By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog
“I flew to Afghanistan, to the Kunar Valley — a rugged, mountainous region on the border with Pakistan. What I saw on that trip reinforced my conviction that only the Afghans have the right and responsibility to lead their country and that more and endless American military force could not create or sustain a durable Afghan government.” President Joe Biden explained in his remarks in the White House on 14 April 2021, where he announced the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan starting from 1 May 2021 and completes on 11 September 2021.
The US invaded Afghanistan to fight against the tribal system of Afghanistan and create a modern democratic government based on American vision. The US, with the help of its allies, and full military might, after spending Trillion Dollars, killing millions of human beings (from either side), devastating the whole country completely, is concluded that the Afghan war is unwinnable and the American must leave Afghanistan. Today in war-torn Afghanistan, there is no electricity because all dams & powerhouses were bombed. No infrastructure, all damaged in the ruthless bombing, no education, no health care, scarcity of food, medicine, fuel, etc. Homes were damaged, crops were destroyed, businesses were damaged—– one of the heaviest bombing and explosive used in the history of humankind. The poor Afghans are living a miserable life, all due to prolonged imposed war.
The US used state of the art, latest, advanced, most lethal weapons, modern war tactics, well-trained troops, and all possible technologies to win this war but failed adversely. The Allies, who were very much proactive in the early days of the war but calmed down gradually and today are not so supportive of the US on the Afghan war.
The number of Nato forces peaked at about 140,000 in 2011 but decreased in subsequent years as Nato countries wound down combat operations, handing over control to local security forces. Countries with troops still in Afghanistan include the US, Georgia, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Italy, the UK, and Australia. The US and allies created an Afghan Army of around 300,000 on the most modern lines and trained & equipped with the Western latest weapons. Yet failed to gain control over Afghanistan. Yet more than 70% of Afghanistan is under Taliban control.
Although the Afghan war has destroyed Afghanistan severely, it at the same time has also cost heavily to the US itself too. Not only Trillion dollars cost of the war, but thousands of servicemen’s lives, and substantial mental disturbance to servicemen involved in the Afghan war. Yet, the most prominent impact has been visible that instead of fighting the tribal system in Afghanistan, America itself has turned into a tribal society. The recent number of shootings and killings are increased sharply, depicting the visible change in the American society – tribal society – where might is right – gun culture. The exponential growth of crimes is undesired at all. Although President Trump created hate in American society and supported white-supremacist, the roots of hatred have existed for a long time, he was just a catalyst. It might take decades to normalize the situation in America.
Afghanistan is an old civilization and one of the oldest countries, which foreign invaders in history never defeated. Afghans have their own tradition of bravery. They might fight internally but are united against any intruders. Their tribal society is strong enough to resolve their issue, and any interference from outside or imposed system may not succeed. It took two decades for to American understand the nature of Afghan society and the solution to their problems. It is never too late; even if the American troop’s exit from Afghan, there might be a vacuum for the time being, and danger of bloodshed moves around. Ultimately, it is the Afghans only who have to resolve their issues. An Afghan let, Afghan-owned solution can be sustainable only.
The Americans should focus on how to help Afghanistan in reconstruction after the troops’ withdrawal. It might require several trillion dollars to rebuild Afghanistan. The US and allies who destroyed Afghanistan have the moral obligations to help Afghanistan generously.
However, the UN may also proactively pursue the reconstruction of Afghanistan after the withdrawal. After the world wars, an agreement like German and Japanese (Potsdam Agreement) agreements needed to be reached between Afghanistan and America, including allies, for war compensation. China and Russia may become guarantors of such an agreement for implementation.
However, Afghans are not the sons of lessor God and deserve equal treatment and access to a quality life. After spending four decades in war, at least they deserve a peaceful and prosperous life. It needs enormous funding, and only those who are responsible for this destruction are supposed to help them appropriately.
It is not the first time which happened with America, where it plans some things and ends up in entirely opposite. I recalled my days in China in the early 1980s, when American and European entrepreneurs were entering China to occupy the vast niche market of China. That was the era of China opening to the outside world and introducing economic reforms. China facilitated market access, and American & European businessmen and investors flooded the Chinese market with foreign products. Those were the days when China was facing a shortage of everything like food, consumer products and etc. A quota system was introduced to buy items of daily life. They made huge profits in the early days, but gradually, they shifted their industry to China to avail themselves of China’s cheap raw material and cheap labor cost. It was in the best interest of foreign companies to manufacture in China to cut down the cost and maximize their profit. But sooner, they became the market of China.
Against their original plan to occupy the Chinese market, they became a market for Chinese products. The worst phenomenon was visible in the early days of the Pandemic when America was dependant on China on essential items like Masks, Sanitizers, Ventilators, Testing kits, and toilet papers, etc. China has become the manufacturing factory for the world, and no other country can compete with China in daily consumer products.
China has emerged as the second-largest economy in the world and the biggest trading partner with most of the nations. China shares one-third of the global economy and supplies almost 70% of consumer products to the whole world. China has become a global power already.
The American experience in Vietnam War, Somaliya War, Syrian War, and Middle-East wars is not much different. In Seven Decades, hardly any war Which Americans can claim a total victory. However, during the World wars, the US was a winner.
