This is how the US and NATO ‘bring democracy’ to the Donbass: (no need for translation)
the source is the WarGonzo Telegram channel:
In response to this massacre, both the LNR and DNR have asked to be incorporated into the Russian Federation. See here:
Incorporation of these territories into Russia would mean that any such attack is an act of war.
The question is an act of war by who – Ukraine, NATO, the US, all of them?
YES…soon as those republics officially vote to be part of Russian federation this will be act of war by 404 country….
What would change? Ukraine is already shelling Russia. I have strong doubts, Putin would escalate more than bombing electricity and water resources.
Mr. Andrei Martyanov was saying in a recent presentation that Ukraine was already just a step away from lights out permanently. Going on to describe the complexity of the 100-330kw transformers and what rebuilding them entails or is even possible. It’s back to the stone age if that happens.
Perfect if confirmed as ‘strong retaliation’, Putin must play the Erdogan blackmail à la Syrian.
Erdogan sent millions Syrian(and even non syrian)refugees to Europe(including jihadists who were responsible for various terror attacks between 2014 and 2017).
Here the goal before winter would be to force millions of ‘refugees’ without gas, light, telecom, food, job, transport, money Europe(they love ukies so much no?), by millions I mean up to 20 millions who have no choice, believe me it will put the EU in even more chaos and cost them dozen of billions.
ZE would lose canon fodders(as Assad in Syria, reverse goal this time).
But Moscow will not do anything, they don’t care, tonight they are already almost saying no for a referendum for dpr-lpr,not the right time…in 2023 maybe.
Kherson is also asking for a referendum on nov 4th.
Many hundreds of thousands, millions? have fled Ukraine for the EU bloc. NATO trains and arms many of them and sends them back.
The situation for the Donbass referendum has changed overnight. and a vote is scheduled for Sept 23-27/2022.
If it indicates the collective will is to rejoin Russia, a sudden lack of rationale for natzo to keep arming AFU for the ongoing proxy war would suddenly disappear. While leaving Kiev unable to claim any further, “it’s still part of our 404” at the same time. Especially with LDPR sporting their new and official geographical boundaries within Russia.
Russia is not an merely an irate homeowner with a crazy neighbor. .Its own laws, and international laws – which Russia and China are determined to respect – govern what war powers it can use.In a ” SMO” the presidents powers are limited. Do you think the blanket use of force authorization the US gave itself in 2002 was all for show ? No. it gave the executive branch power to wage war -which means power to appropriate resources-as it saw “fit” . When the Donbas becomes part of Russia more and graver options will become available .I believe it was to prevent these referenda that NATO launched its Kharkov offensive, and why the US and its stooges are actually seriously trying to remove Russia from the security council.
A lot already have a Russian passport, if you believe they are going to stop bombing dpr-lpr even after a referendum, keep on dreamin.They are already striking inside Russia for weeks, Crimea for three months…
Eva Bartlett was on the ground and also took photos. My respect for Eva is immeasurable.
Warning – photos are graphic
A phone from Shoigu/Russian Military/Intelligence Services to US counterparts threatening a visit by Mr Kalibr & Cousins to NATO/US Diplomatic/Operation/Command Centres in Kiev & Lviv could end the attacks on civilians in the Donbass/Other regions.
I repeat, none of this genocidal behaviour by America will cease until Americans/Europeans begin dying . . . . . in numbers.
Ordinary peoples’ lives mean zero to these scumbags.
Not another warning,just do it.
What can be said? These people are terrorists. They are murderers. I knew from the beginning Washington would bring death and destruction to Ukraine just as they brought to Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia before. It is fitting that Washington is now openly supporting Ukrainian Nazis because the Beltway Boys are no better than Nazis. They are thieves, rapists and murderers.
Tragic. The mask has really come off, this is the true face of Empire. Death and destruction.
Putin: Terrorists Near Russian Nuclear Power Plants.
Corporate media somehow missed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s shocking charge, at his press conference Friday:
“We even see attempts at perpetrating terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation, including – I am not sure if this was made public – attempts to carry out terrorist attacks near our nuclear facilities, nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation. I am not even talking about the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.”
Putin was answering what seemed to be a canned question about Russia’s “restraint” amid, what the questioner called increasing “strikes, raids and acts of terror even on Russian territory. We are hearing all the time very aggressive statements that the final goal of Kiev and the West is Russia’s disintegration. Meanwhile, many think that Russia’s response to all of this is very restrained. Why is that?”…
…Putin’s Friday news conference was also shown, including Putin’s comments on terrorist attempts to attack nuclear power plants in Russia. One knowledgeable observer, who watches virtually all Putin’s speeches/press conferences, commented that Putin was twitching this way and that, and seemed very nervous.
President Biden and his sophomore advisers may not be smart enough to be equally nervous. And so catastrophe looms.
Expect much more of this. Terror is intrinsic to American military plans for the SMO. They are training Ukies for an insurgency war–terror, assassinations, aimed at any supporters of Russia and, for certain, within Russia just as the West-sponsored Chechen terrorists did in those two wars.
This video from Andrey Vajra was from 2017. It is very relevant to understand the depth and scope of the psychopathology of the Ukrainians. It is nicely subtitled in English. Very important for it to be spread all over the West.
Ouch! Agreed – this needs much more airplay. Horror Show.
Some videos for today.
The criminal Kiev regime’s shelling killed 13 civilians in Donetsk:
RT crew follows Russia’s National Guard on duty in Kherson Region:
Russian special forces open fire on enemy positions:
DPR mortar crew destroys enemy firing positions:
Marines from Russia’s Pacific Fleet on the front line amid ongoing hostilities:
Russia’s Ka-52 and Mi-28 attack helicopters in action amid conflict:
The guy’s left index finger moves multiple time after 1:17. I’m not saying the attack didn’t happen, and maybe that’s just nerves twitching shortly after his death, but I did notice it, and I want to point it out.
That is not a finger moving, it is a piece of white fabric or paper from his pocket moving in the breeze.
I am beyond anger in regards to the impunity with which the Ukronazis are killing people in the DPR. I have justified in other comments the Allies’ position vis a vis the shelling, explaining the shelling originates at firing points set among civilians, which makes it impossible to carpet bomb them, at the risk of killing people who are linked by blood to those in liberated areas.
However, the carnage is nauseating.
A war crime.
A crime against humanity.
An abomination.
An infamy.
Russia has invested brain and treasure building missilery the enemy cannot defend against, they have nothing to counter Kinzhal, Kalibr, Iskander, Avangard, etc., but cannot stop the shelling of Donbass. The psychological effect on people living under the constant terror must be of total impotence.
Despite the daily killing, people in Donetsk continue with their lives as if the shelling and the dying are part of their daily routine. The city functions normally, public transportation, markets, theaters, everything is open and people don’t stop their activities.
A consideration should be given to stop the senseless carnage, regardless of other losses. Allowing the enemy to continue terrorizing and killing people with impunity, empowers them. Terror is the tool they are using to show the people of Donetsk and surroundings neither the militias nor the Russian army can defend them, they are at the mercy of the nazi terrorists, subject and submit to their will, or die.
In this context, they have the initiative, and they keep it, regardless of military advances in Donetsk, incredibly slow, mind you. Pesky and Pervomaysk are an example, how long has it taken to defeat the enemy in those locations, despite the bravery of DPR’s 11th Regiment and others. Their reinforced concrete fortifications, pillboxes, and trenches, built in the course of 8 years, are not easy to dislodge.
The Allies are wasting precious time, manpower and materiel, stuck in a war of positions. There are results, no doubt, incredibly slow, however. Another example is our favorite Philharmonic, the incredible Wagner musicians, whose cleaning the surrounding of Artemivsk has taken months, just in preparation to surround and attack the city.
In the meantime, the nazis are getting the German version of HIMARS, French artillery, US bombs, ammunition galore, non-stop. The rat line from Poland continues unimpeded, same weapons killing civilians in Donbass.
When is Russia going to start fighting a real war, and stop playing games with the Gerasimov doctrine?
Yes, we understand the dangers of a greater conflagration, but that’s exactly what they are preparing for, while working at full speed in a war of attrition. The dangers are growing, and I don’t see Russia pre-empting the coming blows.
