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Last week, USA promised to provide a written response this week. This week , USA has promised to provide a written response next week. By Russia not breaking all diplomatic relations with USA now, they are communicating that they think that there’s still a chance that USA will honor their promise. As George W. said: Fool me once shame on you………..We won’t get fooled again.
The US knows that Russia really seems to want a written reply. I expect therefore that the US will keep delaying a response and in the meantime make more war preparations
Forgive me, but have you listened to Martyanov?
Which part of “the US cannot fight a war, least of all against Russia” seems ambiguous to you?
Not now.
Not in six months.
Maybe in many years (but I doubt it)
I didn’t say they were effective preparations. Maybe they are just buying time to figure out what to do. My point is that the West normally puts a minus where they see a Russian +. Why should they provide written answers seeing that is what the “enemy” wants?
Okay fair enough :-)
I just want to stress that war is simply not a feasible option for the West. Except a truly suicidal one I suppose
And that is a key, a number of these dudes, high in the ranks of influence but short on info they disagree with, have enough recruits that its do or die for them, and dying aint an option over there.
Ignorance is bliss, until its time to die.
But according to Martyanov, the “lawyers” running the State Department just don’t get the reality of war, of a continental war. They are used to doling out punishment, and so they may well proceed to make their plans, clueless that they are clueless.
Yhe point about current leaders in Kyiv being nervous about things going wrong and their ending up in the dock in Moscow as war criminals is also an interesting twist. In principle it is a factor that would nudge cooler heads in DC to prevail and back off. But clueless US war planners may also be oblivious regarding this hazard to those people in starting a war with Russia.
It is this lunacy – driven in media throughout the West – that blows my mind. A vast majority of people truly believe the myth that the US, and NATO today is the robust machine of the 90s. Our military personnel in CA&the US are tired, stretched, has had its best thinkers purged, and many branches don’t have the recruits needed for succession.
It feels corrupted, and demoralized.
But the myth of strength is promoted without fail in our media, and by Gov. And yet, when you watch Russian officials, like Lavrov – you see someone that is truly confident and cool as a cucumber. That’s not something you can fake for long.
Maybe the West is crazy enough to pull the trigger. I hope not.
ambiguous to you?
Not now.
Not in six months.
Maybe in many years (but I doubt it)
(ambiguous to you?
Not now.
Not in six months.
Maybe in many years (but I doubt it)
They will never be able to because it will always turn into a thermonuclear exchange on both sides. The US can only create dangerous provocations while balancing on the brink of war.
I originally thought so too, but had a rethink, I looked at how anxious Blinken was and how stressed his body language was, I could be wrong, but I think he knows, if no writing next week, Russia will take that as “the writing” and proceed from there. I feel a bit more encouraged now having listened to Mr. Martyanov, that no matter what the reaction from the US side, the game is up for them. I hope and pray that we will all be sighing a big sigh of relief when Russia neutralizes the danger. Just found Mr. Martyanov’s blog as well and am looking forward to his future installments.
I have not seen Andrei Martyanov before his zircon video.
I will watch his broadcasts in the future.
Glad to see serious people who knows the situation.
As an amateur i have seen this for some time, 2015.. was the awakening for me.
The outcome will be Eurasia from Portugal to Japan
I think thats why Blinken and co are having a breakdown.
Their worst nightmare is going real..
Look here:
Martyanov has a huge following, especially for a comparatively recent blog made by one man only!
My message to him is: BRAVO ANDREI!!!
…Yes… worst nightmare is going real….and those who wanted see theirs (Russians)non direct showing force- they seen it..Pretty beautiful thunder strikes/storms in the upper atmosphere with some tsunami…hmmm
US confirmed it will supply Mi-17 helicopters and the Barking Baltics are supplying weapons.
The US is desperate.
This begs the question of what the three Baltic Superpowers will do with these helicopters?
Resell them to a third party?
Use them to flee to Poland?
