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While I have a very different take on 9/11, Martyanov, again, is spot on. Highly recommended!
Please visit Andrei’s website:
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While I have a very different take on 9/11, Martyanov, again, is spot on. Highly recommended!
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Thank you Andrei, Propaganda is used by all side and articles like this video is very good to hear for it brings truth into focus.
One good thing about hype and trolls and psy-ops is that it reveals who is goat and who is sheep. You are stamped as a henchman and/or liar when true reality later comes up to the surface.
Thats why it is so important to stay to and on truth, it gives you superior overview over your opponents, which we can see Kremlin has and the coke snorter supporters dont have. Never compromise!
Andrei, 911 was a nuclear event, a matter far beyond the capability of so-called Muslim terrorists. Who had the security contracts for not only all the airports but the Towers too? Israeli companies. Not that any of the phantom planes ever flew on that day. Who are the neo-cons? Many are dual US/Israeli citizens. But I think you know this.
German nuclear physicist Heinz Pommer laid it all out very neatly in his book “GROUND ZERO”, You’re 1000% correct to say the perps reside comfortably in our government.
Speculation. Possibly yes. But big claims require big evidence, not merely explanatory theorization.
As to the question of jihadist capacity to carry out the attack…literally any illiteratr plumber joe could accomplish it.
Are you kdding me? The World Trade Centers were the strongest buildings ever built by humans with massive columnbs of reinforced steel designed to withstand almost anything.
Sorry, Andrei, but there were no planes or no Arab hijackers that brought down the twin towers–only incredibly powerful explosives, possibly nuclear, that went off underground and throughout the building to bring it down basically in free fall. This is not speculation–it is fact.
Its not fact, its an opinion.
And you are entitled to your own opinion, (no plane involved),
but you are not entitled to your own facts, (a video shows one going into the building).
True, but airplanes or not makes no difference. It was physically impossible to bring those towers down with one single Boeing. Furthermore, asymmetrical damage from an airplane should have caused asymmetrical collapse, of nothing more than a small part of the buildings. The totally symmetrical collapses into their own footprints are already enough proof of demolition jobs prepared weeks or months ahead of time.
I saw that as it happened, in real time. Rarely for me, I was watching TV late at night in Australia when a sports program was interrupted by an emergency news break which went live to NY.
In the background to the reporter I could see one devastated tower and one standing. I saw an airliner approach, much to my amazement that the airspace wasn’t controlled and all air traffic diverted, and saw it go straight into the tower. If there were no planes, what did I see?
Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth say that the twin tower collapse was a controlled demolition.
World trade Center Building 7 collapsed for no discernable reason.
There was abnormal trading right before 9/11.
I could go on for a very long time.
USA didn’t just support ISIS an Al-Qaeda they created them.
“World trade Center Building 7 collapsed for no discernible reason”
New owner Lucky Larry Silverman said over the phone, “Pull it”. And down it went: Controlled demolition like the other two.
Abnormal trading for sure: Lucky Larry Silverman when he bought the buildings six weeks ago insisted on insuring his new property against a terrorist attack. On the day of the attack on his building Lucky Larry Silverman was away from his office for a medical appointment: the only day he never appeared in the building. Hardly any dual-citizens or native Israelis were in the buildings when they were blown up. Israel’s shipping company Zim vacated the building a month earlier at heavy financial penalty for breaking their lease. Before the buildings blew up they were featured on Newsweek for hosting a group of Israeli Performance Artists who swung up and down the liftshafts on ropes. As soon as the buildings blew up, killing 3000 U$ citizens trapped inside, some more Israeli Performance Artists were seen dancing, laughing and clapping from their nearby observation post. They told the police they had come to film an event. A Bush construction company were also working on those liftshafts under armed guard for weeks.