Donbass is a tragedy beyond name, and the Collective West should be tried, exposed, and judged by history as war criminals, it is their weapons which are killing innocent children.
Time to defend the people of Donbass, Putin.
Lone Wolf
Yes, my thoughts exactly. It would be good if Russia did something unexpected, to gain upper hand again. After all, Ukros are too self assured now; now their aim is supposedly to dismantle Russia statehood!
@ IGOR VUKSANOVIĆ on September 20, 2022 · at 12:20 am EST/EDT
Yes, my thoughts exactly. It would be good if Russia did something unexpected, to gain upper hand again. After all, Ukros are too self assured now; now their aim is supposedly to dismantle Russia statehood!
Ukronazis have no capacity to “dismantle Russian statehood,” now, or in the future.
Russia has prepared in depth for twenty years to launch this war, and they knew perfectly well what they would be facing, a pack of rabid dogs called Collective West. Putin built on the defense shield, nuclear and otherwise, the Soviet Union accumulated until its demise.
IMHO, Russia is playing déjà vu Afghanistan in reverse.
Reading the mindset of the Collective West, still fighting WWII and looking to exploit past experiences, Russia is using the launchpad the west built up to destroy Russia, Ukraine, to have a dress rehearsal of what a war with the US/NATO would be. The west’s intention is to drag Russia into another Afghanistan quagmire, this time at her border.
Russia is very well prepared, expected the west to unfold a war of attrition, and is now testing its mettle against NATO-trained/equipped/lead troops. The attrition is on many fronts, energy one of them, and in that and other fronts, Russia has the upper hand. The coming winter will determine the US/NATO future strategy, as they famine for fossil fuels, and will try their best to break Russia to appropriate her resources.
Good luck.
Russia is well prepared to defeat the US/NATO/Five Eyes, and more.
No concerns in that regard.
Lone Wolf
Choice African proverbs..
“No medicine
exists that
can cure hatred.”
“To try and to fail
is not laziness.”
we are all frustrated and grieve over this barbarity.. but must keep our powders dry. I admire and have studied Russians.. they are in same regards like Iranians – a people of sacrifice. They are a moral people with an honorable code. All the West is doing in these moments is gifting a few martyrs, and digging their holes even deeper. Even as they commit these crimes, do not think they cheer – no, inside their black hearts their Terror of the just retribution on the way only increases!
It is likely headed to Armageddon; isn’t the retribution on 900M+ westerners on the way for this barbarity sufficient?? We do not know precisely why Russians delay, but their data, situational awareness and calculations trumps ours. Perhaps the wise sad Russians are giving a last chance for any shred of sanity to return to the fallen west? Through exposing how far they have sunk to the shocked eyes of all humanity?? Perhaps they need these proofs of the real nature of the West to marshall and focus the insouciant west-mindwashed amongst their own? And given there will only ever be one Armageddon, why rush into it?? The mother of all comeuppance is enroute. There is ever a process the People of Sacrifice undergo and we need to be patient Compañeros…
There’s a practice in Asian politics and diplomacy whereas one has to always leave a option for opponents and adversaries to back down and save face even to allow them a minor victory or some concessions that they can go back to their sponsors with.
Direct confrontation leaving an opponent no room to manoeuvre in or any options is a cultural no no.
Only after exhausting all oppotunities that allow an opponent to retire is it acceptable to finally crush them.
I know this is a Asiatic cultural norm, does it extend into Russian thought as well?
Or could they be doing this to appease their Asiatic neighbors and partners?
Surely the room to manoeuvre that is being extended to the west has to be shrinking as more options to back down and withdraw are exhausted.
Re: “I know this is a Asiatic cultural norm, does it extend into Russian thought as well?
Or could they be doing this to appease their Asiatic neighbors and partners?”
Yes, G. Batterham. Assuredly Russians, who have ancient Asian as well as European sensibilities, and are the consummate diplomats as well as unparalleled students of War, would have these as part of their calculations.. As Saker has taught repeatedly over the years, it helps to see Russians as a hybrid people, encompassing all Eurasia yet unique.. this maneuver is known throughout Asia:
Sun Tzu (7.36); “When you surround an army, leave an outlet free.”
Unfortunately, the crooks-in-charge in the western dictatorships, are incapable of recognizing such option, even if it bites them in a part of the human anatomy that must remain unnamed.
@ AHH on September 20, 2022 · at 12:38 am EST/EDT
we are all frustrated and grieve over this barbarity.. but must keep our powders dry. I admire and have studied Russians.. they are in same regards like Iranians – a people of sacrifice.
Dear AHH,
I appreciate very much your comments, your insights, and your mastery of the English language, however, sometimes you build your comments from the wrong angle.
I have not, in any way, shape or form, attacked Russia, there is no reason for a shining knight to rise up on her defense. The sense of impotence with the savagery unleashed non-stop on Donbass, didn’t start yesterday. I am at war with Ukraine from the day they declared an ATO against Donbass, back in April, 2014, and only my age stopped me from going to fight against the nazis, after the massacre in July that year, where the “Gorlovka Madonna” and her baby were torn to pieces.
I knew then, and the unfolding events confirmed my views, western intel conglomerates had targeted the Donbass to wage war against Russia, and had launched yet another “low intensity conflict” to exploit it and build up on it. The rest is history, and you know it as well as I do. The two-step troll dance started, aggressors playing the victims, western intel making the world believe “freedom fighters” are fighting against a “butcher” (Syria), “terrorists” (Afghanistan), “separas” (Ukraine).
The end of the ATO period, superseded by the “Joint Force Operation” in 2018, was the official entry of the EU into the fray, all efforts going into making Ukraine part of the EU/NATO, and things went downhill ever since. I use to believe the Saker was a doomsday guy, when for years he was talking about the coming war. He’s been vindicated a hundredfold.
During all this time, I waited for Russia to enter the conflict to defend the heroic people of Donbass, and when Russia stood up last year demanding a security agreement with the west, I assumed the Donbass issue was going to be part of it. In the meantime, I have followed Russia’s military build up, all this time hoping it would have enough time to develop the shield for what is now facing.
And it did.
The infrastructure to fight a war with the west is ready, churning missiles and ordnance galore.
However, the people of Donbass continues to be butchered today, 6 months into the SMO that was partly justified to defend them from genocide (Putin), as it has been during almost a decade. There is a sense of impotence that grows out of that predicament. Russians in Donbass suffered for years a campaign of extermination, Russia intervened to stop it, and the butchery only increases.
What’s the message for the people of Donbass, and from all other liberated and would-be liberated areas of Ukraine?
There were rumors the SMO was going to turn into a Counter-Terrorist Operation, but Putin’s statement at the presser in Samarkand lef no doubt the SMO will continue “until reaching its objectives.” How would that have changed the tenor of the war, we would never know. Now the referendum incorporating the Donbass is in the near future, I guess hoping Ukronazis would either stop the carnage, or that Russia can bomb them to the Stone Age, who knows.
In the meantime, Ukronazis all laughing at Russia, at the LDNR militias, and counting the billions they are making by killing the people of Donbass, the west feeding weapons into the war, now Germans will deliver them their version of HIMARS to keep the butchery going.
What does that mean for Donbass?
I hope I have made sufficiently clear I am not attacking Russia, by any means.
I am only delivering a message.
The carnage has to stop.
Lone Wolf
PS: Just FYI, I don’t need to be instructed at what Russia is or the Russian people are. I was raised sucking Mother Russia’s teats, and would gladly fight and die next to the Russian people. That would be an honor and a privilege, same way I carry as a badge of honor the name with which Russia’s enemies label Russians.
@Lone Wolf
I hope this post will not relegate me to the much despised “concerned trolls” dustbin.
Western media(ie Western Propaganda) are euphoric and with glee that supposedly “Russia has no longer full control of the Lugansk area” . Received the “notification” from that junk “The Guardian” on my handphone. Any truth to that? Hope it is yet another propaganda piece .
