by Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog
The Island Nation Of Japan Is A Model Colony Of The US Empire of Sanctions [And Lies]. Their Media Keep Silent About The Deliberate Altering Of The Japanese Anatomy. Brace Yourself…
[Reader discretion advised: Stories from US-occupied Japan can cause long covid and fear of crooked limbs. This is part 2 out of 4 of a series.]
Part 2. The X-Kyaku Or Deformed Underclass.
A trained social scientist walks on any main street and is able to infer from the looks of the people their social class, and he does so not from studying their grace, hygiene and klunker, but from their unforgiving bodies.
In Japan, the body modification of the underclass is straightforward. The underclasses have bent legs, crooked teeth and their height is severely stunted.
These deliberate body modifications start in state nurseries and elementary schools for the masses. Smallest children are forced to sit with their legs bent outwards on the floor, and later hunch over the tiniest tables that bow their spines forward. This does irreparable damage to their knees, hips and backbone.
In those underclass schools, the children often work more than they learn to think, from 8 o‘clock in the morning to 17 o‘clock in the evening. The children must clean the school, clean the floors only with towels, clean the toilets, serve the dishes, stand around for hours, bow their heads a thousand times a day and hurt their neck spine.
It takes our social scientist 2 seconds, from the looks of a group of 15-years old pupils, to see to which class of society they belong. The underclasses by that age are already formidable cripples.
Now, before we go in more detail about Japan‘s deformed underclass, we should briefly remind ourselves that Japan is not the only primitive society that practices such horrible body modifications.
The Chinese rulers in the last century inflicted horrible damage to the feet of their womenfolk. Foot binding affected millions of poor households. Their parents were told that if they bind the toes of their daughters under the balm of their feet, the girls would look pretty and attract wealthy men.
These female cripples, dressed like living dolls, could indeed be spotted from miles away. They could not run or jump towards you, just tipple.
The ruling classes in all cultures are obsessed with modifying the bodies of their walking property. From branding for ownership or mass circumcision for alleged health reasons to body piercings, skin markings or overuse of certain body parts that show.
This is true even in today‘s England, where the latest dead giveaways of the proles are heavy body tattoos all over their limbs and backs and necks, let alone face and genital piercings and—this goes all the way back to slavery—dark tan and muscular bodies. The low class men literally look like slaves.
Sure, some rare specimens are selected and elevated to idols for the proles, like David Beckham the soccer player. But tens of millions of his social mores are not.
Japan is much the same of course. The Japanese ruling classes love to entertain the masses. They ask in the countryside and remote villages and pick the biggest boys they can find to join a Tokyo sumo stall. There, the young wrestlers bend and stretch and are fed six kilograms of rice and fatty fish each day for ten years, until they are so obese the fight like sea cows.
Anthropologists used to study body modifications in African and Asian tribes. Elongated necks, sharpened teeth, deliberate scars. Tribes were thought to mark each of their members permanently, so that they could never leave.
When tribes grew bigger or conquered inferior tribes, their body modifications were the markers of inferiority, clearly distinguishable from the founding tribe, and so on. [It is entirely possible that the races are also classes of humans, but this on a side note.]
Take baldness in modern Europeans. European adult men are overwhelmingly bald. Only the rulers are never bald. First the French elites, then the English elites, in the 17th century, introduced hair pieces or “wigs” to all higher positions, from parliamentarians to judges, from nobility to medical doctors… and even actors, because actors played those elites on stage.
Later in the 18th and 19th centuries, the ruling classes wore surrogate hair pieces (from young donors) and designed the most elaborate hats—bowler hats, bonnets, toques, huge cylindrical top hats—and started the first experiments with hair transplants.
In America today, the elites all undergo expensive hair treatments and transplants. This all means that seeing an unashamedly bald American man on main street probably indicates his low social class.
Now from main street to the metro system in Tokyo that transports Japan‘s low classes from one place to the next place.
On the metro line we are immediately overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of body modifications such as crooked legs, bad teeth, short heights, but also other visuals such as colored hair, working class uniforms and cosplay. All those looks are sure signs of the Japanese underclass.
For one, the ruling class does not use overcrowded public transport systems—ever. The rulers ride taxis or company limousines with chauffeurs, own two three four private cars, and even fly helicopters and 1st class air service and private jets.
Foreign propaganda makes it look as if all Japanese use cheap public cattle transport all the time, I know. Long live socialism! But Tokyo really has 3 million registered cars, and oligarchs and top cadres don‘t use public buses or the tram, period.
[I know a finance minister, a Korean SK conglomerate CEO and two German ambassadors who never took the underground, but maybe the Japanese Emperor Naruhito does it and I just never met him, who knows.]
So, absent the upper class, here‘s how our social scientist in the Tokyo metro system can tell apart the middle class people from the lower class people:
First, there are hardly ever any bums and hobos or city peasantry on these trains. Just like the social welfare classes in European cities, those people hardly ever leave their suburbs or districts where they were born.
