Joint Communique of the 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China
November 26, 2021
1. The 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China was held in the digital video-conference format on 26 November 2021. The meeting took place in the backdrop of negative impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic, on-going economic recovery as well as continuing threats of terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, trans-national organized crime, natural and man-made disasters, food security and climate change.
2. The Ministers exchanged views on further strengthening the Russia-India-China (RIC) trilateral cooperation and also discussed various regional and international issues of importance. The Ministers recalled their last meeting in Moscow in September 2020 as well as the RIC Leaders’ Informal Summit in Osaka (Japan) in June 2019 and noted the need for regular high level meetings to foster closer cooperation among the RIC countries.
3. Expressing their solidarity with those who were negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministers underlined the importance of a timely, transparent, effective and non-discriminatory international response to global health challenges including pandemics, with equitable and affordable access to medicines, vaccines and critical health supplies. They reiterated the need for continued cooperation in this fight inter-alia through sharing of vaccine doses, transfer of technology, development of local production capacities, promotion of supply chains for medical products. In this context, they noted the ongoing discussions in the WTO on COVID-19 vaccine Intellectual Property Rights waiver and the use of flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration on TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.
4. Emphasizing the need for collective cooperation in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministers noted the measures being taken by the World Health Organization (WHO), governments, non-profit organisations, academia, business and industry in combating the pandemic. In this context, the Ministers called for strengthening the policy responses of WHO in the fight against Covid-19 and other global health challenges. They also called for making Covid-19 vaccination a global public good.
5. The Ministers agreed that cooperation among the RIC countries will contribute not only to their own growth but also to global peace, security, stability and development. The Ministers underlined the importance of strengthening of an open, transparent, just, inclusive, equitable and representative multi-polar international system based on respect for international law and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and central coordinating role of the United Nations in the international system.
6. The Ministers reiterated that a multi-polar and rebalanced world based on sovereign equality of nations and respect for international law and reflecting contemporary realities requires strengthening and reforming of the multilateral system. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to upholding international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. The Ministers acknowledged that the current interconnected international challenges should be addressed through reinvigorated and reformed multilateral system, especially of the UN and its principal organs, and other multilateral institutions such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), World Trade Organization (WTO), World Health Organization (WHO), with a view to enhancing its capacity to effectively address the diverse challenges of our time and to adapt them to 21st century realities. The Ministers recalled the 2005 World Summit Outcome document and reaffirmed the need for comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of the developing countries so that it can adequately respond to global challenges. Foreign Ministers of China and Russia reiterated the importance they attached to the status of India in international affairs and supported its aspiration to play a greater role in the United Nations.Foreign Ministers of Russia and China congratulated India for its successful Presidency of the UNSC in August 2021.
7. Underlining the significance they attach to the intra-BRICS cooperation, the Ministers welcomed the outcomes of the 13th BRICS Summit held under India’s chairmanship on 9 September 2021. They agreed to work actively to implement the decisions of the successive BRICS Summits, deepen BRICS strategic partnership, strengthen cooperation in its three pillars namely political and security cooperation; economic and finance; and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Russia and India extend full support to China for its BRICS Chairship in 2022 and hosting the XIV BRICS Summit.
8. In the year of the 20th Anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) the Ministers underlined that the SCO as an influential and responsible member of the modern system of international relations plays a constructive role in securing peace and sustainable development, advancing regional cooperation and consolidating ties of good-neighbourliness and mutual trust. In this context, they emphasized the importance of further strengthening the Organization’s multifaceted potential with a view to promote multilateral political, security, economic and people-to-people exchanges cooperation. The Ministers intend to pay special attention to ensuring stability in the SCO space, including to step up efforts in jointly countering terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and trans-border organized crime under the framework of SCO-Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure. They appreciated the Ministerial meeting in the SCO Contact Group on Afghanistan format held on 14th July 2021 in Dushanbe.
9. The Ministers supported the G-20’s leading role in global economic governance and international economic cooperation. They expressed their readiness to enhance communication and cooperation including through G-20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and other means, through consultations and mutual support in areas of respective interest.
10. The Ministers stand for maintaining and strengthening of ASEAN Centrality and the role of ASEAN-led mechanisms in the evolving regional architecture, including through fostering ties between ASEAN and other regional organizations such as the SCO, IORA, BIMSTEC. The Ministers reiterated the importance of the need for closer cooperation and consultations in various regional fora and organizations, East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus), Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), to jointly contribute to regional peace, security and stability.
11. The Ministers consider it important to utilize the potential of the countries of the region, international organizations and multilateral associations in order to create a space in Eurasia for broad, open, mutually beneficial and equal interaction in accordance with international law and taking into account national interests. In that regard, they noted the idea of establishing a Greater Eurasian Partnership involving the SCO countries, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and other interested States and multilateral associations.
12. The Ministers condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. The Ministers reaffirmed that terrorism must be comprehensively countered to achieve a world free of terrorism. They called on the international community to strengthen UN-led global counter-terrorism cooperation by fully implementing the relevant UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. In this context, they called for early adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. The Ministers stressed that those committing, orchestrating, inciting or supporting, financing terrorist acts must be held accountable and brought to justice in accordance with existing international commitments on countering terrorism, including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the FATF standards, international treaties, including on the basis of the principle “extradite or prosecute” and relevant international and bilateral obligations and in compliance with applicable domestic legislation.
13. The Ministers emphasized the importance of the three international drug control conventions and other relevant legal instruments which form the edifice of the drug control system. They reiterated their firm resolve to address the world drug problem, on a basis of common and shared responsibility. The Ministers expressed their determination to counter the spread of illicit drug trafficking in opiates and methamphetamine from Afghanistan and beyond, which poses a serious threat to regional security and stability and provides funding for terrorist organizations.
14. The Ministers reiterated the need for a holistic approach to development and security of ICTs, including technical progress, business development, safeguarding the security of States and public interests, and respecting the right to privacy of individuals. The Ministers noted that technology should be used responsibly in a human-centric manner. They underscored the leading role of the United Nations in promoting a dialogue to forge common understandings on the security of and in the use of ICTs and development of universally agreed norms, rules and principles for responsible behaviour of States in the area of ICTs and recognized the importance of strengthening its international cooperation. The Ministers recalled that the development of ICT capabilities for military purposes and the malicious use of ICTs by State and non-State actors including terrorists and criminal groups is a disturbing trend. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to principles of preventing conflicts stemming from the use of ICTs, as well as ensuring use of these technologies for peaceful purposes. In this context, they welcomed the work of recently concluded UN-mandated groups namely Open Ended Working Group on the developments in the fields of Information and Telecommunications in the context of international security (OEWG) and the Sixth United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (UNGGE) on Advancing responsible State behaviour in cyberspace in the context of international security and their consensual final reports. The Ministers supported the OEWG on the security of and in the use of ICTs 2021-2025.
