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It is reported that some Russian senior diplomat in Switzerland is really pissed off of the current establishment in Russia and the SMO thing. And this comes after his boss finding some Jewish blood in the veins of Herr Hitler. IMHO, looks like another negative PR. Of course, ukies diplomats are often rather weird too. Simply, Russia is full of big surprises, that is all.
The chaff is sifted from the wheat, plain and simple.
The Western Media such as BBC, DW or RadioLiberty are simply gloating. Finally the Putin-regime is crumbling…
The diplomate is called Boris Bondarenko and a superficial search only resulted in the following Wikipedia article (from today): “Boris Bondarev (Russian: Борис Бондарев) is a Russian diplomat who worked for the Russian permanent mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva in Switzerland from 2019 until his resignation in May 2022”.
The comment that “he is ashamed for his country” seems to be the only significant thing he has ever done. Interesting that such a remark becomes such a hype in the media and let them “forget” that the Ukraine might actually be loosing the war.
Ukraine loosed war upon itself in 2014, with $5bn in nudging from the US.
Now it is losing the US war.
Never underestimate the Western paid 5’th Column in Russia. There is still a lot to clean up inside the Sovjet system.
It should be obvious that the ‘West’ is compelled to participate in the cult of Messia Elenski and his ilk. Not because he really has fully the ‘blood’? ‘Who is not with us is against us’. If you peruse Jewish publications you’d be (not really) surprised by the frequent association of Putin with Haman and of Elenski with Mordechai. It is a clear admission of who fights against whom!
An easy way to boost his pension, probably.
All Lavrov did was cite an article in Jerusalem Post of some years ago. The was claimed to be the result of a study and worldwide nobody cared. The reaction is imo merely a tool to smear Russia once again.
Ashkenazis are ALWAYS weaseling their way into the diplomatic corps of every nation. Because they are always “landless” they tend to have connections in all sorts of countries, which they then play up as making them more qualified to be diplomats than actual, real citizens.
Benjamin Freedman makes this point that the Jewish diplomats working for Germany made an agreement with the Jewish diplomats working for England to throw the war in England’s favor if the English Jews could get their government to make what ultimately became called the Balfour Declaration. As soon as that was done, they went about undermining the German war effort, culminating in sending the Zimmerman Telegram giving the Brits the relief of having the U.S. suddenly decide that neutrality wasn’t so hot.
A “Big Ass” dude deserves a “Big Ass” monitor.
Thanks so much for all you do.
PS the lens flare on the camera is reduced and you magically lost three to five pounds!
Andrei as always the fount of knowledge and expertise. In his folksy yet profound inimitable manner of speaking and expressing regarding the foibles and arrogance of ZATO and zEU—he always hits the nail on the head.
To some trainers, their fighter is just a mark, a piece of meat that makes them money.
In a twelve round fight, if your fighter dies in round seven, as a trainer you should be charged with manslaughter if nothing else. You know when your guy is beat. Any trainer refusing to through in the towel should face the fate he has chosen for his fighter.
Ashton and Miley have the same real time battle info…….they don’t want to on the receiving end of that, ever. Ask an Orc…..if you can find a live one.
Cheers M
A combo of factors are influencing the apparent change in rhetoric coming from US, Germany & Italy recently. Aside from the military-technical-tactical-operational disadvantages (& Others ) facing US-NATO in Ukraine, ass-whooping as our partners across the Atlantic will discuss in private, I believe the realisation of NATO officers paraded in front of a war tribunal, in the dock, spilling their guts, fills them with dread; this and the hullabaloo that will arise from the Biolab Monologues. Not to mention the obvious, the unfolding energy crisis.
The change in rhetoric has differing motivations in the US versus the Europeans.
American military is terrified at exposure of the Pentagon (foolish open bankroller of Ukie biowar labs) by war crimes tribunals and what that entails for their position within US Swamp and internecine squabbles as well as in prestige and loss of fear factor abroad.
European cowards see how quickly the most potent European army was ground into the fat black soil of the Donbass. And they know the Americans will throw every last one of them into it as cannon fodder. So the cowards rush to make separate peace with the Russians before before Operation Z rolls over them, as habitually occurs once a century.
Will NATO even exist this time next year? It may shortly become abandoned by Europeans running to the hills for their lives.
Thanks for the interesting and informative news and views.
Of course once the empire of lies allows you to do your own thinking ….then you know they hadn’t priorly.
Imagine that.
The pressure is on.
Andrei, thanks for the video!
With respect to Lord Austin, “The end of the conflict will be marked by Ukrainians and not us”.
The US has to be careful here and calibrate what the reaction of allied armies/nations will be going forward and what kind of support they can expect from the U.S Military in the event of a conflict, if you are Taiwan/South Korea/Poland this is not looking good at moment. This is why the Pentagon is the most interested party in a cease fire. They are scared of this spiraling out of control and finding themselves in Ukraine taking casualties in a week then they took during the entire Afghanistan campaign.