Anyway, I just wanted to say I am not sure why Putin is still maintaining the SMO and not upgrading it yet. Despite me trying to dismiss recent Ukraine “gains” as inconsequential to the final outcome(of a Russian military victory), I have never held to a 100 percent sure victory for any supposedly superior military side . History has shown underdogs /supposedly inferior military gain victory over better militaries. Although I thought Russian military has a vast edge over Ukrainian military and should have greater odds in a Russian military victory ,nowadays I am not so sure anymore and whatever confidence I have in the past is badly shaken, I concede. I am not a military person, so perhaps my views are all useless. Yes, I have read the Saker’s and Brian Berletic’s analyses and agreed with them. Yet, current reality (or rather my perception of current military operation in Ukraine) doesn’t seem to add up. I am hoping my perception is faulty.
And the assumption of an ultimate Russia victory is based a lot on a Ukraine having an inferior military (that continues to be degraded with the SMO) Vs Russian military. Perhaps, this is no longer Ukraine military but NATO military with a Ukrainian military adjunct . Ie this conflict is more of a NATO Vs Russia all but in name, with a Ukraine military contingent fighting with NATO armies in Ukraine rather than merely a proxy conflict. I wouldn’t be surprised this is a US/NATO tactic to get involved directly and yet on superficial optics appear not to be, keep the conflict confined within Ukraine for now and prevent Russia to formally declare war on NATO. This cover allows NATO to take daring risks because win or lose is credited to the Ukraine military. Any evidence of this? If it is , it is no longer a fight between a superior Russian military Vs an inferior Ukraine military but a fight of two “near peer” militaries . If this is so, SMO is clearly inadequate to even “hold” whatever Russia and allied forces recently gained(in a painfully slow pace and not without great sacrifices ). Containing the military conflict within Ukraine seems less and less tenable . If Russia intends to win the conflict and not allow it to enlarge beyond the confines of Ukraine, then an urgent upgrade of the SMO should seem to be the logical step. If it is still the Ukraine military by large with Western backup rather than NATO camouflaging as Ukraine military-either current Russian slowness/apparent weakness is some genius strategy we can’t fathom or there are pertinent weaknesses in the Russian military we don’t know of/unwilling to accept. As a realist, I tend to believe in the latter.
The other assumption made , which I once subscribed to, that is a Europe, in the depths of winter in an energy crisis, will undergo socioeconomic collapse with deindustrilization, a European populace that in the majority will rise up to the current EU governments leading to possible capitulation or compromise with Russia : I don’t think the compromise or capitulation will happen despite frozen Europeans, socioeconomic upheavals or even “regime change” within EU governments. The majority of Europeans and their ruling elites are for nothing less than the capitulation of Russia and it’s breakup/annihilation. The moral victory is enough for them to accept the suffering and martyrdom to the religion of woke. The tantalising cheap fossil fuels and natural resources of a balkanized Russia is incentive for them to endure this or even coming winters without “Russian gas and energy”. The divorce is permanent unless Russia can beat Ukraine to the pulp and show who is mighty and can crush Europe itself. Ie Russia must win militarily in Ukraine to destroy all hope of these Europeans for a balkanized Russia and cheap energy on the Euro-Atlanticist’s terms.
If (and I concede it’s pure speculation on my part)I am right, did Putin miscalculate this way – Did/Does Putin think the Europeans will capitulate with a Russia daring to go military in Ukraine(stopping short of a formal war declaration) and a sanctions programme that , in the short term at least, backfired on EU? That Putin did not expect /is unwilling to upgrade this to a true war that will destroy both Europe and Russia but did not expect a Europe willing to take that risk?
Another thing is a China that is totally wishy washy in the multipolar project. A China that is full of rhetoric but hasn’t the gumption nor political will to truly support Russia by doing its part -a total economic war on US . I myself am ethnic Chinese and I am critical of China’s reluctance to bear any sacrifice but prides itself as self-declared leader of the multi polar faction . Perhaps Putin miscalculated Xi’s resolve and China never truly agreed with a military solution to the Ukraine issue ?
If I am right, it may explain a Putin reluctant to move beyond SMO despite a military operation, that to me, seems to be stalling or even in the verge of a reversal. I hope I am wrong.
Coming from Central Europe: Europeans will suffer completely unecessary blows to standard of living, there is and wil be inflation..But people will, I think, not freeze to death.And we are kind of weak, emasculated crowd, Europeans, nobody will be overturning any governments here. Corona lockdowns were enforced easily here. Lesson for Russia: do not count to much on Western internal strife.
I am thinking like you,i am still not sure about the thinking in Moscow,the bottome line is if Russia loses this its over,they will be enslaved or dead with the Country fragmented,i sure hope sober minds in Moscow understand that and do what has to be done,that means the rogue state of Ukraine has to disappear as it is now,time to start hitting Ukraine from east to west up to the Polish border,and that includes all those Nato command and control bases.
The best way to destroy the Ukraine military is to allow them to create an offensive. That is where the giant losses for Ukraine come in. If Russia up the pace, the Ukraine military will just hide. To encourage an offensive, you must necessarily appear weak.
Don’t think anyone can hide from these armed with the right bombs.×612
Rumble in the Ukraine. Playing the “rope a dope” with NAZI brainwashed troops who have been programmed from pre-school with constant Russophobia and a desire to find meaning and self-fulfillment only by killing ALL Russians… it requires a good jaw, because you have to patiently allow yourself to get hit. The enemy is invited to over extend force and be unbalanced.
The alternative is to behave like NATO, carpet bomb and “kill them all, god will know his own” in other words, to be no better than your enemy. Destroying innocent non-combatants corrodes the soul – have another good look at the USA. Blood does not simply wash off those hands. The damned spots remain.
The rope-a-dope is a boxing fighting technique in which one contender draws non-injuring offensive punches (while leaning against the rope of the boxing ring) to let the opponent tire themselves out. This gives the former the opportunity to then execute devastating offensive maneuvers to help them win. The rope-a-dope is most famously associated with Muhammad Ali in his October 1974 Rumble in the Jungle match against world heavyweight champion George Foreman in Kinshasa, Zaire.
…after reading all frustration/concern regard SMO….RUSSIA will show to the world before “real action” what West done in the 404 country(currently in the Switzerland- present contents of 30 +labs in the 404 country)perhaps will show to the WORLD trial with those who committed war crime in those republics…. VVP/Shoigu/Lavrov know perfectly well is not 404 military who is in the control….for couple days days KYIV and some other western cities get “taste” what is it to be -without water/gas/electricity…..I believe time of changes regard comin before end of this month….. regard CHINESSE inaction surprise…after meeting Xi/VVP..
@ Sinotibetan on September 20, 2022 · at 3:09 am EST/EDT
Hope it is yet another propaganda piece.
It is, and you should not touch the Guardian with a ten foot pole, let alone carry their app on your phone. They are foaming-at-the-mouth Russophobics, rabid dogs of the west.
As the Saker explained in one of his recent posts, the west has unleashed a massive PSYOPS campaign parallel to the Ukronazis offensives in Kharkiv and other areas. Lysychansk was also taken by the Ukronazis, in their propaganda only.
Perception faulty or not, many people are now in the same boat, doubting whether Russia will be able to cope with the onslaught launched by the west. My strong belief is, yes, if the proper steps are taken by Russia to face the current challenges.
“…If Russia intends to win the conflict and not allow it to enlarge beyond the confines of Ukraine, then an urgent upgrade of the SMO should seem to be the logical step…”
Your logic is taking you to the right answers. Triumphalism is not only a deceitful mirage, but a danger in any confrontation.
“…I don’t think the compromise or capitulation will happen despite frozen Europeans, socioeconomic upheavals or even “regime change” within EU governments. The majority of Europeans and their ruling elites are for nothing less than the capitulation of Russia and it’s breakup/annihilation. The moral victory is enough for them to accept the suffering and martyrdom to the religion of woke. The tantalising cheap fossil fuels and natural resources of a balkanized Russia is incentive for them to endure this or even coming winters without “Russian gas and energy”. The divorce is permanent unless Russia can beat Ukraine to the pulp and show who is mighty and can crush Europe itself. Ie Russia must win militarily in Ukraine to destroy all hope of these Europeans for a balkanized Russia and cheap energy on the Euro-Atlanticist’s terms…”
Again, agreed.
Englishman arrived to the same conclusion.
