Note by the Saker: a huge THANK YOU to Scott for an outstanding piece of research which he did literally overnight! This is fascinating and most important, so I added the “MUST READ” tag to Scott’s article. The Saker
On November 23, 2002, fifty armed jihadi terrorists, or “freedom fighters” as they were called by the West, seized the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow taking 850 hostages. The liberal radio station Echo of Moscow immediately declared this to be Putin’s government fault, the government couldn’t be trusted, and unless it guaranteed safety to all of Russia’s citizens, Putin should resign.
The mastermind behind the attack was arrested in 2014, when he tried to get to Crimea from the territory of Ukraine.
Fifteen years later, on Monday October 23, 2017, a man entered a high-rise building in center Moscow, pepper sprayed the security guard on duty, got into an elevator, stopped on the 14th floor occupied by the radio Echo of Moscow offices, entered the offices of Tanya Fengelgauer, the Deputy Chief Editor, stabbed her, and ran away.
Before I proceed telling you what happened next, I want to give you an illustration of a simple formula which has been used in multiple black anti-government psy ops known as “color revolutions” during the last hundred years.
A new documentary Revolution: a trap for Russia made by the Culture Foundation of Russia reveals details of one of those psy ops.
My translation is from minute 19 to 35 of the video.
“At the Paris Inter revolutionary parties Conference in September 1904, Lenin, who found out about the Japanese government financing this conference, preferred not to attend. His choice was to work with the Europeans. At this conference sponsored with Japanese money, came together the leaders of the entire anti-government opposition: from separatists of Georgia, Finland and Poland, to the Liberals. The Russian liberals were also attending with Struve, as their leader. They supported the course of the armed uprising, which surprised the Colonel Akashi.
Pavel Milyukov, professor 0f history, future leader of the Constitutional Democratic or the CaDet party, one of the most active participants of the February Revolution in 1917.
Peter (or Pyotr or Petr) Berngardovich Struve, a Marxist, who lived in Germany and published a revolutionary magazine Liberation (Osvobojdenie), one of the organizer and ideologists of R.S.D.R.P. or Russian Social Democratic Labour Party.
“Milyukov wasn’t a revolutionary, per se. He was a liberal who influenced and had contacts with an American millionaire Charles Richard Crane, one of the founders of the Chicago University. “Milyukov fundraised some sum of money from him.
Charles Richard Crane was a rich industrialist, a founder of the Slavic Center of the Chicago University, a shadow political activist who took part in Russian Revolution.
From the classified report of the Colonel Akashi: “The Conference decided that each party will use their own methods of fighting: the Liberals will fight through the local government and media, the revolutionary parties will use “emergency measures”, the representatives of Caucasus will organize murders, Polls – demonstrations.”
The Liberals’ job was to critique Russia’s government for its cruelty, and to use the acts of violence, real and fake, as facts of the state’s failure and the country being in “ruins.”
At the Paris Conference adopted a resolution about the toppling of the monarchy and division of Russia on ethnic autonomies. A possible defeat in the war with Japan was considered to be a desired outcome for future advancement of the revolution.
By that time Lenin broke up with the Menshevik (minority) party. He was expelled from the editorial team of the Iskra newspaper, and was almost expelled from the Central Apparatus of R.S.D.R.P.
There were two leaders at that time, Lenin and Plekhanoff
The Japanese didn’t like Plekhanoff, and instead chose Lenin and gave him money to publish the gazette Vpered (Forward).
In its first issue on December 22, 1904, Lenin made a prediction: “Military defeat is unavoidable, and it will increase dissatisfaction with the government by ten times. At this moment, the proletariat will rise at the head of the uprising. “
Only 18 days remained until “Bloody Sunday.”
From the classified report to the General Shtab of Japan from the Colonel Akashi: “In November-December a decision was made to stage multiple demonstrations in Russia. “
The beginning of the first Russian revolution we should count not from the January 9, 1905, but from the fall 1904, when the plan of this revolution was developed and adopted and the work started including the stimulation of Gapon’s activity.
Georgy Apollonovich Gapon was an Orthodox priest and a talented man who could influence large audiences and who felt at ease in the Police headquarters, at high society gatherings, and in workmen’s groups. During his childhood he read a story of Joan of Belgorod’s flight to Jerusalem on a back of the Satan. In his memoirs he wrote: “First I cried in fear, because Satan was frightening, but on the other hand I wanted to saddle the satan and to fly to Jerusalem like Joan of Belgorod.”
In 1903, Gapon founded the Assembly of Russian Factory and Plant Workers at the Putilov plant, the largest Petersburg industry.
When we look carefully at the events, we can see that this sort of “satan” was present there. He worked on the Putilov manufacturing plant. Nothing was accidental there. Everything was well planned. Peter or Pinhas Rutenberg, was a member of the Social-Revolution party or the S.R. party , an activist of the revolution of 1905-1907. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Technological Institute, and until February 1917 he lived in Europa and America. After the revolution of 1917, he was a deputy head of Petrograd. Later he created an electric company, which still exists in Israel.
At the end of 1904, an ordinary event took place: three workers were fired from the Putilovsky plant. All three of them were members of the Gapon’s organization of manufacturing workers. He demanded them to be put back on the payroll. The director didn’t want to take them back because they missed too many work days.
The Putilovsky plant was a defense contractor and produced weapons and military hardware. During the war with Japan, government banned all the protests and job walkouts. That’s why when in January 1905 the Putilovsky plant stopped its work, it was seen as the crime. The demonstrations and job walkouts of thousands of worker needed lots of money. By that time, percentage wise the proletariat wasn’t that big. They were first-second generation and didn’t form their ideology and their own place in the structure of the Russian society. That’s why it was so easy to influence them ideologically. Especially considering that during the war, economic difficulties were elevated in the country.
When someone shows up and claims that he knows what to do, like the revolutionaries did, the proletariat are easily entrapped by them.
In the night of January 8-9, Gapon locked himself up with Rutenberg and armed fighters from the Esser party. They were working on the last draft of the Petition to the Czar, as if it was from the Putilovsky plant workers.
First economic demands were switched to the radical demands, that were rocking the Russia during this wartime period. They included the demands of separation of the Church and state. At that time, every workman and every peasant were Christians. They didn’t understand the idea of separation of church and state, and if they understood, they would never accepted and supported it.
Since, the demonstration was authorized, the organizers decided to bring the church symbols, and when they were turned down by the local church, the organizers simply forced themselves in and took the icons and other church symbols by force.
Gapon was wearying the civilian clothes, and put on the priest’s garments only inside this church.
Rutenberg kept close to Gapon the entire time.
Gapon called for the Czar to come out and to meet the “Russian people to restore morality.” In other words, the revolutionaries manipulated the images of the “kind czar” and “czar the daddy,” who will bless everyone and give everyone good life without wars, taxes and work.
