Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used.
Othello, act 2, sc. 1
by Jimmie Moglia
We take it for granted that deception is to the art of government, what the brush is to the art of painting. But there are instances where deception oversteps even the more tolerant bounds of disgust and nausea.
I refer to the heart-rending picture of the little Kurdish dead boy (Aylan Kurdi), strewn on the foreshore of the Mediterranean. For we could not realize that, though the death was real, the picture was staged. And the impact of the doctored picture was designed to prevent any other feeling than horror.
To use the dead little boy as a tool for some not-so-hidden political and social objectives, adds disgust to horror. For, as you can see from the next image, the publicized part of the original picture was the left half.
The impact of the emotion prevents us to think that bodies at sea are washed up parallel to the waves, which are horizontal and not perpendicular to the shore. Meaning that the body of the boy was positioned for a macabre commercial of sorts, a photo-op after death.
The few who cannot still resign themselves to neo-liberal philosophy or the “New American Century,” with its wars to dismember nations, cannot find common words of adequate detestation. Those who staged the deceit are “as opposite to every good as the Antipodes are unto us or as the south to the septentrion.”(1)
Confirming the staging, look at the official Turkish photographer (in picture #2), and, in the background, at people bathing, seemingly unaffected by what’s happening to their left. All in one pic, death, fabrication, commercialism, politics and indifference.
In less than two days the staged picture was on the front page of all the newspaper of NATO countries – veritable yellow pages of contemporary lies. While TV channels dedicated extended programming to the exodus of thousands of Syrians, with particular emphasis on Hungary, where efforts at controlling what amounts to a biblical invasion proved useless. With all media comments spoken in the perfect language of neo-liberal philosophy, where what counts is not the substance but its emotive content, the brand and the label.
The objective was to use the emotions arising from the picture to enable European leaders to suddenly abolish restraints – restraints made necessary by public opinion concerned about uncontrolled migration.
Regrettably, even mentioning the word ‘restraint’ suggests racism or lack of empathy. To dismiss the suggestion, the reader may wish to imagine what would happen if a state of a few million people had to cope with the sudden influx of one or two million additional people not speaking the language and needing absolutely everything, with many or most unidentified or carrying passports of dubious origin. Apparently, in Qatar there is a flourishing business in fake Syrian passports, as NATO member nations have no embassies in Syria, therefore control of authenticity is impossible.
However, before looking further into the biblical migration issue, some of us may ask why the NATO newspapers did not publish, for example, the picture here, showing mother and child killed by a bomb, hurled by cannon into Novorussia, by the freedom army of Ukraine. Or other pictures, for example, of the 400 plus children bombed to death, last year, in Gaza.
As an aside, though the shelling of Eastern Ukraine’s civilian targets continues daily, the State Department spokesman has the gall to say that the shelling by the Banderite Ukrainians is “in response to Russian provocations.” Whereas it is clear that Novorussia is besieged and has declared and proven of having no interest in expanding its territory. Hence there is no reason or incentive for Novorussia to attack the Ukrainian army in the Ukrainian territory proper, let alone to stage provocations.
But let’s return to the main point of this post, namely, whether the apparent are the actual causes of the current chaos in Europe – just as “a great cause of the night is lack of the sun”(2). Or whether biblical mass migrations, wars, disasters and the notably chaotic state of the world are part a plan, not immediately obvious but yet traceable to its origins, without resorting to unwarranted assumptions or wild speculations.
When searching for causes, it is easy to be tainted with conspiracy, an unpalatable word. For we have a certain inclination to stillness and tranquility, and have long been habituated to thoughts and images that contribute to drive away cares and perturbations. Conspiracy is maladapted to our existential frame of mind. Let’s then use a less controversial label, maybe, “project not immediately visible”, or “project with different objectives than those stated.”
And to further counter possible imputations of conspiracy-theorism, let’s consider an undisputable example, affecting us all. Everyone knows that “all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity.”(3) Yet, from one day to the next, when we feel the same as we felt yesterday, we don’t detect that we aged. Therefore, we acquire the notion of mortality only by observation and inference.
But relatively recently, we have also discovered that, under equal conditions, the genetic code is the invisible master-plan of our existence. And I suspect that only a few neo-cons would call the genetic code a conspiracy theory. This analysis is conducted in the same historical, non-conspiratorial spirit.
The seeds of the current events in Europe and the Middle East were sown in the 1920s, their growth was stilted by WWII, and began to sprout and flourish from the 1950 onwards.
Few, I suspect, may know or have heard of Count Coudenove-Kalergi, though, every two years, the European Union confers the Coudenove-Kalergi prize to “Europeans who have excelled in promoting European integration.” The most recent winners of the award were Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council.
Coudenove-Kalergi is the actual father of the European Union. Incidentally, it is he who adopted the notes from Beethoven 9th Symphony as the European Union’s Anthem.
In the 1920s he wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” – the quotes following are extracted from that source. And although the book contains extensive reference to Judaism, Kalergi was not Jewish.
Another word of caution. Whenever even the term ‘Judaism’ is mentioned, it triggers unconscious suspicions of anti-Semitism. The only purpose of these quotations is illustrative and historical – that is, to inform the reader about a practically unknown aspect of the history of the European Union. The views are Kalergi’s and it may well be that his envisioned future of Europe may be Leibniz’ “best of all possible worlds.” The judgment in these matters is, of course, individual.
Kalergi’s book has not been translated into English, nor it can be found in bookstores in Germany. In fact, according to the related pages in the Danish Wikipedia, when the publishing company ‘Independent News’ [Unabhängige Nachrichten] in 1990, published a summary of the book and planned to print it in its entirety, the police search the premises, and the only copy of Praktischer Idealismus was confiscated. Nor, understandably, (once you read the following extracts), any reference to the book appears in the Internet pages of the Pan European Movement. However, German readers may find a copy on the Internet,
Whether Kalergi’s sentiments and predictions have influenced the historical agencies that have brought Europe to the present situation is, and should be, arguable. At minimum, the information throws light on the ideas of the acknowledged spiritual founder of the European Union. And – setting aside his prediction of what Europeans will physically look like – Kalergi’s arguments almost sound like a “Mein Kampf” in reverse.