Use them on the next military parade?
Who knows
What is sure that Russia couldn’t care less :-)
They talked the talk, now they are walking the walk, but is it a mine field?
walking the walk would be to declare a full mobilization of all NATO countries at once
and even that would be both 1) futile and 2) impossible anyway
“walking the walk would be to declare a full mobilization of all NATO countries at once”
Mobilization would look like walk in the park, compared to keeping nonbinary troops in the frontline when firework starts.
Before the troops arrive, the equipment walks in.
Its too much theater to back down, emotions and investments are high, as are they.
Plus they are being lead to slaughter and the only escape are lands w/no electricity and bring your own food and water during winter.
I think they are going in head first and have no escape plan.
My take is that the ukronazis will shoot the first shoot, and that will be the last one.
And also believe that that will happen between tokorrow and next four weeks but not so far.
After that, since there is a lot of people crazy in power positions, the next to happen is really unpredictable,, except the sanctions from hell,, but I’m absolutelly sure that Russia is fully prepared for that and for whatever else,, I think the plan is to check mate the usa.
Perhaps the foundational objective is not a military one but the conducting of a ritual sacrifice to appease ones chosen deity? IN the battle between good and evil this cannot be lightly dismissed.
I heard that Montenegro is sending a traffic cop as its NATO contingent, while Northern Macedonia has arranged for a mall cop (sans Segway) and a part-time elementary school crossing guard to report for duty with NATO. On to Moskva!
Hi Saker,
It seems some of these helicopters were already in Ukraine and were bought by the US from Russia for Afghanistan. The Ukies were apparently “servicing” them:
Helicopters could be used for a false flag…..
Also NATO is now doing a “surprise” war games in the Mediterranean:
“The nuclear-powered fleet aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman will take part in next week’s NATO exercise in the Mediterranean Sea dubbed “Neptune Strike ‘22,” the Pentagon has announced. The 12-day exercise kicks off Monday and is supposed to “demonstrate NATO’s ability to integrate the high-end maritime strike capabilities of an aircraft carrier strike group to support the deterrence and defense of the alliance,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters Friday….”
A cruise missile submarine is also in Cyprus – all planned in advance (no surprise). How convenient for the start of the Olympics.
Do the Kagan/Nuland/Blinken gang and their war party think this will intimidate Russia before they give their written response? Conveniently timed for next week.
Sitting ducks,, same for the three helicopters.
There! That’s it! That says it all – and I’ve been waiting to hear someone else say it.
The best part of my experience in the search for the truth which began in about 2009, as best I am able to grasp it, was the confirmation of age old standards in life. Technical stuff such as range, blast radius, duration, ect. are important. Most important are insights into the perspective of others, what is important to them, how they value life and all of its components.
I met and became friends with someone who did 3 tours to Viet Nam in the Corps as battalion recon. His explanation regarding deep recon patrols later on in the war, with patrols getting butchered up, basically disappearing left and right, is that they lacked training and experience. This was not only in the patrol leaders themselves but, in the planners of those patrols. He described for me one day, standard procedure for patrol prep and doing some of the intel work, which included the helo hop and surveyance of an area intended for patrol, a few days before patrolling. This was all while your friendly neighborhood NVA battalion was kicking back in the shade observing everything and waiting patiently. It was assine. I could not believe I was in the presence of someone who had survived it. So, I asked him, how do you survive this? His answer was simple; put yourself in the other man´s shoes. It was all about perspective.
This goes to the heart of the problem with the higher echelon occidental decision makers. Mr. Martyanov, as he did in this video, constantly speaks about persepctive. They really live in a disconnected world view. And ….. the disconnect doesn´t have to be big to begin with. Even something tiny can destroy you. Pull a single bolt from the flight controls of an aircraft and see if you make it to altitude and snack time.
