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Andrei is so right about this stuff. The west can run its mouth all they want but when it comes to jump all they have is nukes, which I bet don’t work.
The United States of America is not a peace-loving nation. It is bloodthirsty war-loving nation that justifies its wars behind its founding national lies: freedom, democracy, and individual liberty.
What makes the US ruling class depraved is that they use the cover of fighting for freedom, democracy, and individual liberty to take away these three things from others.
Exactly! Why did the US cross the Ocean to parade up and down the (hint): South China Sea? To “bring Freedom and Democracy to the Pacific and Indian Oceans”! Poor Japan!
Please do not say the nukes of Yanks perhaps even do not work. The same thing one can hear now among young Czechs educated by Soros and Norwegian funds or euroland Orgasmus-Erasmus about Russian nukes. I was born and lived as a young guy, during Cold War, in communist Czechoslovakia and later, after 1968, decided to relocated to France, OTAN. On any side officials nor common people did not claim such a seppuku BS about nukes.
“The United States and ” is not a person. The organization of a proxy war against ethnic Russians and Russia itself was not organized by ordinary Americans, but by a cabal in the US State Department and US intelligence agencies.
But the United States is supposed to be a democracy, at least that is what is always said. So if ordinary Americans do not think a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine (or Afghanistan or wherever) is a good idea, then why is the “cabal” doing all these things not removed from the government? Andrei mentioned political science. It would appear that in this area (which is sometimes called political theory or political philosophy) there is a lot of work to be done to make it fit for the world of today.
Sociologists could contribute (but they do not) by analysing with the methodology of Niklas Luhmann those two societal subsystems MIC (Military Industrial Congressional) complex and the IMATT (Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank) complex and the way they communicate internally and externally with the other societal subsystems, and how influence and power is exercised. Are they harmful or just useless?
Some of us feel that political reflection is interest-driven and hence ideological, which opens the field to those dilettantes Andrei mentions. Beware of “fellows” in think-tanks! There are many varieties of liberalism, such as the classical economic liberalism of Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham, which included the freedom to exploit mercilessly as in Manchester capitalism. Social liberalism represented by John Stuart Mill emphasizes political and civil rights. John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau debated how far property rights should go. Today we have mainly neo-liberalism which advocates deregulation and privatization as well as cultural liberalism which is opposed to traditional values and is considered by some to be nihilistic. Neither is working out well. Among Marxists there is no less confusion!
The West, or the West plus Japan, South Korea and Australia, or the collective West as it is sometimes called, considers itself to be the font of all wisdom in these matters and ignores interesting developments in Russia and China, bad-mouthing these as “authoritarian” or false. Alexander Dugin has many interesting ideas which are not yet entirely developed about cultural autonomy, traditionalism, geopolitics and multi-polarity. The thinking of Xi Jinping is focussed on correctly putting theory into practice.
Please teach us in the empire of Arrogance and ignorance something about Russian spirituality.
My mom didn’t care what the religion was too much, but she loved God.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
I think Mom thought of temple as a group meeting site and God as the thing outside of all walls…
Specifically, if you think there is something unique or outstanding about the Spirit of Russia, as Fatima prophesized, what did she suggest?
Happy solstice
Please get done with the Fatima hoax. Refer this which is site policy:
A Aparição de Maria Santíssima como Nossa Senhora de Fátima pode ser Real e a Mensagem pode ter sido corrompida e deturpada pelo Clero e pelos Políticos do Ocidente…
The Apparition of Holy Mary as Our Lady of Fatima may be Real and the Message may have been corrupted and misrepresented by the Clergy and Politicians of the West…
Eduardo: I suspect you are onto something here. Perhaps the original vision about Russia leading the world and the strong feminine tone in that revelation was one thing. An entirely different thing being what the Roman Catholic Church did with it. One of the most insidiously effective techniques employed by forces with evil intent is to latch onto a true and vital thing, then take possession of the collective understanding of that thing, so that it can be turned to serve the purposes of that evil force. The Catholics Church has been doing this consistently ever since Constantine got going. So the Saker condemning the Fatima tale is wise as it is the condemnation of an evil twist upon something that may have been true and authentic in its original inception.
Evil feels strongest when it has a possession of a piece of authentic truth that it can twist to its own purpose. This has been a secret method of mass domination for millennia.
To ‘Mr’ Eduardo:
Excellent post.
The RC ‘Beast System’ up to its old (demonic) tricks.
Interesting conversation. I remember to examine the 300-500 year gab between the living Moses and the said first collected Torah/Bible around 500 BC +-.
Said to be Jewish traditional story telling mouth to mouth in the tribes. As we know between us liars an egg can become 5 chickens through story telling.
The interesting part is that true truth cant change! If you one time have been told about the water cyclus in your tribe through generations this truth can and will last forever.
This eternal truth (God) and evil’s manipulation we can see in the example of the water cycle today. By knowing the water cycle you can see the postulate of “lack of water resources” is a fraud, a fake twisted and manipulated by evil.
Thus I reached the conclusion that it was possible to maintain a true story about Moses unwritten during 500 years between his living and the first Moses books only through “gossip” but only IF it was the truth.
This way of avoiding written true truth also secure that evil cant manipulate it!
Its a little weird turn around as we normally would think truth can only be maintained fixed in writing, but spoken words will be twisted by the law of gossip. But spoken truth also last forever.