It was the canning vicious manipulation of the deepest archetypes of the Russian worldview.
[These were people the “revolutionaries” were fleecing.
The history speaks about these people and how easy was for an international maniacal gang to fool them.
Русская семья, район Екатеринбурга, рубеж XIX и XX ст.
— Линия времени (@timeline_rus) October 24, 2017
People whom the Russian elite didn’t bother to teach or inform the true nature of the “revolutionary” movement. No matter how much fur and diamonds so called “Russia’s elite” would put on themselves, they still were looked down by their counterparts somewhere in Paris. It goes without saying that Europeans were brought up to see Russians as white Africans. That they managed to flees us Russians twice for more than they ever fleeced Africans and Native Americans speaks volumes about us and we have to come to terms with it, and learn to do better next time. S.H. ]
Despite of the calls for the czar to come out and to meet them, they were armed. That’s why they weren’t allowed to go forwards, and that why they were stopped. The Police did their job and they knew that the crowd was armed. It’s hard to imagine that an armed crowd would be allowed to enter a residence of the head of state.
The organizers of the demonstration directed people to the Winter Palace fully aware that the Czar wasn’t there. He was in Tsarskoye Selo at the time.
Add to this fact that this demonstration wasn’t authorized and it was taken place in the city under declared martial law because of the war. According to this law, no one could approach military unites closer than fifty meters.
The organizers of this demonstration wanted blood, and they got it. It’s hard to establish now, but people could be killed and injured by the troops and also by those armed fighters in the crowd.
The military got order to stop the procession and not to let them to the Palace Square. When they reached the troops, Rutenberg grabbed Gapon and they both fell. That’s how they survived. After that Rutenberg and Gapon went behind a nearest building, where Rutenberg cut Gapon’s hair and beard, which meant that Gapon wasn’t going to continue as a priest and tried to change his appearance. They both took a refuge inside Maxim Gorky’s apartment and started to write proclamations there. “Brothers, united in blood, we have no Czar. ” They also wrote “be damn the Czar with all his offspring,” “people believed in Czar and this faith was destroyed” “now, this czar has to be destroyed.” It was a very extremist proclamation. Maxim Gorky wrote this proclamation to the citizens of Russia and to the entire European society.
The same day M. Gorky send to the New York Times, telegraph the following text: “The massacre as I saw it. The Russian Revolution has commenced. “
Interesting, that the New York Times published a large article about the demonstration a day before with a big photo of Nicolay II titled “Revolution is at hand in desperate Russia!” [30:34].
New York Times articles in 1905 – 1906 concerning the “Bloody Sunday,” the first attempt of a color revolution, and calls for sanctions against Russia.
The New York Times articles in 1905 – 1906 concerning the "Bloody Sunday"the first attempt of a color revolution, and calls for sanctions
— Scott's Humor (@ScottsHumor) October 25, 2017
Gorky was arrested on the January 9 for writing this proclamation, but due to public outcry around the world about the violation of his human rights, he was released.
The “Bloody Sunday” touched many Americans, and it was used to show the bloody despotism of the Russian monarchy that shoots “unarmed demonstration.”
From the classified report of the Colonel Akashi: “That the priest was able to lead thousands of workmen, and unite members of different parties, and to stage a demonstration that shook entire Russia, it was far exceeding my expectations.”
Surprisingly, the Liberal Pavel Milyukov being in Chicago knew what was about to happen in Russia. In his interview to an American newspaper: “In the next two days there will be blood spilled in Russia. It’s impossible to stop the standoff. The revolution is developing.”
The question is was it a lucky guess, or Milyukov knew what was planned?
There was nothing accidental about so called Bloody Sunday.” Interesting, that even Lenin sitting in Geneva knew about the Akashi plan. He wrote: “An uprising has began. The street fights are everywhere. Barricades are rising. Rivers of blood are streaming. The civil war for freedom is burning wider. Moscow, Caucasus and Poland is ready to follow the proletariat of Petersburg.”
In reality there was no uprising at that time. It will be organized later. It will be staged using the same scenario.
After the staging the demonstration, Gapon went to Switzerland to join Lenin there.
The anti-Russia movement “Free Russia” promote him as a face of the “Russian revolution.” An editor of the “Free Russia” David Soskis or SOSKICE, became the author of the PR campaign around Gapon. Gapon lived in his London apartment, and Soskis authorized and published Gapon biography title “History of my life.” The book was published in English and French.
[A brief biography of David Soskis, including his family and education, and his connections to Maxim Peshkov-Gorky, see a the book of Lev Gunin, Another Holocaust. Based on the book of G. H. PERRIS, RUSSIA IN REVOLUTION, LONDON,CHAPMAN & HALL, LTD., 1905.]
Using Gapon’s name, the Geneva conference was organized. The Liberals weren’t invited, and the conference served to the consolidation of the extremists. The plan of the Geneva Conference was to stage an armed revolt, and after the government foils it to talk about the “horrors of the Russian life.”
The Colonel Akashi wrote to the Marshal Yamagata of Japan: “Geneva conference decided to place the blame for past and future bloodshed on the Russian czar.” [35]
That’s how this staged provocation was created and served as the “Bloody Sunday” to the world public as an excuse for Russophobia, foreign invasions and wars on Russia, revolutions and Russia bashing for the next 100 years.
Gapon was found brutally tortured and killed in April 1906 in Russia. Rutenberg was suspected, but he escaped the Police and left Russia.
One of the leaders of the socialist-revolutionary party B. Savinkov wrote: “Our brilliant leader Chernov entrusted him (Rutenberg) to be a “shepherd” of the priest, to be able to weave his name into the crown of thorns of glory of our suffering party.”
Latter, Lenin called the 1905 events – “a general rehearsal.”
Now, going back to the stabbing of the Echo of Moscow editor.
Following the stabbing, the liberals in Russia used the Social media to express their outrage with the government of Russia and blaming the government for the “murder of a journalist” Tanya Fengelgauer, a Deputy Chief Editor of the radio Echo of Moscow.
In the long tradition of organized psy ops, five hours prior to the attack an anonymous account posted a picture of Fengelgauer saying “I liked video of the program “Morning with Sasha Plushev and Tanya Fengelgauer/ Alive.”
скучна девачки,
ничего нового ни придумали,иде ваши фантазии— sfsf (@sfsf1206) October 23, 2017
They leave these “bread crumbs” for us to find and to be at awe at their omnipotence and omnipresence, just like Milyukov knew two day before the demonstration that it would have victims. Because he and others had planted armed people in the crowd to shoot at the demonstrators.
Other, not injured in the attack, journalists of the Echo of Moscow, made multiple statements that this was the “Kristallnacht” event and compared Russia with Germany at the beginning of 30s and The Soviet Russia in 36-37s.
