Dear friends,
This is part one of three. The translation and subtitles were done by a group of volunteers to whom I am most grateful. Parts 2 and 3 will be finished soon, God willing.
The Saker
Dear friends,
This is part one of three. The translation and subtitles were done by a group of volunteers to whom I am most grateful. Parts 2 and 3 will be finished soon, God willing.
The Saker
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I repeat myself, but i’m still not Charlie and definitely not Soral. He’s right about the zionist lobby in France but still are few antiszionistic jews in the world, even in France. His panafrican patriotic greath France it’s a joke, his historic view imprecise. France it’s still neocolonialistic (Total and Areva are spreading democracy around Mali and Niger, or?) His believe in God it’s a reactionary fascistic joke and he forget France isn’t Russia. He’s ready to fight a holy war and he forget ortodox never figh a stuoid holy war. I have no idea wath M’bala M’bala has to do with him.
@ Saker If you will share a precise historich view about zionism and Israel watch Michel Collon, investig’action. I’m ready to write the video text in french, and translate in italian and german… not english please, i’m still too bad
Une bonne quenèlle à touts
Luis your English is understandable and clear, as a mono-linguist I admire it.
Could you give a reference for the Michel Collon video?
What impressed me with Soral, but which in France you may be more familiar, was the use of Zionism as a term for alliance (he is not explicit) that makes historical sense to me. As an ideology it has become an extreme and ugly nonsense, but then I knew genuine left zionists of an earlier period.
I would be interested in your views of Zionism as an alliance, rather than being treated as an ideology.
Hi Greg, Zionism is in fact one reactionary colonial project, it was backed from the english empire back in the ’20. The role of Israel is to break any panarabic alliance and destabilize and control the region. My teacher back in the primary school was one genuine left zionists and really good pacific guy, i think after WW2 and Holocaust diaspora jews where simply overwhelmed, zionism became common ideology. USA backed the creation of Israel for the same purpose as the english empire. Declassified OSS documents prove connection between Rockfeller, Thyssenkrupp, Bush grandpa’, back in WW2… zionist antidiasporajew conspiracy, or simply business as usual? I’ve no idea. So look only the facts: during ww2 lot of wealthy jews fled to the USA. Zionism ideology became popular not only between messianic christians (Israel exceptionalism is complementary to the american one) but by the leftist too. I agree full with Soral about the anglozionwahabi alliance and the institutionalized situation in France (i would say in Europe). I’m sorry but my comment is related to the whole interview, not only part one. In my opinion Zionism first goal was to destroy the free, brilliant, openminded diaspora jews world and create one racist confessional state. As you mention you knew genuine left zionists of an earlier period. They’re gone. Nowadays In Israel, a third of the population works , one third pays taxes and a third fulfills his military duty. Is always the same third (one third are torah jiahdist in the colony and the other the politicians and oligarchs) *Israeli anonymous joke Michel Collon is a belgian investigative journalist and book writer. “Israël, Parlons-en !” is only one of his works… he write about a lot of recent and historic issues, U can found “Les 10 grands MédiaMensonges d’Israel” on youtube, but only in french.
The actual deniers of the Holocaust are the Zionists and their American owned Prestitutes.
The Holocaust was a WW2 event where the German and Japanese led imperialists slaughtered 40 million civilians, while prosecuting an aggressive war which killed on both sides, another 20 million – soldiers. By contrast, in WWI, only 20 million died, and most of them, soldiers. WW2 was a war of movement, and occupation, and the civilians in the occupied areas suffered more than the soldiers.
Whether 6 million jews died, or only 4, is not the main point to consider. And the Jews were not the only group singled out for slaughter because of race. The Russian people were scheduled by the Nazis (and Anglo/American imperialists) for elimination. That was the plan of the German oligarchs. It may still be their plan in 2015.
If you read the Old Testament you will read about the genocide by the Jewish Tribe against the Men, women, and children of Jericho. All were killed (read your bible). They were proud of this act, (and still are, even wrote a song about it, sung in churches throughout America. “Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down…”). This was not the only massacre committed by the Jewish tribes, according to the Old Testament, Talmud, etc..
Back to WW2, the Holocaust was committed against civilians. The Russians, Poles, and Serbs, Chinese, along with Jews, suffered grievously. One in 5 Serbs died in WW2, mostly civilians. More Chinese died than Jews; and they were singled out for slaughter (by the Japanese imperialist Oligarchs) because of their race.
