This cartoon is by Natalia Forcat, aka NaT, make sure to check her the rest of her work at:
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it gets worse: good terrorist ( aka chechen freedom fighter) kills Russian; bad terrorist ( barrel bombing Assad) likes Russians,,, it is an insane use of the word that gives it no logical meaning only gut wrenching confusion which is the point.
As for State terrorism aka premeditated war crime:This leaves out the eye witness accounts that matter and goes for sympathetic regret.
@ teranam13
Q; it is an insane use of the word that gives it no logical meaning only gut wrenching confusion which is the point.
R; A whole slew of words have become meaningless, thanks to the mindless [over] use of them.
Antisemite [all Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians excluded, of course]
Liberal [membership only granted when you’re a millionaire]
Terrorist [by now anyone who can pick a gun or rifle]
Freedom of speech [in the free speech zone, please]
Democracy [here’s your one and only choice]
International law [hey, hey! I got the copyright]
and on and on and on…
I think they all have a good laugh at it…, 10,000 years from now.
10,000 years from now…so which planet do you think we’ll be living on ? I mean of course all the eternal molecules…
Daniel, ‘antisemite’ now means either anybody who attacks the behaviour of any Jew, anywhere, no matter how vile that behaviour would universally be regarded as if committed by a mere goy (which is why arguing with a Zionazi is immediately classified as a ‘pogrom’)or, Gilad Atzmon’s definition, borrowed from an Israeli-‘Once the antisemites were the people who hated the Jews, but now they are the people who the Jews hate’. If you want to see a particularly filthy example, and have a strong stomach, see Nick Cohen’s piece in today’s Guardian. Cohen, a Zionazi fanatic, one of the prime agitators for the aggression and genocide in Iraq, manages to slime not just Moslems, but also, naturally, Jeremy Corbyn, for the crime of treating Palestinians and Lebanese Shia as human beings, which translates in Judeofascist hate mania to ‘support for terrorism’. Judeofascists have taken the lead in smearing Corbyn because he dares treat Zionazism’s victims as human beings. Cohen’s filth unleashed a sewer of Guardianista Islamophobic hatred.
Perversion of language is one of the most frighteningly powerful weapons of totalitarian regime oppression.
Doublespeak and doublethink are alas not fictional items, they are real.
It looks like 1 flag is missing, but the message rings true nevertheless. Nice one.
I didn’t notice the lack of a flag.
The point is made very clearly with the one flag.
What flag do you think is needed for a clearer point?
That of the Zionist Entity.
Huh? But surely the Zionists and the Yanks are on the same side. So . . . Logic??
maybe Daniel thought both terrorists should be holding US flags. But its easier to understand the joke if only one is holding us flag
Easy enough:
Islamist combatant with no credible message from AZ sponsors = Terrorist.
Islamist combatant with credible message from AZ sponsors = Moderate terrorist.
Of course, to our dear ‘Judeo-Christian’ Western zombies a US flag would have been more than enough. But since overt commitment to Zionism is a non-negotiable Article Of Faith (even in the Rent-a-Jihadist monkey business), a so-called Moderate Islamist terrorist had better comply with Massa’s more pesky ideological whims, mind you.
Katherine, well, both terrorists are US funded..ISIL and Mod…
Now that it is quite clear to the world that ISIS/al Qaeda is a US mercenary force, it is significant that the US and Afghan forces just destroyed Kunduz after it was taken over by the Taliban. The Taliban is an enemy of ISIS and of the US and its Afghan puppet. The heroin trade runs through Aghanistan. This is a critical theater of the war which can easily spread into Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, etc. from northern Afghanistan.
Taliban will come back to power, its matter of time and there are people who will join them from the territories north of Afghanistan, those territories are already allies of Russia. So be sure that Taliban is not Alqaeda and Taliban will fight ISIS.
I hope you are right, and that when they do they are ready to grow. The whole world is watching.
@ David George
As has been said by others, FUKUS isn’t going to roll over and give up. The fight will be mean and dirty, but it’s clear now, for all to see, ISIS = FUKUS and ISIS is being rolled over, to be destroyed.
