A very telling example of a very ugly trend
I just got an email from my daughter this morning saying “You’ve probably seen this, and you might not really care even if you haven’t, but if not: https://altright.com/2017/05/05/the-saker-and-other-dissident-bloggers-are-completely-out-of-touch/. Apparently, you lived in Iceland“.
No, I had not read that as I generally have no time to read the AltRight nonsense. Out of a sense of obligation I recently forced myself to listen to two speeches by Richard Spencer (who recently visited Florida) and it was more then enough for me to know that I need not waste any more time exposing myself to AltRighter inanities.
So I clicked on the link and found an article entitled “The Saker and Other “Dissident” Bloggers Are Completely Out Of Touch: The Alt-Right is the only TRUE dissident media in town“. It was an awesome read, and by the time I was done reading, I was elated. Not only was I accused of betraying the interests of the White race, I was lumped together with Alain Soral, which is very, very flattering for me. The article then included the pseudo-biography of me by a rabid and mentally deranged woman which only got about 50% of what she wrote wrong including me being “critical of the Russian Army’s “heavy-handed approach” towards the Chechen terrorists” I kid you not (compare with my real bio). The article concludes with “Men like him will never know what it means to live in a White minority. They have never truly experienced Vibrant Diversity“. Apparently, the fact that I lived in Washington DC for 5 years of my life or, for that matter, that I traveled on all continents besides Oceania, makes no difference: I know nothing about diversity. I suppose that the fact that I don’t even consider myself “White” (what a stupid, meaningless, category) only makes me more guilty of betraying the “blood and soil patriotism” of “my” race.
Truthfully, when I see the AltRight ideology summed up as such:

Their “Europa”
I can only say that I don’t even recognize the Europe I was born in this infantile drawing and I don’t know what these idiots mean by “Europa” (not Carlos Santana’s song I am afraid; after all, he was just a Spic mongrel; or maybe they refer to Jupiter’s satellite, who knows?!). The Europe where I lived most of my life and which I described here looked more like this:

and my Europe
and not like the LSD-inspired electrocution the AltRighters call “Europa”.
One thing is sure, if they side with “Europa” I side with education, facts, logic, culture, history and yes, most definitely, diversity.
One more “pearl of wisdom” from the AltRighters: “Muslims are by the worst of any immigrant group (except perhaps Blacks). I can just about visualize the utter total shock the author of this aphorism would feel if he was educated enough to realize that there are millions of “White” Muslims out there, including in the USA and Europe and that there are millions of Africans who are Christians! It is a blessing and a mercy that ignorance protects this man from the awareness of such distressing facts I suppose :-)
But nevermind, this is all both funny and sad, but there is something more important here.
The new ugly trend
There is a new trend out there. One which I really don’t like. And because I have neither the time nor the inclination to get involved in one of those endless “Internet wars” I won’t name names or give examples. But most of you won’t have much of a problem understanding whom I am talking about. So that trend is this:
Since the official, corporate, AngloZionist media has taken a fantastic nose-dive from which it most likely will never recover (if only because that loss of credibility was so richly deserved!), the alternative media, the blogosphere, became the place where “it” happens. Oh sure, the Ziomedia still controls a herd of zombified sheep far far bigger than the entire alternative media would ever hope to wake up, but that is immaterial. Why? Because all major historical processes are normally the result of the actions of a minority, often way smaller than 1%. And right now, the vast majority of thinking people has figured out that the so called “free press” is just a disgusting propaganda machine and they are therefore turning to the Internet and the so-called “alternative media” for news, analyses and intelligent discussions.
So while the Ziomedia owns the left side of the Bell Curve and a good chuck of the adjacent right side, we – the “crackpots, extremists, fringe fanatics” etc – are the ones making a difference in the right side of the Bell Curve. Put it differently, our “footprint” might be small, but we own most of the really valuable intellectual real estate. And that is crucial for 2 reasons:
- influence is exercised on the right side of the Bell Curve
- there could be money made there too, at least in theory and for those so inclined
The second proposition is rather dubious and more theoretical, but the first one is not. Besides, really, they are linked. And they are triggering a very nasty reaction from some rather nasty people: a desire to control it all.
Check out the AltRight article again a notice the key sentence in the subtitle: “The Alt-Right is the only TRUE dissident media in town“. Yes, these guys want to become the only media in town, they want a monopoly. They don’t see the other players are allies, but as competitors for a specific market niche.
Believe me when I say to you that AltRight are not the only ones!
I have had many offers to incorporate the Saker blog into other entities. I have had a lot of commercial offers too, so I suppose that there would be good money to be made for me if a agreed to flood the blog with advertisements and obnoxious pop-ups. Some of the figures of the “alternative media” have openly expressed the desire to create some kind of vetting system which, of course, they would control to separate the “good” and the “bad” alternative media. And, as most of you know, at least one Saker Blog (the German one) was brought down by a provocateur.
So this is what I want to share with you and which you need to keep in mind to understanding some of what is going on behind the scenes. There are two types of alternative/resistance websites/blogs. Let’s call them “The Fighter” and “the Businessman”. I tried to put together a rough schematic of what these guys typically look like and this is what I came up with:
The Fighter | The Businessman | |
Motivation | Political, moral, religious | Money, career, influence |
Attitude to copyrights | Only wants to get the message out, encourages redistribution, uses CopyLeft. | Tries to prevent redistribution, places DMCA or Copyright logos on the homepage, files complaints |
Commercial/Advertisements/Paywalls/exclusive contents etc. | Opposes them all, and only relies on voluntary contributions (or does not even ask for any!) | Uses all these commercial schemes to generate revenue. |
Attitude towards others | Views them as allies to be supported | Views them as competitors to be eliminated |
Attitude towards diversity in the resistance | Supports diversity, believes that a diverse “resistance ecosystem” is more viable and more effective. Rejoices at the successes of others and is willing to help. | Seeks to acquire a monopoly position, thinks that all others are “bad”. Feels envy for the successes of others and will never help. |
Attitude towards ideology | Is non-ideological, seeks and finds allies in all political camps. Likes complex, subtle discussions. | Is ideologically very strongly defined and identifies with only one, specific, ideological camp. Likes slogans, simple “truths”. |
Funding scheme | Relies only on community funding. | Usually associated with one major sponsor or source of income |
Attitude towards recognition and respectability | Has no need, no interest and no use for any of that. | Puts a great deal of effort into looking “credible” and otherwise “respectable” |
This is, of course, a simplified scheme. Many cases fall somewhere in the middle. I know a several individuals whom I considered as committed, principled, idealists who still use advertisements. But when some putatively “alternative” media outlet gets a checkmark for each category on the right, then I suggest that you don’t be naive about what really motivates them.
The Key Criteria is “do you see others as allies to support or as competitors to bring down?“. This is BY FAR the most important criteria in that list.
I came to these conclusions already many years ago after my disastrous interaction with Antiwar.com (you can read about it here). What I learned then (already 10 years ago!) is still very much true today: there are a lot of folks out there who want everybody else besides themselves to disappear.
In my experience, nationalism, “blood and soil patriotism”, racism/racialism, etc. are typically the product of simply ignorance, a basic lack of education, really. The kind of folks who are attracted to this kind of ideology begin by correctly identifying a problem, but then they don’t have the intellectual/educational level to deal with the complexity of the problem they identified. They are like a person who discovers a tumor in his lung and decides that using a steak knife to cut that lung out is a sensible therapy. But as Menken wrote, “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” But if your goal is not to be right, but to federate as many people as possible and gain influence and money, then a “wrong” answer is exactly what you want!
In conclusion: a very ugly fact
In conclusion I will add more most thing. In my experience nationalist movements are always manipulated by various secret services. This is true for Russian nationalists and this is true for AltRight -type of movements. That is yet another reason why these movements all seek a monopoly position: because their real bosses (the state security agencies) are trying to coopt anti-system movements in order to control them. In my experience, only the very top people know about this and those who do typically rationalize that kind of secret “collaboration” by saying that it is pragmatically useful to work with influential agencies. This was true for the Russian NTS, this was true for al-Qaeda, this is most definitely true of the Ukie nationalists and this is true of the US AltRight (for whatever it’s worth, I also believe that all so-called ‘terrorist’ movements are also run by state actors).
Anyway, dear reader and member of the Saker community, please be warned: we are swimming in shark infested waters. That is the right thing to do, we don’t have the luxury of another battlefield, but that requires a lot of maturity from us. To be honest, I have been very, very lucky so far and our community has been remarkable successful. But we should not harbor any illusions: the most successful we become, the more enemies we will make, the more more attacks (or cooptation attempts) will be directed at us. Though to some this might look like “just blogging” we are, in reality, involved in a very dangerous game: the struggle for the minds and souls of the people we live with, regardless of our country of residence and, most importantly, the resistance against the AngloZionist Empire and everything it stands for. One way to neutralize us is to “park” us in “intellectual dead-ends” like White nationalism. Just think of our overlords, the 0.001% who really rules over us and ask yourself whether this:
looks to you like something “they” would fear? Or is this not exactly the kind of crap they would want us to waste our time, effort and lives on?
Our position is not unlike the one of the bull in a corrida. We are in pain, we are bewildered, disgusted and angry. And over and over again we are offered a big red cloth to attack. Does that sound like a plan to you?
I say let’s go for the SOB holding the cloth, not the cloth itself!
The Saker
What is the meaning of life? My definition is thought. Without thought there would be no life period. Ironically the competition to rob you of your god given right of individual power is in full swing. Sites like the Saker bring about a structure that is indeed informative and well balanced. Other actors try to place their thoughts into other peoples minds and thus stealing their own meaning of being here on earth. One can only be a leader, if one has followers. Today there is a war going on to implant false ideas and have control over as many minds as they can. Unfortunately we as a species have not been allowed to evolve into better humans as we still function in the same manner as we did several thousands years ago. Its the same pattern control, greed, corruption and greed still prevail. Many alt right just as the main media are in a battle for your mind and money. Fortunately there are sites such as the saker, which contribute to opening the mind so that the people can get a better understanding of what is taking place. Unfortunately there are many minds that are too far gone to even comprehend that there is another side of the story, but that they are too far gone and that death will be the only salvation for them. The Ukrainian example says it all and yes there are many more. Most people who are asleep want to stay that way for they are in their comfort zone. Many would not accept the new reality and would cause severe consequences to their mental states.
“Unfortunately we as a species have not been allowed to evolve into better humans as we still function in the same manner as we did several thousands years ago. Its the same pattern control, greed, corruption and greed still prevail.”
