedroom but using it for some political purpose.
My sole purpose is to denounce the instrumentalization of sexual pathologies for politics. How do I do that without mentioning the topic which, by your logic, makes me do exactly what I denounce? Of course, this is just the typical garden variety “homophilic” trick to shut somebody up. I am always amazed at the virulence and drive of those who consider homosexuality as a ” normal and natural variation in human sexuality and is not in and of itself a source of negative psychological effects” (to quote Wikipedia”: every time somebody disagrees with their dogma they unleash a torrent of arguments aimed at silencing the putative “homophobe” (another misnomer, of course).
The parallel between the way Zionist Jews try to silence their critics (framing the conversation, using loaded words, labeling the other, straw man, etc.) and the way the “Homo lobby” deals with its opponents never ceases to amaze me. Soral also wrote about that.
The true purpose of both Zionists and “Homophiles” is the exact same one: to impose their views on others by forcing them to accept their vocabulary, assumptions and values. Failing that – the “crimethinking” “other” has to be silenced.
I refused to yield to the first group and I most definitely will not yield to the second one. In fact, both of these can go and, uh, “interact” with each other.
Most sincerely,
The Saker
Steve is a perfect example of the kind of self-centered self-blind fanatic that Saker alluded to when he referred to those that instrumentalize sexuality for political purposes. An impetuous entity that cannot deal with opposition to his/her views (like a spoiled and indulged child).
Saker’s observation on the current sexual-orientation hysteria being whipped up by Western Elites for political purposes is logically consistent and legitimate.
In the mean time; “Many of the casualties are a result of two Kamaz trucks having been shelled by the Ukrainian army. The trucks were driving the wounded from the battlefield near the airport.”
According to reports, they were shot at from the air. Although someone reported yesterday that 2 choppers had been shot down, it doesn’t seem to deter the air force from raining down death from the skies with impunity.
Cant we just focus back on the Ukraine?
Saker, I dont even understand what you mean by ‘sad’. Ive never even heard this term used, other than SADS, sudden adult death syndrome, which I take it youre not referring to.
Is this some alternative word for gays? I have never even heard it before. Couldnt you use a more common word likes gays or even homosexuals? If you were to just use the word ‘homosexuals’ if for whatever reason you dont like using the word gay that would be perfectly fine IMO
@KC:some babies were born with both male and female sex organs (…) some people are born with extra sex genes
So what? Some are born blind, other Trisomic. This is neither here nor there. Pathologies are very often genetic as any medical person will confirm to you.
@Dilettante: I believe sexuality (whether homo- or hetero-) is more or less hardwired into our being. Sure. And many mental diseases have a physiological basis. So?
as even among birds Flamingos most definitely do not have very complex psychologies.
Absolutely. There are also dogs who try to have intercourse with a cat or even with somebody’s ankle. Hardly a reason for us to declare zoophilia as a “” normal and natural variation in human sexuality”. Also, alligators eat their offsprings, and spiders eat their mates. Are we supposed to seek a normative example for them too?!
@Observer:Lately, you seem to try to justify whatever action or non action the Kremlin takes.
Note quite. I am trying to explain why the Kremlin is *NOT* taking the kind of actions which armchair strategists seem to expect it to take.
This has the effect of making you look partisan, emotional, and immature (like a cheerleader)
Oh well, that is my tough luck :-). I am regularly accused of many things and being a Kremlin cheerleader is not the worst. Just for the record though, it is incorrect. The only person or entity I am a total cheerleader /groupie for is Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah. But yeah, I really do approve of Putin’s handling of the situation. If that approval gets me the “cheerleader” or “Kremlin shill” I will live with it.
The Saker
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A counter-evolutionary sexual identity whose generalization among the population would spell its demise cannot be considered normal, much less paraded as a inconsequential choice along reproductive heterosexual coupling.
Tolerate it, of course, but don’t pander to it.
side note: I watched Anthony Bourdain’s ‘Parts Unknown’ [a CNN production] the other day and was struck by its sudden political angle.
As I’ve traveled quite a bit, I’m a sucker for ‘foreign’ food.
But when I watched Bourdain’s show, about Russia this time, the undertone of how bad Putin actually was struck me as something very distasteful.
Bourdain’s now ‘off the menu’ as just another ‘money whore.’ [sorry, ladies, I have nothing against you].
