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Strange rumor: Jerome Powell (FED Chair) is reported to have said that the U.S. would be ready to accept a gold based Russian Ruble as the other global leading currency.
Please identify the source of this rumor and provide links if it is printed.
Of course they would love it.
It is economic suicide.
See gold standard for details.
Gold based Russian Ruble
You might as well peg to the $
Good job Putin knows the score and understands a free floating ruble is the way to go.
The Russians have learned from their August 17, 1998 experience and learned well.
peg to the US $? no way
It should peg to yuan and rupees
No peg at all, no gold.
Just leave it as it is.
God said gold and silver are money. All else will not serve as money for mankind. There is either too little of it or it is not suitable in some other way to meet the standard of money.
If paper could be “pegged” to gold or silver it could be the medium of exchange. It was primarily the greed of the demons who own and control the Federal Reserve System – and Nixon’s own lack of character in tough times – that ended the Bretton Woods agreement. The International Bank of Settlement deals strictly in gold – debts among nations are settled in gold: Always have been and always will be, even in times of war among those nations.
“Floating” currencies are a means of impoverishing a people. Hopefully one thing Putin has learned – and it certainly appears that he has – is that as the people are, so is the health of the nation. A prosperous people equals a strong nation and a people who trust that God’s law is the only law are a strong people.
This gold based Ruble is intended for Russian citizens and Russian Industry as a domestic Ruble.
But the so-called ‘International Ruble’ is available at International Currency Dealers (ICD) in Russia.
Wanted – Private Military Reconnaissance & Rescue Unit for interesting work in Eastern Europe. Must have a helicopter licence. Short term pension plan included in attractive remuneration package.
Previous applicants need not apply as presumably you’re already dead.
I laughed out loud.
Andrew, William and Harry’ll sign on
I LOVE ANDREI!!!!!! I know we are not to use caps but I must. “Awe inspiring thing” Germany. Hysterical! April’s Fool!! I just adore him. He’s so frank and you laugh all the way through. He’s informative yet droll. He is a treasure.
I couldn’t agree more!
Especially his wrap-up punchline—
Hey, have fun on April Fool’s tomorrow not paying rubles for gas!!
I’m sure the mod will forgive as he is lovable, adorable treasure – a rare combination of gravitas, humility, wit, compassion and more. I only started watching when the special military operation began. Realized I was clueless so began and obsessive search to understand this crisis. By chance, i found the Saker and Andrei. I now intend to study every video on YouTube starting with his Introduction to the present. After a year of Russian in high school (many moons ago), I’m trying to re-learn the Russian alphabet so I am able to read the maps and want to resume my study of Russian. Can anyone recommend a good online course in Russian? Incidentally, as a student of language, I’ve realized that the essence of a people is manifested in their language. In my short study of Russian, I appreciated its additional characters and logical grammatical consistency. Compare those aspects with English which is phonetically and grammatically incoherent – and made worse by the Orwellian destruction of the simple precept that words have meaning and social media’s mindless contractions.
Agree Andrei. Great commentary.
UK Intel slid into the abyss commencing in 1963 and the rot set in after 1979 under Thatcher.
It became completely corrupt under Blair with his collusion with W Bush in 2003 with the Iraq invasion.
In 1984 you had MI5 pull the shooting of the policewoman outside the Iran Embassy in London and blame it on Iran. And later collusion over the 911 WTC in 2000 which elements of the CIA pulled.
Then you have the 2005 London police (on MI5/6 orders) shot a Brazilian national after he saw the real bus bomb perpetrators, then a cover-up over it happened.
This mirrors the similar conduct over various alleged IRA attacks from 1960s-90s where many incidents were either done by or there was tampering with evidence of real ones by the UK Special Branch for political purposes. All perpetuating terrorism.
All of this immoral support for devils in the US has completely stained the UK’s position.
And with it the main UK political parties and the palace as well.
This is why they have no credibility nor are respected anymore around the globe.
Russia on the other hand, has gone the other way.
