Dear friends,
It has now been a month since my last update, so I have decided to post this note to share a few thoughts with you.
First, the boring stuff: my health is definitely doing better and, while I very much regret having had to take that time off, I now am sure that it was the right decision, both for me and the blog. I hope to come back to full-time blogging by the end of July. Again, I apologize to you all for my absence, and I ask for your understanding.
Second, and as I had predicted, the situation in the world and in the Ukraine has changed a great deal over the past couple of months. I will just mention a few bullet-points of what I see as the highlights:
- The “glorious Ukrainians are winning” narrative has now quasi-officially faceplanted (heck, even the NYT changed its tune) and nobody sane is spewing this nonsense anymore. The reality is that the Ukrainians are, on average, losing about one battalion per day, and this is why they are now sending barely trained civilians to the East: most of the (often very well-trained and courageous) Ukrainian combat units are either dead, prisoners, MIA or in “cauldrons” (actual or by firepower) with no chance to escape.
- It is now also undeniable that what began as a special military operation (SMO) has now turned into a open and full-scale war between the consolidated West (aka the Anglo-Zionist Empire) and Russia: the Empire has now “hit” Russia with everything it had short of a direct military attack. The (originally 200’000+ strong) Ukrainian military, arguably the strongest NATO military force (which is otherwise mostly composed of small and thoroughly woked-out “parade militaries”!), especially with the full support of the West (intelligence, weapons, money, political, etc. etc. etc.) is being “demilitarized” and “denazified” by a vastly superior Russian military force (but not one bigger in size: Russia has used only a fraction of her full military power). The outcome here is not in doubt.
- This reality has now been fully accepted by the Russian society which now stands behind the Kremlin (at 80%+) which has made no secret that it is now locked into an existential war against the West. This has been the case since at least 2013, but now the original ratios (roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military) have shifted to what I would call “total war by proxy“.
- The hardcore crazies in the West (US Neocons, UK, Poland and the 3B) are trying hard to trigger a fullscale war between NATO and Russia and, so far, the spineless Eurolemmings have let them set the agenda, however suicidal it might be for the EU and NATO. Frankly, my disgust with Western Europe is total – I never had any illusions about the “new” Europeans – and all I can say is that they all richly deserve each other and what is coming their way. All I can say is this: continue to act like Nazis and you shall be denazified. It is really that simple.
- The leaders of the Empire know that they lost yet again, and they are seeking refuge in their usual coping mechanisms: ideological self-gratification and deep, deep denial. While the EU is committing a straightforward economic, political and social suicide, the Biden Administration has gone “full woke”, as did corporate “America”(meaning the USA, of course, not the American continent): the so-called “minorities” are now shoved down the collective throats of the US people now, no matter how small, or freaky, the said “minorities” are. This is especially striking in the kind of advertisements the US corporations are now unanimously producing. I think, for example, of the morbidly obese black women in diapers (!!!) taking “ballerina poses” YouTube is now regularly showing. Watching these ads, one would think that blacks in the USA occupy all positions of authority and prestige, that most US women are lesbians, and millions of US kids (and even infants!) urgently need a sex change (watch the excellent “What is a Woman?” documentary to see how insane this has all become). When I see this collective woke insanity, I cannot help but wonder whether corporate “America” is not deliberately trying to really piss off the vast majority of US Americans and trigger some kind of major and violent internal crisis.
- The Russians, in the meantime, are passing new laws against the propaganda of homosexuality: while in the past, such propaganda was only banned if directed at children, now this expanded to the entire population of Russia. Just to clarify: Russia is not banning homosexuals and their sexual practices, however pathological, remain fully legal. But what Russia IS doing is refusing to consider homosexuality as a “normal and natural variation in human sexuality” (Wikipedia). In other words, the Russians still consider homosexuality as a psychological disorder which might deserve compassion, but not affirmation (nevermind encouragement). Since “inclusiveness” and “positivity” are now key Western “values” this is also a message from Russia: keep your woke-freaks and their ideology to yourselves, we want none of it!
- In the meantime the Euroukrainians are now planning to ban and destroy over 100’000’000 copies of Russian language books. Hitler would be proud. The Eurolemmings have nothing to say. You know, “#cancelRussia” thingie (meaning both Russians themselves and the Russian culture in all its forms) and all that “it’s okay when we do it” or “our SOBs” stuff.