I have already contacted people in my family, told them I loved them, without being dramatic but, being very serious. I am taking more time now to feel the moments as they come, trying to discard unwarranted stress and straight up bullsht thinking my life. I am all set. I received confirmation yesterday that I have ten kidney stones that need treament, surgery, and I am all good with it; not even taking pain medicine unless it gets to be too much. :P
There is no confidence with what is going on here. The kids in DC and wherever else don´t know what to do. I could see the visible effects of it all entering their comportment weeks ago, when commenting on what the Russians had put forth. The Russians have not missed a single detail. Russia and China are going to the last step to try to avoid what can be, for the sake of their people and the innocents who had nothing to do with this shit. But, the West needs to get it together fast because, time is up. They know what they did.
My best wishes to all,
The Gods put a mechanism in place to disciple the military institution and the people responsible for its upkeep, while not disrupting the functioning system as a whole, other than psycologically that is, and the physical damage done to military institution.
Now if a quieter solution can be achieved to arrest the offending partys, then by all means, use that mechanism, but if not, i’m just saying.
Hello Alabama,
Yes a quieter solution, you nailed it.
I think the house cleaning has started on the US side. Not visible at the moment but, the Neocons are probably starting to feel it at this point. I think there will be some violence, too late to stop it all. Glacial size changes are coming in the US and the guys with the money will drive it, will have to be satified with less but, still way in excess of what others have. They are not the industrialists either, is my bet. I notice way too many people keeping their mouths shut at this point so, it is obvious the new deal has started. My take.
I wish well to you.
The battle of extreme vs astounding you say.
Should be quite a battle, wish I knew the results.
Might jump in or out of the way you could say,
or stand still and become road kill.
Time will tell, some will sell,
some will buy, and some will even fly.
But most, will just simply cry.
When we speak about “the West”, I am coming to think there is no such thing. There are a handful of elites who want to run, rule, and own everything. Then these elites have their “Tabaqui’s” – the politicians and the media. No one really cares for the struggling citizens other than to keep them confused, afraid, distracted, and at each other’s throats.
Tragic actually.
Re: “When we speak about “the West”, I am coming to think there is no such thing. There are a handful of elites who want to run, rule, and own everything.”
Exactly. Modern elites are no different than Absolute Monarchs and Feudal Lords of the past. “L’État, c’est moi.” They have just dispensed with the titles and pomp.
But with expansion of arrogance to the level of Hubris comes accountability, particularly to those able to dispense retribution. And Russia is clearly focusing on these elite warmongers, among the “command and control centers.” This is how to deescalate from nuclear war.
Years ago, one of my favorite actors was Joe Pesci, a no-nonsense straight talker.
Martyanov is of that vintage.
He keeps hammering home the solution, which just may be changing the calculations among the crazies.
Two excellent sound-bites from today:
– “Europe is now basically hostage”
– “Faaat Big Targets”
or as Pepe Escobar would say, “Mr. Zircon is calling.”
“Modern elites are no different than Absolute Monarchs and Feudal Lords of the past. “L’État, c’est moi.” They have just dispensed with the titles and pomp.”
And that’s the ugly truth noone talks about.
“Re: “When we speak about “the West”, I am coming to think there is no such thing. There are a handful of elites who want to run, rule, and own everything.”
And use myths such as “We the people hold these truths to be self-evident..” and “representative democracy” in hopes of facilitating/obscuring that.
‘ War Is A Mere Continuation of Policy By Other Means’ – Carl Von Clausewitz
When I think of America I think of it’s lust for war, any war, win or lose, onto the next one and the next. Lost the War in Syria but still syphoning Syria’s oil to feed its numerous wars in the region; maybe with some spare for Israel & Turkey. Let’s call them WAR PIGS (Black Sabbath ). CHAOS = WINNING
Their War Machine is not only CIA, Military Contractors, Special Forces, Drone Operators, HTS Jihadi Militias and Assorted Lunatics but also the NGO’s, Foreign/Allied Embassies, Private Armies of XYZ Warlord/Tribal Leaders and of course Don’t -Think Tanks , Mass Media Propaganda /Public Indoctrination, all paper-mached together and bankrolled by Central Banks/Blackrock/Amazonian/Space-Ex -BOEING- MIC.