He foresees a new aristocracy ruling over a totally homogenized Europe. Many may argue that the oligarchical rulers who currently maneuver banks and governments are more a cacocracy (rule by the worst) than aristocracy (rule by the best). But this, as almost everything, is a matter of opinion.
The quotes are original. The headings are added, to lighten the reading.
The European Race will disappear.
The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice.
The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Christianity, ethically prepared by the Jewish Essays (John), spiritually prepared by the Jewish Alexandrians (Philo), was regenerated Jewry. Insofar as Europe is Christian, it is in a spiritual sense Jewish, insofar as Europe is moral, it is Jewish.
God was the head of state of the ancient Jews, their moral laws civil law, sin was crime.
Through the ages Jewry has remained faithful to the theocratic idea of the identification of politics and ethics: Christianity and Socialism are both attempts to create an earthly paradise. [lit.: a State of God]
Two thousand years ago, the ancient Christians – not the Pharisees and Sadducees – were the revivers of the Mosaic tradition; today it is neither the Zionists nor the Christians, but the Jewish leaders, because they wish, with the most exalted unselfishness, to erase the original sin of capitalism, to free the people from injustice, violence and subservience and to change the redeemed world into an earthly paradise.
From Moses to Weininger ethics have been the main problem for Jewish Philosophy.
In this ethical basic attitude to the world lies one origin of the exceptional greatness of the Jewish people – at the same time also the danger that Jews who have forgotten their belief in the ethics sink to become cynical egoists: while people with another mentality – even after losing their ethical attitude – still retain some amount of chivalrous values and prejudices (man of honor, gentleman, cavalier etc.), which protects them from the fall into the abyss of values.
What mainly separates the Jews from the average city dwellers is the fact that they are inbred people.
Strength of character paired with sharpness of the mind predestinates the Jews in their most excellent specimen to become the leaders of urbane humanity, from the false to the genuine spiritual aristocrats to the protagonists of capitalism as well as of the revolution.
Now we stand at the threshold of the third epoch of the new times: Socialism.
The influence of the aristocracy by blood, the influence of the aristocracy of the mind is growing.
This development, and with it the chaos of modern politics will only then find its end, when a spiritual aristocracy seizes the means of power of society: [gun] powder, gold, ink, and use them for the blessing of the general public.
Communism and Capitalism
The fight between Capitalism and Communism over the inheritance of the beseeched blood aristocracy is a fratricidal war of the victorious brain aristocracy, a fight between individualistic and socialist, egoist and altruist, heathen and Christian spirit.
The general staff of both parties is recruited from Europe’s spiritual leader race, the Jews.
Capitalism and Communism are both rational, both mechanical, both abstract, both urbane. The military nobility has definitively outplayed its role. The effect of the spirit, the power of the spirit, the belief in the spirit, the hope for the spirit is growing: and with it a new aristocracy.
In order to ascend, people are needed who define objectives, leading on to (final) objectives: an aristocracy of rulers
European quantity and quality of people
From the European quantity-people, who only believe in numbers, the mass, two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry.
Separate from each other both of them stick to their belief in their higher mission, of their better blood, in the different ranks of the people.
In both of these heterogenic merited races lies the core of the European nobility of the future: in the feudal blood aristocracy, as far as it did not let itself be corrupted by the farm, in the Jewish spiritual aristocracy as far as it did not let itself be corrupted by money [capitalism].
As guarantee for a better future a small rest of the morally high standing country aristocracy and a small battle group of revolutionary intelligentsia remains.
Here the conformity between Lenin, the man from the lower country aristocracy, and Trotsky, the Jewish literate, grows into a symbol: here the contrasts in character and spirit, from squire and literate, from country dwellers and the urbane, heathen and Christian people join into a creative synthesis of revolutionary aristocracy.
One step forward in the spiritual sense would suffice to place the best elements of blood nobility, who in the country have protected their physical and moral health from the depraving influence of the farm scent, at the service of the new liberation of the people.
For they are pre destined to this positioning by their traditional courage, their anti-bourgeois and anti-capitalist mentality, their responsibility, their contempt for material advantages, their stoic training of the will, their integrity, their idealism.
A New Noble Race
Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility through spiritual grace.
This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
The first typical representative of this becoming future nobility was the noble-Jew [Edeljude] LaSalle who combines to a high degree physical beauty with nobility of mind and sharpness of the spirit: Aristocrat in the highest and truest sense of the word, he was a born leader and signpost of his time.
The Jewish heroes and martyrs of the Eastern and Middle European Revolution are in no way inferior to the non Jewish heroes of the World War in courage, perseverance and idealism – while they surpass the latter many times in spirit.
With these two attempts to redemption of a spiritual-moral origin, Jewry has bestowed a greater gift on to the disinherited masses of Europe than any other people.
How modern Jewry also surpasses all other peoples in percentage of important men: scarcely one century after its liberation this small people stands with Einstein at the frontrunner of modern science; with Mahler as the frontrunner of modern music, with Bergson as a frontrunner of modern philosophy, with Trotsky as the frontrunner of modern politics.
The prominent position held by Jewry these days is owed to its spiritual supremacy which enables it to win the spiritual battle over enormous superior numbers of favored, hateful, jealous rivals.
Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomena of the mediocre against the supreme; it is a new form of ostracism applied against a whole people.
As a people, Jewry experiences the eternal struggle of quantity against quality, inferior groups against high quality individuals, inferior majorities against superior minorities.
The main roots of anti-Semitism are limitedness and envy: limitedness in the religious or the scientific; envy in the spiritual or financial realm.
Because they sprung from an international religious community and not from a local race, the Jews are the people with the most mixed blood; because they have closed themselves off against the other peoples for a millennium, they are also the most inbred.
The Future Leaders of Europe
So much has the spiritual Master Race of the Jews suffered under the traits of the slave people that have impressed him in his historical development: still today many leading Jewish personalities carry the posture and gestures of the un-free repressed person.