15. The Ministers, while emphasizing the important role of the ICTs for growth and development, acknowledged the potential misuse of ICTs for criminal activities and threats. The Ministers expressed concern over the increasing level and complexity of criminal misuse of ICTs as well as the absence of a UN-led framework to counter the use of ICTs for criminal purposes. Noting that new challenges and threats in this respect require international cooperation, the Ministers appreciated the launch of the UN Open-Ended Ad-Hoc Intergovernmental Committee of Experts to elaborate a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes under the auspices of the United Nations, pursuant to the United Nations General Assembly resolution 74/247.
16. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to broadening and strengthening the participation of emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs) in the international economic decision-making and norm-setting processes, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this regard, they emphasized the importance of constant efforts to reform the international financial architecture. They expressed concern that enhancing the voice and participation of EMDCs in the Bretton Woods institutions remains far from realization.
17. The Ministers reaffirmed their support for a transparent, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core. In this context, they reiterated their support for the necessary reform which would preserve the centrality, core values and fundamental principles of the WTO while taking into account the interests of all members, especially developing countries and Least Developing Countries (LDCs). They emphasized the primary importance of ensuring the restoration and preservation of the normal functioning of a two-stage WTO Dispute Settlement system, including the expeditious appointment of all Appellate Body members. The post-pandemic world requires diversified global value chains that are based on resilience and reliability.
18. The Ministers agreed that the imposition of unilateral sanctions beyond those adopted by the UNSC as well as “long-arm jurisdiction” were inconsistent with the principles of international law, have reduced the effectiveness and legitimacy of the UNSC sanction regime, and had a negative impact on third States and international economic and trade relations. They called for a further consolidation and strengthening of the working methods of the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee to ensure their effectiveness, responsiveness and transparency.
19. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in its three dimensions- economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner – and reiterated that the Sustainable Development Goals are integrated and indivisible and must be achieved ‘leaving no one behind’. The Ministers called upon the international community to foster a more equitable and balanced global development partnership to address the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and to accelerate the implementation of 2030 Agenda while giving special attention to the difficulties and needs of the developing countries. The Ministers urged developed countries to honour their Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitments, including the commitment to achieve the target of 0.7 percent of gross national income for official development assistance (ODA/GNI) to developing countries and to facilitate capacity building and the transfer of technology to developing countries together with additional development resources, in line with national policy objectives of the recipients.
20. The Ministers also reaffirmed their commitment to Climate action by implementation of Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement adopted under the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the principle of Equity, Common But Differentiated Responsibilities, the criticality of adequate finance and technology flows, judicious use of resources and the need for sustainable lifestyles. They recognized that peaking of Greenhouse Gas Emissions will take longer for developing countries, in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. They stressed the importance of a Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework that addresses the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in a balanced way. They welcomed the outcomes of the 26th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-26) and the 15th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP-15).
21. The Ministers underlined the imperative of dialogue to strengthen international peace and security through political and diplomatic means. The Ministers confirmed their commitment to ensure prevention of an arms race in outer space and its weaponization, through the adoption of a relevant multilateral legally binding instrument. In this regard, they noted the relevance of the draft treaty on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space and of the threat or use of force against outer space objects. They emphasized that the Conference on Disarmament, as the single multilateral negotiating forum on this subject, has the primary role in the negotiation of a multilateral agreement, or agreements, as appropriate, on the prevention of an arms race in outer space in all its aspects. They expressed concern over the possibility of outer space turning into an arena of military confrontation. They stressed that practical transparency and confidence building measures, such as the No First Placement initiative may also contribute towards the prevention of an arms race in outer space. The Ministers reaffirmed their support for enhancing international cooperation in outer space in accordance with international law, based on the Outer Space Treaty. They recognized, in that regard, the leading role of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). They agreed to stand together for enhancing the long-term sustainability of outer space activities and safety of space operations through deliberations under UNCOPUOS.
22. The Ministers reiterated the importance of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BTWC) as a key pillar of the global disarmament and security architecture. They highlighted the need for BTWC States Parties to comply with BTWC, and actively consult one another on addressing issues through cooperation in relation to the implementation of the Convention and strengthening it, including by negotiating a legally binding Protocol for the Convention that provides for, inter alia, an efficient verification mechanism. The BTWC functions should not be duplicated by other mechanisms. They also reaffirmed support for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and called upon the State Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) to uphold the Convention and the integrity of the CWC and engage in a constructive dialogue with a view to restoring the spirit of consensus in the OPCW.
23. The Ministers showed deep concern about the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) falling into the hands of terrorist groups, including the use of chemicals and biological agents for terrorist purposes. To address the threat of chemical and biological terrorism, they emphasized the need to launch multilateral negotiations on an international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism at the Conference on Disarmament. They urged all States to take and strengthen national measures, as appropriate, to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and materials and technologies related to their manufacture.
24. The Ministers noted rising concerns regarding dramatic change of the situation in Afghanistan. They reaffirmed their support for basic principle of an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and called for formation of a truly inclusive government that represents all the major ethnic and political groups of the country. The Ministers advocated a peaceful, secure, united, sovereign, stable and prosperous inclusive Afghanistan that exists in harmony with its neighbors. They called on the Taliban to take actions in accordance with the results of all the recently held international and regional formats of interaction on Afghanistan, including the UN Resolutions on Afghanistan. Expressing concern over deteriorating humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the Ministers called for immediate and unhindered humanitarian assistance to be provided to Afghanistan. The Ministers also emphasized on the central role of UN in Afghanistan.
25. They stressed the necessity of urgent elimination of UNSC proscribed terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIL and others for lasting peace in Afghanistan and the region. The Ministers acknowledged the widespread and sincere demand of the Afghan people for lasting peace. They reaffirmed the importance of ensuring that the territory of Afghanistan should not be used to threaten or attack any other country, and that no Afghan group or individual should support terrorists operating on the territory of any other country.
26. The Ministers reiterated the importance of full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and UNSC Resolution 2231 and expressed their support to the relevant efforts to ensure the earliest reinvigoration of the JCPOA which is a landmark achievement for multilateral diplomacy and the nuclear non-proliferation.
27. The Ministers reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and unity of Myanmar. They expressed support to the efforts of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) aimed at implementation of its Five-Point Consensus in cooperation with Myanmar. They called on all sides to refrain from violence.
28. The Ministers underlined the importance of lasting peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. They expressed their support for a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution to resolve all issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula.
29. The Ministers welcomed the announcement of the Gaza ceasefire beginning 21 May 2021 and stressed the importance of the restoration of general stabilization. They recognized the efforts made by the UN and regional countries to prevent the hostilities from escalating. They mourned the loss of civilian lives resulting from the violence, called for the full respect of international humanitarian law and urged the international community’s immediate attention to providing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian civilian population, particularly in Gaza. They supported in this regard the Secretary General’s call for the international community to work with the United Nations, including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), on developing an integrated, robust package of support for a swift and sustainable reconstruction and recovery as well as for appropriate use of such aid. The Ministers reiterated their support for a two-State solution guided by the international legal framework previously in place, resulting in creating an independent and viable Palestinian State and based on the vision of a region where Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace within secure and recognised borders.