While ‘No Fly Zones’ and enough Military Hardware to pummel ‘Easy Targets’ , unlike shooting an Elephant in the face from 50 metres with a cannon, Armchair Generals are now way out of their comfort zone.
The most obvious target to send US a message is North-East Syria. Only US’s illegal theft of Syrian Oil is preventing the complete rehabilitation of that country. Where else would US get the energy to feed its various proxy militias? A complete withdrawal from Iraq would follow. We witnessed what damage Iran inflicted on their base and even ‘this threat’ to send their illegal operation Mr Kalybr would be enough to send them packing. The Axis-of-Resistance could then pick up the pieces and finish of those scum in Idlib (the Ones Donald Trump warned Russia about killing ). Who’s The F*cking Daddy is the Only Language these Cockroaches comprehend. Saudi & Gulf fall into line as Russia can PROTECT THEM.
Everything about America is perceived strength; in truth it’s broke, bankrupt , fragmented and falling apart. The reality is the left-hand has no clue what the right-hand will do next; it’s Alice In Wonderland on Steroids. Jesus, that’s 70% of the World’s resources tied down; the hearts & minds soon follow, including the European Union’s Hierarchy.
Syria could be the last bastion, the Waterloo of the Satanic Empire.
1) Infrastructure in place
2) Axis-of- Resistance
3) China – Belt & Road – Employment/Wealth
4) Grateful Hearts & Minds on Ground
5) No European Destruction
6) Saudi & UAE & Qatar looking to Invest in Syria/ Restore relation with Iran
Everything says Shoigu should make the call ‘ You have 72 hours to leave Syria’
@ Everything says Shoigu should make the call ‘ You have 72 hours to leave Syria’
Or stick to more church oriented activities.
Agree 100% with the fact that the USA must be forced out of Syria. As far as I’m aware they are in violation of UN Rules. They have no legitimate reason for being there, stealing oil & occupying part of a soverign country. I know this hasn’t stopped them in other Countries but why hasn’t Syria, Russia & China not made a major stink about this state of affairs – Officially & strongly at an emergency meeting of the UN ?
I would appreciate other thoughts re why this has not occured. After all, what possible excuse has the USA (& Turkey for that matter) for their illegall occupation? I also agree that if UN intervention is not forthcoming then Russia must tell the USA they have a very limited time to pull out & leave. If they don’t they have to be blown out !
IIRC, Syria have been making as much noise as possible over at the UN for years. Remember the vetos that China and Russia have exercised in the UNSC? The problem is that there isn’t much one can do if just ONE member of the UNSC exercise their veto power. China and Russia might try again to make some noise in the next UN opening session at the end of this year when the media is usually paying attention.
I suppose both China and Russia could fight it out over at the UNGA. But, the real power lies in the UNSC when it comes to intervention.
I suppose the written paper Russia will get it will contain the same words expressed by Blinken today: “Russian aggression”, “Russian threat to the security of the free people of Europe” etc. I can imagine a nice paper filled with nice words and sentences as inspired by a great warrior for Liberty, Freedom, Democracy etc against autocrats, dictators etc.
So basically Putin will get an empty paper. What next?
I read wise words about the stupidity of the USA leaders and NATO. Also I read Sun Tzu quote: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Those who think USA leaders and NATO are stupids, they do not know the enemy. They defeated the USSR empire without firing a shot. A rarity in thousands of years of war history. They are clever, they have the money, and in this world money equals power. They have control over the Informational, Economical, Psychological, Cultural, Educational etc systems and with it they manipulated and manipule the consciousness of the human beings in this world. And they need to defeat Russia to grab total power over the world. Don’t you see it? I see it crystal clear, in all spheres of the Society they manipulate and control everything: food, water, energy, education, culture, religion, governments, they are in everything you see around you. Just look at all around you through the filter of money and you will understand.
