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Thanks Andrei. Your straight talking is a breath of fresh air. A lot of sense and truth. God Bless President Putin, Russia and its peoples. I love ur talking heads u r head and shoulders above othets!
“Well hello! It’s me again…”
So mild and unassuming. A very nice contrast to the many blowhards online.
“Well hello! It’s me again…”
“Well hello, THAT’S me again.”
This is me.
This is me, for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass
Andrei Martyanov is a breath of fresh air on the subject of conflict.
When the great plants of our cities have turned out their last finished work; When the merchants have sold their last yard of silk and dismissed the last tired clerk; When our banks have raked in their last dollar and paid the last dividend; When the judge of the earth says, “close for the night;”And ask for a balance – what then ?
When the choir has sung its last anthem, And the preacher has made his last prayer; When the people have heard their last sermon, And the sound has died out of the air; When the Bible lies closed on the altar, And the pews are all empty of men; And each one stands facing his record, And the great book is opened – what then ?
When the actors have played their last drama, And the mimic has made his last fun; When the film has flashed its last picture, And the billboard displayed its last run; When the crowds seeking pleasure have vanished and gone out in the darkness again; When the trumpet of ages is sounded, And we stand up before Him – what then ?
When the bugle’s call sinks into silence, And the long marching columns stand still; When the captain repeats his last orders, And they’ve captured the last fort and hill; And the flag has been hauled from the masthead, And the wounded afield checked in; And a world that rejected its savior, is ask for a reason – what then ?
The US Navy should paint bullseyes on all their ships, because Admiral Gorshkov’s vision of a sea denial navy using subs and ASM’s has achieved 100% probability of sea denial.
You are so correct for an aircraft carrier group is of no importance against a enemy with nuclear missiles, even hypersonic missiles. The air burst of a nuclear war head would take out the entire group. That’s probably why Russia didn’t bother with aircraft carriers.
Aircraft carriers are ok for intimidating small Countries,thats what the US have used them for,in WW2 my Uncle was a 22 year old Oerlikon gunner on HMS victorious aircraft carrier,it was hit three times by Japanese Kamikazi aircraft off Okinawa,i would say carriers have been obsolete since then in a war with a major power,even Countries like Iran can sink them these days.
US Navy still have their most dangerous weapon, their subs with nukes. Never underestimate your enemy.
Russia Tommy also has their sub with Nukes..
The Russian military can gut the USN (carrier groups and surface fleets) without going nuclear. If the updated Oscar class with 72 x Zircons, mentioned in this video, and it’s Yasen class buddy, with 32 x VLS silos, do go operational the USN is pretty much done as a conventional naval force capable of confronting a peer military like the Russians (for sure) and maybe the Chinese as well.
Yes, I agree, one should never underestimate your enemy but I think one can also safely say that the opposite is true as well.
I wonder if Russia has stopped sending their rocket engines to America or maybe the US can purchase them 3rd hand from India, at a premium.
The fact that Russia was selling them, at least until recently, tells me that Russia doesn’t have any concerns regarding a US threat from Space.
I think America’s expertise is in its eavesdropping only, a decade and a half behind in its weapon systems (maybe irreversible), with Elon Muskrat’s satellites assisting NSA/CIA creep around like damp up a wall, pinging porn and paedophile channels . Still, once again, Muskrat’s cooperation with the CIA in Europe-Ukraine doesn’t appear to be affecting the SMO.
Andrei did give Boeing credit where credit was due, however, it looks like their best engineers and scientists have retired, replaced by charlatans, private wanna be Howard Hughes types like Musk.
CIA seed money can only get you so far, like Facebook, dying a death. I wouldn’t normally converse with people on Facebook or Twitter but I’ll make an exception for some of you as your hearts in the right place, lol.
Last I heard the RD-180 engines used in the Atlas 5 booster would no longer be supplied by mutual agreement. The US wanted to discontinue buying them because of the sanctions, and Russia wanted to cut off the supply because one use of the Atlas 5 is the launching of the USAF’s orbital surveillance “buses” so it had a military use.