30. The Ministers reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. They expressed their conviction that there can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict. They also reaffirmed their support to a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, UN-facilitated political process in full compliance with UNSC Resolution 2254. They welcomed in this context the importance of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva, launched with the decisive participation of the countries-guarantors of the Astana Process and other states engaged in efforts to address the conflict through political means, and expressed their support to the efforts of Mr. Geir Pedersen, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Syria, to ensure the sustainable and effective work of the Committee. They reiterated their conviction that in order to reach general agreement, members of the Constitutional Committee should be governed by a sense of compromise and constructive engagement without foreign interference and externally imposed timelines. They emphasized the fundamental importance of allowing unhindered humanitarian aid to all Syrians in accordance with the UN humanitarian principles and the post-conflict reconstruction of Syria that would contribute to the safe, voluntary and dignified return of Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons to their places of origin thus paving the way to achieving long-term stability and security in Syria and the region in general.
31. The Ministers expressed grave concern over the ongoing conflict in Yemen which affects the security and stability not only of Yemen, but also of the entire region, and has caused what is being called by the United Nations as the worst humanitarian crisis currently in the world. They called for a complete cessation of hostilities and the establishment of an inclusive, Yemeni-led negotiation process mediated by the UN. They also stressed the importance of providing urgent humanitarian access and assistance to all Yemenis.
32. The Ministers welcomed the formation of the new transitional Presidency Council and Government of National Unity in Libya as a positive development and hoped that it would promote reconciliation among all political parties and Libyan society, work towards restoration of peace and stability and conduct elections on 24 December 2021 to hand over power to the new government as per the wishes of the Libyan people. They also noted the important role of UN in this regard.
33. The Ministers noted that some of the planned activities under the RIC format could not take place in the physical format due to the global Covid-19 pandemic situation. They welcomed the outcomes of the 18th RIC Trilateral Academic Conference organized by the Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi (ICWA) in the video-conference format on 22-23 April 2021. In this context, they also commended the contribution of the Institute of Chinese Studies (New Delhi), Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and China Institute of International Studies (Beijing) in establishing the RIC Academic Conference as the premier annual analytical forum for deepening RIC cooperation in diverse fields.
34. The Ministers expressed their support to China to host Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.
35. Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China and the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation thanked the External Affairs Minister of India for successful organization of the RIC Foreign Ministers Meeting. External Affairs Minister of India passed on the chairmanship in the RIC format to the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China. The date and venue of the next RIC Foreign Ministers Meeting will be agreed upon through the diplomatic channels.
Shortly after this communique was released, the Kremlin announced that Mr.Putin will be visiting India on December 6th. Back in the old RIC format, before the BRICS, seems some progress was made.
I listened to the opening speeches and besides all the nice and flowery words, there were these words from the FM of India as to their commitments:
– approach to a human-centric global development
– a multipolar and rebalanced world based on the sovereign equality of nations, respect for international law, and contemporary realities, requires reformed multilateralism.
These are the right words and I was a little surprised to hear it from India so baldly and clearly stated.
Bear in mind we are talking about the two most populous countries on earth and the most militarily strong country on earth. Perhaps India is moving on the ZoneA/ZoneB scale?
Bear in mind that India is also from this year a 2 year long non-permanent member of the UNSC and if you take a good look at who is there for this period, some breakthroughs may be possible. (She says hopefully!)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Viet Nam
Putin’s in-person visit to New Delhi would possibly not have taken place if the S-400 system deal was not done and dusted (deliveries began, I believe, in November).
So nice words and speeches aside, for those looking for “deeds not words”, the S-400 deal (which the Americans of course were opposed to) is something tangible to point to.
The fact that points 22 (BWC/BTWC) and 23 (WMD) were in the joint communique is also quite interesting, given that, well, it’s joint – the Ministers all agree on what is being said (and as IR wonks and ex-diplomats know, each word and punctuation point in such communiques are agonized over). It is also interesting in the context of the *very* interesting and unusual official Joint Statement made and released by Lavrov and Yi on October 7th, 2021 (“Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of the People’s Republic of China and the Russia Federation on Strengthening the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction”), which called attention to the US’s “military biological activities”, and the need for more transparency, verification, etc. around those activities, whether carried out in the US, or outside:
“In this context they emphasize that the United States’ and its allies’ overseas military biological activities (over 200 US biological laboratories are deployed outside its national territory, which function in opaque and non-transparent manner) cause serious concerns and questions among the international community over its compliance with the BWC. The two sides share the view that such activities pose serious risks for the national security of the Russian Federation and China, and are detrimental to the security of relevant regions.”
And the likelihood of a contract to manufacture Russian A23 rifles – about 700,00 of them – in India.
Presume you mean the AK-203. Not familiar with the deal or weapon, but generally one thing that has irked me is why India has been unable to design and manufacture a decent basic rifle.
More important than the actual weapons, I reckon, is the fact that there will be an active joint venture legal entity (Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited (IRRPL)) – presumably 50-50 owned/controlled by, on the one hand, an Indian governmental entity (Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) and/or designated subsidiary entity), and Russian entities (Rosoboron Export and Kalashnikov), on the other.
Legal entities that own and control manufacturing facilities have Management, Boards of Directors, etc. That is, they are comprised of individuals that perforce interact with one another and get to know one another through these regular interactions.
More person-to-person interactions, whether among individuals in the governmental/public sector (including military and diplomatic), private sector, not-for-profit sector (collectively, “tri-sector”, as in “tri-sector athletes”, as first coined by Prof. Nye at HKS) or “ordinary citizen” (e.g., tourists, students, artists) are a good thing.
Are you saying India is the most militarily strong country on earth ? Just because a country has the most soldiers doesn’t mean that nation is the most powerful.
China is more powerful than India by leaps and bounds. Remember 1962, that bloody beating, against China?
A powerful nation in terms of military superiority is a nation that is self-reliant with weaponry. Its own weapons industry. Not have to purchase the simplest of drones and anti-air weapons from the likes of tiny Israel. To name just one.
The Indian Army might have creative uniforms or costumes, that’s it. Sorry. I really am. And no, I’m not from Pakistan.
Don’t count on Norway
It is not possible to take India seriously for any partnership or agreements, India is the Trojan horse of this Trilateral.
