Let me immediately begin that I have really no use for Alex Jones or for Inforwars. I do recognize the very important and positive role they played in the 9/11 Truth movement, but the rest of their agenda and ideology is really not my cup of tea, to put it very mildly. Their constant hysteria about Islam and China is particularly stupid and, worse, misleading (Israel, for some reason, totally escapes their scrutiny). But the way US corporate giants banned them sets a very dangerous precedent.
Exactly as I have been warning in my “First they came for the Nazis and pedophiles” article last year, those who hate freedom in all its forms always begin by censoring what I call a “consensus villain“: Nazis, racist nutcases, White/European supremacists, pedophiles, etc. This way, if you speak up, you are immediately guilty by association. The problem with that is simply that when the state or the corporations (they are really one and the same, something libertarians always fail to understand) crack down on “consensus villains” they are developing a tool which they can then turn against anybody they want.
Furthermore, this is all taking place while President Trump has appointed a Supreme Court Justice who is totally in favor of handing over the Internet to US corporations (brainwashed Trump fans don’t realize that the Second Amendment has no political value whatsoever without the First one, while the Clinton-bots don’t realize that the opposite is also true!).
What we are witnessing is a major and long-time effort to re-take control of the only media which the rulers of the AngloZionist empire do not currently control. Personally, I am very pessimistic due to the sheep-like mentality of most of the western public who neither understands nor cares about these issues. And, just to make things worse, neither Russia, nor China nor Iran are any better in terms of understanding and upholding Internet freedoms.
Lastly, I want to add a word of caution: be very careful not to jump to the other extreme and assume that those who do get censored are either “good guys” or correct in their ideological views. I am absolutely convinced that what we could loosely call the “Alt-Right constellation” is backed by the US deep state and that the so-called “European nationalist” movements are also controlled by European special services (just as most so-called “Islamic terrorists”). Remember that in order to crush a “consensus villain” you often must first create one. So please don’t be fooled by the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” fallacy: look not only at what they say, but also at what they do and the function they serve in society!
The Saker
I want to know if they are oppressing Alex Jones in order to raise his profile and promote him and his silly agenda.
That is a very good point and a distinct possibility. For the powers that be, banning Jones and Infowars is a win-win situation:whatever the outcome, they score.
Besides, even if this ends on some hypothetical unban (sounds Orwellian too, no?), the precedent will be here and others will be next.
The Saker
Like you said, we owe quite a lot to Jones’ tireless work against the false flags, the war on terror and decrying the history of war. Aside from what I find disagreeable or irrelevant about his pursuits, I was always able to depend on him 100% for an antiwar perspective, which in the days of Shock and Awe we needed all we could get. When he began to ally himself with Trump, I was puzzled to the point of dropping Jones from my data feed. But, he insisted that Trump was going to fight the globalists and stop the wars, and with the exception of the brutality in Mosul, Racca and continued brutality in Yemen, that appears to have been true enough so far. In fact, the airstrikes after Khan Sheikhoun and Douma we clearly token, political only. Last week I read articles about meeting with Rouhani at the UN, meeting with the Taliban in Doha, calming Israel down enough to let Syria clear out the border en route to the Battle of Idlib, that the Houthis asked for talks with Saudis, the Kurds are warming back up to Assad to keep them safe from Erdogan (Operation [extending an] Olive Branch? Get it?), and the once impossible to fathom North Korea dismantling its nuclear facilities to join the table. Tucker Carlson is on Fox News talking about false flags and Neocons and pleading against war with Iran. What??? Am I dreaming?
My read is that Jones had a significant role, like in that of Assange, in scoring the nearly unimaginable election of Trump. And, further, my read is that, as the insane Russian collusion narrative also indicates, the dreadnought of US imperialism has been turned back (or at least pointed away from Russia and towards China as Mr Kissinger has apparently advised [and could also explain Jones’ bizarre focus on China). Many, many people for many reasons cannot let that happen. And, I think should the Russian narrative fizzle out, things will be even worse for these opponents (if Russia didnt hack, what happened?) What happens when the unredacted FISA documents are released? How many communication streams does Trump have with his base? No news papers? No 24hour networks? Right before midterms? What happens if they lose the midterms and cant get Trump out of there? I dont think they want to find out. And in my humble opinion thats the only reason we would see them do something so bald faced and frankly (perhaps problematically) Anti-American.
I think its quite telling that we saw a swampthing like Howard Dean come out in outrage over Twitter NOT banning Jones fully with the rest. This level of coordination is not dominos. We are seeing a serious act of desperation.
The brutality in Raqqa is very big exception.
jeez,,,you need to educate yourself to all the other exceptions.
Afghanistan…Yemen…supporting the israeli genocide of the Palestinians…are not the entirety…but other good places to start.
“Jones’ tireless work against the false flags”
I actually received from him information about boston false flag, before the actual event happened.
That was something!
I hold a similar position as Webster Tarpley in regards to both Assange and Snowden. Of Alex Jones, I had been warned of him over a decade ago, and then when New Orleans and Typhoon Katrina hit, there was something dubious in regards to Infowars.
And then the Boston Bombing. In an article I wrote of a black and Tan standing by the finish line holding an electronic device in his right hand.
“Infowars tells us that this picture was ‘snapped a few moments after the first bomb detonation. Infowars also tells us that the device he is holding is an “Inspector Radiation Alert” device that detects radiation from a dirty bomb or nuclear attack. Apparently this ‘Craft’ guy is really ‘Inspector Gadget’ of the cartoon fame.”
There were other photographs of this ‘black and tan’ including one where he is with two other black and tans, and still holding that electronic device, and these three ‘black and tans’ posed as first responders for the Sandy Hook fiasco, and then finally we have the photo of the FBI ‘bomb truck’ with another black and tan at the front passenger door and the driver not batting an eyelid, which simply tells you that the ‘black and tans’ belonged to the FBI.
And Alex Jones and Infowars did their very best to remove suspicion from the FBI’s ‘black and tans’. That simply means that Alex and Co. are all part of the conspiracy against us. And this is not new, but very old ‘spycraft’ going back to Cicero in Rome.
Of course these attacks on Inforwars will not stop Alex from operating, but it does set the standard where ‘any’ site which pushes freedom of knowledge will be attacked.
When all these different social media conduits concomitantly blackball the guy doesn’t that stink to high heaven of COLLUSION? Smells like a vast Deep State conspiracy to me, whether he’s being made a fall guy or a useful tool of the inside establishment.
Excellent point. I fear that, with this precedent, they will be silencing voices like Stephen F. Cohen, Vanessa Beeley, Graham Phillips, and yours. There are many others, but the list is short enough that, with a few commands to the internet’s distribution systems (now concentrated in a few hands, unlike 20 years ago), the voices of reason can be silenced.
Locating the server in Iceland is a good start but no longer sufficient, as there are a number of ways in which the connection may be disrupted.
Its funny, but I had the opposite thought.
Did Alex Jones deliberately trigger this in order to raise his popularity?
To me its odd that I don’t really seem to see an exact reason why he was banned. No one points to any exact posting or video and says that a certain set of words are what got him banned. Usually you know that by this time. Usually its also the Banned who find a way to tell this story as a way of striking back at the people who banned them by at least making them look ridiculous to what’s left of their audience. But, to the bit that I’ve tried to look, I haven’t seen that. Which makes me wonder if Alex Jones isn’t using this obvious counter-attack tactic then perhaps he doesn’t want a lot of scrutiny into exactly why he was banned?
It would be pretty easy to create something that you know is going to get you banned, and then use the Cry of “Banned on YouTube” as a rallying cry.
Silly agenda? I have to disagree. Yes, Alex Jones is rubbish on international news and foreign policy, Israel and Middle East, China trade wars, and his Trump support is tiresome BUT but he did a great job exposing Hillary, Podesta, Seth Rich murder, rigging of the democratic primary, Soros NGOs, Council of foreign relations, Antifa, Pizzagate, satanism, pedophilia etc…
I fear there is no 3rd dimension to this, it’s just repression pure and simple.
This is also my take.
A decade back, lots of noise was made over the British author/lecturer David Icke and he was stopped from speaking in a few venues in an American state and a Canadian province. Few who did not know Icke cared.
My feelings on David Icke are fairly close to the Saker’s attitude on Alex Jones. The bosh about “reptile aliens” made me want to ignore him completely, but in reading a couple of his books I had to modify that desire. David Icke draws attention to quite a lot that’s wrong in the world in between bouts of universal love and fantasy. Blustering Al Jones is the same.
These men seem to want to tell what’s “important” while adding blarney — maybe for plausible deniability in case they actually do run afoul of some obscure hate law? Far-fetched I agree, but dismissing them as controlled opposition is to make the same step in a slightly different direction.
Icke pre-dates Jones and set the yardstick to some degree. Both draw attention, they are to some degree entertainers/provocateurs, and cannot be judged by some academic yardstick they are clearly not trying to conform with anyway.
Paul Craig Roberts seems to have called this one right: “First they came for…” and the details change but the story is the same.
Well said, Franz, Paul Craig Roberts really (!) awesomely tells the truth. Texan Ron Paul (not to mention Alex Jones) is a bit more anxious to call them by their right name, but talks straight (describes accurately what is going on) as well https://www.rt.com/usa/435372-ron-paul-twitter-censorship/
He stood at the gates of the Bilderberg conference before most of us ever heard of that NWO organisation. Bohemian Grove is an other interesting organisation exposed by AJ.
Really … .I’ve had leftists telling me about those organizations for decades. For as long as I remember. I seriously doubt whether Alex Jones was the first to break either of those stories.
But if he was the first to enlighten you, then good for him and welcome to the club.
It is sad, when did the left become the ideology of mega-corporations centred around hating white Christian heterosexual males?
Remember when the left use to be about worker rights and not about queer theory? Those were the days..
“when did the left become the ideology of mega-corporations”
What you just pointed out is that this is not “the left.”