The day after the buildings were blown up, someone wrote: “The main winner of Ithis event is Israel. Once again the U$A is going to fight Israel’s existential enemies. From then on, Israel’s dual-citizen prime minister was greeted with a standing ovation by both Parties in Houses whenever he visited Washington.
The question is no longer How was it done (military grade nano-thermite) but by Whom?
Cui bono? Who benefited?
For those who say the destruction of the Twin Towers was a “nuclear” event, I respond that you can’t have silent nukes. It isn’t possible. The sound was a “roar” not a really-big-boom … more like the continuous sound of propellant from a Saturn 5 rocket —
However, one of the unanswered questions about the events of September 11, 2001, is why the Twin Towers were destroyed in such an energetically outward manner. The primary reason for this mode of demolition was the ability to exploit the structural weakness of the floor truss to channel connection requiring the breaking of a limited number of 5/8″ bolts per floor. A nano-thermite based propellant could have provided the needed outward force — since there was evidence of that material.
Again, the exact mechanism of destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11 has been discussed, at an cursory level, for the last 19 years. Because of outwardly directed energetic forces, a gravity-only collapse subsequent to fires is not supported by the observations. Analysis of the trajectory of most of the east wall of perimeter columns from the South Tower provide a clear example of how the Towers were destroyed by what was called “Propelled Demolition” mechanism described in the paper above.
While the above detailed engineering-mechanics analysis of the destruction of the Twin Towers doesn’t say who did it (it is a mechanics analysis), it provides a solid basis for understanding what was observed.
If you research the record in the (surviving) steel, videos of the debris as found during the clean-up, and the audio record you won’t find evidence of explosive detonations (only one or two noticeable booms per tower). Evidence for energetic materials — yes; explosive detonations — no.
Look at these two papers before responding to this post.
I loved them when Richard Gage was still with them, but they were always silent about the isreal connections, the groups which prepared the towers, this “E-Team” later we saw some of them as dancing. Massmedia did their best to silence all traces and the government took care they get asap back to isreal without anyone asking.
There is enough footage what this “E-Team” did, besides the photos with all these boxes.
Mel Rockefeller writes about those isreal connections on his website
im his opinion the masterminds of that event sit in isreal, weather mossad or not we might never know, Alex Jones also was silent about any of those. So much Bill Cooper made a special episode “AJ is a liar” end of september 2001; well Cooper was gone early october.
But sure the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth covered the technical side very plausible, not the who did it.
Lets just say you have gone on for a very long time, and intend to continue to do so.
To pull a Clinton : “…at this point, what difference does it make ?”
It is more useful in public discourse, to stick to the official narrative, which in itself is problematic.
Controlled demolition was written into the Planning Conditon documentation, hence the crators in the basements::
As usual, wonderful analysis. And I can perfectly understand Andrei’s concluding comments about “white noise” since I get a LOT of that in my own writing. I agree with Andrei, especially his point about there being no “front”, this being mobility warfare. Mobility warfare is not new — it is centuries old — and you see its precepts in various martial arts. But it was largely ignored in the US mililtary in favor of shock&awe/ overwheming force so aptly represented by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. American style warfare aims at taking territory — by destroying it! This assumes an overwhelming advantage — superiority in all respects. Meaning it is not good for peer level war. Mobility warfare aims at destroying the enemy’s military capability while preserving territory, if not infrastructure and civilian life. Mobility warfare is therefore “smart war”. And provides advantages AFTER the war is over — in reconstruction. The Russosphere is alive with criticism of Russian command, a lot of it stimulated I think by Ukie psyops as Andrei says. I saw a lot of this last week when I was doing VOs for SouthFront. I like SF and think they mostly do a commendable job — but like everybody (me included) they don’t get right). I didn’t think the Kharkov “offensive” was a “disaster” for Russia — on the contrary — as I explain HERE…..