This is just diplomacy. India is unreliable, it is dangerous. India is a spy for the empire. All these words from the representatives of India are perhaps just words. The Empire is focused, and determined not to lose its war against Russia and China. This meeting is an opportunity for the Empire to probe Russia and China. Because the Eagle keeps poking the Bear, so eventually someone will spill coffee on the Nuclear Control Panel and whoops. In fact, we are engaged in a great spiritual battle, a battle to free ourselves from the war machine and the media machine, restore recovery, regain our humanity, regain our joy, our ability to think our own thoughts, feel our own feelings , dreaming our own dreams. The three cities that “govern” the world are, [and are all nations independent of the nations in which they reside.] The Vatican, London and Washington. What a small zio neocon gang in Fascington has done for America and the world is breathtaking! They have increased military budgets to stratospheric levels, provoked wars across the world, and now speak openly about a “winnable” nuclear war against CAPITALIST Russia.
Is Eurasia just a counterpoint to the Germanic Roman Empire? Anglo Zionists, are they just a phase of the Germanic Roman Empire? An empire is formed by the coalition of a planetary majority, with some kind of consensus. Is Russia a rebellious Germanic Romanesque, also originating from the Vikings, or something really new? Is china something new, another format? But does china have the necessary consensus to become an empire? Perhaps the current Germanic Romanesque empire, will no longer only be hegemonic, preponderant and superior, but will remain an empire part of the planet with other empires. The empire uses the following strategy to dominate the west: first woman to rule, first black in sport, first trans woman in sport, first woman to speak in a deep voice, first woman to drive a truck, first black eating ice cream, the first aboriginal and indian to fly a plane, the first dwarf to jump six feet in height. This is powerful, because the dwarf wants to be like the giant, the woman wants to do things that men do, the black wants the color white as snow too. This is very seductive, and very powerful. This is blinding the West. I deplore the feminization of men and men who agree with this. Toxic feminism = hateful atheists serving their globalist masters, shaking their thin fists at the Almighty. And maybe only a kinetic war will make those wishing for false equality come back to reality! The West has been dumbed down far beyond target levels and now present in the dust of the tech arms race. Furthermore, the feminism, gender confusion, military incompetence of Western WOKE can’t even fight their way out of a shopping bag, let alone fight Russia or China. Of course, the zios don’t tell their slaves that, as they want to lead them to massacre. Russians are romantic, they like beautiful women, as opposed to usury. That’s why natural selection selected beautiful women in Russia. The Germans and Anglo Saxos are different, they like masculine women, with masculine bodies. That’s why the empire is ruled by progesterone, and feminism arose by the Anglo-Saxon German empire. Anything that is medicine can be poison. It’s all a matter of dosage. The irresponsible freedom the West gives to women and feminism brings chaos to a society. America is the prime example of this overdose in every way. It’s a toxic country and it’s sinking fast! the “freedom” to revolt, kill, destroy and attack, which the Democratic Party gave to Antifa and BLM, financed by Soros. In the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s Neither the USSR nor the USA provoked endless provocations. They tried to avoid war! Now, the United States and England and Nato provoke 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At that time, they were treated to prevent even accidental wars. Therefore, India is like some Slavs, who are envious of the materialistic patterns of the West.
True freedom can never be “lethal to a state”. The country must be careful not to set up “risky “liberal experiments that can easily fail”: with treacherous pro-Western pro-globalist liberal elites at the helm, this is easier said than done! If you give freedom to irresponsible and undisciplined people , bad things happen. Democracy is just a coup that allows money printers to buy all politicians. Some country still enjoys freedom today because Russia is alive, I can say with certainty, if we have another Gorbachev, it will be the end of freedom for all See what the US and NATO have done in the past 20 years after Gorbachev was recruited by (aic) to destroy the USSR Europe firmly pursues the achievement of feminism Motherless babies are indeed the goal of long term feminism. Prominent feminist Shulamith Firestone has written extensively about this. The irony, of course, is that feminism is, by nature, deeply anti-feminine. Feminism is destroying feminili and turn all women into second-rate men. Well, who’s to say it hasn’t been here yet and hasn’t been here for some time. Blade Runner is now. Westworld is now. In any case, everything would be preferable to a miserable matriarchy or a continuation of this social policy of gender equality. The empire must have a card up its sleeve. Are the Zionists willing to commit suicide, or do salvation? It’s not illogical. Possibly there is a hidden external threat on the planet, and the aim of the West and East would be the same? Arms race for a confrontation with something external to the planet? The two world wars could be part of that too. Pay attention to this date: June 6, 2022 something acute, important may happen. I am a scientist, a philosopher, and it sounds crazy, but the only reasonable explanation for the attitude of the Anglo-Saxon Zionist empire is that they have a card up their sleeve, which could only be contact with other beings. Every serious scientist, who understands Newton’s laws, Einstein’s relativity, quantum physics and biology, knows that we are not alone in the Milky Way, and that America and Russia have already talked to more evolved “human brothers”. If not, then madness has taken over the planet, the empire, and we will simply cease to exist in 50 years. If something revolutionary doesn’t happen on the planet within 50 years, all life on planet earth will cease to exist. Special aerial phenomena defy logic, perhaps because they are not of that order of things. Philosophically we want these phenomena to be in accordance with our expectations and desires. We have arrived at a crossroads in life on earth. Has the planet already had other humanities in its history? Has Mars already been inhabited? What is life? What is spirituality? The media will not stop being used by the empire. The internet is controlled by the empire. It is a well known fact that Hollywood is an extension of the Mossad / CIA / Pentagon / Tel Aviv. They psychologically prepare people decades in advance for what they will do. In the 1980s and 1990s, there were countless movies about bad Arabs (the pronunciation of Arabs and Iranians proves the illiteracy of the average US college loser), portraying them as bad, terrorist, hell bent on death and destruction. They treated Russians, Germans and Chinese as bad guys in the movies. When the Twin Towers came down, it finally unleashed all that mass conditioning, allowing people to continue in fear with what they had learned before. We have been warned for nearly a century of what is to come and will soon be here. Fortunately, I will not be here to witness the end result of the geoengineering that is taking place and the extinction of the human race and likely world war 3 . It would not be surprising if India were also heading towards the Black Sea, in conjunction with NATO. Does the resistance lack foresight? However, incredibly Lukashenko sent a shrewd message to the Slavs that week. Lukahsenko was perceptive and said that the US, *“with the hands of the Poles, the Baltic states and the Ukrainians”,* want to start a conflict to *“create a mess somewhere around here again.”* America *“will stay stop and provide weapons so that we kill each other and the economy sinks. They will come back with the dollar, which they are printing now, to ‘help us’.* *“Europe doesn’t want war. Who needs this war? The Americans.” said the Belarusian leader. That speech of his was intelligent. So about India, it takes care and a lot of prudence. India has often shown itself in favor of the mysterious empire of the Cabal.
There will be no big nuclear war. They have been scaring people with this “drama” for many years. Biological warfare is more efficient. Should they destroy the land they own? The human resources they possess? It will be ordinary conventional war with proxies and division of spheres of influence. Maybe tactical strikes on those that can’t fight back and that’s it. This will be followed by the destruction of human rights and a world government. It’s already happening.
interesting approach. But the actions of the empire smack of madness, delirium, schizophrenia and irresponsibility.