In their gestures descended aristocrats are often nobler than excellent Jews. These shortcomings of Jewry, originated because of the development, will again vanish because of development.
The adaptation to country style [Rustikalisierung] (a main objective of Zionism), together with sporty upbringing, will free Jewry of the ghetto rest it still carries within itself.
That this is possible is proved by the development of American Jewry. The actual freedom and power that Jewry has attained will gradually make it consciously follow the posture and gestures of the free, powerful people.
Not only Jewry will move in the direction of the Western aristocratic ideals – also the Western aristocratic ideal will experience a transformation which will meet Jewry half way.
In a more peaceful future Europe, the aristocracy will strip off its warlike character and exchange it with a spiritual – priestly aristocracy.
I suspect that if anyone of us, non-aristocratic mortals, had come up with Kalergy’s ideas in the 1920s, he would have had a hard time to find supporters – I mean supporters with money. Political movements have a price. Even the very aristocratic Victoria Nuland admitted that, “We (the US) have spent 5 billions to bring democracy to Ukraine!”
But Kalergi was successful with his funding and in his auto-biography he writes,
At the beginning of 1924, I received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild. One of his friends, Max Warburg, (a Jewish banker from Hamburg), had read my book and wanted to get to know me. To my great surprise, Warburg spontaneously offered me 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first three years …. Max Warburg, was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, and he had a principle of financing these movements. He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life.
Max Warburg arranged my 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch.
Furthermore, finance theorist Ludwig von Mises (supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation) also participated in Coudenhove-Kalergi’s Pan-European Movement. Von Mises is the undisputed theoretical guru of unfettered and unrestrained capitalism. Later, von Mises’ disciples, Arthur Burns and Milton Friedman spread von Mises’ ideas through a network of secret ‘conservative’ think tanks. Eventually leading to the nefarious ‘Chicago’s Boys’ economics and its implementation from Reagan’s times onward.
‘Chicago’s Boys’ economics were imposed, in colonial style, on Latin America, through various coup d’etat and assassinations. And currently in Europe too, via the gradual dismantling of the welfare state and the alleged supernatural necessity of ‘austerity.’
On the grounds above, the link connecting Kalergi’s ideas to the present European situation is not too far-fetched.
Considering further that the European chaos induced by the migrants crisis is also a perfect constituent of the 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare) planned in 1989 as a new Pentagon strategy – where we read,
“Fourth-generation warfare involves an insurgent group or other violent state actor trying to implement their own government or reestablish an old government over the current ruling power. However, a non-state entity tends to be more successful when it does not attempt, at least in the short term, to impose its own rule, but tries simply to disorganize and delegitimize the state in which the warfare takes place. The aim is to force the adversary state to expend manpower and money in an attempt to establish order, ideally in such a highhanded way that it merely increases disorder, until the state surrenders or withdraws.”
In other words, the strategy is the creation of chaos, of which the migrant crisis is the most visible ingredient. To the chaos of migrants is added the chaos of statistics, resulting in a chaos of misinformation.
For, contrary to the information supplied by the regime media, less than a third of the refugees come from war zones : 20 % are Syrians, 7 % are Afghans, and 3 % are Iraqis. The other two thirds are mostly economic migrants – poor people who leave their countries to try their luck in the rich countries, by virtue of the post-colonial order and globalization.
Nor it is observed, said or accepted that the “Fourth Generation Warfare” includes not only the destruction of perceived “enemies” but the weakening of undisputed “friends”, that is, in the instance, the European vassals.
The servile obedience of European politicians to their transatlantic masters prevents them from perceiving that European countries are weakened by the migration crisis. In the sense that the biblical migrant influx is one more step towards the implementation of Kalergi’s vision.
For what is worth, the German magazine Info Direkt claims that, according to the Austrian Intelligence services, the passage of Syrian refugees to Europe was organized by the United States. It is a claim, as yet without verification. But if you think it is impossible, you may not have heard the Pentagon’s pronouncement that the biblical migration will continue for at least 20 years. And when the Pentagon speaks, it does so not just because it has a tongue.
Meanwhile, though the regime media gives ample coverage to the racist anti-immigrant protests, it completely ignores that sectors of some countries have actually pushed for more immigration.
In Germany, for example, the president of the German Industrial Federation wanted at least 800,000 more foreign workers in Germany. But European agreements forbid this, and public opinion is hostile to the idea. Therefore the « refugee crisis » is the perfect opportunity to circumvent the restrictions. All this resulting in further destabilization and exploitation of a new class of under-menschen, eventually without national, ethnic or cultural identity, and ruled by the new aristocracy, as well described by Kalergi.
Finally, as a consummation devoutly to be wished (4), we should convince ourselves that in politics what seems is not what is. Otherwise any fool would know how to make politics. Instead, politics is the realm of those who understand and interpret it – a game against one or more adversaries where all maneuver to win.
Can we believe that the players in this game would reveal their moves to the “people”? We cannot be so naive. Nor it is a question of stupidity. There are intelligent people who don’t accept that politics is a game of the unseen. As for me, I accept that the game is unseen and try to understand it in whatever small way – but I would be a complete failure in politics, for I am constitutionally unable to hide my intentions. And if I ever tried (God forbid), I would discourage anyone to follow me, for their own safety.
We meet daily with a fraudulent global narrative filled with a constellation of lies. A huge bag of excrement that the citizens of Kalergi’s ideal world are forced to smell but not to trash. While Kalergi’s “nobles” keep their asses comfortably warm and secure, laughing their heads off at the rest of us, who still believe that what seems, is.
But who could blame them? When a position teems with such commodious consequences, few allow conscience to intrude with uncomfortable questions.
Jimmie blogs at:
(1) King Henry VI, part 3
(2) As You Like It
(3) (4) Hamlet
In the play. “Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used.” Iago architects his plan to destroy Othello.
Author started the text fairly sober, but then, it seems, he smoked some potent eurozionist mushrooms. Perhaps, I am getting stupid and can’t connect his later dotty points.
Regards, Spiral
He was quoting from Kalergi under the bolded headings, and continued quoting below that section but the text format was awkward and didn’t quite differentiate very well. It was a bit of a mess in terms of layout.