“…If (and I concede it’s pure speculation on my part)I am right, did Putin miscalculate this way – Did/Does Putin think the Europeans will capitulate with a Russia daring to go military in Ukraine(stopping short of a formal war declaration) and a sanctions programme that , in the short term at least, backfired on EU? That Putin did not expect /is unwilling to upgrade this to a true war that will destroy both Europe and Russia but did not expect a Europe willing to take that risk?
Take a look at Alexander Dugin’s latest piece on the future of Russia, which I just posted. I believe he can clarify better than I do some of your questions.
And we should wait for Putin’s (and Shoigu?) speeches, already happened or about to happen.
“…Another thing is a China that is totally wishy washy in the multipolar project. A China that is full of rhetoric but hasn’t the gumption nor political will to truly support Russia by doing its part -a total economic war on US . I myself am ethnic Chinese and I am critical of China’s reluctance to bear any sacrifice but prides itself as self-declared leader of the multi polar faction . Perhaps Putin miscalculated Xi’s resolve and China never truly agreed with a military solution to the Ukraine issue ?
I am not so sure about that. Recently China has up the ante in their confrontation with the west, and their statements both during the recent war games and Samarkand in support of the SMO were unequivocal. You might want to read Pepe Escobar’s latest article about that.
“…If I am right, it may explain a Putin reluctant to move beyond SMO despite a military operation, that to me, seems to be stalling or even in the verge of a reversal. I hope I am wrong.
It is not a matter of being right or wrong, the changing reality we live in requires constant clarification, we may be right this fleeting moment, wrong the next one. I don’t see any hesitation in Putin re: the SMO, I believe in general, he trust the path Russia has taken. Russia stands on a solid position, despite the dogs barking in the surroundings. The quadrangulation Russia/China/India/Iran gives the Great Eurasia awakening four solid columns to build upon.
Putin has strong support inside Russia, and the Russian people are more than ready for the next step. I believe mobilization in some form is coming.
Let’s wait and hope for the best…
Thanks for your reply.
Lone Wolf
100% Lone Wolf,if Russia uleashes their full air and missile power many inocents will die,but they are dying now and will continue to do so,its time to let those big bombers do their job,in WW2 thousands of civilians died in the French City of Caen,because the Germans had fortified the City,there was not much left after the battle but the Nazis lost,Cousin of my Mothers was killed in that battle aged 19 two weeks after landing in Normandy.
@ Englishman on September 20, 2022 · at 4:47 am EST/EDT
Well, Englishman, let’s wait for what Putin, Shoigu, and the Duma have to say. I agree with AHH, this is a seminal week.
Take a look at his post.
Lone Wolf
Nice to see some finally get it …….no matter how anyone frames it, trolls, concerned, multi numbered columnist, the goal was to free the Donbas ………from this location, six+ months on, the freeing of the Donbass looks more like a game of politics…….case in point, glaring point. Russia was on the verge of entering, I think they were in the burbs, of Adevka(sp) the Ukies layed down some petal mines and the advance stopped……cold, still frozen, Russia has no Petal mines to stop advances…..bit of a sick joke no? Wait……someone will say, “oh, but Russia doesn’t fight that way’ …..helping the bullies wipe their arses will not bring this abomination to a close for the civilians of the Donbass. So many fiddle…….while the Donbas burns.
Cheers M
The Nato Nazis are losing and have been for years as the US Empire collapses under the weight of its own greed. The Ukrainians are desperate. The have nothing left but terror tactics and suicidal attacks. The Ukraine is like the Battle of Ukraine and the outcome is clear. These terror attacks will convince many in Eastern Urkaine to join the RF — which will rebrand the “SMO’ as a War on Terror. However, the Russian approach is measured, pragmatic — it is in no hurry– allowing the West to sink in a quagmire.
“La France ne le sait pas,mais nous sommes en guerre avec l’Amérique Oui, une guerre permanente,une guerre vitale.Leur propagande,les manipulations,leurs mensonges…
― François Mitterrand
“France doesn’t know it, but we are at war with America Yes, a permanent war, a vital war. Their propaganda, their manipulations, their lies…
– François Mitterrand
As an American I can categorically say that intentionally shelling civilians is detestable and deplorable.
I can also say that had I the power, Ukraine would get nothing from us, including the coup that started this mess. Not so much as “good luck bud”.
That being said, it’s dumb and pointless to point at 155mm shells from M-777’s. It seems like EVERY artillery strike on civilians is from an M-777 now. Every rocket attack is HIMARS rocket attack. Of course no evidence, no forensics, not even any educated opinions from any experts from Russia, or the DPR/LPR.
So let’s stop writing childish nonsense and let the pictures speak for themselves. Here in the states, every dead Ukrainian was the product of a massacre. Every retrograde movement of a Russian soldier a major defeat. That is just as foolish, and you don’t have to lower yourself to that game.
A scene replicated recently throughout the Middle East, although on a smaller scale in the Ukraine. It’s how NATO fights wars. As things stand, a Russian retaliation of a massive bombardement on Kiev might make the Ukrainians and NATO think twice. Other than that, it will simply continue.
Well six months in and those Nazi pigs are still shelling Donetsk.
I know 5 people in Donetsk, for over 7 years now, and near where the war crime happened, and some others I have spoken to there via video.
Donetsk also has next to no normal water supply, the cursed ukrainian military has stopped it – water is either bottled or brought in from Rostov etc.
LNR DNR are pushing for référendums on incorporation now.
I suppose these people know exactly what’s going on the ground et want full Russian protection asap.
It seems worrying because it imply they do not trust current smo format to succeed
I am not sure that even an incoporation into russia will change anything.
Krimea has been incoporated and Beldorod is even officially russian and is shelled with impunity.
The western narrative is that russia is waging a war of conquest or even anihilation against ukraine
and that everything ukraine does is legal including the attack on civilian targets in russia proper.
The second western narrative is that victory of ukraine is nessesary for the survival of the west and
any democracy on the plant.
I do not see any way for them to leave this course. They are all in into this madness.
And it’s not just the government and media it is the normal people.
I can’t count how many times i have heard during the last months:
“We now that the us is not innocent in this but putin went to far now there is no way but to defeat him and
Just read western newspapers they basically say ukraine is 5% of natos strength and russia cant beat them
so why should we fear russia at all. And that ukraine showed that all the fear of russia’s might was pointless.
They are all in the endgame. I do not see a happy end for anyone here. The lunatics have persuaded the normal people that their way is the right one.
Its happened before in History,this is how the Nazis got the German people on board for their aggression,then after the war you couldn’t find anyone in Germany who said they supported Hitler,the only way out of the situation at the moment is for Russia to take off the velvet glove and replace it with a mailed Fist,if they don’t they will lose.
I often hear that massive force directed at Ukraine and their Nato backers would be the only thing that would work as this type of death and destruction is all that the US/Nato understands. This is wrong. The US/Nato respects nothing and has a total belief in itself as “masters of the universe” . Any serious defeat by them from Russia would meet with a nuclear response which many high up in the US administration and elite think they would win. There own hubris and total belief that they are right leads them to believe whatever Russia does is wrong and those that think that they would back down if Russia fired more supersonic missiles etc is wrong and deluded.
Putin and Russia are fighting a war based on humane and just ideals with a strong backing in international law. The considerable limiting of civilian casualties at Russian hands in what is a unique and special military action is something special and to be admired. And the West will not back down whatever Russia does as it wants to rid itself of a big thorn in its side and to steal all Russian resources.
Afraid International law went out of the window with the brutal attack on the FRY,if as you say they won’t back down then the final battle may as well be now or they will have to be made to back down,when some Americans and Europeans start going home in sacks i believe they would back down,their bluff needs calling.
What can those of us in the West do?
The monsters doing this won’t stop until they are stopped.
These actions are so evil it becomes emotionally overwhelming.
I feel like our hands are tied behind our backs.
All I can do is pray for them. Prayer does matter whether you believe in a higher power or not.
The more of us that do it, the more energy is pushed as a layer of protection for those being targeted.
A little correction – the journalist says it was a French 155 mm Caesar howitzer, not a 777 (9th second if the video). But overall the usage of NATO provided weapons to target civilian population is infuriating.
