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Speaking of fakes, everyone now knows about Andrei’s feeling regarding U2.
Pro Bono: U2 Can Have Nuclear War With Phony Pop Culture BS
I am very saddened – and even disgusted – at knowing Bono allowed himself to be used for purposes of spreading US/NATO/Ukraine propaganda.
I remember Abba had a song about this: “Monet, money, money”.
Bono is just another intelligence asset. He was very much into the Bosnian war too.
He has been doing this for decades. He is just another paid cabal suporter!
I refer to him as a useful idiot!
If you take a look around the interwebs, you’ll find Bozo…err…Bono up to his neck in Epstein bidness, incl pics of frolics with young lasses on ‘Epstein Island’.
Not to mention parading alongside Clinton, Blair, Gates et al, and often with Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum.
He was named as a ‘Young Leader’ by Schwabie back in the ’90’s.
A complete fraud, is Bozo…err…Bono. Pure ‘system’ filth.
I believed U2 started ‘going wrong’ after Joshua Tree but after chatting with a couple of more senior family members they swear blind ‘it started going wonky after Band Aid’ (which happened 2 years earlier).
Given that Band Aid-Geldof-Ethiopia could be the topic of an entire article/thread in it’s own right I wouldn’t discount it.
Looking back it was also one of the first times I remember the entire mockingbird media promoting ‘something’ with non-stop saturation coverage.
As we know now, when the Western media goes off on one, there’s something incredibly dodgy behind it all.
U2 went wrong when the wanker said, “this is not a rebel song”….freaking latchico. Had he not said that, just sung the song, he’d be sweeping butts off a bar floor somewhere in Wexford. Naw, send his ass to The Burren.
Cheer M
And Bono also supported the Iraq War. I remember his performance at the 2003 Superbowl which my Fox News watching colleague invited/forced me to watch. When they unfurled the list of 911 dead, he ‘challenged me’ about what my opinion of Al Qaeda was, as Bono bared the inside of his jacket, a US flag.
Kind of nauseating but I answered him by saying, “I don’t know how to respond to that”. Meaning, ‘How can you continue to be so stupid?’
But ain’t that America? Land of the Thieves and Home of the Naive
I questioned a few days back as to how Russia’s missile defence systems and radars failed to pick up his massive ego near that Kiev subway last weekend.
For sure he’s up there with Clooney as a CIA-MI6 Asset.
Now try comparing him with a talented musician like Roger Waters.
Don’t remember his rendition in Turandot.. I did like Pavarotti’s though.
I heard he’s in the gang of the young global leaders, semms he is very busy in serving his masters of the WTF.
In today’s New York Times, we read about:
“…the grand ambitions of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia when he launched the invasion: quick and easy seizure of vast swaths of Ukraine, including the capital, Kyiv, the overthrow of a hostile government and a replacement with unquestioned fealty that would ensure Ukraine’s subservience”.
Never mind that Russia had no intention of seizing Kiev or overthrowing the government, but this is the only way they can propagate the idea that Russia is failing.
At the same time, they reluctantly admit that:
“…obscured in the daily fighting is the geographic reality that Russia has made gains on the ground….Russia could soon gain complete control over the region, known as the Donbas, compared with just a third of it before the Feb. 24 invasion…the Donbas seizure, combined with the Russian invasion’s early success in seizing parts of southern Ukraine adjoining the Crimean peninsula, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014, gives the Kremlin enormous leverage in any future negotiation to halt the conflict…And the Russians enjoy the added advantage of naval dominance in the Black Sea, the only maritime route for Ukrainian trade, which they have paralyzed with an embargo that could eventually starve Ukraine economically”.
In spite of the admission that Russia is shrinking Ukraine to a landlocked rump state and defeating its armed forces, they add this:
““The Russians aren’t winning, and the Ukrainians aren’t winning, and we’re at a bit of a stalemate here,” said Lt. Gen. Scott D. Berrier, the director of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency”.
Any dispassionate observer would take such a “stalemate” as Russia winning handily.