If they do have to travel to the city center by metro, this is basically a big holiday trip for them, like going window shopping in Shibuya or to the zoo in Ueno.
The vast majority of the commuters on the public train system are managerial workers. Even laborers such as electricians, masons or car mechanics obviously need their tools and cars and therefore will not ride public buses or trains.
So we are left with salary men and women. Those are the low-paid worker drones, from salesperson to office clerks to all sorts of minimum wage jobs. They wear typical salaryman suits and ties, with wrist watches on display, leather shoes and bags and cheap $3 translucent plastic umbrellas.
There are strong hierarchies in Japan within each company or governmental department. These hierarchies can be read from the qualities of the fabrics of their clothes, the exclusivity of their leather shoes and the luxuriousness of their brand watches.
The dress code is the most brutal for the normies and the averages in society. The untrained eye sees uniformity, while the eye of our trained social scientist sees a clear gradation: Suits from Hankyu or Aoyama Trading for job interviews, beginners and freelancers; Suits from Isetan or Matsuya department stores for long term employees and middle management; Suits from United Arrows for foreigners or overseas turtles; Tailor-made suits made in Ginza or Omotesando for senior management.
All Japanese salary men screen each other’s watches, briefcases, belts and shoe-wear for clues of social status. We don‘t need to discuss the intrinsicalities here in detail because brands will change. As a general rule, if an employee makes a mistake and dresses above his salary station, his bosses and colleagues will immediately cut him back to size.
Tourists and foreign guests who use the public transport system are completely unaware that they are sharing it with the low-class Japanese.
So they are looking at those worker drones and non-haves and find them… extremely fashionable, individualistic and creative. They are not. They can‘t even afford a car and they are coping.
And then, those foreign visitors look at the legs of the Japanese underclass women.
Now there is something to look at. About half of Japanese females have mildly to horribly deformed kyaku—bowlegs. Ugly, twisted, with their ankles spaced apart and their toes almost pointing backwards.
We have to “thank” all those Japanese pediatricians and health officials for this, because they believe it‘s cute and beautiful. You can clearly see their motives from looking at those images of lower teen models and idols all over Japan, in art and film and advertisement: Some of the girls can‘t even walk properly, but who gives.
Next are Japanese crooked teeth or yaeba—double parlance. This is one of the most disturbing sights in Japan, and onlookers can‘t help staring at these horrible spikes and double rows of twisted canines.
The medical reason for this is that Japanese chins are incredibly narrow, especially in girls. But adult humans have 32 teeth, right, too many for Japanese, so early intervention is necessary—universally—or else their nasty dents grow twisted and contorted.
Interestingly, the rich Nihon rulers spend 8 billion dollars a year to buy American killer helicopters, but do not provide basic dental care for millions of soon-to-be handicapped children.
On the contrary, the corrupt regime spreads the most horrible propaganda about how x-bow legs are so feminine and cute and how crooked pointers are somehow a sign of luck and fortune. Urgh.
But let us not fall for those fake stories from Buddha Land. Teeth of terror are a clear sign of intellectual poverty and the bodily underclass, and the rulers like to keep it that way because they want to mark those useless people. [This is going to change.]
Japanese brutal body modifications are inexcusable. As a US vassal, Japan is indebted to its American overlords. If Washington smacked the current Kishida regime in the face, by tomorrow Tokyo would stop crooked teeth yaeba and bowleg kyaku in girls, believe it.
Body modifications of the underclasses are rampant all over the world, yes. Maybe blackness is a body modification too, and so is shrinking their brains with short videos and iphone-waves, and that could be the reason why Americans keep silent on Japan—awareness could spill to the West and cause social unrest: The are modifying our anatomy, Jesus Christ!
Alas, the Japanese have a history of unnecessary cruelty. They are cutting living sea animals into pieces and enjoy their meal while the creatures are still moving and twitching. They put their elderly on street corner watch for hours a day, where many go insane.
When I see how the rulers bend and twist the bones of their slave children to resemble Hato fairy creatures, I loose my patience with this regime.
It reminds me of Japanese bonsai culture. Bonsai trees are of course trees clamped and wired and bent to size, which looks so cute and pretty, until you see how it‘s actually done.
A young tree is horribly injured and sliced… to stunt its growth. Every three inches, one inch is cut out and removed, until the trunk bends to an arch, upon which the limbs are fixated with strings and tape.
Those tapes take years before they can be removed, if at all, because the tree rarely regenerates from its wounds. Because of its infant sufferings, it has no energy to develop into a grown-up tree, so it remains… a dwarf. A bonsai dwarf.
This, ladies and gentlemen of the West, the Japanese inflict onto their low class children.
They prevent the growth and the development of proper bone structures and healthy frames through insufficient diet, forced posture, child labor and body modifications that will forever stifle those children‘s full potential.
A crippled body, a crippled mind. Those humiliated, disabled people will forever know their place. It‘s down there in the Japanese underclass, together with the other tortured animals and crying bonsai trees.