I am not sure that this is what triggered the referendum (this not the first atrocity committed by ZSU), but it is definitely adding to it. All the US does is doubling down and raising the stakes, even when they have a poor hand. This looks like another case of it. My personal take is that the Russians had some agreement about withdrawing from Kharkov oblast’ with the West (the withdrawal was too fast to not be preplanned), and the Ukrainians seem to have not done their part using Bucha, ehh Izyum as their excuse. I think that this is what caused the Russians to turn the pain dial up a notch (referendums).
Good morning news reports from Russia:
Donbass referendum,Ukie welding their soldiers in their tanks so the soldiers can’t run away,mercenaries executed in Donbass,and more stories.
LIVE: Tuesday September 20th 2022 – News From Saint Petersburg
Alexander Dugin
We – Russia and the world – are now in a state that can be reduced to the following pattern. We are talking about the situation in Ukraine, which is degenerating into the start of a real world war. Like any scheme, it simplifies reality, but at the same time makes it meaningful and elevates it to a certain probabilistic structure. This scheme has three objective vectors of possible developments and four versions of the subjective position. Thus, a certain asymmetry is already apparent at the outset, the significance of which will reveal itself as the scheme is described.
The objective level describes the probable logic of the unfolding of the cause-effect chains, already outlined on a concrete level of verifiable facts.
The subjective level encompasses the perception of events by groups, among whom are particularly important those who make the key decisions that, in turn, influence the events themselves in one way or another.
Catastrophic scenario (for Russia). Occupation. De-imperialisation. Finis Rossiae
Let’s start with the worst-case scenario. Let us assume that the AFU and de facto NATO counterattack in Kharkiv and the Donbass is not an accidental mistake by the SMO, but something more sinister. Pessimists and critical observers (as well as participants) describe the consequences and continuation of this process in a thousand ways.
This scenario is described in detail in the official propaganda of the Ukrainians, who already foresee the transfer of hostilities to the Crimea, Belgorod, Kursk, Rostov and Voronezh regions and – at the limit – an attack on Moscow. It is also the rosy dream of Western Russophobes and Russian liberals. It is essentially a scenario for the end of Russia, Finis Rossiae.
It would mean not only the end of the regime, but the end of everything and everyone. And what is important is that the end would not be soft and compensated (as in 1991), but bloody and violent. If our retreat begins (in a sense, it will continue), everything will fall – for both external and internal causes.
This is an objective tendency to which a subjective political and ideological platform also corresponds: it is the dream of official Kiev, the Russophobic and globalist leadership and the supporters of Navalny*, Akhedzhakova and Ekho Moskvy, i.e. the fifth column within Russia.
The existing problems with the army’s technical equipment, with the strategic miscalculations (which have already manifested themselves in the earlier stages of the SMO), with Russia’s dependence on foreign technology, to which access has now been cut off, which, as it turns out, directly affects our weaponry, i.e. the overall critical dependence on the West in the earlier stages – may prove fatal.
But if it does, Russia as an entity will simply disappear, and everyone – authorities and society – will have to pay the price. No one will be able to escape.
Apocalyptic scenario (for everyone). The end of history. The destruction of humanity.
The second scenario is a nuclear apocalypse. It is possible that Moscow, which is beginning to lose seriously (first scenario), will decide to use nuclear weapons. What is being considered today is obvious. The argument ‘nuclear powers do not lose wars’ is exactly on this theme. The President’s words about who ‘will die and who will go to heaven’ or that ‘there will be no peace without Russia’ also come to mind.
Likely? Yes, probably. Is anyone in Russia considering this possibility? Undoubtedly. So there is an objective chain of events that can lead to this, and there are subjective forces that take such a turn. They are ready for it.
In other words, there are objective prerequisites for such a turn, as well as forces that can make decisions accordingly.
Putin said his enemies will not wait for his voluntary surrender, citing the example of Salvador Allende, who fought with a machine gun to the last man, but the difference is that Allende did not have a nuclear button, he could only sacrifice himself and a few enemies.
Things could start right now. If the bombing of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by the AFU achieved its objective, this would be equivalent to a targeted nuclear attack on Russian territory – after all, the weapons are Western and Western instructors are engaged in reconnaissance and targeting. The response would no longer come from Ukraine, but from the real decision-making centre, which is much further west.
However, Russia could resort to nuclear weapons in other situations, since for Russia – both state and people – losing a war would mean total annihilation, and not just a severe but still tolerable defeat, which could be overcome, the nuclear scenario cannot be discarded. The West clearly underestimates this probability, considering it a bluff.
A patriotically victorious scenario (for Russia and the supporters of a multipolar world). The holy war.
The third scenario is the most important. And the only one that is saved.
In Russia, a revolution is taking place from above. Putin, who has already broken with the West, turns this total and irreversible rupture into an ideology, a course, a strategy and the sole guideline of existence. All compromises are abolished, Russia is openly becoming a people’s empire with a marked religious and social (anti-capitalist) ethos. Liberalism and Westernism are banned. Sabotage, theft, laziness and corruption are burnt with iron tempered according to the laws of war.
The state and the people regroup and the SMO is transformed into a popular holy war. To be or not to be.
Can the situation be objectively so? Of course it can. Many objective events, processes and factors – including a healthy and decisive reaction to previous failures and especially the events in the Kharkiv region – lead exactly in this direction.
Does this scenario have a subject? Without a doubt. First of all, the people themselves, society, the patriotic majority, the people at the front and a significant part of the ruling class; yes, the higher it is, the less there are, but the ruling class is not something homogeneous either.
Society is ready for this. Such is also the position taken by almost everyone involved in the war, in one way or another, and it is clear to everyone that what is needed above all is mobilisation and the ideology of victory. We have come to the end of compromises.
Among the officials – if we take them all together – the patriots are probably the majority; among the people – practically everyone, except for the agents of influence and the pathological exceptions (there are freaks everywhere).
If such a patriotic revolution occurs from above, the mobilisation will happen on its own and Russia will enter the final battle for the outcome of world history. In fact, the Orthodox elders, Russian philosophers and our heroic ancestors saw the future like this: the time will come when the Russians will rise up against the evil of the world, against the Antichrist, and fulfil their mission as masters. In the Soviet era, this scenario had a slightly different version, but the same essence: the struggle against the West for the salvation of humanity and a just and bright future.
That moment has arrived.
The main thing in this scenario is a rapid break from all dependence on the West: ideological, technological, psychological, economic, cultural. It was this dependence that paralysed us at the critical moment. It emerged that the West held the keys to many vital spheres of our lives – informational, technological, cultural, financial. Yes, we had an important trump card in the field of natural resources, but it was Western ideology, technology and methodology that we used. The resource hardware is important, but the ideological and technological software is even more important.
The popular revolution from above is designed to dismantle the internal West – both in the form of residual liberalism and all other codes – as quickly as possible.
It is not easy, but if it is not, see the two scenarios above.
The status quo as an empty and meaningless illusion
Now all that remains is a direction that exists as a subjective position, but is not based on any objective reality – because it simply does not exist.
This is the mental state of the party of the ‘status quo’, or ‘collective Rublevka’. It is the category of those high-level officials and businessmen who – for reasons no one knows – continue to believe that the world before 24 February 2022 and the world after 24 February 2022 are essentially the same thing. Nothing – neither reports from the front, nor terrorist acts on the home front, nor ongoing tectonic changes in the world order – seems to convince them otherwise. As before, they fight for their positions, promote their appointees to power, rout their competitors, make sure they keep what they have, i.e. they live as if nothing had happened, adapting reactively to the situation.
They are popularly considered the ‘party of betrayal’, the ‘plum’, but this is a mistake. They can neither betray nor drain anything. They are neither the authorities nor the people, and no one will come to an agreement with them, neither from the West nor from Kiev. We have already passed this point.
The SMO has exaggerated all the existing contradictions. A unipolar world cannot coexist with a multipolar one. Or rather, one can no longer think that the world is ‘unipolar’ and others that it is ‘multipolar’. If Russia (as well as China) is serious about its sovereignty, it must prove it in war, there is no other way, and this war must be won. If we win, then it will be multipolar; but if not, Russia will not exist in any capacity. It will not be possible to return to the 1990s or the era before 24 February 2022, for anyone.