‘The species’, in the opinion of the medieval natural/mystical thinkers called “alchemists” is a snake, the head has already crawled into the future stability of the Aquarius/Taurus-mirror of things, while the tail still crawls in the wild ire of hungry fire in the Pisces/ Aries mirror.
Time keeps crawling
The meaning of Life? I say view = meaning (Tao)
something like the lap in universe
Life objectively is the functioning biological cycles of biological lifeforms irrespective of their species. None can revive a lifeforms that effectively stopped it’s cycles.
What is the ‘World’ ? It’s what your five senses picked up immediately around you and all the information you picked up and stored in memory. There’s something called imagination but those still based on speculative and compounds of information you got.
Then what’s is Life on this world ? It’s about the experience and future prospect of your world.
I am curious to to have explain why thesaker wants the demographic change of Europe, what is wrong with Europeans?
He does know that Russians are Europeans right? Does he want Russia to be flood by African Muslims as well?
Muslims and elsewhere is also wondering why west have to enforce western values to their culture and way of life.
Certainly you’re not thinking there’s something wrong with demographic changing ? It’s not like the NA always populated by white people nor the Roman is the fairest skinned back then.
Look for the underlying reason first. Something more real and close by than media hyped foreigners invasion.
And i also want to add that the refugees you so scared with is very vulnerable people.
Dear Saker,
in flood and alligator filled Florida – how do you manage that even without the Bush clan.!!.
Thank goodness you are still around, because the anglo zionist swamp is very desperate – here in Denmark we do our best to emulate the City of London psychopaths. Hopefully I can find a job teaching English in Russia (agriculture orientation) as we anglos are sinking and stinking way off the radar screen.(brainwashed in Rhodesia/South africa !!!)
You are an essential breath of fresh air for tens or even hundreds of thousands of hopefuls around the world.
Keep well and family safe, 2nd monthly miserly contribution on the way.
All the best, Svend Jensen DKr CPR 061053-2365
More uninformed people are getting angry. They feel something at least. I’ve interacted on /pol/ and so-called hate sites and participated in trolling culture. Knowing what triggers people can be interesting, fun, and possibly therapeutic. What seems stupid to us appeals to a subculture. The stupid have huge energy potential. Their energy must be redirected to needed to reverse direction. Stupid people aka “subhumans” are the majority of every race. Some of them realized in a few short generations they’ll disappear unless something radical changes.
Intelligence is hard to define, and so inevitably is the flip side of that coin. I do believe that some people are just fundamentally dim. But one thing we need to keep in mind is that there is a huge amount of effort and expense dedicated to making people stupid. Look at these free “newspapers” you see all over the place these days. Most of the content is movies, music and celebrity gossip, with one or two news stories at the front that are either outright propaganda or, at best, shorn of all context that might make them relevant. The rest of the infotainment business is similar, dedicated to making sure nobody wakes up. Partly by accident it also tends to present everything in unrelated snippets so that there are no logical progressions available; you can’t think about most of this stuff because even aside from the stupid content it’s pushed at you in a stupefying form which makes thought irrelevant.
The point is, it works; nobody would spend gajillions of dollars dumbing people down if it had no impact. Lots of people who seem stupid are just victims who have been systematically made stupid, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with their brains.
Thank you Saker,
I find your analysis clear and interesting. I also see a trend. It might be that you are right about governmental secret services are controlling some of the things going on in the AltRight, creating a controllable adversary or discrediting an undesirable political movement, but if so, they are not doing a great job.
I very much agree to your desire for diversity. I thinkt it is very important, the only real safeguard against creating an echochamber. MSM is in my opinion totally lost. Not so much because the elite is controlling it, but more because they have re-shaped the concept of journalism. It is no longer about the facts or describing and analyzing events and trends. They create the trends by creating meta-narratives that is used when describing events. And the audience has got used to these meta-narratives, and accept them without question. That is how sane people can claim that Assad used chemical weapons in 2014, the only thing that we thought would warrant an US invation. That is why Pravii Sectr is portrayed as soliders of liberty. (At the same time European press went ballistic about Ariel that made a pack of washingpowder called “88” because there were enough for 88 whashings. 88 is used as a code for “Heil Hitler” by some facists. And since Ariel sounds a bit like Aryan, there were several headlines in the same papers that portrayed the fascist coup in the Ukraine as a fight for freedom. )
MSM is also bleeding money. People are so used to get news for free, that they are not willing to pay for the service. And it is a litle too much to ask for that people pay for the propaganda.)
You critisize AltRight for beeing to buisiness oriented. I tend to agree, at least when it is coupled with ideology. But it costs money to do research or to make analysis. A new business model for news media is long overdue.
A businessmodel where the financial elite is out, suggesting som sort of crowd funding. Where readers pay for the service, some sort of pay-per-view. Where the people themselves have larger freedom in chosing, suggesting that the power of the editors should be reduced or even removed. Diversity must be guarantied, and it could be done if there was an requirement that the journalits disclosed their ideology, world-view, vista or personal preferences, and where journalists of different stripes presented their facts togehter. The invstigation and the analysis should be separated so that opinion is not confused with fact. Here the reporter could voice their opinion, but as such, not as fact. Any meta-narrative will soon be exposed. It is a dream, I know it, but I think that we need to find sustainable alternatives for news distribution. I enjoy reading thesaker.is for its analysis, but we all rely on MSM and rumours for the facts.
I have given that some thought, and here is my dream. First it must be ecconomical independent of the elite, the money should come directly from the viewer/reader. Second, it should be objective in its presentation of facts; since it is almost impossible to be unbiased, then it should be double-biased, having at least two investigators with different points of view working together. Third, the personal opinions of the reporter should be known. That way we might interpret the analysis, and any systematic bias (such as in MSM) will be revealed. Forth, it cannot be incorporated as the news houses are today, ibut it should be crowd funded, have its inoome by a pay-per-view scheme or in an other way ommitt the corporate structure. A pay-per-view service with news prepared by independent journalists with different vistas, where facts and analysis is clearly separated could be a good alternative to MSM. It may be an unrealistic dream,. But nothing will change if w
There is a successful pay-for-news service now in Canada. It’s a podcast called Canadaland. It tends to focus on criticism of Canada’s mainstream media using insiders, but the model is good and promising.
worker co-ops as a business model for news entities might be the model that would make for successful, truthful. accurate news
that’s what I suggest anyway. it is the ownership mode that matters. when there is no exploitation in the process of news presenting, what is presented and how is a decision by all the owners who are all who work in the organization… who decide all issues in the organization
Seems like what you describe is already happening. Newsbud, Mint Press, Popular Resistance, Counterpunch, Truthdig, RT, and you tube channels like Sane Progressive, Cabin Talk, Zoon Politicon. Those are just a few. Then there are the crowdsource types that are really state actor covers like Crowdsource the truth and George Webb. Trouble is, just when these sites are replacing msm as the places to go to for news, they are being censored by search engines, and You Tube and Facebook. The internet really needs to be a public utility and to be kept open as possible from censorship. The vote is in a few days. Call your congressperson!
You know you are doing something right when you make enemies on both sides of the isle plus in the isle itself. Good job, Saker!
Me, I’m one of those with little ‘formal’ education but over the years I’ve had at least a little common sense pounded in to my head. That being said, it is always an amazement to talk to ‘educated’ people, listen to what they say and stand there getting poleaxed when one tries to give a different take on the discussion. After a while you just give up. I won’t and don’t, just as you won’t quit either. We’ve got a pretty good gaggle of folks here and the message is getting across, witness the enemies list steadily accumulating. We’ll keep on getting what to some is our unwanted message out. If they don’t like it, then don’t read it.
Never The Last One http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK A Deep Look In To Russia, Her Culture And Her Armed Forces
An Incident On Simonka https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Is making as many enemies as possible really a good thing?
Yes, it could mean that you are thinking for yourself and you are having your own opinion that differs from other opinions and therefor shallow people hate you OR it could mean that you want to be different just to be different and that you are actively searching for the most criticized side.
No, Gidy, I think Auslander is making a more fundamentally correct point than a deliberately anti-social one.
Fact: The Public in almost all societies, from small tribes to large nations is almost always like “reeds in the wind”, bending to whatever persuasive nonsense they just heard last OR…they made up their minds years ago and no amount of contrary evidence or hard proofs can move them to grow in understanding anything more…EVER. At the extremes, they are either “putty in your hands”…or stubborn as mules….and while the former may be handy in amassing a crowd of admirers for a public show of support….you’ll never find leadership cadre for anything there.
ERGO, with either extreme, who are BOTH dangerous to civilization because reason is quite foreign to their little selves, and they are therefore too manipulable by the dark imperial mind controllers to be trusted much further than you can throw them, you were far better off in agapically and polemically insulting their stupidity and backwardness than in propitiating it for mass “gate receipts” purposes.
You might draw a handful of potential leaders out of the clueless crowd that way.
The hardest, highest quality steel is put through the greatest extremes of temperature…….removing impurities….then hardening instantly……in cold water ..tempering of character could be seen in a similar fashion…..not that mildness and beauty play no part: They do!
Toughness and sensitivity needn’t exclude each other. One is needed to fight. The other is needed to know what you are fighting FOR.
And the individuals capable of both can realize their worth in terms of moving history in a more fortunate, happier direction are 1,000- 10,000 or many millions of times of greater (in the case of some outstanding individuals) effectiveness than the “lowest common denominator”……average, loveable or not so loveable slob.
This does not mean that any human being, even a physically/mentally damaged one does not deserve decent treatment. They do!
But the most decent treatment of all is for their potential to be loved and their backwardness to be taken on…..even, most definitely, at the cost of rubbing their little egos the wrong way..in the short term..and “offending” their backwardness and ignorance, as a mature parent chides a child, sometimes gently, sometimes less gently.
It’s the longer term and larger picture that they deserve an introduction to….if they wish to be truly human. As one so offended many times, I can tell you that once I got over it (usually quickly) I really , really appreciated non-propitiatory leadership…..in anything.
Heroes are humans who dare, with courage… but also integrity, virtue and an immovable resolve!
May Saker be that and every one of us here supporting the Saker.
“Discernment” will be the distilled “elixir” of our data, information glut at this time in our world.
with LOVE and JOY
“Right hand side of the Bell Curve” was such a funny description I almost snorted my coffee. There are plenty of little facts which suggest or even “prove” that a relatively small number of people have a very disproportional influence over the rest of the crowd. And here, I’m not talking about the .01%-ers, nor the Zios, although of course their disproportionate influence is always on display. No, I mean that a small percentage of the general public have a strong influence on their friends and acquaintances because they know what they are talking about, can defend their facts, and have some “fire in the belly.” That includes people from all over the world, and with a wide variety of views. The convergence on defending Syrians and Novorussians is just one example.