Yes, Hillary and Obama call themselves “the left”, but that’s just a lie they tell during elections. Both are what one would normally call “right-center” with a heavy tilt towards use fo force to get what they want. And yes, the right-wing-nuts call anyone to the left of Genghis Khan “the left” but that doesn’t make it true either.
These are corporations. They are not liberal. They are not the left. What they believe in is making money. They have to work that way, otherwise their shareholders can sue the management for failing to make money with their investment. What these companies are all about is making money.
I read that Alex Jones had pased CNN in popularity of their apps on mobile devices. The CNN corporation was pushing the Big Tech corporations to ban Alex Jones. That’s more about competition and market share than anything else. The Big Tech corporations obviously see future profits in aligning themselves with other big media corporations as well as with the power of the deep state. One thing that is absolutely certain is that “the left” is not the “ideaology” of these corporations.
Its all about making money, and “the left” has nothing to do with it. The only part that “the Left” has played in this is some obscene crowing on social media which is just showing that the followers of the Democratic party are at least as mean and angry and offensive as the followers of Alex Jones. I learned that back when I supported Nader for President and saw just how mean, angry, nasty and offensive the Democrats could be to anyone who challenged them.
These days, “the Left” is already blacked out on these media, if someone really wants to know what “the Left” is saying, they have to go deliberately looking for it as “the Left” is not publicized. What you see on your TV and what you see on the social media is rarely “the Left” as “the Left” rarely penetrates the blackouts. You can tell when they do because then the pro-corporate media and trolls will immediately start attacking them on the media and social media which gets mass exposure.
See the book by Robert Cialdini: Influence.
Six (or seven) categories of powerful influence on peoples decisions are listed, and one of them is rarity/scarcity.
Banning something falls into that category. Popularity soars with banning: see how it works with banned books, etc.
Saker’s points in the analysis are target center.
“… I want to know if they are oppressing Alex Jones in order to raise his profile and promote him and his silly agenda. …”
A very distinct possibility indeed.
A couple of years ago, when the true owners of the Anglo-Zionist Empire carefully pre-selected their pugilist duo (D. Trump and H. Clinton) to entertain the American sheeple in yet another “election” charade, one parallel sneaked its way to one’s mind…
You do recall year 1985, when Coca-Cola company (always in competition with Pepsi company) changed its product’s formula, and “people protested”. Whereupon the company, “on popular demand”, quickly re-introduced the old formula albeit under a new label – “Coke Classic” – while dubbing the the new formula “New Coke”. As a result, the company’s sales sky-rocketed, Coca-Cola company made a lot of money.
Americans are great masters of PR. “New Coke” vs. “Coke Classic”. “D. Trump” vs. “H. Clinton”. The owners win, only the sheeple lose.
(BTW. From 1886 till 1929 an essential ingredient in Coca-Cola drink was cocaine(!) (hence the name)… “Let’s make America great again”…)
Wasn’t that the extract of Coca leaves in early Cola, which is definitely not the same as cocaine?!
It’s easy to have an answer to that.
If they restore his accounts (especially YouTube), then it might very well have been that. Otherwise not a chance.
All Alex Jones’ media is based on these distribution channels. It’s very hard to stream videos to a large audience using your own infrastructure.
Now they just need to go after his twitter account and his infowars.com domain name and he’s history. His venture costs too much and he has no backup plan.
Alex is primarily an “old media” empire: he is on a couple hundred radio stations, and this year has grown to over 400 TV stations. Because of the banning he is now signing up 30 to 40 stations a day. His videos were completely demonetized by YouTube nearly two years ago and through algorithms they had cut back his YouTube views by 90% so he lost no direct income from the ban. He supports himself by his competitive selling of supplements, T-Shirts, books, water filters, survival food and videos. He has over 30 to 40 million viewers/listeners a week.
He is perfectly aware that they will try to go after his domain–he mentioned it today again. He always has a backup plan because he mentions it (or hints at it) regularly. For instance, he bought up all the old Voice of America equipment on the cheap when it was abandoned, he has had talks to sell his products directly in Europe, he has set up his small European operation. He also has an incredible amount of advanced technical support from ex-military and high-tech types who amazingly keep everything running despite the massive denial of service attack that is taking place concomitant with the banning. He mentioned that he does expect some outages because of it this week.
He does, indeed, stream to a large audience using his own infrastructure. He does admit that he can’t handle making available the 35,000 videos YouTube took down. On the other hand Mike Adams of Natural News created real.video an alternate video platform and Infowars videos are up at gab.ai, vimeo, bitchute & other alternative platforms. Infowars is uploading their 1,000 most popular videos.
It certainly occurred to me that censoring Alex Jones might result in a wave of curiosity and interest in him and his messaging. Just as “Banned in Boston!” made everyone want to read the banned work.
I also think that this is the time to start boycotting FB, Twitter, etc. Individuals and, especially, any entities that have their own websites and blogs in which they want a decent discussion of any current controversial topic, openly political or otherwise. They should be trying to get visitors to their own sites, not diluting their impact by sending people to ‘follow us on FB.” Why in the world should someone be invited to leave a blog “own” site to spend time on its second-hand FB mirror impression.
Just say no to FB. Start your own blog or website, or become a responsible contributor in a blog community that someone else has started.
BINGO! If the PTB really wanted to de-platform Jones they would not have left his website up and running. If you want to look at what de-platforming really looks like look at the Daily Stormer. Whether or not you appreciate DS’s brand of humor or their political positions, they were the first test case in true de-platforming. It is only because the particular individuals associated with that site had the technical skills and determination to keep it up and running were they able to survive the unprecedented assault upon the site. What Jones has experienced looks a lot more like an effort to restore his credibility among the sheeple which has been seriously eroded due to his aversion to discussing Jewish power and his penchant for obvious misdirection.
Just look at his “official response” on his site…He attributes the attack on his infowars empire to the Chinese! LMAO! The fact that all of the people in charge of the organizations that banned him are members of a different tribe. But then he was/is married to a member of that same tribe and his children are considered lifetime members by tribal law. Go figure.
I long thought Alex Jones could be controlled opposition, I honestly don’t think it’s “highly likely,” but the possibility is there. The clash of cultures is a globalist goal after all, which he has been pushing non-stop. Christians fighting Muslims would thin the herd, making it even easier to control. I also once saw him getting triggered by a caller who called him out on his silence on Israel and Zionists, he started ranting about how Israel is just trying to survive, has nukes en masse and he didn’t want to die in a nuclear wasteland by provoking them. 5 minutes later he got back on the “horrible communist Chinese” with their “mobile execution vans” tirade.
But on topic, this is not about Alex Jones, it’s about free speech, he’s just the first to fall.
PS: I completely agree with you on internet laws in Russia, China and Iran. Russia especially is a disappointment in this regard, it is the most progressive out of those, they really should know better than banning VPNs and cracking down on Telegram. They are doing so many things right and then they do this a** backwards thing.
I think you are going too far when you start attacking the opposition for being “controlled opposition” of course there is controlled opposition, Lenin himself said that the best way to defeat a rebel group is to create it and lead it yourself. But mostly this “controlled opposition” talk comes from crazyed purist who disagrees ideology with another person or disagrees on a few subjects and thus label them “controlled opposition.”
For example both person A and B might agree that that there is an secret world government. But Person A likes muslims and person B does not like muslims.. Person A will then call person B “control opposition” for not sharing his views on muslims.. This is very typical.
I would not call Alex Jones controlled opposition, I would however for example called Glenn Beck controlled opposition.
Well I did not call Alex Jones controlled opposition, I merely said the possibility, at least in my view, exists. His rants range from real stuff like Soros and Bilderberg, to complete insane fantasy like his idiotic suggestion that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be the first Nazi president of the US… seriously? One of his regular commentators also alleged that Putin was financing the initial anti-Trump protests, he wanted to “arm” Trump with this “knowledge” before his departure for the G20 meeting with Putin.
Some of his “breaking news” are so utterly ridiculous, the Onion is probably secretly jealous that they didn’t come up with some of it. Not to mention verifiably false. There was, for example, one fake news headline peddled by Infowars for months on end, that a prominent member of Hillary Clintons staff was a porn actress. It took me a mere few seconds to find out the name of the actual actress in the short GIF even Trump retweeted, long story short, it wasn’t the same person. Still, they kept bringing it up every chance they got.
I used to watch Infowars for a couple of weeks, until the stuff I initially ignored, dismissed as breaking news mistakes or strongly disagreed with piled up high enough that I couldn’t stand it any more.
Even while drunk I wouldn’t be able to seriously consider some of the complete lunacy that comes out of that mans mouth as remotely true. It’s so unbelievably ridiculous, it introduces a seed of doubt about him and his sincerity in my mind.
Alex admitted that he was a Performance Artist– the world’s second oldest profession. Meanwhile in the White House, (help!) we have yet another performance artist, a “Game Show Host”, and how can we forget “businessman” who has gone bankrupt Many times, destroying how many jobs, with a porno-photo model wife who wears the infamous “I don’t care” jacket. Get it?–the joke’s on us. Puke! I guess we were put here to Experience first hand this post apocalypse society. It’s okay to be alarmed in situations like this. Never too early to panic! The trumpets have sounded and most people are too distracted to even notice, or care. Friends, we are going to have to figure out how to do some serious end runs around this bunch. C’mon team, We can Out-imagine them.
I dont believe you can judge Russia by the same yardstick as you can America regarding this issue of controls. Russia is at war and under attack – at least 50% of that is information and economic warfare.
Would you have Russia be completely open allowing every sort of entry, including the Soros and his like types, to create havoc with the malcontents and impressionable young of Russia; to foment Maidan after Maidan across Russia?
Russia has had enough of that, but there is more. Every country under attack has to protect itself from those who would worm their way in and spread poison. During WWII Britain would slap a “D” notice on anything in any newspaper that it didn’t want discussed – indeed, even now they do such things. All communications were censored, even private letters.
America went a step further – it built concentration camps to put innocent Japanese civilians in for the duration.
America is very much at fault here – no-one is attacking it. It is the aggressor, it fears no-one. It has no need of self protection, and thus is being wholly totalitarian and dictatorial.