“Lt. Gen. Scott D. Berrier, the director of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency”
Military intelligence is an oxymoron.
Thanks for that, Andrei.
It’s unfortunate that so few people in “the West” are able to form a view of events which are unfolding without knowledge of the historical context. A few years ago I saw Spanish newspaper reports on “D-Day Re-Enactments” on beaches along the Costa Blanca in which the Franco forces were included in the western allies.. Current propaganda had been cooking for a while.
Thanks again. And thanks to the folks at The Saker for making your videos available.
Actually I thought that Russia understood that civilians were there and going in would cost wasted lives. The UN did come in to free the mercenaries, along with civilians. It did not work out for the west. The mercenaries are still trapped.
Today , the leaders of the people in mariopaul said that the Avostal plant is useless, and causes a lot of toxic waste to be emitted into the sea. It will become a tourist area in the future, and the area rebuilt with condos etc.
To my knowledge, Russia has started bombing the hell out of it, and Ukraine has said: many more civilians are down there, maybe to stave off the inevitable. Tomorrow, we will know more.
Has anyone read the John Helmer piece in which he says that it looks like the combatants in the Azovstal were taken out and spirited away under the auspices of the UN–Red Cross action to extract the civilians?
A friend just alerted me to this story.
I just went over this post, and I think that The UN was planning on rescuing some 2000 people which included non-combatants and NATO personnel, but only 101 civilians were rescued, 30 chose Donesk and Russia, the others (71) I presume chose Kviv. Gutierrex and the Red Cross were planning on rescuing the NATO officers too, but the ruse failed. The Russians were on to the game.
The fact that Ukraine and the Western press publicized the the evacuation from Azovstal of all civilians to such a great extent makes me think that Ukraine was hoping that Russia would destroy Azovstal and kill all of the Azov rats inside thus destroying evidence of bio labs and killing all of the NATO bigshots inside.
No other reason explains why they would leave the Azovs inside without a human shield.
Ukraine thought that Russia was itching to bring the Azovstal situation to an end before Victory Day.
“… they fought all their lives with small fish ….”
bwa ha ha ha. This is the USA beating up on inferior opponents and noisily boasting about it. As only USians can.
Andrei is, I think, translating Russian expressions into his own rough English – and doing a pretty good job I might add. There are plenty of native English speakers who cannot do as well. Sad but true.
Andrei has thick accent but his English is quite good.
Thanks, Marty, excellent clarifications in your video. I ran across CSPN2 today, they were questioning on Capitol Hill the U.S. CIA head, Avril Haines, an air-headed chick if I ever saw one. Back in Marty’s and Larry’s day this broad couldn’t get a job as a typist she’s so vapid and really, stupid. She’s trying so hard to lie but gets confused and her brain locks. And that’s who runs CIA. And we wonder why and HOW they get everything, literally everything wrong. They blew it on Ukraine, just like they blew it with Iraq&others, plus Vietnam. And, again, they lie where the truth would do.
CIA/MIC, it looks like, gets everything they want in Ukraine, except a military win. But they will have destroyed the EU, an economic win. I guess Larry doesn’t get around here much, but I’d love to ask him if this is a win big enough for them, including the weapons sales and now imposing Lend Lease on Ukraine (forever-debt) for weapons? Accurate appraisal?
Avril Haines is a member of the wef
They aren’t hiding it anymore. Just how much power they have seized from defunct western nations
Posted by someone else on Moon but thought worth reposting here:
Anyone surprised by the venal actions of those trained by the US should spend some time researching “The School of the Americas”, we are simply seeing the abhorrent techniques utilized in Latin America and South East Asia now occurring in a European nation. The techniques of the periphery travel back to the core as the Empire crumbles.
There is an excellent book “The School of the Americas: Military Training and Political Violence in the Americas” written by Lesley Gill that carries out an anthropological type analysis on the use of US training to integrate foreign militaries into the US command structure at deeply personal and cultural levels, and normalize torture and removal of those politicians not following US preferences. She certainly got much more than the US military would have wanted her to.