It’s obviously true that history is only made by relatively small groups of people and that’s just the way it is. But individuals can be awakened, and simple ignorance can be replaced with awareness. But the permanently “skeptical” people in the middle – resistant to facts, logic and human emotions – deserve only contempt … along with the hope that somehow an earnest conversation might rebuild their motivations.
Well said, Saker. LZ applauds.
Is “direction R” now. Probably “condition R” – is mystery what Condition R will look like…how will roll.
Of course the business if running, intelops an all…
In re…an intels ops that’s “spread” to Murka…https://duckduckgo.com/?q=krokodil+arizona+nevada&t=ffnt&ia=web
more to come…it gets nasty.
Crosstalk (today 11/13) seems relevant too. As Condition R is their topic…
Thanks to Saker!
“altright nonsense”
Altright is a newly invented term. Essentially designed to be a new marketing rebranding of white supremacists who confuse the tail end of the digestive tract with the reproductive system. The altright rebranding is to foster a new, neutral image to the dregs of society better known as nazis, fascists, skinheads, white supremacists, etc., in order to legitimize this rightwing freakshow. It is an application of the same psywar used by the zionazis to rebrand al qaida as “moderate opposition” and ukronazis as “nationalists”. Most of these nazi types are zionazi applied psywar where white supremacy is used to promote their Islamophobic “clash of civilizations” aggenda.
“So while the Ziomedia owns the left side of the Bell Curve and a good chuck of the adjacent right side”
Actually, the zionazis influence the right more than the left. Simple test: look who is more Islamophobic, left-wingers or right-wingers.
“Actually, the zionazis influence the right more than the left. Simple test: look who is more Islamophobic, left-wingers or right-wingers.”
I don’t know the answer.
They both seem to be islamophobic, but in different arenas.
The left is islamophobic in its support of Israel and various military interventions in the MENA.
But it is islamophilic when it comes to immigration and domestic identify politics and also diversity in Europe and elsewhere. Yet, these militarists ignore the fact that that relatively tolerant secular societies (Libya, Iraq) have been destroyed in the ME by external state actors.
The Altright seems to be the inverse.
But, correct me if I’m wrong!
What is the correct answer?
“The left is islamophobic in its support of Israel and various military interventions in the MENA.”
That is not the left. That is a right-wing distortion of the left. The left absolutely opposes zionism and Israel. One can not be left-wing and pro-zionist, these are mutually opposed philosophical views. Any one claiming to be left who supports zionism/israel is by definition a rightwinger. They may pose as left-wing, use left-wing concepts about other issues, but the fact is these are influence agents operating in the interests of israel, examples of zionazi infiltration, cooptation and corruption.
OK, once one clarifies the “real” left.
It has become q challenge to talk about the left at all in the USA because so many of the putative left have betrayed the idea of the left, or mixed and matched policies that end up with an incoherent mess.
Recently I ended up practically having a fight with a friend because he was decrying the shameful role of “the left” in connection with Trump’s 2016 win and treatment of Trump after his win. I brought up the disgusting performance at The Nation already during the campaign, when Nation editorialists crowed over the disruption and sabotaging of Trump’s rallies. At which point (in the conversation) my friend *shouted* at me, “The Nation is not the left!”
Well, OK, of course I understand what he is saying, and I was agreeing with him and I hve no idea what he meant when he said “the left.” But for the purposes of our discussion The Nation is understood to represent the left—say, mainstream left—in this country. In fact, I thought that The Nation’s stance (aside from maybe Stephen Cohen) is emblematic of the confusion that currently reigns both *in* the left and *about* “the left.” I went home with a headache . . .
I guess in all discussions now of “the left” one must distinguish between “the real left” and “the putative/soi-disant left” which has chosen to espouse a string of right-wing enterprises out of, latterly, hatred of Trump and, formerly, the Clintonian power ambitions and the choice of the “third way” politics that meant cozying up to Wall Street and finance capital (and colluding in the shakedown of Russia).
Hi Katherine,
Your comment seems to me to best describe the result of language hijacking. Where terms of reference we have had traditionally have been co-opted and radically changed to destroy the public’s frames of reference. I have a very hard time even with family, trying to sort out traditional terms of reference in talking of right and left, capitalist, socialist, nationalist or even Muslim. This is as much an attack on critical speech and thought as a means to undermine society and to sow divide and conquer.
One has to go back to basics and try to re-establish the meaning of terms first before then proceeding to discuss such issues and even then, terms have to be revisited in their meaning throughout the discussion because of ingrained mass media programming. Much patience is required in this process and the best thing for one to advise is for people to get out from MSM.
As for myself, as a person who grew up with the Internet, I question everything and will try to get at the source of any speeches given that are relevant to Geopolitics. In the English speaking world, we need to take back our language and build a base from which we can discuss issues. We have to fight those who try to rob us of such tools for it is in language – our thoughts and ideas are developed and without a solid language base to develop those, we are lost.
The confusion of what is left and right is quite deliberate and an outgrowth of the crackdown on the pitched battles and mammoth protests of the 60’s and 70’s. The protests were becoming too well-supported by all and too effective so subversion and infiltration was employed. That morphed into the direct setting up of organised groups as ‘controlled opposition’ to co-opt those of all political persuasions sympathetic to system change. The current security state with its full spectrum surveillance is a vital plank in this.
This has been very well documented in the UK, with the far right Combat 88 entirely set up, controlled and operated by Special Branch. Subsequent far right orgs have similar controllers.
The left, with its many subgroups of environmental, class-struggle, racial integration concerns etc. has been systematically infiltrated and subverted by cops who live undercover in these orgs for years, even having children with activists to cement their position. This method was pioneered in the last years of the Irish Troubles with an estimated half of both Volunteer and UDF leaders on either Special Branch or Army Intelligence payroll, some co-opted locals and some as still-serving soldiers of the Crown.
It works by sowing fear and suspicion, nobody knows who to trust anymore–with good reason.
Katherine, if you forget all the personalities shouting to be heard, just about everything pushed in the MSM, and the arbitrary taking of sides, the true left is concerned with the condition of the workers, the ordinary joes of all stripes. You have to start from there as I assume you are one, like me, and don’t have a trust fund in the Turks and Caicos to defend to the death.
Its not easy to navigate but it is possible to sort through the confusion and decide for yourself where your true loyalties lie. Once you really know you will never forget–or be blindsided by yet another smooth talking imposter.
Duh, that should be 18 not 88. Too much Ariel in the machine.
In my interpretation the Saker used the Bell curve to describe the distribution of intelligence, education, reason and common sense – not political orientation. The MSM owns the lower half and some, whereas this site attracts more readers from the high end. However, I think that most of the high end follow the MSM as well because it is more comfortable.
the Bell curve = snake of time, crawls with the Sun through the days = rightward to the future
Rather than comfort it is more a case of knowing your enemy— but for that to work you have to know yourself first, as some old boy once pointed out.
“the bell curve” — the distribution of some property (in this case, intelligence) among a population
Most people of the Alt Right fail to grasp one *major* difference between the USA and Europe.
Almost everyone in the USA speaks english.
Almost every country in Europe has a different language.
What happens if you put a French and a German together? Probably not much. They can’t even communicate, let alone have common customs. Europe is about nations, not races.
Even without external migration you can make a mess within Europe. Just move some French factories into Poland where salaries are much lower. What happens? A rise in unemployment in France, which brings poverty and rising crimes. Same when the Balkans exploded because of the war. Most crimes in western europe weren’t done by “refugees” back then but by so called “Yugos” (notice it’s always caused by wars and imbalance).
Yugoslav refugees?
Why would “refugee” imply non-european?
Well, Europe used to be about ethnicity not race. However recent decades of mass-immigration has transformed Europe and made it as racially diverse as USA, and an ethnic French and an ethnic German now have more in common then a Arab German and an ethnic German.
So Europe is, how to put it, being racialized. You often find this among the elites as well, they often refer to ethnic Germans or Swedes or British are “White Germans” or “White British” now.
Don’t be shy about making an announcement when a round of donations is needed.
Go for the SOB holding the cloth!!!
Thanks Saker for offering us a glimpse into ‘backstage’ drama. I was often wondering how do you handle such attacks, assuming there must be many, taking various forms, such as described one with AltRight.
To some degree, it amuses me to see such trash, but, also, one should not spend too much time analyzing these often sick visuals (which you properly called LSD-inspired electrocution) for they do damage spirit in many ways (just like porn does). That is not accident. I agree 100% with you they get funds from the alphabet underworld agencies.
“In conclusion . . . In my experience nationalist movements are always manipulated by various secret services. This is true for Russian nationalists and this is true for AltRight -type of movements. That is yet another reason why these movements all seek a monopoly position: because their real bosses (the state security agencies) are trying to coopt anti-system movements in order to control them. In my experience, only the very top people know about this and those who do typically rationalize that kind of secret “collaboration” by saying that it is pragmatically useful to work with influential agencies. This was true for the Russian NTS, this was true for al-Qaeda, this is most definitely true of the Ukie nationalists and this is true of the US AltRight (for whatever it’s worth, I also believe that all so-called ‘terrorist’ movements are also run by state actors).”
Exactly, precisely, and the most important comment you have made on the topic, ever.
Especially, important for US-based conservatives, libertarians, individualists and survivalists to understand.
Facism is a state-run business whose key employees and management are the special services of the State.
The dangers of ideology are endless. Ideologies are slime-covered ropes grasped by fools who slide to the bottom and sink into the muck of the moat around Power where ideals go to die.
This Saker’s Vineyard has survived some very strong tests of its foundation and processes.
Saker’s independence is unique.
His litmus tests for allies has proven correct over time.
What a gift to have this island fortress for our ideas, info-sharing and comments.
@nationalist movements are always manipulated by various secret services.
In the case of ‘White nationalist’ ‘White Chrstian’ movements it is obvious that they are a creation of the AngloZio secret services. Their ideology is typically WASPJ.
Lenin once remarked that the best way to control the opposition was to BE the opposition.
Think the ramifications of this through and you have everything important in a nutshell. One hand washes the other — are both are members of the same entity.
Of course the Klingons on the right want everybody else but them to disappear (or at least sit down and shut up). The same as the Klingons on the left do.
It’s a Klingon personality trait.
Saker is still failing to explain why the “AngloZionists” (Zionists actually) are flooding White nations with dark skinned people.