Thank you Angelo,
You probably are right. Spiral
too bad you guys can’t ‘get it’…Personally I thought it was a many other people on this planet would do the research involved in writing this piece…?
You don’t know anything about Masons obviously.
OMG: Thanks Ann, I made the same mistake.
But the formatting was chosen in a way that literally provoked such a misunderstanding.
My *big* apologies to Jimmie Moglia!!
All the Best, %martin
Unfortunately, Christianity is too closely tied to Judaism. So just like the Jews claim to have built the pyramids before the Egyptians and extracted oil from olives before the Greeks, they also claim credit for all the achievements of the Christian West since the Dark Ages.
And once the West collapses, Judaism will similarly claim credit for all the achievements of Orthodox Russia.
Putin, invent a new religion please. Something that has no relationship with the Middle East. There are just too many crazies in that part of the globe. The Mithraism religion of the ancient Roman soldiers sounds like a good starting point. It involved lots of feasting of roasted meat and the drinking of lots of alcohol, plus some orgies and the slaughtering of ones enemies . Sounds perfectly normal doesn’t it?
It must be a great tragedy that Judaism can’t claim any credit for anything in China.
Russians can go back to Bhuddism & Pan Slavism
An good example of the more malignant strain of Judaic narcissism is the loathsome ‘Spengler’ who adorns Asia Times. He lets all the hatred, condescension, supremacism and morbid egomania hang right out there. As to China, just wait until they declare the Uighurs or Tibetans another ‘lost tribe of Israel’.
Christianity eventually got influenced by Platonism. The forced christianization in the 4th century AD was a disaster for the Greek and Roman people. All ancient temples were burned, olympic games and mystery religions were banned, the platonic Athens School was closed. Mathematics and scientific progress declined. Western Roman Empire was overrun by barbarians hordes (goths, Hunns, Vandals, Lombards etc). Eastern Roman Empire survived up until the Ottoman Conquest.
The contribution of ancient Greeks is enormous. Jews contributed nothing except sadomazochistic religious texts that promoted genocide against non-jews and mentioned the supremacy of the suppossed “chosen” people.
Only 5% of the ancient greco-roman texts has survived. Much of it survived in the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople. Before and after the Ottoman Conquest, many greek Eastern Roman scholars (Plethon Gemistos, Chalkocondylis, John Argyropoulos etc) settled to Italy and re-introduced re-published and translated all these ancient hellenic texts about philosophy, mathematics, science, history etc. This is how renaissance started in the west…..
The ancient greek contribution is enormous.
Philosophy ( Socrates, Plato, Aristotle etc), mathematics (Archimedes, Euclid etc), Architecture , physical fitness (gyms, olympic games etc) , history (Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon etc), tragedy (Euripides, Comedy (Aristophanes etc), Epic poems (Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad etc), scientific studies etc
As for the jews, they were troublemakers since the hellenistic and Roman times. They were in conflict with greeks of Alexandria. The Jews slaughtered 250,000 Cyrenean Greeks in Libya and 200,000 Cyprus
Jimmy, thanks!
I enjoyed the article, and I love your Youtube history series.
I just can’t think of a good Shakespeare quote. ;)
… All my best is dressing old words new, spending again what is already spent…
Why isn’t there any sharing button?
I have wondered if Nudelman’s “F_ the EU” was not pregnant with an awareness of the chain of ensuing events. Perhaps the decisions are made higher up and the actors are playing out roles.
I have never heard of this Kalgari fellow, but his thinking reminds me a little of Giordano Bruno, and some of the mystics, enthusiasts (Freemasons?) active in the French Revolution. I am sure that other commenters know more about this than I do.
agree with ‘spiral’. The grant to von Mises by the Rockerfeller Foundation was completely inconsequential, and as to Burns and Friedman being his disciples… hardly.
A stimulating read. Did Hitler know Kalergi?
Don’t know.
But I have heard numerous times that the NSDAP was not only financed by Z. banks, but that their cooperation and partnership allegedly streched over many levels.
Google for “hitler cooperated with zionists” and then you get endless results.
It is tough to separate fiction from truth, but there is a lot more we will never know for sure.
google for: “six millions” zionists
Check out the Leuchte Report.
See this, for example:
and much more on:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php
It’s always these “6 millions”, starting 50 years before (!) WW2.
What I don’t understand is, why Stalin cooperated with them in sticking and spreading this story.
In many countries you risk getting jailed for simply discussing about these subjects.
The Leuchter Report proved beyond any doubt that there were no gas chambers. The Wikipedia page on the report starts off with, “The Leuchter report is a pseudoscientific[1] document authored by American execution technician Fred A. Leuchter, who was commissioned by Ernst Zündel to defend him at his trial in Canada for distributing false news, namely Holocaust denial material.”
Pseudoscience! Fred Leuchter was THE world expert on gas chamber executions, he stated emphatically, after very impartial research, that the gas chambers were an impossibility. His career was ruined, and he was broken financially.
A brave German women named Ursula has just been jailed for her views after her message was broadcast on German television:
Ursula’s Message in English
Auschwitz was a work camp, not a death camp, and yes M. from S.E.B, the six million figure was floated many times in the European press in the early part of the 20th century, well before the National Socialists ever came to power. There seems to be something symbolic or ritualistic about the number to those who promote its use.
The connection with Coudenove-Kalergi is tenuous. Should have been left out.
Thanks to Jimmy Moglia for a stimulating essay. It is always good when the deceiver’s face is revealed. In spite of the billions of dollars available to them, the self-proclaimed masters of the Earth cannot entangle the truth in their web of deceit, because they are not really the masters of the Earth.
