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Thank you for your analysis Andrei. Many of us here in the USA believe our leadership is doing everything possible to have Russia use the nuclear option. In our opinion this leans heavily on the western leadership’s insanity of which we see in every move they make, and in their speeches. We love our nation, but our leaders are way out of line.
I know the US leadership anticipate this 0. nuclear option to be limited to only Ukraine. In this case Russia’s reputation is definitive destroyed among West and it Allies, and another NATO Coalition Inherent Resolve Freedom can be globally organised.
But what if this nuclear option happened in one or two or three command centres of West; Brussel/NATO, Langley/CIA, Pentagon, City of London? What would happen then??
Variation of these sceneries could be interesting: 1. Bombing NATO’s next meeting in Brussel and tell US to pull back from Europe. Would they do that?
2. One warning nuclear attack on US somewhere would probably turn out to retaliation and full scale nuclear war.
3. One warning nuclear attack on the biggest US base in Qatar telling US to go home from ME and elsewhere. Would probably not work.
We are back to limited war by proxy in Ukraine which is still not attractive and resolve anything, but has the advantage that it is limited.
Seems like You are overjumping two or three steps in escalation towards nonukro players. Shooting down a satellite could be one of those. Maybe sinking of an aircraft carrier…
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” says Deep State globalists are not happy with the progress of the “controlled demolition of all western societies.” They want their so-called “Great Reset,” but people are waking up at such a fast pace their propaganda is not working. Newman explains, “Censorship is the move that these Deep State people are making. They want to silence all dissent, all criticism, except dissent and criticism that furthers their narrative that furthers inflaming the division and furthers the civil war narrative. This is very, very dangerous. As my friend, Patrick Wood, the founder of “Citizens for Free Speech,” says, when they are able to silence our free speech, that’s when the killing starts. So, we should be very, very concerned about this.”
Are the Deep State’s destructive plans going all that well? Newman says, “They are in this do or die moment, and we have been here a little while. . . . We are at the stage now where the agenda is out in the open. A few years ago, when we were saying they were going to be doing these things, we were called conspiracy theorists and extremists and whatever. Now, they are actually doing those things, and now they are saying it is dangerous and extreme not to approve of these things. So, now if you don’t agree with the ‘Great Reset’ or the Green New Deal or the Biden regime, they say you are dangerous. I think we are in the phase right now where they are basically running naked through the streets. Everybody can see them. So, it’s a very risky time for them. It’s a do or die moment for them if enough people wake up. If you look at the trend line . . . people are waking up so rapidly that if this continues, they are going to be in major trouble. That’s why we are seeing the clampdown on free speech. . . . The war on free speech shows how successful we have been and how unsuccessful they have been. If their propaganda was effective and they thought lying to us through CNN, NBC and ABC was good enough, they would not be worried about what people were saying on Facebook. They would not be worrying about what you were Tweeting out to your 10,000 or 30,000 followers. They would be confident and relaxed, and they would really not be all that concerned. The fact they are whipping themselves into a frenzy about all this ‘misinformation’ online shows you they are very,
very concerned about the collapse of their narrative. You point out the real approval rate for Biden is 11% or 12%, and they recognize their agenda is not popular. . . . They realize people don’t like this, and if people realize they are not the only ones that don’t like this and everyone does not like this, then they are in very big trouble.”
Newman says we are “fighting demonic spirits and not simply flesh and blood” as it says in the Bible. Newman contends one of the biggest failing narratives of the Deep State are the people who got the CV19 shots and are sick or dead. Newman says, “I think the truth on this is going to come out, and I think this is another reason we are in such a dangerous time. . . . A lot of the people who lined up and got their shots are madder than a wet hen right now. They are wondering who is responsible for this? . . . This is a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, and that is what the data is showing now. We are seeing excess mortality numbers that are unprecedented. Nothing in human history has resulted in things like this. Millions of people are dying, and millions of people are being debilitated by this around the world and especially around the Western world. We are seeing massive numbers of infertility and miscarriages, and I think the worst is yet to come.”
There is much more in the 46 min. video interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with hard hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the recent book “Deep State.”
Just a minor comment.
US military think tanks are staffed, just like the US government, with paid stooges whose job it is to support the military complex.
Who could forget that haunting winter Christmas song which rattled your bones as an innocent child?
‘In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow
In the bleak midwinter, long, long ago’
Bleak just about sums current matters up, in that, this sorry lot is about to get a whole lot worse, the cavalry won’t save you this time suckers,
A lawless government leads to a lawless society, we’re getting there.