Full list of all 4 parts in this series:
Part 1. The Hikikomori Or Socially Dead.
Part 2. The X-Kyaku Or Deformed Underclass.
Part 3. Akuma No Juku Or: The Devil‘s Cram Schools.
Part 4. Kodomo No Yūkai Or: The Children-Abductors.
The author is a German writer and cultural critic.
Further Reading: Japan made the terrible mistake of aligning itself with the woke West and is now self-destroying. Read previous presentations about this nation‘s horrible decline:
Brutal. The Truth About Japan. From Tokyo University.
WOKE in Tokyo. The US Nukes Cool Japan Out Of Its Existence.
Worried about WW3 and transmitting coronavirus, Japanese bought 20 million house pets.
German Chancellor Scholz Attended Girls’ Day in Berlin, Accidentally Flew For NATO To Japan Next.
STOP IT, JAPAN: Mass Formation Psychosis.
Top Guns, Kishida, and US Biden: Showdown With Russia and China.
The Path To Japan’s Childlessness As Conceived By Its Satanic US Occupiers.
You don’t find much obesity in Japan, well from what I’ve seen, but what about the nuclear contamination of their waters/land. This I expect has a major adversarial impact on their physiology and psychology.
God bless America.
I once mentioned to my doctor, a Korean woman fully cognizant of the differences between Asian and Caucasian cultures, that I should eat rice like Asians to lose weight … “because one rarely sees an obese Asian!
Her answer: “Don’t be fooled. Fats congregate in the bellies of Caucasians where it is fully visible. Fats tend to congregate around and within Asian’s internal organs. That latter is more dangerous because of its impact on internal organs and their functions.”
Okay, so I tried a rice-filled diet …even after becoming aware that rice is very colorific. I didn’t lose a pound. In fact, I gained weight. My doctor? QED
I was married to a Japanese woman for twenty five years up until she passed away from cancer. I only put on weight when I worked away from home. Remarried to a Thai woman and lost over thirty pounds in a year, zero exercise, but she controlled my diet. Hadn’t felt or looked as good in ages. Came back to the states and packed the pounds back on in no time. Hmmmmmm.
The heavy bone structured in Japan do become obese.. as sugar converts to fat in 20 minutes, and they also have a lower thermogenic/ thermic effect. Poorly informed docs and controlled dieticians can’t and won’ tell.
It’s the carbs that fatten not fats, so calorie counting and portion size is meaningless. Digested carbs 1st top-up muscle and liver glycogen, stored sugar, about 1 pound. The rest is rapidly converted to body fat in the cells’ mitochondria via the Krebs cycle. Digested fat only slowly converts to usable energy molecules in the liver. The pathways to obesity of MSG and Aspartame have been identified! ( Dr. ).
There exist various homeostasis mechanisms in the human that show calorie counting to be meaningless. These mechanisms speed or slow metabolic rate, MR, depending on what, when and how much is eaten. One such mechanism, thermogenic effect/thermic effect (US) is bone structure dependent. A light-boned ‘ectomorph’ can quaff down a half gallon of heavily sugared ice-cream and.. weighs exacly the same next day. They have an inherent rapid MR rate rise after such a meal. A heavy-boned endomorph gains fat on a slice of apple pie with their very low inherent MR rise.
Eating low-fat creates 3 problems. Low fat meals speed stomach emptying by 100%, as fats need longer to digest. That leaves the dieter hungry soon after a meal, then they eat.. more carbs. Artery-protective nutrients in all high fat foods are lost resulting in accelerated heart disease and stroke. A low fat diet causes unused bile salts, (these needed to digest fat), to crystallize-out in the gall bladder. This forms very sharp, extremely painful ‘stones’ that need surgical gall bladder removal. 600K in the US have had their gall bladders removed from following idiotic low-cal diets!
Thank you. Spot on. BTW, I am an ectomorph. And the same weight (+-3kg) for 50 years. I put on a little weight in winter and lose a little weight in the summer. I try to avoid carbs. I eat lots of chicken and meat. I would eat more fish if it were readily available.
The biggest change and problem in the westernised diet is seed oils and in particular polyunsaturated fatty acids, mostly linoleic acid.
These fats damage the metabolism via numerous pathways if overconsumed, then the body’s tolerance for carbs is vastly reduced.
Alfred, unfortunately chickens and pigs and mostly fed PUFAs. This accumulates in their fat tissue as, like us, they are unable to metabolise them. Thus is why I won’t eat either animal. Such to ruminants, preferably grass feed.
Part 1 in tis series was good. This part not.
While class disparities and racism are real mostly unspoken problems in Japan, there is no sense in which Japanese people have been “deformed” by class conditions. This hit piece conflates class, Chinese foot binding and school girl fashions as if there is some confirmed underlying sociological hard data to make he point. I lived in Japan for 20 years. Everyone knows why SOME old ladies in INAKA stoop–low calcium diet and certain kinds of agricultural work. “Bow leggedness” is fashionable even among the royals. Though it’s fair to say that some of it comes from the fact that Japanese are a thoroughgoing floor-sitting culture–still. As for teeth…it’s not so deep. Japan notoriously lacked flouride in diet/water/toothpaste for aeons…and orthodontics is STILL not widely used. Again “yaeba” is not uncommon among ALL classes–even the Royal family. Take a look at a photo of Emperor Hirohito himself, as well as Princess Masako. Same. Ironically this piece reeks of cultural supremacy…concealed in concern trolling.