Maybe this is simple for you guys but this 500 year Moses gab between actually speaking living until the book were written, gave me some trouble until I resolved it.
There is a problem with Moses and it’s the worst problem possible. The other Hebrew writers of the Bible didn’t know him as he became known to us. David didn’t know him. He mentions Moses only once in 70 psalms. Let’s understand that this is not possible unless he does not know of him. David does not mention Abraham at all. Get a concordance and look for “Moses” and trace it across the O.T. and you will see that this problem is very real across the O.T. The same is true of other major characters. Judges and Samuel, the oldest prophets, do not mention Joshua at all, not even once. This is a major problem too. The problems are myriad.
tranquilocomp Part of the same struggle I had. There are too many hair raising stories, a lot of killing and blood, and as you say the description of Moses and his doings is here and there too weird too.
But I found out this is part of the same hiding the truth from evil. The Bible is written symbolic so as if you seek God with full heart and the truth in it, you will find the red line makes perfectly sense behind the symbolic in the stories throughout.
But if you dont have your heart in it, the Bible becomes simple and full of blood, killing and contradictions.
Same Jewish tradition of hiding the truth behind verbal tribe stories from father to son or weird writings only the Rabbi understand and do verbally interpret.
It also makes sense you really have to want and seek it to get it. Its not one of McDonalds.
Just to finalize my findings.
I were searching for God’s and Christ’s real name as you will know there are many; Joshua, Jahve, Jehova, o.s.v.
Among other I also searched the Death Rolls, the Aleppo papers, m.m. and found many documents presenting ancient Bible is based on Israeli and Europe based experts finding scrolls late in year 1800 and in the 1900’es but dated centuries earlier??? So in theory these “ancient scrolls” could have been falsified.
At some point I came in doubt whether the whole thing was made up to confuse people.
But again I reached the same conclusion. It doesnt really matter whether God’s name is this and that or it was falsified or missed or whatever Moses did and missed.
What matters is only if the symbolic in the stories together present themselves as a logic and rational eternal truth of mankind’s Creation, relation and conditions, and here I found it fits 100%.
This finding made me exalted. Hope you and all of you already have or will meet the same balance.
“What matters is only if the symbolic in the stories together present themselves as a logic and rational eternal truth of mankind’s Creation, relation and conditions, and here I found it fits 100%.”
I see your point. That way of interpretation or thinking is also a form of mental training – does it end there? Does it carry on into other matters where it becomes, you know, “nonsense”? Also, one must consider that that’s not how these religions triumphed. That counts a lot in my view. If the people in the Bible books believed literally, is it fair to later take the stance you suggest in order to keep or have a religion? Also, why should we not “fear” a true God or a “God of truth”? There are problems with that interpretation. What to do with the word “blasphemy” also, do we keep it or does it become then useless? Would it then be applied to those who are just rational and truthful about a mental stretching of facts just for religionists? I think it is better and fairer to reject clear falsehoods. I recommend Paine’s Age of Reason. I think humanity is a battleground in an advanced stage. Man will have to sober up, I think (no pun intended). Truth is the weapon to use and what all evil ones fear the most (chuckle), the truth about their lies. Let’s continue at the cafe if you want.
Ok at cafe :-).
@Amarynth, thanks for Link to Saker’s debunk. The Fatima hoax is obviously the Roman Church up to its old supremacist tricks:
“the current re-activation of the hoax appears to aim to somehow piggyback the Latin Church unto the current religious revival of Russia, mostly by means of the deliberately so-called “consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary” by Pope Pius XII. Needless to say, one cannot consecrate something one does not own, even to an internal organ of the All-Holy Theotokos, so that this “consecration” really proclaims is, as usual, the Vatican’s claim over the entire planet and, of course, Russia.”
Hallo Dr NG
Great post.
It SEEMS the RC Vatican Beast System is losing (or has lost) its demonic control on Russia… once again.
Maybe one day it will loose control of ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ Canadian Edition.
Dare to dream
Absolutely or it could be the devil itself creating these apparitions as it is a lower being of light. You can also add the virgin Mary sitings in Međugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina fake as well.
Satan does nothing without God’s permission. Satan is basically a scourge for an apostate people.
To feed one’s soul is to hear the noise of Silence (God whispers in each of us) and for that the weapons must be silent.
The “spirit of Russia” is something else, it’s linked to ancestors, traditions, landscape, music … a kind of “тоска” (like the portuguese saudade or the romanian dor).
It’s even a more complex feeling because “тоска” in Russian, has necessarily quite strong sad, painful feeling but the “spirit of Russia” express a lot of love and warmth too.
that’s such a sympathetic and enlightening post Ulfr; set me up for the day now!
as for some other comments here, i do wish when saker devotees post about religious matters we can avoid sectarian animus though; there’s more that unites orthodox and catholic folks than divides if we can just see past our respective grievances.
“if we can just see past our respective grievances.”