BTW…what about the recent racial conflicts happening in the Russian military? Wasn’t Russia supposed to be a “magical multi-culti tutti-futti” thing? Or is that Russia a fiction happening in your head?
For once, Saker, you say the very same things any mainstream media say: that the “alt-right” white nationalists are stupid, ignorant, and dangerous.
Like any radical chic intellectual sitting on meanstream media talk shows, you place yourself in the clever minority of the population, from whose hights you can scorn the poor idiots of the other side.
Yes, images like the one you selected are ridiculous, but perhaps there is more substance to the idea of blood and nation than what you think you know or understand. And if the idea of “whiteness” sounds stupid and meaningless to you, that does not make it stupid or meaningless to everyone. I wish you would show towards this issue the same objectivity and sophistication you use for analysing political and military matters, but it’s obviously beyond your field.
Pete_V you just proved every thing the article talked about. You need to answer those questions for yourself, try thinking for yourself, Be a leader not a follower, this site is just food thought and most of us like it that way.
Well, I think that here Saker is on a twilight zone.I can say that I´m a christian nationalist, but dont´t try to insult me calling me a nazi. I hope that people are here intelligent enough to understand that not every national-minded are nazis(or controlled by secret services). I live in a small EU-country and I´ve seen how this multi-cultural hell is destroying my beloved country. So I´ve come to the conclusion that it´s better if people will live in their own countries. That´s my take on nationalism, very simple. I suspect that even most of those who are called white supremacists don´t really see it as a white supremacy, they only want that people, regardless of the color of their skin, stay where they were born and create their own living standards there. Sure, to some extent ethnic nations get mixed with people with different ethnic origins, but that´s natural. But to purposely flood white nations with people of different ethnic origin is far from natural. It´s purely satanic.
And about Islam. More I understand about Islam, less I like it. I´ve met many muslims and spoked with them during the years of this muslim invasion in EU, and there are many things that confirms to me that they will never integrate to christian culture(even though EU is very anti-christian, connect the dots). And why should they? You are either a christian or a muslim. In reality Islam is far from christianity and I suppose that most of the muslims accept that as a fact. I don´t want to go to details here, because that´s not the main point now. Main point is globalization.Lefts internationalism has turned into a total nightmare for many, and mainly for the poor people, for those who voted social-democrats to power! That´s why I truly hate those hypocrites who spoke so loud about “human rights”, “equality”, “freedom of the press”(a bad joke nowadays), “social justice” and so on. In fact these modern leftists promote rule of corporativism, the extreme form of a capitalism, that´s the enemy of every human being. They also promote transhumanism, and the most sickening sexual liberation world has ever seen, and they want that we pay the price. At the same time they enjoy well paid and easy jobs in this multi-cultural dystopia we all are livin. That´s the real democracy, I would say.
Muslim invasion is an important part of the plan to destroy nation-states. Basically it´s an attack against God. And I don´t believe that Allah is God. That´s one difference between a christian and a muslim. Powers behind the plan want to also destroy everything that´s from the God, ethnicity, genders, marriage, family and so on. And the global economy doesn´t want nation-states as they are obstacle for the global trade, because they can create regulations that doesn´t support multi-nationals. So the leaders like Putin are adversaries for multi-nationals because they try to put the benefit of their own citizens first(personally, I don`t think that Putin is as liberal as he looks like). That´s why multi-nationals hate Putin and also Trump. Even though Trump has created a big mess, is it really only because of his ignorance and incapability? I don´t know the answer, but it´s clear that most of those who oppose him, oppose him because of the wrong reasons. Maybe he will fail(or not), but he´s not a globalist and a liberal. And that´s enough for me to support him. Yes, I have a lot of sympathy to the alt-right. Even though the alt-right itself is a sort of a twilight zone. But before the dawn there´s the twilight, right?
christian nationalist
if you knew anything about Christianity you would immediately see that these are two mutually exclusive concepts…
The Saker
Saker, no offence, but I think “Christian Nationalist brings up a lot of salient points.
As for your answer about Christian nationalism – it exists in most Western countries. Perhaps the meaning that you attach to the word nationalism is a Russian interpretation of it. “Nationalism” does not equal far-right. Extreme nationalism equals far right. It is very important that this distinction is made, because if “nationalism” in a general sense becomes equated with “far-right”, it puts most centre-right, traditionalists and mild conservatives in the far-right camp. Nationalism and patriotism stems from ethnocentricism. Etnocentricism exists in all people – and: it is normal and natural. (This is in sociology 101 and anthropology 101). However, NEGATIVE ethnocentricism (i.e. extreme ethnocentrism) results in extreme nationalism and extreme patriotism.
If we start saying the nationalism is a bad thing then that would mean all the football supporters from all the nations that will be supporting their teams at the FIFA World Cup are “bad” and are extremists. So, you are right that we have to be very carful with how we use language. Nationalism is not extremism. Extreme nationalism is.
Saker. I respect you very much and I also like you very much, but…in this I strongly disagree with you. Judaism and Islam are much more close together than Christianity and Islam. But in a similar way than Judaism differs fundamentally from Christianity Islam differs, and even much more. I see Islam mostly as a faked Judaism, in a way a sect of a Judaism, if we speak about Islam as a religious doctrine. But Islam is more than religious doctrine, it´s also a political system. I understand that you come from orthodox background and that affects your viewpoint.
What I know about the Christianity is not so important but what I know about the Bible is more important. And teachings of the Jesus and, most of all, doctrine about the Jesus as a son of God is absolutely unacceptable for Muslims. As Jews don´t believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah, Christ, Muslims don´t believe that Jesus is a son of God. They see him only as prophet and a teacher, even though they don´t care much about his teachings(to be honest, many Christians also don´t care much about what Jesus said). If you don´t believe that Jesus is the son of the God then you are not a Christian. The whole Christianity is based on this. How do you say in Russia, during the easter? Christ is risen?
I have a lot of respect for Russia and shiia-Iran and I understand that there´s some natural cultural similarities between these countries. But I´m sure that Putin and Rouhani doesn´t discuss about the Islam and Christianity when they meet. I believe that in coming multi-polar world different religions and nations can co-exist and cooperate with each other, without the need to convert others to your belief systems. I`ve listened many speeches of Putin and I think that he also sees things in a similar way, respect others and you also will be respected. This should be the fundamental difference between the current world order, that tries to reshape everything to a one form, and the coming multi-polar world.
In my above reply to Pete_V I wrote about the globalization also as an attack against God, today so called western values are mostly anti-Christian. Multi-polar world should change that and I believe that it´s going to do that, because it´s not based on greed. Instead it´s based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. And that´s good for everyone, are you a Muslim or Hindu or Christian. Every nation should find their Dharma. Maybe that´s the most essential message of the Alt-Right.
You clearly know nothing about Islam, if you don’t realise how much Islam values Jesus and the Christian Faith.
“many Christians also don´t care much about what Jesus said). If you don´t believe that Jesus is the son of the God then you are not a Christian.”
Let me get that straight – if you do believe Jesus is the son of God but you don’t care much about what Jesus said then you are a Christian.
So, if I don’t care much about what Jesus said and don’t believe he is the son of God are you absolutely sure I cannot claim Christianity?
Of course you can’t claim Christianity if you deny it. This is elementary logic, but people generally lost their capacity to think logically.
Let me get that straight – if you do believe Jesus is the son of God but you don’t care much about what Jesus said then are you
area Christian?A better question could be, out of all possible deities, what increases the chances of the relative newcomer, God, as the one and ony (er, trinity)?
The ability to formulate coherent phrases is a an essential part of logical thinking as is the use of words with their correct meaning.
An essential part of logical thinking is also the ability to answer logical questions – unless, of course, you are a politician.
Here’s another one one, by Annonnymmy, for you to avoid (or maybe you’d just like to address them all in one go, if that’s easier for you):
“many Christians also don´t care much about what Jesus said). If you don´t believe that Jesus is the son of the God then you are not a Christian.”
Any idea what that could mean?
You don’t have to be logical since “faith” indicates, at least some, illogical preference.
The questions are illogical.
Please shut this conversation down. Any further comments will go to trash. Mod
This is a bit of an interesting thread.
I am enjoying working my way through “The Controversy of Zion” by (previously) acclaimed correspondent through the Great War (WWI) and WWII (The Great Patriotic War), Douglas Reed.
It can be seen and downloaded here: http://www.controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/reeedcontrov.pdf
Completed in 1956, it sat on a shelf in Durban, until found and published at a very small press in Durban posthumous (I think), since Reed had fallen afoul of the powers controlling the fortunes of media success.
This is a man who knew what he was talking about and had walked the talk for most of his life; he only wrote this work after he had been censored out of career and livelihood, thus had nothing to lose.
It is scary, that a book written over 60 years ago is so poignantly predictive of our current situation.
I will preface the rest of my comment with an admission that I do NOT believe in ANY of the organized religions, and see them all as, more or less, political ideologies designed to establish power bases for… well, the likes of the 0.01%.
Be that as it may, there is a very significant distinction between the major world religions’ functioning mythologies.
Now, to the point of my comment…
Islam, like Christianity, and Buddhism present a universality of humankind under a supreme being, suggesting equality under divine consideration for following a life based on “loving thy neighbour”, etc.. i.e. a prescription to all get along and live in prosperity, i.e. fundamentally egalitarian in nature. I know full well that it doesn’t necessarily translate into equality on the material plain, but the ideal is presented as the objective.
There is one ‘religion’ however, that broke this trend in evolution of spiritual practices towards universality of humankind, and set up a extremist segregation of adherents from the rest of humankind, and enforced segregation of adherents by terrorist tactics and the most extreme consequences for transgressions, that furthermore openly considers out-groups as sub/non-human as a fundamental tenant in their creed.
Unfortunately for the most of us, when the majority are playing by (comparatively) “fair” rules, the employ of an extremist segregational delineation and hatred-based creed by adherents, empowers the group to attain successes in the game-theory meaning. This effect is reifying, i.e. to compete with it successfully, one need employ a similar “us-against-them” (“them” being everybody else) control/motivation system, which … leads to sectarianism, tribalism, and the breakdown of overall benefits gained by social cohesion, and eventually societal collapse is the most likely outcome.
What I am learning in the Douglas reed book is shocking. It is shocking, not only for the rabid extent of the hatred, both to the adherents but incredibly towards all out-group people, but even more so for the fact that the tenants, methods and twenty-five centuries of historically documented approach and outcomes is so incredibly clear, available, yet such an incredibly small number of people seem to be aware of it!