On a whim I checked the Jamestown Foundation website. They are now reporting 8,500 km liberated by Ukraine. Tomorrow it will probably be over 10,000 …
There are two sides to a coin.
It’s to our advantage we understood both sides.
On one side of the coin,Russia/China/most of Eurasia, parts of the Middle East/Latin America and Iran are doing their best to stop the US Financial System from destroying them. We applaud all their efforts.
But on the other side of the coin is a very powerful financial system: otherwise known at the US/EU/UK System.
This includes the Military Defense spending, all the Big Western Banks, Wall Street, etc.Example: Black Rock & Vanguard in the US holds about 22 Trillion $$s in assets. All of the Russian high command is surely aware of the trillions of Dollar/Euros/Pounds that system possesses.
It’s always necessary to understand the kind of “fire power” our enemies possess. In this case the Financial System. As economist Dr. Michael Hudson, with his “inside knowledge of that system, referred to back in February, 2022, his title was something like, “The US is going to destroy Germany For the 3d Time In A Century.”
If you read Dr. Veghi’s August’s 2022 article, he goes into how the US/EU/UK “Bond” system was cratering badly: 2008-2019. Big Alarm Bells went off. To recover their loses, in the autumn of 2019, The FED, US/UK/EU Bank chiefs met to find a way out of the quagmire. A few short months later, out came COVID.
We won’t go into how The Covid Lockdown destroyed US small businesses, and purposely laid off hundreds of thousands of working citizens. But it further impoverished even more: about 40 million impoverished citizens in the US.
To “right the ship that was sinking,” our enemy, the US/EU/UK System of Financial Aristocrats and with Big Oil/Gas Monopolies pumped up astronomical energy costs for UK/EU small businesses and citizens. While perpetrating its attacks against Russia, at the same time, the System started going after German’s Big Industry and Trade. One after another EU/UK “politician” is following in lock step because they are being paid off handsomely by the US Financial System. This has been happening for several weeks, even as we speak.
The financial goal is to destroy the UK/EU system of small businesses, along with huge job losses leaving the unemployed, or heavily indebted citizens trying to survive the upcoming winter season.
To replace it, and to foment massive riches for the Three Financial Systems, they are going to Privatize everything, just as the US Financial System has been doing in the US for the last 30+ years. Privatized health care, privatized grocery store chains, privatized restaurants, shops, etc. etc. America has become a nation of massively indebted serfs.
There are the two sides to the coin.
May God help the UK and Eu citizens, and, of course, Russian, Ukrainian, Eurasian, Iranian, Latin American and Middle Eastern citizens.
Martyanov and certain other people have discretely insinuated that I and some other people are “armchair generals” “sitting in our mothers basement” “fighting laptop wars”.
To this I wanna say that I dont see any difference between me, Shoigy, Konashenko and other highly competent generals. T
They are doing the same thing as I am doing, looking at a flatscreen, making their observations and analyses on the data coming in, make their decisions, report to the Superior and issue orders to the officers below.
In all the war games I played on my play-station I made the same simultaneous alternatives for attack and defence, calculations of my soldiers and officers, back up and reserves, as they are doing.
The only difference between them and I is, that I won my battles in Ukraine a lot quicker and more convincing than them, and I would have taken over Kiev within the first 3 month. Proofed by the outcomes of my battles.
Which means if you have brain you can do it, and you have to withstand the envy and jealousy from others who cant take that you are a winner!
Thats my 2 cent for today to the high professionals Martyanov and Co. We can do it together.
Kind of like the guys who said Mike Tyson isn’t tough. Last person they would want to meet in a dark alley would be Iron Mike.
Men don’ t die if you screw up in your game, the General Staff is dealing in the real world where people get their limbs blown off.
You can bet men are dying in the game when Im around, and not only men!
Andrei Martyanov described Kherson as an accident waiting to happen. He was right.
In an earlier episode of his, he describes in mathematical detail how losing 1/3 of your force leaves you unable to cover your retreat. At some point in the AFU movements, contact was lost in the nazi radio communications. But they claim it a successful liberation? Define “successful.” Right again.
Using the mathematics Mr. Martyanov uses to illustrate scenarios, suggests large troop numbers had to be lost to reach that level of breakdown. The RF didn’t lose any on their withdrawl. But what if others aren’t so good with math? They don’t return from the meatgrinder.
More to real life battles than meets the eye.
river up has trapped the kherson ukies… surrounded pushed back to the river no resupply ..oopps
Ukrainian militants find themselves in a tactical encirclement in the Kherson direction as the water level rises in the Ingulets river and disables the crossings erected by Ukrainian troops.
