In a recent appearance on Saudi state television, British-Arab think tank chief Amjad Taha was asked by the anchor as to why he loves to refer to the kingdom based in Riyadh as the ‘Great Saudi Arabia’. The British analyst explained that the Saudi Kingdom was ‘great’ partially because it acts as the “last remaining fortress in the face of the Iranian enemy”.
Taha regularly appears on leading international satellite stations, and is currently the “regional chief of the British Middle East Center for Studies and Research”.
Source: Al Ekhbariya (Saudi State TV)
Date: 25 June, 2019
Transcript: http:// british-arab-think-tank-chief- on-greatness-of-saudi-arabia- english-subs/
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US Banned BLA as a Terrorist Institution Important Development for Pakistan. Imran Khan and Pakistan Army continuously trying to work hard against terrorist that’s why Pakistan Army sacrifice many Soldier during a war against terrorist. Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan taking a bold step for making Pakistan in a right path. He is going to meet Donald Trump but before his visit he is taking things for Pakistan in a right direction as he is ready to visit a country and an Advance move for Pakistan is on the way.
U.S Calls BLA(Balochistan Liberation Army) a Banned Organisation for its Terrorist Activities in Balochistan, Pakistan “It’s indeed a positive step forward by the Security Institutions of America by Banning a Terrorist organisation BLA who target the innocent people and working for RAW, Creating Conspiracy and rebellion against Pakistan.The reality behind the Islamophobics faces is more disturbing. Today Modi’s India is bleeding where lynching has become popular weapons by RSS. Narendra Modi BLA institution is banned by US Security Council
The saudis are “great” at being subservient to the US and Zionist plans. That’s the only case where the word great fits them.
Amjad Taha is rather comical in insisting the “Great Saudi Arabia”. This is either delusional thinking or delusional propaganda (because they can’t come up with anything better), showing symptoms of mental illness.
Does Saudi possess a manufacturing base or a technology base? Does its population actively engage in science and technology? Answer is simple no to both. The reason, their Islamic Wahabism is a regressive ideology which places religion above everything. It dumbs down the population to mere unthinking slaves – slavish adherence in religion.
However, what they possess is money to throw and hire foreigners. There is nothing great about this. Once the cash dries up, the “Great Saudi Arabia” will revert back to being nomadic camel herders.
P.S. Why Iran needs to be an enemy to Saudi Arabia is never explained in minute detail (missing the Israel elephant in the room). If the “Great Saudi Arabia” was truly great, it does not need to resort to ludicrous tricks like self-anggrandizement. Only a fools do it and the Saudis will be taken as fools … which they are.
Sordid Barbaria is, qualitatively, the most Evil regime on Earth. Quantitatively it falls behind its fellows in the Real Axis of Evil, the USA and Israel, but in State ideology, domestic social arrangements, proselytising their EVIL Wahhabist genocide cult, aggression in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and their role in creating the Islamist terrorist menace, they are pure Evil.