Not sure how that is working. Blue Origin was supposed to supply replacement engines but BO has been struggling. Maybe Bezos can supply Amazon Prime trucks.
Andrei, I think in the future USA will resort to piracy on the high seas. Well they have already started with unloading Iran tankers going to Venezuela, siphoning off one in the seas outside Iran, and Greece seizing 2 Iranian tankers.
I think there future plans include interdicting Russian and Chinese commercial ships all over the world especially around the African continent and in Asia.
I believe that the Chinese have built a formidable naval fleet, understanding that is the western goal. I also think that Russia and china will work together to combat these coming plans.
Your thought is much appreciated.
If the US does that, Russia and China will hit back in such a brutal and humiliating way that the American empire would be paralyzed by shame. The collapse would be instantaneous.
By now we all know that the USA is a paper tiger that lives on marketing and fantasy.
” The collapse would be instantaneous.
By now we all know that the USA is a paper tiger that lives on marketing and fantasy. ”
Why wait then ? Collapse the corrupt West now then. However, we all know they havent and wont.
Karl, it’s interesting you mention Piracy, actual, traditional Pirates operating on the High Seas for the pursuit and furtherance of Empire. Seems to me that takes us right back to where it all started Centuries ago, with English Privateers robbing Gold from the Spaniards who’d robbed it from the Aztecs and Incas. Funny old world innit.
Andrei mate you’re always to the point and it’s always a pleasure to listen to your explanations of the facts that somehow surfaced up following the SMO in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Iran still flies and maintained the F14 Tomcats.
Andrei M,
Your remarks in this and the last video about western press and info about Russia / USSR makes me wonder whether ALL the stories we got over the years Cold War period including about Stalin were all blatant lies.
Lies designed to facilitate war with and takeover of Russia and fermented by the EU elites and parroted by their running dog the US.
Horror story after horror story has been told.
The western media often says a translated report or statement was this (…..) when it really was something else, and because most people do not understand Russian they accept the narrative told and they get away with it.
Putin needs to employ fact checkers on all past stories and put the real facts up on a big Russian wiki website.
“Putin needs to employ fact checkers on all past stories and put the real facts up on a big Russian wiki website.”
Some are engaged in hopes of “perception management” and some others are engaged in “perception enhancement”, the opponents attempting to conflate “perception management” with “perception enhancement”, since “perception enhancement” to which the opponents are averse transcends “perception management” through multiple trajectories and velocities.
As illustrated in restricted form in:
the opponents are once more attempting linear extrapolations of such practices of hoped for “perception management”, to which you also restrict yourself by the suggestion that “Putin needs to employ fact checkers on all past stories and put the real facts up on a big Russian wiki website.” possibly “encouraged” by the notion of Russia is losing the “propaganda war” – propaganda being a component part of “perception management”.
Attempts/hopes of “perception management” in interaction with “perception enhancement” through time, facilitate the lateral process of the transcendence of “perception management” by “perception enhancement” of an increasing sum of some world-wide, which is a component part of the SMO of The Russian Federation not restricted to “Ukraine”, to which the opponents have inherent reticences to emulate, since to do so would prove prejudicial to their purposes, and because they are saturated by illusions that bigger/more are better
– the bigger the schlong, the better the stupping hope -, as a function of facility, fear and resort to viagra in various presentations.
Mr. Martyanov has made the observation of “Military porn” engaged in by those of little facility including tested practice. There is also a popular phenomena sometimes designated as “perception management porn” engaged in by those of little facility including tested practice.
Boeing 737 Max – what a joke – when I heard they had gone to fly-by-wire with these automated systems I was horrified because they are ripe for problems.
All it takes is a computer circuit or harddrive etc… problems or magnetic signals or fire damaging wiring to crash the plane. They should never have abandoned the manual control systems.