But Russia is under attack, China is trying to protect itself and run a country of about 1.5 billion people with an Aggressive America threatening her – the situations are so different, and it is on those that judgement must be based.
I agree with you on principle. However, one of the two specific examples I named could not be utilized for the purpose you are describing, at least I fail to see how. I believe the bans on those 2 things stem from technological illiteracy of the policy makers, not actual threat from outside.
Telegram is a popular messaging service, like dozens of others out there. To single it out because “terrorism” (the official reason) makes no sense. If terrorists wanted to communicate, nothing short of a complete shutdown of the internet, the cellphone towers, landlines, satellites and a genocide of pigeons will stop them from doing so, not a ban on one of dozens of messaging clients, that’s nonsense.
VPNs could serve a malicious purpose, but they are not some secret weapon which is key to foment a Maidan-style event. One of the purposes is to allow you to show a different IP address to websites you visit, than the one you have. You can pretend to be from a different country, as far as the website you are visiting is concerned. VPNs are often used to circumvent IP blocks. I, for example, live in Germany, for the longest time most music was blocked for German IPs on Youtube, I used a VPN to bypass that country-wide ban to still be able to listen to it.
Another purpose of VPNs is to establish a secure private network across the internet, which is more in line with the official reason of “terrorism.” Still, there are a ton of possibilities for terrorists to utilize, singling out one makes no sense.
Again, I believe it’s ignorance of new technology which drives these policies.
As for China, I agree. I don’t like the policies they apply and do believe they go far beyond necessity. But still, with the amount of people in China, if the same amount of people could be mobilized, percentage wise, as came out against Trump after the election, we are talking about insane amounts.
As for Iran, even if, geopolitically speaking, I am on it’s side, I still consider it a backwards society. A few years ago a tournament for a popular videogame was organised in Iran (League of Legends). The game pits 2 teams of 5 against each other. Each player selects one of over 100 characters, each with unique appearance and ability. The Iranian organisers banned all female characters from being picked and the players were restricted to only playing male characters.
I share your view to an extent, but in all honesty, the internet alone is pretty much useless in organising anything as substantial as a Maidan protest. Seeing as how Russia, for example, threw out the NGOs long ago, I don’t see why restrictions on the internet are necessary on top of that.
Isabella, I tend to agree with Saker, as all three countries he mentioned have a history of central-info-control. Info is and was always subject to tight control. Mind you sometimes there is a need to monitor foreign agent’ movements, as it’s a required action against 5th and 6th columns. Having said all that, the above does not mean that “democratic western governments” do not do the same.
I will second Saker’s statement that Internet needs to be free, and definitely not under corporate control.
Controlled opposition indeed! AJ deliberately mixes a whole lot of BS with some very good analyses, as for the latter to become one with the BS.
Anyone who talks about 9/11 (here EU many people still believe the official story) will directly be accused of an AJ follower, in other words your a fruitcake, end of story. Same thing with David Icke…
This is very important: “… don’t be fooled by the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” fallacy: look not only at what they say, but also at what they do and the function they serve in society!”
We see that play out as a logical fallacy so many times in the crazy upside down world we live in. It is not always that when someone gets censored, it is because they are ‘over the target’. Sometimes it is an op with different objectives. What is clear up to now is that we are seeing some kind of op for sure .. (at least for me). The common discourse (sometimes not so common) in most of the internet spheres is under threat from everywhere. This is be the start of a new type of warfare, on you, and on me. Alex and his cohorts and all the other voluntaryist type sites and even Ron Paul that are disappearing right now but not getting the press that Infowars gets, is a direct shot at you, and I.
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. “
From Wikileaks:
Twitter kills off US State Department / Iraq war whistleblower Peter Van Buren (@WeMeantWell) and the seven year record of his tweets.
Some readers are aware I have been permanently suspended from Twitter as @wemeantwell.
This followed exchanges with several mainstream journalists over their support for America’s wars and unwillingness to challenge the lies of government. After two days of silence, Twitter sent me an auto-response saying what I wrote “harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence someone else’s voice.”
I don’t think I did any of that, and I wish you didn’t have to accept my word on it. I wish instead you could read what I wrote and decide for yourself. But Twitter won’t allow that. Twitter says you cannot read and make up your own mind. They have in fact eliminated all the things I have ever written there over seven years, disappeared me down the Memory Hole. That’s what censorship does; it takes the power to decide what is right and wrong away from you and gives it to someone else.
Hate what I write, hate me, block me, don’t buy my books, but please don’t celebrate handing over those choices to some company.
I lost my career at the State Department because I spoke out as a whistleblower against the Iraq War. I’ve now been silenced, again, for speaking out, this time by a corporation. I am living in the America I always feared.
A number of the comments at the Peter Van Buren blog site say: Forget Twitter; just go to the blog.
My idea, too, as expressed above.
On that note, I hope anyone who likes this website has it bookmarked.
In other words, don’t depend on a google search to lead you back someday. Whether it does or not depends entirely on google and whether they are blocking or “downlisting” the result.
Its harder for them to shutdown a website because there are more ISPs that are independent of google/facebook control. Worst case was like when they tried to shutdown wikileaks, but those activists kept hopping the website around different IP addresses and people had widgets on their own sites that would always link to the current active IP for the site, so they stayed up. But that’s a lot of effort to block someone they really don’t like such as wikileaks. They won’t and probably can’t do that to everyone. In fact they couldn’t do it to wikileaks.
We may have to go back to old school internet. Bookmarks and email lists and friends forwarding emails that contain links to useful articles. There is an internet out there that is beyond the borders of google and facebook!
‘After two days of silence, Twitter sent me an auto-response saying what I wrote “harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence someone else’s voice.”’
I’m not sure how any of that could even be possible when the accused person is never physically near the alleged victim of harassment. We have all seen such tactics work effectively in the home, the schoolroom, the playground, and the workplace – especially, perhaps, the workplace. They are often seen at work in politics.
But for anyone to claim that they have been “harassed, intimidated or silenced by fear” through the medium of tweets… is not just incredibly wimpish and snowflaky; it is absurd. If you don’t like a tweet, ignore it.
Ironically, Twitter’s response was to use its huge, heavy, monolithic, clumping corporate brute power to silence Mr Van Buren. To silence him, not by “fear”, but by denying him the use of its popular communication medium.
If a corporation like Twitter, Facebook or Google gains the kind of currency and near-universal adoption they have, they must also have duties to behave in a public-spirited way. And not to use their vast power meanly to silence anyone who disagrees with them.
No matter what the snowflakes may shriek, it is still true that (as I learned at my mother’s knee”)
“Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can never hurt me”.
Infowars does indeed provide interesting articles, especially by Paul Joseph Watson. However, even so, one has to wonder what the true motives of Alex Jones and Infowars really are.
In 2001 the famous William Cooper was killed by an Arizona marshal. The marshal later died in a car accident (?). Cooper had a magnificent website, which I surfed on a daily basis. Analysts have pointed out that Cooper was removed so that Alex Jones could take over. They have also pointed out that Jones has Zionists around him.
So, what is the modus operandi which Jones, perhaps, employs ? He constantly points to the activities of the globalists. Why ? According to analysts, we are apparently witnessing some psychological warfare methods by Jones. By constantly pointing to the globalists, Jones in fact is conditioning the public to accept them as reality, and a reality which cannot be changed. Since I cannot either prove or disprove this theory, I rest my case.
The same paul watson who responding to the censorship by stating “this as bad as it is in Russia”? That one? Wise up, sister.
By the way, in Russia, telegram was censored for supporting terrorists. The us would never dream of shutting down facebook for supporting terrorists. Russia’s actually fighting its oligarchs. America’s fighting truth. Big difference.
PJW sometimes says stupid stuff, but overall he’s correct in far more than 50% of cases.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3EgJ7nIC0M The Truth About Russia ‘Hacking the Election’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVlBZml7k_U Russian Ambassador Shot Dead: What They’re NOT Telling You
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17lUTNdkOuk NO, IDIOTS, 2016 WASN’T THE “WORST YEAR EVER”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-LhfKKgncg The Cultural Enrichment of Germany
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa8jOoL0LoE F**k George Clooney
Paul Joseph Watson’s articles about immigration into Europe are 100 % correct. He say’s it as it is.
PJW is an Israeli supporter – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THBS9rElkc8
Agree with you on this issue. Alex Jones is probably one of those disinformation channels as well. This guy is close to shady characters like Roger Stone who is connected to some high level circles. Also Alex Jones works from Texas which is the capital of the US Oil Cartel (thus Rockefellers). Whoever holds his strings, I can’ tell but I am highly suspicious of this guy, since he is against China and Muslims to a degree of hate, but not against Israel or Russia for some strange reasons. His stories about China particularly are sometimes outrageous. IMO, he is equivalent to Young Turks which is another BS channel from the opposite side, working in favor of Alt Left supporting Clintons, Soros etc. Funny that all these clowns are making money and finding audience with this type of BS that they sell. Add Vox, Antiwar, Drudge Report, Huffington Post etc.etc. to this mix and you come to the conclusion that all of these are manipulation (perception management) tools supported by one oligarchic group or another. I guess the Alt-Med is getting worse and worse by the day pretty much like what has happened to the MSM.
While I don’t think it is anything tinfoil-hatty about talking about conspiracy theories, quite the opposite, the world is built on conspiracies.. I think you’re definitely entering the realm of tinfoil hats when you begin spending your time accusing people that are revealing conspiracy theories of really being “controlled opposition” and only you are the true person revealing conspiracy theories… Thats quite nutty.
Totally agree with You.
The Jewish Mafia, already controlling the global judicial systems monopolistically and at will through the BAR association. every practicing judge, attorney, lawyer, etc. is a member of, is tired of the old-fashioned, cumbersome, extremely slow-paced traditional practice of law and is rapidly moving the whole shebang into the sphere of private corporations.
Mafia assets Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Apple, Microsoft, PayPal, Netflix, Amazon, Yahoo, etc. can do the job in the interest of the Rabbinate and the Zionist Politburo much smoother & swifter than those outdated institutions.