Trust, next couple of decades, the US must focus on its domestic issues and re-evaluate its mistakes in the perspective of changed geopolitics. Stop meddling in other nations and countries, stop thinking to change the world order as per the wishes of America. Let others live the life as they desire and live your own life according to your own wishes. Let peace, stability, and prosperity boom around the world, avoid imposing wars on other nations. Respect humanity and respect human lives.
Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. (E-mail:
“American plans”
The conflation of beliefs/hopes/plans/strategies are more prevalent in some social relations to a sufficient degree that they are refered to by others as “The American Dream”, which as Mr. Carlin observed you need to be asleep to believe in.
As outlined in another thread immersion in “accountancy” facilitates such dreaming.
Such are often the outcomes for self-designated sweet princes.
If you remember, the US supposedly invaded Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Laden who was holed up in a cave in Tora Bora where he allegedly directed 19 Arabs armed with boxcutters to attack the USA on 9/11. That fable became the pretext for all the wars of this century. Two decades later, we are still required by the Mighty Wurlitzer (Zionist MSM) to pay homage to this blatant falsehood that violates the laws of physics and the laws of common sense. It’s exactly like when Galileo was thrown into prison for claiming that the Earth actually goes around the Sun. He went to his death muttering, “And yet it moves.”
Fully one quarter of Americans still believe the Sun goes around the Earth. If you don’t believe me, Google it. Paying attention to objective reality has never been one of our strengths as a nation. Uncle Shmuel, as the Saker likes to call him, has always thought that he was chosen by God to range around the planet, displacing the indigenous and stealing their lands. This is exactly what the Ashkenazim have done in Palestine. That’s why US Christian Zionists get on so well with the Likudniks in Israel.
Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, gave the following sermon in 2018, “Jerusalem is the preordained capital of Christ’s 1,000-year empire, during which Christians and Jews (or at least some of them) shall live in peace, after the unsaved (Democrats, mostly) have endured seven years of unspeakable horrors.” Wow, what a glorious end-times scenario that figures in to all the mayhem we’ve done in the Middle East ever since 9/11.
Like I said, Americans are not strong on objective reality. That’s why we get talked into all these f-ing wars in the first place. That’s why no matter who is president of the USA, we will continue to be the AngloZionist Empire which will not go quietly into that dark night when their time is up like all empires of the past. The game changer is that they have nukes, lots of them. Uncle Shmuel always has the Samson Option as a last resort. If he’s going down, he will take the rest of humanity with him, simple as that.
It is unfortunate that where Chiliasm is concerned Hagee puts the Gog / Magog war at the beginning of the milliinium and not at the end as taught in Revelation. It is a terrible mistake of biblical exegesis which unfortunately goes all the way back to the council of
How do we repudiate it all and get people to understand and accept what is really taught in scripture. My book Lies, all Lies is an attempt to do just that.
You have to remember that the Good Book that Christian Zionists refer to is the Scofield Reference Bible (SRB). Financed by Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer in 1909, the SRB is what inspired many US evangelicals to back one of Untermeyer’s pet projects, the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Thanks to the SRB, they believe that Palestine belongs not to the Palestinians but exclusively to God’s “chosen people”, the Ashkenazim, despite the fact that they’re really Europeans and not the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine.
Yes just more error and with ww1 and ww2 and the rise of communism and fascism it just solidified it more and more in the eyes of the western church.
America especially had a hard time with communism/socialism the big boogie man from Russia?
Please God help us end it.
Why Stalin and why Russia is a question that still haunts me.
I was many years ago in a Mennonite church listening to Dr. Zachariah give a speech. The church was full to the rafters 2000 thousand people and everyone just gasped in horror when as an illustration he said Stalin was a seminarian studying for the priesthood.
He then turned his back on God and with a wealth of history and such he proceeeded to slaughter 50 million of his own people? I left church that morning wondering and still asking what happened and why?
Why Stalin and why Russia? According to the Christian Zionists, Russia is the biblical Magog which figures into their end-times scenario where all the world’s armies meet at Armageddon to fight the Big One.
Interestingly, Tel Megiddo is right down the road from Trump Heights up on the Golan. If Trump skates out from the USA to avoid prosecution for his many crimes, Netanyahu might offer to build a Trump Tower there so he can charge admission to his Christian Zionist followers for a front-row seat to Armageddon. Those seats won’t come cheap…
Americans are content having their media tell them what success is.
“The game changer is that they have nukes”
That is a popular belief not shared by all of the opponents.
Another popular belief is
“Like I said, Americans are not strong on objective reality. That’s why we get talked into all these f-ing wars in the first place.”, a redux of the we are the victims here routine, not shared by all opponents, since we are the victims routine and we are in the wars are deemed to be both contradictory and ultra vires – sometimes defined as “beside the point”.
Such may also facilitate events presently deemed by some to be not plausible beliefs, including but not limited to a derivative of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code of “The United States of America” where present social relations are transcended under the protection of the rest of the world.
A fraction of 20% of the invaders money and resources used in this aggression should be used, by a truce and peace agreement to simply restore the most basic of Afghan infrastracture they themselves have blown up.
That must be done…otherwise do you have any doubt the much wiser guys in Peking will do in one way or the other?
Oh, but the Taliban is ruthless and medieval ruler!!! Year and can you you do about it? perhaps better than you did in the ruthless rulers of Saudi Arabia to this date?