I believe that there are two kinds of people, when it comes down to it: supremacists, who believe their group (of whatever kind, be it blood, tribe, nation, language, religion, class) is better other groups and so must “rule” the others; and universalists, who believe in the ancient dream of universal equality from which anyone is permitted to rise, playing the cards one is dealt, to whatever level of happiness one seeks, and the idea of “rule” is more a matter of public infrastructure and common welfare provision. Obviously Kalergi is a supremacist like Hitler, like the financial fascists, the modern political class, etc. Outside the ruling societies of the supremacists live the great mass of the human race. In the face of a media bombardment that does its best to convince them of the rightness of the supremacists while it rots their brains, they (we) stubbornly persist in the universalist dream that one day every last one of us, no matter how insignificant we may be in the really big picture, will be more or less equal, and free to make our way in a just and fair society that might even stretch over the whole face of the Earth! Such people are designated as threats to national security these days, so apart from a few brave leaders they (we) stay quiet.
And now the age of the supremacists is coming to an end, for a simple reason: they have made a giant mess of everything they “rule”, and they don’t know how to clean it up.
In the struggle between the contradictory elements of capitalism, namely the global nature of its financial imperialism and its national power base, it becomes clear today that nationalism wins, and so global capitalist imperialism loses. This means that whatever vestige of “capitalism” remains after the age of the supremacists has ended will have to adapted to national conditions. There is one “capitalistic” vestige that probably could be adapted to the new world, and that is the idea that “capital” is foregone consumption used for a productive purpose. In other words, instead of eating that pork pie today, you put the pennies in your pocket and save them up, and by the end of the year you can afford to buy a bicycle, or a chainsaw, or whatever it may be.
This vestige of “capitalism”, called “savings”, is not surprisingly the original seed of what has become, under the “rule” of the “supremacists”, and unholy orgy of borrowing from the children’s children’s children of Earth yet to be born. Maybe that unholy mess will be swept away in the deluge of people forsaking consumption and its short-lived satisfaction in favor of more longlasting forms.
I am old and have little ambition to write long essays any more. It is Sunday, let me finish my kibbitzing of Jimmy’s work with the prayer that someday, the obscure theologies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as Hindu fantasies, will die a painless death, an understanding of the universe’s creative power being teachable to students at the age of five to eight years and then forgotten. In the meantime, there are only seven gods, and their names are Dopy, Snoopy, Annabelle, Daisy, Larry, Moe and Curly Joe; and Jesus Mohammed Abrahamovitch (nee Krishna) is their barber. But regardless of those, our ancestors are floating around watching us from the future, so be good!
David George, well, I hope you’re right about their (the supremacists) age coming to an end. I think they are financed enough with the missing trillions to put us all in work camps if they want…how are we supposed to fight them ?
This too shall pass. But it could be centuries before it does. The fact that this document was written in Europe is bad news. And it definitely is coming to pass…which means its coming to stay…for a while…unless a miracle happens.
My recipe for fighting the supremacists (and helping to bring in a new world): 1. Stop eating meat. One of the foundations of this age is the cult of beef, but if you can stop beef you can stop all meat; all you need is eggs if you really need some animal protein. 2. Stop watching television. Your brain will slowly eliminate all the pollution. 3. Don’t buy what you don’t need. It is amazing how little we really need. 4. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. You will then be free to give.
All these ingredients practised widely will bring the consumer economy to a grinding halt.
5. Pray to God, who lives in the electromagnetic field surrounding Earth (which can be called the “future field” since all signals are sent to the future and all signals are received from the future in all frames). I mean, pray out loud; I mean, speak to your god, who lives inside your head and sees the world through your eyes and also sees you through your own eyes. I am serious. God, the human god that is who lives in the future field, is smarter than all of us put together, but only acts inside our heads and cannot alter physical reality.
I’m ok on the first three, but unfortunately fell for the re-mortgage and lost all my equity in my home and now may have to enlist in Donbass …
I am sorry to hear about that, it makes number five more important. It takes a while to become comfortable with it, but try having a conversation with God (I think your god may be female, it helps to personalize them, I call mine “Yer ‘Onner” or “Sir”.) Speak out loud, then your brain hears a coherent thought spoken by you, heard through your ears, rather than just a thought inside your head. And listen for a response. It comes as a conversational voice inside your head. I am serious, remember even our thoughts come to us from the future, and that is where god lives (along with our ancestors)! Even if you don’t believe, it is a comfort, but after a while you start to believe.
I just can’t read racist tripe. It’s just so UNCLEAN. I’m sure I ought to be able to for the sake of knowledge– but somebody else will have to do that.
Here’s James Corbett, as to the actual agency that brought about EU @ 20:00.
I know Martin SEB is knowledgeable also about “EU as the 4th Reich”
I know the most important people in the “oligarchy that wd rule the world” intend to greatly reduce the human population, and that strikes fear and sadness. But somehow the idea that any one race is superior to the others is even more profoundly disgusting; it makes my lip curl & my stomach turn; it’s just such filth.
And so I applaud your stamina, and thank you for important research.
The [jewish] Warburg [omen est nomen] brothers helped in creating I.G. Farben in 1925, the largest conglomerate at that time, and lo and behold, what did it do next?
You don’t know?
Guess why?
“IG Farben was the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolph Hitler. One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler’s seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War.”
Adolf Hitler ‘seized’ power in 1933, not 1925.
Why omit the Warburg brothers hand in all of this or I.G. Farben’s role in Poland?
Is that why you’re an
OnanAnonymous contributor?He didn’t claim that.
BTW: Hitler _reached_ power in 1933, but taking power took at least 14 years, with several interruptions. So there is nothing wron with what he said.
Concerning Kalergi. He speaks well of those who aren’t stuck to capitalism. But there isnt much about the fraudulent phenomenon of banking and in particular the then existing angloamerican elite network of bankers and freemasons working for them.
So he is obviously one of their stooges helping them in their plans for the world government.
The Fabians spoke in a similar fashion. George Bernard Shaw said the future belongs to the mongrel and not to the young aristocrat. And he approved of that. Simultaneously eugenics was another plan of theirs. How do you combine them two? By corralling the heard, interbreeding them creating the multikulti mongrels Shaw speaks of and then killing them by large numbers. As you probably know they want to cut down the population by 90% or more.