Oh, we are talking about Mafia asset Alex Jones and episode 10456 of his Mafia soap opera. One to remember for sure! Can’t wait for episode 10457…
“I am absolutely convinced that what we could loosely call the “Alt-Right constellation” is backed by the US deep state and that the so-called “European nationalist” movements are also controlled by European special services (just as most so-called “Islamic terrorists”).”
Why are you absolutely convinced about this?
Funding. There’s too much money going to alt right. And textual analysis.
What significant movements or persons within the alt right have money that is hard to explain?
What do you mean by textual analysis?
I´ll tell you, blogs.
Most of the so called US “alt-media” spread the same pro-Trump, pro-white, anti-immigration, pro-capitalist, anti-EU, pro-far-right and presumably pro-Russian message….They appeared out of nowhere around the year or so to the last US election, sometimes like reproducing themselves from spores of previous mother-ships, under the alibi of fights amongst their leaders/managers when they all belong ot the same paymasters/creators.
This was a psy-op to rise Trump to power and at the same time get the people confused, but not only the American electorate, but also that of the EU and I would say that even the Russian one with all kind of conspiracy theories so as to undermine the pilars of the statehood in order to try to overthrown democracy in favour of authoritarian rule. This was most probably organized by Fascist International as a test on how far they could go by broadcasting to the four winds for the first time after the end of WWII crude nazi propaganda not getting immediately the people´s rejection.
Fortunately, in spite of the immense efforts by people like Alex Jones and the likes ( amongst whom there is a bunch of the current commentariat of this blog, who first infiltrated it and then dedicated themselves to group-bullying anyone who dared to rise its voice against such obvious overwhelming horde, and whom, btw, gave them a damn the First Amendment related to those regulars they were trying to silence here but now run fast to defend the First Amendment Right of their guru Alex Jones ) in demonicing and labeling of whatever those who first started to feel the chills that somemthing was wrong and strange with all that, people, whom they label comtemptuously “sheeple”, are always wonderful and see further than these slaves could see anytime.
Textual analysis:
etc. Look into it a little, other sources.
For some insight into deep state activity in creating ideology/propaganda see Norbert Haring & Niall Douglas’ “Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards”
=> RAND corporation behind creation of some economics ideology/”theory” and libertarian ideology. And so when you see some of their ideology copy pasted, you get the textual analysis verification. But this can be done by useful idiots, and so it isn’t a proof. But it is deep state backing none the less.
The question here is whether the deep state controls the Alt Right, which I doubt, not their usual methods. If there are any concrete examples of RAND corporation ideology copy pasted into texts by Alt Right authors, it would be interesting to see. It is possible, but I see no reason to claim this as a fact until I see any fruits of the application of textual analysis, or any other evidence.
For the doubters, a thought question: five points/deep state/micc/ have a target/motto ‘full spectrum dominance’. Do you think they are going to leave anything to chance? We know about the troll farms, and other hybrid warfare activities. ‘Editorial control’ of the alt-right is right up their alley. So much money is spent on hybrid warfare that to leave such an opportunity un-attended would be negligence. And ‘eternal vigilance’ is another one of their mottos. How could they leave a golden opportunity to slip between their fingers?
“Do you think they would leave anything to chance” you say.
I guess resistance is futile then, but at least we are in the know …
You, Anonymous, Tim or whatever you want to call yourself, sound like a paid troll trying to mimic the jargon of a conspiracy theory guy, muddling the water with obvious statements without adding anything substantial to the claim that the Alt Right is controlled by the deep state. If anything, this interaction makes me more and more convinced that you guys are not in control of them.
Obviously resistance is not futile. What do think Saker is doing???
Have you looked into the RAND corp history of creation of ideology yet? If you won’t look into it, you can’t be helped. “without adding anything substantial to the claim that the Alt Right is controlled by the deep state.” There are references given. Start digging.
Another point of textual analysis, is use of techniques such as NLP. If you see NLP being used, its an alarm bell. Look into NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming). NLP was created by detailed examination of the hypnosis techniques of hypnotist Milton Erickson. NLP is used in persuasion techniques.
“I am absolutely convinced that what we could loosely call the “Alt-Right constellation” is backed by the US deep state and that the so-called “European nationalist” movements are also controlled by European special services”
-What a sad perspective, then there is truly no hope given that the “Alt-Right constellation” and European nationalists are the only opposition in Europe and the only pro-Russian force in W.Europe. If they were controlled despite leaving EU and such there is a level of manipulation that makes any resistance pointless. We might just give up and do nothing since everything everywhere is controlled anyway.
The US deep state backs “Islamic Terrorists” and have used Ukrainian nationalists as catspaws against Russia. It is not hard to imagine they would like to employ Alt Right or European nationalists as controlled opposition if they were able, and that some level of infiltration may have happened.
But that these movements to a significant degree are controlled by the deep State or European Special Services are strong claims that need further backing.
I think ideas and claims should be studied on their own merits, regardless of who promotes or attacks them, regardless perhaps even of their immediate function in society.
What function will a movement based in truth and justice have in society today? In a society based on lies and injustice it will immediately appear as a force contributing to discord, and powers wanting to appear as the responsible middle will try to exploit this. This is the challenge for those who seek tangible results in the world.
“Editorial control”: some people know there is a hidden hand, that is easy to see, and others don’t want to know and won’t believe. It’s up to the individual to do the digging to grasp what is going on. No one else can do it for you.
You and the other «anonymous» (the same?) a bit further up in the thread answering me add nothing to this conversation but confusion, in a style that seems to require just a minimum of effort.
I believe in hidden hands, and that much is possible, but find it more likely that you are a troll paid by hidden hands to reduce the quality and legitimacy of a forum that often offers some very good comments, than that the Alt Right is controlled by the deep state.
First there needs to be a common meaning for deep state. Using Eric Zuesse’ definition of American aristocracy, the ultra-rich, as the owners and controllers of the US system, the deep state works for and includes the US aristocracy. Thus the deep state is the permanent bureaucracy, the corporations of the ultra-rich and the ultra rich. There are multiple revolving doors from the corporations to bureaucratic positions. If the ultra rich are running something then it is the deep state. Deep state also includes all those NGOs that do various outsourcing jobs for three letter name agencies, controlled by the US aristocracy. If this is not agreed on then that ends that. If it is agreed on, then the next thing is, how are the alt-right controlled or connected to any part of the deep state? Those connections are out in the open, and easy to find: William Regnery, Robert Mercer etc., publishers, that have other activities, fund the alt-right, and pull the strings, have editorial control. They are members of the ultra rich. Deep state control? Obviously. It is Hermit that is not adding anything to the discussion. The permanent bureaucracy answers to the ultra rich. The ultra rich define the deep state. The funding info is easy to find.
Over the weekend, Twitter suspended Peter Van Buran, Scott Horton (of Antiwar.com) and Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Report. Van Buren was permanently banned for a tweet suggesting he hoped some “Make America Great Again” “zombie” would eat a mainstream journalist’s face off and the other two were temporarily suspended for retweeting the original tweet. The journalist proclaimed he would report Van Buren to Twitter and Twitter executed the suspensions.
The three banned individuals discuss the issues involved here:
Behind the Scenes at the Twitter Purge – With Scott Horton, Peter Van Buren, and Daniel McAdams
I urge everyone to remember that the CIA created Google and Facebook to enable the sort of mass social control that they couldn’t do openly by concealing it under a corporate “false flag”. It doesn’t matter that these are corporations not affected by the First Amendment prohibition against government censorship. These are governmental proxies executing governmental policies.
How the CIA Made Google
Facebook – the CIA conspiracy
On the contrary, Twitter has stated that he will not suspend Alex Jones´count….
“Alt-Right constellation” is backed by the US deep state”
Welp that’s that. I think the fact of the matter is that people who grew up steeped in the myths of Liberalism and The Great War (i.e., people who worked for NATO, for example) bear certain ineradicable prejudices. Having listened to the awful “Heel Turn” interview (which I had to turn off when one of the hosts started throwing spaghetti at the Saker), I can say for certain that even the “good guys” fall afoul of this phenomenon. Prejudice rules today, even in the places you’d least expect.
It was true what Striker said though: the only group of people in the West who support Russia are “Alt Right”, “neo-Nazis” and “white supremacists.” If you deny it, you probably don’t live in the United States or Europe.
This is patently incorrect. There are several sites i go to daily as a Leftist who saw through the Democrats long ago. Rachel Maddow is not Left. Nor are the Young Turks, nor is for that matter, Bernie Sanders, a sheepdog for the Democratic Party. Google Global Research, Caitlin Johnstone. Jimmy Dore, indeed, Fort-Russ is a left wing pro Russia site whose articles sometimes appear here. Stalkerzone regularly has articles posted here. They are unabashedly anit imperialist ProRussia and as far as I can tell not Alt Right. Also Greanville Post posts some article seen here, and Jeff Brown is pro Russian and even says he is a Communist in his recent life.
Ramin Mazaheri is pro Russia and a socialist.
The idea that there is only Alt Right pro Russian and no real Left favoring at a minimum a fair reading of Russia’s role in the world is mistaken. Granted, the Left has been largely decimated following decades of relentless attacks. However what remains of true Left or Socialist leaning Left is pro Peace and not anti Russia.
At one time I was hopeful that Putin would purge the Russia oligarchs and restore an economic system centered on public ownership of key industries. This hasn’t happened and does not seem to be the intent of President Putin. Consequently, I no longer believe that the current, apparently neoliberal, course upon which Russia is traveling has any relevance to myself as a Leftist. I would certainly oppose steps towards war with Russia but otherwise I have become more or less neither pro-Russian nor anti-Russian. Why do you seem to feel that events in Russia are relevant to the Left? Nobody wants war but I don’t see that issue of relevance only to the Left.
Agree. Alex function was to make noise, distract & entertain, or in other words to channel, process and absorb any genuine revolt people felt toward ango-zio-gay-nazy (AZGN) gang in US. Danger also lies, as Saker pointed out, in possibility to use his persona to associate any genuine alternative thought as such nonsense and so it goes.