Короче либералы кричали: Произвол, чуть ли не Хрустальная ночь длинных ножей, а оказались местечковые еврейские разморки в "Эхе Москвы".
(@zapvv) October 23, 2017
“It was the attack of the Russian Nazis,” it was “pogrom.” They claimed.
The body of a journalist was more alive than dead, but liberals rushed each with 2c.
“Will we forgive Putin for Tanechka, or will we betray her, as always?” they asked each other.”
Artem Torchinskiy, who works for the Twitter Anti-corruption Foundation wrote: “This is an attempt on the life of the public figure, terrorism sponsored by the state.”
He didn’t specified what state was sponsoring terrorism in this case.
An online project reported: “The Journalists Labor Union places part of the responsibility for the attack on Fengelgauer on Russia24 channel.”
For your information, the Russia24 broadcasted a TV show “The Sleepers” about the liberal journalists working with the US Embassy and the CIA to destabilize the country.
The plan was simple:
- To kill Tanya and to call this the “Bloody Monday”;
- To blame in her death the President, the “regime,” the law enforcement and other power structures;
- To start a media hysteria;
- To call “everyone” on the street on November 7th, to protest the” bloody regime”;
- To organize shooting during the demonstration. See the plan illustrated above.
- In case the murderer is captured, they prepared his “blog” with notes to show that he was “crazy.”
Judging by the figures participating in the RP, this event was planned to become huge.
Igor Chubais, jumped out of the bushes in Germany with his ready-to-serve petition:
Another attack. Knife against the freedom! Nightmare on the Echo of Moscow!
A wonderful, fearless anchor woman stabbed by a knife in a throat.
New Stalin terror continues!
Say “No” to presidential election until an investigation is completed.
We demand explanation and guarantees of safety for citizens from the president.
We demand public investigation and harsh punishment of the guilty, starting with those who ordered this attack.
Tanya, get well as soon as possible.
Sign my petition”
Liberal media immediately found who was to blame for the attack. They blamed the state media like RT Russia Today and TASS for an “atmosphere of hatred, including towards those (liberal) journalists, nudging, fingering them”
Timur Shafir, a Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia, called the knife fight between Grits and Felgengauer an “attack on the freedom of speech”
However, something went terribly wrong for them.
The attacker was captured by the Police and apprehended. He was a citizen of Israel Boris Grits, a grandnephew of an inventor and first commissar of the death camps in Russia called GULAG Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel.
С визитом в "Эхо Мацы" сегодня отметился израильтянин Борис Герц, внучатый племянник первого руководителя Гулага Нафталия Ароновича Френкеля
(@zapvv) October 23, 2017
It’s was actually very revealing how after all of them saying something about “Russian Nazis,” “pogroms” and “state sponsored terrorism” they suddenly shut up when the attacker turned out to be a Jew from Israel.
Русские нацисты! Антисемиты! Погром! Возопили либералы на ранение Фельгенгауэр и осеклись.
Злоумышленником оказался житель Израиля Герц.
(@zapvv) October 23, 2017
Then an excuse was immediately found. He is mentally ill, they said.
No medical records of Grits mental illness was presented, so far. His so called “Diary” sounds like a typical test-book case of being written by a schizophrenic, so Israel, the Jerusalem University and the University of California, where Grits studied, all have to demonstrate that this man was in psychiatric treatment and on anti-psychotic medications, otherwise, claims of him being that severely mentally ill are without merit.
One of the first order of business for Mossad should be to figure out and to report to the world community, why a citizen of Israel, attacked another citizen of Israel, on the territory of a foreign country.
The media in Russia is very careful not to reveal an identity of the attacker and calls him a “foreigner.” Read the TASS article and see for yourself.
Now on, a “foreigner” will be our code word for a traveling band of Israeli assassins.
P.S.: Tatiana was actually the most normal in comparison with others.
As reported by her doctors she was transferred from an intensive care unit into a general recovery unit on Tuesday.
She even was able to write a note thanking everyone for their concern.
I wish her speedy recovery, but that might be really hard with the colleagues like she has. They reported her to be in induced coma, lied again for their own benefits.
Another issue, it’s her state of mind. She tweets about how much she wants to die and asks to kill her brutally.
The RT just posted the Police announcement that they are looking into two versions of the attack on Fengelgauer: first, that the attack was a result of a mental imbalance, and the second version, that the attack was a planned action by using a person trained to kill.
The following material was collected by people in a few hours after the attack. People combed through accounts of the liberal journalists, they found a copy of Grits’ ID, his complain to the UN, and his correspondence with the journalists of the Echo of Moscow that revealed his personal connection to some of them.
People knew exactly what to look for and where to look. The amount of material that was collected and shared is huge. This is one of the most brilliant research operations that Russian community has conducted, and this is the reason why this attack was a failure of its organizers. They are not able to use their psy op against us. You won’t see the portraits of Fengelgauer, like they managed to do with a former Russia Liquidation team member Nemtsov. The children of those who fleece us twice won’t be coming out on November 7th with solemn faces of professional con artists, holding some red rags with the name of Fengelgauer written on them.
I am certain that next week they will make another attempt of a life of some liberal. They are expendable, after all.
But today, I congratulate all of us with this victory.
More details
Turns out, that Boris Grits has been connected to the Echo of Moscow in many real ways, rather than telepathically, as he claims pretending to be “crazy.”
Video released by the Press service of the Moscow Police department on 23 October 2017 года as posted by the
Below is a screenshot of a conversation on twitter between Boris Grits @bgrits68, and a journalist N. Barshevskaya @nbarshevskaya and
Boris Grits: I was giving you a bath in the Black Sea when you were 5 or 6, by the way.
Boris Grits is connected to the Echo of Moscow in many real ways, rather than telepathically, as he claims pretending to be "crazy."
— Scott's Humor (@ScottsHumor) October 24, 2017
Barshevskaya: Hello, Glad to hear from you. Write me a personal message.
Below she posted a picture of the radio co-owner Venedictov, “I have a romantic date with @aavstll on Friday night :-)”
His twitter account was created on April 1, a Fool’s Day.
Barshevskaya lives with her family in London, and her father is already went on the Solovyev’s talk show to say that his daughter cut communications with Grits after she realized that he was “crazy.”
Boris Grits had hard time of getting job in Israel after he returned from the US.
He filed a complaint with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at OHCHR.ORG
Если дневник действительно принадлежит нападавшему, то недоволен он был правительством Израиля, о чём пожаловался в Human Rights Watch.
— ღ Елена Петрова
(@Enchanteressse) October 23, 2017
That’s might explain how he was recruited for this psy op. This also explains why he came to Russia and why he posted a couple of notes in 2015 on his blog that he didn’t maintain. His twitter account had only 6 followers, one of which was Barshevskaya from the Echo of Moscow.