We really aren’t noted for building or re-building ask Vietnam about that as we went back on everything agreed upon as they drove them out, now the ugly truth is behind the scenes we have no plans to leave whatsoever and as long as NATO exist there will be no peace anywhere on earth, because they are just as bad as the U.S. when it comes to attacking some small country just to see and show how’s it been done.
Does anyone even trust the Americans with any sort of reconstruction work anywhere on this planet? Anyone who does is seriously deluded. To even suggest the idea demonstrates a clear disregard of the American colonial psyche. The British (for all their evil) look like saints compared to the American in terms of colonial development.
Afghanistan will remain broken at minimum for the next hundreds years. Religion will prevent Afghanistan from ever developing into a cohesive nation. Not to elaborate a sensitive topic, I will say this – the Islam today is not what Islam was during its golden age. A strange quandary since the Quran remains unchanged, so what changed?
With regard to US and its war cost, the author is thoroughly wrong. The cost is free. Courtesy of you, me and the rest of world. To add salt to the wound, they made real money by raping Afghanistan of its minerals and enslaved its population to farm poppy fields to feed the drug trade. They get richer, the region gets poorer. All is well for pax Americana.
Next time anyone complains US wars is costing itself money, please burn this into memory, sole reason why the US can afford to send its military willy-nilly to any parts of the world is because its free for them to do it. The dollar is printed from air. The entire world is allowing the US to get away with this scam, so speak, the entire world is sponsoring current US wars. You can only blame yourself. If the US asks your country for money for their troops, you’ve been doubly scammed aka screwed (in the a**) and should feel very proud.
the chinese & russia will rebuild it. as evidence, the amazing resurgence of each in such a short time. the bri & its location & treasure insure its future. america is about to begin her education in the art of rebuilding, recovery & picking oneself up from the grave. its a long ugly & slow journey & one she will do all by herself, as i cannot imagine many rushing to help her as the chinese & russians shall offer guidance to afghanistan.
Afghanistan is super rich in rare earth minerals. impossible to extract in current circumstances. no doubt china is watching closely.
“Today in war-torn Afghanistan, there is no electricity because all dams & powerhouses were bombed. No infrastructure, all damaged in the ruthless bombing,”
Like the Yanks did in Korea when I was in high school, “We bombed until there was nothing left to bomb”. I hated their self-centred arrogance.
Afghanistan and Korea have a long history; the U$A has a short history.
Afghanistan and Korea have a long future; the U$A has …?
This comment is pulled out of the author’s ass.
“Although President Trump created hate in American society and supported white-supremacist, the roots of hatred have existed for a long time, he was just a catalyst. It might take decades to normalize the situation in America.”
This statement is totally the Democrat and MSM fiction, a propagandistic proposition that MAGA and America First is hateful and a white-supremacist program and policy. Fiction!
I find it completely disgusting to post such Liberal crap at the Vineyard.
The fact is Blacks, Latinos and Asians flocked to Trump and the MAGA policies and increased his and the Republican vote totals in historic numbers in the 2020 election.
They refute the notion that rebuilding the middle class is racist. Or that the US should rebuild its own industrial base is hateful.
I am all for free speech and if the author wants to promote bullshit as the foundation of his argument, have at it. But I will highlight the fallaciousness and ignorance every time.
When you write out of your ass, all that remains is shit.
Larch, when you resort to ad hominem attacks on the author, something of what he said must be right-on. You know, of course, that MAGA was really MIGA, make Israel Greater Again. Trump was totally beholden to the Likudniks and Christian Zionists who comprised his rock-solid base. Along with Pompeo and Pence, he did everything he could to bring on that cataclysmic apocalyptic war that Christian Zionists long for. First he killed the Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Then he murdered General Soleimani. It was just a matter of time that he would have found some pretext to attack Iran like his “spiritual advisor” Pastor John Hagee wanted him to. We were saved by the bell from WWIII by the fact that he ran out of time.
Yet to Christian Zionists like Steve Pearce, chairman of the ReTrumplican Party of New Mexico, he never really lost the election no matter how many votes he got, “Trump is our president FOREVER and no one can take that away from us!”
Hi Tommy
Remember MIGA diehard, 17th letter brigade member Bro93 [yes…hard forget I know] …it didn’t matter what idiocy Trump was involved in he would never once criticize him, no matter how outrageous the behaviour. Even when Trump lined his cabinet with warmongering lunatics, banksters, and rabid swamp-creatures he still spun this as some sort of cunning plan and as a clever long-term strategy. Of course, it was nothing of the sort. All the while to the vast majority of the world, who were not immersed in propaganda or partisan politics, Trump was almost universally viewed as an extremely dangerous bumbling imbecile.
IMO if you are caught up in the illusion that there is any fundamental difference between the red and blue camps, when it comes to foreign affairs and warmongering, and that a vote for POTUS under the current completely dysfunctional plutocratic political system will somehow change anything, you have lined yourself up for a profound disappointment. If there was ever to be any distinction at all it would be simply a matter of the timing of the self-inflicted destruction that they both appear to crave.
Much of the world sees this clearly now, and although they celebrate the fact that Trump is gone most are under no illusions that Biden will be any less dangerous or incompetent. The people that grasp this can barely miss it if they have not fallen victim to the blaring propaganda of the monumental Wurlitza machine.
