by Jeff Brown for the Saker blog
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Love, hate, war, peace, the good, the bad and the ugly? Let’s see how Godfree Roberts’ crystal ball performed last week.
The day before US President Donald Trump (DJT) arrived in Beijing, November 8-10, for meetings with Chinese president Xi Jinping (XJP), I had Dr. Godfree Roberts on the China Rising Radio Sinoland show to make his predictions about what would transpire ( Godfree made two bold statements, one about Sino-American relations and the other about Korea. For the former, to paraphrase, Godfree said,
Xi understands that Trump needs a crowd pleasing victory back home and will deliver on that goal. China will use its very successful millennial tributary system to help Trump bring home the bacon, and DJT will tacitly integrate his presidency into this ancient diplomatic framework.
Godfree clearly hit a homerun here. Trump was telegraphing success before his arrival, even calling XJP “the King of China”, which is very tributary indeed ( All the mainstream pundits who were gloating that Trump would walk away emptyhanded have egg all over their faces, as is often true with these ideological communism-socialism-China haters. Xi and Trump helped garner over a quarter of a trillion dollars in bilateral business deals ( The value of these deals is unprecedented in Sino-American relations and may be the second biggest on diplomatic record. The only bigger one that I’ve ever heard of was Xi’s and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s $400 billion gas/oil/pipeline deal (, which I wrote about recently (
Trump was also very vocal about how much he likes and respects XJP, while touting their mutual friendship (, as well as his admiration for the Chinese people and their civilization ( DJT’s granddaughter even sang a Chinese song to “Grandpa Xi”, beamed into Beijing via satellite ( Trump was treated like royalty while in China ( and continuously showed his appreciation for Baba Beijing’s efforts, from the welcoming ceremony to the two first couples’ private tour of the Forbidden City, to the state banquet there. A stratospheric quarter trillion dollars in deals were inked. Trump did well for his people, can claim a big victory back home and Xi represented his citizens honorably.
The whole affair had the feel of a Ming Dynasty state visit, with 600 years of technology layered on top. Thus, we can say Godfree’s prediction that Sino-American relations will start taking on the form of China’s win-win tributary system has serious merit.
The results over Korea were less clear. To be honest, in their joint press conference (, it looked like DJT and XJP more or less kicked the can down the road. Nothing of any great importance was announced, other than the two sides needed each other to solve the problem, it should all happen through the United Nations and military action was not the answer. Given the bellicose aggression the United States has been projecting in Korea, since the end of World War II (see footnote below), one could say that this was an important public acceptance of Asian realpolitik, from typically high handed, “we’ll do whatever the hell we want even if it’s illegal” imperial America. But, this is hardly a headline grabbing victory for Trump.
Then yesterday in Vietnam, Trump again announced that Baba Beijing was working hard on the Korea issue ( So clearly, behind the scenes, a lot is going on that the public is not privy to. This was confirmed by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, when he met with XJP at the end of September, declaring that America was in direct contact with DPRK (North Korea), undoubtedly through the good offices of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (
Thus, Godfree’s hopeful prediction, and he admitted it was a long shot, that some kind of cross border cooperation would be announced did not come to fruition. But, I will make a bold prognostication myself: before Trump leaves the White House, either he or Tillerson will meet with DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un. I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s what Trump wants. In his own inimitable way, DJT said exactly that in an official tweet yesterday,
This tweet is not a Freudian slip. Trump means it.
This is not the first time. In May, 2017, DJT said this about DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un,
If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honored to do it… Most political people would never say that… but I’m telling you under the right circumstances I would meet with him. We have breaking news (
I’ll say most Westerners would never say that. If this transpires, guess where it will happen? In China, of course. I think this is what Xi and Trump are working towards, with mucho behind-the-scenes help from the Russians, who also have some serious historical and border skin in the Korean game. They admitted as much last week ( The problem is Eurangloland will go to war before allowing the Korean peninsula to peacefully reunite (

Trump’s ambitious Asian tour included attending two major regional summits. By
You can say what you want, but as far as Asian-American affairs are concerned, DJT is working hard for his citizens, which is more than can be said about America’s previous presidents, going back as many administrations as you care to argue. Trump even came out and said exactly that ( Listen to his APEC speech in Vietnam (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). The last president who talked like this was Ronald Reagan and then further back, to John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt ( Love ‘em or not, they all had something other recent presidents have lacked: vision.