The UK’s totally corrupt ‘justice system’ has two special emblems decorating its history:
1. ‘sir’ Jimmy Savile, a famous pedophile who raped hundreds of children. He was never punished but protected by influential people in the highest echelon of power in the UK. “Savile’s offenses took place at thirteen hospitals as well as on BBC premises… Savile had sexually assaulted victims aged between 5 and 75 in NHS hospitals”
2. Julian Assange is an outstanding journalist who has published reports exposing the US/NATO war crimes in the Middle East. He was arrested and imprisoned in a high-security Belmarsh prison.
Instead of Assange, imprisonment should have targeted such war criminals and war profiteers as Tony Blair and James Arbuthnot.
The UK’s ‘justice system’ is attuned to protecting criminals like Savile and Blair and punishing honest people like Assange.
Don’t omit the head jewish pederast Graville Janner. And a former PM, Heath.
Re Yvonne Fletcher; Libyan, not Iranian.
You are 100%.
One big problem with U.S.A. is that we have 536 political parties. The parties have no real ways to discipline members. Americans are so used to the individual nature of US politics they project onto foreign countries.They can not fathom a country like Russia or China where the leadership operates by concensus.
And most are corrupt too.
Even if they start out honest most end up being paid off.
US’s problems is too much bribe money and too much drugs.
A recipe for disaster. And will implode.
People in US from pre-1970 era would be appalled.
Hohols are claiming that they are taking back territory and taking back hostomel
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of [gold-standards] in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
― Julius Caesar
Return to a gold standard – don’t even think about it
Gold standard and fixed exchange rates – myths that still prevail
Putin knows the score and will never even contemplate it. He was there in August 17, 1998 seen it with his own eyes.
At 24th minute Andrei mentions how another WEF-linked rating agency was router from the OPEC+. It is heartening to hear that. WEF Nazis are hell bent towards the destruction of human race. They need to be stopped. The dollar is the wind in their sails.
Here is the link to Sputnik which talks about ukronazis experimentation with drones used as aerosol repellent devices.
Russia will continue to need to draft people for 2 years national service indefinitely because of the untrustworthiness of the EU & US.
Until the evil forces there are gone.
National service is only one year.
Andrei, if he needs to take a research trip to visit the nincompoops in Great Britain, really should talk to BBC about getting a gig as a stand-in for actor Derek Jacobi. He’s a dead-ringer for Jacobi!
Western MSM are completely ignorant and totally dependent on someone feeding them ‘wisdom’. For decades now, professional standards amount to nothing more than dressing for success, with max cleavage and leg showing. Like university and college grads, they have no research skills and no ability to assess competence and reliability of sources. What most Westerners ‘know’ they learned from Hollywood.
Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992): “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge.”
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
I’m very sorry to tell you but China will be very angry at Putin if his scheme to sell gas in Rubles results in the USD collapsing. Most of China’s assets are USD!!!!.
Read Issac Asimov’s quote above… perhaps 3 times out loud then reconsider your comment.
Everyone knows US Debt will Never be repaid.
They have over $300 Trillion in unfunded/underfunded Liabilities, such as future Public Pensions which will Never be honoured. The anguish/fallout will be most unsavoury.
The so called US Treasury debt of $39 trillion has already been paid. It consists of US Treasury Bills that pay interest. These Treasury Bills were bought and paid for with digital US Federal Reserve Notes, that can easily be converted back to US Federal Reserve Notes, either by waiting for them to mature or by selling them. However, to be of any use to the investor, they have to be spent either on US infrastructure, invested in a US business enterprise, or the purchase of US real estate. It can also be used for international trading to finance say oil and other commodities. This money is not legal tender for consumer demand outside the US because it is essentially company scrip produced out of thin air as debt by private banks such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase as data entries on their computers such that no debts = no money.
If all the debts were paid down there would be no money in circulation.
“Only two things define the world: actual physical economy, and, military power as the first derivative of this advanced physical economy.” I enjoy and respect this site and its voice, but this is a remarkably shallow assessment of modern national economies.
At the base of any economy is agriculture. Coming from a former Marxist country Mr. Martyanov should know this in his bones. The industrial revolution wouldn’t have occurred without the prior agricultural revolution. Modern economies rest on the use of industrial agriculture, relying primarily on fossil fuels and fertilizers derived from petrochemical processes. Already, German fertilizer plants are shutting down because they lack natural gas as fuel, and as feedstock for ammonia production. Russian denial of phosphates will cause major food supply problems, over the long term, for a Europe without roubles. Countries with roubles, and good relations with Russia should do better.