CNN has been in my moral dustbin for quite a while now, but if anyone needs more reasons to shun it, the following might be of interest; NN showed ‘blatant’ bias when Blitzer aired Oren saying 2 killed Palestinians may not be dead — Munayyer.
VINEYARDSAKER: said…27 May, 2014 22:15
“I refused to yield to the first group and I most definitely will not yield to the second one. In fact, both of these can go and, uh, “interact” with each other.”
The two are very often the same and the smearing they are doing against Russia, they also use to smear Palestinians and Muslims in general.
Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing: Interpenetration and its Discontents
“…Pinkwashing—the process by which the Israeli state seeks to gloss over the ongoing settler colonialism of historic Palestine by redirecting international attention towards a comparison between the supposedly stellar record of gay rights in Israel and the supposedly dismal state of life for LGBTQ Palestinians in Occupied Palestine—has met stiff and increasing resistance from queer activists in the United States…Pinkwashing partakes in global circulations of gay rights that accord civilizational status to “gay-friendly” nations, cultures, and religions. In fact, without these global circulations, pinkwashing would not make much sense at all, just as it would not make sense if international circulations of Islamophobia, Orientalism, and particular ideas about Arab culture had not become “normal.” Pinkwatching does not take into account this broader global context, and instead focuses on the state of Israel as the sole offender of this use of gay rights to demarcate civilizational aptitude. The fact that the United States actively pinkwashes its occupation of Iraq and pinkwashes its military desires on Iran (and that US gays are mobilized for this purpose) goes unremarked upon. In fact, the Israeli state’s attempt to “pinkwash” its occupation of Palestine relies on the same discourses that allowed a giant blow up doll of President Ahmadinejad to be sodomized by a blow up nuke held by a white queer dungeon master at the 2011 San Francisco Pride Parade. Pinkwatching activism in the United States by and large ignores the ways that the use of gay rights discourses and bodies have been used to legitimize American colonial and military ambitions…”
Jewish zionists (zionazis) use the same sort of supremacy ideology to encourage gays to see themselves as special and apart, while at the same time actively promote divisiveness between gays and the rest of society, much as they work to divide all other differences between people to the zionazi advantage.
strep clarification:
In Spain a new leftist party gained while all the old sell outs of right and left were diminished
Well having just lost a second person I know in the TG world to suicide this year, trust me when I tell you this:
You don’t choose it, it chooses you. And there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
And the only way to get even the tiniest bit of peace and happiness in your life is to accept it.
And hopefully, just hopefully others will accept you too and give you some sort of fighting chance at a reasonable life, that everyone else takes for granted.
“A counter-evolutionary sexual identity whose generalization among the population would spell its demise cannot be considered normal, much less paraded as a inconsequential choice along reproductive heterosexual coupling.”
Yet a generalization of bisexuality among Bonobos has apparently not caused the Bonobos to become extinct.
Bonobos use sexual activity as a greeting, a means of forming social bonds, means of conflict resolution, and postconflict resolution. And this includes within the sexes.
Other than sexual relationships between parents and children, sex is common between bonobos of both genders and all agegroups past sexual maturity.
Can animals be ‘degenerate’? Especially when they are our closest relative after Chimpanzees?
Bonobos have been around since the pleistocene so this apparently is adaptive, and not maladaptive, evolutionary behavior.
Weird fact: Though half the size of a person, a female bonobo has a clitoris three times the size of a female human teenager.
@Slow Moe
Once again you are wrong in your attempts to buttress the argument that homosexuality does not have a negative evolutionary effect for individuals or for a species (based on Darwinian theory). By using Bonobos to support your argument you have stepped on a rake.
Bonobos prove that their behavior is an evolutionary dead-end. Scientists have proven that chimpanzees are more evolved and are continuing to evolve, in addition, chimpanzees are far more successful than bonobos, they have thrived thoughout Africa whereas Bonobos are stuck in a tiny enclave of the Central African Jungle (inbreeding themselves slowly into degeneracy). Please note since you want to praise Bonobos so much as some kind of utopian proof of a “love not war” successful ‘natural’ society: Bonobo mothers will copulate with their infant sons regularly and often; so if you use Bonobos as a standard bearer of ‘natural’ and successful behaviour you have made a grave mistake, you have only reinforced that such behaviour is aberrant and disgusting by associating their homosexual behaviour with incest and pedophilia. You cannot pick and choose what you like about Bonobo behaviour, you need to look at the totality of their behaviour.