Pay attention here. The major deniers of the Holocaust are the Zionists.
Zionists are also the major Anti-Semites. They hate Arabs, and Arabs are Semites. Jews of European origin are not Semites. The Zionist Land Thieves in Palestine are half Semites and half Europeans.
Jews in general, and the American puppets of the Zionists also deny the Holocaust. Most Jews believe that all discussion of any other WW2 casualties constitutes an effort to deny THEIR all important, precious holocaust. They believe that the only true death is a Jewish death. They cried over the death of 11 of their Olympic team in1972, Munich, but not over the deaqth of 400 Mexicans who were shot as they protested against their Olympics in 1968. After the massacre in the Plaza of Tlatelolco, the Israely Olympic team joined the other nations in the fun and games. After the death of their 11, four years later, they demanded that the Olympics be canceled.
Their history is fraudulent, and therefore, they, the Zionists deny the Actual, and Totality of the horror of WW2, and the suffering of all Europe’s and Asia’s civilians. The Zionists and their puppets deny the holocaust. They deny all holocausts, except 1.
If the true history of the true holocaust (the true extent of the holocaust), is acknowledged, then all excuse for the invasion of and stealing of the Palestinian homeland is exposed as baseless.
The Palestinians are the final victims of World War 2. They are paying for the crimes of others, including the crimes of the Zionists. Why do the Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of the Germans?
Call me a self-hating-Jew. Call me anything at all. But don’t call me early.
Some of my ancestors can be found buried along side Houdini (in the Machpelah cemetary on the Border of Brooklyn & Queens, near Miller Avenue).
My father was from a Christian Belgian family and is buried in the Veteran’s cemetary in Farmingdale LI. He actually fought Germans, having served in the Belgian Army before joining the American.
Long Live Dieudonné!
Long live the memory of Buenaventura Durruti!
Long live the Partisan Militia of Novorossiya!
For the Democratic Republics! Here & There!
Does really this category of so-called “antizionistic” jews really exist? That’s an oxymoron.
Only a few left, but exists
From A Mercouris FB page,breaking via RT:
An intriguing report from RT:
Russian investigators identify possible mastermind behind Nemtsov’s murder – report
The Russian Investigative Committee has identified a man who can be the organizer and mastermind of the killing of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, Kommersant daily reported, citing a source. The man, known as “Ruslik,” reportedly gave a gun and a car to those suspected of perpetrating Nemtsov’s murder in central Moscow on February 27. He had also reportedly promised that they would get 5 million rubles (about $85,200) each. Police have arrested five suspects in the case.
Google motto is no longer “dont be evil”
It has become “dont see evil”, aka censureship…
Strange, I’ve long thought the google motto was “control…control…control…gotta have it”. :)
Thank you for getting this to us.
At first his reference points were losing me, until I recognized that in France especially the “left” and “right” are institutionalized and not the same thing that they are on the “street”, then I was able to make parallels with what I am familiar with here (Australia) — and the analysis started to stick.
Once Zionism is given a hegemonic role in the Middle East rather than just an extreme form of nationalist ideology that it has become — then Anglo-Zionist starting, for me making good sense.
As a Hegemonic factor, it is not just Israel, but its nexus with Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates that is Zionism as a political force. a leveraging of interests, with a neo-con flavour. Soral seems to get that idea across to me at least and it now makes sense as a cabal of interests.
As for the extreme Trotskite left becoming part of the Neo-Con establishment, I found this allied with personal experience, and would extend some of that to the leaderships of the left as a whole — which have long been compromised.
Secularism, or at least the crass materialism in its guise is certainly an enemy to mankind. And the ideologies that have a leftist taint (Race and Gender ideologies, human rights etc.,.) have been used to weaken the position of working people — they have not produced any real help to either migrants or women, rather they remain abstract calls used with prejudice.
Soral requires careful thought, he is not what it first may appear, and has a lot worth considering.
@the extreme Trotskite left becoming part of the Neo-Con establishment
But they did create it!
“Former neoconservative luminary Francis Fukuyama of Stanford (formerly of Johns Hopkins) compares the neoconservative movement to Leninism. Neoconservatism, according to Fukuyama, is the reincarnation to some extent of both Leninism and Bolshevism.
Fukuyama’s observation makes sense when even Irving Kristol, who founded the movement, proudly admitted that the “honor I most prized was the fact that I was a member in good standing of the [Trotskyist] Young People’s Socialist League (Fourth International).”