Secondly, is the culture which defines the country’s character. WWII was won because the Allies mobilized their countries better. Russian and Western countries mobilized their women much better than Germany and Japan. Germany in particular suffered under the delusion they were the ‘master race’ and deserving of much more of the world’s resources. It is likely Germany would be one of the world’s great powers still, and Hitler revered as a far sighted leader, if they had been humble, and accepted their resource shortcomings after Austrian Anschluss. But Germany would only listen to ‘One Country, One People, One Leader.’ Arrogant fools only learn from their victories, so the Polish and French blitzkriegs made it impossible for any German to oppose Hitler.
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”
The US has and is making the same mistake: they can’t mobilize their people without resorting to barefaced lies. The lack of opportunity, no rewards for excellence (it’s not what you know, it’s who you blow), hypocrisy, increased disparities, bigotries big and small, and contempt for every kind of wisdom. They have ignored the strength of teamwork, and are approaching what can be termed the Soviet model: do it or go to Siberia (they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work).
John Kenneth Galbraith, “The modern Conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
From agriculture and social culture are built education, health care, and science, still understood as the path upward and marks that society’s leaders care about those they hope to lead. Then industrial power which builds and reinforces the culture’s characteristics. Then military power is built of those, and should be strictly restrained or it will destroy the culture that created it. Look at the Mediterranean area: what would it look like if it wasn’t for earthquakes, volcanoes, and assholes with weapons? Excavations at Troy have found 10 separate cities. If they hadn’t been destroyed Troy would be a wonder of the world resounding with ancient languages, literature, poetry, art and song. What would the Athens look like if it weren’t for Persian, Spartan, Roman, and Ottoman despoliation? What would the Parthenon look like if a Turkish asshole hadn’t piled a huge ammo dump in the middle, and a Venetian asshole hadn’t fired the shell that blew it all to hell, and a British asshole hadn’t plundered the ruins and called it rightful ownership?
Farley Mowat: ”We are under the gross misconception that we are a good species going somewhere important and that at the last minute we will correct our errors and God will smile on us. It is delusion.”
At the base of any economy is agriculture
Sir, agriculture IS a part of a physical economy. I am sorry you didn’t know that universally known fact.
I would be interested to know what Mr. Martyanov’s problem with Solzhenitsyn is.
Agreed. It seems rather odd, especially when one considers how much Solzhenitsyn was a true son of Russia, and just how disappointed and disillusioned he became when he moved to the US. His “Harvard” speech – which was a diatribe against Western decadence – truly shocked both his hosts and the rest of the western world. They could not believe their ears!
I also have a bone to pick with Mr. Andrei Martyanov regarding Solzhenitsyn. To me, of more significance than The Gulag Archipelago is Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together. Andrei was born after WWII and should look back a bit further before denigrating the experiences of those who lived through the times when Jewish demons empowered Lenin and Stanlin who in turn validated the Jewish demons’ wholesale murder of the Russian people:
“As for World War II, there’s some history here that few people in the West know. The USSR, in the first decades after the war, did not talk much about the Great Patriotic War. Sure, they had a parade after the victory in Moscow which has been continued ever since, but it wasn’t until the late 60s and 70s when the Kremlin began to lean into Victory Day and began treating it more seriously. I can only speculate on what may have been the reason for this reticence to incorporate that great victory into the Kremlin’s political platform. The simplest and obvious explanation is that they no doubt felt embarrassed by the war at the time and tried to move past it as quickly as they could. As we all know, the Soviet Union suffered humiliating losses in the first weeks and months of the war due to the sheer incompetence of the Bolshevik leadership, and the war had such a catastrophic effect on the lives of Soviet citizens that it was no doubt difficult to spin a narrative around glory and victory so soon after the mass-suffering and destruction. Furthermore, many war heroes had risen up through the ranks who could become potential political rivals of the Bolshevik party elite and the last thing that they wanted was another “Bonaparte” rising up to sweep them aside and become the new Emperor of the Red Empire. It is for this reason that many war heroes and officers spent their veteran years worried that they might be arrested and sent to the Gulags. In my family, my great-grandfather, for example, hid his medals and his uniform and rarely spoke about the war with his family until far later in his life. Many Russian historians believe that the great Red Army general Georgiy Zhukov was assassinated (error: I mixed him up with Konstantin Rokossovsky, who was imprisoned in the Gulag and later released in 1940 and returned to a top military command) because the Bolsheviks were terrified of his near demigod-like popularity. Zhukov saved the Reds who had successfully lost their entire forward army in Europe in a few short months of fighting against the Germans with his Eastern Army near Moscow. Few in the West understand that the latter USSR was far less repressive and extreme as the earlier USSR was, mostly because many Jews fled the USSR following Stalin’s purges and the gradual “Russification” of the state security structures. The “old-timers” who vote for the Communists out of nostalgia mostly remember and grew up during this relatively normal period and don’t associate the Communists with mass murder, mass arrests, and terror because most of that happened before their time. Incidentally, I promised to talk about the Communist opposition and still plan to do so in the future.