So no matter how hard you want to believe nonsense that homosexuality is evolutionary advantageous or harmless, the facts will not support your religious dogma and emotional need to justify a difficult circumstance for an individual to face (homosexuality).
Just as it was not easy for the cousin of my friend to face the fact that he was schizophrenic (hearing voices, mood-swings, etc). But, at least he was man enough to face the reality that he had a problem, that it wasn’t normal, that he had to cope with it or it could destroy his life or the lives of others. He didn’t try to delude himself in an insecure and cowardly way into believing that his condition was a lifestyle choice or a desirable natural condition (even though he was born that way), he has tried to face the reality that it isn’t normal and that he has to cope with it in order have a successful life. Now one could argue that he should celebrate his schizophrenia and attack anyone that objects to his disruptive behavior. Thankfully he doesn’t buy such a self-defeating argument; he coped with his problem through therapy and is enjoying the fruits of normal life with is wife and children. Had he embraced his schizophrenia he’d have ended up living with other schizophrenics and become ghettoized.
I’m not saying that gays/sads should get themselves cured (although they should have that option if they wish to), I’m saying that it is wrong to blind ourselves to the fact that it is abnormal,carries great risks (homosexual men have 10x the risk of dying of AIDS over heterosexual men) and causes a lot grief and confusion to those ‘afflicted’ with it or “wired” that way.
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Richard T.
“So how can we Christians not be “anti-Islam” or rather “anti-lies”?”
I presume you are equally anti-Jewish since they are also, and quite deliberately, anti-Christ.
When Eastern European Jews first came to both the UK and US, even German Jews found them ignorant, superstitious, smelly and embarrassing. I guess you could call it “incompatibility”.
Being anti-Islam because some immigrants break the law is no different than being anti-Black because some Blacks do. Let’s be honest here, ok? Plenty of whites break plenty of laws too, so maybe you should be anti-Christianity also.
You may not be used to immigration and immigrants but they do adapt, holding onto various parts of their culture but becoming quite patriotic. It’s actually one of the things I like best about America. Just think if you had to leave your homeland for someplace utterly different: it would take a while to just learn what the customs and culture are, let alone how to follow them. Then add in being generally hated and maybe having trouble getting work, housing, etc. — it’d probably take you a bit longer bc you’d cling to your own ways and people just for security’s sake.
I do understand the resentment, I really do, but if you’re not part of the 1% you’re every bit as much their victim as any immigrant — and we’ll all do a lot better if we unite against them and what they’re doing to all of us than if we keep on fighting anong ourselves. We live in small-town America and a church in a neighboring parish is ageing itself right out of existence. And the obvious answer is to encourage, instead of barely tolerate, the local Mexican population, who are extremely family-value and doing rather well. And yes, it is a bit weird to contemplate an Episcopalian church full of people who speak Spanish. But ultimately, so what? People are people are people, and God was rather specific when He told us what He wants from us. We have no right calling ourselves Christian if we don’t even try.
Bonsoir Saker,
Voici de nouveau mon commentaire
Je trouve que par plusieurs aspects vous ressemblez beaucoup à Alain Soral qui incidemment commence à imiter votre discrétion… J’ai rencontré AS à Rivière Rouge, lors de sa visite au Québec il y aura bientôt deux ans, mais je le suis depuis plusieurs années par ses écrits et vidéos.
Dans son audacieuse démonstration, «Comprendre l’Empire», tour de force assez bien réussi, il montre son talent à synthétiser des questions complexes, comme vous savez aussi le faire. Méthode en rupture de l’académisme qui va à l’essentiel, mais qui oblige ensuite à des mises au point et clarifications après coup, ce que tout comme lui vous ne manquez pas de faire.
Sur la question des «minorités sexuelles», le droit de vivre ses préférences sexuelles dans le cadre habituel, celui de l’intimité, ne pose de problèmes pour à peu près personne. Ce qu’il faut dénoncer c’est l’exacerbation de la sexualité ostentatoire, qui est l’instrument d’intérêts politiques dissimulés, particulièrement le mondialisme.
Marion Sigaut traite dans cette vidéo de l’origine de la «révolution sexuelle», une apparition qui n’a rien d’innocent et dans laquelle prend racine la théorie du genre. Le rapport Kinsey, ça vous dit quelque chose ?