Religions. Everybody knows Thomas Paine (1737-1809), the world changer man. Paine is the greatest American in my list of the greatest five; #2 is Martin Luther King, the third I can’t mention to keep the comment within bounds, fourth must be JFK, and fifth is still acephalous. As George Washington and everybody said back then, Paine was crucial in sparking the revolution with his 1776 “Common Sense” essays (book). He wrote “Age of Reason” in the 1790s. It was wholly about religion. He was a Deist like many of the founders, but this anti-religions book was unpopular with all the other founders. It was very courageous to write it in the 1790s, if you think about it. He was popular worldwide other than with kings and princes, but he could not stop there; he saw another oppressor-oppression in religion and tried to help his fellows again no matter what. “Age of Reason – the definitive edition” is a great book to read. Suffice it to say that only two persons went to his funeral in the United States. They were the man who had kept him in his home during the last weeks of his life when he was dying, and the man’s son. So it went, that’s how it goes too.
Had he succeeded, the people would have become as smart as him and we would all be better off. You may recognize in today’s generation those who rejected him so.
Thomas Paine Addendum:
Many years later the writer and orator Robert G. Ingersoll wrote:
Thomas Paine had passed the legendary limit of life. One by one most of his old friends and acquaintances had deserted him. Maligned on every side, execrated, shunned and abhorred – his virtues denounced as vices – his services forgotten – his character blackened, he preserved the poise and balance of his soul.
He was a victim of the people, but his convictions remained unshaken. He was still a soldier in the army of freedom, and still tried to enlighten and civilize those who were impatiently waiting for his death. Even those who loved their enemies hated him, their friend – the friend of the whole world – with all their hearts.
On the 8th of June 1809, death came – Death, almost his only friend.
At his funeral no pomp, no pageantry, no civic procession, no military display. In a carriage, a woman and her son who had lived on the bounty of the dead – on horseback, a Quaker, the humanity of whose heart dominated the creed of his head – and, following on foot, two negroes filled with gratitude – constituted the funeral cortege of Thomas Paine.
source: Wiki
Paine: my hero all my life, his mind and craft inspiration.
Thank you. “It is the duty of man to obtain all the knowledge he can, and then make the best use of it.” – Thomas Paine
If there is a true picture of the female who became the only survivor that “saw” the apparition, and then this person is simply gone, and the woman that later meets the Pope and is pictured many times, is obviously not the same person as the original witness, why is not this an issue? Is it the power of darkness, where are the “children of light”? First link below shows the true Lucia and you can see that it’s the same person as in the child’s picture, and below is the other Lucia, the one that became ubiquitous. What happened to the original Lucia? Forget about the vision. What happened to Lucia, why was this done?
Okay, Gerhartz may be delusional people that need to go back to academy to learn details about modern warfare which they might have missed. What really worries me (and that doesn’t just apply to military commanders, but also to politicians and practically decision makers in every sphere of society) is the perfect blend of incompetence, incredibly high self-esteem, and often a missionary attitude towards the rest of the world.
So many of them seem to be eager to apply what they don’t understand but dream about.
I can only hope that, despite of all the increasingly aggressive rhetoric, common sense will eventually prevail. Otherwise, we might indeed become the generation that watches and discusses mankind’s very own doomsday.
Seems like the German was just up there to wave the nuclear scarecrow. And paint the Russians as agressors.
Germany (my country) make only, what the transatlantic country of lies orders to do.
Bingo on “perfect blend of incompetence, incredibly high self-esteem, and often a missionary attitude towards the rest of the world.” Sums up the Swedish political establishment to a T.
People with moderare IQ thinking they understand – it is incredibly frustrating!
The US-zATO accused Assad and Gaddafi of crimes against their people as an excuse to land-grab, resource theft and causing up until this very day a horrendous humanitarian crisis; however, US-zATO trained neo-Nazis are committing genocide, war crimes, against civilians in Donbass, Donetsk in particular, and it’s condoned by the US-EU- Canada, UK, Australia, others and swept under the carpet by Western MSM.
Look forward to Andrei’s discussion on the shelling of Donetsk City/other and RF’s acceptable collateral damage control as they pursue their SMO goals. The mopping up operation further west will be less considered, although never barbaric, unlike their civilian shielded opponents who employ every filthy trick/act on the battlefield, training & arming the worst criminal sadists.
Zelensky wants Donbass back and is sending Nazi kisses in the form of missiles. Hearts & Minds folks. When will Zelensky & his Government be tried for war crimes? The evidence is not buried away in the US MIC Vaults, it’s happening/ caught in live stream.
Zelensky is controlled by the U.S. Obama gave the order in 2010 to ethnically cleanse Ukraine of Russians.
Time for a quick shot of Vodka to celebrate . And then get the wood ready to build the gallows (sounds better than a firing squad). The Aidar nazi commander has been captured:
18+ Simonov K.V. – HIM HAS BEEN CAUGHT! OFFICIAL INFO AVAILABLE! Today, during a fierce battle in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk, the commander of the famous national battalion “Aidar” Sergei Melnichuk was caught. It is this bitch that shells Donetsk, arranging bloody atrocities against civilians.
That was the good news. The bad, is a scandal that is all over the Russian social media sites. Russians are livid over it. It is a mistake in the heated atmosphere inside Russia today for some in the government to start playing those games. It seems a notorious nazi Azov killer was exchanged for the son of a high mucky-muck who was seized in Kiev. The stupidity of the kid even being in Kiev to be able to be seized as a hostage is the talk all over Russia. And the most common response is “they got him out,but other common soldiers are prisoners”. If I could advise officials in Russia it would be that doing things like that are guaranteed to lose you the peoples support. Something that you can’t afford to do in Russia today. Here is one of the most mild reports on a part of it:
“You ask who released the Nazi Tyra. This is still utterly incomprehensible. She left the pre-trial detention center, got into a taxi and apparently left for Kyiv.”