Ukrainian Armed Forces found themselves cut out from supplies and in a tactical encirclement, pressed to the water. “They are in a plight there”, said Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the regional administration
“ They came on in the same old way, and were dispatched in the same old way.“
Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington.
Serious New Development: China Publicly Supports Russia Actions in Ukraine
HITS: 18230
For those who have been paying attention to international affairs, the following will come as no surprise. For others, cheering for “Team Ukraine” however, the following should be a gigantic wake-up call. It isn’t just Russia handling Ukraine . . . it’s China too.
Li Zhanshu is the head of China’s legislature: the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. He’s Number 3 in the rigid hierarchy of the CPC. A VERY big fish.
So where was Mr. Li last week?
Well, at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia. He met and talked with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Li also had a key meeting with Russian State Duma (The Russia Legislature) Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin – and other Duma leaders.
This is what he told the Duma. Pay VERY close attention:
“We see that the United States and its NATO allies are expanding their presence near the Russian borders, seriously threatening national security and the lives of Russian citizens (…) “We fully understand the necessity of all the measures taken by Russia aimed at protecting its key interests” (…) “We are providing our assistance.”
How explicit is that?
Well, China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Putin will have a special meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Samarkand summit tomorrow.
They will discuss Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine IN DETAIL. Especially the next steps.
Then, afterwards, we may be able to ascertain what Li meant when he said, “We are providing our assistance.”
Ima know nothing nobody from nowhere.
I’m – this whole Ukraine game, like all others this past half century & much much more, is just a money making game for The Same Elites of every country, now exposed by Syria & Ukraine – The money that owns y’all divides you to make you all the fool.
Party on, but my entertainment is over.
If you really think it’s just a game that the elites play… if the elites wanted a reduced global population would they stage wars in countries with a relatively small population per area of land or would they target the more populous countries instead?
Yes I have heard this argument before but it doesn’t make any sense. Apologies to myself if I am responding to a troll.
You might have a valid point. Russia pretty much does nothing to belligerent Turkey after shooting down their jet. Russia really does nothing to the US in Syria. Why Russia has not taken the gloves off in Syria with the US is beyond me. Why has Iran not taken the gloves off. China etc? Everyone and every country is captured by the west? So the Zionists really control the world at this point? It sure seems that way. What kind of a deterrent is nuclear weapons when the US will push a nation to the brink of annihilation anyways? It’s like the 2nd amendment in the US. Its Americans standing together against our corrupt, tyrannical government that has real power not our individual guns. They know this which is why the elites have worked so hard to divide the US and foment irreparable division in the populace with anti-white racism, transgenderism, homosexuality, wokeism, massive 3rd world illegal immigration. My fellow Americans are braindead idiots.
Indeed why? but Iran did take action against the Americans in Iraq when they hit a US base with sixteen ballistic missiles trashing it and we will probably never know what US casualties there were,all we heard was some had a bad headache,there was no major retaliation against Iran,i believe the Americans are all hot air and noise most of the time,Iran could destroy those American bases in Syria,and why are stolen oil convoys still leaving Syria without being attacked,it can be very frustrating to watch at times.
From where I’m sitting Russia are winning big on every metric bar the bleeding hearts propaganda of butt-hurt panic-stricken westerners.
Boo f*cking hoo, they’ll need to find a way/scam to make another dishonest living, the parasitic lounge-lizards. Meet the new boss, nothing like the old boss. Cheers boss, those ten cent Yanks are stirring up shit in ABC. Look can you not see I’m counting Rubles, go tell Shoigu to ready The Family Kinzhal? Are we Russians expected to babysit the globe?
He who owns the real wealth may now proceed to shit on the paper trail in the House of Cards.
You don’t deal with a rabid dog in the same way as you do Fido. The rabid dog here being the West.
The reaction to the “Turkish” downing of one of their jets is illustrative to the masterful fighting. It is likely that this was a NATO provocation, and the Turks forced to take the ‘credit’. A tit for tat response would likely heated up the conflict with the anchient centurys long ‘rival’ Turkey. Look at the state of affairs and the relation between Russia and Turkey today. Would that be possible with a primitive action-reaction response ?
Well this is breaking news,reports Prosecutor General killed as office bombed,so looks like another Nazi terror attack or missile,whatever the cause Russia needs to get personal with their attacks on the Kiev leadership and their Reich handlers.
He was prosecuting the war criminals.
His office likely had evidence
Yes it looks like the same sort of terror attack thats murdered quite a few leaders of the pro Russian Republics,i am not even sure anyone has had payback yet,its time to target individual Ukrainian military leaders and their handlers,some of those mercenaries on trial could end up dancing on a rope.