Sur la question du FN, je ne crois pas que ML soit raciste et xénophobe. Elle n’a pas tout bon sur cette question, je la crois sincère mais «pervertie» par le système politicien que refuse AS. Si d’une part elle est entourée de certains personnages sujets à caution (Louis Alliot, etc.), je trouve qu’elle s’est très bien entourée avec Florian Philipot et plus récemment Aymeric Chauprade. Elle a manifesté sa solidarité avec Poutine, ce qui est tout à son honneur. Alain Soral ne recommande à personne de voter FN, il est au-dessus, mais il reconnaît en lui un parti trans-tendance et aussi anti-système qu’un parti de masse puisse l’être de nos jours. Et c’est pourquoi AS dénonce les partis minoritaires divisifs (FG, DLR, UPR). Il le fait tout en reconnaissant au passage la justesse des analyses d’un François Asselineau ou d’un Dupont-Aignan. Il donne par contre souvent la parole sur son site à Florian Philipot et au truculent Jean-Marie LePen (érudit au franc parler comme peu de retraités de la politique le sont de nos jours). Alain Soral est à la source d’une mouvance qui s’articule sur deux axes : Égalité et réconciliation / Droite des valeurs et gauche du travail. Il a attiré autour de lui dans des cercles concentriques des milliers de personnes qui prennent à leur tour des initiatives selon ces axes.
Au Québec, il jouit d’un certain prestige, ayant fait salle comble à Rivière Rouge (Mont-Tremblant) et à Montréal lors de son passage en 2012.
Re: the question of gay/straight, we need to use common sense to parse these issues. I know, Heaven forbid.
First, all mammals of all species including dogs, whales, humans, etc. exhibit homosexuality. It is reasonable to conclude that for a social species, advantages acrue to those who form the strongest bonds. The strongest physical bond between two people is sexual. The advantage of any strong bond acrues to the individuals involved. These bonds form under a wide variety of circumstances and for very different reasons. This does not mean that a strong bond between any two people is good for the people around them. Nothing is ever so easy as to fall in to the categories of black and white.
Second, same sex bonds form between individuals when access to the opposite sex is cut off, as is usually the case in prison. This has been observed repeatedly throughout history. Again, the individuals involved seek and gain some kind of advantage.
So, in other words, homosexual behaviour has both a genetic and social component.
I’m sorry if this upsets some of you but for whatever reason, this situation exists. Now I’m going to upset everyone else.
It is also clear, given our need to reproduce, that heterosexuality is the dominant lifestyle ‘choice’ in a culture of life. This does not mean that some people are not born gay. It does mean relatively few social advantages acrue to homosexuals in a culture where this behaviour is repressed.
In a culture of nihilism and death, as in the modern West, homosexual behavious does appear to be more advantageous, at least for the individuals involved. I’ll say it again, the primary conflict in all societies is a competition between parasites and producers. Please refer to Alain Soral. His worldview has great explanatory power.
The more parasitical a society becomes, the more homosexual relationships are rewarded or even become favoured (think of the way people live in a prison). In the long run, this culture is incapable of reproducing and will therefore die off.
More imporatant, it is clear that homosexuality has been weaponized in the West. This has been done by the parasite ruling class in an effort to destroy all competing social organizations, especially the family. Psychosocial sexual abuse is a favourite tool of the Anglo-Zionists and it’s not because they love their fellow men.
This does not mean you can not be compassionate to a person who is born physically attracted to the same sex. Your decision to be accepting or intolerant is a reflection of you, not the person who is different.
This is different from promoting homosexual behaviour and encouraging those not motivated to form same sex relationships to do so. Some people are not strongly motivated by any sex. We have to accept that people are born different but this does not mean we should encourage or favour any behaviour which is destructive to society as a whole.
Again, nothing is so simple in human society. Thoughtful people need to consider the evidence before them. Compassion is a good thing but some people will take advantage of that compassion (parasites) and under these circumstances they should be crushed.
In the USSR and modern Russia, being lesbian has never been illegal, but in the countries now condemning Russia with the current zio-gay developed smears, being a lesbian has meant jail time for many 1000s, and less overt oppression for many 1000’s more, over the last century.
A bit of humour satirising those enlightened Brits during those times.
The Perils of Lesbianity
And in the enlightened American wasteland:
Prop. 8: God Weighs in on Gay Marriage
When that video was made, Los Angeles had experienced a much worse “fire season” than usual (funny, the “zoogle” spelling tool flags Los Angeles as a typo).