The appearance of the “Alt-Right” and “left” or whatever they are called, both promoting hatred yet flying different colours, and (mostly implicitly) referring to alternative morals/values as the bases for their justification, seem like tactics that have been used before… again and again, to sub-divide…”everybody else“, (again) seems like the continuation of a very well-established trend.
The key here is the outcomes, which every global issues enlightened reader here can agree upon, is increased hatred and division.
That’s the red flag!
I honestly believe that if a preponderance of, for example, the American population, (any Western country) learned an overview of the historical evidence, the current pillaging of the (so-called) United States of America (any Western country) to … a chosen interest (you could look at Philip Giraldi’s latest article at UNZ), would result in civil war(s), pro haste!
I thank The Saker for providing this platform, one of the best if not the, for the dissemination of the most relevant information, and those participating, in good faith, in the discussion.
I have been reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s in effect ‘banned’ book “Two Hundred Years Together” the history of Jews in Russia and the USSR. Your suggested ‘read’ by Douglas Reed is a fine background and complement to that and explores at some depth the Talmudo-Rabbinic control mechanisms which directed and isolated the Khazar fake-jews from their host populations.
The Solzhenitsyn book does have a partial, and at first glance, very accurate and professional, translation. So, though it is available in French and German translations in book form, the Anglo-Zionist Empire and its MSM did not see fit to provide the thoughts of one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century to the English-speaking world. Here is the link http://www.mailstar.net/Solzhenitsyn-200YT.pdf
I actually got both these books/links on Saker. There are many surprisingly good finds in the forums, and, of course, some of the most erudite and sane chatters in the web universe.
Perhaps it is time, in view of recent events, to start an English Language ‘Samizdat’ Library of ‘forbidden works’.
Let’s see what the West has done to the black, brown and yellow people round the world.
First its colonisation. Kill, rape and pillage. Then these people got independence and they managed to get back on their feet. Then the cycle repeated. This time its War on Terror. Again with the killl, rape and pillage.
The West can hide what they did during the colonial times. And they can still hide what they are doing now in the far off places. But when these people turn up in the West, running from what the West has done to them, then its not so easy for the West to kill, rape and pillage those unfortunates, now, is it? Oh, no! Not in the “civilised” West. We don’t do that kind of thing in the West. That is so uncivilized.
Get off with the self-pity and look in the mirror and realise what the West has done and are doing.
Most people don’t want to leave the place where they were born. Their families. Their friends. Their food. Their culture. Not unless they are desperate and it’s a matter of life and death.
Don’t bother the black, brown and yellow people, and they won’t bother the white West.
Allah is Arabic for GOD, as in any christian Arabic bible.
“Saker is still failing to explain why the ‘AngloZionists’ (Zionists actually) are flooding White nations with dark skinned people.”
That’s a no-brainer unless you’re blinded by self-pity and/or the very silly notion of ‘White solidarity’.
Firstly, the fall of Communism had the entire world opened up for grabs. The Zionazis went on a rampage wreaking havoc among light- and dark-skinned peoples alike. With so many displaced, desperate people around, the temptation of squeezing the West’s middle classes and labour aristocracies a little grew appreciably stronger.
Secondly, Whitey has simply become too fat, lazy, and infatuated with faggotry to bother about physical reproduction. The West’s demographics, if left to Whitey, would spell doom within a couple of generations. LGBT has its limits, after all.
Thirdly, and this is something which isn’t mentioned very often, the depopulation process going on in Eastern Europe means that the most die-hard Russophobic garbage leaving needs replacement. Since the main Western constituencies (Pindos and Euro-trash) are not prepared to die for Soros — only to kill for him — the Zionazis understand perfectly that more robust material is needed throughout Europe for building the Empire’s anti-Russian army.
Care to submit a link regarding the racial conflicts in the Russian army? Didn’t find anything recent material on the subject.
Where I work, the millenial males are typically (but not always) over weight, wear earrings, and seem to only be interested in gaming. Very hard time respecting these men.
I’ve also given it thought that perhaps Europe is basically gathering in military age males from North Africa and Middle East to use at some point as cannon fodder. The war lines are being drawn for the big finale that seems to be drawing nearer and nearer.
The West didn’t get into this dire social condition overnight. And I certainly am not blaming just men for it all. The feminists took over the woman’s movement back in 60s and 70s and set out to induce women to self-degrade themselves. It has generally been a success for them. Of course, we have all paid dearly for this, and to think it was only a few women who started it, although they were backed by the deep state and powerful interests.
You can keep going with this stuff, as the rabbit hole just keeps going and going. But basically, the Elites have thrown the People to the wind and are saving themselves and their dynasties. They can navigate the world without the need for cultural continuity, but the masses cannot.
Russia the country with most skinheads and Nazis in the world, there are more skinheads in Moscow then the rest of the planet put together. The reason there is more skinheads in Moscow then the rest of the world is that Russia is multicultural and their living standards are lower then those in W.Europe. Low-resources combined with diversity = Nazis/Skinheads.
There are no successful multicultural societies, and a scientific studies has shown that multiculturalism has a negative effect on society. Everything from lowering the social capital to causing cancer, multiculturalism is bad in every respect. And it always leads to totalitarian police state that needs to monitor and oppress the populations to keep them in check, and the moment the central authority grows weak, it all breaks apart. As it did with Russia during the breakup of USSR and the civil wars against Muslims that followed.
Bold statements, poor substance.
The proper right wing chaps are utterly intolerant of gays and Jews. The alternative right wing on the other hand, has an alternate approach towards gays and Jews. Indeed, gays and Jews feature prominently in the AltRight ranks, even at leadership level.
So while the AltRight is seemingly big on whiteness, they ain’t exactly big on anti-sodomy, which is a bit weird. But one does get exposed to lots of different viewpoints from the AltRight websites, the cartoons on some of the sites are hilarious, and the ‘clever’ wordplay is also entertaining, but then again, clever wordplay is synonymous with both gays and Jews.
Good article Saker, really enjoyed it. Spot on about the misdirection and manipulation efforts of government actors within alternative media sphere too.
The ‘far right’ in Europe and the USA is always zionist construct. So-called neo-nazi sites are run by Israeli intelligence, and used as a dumping ground for ***true*** stories of jewish atrocities against non-jews. Then when any other outlet tries to cover these atrocities, those outlets are atteacked for repeating neo-nazi ‘lies’.
“Where did you get those ‘facts’ from? Because I know they appear on Stromfront!”
See how that works? Jews like Weinstein and Polanski- with a long history of rape- are protected by these tactics- or were.
The gaza holocaust before the last one had very effective anti-Israeli coverage by correctly comparing Israel to nazi Germany. By the time the last gaza holocaust happened, the jews had pre-empted this form of negative coverage by tarring critics of Israel as ‘neo-nazis’. Anti-Israeli propaganda was immediately posted, by Israeli jews, to the neo-nazi sites they run- so said propaganda could then be described as neo-nazi in origin.
And even here on this forum we have the same types of zionist agents calling people ‘defeatist’ for pointing out the real dangers, just as Orwell had them doing for the same reason in Animal Farm.
Meanwhile the British SAS has been in action in Syria, and have performed two spectaculars today.
Firstly they used Chechen irregulars to infiltrate a major Syrian airbase in Deir Azzor and destroyed 3 jets. At the same time the SAS bombed a civilian market, so the footage could be widely circulated as a ‘Russian airstrike’.
While the Russian victory in Syria is unstoppable, the British are going to try to make Russia pay a very high price, before British terror sleeper cells bring total Iraq-style chaos to post-liberation Syria.
The pressure on Putin will be relentless (just wait until the British project to remove the World Cup from Russia kicks into high gear in a few months time). And all this is to get Putin to do the ***wrong thing*** in the Middle East, allowing KSA and Israel to go buck wild without Russian interference.
It is quite impossible for me to be comfortable in any political party as I am politically progressive as in a planet without borders, but at the same time, morally conservative as in the family as the building block of society. I don’t know of any political party that propounds these views, and if anyone can advise, please respond!!!
There is Egalite et Reconciliation in France. Their slogan is “the left of labor and the right of values”, i.e. progressive/social economics, conservative religion/ethnics. That is also where many Russians are. Shia Islam is another place you can look towards. Some branches of Latin Christianity (aka “Roman Catholicism”) in Latin America.
Or my blog ;-)
The Saker
I think Saker should decide this one.ZZ
So when you wrote “So while the Ziomedia owns the left side of the Bell Curve” I guess you misspoke?
no, not at all :-)
The Saker
This was my question, also: What is the bell curve measuring? Is it the spectrum of political opinion in some population, and the frequency of each political opinion among that population? But then the endorsement of Egalite and Reconciliation argues against such a spectrum (an “idiot dichotomy”).
It would be good to have some references on “progressive economics”. What is the coherent alternative to the (finally, at last) discredited neoliberalism?
When i ignore all the useless insults like they saying that you are a race traitor of the white race or you insulting them with “idiots” and overanalyzing a simple meme (that isn’t supposed to be taken so serious), i come to the conclusion that you aren’t so different from each other and that you could basically just agree to disagree.
The only problem i see is their “We are the only dissident media” conclusion, because they obviously try to put readers away from the competition. But this is something that also happens between liberal news outlets of the MSM, it doesn’t have to be some conspiracy, they could just try to get more readers.
You say that nationalistic movements are always manipulated by secret services… then i read the comment section on AltRight.com and see that most of them are well aware that many people in the Alt Right are controlled opposition. This is something you read everywhere on their site, they worry about who is a really supporting them and who is just trying to manipulate them.
You both agree with each other! They are well aware of it.
Then they say that you support diversity… and you say that you support diversity.
They are just pointing out that your stance isn’t compatible with their opinion. And this is true and you agree.
Also please realize that being a nationalist doesn’t mean that you hate all other races/religion/whatever. The common AltRight opinion about diversity is:
If you mix everything together, then you will destroy diversity, because every place all over the world would be the same. People who support or try to force this kind of diversity are actually destroying diversity. In their opinion, you can just preserve different cultures, traditions and ethnic groups by supporting nation states and not forcing “diversity” by mixing. This is some valid opinion, supported by good arguments.
They say that Muslims are the worst immigrants and you say that there are white Muslims (which depends on what you would consider “white”). I don’t see how this is contradicting.
Lets see how Muslims are doing in other countries of other “races”: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia… oh wait… they have problems with radical Islamic terrorists and their own branches of ISIS too.
In my opinion, Islam will always cause problems, because it is not a secular religion. Islam is not just a religion, it got founded as a state. Islam comes with it’s own laws, it’s on social system, it’s own scale of penalties and it’s own kind of government. It was supposed to be the system of Mohammeds islamic empire. It is just not compatible with democracy.