Currently, the west consists of three types. Those who blindly follow the Russian narrative, the western mass media cheerleaders and those who couldn’t care less, but will do when the lights go off and they can’t access Face Book and watch Netflix in their unheated homes.
Recently, we laughed at western media excuses that the Ukrainian’s weren’t loosing battles, they had merely ‘ended their combat mission’ and the survivors weren’t POW’s, the were ‘evacuees.’
Likewise, in the ongoing Ukrainian offensive, it sounds ridiculous to believe that the city of Izium was conceded and Russia intentionally let the Ukrainians advance to the borders of Luhansk undoing months of hard work pushing forwards. Someone, somewhere, messed up in classic style and we shouldn’t go down the route of the western media and be afriad to admit the glaringly obvious.
From Kadyrov and others it is clear there are manpower, equipment and tactical issues.
It’s also clear that whoever is in charge is not listening that much to those on the ground and the DPR and Kadyrov were expressing those concerns.
Strategy can not be made in a day. Not can mobilisation. Granted.
Time is running.
The enemy is violently at Russia’s throat while seated safely a thousand miles away.
There is a point for the Russia is setting a trap brigade to be objective. Else mistakes happen.
Remember, that although Russia is facing an existential threat to its security, the west (the US in particular) having failed to control the Middle East oil supply and in a post-industrial era also faces an existential threat to it’s energy supply and by coincidence, Russia is a major energy supplier.
I agree with this, there were several good analyses on Russtrat about this as well:
“Mobilizing Russia: Changing Course Over the Abyss
The country is facing a fundamentally new crisis – a catastrophic mismatch between the current economic paradigm and the “old” elites behind it and the existential challenge the West has thrown at us.”
The Russians and their Ukrainian supporters seem to be suffering setback after setback. Earlier today, the Ukrainian military hit the Kherson administration building resulting in death and injury of innocent civilians, in Lugansk a bomb explosion killed the LPR prosecutor général and his deputy. In addition, in Berdyansk, the deputy mayor for housing and communal services was killed along with his wife. Furthermore, the Ukrainian military hit a Russian border area with shell destroying houses and injuring Russian citizens.
All the above are a psychological blow to those Ukrainian citizens who trusted the Russians. It seems as if the Russian military are deliberately trying to lose in Ukraine. These incidents damage the prestige of the Russian military and intelligence apparatus, making them appear increasingly incompetent.
I lived through five years of Brit terror, same thing happened in Ireland, Germany and Spain, blamed on the RA, same with South Iraq, Brit Spec Opps FRU specialize in terror operations against civilians. It’s their MO, know it, understand it, the have no qualms killing civilians, it’s their specialty.
That’s why I stress, Ukie army may have been defeated, but unless Russia capitulates, or conquers…….this war has moved to terror stage and will drag on for a long time.
The Good Friday Accords did not come about by chance…..the IRA dropped several mortars near the runway of a major airport in London… message sent. Then Special Branch interrupted a rocket attack on 10 Downing (Lord, if we’d only had drones)….anyway, message received. Until Russia figures out (economics is a gamble) how to physically bleed UK at home more Ukrainians will die on behalf of the Imperial Family.
Cheers M
I do not use the term Imperial Family lightly…..we have an add running in Canada where Lizzy reminds ever subject they are part of the Imperial Family…who would that be hmmm….Bushies are cousins, Slick Willy is related, seems Trump from the ancestral home of Scotland is related, Obummer son of a poor share cropper is kin…. haven’t even peeked into the EU cesspool looking for inbred offspring.
I agree. I’ve never been one to blindly follow a black and white one sided narrative which doesn’t make me a bot or a troll. After months of defeats, a seemingly batterd and demoralized Ukrainian army manage to push back the Russian army and capture an important city? How on earth does that happen? ‘We killed lot’s of Ukrainians’ isn’t a victory, it’s an excuse. Unless this really was a planned trap to encircle and destroy the offensive, it’s a disaster.
Awesome analysis Andrei. Glad to have this resource for ttruth today in a world so full of fake news.
Resentment in Russia is growing;
The Kiev regime hits our decision-making centers with full force
Ukraine has been completely turned into a weapon against Russia by the West.
MOSCOW, September 16, 2022, RUSSTRAT Institute.
Today the Kiev Nazi regime dealt tangible blows to our decision-making centers. HIMARS missiles hit the administrative building of Kherson Oblast during a meeting of heads of administrations of city and municipal districts, there are dead and wounded. An explosion in the building of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the LPR killed the Prosecutor General of the Republic and his deputy.