More news in brief
The “Bloody Monday” the day of attempts on the lives of Poroshenko, Rogozin and the journalist from the Echo of Moscow.
The SBU reported a failed attempt on the life of Petro Poroshenko
СБУ сообщила о предотвращении покушения на Порошенко
— РЕН ТВ | Новости (@rentvchannel) October 23, 2017
Someone shot at the Rogozin apartment window. The shooter is still at large.
Хренасе. Не вброс ли это?
— Настасья Я (@nastyar26933289) October 23, 2017
Also a man shot at the Russian border guards trying to illegally cross the border from Ukraine. He was carrying two handguns with 50 rounds of ammunition, five hand grenades, and also 26 vials with presumably mercury.
Ukrainian man detained after opening fire on Russian border guards
A Ukrainian man was shot and detained after engaging in a firefight with Russian border guards during an attempt to illegally cross into Russian territory, the Federal Security Service (FSB) said. Border guards in Russia’s Kursk Region apprehended a 31-year-old Ukrainian citizen, who resisted arrest and opened fire on them, the FSB said. “He received a moderate gunshot wound in a firefight,” it added. The man had a pistol, five grenades and 26 ampules with a substance, believed to be mercury, on him.
Irina Prohorova on the attack on Felgenhauer: ” In essence this attack is a disintegration of statehood.”
‘The editor-in-chief of the journal Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, (New Literature Review) Irina Prokhorova, in an interview with Ruposters linked the attack on deputy head of the radio station Ekho Moskvy Tatiana Felgenhauer with increased aggression in Russian society.”
“No detachments of so-called “Christian believers”, or some other “guardians of the Fatherland” who attack, threaten and beat, would not act that frequently if those people were convicted for hooliganism or an attack, for a couple of times. And, since this they are all supported behind the scenes, we see the result spreading around. It’s impossible to put together a piece of meat, once you put it though a meat grinder,” the journalist noted.
“Such situations, Prokhorov is sure, testifies to the “disintegration of Russian statehood.”
“If grassroots terrorism is encouraged, then any person who thinks of himself as a bearer of some values believes that he has the moral right to beat, kill, smash and insult, then it is rather difficult “to put him back in his place. “But in general there are laws according to which such people should be judged, and they are usually being released, since no corpus delicti is found, or they are given provisional sentences. And thus anarchy begins,” Prokhorova summed up.”
Oleg Kozyrev, a founder and CTO at the RocketBank
“Most likely an attacker was either matildovets (protester of the Matilda movie about Nicolay II) or watched too many of anti-Echo federal propaganda. We will find out, soon.”
Oleg Kashin, the New York Times author, about the authorities initial reaction.
“I want to call bastards those people from the Moscow Police department, who started talking about the personal reasons for this attack.”
People compare this attack with Oleg Kashin’s, who was reported beaten in 2010, he was taken to Israel “for treatment.” In Israel he “accidentally” met with then president Dmitry Medvedev
сегодня ей перерезали горло – завтра будет давать интервью! избиение Кашина – потом его отвезли в Израиль и встретили с Медведевым
— denistravin (@DenisFrallik) October 23, 2017
This time around no one was whisked away to Israel. The good Russian doctors took care of everyone and no one claimed to be in a coma.
Rustem Adagamov, who fled to Prague following pedophilia probe
“Judging by the way this animal is pushing some kind if “telepathic connection” during him being questioned by the Police, he is a product of the KiselTV (federal TV channels) that nudges’ people to attack.”
Нападение на ведущую "Эха Москвы" Фельгенгауэр – следствие вражды телеэкранов, уверен @Sergey_Elkin
— DW (на русском) (@dw_russian) October 23, 2017
The attack on Tatiana Felgenhauer: one known cause
The attack on the radio anchor woman and Deputy chief editor of “Echo of Moscow” Tatiana Felgengauer – one of the consequences of hatred, fomented on TV, I’m sure, the cartoonist Sergei Elkin.”
A psychiatrist claims after watching the video of Boris Grits that he doesn’t demonstrate any of the common psycho-motor traits and speaks like a healthy person who just says memorized text. Plus, he had a knife and pepper spray with him. it means that he was prepared to commit crime. People who experience hallucinations can’t plan in advance.
Blaming the federal TV stations for instilling hatred towards the liberals doesn’t really sticks, since the attacker is an Israeli, who never watched the Federal TV channels broadcasted in Russia.
Man stabs anchor in neck at Russian radio station Echo of Moscow
Russian Radio Journalist Is Stabbed, Renewing Fears of Attacks on News Media,
“The attack immediately touched off social media posts suggesting a political motivation, though other possibilities were also discussed.”
“This month, Russian state television singled out Ms. Felgenhauer in a report critical of what it called Echo of Moscow’s role “attempting to form pro-Western positions” in Russian society. “The selection of experts and the layout of informational and political material speaks for itself,” the state TV report said.
That broadcast on Oct. 11, called “Echo of the State Department,” said the station collaborated with foreign-funded nongovernmental organizations and was “carrying out anti-government policies, in essence.”
In Russia, such politically hued screeds on state television often set the tone for future action by prosecutors or proxy organizations, although there was no indication that the assailant who attacked Ms. Felgenhauer belonged to any such group.”
Russian radio journalist stabbed in Moscow, suspect held
“Echo of Moscow is a well-known station that regularly invites Russian political opposition figures and is known for its critical views of the government despite energy giant Gazprom being the majority shareholder.
Russia has a disturbing record of attacks on journalists, with 58 killed since 1992, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Threats made against journalists often go unaddressed and attacks are not investigated.”
‘Nobody defends us’: Russian journalists respond to knife attack, by Shaun Walker in Moscow
Reporters decry climate of hatred after Tatyana Felgenhauer is stabbed in neck at Ekho Moskvy radio station
Monday 23 October 2017 14.24 EDT First published on Monday 23 October 2017 07.36 EDT
“Russian journalists have said an increasingly polarised and violent political climate in the country may have encouraged a knife attack in which a well-known radio host was stabbed in the neck.
“Tatyana Felgenhauer, deputy editor of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, was attacked on Monday lunchtime by a man who broke into the station’s studios in a central Moscow tower block. The intruder sprayed pepper in the face of a ground-floor security guard, before vaulting the barrier and taking the lift up to the Ekho Moskvy studio on the 14th floor.
Alexei Venediktov, the station’s editor-in-chief, said in an interview on Monday evening that doctors had operated on Felgenhauer for more than an hour. She will be in an induced coma overnight, but doctors say there is no immediate threat to her life.