Recall Stalin refused to exchange Field Marshal Paulus for his son in Nazi captivity, noting they are all my sons.
That´s why he was called, Stalin, the father of the Soviet people.
Victor is a hothead sometimes
Regarding the rant starting at 23:40 on “political science” being an oxymoron. That is only the case as long as one does not unify that the energy which necessarily flows through human beings necessarily follows the principles and methods of organized crime, because human beings actually live by taking energy, or by being robbers in their environment.
“Political science” can indeed exist, but only within paradoxical contexts due to civilizations being made and maintained by the biggest gangsters, in various times and places. “Political Science” in “The West” has driven its abilities to lie to everyone about everything beyond points of oblivion. The most important issues are assiduously ignored. The languages used are absurdly backwards.
Warfare was the oldest and best developed social science. However, since successful warfare depended upon deceit and treachery, for generation after generation, languages have been developed to enable professional liars and immaculate hypocrites to do their job, in the sense of what they get paid for. “The West” has selected for a crop of professional hypocrites to present themselves as “political scientists.”
But nevertheless, as the English saying goes:
“Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.”
Of course, these days, it’s what does happen.
@ Blair T. Longely – ” because human beings actually live by taking energy,…”
Disagree. The dystopian relationships you claim exist slowly implode. Have, and always will. Without reciprocity, trade, or symbiotic facets, all life grinds to a halt.
The exploitation of others is the basis for criminal enterprise, but not for the advancement of mankind. “Political science” makes feeble attempts to qualify these traits of moral disfigurement, in hopes of promoting it’s survival.
So, viruses and parasites do not succeed easily in the real world either. At least not without a host to constantly bleed out for it’s own survival.
A couple of basic principles regarding energy systems.
Energy follows the path of least resistance, and
the most labile component controls the system.
In human terms that means that civilization follows the path of least resistance, whereby the people the most able to back up lies with violence control civilization.
“… because human beings actually live by taking energy…”
You say you disagree.
I point out the basics that human beings are animals that live by killing other organisms and eating them. Food does not jump into your mouth. Food is killed and consumed. That is, the energy of food is taken, and to take, in basic English is to rob.
Civilization has developed many layers of absurdly backward language to conceal that human beings NECESSARILY live as gangs of robbers in their environment. Processes that “legalize” the lies and violence do not change the basic facts.
The essential problems that human beings face are that there must be some death control systems. The particular political problems we now face are that natural selection pressures drove the existing artificial selection systems to become most socially successful when done in the most deceitful and fraudulent ways. Hence, the current existence of political economy based upon governments enforcing frauds by privately controlled banks, that have been strip-mining the planet’s natural resources in ways that have become increasing criminal insanities, headed towards psychotic breakdowns, with that civilization collapsing into crazy chaos, provoking severe social storms to blow through, when the established systems run into more and more severe limits of diminishing returns, due to no longer being able to sustain any more exponential increases in the processes of strip-mining the planet’s natural resources.
There must necessarily be some death control systems, however, the actually existing systems were developed to become the most socially successful through the triumphs of those who were the most successfully deceitful and treacherous. Those paradoxical kinds of social success reverberated down through generation after generation to result in social pyramid systems being almost totally dominated by the best available professional liars and immaculate hypocrites, and that included both the core of organized crime, as well as the layers of controlled opposition around that core. All of the established sociopolitical institutions have ended up being dominated by the best available professional hypocrites.
Not only are the existing money/murder systems operated through the maximum possible deceits and frauds, but also, there must necessarily exist some combined money/murder systems. Thus, in the public spaces, there are matching bookends that bracket the basic problems that there must necessary exist some combined money/murder systems. There are practically NO rational debates regarding the facts about how the death controls back up the debt controls, which includes that there are practically NO rational debates regarding genuine alternative ways to operate the debt controls, by backing those up with the death controls.
Removed. No caps. Mod.
Obviously, Russia has relatively become UNCONTROLLED OPPOSITION, which is something of a significant novelty, and thus, a real game-changer. Since Russia had the shit kicked out of it by the infiltration of “Western” influences during the 20th Century, Russia has been significantly reset by those historical experiences. Hence, Russia is no longer as out of touch with relative reality as “The West.”
“The West” was too triumphant for too long, leading to its runaway fraudulence, making better dynamic equilibria practically impossible within the current geopolitical situation. “The West” is now the furthest away from admitting basic social facts, so far away, that it has become too preposterous to fully comprehend, since we are talking about exponentially increasing fraudulence, as symbolic robberies achieved by enforced frauds.
In a relatively stable ecology, parasites become almost half the population, while the producers tend to become only slightly greater. Of course, we are now in an insanely unbalanced human ecology. It has become more and more difficult to tell which human beings are relatively more producers than parasites.
However, in general, all human beings are primarily parasites on plants, particularly the flowering plants. Human beings, and therefore, civilizations, are operating according to the principles of thermodynamics and information theory. However, that has developed to become as dishonest as possible about itself.