This is shaping up to be a big psychological defeat for the US military and yes the “disowning” of Ukraine by the Pentagon has already started in earnest. Early in the conflict when it looked like according to the Western media Ukraine could be win, there was a lot of US/NATO articles on how Ukraine was a military that was NATO grade, and the fact that they had setup a Western military structure, NCOs , blah, blah. I don’t see many of those articles today now that it is very clear that Ukraine is headed for an unquestionable military defeat bordering on wholesale destruction of the Ukrainian military.
It’s over for Ukraine, there is no magic piece of metal/equipment that can change this. It’s going to become much harder to find the next “Ukraine” for the US Pentagon, for the the next proxy war after this Ukraine debacle.
Once NATO media starts reporting on the ‚corruption‘ inside the Kiev Military, that’s the tell they are abandoning the Kiev regime. The Kiev nationalists, after all, only useful idiots and cannon fodder for the war party.
Kiev should have learned from the Afghan example last summer.
The Iraqi Kurds have a tale or two to tell about being urged on and then thrown to the wolves by the US.
Could listen to Mr Martyanov all day, the deadpan comforting tone of his delivery, never too up nor down with good or not so good news and backed by a wealth of knowledge in proceedings providing you that extra reassurance.
For certain he must play a good game of poker.
I’d be surprised if the CIA weren’t using his blog for most of their info.
They’d be too dumb (the CIA, M16, etc.) if they didn’t.
I am pleased to have discovered this site and that of Mr. Martyanov, several years ago, which has allowed me to access quality and first-hand information.
Thank you very much.
“I’d be surprised if the CIA weren’t using his blog for most of their info.”
They are, but apparently mostly in a quantitative not qualitative way, for purposes primarily of evaluating what is deemed plausible belief of the day as in most of their interactions with “social media”, and inhibitions derived from beliefs of some that they know everything, although their methods tend to undermine their hopes/purposes for various reasons.
Look on the bright side – It saves on postage.
“With respect to Lord Austin, “The end of the conflict will be marked by Ukrainians and not us”.
I don’t get this. In many ways, I think the ground war in Ukraine is just a side show to the economic war that the West has declared on Russia. Maybe surrender on the ground can be left up to _elensky and the Ukrainians, but there is no way they have any say in terms of the 6000 (or whatever the number is) sanctions imposed on Russia by the US, NATO, and their allies. (Not to mention the seized currency reserves and other assets…)
The economic war will not end just because the ground war in Ukraine does, and that is definitely not up to Ukraine.
The US goobermint will be back selling crack in inner city neighborhoods for gas money before you know it. And running hookers and bootleg DVDs.
Andrei’s very acute and yes, there are glimmers of the West moving towards ‘disowning’ their project in the Ukraine, basically leaving the country to wither on the vine. And who can blame them, the West I mean: The VSU/AFU is being clobbered — or demilitarised — on an hourly basis, with or without the newly-supplied but not necessarily new Polish tanks, a hundred M777 howitzers (some Nato military must be green with envy; they hardly have a dozen), training grounds are being levelled, and ‘foreign legion’ mercenaries are either not coming or leaving in droves to fight their war in Polish hotels or in their own living rooms. Russia is causing so much damage and liberating a region as large as the UK while employing only a tenth of its total peacetime military power. The spectre of another Afghanistan must be hanging over the heads of Pentagon planners — the colonels that Andrei mentions — they surely can’t take another blow to their professional reputations and self-esteem.
On another point, many are insisting that Russia needs to win a ‘quick war’ or else it will be caught in a quagmire. I of course don’t know what the Russian plan is but I happen to think that Russia does not not necessarily need a quick victory — a quick Ukrainian capitulation would be good, it will save lives (mainly Ukrainian ones) but a prolonged conflict (> one year) would serve Russia just as well. Russia’s operation is well-funded from rising energy prices — presently RF makes more money by selling less gas and oil; so much so that it can sell its oil at a discount to its friends — and the RF military is keeping its personnel losses as low as possible. I’m not sure of the RF military’s roulement program in the SMO but it does seem to me that more and more RF military (from generals and admirals downwards) are getting blooded and gaining valuable combat experience. Nothing unusual about this of course, they’ve been doing it in Syria all this while.
Looking at the news it looks that instead of Russia being bled dry as per ‘Ray’ (as in Raytheon) Austin’s wishes, it is the West that’s being bled dry: the EU is just starting to feel the effects of the sanctions; EU/Nato are bickering among themselves about RF energy supplies so much so that creative people in the EU Commission are coming up with ways to circumvent their own sanctions ‘legally’; their economy is tanking; Euro Nato have almost depleted their weapon stocks; military recruitment too is falling — eg Nato superpower Canada can’t even get 7000 people to fill its ranks according to news outlet CBC. The pattern is repeated in many Nato countries from what I’ve read. The West’s credibility is slipping pretty fast too — there’s very little traction for the West’s narrative on Russia’s SMO in the Global South, the East and indeed the Islamic World. In short I don’t see Russia bleeding (or will bleed) but instead I see the EU/West doing the bleeding. So yes, a prolonged conflict, if it comes to that, will suit Russia just fine, I think.