Felgenhauer was conscious after the attack and able to walk, but it soon became clear that her injuries were serious and she was taken to hospital. Police arrived to detain the assailant, who had been tackled by two security guards.”
Russian journalist stabbed in neck after attacker storms radio studio
“An unknown assailant storms studio and attacks journalist after series of death threats is sent to reporters at a radio station.
“The incident follows death threats sent to journalists at the station, described as Russia’s only independent outlet, in the past.
Ekho Moskvy has been openly critical of the Russian administration sparking opposition from pro-government critics.
The broadcaster is owned by a media holding controlled by state-owned gas giant Gazprom but it does give air time to staunch critics of the Kremlin and its allies.”
Speaking of fake news. @SvobodaRadio posted an announcement of Fengelgauer @t_felg being shot to death, but attack didn’t go as they planed
Speaking of fake news. @SvobodaRadio posted an announcement of Fengelgauer @t_felg being shot to death, but attack didn't go as they planed
— Scott's Humor (@ScottsHumor) October 24, 2017
Scott Humor
Director of Research and Development
author of The enemy of the State
In case you have forgotten what happened in Ukraine, this book should refresh your memory with the incredibly precise and humorous chronicles: ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN HUMOR: FROM MAIDAN TO TRUMP
So the Mossad/CIA/State matrix of Khazarians planned a Bloody Monday.
It all failed. Quite a bunch of …. obscenity removed .. mod
Interesting subset of Russian society that these people live to hate Russia, to damage Russia, to vilify Putin, to create martyrs for perpetual “cause” in the social memory.
Blood rituals seems to be their norm.
Sick minds, alright.
Don’t forget the whole time this was going on was also the fake “presidential candidate” Sobchak.
Other parties are not impressed by this Liberal –
who by the way it seems has committed a crime in regard to her comments about Crimea and actually hasn’t registered yet as a candidate – silly girl:
I don’t think she will get the required votes to run. Why do these people stay in Russia? – just leave if you hate your country and its people so much.
They(A/Z’s) play the same playbook over and over and never adapt to the changes.
Meanwhile, the UK also starts its RT campaign tying in nicely and the UN fake non-resolution yesterday (now makes sense why they wouldn’t delay it and wait for the OPCW report) to make Russia look bad too.
I was really depressed when I read several books about Stalin….but now im ok with dat.
Those purges were there with reason, I only question myself about great red marshal Tuhačevski.
Great shame or something else?
Regards from Ljubljana!
“I only question myself about great red marshal Tuhačevski.”
But did he have reputation of bragging and largely exaggerating competence of Red Army? For instance those fantastic over claims of artillery accuracy.
There was nothing great about Tukhachevskii.
He was a butcherer and a murderer.
All this talk about his ‘genius’ is pure propaganda…
The Saker
Maybe you are right Saker, Tuhachevski crushed Kronstadt rebellion, which was disgusting.
I feel sorry for Kozaks too…
But out of Vorošilov, Budjonin, (Jegorov and Bljuher) he was better choice for future (WW2) imo.
Marshal Žukov used his tactics of modern warfare and he – Tuhačevski was also mentor of Šostakovič…
Can someone please explain why precisely (I can see possible reasons but I’m a bit stupid) RT and the rest are not reporting that the attacker was an Israeli Jew?
They did.
“Grits – a dual national of Russia and Israel – was placed under arrest, an investigator said on Tuesday”
Always interesting to see how these “events” are planned out, like the recently exposed plan to sideline or murder the Greek PM. So this is an AngloZionist psyop as payback for Syria, or is this part of a larger, more-tactical/strategic operation? Presumably this would be just one part of a larger, multipart scheme aimed at the 2018 elections? Have other aspects of this spyop been rolled up?
I don’t think this has much to do with Syria. This is all about the presidential elections in Russia next year, and I am afraid it is just the beginning. Next year is going to be very rough for Russia.
I’m not reading russian so I don’t know where is the proof that they were supposed to organize a protest on November, 7th, to denounce her murder and especially if such proofs were posted before or after the attack-.
Otherwise there are tons of information in this article, difficult to digest everything after one reading (even two), but if there was never any “love story” between t” Tanya Fengelgauer and this guy it smells a special operation indeed.
Perhaps it could be interesting to write a simplified/coherent version in a few days when the dust has fallen, for the moment I have the impression that some pieces of the puzzle are still missiing
it’s all brutally simple:
they started spreading news about Putin’s bloody regime murdering yet another (that particular) journalist 5 hours prior to the event.
Then the story collapsed like 7wtc.
Not only journo wasn’t killed, but the attacker is not Putin. omg. he is not even Russian citizen. He’s Israeli. But is also crazy, so it doesn’t matter. lol.
If she was killed, and killer disappeared, all hell would break loose, no further proof needed.
I wander how does she feel about her dear colleagues and fellow liberals, after finding out that they conspired to kill her. Jeez.
“I wonder how does she feel about her dear colleagues and fellow liberals, after finding out that they conspired to kill her”
I do not know but may be that She is right now praying thankful to Saint Boris Nemtsov and Saint Alberto Nisman for helped her to save the life, both martyrs of the same cause than her.
“I wander how does she feel about her dear colleagues and fellow liberals, after finding out that they conspired to kill her. Jeez.”
Well she does have a very big mouth, so it’s up to Putin to put it to good use, patch her up and sic her on the people that backstabbed her… (oops I mean also front stabbed her). I think they’re going to have artfully rub the truth into her bruised and battered ego and psych and then unleash the loud cow on them.
Saker was right, this very thorough analysis by Scott was a must read. The criminal mafia must be beside itself with frustration and constipation. It’s nice to read about instances where good defeats evil, destruction and murder. The criminals are going to be knots trying to put a negative spin on how the Russian state saving the life of a blowhard anti-Putin shill was a “bad” thing and more evidence of “oppression”. I can’t wait to see how they contort themselves out of this one.
Адвокат Михаил Борщевский (частый гость “Эха Москвы”) на ВестиФМ 19:50-26:25 :
Знал с детства Бориса, родители были очень хорошими знакомыми. Недавно вступил в контакт с его дочерью. Потом ересь про то что Борька поехал крышей. Прелюбопытнейшие связи у “психа”, которые он почему-то решил восстановить спустя десятки лет :)
Google translate:
I knew Boris from childhood, my parents were very good friends. Recently came into contact with his daughter. Then heresy about the fact that Borka went to the roof. The most curious connections are with the “psycho”, which he somehow decided to restore after tens of years :)
Good translate, but text is not about me. It is words of lawyer Mikhail Borschevskiy from posted link from radio VestiFM :)
Not “went to the roof”, the translation should be “lost the plot”.