What has now been added is atomic and electrical energy, to the previous chemical energy that ran human bodies. All of that has become many orders of magnitude greater than human beings.
The war in the Ukraine overall “sitrep” is that everything that actually happens depends upon what does not happen, namely the use of atomic weapons. The “Artillery of June” can keep grinding its way through the armed forces, as long as that continues to only be what happens.
All of the intelligence applied to make the “Artillery of June” effective depends upon an overall situation which is manifesting runaway criminal insanities, namely, that there are an abundance of weapons to kill almost everybody many times over. The attitudes in “The West” towards that situation appear to have become much more insane than those in Russia. Indeed, that is the overall predicament that Russia is now dealing with.
Russia appears to me to be behaving the most rational it can, given that it faces an utterly irrational enemy, which is manifesting runaway criminal insanities, which now take the form of attempting to blame everyone else for those problems.
Russia is defending itself and it’s people, a conduct not represented in your “…taking energy” paradigm.
Nor in the “path of least resistance” principle of electrical conductivity.
Again, you may be referring to the wild animal kingdom or it’s lower life, sub-humanoid forms? Either way, “political science” is part of neither equation.
Anyways, if any of what you’re saying is true, then PS has run it’s course and is now ‘kaput.’ It’s use to explain away justifiable robbery and homicide becomes pure heresy, as truth prevails.
Trying to inject new meaning into a meaningless vocation that’s little more than ‘cloak and dagger, ‘ is parsing words. Or like flogging a dead horse, being utterly pointless.
Any human beings necessarily live as gangs of robbers in their environment. Therefore, Russia is another manifestation of organized crime. I do not doubt that Russia is defending itself against even worse gangsters, the biggest gangsters, the banksters, who directed the various political puppets in NATO.
The path of least resistance is the path of least morality. That is the path which is actually followed, because human beings are energy flows through energy fields. That is the basis for genuine political science. However, I repeat that the video above was correct in asserting that most of contemporary “political science” is just another puppet show.
Given that better understanding of energy systems was first and foremost applied to make better weapons, the political consequences of that drive paradigm shifting in “political science” only becoming genuine after it recognizes and admitted that it too much necessarily be some systems of more or less organized lies operating robberies.
Any possible maintained negotiations for better dynamic equilibria between those systems ideally should be more “realistic.” However, notions of “reality” have been inversely perverted by the triumphs of the biggest bullies, through their bullshit-based languages being used in political discussions.
One can attempt to imagine that the Russians are intelligently using smart cannons to blow the Ukrainian soldiers to bits, as described in the video above, as well as many other places on The Sake Website.
Of course, it is impossible for me to fully imagine having my own legs blown off in such a situation. But nevertheless, I have been seriously thinking about weapons becoming collectively trillions of times more powerful than ever before in now known human history. Indeed, I believe that the point of such thoughts to change political science so that it becomes reconciled with physical science.
The main obstacle is when doing so, then one has to work through languages which facilitate the Wonderland Matrix Bizarro World, where the biggest gangsters, the banksters, pretty well dominate everything in “The West.”
Russia, et alia, successfully breaking away from that amounts to more multipolar organized crime gangs.
Like this reporter I think this is probably a good outcome:
I’ve talked about this more than once, it’s a very obvious outcome of this war, simply because no other outcome will bring the war to an end:
Russia has a plan for Ukraine. Similar to Chechnya.
An article with this title was published by one of the oldest and most respected magazines in the United States “The Atlantic”
The author of the article, Neil Hauer, discusses the future of Ukraine by drawing parallels with the two Chechen campaigns and comes to an interesting conclusion. He believes that Russia will spare no time or money to reunite with Ukraine. Cities that resist will be destroyed, but then rebuilt. And the local population will become Putin’s loyal foot soldiers, ready to fight for him around the world. The current war will be presented as deliverance from terrorism and Nazism.
It should be noted that such a scenario was also expressed by the members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with whom we communicate, Arestovich has a similar vision of the future. To date, this seems to be the most realistic scenario for the development of events.
Connected to the artillery fire, Olaf Scholz , in an interview with the newspaper Munchner Merkur, fired several deep thoughts, the concluding one being :
Putin “seems afraid that the spark of democracy could spread to his country”
and thus has been “pursuing a policy aimed at dissolving NATO and the EU.”
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, returned the fire:
“A couple of times German sparks spread to us. We will not allow any more
Mrs. Maria Zakharova fully earned her parabolic-general rank.
Best regards, Spiral
Two events in the last few days–Lithuania’s decision to prevent the transit of Russian supplies for Kalinigrad and the Ukrainian missile attack on a Russian oil platform in the Black Sea–may be the tipping point for Russia in shifting to a War strategy rather than continue with the Special Military Operation. Let me explain.
Not only the last 25 years, but also the previous wars of the USA since WW2, the USA cannot be considered to have acted at all fairly or competently. Now the ridiculous UK, Germany, EU in general seem to have lost any sense they ever had. Russia is trying to be rational and is on record for being determined as NOT starting a nuclear war, knowing the devastation it would cause, yet the “West” acts as if this will perhaps happen and the USA even admits it is looking for a “first strike capability” which was avoided all through the Cold War by the certainty of MAD-mutually assured destruction.
Andrei Martyanov
Love your work. The truth without the fluff.