Everybody knows how Americans hold guns to be sacred instruments, but:
Why Gays and Guns don’t mix.
Possibly the Israeli reason for being (after zionism, of course):
HEbrew: the app for gay Jews!
On second thought, definitely the zio reason for being.
Sort of an American version:
Shit Gay Guys Say
BTW, you don’t want to fly “Silver Jet”, believe me. The “blue balls” you’ll land with at your destination will require the aide of paramedics and an ambulance:
Lesbian Mile High Club
Finally, one for Saker ;D
Gay Heterosexual Love
In the USSR and modern Russia, being lesbian has never been illegal, but in the countries now condemning Russia with the current zio-gay developed smears, being a lesbian has meant jail time for many 1000s, and less overt oppression for many 1000’s more, over the last century.
A bit of humour satirising those enlightened Brits during those times.
The Perils of Lesbianity
And in the enlightened American wasteland:
Prop. 8: God Weighs in on Gay Marriage
When that video was made, Los Angeles had experienced a much worse “fire season” than usual (funny, the “zoogle” spelling tool flags Los Angeles as a typo).
Everybody knows how Americans hold guns to be sacred instruments, but:
Why Gays and Guns don’t mix.
Possibly the Israeli reason for being (after zionism, of course):
HEbrew: the app for gay Jews!
On second thought, definitely the zio reason for being.
Sort of an American version:
Shit Gay Guys Say
BTW, you don’t want to fly “Silver Jet”, believe me. The “blue balls” you’ll land with at your destination will require the aide of paramedics and an ambulance:
Lesbian Mile High Club
Finally, one for Saker ;D
Gay Heterosexual Love
Repost, delete if duplicate, please.
To Observer at 22:01
I don’t agree that Saker is seeking to justify Putin’s actions. What he attempts, it seems to me, is to set out the scenario as it must appear to someone who is the leader of a very large country facing a very real disruptive threat but seeking the opportunity to minimize that threat.
It has to be very painful to see the course of action western Ukraine is embarked upon, with the immediate casualties and atrocities we all see ramping up, behavior worse than raging beasts where there is no cause for such behavior.
I continue to hope that the course that is best in opposition to such depravity is to take the high road, to insist on peaceful solutions to problems; and I pray very much that the tactic of indirectly reducing the power of this country to force others into madness will succeed.
It doesn’t have to be done with bombs, is what I think the message must be. We see how that ‘solution’ only destroys societies – surely we see that by now!
Surely the world has had enough mindless mayhem.
Saker, go you Youtube or Google and look up the interview with Kay Griggs, ex wife of a high up US NATO official, and listen to what she has to say about homosexual grooming and abuse in the professional military culture, especially NATO. It’s mind control though sexual trauma and, I’m sure, it creates lots of loyal players for fear of blackmail.
Saker – you’ve made a powerful statement re. your position on the gay/sad issue. Can’t think of a way to improve your statement, so with your permission, I’ll steal it for myself. Very well said!!
Well said on the SAD’s issue Saker. I’m of an age for whom the word ‘GAY’ used to mean ‘light-hearted, carefree and innocent’. There are hitherto much-loved pieces of English literature and poetry – perhaps the best known being Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’ that, since the advent of this in-your-face promotion of deviance, can no longer be recited before an audience without generating snickers of embarrassment – IOW, the language too has been corrupted by it.
Sexuality is personal and should be free from ANY criminal sanction per se, which is – as I understand it – Putin’s position. It is a sad commentary on the Weimar-like degeneracy of the West that Russia’s reasonable laws against promotion of homosexuality to minors generated such a massive demonstration of faux-outrage by western Luvvies prior to the Sochi Olympics – but of course it was all of a piece with the political demonisation of Russia.
And, to be clear, one of my favorite authors/poets is Oscar Wilde, much of whose work was the product of the legal persecution of his homosexuality.
In-your-face promotion of homosexuality is part and parcel of the syndrome described in excruciating detail in the following two articles:
1. Sex Plague – The Normalisation of Deviance and Depravity
2. Pornography as a secret weapon
The West I fear has progressed – or rather been engineered – far beyond the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic
Now I am a transgendered. I fought against this for 40 years of my life.
I didn’t choose it. I was born this way.
It ruined my life, all my loves, all my relationships. It turned me into a terrible unhappy person. Because I ran away from it for decades.