“Most neoconservative defense intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the influential Jewish-American sector of the Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history.”
“This was the case for Kristol, who bragged about how his Jewish intellectual comrades such as Nathan Glazer of Harvard, Philip Selznick of Berkley, Peter Rossi of Johns Hopkins, Merroe Berger of Princeton, I. Milton Sacks of Brandeis, and Seymour Melman of Columbia were not only Trotskyists but were “unquestionably the most feverishly articulate” in indoctrinating students into their Weltanschauung”.
“Kristol argues in his book The Neoconservative Persuasion that those Jewish intellectuals did not forsake their heritage (revolutionary ideology) when they gave up Communism and other revolutionary movements, but had to make some changes in their thinking. America is filled with such former Trotskyists who unleashed an unprecedented foreign policy that led to the collapse of the American economy.”
And a blast from the past:
“The Dewey Commission (officially the “Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials”) was initiated in March 1937 by the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky. It was named after its chairman, the philosopher John Dewey. Its other members were Carleton Beals, Otto Ruehle, Benjamin Stolberg, and Secretary Suzanne La Follette, Alfred Rosmer, Wendelin Thomas, Edward A. Ross, John Chamberlain, Carlo Tresca, and Francisco Zamora. It was seen by some at the time, as Dewey feared it would be, as a Trotskyist front organization.” (Wikipedia, for convenience)
And so on!
Interesting video.I have to agree with Sorel there.I hated that all those people died.Had they not “stood in the street daring traffic” they wouldn’t be dead.I look on this like I do the Nemtsov murder.Who gained by their death.One of the greatest tricks of the Empire is to manipulate events to serve their purposes.I think that was another one of those tricks.They used 9/11 to enslave US society,whether they perpetrated it ,or stood by knowing it was going to happen and helped it along.We may never know.Now with “Charlie” and “Nemtsov” did they perpetrate the crimes,or did they encourage them and then stand by and let them happen,for their own purposes.Again we may never know.The one thing we do know though.The Empire is ruthless and cynical.
side note; [this is not a veiled attempt to insult anyone or ridicule religion]
MOD: adding a disclaimer to an insult doesn’t reduce the insult. Please don’t do it.
@ Mod,
What I wrote is what I honestly believe in. It is my opinion and I am not going to self sensor myself. I hope you agree with that line of thought.
@ BH,
Q; If I’m overruled, so be it.
R; When I got pulled over by the cops for speeding and after I got a ticket, they asked, “Are you going to appeal this thing?”
I looked rather dumbfounded back at them [I guess] and said, “Why would I do that? I drove too fast… end of story.”
I say what I have to say [based upon what I think i know and believe in] and have no hidden or secret agenda. What you see is what you get.
I choose the word ‘honoring’ on purpose as well as the [Yiddish] word ‘shtick.’
I don’t see any reason to go over your head or stop adding comments to this site, but I simply refuse to self censor. If there’s anything in my contributions you or the any of other mods don’t like, do what my [biological] dad told me, “Always follow your gut [feeling]”
It saved his life, so it can’t be too bad :o)
Very good and detailed analysis from a french speaking blog(the second most read blog in France).
It seems that NAF is not doing so well…some material in Russian and English as well.
MOD: excellent maps showing Kolomoisky’s business interests
The maps on Kolomoisky’s oil/gas holdings are interesting. In the weeks after the MH17 shoot down I looked up a lot of different info on Ukraine.
In looking into Burisma holdings I run onto this article in Oil and Gas Journal. It is now covered by a paywall.
It seems that a “Basin centred” gas field is the jackpot for fracking.
Off memory this field has enough gas to supply all of Europe for 30 years. To just replace Russian gas in Europe, it would last approx 90 years.
Apart from US strategic aims to isolate Russia, this would keep Biden junior in coke right into his old age.
Joking aside, this is perhaps one of the reasons why US/Kiev will not negotiate with leaders of Donbass.
and 60000 miners in Donbass could lose their coal mines due to fracking, exactly why mines are being targeted by AFU shelling?
@ Anon,
If it hadn’t be for the Mod’s comment I would have skipped your comment and missed the very informative link.
Please consider the use of any monicker you can think of.
Robots say: I am Charlie….sounds like “democracy, westerner, Heil H*** .
China has welcomed the applications of Russia and Finland to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on Monday, one day before the deadline to join the bank as a founding member.
My posts are being vapourised again.