Yes I agree!
This article is beneath the Saker standards, It is baseless and wrong on every count. the writer is making statements that are factually wrong and I believe racist
Regarding incisors that come in over the baby teeth, this occurs typically when the baby teeth hang on for a long time.
The permanent teeth start to grow out above them.
I am not sure about this, but I think that robust baby teeth that don’t want to let go is a sign of strong teeth and bone in which they are embedded.
Many people in the USA have this problem. It can help to pull out the baby tooth that is in the way.
Orthodontics is a mania of Americans. The British royal family and Brits in general are famous for their crooked teeth.
Orthodontic treatment often does serve a genuine health purpose, such as moving the teeth to create a strong arch so that one tooth, or more, doesn’t get loosened and pushed out as the teeth move move forward on the jaw, which they normally to do.
Also, correcting the bite, which reduces basic wear and tear on the teeth.
Of course the American occupiers should have introduced this technology and made it available to Japanese society.
That said, good dental care is to a great extent still the privilege of the well off also in the USA.
No health insurance covers any dental care.
You just have to spring for it yourself to the tune of thousands of bucks unless there happens to be a dental clinic in your town.
“unless there happens to be a dental clinic in your town.”
Many university dental schools run clinics where their students can get real-world practice.
These are often excellent—the students are of course overseen in their work by the professors.
It is one of the few ways for normal Americans to get both routine and specialized dental care.
I read it to my son, he was making bread, all he said was ‘that is so racist dad’ then asked if the author was an old white guy.
Cheers M
what a racist thing to say. Just curious, why do you think you felt the need to inform us that your son was baking bread?
Because normally I don’t read to thirty year olds, just life in the raw. Me an old white guy, never read it as racist just someone’s observation, the bread making millenial on the other hand seen it as racist, another commenter observed the same…..sorry if the bread portion threw you off……
Cheers M
You are absolutely right and your son was absolutely correct. Keep teaching him Truth and he will be much better for it. Never compromise understanding of racism for some excuse to mouth it. See through the smoke and mirrors.
Low calcium diet is never the cause. It’s most often lack of vitamin d3 and its very important co-factors. It all starts with lack of sunshine and UV-B.
Fluoride is not there to protect teeth.
Have you ever seen an unemployed dentist. Or a dentist who was not in the top 10% of earners? Well, at one time I believed that fluoride would dispense with the services of dentists. Later, I found out otherwise.
Fluoride is there to lower fertility. It is almost impossible to buy fluoride-free toothpaste. Do you think that the manufacturers are not in on this scam?
For obvious reasons, those dispensing the funds don’t do research in this area. Here is a rare paper from 28 years ago. A lot of work was done in this area in the 1930’s. But you won’t find it on the internet.
𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀
Here is a website that tries to alert the public to this reality:
𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆
And here are 60 animal studies that make the same point:
𝗙𝗹𝘂𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲’𝘀 𝗘𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺: 𝗔𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀
I don’t really see any quality to Mr. Pattberg’s articles. They just seem like the rantings and ravings of a very judgmental person with a bad attitude. There’s no actual critique on how to improve things either, it’s just nonsense rambling about Japanese inferiority.
Ahhh, but you see, this article is published, not because it is anti-Japanese, but because it is pro-Chinese.
Thats really horrific,i must say its something i never even thought about.
That fashionable pose for Japanese women is a throwback to the natural position one would have standing on traditional geta wooden sandals while wearing a kimono. Gait analysis shows that their walking and running kinematics are normal—so it is a pose in every sense. Actually, Japanese women tend to be more athletic than their American counterparts; I would go so far as to say that they tend to be powerfully built, and are somewhat embarrassed by it, hence the popularity of that “girlish” slimming pose.
If anything, it is American girls that are being harmed most by globalism, with its glorification of obese women, and women on hormones who are trying to look like men.
I was very surprised to see Japanese people standing with the left foot on the right and the right foot on the left.
“The Chinese rulers in the last century inflicted horrible damage to the feet of their womenfolk. Foot binding affected millions of poor households.”
This is incorrect. Foot binding spread as a custom, not by imperial decree. Qing emperors actually tried to ban the practice, issuing multiple edicts, but people didn’t comply. “In the last century”, that is, after the fall of Qing in 1912, the new government of China banned footbinding and over time the practice was eradicated.
Actually, I think this “Foot binding affected millions of poor households.””
is incorrect.
Poor households needed the women to work. Footbinding was a kind of affectation showing status by being a sign that the woman was an ornament, not a worker.