Until, in the end I accepted it. Now I am far happier and as my friends tell me, much nicer.
I have, at this late stage in my life, a chance of a bit of peace.
Now in civilised countries (and Russia is not actually that bad, there are far worse, though it could get better) a simple acceptance of facts is important.
Some get born this way, some that way. They could be black or white, or male or female or male or something in between. Or all of those put together.
It doesn’t matter .. all that matters is … Are They Good People. Are they honest, honourable, ethical, do they care about others, will they fight for what is right, will they help others.
In my personal experience I have found far more GLBTI people like that than …’straights’… and vastly more than the so called ‘religious’ people.
Noting also that here in Australia we are going through a Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse … and the biggest instigators of that …. the Churches (all types) and religious charities….
So we visible GLBTI people are many things, but we are not, ever, ever have been child abusers … though some of us have been victims of that (I was).
So you may think we ‘out’ GLBTI are “SAD’, but.. FU.. we are good people, we are not hypocrites.
And all we want is the same chance at a basic bit of acceptance (on our contributions to society, our merits) as everyone else.
What garbage! All those homosexual Catholic priests that molested young boys WERE and ARE child abusers. The fact that they target boys and young men and not girls proves that they are homosexual. Statistic prove that Gay men are 7 times more likely to molest a child than a normal man. Similar stats apply to lesbians (although the multiplier is a bit lower); many young orphan and dispossessed girls put in the care of Nuns in Ireland were subjected to homosexual assaults by their violent and abusive Lesbian Nun guardians. Spare me your pathetic anecdotal fantasy testimony regarding your ‘life’ as well as your bigotry towards normal sexual orientation people (your vicious and abusive quote “Are they honest, honourable, ethical, do they care about others,…. far more [LGBT] people [who] are like that than …’straights’… and vastly more than the so called ‘religious’ people.”)
Dear Lisa Mallon (or should I say Lisa Malcontent Bigot)
Take your anti-normal (‘straight’) bigotry back to your sub-culture ghetto.
And as for your: “but.. FU.. we are good people, we are not hypocrites. ” and think your profanity (FU?), hatred and bigotry against normally oriented people and people of religious faith and the aforementioned quote demonstrates your hypocrisy and mental instability. Not are you confused about gender but you seem to be confused about logic and facts too (not surprising is it? given your alleged history).
@KC:some babies were born with both male and female sex organs (…) some people are born with extra sex genes
So what? Some are born blind, other Trisomic. This is neither here nor there. Pathologies are very often genetic as any medical person will confirm to you.
Saker, we don’t blame Down’s syndrome children for not being smart. If someone has confused genetics should they be blamed and labeled freaks for being what the Lord God made them. If the Lord God makes people with no clear gender should we blame them for being confused about their sexual orientation. Surely at least you could give these people a pass – they are what God made them to be just as you would give a down’s syndrome child a pass on intellectual achievement.
At any rate, you are one more Christian who will not answer the question – a person born with a penis and a vagina. Per God’s law can they have sex with a man, a woman, both or neither. They didn’t choose their physical condition. What advice as a Christian would you give such a person. What would you say to that person if they were your child?
Ans I should add I admire and respect (as much as I do any politician, which frankly is not much) Putin.
I think he has done a good job for his people, handled the Ukraine crisis fairly well.
But he could have done better (and I mean not caving into religious prejudice against GLBTI people) could do better. And Russian Intelligence like the US (etc) ones failed totally.
So don’t demonize him or turn him into some sort of saint, or genius. He has been caught off balance, the US has ran rings around him in many ways.
He pulled of a short term masterstroke about Crimea.
But all his options are bad ones now. Because all the Eastern Ukrainians are going to die one way or another.
And he better be prepared to fight for Crimea because there is going to be all sorts of hell poured onto that.
In the end will he blink or press the nuclear button .. because of he doesn’t then the US wins….because, over the next month to 2 years the US will push it that way right to the very limit. And they will bet .. he wont.
The only option he has, is to create some serious, I mean serious hurt somewhere. Like a full scale (using RTP) Eastern Ukraine brutal takeover.
But only at just the right time but the Russians are just playing the US game if they do that..
Or, as If was his (transgendered) adviser .. hit elsewhere… Saudi Arabia. Russia has, thanks to Prince Bandar a complete reason to go to war with SA (what he did was a declaration of war).
With Iranian help take out SA. Check.