Well, the elites in the West are getting desperate, as their plans are falling apart. To them next years presidential elections in Russia are going to be crucial, their last chance to remove Vladimir Putin from power and install a puppet, who would be given the task of breaking up Russia. However, so far they have not succeeded in finding a credible candidate. No doubt they will resort to street provocations, using Soros style machinations, like busing into Moscow supporters from all over the country to create the image of a “mass opposition” to Putin, when in fact a tiny minority will be representing the majority. The Western media, no doubt, will be covering these “demonstrations”, pointing their cameras into the center of the crowd and forgetting to cover the flanks, so as not to divulge how small these demonstrations were in fact. I also expect to see some violent acts being instigated and blamed on the Government. Finally, the latest news on the Internet is that in two months time China will be introducing the “petro-yuan”, which will cripple the US dollar as a reserve world currency. This will make the Western elites even more desperate to remove Vladimir Putin from power and prevent the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union. They will fail, even though they will cause some trouble.
The ‘petro-yuan’ will be followed late next year or the following year with a gold backed Ruble. Combine the two and the slow but steady erosion of the dollar will start. It will take some decades I think but the end is in sight and one can see it in regards to the US and Europe economies which are slowly but steadily heading for the toilet and some ‘second class’ European countries are long ago in the toilet and the chain pulled.
According to Dr.Jim Willie, both Russia and China have, jointly, more than 60.000 tonnes of gold. Both will pretty soon introduce gold backed rubles and yuans. As for the US dollar, I think that it will be discarded by the international community in a relatively short period of time, as soon as rubles and yuans become international instruments of payment. This is what Wall Street is trying to prevent, and it explains the crisis with North Korea and Iran, as well as US troops in Afghanistan, the intention being to prevent the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union, where rubles and yuans will be chief instruments of payment.
I think it will take a while before the dollar is in real trouble, I think a decade or so, and the decline will be slow at first, but the handwriting is on the wall. Gold backed currencies from two of the three world powers is a powerful instrument in this ongoing war. The old saw ‘amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics’ is ever true and what better way to upset the apple cart of your enemy’s economy, ergo ‘logistics’, than to damage the currency of same.
With respect, any time there is a general panic, wealthy people move their money into the US Dollar. It has been like that for a long time and it will remain so for some time yet. The fact that gold and Bitcoin is priced in dollars is revelatory.
In 10 years’ time things might be different, but that is the way it is today.
Agreed. The $US is likely to rise much higher vs. other currencies before it´s purchasing power collapses. The $US is still used for almost 40% of international transactions according to SWIFT data, down from 43+% just recently.
70% of gold is refined in Switzerland. The trend has been to metric sizes, grams and kilograms. The shipments have been thus eastbound, India, Russia, China, etc.
If it were intended for sales in USD, then they would be in ounces.
They are not, and have not been for quite a while.
Your mileage (or km) might vary.
Agreed. Gold-backed rubles and yuan are a long way off, if ever.
I have been as enthusiastic about bitcoins as the next person. However, a currency that relies on networks, and computers, and storage drives and so on, seems very fragile and can easily be destroyed. Plus, currencies require a military and powerful weapons.
Only power has any worth. That’s one of the reasons humans seek it over all else. Without it, even gold is worthless.
Russian radio journalist stabbed in Moscow, suspect held
“Echo of Moscow is a well-known station that regularly invites Russian political opposition figures and is known for its critical views of the government despite energy giant Gazprom being the majority shareholder.
Russia has a disturbing record of attacks on journalists, with 58 killed since 1992, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Threats made against journalists often go unaddressed and attacks are not investigated.”
Interesting statement by The Committee. My request of this ‘committee’ is name all of the killed journalists, dates they were murdered, give us a synopsis of their lives, their vocations, were they all full time journalists, did they have any personal enemies, spurned lovers, wives, husbands, family, etc etc etc. Oh yes, one more thing. Prove to me that threats and attacks against journalists are not investigated and the perpetrators are not punished and kindly give the names of those victims whose murder or reception of threats was not investigated.
No names and no real information and it’s just another blurb from some ‘committee’ that has an agenda.
The situation in Russia is calm. We know people who don’t think a lot of VVP but then you can find a whole lot of people who don’t think much of me, either, and I’m no politician or political activist. Life in general is good here. Of course, we live in what is still a bit of a backwater but we’ve got friends all over Russia. If life is do bad here, why does everyone including most young children have a cell phone and most families have internet access, both luxuries that can not be afforded in many places including in Europe and good old USA.
This attack on an unknown and unheard of woman is the harbinger of the election campaigns starting next month. There will be more as our enemies strive to paint most of us as uneducated cretins who will be forced at gunpoint to vote for V V Putin. Forced? Most we know will force their way in to the voting precincts at gunpoint to vote FOR him, not against him.
There will be no ‘colour revolution’ in this country, there will be no coup d’etat in this country. Period. The foreign, and some domestic, news will scream and predict otherwise, but reality is reality, it just won’t happen, too many people respect the government with all it’s problems and frustrations and far more respect our President.
Never The Last One A Deep Look In To Russia, Her Culture And Her Armed Forces
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
The Committee to Protect Journalists is playing with facts. Those Russian journalists were killed in war zones, reporting on combat activities. However, their deaths were intentionally misrepresented. It is remarkable how low that Committee has fallen, using cheap propaganda, which can only be classified as absolutely disgusting.
B. F.
Hence my request for the ‘committee’ to name them and give informations. No names, no informations as to location, date, time and circumstances of the demise, then the ‘committee’ is engaging in spreading bovine scatology. What a surprise that is.
moonofalabama had an entire article (July 16, 2017) regarding the Russian journalists killed since 1992.
Small excerp:
“The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) lists 82 killed Russian journalists since 1992, most of them died due to war or related to civil crimes or corruption. There are about 80 portraits of journalists in the picture Mounk tweeted.
Two recognizable portraits and names therein are of Vlad Listyev, a TV entertainment producer killed in 1995 over some controversy about lucrative advertisement on public TV. Another portrait […].
According to the CPJ numbers more Russian journalists were killed during the eight years of Yeltsin’s presidency (1992-2000) than in the 17 years of Putin’s presidencies since. “
Thank you Scott, brilliant article!
The stabbing of this journalist was supposed to be part of the narrative that
“Putin kills journalists” Putin the killer – in the run up to the presidential election
That is was the western media have been reporting – they will be silent on the origins and motivation of Boris Gris
Just last week Pavlensky the so-called artist who was given asylum in France – from cruel Putin – set fire to the a bank in Paris – he was arrested put in a mental facility then charged with a crime
The same liberals which praised this obviously mentally ill person for setting fire to a building in Moscow – were silent when he did the same thing in France.
PS what really annoys me about the liberal media is that Gasprom sponsors it. Why?