Also, the “lotuses” or whatever they were called became sexual fetishes for many Chinese men.
Interestingly enough, Charlie Soong married a youngest daughter of a wealthy Chinese family who rebelled against the footbinding (the two elder girls married friends of Soong’s). This youngest daughter’s daughters became the spouses of Chiang Kai=Shek, Sun Yat-Sen, and an enormously weatlhy Chinese banker. The middle one also served on the council of some kind of Mao’s.
Agonizing descriptions of the footbinding process can be found in Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China.
during the Japanese invasion of Nanking, many upper-class women were unable to save themselves and run away because they were hobblinig on their painful bound feet.
Yes, that part about “poor households” is also incorrect. I realized later that I didn’t comment on that but moderation process does not allow editing. Anyway, in poor households you have to do manual labor, and so footbinding – or the modern equivalent of high heels and long polished nails – is impractical. Footbinding was self-inflicted and popularized by women of high status.
I didn’t know that Nanking story. Sounds like urban legend. But if true, these women should receive a Darwin Award. :)
I was of the understanding it was directly intended to restrain women.
Re “self-inflicted” I think it was the women of the family who oversaw the process. They knew that it was necessary if the girls were to make good matches. Of course they had had to submit, as well. Not that different from genital cutting, IMHO, also overseen by the matriarchs.
Regarding the wife of Charlie Soong (cf. The Soong Dynasty), it was only the Youngest Daughter who rebelled and eventually was allowed to refuse having her feet bound. Because she was the youngest of three, it didn’t matter a whole lot whether she married or not. The other two could be used in strategic marriages. Her suitor, Charlie Soong, was a Westernized Chinese. His friend suggested to Charlie, why not snag this intelligent “unbound” Youngest Daughter? They were very happy together and produced six children, all of whom played important roles in the history of modern China.
Strange how cultures differ.
When I worked in Chile, it was pointed out to me that a bald and grey head was sign of a man who can trace back his origins to the first Spanish who settled there.
The Mapuches never lost their hair or turned grey.
Baldness and turning grey was considered an advantage.
Well speaking as a member of the Western working class with bad teeth, I would like to respond to the author’s statement that Japanese culture has a taste for cruelty: That is hard to deny.
The best clarification of that I have come across was an insight from one of the wisest of my teachers. “The Japanese go straight to soul understandings but do not include feelings.” Soul without human emotions. This seems to explain a great deal of their cultural formation. However this stance seemingly gives them the “soul understanding” to accept cruelty. Somehow or other its seems to make sense to their exclusively “soul” based orientation.
Suppress emotions for the sake of soul values. Well that cuts both ways big time. The tricky bit is that if they are going to be a Yin culture that absorbs outside influences, then American occupation and its fascistic drive is going to dovetail so terribly with these Japanese cultural traits. A Japanese hand fitting neatly inside an American glove! No wonder they are stuck.
Soul based hierarchical cruelty with a downward dictatorship from top to bottom. A twisted aristocracy of power. A reasonably fitting description of this mad beast people are needing to call fascism.
I know lots of Japanese who take issue with cruelty, whether culinary or permanently chained pets or otherwise. It’s hard for me to say whether it is a majority that simply overlooks it because that’s what everyone else does or whether it is a majority that is being traumatized but told from childhood they must “accept the unacceptable” so stay silent. Upsetting the apple cart here is considered a sin, because in a complex society, it is hard to tell which way the inevitable repercussions will go, but the result is they tend to blunder from one extreme to another before external forces such as atomic bombs set them on a new course.
This is so sad. It is also almost like the Ukraine where the poor and old poor seem to be a major part of the army being sacrificed. A lot like the Vietnam War where the poor Americans were drafted and the rich avoided it or got in the Coast Guard to avoid getting killed. The poor Japanese.
Judging from Prime Minister Kishida’s speech to the nation a couple days ago, in which he said that Japan continues to “condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine,” but left the subject at that, Japan will probably not become militarily involved. (With Taiwan, they most undoubtedly will. During his recent visit to Japan, Biden said America would back up Japan militarily to defend Taiwan, to which the Pentagon reportedly said, “Oh no we won’t.” That left quite an impression with the Japanese.)
The rest of Kishida’s speech, however, made it clear that on the official level, Japan intends to develop in line with the WEF. Given the fantastic amounts of energy that are wasted with 5G and will be even more so with its successor, 6G, which is already being tested, not to mention the squandering of scarce resources for digitalization of everything, the only way Japan will be able to implement this in the face of various constraints on fossil fuels, will be to rev up all its mothballed nuclear power plants in various geological fault zones, supported by subsidies to make it all look sustainable while racking up further debt. Those subsidies will not extend to helping the victims of future nuclear catastrophes. Yesterday, Japan’s supreme court dismissed four class-action lawsuits seeking redress from the government for Fukushima’s refugees. That tells us all that Japan’s government will not take responsibility when the Great Reset results in health disasters and ecological crises. From the sound of it, the citizens are very disappointed by the Supreme Court ruling. Will this wake them up?