Sik, this is a great piece that resonates strongly of truth. But as we well know; truth is treason, in an empire of lies.
Thanks for sharing!
thanks. You said very well. The lies, the mentality, the artificial pattern and the proposal of the empire are infecting much of the resistance and even people here on the blog. The truth is now being crazy for most. Because somehow everyone is compromised or has “the tail stuck”. Let’s not forget that the human sciences work for the empire today. It is a waste of time and exhausting to shed light on fundamental questions of civilization, and strategies that destabilized the West, which are now subtly being implanted in the east of the planet, in Asia. Too late! Perhaps all is lost, and all humanity will in the future adhere to this chaotic and distorted way of life. Evil does not have a holiday. The internet is dominated by Uncle Sam, who hand in hand with the cabal and the queen, says: I WANT YOU!
All right, waiting for the aliens to solve our problems.
Right. I don’t like doing this. But the shouting about India is coming in before people could have read and interpreted this long communique.
Read First, before you put Foot in Mouth. Try for heaven’s sake to make a comment that is based on current reality.
sik, you wrote a gazillian words based on knee jerk because you did not read – you’re just spouting. This has been up for half an hour maybe, and you’ve already written for 29 minutes.
And djoke, could you let me know what your comment has to do with anything presented here. Yeah, yeah, I know .. nothing at all eh.
Read folks!
India’s actions don’t go along with its words. They are part of the QUAD and are fully onboard American energy projects for ‘green energy’ hubris.
India would only get back on the Eurasian track once Modi’s nationalist govt. collapses. Until then, India’s hegemonic ambitions in S. Asia align with the Empire’s ambition to preserve its global domination.
India has always been non-aligned, and it seems to me that that’s a very smart tactic in a multi-polar era. As for the Quad, you’ll notice that India’s comments about it earlier this year entirely ignored its geo-political aspects and instead focused on developmental promises – ie foreign investment for India.
Man With No Name, you must please go and update yourself as to what happened with the last QUAD meeting. And to make decisions based on ‘green energy’ hubris is very far off the mark. Take a look at the overall trend in the world and understand that we are moving from a carbon based energy system to a different one. That is a given, you only need to go and look at what China is doing in reality. This is happening despite the hysteria around it. To put one’s head in the sand on this, is definitively hubris, shortsighted, and probably the wrong litmus test to use.
The only type of green energy that can sustain China’s energy needs is nuclear energy. As seen by the mega failure of the EU, solar or wind energy can’t be produced in enough quantity to meet energy needs.
Given that China’s the industrial base of the world, it needs a bigger, and ever reliable source of energy.
Unfortunately amarynth, ideologues make very poor analysts. One must closely follow events over many years to see their genuine direction. Modi and his crew are only one facet of a multifaceted array of interests within India. The direction of multilateral relations between China, India and Pakistan has gone where I thought they would once all three became SCO members. An excellent illustration of how multilateral interests can dominate and even diffuse acts aimed at destabilizing relations is that of Brazil under Bolsonaro–even though he was brought to power by the Outlaw US Empire, BRICS is still working while China and Russia’s influence has expanded, and Brazil never invaded Venezuela.
Perfect! The empire has experience in sabotage and in counterintelligence, subversion and manipulation. Brasil Zionista de Bolsonaro, who was literally the grandson of a Hitler soldier (as he revealed in a youtube interview), has the largest armed forces in latin america, which is divided and sabotaged by the cabal, and has a multifaceted range of interests. The vice president of Brazil is a General and a 33rd degree in Freemasonry, and he did not want to invade Venezuela. As we see, the Empire maintained by usury wants Brazil in the BRICS.
Outlaw Historian
The Empire poses a greater threat to India than Pakistan or China imo. India have border disputes with the latter but with Anglozionists infiltrated India’s political system and possibly the intelligence agencies, it’s only a matter of time until they start orchestrating subversive maneuvers aimed at destabilising and disintegrating the Indian state.
The only thing that hold them back right now is that they want India to use it as a pawn against the rising China.
This has already manifested itself at the Himilayan border where India is acting irrationally in my opinion, and China’s. And India is being used to heighten tension there, by the West.
China is getting tired of this, just read the state-run Global Times of China. Seems China is offering its hand, but India does not accept it.
Just recently, Corps level talks in the Himilayah’s broke down after India balked and snubbed its nose at China. All at the behest of Washington and Tel Aviv, of course.
If minor issues like this can not get settled, how is it that this beautiful ‘ multipolar ‘ world is going to get built?
Seems to me that India has a lot of potential religious, ethnic and maybe caste fracture lines, if some well-funded entity wanted to take advantage of them. Especially if the entity could leverage a large diaspora.
That’s precisely why Partition was done the way it was by the British.
Perhaps then you can take a few minutes and break down, or explain to us India’s crimes against humanity in Kashmir, where it has 7-8 million poor souls under lockdown indefinitely. Now isn’t that a shame? A national crime of titanic proportions.
Kashmiri’s who are essentially cut off from the rest of the world by force? India, at least the nationalistic Hindu part is very much like Zionist Israel in just about everything it does. A rogue state simply put. Built on racism, supremacism, xenophobia, chauvinism, on and on and on.
And look at the way Hindu India treats its Muslim compatriots. India ? Come on.
Why should I want to explain that? That is your issue and has nothing to do with this communique.
But we wait for your enlightening essay on your issue. Feel free to write it. You may find that many here are completely aware of the policy of Hindutva and what it is doing. You may break that down for us as well in your enlightening essay.
As far as I am concerned India suffers from Stockholm Syndrome still to today. This is when we literally become our own enemies. These ideas expressed here, the Russian example and the Chinese example may be just what is needed.
If all here are aware of the ‘ Hindutva’, then why should I write about It? And I don’t owe you any enlightening essay.
So why do you ask me then for break downs and explanations? I don’t owe you any as well. But you’ve taken this thread as your ‘beating up India’ thread. And that is what I object to.
Small problems get solved sometimes when the principle and strategic agreements are in place.
Does someone have any new informations about Iran joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
“On 17 September 2021, the SCO launched the procedures of Iran’s accession to the SCO, which are expected to take “a fair amount of time”. It took two years for India and Pakistan to complete the accession procedures.”
Source: Wikipedia
So, two months of what will likely be two years has transpired.
President XI of China said in a speech, don’t know when, or where, that he wants to see Iran fast-tracked into the SCO.
And I imagine if Hon. Xi and his inner circle want this to be so, it should be soon. Just saying.
What in fact Russia, China and India have stated is that they will be pursuing a multilateral political system in the world, as opposed to a unilateral one endorsed by the US, which is supporting a “new world order” run by private banks and corporations. This unilateral initiative by the US is somewhat comic, as they are asking the rest of the world to consent becoming part of a global empire run from Washington DC, New York City and the City of London. Won’t work.