Putin can do a Stalin and wait to be attacked and suffer terrible losses or hit at the weakest western point.
But the West (ie the US) has declared full scale war on Russia.
When gays and lesbians are attacked and killed outside their bedrooms, who will come to their defense?
Do you know some place on Earth where violent crimes are not punished by the criminal law if they are committed against homosexuals?
Jesus lord mercy thats alot of deleted comments.
Are you actually sure Saker would give down children a pass? Im not actually sure anymore.
If homosexuality is a disorder and pushing for their social acceptance is morally wrong, then downs syndrome being a disorder, whos to say he doesnt think pushing for social acceptance of those with disorders of the intellect is also immoral?
It would be logical from this frame of mine to feel this way.
Again Slow-Moe you spew completed warped logic (coming from someone who is more emotional than rational): this time what you’re implying is bordering on slander.
Saker and people of faith accept children with Down’s syndrome with love and compassion, that doesn’t mean we would celebrate the problems that a child with this disorder will experience as a result of the disorder. Nor would we expect that we should not work on curing and treating children with down’s syndrome to bring their IQ up to normal levels, and to reduce their breathing difficulties due to their enlarged tongues. We wouldn’t bury our heads up our asses like you and pretend that a person with Down’s Syndrome doesn’t have a problem that require special medical attention, focus and treatment. Nor would I encourage that they only hang-out in their own subculture with more of their “kind” like so many of you softminded homosexual activists promote. Social acceptance doesn’t mean you have the right to perform obnoxious and vulgar acts in front of me and shove your subculture down my throat. Down’s Syndrome people (bless them for they are angels without sin) don’t do that, extremists in the LGBT community (and their moronic cheerleaders) seems to be equating forcing the majority normal population to assimilate THEIR warped subculture and ‘values’ with social acceptance. That is a dirty fraud coming from those with malicious intent.
One other thing: I don’t think you have even the slightest clue what logic is.
Dear Saker,
I appreciate your comments on the specifics of French politics–however I still believe that Alain Soral is conveniently slippery when it comes to his position vis-à-vis the FN. The role of the FN as observed from abroad is very different from its day-to-day performance here: its publicity is highly endorsed from above as a way to discourage anyone from expressing their dissatisfaction with Europe out of fear of being automatically categorized as FN. All alternatives are automatically shut down by the media, as exemplified by the FN, which received 11 hours of air-time in preparation of the elections, while an alternative position like the UPR received 90 seconds. In fact, I do believe that François Asseulineau’s position is in much clearer accordance with the content of this blog than the often-contradictory stance of AS.
You like to draw a distinction between yourself and your Eastern Orthodox Christianity and those awful Bible thumping Protestants we see in America, but when you get on your soapbox about the immorality of homosexuality and gender bending of various sorts, you sound a lot like those evangelists. Those shared roots in the dreary religion of the Old Testament psychopathic deity show themselves.
@Lisa Mallon
“Sad” is obviously a play on, and protest against, “gay”.
As for the homosexual-transgender issue, I am sure noone thinks that the persecution is right. I am sure Saker is the kind of man who stands up for those being wrongly persecuted.
I, personally, feel sorry for any persecution you suffered. But that does not mean that henceforth social mores should be done away with. The point people are making is that ‘non-normal’ should stay ‘non-normal’. Anyone non-normal must be accommodated (and without comments), but, if society is to exist at all, standards of ‘desirable’ vs ‘what-must-be-endured’ must be retained.
-VN (India)
@VN: thank you so much for your post and, especially, for writing that “I am sure Saker is the kind of man who stands up for those being wrongly persecuted ” because, as a matter of fact, I have stood up for a homosexual friend who was being ostracized for his homosexuality. The truth is I have nothing personal, not even a remotely negative feeling towards homosexuals or transgender people. But I refuse to make their condition and/or lifestyle a norm both in social and in moral terms. And, of course, my use of the word “sad” is just a “return to sender” to those who say that homosexuality is “gay” which, in reality, it is not. Mostly, it is a tragedy which triggers a lot of suffering and pain for those involved.