Someone wrote an article about cats and dogs in Japan and Germany etc. That was a good read, almost comical.
This guy is concerned about health and fitness of people. It’s not straightforward to explain all crooked teeth and bodies of all cultures in whole of history. Some parts seem to hit the mark, but others are far off.
He is angry about American colonization of Japan, which is a fact. American elite are generally rabid, so his anger is not misplaced.
I dunno…. these girls have rather nice legs. Good teeth too!
Are you kidding? One definitely has bowed legs and I can’t get a clear look at the other two. The teeth are not visible. The voices are reedy and unpleasant. The male models are Caucasian. Awful music.
“The ruling classes in all cultures are obsessed with modifying the bodies of their walking property”.
This is true despite the fact that the author is misinformed about a few facts.
Think transsexualism.
Even the fake penis worn by Christina Aguilera in a recent perv extravaganza was circumcised.
I disagree with him about muscles and tans on Caucasian males. Having a tan is a sign of wealth- you have the leisure time to sunbathe on a beach or at your pool. Muscles, but not bodybuilding, are an indication of health.
I personally don’t see those trends in Japan being so negative. In fact it is known that Japanese make very good housewives. They do all the house chores like cooking, washing, cleaning, and much more to make life more pleasant for the man (king). Nowadays, they even work full-time outside on top of everything else.. This is the core essense of the Eastern tradition. As a man I couldn’t possibly ask for more. May be the author prefers a more liberated style, perhaps from France to drive him crazy with all those equality lectures left and right. Also, as they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Uncle $hmuel cares not about how the Japanese treat it’s underclass. That is as long as
Japan remains a U$ stooge and allows their stupid military bases on their soil.
This is why i’m scared to look into what is in that baby formula, you wasted away a whole what? Generation??
You don’t have to go to Japan to see deformed legs and feet. Here in Western Europe I see, daily, people with such awkward gaits that I expect them to trip over themselves and fall at any moment. Mostly younger women, and they are not trained since birth to sit like those Japanese girls
At least morally the Japanese are destroyed, what remains of the country of the proud samurai, only the mafias of hired killers remain to control the anger of the population.
Humans have 36 teeth (32 are spoken off). 8 wisdom teeth total, but only 4 break through in most cases! Chimps have 36 teeth, too, of cause.
“This is true even in today‘s England, where the latest dead giveaways of the proles are heavy body tattoos all over their limbs and backs and necks, let alone face and genital piercings and—this goes all the way back to slavery—dark tan and muscular bodies. The low class men literally look like slaves.”
… No, these aren’t proles. They are lumpen who have never made an honest living in their lives.
Kindly, your fellow Marxist.
I don’t know about the legs, but in terms of both crooked teeth and baldness that is LACK of modification, i.e. not getting braces or hair pieces. So your argument is stretching it there.
Parece que o autor não gosta dos japoneses.
It seems the author doesn’t like the Japanese.
I have bad feelings about that article. First the author does not describe how Japanese girls looked 77 years ago before the US occupation. He does not look at traditions of body modifications in the history of Japan. Traditions of body modifications have been common in pre-colonial times in Asia and Africa. My father bought the magazine Sciences et Voyage in the 50’s and I remember reading many articles showing such modifications.
So, what is the relation with the US occupation of Japan?
Is this meant to be a serious piece?
I can’t believe it is.
Rather more like forced satire.
Martyanov posted this last week, are these Japanese kids deformed?
Just like these ones:
Marty’s band is better.
Crooked teeth? That’s CAUSED by the lack of B vitamins in childhood. Their massive sugar intake depleted their B vitamins. Some baby formulas are up to 40% sugar. Dr. Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known primarily for his studies on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. Already in the early 1930s his studies on Eskimo children confirmed that due to their newly changed diet to a high sugar intake, , from high fat, high protein.. not only did their teeth develop cavities, BUT the jaw, on THAT generation, was ALREADY smaller, resulting in crooked teeth.
Why is sugar NOT banned/warned against? The TOTALLY fake ‘Healthy Eating’ guidance was developed in US from the input of 20 experts.. 19 of whom came from Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Agric!! The ‘expert’ Health Eating guidance is to eat up to 10 teaspoons of sugar daily for an adult..
Keeping in mind that autopsies on 3 year olds have shown arterial calcification starting. due the that high sugar intake. How so? Sugar depleted the B vitamins needed to lower artery calcifying homo-cysteine, (mainly B6, B12 and folates). Sugar blocked the action of C vitamin needed to stop arterial inflammation, that leads to calcification, and,, sugar raised causative triglycerides.
Doctors in Med school. which are mainly funded by Big Pharma, get 6 hours of nutrition and are taught the fake healthy eating advice of.. calories, cholesterol, food groups, RDAs and the Don’t Supplement mantra. This idiotic advice is mainly based on the failed 1953 Framingham, MA cholesterol study. My son in the Vienna Med U got 20 mins of this garbage.