Three scenarios are possible, a fourth is not. It exists only as a tribute to inertia, that is, it exists in mind, but not in being.
Of course, many people at the top of the Russian political elite occupy this fourth position. They say that ‘everything will work out somehow’ and this arouses the justified anger of patriots; but since no such scenario exists in practice, there is no need to waste any effort. Capitulation was possible in the 1990s and so it has happened. Compromises – before the SMO there could have been and indeed were, e.g. Moscow’s acceptance of the global West’s rules on the division of labour and integration, the Minsk agreements, etc. – were not possible.
Now everything is accomplished. All that remains is to be or not to be. The “Rublevka Collective” no longer exists. The villas are standing, guards are watching, expensive cars are moving through space. Town days and concerts are organised. Even Skolkovo is working, while other scoundrels, backed by mad oligarchs, are rushing to the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but this is a chimera, a mirage. To be or not to be abolishes the very possibility of fantasising any more.
If Russia exists, it is already very different from before: popular and mobilised, fighting on all levels – spiritual, ideological, technical, economic, frontal – in battle with an absolute enemy. If it does not exist, then it is already a dismembered colony occupied by NATO and Ukrainian Nazis, or a post-apocalyptic wasteland (see the first and second scenarios).
There are only three objective scenarios, and only those who understand this on a subject level and choose one are taken into account, i.e. they truly live and decide for their fate, for the fate of their country, people and humanity. They are the only ones who have meaning on the scale of history.
The party of betrayal simply no longer exists, because the time of concessions and compromises has passed, like a phantom pain. Now it is us, only us. That is all.
Translation by Lorenzo Maria Pacini
Lone Wolf
Some excerpts from Alexander Dugin’s masterpiece on the future of Russia.
The third scenario is the most important. And the only one that is saved.
“…If such a patriotic revolution occurs from above, the mobilisation will happen on its own and Russia will enter the final battle for the outcome of world history. In fact, the Orthodox elders, Russian philosophers and our heroic ancestors saw the future like this: the time will come when the Russians will rise up against the evil of the world, against the Antichrist, and fulfil their mission as masters. In the Soviet era, this scenario had a slightly different version, but the same essence: the struggle against the West for the salvation of humanity and a just and bright future.
That moment has arrived.
The main thing in this scenario is a rapid break from all dependence on the West: ideological, technological, psychological, economic, cultural. It was this dependence that paralysed us at the critical moment. It emerged that the West held the keys to many vital spheres of our lives – informational, technological, cultural, financial. Yes, we had an important trump card in the field of natural resources, but it was Western ideology, technology and methodology that we used. The resource hardware is important, but the ideological and technological software is even more important.
The popular revolution from above is designed to dismantle the internal West – both in the form of residual liberalism and all other codes – as quickly as possible.
It is not easy, but if it is not, see the two scenarios above.”
The status quo as an empty and meaningless illusion
“…The SMO has exaggerated all the existing contradictions. A unipolar world cannot coexist with a multipolar one. Or rather, one can no longer think that the world is ‘unipolar’ and others that it is ‘multipolar’. If Russia (as well as China) is serious about its sovereignty, it must prove it in war, there is no other way, and this war must be won. If we win, then it will be multipolar; but if not, Russia will not exist in any capacity. It will not be possible to return to the 1990s or the era before 24 February 2022, for anyone.
Three scenarios are possible, a fourth is not. It exists only as a tribute to inertia, that is, it exists in mind, but not in being.
Of course, many people at the top of the Russian political elite occupy this fourth position. They say that ‘everything will work out somehow’ and this arouses the justified anger of patriots; but since no such scenario exists in practice, there is no need to waste any effort. Capitulation was possible in the 1990s and so it has happened. Compromises – before the SMO there could have been and indeed were, e.g. Moscow’s acceptance of the global West’s rules on the division of labour and integration, the Minsk agreements, etc. – were not possible.
Now everything is accomplished. All that remains is to be or not to be. The “Rublevka Collective” no longer exists. The villas are standing, guards are watching, expensive cars are moving through space. Town days and concerts are organised. Even Skolkovo is working, while other scoundrels, backed by mad oligarchs, are rushing to the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but this is a chimera, a mirage. To be or not to be abolishes the very possibility of fantasising any more.
If Russia exists, it is already very different from before: popular and mobilised, fighting on all levels – spiritual, ideological, technical, economic, frontal – in battle with an absolute enemy. If it does not exist, then it is already a dismembered colony occupied by NATO and Ukrainian Nazis, or a post-apocalyptic wasteland (see the first and second scenarios).
There are only three objective scenarios, and only those who understand this on a subject level and choose one are taken into account, i.e. they truly live and decide for their fate, for the fate of their country, people and humanity. They are the only ones who have meaning on the scale of history.
The party of betrayal simply no longer exists, because the time of concessions and compromises has passed, like a phantom pain. Now it is us, only us. That is all.”
“…Now it is us, only us. That is all.”
Lone Wolf
Oh boy,
Regarding your comment above to me, LW I always get into trouble when speaking too forcefully. This is why I never posted on blogs before last summer 2021.. folks get too defensive around me. Like Larch I can come across wrong way. I am a direct person from a tribe that makes all around them uncomfortable for their directness. It was not really about you, but a reminder to all of us, through your comment. And you are too passionate! The last nation on earth needing a shining knight is Russia, used to kicking ass for millennia.. lol! All I did was enjoin patience on us all, is that not a virtue??
“However, the people of Donbass continues to be butchered today, 6 months into the SMO”
Not to same degree. And they are coming at terrible cost for them, losing 500-1000/d KIA alone.. and rapidly losing capability by the day. And maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of those being killed now are NATO lads dressed up in Ukie or merc uniforms? It is Nazi C&C itself being demilitarized now; most skilled Ukies are gooooone. By end of winter they will no longer have this ability at all. For years, and esp in last 7-10 months, all willing Russian civies were evacuated. Losses come in all wars. The ones who stayed knew the risks. The priority is killing nazis, not defending land or people in this stage. It is cold, but that is the strategy in every war.. you sacrifice a limb to save the core, without which there is no survival. Even Leningrad siege was not broken for how long in ww2?? Focus on other fronts was not broken to relieve them.. war is war in every era. We have to keep the big picture in mind. Nazis are being ground into extinction. And after this one ends, the West will not have similar opportunity likely ever again.
“There is a sense of impotence that grows out of that predicament.”
It we let them. This is the thrust and intent of PR optics behind the current atrocity. My tribe has fought Anglo-Saxons and Portuguese in Africa for over 500 years! We considered it a good sign when they started to slaughter women and children and the elders. It meant our victory was imminent! That is the last card of satanists! Before they threw in the towel and ran for their miserable lives. I am no defeatist or zen-like uber patient guy. But perspective and cool must be maintained.
“I was raised sucking Mother Russia’s teats” Hahahaha. I love camel milk. It can be excellent laxative too for the unwary. You reminded me to try Yak or sour mares milk now. I heard it gives terrible strength. Mongol hordes back in the day also drank their horses’ blood, which I wouldn’t recommend at all.. the diet of the Steppes! My people aren’t too different, nomads bred on meat and milk. We gave the Anglos hell!
but I have good news. I think your wish and wish of so many may be coming true now.. You are right in a way; patience has its limits. I heard a soft rumour of a declaration of mobilization underway? Let’s see what Duma cooks up tomorrow.. This appears a seminal week.
The Russians appear to have received significant concessions from the Chinese and Indians at the Samarkhand Summit. This Summit may be the watershed moment in the Ukrainian war, unleashing Russia.. will we in hindsight (years later, survival permitting) come to see the foremost constraint on Russia in its operations (Feb-Sep) was fear of keeping these two behemoths on board, rather than “brotherliness” or legal-adherence to SMO or preservation of Russian lives?? A Fair New World is being built and requires bigbig allies, no?