One thing is clear. I don’t think we could have survived another four years of deep state, Wall Street elitism in the White House. As much as many people hate DJT, I shudder at the thought of uber imperial Hillary Clinton being president.
Conversely, you may not approve of Trump’s vision, but you know where he stands. He has clearly articulated his intention to defend his country’s interests and improve the lot of the American people, which is what any respectable leader should do, who is worth their salt. Sadly, sodium chloride has been sorely lacking in Washington and London since the 1980s, and in Paris since Nicolas Sarkozy was president.
After China, DJT went to communist-socialist Vietnam to meet President Tran Dai Quang. Trump’s delegation inked $12 billion in contracts. While comparatively puny to China’s leviathan showstopper, remember that Vietnam is economically like one province in China, and China has 34 of them, so this amount is about right. In their joint press conference, Trump said something jaw dropping that is utter blasphemy in deep state Washington-London-Paris-Tel Aviv.
…the United States is open to a free and open Indo-Pacific, where strong and independent nations respect each other’s sovereignty, uphold the rule of law and advance responsible commerce. We want our partners in the Indo-Pacific to be proud and self-reliant, not proxies or satellites. (
Trump clearly sees the diminishing marginal returns of the West’s imperial colonial model and in his mind, he hopes to change five centuries of one-sided exploitation, extraction, resource invasions, sacking, pillaging and genocide. Again, love him or hate him, but DJT has a vision that is antithetical to the deep state’s policy of total global domination and destruction.
Now the big question is: what happens when Trump gets off Air Force One in Washington tomorrow, after his successful Asian tour? How does he work through and around the Departments of Defense, Justice and State, the CIA-NSA complex, oil bankers, military contractors, prostituted US Congress and this murderous collective deep state’s equally corrupt mainstream media Myrmidons, without ending up dead like JFK (, or framed and booted out of office, like Richard “I don’t want to go out like Jack” Nixon?
Trump knows why Jack and Dick met their fates. He knows speeches like the ones he gave this week in Asia about working with other countries, not as proxies and satellites, but in mutual respect and on a level playing field is tantamount to him signing his own death sentence. This helps explain why the Department of Justice’s Secret Service, which happily cooperated to help murder John and Robert Kennedy (, has been sidelined by DJT’s own, loyal security team ( Smart man. People of influence who speak truth to imperial power usually end up in the morgue ( and

The West’s deep state has imperial wet dreams about turning DJT into another John Kennedy, or at the very least, a Richard Nixon II.
And so it goes. This helps explain why Trump seems to blow so hot and cold. On November 11th, he declared that the whole Russiagate propaganda campaign is obviously fake news (well, DUH!), (, then yesterday he backtracked and hedged that comment ( He has JFK’s fate under wraps with his own loyal security detail. However, he has to throw the deep state Komodo dragons a piece of meat once in a while, if he hopes to not go out like Nixon, which is what these deep state saurians are trying to do, with all these trumped up – pardon the pun – fake allegations.
In closing, when analyzing all the background to these events, Donald Trump is a very brave man indeed, who is risking his life or his historical reputation for his vision of a post-Western imperial world order. It just so happens to be the same dream in China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Eritrea, etc., which gives me hope.
Jeff’s journalism about Korea
oh my man. The Secret Service was formerly part of the US Department of Treasury. Now, it is under Homeland Security.
“The United States Secret Service (“USSS” or “Secret Service”) is a premier federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.[2] Until 2003, the Service was part of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, as the agency was originally founded to combat the then-widespread counterfeiting of U.S. currency”
Wow! “Nixon goes to China”. This might work; the public will sometimes accept a revolutionary improvement from a Tricky Dicky and/or rightwinger when they might have ridiculed it from an idealist; eg, Nixon in China, Begin in Camp David, De Klerk in South Africa.
“Trump goes to the Philippines” – maybe he can explain to Duterte how the ISIS fighters at Marawi became so proficient militarily.
