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Soros, the self admitted Nazi collaborator and Khazarian, telling us Westerners ‘our’ civilisation is in danger. It’s this cnt who is one of the architects of its demise.
Outstanding analysis as has become the norm from Andrei.
Hope you get some well deserved rest and I wait patiently for the next video as always witty and insightful!
Money, Soros has money so he has a voice at the table of World domination by the demons of the globalist. The love of money is the root of all evil. NATO wouldn’t exist without USA money & weapons. In this special military operation it appears western weapons are not making a difference as you have pointed out. Operational planning has worked in flexibility for forces at every level.
Soros ‘s ass has been kicked both off China and Russia, as well as Hungary. Then he was subsequently defeated in some of his colour revolutions. His Georgia and Ukranian bases are now lost for good, and his powerful influence in Serbia in now gone too. But remember Soros is only the frontman of a cartel of investors. For example, Soros is just one of the dozen investors who bled Russia white in the late 90’s. Soros is speaking on behalf of a much larger secret murdering mafia whose tentacles extend worldwide. Just recently, China formaly accused him to be a terrorist. So little wonder he is worried. We cannot know what is the share of power he holds, but we know Kissinger is definetely a very powerful individual too. His views are guidelines for powerful individuals at the core of the empire’s decision taking centres. Not to mention he is an inmensely wealthy man too, having smuglered across the US budget for decades, being a major owner of the Bush clan Carlyle hedgefund. He is rich by the tens of billions. So it looks like dogfight between zionist factions going on. And that’s good news. Otherwise, we will all become their goyim slaves.
Soros is more than alive in Serbia. His son and Vucic have a very friendly work relation.
Isn’t it interesting that these Zionists like Soros, Victoria Nuland, Robert Khagan, Bill Kristol, etc. etc. are not, in any way, given as much exposure in the Western European Press? You simply do not hear much about them, unlike in the US. (We have educated European friends who have repeatedly told this to us)
We think it has something to do with very wealthy W. Europeans who have had their wealth passed down from one generation to the next. These are families, in some cases, who have been wealthy for decades and even for many generations.
Comparing this difference, reveals how these psychopaths are deeply bound up by the US Hegemonic Financial, Military, and Political power.
We hope that once this last crew of Neo-cons die off, we will not have to hear about them ever again.
Rubicon… you are absolutely correct. It seems that few know how Nuland engineered the US coup of Ukraine in 2014. Her hubby Kagan moved in within a week of the coup with 2 dozen US corporations grabbing 99 year leases or outright purchase. Kagan called Ukraine the ‘Big Prize’ in prior investment pitches. Kagan also sold oil from the Iraq and Syria stolen oil fields. He is an opportunist, his wife is the facilitaor. They will not be going away whilst Nuland remains as the Asst Secretary of State. They will find new lands to exploit and pillage. Rabble howls about Soros, at least Soros uses a lot of his wealth benevolently around the world, sometimes just influentially but he has become such a straw man bogeyman…its just a right wing scream from Fox News pundits. Enough about Soros…it’s just a sad diversion. The US has done a double foot-shooting. The end of the Dollar Global reserve has begun and with that the end of US Hegemony. Then Nuland / Kagan will fade away to a minimal influence sphere.
OK, I’m going to take the Ritter case in this. You are right about the tactical situation but where does it end? Gonzalo thinks that that will be a coup that will solve everything. What if it is not? What then?
Draw the contact lines everywhere within Ukraine. You have Odessa, Chrackov, Whatever you want. You will simply end up with a Minsk agreement No 3. They will never accept it and continue bombing it for the next 8 years. You decimate Ukrainians, Polish-Romanian “volunteers” will come. The world is full of crazy people.
Build a buffer zone? They will ship longer range systems.
They will never stop. Unless you hit them, really hit them, they will never stop. That is what Ritter is talking about.
..on your last three sentences not be shy..they do not stop unless they get ..STALINGRAD-ized or end up as their hero Lev Davidovich Bronstein also known as Trotsky…..
“they” will be dead and buried, that’s how denazification works.