They are more than pursuing a multilateral geopolitical system for regional and global issues. They are establishing it, with or without the West at this time.
They represent the vast majority of land and people, three of the four great civilizations, and combined military and economic power that dominates the Northern Hemisphere and carries great weight in the Global South.
India will gravitate into a bridge power, careful not to soon leave the West because of its issues with Pakistan and China. However, nothing heals border disputes better than close relationship with Russia. If you look closely, Russia is the mediator/councilor in the disputes that exist. Selling S400 missile defense systems to both China and India is good business but better, yet, soothing to both sides. Russia will integrate those S400s into an Eurasian network of defenses, EW and radars. Everyone will have protection from everyone.
@Everyone will have protection from everyone.
Until it gets too expensive, then its everyone on their own.
Exactly. India has had enough opportunities/chances to make peace with Beijing and Islamabad but chooses to be led around by its nose bY Washington and Tel Aviv. India’s ruling elite have made up their minds, they are too far invested in the Zionist ship to turn back now, otherwise, they would have accepted the many opportunities and chances of persuasion from China and Pakistan both to join the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor ( CPEC).
India unfortunately has cast its lot. Pakistan and China have tried, and tried, waited, and waited, but to no avail.
B.F. and Larchmonter445, what you describe is what I am seeing here. Another piece of the establishment of a multilateral political system. It is not clean, it is not perfect but it is another step.
Whatever India is or does, her words are on the paper now, and she can be called to action on the basis of this. We will see after Putin’s visit.
What is clear, having followed all this, is that there are the beginnings of a new breeze blowing here.
This is not to say that India does not have problems but in this new configuration, she better go and make peace with those that she fights with currently lest her words and actions further diverge.
Outlaw Historian , yes, you are so right. Ideologues make very poor analysts. We see it right here lol.
Some folks to my mind need therapy and should leave the analysis alone until they understand that circumstances are changing fast in our world, new alliances are being formed and broken sometimes in the space of days, and the move to multipolarity and multilateralism will not be without problems and will take years.
While the Joint Communique is important as it echoes many similar communiques issued since 2014, IMO it’s very much overshadowed by the essay penned by the Russian and Chinese Ambassadors to the Outlaw US Empire and published today by The National Interest, “Russia and China Claim Value-Based Diplomacy Provokes Division”, which incidentally isn’t the title chosen by the ambassadors. For a better copy free of all the ads and distractions, go here, “Russian & Chinese Ambassadors: Respecting People’s Democratic Rights”. I’ve published my own short article based on the essay that can be read here, “Russian & Chinese Ambassadors Try Teaching the Outlaw US Empire Genuine Democracy”, that conveys my opinion.
The ambassadors’s essay is an excellent template for future use against the undemocratic actions taken by the Outlaw US Empire which occur on a daily basis and ought to be employed by the genuine international community to further its interests which are diametrically opposed to those of the Outlaw US Empire and its controlling oligarchy.
What is most troubling in this communique is that all three of them have pledged their allegience to such as IMF, the World Bank, WTO, WHO etc – with a view to “enhance it’s capacities to effectively address the diverse challenges of our time and to adapt them to 21 Century realities”. Good luck there! All of these organisations have been taken over by AZ Cabal quite a while ago and I don’t think the Cabal will be too eager to go along with this RIC agenda! Is there going to be some actual realisation and comprehension of that fact among political powers of Russia and China, at any stage!? As for India – it’s beyond hope, it’s like flogging dead horse. Too embedded in the Cabal’s Matrix, mind you as a very junior partner. Although they have higher ambitions but I believe that is where Cabal intends to keep them. They seem to be content with that – must be the result of being an Imperial colony for so long.. old habits die hard.
I would not sat that it is troubling. It is just standard operating practice for Zone B. Offer to join global institutions with a role commensurate to their size and influence and if it is rejected start new alternatives. Don’t forget that the Chinese asked for a bigger role in the IMF and WB inline with the size of their economy. When the US refused they promptly started the AIIB.
As for India I wouldn’t lose hope yet. The Deep State in India is very much part of the Empire and the Indian elites definitely identify with the Empire. But as time goes by it is becoming clearer and clearer that the Empire only wants India as cannon fodder and is not prepared to give India anything for the privilege of being a vassal. The Afghan debacle is considered almost a betrayal by India and the QUAD is going nowhere as the Empire is not willing to give India much, if anything, for joining the QUAD. The only “privilege” that India gets is the chance to buy US weapons and high prices and low performance.
This statement surprised me, even if it is just words. It suggests to me that something is in the works behind the scenes that cannot be revealed just yet. Even taking the statement at face value makes it clear that India is with Russia/China on a whole range of issues, including critically, multilateralism.- the unsaid is, of course, that they are opposed to single country hegemony!!
Putin and Modi are due to meet in a week or so. I expect some surprises coming out of this meeting.
@ Katerina
All of these organisations have been taken over by AZ Cabal quite a while ago
If you look into the background, each of these multilateral institutions were created and nurtured by the Zionist-Capitalist cabal. Each of these were created to act as instruments of controlling the non-West countries. All these institutions have detail mechanisms of operation. I find the strategy of Russia and China to work with these capitalist-colonial bodies as the only feasible option – unless anti-Hegemonic struggle of Resistance Camp gets more traction, Russia and China shouldn’t create overt opposition to the multilateral bodies.
Too embedded in the Cabal’s Matrix, mind you as a very junior partner.
True. Indian political platform has been hijacked by oligarchy aligned with global Zionist-Capitalist cabal. If you wish to understand modern India, you can go through a sort of primer on an article of mine published in this blogsite.
Having said that, i must add that keeping India in various multilateral bodies like SCO, BRICS, RIC has its own benefits – not only Russia can act as a sincere mediator in problems between India and Pakistan- China but the common people of India can know about positive results of such multilateral associations.
A fair comment. I’m not sure if you’ve read Jared Diamonds books on civilizations but they make for interesting reads. We develop systems to sustain us, and when they start failing due to human nature we often overthrow them violently. The violent overthrow is often far more destructive than the original dysfunctional system. One of the prime tenets of Asian warfare is to decapitate and replace top level governments but keep systems and infrastructure intact. This can be accomplished either through violence, stealth, or simply boring from within.
Having some experience with Asian thinking methods, my impression is that Xi and Putin will capitalize on existing infrastructure and figure out how to change the top level management of the UN to a more multi-polar alignment. India, as a non-aligned nation, will eventually need to choose a side but for now they can float. I suspect they are leaning towards the SCO simply due to the inordinate number of insults the US has sent their way. This statement seems to support the above approach.
India badly wants to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Perhaps the Russians and Chinese have used this carrot to bring India on the side of multilateralism and away from the hegemon.