Innocents will die, again, as they always do, when caught between the gears of ghastly and unfair practices of [some] superpowers, but with over 200,000 deaths [including, I believe, 40,000 SAA soldiers] the only way to stop the bloodletting is by amputating the mangled limbs. I don’t see any other way out…
You may be right but I believe there is a new world coming, and it may be starting now, if Thierry Meysan is right about Obama and Putin in this article:
Salam David George,
When two years ago I said on the Old Saker blog, that both Obama and Putin are in cahoots, people thought that I have lost my marbles. Some even thought that being an Arab, I don’t know the meaning of cahoots. They started quoting me the meaning of cahoots from the dictionary.
From the above link provided by you, I now quote Thierry Meysan:
“Basing his interpretation on an internal document from the Security Council, he affirms that Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama are acting together against the US liberal hawks and neo-conservatives.”
Best regards,
Sometimes Thierry Mayssan takes for real his wishes.
Oh, it would be nice was it true; but… “Obama” and “acting” ??
The only “acting” I see from the current american Pu Yi is the one done by “actors” as in “role players” and not as in “actually performing actions”.
It was a l w a y s clear that al-Queda/ISIS is the “desert division” of CIA/Mossad. But due to the total media lock-down by the Zionists and the Fascists oppressive 24/7 bullying, everyone was hiding under a rock.
Putin the Fearless has changed that and people start talking up. What a relief!
The deliberate US destruction of the MSF hospital in Kunduz is a major war crime. The subsequent lying denial is pure ‘exceptionalism’, as is the lie that the Taliban were present, a lie immediately denounced by MSF. Of course even if Taliban were present that would NEVER justify such bombing, but it is exactly what Israel has done over and over again in Gaza and Lebanon, and the USA on numerous occasions. And the trotting out of some vile stooge from the Afghan compradore regime, to repeat his Western bosses’ lies, was another nauseating touch.
Netanyahu says Israel is in a “war to the death” with against “Palestinian terror”, but he is actually in a war to the death against the civilized world. I repost this earlier link:
Israel is carrying out false flag rocket attacks from Gaza in order to carry out airstrikes against Gaza.
Resupply with advanced weapons to US/ISIS/al Qaeda forces in Syria through Turkey.
Bibi is mass murderer, a clown and yes a narcissist. Boy, do they hate it, if someone is standing in front of them, or getting all the attention only they would deserve.
To remind the universe of his importance he goes over to the sandbox and kicks up some dust. Well done, idiot!
The Zionazis are itching to ‘mow the grass’ in Gaza again, and offer up another few hundred children as sacrificial mitzvot to their psychotic God.
Obama being pulled into line?
Nice fake :-D
And the plot thickens: ( testing, testing 1, 2, 3)
The humiliation for the Zionist propaganda pussy States – USA, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia – is huge. Huger than huge. Try as they might, even now, they can’t think a single clear thought, so angry are they.
And it was exactly this, their inability to respond quickly – like pros would do – that Putin anticipated and that was one of the key factors for the decision to go “all in” in Syria.
so Turkey claims 5 mile no fly zone within Syrian territory?-amazing……..
@ Anon:
“[..] so Turkey claims 5 mile no fly zone within Syrian territory?-amazing……..”
How about if I declare an exclusion-zone within the grounds of a mansion I have my eye on… will I be able to kick out the legitimate owners and get the property for myself? Will that “fly” legally? ;-)
The question is; will Russia put up with this 5 miles no-fly-zone nonsense or will they tell the Turks where to stick it?
On the other hand, Erdogan is so mental (he’s the Turkish version of McCain, if you ask me) that he might just try to go and play chicken with Russian jets, trouble is… Turkey is a NATO member (once one is attacked they’re all attacked) :/
Russia is sitting on a powder keg that could go off at any moment (and I’m more than sure they‘re well aware of that fact,btw), but, the weakest link is… guess who: Erdogan.
SA, Israhell and Qatar are fighting each-other for the second place on my list of nutters itching to start a world conflict…
re: cover up ongoing of the Kunduz MSF unfortunate “incident”…..These mendacious spawns of Satan are resorting to every trick in the book of improper propaganda to bury this story…it is so radioactive. They are minimalising it, they are muddying the waters, they are burying it into an official investigation like MH17, they are suggesting that since the Russians bomb near hospitals ( probable mostly lies) but somehow manage not to hit them that just because NATO hit the one in Kunduz…well, it could happen to anyone, now can’t it.? I am so furious—this was deliberately evil done repeatedly over a period of an hour. I worked in a hospital in a gang controlled area–it was off limits and no one ever bothered me on my way to work. It was neutral territory so were churches and schools. Very bad things happened very quickly to anyone violating these rules so no one did. Don’t tell me people that are routinely put into prisons in the USA are more honorable than the USAF brass because I know that already.