Anyway, thank you VN for giving me hope that at least some people understand where I come from and do not see me as some kind of hateful bigot…
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Saker
Celabelle DeCadix said: “I would argue that Islam is a problem for Europe, if only because they are virulently militant and look to impose their laws to their host countries —like in England, where the Sharia has been deemed applicable concerning Muslim wills …”
Islam has been trying to conquer Europe ever since the Moors invaded Iberia in the 8th Century. A Turkish attempt to defeat European forces failed at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. The last attempt of the Turks to invade Europe was defeated in the Siege of Vienna in 1683. Europeans have short memories compared to Muslims, and generally assume that Muslims have abandoned the aim of bringing Europe within the sphere of Islam, but that may not be so.
Islam does not recognize the European distinction between church and state. A committed Muslim in the West can allow themselves to submit to the legal systems of the West only as a temporary expedient, until such time as Sharia law is implemented.
Personally, I regard a woman wearing a chador (covering everything except her eyes) as a despicable affront to the rights of women, even if she does it voluntarily.
As the ultimate affront to women’s rights we have ‘honor killings’. One recently occurred in Lahore (see Pregnant woman beaten to death by family outside Pakistani court). This crime was committed by people who regard themselves as Muslims. And these ‘honor killings’ do not only occur in Pakistan, but have also occurred in Germany, the UK and other European countries.
Yes perspective is better from the edges of the paradigm.
The solution is to supercede the paradigm which neither the right or the left will do – only the different.
Re-posting this bc to my mind the most important part of the homosexual issue is that it is being used against all of us on both sides as long as we let it divide us:
I am just sick and tired of both sides of the whole gay brouhaha. Private behavior should be private and yes, some homosexuals can be obnoxious: so what? Plenty of people are obnoxious, it’s hardly just a gay thing. You’re not being persecuted just because people somewhere are doing something you find objectionable. And I’ll be darned if my marriage — or that of anyone I know — has ever been threatened by a couple of lesbians wanting rings and a ceremony to make their commitment official. I mean really, so what? Don’t we have bigger fish to fry? People are losing their jobs, homes, lives, all over the world, and we focus on this? And frankly, if the worst thing that ever happens to a kid is seeing a couple of guys holding hands or even kissing, I’d say that kid is pretty darned lucky. Which would you rather put your child through, seeing a couple of flaming queens or, oh I don’t know, going hungry, losing their house and pet, losing a parent to a disease that could have been cured had you been able to afford decent healthcare, getting bombed by the Anglo-Zionist Empire on one of its crusades? Humanity has survived and thrived for many thousands of years despite a constant percentage thereof being gay. Enough with the hysteria already. Let’s focus on stuff that really matters; Lord knows there’s enough of it.
KC and Lisa Mallon,
Thank you very much for speaking out. Your words needed saying.
There are plenty places in the US where the perpetrators of violent crimes against homosexuals are quite deliberately neither sought nor brought to trial. It happens all the time. Prosecutors choose who to prosecute.
I’m not speaking about our (deliberately-engendered) Culture Wars here, but in most other societies tolerating homosexuality, they do have roles to play, whether helping nurture, perform rituals, act as shamans, whatever. We’ve just managed to weaponize bigotry so one marginalized group ends up competing with all the others when the real issue is, quite simply, bigotry. Racism, anti-Semitism, anti-gay? Why bother to name the object when what’s going on in each case is not simply the hatred, to which all are entitled to feel, but its codification into discrimination against… any person for what they happen to have been born. The object doesn’t matter, the legalized discrimination most certainly does. And finally, male homosexual couples tend to make more money than straight ones bc women in general make 75% of what a man does for the same work. So how can people who make more money than the rest of us be parasites? Lots of straight couples don’t have children — are they parasites?
It’s ok not to like them, we don’t even have to find reasons, but all people should be equal under the law. Let’s work together and insist on good laws instead of fighting amongst ourselves.
@Saker: You are welcome!
@Lisa Mallon: “And all we want is the same chance at a basic bit of acceptance (on our contributions to society, our merits) as everyone else.”
There is no reason at all why people should not be accepted, and respected (if deserving), for their merits. That you want to accepted on your merits, however, already sets you apart from most of the “modern” people. (They demand _respect_ for merely breathing; you must have met many such people yourself.) I congratulate you on your successful struggle — specially against victimhood, and sincerely wish you the best in your future quests for earning merit.
I think youre just being misunderstood. I dont see you as particularly hateful, it just sort of seems you are not getting your point across. Like at all.
And no offense but I dont see using the term SAD is doing you any good. It muddles more than adds clarity. Again, if you dont want to use gay, I think the term ‘homosexual’ is the most appropriate.