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The major crime being committed; all others stem from this one.
Thanks to Martyanov & The Saker for their efforts.
Disgusting but consistent. For a people that eschew pork, they sure act like pigs and that doesn’t stand for pride, integrity and guts.
I would like to point out, about open hatches on Moskva, and I have no naval experience or knowledge of Slavs class lay out, but I would like to point out that depending on the conditions of the fire on board common in structural firefighting is cutting vents in rooftops above the fire to get heat and smoke out of buildings so firefighting operations can be carried out. Perhaps opening AA hatches could have had more to do with firefighting than air defense.
Always a good presentation, thank you.
Thank you for a report that is giving the true situation !
I only can say thank you again. Stay safe
Boy, I’ve been on kind of a bummer here in the States. Walking past Ukranian flags on my way to the post office in this “nice” small town can get under my skin. I live next to a lively golf course bar and grill with a flagpole about fifty meters beyond my window. All these super patriotic folks walking inside to watch sports, news and bullshit while it was hung-up all cattywampus on the pole. I was in the Army so that stuff gets to me.
I went out and fixed it around 4a.m. a few nights back just because. Now the wind has torn it up and the same folks have been walking past for two days… That’s how much self respect I see around here, so yeah,
Hearing Andrei explain the difference between a violent death and Russian supermax prison facilities for the Avostal holdouts is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. I needed that. Thank you to all who make these posts.possible.
(Insult removed,MOD) No one in the US is flying Ukrainian flags. They may be doing that in Europe, but over here Ukrainians are just considered a type of Russian. I spoke with a militiary relative over the holidays; the fight “over there” isn’t even high on the radar among the rank and file stationed stateside. Its common knowledge this is not a “US fight” but rather a test to see if NATO can perform without significant US involvement. His take is the rank and file has no problem fighting Russians, but not on their doorstep and not under the current leadership.
I see Ukie flags and pray for Ukraine all over the place
Fuck tons of blue & yellow flags, posters & shit when I drive down the street, every time I use PayPal or even use a card to pay at a restaurant, a box pops up asking me to contribute X% to Ukraine.
Everyone and their dog has added a blue & yellow patch to their FakeBook image. That’s everywhere I look. None of them know who Victoria Nuland-Kagan is or what she does. They either think this war is some foreign madness, unconnected to USA and meaningless to themselves because far away, or they think Putin was a Sith Lord and has already been defeated by “Luke” Zelensky.
“Walking past Ukranian flags on my way to the post office in this “nice” small town can get under my skin.”
It sure can.
I don’t know where Teddy is hanging out, but around these parts the yellow-blue motifs and flags are inescapable—rammed down your throat, you might say.
In addition to actual flags (OK, not on flag poles, but most people do not have actual flag poles; if they do you can be sure there is a blue-yellow rag hanging from it, and otherwise the flags are draped over stone walls, pasted into car windows) I see pet rocks, statues of kitties, dinghies, etc. all painted blue-yellow. Then there are the blue and yellow paper lanterns hanging from the porches in one of our landmarked areas (plus the obligatory photo of it in the local paper), the cards and other items such as linens and T=shirts in store display windows, etc etc ad nauseam.
I have not yet seen a blue-yellow ice cream cone or pizza
But these are on the way, I have no doubt. I am almost tempted to attend the big local fund-raiser for Ukrainian refugees merely to see how far, and how ridiculous, this blue-white madness may yet go.
Ask the blue-yellow flag wavers
“Why do you support a brutal war ?”
Then ask
“What’s wrong with Neutrality for Ukraine and minority civil rights ?”
Watch heads explode
They might as well be hanging swastikas.
Sorry I meant “blue-yellow” madness.
Here in northern NJ (where there’s also a large immigrant contingent from all over eastern Europe) I see relatively few blue-yellow flags, NYC’s public classical station WQXR still plays its usual large proportion of music by Russian composers while the Met shortly will be performing “Eugene Onegin” (though I did read they fired a Russian soprano), and just the other day I drove on a Russia Road. I laughed and said the wingnuts in Europe already would have torn down that sign.
Few among my acquaintances sound like they care much about this war, and the only two who sound really anti-Russian both grew up in Poland, therefore being exceptions that prove the rule no home-grown Americans of my acquaintance go around talking about this.
Even those two sound more like they hate Putin rather than the Russian people.
So I too get the impression, based on what I see here and read in these threads, that the really rabid anti-Russianism is yet another mode of self-immolation the empire expects from Europe but doesn’t inflict upon itself to anything like the same degree.