I cannot entirely agree with this article. When Trump went on his Asia tour, he took with him a number of business people. And yes, we all knew he would sign trade deals, as he did. That he signed a 260 billion trade deal with China should not be wrongly interpreted. The Chinese are pragmatic. They also sign trade deals with Russia, like that 400 billion dollar deal, even larger than the deal with the US. However, what about North Korea ? What did the Chinese have to say, besides what is well known, like their statement that they will not tolerate any initial attack on North Korea ? What about Chinese plans to introduce the petro-yuan ? Did Trump discuss this, or does he know it is something that cannot be stopped ? What about Russian and Chinese plans to introduce gold backed rubles and yuans ? Did Trump discuss this with Putin and Jinping, or does he know this is unstoppable ? As far as I can see, Trump made a propaganda and trade tour, making some money along they way, which pales to the gigantic US foreign and domestic debt. However, on the international scene, nothing has changed. The Eurasian Economic Union is still in the making, and neither the Russians nor the Chinese will back away from it, as it would be absurd to expect this from them. The US Navy is still off the North Korean Coast, and Iran is still being threatened. NATO is still encircling both Russia and China. We shall see what happens when Trump returns to Washington, if any new moves will be made, and in what direction.
There was no ‘$260 billion dollar trade deal’ signed. There were a bunch of ‘memoranda of understanding’ things signed. If a quarter of that amount actually ends up happening, I will be surprised.
I wouldn’t put much stock into what trump says. It’s all for show, he is the salesman for the current zionazi colonial regime in DC, and as with everything zionazi, image and marketing are the strategy, not substance. For example:
Trump believed Putin ‘means it when he says no’ to meddling claims, now sides with US intel agencies
His sales pitch changes depending conwho he’s talking to and the criticism he got. He’s been playing a pr game from the beginning of his presidential run. Look for answers instead in what his regime actually does.
The signed documents between China and usa should be considered in context. While $250 billion may seem like a huge deal, in 2014, China exported $453 b to the usa and the usa exported $136 b to China. See:
To maintain that high turnover, every year there has to be several $100 billion worth of contracts signed between businesses in the two countries.
There isn’t much logical reason to be seen in his hot and cold behavior though the only visible patterns is he is subdued otherwise impulsive president seen from it’s startling 59 tomahawks and his regular Twitter outbursts vs official statements in press.
If he was a very clever statesmen that employ the strategy of deceiving his ally to trick his enemy there shouldn’t be any reason for him to keep contradicting himself and lowering his credibility and political base. As of now at least in my opinion he’s just chaotic man in a vulnerable position.
I don’t find it difficult to understand what Trump and Putin both said about the “meddling”. Its that the right question isn’t being asked by the media, that is the problem. The US,and almost every (probably every) intelligence agency in the world spy’s on each others countries.Russia has talked about the countless times the US has tried to spy on them. The US hacked,bugged,what ever you want to call it,the phones of both the Brazilian President,and the German Chancellor.And those were only operations detected.Undetected operations on all sides are probably much more numerous. So, whether the Russians ran hacking/spying operations of their own in the US is pretty likely.If they didn’t,the Russian intelligence services aren’t doing their job.And that would be a bigger problem in itself.
But that isn’t how the Russiagate story is framed by the US.The US deep-state is saying that Russia “meddled” in (as in tried to influence or manipulate) the US elections. They are trying to mix “apples and oranges” into a combined juice.While its extremely likely that Russia “spied” on the US election process.Its also extremely “unlikely” they tried to sway the results.The first is,irritating for the US.Just as US spying is irritating to Russia.But its normal and you move on.That I think, is what Putin means by saying “we didn’t meddle” in your elections.He understands the difference between the two.And understands how the US deep state is trying to mix them into one.By clearly separating them its easy to understand how the two can be explained. But the US deep state and their MSN allies aren’t doing that.They want to conflate the two into one.And by not explaining what happened to the population.They can keep building Russophobia in the US,and hurt Trump at the same time.
The ironic thing is the information we are hearing bits and pieces of,is that Russia probably preferred Clinton over Trump in the US election. Why you might ask. Since clearly to us here,”Killery” was a monster.What I’ve heard is that while staying neutral (i.e. “not” meddling),Russian officials among themselves,thought that since Clinton was a “known” enemy.They knew how to deal with her.But that Trump,even though saying some good things about improving relations.Was an “unknown”,changeable person.That they were unsure how to deal with him.And they figured best to go with the known,over the unknown.That they are being accused now of trying to “rig” the election for Trump.Is so ironic,it would be laughable.If not so dangerous for US/Russian relations.
Apart from the obvious distraction value for the Clinton/DNC fiasco the issue for the US crime scene sometimes referred to as the government is not that the Russians influenced the elections — that quaint system of electoral colleges that decide the winner loosely in alignment with tthe perceived popular will — but rather that they did not fill the pockets of the usual pay-to-play donation schemes etc. The real ‘charge’ against Russia is ‘influence’ on the cheap. Pay up like the Saudi or Israeli or be dammed. Unpaid whores are as sore as hell.