This AltRight guy says that you are trying hard to defend Islam… and i agree with him, because there are many problems with Islam that are not based on some race-war bullshit, but on the Quran and the history of islam itself, and you never even talked about them. At the same time you tried hard to explain that Muslims are peaceful and great and not to blame for anything on multiple occasions.
The Saker is biased when it comes to Islam. That’s easy to see and it is not an inherently bad thing. It is a blog and it is supposed to have personal opinions and a specific point of view. If someone points this out, then it doesn’t mean that he is directly attacking you.
What used to be a small, pesky Islamic death cult has become mainstream. So, we saying there has never been a Christian death cult? The Inquisition comes to mind.
Who nurtured this Islamic death cult, to be the monster it has become today? Hey, didn’t this whole thing started with the Saudi/American power play in Afghanistan, to embroil the Soviets in its “Vietnam”? Instead of saying Saudi/American, can we say instead, Muslim-Zionist/Anglo-Zionist? Sure we can. Just read up on the Saudis. Never mind reading your history. Current affairs in the Arabian peninsula will do.
Instead of saying Muslim terrorists, why don’t we share the blame a little bit? Christians not so lily-white, are they? Never mind the Jews.
I think perhaps the Saker is onto something here.
We can surrender, and tell the alt-right that we will give them their Europa. Then we build a large enough rocket ship with enough fuel for a one-way trip to the moons of Saturn, put the alt-right on board, then we wave bye-bye and enjoy the fact that its always a blast to watch a big rocket ship blast off.
Richard Spencer is not Alt-Right.
Are you familiar with Vox Day? He is a leading voice in the Alt-Right. He calls Spencer and Spencer’s followers Alt-Retards. There is no leader of the Alt-Right.
The Alt-Right is a relatively new term, but so was neo-conservative once, to differentiate from previous conservatives who had to be termed paleo-conservatives.
The Alt-Right seeks to differentiate from current right, the cuckservatives that think and act like the way to conserve anything is by agreeing with the left. The Alt-Right takes the battle to the left and to the near-left (see cuckservatives).
Re-read what Saker wrote. All the right side “movements” are products of or co-opted by special services of all nations that “grow” them.
Trying to put perfume on any of them doesn’t remove the stench.
You missed the point. The Alt-Right is not a movement that can be co-opted. It is a loose confederation of like-mided and fed-up former conservatives. Some of us actually were in the GOP for many years, supported Ron Paul and witnessed what was done to him in the Senatorial convention.
There is no stench to be masked except those that TRY to co-opt, like Spencer and his enablers that try to sell the the BS that Alt-Right are (fill-in the blank-monsters-and-ugly-people).
How many times Saker has been labeled anti-semitic by those who do not like him and seek to stink him up by non-existent associations?
Don’t forget that there is still a left opposition to the bankers and generals and their allied media.
Its easy to do so since most of the pro-Russian writers are so right-wing that they refer to the Hillary the Goldwater Girl and friend to Goldman Sachs as ‘liberal’. And the real left has been shunned from corporate media since the 1990’s. There a few token lefties on the media, but they play the fool-to-be-scorned role that the Saker described as a part of Russian counter-propaganda. The real left is not seen on TV. When was the last time you saw Prof. Chomsky on CNN. There’s a famous bit he wrote back in the early 90’s when he said he’d never go on NPR again.
So, unless you know where to look, you don’t see nor hear from the left. Corporate Colonel Sanders is as close as you are allowed to see. Yet, they are still there.
I was reading a strange pro-globilization piece on Sputnik today, and the interviewee made the strage point that only Trump and a small band around him are opposed the ‘globilization’. Somehow, the 100,000 thousand or so who marched against globilization in Seattle in 1999 flashed into my mind.
True, most of the ‘leaders’ of that left had been bought off over the years. And as such they steered their movements away from any confrontation or criticism of the banker Democrats. But don’t take that as a sign that any opposition is gone from the left.
If you understood what was behind appalling working conditions in Britain during the Industrial Revolution you would no longer blame Globalisation – the British National Elite of that time were worse than any existing Global Elite.
Dear Saker
You’re making a positive difference in the world. The appearance of enemies is confirmation that what you are doing is having an impact. If you’re not making enemies then you’re not doing enough or you’re doing something wrong, i.e. are not as effective as you should be. Keep in mind – when fighting enemies, always punch up (fight the ones above your weight class). Never punch down. I.e. you are indeed wise not to waste time refuting non-entities. Time is our most precious, non-renewable resource. Use it wisely.
The esteemed Dr. Gary North published a similar, albeit rambling, article on 4 November titled “Advice for Budding Intellectuals: Don’t Waste Time Refuting Nonentities” https://www.garynorth.com/public/17333.cfm
To quote the relevant paragraphs from his article:
“My father-in-law took the attitude that refuting intellectual lightweights in print is a waste of time. He took on major figures in his books and articles, but he did not spend time refuting people who had neither intellectual firepower nor organizational influence. He thought it was wasting his time to interact with such people. I have generally stuck to his rule.”
“He never responded when somebody attacked him in print. That was a tactical mistake. If some non-entity gets away with this, and does so in a journal or a website that a lot of people visit, then silence appears to be either cowardice or intellectual incapacity. Never give the impression of either. If I think a critic may have intelligent readers who have not made up their minds, I want them to make up their minds on my side, not the critic’s side. I am always after bright people who are on the fence or who have not quite committed to my position.”
According to me the most important paragraph of Dr. North’s article is:
“Time is precious. If you can write, you should write for publication. You should have a website on which you publish articles weekly. Build up a following of readers. Encourage them to write. Post their articles. Encourage them to organize institutionally. Encourage them to gain followers. The whole point of writing is to change people’s minds. If you are not seeking to change other people’s minds, you are wasting your time. If you are not equipping intelligent, dedicated followers to carry on the intellectual battle, you are wasting your time.”
I agree, the whole point of writing is to change minds but I would add, the whole point of changing minds is to save souls. What we do in life echoes in eternity.
On that note I’ll conclude with, keep up the good work, Saker. It’s much appreciated. Keep slaying dragons. Don’t waste time with little goblins unless there’s are real opportunity to change minds and to save souls, otherwise simply ignore ’em. Dogs bark, the caravan goes on. ;)
the only soul you can save is your own, don’t bother for followers,
if you do the right thing which only you can do, you are one of the
innumerable anonymous making the difference by your name
Another very good article by the Saker. I have silently been reading for quite a while here and i always wondered why there is no link to german saker (as there is this homepage) provided and why it actually is so odd to read in comparison to the original.
“nationalist movements are always manipulated by various secret services.” – Nothing to see here – the Alt-Right,Alt-Left and Ctrl-Alt-Delete are all part of the anglo/zionist MSM diversions and obfuscations. Just like all the fake Confederate nonsense which seems to have been forgotten in the US memory hole – NEXT!
Complete waste of time to discuss these trolls – propaganda in the west is lead by omission. The only real recent gain is the total discrediting of the zionist’s most powerful weapon – the MSM including the cannibalizing of their own vassals to desperately hold back the tidal wave of reality.
Although there is a lot of talk about revolution against the oligarchy – the only ones doing the fighting are the forces of resistance in the ME. The rest of us sit on the sidelines hoping for the best.
propaganda in the west is lead by omission
what a heap of truth in 8 words
Egad Saker! Your profound deep insight and profundity, and your ability to express that in rhetoric that is groakable to a pleb like me, is almost beyond belief. You reach the inexpressible levels of my psyche that resonate with your thoughts. You offer hope in a seemingly hopeless world. You point to the light at the end of todays dark tunnel.
Just thank you for being there and continuing to persevere.
It seems like Alt Right can easily be a fake dissident – the electric rabbit for thinking nationalists – to collect them, control, and use for the purposes of The Deep state?
I recommend everyone to read brilliant eye opening book of Theodore W.Allen’s The Invention Of The White Race, Vol 1 and 2. It tells how, when and why Anglo American ruling class created racial system to colonial America during very late of 17th and early 18th century. System was import from Ireland to Virginia and Maryland. Motive, to split American working class and destroy solidarity of Europeans and Africans.
When i studied the case i suddenly realize why ruling class needs the buffer to controll lower class. In America it was race, in Europe it was religion. Then little later the buffer was “patriotism “. Or “middle class”. These new inventions serve that same old motive. Now if you though “anti russian hatred” is unique you’re wrong. 0.01% not really hate Russia. They just find another tool to control left and right, liberals and conservatives.
As a Finn i understand this trick quite well. It was used in Finland after 1918 Civil War to veil terrible crimes of victorious Whites. The point here is important – there really never have been innate anti Russian sentiment among Finns. But victorious Whites needed that anti Russian sentiment and agitation to control both Socialists and “too moderate” Conservatives and moderates.
Your point is very important. One of the most confusing things in the English language is how citizenship and ethnicity are so routinely conflated. Everyone with American citizenship is American; everyone with Russian citizenship is Russian. “Whitened” cannot enter into this discussion by any means other than what this comment describes.
If you understand where the concept of “whiteness” came from, it is easy to understand that it is a fraudulent barrier to true American values — No Matter What You Believe Those Values To Be (words in caps removed,MOD). Whereas “blackness” is in a major sense the experience of being excluded from whiteness throughout American history.
The alt right is put to work by various agencies trying to make Americans feel like they are being “attacked for whiteness”. Saker has said this much better than me (as usual).
Andrei my Orthodox Brother this is an excellent piece. The White Nationalist Movement is exactly what the Globalist Elite want as “controlled opposition”. Not only does such an opposition make it possible to smear antiglobalists like you and me as “Nazis” but it also instills fear in the minorities of the West to rally behind the Globalist cabal as their protectors. The Globalist mantras of “diversity” and “white privilege” effectively push young angry white males of European stock into the arms of the White Nationalist Movement. Meanwhile the Globalists continue to hammer nails in the coffin of what remains of Christian Europe with open borders, radical individualism, the destruction of the traditional family, sexual degeneracy and abortion. The last remaining resistance is a return to the true Christianity of Orthodoxy which existed in the West before the Schism of 1054.
Exactly. How many people notice the blatantly anti-Christian character of the ‘White nationalism’, masked as fake anti judaism?
So they think that you and your daughter live in Iceland, just like that “dirty communist” Bobby Fischer who played a game of chess in Yugoslavia, and had to run away from the “land of the free” to Iceland?
Soon maybe you will be accused of rape just like Assange, even though his “victims” never claimed that he did anything wrong.