I found this riveting because of his discussion of the photo of the drowned baby. I found it profoundly horrible because of how it is used. It is the US/EU answer to the photo of the naked fleeing, very alive small Vietnamese girl, racing away from the photographer and death .. to life. What energy to save ourselves terror gives us to save us. Nature gives us tools to survive, she is running to survive. America uses terror to kill, to enslave, the tiny dead boy is over. He represents what the combined West achieves in its belief systems.
Faced with rejection of it’s deadly vision the West responds by killing the dissenters and their next several generations, called genocide. they have decided to breed mal=formed humans that accept what ever is done to them. The German secrets of this study was sold to the Americans who took in to Nazis and gave them cushy, pleasant lives in return. Ever since WW11 ended then they have perfected these studies on US prisoners, ten began using them on unsuspecting US citizens. Since 9/11, the studies were moved to the EU to use on unknowing EU citizens. The Human Brain Project. Done in secret freely, discussed in all medical seminars, the public does not know. Barosso approved it.
The article is good and in to a large extent correct.
The Western Z-MSM hipocrisy regarding such images (which are only “interesting enough to be broadcasted” in rare situations, whenever it fits the Z agenda) is shocking.
I go insane while watching the dead women, children, civilians.
I cannot watch such an image for 1 sec or I will go mad.
Such images for which NO WORD is deabolic nor satanic enough are a real reason for SCREAMING:
Last week TheScream was used by Saker in a completely inapproriate way, for no reason.
It is for a reason that I loaded them into my fb and tw accounts, because I see this as everybody’s duty, everybody should spread these horrible scenes all over the world (but none of them was every re-shared by a single person, instead I lost 80% of my followers) :
Everybodyhas the DUTY to try awakening all the Putin-bashing Zionist-“news”paper repeating blah-blah-blah sheeple zombies!!!!!
BTW: These images were taken long before the Novorossians started to shoot *BACK*.
It was in May/June/July 2014. And the Western ZIODIRT-“mainstream Media” NEVER reported about a single of them :-( :-( :-(
Next topic: Communism vs. Capitalism vs. all these Religions and Sekts: I won’t write much about it again, because I don’t want to hurt anybody.
Only so much: I envy those who can believe in God and I try a bit to identify myself also with Orthodox Christianity. However, I was born in Soviet East-Berlin and religion played (and doesn’t play) any role in my area (except for the Muslims coming here who already buit themselves some mosqs), I say no role at all, none whatsoever. We had a peaceful variant of attheistic communism with everybody under a roof, everybody in the workforce, most people proud and happy. A time without wars for 45 years until 1990. No inequality gap, no billionaires (not even millionaires). Everybody had to wait 10 years for a car (Trabant, Wartburg [has nothing to do with Warburg the bankiers], Lada/Schiguli, Moskvich, Saporoschye, Zastava/Yugo, Dacia, Polski Fiat and that was it). And a color-TV was as expensive as the earnings of 1 year (plus almost impossible to catch!). On the other hand all the important things were that much subsidized, that one would get a red face due to shame. Everything what you need for life was there and was almost for free. I cannot list all these items and social services, because it was really everything (except western cars, porn [which destroys family and societty], western parfum or french clothes). Everything else was there and politics were still quite national, not run by Zionists internationalists.
Again: Don’t criticize communism only because it was at first financed by Zionists to first destroy Russia and European monarchy, then to allow globalist Z-bankers to plunder the world in a fake (dishonest) Trotsky-style “Socialist World Revolution”. That was their agenda and until 1929 it looked like they could come forward with that. But then came Stalin’s policy change and things continued much to the disappointment of Zionists.
Please look up my various comments to/at
Zionists hate communism like nothing else.
They had their initiators and infiltrators in this movement, but never wanted real communism.
They built it up as a fraud. But they shit in their panties about the possibility that true Communism could come to power.
That’s btw the reason why every single entity owned by the Z. is spreading disinfo, lies and hatred about Zionism.
And one of those is the myth that communism is something “run by Zionists” and that “Zionists want Communism”.
In my opinion this was spread intentionally to bring many folks like you to discredit communism as being Z.-polluted and evil.
In my view you fell in a Z.-trap yourself by arguing in that manner.
Christianity: We don’t need to start talking about all the genocides that have taken place in the name of one or another religion. And Christianity is one of them, and I cannot see much proof for it being better than other reliogions or streams and interpretations of religions, sorry.
Need examples?
Plus: Whatever interpretation of Christianity (or any other religion) we are dealing with: There is a pyramid hierarchy and a 100% inequality.
I doubt Jesus Christ (BTW also a jew) wanted that.
Let me show you another example:
The West-Ukrainians mostly all of them hate “jews” (but they are not even educated enough to distinguish the jewish _religion_ or inherited _genes_ versus Khasar genes etc etc etc [there are or were certainly many persons with jewish parents who are/were either atheists or converted to other religions]
….. err, to distinguish these other aspects from Zionist _policies_).
Often they have no clue about Rothschild, Morgan, Warburg, Liebig etc and the Dollar.
They hate the Soviet Union because of the same things that this article is suggesting: That allegedly everything even only remotely related to Marxism/Leninism aka “Communism” has to be somewhat “jewish” and/or zionist.
Western MSM are brainwashing them into believing this.
Plus: Into believing, that Putin has turned Russia into Putin-Zio-Olgigarchistan with him allegedly being the richest top-most Billionaire and Hyper-Oligrach of all of them (Reality: Zio-Olgigarchistan was in fact created by Yeltsin and US-rael with Putin brought into power rather accidently [because little was known about him] nd since then Putin has more and more reduced Oligarhch’s power while using the less evil ones of them for rebuilding a new Russia/EurasianUnion and ditching the really bad ones [prison]).
So these WesternUkro freaks ran to the Maidan because they hated jews, corruption and Oligarchy.
A million times the stuff they wanted to get rid of[!]
Yet they refuse to see that their entire beloved West is run by Oligarchs, who create war after war after war for 100’s of years now. And who built their empire on blood, deception and the FederalReserve Dollar-fraud (the BIS, IMF and all global central banks [not only the Fed] included)!