Docs knowledge of Optimum Health is Negative, by design.. how else would the Sickness Industry, in just US reach an obscene 3.5T$ annually?]
The Japanese stunted height WAS from the lack of animal protein, that needed to stimulate the release of and to form Growth Hormone, GH.. specifically the amino acids such as arginine, lysine and ornithine. My nephew is 6ft+. (Wife is Japanese).
(Removed,attacking the author violates the blog rules.MOD)
Re “This idiotic advice is mainly based on the failed 1953 Framingham, MA cholesterol study. ”
My understanding from Weston A. Price info is that the study did not “failed” in any scniefntific sense, but produced data that actually did not support the cholesterol hypothesis that was the underlying premise of the longitudinal study and that researchers wanted to prove.
So the actual data and results presented to the public were massaged to support the fear mongering regarding cholesterol .
I can’t recall why researchers wanted to get this result, but it might have had something to do with weakening the dairy faction and boosting the margarine/processed foods faction within the food industry.
So, a fairly common development in the “Adjustocene”, unfortunately.
In this case, the problem is that double-checking and isolating scientific institutions corrupted by oligopolies requires large non-corrupted bodies, but most are already corrupted by the rest of oligarchy. Even corrupt vs. corrupt most of the time can’t work, simply because a clear-cut border between corporations and “civil service” does not exist. There are always speaking fees, semi-retirement into private sector and so on. Separation of power branches was a cute idea, but it failed.
And since this particular oligarchy is theocratic by nature, “good causes” easily overlap with private interests.
The Great Fat Mess was and is quite ugly, yet it’s not even the greatest. The great Ozone Apocalypse scam started when a patent expired, but who remembers this? And now its offspring Cow Fart Apocalypse creates the entire bogus sectors of economics, at the expense of everyone else.
Could radiation from the WW2 nuclear bombs perhaps account for some of the deformity?
The saker is now on sensationalism as well. No studies, no links, only the opinion of one person. If you keep publishing this you are not better than the mainstream media.
So lets start this post by stating that I have lived in Japan for a number of years, am married to a Japanese person and live in a traditional house in a conservative city. I read Thorsten’s first post and while I disagreed with some of it, felt that it was a fairly good piece of writing and it presented Japanese culture in a way that many Westerners don’t really get a taste for. So tip of the cap to him for taking the time and effort to write the piece. Thanks Thorsten.
Some of the content in this latest piece I would disagree with, but NOT in such a strong manner. My issue is that the real issue here isn’t really discussed.
The underclass exist in every g20 country, so its fairly mundane that they would be “different” than their overlords. I think we also need to differentiate between the EU cultural model with its vast differences and idiosyncratic methods to that of the US empire and its truly broken system.
Every Japanese person gets access to medical care if they want it. The quality of that medical care is another issue however. Medicine is subsidized by the state and prices controlled as well.
All school age children starting in day care are examined by a Dentist. The reason for the lack of “straight” teeth has more to do with the cost of fixing them. NOT some cultural norm or overlord rule. If many have crooked teeth then the culture adapts to embrace the difference. The first time I visited Europe back in the 70s, I was shocked at the poor condition of their teeth. The brits especially… Most post boomers have all their teeth which is something that Americans cannot say.
This leads me to the real thing I wish Thorsten would discuss, which is the OUTRAGEOUS cost of living in here. If a family can barely afford the education, the clothes, the food and the entertainment, then things like teeth get brushed aside. However anyone reading this comment should know that many families here do in fact have their kids sit in the chair for braces.
The pigeon toe issue is vexing but I believe it stems to the Kimono as well as the belief that somehow its “cute”. Women often do all sorts of strange things to enhance their beauty, like poison their heads to make their hair blonde.
The twisted torso is from the older generation who were children before, during and just after the war. Not having enough food will do that to you. Many of those kids also lived on Spam and powdered milk for some years after the occupation.
There are more issues, but I don’t want to make it sound like Thorsten is doing anyone a disservice. He isn’t.
Just take some of what he says with a grain or two of salt. Life in metro Tokyo is not how many Japanese live, just as London or Paris does not wholly represent those countries either.
Finally the anti Russia propaganda here is shameful. The virtue signaling over Putin hate and Japanese islands is never ending. Yet the Kishida “US slave” government continues to import large volumes of gas and oil.
nonconstructive comment removed .. mod
I myself have a real Chinese woman and a Japanese woman in the family and am married to a Thai woman.
They all have their culture, and depending on their upbringing, a very fine culture.
In Thailand, the giraffe women with their brass rings around their necks……yes, they are less educated, but their culture is ancient and very balanced.
There is nothing primitive about it….
has a few million people doing these weird things…… marrying without a bridegroom for example, or tamagochis.
Such things clearly show that there are problems.
But if I compare it to the US, they are downright small.
China, yes the communists wiped out a lot of culture there, but what we know about Chinese culture was only for the top 10%, everyone else lived very differently. There wasn’t much culture……..