Surely, this should be entirely self-evident… not just because of MIGA’s monumental idiocy, but also because so many of his appointments and Cabinet were thoroughly dangerous psychopaths. He even brought into the fray evangelical fundamentalists to help him build his Uncle Sheldon MIGA plan. In my view, these nutjobs are clearly the most dangerous and heavily resourced creatures on earth… they risk the very survival of humanity by facilitating a series of events that could well eventually lead to deployment of the Sampson option smack bang in the center of the ME.
Anybody that I know with even a basic grasp of global geopolitics is incredulous that some 70 million + POTUS voters could possibly have imagined that Trump might be their empire’s saviour. They also see this as a tragic comment on where Uncle $am has come to…arguably even more dire than the very situation itself. At the very least it is a manifestation of how deep-rooted the rot is.
POTUS #46 ran on the utterly brilliant slogan ‘nothing much will change’…indeed he sure as hell kept this promise. Of course small wonder…the idiocy persists. Indeed, so far in his first few months, his actions should comprehensively remove any more lingering scraps of doubt that it is business as usual for the MIC… regardless of who holds the keys to the big old house on Pennsylvania Ave.
This abject and unmissable reality will turn out to be Trump’s huge legacy to humanity [apart from the endless jokes]. Biden of course continues in this vein…perhaps almost at times even accelerating the spectacle and the realisation.
A major component in this is the consolidation of Uncle $ams actual, perceived, and contrived enemies, into alliances that now cooperate to assist the hegemon in its headlong rush toward self-destruction. This will in turn accelerate the Empires increasing irrelevance on the world stage. It will be comprehensive on all fronts and will include trade and resources, finance and reserve currency status, and of course last but not least, their military standing.
In regard to internal affairs… when we look in as outsiders we cannot help but see a stunning increase in general divisiveness and unrest during Trump’s term ‘at the helm’. To me, the extra racial division and tensions are plainly evident and part and parcel of this contrived and deliberate over-arching plan.
Of course, Biden won’t alter this either… this is the neo-feudal playbook that both parties follow as they desperately try to preserve this kleptocratic model. It’s like a stool [pun fully intended] …and yes, it has three legs …what I call the 3Ns. It could be the 4N’s if you included the neo-colonial aspect as well…but alas, that would spoil the analogy.
And the long and the short…well I’m with you, Tommy…I absolutely agree with Zamar’s controversial paragraph, but indeed with the entire article.
Zamir… a big congratulations on your contribution…and just me, but in this instance, the sh#t most assuredly ain’t coming from you, my friend!
All the very best to you both from the South Seas
If I break down the author’s quote, I don’t see anything terribly outrageous.
I am surprised at your choice of language though — expected much higher level of discourse
from you.
Maybe words have meanings, context has meaning, and the usefulness of the words is the reason for their existence.
I remark about his statement, not at all about him.
Describing the source of his statement is not attack on him personally.
My outrage is the perpetuate of crapola which fuels the insanity going on in America these days.
Painting 75 million voters as white supremacists and Trump as the cause of the social-cultural revolution is preposterous nonsense.
Ignorance is not to be rewarded while I have the ability to challenge it.
And propaganda foisted into the mainstream discussion of the state of the nation’s social dynamic is an instant target for me.
I have always challenged the Liberal Cult ideology every time it appeared here and where I can counter it.
The statement the author made was declarative and 100% wrong.
If it fits your mindset, then you need to reeducate yourself.
Trump didn’t create hate. He didn’t support white supremacy and he wasn’t a catalyst to anything negative in the society. That was the slime job the MSM and Dems did on him, quite like how they slime Putin.
It’s classic Goebbels.
And its classic bullshit.
Thanks Larch. I was about to post something along those lines but you were quicker and far more eloquent than I was. Trump, like any other president has done things I did not like. The imagined offenses listed by the author are not among them, and this needed correction. The false narratives fielded against Trump are, as you noted, actually aimed at half or more of the US population – including me. False memes need to be exposed whenever they are deployed against us. Keep on doing what you do.
While I agree with your comment, and I wrote something along vaguely similar lines elsewhere in the comment thread, I don’t condemn the author as much. He is from somewhere else and does not have that much knowledge of the media power stucture. Since he was talking about a side issue to what he is really focussing on he simply assumed that the propaganda fiction of the official regime propagandists is real. While this is a fairly serious error, the rest of it seems quite reasonable and is based on the author’s real knowledge.
Thanks from me as well. Anybody with a semi-functioning brain can see it is the main stream media and (mostly?) Democratic politicians stoking racial hatred. Just look at their reaction to the latest police shooting. A “loving and motherly” 200 pound 16 year old black girl is screaming “i’m gonna stab the f**k out of you” (maybe not an exact quote but that was the flavor of it) at 2 other smaller and younger girls and video showed it looked like she was about to do it. The media edits out views showing her with the knife, and pushes the narrative that the officer, according to one commenter, didn’t have to shoot her, he should have just told he to drop the knife.
When I reached that, I stopped reading and skipped down to the comments. I’m sure Prof. Awan had plenty of good things to say, but blaming racism on Trump really marred it for me.
“Does anyone even trust the Americans with any sort of reconstruction work anywhere on this planet? Anyone who does is seriously deluded”
Yeah. U must be plain right and me even though hard skinned gets deluded just as in this instance. It belongs to History to what extent they did it in Germany – due to obvious imperative reasons.