Something was unlocked in Samarkhand. Act II is these referenda being railroaded this very week (unprecedented in speed, indicating big decisions just made, and they are a formality) and advanced from November to this very week. It appears the Anti-Terrorist Annihilation (ATA) commences soon thereafter.. Atrocities as what just took place in Donetsk tilt the scale. Indians and Chinese were lukewarm and adamantly against secessionist actions given their own parochial concerns (Kashmir; Taiwan/Tibet..). However, one flag all sides are lustily in agreement on advancing is the need to expunge evil western-sponsored terrorism… The West harmed itself incalculably these last 7 months.. Evil is ever its own worst enemy. Compromises were built, and the blood of martyrs these last months is the mortar. It has always been thus unfortunately. Don’t be sad! We get the last laugh.
So the pieces fall into place. Phase III will see newly-incorporated regions better guarded by more unrestrained anti-terrorism missions. Deciders will be more widely attacked in central/west Ukraine; longer range weaponry will also be responded to. Will those hate-filled nazi regions be sent back to the 17th Century? And at rate current NATO arms and top personnel are being chewed up what will remain to them come next Spring, essentially demilitarised?? The Piroshki will be fully cooked then. Keep kool brother, this is a marathon not a sprint
@ AHH on September 20, 2022 · at 1:55 pm EST/EDT
Personally, war is not a far, theoretical experience. Been there, done that.
Keeping a cool head does not mean getting cold to what’s happening in your surroundings. Easy to fall into the “let’s look at the big picture” and start seeing people “as straw dogs” (Tao Te-Ching), as pawns in a game of strategy.
As “Che” Guevara stated,
“If you have the capacity to tremble with indignation every time that an injustice is committed in the world, then we are comrades.”
Che Guevara
“…this is a marathon not a sprint
Would you stop with your counseling, Mr. Counselor-for-free?
I am a marathon runner!
And a marathon reader, just finished reading your reply.
Spot on.
We certainly hope the quadrangulation Russia/China/India/Iran, the four columns of the Great Eurasia Awakening, and the “Samarkand Spirit” (Pepe), will bring fresh winds to sail through the raising challenges Russia is facing in UkroNATO.
Lone Wolf
@ AHH on September 20, 2022 · at 1:55 pm EST/EDT
BTW, forgot to ask, what do you think about Dugin’s latest piece?
Interested to know your opinion.
Lone Wolf
Hi LW,
Re: Dugin’s work.. first, I thank your indulgence for last over-long comment.. I can be wing-bag when writing. Ironic since in real life I am the complete opposite.
I cannot say Dugin is spot on way or the other.. neither of us has access to the General Staff and Russian Stavka, so it is pure speculation.
That being said, he is being quite hyperbolic! Esp. regarding the catastrophic scenario! Why limit to three scenarios? Russians seem to be engaged in a fourth – of collapsing the West with as little “after-shocks” to mankind as possible. And he’s clearly off with the “SMO mistake” regarding the “Kharkov counterattack.” It was a prepared fire-bag which would make King Pyrrhus weep with admiration. Current doctrine makes clear Russia will not tolerate war being brought onto its soil (inconsequential potshots by cowardly thug proxies aside). Finis Rossiae = a parking lot which glows in the dark from Poland to California.
He also appears quite misinformed regarding current technology in Russia (Para #8)!! Does he not see the British RUSI wailing about losing the industrial warfare? Or does he waste time on von den Lügen and “taking chips from fridges and washing machines,” lol! Russia has autarchy. Resorting to naked terrorism is another clue. So this scenario is impossible imo. It is reflected in the wild panic emanating from the West atm. This was their dream. It was deftly strangled in utero.
I have not paid attention to him in past so I do not know whether this is his default position, but Russian intelligentsia do have a history of indulging in predictive pessimism. This is dangerous and self-defeating. He also appears quite misled about successes of SMO to date, which are off-the-charts, considering its painful self-limitations.
I do think scenario two is possible, but not as the end of history as he thinks.. He thinks in absolutist terms, bizarre.
Third scenario is crazy! According to Saker and most Russians, they do not have ideology. Most do not practice their religion. So what “popular holy war?!” And how to reconcile with the rest of woke Zone B, especially skittish India and China? Ain’t happening. Only possibilities are if everyone abandons Russia (unlikely) and forced to still fight combined West (which is dying too fast to last), or on the other side of Armageddon with Russian survivors still being warred upon..
“…the time will come when the Russians will rise up against the evil of the world, against the Antichrist, and fulfil their mission as masters.”
On this I am in agreement, but I cannot square it with this Pussy Riot generation, the twerkers and rapping youth of today. But I am not on social media and do not have finger on their pulse; perhaps I misread the majority or even a significant minority. The situation has yet to develop in Russia.
I remembered now why I stopped reading him ages ago. He is too crazy a dreamer and connoisseur of “what IF?” I have my own issues! There should be limits to stretching the imagination, lol. I come to Saker and Smoothie and other realists to be grounded, not to be fully launched into the stratosphere. Perhaps like most he is merely impatient with SMO grind and underappreciates the deep currents in motion. (“Be patient and
you’ll get what you want.”) I think we will all soon come to miss the slow SMO! Vucic is bleating now about “imminent global war.” Let’s strap in
On the “General Mobilization”
“There will be no general mobilization”, says Andrey Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma for Defense and one of the authors of today’s amendments on the appointment of the concepts of “mobilization”, “martial law” and “wartime” in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Lone Wolf
Putin’s speech
Putin: Morning, September 21, 9:00-10:00 Moscow Time.
Please verify it with other sources. This is the first announcement I see.
Lone Wolf
Murdering civilians is an American tradition–more so than baseball, apple pie, and motherhood.
The United States either will murder civilians directly, as evidenced by its many, many wars around the world like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Somalia, Vietnam, Korea, etc.
Or the United States will murder civilians indirectly by arming and directing its murderous proxies like the “moderate head-choppers” and jihadists in West/Central Asia or the literal neo-Nazi groups that it has been sponsoring in the Ukraine.
This is not mention the legions of people that America has murdered through economic sanctions including children.
Indeed, Madeline Albright once infamously stated that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children as a result of USA-driven economic sanctions on Iraq in the 1990s was “worth it.”
Today, Albright’s statement can be updated to include the civilians of any nation that is targeted by the American Empire and its psychopathic “manifest destiny” to rule the world.
Russia enters a Partial Mobilization regime as of today.
Decree “On declaring partial mobilization in the Russian Federation”
The Head of State signed a decree “On declaring partial mobilization in the Russian Federation”.
September 21, 202209:20
In accordance with Federal Laws No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996 “On Defense”, No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On Mobilization Training and Mobilization in the Russian Federation”, and No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Conscription and Military Service”, I hereby decree:
1. Declare partial mobilization in the Russian Federation starting from September 21, 2022.
2. Carry out conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service on mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service on mobilization have the status of military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a contract.
3. Establish that the level of monetary support of citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service upon mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation corresponds to the level of monetary support of military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract.
4. Contracts for military service concluded by military personnel continue to be valid until the end of the period of partial mobilization, with the exception of cases of dismissal of military personnel from military service on the grounds established by this Decree.
5. Establish during the period of partial mobilization the following grounds for dismissal from military service of military personnel serving under contract, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service on mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:
a) by age – when they reach the maximum age of stay in military service;
b) for health reasons – in connection with their recognition by the military medical commission as unfit for military service, with the exception of military personnel who have expressed a desire to continue military service in military positions that can be replaced by these military personnel;
c) in connection with the entry into legal force of a court verdict on the imposition of a custodial sentence.
6. To the Government of the Russian Federation:
a) finance partial mobilization activities;
b) take the necessary measures to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies during the period of partial mobilization.
8. The highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall ensure that citizens are called up for military service upon mobilization into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the amount and within the time limits determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
9. Grant citizens of the Russian Federation working in organizations of the military-industrial complex the right to a deferral from conscription upon mobilization (for the period of work in these organizations). The categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who are granted the right to deferral and the procedure for granting it are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
10. This Decree comes into force from the date of its official publication.
Lone Wolf
Address of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, on the confrontation with the Collective West and partial mobilization of Russia’s reserves.
Address of the President of the Russian Federation
September 21, 2022 09:00 Moscow, Kremlin
Vladimir Putin: Dear friends,
The topic of my speech is the situation in the Donbas and the progress of a special military operation to liberate it from the neo-Nazi regime that seized power in Ukraine in 2014 as a result of an armed coup.