I read that the bombing continued for 30 more minutes “after” the US command was informed they were hitting a hospital. I’m not sure how long it would take to radio pilots and say “stop the bombing “.But 30 minutes seems like a long time to me.
@ Uncle Bob 1,
Q; But 30 minutes seems like a long time to me.
R; The ‘accidental’ attack on the USS Liberty lasted only ~90 minutes – Link to USS Liberty Memorial web si9te, what did you expect?
Accuracy? Honesty? Openness?
Guess uncle Sam lost those valuable assets in a divorce from reality.
teranam, the attack was plainly deliberate and is a clear signal from the Satanic forces in Mordor-on-the-Potomac that they remain dedicated to murder as a sacramental act, and that they will kill anyone, anywhere, whenever they feel like it. There is a definite stench of sulphur saturating the planet, emanating from Mordor and Tel Aviv. Russia abd China standing up to them has plainly sent the Exceptionalists into a crazed state that can only be sated by oceans of blood.
Pictures like this are like Rorschach ink blots: they reflect our own consciousness. Reminds me of the story of the doctor showing several blots and after each one the patient says it’s a naked woman in various situations. The doctor says: your problem is you are obsessed with sex. The patient says, yah, but you’re the one showing me the pictures. Seriously, the individual consciousness is where the action is, war and otherwise. That’s a saving doctrine considering the herd-sheep dog mentality that threatens us today. But what about good groups you say, errr, like this one for instance? Yes, but our shining example is composed by shining individuals, unless we are one large rorschach blot. And even then we are interpreted by other individuals. From my perspective both terrorists and moderate terrorists should be shown holding US flags because the US is the arch-terrorist that includes both. At a still higher level is the terrorist of terrorists called patriarchy at which point the screen goes blank and consciousness falls into some kind of black hole rorschsch blot-out. Cheers, not fears.
Saker, that’s hilarious…thanks…a picture worth a thousand words…for sure…
B61 Nuclear Bunker Buster Tests
SEP 28 FW Engdahl
Pentagon Russia war plans
A report citing senior US Defense Department sources appeared in the September 18 in Foreign Policy magazine. The report revealed that the Department of Defense is “reviewing and updating its contingency plans for armed conflict with Russia.” The review and updating reportedly includes US possible use of so-called “tactical” nuclear weapons against Russia. In his July Senate confirmation hearings, the incoming US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General “Fightin’ Joe” Dunford, declared that Russia posed an “existential threat” to the US. Three years ago it was China. They don’t seem able to make up their mind.
Adding to the growing military tensions between NATO and Russia, German Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets started patrolling the airspace of the three Baltic States with full ammunition loads on September 20. German Air Force’s Inspector General Karl Müllner stated that the decision to fly fully armed was designed to “motivate” German pilots. He didn’t elaborate on which Air Force might become the enemy, nor what his pilots were being motivated for. The new B 61-12 nuclear bomb could also be fitted to German Tornado fighter jets. Perhaps that would really motivate the German pilots.
According to my colleague Pepe Escobar of Russia’s Sputnik International and Asia Times, “Third World War” was never part of the original redaction of the Pope’s speech. Francis personally added it on his flight from Rome to Havana.
Was that meant to signal that, led by the militant banner of history’s first Jesuit Pope, the Vatican is bringing us into a World War III against Russia and her allies, most certainly also China? Very few statesmen or political leaders that I know of are calling this World War III today. Is the comment intended to signal that the thousand-year quest of the Roman church to eradicate Orthodox Christianity, for which Russia today is the bastion, along with Greece, Serbia and eastern Ukraine and elsewhere, is seen as the ultimate prize? Let’s devoutly hope not, and hope that the inserted phrase owed to fatigue or jet lag on the long flight from Rome to Havana.
First appeared:
We really need not worry about World War Three. World War Two never ended, the USA taking over from Nazi Germany the task of destroying Russia, and from fascist Japan the task of eviscerating China. The messy business of colonialism and imperialism was replaced by the economic terror of neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism under the aptly named ‘Washington Consensus’. And, in one aggression, subversion and coup delivering fascist rule after another, the Real Evil Empire caused tens of millions of premature, wretched, deaths. If you add the toll of those killed by the unjust economic order, the figure is in the hundreds of millions.