All you need to know about China- it makes every toy that helps keep the sheeple of the West happy and passive.
As the world’s major factory district- but with the clout of a massive landmass, massive popualtion, and first world nuclear capability- everything China is everything trade. Trumpy is not a lifetime politico, so he gets trade and business in a way war monger puppets like Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush and Obama never could. So China really and genuinely embraces Trumpy as their kinda guy.
On the other hnad, China really really really wants America’s position as the planet’s military sumpremo challenged, which is why China begs and begs and begs Putin to actually stand up to the Americans for once. China on its own has to be all about trade. But China with Russia can be something else as well.
Who was it in Serbia doing Russia’s job when NATO was bombing the living heck out of it? Certainly not Serbia’s ‘fair weather’ ally, Russia. The price China paid was having Tony Blair himself order the bombing of the Chinese embassy, murdering many Chinese citizens. But the aftermath played very well for China indeed- outside of war an empire power that attacks another has to pay very high compensation, and China was astonishingly well compensated for Blair’s attack.
China sees the emerging danger all too well. China knows of the historic power of the ‘jewish’ bloc in the West. That’s why it hammers its own ‘cults’ before they become too powerful. But without Russia’s active geopolitical partnership (which Putin will never give), China simply does not know what it can do besides ***grow*** in economic, scientific and engineering ability. China’s trade pays for everything, and that trade results from the high-tech business of the Far East having been moved from Japan to China with the full assistance of the West. China is Japan II like the USA is Britain II- although of course, while Britain controls the USA where it matters Japan has no say over China.
In all forms of earlier WW3 scenarios, China expects to be on the outside concerned with only local politics. China pretty much accepts that Russia’s foolish choices mean that the USA and Russia will have at each other with nukes sooner rather that later- and nothing can now prevent this.
I fell to see when did “China begs and begs and begs Putin to actually stand up to the Americans for once”. When Putin fell off with the west in Crimea, Russian was still thinking of China in way of the west. China has no skin in Crimea, Syria is not traditional Chinese play ground either. Your one sentence imply that China cow behind others, and Russia are someone else’s canon folder. Not very smart way to make friends and influence people, and most importantly, it is not true.:-)
In reality the two country complements each other, the peace at common borders enable each other to deal with other hostile forces.
Chinese tech is still not ready for prime time, and yes, Chinese is fixated working on changing it.
I think you’re right, J.
Much of twilight’s comment sounds reasonable but the dire conclusions (“We’re all going to die!” —for THAT is the likely IMMEDIATE effect, even for a defensive China that would be simultaneously attacked in a US/Russia nuke-out…if you’re “going for ALL the marbles” you need to go for all of them…not let 1/5 of the human race sit there unscathed, capable of coming over and getting your insane leaders out of their bunkers and into straight-jackets and mental asylums, while Chinese earthquake rescue teams try to salvage what’s left of the continental US population, industry, agriculture and infrastructure….) is far, far, far too fatalistic.
Way too much fear and loathing, very very low on courage and love.
What is the FATE of twilight?? Night!
What is the DESTINY of twilight??? A New Dawn!
In general still a lot of spectatoritis. of very limited utility and lack of decisiveness in many otherwise “good” comments.
What is decisive?
Billions of “ordinary” people recognizing the New Dawn, and waking up with courage and optimism for once in their lives, instead of sleep walking through the days of their lives, as most have done throughout human history.
Even so, look on the bright side: “We’ve come a long way, baby!”
From the white yang feminine Care perspective:
From the black yin sacred masculine Defense of Rights perspective:
Break it down for us, J….I don’t know my “ying” from my “yang” yet….but I’m trying! LOL.
Hi Bro,
Your posts are always fun to read.
I think it maybe also that it is the Darkest before Dawn, if we can hang on there a little longer…:-)
Like you I actually agree with most what twilight said.
I was stumbled how to respond to your Yin/Yang comments.
In China, Yin is female, Yang is Male.
The moon is a Yin 阴 (or 月) , the Sun is a Yang 阳 ( 日) (the first caharacter actually sounds exactly same as Yang).. Sun and Moon together it is a 明 means bright.
I think in US, political correct people intentionally made it backwards.