Youd be surprised at the amount of leaking there’s been in the Pentagon there’s been since H Bush was in office (1991). And sabotage as well going on.
Appears they dont like politicians or other agencies.
This is why you have ametuers running things at the moment and they arent winners.
Pentagram: “…… Appears they dont like politicians or other agencies.”
Always remember, “someone” allowed “something” (“highly likely”) a missile to strike the pentagon on 9/11.
That was (has been) almost forgotten in the Twin Towers (really 3) hagiography…
An assumption would be that some within the pentagon resented being a target, and know ir real enemies are.
Their real enemies don’t wear sandals in the desert, but reside in aircon palaces in DC and Tel Aviv
All you need to do is read Dave Mcgowan’s brilliant book ‘Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream’. It all becomes crystal clear to you once you’ve read it. You only get to where Bono is if you go to the crossroads and sign the deal with the Commander-in-Chief.
One aspect of this war that puzzles me is who is flying all these Ukrainian planes that keep getting shot down? There may be a ready supply of replacement aircraft from NATO countries, but you can’t replace pilots as easily. Are some of them mercenaries? Presumably some of those who are shot down are not killed and have been captured. Does Andrei have any insights? And, on the subject of mercenaries, I am still wondering if most of the NATO personnel were removed from Mariupol as part of some deal maybe to get back Russian prisoners of war. It’s certainly strange that – so far as we know – apart from the rumoured Candadian and American generals, few if any have so far ended up in Russian hands.
They lost lots of airplanes on the ground. If pilots of those planes were far enough to survive, that would mean that they ended up with more pilots than planes. I assume those pilots are flying newly supplied stuff, which is why it’s important that they get Soviet era planes. In addition to that, mercenaries from the west would require to fly planes that they are trained on (F-16s or whatever).
After the denazification of Ukraine, the new Luhansk Peoples Republic should save/build one section of the Azovstal tunnels as a House of Horrors, a museum, a reminder of the western inspired genocide. Much like the the dungeons/chambers at London Bridge, London.
Real skeletons with their Nazi insignia in various position, pools of blood etc.
This would make a great tourist attraction and money spinner in the future. Every little bit helps!
A few NATO commanders liberally spread throughout with their European badge allegiances would give it a more international flavour.
If Azov, Right Sector and Svoboda are pathetically useless in real life, maybe in death they’ll serve as a reminder to future generations of how not to live it.
When was the last time Uncle $hmuel won a war against anyone that could hit back?
Thank you Andrei for pointing out Desert Storm as an example. No air defense at all.
Add to that, the woke, feminized, lgbtqxyz, non racist military that Uncle will be fielding in
the future, what is there to fear from a buch of gays and trannies?
NSA has way more than 100k workers. It was a lie for the USA/UK. That’s why s.ritter swallowed the fishing pole too.
Russia should have sent Mr. Kinzhal to him at the underground train where he held the show .
Has anyone considered that the $40B isn’t intended to go into the Ukrainian theatre? Or at least, not for use by the rapidly diminishing AUF? It seems to me that by the time it gets there, there will be little army capable of using it even halfway effectively.
Rather, I’m thinking that perhaps it’s being sent to pre-position materiel for use by NATO forces, under the “Stand with Ukraine” banner, with the possibility of the AUF using some of it to buy NATO the time it’ll need to organize a fighting force.
As stupid as their spokesman often sound, I can’t believe that the real brain trust in DC is so stupid as to send $40B worth of armaments into the dumpster fire that is the AUF. So, I think there must be more method in their madness than meets the eye. Another Great European War is at hand…
The criminal cabal that has seized control of the US Government is laundering money through ukraine into the pockets of their cronies. This is not about Russia at all. This about One World Government. Thee CCP believes they can control all the World Bodies. The cabal seeks to weaken America because the American Patriot stands in their way. Everyone who has taken the covid vaccines have been poisoned. More people are dying from the clot shots, than from actual covid19, not with covid19. This is a world war. It is not a war of nations. It is a war of global tyranny that all people must resist. Self-determination is the great gift of life. We must not let them take it from us.