Russia has the longest range systems and they deliver hypersonicly. Already grumbly rumbly, word has heavy arms deliveries have been slowed or stopped because someone took their socks off to do some mathification, y+x=things go boom faster than we can supply them to people who are dying faster than we can train and resupply them…..old saying, never march on Russia ….because, y+x=they make things go boom.
Cheers M
They will stop because you cannot wage war (of any sort) without: 1) public support, 2) economy, 3) resources (commodities — metals, oil). This is a hybrid war — Russia is demolishing the West economically as well.
Russia owns and controls a lot of world resources — that’s why they want Russia destroyed in the first place — to sink their corporate suckers into all that wealth. Russia currently has everything at its disposal to wage endless war: money, public support, resources, economy. The same is diminishing by the day for the West.
So far the US is in for $53 billion. That is chump change. We spent $2.26 trillion on Afghanistan according to a Brown University analysis and I keep seeing the number $2 trillion on Iraq. We did not win either one. That is not what we do.
We create misery and chaos. We have not one a war for regime change or regime stabilization since Korea. Reason. No draft. Americans get critical thinking skills when there is a draft and skin is in the game. So the military and government’s position has been no draft and hence no real chance at winning.
In both of these other wars AUMF’s were automatic for years and years. We just committed to $53 billion without a debate in Congress. Who does not think there are many more to go when the stated objective is to bloody Russia’s nose. And this is a huge threat to the western financial industry. The west’s unipolar monopoly on financing is turning multipolar, if not multipolar already. The western financial system will do anything not to lose its first place position in world finance permanently.
Russia’s objective was a neutral Ukraine; but that looks like the creation of a rump state, and a rump state where there is ample opportunity to create chaos and misery. And we don’t care if it creates chaos and misery in the entire region. Not a problem for the US.
Martinov may understand the Russian military but Ritter understands the American one. Unless Russia takes the entire country and smashes the shit out of them and gives them no realistic hope at all, they will not stop.
We can infer from Soros’s speech that he is fully behind the climate change – WHO centralised plague control agenda (as well as Gates). As far as we know this is meant to be a whole new industrial transhuman revolution backed by a financial monster package of 150 trillion dollars as Mr. Carney claimed. For some reason the leading character of this massive operation was Gates. Now we know that Soros is there too.
But what did he really mean by defeating Russia and China quickly? Assuming that his words were measured and prepared, I would better go for some kind of signal to his NATO embeded agents, granting them that he and the mafia he represents will financially back them and enrich them the way any single Ukro fascist puppet politician of the Maidan is worth now more than a billion dollars, none of then living in Ukraine. So, no quick Sino-Russian defeat in sight, but probably a lot of mercenaries, weapons, contractors, media propaganda and fund looting in the Soros agenda
He could have what I call the T Boone Pickens disease, this is when people who feel there time is limited on Earth, must do things “quickly” so as to see their positive results passed down to the next set of enablers, allowing the system to continue as in the past.
For in their minds, it dies if it doesn’t.
Tip of the day, be weary of being a part of “our”.
I find it odd that more western people don’t want to emigrate to Russia, China, or India since it’s so awesome to live there.
Family ties, employment,and familiarity keep people local. And how do most people earn a living if they relocate to alien cultures?
I did it in 2000 but was a lot younger and more energetic; to do it now would be beyond me.
As for the countries you mentioned, it is not “awesome” to live there in total, many parts of each are actual nightmares due to high density living, extremes of climate and poverty, and many local practices that can be very offensive to our sensibilities.
The trick is to find a small piece of Paradise and try to insulate ourselves from the madness that abounds.
@ grr: That place only exists inside you, no matter how old you are. Cheers!
“I find it odd that more western people don’t want to emigrate to Russia, China, or India since it’s so awesome to live there.”
Well, having never lived in Russia or China, I can´t comment objectively on how “awesome” life there might be for an expat American like me. BUT, having actually lived in India, I CAN tell you that there have got to be MANY better places like, for just one example, my present bolt-hole in southeastern Brasil.
Been to all three. Russia maybe. But there is a whole lotta suck gotta happen before those places start to look good. Not at all out of the question that the whole lotta suck will happen though.
Well I never been but you can see China and all of Asia on tube. I see clean cities, great countrysides and people smiling and eating a lot of food. I see high tech all over and infrastructure unmatched in the western world. I see small villages with well dressed happy people working together in harmony.