Will they prevail? not at the end but this confrontation will pass with Russia getting what it wants on Ukraine, but not the demand on NATO going back to 1998.
This war will continue in a new phase: economics. Russia might have the means militarily and military technical but not the Economical strength needed. Somebody will say about Russia being self-sufficient in food. What it will look like? USA and Europe laughing on poor and struggling Russia to survive only to find themselves in the same position later on.
We need a broader (perhaps higher) perspective, not only military perspective. I mean here, the perspective of the Human race in the context of thousands of years, even since human beings started to populate the planet. Everything was and is about wars. The enemy is clever, hidden and manipulative they know only deception. Biden is not in command, those in command tell Blinken and others leaders like him what to say and how to act.
We approached what our ancestors called “the end of times” we humans need to adapt to this new reality that is not manifested by humans will, (for ex. nobody understands climate and indeed they use it to gain more control on the population) but it is of cosmic/universal proportions. It means in all absolutely all areas known and unknown by humans in this planet. The economical and Social systems within this new reality will change completely and with it the equation money equals power will be not more. I don’t know how Russia will prevail, but it will, no doubts, but we will face economical disaster, a crash if you will, soon perhaps triggered by the USA and NATO warmongers. They need war and they will embrace it (Poseidons, islanders, zircons, C-550s) they love it. It is not as a monkey running with a grenade, not. Everything that Russia will do it will be cause for economical sanctions. It will be painful very painful for every body including this south-american living far in the Andean Mountains.
I see europeans fighting as usual (militarily, economically, informational etc), but this time is different the battle field it is not more the same.
I think and know Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin knows the enemy and he knows very well himself. He has a Heart of a Puma – as we say here and he is blessed by the Higher Spirit – this is all that is needed. Because of his love for Russia he will save Mother Russia and with it the entire World. He will not be doing it alone he needs all of us – every single human with a similar Heart, who consciously and unconsciously dedicate its Heart to the grand cause – to finally unite the human family in a new understanding of ourselves and the place we live in – I hope it will be the principles and values on which the new systems will start to take form.
How it will happen? don’t need to grab pop-corn, we need to know ourselves and adapt to this new reality that is upon us. Do not fear anything even death – Jesus showed us that death is not real.
The Universe is infinite – Life is endless.
The enemy loves chaos and destruction – they thrive within it – but in these times they will get the same on them. Chaos is already there (see what they converted the USA into), destruction will follow to them, but they will take as many with them as possible, even the entire planet will be a big win for them.
It is a painful process we are just entering.
May the Great Spirit bless the ones with good Heart!
There are some comments on the net suggesting that China and Iran will be made members of the CSTO when Xi and Putin meet in a week or so.
Perhaps other SCO members being inducted as observers too?
What will be the impact of this action?
China and Iran inducted into the CSTO? I doubt it. Maybe a merger of the CSTO and SCO? The only difference is that the SCO have an economic component. But, where would the headquarter’s be located? I can’t see China getting more involved than the SCO as it would side-step the UN which both China and Russia are trying to get the US back into.
We’ll find out soon enough.
have you considered the possibility the entire point of egging russia into a war is for the west to LOSE it not win it?
the WEF runs europe and is committed to the great reset the bbb gree new world which is merely a freshened version of communism. the woke are the 1920’s bolsheviks identical in policies and intolerance.
what stands in the way of WEF from implementing its insane policies which imo will NEVER come to pass is national sovereignty of which the usa stands apart from the rest of the west as being essential to destroy if the bbb can be implemented. what holds american sovereignty together is the us dollar backed up by the us military. kick out that leg and dollar comes under un-stop-able pressure.