(They only contacted the police to find out if they could force him to take a test for STDs/HIV).
Where are the victims of Julian Assanges crimes now, when #MeeeToo is the big thing?
Last thing i heard is that the swedish “victims” identities had to be protected, and that one of them took a vacation in Israel just to get away from the media just as the story broke…
Don’t waste time on them Saker. There are far more important issues in the world than people who are constantly yapping about “degeneracy”, “beta cucks”, “cultural marxism” and “white genocide”.
You know how you are constantly talking about the “deep state” and AngloZionists and ways to oppose them?
Well to the alt-right community, deep state and ultra nationalism is not the problem, “international Jewry” is the problem. Basically they just want to replace Shlomo with Hans.
I even saw some alt-right media going all pro-Trump even when he ordered attack on Syria. I mean, Trump almost started WW3, but that is all ok, better for him to launch those missile then Soros.
white europeans have invaded, subverted or outright destroyed Dozens of countries For Centuries. Now you wanna complain about all those refugees. Too bad. Your fault their countries were enslaved.
“white europeans have invaded, subverted or outright destroyed Dozens of countries For Centuries. Now you wanna complain about all those refugees. Too bad. Your fault their countries were enslaved.”
-Non-whites have invaded, subverted or outright destroyed dozens of European countries for millennia. Mongols, Huns, Turks, Moors, arab muslims, muslim slavers, and now you wanna complain about the millions flooding into Europe not being? Too bad. You made the bed, now you lay in it.
My fault? So some people did some horrible things centuries ago, lots of wars and colonization and bloodshed, etc and we who had nothing to do with it or have any comnection to these perpetrators except maybe our skin color, should suffer consequences?
(Removed,please do not insult others.MOD)
But the indigenous European citizens stayed put. They are not the ones who colonized. Most, were nothing but “peasants” who had no say in anything. Many who did colonize were forced into it. Since WW2, which Europe has never fully recovered from, the people have been pushed into socialism.
To all commentators referring to the “Alt-Right”:
Yes, but who is this “Alt-Right”? Who exactly falls into this category? This needs to be clarified. At the moment the “Alt-left” / New Left categorises everybody to the right of them as “alt-right” – that means even traditional liberals now often fall into that category. The so called “alt-Right” is not a homogenous, organised group(ing), only elements of it are. Therefore to say that the “Alt-Right” is a bunch of far-right nationalists, contolled by “agencies” is patently false, because there are swathes of people to the right of the New/Far/Alt-left that have no affiliation whatsoever to any far-right elements and have no idea that they are even (apparantly) part of this so called “Alt-Right”.
Dear Saker;
Thanks for your ethics and integrity. Thanks for existing.
All the best to you and your family.
The corporate-controlled media has been weaponized against America… “disinfo dictatorship” seeks to replace all FACTS with FICTIONS
“The Key Criteria is “do you see others as allies to support or as competitors to bring down?“. ”
After decades of being involved in alternative politics on the left, and thus have seen a lot of infiltrators who wanted to disrupt us and sometimes suceeded, this echos a key believe of mine.
I put it down as ….
People who want to unify us and bring us together are likely friends.
People who want to divide us and split us apart are likely enemies.
Anyone serious about effecting political change knows that its going to take a large coalition coming together. Not everyone will be exactly like you. Its going to take a lot of people of all types working together. Thus, the people who try to bring people together are helping the cause, while those who try to divide and split people apart are not helping.
We’ve seen a lot of ‘not helping’ over the decades on the left. And it left me feeling that while some of it is just perverse human nature and ego, a lot of it was COINTELPRO type operations to split apart and destroy the effectiveness of groups that were at times starting to make an impact. But whatever the motivation, the people who want to divide are not really friends and they aren’t really on our side.
The Saker is one of the most important writers today. Thanks for this.
Evropa is now doing a funding drive.
Bravo, Saker! Exactly the right message, written with typical focus and eloquence.
There is indeed widespread awareness of the global reach of the Ruling Class, of the deep corruption and blatant incompetence which characterizes so many American public institutions.
The “soft police state” is in place; it is slowly tightening its grasp, and working to stifle intelligent informed dissent, largely by working through influence in media-domineering corporate institutions such as Google and Facebook. But too many articulate sources of thoughtful dissent have already become prominent. What to do until Hate Speech laws are imposed? The main ploy has been drowning such dissent in angry noise. For a while there have been professional Klansmen, who pose for “news programs” and “documentaries by people like SPLC. Is there now a growth industry in Professional Nazis, paid scribblers? Has to be – how many young people, educated in present public schools, will even know what the German National Socialist Party even was!?
A good sport perhaps, for a blogger to pillory the Pied Pipers-
Don’t judge us all by the actions of a few morons. I for one love your site and visit it frequently.
The Alt-Right is a leaderless movement. Anyone who claims to speak for us all is lying. I greatly appreciate everyone who opposes the globalist establishment. If there’s any one thing that unites us on the right is the idea that nationalism is good, and that everyone deserves to have pride in one’s country — even the “evil” Russians — just kidding about that! The 21st Century will be the Russian Century because Russia’s leaders, though flawed, are an order of magnitude wiser and braver than those of the Anglo-Zionists.
nationalist movements are always manipulated by various secret services
And who would manipulate FALANGA, who marches with chants like:
“No more wars for Israel”
“And on the trees will be Zionists hanging instead of leaves”
Secret Service (?)
Bravo Saker. Give em hell by removing their masks. I am proud of you.
Saker, keep pounding… the honest, educational outlook of what “can be truth” if we dare to search for it. You and all good collaborators make it much easier to find some good, balanced and informed news/views.
I’m sending my $$$ as BIG KUDOS!!
Dear Saker,
I believe you may have understated the opposition to truth. In an October 1997 edition of Victoria’s (Australia) ‘The Age’ newspaper it was stated that undercover police acting for ASIO and the PSCC were infiltrating ‘all/any’ political groups. Their actions were to infiltrate and then take over or destroy, and if unable to do that then to establish a similar body and run that to defeat and destroy their opposition. A classic example of this was the ‘Provincial IRA after the real IRA decided to go ‘political’.
in 1998 I started my apprenticeship into terrorism in an extremely naive manner. I have learnt a bit and can identify a few ‘spooks’, which is not difficult once you realise how they operate. I have about three articles on Nick Kollerstrom’s site ‘Terror on the tube’, but I think I frightened Nick. I wrote a flawed article on the Sandy Hook massacre, but shortly afterwards realised that there cannot be a murder with a ‘murder weapon’. Oops! This article was published by James Fitzer, but strangely i was never permitted to view it on his page as I was banned. I also did an article on MH370, and was able to name people involved in that murder (Understanding the tyranny of terrorism) and some others. That article was published on James Tracey’s the Memory hole blog, but I believe has also vanished.
Our enemies are all about control. Once you are identified, they will come to you and try to rope you into ‘their’ group. They will tell you what they want you to think, and to place all types of people into ‘their’ stereotypes’. If they cannot control you then they will isolate you.
The alt right is much like that; you must accept their dogma no matter how flawed, and as for being a ‘minority’ in the USA or in Europe, or even that ‘penal colony’ called Australia, that is not correct and the example of that is as stated in previous forum, after the USSR collapsed many Russians went into ‘survival mode’, and another contributor noted that many Americans are doing that very same tactic.
Thank you for this extremely informative site not just to Saker, but the many contributors and readers contributions as well.
“… still think you can control them?”
“Tomorrow belongs to me”
I rarely comment on the Saker’s articles, because I think he is usually right.
I make an exception for this – not because it isn’t another spot-on analysis, but precisely because it is.
And badly needed to be said.
One heartening glimmer of light. I do think more and more people, irrespective of their ideological biases – left, right or anything in between – are becoming aware of top-down orchestration.
They are not mindlessly ‘loyal’ to their preferred outlets /blogs: I even see this in the zio-rag Breitbart’s commentariat (eg, the derision at the latest ‘Russian bot’ claims from Hollywood, even though the commentariat does not question the Uranium One ‘Russian collusion’ meme. But that’s less a function of mindless Russophobia than anti-Clinton political opportunism).
Similarly the ‘alt Left’ Intercept is known to be bankrolled by Pierre Omidyar and is not treated with uncritical respect by its target audience; quite the reverse.
In short, people seem to paying far more attention to *what *is being published (and how) than *who *: the latter only being an issue when the propaganda is too blatant.
That the altmedia is being progressively acquired by the same cabal who orchestrate the wars and looting on a global scale is inevitable: the difference in the Age of the Internet is a level of awareness that is historically unprecedented.
In short, the traditional ‘herding’ of the masses into perception-managed cohorts is no longer a foolproof model.
There is instead an appetite for truth, even when the facts challenge dearly-held shibboleths.
A recent personal example: An alt right white ‘supremacist’ conceded that the evidence I gave (via a reputable link) proved my contention, even though it challenged his prejudice and claims.
That is happening with greater frequency as people on both ‘sides’ realise they have more in common than not.
what a curious rant.. so it’s all a “vast right wing conspiracy”.. Now where have I heard that before? Hillary Clinton that’s where:
Are you aware that Justin Raimundo from antiwar is dying of lung cancer?
And this is what you come up with: “They are like a person who discovers a tumor in his lung and decides that using a steak knife to cut that lung out is a sensible therapy.” Wow.
Personally I will always hold great esteem for Justin Raimundo who has written eloquently against the war in the former Yugoslavia and gave my compatriot, Nebojsa Malic, a platform to tell the world what was happening to us.
I’ll take up other points very briefly before I go:
1. On the base of what facts do you assume that the Alt -right is a homogeneous monolithic group?
2. Alright.com is an obscure website that no-one ever heard, so how can they show part of a trend or be a representative of this group? (I’m sure they are grateful to you for the traffic btw)
3. Altright.com is probably European based on their “Europa” theme.. In Europe, the EU is building a centralised super state with free borders and free immigration. The counter-culture is definitely right wing and nationalist because of this. Yes, this includes kooks and Neo nazis, but also Brexiters, Orban’s party, Afd. So all these are part of the same group to you ? Sponsored by which state?
4. You mention Al-Qaeda as an example of a “nationalist group” sponsored by a state. They are in fact a Transnational group / with international fighters, just like ISIS.
It’s called bias. Expose the man with something new familiarize them with it let them find comfort with it then expose him with something else repeat the cycle and chances are the man will prefer or more familiar with some parts of the earliest comfort he find. World is experience.
What alt right and the saker similar in is both offers refuge to dangerous disinformation that see people as tools. The difference is just like the article said “the fighter”. I believe even here some just stay for the comfort but what should stay true is the fighting. Idea should be shared, discussed, and criticised.