I graduated with a Politics and Revolutionary History degree and …you are right in your opinions. Best seen and not heard. Although it will come in handy after the military bits are finished. It’s then not about artillery, it’s all about hunger and freezing to death in a failed state. (USA/EU and “Global Britain and chips.”)
I also admire you’re dress code. I have the same casual comfy shirts. It reminds me of my long ago days as CPL in the Army. .
Still can’t understand the maths and still don’t care, l’ll leave it up to you and your old mate, “spot on,” Larry.
How Russia will respond to the blockade of Kaliningrad: five possible strikes on Lithuania
1. Revocation of the recognition of Lithuanian independence. Gorbachev’s unconstitutional State Council had no right to take decisions of such a level as revising the borders of the Soviet Union and cutting off territories from it. This is a legal fact. By the way, State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fedorov recently submitted a bill to that effect.
2. Withdrawal from agreements with the EU on Lithuania. As recalled by Dmitry Rogozin, who in 2002-2003 led negotiations on this between Moscow and Brussels, Russia recognized the borders of the Republic of Lithuania in exchange for guarantees of uninterrupted transit of Russian citizens and Russian cargo from Kaliningrad and to Kaliningrad. Thanks to this recognition, Lithuania was able to join the EU and NATO.
3. Russia’s demand to return Klaipeda. If Brussels today withdraws from its part of the agreements, then Moscow withdraws from its own. By the decision of the Potsdam Conference following the results of World War II, Memel, like Koenigsberg, was transferred from Germany to the Soviet Union, and not any of its parts. It was only later that Stalin, by his internal decision, transferred Koenigsberg to the RSFSR, and it became Kaliningrad, and Memel was gave to the Lithuanian SSR, and it became Klaipeda. Modern Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, that is, the post-Soviet borders of Lithuania are determined by it. And if the European Union violates the agreements that guarantee these borders, then everything can happen to Lithuania…
4. Creation of the “Suwalki corridor”. By introducing a virtual transport blockade of the Kaliningrad region, Vilnius puts NATO at risk. This will itself disavow for Russia the legitimacy of all documents on Lithuania’s membership in the EU and will untie its hands to solve the problem of Kaliningrad transit created by Lithuania by any means Russia chooses. It is clear what this step would mean – a war with NATO.
5. Disconnection of Lithuania from the energy system. This would be Moscow’s most painful economic response to Vilnius’ hostile move. BRELL is an energy ring uniting Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Balts have long been declaring their desire to leave it, fully merging into the EU energy systems. Officially announced that this will happen in 2025. However, the energy transition to Europe faces significant difficulties, so the Baltic countries are still heavily dependent on Russian electricity. Disconnecting Lithuania from BRELL ahead of schedule is guaranteed to create very serious problems for its economy and the life of the population. For Kaliningrad, such a step does not pose any threat – the region has already disconnected from BRELL twice in a test order and tested offline operation.
Andrei — I appreciate your insights and opinions — thank you for sharing them.
I have a question I hope you can (and will) address: why (technically) are the Russian forces having such difficulty suppressing the Ukrainian artillery firing on the city of Donbass. Not being an artillery specialist, I am a bit surprised that any advanced military (US or Russian or whatever) are having difficulty detecting the Ukrainian artillery (or ammunition) movements and / or responding immediately with air or ground based fires to destroy the Ukrainian artillery fires immediately after their discharge. I realise that some form of this counter-battery fire and interdiction is underway — but given the many weeks of combat so far, I am confused why Ukraine is still capable of such fires at this point in time. Any thoughts on this?
This situation speaks more to the degradation of Ukrainian capability rather than an inability on the part of the Russians.
The ability for the Ukrainians to bring indirect fire against military targets has been seriously reduced. Thus, they shoot primarily at large stationary targets. Donetsk city is such a target. Despite the headlines, fire is sporadic and inaccurate.
The Ukrainians are reduced to largely using the ‘Shoot and Scoot’ method of preserving their remaining indirect fire resources.
While every death is a tragedy, from an operational standpoint, these attacks are having no effect whatsoever.
Here is a cynical take.
Of course Russia and its allies could end the shelling of Donetsk in about three days. It does not because it needs the PR value. Other than the occasional spasm, Ukraine is not inflicting any other damage sufficient to maintain moral outrage.
Wiping out those Ukraine positions would involve many civilian casualties and be a serious escalation on Russia’s behalf. The downside is just too high. Right now, sorry for the inhabitants, Donetsk remains vulnerable.
Indeed, the war was potentially over within the first two or three weeks. But the Retreat from Kiev ensured its continuation and degeneration into inter-Slav extirpation.
Andrei, I appreciate your thoughts and insights. Thank you.
I have a technical question I hope you can (and will) address. Why is it that the Russian forces are having such difficulty stopping the Ukrainian bombardment of the city of Donbas?
I know that the Russians (and other modern militaries like the US) have surveillance and counter-battery capabilities. Why is it that Ukrainian forces are able to deploy artillery assets (and their accompanying ammunition assets) in this relatively confined region (e.g. the areas adjacent to and in range of Donbas) without being detected and destroyed in route? Why is it that those assets are not immediately targeted and destroyed by counter battery fire (or airstrikes) immediately after their discharge of rounds towards Donbas? I understand that some interdiction and counter-battery fire is occurring, but I am surprised that such extensive and persistent Ukrainian attacks are occurring this late into this war. Any thoughts?