Read and watch this new MH17 propaganda:
Dutch investigation concludes MH17 downed by Buk missile from Russian battery
Reuben F Johnson, Kiev – IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
18 March 2015
“Investigators from the Office of the National Prosecutor (OM) of the Netherlands have completed the first phase of their work in definitely determining the cause of the mid-aid explosion and crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). Preliminary information leaked to the Dutch media has concluded that a Russian unit is responsible for the shootdown”
and today from the Hegemon’s Brit vassal megaphone:
MH17 disaster: Appeal for Buk rocket witnesses
Note the car dealer billboard pic -now cropped to prevent identification that was debunked months ago as being in Ukie territory.
MH17 happened in 17July 2014 and only now 8 months later are they asking for witnesses? Surely it doesn’t take that long to train actors and falsify incriminating ‘evidence’?
This investigation’s progress can only be measured in geologic time.
Delay, obfuscate and deceive.
You are not being vapourised. You posted this and other MH17 comments on another thread
I posted that similar one you reference as a thank-you to Penelope a short while back and modified it again here for general reading as this one has only 15 comments versus 215 on the other. It is unclear whether a reply made after 214 comments and embedded half-way through would get read by anyone.
The one I am referring to was much earlier today being the first one I posted and it came up with the erroneous and slightly annoying ‘You are posting too quickly’ message.
This is a great site and one that I support with donations. A nice- but by no means essential- feature for site improvement would be the ability to sort comments (most recent) in order to read the latest replies, these frequently not being at the beginning or end but, like mine, buried in the middle.
“Posting too quickly” means it didn’t get through at all. It’s a server message and means it is getting messages too fast,not necessarily from you individually. Some browsers may recover the text for you if you use the back arrow; otherwise you’d been to copy it first as a precaution. There is a “latest post” item in the black area at the bottom but it only has 2 or 3 items in it.
sanctuary…don’t take the posting too fast thing personally….its a computer thing…not a saker thing….
They can come up with whatever “faked” conclusions they want to.That is what most people have said they would do anyway.But unless they have ironclad,and I do mean ironclad proof.Then I could care less what they say.
I hear you and agree -no surprises there given the delays and deceptions so far.
What is relevant is not what you, I and the readers here believe but what gets fed to the MSM masses and what that ‘manufactured consent’, added to other lies, leads towards.
Best case is continuation of the sanctions; worst case is nuclear war which is the road the deluded ‘full of themselves’ groupthink Neocons are heading down.
@ SanctuaryOne,
One wonders who [or what] produces aerial photos [BUK on its own] and who spends time taking pictures of trucks with BUKs on them?
Cui bono?
The following is a wild guess [and not based upon firsthand knowledge or insider information]; I think the NAF forces would have admit to it, if they accidentally had shot down MH17.
Any ideas?
The Soviet Union admitted to the two KAL airliners they shot down, because i was on purpose, for violating airspace, after being duly warned, fighters alongside and the whole deal.
Every other shootdown was denied. Not by little unorganised groups but by whole big nations. It is a hard thing to own up to. Ukraine had a training accident in I think 2002 or so, a Siberian Airlines plane., took over a week to admit it. Look at TWA800 near New York, no way that wasn’t an accidental shootdown over a Navy training area, covered up. The Iranian plane shot down by USS Vincennes, could not deny it, insisted to this day they thought it was a fighter attacking them.
But….the rebs didn’t try to cover up or hide anything. They did their best to collect the bodies and black boxes, and they made sure they got handed to outsiders, ie not Ukraine, in the hope of an unbiased investigation. They acted keen to get it solved, not the actions of a guilty conscience.
The BUK travels were not aerial, just pix taken from a high window or hill somewhere. Everyone was taking video of anything interesting in those days, and putting it on Youtube, just for curiosity or to show where the “others” were. The BUK on the truck could have been anytime, including after. Every BUK picture got dragged out then.
The MH17 investigation team just (30 march) published a video in which it asks for information from the local population in Donbass on the Buk driving through the region at the time of the disaster. The video is in Russian with English subtitles:
See also their website:
The video contains some images from a Buk driving through the region and excerpts from three intercepted telephone conversations that were provided by the Ukrainian secret service.
A Dutch news article on the subject can be found here:
Wim Roffel
Considering that both the “Russian Buk” and the intercepted phone conversations were long ago proved to have been faked “evidence”, it’s quite clear the “Dutch” quislings running that “investigation” are simply covering up a ZPC/NWO false flag and using whatever horse manure handy to blame Russia.