I don’t see police and none of them carry guns, and even in Turkey the police drink tea with the folks on the street. I see thousands of years of culture and people finally being liberated from the bondages of white oppression and subjugation.
In Canada, I see a police car on every third street armed to the teeth, always with a gun and bullet proof vest, with many more lethal weapons stored in the trunk. In god bless, it is much more, for guns and violence is the order of the day. I also see the less than 1% not affected by the complete and utter chaos that is the reality for the masses.
P.S. The police in Texas said that the first police were not armed but tell me when you have never seen a cop not armed in America?
It should be very obvious but the lying Western propaganda machine is hardly going to highlight these countries as the ideal !
Well, I spent five months last year in Russia, one month this year. Russia is rapidly transforming itself. My first trip was in 2017 and have now been there six times. I definitely will be going back.
I only have enough Russian to not starve when I go to the shop. Very few people speak any other language but Yandex translate is your friend. It is much easier than before the internet.
I suggest you start by being a frequent visitor. There will be things you discover you like and do not like. I feel fortunate that I met a lot of kind and helpful people, the food was good and I was never afraid of the cold. I enjoyed winter walks along the Volga at minus twenty Celsius. The coffee and cake afterwards and sitting next to a radiator helps to create great memories. The blue skies and snow twinkling as if a field of diamonds made it a winter wonderland.
I am looking forward to spending about half my time in Russia in the near future. The other half is here in Geneva.
Go where your heart takes you and make an extended stay.
You can find videos on youtube made by US expats who have been living in China for 10, 15, 20 years. They said explicitly that they would never go back to live in the USA, which they consider a third-world shit-hole compared to China.
From their videos in China, we can see a modern, clean, safe, peaceful country, with a benevolent and tolerant people. There seems to be very little crime, no millions of drug-addicts lying in the streets, …
This is a great news from the smart Russian military
Fascinating read. One of the reasons I check this site is to find interesting links like this. Thanks for posting it.
Soros= City of London- Rothschild
Blackrock = JP Morgan Chase
Andrei , good video, thank you sir!
Looking at this from the outside, you can see a few trends emerging. There are cracks emerging within the real players on the Western side.
Soros/WEF/US/NATO/West – They are still full speed ahead with the war and haven’t accepted that the current round has been lost to Russia, not because the money or the weapons has run out but the fact that the bodies/blood to fight against the Russians. I believe this group is highly cynical and doesn’t care how much people die both for the West or Russia, a pretty evil group. Unfortunately for them, no one else is stepping up at the national level to send soldiers into Ukraine, the Poles are the closest to being convinced to fight it but they seem hesitant to go fight in the East.
Israel/Kissinger/U.S Military/U.S Intelligence Agencies – This faction has realized that the this round has been lost against Russia and wishes to engage Russia and bring them back into the fold as much as possible. This faction has realized/accepted that an independent Russia not beholden in any way to the West is a dangerous development. Hence, I believe as Russia amasses strategic/tactical wins in Ukraine the more that will be offered to Russia.
Russia – As Andrei points out, it’s too late for Ukraine to try to work out a deal , it’s gone too far and Russia has no incentive to negotiate anymore.
Most of the US/Western media has totally lost their minds over this Ukraine SMO. But which one out of so many crazies takes the prize.I’m nominating for that prize “Newsweek “. Everyday they come out with some of the most nutcase Russophobic stories I’ve seen. But one today is the award winner:
” Will Ukraine Invade Russia After Pushing Putin’s Forces Back?”
And on BC just now.. Russian mum, with back to camera, tell BBC.. ”I got my 2 sons out of the military.. they joined as conscripts, got taken to the front, and that with no contract and against Putin’s promise, not to send conscripts to the front. I complained and.. they just came back home. Tired, thin, dirty, with ragged uniforms..” right, well done mum, and well done BBC, always the trooph. Now the whole planet will so hate them Russian military for not honouring Put’s word.
More US/BBC/NATO crisis actors? They have a well known habit of using them.
Thankfully maths and physics were 2 of the 4 subjects I was most comfortable with at school and therefore enjoyed immensely an insight into Andrei’s world.