Hi Julian, I think you analysis is good. I have to respectfully disagree on one point though although only slightly just to clarify things related to the U.S. military. In the 80s the US Army along with the embarked upon new strategic thinking relating to the potential invasion of the USSR into Europe specifically. I played a small part in the development of the Air-Land battle doctrine or FM101-1 and FM101-2. In a nutshell we developed the strategy as not about taking or holding land but using our out numbered forces 10-1 for maximum impact using maneuver defensive/ offensive strategies and tactics. This is where I think it gets interesting. The US pretty much threw away that doctrine after the collapse of the USSR. The 1st invasion of Iraq didn’t show much of the maneuver strategies or tactics that were developed because they didn’t need to abide by the Air Land battle doctrine of mobile warfare. Sure the 18th Airborne Corps moved from south east to north west, but the 6th corps was in a static defense because there was not real concern for the capabilities of the Iraqi forces. After the fall of the USSR, US forces were left floundering in a cycle of lack of relevance and an inability to feed the MIC. The greatest gift “war on terror” was handed to the MIC but the greatest curse for the US military. (senior officers excluded). The US military focused on low level advisories and relied upon air superiority. This decision took away the need to advance or even maintain the capabilities of maneuver warfare. The equipment artillery, tanks, APCs, AA, etc., and trained personnel are negligible at this point in time because of this myopic view of the “war of terror” but hey…. Why spend all that money on things that cost a lot when you can spend more FIAT on vaporware systems. In summary the ability of the US land forces is nothing short of a joke. Training the UKR military is a reflection of their idiotic strategy and tactics. The US is moving towards an idiocracy and UKR is a sad reflection of their masters.
It was not only the twin towers that fell 911.
It was the US itself.
The US fell in 1913.
The fate of its inhabitants was sealed in 1965.
I don’t know how to tell y’all this other just to say it: 911 isn’t all that important.
Agreed Gryunt! If it wasn’t for FIAT currency and debt the US would not have the ability to spend endlessly on the MIC.
Great piece by Mr. Martyanov.
It is good to hear that the various local populations where offered evacutation in advance, sort of expected it after the Bucha incident by the war criminals, but still good to hear from a reliable source.
I pitty some of those Pro-Ukraine people who stayed behind, doesn’t matter how pro regime you are … some ‘traitors’ will need to die … it they have time some mass-graves will probably also be found … unless you got a NAZI tatoo … odds of being framed is possible. Some people like to get revenge on their long time neightbour in these circumstances.
Although I subscribe to a deeper explanation of 9II, I think he uses the offical narrative to illustrate the hypocracy and twisted logic of Empire.
Thank you Andrei,
Sir, thank you for sharing your insight once again.
Could the Kremlin have created this feint, to draw the Ukrainians out into the open, as you speculate?
And isn’t this drawing NATO out into the open as well militarily, as they are emboldened to pour more weapons into Ukraine, for Russia to destroy?
Or drawing out the finances in the West, as they pour more money in?
It really could be a masterful stroke. Russia is under no time or resource constraint and can leisurely watch the West crumble more as they draw this SMO out.
I was living in Illinois in 1997, when I read news that the Twin Towers were to be demolished to give space for more modern buildings. This same year, some people around us told us that the government was controlled by a mafia.
I have to admit that I was very naive at the time, but I never forgot these two pieces of information. When 9/11 happened, I immediately connected the dots.
Unfortunately, although I tried to retrive the information about the demolition of the Twin Towers, I as unable to find it in the Internet. Perhaps, somebody has it, somewhere. It is an important part of the truth.
Does Andrei M really still believe that 11/9 was done by islamic terrorists? Really?
When it’s now proved beyond reasonable doubt that it was a false-flag? The three controlled demolitions in the WTC, alone (also proven beyond reasonable doubt to have been exactly that: CDs), demonstrate the false-flag truth without doubt. Who else could have organised the rigging of the buildings, but powerful plotters within the US/zionistani ruling ‘elites’?
If Andrei M really still buys the ’19 islamic suicide bombers’ bs, then he’s blown a huge hole in his own savvy credibility.