At night, the town of Valuiki in the Belgorod region, with a population of about 35,000, was heavily shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There are dead, wounded, the power supply to the settlement is out of order.
Ukraine has been completely turned into a weapon against Russia by the West. Therefore, the entire control system of the Kiev Nazi regime, from the decision-making centers in Kiev to the administrations in the regions and cities, as well as the entire critical infrastructure of Ukraine are legitimate military targets for the RF forces.
Important Ukrainian managers are not allowed to stay in administrative buildings. But office work is done there, there are archives, a communication system. That is, they are the main system of military-civil control. What is created outside these buildings is already a reserve (backup) option, the provision of which requires additional time, effort and resources.
Obviously, the actions of RF forces to destroy the entire administrative vertical and critical infrastructure of Ukraine are limited by political framework. And what other red lines the Kiev Nazi regime must cross to get what it deserves is unknown. Perhaps the Nazis should destroy the Crimean Bridge or a similarly important target?
Doubts will disappear, however, if priorities are set right. The security interests of Russian citizens and the population living in the LNR, DNR, in the liberated areas of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions should be prioritized.
And it will immediately become godly clear what political decisions should follow.
Indeed what will it take before the Kiev Regime is reduced to rat shit and all railways hit up to the Polish border and as many Bridges as possible and the airfields,also Kiev high command hit in Kiev and anywhere else they fester,i am not sure Russia has got the message yet they are fighting for survival,they had better realise it or the State will cease to exist,i still have faith that they will but everytime something like the terror attacks in Russia and Donbass happen and their is no massive payback i have my doubts.
Probably an over reaction on my part, but I just get a feeling of a small yield mushroom cloud over Kiev if this carries on!
Putin and the Kremlin have watched the failure of their “limited military operation” move from a Donbass conflict with Ukraine to a proxy war with the US and NATO to a full-fledged war with the US and NATO. Putin’s inaction as the conflict widens, as I said it would, into nuclear war, is extraordinary. He seems determined to hold on to his totally failed policy of a police action in Donbass with minimum commitment of troops and military assets. From the best information I can get, there are only 200,000 thousand Russian troops involved in what the presstitutes call “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
Time is running out for Putin to take out Ukraine entirely before he has to withdraw in face of NATO’s involvement or push the button. Perhaps the latest effort of former NATO leaders to organize a NATO intervention in the “limited military operation” will bring home to Putin that he cannot sit there any longer without either surrendering or taking the decisive action that he should have taken eight years ago and bringing Ukraine to its knees.
Three days ago on September 13 a group of former prime ministers, foreign ministers and other high-level officials from NATO countries ( ) published a document, The KYIV Security Compact ( ) that advocates a formal alliance between Ukraine and NATO countries that, in effect, makes Ukraine a member of NATO, thereby transforming the proxy war in Ukraine into a war between NATO and Russia.
The Kyiv Security Compact was formally presented to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who endorsed it, published it on the website of the Ukrainian presidency, and supports its adoption
The document specifies for “the US, UK, Canada, Poland, Italy, Germany, France, Australia, Turkey, and Nordic, Baltic, and Central European countries” to make “legally and politically binding” agreements” that ally them with “Ukraine in its ongoing war against Russia.”
Redundantly, the document affirms the intention of Ukraine to join NATO and the European Union, declaring, “Both NATO and EU membership will significantly bolster Ukraine’s security in the long-term. However, Ukraine needs security guarantees now,” the document says, so security agreements from the NATO countries will achieve the same result as NATO membership until the process is formalized. It adds, “Ukraine needs iron-clad security guarantees. These will come predominantly—though not exclusively—from NATO countries.”
The document was drafted by a long list of Washington’s bought-and-paid-for European puppets, co-chaired by former Danish Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia, former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, former UK Foreign Secretary William J. Hague and former ministers from France, Germany, Italy, and Poland.
Russia is unable to defend itself because its liberal leaders prefer agreements, on which they themselves say no reliance can be placed, to force. The Kremlin still believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that it can overcome Western “misunderstandings” of Russia and negotiate a peaceful multi-polar world of cooperation.
You will win nothing and like it!
Are you totally oblivious to the harsh realities or are they just too painful to digest?
Europe is History, a loose collection of bankrupt statelets on socio-economic life support. Only a matter of time before the cracks become craters. A redundant workforce, idle hands make plenty internal mischief.
Poke Russia further at your own peril. A desperate US thrashing around like a psychopath on death row, awaiting the smoking chair.