This like the Israelis attacking a synagogue in Argentina and blaming the Iranians for the attack. And like that false flag, the zionazi/nazi oligarchy will go on using the false blame narrative indefinitely to justify further war crimes of theirs.
@Bok Tak,
Obviously you didn’t watch the video and didn’t read the article (with Google translate).
These are new phone conversations that I didn’t see previously.
The core of the article is this paragraph: “The shooting down of fligt MH17 with a BUK-missile is now the main scenario of the investigation team, De Bruin confirmed. The other scenario, that the plane was shot down from the air, is also still being investigated. The possibility of an attack or a technical failure were excluded previously.”
@Ben: if you find that some of the material that the investigation team publishes is fake, why don’t you contact them? They are publishing their email address and phone number.
@Wim Roffel
US – John Kerry claimed to have heat trace images of a missile. If so and I think they do, they will have the launch site pinpointed to the square meter. The main heat flare is at launch. They will also have electronic data showing live radar positions ect. Operation Seabreeze was being conducted at the time.
A large surface to air missile like the BUK can be seen and heard for a radius of 10km. In a 10 km radius of the US/Ukraine claimed launch are there are a number of towns, perhaps 5 – 10000 people and hundreds of witnesses.
By now the investigators will have projectile fragments ect that can be analysed to determine exactly what weapon or weapons were used.
There is also a secrecy agreement on the investigation. Why?
All else is food for the masses.
Another anomaly – until a few weeks back Ukraine were claiming MH17 was shot down with a BUK-M1. Only Ukraine has the BUK-M1. Now they are claiming it was a BUK -M1-2 which is a model Russia has.
Wim Roffel on March 31, 2015 · at 7:02 pm UTC
Oh come on :D
Ben already posted a link showing the “Russian Buk” material was faked nonsense. You really think the “Ukrainian secret service” is a reliable and honest source after all the times they’ve been caught red handed also forging evidence? You really think people reading this site are that gullible?
@вот так
No, I don’t believe the Ukrainian secret service is very reliable. For that reason I also mentioned them explicitly as the source of some info. But I don’t believe I need to waste time on this forum to discuss the reliability of them.
My information was about the developments in the investigation of the MH17 crash. I believe the publication of a video, the explicit request for information and the declaration about what is being researched are all interesting new developments – given that until now the research team was very silent.
Obviously you have a different opinion.
This video is the equivalent of a loaded question. i.e. Did you see the Russian BUK missile that separatists used to shoot down MH17?
It has all the ‘proofs’, as in the ‘terrorist’ phone conversation.
It even has the hoary old picture of the transporter going past the car dealer billboard which was identified way back as being in Ukie territory.
There’s no wish to get objective witnesses after 8 months, only putting memes in people’s heads.
Does anyone think they couldn’t find even a tarp to cover the BUK launcher with one missile out of the four missing? Get real.
Don’t waste your time educating the ‘investigators’ -they are following a script and conclusion decided long ago.
Pure propaganda -and beyond the pale.
OT. Money speaks all languages.
Taiwan to apply to join China-backed AIIB investment bank
Chinese soft/money power hard at work in international relations?
@ Peter,
Q; Chinese soft/money power hard at work in international relations?
R; I think it’s China’, asymmetrical, finial warfare. The following happened 8 years ago;
The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced.
It was a Russian sub, but to be sure there was no misunderstanding, it flew a gigantic, Chinese flag. This was not to say, ‘I can get you,’ but, ‘Gotcha!’
Here MSM is filled with blearing headlindes, heralding, “We’re gonna do this and we’re gonna do that and blah, blah, yadda yadda yadda…”
The Chinese and Russians act and then say, “This is what we did. Do you want to join?” The sands are shifting are there ain’t nothing stopping it.
If a guy comes at you yelling, “I’m gonna ff-ing kill you!” you’ve already won. That’s the way things work in reality and not in MSM’s La-la-land.
finial = financial
A little bit of military tech in the background (no threats) helps the money go down?
Amazing. Thank you.
Kat Kan said on March 30, 2015 · at 7:59 pm UTC
“Complete equality does not seem too possible. Does not matter either. The absolute level is more important, so the people at the bottom have enough to live on. Makes little difference if the top few have 100 times or 20000 times more than the poorest. as long as they are not stealing it from the poorest…. and of course that is the problem that they are.”