Well to have Andrei go in to details of an event which occurred long time and not the subject of this discussion except in reference to how it pertains to Russia and how those groups which were held responsible were created and continue to be supported by US a complete diversion.
That there are muslim terror groups is a fact. Many if them are without US support.
So to keep the discussion clean it’s better to go with conventional view point.
9/11 was a planned event. Not by the so called “terrorists”, but by their masters, the pindo/zionist establishment. Their symbiosis (like the jewish oligarch/ukronazis) is working perfectly to undermine their “enemies”
The official “explanation” is purely ridiculous. The Patriot Act “legislation” was well prepared in advance, to respond to a “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbour” (PNAC dixit, september 2000), and pushed through Congress in record time.
The destruction of the twins was not due to some plane crash, and “fuel fire”, but controlled demolition (as building 7 later in the day, magically foreseen by some presstitutes).
The NYFD firefighters on scene described the explosions that went from the top to the bottom of the twins, which collpsed practically in free fall (like building 7, “pulled”). You can take a recording of the fall, create a filter from the average noise, apply it, and you’ll get the unmistakable “boom boom boom”. Done it.
Also the corresponding shockwaves can be seen preceding the collapse like a pancake.
The second building collapse is the most telling: it starts with the upper section tilting heavily to one side, which one would expect to be pushed sideways, and then crash near the tower, but magically the whole thing collapses again in its own footprint.
The jewish leaser of the complex “luckily” insured them against “terrorist attacks”, and made a fortune.
On the military side, the response to the “hijacking” was abysmal. The quick alert fighters were sent on false chases, and the “plane” that hit the pentagram leaved just a little hole in the building, with the so called crash remnants being brought out on the shoulders of a few soldiers.
Later the “heroes” of the doomed flight 93 magically phoned home from their cell phones flying at nearly mach 1 to describe their exploits.
There are simply too many convenient “coincidences” in the whole affair.
Until now no one knows who exactly did 9-11 except the obvious; the US government in implicit participation of one (or two) foreign government’s intel service.
As time goes by the 9-11 commemoration event become more and more quiet.
Not so credible argumentation this time, Andrey. If there were not so important and strategical areas, why Russia devoted so large efforts and losses in taken it? (I mean mainly Izium that is the main base of pression on Donetsk´s Slavyansk-Kostantynovaka defense line). This was, in fact, a very important strategical domination for avoiding the direct attack on the “Donbas wall” wanted by NATO from the begginning (this immemorial supposed mistake of Biden about 20th February of the “minor incursion” perhaps not causing a “big” reaction…).
Also it was very prestigious for Russia this domination of an important part of Kharkov oblast and one of the real basis of the hopes of a recovery of the Russian world.
For sure these positions perhaps were very costly to keep and not giving revenues in last weeks with the fronts (mobile or not) very stabilized for long there.
But, I think we cannot use the facts in our convenience and now it seems very difficult to revert all this in the short term
9/11 was the end result of a conspiracy. There can be no doubt that the hijacked aircraft brought down the buildings. How? The buildings were designed to withstand a hit from such commercial aircraft.
But the building structure failed. Not once but twice in a row.
Simply put – the building’s planners and engineers lied about the buildings capability to withstand a ‘hit’.
The conspiracy? Most of the world’s tallest structures are built on the same principle as the Towers.
All of them targets and none capable of withstanding an aircraft hit.
aaaaand office fires.
none of the rest of high rise steel buildings is protected against immediate collapse by office fires, nor any structural change was proposed nor for the constructed before, neither for the ones constructed after.
clearly a conspiracy by those nasty architects and structural engineers!
how no one suspected aa much before baffles me
Any thoughts about WTC7 ? /s
Donald Trump Calls Into WWOR/UPN 9 News on 9/11
Trump was nearby, and has some very interesting comments!
Knows something about big buildings!