But they are too stupid to care about a complete Zio-takeover of Kiev. A complete sellout of all the remaining Kombinat’s and last state owned factories and agricultural lands for cents on the Dollar, they tolearted Kolomoisky (the Ueber-Zionist), they tolerate all the other jewish and non-jewish Zionists in their government, they tolerate forgeigners who were planted into the Rada and into Odessa, we could continue for hours, they tolerate Chevron, Monsanto and the entire Top500, they elected Schoko-Oligrach who still owns his biz and by that alone violates the Ukr. constitution by criminal degrees.
But when there is something Communist somewhere or a Soviet flag they run out and bombard, burn, shoot women, children, families, showing what kind of true “heroes” they are.
And all of that “Because they hate the jews”.
The point is: This shit is manipulated, spread and controlled by the Zionists in whatever direction they want.
To make their harshest enemies do whatever they want.
In that sense they can always stay on top: By using the power of their bribed “partners” plus (if not multiplied with!) the power of their sharpest enemies.
And nobody grasps that?
Not Communism is to be blamed for all that.
It is a dirty trap :-(
Maybe my English is too limited to explain it in a better way.
But I hope you see the point I’m once again trying to make.
Zionism, just like Communism, evolved , reached its zenith, then start decaying. Both ideologies are incomplete and inconsistent, riddled with atrocities , ethical challenges and economical problems. And really, quite boring most of the time.
I lived under both. In fact, I spent some time, during 60’s, in Israeli kibbutz (MAPAM party) where I witnessed Marxist circles with their youth/leaders studying and discussing variety of communist realizations, e.g. USSR, China, Yugoslavia, Cuba, etc. And I do remember May day parades (during early 50’s in Israel) when their workers carried huge pictures of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. So much for your claims that Zionism “hates” Communism etc.
I dare say that the ideology of kibbutz movement comes closest to Marxian ideal of what it means to live in Communism, than anything else I have experienced, seen or heard. For a while it was exciting, then I found it a bit boring due to its ideological restrictions.
On the other hand, kibbutz structure in Israel has been slowly disintegrating over the last 25 years, because of two factors: vanishing of USSR and other European socialist states, and reduced state economic and financial subsidies. Their future is uncertain.
My parents told me that before the WWII, there were constant and very heated discussions among Jewish students in Europe, which of the two ideologies would provide a better solution for the persecution, poverty, and lack of opportunities for working Jewish class (99%). When war came,
zionists had no answer, the communists waited until June 22, 1941 and only then started to organize/join resistance movements.
Regards Spiral
Regards, Spiral
Hi Spirtal,
> So much for your claims that Zionism “hates” Communism etc.
I don’t interpret this admittedly interesting hint as proof for anything.
The ruling(!!!) Zionists support or fight against or pulblicly fight against while secretly supporting or vice versa or support both sides of a war/whatever social conflict
WHATEVER they thinks has the potential to bring them more money, more power, more slaves, more property, more patents or moarrr gold.
I’m neither referring to average Israelis, nor to the average jewish diaspora, nor to some well-meaning idealistic kibbutz nor to orthodox jews nor to settlers who enjoy founding a mamily on stolen Palestinian lands.
What I’m referring to are those ZioFascist 0.01% who control and own 80% of this globe.
Organizinh themselves via Scull&Bones, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberger and owning the BIS, IMF, Worldbank, Fed, BOE, ECB and so on.
And the rigged stcok exchanges, via stocks the Top-500 etc.
Those folks are dead-afraid of true Communism. And if they ever supported it secretly then for different reasons that those laid out by Karl Marx: Namely to make the Equality gap even larger and to trick the poor masses into a house of cards, not in order to bring them a better life, but to totally enslave them like in Matrix.
If you think I’m wrong with that reasoning, then please argue why precisely you think so.
My life in East-Germany was phantastic and I miss the Soviet Union, our brother. It makes me sad.
Berlin, Hauptstadt der DDR Teil 1 / Берлин, ГДР
If Hamlet were alive now he might say: “something is rotten in the state,” and leave off any particular one. The virus has gone viral. If we think we’re not affected we follow Mark Anthony, Iago, Othello and quite a few others. I like to think I follow love but who knows? Maybe I’ve been drinking the purple kool-aid too long. If I can die with a smile I don’t much care if I’m deluded. As Oliver said to Rosalind: “well, counterfeit that you’re a man.” What do you think, Jimmy?
Dennis, my first reaction would be to say, “What is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me….,” but that is, I think, overly-pessimistic, denying the possibility of improvement, however slim. I have followed The Saker for quite some time, reading many articles, comments and discussions. Often I find here expressed generous ideals, original proposals, views that I share on key questions. And although I cannot meet them personally, I think that those writers and commentators could be (and virtually are), my friends. Therefore, I would temper Hamlet’s pessimism with Polonius advice, “Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel.”
Saker, have you ever read “The Anti-Christ” by Vladamir Soloviev…the professor and peer of Tolstoy ? In it he says the Jews – Israel will save the world from the anti-Christ…but I think he got it turned around…they are the anti-Christ…this document, what I’ve read so far is the anti-Christ doctrine.
And really, how dare this psycho use the names of John and Philo…the two best examples of Jews, for his dark agenda of soup pot socialism
this guy is a Mason…a Freemason, who worship the Jews and use their esoteric scriptures as their bible.
Jimmie, thanks so much for this masterpiece. I have sent it to all my friends, also in Europe.
You are a treasure, like your hero.
What marvelous channeling of Judaic narcissism, if indeed Coudenove-Kalergi was not Jewish himself. When he speaks of ‘…the noble Jew (Edeljude)…who combines to a high degree physical beauty with nobility of mind and sharpness of spirit…’, I was immediately put in mind of Satanyahoo, or Victoria Nudelman, or Larry Summers or Adelson, or Ariel Sharon et al. There are just so many examples. Is it possible that the whole thing is a parody?
No, their plan went horribly wrong.
The masses were the be the new mongrels but instead the precious ‘edeljude’ has become just that. Just look at the persons you just mentioned. Or at the societal atmosphere in Israel.