The warning bells on this type of things was long ago when that AirNZ DC-10 in 1979 crashed into a mountain in Antarctica caused by a navigation programming alteration.
Even the old planes have a vulnerability with wiring when upgraded
I hope the Tupolev planes havent made the same mistake.
Dear Andrei,
Why is it that you get so hot under the collar after reading some American bullshit? You would have to be aware that it was an American who first stated that bullshit baffles brains, and obviously he was talking about the effect that American bullshit has on American brains. Us foreigners normally stand back, scratch our heads and utter WTF.
Go back into history and remember that it was the race to the moons that captured the world’s imagination back in the early 1950’s. America used ‘Operation Paperclip’ to import Werner von Braun and most of his officers to assist in their ‘special’ operations which must have been a great help, especially remembering the number of ‘their’ Saturn rockets that kept falling over on launching. What was it that Russia won the ‘space Race’ by? 10 to nought perhaps.
And so American sought to change its position by the normal manner in which they operate; they lied. They invented stories, Hollywood style, and actually boasted about it. Again, if you study history, that is a normal ‘modus operandi’ for the Americans, if they cannot steal, copy or borrow, then they lie about it.
So what we are witnessing today not just in the Ukraine, but in Europe, and the Pacific, is the normal American bullshit still being treated as actual fact, and if the Western Leaders don’t go along with it, then there is that other American alternative, assassination, and in the past year I think it was about four leaders who were ‘removed’ by assassination. They may have been ‘small fry’ to western standards, but they were still ‘elected’ leaders of their country. Why even Imran Khan had to go for representing his country’s best interests. It’s the American way, and has been for generations.
So please don’t get upset by the continual flow of bullshit from the U S of A. as that’s normal. But also remember that the best method of stopping the flow of BS is a set of knuckles into the teeth of the BS artist and then watch him run home to mummy, crying all the way
I’m afraid that it was the US that won the space race, and they just keep on winning. Not just landing on the Moon six times, but also Voyagers 1 and 2, the only man-made objects to leave the Solar system, complex missions to Jupiter, Saturn and all the way to Pluto, landing probes the size of small cars on Mars (the only other country to successfully land a probe on Mars is China, and it was far smaller), the Hubble, Kepler and James Webb space telescopes, etc… etc… If there’s anything good that the US does, it’s space technology, and no other nation comes close.
” that won”
Like Mr. Fukuyama before you, you appear to believe in the end of history, and like Mr. Wolfowitz before you, you appear to believe in full spectrum dominance.
Thank you for your service.
James Webb can’t be considered a ‘win’. By that logic you can also argue that the Hubble was also a win for the US.
It was the US propaganda that declared a win for the US in the space race.
“I’m afraid that it was the US that won the space race, and they just keep on winning. Not just landing on the Moon six times….”
I just love satire when it’s executed well. Thank you.
Thanks to Andrei and to the saker for the information we cannot get elsewhere, in the inimitable manner of Andrei Martyanov!! I appreciate something more- Andrei knows how to pronounce kilometres (kilo-metres not kilOMeters), and also missiles(miss-aisle s!) not missles as most US speakers do!!!
Andrei manages to explain complex technical matters in a way less technical people can at least try to understand!!
We can blame the Americans. By stupidly spelling metre “meter”, they invite mistaken pronunciation.
spectrometer, speedometer, krotometer; millimetre, hectopascal, kilovolt, megawatt.
The ‘metre’ is a unit of distance measure, a ‘meter’ is a measuring instrument, eg, a gasmeter, a voltmeter, etc.
Americans pronounce it ‘miles’. No issues with that.
China even announced it is pushing ahead with using AI to predict the ultimate target of a hypersonic glide vehicle to more effectively intercept it. Putin also some years back spoke about its ability to interecept hypersonics (not just make hypersonic weapons). So both countries not only field hypersonics but also have technology and ability to intercept whatever future hypersonics amerika might come out with.