Can you please clarify your argument?
(i) “Complete equality does not seem too possible” – agreed
(ii) “Does not matter either” – probably
(iii) “The absolute level is more important, so the people at the bottom have enough to live on.” you are joking, right?
(iv) “Makes little difference if the top few have 100 times or 20000 times more than the poorest. as long as they are not stealing it from the poorest” – they are, see (iii) above. Unfettered income/wealth accumulation is the source of Oligharcical creation. If you are an Oligarch you, by definition, do not care about the 35,000 who starve/day.
(v) “and of course that is the problem that they are.” – doh? see (iv)
Either you have oligarchs (you don’t seem to like the Western version & don’t mind the Russian version) or you iron out wealth/income inequality. No?
What multiple, if any, between the rich/poor, do you consider appropriate? why?
thanks, Saker, for posting this.
A trillionaire can sit at home, as a recluse, his money under the mattress, just employ a few people to do his going out for him. He is no harm to anyone.
An oligarch is a wealthy person who uses his wealth for political power. Not all billionaires are oligarchs and not all oligarchs are VERY rich. The problem is not how much more money they have than the poorest. The problem is using it to distort the laws for their own benefit.
“A trillionaire can sit at home” – I note (horrified): it seems you wouldn’t mind an individual being worth an entire years output of Nigeria (the richest country in Africa by GDP with 174 million people PLUS Iran (77 million population). Thank goodness, there are no $trillionaires (yet). The richest man on earth is, apparently, worth less than 0.1 $trillion
“He is no harm to anyone” did you not read this? 35,000 starve/day
“An oligarch is a wealthy person who uses his wealth for political power.” – baby steps, but the person has to be wealthy to be an oligarch.
Do you consider the root cause of “the empire’s” war against Russia to be “Western Oligarchy” ?
What, therefore, is the solution?
Design society so that oligarchy CANNOT arise – that starts with ensuring relatively small discrepancies of wealth/income between the smartest/motivated for personal gain to the lazy doesn’t give a damn / mentally impaired in A NEW SOCIETY.
Please stop crying about the problem (the empires war against Russia) until you understand the source of the problem (which, currently, includes yourself) and the solution (which really isn’t rocket science).
“The problem is not how much more money they have than the poorest.” – wrong. Power and money are, at least, linearly proportional. If everyone had, apporoximately, the same amount of money their “potential” power would also be roughly equivalent.
See this for a definition of oligarchy.
Another excellent article by Dmitry Orlov.
“As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures—all except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end, and that they should change their ways accordingly.
George Orwell once offered an excellent explanation for this phenomenon: as the imperial end-game approaches, it becomes a matter of imperial self-preservation to breed a special-purpose ruling class—one that is incapable of understanding that the end-game is approaching.”
The west is evil. Blandly stating facts is contrary to the narrative. What is important is to remember that one salient fact (that the west is evil) and from there to extrapolate everything. In this world Putin is the victim and everyone who opposes is a stooge.
sorry, but I have no sound on this video…?
The UK and the US are better places to live because for years they have exploited less militarily powerful nations and stolen their natural resources and intervened either politically, by supporting coups-d’etat or if that fails, militarily in order to preserve their privileged position.
Of course it’s not surprising that stricken individuals from conflict torn or economically depressed societies want to come here or to the US in order to enjoy a better standard of living. But the problem is that the conditions that allowed us in the west to live high on the hog for the last couple of centuries now seem to be changing and the world order may no longer continue to favour us as before.
About BBC
I can’t pretend to be neutral about any of this. My father, Alasdair Milne, was the BBC director general whose orchestrated ousting in January 1987 is the climax of Seaton’s book and a watershed in Britain’s broadcasting history. I knew many of the characters who appear in Pinkoes and Traitors and heard plenty of the stories she recounts from those involved at the time – as well as others she doesn’t. But setting the record straight matters less because of the battlefield casualties than because of what it paved the way for thereafter.
There is no point in romanticising a BBC golden age. The corporation was always an establishment institution, deeply embedded in the security state and subject to direct government control in an emergency. The sexism at the BBC, as Seaton recounts, was appalling, as in many other workplaces, and ethnic diversity non-existent. Around 40% of the staff were vetted by MI5: those who failed the “political reliability” test, often for the mildest of radical connections, were blacklisted – their personnel files marked with the symbol of a Christmas tree. To give a flavour of the relationship, one broadcaster still well-known today had to be brought home from a foreign posting in the 1980s after BBC management became alarmed that his relationship with MI6 was becoming too overt.