India, the trojan horse, in broad daylight.
My parents are from Libya, and all my family/ relatives reside there, except for an older brother in Barcelona. As a matter of fact, I lost a nephew in the fighting this year. He was about to get married too.
Everyone wants a piece of the nation. Libya is extremely wealthy in hydrocarbons, minerals…you name it. Even lots of Uranium ore are mostly found in the southeastern region called The Kufra Oasis. My father teaches in the Tripoli College of Advanced Studies I believe it’s called, and he has written a thesis on Libya’s wealth as far as what I have just mentioned. I have read it and Libya is truly a treasure chest. U.S. Educated Ph.D. and also a former Ambassador to Spain. Ah, those were the days. Anyways,
Before Gaddafi’s downfall, he made two fatal mistakes that plunged Libya into war and chaos. He signed off on many billion-dollar deals for infrastructure with the Chinese Gov. and various Chinese companies. I went there in 2008-2009 and found that they were already beginning laying the groundwork for high-speed rail from the Egyptian border to Tunisian one.
Chinese companies were also installing 4G, and what later would simply be transferred to 5G all across Libya, especially along the seashore.
China was to receive an abundance of oil and liquified natural gas of premier quality. Libya’s oil is very easy to process and purify and was largely used as jet fuel sold on the markets. It was called the ‘ Light Sulphur Sweet Crude ‘, Highly sought after, and deals were struck. The West was fuming, so were the Gulf Arabs. But what got Qatar crying foul to the West was Libya’s natural gas, which again was of remarkable quality. So Libya was earmarked for destruction. There was no Arab spring, but a destructive storm coming Libya’s way. A trap was set and Gaddafi walked right into it, believing his pseudo-friends Berlusconi, Blair, and Sarkozy. The rest is history.
Libya’s case is very close, if not identical to Syria’s case in regards to the Syrian ‘ Pipeline War ‘ starting in 2011, the same year the so-called revolution to topple Gaddafi broke out. There were plans to pipe oil in the Libya- Italy, or Libya- Greece pipelines totally bypassing Russian oil and LNG to Europe. The same plans and conspiracy hatched against the second victim Syria. Except this time Russia and China helped Syria in many ways averting total colonization.
Before all this, while the Chinese were signing billion-dollar deals with Libya, so were the Russians. Putin liked Gaddafi and vice-versa. They believed they could both benefit from each other. Libya actually purchased and/or desired to modify it’s entire fleets of Soviet weaponry, like hundreds of T-72B3, T-80, T-90’S. Many, many weapons. Self-propelled 155mm Howitzers by the hundreds. One has to understand, throughout the ’70s-’80s, Gaddafi bought weapons at an astonishing rate and amount. It was a warehouse of arms much like Saddam’s Iraq or Hafed’s Al-Assad’s Syria. Libya was also looking to purchase and modify its air force. It actually did have MIGs, SU’s and Fokker’s, and Heli’s. So, again, the West had to put an end to that and intervene. In essence, if Russia and China, especially China want to get ahead with many third-world countries, it has to be ready to intervene on their behalf as Russia did in Syria. As conflicts of proxy may start intensifying, especially in African nations as far as China goes. Russia can look out for its immediate peripheral.
Putin and Xi want to work with a new Libyan government that should be of the people and for the people. But I seriously doubt the Western world / Turkey will let there be peace there.
The West and its stooge Turkey will do whatever they can to make sure there never is a day of peace and security in the North African nation.
As Salaam was Alekum, Peace be Upon You All
Very insightful on Libya, thanks.
Re India, its complex. There is no ‘1 India’. Lots of conflicting interest. The biggest brake on India is Modi and the Hindutva fascism. That would be a terrible waste because India had so much to offer the multi polar world, in which it should unquestionably be a leader.
My son in law is Indian, and these Modi RSS gangs are established everywhere with money vacuumed from the UK and US. They were originally nurtured by the British in the 1920s to fracture Indian resistance against empire. There is real fear in India to speak out against them even in the affluent educated classes. This is quite advanced fascism. The death threats against the courageous Arandati Rai, are carried out against lessor targets, and against Kashmiris and Punjabi farmers with impunity.
History teaches us that when any state starts viciously attacking substantial sections of its population, it will end badly. How long before the 250m Muslims, 50m Sikhs and who knows how many other attacked minorities start to actively organise armed resistance? I’d be surprised if they aren’t already.
In the 70s we suffered violent attacks in Europe and we organised responses against known fascists very quickly.
So – re the RIC , there undoubtedly saner Indian elements who are totally wedded to the multipolar world. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MODI AND THE RSS.
Their consuming driver is hate, driven along the Israeli Zionist model. Any group driven like this will act irrationally.
Thank you for your explanation.
I also forgot to mention that Gaddafi was going to take all of Libya’s gold reserves, 140 tonnes, and fund an African dinar. This was of course a direct threat to the French. Third fatal mistake.
Interesting, that after the NATO bombing, that gold is no longer accounted for.
Gaddafi made the proposal for the African gold-backed dinar in 2009 and in 2011 he was dead.
There was no way Africa was going to-be allowed to escape the clutches of the global financial system..
So that gold is now “unaccounted for”…
Several of my family members spent time in Libya in 1970’s on some national projects from the Tito-Gaddafi collaboration. They all spoke very fondly of their time there.
Libya was one of the richest countries in Africa.
I was so shocked when the psychopath cackled ” we came, we saw, he died” … she revealed little too much of her evil self there…Hillary Clinton needs to start preparing for what awaits her soul when she dies.
You are right, the issue of Libya is a painful ongoing bleeding sore. Libya was a stacked function. They were targeted by USA/NATO for many reasons.
Additional ones:
▪︎ Libya was a positive African leader and role model for entire continent. Ghaddafi rejected the contrived Western division of Africa into a northern “Arab” and sub-Saharan “Black” and instead built bridges between all. This was reason enough to destroy it.
▪︎ The Cebrowski-Rumsfeld Doctrine required dismantling oases of development and wealth like Libya. For years, Libya had highest quality of life index in Africa, and among top in world.
▪︎ Libya started to remove Africa from control of NATO communications by creating cheaper satellite communications, helping connect Africa economically to the rest of world.
▪︎ Libya has huge water reservoirs! The freshwater aquifers under its deserts are accounted largest on earth.. Perhaps a greater resources than its oil or gas. Pipes from these sources can change destinies of many desert nations!
▪︎ Libya started to create a rival to the IMF – the African Monetary Fund. $26 of $42 billion were given by Libya and Algeria. I think Obama stole its funds along with the gold..
▪︎ occupying Libya prepositions NATO on Egypt’s western flank. So Egypt would be surrounded by enemies (Israel to N, Ethiopia to S, GCC to E) when time comes to attack this numerous and powerful threat to Zionism.