But that has been answered. Many times, even in his latest vid. They are dug in, in major towns full of civilians and major chemical processing industries. An all out attack will be a human and ecological disaster. The issue is it’s Russian warfare, not US NATO carpet bombing. So it’s slow and boring and fairly precise from what it appears.
Cheers M
Mercy, mercy, mercy dear Andreï.
For 117 days now, every day, several times a day, you only repeat the same song:
” Yeah they know nothing
Io, they’re ignoramus
Hey, how they’re wrong
Wow I’m on record”
We are beginning to know this song, no?
Every day . Absolutly nothing else.
I read you and listen at you every day for years now. And for years it’s always brillant, pedagogic, often stunning.
But since 117 days, it became boring
Every day the same song and nothing else.
Nothing about what is going on and what will next.
What we need is your lightning about what happen and your opinion about what will come.
We know NOW that they know nothing.
Thank you
Totally agree. I quite appreciate Andrei’s wit and he has a way of ridiculing western luminaries which never fails to entertain.
However it’s getting a bit repetitive. The whole shtick of “haha they’re completely stupid, Russian military thought is just at a whole another level and so subtle and complex it would be a waste of time trying even to explain the basics to you” is not so convincing as time goes by. Besides, it’s a bit boring and a cop-out. It’s easy to never be wrong when you never venture an educated guess or formulate an hypothesis. We come expecting a high-level military analysis and are treated instead to a series of potshots and witty lines.
Others are trying their hand and are doing a good job, I think of Defense Politics Asia en particular. You would think that such a major conflict would be a prime occasion for Martyanov to revisit his books and match it with the reality, but unfortunately it’s not (yet ?) the case.
Why must he stake his reputation on making predictions.
Have you read the recent Ritter walk back. That’s what predictions get you. Russia has the pain dial on simmer, over the last two days, fast boil. They can dial up and down, they control the escalation level.
Andrei’s counter criticism is refreshing…..oh, and the best part, it’s free, a free service, imagine.
Cheers M
Yes, it’s refreshing, and I quite like his humor. However it would still be good to have him go a bit more into the technical details.
I’m asking him to forecast exactly where the line of contact will be 3 months from now with a precision up to the meter, but rather to explain and comment on the repartition of forces, rate of attrition, the knowns and the unknowns… the French blog La voie de l’épée is doing this, with some spectacular misses (like forecasting the Russian army would run out of steam in April), but mainly because the author gives too much credibility to Ukrainian accounts. But apart from that there were lots of interesting info or evaluations on the orders of battle.
Disingenuous, he often says “and I write about it often, it’s in my books” the technical stuff is in his books you need to go there, anything technical to this SMO (disingenuous name btw….lol) watch what Russia has been doing methodically the past few weeks…several front line areas collapsed today, two entire battalions, whats left of them are refusing to fight, several groups in the north walked off the pitch. Done. Soldiers on the verge of revolt. Info on all this, the age of the ‘cell phone’ is openly available.
Besides, Andrei makes predictions in every video I have watched, same prediction over and over, repetitious, yes, but it’s needed. The prediction, “these people don’t know shit”. I’m still waiting for someone to prove him wrong.
Cheers M
We do agree with “Micron” but at the same time we deeply appreciate Andrei’s expertise.
Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine is a relatively small issue as compared to what the commanding powers of the US Hegemonic Financial/Military have their sites set on.
It doesn’t take that much effort to learn how the US $$s floats around the world, paying off the wealthy who then hitch a ride with the US $$ playing a dominate role. You see this in Western Europe, countries in Latin America, Africa and elsewhere. The US skims off enough of that money and recirculates it back to the US Fed and Wall Street. It leaves in its tracks, impoverished millions ’round the world, while greatly increasing profits for the huge Oil/Gas/Natural Gas Monopolists along with Big Tech, Real Estate, Banks, and Corporate Retail/Grocery chains.
That’s a very simplified version, but we are confident folks here could explain this in more detail for readers to fully comprehend.
The point being, this American hegemonic power will never, ever accept defeat. They will play every dirty trick in the book, to maintain their immense power and greed. They’ve got in their pockets all of the EU nations, the UK, Australia, Japan and other smaller nations.
And while Pepe Escobar touts the latest developments of trade transportation between Russia, China, Iran, and elsewhere, will those developments come to fruition as they encounter a very predatory nation who will have its way; one way or another?
” The point being, this American hegemonic power will never, ever accept defeat. … ”
Speaking of finances don’t forget: everyone needs money to survive. Even to fight wars.
Last time I read, BRICS has it (gold). The west doesn’t. Check Port of Shanghai vs western shipping lanes.
And without an energy supply, no food, no TW “chips,” and no GDP, it’s an easy guess where ‘the buck stops.’ Literally.
Or check crypto coin on any exchange. Without a commodity or precious metal to back it, it won’t last forever either.
“80-85 % of the Ukrainian military forces were destroyed in two weeks”. Andrei Napoleonovich Martyanov, March 15. “Well hello. It’s me again”. Hahaha )))
I agree with you completely!
