Dear friends,
Please check out this very interesting report about Ukrainian officials defecting to Novorussia. A huge “thank you!!” to Alena Scarecrow who translated and subtitled this video for us literally overnight!
The Saker
Dear friends,
Please check out this very interesting report about Ukrainian officials defecting to Novorussia. A huge “thank you!!” to Alena Scarecrow who translated and subtitled this video for us literally overnight!
The Saker
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Thank you Alena Scarecrow for translating the video.
Are they defecting now, or are they running ahead of being uncovered as spies?
The latter might explain why there is suddenly such a stream of them.
Hard not to see a lot of people in W Ukraine regretting not joining with the rebels on day one (perhaps with families in the West) and wanting to get involved.
Of course widespread leakage of key info in the Kiev military would explain just how Moscow has been able to assist the rebels in their consistent military outperformance of Kiev, and would certainly explain away the lack of photos of Russian Soldiers.
Not a story that would have emerged from a Kiev briefing room.
OT but I though I should share . “Judicial Watch released a new set of State Department documents indicating that the instructions to fraudulently blame the attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi on a lousy YouTube Mohammed video came from Hillary but was approved by the White House The new documents were forced from the U.S. State Department under court order in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01511)).
The first email sent at 6:21 p.m. by State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland to Meehan, Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, and Clinton’s personal aide Jacob Sullivan shows that the State Department deferred to the White House on the official response to the Benghazi attack.
Also The State Department is refusing to release the contents of a 15-minute conversation between President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from the night of Sept. 11, 2012 — the night Islamist terrorists attacked a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, and killed four Americans, including the country’s ambassador to Libya.
And the State Department isn’t even claiming that the conversation is classified, according to Fox News. It calls the talk part of “internal deliberations,” Fox reported.
Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing: ‘What Difference, Does It Make?’
this is not going to help her in the drive to be POTUS
Its disgusting that these bad guys in high places get away with … first the crime …. and then the cover up. We need to hold them accountable…. how can we do that ?
Without massive, organized resistance on the part of the populace you can do nothing except scream your disgust to the wind. When you open your mind and finally accept the following realities:
1. There are no legitimate institutions you can turn to to hold “them” accountable. The judicial systems are controlled by and are part of the organized crime syndicate which is the capitalist hierarchy.
2. Do you believe there exists any intent within the fully subserviant national governments to hold anyone accountable for acting as they are directed ?
3. They have the guns we have the numbers. If your wish is accountability for the organized criminals psychopathic behaviors then the masses, each one of us, must begin accepting the fact that the time has arrived for putting asses, ours, on the line. The time for wishfull thinking has passed.
4. It’s them or us. Worldwide. There’s no one left to turn to.
Thanks a lot, Alena.
Encouraging to see how many people, increasingly, take side for truth and justice.
But, be carefull, comrades, could be input spies also…
great report, thank you , saker, go on with your good work.
There are a lot of different layers here.
The earliest, young soldiers sent to patrol the cities in the early days:when actual fighting started some decided to side with Donbass. Maybe they came from there or had family there. Maybe they felt that was the “right” side, partly decided by being disgusted by the government telling them to shoot at their countrymen. Of course this landed them shooting at their countrymen, too, but in the name of “freedom” not on government orders.
Later were ones who’d helped early, like the SBU man who let the rebels into the airport, who ended up exchanged as prisoners. Deserters or alleged deserters from battles ended up exchanged, too.
When repression and terrorising of civilians began, some waited to move their families out on some pretext, before going over. These too were choosing sides, politically. For officers there could have been a factor of fearing a purge, with the constant changes of upper leadership. Or they ran from a Nazi new commander, after having tolerated and obeyed an earlier career officer.
The 7 in the video from last week have been over for a long time, they are not fresh defections. Two are retired, but they can still help. The main purpose of their video was to encourage others to come over. “Come on in, the water is fine, and this is the right and winning side”.
The recent SBU defections were political, leaving a clearly criminal government run by foreigners and demanding false reports.
Many of the 5000 they talk of would have been younger ones defecting by surrendering in battle and refusing to be exchanged back. Mostly conscripts, people who didn’t want to fight but if they must they’d rather be on the better side.
Some would have good skills. Others good information. Others still just another willing set of hands. All to be triple checked against being spies or saboteurs. Most with friends whose first thought, on getting a phone call from them, would NOT be to report them, but to ask how do things compare over there?
So some are going home, some are defections, some are front-running problems. None of it is treason. They’re all fighting for the country. The oligarchs and foreigners can’t be betrayed – they are the traitors, nobody owed them allegiance in the first place.
Thanks to Alena for the Eng. Subs.
The pressure is on the regular professional Ukie military.
There is no future with the Ukie junta criminals.
Never be the last soldiers to die.
Nor the “last” to defect or surrender.Hopefully there can be a flood of desertions,defections,or just simply surrendering to the right side.It will save some of them their careers,some of them their lives,and all of them their honor as men.
Here how should be done. Possibly from te beginning, but even now it is not too late.
Consider the “liberated” areas of Lugansk and Donetsk not just as “Novorossia”, but as the first realization, with blood and courage, of the New-Ukraine, Novoukraine. From there, call all good willing people to purge all the rest of the territory by the “nazikievites” and restore the National Independence, Legality and Dignity.
First steps:
– Form a large coalition that creates a Provisional Government of Novoukraine;
– start to form and organize the Army of the Novoukraine with the task to free all the territory by the “nazikievites”;
– make an appeal to all the population, soldiers and officials to sustain the Provisional Government both by going to the liberated regions to be part of the organs of the Novoukraine, or actively but under cover, sabotaging the illegal Giunta in Kiev.
– Declare for all doing so an Amnesty;
– declare null and void all International and Economical Agreements signed after 22 Feb. 2014.
– put the objective to preserve a United New Ukraine ( (except Crimea whose fate has been already pacifically decided by its own population) of Federal Nature, military neutral and acting as a bridge between West Europe and the East.
Few, clear, simple points, that anyone will understand.
At some time, when things will start to move in the right direction, will come the International Recognition…(beginning of course by the “friendly” Countries).
That would have been easier to do on February 22, 2014.
Amazing to be able to see this kind of report appear so matter-of-fact on TV. I love that the station, in translation, is called the 5th Channel. Kind of the antidote to the 5th Column.
But very disturbing that the paratroopers who at first came over to the side of the Donbass civilians were then turned back around under pressure on their families, and I suppose on their minds, and now they fight against Donbass.
What troubled minds there must be in Ukraine – I mean this very sincerely. The pressure to live a lie is an appalling burden to carry. Not all who take up position with UAF should be condemned out of hand. Most people are trapped in their situation, in their obligations and dependents, as well as their personal culture.
I can truly see how the NAF fighters can feel compassion for their opponents. Some people here will not agree, but I think they could do well to learn from NAF.
You could see on the famous “Givi slaps POW” video what the first questions are.
* where are you from
* how long ago did you join
* for what reason
If later they find swastika tattoos on them, well…..
All the ones who don’t want to be there, but have to protect their own families (after all that is what NAF is doing, too) are the ones who will drag their feet, turn the wrong way by mistake, find their vehicles breaking down etc.etc.
Around 90% of the ongoing attacks (Shirokino, Pesky, Maryinka etc) are being done by rabid Right Sectorites, who openly disobey their official Ministry masters and openly call for more war. Regular army has from time to time actually attacked these to get them to stop.