Now if China’s AI technology helps to intercept future amerikan hypersonics, wouldn’t it make sense that the same Chinese AI can also be used to increase the chances of Chinese hypersonic vehicle avoiding intercept and to hit its target? Works both ways IMO. This field is very interesting.
Excellent, as always, Andrei!
Regarding the use of airplane spare parts, the high chance of Western sabotage of some of those parts cannot be left out of the risk assessment.
China will provide all the Boeing and Airbus components Russia requires-needs for it Western Fleets…
On the ‘Down Low’ of course.
“Oops, it must have fallen off on the runway.”
When the Yank said that the USA is the undisputed leader in research on hypersonic missiles, I think he meant “among nations who haven’t been able to produce such a missile and therefore are restricted to research only”.
This world’s a stage for troubled dreams
Where greedy villains steal their scenes.
They run the show,or so they say.
But they lost control along the way.
@ tom welsh on July 02, 2022 · at 6:36 am EST/EDT
“Well hello! It’s me again…”
So mild and unassuming. A very nice contrast to the many blowhards online.
@ Guy Thornton on July 02, 2022 · at 9:47 am EST/EDT
“Well hello! It’s me again…”
“Well hello, THAT’S me again.”
“Well, hello, it’s me again…” and I am not going anywhere for the time being, so for those sophomoric tank-thinkers that would like to see me out, tough lock.
Channeling Andrei’s continuation of his introductory greeting.
More than watching Andrei’s videos, I listen to him while driving. Sometimes bluetooth connection delays, his video starts and I cannot hear anything, but I can see the video rolling. I get it back to the beginning, just to hear his introduction. That’s du jour. Without that, there is no Martyanov.
Curious to know what Andrei would think about the newly minted USEUCOM, General Christopher Cavoli. He is being profiled as follows,
“…Christopher Cavoli belongs to a rare breed of military intellectual. It is separated by a hyphen. That is, not a military smartass who is well versed in tactics, strategy, military history and shooting hardware, but a natural intellectual of a humanitarian nature, who, due to some personal circumstances, put on a military uniform and remained in it…
Andrei holds strong views about US education, or lack thereof, wonder what he would think about Gen. Cavoli, who seem to shine in the US Army for his educational achievements. Not so much for his military ones, he was kicked out of the province he was assigned command of in Afghanistan.
“…Lieutenant Colonel Cavoli returned to Europe, first to Bosnia in the “peacekeeping forces”, and then became Director of the Russian direction in the Office of Strategic Policy and Planning of the Joint Staff (2001-2003). Such people have a direct path to intelligence, but the army, apparently, simply did not give it, and already Colonel Cavoli is going to Afghanistan, to Herat.
At that time, any American officer who dreamed of a career was simply obliged to go to Afghanistan. Careers are made in the war, not in offices. But for Colonel Cavoli, the Afghan experience was very traumatic. He led the 1st Battalion of the 32nd Infantry Regiment into the Korangal Valley. As a result of 16 months of fighting, the Americans not only suffered huge losses, but also had to withdraw from Korangal, surrendering all settlements to the Taliban. In the American media, Korangal became known as the “valley of death”. Later, Brigadier General Cavoli told the military writer Wesley Morgan that he was so stressed that he even had to go to the dentist, because the constant grinding of his teeth affected his bite. Apparently, tough military actions are still not his. Cavoli looks more like an analyst than a ranger and warlord…”
Hopefully Andrei will see my request, take measure of the man, and get to speak/write about him in the future.
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Have only recently found Andrei, and thoroughly enjoy his productions. One thing I can’t get my head around is his thoughts on the Russian situation but he lives in America, so why haven’t the authorities shut him down?
@ Alan
He’s doing nothing illegal.
Eventually, as the US moves into a nazi-fascist society, it could happen they enact particular laws to deal with free spirits like Martyanov.
For now, what could they do, other than killing him? He could also die in an “accident” of sorts.
He’s been a soldier, knows how to take care of himself.
Lone Wolf