Sadly this won’t get the global audience that it deserves:
Dozens of information sites are reporting that Ukraine fired two US harpoon missiles at a Russian Tug ‘The Vasily Bekh’ and sank it. This has been circulating for close to a week and so far I have seen nothing about the event (or non-event) here on the Saker blog, which is strange.
So, what’s the official word? Is no one curious as to what if anything really happened? No news out of Russia?
Its a war. Things get blown up. The Ukies fired at a defenceless tug boat, that’s akin to hiding behind civilian planes then firing missiles at ground targets. A cowardly act if ever there was. The tug boat, sunk or not, (it sailed to Crimea on its own according to RF MOD) does not require discussion unless the Ukrainians sink and entire fleet of tugboats. Yesterday they fired at defenceless oil rig workers and could have caused an ecological disaster.
Cheers M
The Ukrainians used two precious (to them) Harpoon missiles to sink a tug??
Are they that stupid? You use those missiles to sink combatants mate, not tugs.
And you wonder why the Saker commentariat is silent.
ps. I only reply to your post to disabuse you of obvious fake news coming out of the West.
It wasn’t a ‘defenseless’ tug. Obviously you don’t know anything about the ‘Vasily Bekh’. It has a normal crew of 26 and displaces 1670 tons, and is armed with a TOR anti-aircraft missile system…sean the leprechaun.
And why are we so defensive about acknowledging significant war losses, or proving wrong something Ukraine is using as Propaganda to raise their sinking (pun intended) morale? Any mention of Russian losses and some of you get apoplectic.
Why not take a picture of the tug still floating and end it. They discussed the oil rigs being attacked with only a handful killed and missing.
Nearly 1-2x a week, we read about more blockades by the EU (aka The US Hegemony). The latest being, the EU has stopped trade with even more China’s goods. Every week we read about NATO (US) planes that fly overhead only to aggravate China.
Now there’s Kalingrad being stymied by the US Hegemony. The Ukraine war keeps on going against Russia, while food shortages and high inflation in the US become more pronounced in Africa, Latin America and much of Western Europe.
Today, RT had an article on the newly completed Sarmat ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile. Perhaps, Andrei could tell us more.
But at the center of it all is the US Financial/Military Hegemony that will stop at nothing to get its way. European leaders/businesses and their Elites aren’t going to ever sever their financial ties to that System. We few Americans have studied these people in D.C. and in The FED & those on Wall Street. They will absolutely not stop unless a powerful force, seriously impacts their ability to maintain their $$$ and power.
The crescendo becomes more plausible, week by week. It’s becoming apparent, that the only way out is if Russia uses the Sarmat missiles on D.C. (The Fed), New York’s Big Banks, Silicon Valley and all oil/gas ports along our seashore.
Thank You Mr Martyanov.
Excellent way to spend 31:22 minutes.
Just to add agreement in regards to Russian Intel and ADS… some of the world’s BEST.
Colour me surprised to find out you are in Washington State…
Take care
It reminds me of a joke:
The German Coastguard received a mayday call: “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, we are sinking, we are sinking”, and the German Coastguard reply: “German Coastguard here. What are you thinking about?”
Several points:
1. Anyone wondering why Banderastan wants to get the LDNR back? That area is the resource and industrial heartland of the former Ukraine. Around 20-25% of the industry is located there. When you add the rest of the Russian speaking regions you have 60% or more of all the productive economy of the former Ukraine in those areas.
2. There is a great sign of the future in this report. And this is only one of what I suspect are many more similar occurrences that haven’t been reported on:
Two Ukrainian soldiers who were taken prisoner refused to be exchanged for Ukraine and applied for Russian citizenship.
3. And in a related story is this one:
There are huge queues in Melitopol to apply for Russian citizenship. Just like we had in Sevastopol 8 years ago.
4. Interesting moves in Africa:
Residents of Burkina Faso held a rally demanding the withdrawal of French troops from the country and the entry of Russian troops into the country.
Not so long ago, the same thing happened in Mali. The French are pouring out of Mali, and the Wagner PMC is now dealing with security issues there. In fact, according to this scheme, 2 countries have already fallen out of the French neo-colonial empire – the Central African Republic and Mali. Burkina Faso could be third. There are prerequisites for a similar situation in Niger, but France will hold on to Niger with its hands and feet, since there are uranium deposits that are extremely important for the French nuclear industry.
The Cold War is a war on many boards.
5. A little help from former enemies:
Russian intelligence officers are trained to use foreign weapons.
The armament is the British NLAW anti-tank system and the Swedish AT-4 disposable grenade launcher.
Assisting in the training of the Russian military are captured Ukrainian soldiers.
6. Better times coming in the liberated regions,one step at a time:
The Russian army put a barrier to Ukrainian propaganda and established the broadcasting of Russian television throughout the Kherson region
Specialists of the units of the communications troops connected and reconfigured the last of the seven television towers in the Kherson region to broadcast Russian TV channels.
This made it possible to cover the entire region with a broadcasting network and broadcast 24 Russian TV channels throughout the region.
#6 is a really good sign. Getting Kiev’s poisonous propaganda off the airwaves is the most powerful force for peace, much better than Russian troops on every street corner.
“80-85 % of the Ukrainian Military, VSU, is destroyed in two weeks”, – Andrei Napoleonovich Martyanov, the best militay thinker in the history of humanity, March 15, 2022, hahahaha ))))