the biden clown show is in fact run behind the curtain by the wef people, the radical greens, and enough incompetent russophobes who are being played (they just are too stupid to see it) to start a war the wef people know can not be won BUT which will casue irreparable reputational damage to the usa starting the ball rolling they hope down the hill ending american sovereignty.
one the of the stated goals of the great reset is one world government under UN auspices, a plank in soros’s open society and the wef great reset. washington stands in their way ergo …biden HAD to be installed by hook or by crook as trump would NOT go along.
in sme deluded way schwab and company must really think they can get putin and xi to play ball. from every thing i have seen the wef will need all the luck they can get with goal. but first things first eliminate the usa as a hegemonic military power using russophobic (using prominent members of the tribe) to achieve that.
the whole plot is diabolical and evil and in 10 years time the world will offer alms to both russia and china for not succumbing to what would become tech based neofeudal slavery for 99.9% of the planets people.
anyway, just a thought from the other side of the playing field.
Yes, thanks tedrichard, again you hit it on the head.
I very much concur and appreciate your comment.
The Target #1 of the globalists has always been USA and to level the prosperity, QOL, Liberty and very optimism of all Westerners. They were the last and foremost impediment to the NWO. And they used a hybrid approach between Bolsheviks of 1920s and NAZIs of 1930s. Some astute researchers note the 3rd Reich was a trial run for the current NWO. The same playbook is largely evident.
For months the Saker talked about their waging a war intended to be lost.
However Russia upped the ante brilliantly in last month.. it is not merely the hapless Ukraine which will lose in a “minor incursion”, but entire West now. Mr. Zircon is changing calculations.
And they are not ready for it.
This is largely a spiritual war.
I have followed the satanic occultists closely throughout this pandemic; they have their timeline or sequence to the Chaos. They are very ritualistic and predictable; their arrogance and intemperate braggadocio also broadcasts intent through their arts.
Build Back Better is a satanic concept adopted by all Anglos, WEF, and others. BBB = 222 numerically, which corresponds to the year 2022. In their original timeline, 2022 was supposed to be the year of famine. So this was a year to complete the internal destruction of the West. It was not to be the year of global war, reserved for 2023. However China’s economy is humming at ~8% growth, Russia is resilient and getting more powerful. And the cherry on the cake was the double helix speeding up the tempo with the Ultimatum and CSTO action to nip future color revolutions in the bud..
But the Hegemon is currently not organized for big war at all! And losing capability by the day.. I always thought when they start the big war they would activate 100 fronts at once. Many of them have not matured, such as the Indian-Chinese border, Turkic raiders consolidation, increasingly intransigent Balkans, etc.. They are being kicked out of Africa and West Asia. And famine hasn’t weakened all sufficiently yet. So they are in zugzwang.
It underlies the hysterical screeching of the hyenas in the last month. They are being left behind in the dust, on the terms of their enemies, who grow in strength upon strength.
So I am getting optimistic, provided we avoid miscalculations and Gen Ripper-types. Perhaps this year they can be set back for a long time, if Russia-China handle their Banksters and play it right. We should increase prayer!
I have never heard Martyanov.
This was a great talk. Really enjoyed it. Clarifies a lot.
Should be mandatory for the denizens of Foggy Bottom.
Especially what he said about the actual experience of war, and loss. The lack of this experience on the part of American policy-makers. Chicken-hawks.
I hope the swelling goes down, and part 2 arrives soon.
It’s a pathetic situation really. Mr Martyanov has characterized the Western soldier properly. I remember reading about tanks and APCs rolling towards Baghdad with ACDC blasting and a female combat soldier saying, “Ain’t war cool”. Fkn halfwits. And captured US soldiers crying when getting interrogated in Baghdad. And then I think of the Battle of Stalingrad, eating rats to survive, boiling glue for soup. North Americans have no idea of what it means to spill blood for the homeland. Fools leap where wise men fear to tread.
Please read: important 1/23/22: See the Latest. It has shades of a slight coup:
7:00 PM news (West Coast of US)