According to UNICEF, the ongoing attacks by a U.S.-backed, Saudi Arabian-led coalition in Yemen have resulted in the deaths of at least 505 children since March 26, 2015. Another 710 have been left injured, and 1.7 million are at risk of malnutrition. As Daniel Johnson with the U.N. pointed out, the grievous numbers are equivalent to eight children killed or maimed in Yemen every day for six months.
On Monday, a missile from a Saudi-led airstrike struck a Yemeni wedding reception in the village of Al-Wahijah, located near the Red Sea. The explosion resulted in 131 deaths, and the incident is being labeled as one of the deadliest attacks on civilians during the six-month conflict.
While these bloody attacks were carried out by jets belonging to Middle East monarchies fronted by Saudi Arabia, the responsibility ultimately lies with the Obama administration. The atrocities carried out by the Saudi monarchy and its allies would not be possible without the backing of the American government and military.
President Obama welcomed Saudi King Salman to the White House with open arms earlier this month, even as Saudi war planes were slaughtering and terrorizing men, women and children throughout Yemen. A billion dollar deal was announced to replenish the kingdom’s stockpile of bombs. The US government has provided billions of dollars worth of weapons and military equipment, assisting Saudi Arabia in developing one of the largest and most advanced militaries in the Middle East.
The entire assault is being overseen from a joint operations center in Saudi Arabia staffed by dozens of American military advisors. American drone operators are providing live video streams of potential air strike targets, while American advisors give their stamp of approval.
One could ask – Is there a more corrupt, criminal, cruel cabal than the one that rules Saudi Arabia ? The very close friend and allied of the ‘West’
The moderate one should have the israeli flag instead of american
an article associated with this cartoon is brilliant:
eg extract
“Realizing all this, I almost started to cry knowing that somewhere in the distant Syria, the Russian air force is dropping bombs not on terrorists, as expected, but on the moderate terrorists trained by the CIA! With a sense of my civic duty, I immediately called. And not somewhere, but directly the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Some girl answered, whom I immediately asked:
“Why did you bomb the terrorists in Syria, they’re moderates – the CIA trained and armed them?! They don’t behead captives and burn people alive just for fun. They accurately perform their task, which was assigned to them by the CIA. They very conscientiously and very moderately carry out all orders of the CIA aimed at overthrowing the legitimate authority in Syria. And only for this, you bomb them?!”.
The girl transferred me to the officer on duty, who very politely explained: “Even before the military operation in Syria, the General staff of the Defense Ministry made a responsible decision. The essence of this solution lies in our traditional Russian desire to adhere strictly to the principles of legality and justice. So now, all of our munitions are divided into two categories: regular and moderate. Against ordinary terrorists, we use only conventional munitions. Against moderate terrorists, we use solely moderate ammunition. So don’t worry, we take into account the moderation of some of the terrorists and treat them with justice.”
After these words, I felt relieved. But I still asked: “Do you really use exclusively moderate ammo against moderate terrorists, is this true?!”
The source said: “Word of honor!”.
I felt much better. To clarify, I asked: “Tell me, how your conventional munitions differ from the moderate?”
“Our conventional munitions differ from moderate exactly the same as regular terrorists in Syria are different from the moderate terrorists: they are painted with different paint, in a lighter and more moderate tones,” – said the officer and hung up.”
Nicely done. Good for the Sci-Fi Channel.
the question is what is a terrorist is he a mercenary, or is he the phantom enemy that George bush tells us, but the US and the UK have always used terrorists, but now they have the worldwide terrorist network of America, Britain and Israel, it’s called ABI, and consists of the CIA,NSA,DHS,MI5 and MI6 and lets not forget MOSSAD the worst of all that does the real dirty work, or it may be where you are in the world.
David Swanson: Ruminations of an Afghan Girl Burning to Death in a Hospital Bed,
“I know that I’m not supposed to be bitter, and yet that somehow makes it harder not to be. When my father and sister and two cousins were blown into little pieces last year, it was the action of some distant office worker pushing a switch on a remote-controlled airplane. And I’m supposed to believe that they meant well. And this is supposed to make it better. But somehow it makes it worse.”