Plus that the white western blob, which was meant to mix with “the refugees”, has already given up, its power already gone while Russia and China are still standing. The western white masses are being treated like dogs are by breeders and there is not much the little guys can do about it. Hence they gave and suck it up. Western society has stopped being organic and is now for its existence depended on financial fertilizer in the form of euros and dollars. We’ll see how long it lasts.
The West is now all hat and no cattle (to speak of).
Well-written and interesting article, thanks.
Race ‘improvement’ had many proponents in that era each with their various ‘recipes’ , though all consistently selecting from European aristocracy as an essential ingredient.
Here it seems Jews – though subject to thoughtful selection – offer a desireable pool of characteristics, at least as Kalergy saw it.
Scouring ideologies for both signs of threat to their power/status and opportunities to subvert/divert them to their own gain has always been a plutocratic tactic.
The most notorious modern example is Soros. who appropriates human ‘rights’ to both advance plutocratic control over ‘the masses’ as well as invoking them to evade consequences for criminal activity (bringing a human rights case to the European CHRto challenge a French conviction for insider-trading.)
I would say Kalergy was a ‘useful idiot’ in so far as his ideals of equality/perfection could only be implemented through denial of personal freedom. Presumably that’s why the Warburg money came his way.
I would love to know what Marx thought of him – somehow, I doubt it was complimentary.
Have to say the notion the refugee influx into Europe (or migrants if you prefer) is a century-old ‘plot’ by eugenicists is not one I buy.
Eugenics is very much alive and kicking, though disguised in various ways – that is true. But its no longer about race,-‘improvement’: population-reduction is of far more concern for the global plutocracy.
Contemporary eugenics is confined to improving their own dynasties, or reduction of undesirables through ‘soft power.’ (Transgenderism gets the population to self-select for’treatment’ – typically castration, as most are males – in the education system, thus avoiding the use of state force.)
This mass migration movement is caused by the destruction of states in the MENA, making the acquisition of territorial control for ‘eretz Israel’ much easier. That Tel Aviv is intended to replace London as the hub of international finance (transnational larceny.) is one ‘conspiracy theory’ I would entertain.
@eimar : You are absolutely correct.
“Selection” and “race optimization” is taking place.
And the master racists committing the most and largest genocides are in fact those who are always portraied as being the “eternal victoms”. The same victoms who own Hollywood, the news, history and banking.
No noooooo. Wait a second, ahhh, sure: It is all only a dumb “conspiracy theory”, yeeeeees. Ha.
What a crazy world. In my home country GDR everything was still in order!
Dammit, how much I want back ……
Guten Tag, Zollkontrolle der DDR! 1/2
If I could travel back, nobody would believe me what I would tell them about 2015.
Not 1 in a million.
Ouch, funny what kind of new words I sometimes create:
> victoms
I meant victims
(probably watched too often Tom and Jerry on Western TV when I was young)
to no particular comment…..
the most intriguing question is …. why now?
the thousands coming to Europe.
the war in Syria has been what four years now, Libya was not immediately recent. Iraq has been on going for quite a while, likewise Afghanistan and now there is Yemen, not forgetting Ukraine.
why did these people not come two years ago? or before?
leads one to imagine this is organized by someone and for a reason.
Cameron of the UK has spelled it out in parliament….
“Assad is to blame for this, Assad must go”
and a new attempt to stampede the vote to bomb Syria
is under way. and quickly too, before Jeremy Corbyn,
(a truly anti war newly elected leader of the labour party)
gets any time to organise the resistance to this.
no doubt there are other ”indications’ others might think
about that also push this narrative.
“the most intriguing question is …. why now?”
The world and phenomena on/within it are laterally dynamic.
To assign a designator “most”, is to be blind to this dynamic interaction, and hence conditions “the answer” by limiting perception.
This is a practice often followed by the opponents – the use of binary logic of greater/lesser.
The realated questions are why, why now and why in this form if your purpose is to facilitate improved perception.
I find this author very misleading. Milton Friedman and von Mises gave rise to two completely different economic theories.
Austrian School and Chicago School are not the same thing! (And probably don’t even exist as such in the world today.)
What we have in the West (USA, EU etc) can best be described as: Socialism for the Rich and Austerity for the Poor. (i.e. bankers receive generous state bail-outs/ free money while the rest of us get their state benefits cut). It’s basically a very warped form of Keynesianism, but not quite.
I don’t think there is an official name for this yet but I have heard “Crony capitalism”, “Banksterism”…
In any case, mislabeling economic theories is not helpful to anyone.
In communist times they called what we now have simply “Imperialism/Colonialism”.
And how right they were!
But the Zionists steal and scream “HOLD THE THIEVE”.
That’s why they blame Putin/Russia for having “imperial ambitions”.
Because Russia has one international military base and now creates a second one (western MSM rarely find it necessary to mention that the USA have 1000++ such bases in 100++ countries).
It is an Empire with post capitalist neo-feudal structures, and nothing else.
To call that “Socialism for the rich / austarity for the poor” is way too friendly and damages the term “Socialism”. Let’s also forget all these other terms used by US-american investors, they all are so idiotic that not even the West-EU MSM ever uses them.
It would also be wrong to call the Zionist perpetrators “rats” or “animals”, because no dear rat is ever so dirty or evil. What they in fact are: Non-animals (monsters), deabolic satanic blood-suckers! A true pandemic.
“A Tale of Two Pictures”
Perhaps you are merely skimming the surface and obscuring more pertininent aspects of ideology.
At the key level it matters little whether the “photos seem fake” or not, or even if they are fake or not.
The key is the notion of image constituting “evidence”, and the ideological consequences based there upon.
As a starter the following may be of interest:
In the text reference is made to the work of Jacques Ellul. Although written more than 40 years ago you may find something of use in Jacques Ellul’s book Propaganda.
As another start point you may like to consider Victor Klemperer’s work from the early 1950’s, ie. from the early stages of the alleged Cold War
Language of the Third Reich (Bloomsbury Revelations)
Assimilating the data may prove a start point in perceiving the immersive roles of ideologies, and why ideology is more dangerous than other weapons of any destruction.
Propaganda is not a production, it is an interaction, as is ideology.
A probable attempt at coordination.