I guess, we should just ignore it and label it for what it is: BS.
For whatever reason, Alex reminds me on David Icke, minus lizards :)
Cheers to all!
The Infowars banning is censorship, pure and simple. Even those that say these are private entities and thus have the right don’t deny that it is censorship.
What strikes me about it all is the coordination of it: banned from 3 platforms in a single day. Two possibilities exist. Alex either pissed them all off simultaneously or this was a government directive. Having not seen any egregious violation noted by these platforms, I conclude the latter being most likely. The veneer of plausible deniability is as thin as that of “moderate rebels”.
Hands-off dominance, debt as an asset, humanitarian wars: Orwell writ large.
Pretty accurate analysis. Except, I’m not sure about the child molester reference. Rounding up people for molesting children actually helps society. The nazis rounded up people for being alive and having a certain ethnicity. Strange wording from the Saker.
All should see that this censorship thing becomes an industry, a bureaucratic industry. Large buildings start popping up, new agencies everywhere. Crossdressers with security clearances, sitting around, looking for a way to exert power on the “deplorables” who called them fat in 6th grade. They used to call the internet the wild west. Look what happened to the wild west. A little mouse dropping like John Mccain became “maverick.”
Strange was the use of these things – facebook, youtube, and so on. Why? It was always “to reach a larger audience.” But why are you based there? So you use those sites as tools, but why base yourself there? Infowars once had forums, and it was never necessary to upload to one video site. There are dozens of sites. You link to them. It aint rocket science. Maybe it’s just the mentality of these people – they want to be stars on the hollynet web of fame. Yet, it’s obvious these sites were always herding operations. (If they were cattle drivers, who are the cattle rustlers?) You’re your own mini celebrity but don’t realize how close in proximity you are to the slaughter house. I don’t get it.
The internet is a tool. It’s an electronic bulletin board. Don’t praise it. Don’t celebrate it. Don’t think for one second it’s something else.
This is right…Alex Jones and Info Wars are fakers. and this ‘enemy of my enemy’ is most definitely not my friend.
but its sweet to see Jones get his from those who set him up. they set him up indeed to take him down in the pursuit of their own agenda. create your own bogey man to take him down in the process of creating a tool to attack everyone and all
the ‘system’ is always engaged in such games one hardly ever knows who is who and what…
it is not wise to follow anything but ones own trusted analysis as informed as one came become.
I like the Saker and his blog. it’s pretty good, strong standards, great contributors, intelligent commentary. but can the Saker be deep state too
hahahaha. just kidding! can he? nah! hahahahaha
I am so tired of Alex Jones being accused of things he 1. did not say (about Sandy Hook) 2. did not do (harass children) 3. and is not ( some kind of double agent ,deep operative ).
I immediately stop reading anyone who approaches the subject of Alex Jones using any and all of the above so I did get mostly though the article because I generally trust Saker to be fair minded and not make unfounded accusations. Life is disappointment sometimes.
The first amendment is an absolute principle of American democracy however tattered it is by forces of greed, globalism, and grandiosity. Alex Jones, like it or not, has his thumb on the pulse of the American people in a way no other does. with 2.4 million listeners at least . And please note that Trump has not come to his defense yet and probably will not much ever. Trump has no loyalty to friends. In the grand scheme of things, Alex (and his very excellent line of supplements ) is of no importance and, that, is also why he is beloved of the American man on the street. He is a self made man, part preacher, part huckster, part prophet calling in the wilderness and insular in his political consciousness—how dare the egg head elites of the coasts try to diss him!
Agree. There is an alternative to Twitter called Gab.
Not yet Trump, but Trump Jr.:
‘Israel had fingerprints all over 9/11’
– Alex Jones, ca. 2003
The new Alex Jones:
‘Israel could not have carried out these [9/11] attacks’
– Alex Jones
Eddie Bravo: Who put together 9/11?
Alex jones: Saudiarabia
Adam Green: ‘CNN and Youtube are coming after us. They are going to come after him [Alex Jones]. like af beta test, and then they are going to come after the rest of us’
– “Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist “Gatekeeper”, YouTube, Adam Green, 2. april
During a live radio interview with George Noory on Coast 2 Coast AM on August 9, 2017, Alex Jones openly stated that he worked for U.S. Special Operations Command in a secret military psychological operation to assist Donald Trump in becoming President of the United States.
DOCUMENTATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBiiuk-2qqI&t=
Infowars Employees Expose Alex Jones – YouTube
Alex Jones has many Christian Zionist millenialist followers. yes, they have a disturbing lack of empathy for the peopIe killed by srael’s brutal, racist, gun-them-down-at-the border crowd control policies. This does not make him a deep state operative, however. The general consensus at the local check out counter line is that Alex Jones does not deliberately lie to the American people and is more truthful than the corporate media. Plus he has interesting people on as guests. For example Mike Cernovich has a Persian wife so he has a twitter, video, and home country reports from the streets that many people on this site who tout the line of ” Islamic Socialism” might disagree with . He did get rid of that Corsi fellow who was just hyping himself and giving out bad news.
Yep, Jones has screwy ideas about Venezuela—for example accepting the corporate media’s spin that the attempt on Madero’s life was a false flag without question because it fits his world view ( i.e. socialism bad/capitalism good). Since when does he accept anything the corporate media says ? hmmmm.
OK. However, Anyone who wants to understand what is going on in
Cukoolandia, Countdown Day 89, should keep tabs on Alex Jones. What is happening is that the social contract that was negotiated in the 1930’s is beginning to be renegotiated and that is the more powerful movement underneath it all right now. Alex Jones is just one voice in a louder chorus and can no more direct it than the tides of the world can be halted.
And remember that it was the real Russian patriots who in time coalesced and picked up the pieces in a resurrection of their nation. It is my hope that out of the debris, chaotization and suffering to come that the same type of people emerge in the United States or whatever we will be calling ourselves then.
Does not more censorship represent the failing of the ruling elite to control the population? Does it not represent a certain desperation of the powers that be? It would be in their interest to allow Alex Jones to exist on the Internet and let the cognitive dissonance of the population, Alex Jones listeners and even Alex Jones himself plateau or reduce his popularity over time?
I have a neutral attitude toward Jones. Some things he does are great. Some things he does are ridiculous. Many many strong internet voices have this flaw. Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky are brilliant but still believe in mad made global warning in spite of evidence of the mean global temperature flattening. Many intelligent conservatives give the Israelis a free pass. This is very very common. Every person carries the ideological baggage of the past. The left/right paradigm lived in the subconscious of the population even though it deserves to be rejected outright.
But the censorship is in a way, encouraging. The ruling elite are losing their persuasive powers quickly. Either we revolt or the iron fist of the state is ready to come crashing down on us at any moment.
We’re either a step closer to our liberation or a step closer to our demise.
A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ””The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.
30 years ago I cancelled my newspapers and stopped watching the news, it was obvious that it was well coordinated and scripted across all platforms. 4000 media companies consolidated into just 5 in the past 50 years.
InfoWars is the most consistent not reading from the script and challenging the Narrative Web site and presenters, they don’t just accept the first line that is put out and repeat it aka Mockingbird.
Information Warfare is real and is being conducted against the American People on a daily basis, it’s all about controlling the Narrative and getting the Enemy to give up the fight.
There are other Open Source alternatives to they can use and by doing this other people can follow and leave behind the US Government social media services. But they refuse to go Open Source because they are part of the big show.
Alex Jones’ cover has been blown several times that I know of. If that communication channel needed a cover, does that mean that it was saturated with lies and destructive information? Not at all. He has informed the internet community of many real situations and passed to us many pieces of useful, relevant, and factual information.
Has he sent this truth out of the goodness of his heart and his unstinting loyalty to truth? I am pretty sure the answer to that question is ‘No’. Writers who have studied his situation have suggested that he is a compromised individual who is operating under tremendous pressure. Maybe we should feel pity for him. It occurs to me that being forced off the air might actually be a liberation for him.
From the standpoint of his controllers, the factual information was an investment in conferring credibility on the channel.
The periodic blowing of that cover could reflect a couple possibilities. (1) A situation came along requiring that a critical narrative had to be reinforced — even at the cost of blowing Alex’s cover. [No big deal. They know we are stupid with a short attention span.]
(2) What Michael Hoffman has called “Revelation of the Method”. This is a mind control tactic whereby I tell you openly what I will do to you, and for which you have no defense or remedy. When you experience this, you sink into helplessness and despair. Every time the controllers burn the cover of what had been a voice of truth, this is a revelation of the method.
It is so obviously helpful to the controllers to have us using this medium that they totally own, that I am inclined to the belief that they will not cut off our access to it until the very end.
My favorite Alex Jones moment was when his ex-wife was suing him for divorce and she tried to use his pod-casts as proof of his instability. Alex Jones replied, under oath and penalty of perjury, that its was all a “performance artist act” which he did to earn his living.
Could be a cover to give jones back some lost cred. Could be the result of infighting among the zionazi oligarchy (the current dem vs rep nonsense is mostly that). Could be a portal to spread the censorship much wider (though it already is, mostly against the left domestically and against non-colonies internationally). Likely is a combination.
I ran a search on google as a test with this:
facebook banned left wing
Got sites talking about Facebook banning conservatives. Obviously, google was blocking or burying returns about left wing bannings.
It’s probable these oligarch sites (facebook, google) are using the censorship of a few expendable zionazi/nazi assets to mask the much greater assault against the left and material from countries they don’t control. Against those still outside zpc/nwo control.
@vot. Agreed. And that spares me the trouble of disagreeing with all of those here who claim that Western support for Russia comes only from the Hard Right.
yeah, they’re taking down one of their own to set an example – but Ron Paul Istitute got taken down to as well as Daniel McAdams – that’s bad – but those folks are rich – the Libertarians – although I did hear they no longer look to Ron Paul as their leader – but RP has friends that can sue FB and Twitter – and I’m sure that’s what he’s working on now – hehehe
Just yesterday read that his followers have multiplied as a result of the mild-ban ( since he has not been banned at other social media like Twitter…..)