Society should have a plurality of opinions but these people actively work against the country – where were they when the country was collapsing in the 1990s ? They were all part of the gang raping the country
Who did not know that “Russia’s Putin” routinely, almost ritually kills journalists? Especially of a certain “ethnicity”, like the daughter of the specialist in worms turned military specialist and critic of the Russian armed forces?
Sorry, it’s true that I found many interesting stories (that I wasn’t aware of) regarding 1904-1905 in this article, but I have just read the version of the russian insider and it’s more plausible that he was a psycho who acted on his own. I wasn’t sure at the outset because usually thesaker is a better source but the arguments of the author regarding a conspiracy are weak when one scratch under the surface. It just shows that some of her co-workers are opportunists who had not even the decency to wait andsee if she would recover, not that they were aware in advance of the murder attempt.
This guy _knew her_
“Grits mentioned to her that he bathed her when she was 5-6 years old at a beach on the Black Sea.”
The RT just posted the Police announcement that they are looking into two versions of the attack on Fengelgauer: first, that the attack was a result of a mental imbalance, and the second version, that the attack was a planned action by using a person trained to kill.
Absolutely brilliant. The historical parallels are eye opening.
You mean we hated the Russians even before they were communist?.
Oh yes, w a y before that. Weren’t the Brits battling them in Crimea in the mid 1800s? And didn’t Napoleon invade Russia half a century before that . . . ?
That is some grudge the west has.
But essentially no change in method, a factor in aiding preparedness though who can know what they will do. I agree with the person who said there will probably be more in the run up to the election.
And football next year.
Isn’t it sickening that there exists a bunch of people who spend their entire time just scheming up malevolent stuff they can do to Russia?
In kurdistan region we had many ukraine episodes, especially in 1990s and 2014…
Obviously this was very suspicious from the beginning.. color rev against putin and russia…
Biji Kurdistan, biji Russia
I hope the Russian domestic media is making it known the attacker is israeli and that the attack was set up by israel and was going to be used by israeli interests to further their efforts at sowing destabilisation and undermine the Russian government. In short, this was a covert attack by israel against Russia.
The most effective way to kill israeli influence is to expose the goatsods.
Exposing goatsods won’t do much as most of them are “crypto”.
Only FSB, and extreme measures are capable of dealing with it.
Unfortunately there is no will, and I believe that only a war could change it.
“Exposing goatsods won’t do much as most of them are “crypto”.
Exposing cryptos works fine. :-D
The Russians publicly exposed many of the “color revolutionarys” working for the americans. This effectively killed their “color revolution” and reduced the influence of these traitors considerably. Applying a similar strategy against israeli subversion would work to defuse zionazi influence equally well. Perhaps even better.
Back when Medvedev was running for Russian president, there was a rumour about that he was a crypto Jew. I remember an interview in Russian media with a Jewish Russian citizen. She said she hoped it wasn’t true because people would worry that he might be connected to israel and this would cause people to vote against him and that she liked his political platform.
At that time, israel was more popular in Russia than now, much like the usa. And like with the usa, israeli behaviour has since reduced their popularity with the people in Russia.
absolutely planned and executed by Israhell. I personally know one of their ” facilitators” sorry I have to post this as anonymous
Can anyone remember which group was faulted by Mel Gibson for being behind “all wars”?
Mad as Hell..
Answer to your question:
The ancient Talmudic nefarious ((( group))).
Why? Could it be anybody else? After all, it’s a dark ancient business that ((( they))) excel in.
According to the plans drawn up in Zion, Syria’s destruction which was all but assured in 2013-2014, should have paved the way for the strangulation of Hezbollah and the containment and weakning of Iran.
Russia’s successful intervention, prevented all this.
Tel-a-viv now has to contend with an embolded and resurgent Syria, a battled-hardened Hezbollah and a confident Iran edging towards tge Golan Heights.
Russia’s destruction is desired by Tel-a-Viv, they just wont speak out loud about it.
There us no plan too devious for them to contemplate in their undeclared war against Russia.
Putin should throw a grenade into their sandbox by concluding a Military Alliance with the Islamic Republic.
Auslander on October 25, 2017 · at 12:43 pm UTC
“The ‘petro-yuan’ will be followed late next year or the following year with a gold backed Ruble.”
Not likely, methinks, if the IMF has anything to say about it; and it does.
Chinese / Russian gold backed currencies are currently not permissible under Article 4, Section 2b of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Articles of Agreement. Ergo, all IMF member countries and are forbidden to monetize gold, or link their currencies to gold, or use gold as a trading or exchange mechanism.
See Here.
China is a member of the IMF since December 27, 1945:
See Here.
Russia is a member of the IMF since June 1, 1992:
See Here.
For additional related thoughts, see my 9/24 Saker post
the number 23 is significant for the American Masons – Skull and Bones – but much much more too – there’s a guy – Terry Boardman that’s researched all the different uses of 23 – but I can’t find the article right now.
B.F. on October 25, 2017 · at 1:03 pm UTC
“According to Dr.Jim Willie, both Russia and China have, jointly, more than 60.000 tonnes of gold.”
Estimated combined reserves of both as of June 2017 were less than 3,600 metric tons.
B.F. on October 25, 2017 · at 1:03 pm UTC
“Both will pretty soon introduce gold backed rubles and yuans.”
Also unlikely.
China is a member of the IMF since December 27, 1945.
Russia is a member of the IMF since June 1, 1992.
Chinese / Russian gold backed currencies are currently not permissible under Article 4, Section 2b of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Articles of Agreement. Ergo, all IMF member countries and are forbidden to monetize gold, or link their currencies to gold, or use gold as a trading or exchange mechanism.
See my post above (in response to Auslander) for sources / links .
Since none of your links work, here is the section you refer to:
Section 2. General exchange arrangements
(a) Each member shall notify the Fund, within thirty days after the date of the second amendment of this Agreement, of the exchange arrangements it intends to apply in fulfillment of its obligations under Section 1 of this Article, and shall notify the Fund promptly of any changes in its exchange arrangements.
(b) Under an international monetary system of the kind prevailing on January 1, 1976, exchange arrangements may include (i) the maintenance by a member of a value for its currency in terms of the special drawing right or another denominator, other than gold, selected by the member, or (ii) cooperative arrangements by which members maintain the value of their currencies in relation to the value of the currency or currencies of other members, or (iii) other exchange arrangements of a member’s choice.
(c) To accord with the development of the international monetary system, the Fund, by an eighty-five percent majority of the total voting power, may make provision for general exchange arrangements without limiting the right of members to have exchange arrangements of their choice consistent with the purposes of the Fund and the obligations under Section 1 of this Article.
It should be noted that whilst sub-section (i) mentions other than gold, sub-section (iii) clearly states other exchange arrangements of a member’s choice. which clearly could include gold.
Good work Scott.