“The US invaded Afghanistan to fight against the tribal system of Afghanistan and create a modern democratic government based on American vision.”
Afghanistan had a modern non-tribal government before the US sponsered a lot of terrorists to destroy it. That government invited the Russians in to help but to no avail. Then the Taliban took over, followed by the NATO invasion and so to the present day. America has never created a moderndemocratic government least of all in America. The object of the exercise is to threaten China and Russia from inside crntral asia and to control the opium. I doubt they’ll be leaving.
Thank you Johny!
For very clearly highlighting the true situation of what has been happening in Afganistan in the past 40 years. You are also absolutely right that they will not be leaving – they are there for exactly what you have stated – cause strive and trouble to both Russia and China. Perfect location in geopolitical chess games. But there has been a high price to pay – it’s not for nothing the world refers to Afganistan as the “Graveyard of Empires”. We are seeing it now in real time. But they will continue, now covertly, to destabilise, meddle and rest that they do to achive their delusional goals.That’s the nature of the beast.. when losing, just double down!
The author’s assumptions re USA and it’s motives are pathetically naive.
Thank you, Johnny!
The alleged motives you quoted were so monstrously false that I let them pass because I thought, the author is being savagely ironic in the style of Jonathan Swift; or these soothing words are merely meant to smoothe the path for a retreating enemy.
That the Americans have invaded, destroyed, and ravaged a society in the name of “Aid” is, sadly, so true. However as an American with an “insider” viewpoint, I would have to disagree with you on a couple of points. First, Americans have always been tribal, no matter what picture they portray to the world—this picture is really based in “progressive” ideas borrowed from 1920’s and 1930’s Russian Communism. At that time the US was doing everything to mimic and compete with Russia.—America is called a melting pot but it’s more like a stew pot, where some things get blended together but other things stay very separate. The recent tribalism story portrayed in the news is just that—a story. The killings have not increased, only the media coverage of certain ones. The George Floyd incident is not isolated, has always happened, and in itself had nothing to do with race. (In an interesting side fact it was shown by autopsy that he was literally dying before the police got there—he had 6x the lethal dose of fentanyl in his bloodstream, causing him to act aggressively and his airways and all systems to shut down resulting in suffocation—this evidence was of course, not brought to a highly politicized court). The “race wars” are nothing but a publicity stunt, built on the relatively mild, but very real, friction between blacks and whites that has always been. There has also historically been friction between the various ethnic communities all over the US, most notably the Irish and Italian and various Hispanic groups. None of us really get along with each other all that well, but we sincerely try to show respect and kindness and brotherly love to all people, regardless of race, as long as they don’t interfere in our affairs. The problem is that the majority of Americans for several hundred years have been Englishmen (east coast and southeast) and Germans (everywhere else), so the majority of the American ideas are based in the English tribal culture—both the good and the bad.
Trump did not create hate, he only was/is a bull in a Spanish bullfighting ring—big, obnoxious, dangerous, and an obvious target for sticking accusations to. The “white supremacy” label was a convenient accusation for the media to stick in Trump and his supporters. That some “white supremacists” support trump is true. The actual number of “white supremacists” in the US is very very small. There are a few fringe groups that hardly anyone wants to have anything to do with, and who don’t dare openly announce themselves in public. Trump was accused of supporting white supremacy because in a badly moderated debate during the 2020 campaign, he was handed a loaded question, and was trapped by it. (I think it was the second presidential debate if anyone cares to reference it). The patriotic groups that the so-called “left” (American left isn’t exactly the rest of the world’s definition) would lump into “white supremacy” may share a few of their sentiments, but are mostly decent people who simply hold to the values and the religious ideals that this country was founded on: freedom to form their own governments in states and communities without oppressive national governance from foreign empires who don’t give a d**** about you or your family; the right to protect one’s family, faith, and communities from oppression and tyranny, both domestic and foreign; and the freedom to practice religion and to speak one’s mind without censure—and this for all classes of people, not just the elites (Clearly this is not what the US has become). The American media calls this “white supremacy” and “hate” simply because in the past the some of the same people who believed in these things also owned slaves. They forget to mention that these nations (Britain and the US) led the world in abandoning the practice of slavery that is still practiced in many places today. The truth is that the Majority of the US supports Trump (his political rallies were attended by more than twice the numbers that Biden’s were, and in some cases as many as six times the numbers), and not the “swamp” that is the majority of Washington, DC. Trump angered the alligators in the swamp and thus they used every means in their arsenal to kick him out, including several assasination attempts, major smear campaigns in the press—never in history has one person been so badly attacked by American media (other than Putin maybe)—and actually working to manipulate the 2020 election, causing the ballots numbers to be completely inconsistent with actual records—enough so that there are lawsuits all over that are being brought in the states to bring light to the situation.
On another point, the current US government will never understand Afghans. I doubt they have ever or will ever try, they will just declare victory and run home to parade their non-existent wins, not really noticing that the emperor has had his clothes blown off. They will leave only a very small vacuum in their wake that will be quickly taken over by the Taliban—a group who in my opinion has every right to rule the country and ought to.