I think that this latest offering above makes a case for the necessity of the off the cuff musings, rants and passionate pleas of Gonzalo Lira regarding the futility of Ukraine’s decision to take instruction from Washington and wage war against a vastly superior power.
Winning the hearts & minds of those westerners, the Twatter & Tiktok crowd with their short attention spans and grasshopper minds requires painting-by-numbers, joining the dots, nothing too technical. showmanship.
Thank you! Keep pouring it on…don’t worry about melting brains we’ll handle it ;)
Wow ,Russian forces may be in trouble now with this latest NATO equipment they have given the Ukrainian forces:
I’m going to add this phrase to my lexicon: “I’m sorry guys, no go.”.
Thank you for an excellent view of the conflict in Ukaine and the understanding of the obvious and western ignorance of live broadcast of the war by those on the first lines and nothing and nobody can not white wash the ‘material’ evidence presented throughout the channels We, here, all gain our knowledge from.
I’m nor educated as you are in military but have being trained to be a scout by an army similar to Russian and also have an unfortunate four experience actively being a civilian, a militia, an officer and a foot soldier in a war similar to the one in Ukraine.
Kiev is led by a clown and the street gang chief generals supported by Hollywood imagination what Rambo with a Stinger and a few lines of Columbian stuff can do in Donbas front.
Strategy to protect troops on the southern front is suicidal attempt to regain the balance unless these 20,000 are goings there to protect the corridor for the evacuation of the Severodonstek and other Azov and International brigade heroes begging the clown and his advisers to send American and European hardware and some of those 700,000 soldiers … pictures, videos, sound and the feelings travel over Star link although the hardware cannot use Star Trek technology to be teleported from Lviv to Kharkiv by Scotty.
If Servant of the People do not start negotiating with Mr Putin he will be either evacuated from the presidental palace underground bunker by representatives of UNHCR or follow the Adolf’s steps but escorted out in the vehicles provided by RF in a few months or perhaps years.
How many people will die and how many will leave his version of democracy is not only up to them but also up to us of how we, the world, the international community, free democracies and tyrannical kingdoms will recognise SMO as.
I’m sure it is the beginning of a NWO and New Cold War but let’s hope the clown was wrong about WWIII.
US and NATO cannot fight Russia and China by the might of their hardware nor they can provide their troop nor Ukraine with any game changing weapons besides nuclear to stop the offensive.
Kiev should protect Diepro River banks and northern borders to protect hard natural positions with all its might.
The eastern front is lost.
Apropos Andrei’s opening remarks regarding real vs simulated economies (a subject I’ve waxed ineloquently about every time it comes up), have a look at
At the end of the day, wealth is things. The world is dividing along not only ideological/cultural lines, but also between those who make/mine/grow things and those who play at leveraging the real wealth those things are. IOW, between producers and consumers. The day of the Parasite is over, and the day of the Producer has come ’round again.
Faux wealth, conjured up by the high priests of finance will go the way of the faux militaries that pretended to support them.
Erebus: thank you for sharing the website showing the differences in GDP.
What really caught our eye was how enormously expensive (for US citizens) is US “Service Sector.”
China, Russia, other non-Western nations pale in comparison.
In contrast, it explains *why* Americans pay exorbitant fees for:
1.Health Care (including astronomical costs for medical insurance)
2. Big Tech services: laptops, cellular, tv, computers – all required to operate from huge corporations such as At&T, Comcast and all the others. In general, we, the two of us, spend more than $1000.00 per year to have tech access by these Monopolists.
3. Home/Auto/Rental Insurance is also bleeding us dry. A yearly bill is $4-5 thousand dollars. Yes, that’s right.
4. Real Estate- mortgages costs, combined with a lack of well paid jobs has become a very sore point for many citizens.
Is it any wonder why there is a horrific rise in US poverty?? There is a huge scarcity of US well paid jobs. Most……… we mean, the Majority of jobs in the US are part-time, lowly paid wages.
So while the US super billionaires are killing millions of us, we can only dream of Russian, Chinese, Other nations and their far more than adequate Service Sector assistance for ordinary citizens.