With the teeth, yes, these malpositions are very common in Japan, Thailand and China. what is rare in switzerland, they often have. that also has something to do with the Asian type.
In the countries, however, it is above all a question of money whether they can afford tooth corrections, etc.
Every damaged tooth is still often simply pulled there, as in the USA.
Well, in the US I saw the same thing on an even greater scale. It’s always a question of money for you, too….. probably for 70% of the population.
Swiss health insurance costs a whopping 900 francs a month for my wife and me, but it is sufficient for any treatment anywhere in the world, with only 2 exceptions. America and Thailand.
Thailand because foreigners are always taken to the expensive luxury clinics in Bangkok….. because there they have doctors who have learned their profession from all over the world, 20 languages are spoken there.
In the USA……..yes, you know that the same service in the USA……can be twice as expensive as 10 km away in Canada.
Sexually the Thais are completely free……… uninhibited, yes all possible directions are widely accepted. Tom-Boy, Tom-Dij, Katoy, Tussy, etc.
In Japan, politeness is very complex, you always make sure not to transgress it……but sexually they are quite normal…… except in certain classes under certain circumstances and that especially in the cities.
That’s a problem…….. but it’s one for 10 million out of 120 million.
In the US the same…… just the other way around. Black girls have their first child at 14, one each at 15-15-17-18, each from a different father.
And it’s not just black people, there are white girl clubs that swear not to have sex with a man until they’re married. For us Swiss, just as amazing as the Japs who don’t manage to pick up a man or woman just to have fun.
Japan has a strict culture……….. but there were restrictions for the lower classes, princes kept a harem.
If you know a Japanese woman better, there is no longer any trace of it.
i met my esretn japanese girls during the holidays in india. And then later while diving on Liang-Liang….. relaxed and fun without the constraints of the family.
The US occupation policy had a bad influence…….. but only one among many.
Foot binding marked a female as high status, she could not work in the field and must be carried over uneven ground.
In the West high heels, long fingernails, cosmetics, and tight clothing supposedly mark high status women who can never do manual work and must be carried over uneven ground.
Your sentence was removed as it was an attack on the author which breaks the site policy. Please read the rules which are clearly stated on the right hand side. Thx. Mod.
It must be amusing to advertisers how trends and fashion can be manipulated. It is a real crutch to feel the need to conform and the satisfaction to dismiss those that don’t.
Western culture has certainly exacerbated perfectionism, hell now not only our medical, but also our foreign policies have become the playthings of ignorant mass marketing gurus who twist reality with a bag of tricks the joker could only fantasize about. Oh they certainly know how to influence the masses, but can we raise the bar beyond power and profit? Obviously not!
This article is incorrect in its main premise.
Yaeba and o-kyaku in Japan have nothing to do with USA occupation of Japan! These ‘deformities’are cultural, different views of feminine beauty in Japan. There ARE “bad’ influence of American occupation on Japan, but yaeba and o-kyaku are not. I would say American “bad” cultural influence is everywhere, due to its status as sole global hegemon : even in ‘non vassals and rivals’ like Russia and China. Or else we won’t be talking about vehemently Russophobic liberal Russians on and off in this site.
Yaeba is not something the ‘corrupt Japanese leaders under American vassalage’ impose on low class Japanese or is something that identifies a ‘low class’ Japanese girl. In fact, it is expensive to get a fake yaeba and some girls with normal teeth purposely go to the dentist to create the yaeba ‘look’.
As for bow legged Japanese girls, here is an article :-
It is a Japanese cultural phenomenon rather than a symptom of American vassalage. Can’t blame everything one deems “bad’ on USA. What is ugly to the author is beauty to many Japanese guys.
By the way, my wife has natural yaeba and I really like that. Perfect imperfection! Both my wife and I are ethnic Chinese and I am not too fond of USA and Japan. Nothing to do with American bad influence.
Truth is Japan has the most beautiful women in the world. Much less bodily deformity than in present-day US and Europe, where many men and women suffer from gigantism–huge wide shoulders, great flabby breasts (both men and women) and bellies, and calves that could be used as columns in the Parthenon–that includes members of American and European elites.
I lived and worked in Japan for almost four years so I’m well aware of many physical problems that occur there. For the oldsters bent over they’re more than likely old folks who worked the fields or carried heavy burdens on their back. You don’t see many but they are there. As far as sitting on tatami mats with your legs splayed? I dont recall anyone doing that but the traditional way if in a formal setting and anything at home was a free for all… you did what felt comfy. The teeth? It’s like the UK… they just don’t take care of themselves in that way or obsess about it as much as Americans do.
Ever notice how all of the major participants in WWII are now cursed and degraded? That war was the source of all of our present problems. We killed millions just to empower the Juden psychopaths who now rule us.
As opposed to what? 0=0?
Another explanation for the prevalence of crooked teeth in Japan, as well as England, is that both are island nations which have historically had diets based around seafood and other soft foods. It is posited that a diet consisting of food that is more difficult to chew is a necessary component for teeth to grow in straight.