I appeal today to you, to all the citizens of our country, to people of different generations, ages and nationalities, to the people of our great Motherland, to all those who are united by a great historical Russia, to the soldiers and officers, volunteers who are now fighting on the front line, are on duty, to our brothers and sisters – residents Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, and other areas liberated from the neo-Nazi regime.
It will focus on the necessary, urgent steps to protect the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Russia, on supporting the desire and will of our compatriots to determine their own future, and on the aggressive policy of a part of the Western elites, who are striving with all their might to maintain their dominance, and for this they are trying to block and suppress any sovereign independent development centers it is rude to impose your will on other countries and peoples, to impose your pseudo-values.
The goal of this West is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country. They are already directly saying that in 1991 they were able to split the Soviet Union, and now the time has come for Russia itself, that it should break up into many deadly warring regions and regions.
And they have been hatching such plans for a long time. They encouraged gangs of international terrorists in the Caucasus and pushed NATO’s offensive infrastructure close to our borders. They made their weapon total Russophobia, including decades of purposefully nurtured hatred of Russia, especially in Ukraine, which they prepared the fate of an anti-Russian springboard, and the Ukrainian people themselves turned into cannon fodder and pushed to war with our country, unleashing it, this war, back in 2014, using the armed forces against Russia. They organized genocide, blockade, and terror against people who refused to recognize the government that emerged in Ukraine as a result of the coup d’etat.
And after the current Kiev regime actually publicly rejected a peaceful solution to the problem of Donbass and, moreover, declared its claims to nuclear weapons, it became absolutely clear that a new, regular, as it has already done twice before, large-scale offensive on Donbass is inevitable. And then, just as inevitably, there would be an attack on Russia’s Crimea – on Russia.
In this regard, the decision on a preemptive military operation was absolutely necessary and the only possible one. Its main goals-the liberation of the entire territory of Donbass-were and remain unchanged.
The Luhansk People’s Republic has already been almost completely cleansed of neo-Nazis. Fighting continues in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Here, for eight years, the Kiev occupation regime has created a deeply layered line of long-term fortifications. Their assault head-on would have resulted in heavy losses, so our units, as well as military units of the republics of Donbass, act systematically, competently, use equipment, protect personnel and step by step liberate Donetsk land, clear cities and towns of neo-Nazis, and provide assistance to people who were turned into hostages by the Kiev regime, into human shields.
As you know, professional military personnel serving under contract take part in a special military operation. Volunteer formations also fight alongside them: people of different nationalities, professions, and ages are true patriots. They came to the defense of Russia and the Donbass at the call of their hearts.
In this regard, I have already instructed the Government and the Ministry of Defense to determine in full and as soon as possible the legal status of volunteers, as well as fighters of units of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. It should be the same as that of regular military personnel of the Russian army, including material, medical support, and social guarantees. Special attention should be paid to organizing the supply of equipment and equipment to volunteer formations and detachments of the People’s Militia of Donbass.
In the course of solving the main tasks of protecting the Donbass, our troops, based on the plans and decisions of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff on the general strategy of actions, liberated large territories of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions and a number of other areas from neo-Nazis. As a result, a long line of military contact was formed, which is more than a thousand kilometers long.
What do I want to say publicly for the first time today? Even after the start of the special military operation, including the talks in Istanbul, representatives of Kiev reacted very positively to our proposals, and these proposals primarily concerned ensuring Russia’s security and our interests. But it is obvious that a peaceful solution did not suit the West, so after reaching certain compromises, Kiev was actually given a direct instruction to disrupt all agreements.
Ukraine began to pump even more weapons. The Kiev regime has launched new gangs of foreign mercenaries and nationalists, military units trained according to NATO standards and under the de facto command of Western advisers.
At the same time, the regime of repression throughout Ukraine against its own citizens, established immediately after the armed coup of 2014, was strengthened in the most severe way. The policy of intimidation, terror, and violence is becoming increasingly widespread, terrible,and barbaric.
I want to emphasize that we know that the majority of people living in the territories liberated from neo-Nazis, and this is primarily the historical lands of Novorossiya, do not want to be under the yoke of the neo-Nazi regime. In Zaporizhia, in the Kherson region, in Luhansk and Donetsk, they have seen and continue to see the atrocities committed by neo-Nazis in the occupied areas of the Kharkiv region. The heirs of Bandera and Nazi punishers kill people, torture them, throw them in prison, settle scores, punish them, and abuse peaceful citizens.
In the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, more than seven and a half million people lived before the outbreak of hostilities. Many of them were forced to become refugees and leave their homes. And those who remain – about five million people-are now subjected to constant artillery and rocket attacks by neo-Nazi militants. They hit hospitals and schools, organize terrorist attacks against civilians.
We can’t, we don’t have any moral right to hand over people close to us to the executioners, we can’t help but respond to their sincere desire to determine their own fate. The parliaments of the People’s republics of Donbass, as well as the military-civil administrations of the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, decided to hold referendums on the future of these territories and appealed to us, to Russia, with a request to support such a step.
I would like to emphasize that we will do everything possible to ensure safe conditions for holding referendums, so that people can express their will. And we will support the decision about their future that will be made by the majority of residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
Dear friends!
Today, our Armed Forces, as I have already said, operate on the line of contact that exceeds a thousand kilometers, and they are opposed not only to neo-Nazi formations, but in fact to the entire military machine of the collective West.
In this situation, I consider it necessary to take the following decision-it is fully adequate to the threats that we face-namely: to protect our Homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our people and people in the liberated territories, I consider it necessary to support the proposal of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff to hold a military partial mobilization.
I repeat, we are talking about partial mobilization, that is, only citizens who are currently in the reserve will be called up for military service, and first of all those who have served in the Armed Forces, have certain military accounting specialties and relevant experience.
Those who are called up for military service before being sent to units will necessarily undergo additional military training, taking into account the experience of a special military operation.
The decree on partial mobilization has been signed.
In accordance with the legislation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly – the Federation Council and the State Duma-will be officially informed about this by letters today.
Mobilization activities will begin today, from September 21. I instruct the heads of regions to provide all necessary assistance to the work of military commissariats.
I would like to emphasize that Russian citizens who are called up for military service on mobilization will receive the status, payments and all social guarantees of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract.
I would like to add that the Decree on partial mobilization also provides for additional measures to fulfill the state defense order. The heads of defense industry enterprises are directly responsible for solving the tasks of increasing the production of weapons and military equipment, and deploying additional production facilities. In turn, all issues of material, resource and financial support for defense enterprises should be resolved by the Government immediately.
Dear friends!
In its aggressive anti-Russian policy, the West has crossed every line. We constantly hear threats against our country, our people. Some irresponsible politicians in the West are not only talking about plans to organize the supply of long-range offensive weapons to Ukraine-systems that will allow strikes on the Crimea and other regions of Russia.
Such terrorist attacks, including with the use of Western weapons, are already being carried out in the border settlements of the Belgorod and Kursk regions. In real-time mode, using modern systems, aircraft, ships, satellites, and strategic drones, NATO conducts reconnaissance throughout southern Russia.
Washington, London, and Brussels are directly pushing Kiev to move military operations to our territory. They are openly saying that Russia should be crushed by all means on the battlefield, followed by the deprivation of political, economic, cultural, and generally all sovereignty, with the complete looting of our country.
Nuclear blackmail was also used. We are talking not only about the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which threatens an atomic catastrophe, but also about the statements of some high – ranking representatives of leading NATO states about the possibility and permissibility of using weapons of mass destruction-nuclear weapons-against Russia.
For those who make such statements about Russia, I would like to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and in some components – even more modern than those of the NATO countries. And when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people. It’s not a bluff.
The citizens of Russia can rest assured that the territorial integrity of our Homeland, our independence and freedom will be ensured, and I will emphasize this again, by all means available to us. And those who are trying to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the wind rose can turn in their direction.
It is in our historical tradition, in the fate of our people, to stop those who strive for world domination, who threaten to dismember and enslave our Homeland, our Fatherland. We will do it now, and it will be so.
I believe in your support.
Lone Wolf