How to clean up US
I largely agree with with Jeff Brown’s assessment of Trump’s strategic game playing here. Having (un-regrettably) argued that political reality dictated Trump’s election victory was the only way to to defeat corrupt warmongering globalist Hillary, I however admit to having lost all hope in Trump shortly after his inauguration, being convinced that he had abandoned all of his economic nationalist election promises due to pressures, blackmail or whatever from the deep state’s establishment.
Now I’m no longer so sure he’s been defeated or has completely caved in and is not actually acting as a double agent, cleverly playing them at their own game, both so as he will survive at home while he set’s the table for an (inevitable) multi-polar world, thereby insuring America’s nationalist (as opposed to imperialist empire’s) survival.
With all due respect, this article is either wishful delusion or disinformation akin to what is increasingly peddled by the Anglophone “alternative” media. To wit:
“Trump clearly sees the diminishing marginal returns of the West’s imperial colonial model and in his mind, he hopes to change five centuries of one-sided exploitation, extraction, resource invasions, sacking, pillaging and genocide. Again, love him or hate him, but DJT has a vision that is antithetical to the deep state’s policy of total global domination and destruction.”
All hail Donald Trump, anti-imperialist peacenik!
If you believe this, I have a Trump University doctoral degree that I would like to award you—for a modest monetary donation.
But hey, Trump tweeted that he wants to be Kim Jong-un’s friend, so he must want peace, right? Just ignore America’s provocative war games on the Korean peninsula, its deployment of B-1B supersonic bombers in the region, or its rejection of the “dual freeze” proposal advocated by China and Russia.
Donald Trump is not opposed to the Anglo American Empire, its ambitions for global domination, or even the so-called deep state (aka ruling class). He represents one *faction* of this Anglo Empire and its ruling deep state.
The political cat fight occurring in the USA over bogus issues like RussiaGate is merely a conflict over the *tactics* used to achieve a larger strategic goal that all these US factions support: Anglo-American imperial dominion over the planet.
The Dangerous Deception Called The Trump Presidency
“the United States is open to a free and open Indo-Pacific, where strong and independent nations respect each other’s sovereignty, uphold the rule of law and advance responsible commerce. We want our partners in the Indo-Pacific to be proud and self-reliant, not proxies or satellites.”
Regarding this quote, since when does any thinking person accept what the Americans say at face value? It’s ludicrous. Hell, even children should know better.
In fact, it’s much more reliable to follow a simple rule of thumb: whatever the Americans say, the opposite is closer to the truth and their intentions.
Indeed, the curious term “Indo-Pacific” was specifically manufactured by the Americans as a way to rhetorically promote the anti-China containment axis that the United States is pushing, which will increasingly incorporate *India*–along with traditional American vassal nations like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia.
US, Japan, Australia, India “Quadrilateral” alliance takes shape against China
In fact, not long after Trump’s fake friendly act with Xi Jinping in China, he showed his true face at the APEC summit in Vietnam and launched into an America First tirade, which was thinly directed at China.
Trump sets out economic war in address to Asia-Pacific summit
In general, America’s rhetoric about upholding the rule of law and respecting each other’s sovereignty in the so-called Indo Pacific (or anywhere else) is comical in its Orwellian insincerity.
One only has to recall the USA’s proxy war to balkanize Syria; its routine bombing of nations from Afghanistan to Pakistan to Iraq to Somalia; its backing of the Saudi war against Yemen; or its regime change machinations against Venezuela, among other American crimes against humanity.
This past summer, under Trump, ISIS jihadists have (surprise, surprise) appeared in the Philippines and in Pakistan—to the benefit of America’s broader strategic ambitions to expand US influence in the former country and to destabilize China’s OBOR project in the latter. Given America’s covert backing of ISIS and other Islamicist groups around the world such as in Syria and Libya, it shouldn’t take a genius to see America’s hand behind this latest eruption of jihadist terror.
Philippines: ISIS Saves US Foreign Policy, Again
ISIS “Coincidentally” Appears Along China’s One Belt, One Road
The more things change, the more they stay the same in the Anglo-American Empire—regardless of who is the current US regime ruler.
Trump want easy money from both China and India.
China want to buy off Trump, so China stoke Trump’s ego, and lump a lot of already done deals into $235 Billion so trump can flaunt it to US public.
India want to jump into Trump’s bed, so Trump stroke Modi/India’s ego, so he can sell weapon to India, and Modi can flaunt the ego stroke to Indian public.
Easy stuff.:-)