But in the 1960s and 70s, a new generation of programme-makers had begun to carve out a more independent and less deferential BBC. That was the institution Thatcher and her political hatchet-men were determined to bring to heel. Their campaign kicked off with the heavily-censored Falklands war. When the BBC referred to “British forces” rather than “our troops”, it was denounced as treasonous by Tory MPs and the Murdoch press.
“Interesting” take on US-Israel relations, from ex-CIA chief (Bin Laden group chief, IIRC)
Michael Scheuer: Israel Is A Cancer On U.S. Foreign Policy
“Bin Laden group chief”
Riiiiight… what a reference XD
” So, in summary, Charlie Hebdo was a neocon publication promoting the clash of civilizations. ”
Well, this is the best thing Soral said in this interview.
But I am not sure if I can sense some kind of fear? I will wait to watch the whole thing before I conclude anything.
Thanks for posting this!
Thanks for posting this interview. I look forward to the next two parts. The connection of the neocons with the Trotskyists is very important. It’s amazing that so many so-called ‘conservatives’ in the US have no knowledge of it.
Why not? Most of the Neo Cons are Jews…..most of the Trotskyists are Jews – ergo, a meeting of minds….
I wonder if you can blame Leon Trotsky, who died in 1940, for all this. In 2015, Trotsky would be 135 years old. Lev Bronstein made his mistakes, and there is much we still do not know about him, as there is much we do not know about Djugashvili. Were they agents of imperialist powers? Djugashvili – German, & Trotsky – Anglo???
But to call people “Trotskyists,” is about as useful as to label a capitalist serving racist, such as Hilary Clinton, a “socialist,” as some in the US do. They may have had, at one time some distant link to a Trotskyist organization (& even then many years past his death), but their ‘Trotskyism’ while in the service of world imperialism is highly debatable. While alive, Trotsky had numerous quarrels with his followers. Read the history of James Cannon & the Socialist Workers Party, for one example. The SWP were often less wrong than Trotsky, but the point is, that while alive, ‘Trotskyists’ had differences with their leader. The label “Trotskyist” in 2015, is useless, or, worse, a mid-direction.
George Orwell would caution you to be responsible before history and to document your charges with links. He understood that words (and labels) were important and often misused.
I, an Anarchist, who recalls that Trotsky was an associate of Lenin, a leader I have some respect for, have clear differences with ‘Marxists.” However, I try not to slander them. Lenin promised the Russians “Peace Land & Bread.” He delivered on 2 of those promises, and cannot be blamed for failing the 3rd. Lenin’s brother was an Anarchist who was murdered by the Tsar’s police.
Let Trotsky sleep. And concentrate on the Democratic Republics! They are our only way out of this mess!!!!
In the late 1950’s William Buckley brought James Burnham into National Review. Burnham was Trotskys spokesman in the US until Trotskys death. Along with Burnham other Trotskyites came along into NR. Buckley purged the paleoconservatives out of the NR and many other supposedly conservative organizations did the same. Traditional America had no worse enemy than the subversion of the conservative movement by Buckley.
My view is that the neocons are not conservatives (explaining the history is a longer story), and the neocons are a subset of the neoliberalism that is the ruling dogma of the elites in the US that rule over us serfs. The mass murder and destruction worldwide by the US is being driven by neoliberalism. The paleoconservatives are outside of those ruling elites and as much their enemy as Russia or any other current evil as defined by those elites.
Trotsky was an american agent, either willingly or maybe even just a convenient patsy. He has been living in the US prior to the “revolution” and even wrote for mainstream outlets there.
Prior to that he was also in Londonistan with the Lenin gang:
Arius & T2015
I do not believe we are arguing here. I did mention the possibility of a Trotsky link to the Anglo imperialists.
I also mentioned an old theory of mine that Stalin was a German Agent, trapped within the confines of a successful Revolution – led by Lenin’s Bolsheviks (Socialists), in alliance with Trotsky’s Mensheviks, among numerous other individuals, even sections of the Social Revolutionists. In 1917, Trotsky led a group of 4000 ‘Left’ Mensheviks into the Bolshevik Party.
Djugashvili’s links to Germany could explain his horrific mis-leadership of the Russian Army during the first year of Germany’s Barbarossa offensive against the Soviet union.