My last point is this: America should in no way focus on reconstruction of Afghanistan and if they or their proxies offer to help in any way, the Afghan people should run far and fast the other way. Why do I say this? First every American knows there is no such thing as a free lunch—most things that are offered up come with strings attached, requiring some sort of obligation or payment in return. Accepting help from the US would result in Afghanistan becoming a virtual slave colony of the US and completely trashed with no identity other than a name on a map. Secondly, if you check out US history, there is a little section on “Reconstruction” that followed the war between the states in the 1800’s. This is usually described as the rebuilding of the South after the destruction caused by the Civil War. In actuality it was the acquisition of the assets of the southern states by northern politicians and businesses and the ravaging of the land and peoples by said politicians and their loyalist southern comrades—much in the same way that the US empire took advantage of the fall of the Soviet Union. Nothing good came out of it.
I feel that most wars in this world are caused because people refuse to mind their own business and either covet their neighbors’ property or get all caught up in trying to run their neighbors’ lives. Yes, rebuilding Afghanistan will be costly, but it doesn’t need to happen with the help of rich countries. The people are capable enough of doing it themselves if they are patient and seek the help of God against all enemies. They will not become rich that way, but they will be healthy and strong and free. These things cannot be bought.
I dont care what George had in his system, he did not deserve to have his dignity squashed for 8 minutes and 45 seconds like that. No one deserves to die like that!!!
You spent a half hour writing a justification for what? That you live on a racist fascist country.
Your country only serves the interests of the few monied families. All the rest is crap! And they are succeding since , you watched a man die a dozen times, and yet you find the gall to diminish his death with stuff like “oh he was dying anyways”.
My car started to rust, might as well fill the cabin with salt!!!
With americans like you, your country is doomed.
Insider view my @#$.
bless you. i did not read the OP’s comment as it might be not worth it. with bigots like that who needs a catalyst.
Videos show that George was having some kind of convulsions, or maybe just a fit inside the car when he was removed. He continued to be uncontrollable during and after removal from the car. He kicked one of the officers in the process. He needed to be restrained and the police used an approved technique to do so after calling for medical help and while waiting for the EMTs to arrive. The officers made the right decisions and acted professionally.
Racism, White Supremacy, etc. had nothing to do with this incident. The Minneapolis PD is well integrated – roughly half minority officers with a black police chief and a flaming snowflake for a Mayor. The (black) attorney general of the state took personal charge of the prosecution and most of the state and city officials enthusiastically joined the MSM in convicting the officers in advance of the trial. How does all this add up to Systemic White Supremacy in Minneapolis, or in the US at large which recently freely elected a two-term black president? The USA is the most racially inclusive and tolerant nation on Earth; a magnet for immigrants of all colors escaping oppression in their home countries. The ‘racist’ and ‘supremacist’ labels are not appropriate here; they are pure propaganda and race-baiting.
There are comments I read in disbelief and wonder at them. The truth about is plain to see and yet we refuse to acknowledge it. Comments like US is great and good because everyone wants to migrate there being used for justification of said goodness, is that ignorance or diabolical evil? Is such a comment honestly made by someone who does not know about the Petro-dollar, Bretton-Woods, IMF financial world system enforced by US military might that has destroyed most of south America, Africa and Asia? When, for example, Venezuela is sanctioned, assets frozen and threats given to any other nation to not trade with them, and the economic strangulation causes Venezuela’s economy to collapse and hunger to thrive, how is it possible for someone to gleefully shout that it’s the Venezuelan socialist’s systems of governance at fault?
If there is no racism in the US, how come we had slavery, abolition of it, Civil rights movement to address it, to present day laws against it including profiling? Those who continually say that blacks should follow orders to avoid those “unnecessary” police deaths seem unaware that outcomes always turn out the same for those who follow said orders and those who resist. Blacks have learnt to avoid any interaction with the Police because it is more likely than not to end in a fatality or incarceration based on trumped up charges when innocent. Videos exist on the web like the profiling of a Sudanese FBI agent simply because he was black and they had already hand-cuffed him only to find his FBI badge in his back-pocket. That is the only thing that saved him. Those videos are numerous just google them.
Most people saying George Floyd was high on drugs and so forth, its just insane to me. So what if he was high? So what if he showed symptoms of whatever? George clearly has been taking that stuff without it killing him, like so many other drunkards and drug users. 8 minutes of suffocation by kneeling on him killed him. Period. Many people have lethal drugs in there bodies every day without dying and yes, some eventually get killed by those drugs in their hundreds of thousands. But that was not George’s day to die from his drugs and those 8 minutes and 45 minutes prove it since he repeatedly repeated that he could not breathe. How poorly trained are the police such that they feel threatened by a handcuffed druggie and can’t control him? Why ask him to comply with commands when he is clearly intoxicated? I have videos of Police killing mentally handicapped individuals who were causing no threat but simply did not follow orders. One even shit the carer as he was trying to calm the sick individual. If that’s all they know and can do is just kill if someone doesn’t follow orders, then clearly reforms are needed.
Finally, I have asked repeatedly, where is the criminal’s due process for justice? I don’t care if he is caught red-handed, the law affords him certain rights such as due process. How incompetent must the police be, if unarmed resisting (black) men or any other for that matter, must be gunned down for resisting arrest or running away or acts that do not endanger the police officers on any way end up as fatalities? The gal was wielding a knife and about to stab another gal but ends up dead? I cannot fathom it? The officer can’t shoot her feet to incapacitate her? Must it be a fatal shot always? The Police institution then must be declared bloodthirsty and uncontrollable. Those calling for reforms are right. The Police cannot be Judge, Jury and executioner. Due process.