If I were Poland I would be looking at ‘securing’ western Ukraine for my own benefit. This kind of action would be in competition with Romana and Hungary. So, the best way to enable the rapid accumulation of land it to preseed the area with advanced forces to ‘free up’ Ukrainian forces to move to the front line. This would ensure you took all the good bits you wanted to take.
If these forces loiter in the west then you know what they are planning.
This is the last time I’ll mention this, enabling Closed Captioning (CC) is very helpful…not only does it help hard of hearing and deaf people like me understand what is being said it also helps translate what is being said to any language the viewer selects. Thanks again, much appreciated!
Thanks for that useful tip to enable CC on international video.
Play the video on Youtube – it is a button option.
Then click ‘…’ at the bottom righ corner, and show transcript – auto generated English text that can be saved to a file.
Ah, “Hello – it’s you again” Andre, you keep doing that intro all you want . . . . . & bugger those that complain !!
Thanx again for your insight & explanations. As always they are much appreciated !!
I ‘d like to confirm the use of enabling CC as Nathan has mentioned. Also hard of hearing and really appreciate the information in this way. Cheers, steve (NZ)
Do we want RT to be completely blocked in the West or would we prefer it to have a presence there at the cost of rather shy ambiguity of some authors?
In Austria I can read RT’s web site without problems. I know what to make of articles by the likes of Trenin. To my utter disgust I read his book about the Russian history since the beginning of the 20th century.
But overall RT is pro Russian without a doubt. It belongs to the government and obviously it’s not meant to glorify the Ukrainian SMO (there are other useful media covering this aspect) and thereby putting off Western readers but to make these audiences “question more”.
The very fact that the EU showed it true values by shutting RTD Satellite links down, and cutting DNS resolution, shows RT does really show the EU up for the hypocrites they are.
Anyway the US DHS DGB Disinformation fiasco firing Jankowicz for sure make EU wannabees nervous.
EU journalists to challenge RT ban in court
Well, now, Saker. I have written something on my own blog I think you and your readers will find interesting. You seem somewhat aware of media in Canada.
Why CBC is Now Garbage
The Quality of State Supported Media is generally the Quality of the State that Supports it.
How do you comment the AFU decision to fight on the streets of Severodonetsk to the bitter end?
How i it possible that they are so highly motivated?
Disowning may be starting in D.C., but the Brits are having none of it!
Remember the Island assault caper, a complete UAF disaster, overrode hard-nosed UAF staff on British orders. Now we hear of Harpoon missiles from Denmark coming into UA.
Keep an eye on RUSI :
“This War Still Presents Nuclear Risks—Especially in Relation to Crimea,” May 20, excerpted May 14 by FT :
The Royal United Services Institute, RUSI, is definitely ‘suggesting’ an attack on Crimea, and especially the Kerch Bridge. This RUSI report should be checked!
Author Chalmers describes NATO strategy up to now as boiling the Russian frog (the old story of the frog slowly heated in water until it is too late to jump out). NATO slowly ratcheting up, and now with the $50 billion. Perhaps Scott Ritter saw this RUSI report?
Anyway RUSI proclaims a Kerch missile strike could start a Cuban Missile crisis on steroids. Full of might be’s, could be’s. but is the way RUSI works – and that for sure is the message Zelensky is getting from BoJo.
The US incredible blind-spot yet again being played by the Brits.
Austin et. al. are too arrogant, with hubris, to notice.
That linked article from “RUSI” is an amazing read: I can’t say which is greater – the depth of the author’s self-delusion, or the height of his willingness to lie.
Given that he’s British, probably both.
Here Von der Leyen assured MSNBC host Brzezinski that the reason for no EU Russian oil embargo, is to keep prices down!
You could not make such a spin up!!
When the EU can totally spin MSNBC without batting an eyelash, you know the game us up!
Transcript from : Putin Pushing Europe In Direction Of Clean Energy, Says European Commission President
4:58 MORE.
5:01 CHEST.
5:08 TOPIC.
Can Mr. Martyanov give us an assessment of the threat to the Russian Black Sea fleet the collective wests Harpoon missile plans could pose?
On the “magical” M777 towed howitzer, a couple of interesting points from this description of the “system:”
Unit cost of howitzer is a bit over $5 million. The M582 GPS-guided rounds that are supposed to be “game-changers” are apparently about $22 million each. Though of course there are other rounds that are a little less expensive.
Still, at those prices, you can run up some billion-dollar shopping lists pretty quick. And of course that all flows directly to the military industrialists and their parasites.