Dmitry Medvedev’s post 26.05.2022 (machine translation)
Ukrainization of liver sausage
Anticipating his inevitable defeat, Ukrainian President Zelensky found a convenient way out of the impasse. No country, no problem. His actions and statements prove that now he is ready to put almost everything on the altar of his political ambitions. People, cities, economy – that’s the main thing that remains with his state. The fact that Russia is just trying with all its might to preserve, destroying nationalism, militarism and rabid hostility to everyone “who does not jump” with precision strikes.
The conditions that Zelensky puts forward for a truce are categorical to the point of idiocy and are impossible in principle. He demands to make Donbass and Crimea Ukrainian again, as if he does not know the will of their inhabitants. Withdraw all troops from the Donbass, leaving the Ukrainian army full scope for repressions against people. And then, perhaps, will begin to agree on something.
Ultimatums sound beautiful only on paper. Yes, and they usually put them all the same from a position of strength, and not obvious weakness. At the moment of victory, not defeat. On a sober head, and not under psychotropic drugs.
However, there will always be those to whom all this cock-like, stupid, obviously doomed, but militant rhetoric can be beneficial. Zelensky was joined by his German counterpart, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, aka “offended liver sausage” (in the words of the ambassador of the same Ukraine to Germany, who diligently shits on the heads of the citizens of the host country). The bearer of the proud sausage title said that Germany would not accept the “peace treaty imposed by Russia” and was in solidarity with Ukraine in this.
Why Ukraine Scholz? You don’t have to look far for an answer. The Polish-Prussian alliance, which is escalating the situation with all its might and pushing the deranged Zelensky to more and more catastrophic statements and actions, is very beneficial if Ukraine as a state is not on the map. But there will remain poorly lying factories, fields, mines, strategic space and human resources. So already, I remember, someone reasoned in the late 30s of the last century in the same language and with the same ardor. What happened is known.
One of the oldest politicians in the world, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, speaking at a forum in Davos, called on Kyiv to make concessions in negotiations with Moscow, assess the situation soberly and realistically. And start negotiations as soon as possible, before too much tension is created, which can have dire consequences for Europe and plunge it into chaos. Just the case when the young “cockerel” should have listened to the wiser “hawk”. By the way, for many years the venerable old man was not noticed in sympathy for Russia, but he always thought rationally.
However, no one orders Zelensky and his “sausage” puppeteers. Kissinger and the New York Times, which also called for compromises in an editorial, he recalls 1938 and “then Munich.” It would be more correct for him to remind his partners in Poland about Munich, who are thirsty for Ukrainian lands and who are not allowed to sleep peacefully by the laurels of Nazi Germany.
“And amongst the heads of state there is only one who is standing up against the forces of evil. Don’t count on Boris Johnson in England. Don’t count on Macron in France. Don’t count on Draghi in Italy. It’s Vladimir Putin! Who may be no angel and no saint, but nevertheless is a man of intelligence and great courage. And as the head of Russia, he has the means to stand up against the one world government.”
Well, not quite.. re your vague opinions of Prez. Putin, when you consider it’s actually Put2, IMO, he makes no military/finance decisions. Put1 went to Geneva a few years ago for the alleged birth of a daughter. . A few weeks later Put2 emerged, with a new round face, lost his prominent chin, suddenly gained: a new non-Judo belly, more hair, a loss of: German and Judo skills and.. wife. Search old vid of Put1 with late Fr. Prez. Chirac.. a different guy to Put2. Maybe cia bumped off Put1, so double moved in.. who knows. Even locals called Put2, Put’s ghost.
How can this drivel pass the administrators? This utter nonsense should never have appeared here!
One wonders … but we don’t vet ‘truth’ and fantasy doesn’t break the mod rules. The Moderator.
Watch out for such ‘support’ , do at least a minimum of source checks!
I know, wiki, but check the lawsuits :
This guy has a long history, associated with Lefebvre and the Ultramontane Traditionalist Faction, excommunicated twice, I believe.
There is a direct link from this faction to fascist support, Holocaust denial.
Ultramontane is the old feudal-crusader tradition of Torquemada – repudiated by Vatican II.
So it looks like support for Putin against ‘world government’ means Williamson’s world government should be Ultramontane, feudal.
Williamson up to his British tricks again.
@bonobo… If there are holocaust deniers there are many more holocaust liars.