It’s the same situation here in England. Those in charge are enthussiastically going along with the agenda (just as they did with locking us up to protect grandma from her grandchildren), and you won’t here many dissenting voices, but I don’t think many people care any more than they do about – say Yemen or Syria – when they’re occasionally mentioned. No one I know has ever brought the subject up in conversation. There are an irritating number of Ukrainian flags flown by virtue signallers, but these are generally the same people who were displaying “Thank You NHS” a couple of years ago while most doctors and nurses were twddling their thumbs if not performing TIk Tok dances, before the bonanza of the clot shots took over. They think everything they read in the Times or Guardian or hear on the BBC is gospel. It would be amusing to see their faces if they heard the views of the Azov veterans they’re supporting on our fabulous “multi-cultural society” and transgender rights.
CNN is reporting this statement from Maj. Serhii Volyna, commander of Ukraine’s 36th Separate Marine Brigade in Mariupol…
“”I have a statement to the world,” Volyna said. “It may be my last statement, because we have only a few days, or even hours, left. We appeal to world leaders to apply the extraction procedure to the military of the Mariupol garrison, to the civilians who are with us here at the plant. We ask you to take us to the territory of a third country and provide us with security.”
I think this indicates how delusional these people are. To believe that world leaders have any concerns about an isolated pocket of troops deep in [former] Ukrainian territory. To believe that there is some sort of “extraction procedure” that exists. To believe that there is some military force that could overcome the local superiority that they themselves are facing. To believe that the mention of civilians does not automatically position them as hostage-takers. To believe that a force exists that will transport them to the territory of a third country. To believe that a force exists that will provide them with security.
Boy, the Russians have really provided a real “learning moment” to the rest of the world. No future generation will ever dare to count on NATO again after this. In a decade it will no longer exist, at least not in its current name…
Could this message be an effort at blame shifting? To “the West”? Instead of to the clueless Ukrainian leadership that led these people there and encouraged them to stay there?
Sounds more to me like someone who was sold a bill of goods and hasn’t come to terms with it yet. I suspect a lot of Nazis went through this at Stalingrad.
The Ukrainians are just proxys for the West/NATO (principally the US and UK). Since the coup in 2014/5 the leadership has been bought and paid for. Its not a “clueless Ukrainian leadership” its a clueless Western leadership. To portray this as a Ukrainian action is mistaken, at best.
Andrei gave credit to the western world for their achievement, I don’t know if Andrei knows that western europe stole the library in Andalus, translated the books and burned its original copies (in arabic).
Of course there are those who will be offended, you can be as offended as you want. That was systematically written out of history.
Be carefull. There is sources telling us it was an arab named Almanzor. He did it because some books were not in accordance with muslim doctrine.
Best regards.
That’s not true. The burning was done after the take over of catholics of Andalus. It was betray. To this day the vatican with its modern western world continue to betray the rest of the world. Just around you what you see? Theft has not stopped.
Dear JustAthought,
I am a Catholic, then I know for sure not all of us are saint, but i also know that the Church have many “non catholic” documents in His libraries.
From a catholic point of wiew most of those issues are related to day to day politics than religion itself. Mistakes, hot of war etc.
Nothing good from others is bad for the Church.
By the way Isabel la Católica regarded native americans as Her subjects. Read Her last will.
Today’s Vatican………… another problem.
The energy situation in the UK is also a problem for bottling single malt scotch. There are shortages for us in North America. Just thought you might like to know.
Keep up the great commentaries, Andrei.
Mr Martyanov, I have been following you now since war broke upon the scene in Ukraine, and I am usually in complete agreement with your analysis, not that it counts for much since I am an arm chair analyst. However, on matters of Western Culture I am very much in my element, since I teach such matters at the Grad level. Your comments on the relative achievements of the West in many fields and the current abandonment, on the part of politicians and popular cultural elites, of the rational foundations that made it possible, are right on the mark. Furthermore, such a departure from Western Culture is totally indefensible, and in essence a denial of the true Christian foundations that made it possible. It is refreshing to hear a man, born and bread in the Spirit of the Christian East, recognize what is worth retrieving from the West. It is my opinion now, however, that the West has run its course as a Christian culture, and that it will be up to the East to preserve what vestiges of Christianity are left, for the foundation of a renewal of Christian Culture. If that means the survival and thriving of Eastern Orthodoxy, I say let it be so! Anyone who has truly paid attention to Slavic and particularly Russian culture already know well the many cultural gifts they can bring. Indeed Western culture would be greatly impoverished without the contributions of our Eastern counterparts, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and Tchaikovsky…..and the list could go on. I rarely ever comment but in this instance I had to say a few Amens!
Mr AM is a treasure. Deeply appreciated. Happy Ester, Mr M!
Some news from Austria…anyone who spread news from Russia’s source will be fined 50,000 EURO. This is the western world’s freedom of expression.
Austria gave us Hitler, yodelling and still wear knickerbockers, so one shouldn’t be too surprised.
I’d like to hear from AM regarding those countries in Europe who’ve accepted Russia’s terms and conditions regarding Energy Sales.
Austria I thought was one of two countries, along with Hungary ( possibly Serbia ) who had signed sweetheart deals. The deadline was 1st or 2nd of April with an extension of a few weeks for Systems Administration, with transactions going through Gazprom Bank.