Now, lest somebody tell me I am throwing blanket statements, I am throwing them to those who continue to justify the unjustifiable. I am well aware that many USians are not racist and even are against it. What BLM and Antifa are doing is equally wrong as the racists do, but how many are standing in the middle to point out and oppose all injustice? I have seen partisanship even in this site to my utter horror and disbelief.
My friend Brian just wrote an article about the probable plans for the continued war in Afghanistan with drones.
“”It appears from his statements and actions regarding the war in Yemen in February and regarding the war in Afghanistan in April, that Biden is not so much concerned with ending the “forever wars” as he is with handing these wars over to drones armed with 500 pound bombs and Hellfire missiles operated by remote control from thousands of miles away.””
Brian and I both did 6 months federal probation instead of paying a $25 fine federal fine back in 1986 for a protest against the militarization of Honduras. Brian does get on PressTV at times for commentary also.
Of course to connect more of the dots makes for an article that is too long for many venues. The other part is that nothing has been mentioned about drawing down and removing the equally egregious “private” contractors. The old bait and switcheroo, they will be outsourcing much and the present pogrom to private contractors.
What he did not add was “and contractors”. The US Army is there for namesake only given all the priorities they have to accomodate… It’s all run by contractors who don’t get a pension, VA benefits or a discharge. Even their body bag is not numbered or buried with military rights. But they are there doing it for what ever reason they do.
When the US says something big and bombastic, pay close attention to what it did not say.
Americans do not respect themselves, therefore they respect no one.
”Trust, next couple of decades, the US must focus on its domestic issues and re-evaluate its mistakes in the perspective of changed geopolitics. Stop meddling in other nations and countries, stop thinking to change the world order as per the wishes of America. Let others live the life as they desire and live your own life according to your own wishes. Let peace, stability, and prosperity boom around the world, avoid imposing wars on other nations. Respect humanity and respect human lives.”
Short, blunt verdict: Can’t be done.. It’s like expecting a deaf-mute to become an opera singer. Militant parasites have a world outlook which celebrates violence, oppression, thievery, and chauvinism. Like the Nazis who were largely imitating them, their criminal, sick society will have to be smashed from without. The mounting resistance from everywhere outside the West will achieve that. Given the current leaderships on the world stage, the rot, decay, and all-out decomposition of the West can only escape the wilfully blind. Afghanistan is indeed the place where Empires go to die.
Oh dear. First there’s this:
“The US used state of the art, latest, advanced, most lethal weapons, modern war tactics, well-trained troops, and all possible technologies to win this war but failed adversely.”
Fact: ‘War on Terror’ was unleashed, a precursor to more loss of hard won freedoms, still going on and will end up at master-serf reality for the 99%
Fact: The poppy fields grew exponentially to service the CIA drug trade, they were not bombed, just wedding parties and funerals.
Fact: The MIC got a bonanza, bonuses all round
Fact: New weapons of war got a live testing ground and more generals got a chance to pin more medals on their puffed up chests.
Conclusion: From the narcissistic and warmongering POV of the TPTB, this has all been a resounding success.
And then there’s this:
“The US and allies who destroyed Afghanistan have the moral obligations to help Afghanistan generously.”
The only thing the Afghanis want is for the US and its scummy allies to GTFO and stay the hell away. And who can blame them?
But I suspect that by sleight-of-hand the regular US Army troops will simply be replaced by private contractors. The sheeple appeased, Sniffy Joe looks “Presidential” and the MSM trumpets more BS.
The author needs to wake up and leave such infantile naivete as this article reeks of in the waste-paper bin where it belongs.
Glad to see the commentariat has roundly panned this one. Nothing to add, other than I knew it was a laugher when the author suggested the US could, would, or should help rebuild the mess they’ve created. Word: creating third world failed states and stealing absolutely everything that’s not locked down in the process is the entire point of all this otherwise ill-advised military adventurism in the first place!
And as another commentator said upthread, in actuality the US won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. The US military, always a drain on resources, will simply be replaced by private money-grubbing contractors, an even bigger drain on resources, albeit hugely more profitable for their capitalist owners. One thing that can always be relied on: the US never quits its victims until the rape and humiliation is absolutely, positively, 100% complete.
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan is a Pakistani intellectual, a cerebral talking head who works to promote Communist Chinese polices.
The article above begins with a summary of the US atrocities committed against the Afghani people to promote “democratic principles and rule of law.” The first nine paragraphs is a set-up to psychologically beat down those of us who are Americans to make us feel guilty about how evil our central government is. We already know that; that’s why we seek out blogs like The Saker, Unz Review, smoothiex12, etc. to vigorously object to the lies that spew from the mouths of the national press and the war mongers who wallow in the fetid swamp of Foggy Bottom politics.
But he pushes deeper to try and shame us more with his vociferous outcry of the ongoing internal violence within the United States and claims we are a tribal society, a “gun culture.” However the pinnacle excoriation is directed at those of us who are of the white race with this statement, “Although President Trump created hate in American society and supported white-supremacist, the roots of hatred have existed for a long time, he was just a catalyst.”