I bet you that this is an operation to rise his audience towards the mid-term election campaign….
where he will follow broadcasting support for Trump…..
I see google is promoting a nyt article titled “The New New World
A Generation Grows Up in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter” right now.
Oh, the horror, those poor deprived Chinese youth don’t have access to THE TRUTH is likely the spin (not read the article, and won’t).
Personally, I regard these oligarch sites as psywar tools, first and foremost. The real issue being their replacement with sites not under zpc/nwo control rather than idly complaining while still using those oligarch sites.
Wise words.Agree with the article word for word, which for me is an extremely rare thing, in fact I can’t recall the last time I ever agreed with something so completely.
Things are very often not what they appear to be & it can be difficult for those who have never worked professionally within the state security/police apparatus to grasp the levels of complexity & deception that these agencies operate on. It can be even more difficult to grasp what various personalities that present as opponents/dissenters against the ruling establishment actually truly represent. It is not a matter of a person, say an Alex Jones or a Noam Chomsky for that matter, being a genuine/real anti-establishment crusader or being a fake “gate keeping” false opposition limited hang out type psy op. The reality is far more obscure, for these personalities will usually represent a faction or an interest group within the power structure/ruling class, so when their patron(s) are removed from the centers of power they can appear to be radical opponents of the system, at others, when their benefactors are in the driving seat, they become watered down or outright apologists for the regime. I mention Chomsky, he has been outed for his stance on 9/11 & subsequently accused of being a left gatekeeper, yet to me, his various positions on other matters were far more revealing of his function as a dissident for a particular power faction. Example, it may still be on You Tube somewhere, when Chomsky was at Chatham House London, an arch center of British imperial foreign policy formulation, he was asked whether the Russian “annexation” of Crimea was illegal under international law. Chomsky replied that it absolutely was illegal under international law, but as a caveat, he argued that the US was in no better a position considering its history of interventionism in locations such as Central America. I watched this in total disbelief, not at the fact that Chomsky took the Atlanticist imperial line on Crimea, but that he could give such a stupid & irrelevant analogy, totally exposing himself as a fraud – for not one word did he mention the Kiev coup & scandalous western support for – note – not “neo” nazi terrorists (Pravii Sektor, Azov Battalion etc.) but outright nazis plain & simple. Not one word. Since then, more recently he has assumed a more reasonable attitude & uttered comments that are similar to that of Stephen Cohen’s views, but this is because his benefactors are no longer in power & also time has moved on. One has to take public figures of any political denomination with a great deal of skepticism, in the case of Alex Jones, well he is an open supporter of a certain faction of the Republican Right that class themselves as “libertarian” & hence opposed to globalism. In reality, he serves a certain brand of neo conservative, which occasionally surfaces out. Banning him on certain platforms could be a pr stunt but I doubt it, for the simple reason that he doesn’t need the publicity & that other Trump supporters are being seriously targeted. What is happening however is that one faction of the ruling class is going after another, in the US currently a power struggle has broken out between what can broadly be defined as the Wall St/banking/finance axis (pro Democrat) against the Pentagon/military industrial axis (pro Republican). As the empire declines they have irreconcilable differences about how to manage the situation & as a result, a serious conflict is on the horizon.
We are losing the only forum that allows free exchange of ideas “the Internet” and it is a major tragedy. People have turned to the Internet in large part because the “News” has become truly fake news. The major media players have drowned the signal of honest discussion and investigation with “straw dogs”. Now the Internet is swamped with useless information, programs and false documentaries that claim to inform.
The sad thing is that critical thinking is not being taught in schools in the USA. As it is critical thinking is structured to keep ones mind in the Corporate/Government consensus. Few people even stop to question the underlying assumptions. This is why our government and gate keepers like Google are so afraid of RT News and other News sources that challenge consensus reality. The fact that the citizenry can’t think for itself and may intuit a rat when viewing other sources of fact really rattles them.
Critical thinking is being taught but only really in some Humanities departments at some universities. Also, some faculty in these same departments are purveyors of deeply entrenched groupthink about identity politics. Really, it should be taught in the primary school system, but that poses a different set of issues.
I haven’t read all the comments, but whatever Alex Jones is (and I’m no fan) he played an enormous role in bursting Joe American 6-pack’s cognitive bubble. A great many first encountered alternative explanations of how the world works by listening to Alex Jones.
If some continued to follow him after their epiphany, well that’s to be expected. If my own experience in talking to some of them is any guide, many more moved on to wander further afield for deeper explanations. He has 2M+ followers, but there’s probably that many, and even more who had their eyes opened and then moved on to more nuanced perspectives.
Some of those, of course, forgot what started them on their search in the first place.
Well, Jones was one of the entry vehicles back in the day for me into what yaall would call the alt right.
Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, the Minutemen, Montana Militia, Governor Clinton and Mena, all long forgotten in the shadow of the demolition of the towers…been an interesting ride, but we are alot further down that rabbit-hole these days, than he dares to tread.
I believe, he is what he appears to be. All his personal relations agree on that, be they anti or pro Jones. His wife said so in divorce proceedings. Joe Rogan ditto. Many others.
Nowadays he gives me a Hal Turner-esque vibe and it might b a valid comparison, the feds put Hal up, and they took him down. Dunno.
Doesn’t matter.
I called to warn: look at Maria Boutina Saker. How long do you think it will take them to frame you after the decision is made?
Give me an hour, I’ll set up a case as credible for the average normie as they have against Jones.
Can you afford the ride as Jones can?
Tell ya what: if we are not in the warm up stage of a hot civil war, I will eat my dirty sox.
Brought to you by the usual rascals.
Only, this time the proletariat is wearing MAGA hats. So do the uniforms.
Gonna be hard to wage a campaign of boomers, lgbtq and antifa geeks against that. Blm is concentrated in the inner city, so is laraza. One ebt card swipe away from being week and hungry when the shelves are empty.
Not a pretty pic.
But yeah, be careful out there.
Social media purges & the operation to place controlled sides for and against the undermining of the Establishment
Look, there is one easy test to confirm if someone/some group is “controlled opposition”…Do they openly and honestly discuss Jewish power? If they do not, then they are surely either controlled opposition or misguided loons.
I don’t know if this will make it past the moderators or not, but at this point, there is simply no way to deny the pervasive presence of Jewish power within all of the key institutions of the entire West (and elsewhere in many cases). Just turn on any MSM channel and you will see US politicians lining up to pledge their undying loyalty to Zionism and “Israel as a Jewish state”. Look at who heads/controls all of these massive media giants like Google, Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, the NY Times, etc. This group is almost exclusively Jewish. Look at the big Wall Street Financiers, those that are not Jewish are firmly linked to Jewish power.
What is the fastest way to get banned from any site, organization or event? Simply try to discuss Jewish power and you will be quickly shown the door. This is why Jones is so obviously controlled opposition…He (and PJW) refuse to discuss Jewish power. Instead, they identify real problems but misdirect people’s efforts and anger at things like the “Chinese attempt to de-platform Infowars”. All good propaganda contains some truth. Things that can no longer be hidden are simply attributed to other causes/actors so as to protect the actual power brokers…This is the role that Jones plays. He takes these issues that can no longer be denied and misdirects peoples efforts into harmless directions.
This is not rocket science. The scope and scale of Jewish power can no longer be hidden, no matter how aggressively the public discourse is policed by Jewish power.
“Things that can no longer be hidden are simply attributed to other causes/actors so as to protect the actual power brokers…This is the role that Jones plays. He takes these issues that can no longer be denied and misdirects peoples efforts into harmless directions.”
of course! I dont know why it is so difficult to see Jones clearly, why some people here defend him because of the supposed pioneering journalism he is alleged to have done. so what! al that did or does is to make him legit in the eyes of those he intends to fool.
and indeed we are stil here having to fight the power. what is the the actual effect of whatever Jones is alleged to have done of a positive nature?
many years ago the first time I saw Jones I recognized as a whore. his extremism is not surprising but expected. he is a whore so reputation is of no consequence. he gets what he wants..maybe the huge house in the suburbs, fat bank account..whatever it is. much more important to him that reputation. he must gain attention, have profile to do what he does
I dont understand the difficulty here with having to prove Jones one way or the other. he is a presstitute plain and simple..the most easy of thing to decipher. this is a nothing issue. what is important is the censoring issue and wittingly or otherwise Jones lent himself to that.
I dont care which way it was..wittingly or otherwise. if the deep state is fought in behalf of Jones we ought to be clear on who Jones is. we are not fighting for him but for us. Jones free spech must be respected but we ought to easily know who he is and what they are playing on us with Jones at the centre
@ Bob at 3:16 am EST
Very good summary. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Often a picture says more than a lot of words;
Well said. The center of world power today is the globalist Money power represented by the central banks and their owners. The President is not the most powerful individual in the world and power is not centered in Washington. Nevertheless, the contrary is repeated online ad nauseam including by persons such as Paul Craig Roberts who surely knows better. This center of the globalist Money Power is Jewish in essence. If not, Israel would not have such a privileged position and would have gone the way of Apartheid South Africa decades ago. One thing I would point out is that there are real divisions between the Jewish People themselves. Particularly between Diaspora Jews and Zionist Jews (referred to by Henry Ford as International Jews). This results in the apparent paradox that President Trump counts Jews among both his biggest supporters as well as his biggest enemies.
Alex Jones is so horrible about China and Muslims and so is PJW – that I hate them both –
The most interesting thing here is that Apple, Facebook, Google, censored infowars at the same time.
This means in practice that someone coordinated this effort in some way. Is there a new Cartel of high tech companies in the making, and who is the boss?
Imagine what this Cartel will be able to do, it just blows my mind.
I don’t watch Alex Jones and Infowars but the problem seems to be the censorship of free speech ( or the truth ) which is called by elites ” hate speech” when it doesn’t suit them.
@ Ben Sampson
Alex Jones has been suspected of being a Zionist “alt. media” disinformation-peddler for quite some time–long before his latest kerfuffle.