Why have we not heard anything on this???????
Austria has nothing in regard to a “sweetheart deal”. In fact the Austrian chancelor went to Moscow and tried to blackmail Putin, albeit in a very braindead way.
The Austrian demanded,to be taken off the list of unfriendly countries, otherwise he would smear Putin as a war criminal – in the Austrian press, non the less.
They showed him the door and are still laughing.
Stupidity knows no limits.
That exemplifies the main reason why I (as a UK citizen) voted for Brexit. Regardless of economic implications, and no matter how desperately unjust and dictatorial the UK government is, many Europeans simply have not the slightest inkling of freedom or human rights.
Austrians have not changed since the 1930s. Then, you were praised for criticising or attacking Jews, and persecuted for criticising or attacking the Nazi establishment. Today, it’s just the other way round. The basic principle has not changed one iota. David Irving was actually imprisoned for years, simply for giving a speech about the possibility of re-evaluating “the Holocaust”.
You just have the problem, as a Brexiteer, you’re still sitting in one boat with the EU-goofies and your regime is co-piloting this self-sanctioning as well.
Your “Boris,the spider”,Austrias embecile Nehammer and my Reichskanzler Scholz are of the same kind – brainless,heartless,soulless.
I so look forward enjoy to Andrei’s monologues, His dry acerbic wit is so rare in the West now that I believed it almost extinct (and I am few years older than he is). Here in rural England, it feels like being in occupied territory with a Ukrainian flag flying from the local church tower. One query I do have is the extent of Russian losses of equipment particularly aircraft and armoured vehicles. These will take time to replace. It is clear that Russia is keeping some strong reserves ready to deal with any NATO incursion – and hopefully deter it, but given the troop build up happening on the borders, are you confident they could act decisively enough if NATO was foolish enough to do so – which Necons in Washington and even more in London seem to want? (As a side note, after years of making promotion to the highest ranks of the British Armed forces dependent on having the right PC views, we must have the stupidest and most ignorant bunch of *rse-lickers as generals and admirals ever in our History. If they ever had to fight a real war, I am sure they would make Lord Cardigan of “Charge of the Light Brigade” fame look like a military genius).
Thanks to crazyness of is just one exemple and just the beginning
Jet fuel shortage in Dakar: airlines must ensure their own fuel supply.
Dakar Blaise Diagne international airport is hit by a shortage of kerosene due to “an unfavourable international situation”. Its operator is calling on the airlines that land there to ensure their own fuel supply for return flights.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine on 24 February, oil prices have soared on world markets.
“The kerosene supply system is severely disrupted because of an unfavourable international situation combined with unprecedented tensions on the prices of certain raw materials“, indicates a press release from the airport.
What needs to happen after the whole Operation Z is over is for Russia to announce a big clean up plans and economic deal with UKN to keep it in good condition.
The EU and Soros since 1991 or more specifical 2000 deliberately ran UKN’s economy into the ground so they could take over, and this must not be permitted again.
There will lots of jobs and money for Ukrainians in the clean up process and that will make them happy if they get paid good wages. This needs to be told to them.
And Russia needs to ensure also I think a big infrastructure improvement package in UKN also happens to keep the economy going for a few decades to avoid a slide back into the clutches of the EU devils.
As to the advancement of western civilization Andrei talks about unfortunately corrupt forces have perverted the whole system of advancement in the past 150 years.
It started with JP Morgan trying to create monopolies to control – ie limit – the release of technology.
Medical is even worse. Big Pharma and elements of the medical profession for the same period has only wanted to sell or effect treatments, not find or release or apply known cures. More lately they want to sell toxins. food and air supply also poisoned.
The peak of civilization (mix of std of living and base technology) I think was around 1962-66 period in the west – after that the slide began.
Cell phones have been the engine for the demise of society causing people-to-people interactions with others to end (kids particularly). If I had my way they would be banned – restricted to only those that need them like govt and business people. Streaming & NetFlix etc also is doing harm – 24/7 electronic entertainment / manipulation for the masses. Then there media manipulators CNN, Bloomberg, MSN NBC etc…. full of rubbished and mind control programs and even Disney has joined the pack.
A more simple basic existence is needed.
Radio, TV, home desktop PC & Internet (with time limits on it for the average person) is all that needed.
Return to newspapers too.
But the East also had it own culture and technology too. China, India, Russia etc…..
The fact is the West is imploding BECAUSE of these unnecessary devices and paradigms.
And Russia needs to watch out about all this too.
Quality of life is not how many electronic gadgets you have but other things.
I think those in the better parts of ancient world if they could see things now would be bewildered as why things are allowed and be horrified, even after their amazement of the ability to do things.
We needs to step back to look at everything where its at and say is this or that for the best or not.
This has not been done.
Hence the current situation we have.