But why blame Japanese of all people.
You do realise that the same people who pumped up Germany in the 1930s also pumped up Japan. Why blame the puppet?
Can you seriously think Japan helped organise or facilitated the attacks on Russia in 1905 and before and after this date. It undermines the rest of your good work. Say British. Say Jewish. Say the dreaded “R” word. Say western masonic banker gangster forces. Surely there is someone better to place blame information the organisation of these events.
Sorry to critique, but while I agree with most I can find discussion when differences. You mentioned the western European stealing from Africa and America’s and Russia, and you seem to believe that they stole the most from Russia in scale. I would say you need to understand your history. The amount of gold they stole from the Americas was the first foundation of their wealth, not Russia. The Americas lost their original identity. As did all of Africa.
But the most wealth in gold and gems was stolen from Asia, first India, then south east Asia and China. And all of their knowledge, all their theorems with white men’s names, all comes from Asia. Don’t confuse the fact that Russia alone opposes them now and the Russian people stand as a bastion with their mighty leader, don’t confuse that while Russia has lost a huge staggering amount, others have lost more. Others alongside Russia have had the bones of their children and ancestors formtbe basis of this “western civilization”, and mostly they have lost their identity entirely.
Russia still has ties to its ancestral identity. China, India and others have all lost this. Just ask that you recognise this quiet fact is all. Otherwise very good investigation.
Shame, poor chick probably had no idea that she had been volunteered to die for her cause by her bosom buddies. They must have had some mega memorial services planned, all solemn like, the Western MSM would have had a field day broadcasting footage of her birth, her schooling, pictures of her hugging puppies and kittens, tearful interviews with those who knew her, etc, etc. But oh well, both her and her attacker’s brains ain’t working so well so send them both to the Gulags. Might be useful to have a few hungry bears prowling around outside with some unfortunate gaps in the fence also.
Interesting how all the false flag attacks are getting rather comical lately. In the US multiple gunmen shoot people up, some using really useless small caliber low powered ammunition, and now the US government is having great difficulty in getting its citizens and some of the victims to believe that there was only 1 gunmen, amongst other things. Now this mickey mouse assassination attempt by Putin on a journalist.
Yes, they do become comical because when history repeats itself, it is a farce, as Marx himslef pointed out.
Excellent research, Scott, thank you!
The psychopathy of the Zionist state is unfathomable — the end-justifies-the-means pushed to the most bestial degree. And these are the guys that have Trump in their pocket (Adelson, Marcus, etc.).
What scary times we live in.
This article (like many others here) has tremendous value! It is just simply disgusting at what extremes these people are able to go in order to start chaos. I hope this article will find the way to more widspread “MSM” media like ZeroHedge, Global Research, Atimes, etc
Nemtsov was killed and it didn’t lead to revolution.
Why should it be any different this time around?
I was taught that only stupid people repeat the same
mistake over and over again.
McCain/Nuland must be straight out from the movie Idiocracy:
Obtaining I.Q. and aptitude tests (Idiocracy, short scene)
Another brilliant case study of ZionIntel machinations by Scott.
Luckily, Russia’s police/intelligence apparatus under Putin has ZionIntel infiltration more or less under control. We in the West are not so lucky.
Some interesting facts about his blog proving him crazy.
It was setup or updated just minutes after his capture by someone. Unfortunately it is in Russian.
Option #1: Conspiracy.
Option #2: Opportunism. They are as skilled in twisting unplanned events to fit their narrative as they are in conspiring.
The ‘arab spring’ started in Tunisia and Egypt. Oh look, it ended in Libya and Syria. Surprise, surprise. You can almost picture someone associated with the GWOS (Global War on Socialism) looking at a map and saying “Hmmm ….”.
Scott’s posts are always compelling, insightful and generally excellent nonetheless.
– Regards, Shyaku.
It says ” video has been terminated”.
Can anyone please verify.
Thank you.
“The attacker was captured by the Police and apprehended. He was a citizen of Israel Boris Grits, a grandnephew of an inventor and first commissar of the death camps in Russia called GULAG Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel”.
NO!!! reeeallly?!? A Zionist Jew behind nefarious deeds? No, no, no, impossible my dear man. A bastard from the ” land of milk & honey that has the most moral army in the world”, with murder in his heart AND Israeli Jew instructions ready to be dished out? Nooooo! God have mercy! Such slander against the ” Self- Chosenites”! Oy vey!!!
* crosses herself while rolling her eyes*
Now, try and relax… take a deeeep breath, Carmel… MOD
Dear Mod,
Apologies. Okay…I will try. I am stuck with a really badly sprained ankle, so I cannot walk off my anger, get brain steam out of my brain (arrghhh!) knowing Israel is trying to hurt Putin, Russia and Russians.
Remember, I’m Cuban, though we are usually very warm and happy people, we can become very angrily sarcastic in the face of extreme injustices. It’s a cultural thing. I will try to curtail it.
Carmel by the Sea
As the metaphorical (at this time) nooses tighten around the necks of the talmudo-satanists in Washington and its satellites, they begin to act irrationally for lack of metaphorical oxygen.
A ‘Maidan’ was possible in Kiev, maybe soon in Washington, London, Paris. The last place it can happen is in Moscow with support for the state and Putin near 90%.
Having come this far in infiltrating most of the old British Empire and its bastard offspring the USA, the demonic globalists cannot stand the thought of losing or, my preference for them, being tried and hung at a new Nuremberg – place and time to be determined.
The delicious irony of demon-seed like Grits, Hertz, Gritz (whatever his name is) and Bill Browder, Venediktov and all those who stayed behind in Russia during Exodus II to plant IEDs, being exposed as genetically programmed Khazar fake-jews with a blood-lust to finish off Russian Christian Slavs, even at the expense of killing their own, may also offer a hint of their likely historical future.
The biggest danger to Russia and Iran is their 5th column and western slaves. Out of 10 Iranians in the West 8 of them are extrem pro-Israeli and one of the most hatful ones I encountered. These political wores are even happy IF Israel and US attack Iran. These delusional group even think that Russia and Iran created ISIS and those 200+ Anti -Iran Tv channels from West in Persian language really works. I was totaly surprised listening to their endless bs. These idiots are happy about oppression of Palestinians, They hate Hizbullah, They Hate all other nations They Love Israel and West. So Russia and Iran Will not have easy to be independent or in peace.
Curiosities of the attack on Tatyana Felgengauer (English subtitle available)
Tatyana Felgengauer – the propaganda goes to attack (English subtitle available)
The Echo of Moscow (Эхо Москвы) is the radio of the fifth column
Could anybody tell more about parents of this Boris Grits? I read “Belomor Canal” and I remember a story and pictures there of inventor and first commissar of the death camps in Russia called GULAG Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel.