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Crazy is as crazy does…….
Biden calls Ze. Straight after the Ukie military send a command ship towards the Kerch straight. A dangerous provocation:
“A Ukrainian navy vessel, named the Donbass, set course to pass through Russian territorial waters off the coast of Crimea, on Thursday, and ignored warnings to turn around, border officials have reported.
The incident cames at a time of heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine that have caused alarm internationally. On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a “virtual summit” with his US counterpart, Joe Biden. The American leader was due to speak with Ukraine’s Volodomyr Zelensky around the same time, amid efforts to find a resolution to a seven-year-old standoff between Moscow, Kiev and the West.
In a statement issued late on Thursday night, Russia’s FSB announced that “on December 9 at 9.12am, the command ship ‘Donbass’ of the Ukrainian Navy left the port of Mariupol and began heading for the Kerch Strait.”
According to officials, the vessel did not have permission to pass through the Russian-controlled Kerch-Yenikalsky canal that divides the Black Sea from the Sea of Azov………”
Seems the Ukies want to provoke a hot war…..then turns back…..seems some US Senators – like Wicker – make Ukraine feel emboldened.
Biden calls Ze and there’s a new provocation.
What did I say here before? Biden lied to Putin. Biden has already signed off on a new Ukrainian offensive against Donbass. The plan remains to provoke Russia to destroy Ukraine so the neocons can further their geopolitical agendas against Russia.
People who say those agendas aren’t workable because the EU, especially Germany, will suffer under new sanctions, cancellation of NordStream 2, etc. don’t understand that *the neocons don’t care*, as long as they can pursue their vendetta against Russia.
The Russians are fully aware that the collective “Biden” is non-agreement capable – they are exposing the lies of the West to the rest of the world.
I think this provocation was a PR move by Natostan – why choose a command vessel called” the Donbass” to sail during the Biden/Ze talks? They didn’t get their headline or reaction.
It was interesting that yesterday VVP was highlighting again how the CIA sat in the government of Russia in the mid 90’s to early 2000’s when he took over and kicked them out. They had a desk inside Russia’s nuclear facilities:
The US congress/government and people like Wicker are stuck in that era still. They never left the era!
VVP also stated that the conduct inside Ukraine against the people of the Donbass looked like genocide. Some Western press picked up on this too and asked the imbecile Psaki:
The collective “West” is setting its own trap/cauldron. Their foolishness will be their downfall……..
V, what amazes me is that vvp, & many russians that loved mother , probably under the direction of primokov, in such a short time frame reclaimed, restored & returned mother from raped & bankrupted to her rightful position as protector & world leader. it is nothing short of miraculous.
Richard Steven, do you mind elaborating on what you believe is the neoconservative-neoliberal agenda for Russia? Thanks!
We can’t be sure, unless someone links to some internal neocon documents that say so.
There’s a lot of speculation, however, that a war between Ukraine and Russia might – I say might – be used to drag the EU back into the fold over NordStream 2, and general hostility towards Russia which the EU has been wavering about for a while. Trying to damage Russia by cutting it off from the world economic system might also be a goal.
Note that it’s likely that any of these would actually occur or do any significant damage to Russia. But as I mentioned, the important thing is what the neocons believe and what they will do to achieve what they think are viable goals.
The bottom line is that the neocons hate Russia (they’re descended from Trotskyites – Trotsky was Ukrainian) and they’re going to continue to try to damage Russia no matter what else they’re after.
Neocons hate Russia even more than they hate any other nation:
What is scary is that there are a lot of Senator Wicker types out there. These nut cases could end up starting a war. They are incapable of objective reasoning.
@Bill Osborne Jr: “These nut cases … are incapable of objective reasoning.”
Sorry, Bill, but the first nutcase to propose that scary idea was a famous Logician: Bertrand Russell, around 1945.
“The dream of Reason produces monsters” — Francesco Goya
I bet if you look up this senator’s funding a lot of it comes from the MIC. I’m starting to think there is a standing bonus to congressman for every war that gets started. Luckily many are seeing through the BS, even Ukrainians.
“Ukrainian soldiers stationed along Ukraine’s border with Russia in the eastern Donbas region told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) on Tuesday they “don’t believe a [Russian] invasion is coming” to the region as speculated by Western media in recent weeks.
The U.S. government-funded RFE/RL published a handful of interviews with four border soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on December 7 that “downplay recent warnings from Kyiv and Western intelligence agencies that Moscow may be planning a major new offensive.”
“[M]ost soldiers don’t believe an invasion is coming,” a female Ukrainian soldier named Iryna told the broadcaster.
“The front line doesn’t feel any different now than before,” she said.
“Another reason they [Ukrainian soldiers] don’t buy these rumors is because there are a lot of lies in our country,” Iryna revealed.”
z has posted on twitter they spoke for 1.5 hrs….Biden informed him about the Putin meeting…discussed possible formats for the resolution of the conflict in Donbass ….and they touched upon internal matters of
Associated Press had earlier suggested by that Biden might try to get Z to concede the Donbass to have their automony.
Minsk mechanisms are the only format …what could be others??????
Ian Brzezinski, the former George W. Bush-era deputy assistant of defence for Europe and NATO Policy, proposed “punishing” Russia financially preemptively over actions it has not taken in Ukraine: “We ought to be taking some preliminary economic steps now … may be stopping some payments on oil and gas transfers, maybe in a couple days shutting Russia off from SWIFT. These are steps that would demonstrate that the larger sanctions that we’re threatening are real.”
He also urged for “some serious military steps” to be taken as well: “NATO ought to be moving assets in southeastern Poland and eastern Romania. I’m a little bit surprised we haven’t mobilised the NATO response force and moved it into the region. We ought to be increasing lethal weapon transfers to the Ukrainian armed forces… We also ought to be stepping up our engagement with the Ukrainian armed forces, perhaps in exercises, some air presence in western Ukraine.”
A good sign that the American administration ignores the psychopath Brzezinski jr.
All of which Scott Ritter dismissed in his recent piece on the Biden-Putin summit. He points out that the US rapid response force would be a drop in the bucket compared to Russia’s military capability. He thinks Biden created this “invasion” nonsense in order to then appear to back Putin down during the summit, to improve his poll numbers (which show only 22% of the US electorate want him to run again.)
Personally I think Ritter’s theory is interesting, but I suspect it’s not the whole story. I think Biden is either on board with a Ukrainian offensive, or he simply is out of the loop from a neocon and CIA plan to encourage Zelensky to start an offensive.
In any event, nothing has changed. Biden has simply kicked the can down the road. Whatever he says to Zelensky doesn’t solve Zelensky’s political problem and it doesn’t solve the overall problem of Ukraine vs Russia.
Ritters piece mirrors the practical approach taken in the above video by Andrei Martyanov.
Comparing the US/NATO military and strategic analysis capabilities between the Cold War era and today and making the point that however willing the crazies are in the US/UK the ability to deliver in a practical rather than theoretical sense just does not exist in reality.
The crazies can spout nonsense till they are blue in the face and create whatever fantasy realities exist in their own heads. The practical reality is that such fantasies won’t survive contact with the real world realities.
But the problem is the crazies still have the will to sit things in motion. Whether they succeed or not is irrelevant to the question of whether they will do it anyway. That’s *why* they are “crazies”. But they are crazies with influence in national governments.
Assuming something won’t happen because it will have an obvious negative outcome is never prudent, given human history.
Ian Brzezinski is son of U$ foreign-policy expert Zbigniew Brzezinski, and his brothers are U$ foreign policy expert Mark Brzezinski and U$ TV news journalist Mika Brzezinski.
I keep saying, the trouble with the West is nepotism; too many incompetent public figures simply carrying on the outdated ideas of their well placed parents.
This Wicker is not atypical. Far from it. He epitomises what currently passes for US and western leadership in general – the Ted Cruzes, the Rubios, the Lindsay Grahams, the Blinkens, the Yellens, Menendez, Cotton, Ocasio Cortez, Trudeau, Nuland, Haley, Power, McFaul, all the little sawdust Caesars in the UK and EU and their rabid equivalents in eastern Europe, the list is endless. This is The Normal, The Average, The Bog Standard, The Routine. Egregiously arrogant, irredeemably corrupt, heroically ignorant, venal, delusional and ideologically driven. The Legion Of The Not Terribly Bright. Congress is full of such people. So is the House of Commons and Whitehall. Or the Reichstag. The Zionist Neocons given free rein to pursue their hatreds and blood lust.
And that is why war is now inevitable. Not just possible. Not just likely. Inevitable.
And quite likely against Russia, China and Iran simultaneously.
With General Brandon and General Trudeau and General Johnson at the helm, what could possibly go wrong?
They ALL must go.
The trifecta have no armies, other than a rainbow Battalion or two all supported by a rear echolon of millennials……go ahead, start a war.
Cheers M
I saw the senator comment and I worry he will definitely be put on the Nut-List by certainly the, well, professional and aware elements of the US military, and, of course, by observers in other foreign capitals. (About this Senator, if truth be told, he does not come across as a lunatic but more of a dumbo.) It is important to understand that these comments originate from the milieu of a domestic political context that is unsettled, divided and a few sign signs of disorientation. I am sure there will be further statements in the future to look forward to but on this one, at least, the Senators own office ‘back-peddled’ and “explained” what it was that the senator really meant to say, and so on, you see. -_-
I think Wicker misspoke when he suggested sending American troops into Russia “on the ground.” I think the likely outcome of that attempt, which I would assume he does not really want, would be to place them permanently IN THE GROUND.
This is a question on traditional Russian cooking. What is the proper way to fry the Azov Brigade and their NATO advisors? Is Russian Vodka required?
Why waste good Vodka on frying these Orcs? A few well-placed TOS thermobaric rocket batteries should do the trick.
Antoinetta III
Dear Antoinette lll
Thank you very kindly for sharing your Holiday recipe…
Warmest Regards
War for Blair Mountain
Russia historically played a role in ensuring American revolution success back in 1776. Also back in 1860’s during the civil war, Russia also aided America. In World War II, Russia defeated fascism and nazism. Is this how Americans say thank you????? And what is worse many Americans do not even know this history!!!!!
I am disappointed, and words cannot describe my disappointment. Americans seem to be ignorant of history, do not know where Ukraine is on the map (would not surprise me if many Americans are unable to pinpoint Russia on the map). Sadly the same way as Americans cannot find Iraq or Iran on the map.
“Only one in six Americans were able to accurately place Ukraine on a map.”
Ukronazis hate Russia, we all know this. However this is way worse. What did Russia ever do to America? Russia historically was always friendly to America. Wanted to help out. Words fail me!
“Pro-western Russian liberals are dismayed, insulted and angry at the non-stop lunacy churned out by U.S. media.”
For all the friendship and help Russians gave, and America’s thank you is: “lets bomb Russkies to the stone age”. Awful, simply awful. There are no simply any excuses for this!
Also as a Ukrainian, I am angry at this joker of the senator. If Russia is bombed with nukes, Ukraine will get a thousand Chernobyls. The distance between Moscow and Kiev is only 756 km.
Andrei Martyanov is correct — Russia is dealing not only with ignoramuses but also stark raving lunatics in the US political establishment, from Biden’s handlers down to the last well-dressed beggar. No doubt about it.
And therein lies Russia’s great difficulty — how to convince the loonies that they are heading for a steep drop from a cliff, and no, people can’t fly. RF can only hope that there are still people — particularly in the military and intelligence, who actually have their fingers on the trigger– who are lucid and who listen in order to prevent a catastrophe. That is why RF is still patient and still talking to the enemy.
@ Stand Easy.
That is what makes the situation so dangerous. There is a large number of Dr. Strangelove types in the west. Their hatred of Russia is so all encompassing that an all out nuclear exchange may be acceptable even desirable to them since Russia would finally be destroyed.
If I’d been her, I would have said to Kennedy, ‘get ye to the gulag!’
As for Stalin, she should talk to Native Americans, and the millions in the US prison industrial complex.
And as for the US financial services industry, given the dotcom fraud, the health insurance scam, the 2008 crash and bailout, who could disagree with her assessment of the people in that industry?
How does Wicker and the other nut cases feel safe threatening Russia with nukes?
Consider: These characters have been given their Golden Tickets to the Continuance Of Government bunkers under the mountains where they believe that they can issue global self destruct orders and wait in quiet luxury in absolute safety and security as the surface of the planet burns above them. And then, once the surface has cooled down, they can break the seals, emerge and then, having full access to Russian natural resources, sans Russian people, proceed to “Built Back Better.”
Are they correct?
I doubt they are suicidal. Genocidal, certainly. But not suicidal.
Anyone who has ever spent any significant part of their working life in a practical working environment as part of a ‘modern’ hierarchical organisational enterprise will be extremely familiar with the mindset operating here.
Its one whose nonsensical grasp of practical reality you had to deal with on a daily basis. And some of the nonsense is regularly at the level of Andrei Martyanov’s example of the navigational difficulties in the Azov sea.
From people being instructed to work inefficiently through to being instructed to smash up a live gas main in situ – an event which resulted in the skilled and experienced engineers subject to that instruction handing the tools necessary to achieve the task to the Rupert in question, retreating in their vans two hundred yards down the local High Street, and sitting on their deckchairs supping to tea to witness the existential clash between subjective opinion and objective reality – the notion that these numpties with this mindset have the gumption to survive in such a scenario, never mind successfully launch a nuclear attack is simply laughable.
The collective culture in the West has forgotten the purpose and efficacy of parables such as The Emperor with no clothes. Its hierarchical system has ossified, as all socially constructed hierarchical systems eventually do. Simply because their is no room for any fresh ideas from below. Hierarchies force those with the pips on the shoulders to choose between being right and being in control. Invariably the hierarchical nature of the system they are operating in ensures they prefer to be wrong and in control.
Peace group, all three of us, met w/our congresswoman. After telling her that the SAA did not use chemicals weapons on the people of Douma, she asked: “Well who did? The Russians?”
These people are just middle-management. They believe what they’re told by upper-management,if they want to keep their jobs. These are the same folks who have ruined secondary and higher education, and industry in the U$.
The pattern I’ve noticed is: the bigger the person doing the ‘splaining, the bigger the lie,
Thanks! Very realistic analyses. The West is collapsing under the weight of unpayable debts, and bankrupt financially and morally. The western leaders don’t want to or can’t admit to their constituents that they have reached the end of the road with the current monetary system…and the only options left are internal implosion or external explosion through enemy attack. For the latter the warmongers need to find a pretext to start a war, and Ukraine is the perfect excuse for The Great Reset…where 2/3rd of the world’s population vwill perish due to compromised immune systems due to vaccinations, poverty and starvation, if the nuclear radiation is not in sufficient to annihilate them outright. We need God Almighty to intervene in this mess. God help us! But I have a feeling HE will let us taste our own folly for having chosen these selfish crooks masquerading as leaders.
The current situation in the former USA is very reminiscent of that in the former Soviet Union in the early 1990´s. Recall the world-wide concern over “loose nukes” as “command and control” fragmented and disintegrated? Question now is whether there is any coherent force anywhere capable of a safe and orderly dismantling and cleanup before some lunatic (like the one cited) manages to do something really nasty.
I guess if the nukes don’t do the job, there is always Republican congresman Massie to step in with M60 commercial:
Take care!
Andrei, you could do standup comedy demonstrating American Freedom of Navigation in 7 meter deep water. It’s a riot! Andrei, you were once familiar with my U.S. Navy circa 1975-83. Were they this stupid back then? My ship Nimitz stayed well clear of the Black Sea when we were in the Mediterranean Sea. I remember you were kind in your assessment of crew as composed back then, far less so now. Was U.S. Command leadership on the high seas more, say, practical? Thanks for the laugh!
It’s almost a shame that someone as brilliant as Martyanov should be wasting his time commenting on political nonentities who combine stupidity and lunacy in such equally high measure — but oh, the zingers he hurls! Worth every minute of my time for sure.
And what’s that he said at 12:46: “It doesn’t matter whom you’re talking to” — now just find ten Americans out of a thousand who are capable of such correct English grammar!
The US $$$ Hegemony is lashing out revealing bizarre behaviors. Unless you have carefully studied how years of immense theft and greed by its Financial Markets has culminated in an explosion of privatized Debt, you will never get a true reckoning of what is really happening.
Rataliation cannot be avoided. The winner of a nuclear exchange will not be the initiator. It will be the one who can reconstruct. And that ain’t the USA. The USA can’t even maintain, never mind reconstruct. USA “first use” gives the USA the option of eternal self-anihilation.
US Treaty Law prohibits war and threats of war as instrument of policy. Some might imagine that their esteemed lordships are committing a crime in violations. see>
They seem to be insane.
Thank You Mr. Martyanov for your analysis . I agree with much of your commentary and the danger that poorly informed ; or is it intentional Western disinformation that is driving a Pseudo Crises that can become misconstrued and actually lead to a ‘Red Line’ that Russia must react too. The question at the moment and probably that has existed for Decades now is Who is actually running the USA . President Putin has raised this question many times and its valid.
I would only add that the insanity is not only restricted to the ruling elite but much of the general population. The now normal occurrences of mass shootings points to a deep rot at the core of the society itself. The whole thing is going a cropper. I just hope it holds together for another ten years or so until I retire and can escape this hellscape.
It is said that “you are what you eat.” I’d like to know what “newscasters,” political commentators, and Congresscritters drink. My guess is one of their favorites is Arrogant Bastard(R).
Please don’t insult a good beer like that! ;-)
Most American politicians are losing it.
Gone crazy. Shows how unfit the RINOs are to hold office.
Appalling to suggest strikes on Russia.