Some of us own firearms and we will need them to defend ourselves against the hoard of poorly educated barbarian degenerates that pour out of their city slums like vermin to reek havoc in our suburban and rural neighborhoods. We have these inalienable rights granted from our Father in Heaven and no socialist Puppet-in-Chief is going to take them from us or deny our law enforcement agencies their authority to use lethal force when absolutely necessary to protect other citizens or themselves either.
The vitriol from Professor Awan’s keyboard overwhelms my senses about the core of us Americans who supported and continue to support President Trump; a leader who wishes to have fair trade agreements with all countries including China. Here is an article from four years ago authored by Jeff Brown where he critiques Godfree Roberts predictions about China:
Brown writes, ” You can say what you want, but as far as Asian-American affairs are concerned, DJT is working hard for his citizens, which is more than can be said about America’s previous presidents, going back as many administrations as you care to argue. One thing is clear. I don’t think we could have survived another four years of deep state, Wall Street elitism in the White House. As much as many people hate DJT, I shudder at the thought of uber imperial Hillary Clinton being president.
Conversely, you may not approve of Trump’s vision, but you know where he stands. He has clearly articulated his intention to defend his country’s interests and improve the lot of the American people, which is what any respectable leader should do, who is worth their salt.”
Here you have journalist who lives in France and a card-caring member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) propaganda machine praising Trump efforts to further peaceful international trade. Does that sound like a man who promotes hated for his own country’s citizens?
In another story, Awan glosses over the concept of COVID 19 passports, which will lead to the loss of individual freedoms for people traveling abroad. So if you don’t get the shot, you are denied entrance into the countries that impose this passport rule. The problem with the passport is the QR codes integrated with the passport will disclose not only health information but also financial and political data about you to the authorities. It’s Eric Blair’s novel, “1984” becoming reality, all under the pretense of, “to keep you safe.”
Lastly, Awan never criticized the long history of war Pakistan has fought against its neighbor countries: the 1947 Kashmir War, the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, the 1999 Indo-Pakistani War and the constant border clashes that may lead to a nuclear weapon’s exchange.
See: .
No, he doesn’t write about that, just more America bashing.
We call that hypocritical journalism, Mr. Awan and we Americans who are true to our republican form of government reject the notion that we are white-supremacists or racists. We do care about our America and well will work through the political process to return her to the foundational principles enshrined in our Constitution, so help us God.
Your passport has a microchip. Anywhere you go with your passport the authorities already get this information when cross a border.
There is no personal health, financial or political information integrated with my international travel document (i.e., “passport”).
There is a proposal for a “digital passport” to be required by commercial airlines in order to travel by air that has a person’s SARS-CoV-2 virus inoculation data stored in it.
“The US invaded Afghanistan to fight against the tribal system of Afghanistan and create a modern democratic government based on American vision.”
No. This is a lie.
America creating a democratic government in Afghanistan?
That is a joke.
America itself is not a so-called democracy, so it certainly can’t create on.
What America does is to hide behind its unending propaganda about “promoting democracy” to justify its wars of aggression and colonial occupations of other nations.
“The US invaded Afghanistan to fight against the tribal system of Afghanistan and create a modern democratic government based on American vision.”
This is a preposterous statement, the first of quite a few highly shaky assumptions in this article. Those imagined purposes are not remotely why the Anglozionist empire really attacked Afghanistan. The author seems to have only a slight grasp of what really drives geopolitical realpolitik.
”The US invaded Afghanistan to fight against the tribal system of Afghanistan and create a modern democratic government based on American vision.”
Well, the fact of the matter is that Afghanistan did have a modern, secular government in the late 1970s. As was to happen elsewhere in the Muslim world, it became the target of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s project of Political Islam. And just as in Syria’s case, Moscow sent troops at the beleaguered government’s request. So the author strikes me as, ahem, somewhat fantasy prone unless a clarification is added to explain the meaning of ”a modern democratic government based on American vision”.
I don’t buy in to the author’s view that Trump incited racism. His opponents, the permanent regime, ginned up a counter-racism to destabilize the country, and they have proven unable to control this factor they have created, or have decided to continue to employ it to stabilize power. Their takeover, after all, was based on fraudulent methods including ballot box stuffing and colour revolution methods, of which this incitement of the new counter racism was the major element,
There I was thinking Pakistan sponsors terrorist activity on either border – whether along the Durand Line in Baluchistan or in Kashmir on the other border.
Moscow intervened to prop up a modernising Kabul regime besieged by Pashtuns armed by MI6 and CIA funded by Saudi Arabia and organised by ISI of Pakistan. When Gorbachev withdrew he asked Reagan to agree a deal to keep a regime in place in Kabul but the US had interest only in chaos and got Taliban whose power base emerged after IMF imposed spending cuts on Pakistan and schools were closed – replaced by Saudi-funded Madrassahs where “the Students” ie “Taliban” were indoctrinated.
UK and US facilitated Saudi Wahabbism in Afghanistan and Pakistan destroying both societies then walked away only to invade decades later. UK had ZERO excuse since it wrote the history of imperial failure in that region.
Excellent summary – a bit light on USA obligations.
“American plans something but ends up differently”.
That reminded me of something. Ah yes!
“They plan, and God plans, and God is the best of planners”.
The US wasn’t a winner at all in WW2.
Russia beat Germany in Stalingrad and ended the war there.
The rest is Western reformatting.
Covid killed almost more Americans than WW2.