Here is an archived link to the Opposing Digits’ expose on Jones. Unfortunately, the Opposing Digits website itself has been taken down, so the links in the article are down.
Alex Jones Exposed!
Is Alex Jones Linked To Zionist-Jew Bronfman?
Is Alex Jones A Zionist Shill?
One of the interesting points made in RealJewNews article above is that Jones was exposed by the late William Cooper (a well-known member of the Patriot movement) as being a scaremonger, among other things.
The article below also further explains that “In early 2000, Cooper, on his shortwave radio show ‘Hour of the Time’, played excerpts from Jones’ new year’s eve 1999 broadcast during which Jones reported that the Russians had launched long range nuclear missiles at targets in the US.
Cooper stated, in no uncertain terms, that Jones was a disinformer. In fact, he called him a liar and a ‘bullshit artist’.”
Bill Cooper & Alex Jones – Soothsayer & Doomsayer
Look around, and somewhere you can find the story and probably a court transcript of Alex Jones saying the same things about Alex Jones, and doing it under oath.
His shows were being used against him in a divorce suit. Alex Jones came back and said it was all just an act. Under oath.
Jones was a real trailblazer at one point. 2001-2016 maybe. While he didn’t expose zionism, the man was a redpill dispenser. His work in busting open 9/11 was critical. You have to wonder though if his pro-establishment sea change and other things, like a nasty divorce are related.
For anyone who thinks outside the system, there was almost always one thing at first. They discovered that what the system was telling them about one point was a total lie. It doesn’t really matter what that one lie is, or who passed along the information that proved it was a lie.
The key point is that from then on it all shatters like a mirror as you discover more and more that everything you were taught in school and everything you saw in the media for your whole life was likely a lie.
I don’t really like Alex Jones myself. But if he helped point out a few lies and thus hand out a few red pills, then he can’t have been all bad. If we ever want to change things, we have to be part of a huge coalition of all types of people who collectively have the power to overturn this empire. I guess I can stand being in the same huge crowd as Alex Jones. Besides, if I’m busying fighting with Alex Jones, I’m sure not going to be able to beat the whole empire at the same time.
After a lifetime of struggle on the left, I realize that the Empire has very deep pockets. What would seem like a huge amount of money for a struggling activist is just petty cash for the government or for big corporations or the truly wealthy. Because of this, people can be offered amounts of money that are too big to refuse, and thus people do tend to make large changes over careers.
I’ve seen people who were at once very radical reporters and commentators later turn into champions for the modern, corporate Demographich party while carrying their earlier work as a sort of shield or holy banner in denial of what they’ve become.
The Establishment has got a lot of money, and they can buy almost anyone. Thus its dangerous to follow anyone as some sort of pied piper because they may get bought off at any time and then turn and march the crowd into a hotel california where they can check out at any time but they can never leave. Just got to keep your eyes open as to where this parade is heading and be aware of any changes of course.
jones is just the garden variety opportunist smart enough to realize how easy it is to dupe the idiots by playing the role of a WWF wrestler…armed with an ak47….while commentating…anything he wants to.
impossible to know what he ever believed as that wasnt the point.
the point is what you see in the comments…people using him to explain their own conspiracies….by attaching to his words.
all silly stuff.
Your comment about the relationship between the First and the Second Amendments is faulty. The First Amendment does not say that “freedom of speech” is “necessary to the security of a free State”–the Second Amendment says that “[a] well regulated Militia” (composed of the body of the people) is. In fact, only by so securing “a free State” can “free speech” be secured for the people against the forces always intent on suppressing it. The problem is that the American people have allowed the constitutional Militia to be largely disestablished. Thus, it should be no surprise that “a free State” is being undermined at an ever-increasing pace.
I always took both the first and second amendments as the words of succesful revolutionaries agains tryanny.
They’d live under a tyrannical king who wanted to limit their right to speech with his troops and his minions. There had been a constant struggle in Boston between the budding revolutionaries trying to have rallies and print leaflets and the royal governor trying to shut them down. Thus, when the revolutionaries got power, they insisted that the government would not do this again.
The American revolution began when the tryannical king tried to seize the guns and powder of the revolutionaries. That’s what Lexington and Concorde was all about. The tyrannical king’s troops were marching out to seize patriot armories and powder stockpiles in those towns. Thus again, the successful revolutionaries tried to ban this.
To me, its not so much that one depends on the other either way it goes. Its more that both are essential conditions for liberty to exist.
Next time, we should remember to write it out as simply saying that all people have these rights and no one can take it away from them, instead of making the mistake of thinking that the government is the only threat to these rights and thus limiting only the government from taking them away. Monty Python had the line “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.” Maybe now its “No one expects Google.”
Make an article on the new US santions against Russia. Aeroflot will be banned from flying to the US.
This the beginning of a slow process to shut down voices with none-MSM message. They will get the “label” which in general could be classified as dangerous to Democracy and that will be the end. An end to getting a different point of view.
Mop-up of the smaller players will be easier, assembly line court orders to ISP’s to take down websites deemed “dangerous”. What can happen ? NOTHING. WallStreet protests resulted in exactly NOTHING. The same will be with this.
Actually, its a lot harder to take down websites from ISPs than to take down from Google and Facebook.
All that’s needed for recent actions is for Google and Facebook to agree and its done.
There are lots of ISPs, and some of them are in places that do not respond well to American court orders. They might succeed in taking a website down for a few days, but it usually pops up somewhere else not long after.
If they go further and try to block IPs or DNS entries, that hasn’t worked so well as Russia is currently discovering.
It’s interesting to consider this may a psy-op to support Jones. Also that he may serve as an outlet for “Revalation of the Method” from the Regime.
The goat buggers didn’t waste any time:
First they came for Alex Jones… Now Facebook bans Venezuela news site
“Venezuelanalysis.com, a left-leaning news site that writes from a pro-Bolivarian revolution stance, has been around since 2003. Critics, including the US government, brand it as a propaganda outlet of the government in Caracas. The site says it is funded by donations and lists as its team Western-born journalists and filmmakers, as well as endorsements from dozens of Western intellectuals, including Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali and Oliver Stone.
On Thursday, its Facebook page was suspended in what Venezuelanalysis described as a “flagrant act of political censorship.” It suggested that the ban may have been timed to suppress a “brilliant piece” on how the Western media covered the drone assassination attempt on Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro. The banned site also asked for public support in the face of the suspension.
The suspension was reversed by Thursday afternoon, with the interruption reflected by absence of posts since August 7.”
This is what I meant by facebook & co. targeting the left as standard practice. This govno goes on every week.
Venezuela Assassination Attempt: Maduro Survives but Journalism Doesn’t
Political analyst Ricardo Vaz looks at the mass media’s bias with regard to the recent attack and in its long‐term Venezuela coverage.
“All in all, it seems like the US Empire, its allies and the stenographers in the mainstream media are trying to play a game in which they never lose. They constantly call for a coup, even report on foiled attempts, (4) but when something actually takes place, the reaction is along the lines of “the US/Colombia/Venezuelan opposition had nothing to do with this coup/assassination attempt which maybe did not even happen”. Had it succeeded, as the 2002 coup did briefly, they would be celebrating “a victory for freedom”. Since it failed, it was all in the dictator’s imagination! But the crackdown is certain, which will then justify people wanting to kill Maduro or attempt a coup, and the cycle starts again.
The reactionary plotting against the Bolivarian Revolution by the Venezuelan bourgeoisie, their northern masters and the latter’s regional puppets, only now and then materialises into actual operations or terrorist attacks. But there is a constant set of background assumptions being created to endorse and provide cover for these actions, and this is achieved through the western media’s systematically dishonest coverage of Venezuela.”
Why even though I don’t particularly like Alex Jones, it is important to stand for his right to speak.
“America isn’t easy.
America is advanced citizenship. You’ve got to really want it bad. Because its going to put up a fight.
Its going to say “You want free speech?” Lets see you acknowledge a man who makes your blood boil and
who is advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would oppose at the top of your lungs.”
That’s from a movie called “American President” which is one of those movies the Hollywod Democrats used to put out showing their idea of how things should be. That’s what the left in this country used to believe. In my lifetime I’ve seen the left switch from demanding free speech to working to shut down speech they don’t like. But, unless we want executives at Google deciding what we can say based on what’s good for their bottom line, we have to stand up and defend Alex Jones even though he makes my blood boil and advocates at the top of his very loud lungs what I would spent a lifetime opposing.
“excerpts from Jones’ new year’s eve 1999 broadcast”
Alex Jones 1999 Y2K,Russians are attacking!
with the key words (just in the first minute):
“putin” “thug” “KGB” “chechnya” “soviet union” “100,000 dead” “nukes” “nuclear meltdown”
(p.s. for the alex jones apologists: doesn’t aj sound alot like a fat anderson cooper from CNN fame? naaah, can’t be – he is team trump all the way, right????)
that youtube link actually started this whole article/discussion
anyways, i have some questions (anyone can contribute and answer)
1) isn’t it called hypocrisy to advocate for “free speech”
and then have 5 mods filter the comments?
(p.s. yes yes i know, it is to keep the discourse on a higher level, which is fine by me,
but what about the discourse in the populace as a whole – shouldn’t we just remove
known malicious actors, like nazis, or pedophiles, or known scaremongers like aj?)
2) regarding “First they came for the Nazis and pedophiles”
shouldn’t pedopliles be in jail? i am pretty sure there are laws in every country
for child sexual abuse, no?
3) ditto for “Nazis”, aren’t stricter punishments for hatred and crime based on race
anchored in the laws too? should individuals be allowed to freely bait & agitate
the masses playing on their fears (for whatever reason)?
4) do you understand that the “deep state” just loves the platitude “free speech”
so they can feed you propaganda & bullsh!t? and that there are people who
are trained like pawlow’s dogs to protect such “rights” – the right to be lied to
(p.s. hilarious). ditto for “democracy” another platitude.
5) in my comment that was not published – so much about “free speech”)
i suggested a “responsible speech” instead of free speech.
the speaker bears a responsibility to the audience to tell the truth.
how about that folks?
everybodies comments are welcome…
Please note … comments about Saker and moderation have been removed … off topic … mod
So you seem to imply, that Infowars is a fake news agent. Am I right?