My original point – – – is that labeling individuals Trotskyists, in this day (2015) is a bit tenuous. That attempt at linkage weakens your more important points. Trotsky, cooperated with Lenin in making a successful revolution, and keeping their promise (when no others would) to exit the Russian people from a disasterous war. Russia had lost millions of soldiers, and German armies were approaching St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Kiev.
Peruse Trotsky’s “Whither France” for an essence of his selling points. He makes some incisive criticisms of the Socialist Imperialists, from Blum, to (by transportation), to Sarkovy, et al..
On the other hand, at the Peace negotiations at Brest Litovsk, it appears Trotsky attempted to prolong Russia’s participation in WWI. Stalin suppoprted Trotsky in this effort. Fortunately, for Russia, and its people, Lenin, by threatening to resign from the Bolshevik (Communist) Party, rallied the party’s leadership to accept the German Peace terms. Lenin understood that Germany would lose the war, and Russia would regain much of the territory it was forced to cede at Brest Litovsk.
Lenin,s leadership, as with his advocacy of the NEP (over the opposition of most of the Bolshevik leaders), repeatedly rescued Russia – from the abyss. I make no attempt to idealize Lenin, only to render him his due. I reject sectarianism. An Anarchist can applaud others and criticize himself.
It must also be recalled that both Trotsky and Lenin were assassinated. The attempt against Lenin, while not successful at killing him outright, the bullets fired by Fanya Kaplan seriously weakened Lenin. Trotsky was assassinated in 1940. Clearly, someone wanted them eliminated. It is too convenient to label the Russian Revolutionists of 1917 (and 1905), as somehow evil and on the level of the modern Oligarchs and their puppets, Obomber, Clinton, McCain, Poroshenko, Cameron, Blair, Netenyahoo, and the rest.
For the coming years, we of good faith must concentrate on designing the path forward, to a world of happy and prosperous Democratic Republics. Here and There!
What is our theory?
What are our economics?
What is our Yellow Brick Road?
Brilliant video.
The bit where those politicians were crying for the killed cartoonists made me cringe.
Also the bit where in an auditorium the crowd is standing, clapping and shouting “Charlie” in unison was I thought indicative of our latest type of totalitarianism.
I also agree with Soral in that since the 80s, class-struggle has been usurped by “anti-racism” and “feminism” as well as other post-modern BS, with horrific consequences.
The current Anglo-Zionist Empire that ravages the planet, would have been impossible without the ideological fig-leaf of “multi-culturalism” “feminism” “environmentalism” and so on.
Je suis Charlie, a little bit . . .
I decided very young that “free speech” was over-valued, if under-practiced, in my culture. A KKK clone, the John Birch Society, was campaigning in the southern US to purge its image. I rented a Canadian P.O. box, printed up some letterhead of the “Northern Friends of Freedom,” wrote them a sycophantic letter, and sat back to see what mailing lists I would be sold or given to.
There turned up in my mailbox a booklet from a group in Georgia (USA) containing pictures from the death camps with funny captions. One picture showed a group of naked women running the gauntlet between two lines of men wearing wolfsangel badges. Small black bars were superimposed across their crotches. This was so the picture would not be obscene and could legally travel through the mail.
It’s hard. “Where do you draw the line?” they asked me. “We draw it as we think is right. We debate, revisit and re-examine. We do the best we can.” A harder question is “Who draws the line?” I don’t have an answer for that one.
I could change my mind on this if I read a couple of years of Charlie Hebdo, but I have the impression that it takes aim at sacred cows. I sense when something begins to emerge as politically correct, Charlie will be all over it. I see social value in that. I think that should be protected. And some people will be outrageous, and some will be outraged.
Discussing the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, an Iranian friend asked me “How would you feel if someone wrote a book defaming Christ?” Skipping his erroneous assumption about my religious affiliation (I have none), I said “What? You think that’s never happened? Have you ever heard of a book and movie called “The Last Temptation of Christ”?
The issue is proportionality.
Anonymous on March 31, 2015 · at 8:57 pm UTC
“Skipping his erroneous assumption about my religious affiliation (I have none), I said “What? You think that’s never happened? Have you ever heard of a book and movie called “The Last Temptation of Christ”?
Why would a Brit who was not religious feel so strongly about the film “The Last Temptation of Christ” that they would go to the trouble to picket a theater playing the film? :D
This was a very interesting talk by Sorel and I’m looking forward to parts 2 and 3.