You’re welcome.
@ Bonobn,
Bishop Richard Williamson is the kind of bishop I would trust – your ‘search’ has just confirmed it. No thanks.
I note a few people draw attention to yt removed the famous nuland “f the eu” video last few days. It had been used as an embedded link in various articles recently . But i guess memory holed as one cant beat their slaves too much in public without a raised eyebrow or two.
A Russian subtitled version still exists, with 1,400,000 views (Courtesy Lauria at Consortium).
Link : Марионетки Майдана (Maidan Marionette) :
Download before YT remove….
Here’s one link, but Binney and VIPS have been on my radar for some time.
The nuts and bolts of military action are explained very well by Mr. Martyanov, but a lot of it is mind control. (“total population control towards totalitarianism”)
That seems the battleground for me, and that’s my shot. The sum and the math on that for the small player is not complicated.
What does ‘woke’ mean?
The word was first printed in a 1962 New York Times essay by the author William Melvin Kelley
No mercy for cowards. The Fourth Reich will show you mercy:
Enemy At The Gates – [2001] Battle of Stalingrad scene
Get woke. Awake. But it’s a rude awakening. Becoming a hero of the Soviet Union was not an easy path.
“We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.”
― Konstantin Josef Jireček
I can’t verify the provenance of this quote above, but the principles seem sound.
The 300 Spartans and a few allies “fixed” the Persian army in place until Greece could unite. But a whole lot more could be fixed through peace, if that peace was in the human heart.
John 14:27 (KJV)
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 20:21 (KJV)
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace [be] unto you: as [my] Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
Isaiah 45:7 (KJV)
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these [things].
Apologies: That first scene in Enemy at the Gates is debunked by Soviet veterans as well as being against the policy of General Zhukov.
“World War II caught a future hero in the position of a chief of finance in the Pacific Fleet, where he had been serving since 1937. Zaytsev had a good position and the command appreciated him a lot. However by the summer of 1942 Vasily applied 5 times with a request to forward him to the front. His request was satisfied, and Zaytsev was sent to the 284th rifle division. On the September night of 1942 together with other recruits was sent across the Volga to defend Stalingrad. He got to the city where he pronounced the words which got into a mess: “For us, soldiers and commanders of the 62nd Army, there’s no land beyond the Volga. We stood and will stand to death!””
Vasily Zaytsev said: “A good sniper is a sniper alive. Sniper’s feat is so that he does his job again and again. To succeed in this hard work one has to make a feat every day and every minute: beat the enemy and stay alive!”
Also see
‘ On December 9, 1941, General Zhukov actually forbade the kind of frontal assaults seen in Hollywood movies. Instead, they focused on solid defensive principles such as a flexible defense in depth, massing anti-tank guns on likely avenues of approach, and infantry assaults coordinated with artillery.’
Sorry for my mistakes. No insults to Soviet soldiers intended.
Honestly I won’t like to live in Russia. On the other hand I do understand that huge majority of Russians won’t ever move abroad. And certainly not now when witnessing this horrific and sick anti-Russia hystery. It’s not just anti-Russia, it’s also anti-Russians hysteria and hatred.
ZH: In Stunning Shift, WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions, Collapsing-Morale Of Ukraine Front-Line Forces
I hope Kiev honcho’s read this!
What EU MSM will do with this should be a real circus act!
Андрей. Brilliant video. One thing about those fanboys and gamers is that they love explosions, blood, and gore, but only at a considerable distance, not up close and personal.
Just as Uncle $hmuel loves to fight “over there,” its not so much fun up close. Unless you
are a psycho, which I’m sure there are plenty of in the U$ military. Along with the queers, dykes, trannies, etc.
There are lots of scientific studies suggesting that around 2% of all men are more or less psychos in every nation. What’s interesting: psychos are found most likely in public sector, politics, churches, military etc and among leaders because psychos are quite good also manipulating other people. 1/10 of psychos are serious cases. When it comes men vs women there are true differences. While 90% of top scientists are still men, 90% or even 95% of idiots are also men just like 90% of real criminals too.
Yes, men inhabit extremes of every distribution, that is a fact. However,those women who actually make it in politics, can be the worst psychos.