▪︎ Libya provides staging ground to attack other neighbors too – esp Algeria and sub-Saharan Chad (done) and Niger (done).
▪︎ the huge stores of Libyan materiel and extremists would be used in Syrian campaign. In essence Libya subsidized much of early carnage in Syria before Operation Timber Sycamore and others kicked in.
▪︎ Chaos in Libya opens African floodgates on migrant/refugee waves into Europe .. part of Kalergi Plan and the softening up of EU for NWO. From 2011-2015, most migrants and refugees reached EU via Libya.
You nailed it my friend.
By the way, NATO actually bombed the ‘ Green Man-Made River Project ‘, which was piping excellent quality freshwater from huge aquifers as you have stated. In essence a war crime.
Ambassador Stevens, who was killed in Benghazi, was actually working with groups, funneling Libyan weapons into Syria feeding the conflict there, until it backfired.
Gaddafi was a big supporter or Algeria’s claim of the Sahel, but that was squashed with his death. And interesting that now, Morrocco has signed a Defence Pact with Israel just recently.
Serbian Girl — Many, many Serbs resided and worked in Libya in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. Most of Tripoli’s and Benghazi’s apartment and other building projects were built by Serbia (Yugoslavia) and Turkey.
Libyan Air Force trained in Serbia ( Yugoslavia) and Russia. I personally knew some air force pilots. They were fond of the ‘ beautiful green/blue eyed blond’ Serbian women. lol.
To all those “attacks” on India in the comment section, and specifically the notion that India is a “Trojan Horse” for the US. What makes you think it isn’t the other way round? Why wouldn’t India be Russia’s and China’s Trojan horse? The fact that in India’s case there is as much “positives” as there are “negatives” suggest India is no ones “horse”. As for the “double games” they’re playing; this is called real politics, every one does it, China and Russia included. However unlike China and Russia, India’s interest isn’t quite yet in direct collision course with those of the West, but the angles are changing fast. In due time its interests will leave them no option but to fully align with the “Multipolar Axis”. That’s my two cents.
Well, for one, both Russia and China are being threatened every day in the most severe of ways, just about up to nuclear war, yet India has not bothered to act as a mediator to ease tensions. Not one iota of effort is being made to bring Russia-United States / NATO together, and the same goes for China – U.S./nato by India.
As far as India goes, it’s a country where Russia can sell some weapons to and make some quick cash.
Same with Iran, where India gets much of its oil. No mediation at all.
Does Russia intervene on behalf of China, and vise versa? Besides, and more to the point why should India be required to mediate between these big boys’ quarrels? Considering the realities on the ground, the exercise risks antagonizing one party or both, with little prospects of any positive results; sort of like meddling in a couples private affairs.
Nations mediate between nations all the time. Especially when things have built up as they have in the world.
Russia has showed its support to China by taking part in joint military patrols. Putin said that China doesn’t have to annex Taiwan by military action because its the Taiwanese elite who are holding power and a sizable population also wants join the mainland China
A few comments out of China on this meeting. This is from bloggers mainly.
– It is unusual for foreign ministers from China, Russia, and India to issue a joint declaration, especially when it includes stuff like supporting Beijing to hold 2022 Winter Olympics.
– The joint declaration also includes the Iranian nuclear issue, the Syrian civil war, the situation in Afghanistan, Palestine, and Myanmar, anti-terrorism, anti long-arm jurisdiction and sanctions, support to WHO and UN…
– India shares more values with China/Russia than with USA.
– India and China have had another positive interaction lately. RBI announced India Rupee will focus more on China’s yuan than US dollar. 1 Yuan=11.5 Rupee. mainly because China-India trade number increases enormously from 78 billion in 2020 to about 120 billion in 2021.
– It is hard to say India’s anti-China policy is changing, but it is not hard to say India is coming back to its old tradition, non-alignment policy. India came close to US in past 2 years and now it is trying to balance among US/Russia/China.
Great points Amarynth!
As a natural consequence of the waning of US influence, the balance of power is shifting towards multi-lateral organisations. I am seeing in this in the Balkans as well!
A good thing too..
When the Soviet Union imploded, USA basically entered into the power vacuum all alone, and created this bloody (literally!) mess in the world. This time around, it looks like lessons of this unilateralism have been learned,
(Btw I do agree some of the UN organisations are deeply compromised, but they serve a function of being a stepping stone towards the multi-latetal future)
The only place I haven’t seen a shift is in the EU. The rigidly pro-US stance of their brittle, fossilised leadership is a disaster for their people. A huge pity, considering the potential they had….
few observations:
All this characterization of India as a Trojan horse or agent of the West is either paranoia/Indophobia or an earnest prodding for India to delink its vital economic interests with the West. This mirrors the frequent western characterization of Russia as a ‘junior partner’ in its relationship with China in an attempt to slow down the pace of Sino-Russian relationship.
India has actually emerged away from 70 years of ambiguity and is finding its foot in the current multipolar landscape on the basis of its own value systems. Decoloniality in all spheres of life is the hottest topic in India. Yes, it is a bit unsure and wobbly but India is batting and for the first time, for its own interests and not for any empty principles or ideologies. It is not much of a surprise that it causes great consternation in all camps that want a pliable India on their side.
The political power in India has passed on from the elites and anglophiles to the deplorables who are more in tune with the native value systems and culture. A hundred years back, everyone from the Indian subcontinent was labeled a Hindoo, irrespective of their faith. Hindutva is just Indic philosophy and value systems manifesting in the real world. Trying to misappropriate and misrepresent it as some dangerous ideology will not pass muster with the deplorables. Again, the parallel is with how Russia has re-embraced the orthodox faith as part of its national spirit after shedding empty ideologies and realizing that it is on its own.
“India has actually emerged away from 70 years of ambiguity and is finding its foot in the current multipolar landscape on the basis of its own value systems. Decoloniality in all spheres of life is the hottest topic in India. Yes, it is a bit unsure and wobbly but India is batting and for the first time, for its own interests and not for any empty principles or ideologies” …
I wish the best for India. India has brought great contributions to humanity, immeasurable spiritual wealth. May India decouple its vital economic interests from those of the West, and realize that the imperial Satan seeks to use them for its selfish interests, and may India stand as one of the voices for the healthy future of humanity.
//Trying to misappropriate and misrepresent it as some dangerous ideology will not pass muster with the deplorables//
Your words don’t align with Modi’s actions. As the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he supported racist violence against Muslims. Not long ago, Muslims were subject to violent attacks in New Delhi.
India has been acting as a bully against S. Asian nations such as Nepal and Sri Lanka. In Nepal, Indians grabbed land, while in Sri Lanka, they’re holding on to a strategic oil storage system despite there hasn’t been a formal agreement.
Does anybody still remembers the 1970s “neuton bomb” will kills living beings without damaging infrastructure? Here you have some intriguing similarities with Covid-19 & its soon among us “offsprings”.