The alt right just closed their door to the fighter for the comfort.
I admire the Saker, appreciate his ideas, and respect his knowledge and experience. He has taught me a lot. But I have to say that I was disappointed with his piece on the alt-right. I thought it was uncharacteristically clumsy and that it did not focus on the real issue.
The real issue is dispossession.
The Saker may not think that we (whites) are being dispossessed, but we do. He might not like the attempts that we make to deal with our sense of loss, but he ought at least to acknowledge the emotions that we feel. These emotions exist. They are real. Our solutions, however misguided, come out of them.
The process of our dispossession is deeply rooted (with a fare amount of it self-inflicted). Christianity is gone, stripped away by history, let’s say. My country (the USA), with its honorable civic traditions and the inspiring example of its Founding Fathers, is disappearing. Mores, rites of passage, and rituals of courtship that turn children into adults capable of family and work are gone or going.
This has consequences.
Without religion, country and courtship, young people grow up feral — especially boys. This has happened to us. A competent leadership would be worried. But our leaders are not worried. In their eyes, a feral young man is handy. He can be trained as a soldier and sent to fight in wars of choice – if healthy. If unhealthy, he is not much of a threat.
Given our situation — dispossessed, stripped of civilizing influences, de-linked one from another, vulnerable to exploitation – how do we resist. The alt-right’s answer is straightforward: “We create an ‘us.’ ”
But what kind of “us?”
There is only one answer to this question that is a real answer: it has to be an “us” based on what-is rather than on what ought-to-be — which means: on the emotions of feral young men, which means: on nature, which means: on them-and-us. Matters cannot be otherwise. Uncivilized men cannot make civilized responses. We have to start where we are. A community (an “us”) is where civilization happens. If we don’t have a community (((and we don’t)))) we have to start at the beginning, based on what we have. What we have are primate emotions.
It’s going to crude at first, but once we establish a legitimate “us” and are able to set up institutions that actually transmit knowledge and wisdom to the next generation, the curve of civilization should turn upwards quickly. There is a vast amount of material to draw upon.
“That’s a long shot,” you say to me. Yes, I agree. But if we are heading over the cliff, and don’t have much to lose anyway, what choice do we have?
Can I ask about the comment about the bell curve? What variable is being measured, and therefore what is the significance of the left of the curve (low values of the variable) and right (high values)?
“The kind of folks who are attracted to this kind of ideology begin by correctly identifying a problem, but then they don’t have the intellectual/educational level to deal with the complexity of the problem they identified.”
-Yes, the problem is really hard, a corrupt elites flood Europe with african/arab Muslims that top every chart in violence and sexual crimes, and the response is not to hang the elites and stop mass-immigration? Oh no, that is uneducated, anyone that reaches such a conclusion does not have the educational level to understand the REAL problem.. Which of course is white supremacism.
I’m bothered by the fact that you lumped “nationalism/patriotism” in the same sentence as “racism” and basically called that whole group of people ignorant.
I have been across the world and am most comfortable and enjoy most living in the United States. I won’t go and say its the greatest cointry in the world but, it’s the best fit for me.
I’m white and not a fan of losing good middle-class jobs to the globalists which support farming out manufacturing to China or support illegal immigrant labor for services in the U.S. If I was any other ethnicity, I would hope I still felt the same.
Also, I am fully against “Socialism” and socialist agendas. Socialists are wolves in disgusting, weak sheep clothing.
I will never be apologetic for having a business and making a good living doing so and I don’t owe “society” as a whole for doing so. All I “owe” society is me being a responsible memeber of it. Pay workers a fair wage with fair benefits and a good working environment. Make a good product, stand behind it and conduct business in an ethical manner. Pay reasonables taxes to support services which do benefit both my business and myself.
Based on the above maybe I would be considered a “white nationalist” or AltRight.
I won’t get drawn into a fight from either the Left or the Right. Neither offer me anything I can’t get myself by focusing on the immediate world around me and following revolutionaries is a fools errand.
Not only this post says the same things any mainstream media say, but also the commentators keep echoing the absurd and contradictory politically-correct lies of our time: races don’t exist, whites have been the oppressors, nationalism is vicious, whiteness is a social construct, blackness is exclusion from society, and on and on with nonsense.
I don’t know if your blog is helping avert the war, Saker. If so, that would be commendable enough. But it certainly isn’t helping clear the confusion inside modern minds. It seems to attract people who hold a grudge against the “West” on various grounds (communist ideology, race hatred, religious belief, economic losses, etc.) and who seem to think that once overcome the US/NATO the world will be all butterflies and daffodils. It’s yet another naive, misguided Manichaeism of modern men unable to identify their true problem: Modernity itself, West or East or anywhere.
Paul Craig Roberts, while trying to avert the war, is at the same time refuting some politically-correct lies with plain common sense. But your politically-correct stance on many issues (race and nationalism among others) can only alienate many deep minds.
Be well.
How “deep” is your mind actually? Surely you must realize that race is not just a matter of skin color. China has 56 legally recognized ethnic groups. Nigeria has over 100, and they are all very willing to kill others based on ethnicity, if they cannot be united by a common identity. Are you under the impression that Nigeria is more “monoracial” than China? Then you must be seeing race as mere skin color.
If both of these large nations can be multi-ethnic, why not America?
Notice how most of the white supremacist/nazi types are also anti-Muslim. I’ve been saying for years that if one scratches one of these critters, more often than not one will find a zionazi underneath.
BTW, forgot to mention earlier that the evorpa graphic heading the article is a not so very subtle depiction of homosexuality. Another thing these white supremacists and nazis share in common with zionazis… :-D
globalist collectivism vs national socialism. both are pretty much the same. what ever happened to liberty?
Except that globalism wants to destroy all peoples, cultures and religions on earth while nationalists wish to preserve them.. Just that minor detail.
What is really scary is the tempo of the rhetoric. Insinuations have turned into damning accusations in quite a short time. Every day it is getting worse. It is like we are sitting on a cork in the toilet bowl that has been flushed; the radius of the trajectory is ever decreasing as the velocity increases. I fear we are soon to be passing the P trap and the next stop is the septic tank.
Dear Saker,
I am so envious you’ve been to Antarctica, Was this on secret business?
All the best, SHyaku
After having read this article, I can’t agree more with you Saker. I’m a French citizen and I have been following Alain Soral for many years. This alt-right-dissident “conflict” also exists in France. More and more neocons and the so-called “alt-right” are gaining influence in the mainstream media. Now it’s completely fine to amalgamate takfiri muslims and the average muslim who never did anything wrong and has been paying his taxes all his life.
Alain Soral have been fighting the so-called alt-right for several months and he knows exactly what’s going on at the moment. Though, he made a terrible mistake when supporting Marine Le Pen for the presidential election and now recognizes his mistake. Marine Le Pen would be considered as the flagship of the French alt-right and some people would follow her. The thing is she is massively supported by a zionist branch and her party is clearly a controlled opposition as the establishment knows so well how to do it. I never supported National Front because there are a joke and the perfect lure to maintain europeists (pro-EU) in power, such as Macron. Now her right-hand man (Florian Philippot) left National Front, the party has been dropped to the Zionists.
It would be great you could manage a live cross-talk with Alain Soral. You are not known enough in France and I do think a discussion between you two would be so much interesting and it’d be a massive buzz!
If you don’t things things will get ugly and that eventually people will fight the invasion–because that’s what it is, an invasion–you are clueless.
See also: https://voxday.blogspot.com/2017/11/america-first-immigration.html
Civic nationalism is globalism lite. It has failed in America, it is failing in Europe, and it is no more viable than communism, libertarianism, or any other utopian social policy.
The senator’s proposed RAISE Act is still woefully insufficient in the present circumstances, but it is a significant improvement on the disastrous current system.
America is not Europe and will never be.
Alt-Right vs Christian Right (the latter more dangerous).
Blackwater as a Christian Right mercenary army – Pence as the link to power and control.
Zappa was right – corporate cultism is now the mainstream ‘normal’.
Chris Hedges (Oct 31, 2017) – Empire Files Chris Hedges & Abby Martin
From the comments:
“Frank Zappa predicted this on a TV show called “Point– Counter Point” way back in 1984… all the so called pundits on the show laughed at him when he stated that the USA was headed towards a Fascist Theocracy…. and Ronnie Reagan’s dismantling of “The Fairness Doctrine” gave the go ahead for this far right movement… this didn’t just happen yesterday… it’s been going on for 45 years when it resurfaced after we thought the John Birch Society was dead and gone.” (Carl Pen)
By the way, Saker and everyone. This is literally “EVROPA” not “Europa” like we thought.
EVROPA website: https://www.identityevropa.com
Brilliant. Those that seek a better world for all peoples must learn to see and avoid the pitfalls while maintaining their moral bearings. Yes attack the A-Z Empire as the current hegemonic entity but we had also better come to a consensus on how and what, across a multitude of equally viable options, that will replace it just in case we succeed.
Good one. Mr saker I believe religiously quite differently to you. This fact does not prevent me regularly reading and disgesting your views. Sometimes I actually agree with you but mostly I don’t. However, I respect myself by trying not to be lead by you and still do my own research and even prayer and Bible Study.
The Bolsheviks took over a country due to anger–most of it misplaced–at the ruling class.
Look at Sweden: https://kek.gg/u/hjd4
“The number of Swedes who were victims of crimes such as fraud and sexual offenses jumped to the highest level on record last year.
“A survey by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention showed that 15.6 percent of people suffered one or more offences against the person (defined in the survey as assault, threats, sexual offences, robbery, fraud or harassment) last year. That’s up from 13.3 percent in 2015 and the highest number recorded since the annual Swedish Crime Survey started in 2006.”
A revolution is coming.
Nazis and Hitler and German where allies with Japan, Italy ,Spain.
Nazis did not like the jews but did not position them self as a races above Italians, etc.
And fight Ingland and Rusia that are almost the same races as them.
The attack on the AltRight is just a preference for the full-blown expression of Nonwhite Racial Nationalism on Nov 3 2020=Jamaican-Hindu POTUS Kamala Harris and her VP the Hindu Racialist Preet Bharara….
Will you be happy when Jamaican-Hindu POTUS Kamala Harris declares The AltRight-White Nationalist a terrorist organization? Serious question….
I am an AltRight-White Racial Nationalist…no apologies…..and I do not support idiot attacks-criticisms of Comrade Saker like the one that has upset The Saker….
Thanks Saker. I think your context has infinitely more validity that alt-right CIA posers!