Regardless, it’s hardly a secret that the Kremlin talks a lot and I mean A LOT about World War II. This is also why they are so prickly about historical revisionism aimed at reexamining the causes of the war. As a part of its civic platform, the Kremlin has thrown its weight and support behind the May 9th Victory Parades and the Immortal Brigade marches in particular. This only really took off following the annexation of Crimea when literally hundreds of thousands of Russians used the Victory Day parade as a proxy venue for expressing their latent Russian patriotism in an acceptable civic manifestation. Despite their attempts to disguise and justify their pro-Russia patriotism behind the morally unassailable status of World War II and the defeat of Nazism, the liberal media was particularly vicious in its attacks on people who began to attend these Victory Day parades, labeling them paid agents of the Kremlin and, naturally, Fascists hiding behind the black and orange victory banner. Bizarrely, the Orthodox Church also expressed anti-Victory Day sentiment, alleging that it was not Orthodox to march with banners of slain family members and that it verged on shamanism or animism or ancestor worship, which the Christian faith does not allow. This is easily explained by the fact that the Orthodox clergy doesn’t want a civic religion to emerge and split the loyalty of the Russian population, which they believe rightfully belongs to them. Unsurprisingly, they’ve had to tone down this rhetoric in recent years.”
“Konstantin Konstantinovch’s successful military career, not to mention his life, could have been cut short during the Great Terror – the period of massive political repression in the Soviet Union in the late 1930s. On August 17, 1937, Divisional Commander Rokossovsky was arrested on suspicion of working for Polish and Japanese intelligence. For two and a half years, he had to drift from prison to prison and endure interrogations until, in March 1940, thanks to the efforts of Army commander 1st rank Semyon Timoshenko, he was released and reinstated in his rank and rights. “He never spoke about it, even with those closest to him,” recalled his grandson (and namesake) Konstantin Rokossovsky. “Only once, when my mother, many years after the war, asked him why he always carried a pistol with him, he replied: ‘If they come for me again, I won’t give myself up alive.’” “
As regards the West being told what it wants to hear about Russia……I have never understood how it seems we only send people to Russia who already hate Russia……..
Every Russian correspondent for UK newspapers seems to hate Russia….ditto every diplomat….McFaul being a case in point. It’s as if when being interviewed for the job….the most important qualification is that they already hate Russians and will do a job of sending back info confirming how nasty the Russians are..
Was there or was there not a Cheka, mostly Jewish, who murdered some 20,000,000 Russians? Was there or was there not an NKVD and KGB who murdered some 40,000,000 Russians and Kulaks?
Was Chairman Mao responsible for murdering some 40,000,000 of the Chinese people?
Was there a Gulag Archipelago? Was there no terror of the secret police? Were people not shot for trying to escape the USSR and East Germany? Was there no Berlin Wall?
I am not trying to downgrade the Russian people, but did the things Solzhenitsyn write about happen or not? The Gulag Archipelago was Solzhenitsyn’s experience and the experiences of others.
Having said that, I recommend to any American who has the means to move to Russia because they are about the only Christian nation left in the world and they doesn’t need any natural resources from anyone. I have considered working for the Russian military. I am a mechanic and I can drive a truck and I used to fly helicopters.