Based on that let us see the harm created by it, or the validity of some of it’s claims:
The y2k hysteria? Sure, it has weirded out some, but what was the actual harm?
Gay frogs? Ok…A claim no credible “scientist” has lined up to deny. Actually a claim in synch with the environmental issue of human causation of global warming – of which there are plenty of detractors to.
Globalist? No need to go further in this company right?
Militarization of domestic law enforcement?(ruby ridge, waco, gunwalking by eric holder/obama)
The 9/11 movies, I am sure, we have seen…
All that b4 the Trump era.
How many peeps have perished due to the operation of this guy? Some I am sure.
How many peeps have perished due to the operation of the “legit mainstream media souces” during the same period in Iraq, Lebanon, lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Egypt, etc?
With All the players lined up behind the screenplay without a fail? Not one “news agency” in disagreement with the executive?
Were not the claims of wmd-s, terrorist alliances easily as kookie as Jones’s claims of conspiracies of the governing elites to orchestrate domestic events in order to outlaw gun ownership of the natives?
Or were those the only kookie ones?
So it seems, Jones has made an error in analyzing some mass shooting event after the fact.
Allright. Let us roll with this narrative.
As a consequence of that, I do not know of anyone directly and bodily harmed.
On the other hand, as a direct consequence of the msm’s unquestioning support of the policies of the “crazies in the basement” millions of peeps have lost their lives.
There were no wmd-s. No chemicals. No yella cake.
Jes yella journalists.
If anyone deserves to b taken down by the “defenders of defenseless”, it is the msm, in any form, be that written, audible or visible.
If I may say so…
I do love it when the right-wingers drop the mask and declare that they are firmly and unequivocally opposed to freedom. For some on the right, this occurs as soon as anyone dares to express a different opinion that the opinion they want to shove down everyone’s throat.
So, a few days after raising a hue and cry over censorship of Alex Jones’ right to hold a different opinion than the corporate masters at Google and Facebook, I visit Alex Jones website and see a snarling attack on football players who dare to hold a different opinion from Alex Jones. How dare they take a knee in protest of the American police state killing unarmed African-Americans in one case after another in a trend that never ends?
When it comes to ‘freedom’, Alex Jones demands it for himself, but his website constantly attacks anyone else who dares to express a different opinion.
What Alex Jones fails to understand is that if he wants freedom for himself and his for-profit performance art, then he must defend the freedom of others to speak. One would think that after being shut-down by Google and Facebook that perhaps he might defend the right of others to speak their minds. Instead, he just attacks and snarls anyone and everyone who dares to hold a different opinion. And gives the impression that if he ever got any real power that the first thing he’d do is to ban everyone else from having a different opinion.
I took a look at his website recently because I find it a good habit to go and check out whatever it is that is banned or criticized. Whenever this corporate state tries to tell me not to listen to anyone, I find that it is sometimes interesting to check out what they are saying. I’ve discovered some interesting thoughts and opinions in that manner. Unfortunately, Alex Jones is not one.
It’s easy to find info about the funding for alt-right. There are some very deep pockets involved. William Regnery, Robert Mercer etc. Those guys are publishers and have other activities. The term editorial control really does mean something here. The deep state means the corporatocracy + permanent bureaucracy/mic/five points etc. That includes billionaires, because they control the corporations in the mic. And so yes, the deep state does control. Not researching the issue is no excuse for denying the linkages.
I listened to this podcast a couple of weeks ago, from private detective Ed Opperman’s radio show. For those unaware of Opperman and his show, he tries to document witness testimony on anything from true life crime to huge political conspiracies. His show is almost always fascinating.
In this episode he interviews Neil Sanders, author of ‘Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own’, about the recent developments with Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, the Trump campaign, and the people funding the so-called ‘alt-right’. Sanders research provides him a conclusion that the same people funding Trump are the same people funding Jones and Breitbart. Two hours well spent.
Neil Sanders : Cambridge Analytica & Funding Alt Right Media:
The Attack on free speech moves into a new phase…
Alex Jones – China controls, Apple – Apple has totally moved to China! Google – Google is moving to China! Twitter, Microsoft for Global Censorship and 93% Shadowbans, Chinese communism has moved on to Fascism like Hitler’s National Socialist – Nazi movement, also moved on to Fascism, Satanic Globalism, Chinese Social Score to control dissent Worldwide, a document registration to get on the internet, and execution organ harvesting vans in every city for being a Buddhist a Christian, Falun Gong or dissent. We have been sold off!!
Oops! this video has been deleted!!
All of Alex Jones Videos have now been censored by Google’s Youtube, Apple, itunes, Spotify, Mailchimp, and Periscope and 50 more sites all on the same day!! Next comes the payment processors and the banks.
Watch Alex Jones here https://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jones-show/ and here http://bigmedia1.infowars.com/mp4/20180808_Wed_Alex.mp4
A British Royal Commission developed this plan in the 1920’s. The Anglo-US Empire fusion. Translvanian British Monarchy took out their German Cousins WW1 and Russian Cousins in the Bolshevik Revolution in 1918.
The Plan of the Council of Foreign Relations, the CIA and David Rockefeller for 70 years has been Muslims allied with Socialist-Communist allied with Communist/Fascist – the government controls all Industry – China..
Their plan was to put in Mao, kill 100 Million Chinese, move USA factories to China to use slave factories to Elevate China, and use China to take over the World. Communism/Fascism has no middle class, Billionaires and slaves only.
Castrate, Sterilise and autistically brain damage the World with chemicals in the air, water, food and vaccines.
Take over Europe and US with Muslim Migrants allied with Socialist-Communists.. Macron is his recent speech said there would be 300 million Migrants to Europe in the next 10 years.
Apple has moved to China, its cloud keys handed over to the Chinese Government. Google with its Global Censorship Algorithms is moving to China also taken over by the Chinese Government.
China has taken over all USA Universities and all Media, newspapers, television – Hollywood bought by China – through 15000 shell companies.
China given Panama Canal, Deep Water ports, Rare Earth Minerals.
Chinese/Google internet Censorship Worldwide and bring in Worldwide Social Scoring – the Mark of the Beast to control all humanity for all time.
Oops! this video has been deleted!!
All of Alex Jones Videos have now been censored by Google’s Youtube, Apple, itunes, Spotify, Mailchimp, and Periscope and 50 more sitesall on the same day!! Next comes the payment processors and the banks.
Watch Alex Jones here https://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jones-show/ and here http://bigmedia1.infowars.com/mp4/20180808_Wed_Alex.mp4
Chinese New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Jeong Celebrates “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct in Fascist, Genocidal twitter rants..
She pondered whether white people’s skin color made them “only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” adding that the whiter they were, the more “awful” they were.
Jeong also made public her bizarre interest in the claim that white people smell like dogs when it rains.
“White people have stopped breeding,” Jeong bragged in another tweet. “You’ll all go extinct soon.”
Chris Menahan over at Information Liberation has collected scores of tweets from Jeong which illustrate her obsession with hating white people, including how she gets a sick “joy” out of “being cruel to old white men” and how white people should be “canceled”.
Given that the New York Times recently lamented how New Hampshire was 94% white and had to be ‘diversified’, Jeong should fit right in.
NYU professor Michael Rectenwald warns that western civilization is under siege from Maoist totalitarians and that we are on the verge of “completely losing our culture.”
In a blistering Facebook post, Rectenwald provided perhaps the most succinct summary of the threat facing the west ever written.
“We’re undergoing a Maoist-like Cultural Revolution..
— with the power of the corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses behind it,” wrote the professor, adding that, “Anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters are ravaging our cultural legacies as well as our contemporary arts and letters.”
“Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling,” warned Rectenwald. “Leftist totalitarianism is running amok. We’re on the precipice of completely losing our culture, the benefits of western civilization, and the entire legacy of western civilizational history.”
In a follow up post, the professor doubled down on his warning, remarking, “How dare the left have pretensions of moral superiority. Leftists in power have mass-murdered and imprisoned more people than any other contingent in political history. Don’t come around here acting morally superior to me or anyone else, you monsters.”
Rectenwald is like many classical liberals who became disenfranchised with the left after it began abandoning true liberal principles of free speech, rigorous debate, intellectual curiosity and true diversity of opinion.
It has been apparent for the life of Energy Enhancement that we have been shadow banned for 30 years. There is now a 93% shadow ban on their opposition. You must understand that Energy Enhancement Meditation is the means for the Evolution of Humanity into a new and better World.
On an entirely different note – we know Superman saves people from disasters and such but why have we never had a comic where Superman captures the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and puts them on trial?
I cracked the Alex Jones Database.. Alex Jones videos..
Todays Alex..
“I am absolutely convinced that what we could loosely call the “Alt-Right constellation” is backed by the US deep state and that the so-called “European nationalist” movements are also controlled by European special services…”
The US deep state has an interest in ‘winning the hearts and minds’ of the citizens: this means controlling the hearts and minds of the populace. How can they possibly do this? Control of the media. This is old news to everyone, as it is commonly known about links of deep state to WaPo, NYT, etc. The alt-right? The funding of alt-right by ultra rich media/publishers tells me that it is deep state (‘the business of America is big business’). The deep state has a need to control all major media channels. Naturally, the alt-right has to be controlled also. The publishing rich (Mercer, Regnery, etc) make sure of it.
I ran out of patience with Jones because though he often had on interesting guests whose viewpoint I wanted to hear, Jones always cuts them off and interrupts them. I got the feeling he was steering the interview and controlling the information. Having said that, it is clear there is a conspiracy amongst big corporations to silence opposing views. This is what all tyrannies do, isn’t it?
I’ve guessed for a long time now that InfoWars/PrisonPlanet & Alex Jones are “controlled opposition”, & that the Alex Jones presenter online is mayhap an impostor, maybe even comedian Bill Hicks. But that doesn’t mean that I agree or disagree with everything he & his associates present or talk about.