- The Western economic Blitzkrieg against Russia has totally failed and the joke in Russia is that while McCain famously once said that “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country” with contempt, “Biden” is now saying the same thing, but with deep envy :-)

Translation: for our Fatherland
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this: the West has declared total war on Russia (and, de facto, to all of Zone B) and Russia has accepted this. For a decade and more the West has tried hard to wake up and provoke the proverbial Russian bear and these efforts have finally been successful: the bear is now out, and he is very, very angry. To clarify, by this I am not referring to former Atlantic Integrationists like Medvedev now “coming out” as a Eurasian Sovereignist hardliner (he is clearly setting himself up for a future Presidential election and says all the “right things”), but about the Russian people which are now in what I call a full “WWII” mode (“Rise up immense country” and all that). To the right is the kind of images now circulating on the Russian Internet and which expresses the awareness that Europe was never truly denazifed, at least not in the US occupied countries.
Russia is now determined to finish this ugly job, once and forever. You want to “cancel Russia”? In your dreams only, but Russia can, and will, “cancel Nazism” once and or all. 1000 years of that crap is enough!
From the first Crusades to the invasion of the USSR by the united Europe under Hitler’s command, the West has always has some kind of ideology to justify its wars of imperialist aggression. The interesting thing is that now this is over and rather than justify is acts of aggression in the name of some putatively universal religion or ideology, the Western elites (and, alas, much of its population) have now finally shown their true face which is:
- Virulent anti-Russian racism in its purest form (again, Hitler would be proud)
- Pure and overt Satanism under the label of “Woke” ideology (the last Western ideology it appears) with its focus on the destruction of the family and, especially, children (Satanists know that they cannot do anything against the Creator of all, hence they try to take out their hatred and revenge against His creatures, especially children)
- Overt and even “in your face” hatred to any and all who oppose that agenda (as the French revolutionary Louis Antoine de Saint-Just famously declared “No freedom for the enemies of freedom“, right?!)
The truth is that the real West, the one born from the Middle-Ages (and *not* from the Roman or Greek civilizations!) has always been ruled by cynical, evil, thugs. In the past, these thugs always concealed their real worldview and agenda under all sorts of pious pretexts, now its only “ideology” left is pure hatred and wokism (same thing, really).
I submit that it is impossible to predict what will happen in the coming months and years – there are simply too many variables which can dramatically affect our future. What began as a special military operation (as opposed to a combined arms operation) has now morphed into what one could call WWIII or even WWIV (depending on your definitions). This war will last for several years unless, of course, the Neocons and their associated crazies in the EU get their way and trigger a nuclear conflict: in the latter case it will be short and very final.
Right now the focus is on the Donbass and the southern Ukraine, but we have to understand two things about this:
- The Ukronazis and their NATO bosses have already long lost that war, and all the West and its Nazi puppets in Kiev are doing is trying to prolong this unwinnable war for as long as possible to get a maximum number of Ukrainians killed or maimed and to destroy as much of the Ukraine as possible and make Russia “pay the highest price” for her (quite inevitable) victory on the battlefield. What a paradox! The Russian “aggressors” are trying as hard as they can to save as many Ukrainians as possible (even at the cost of their own lives!) along with whatever is left of the Ukrainian infrastructure after 30 years of “independence”, while the Western “defenders” and even “allies” of the Ukraine want to turn it into a desolate moonscape covered with corpses.
- This is not a war about the Ukraine, at least not anymore, this is now a war for the future of the European continent and even the future international order. As I have said many times already, the Russians fully intend to denazify at least all of the European continent, preferably by economic and political means but, if needed, by military means too. Why? Because the West has left Russia no other choice. For Russia and, I would argue, all of Zone B the choice is both stark and simple: true and full sovereignty (economic, of course, but also cultural, spiritual and civilizational) or subjugation.
In other words, this is not a war Russia can afford to lose and the Russian people know it.
Last time around, Russia lost about 27 million people while China lost about 35 million. That is a total of 62 million people, about two thirds of which were civilians. Keep these figures in mind when you look at the quick and quite radical modernization of the Russian and Chinese armed forces (btw – the Chinese people also “get it” and they fully support Russia, as does the Chinese leadership, even if they try to keep a low profile for the time being and let Russia carry the burden of being on the frontline of this war: simply put, the Chinese are buying time which, frankly, they still need to achieve parity, or better, against the US and its protectorates in Asia such as Taiwan, Japan, ROK or Australia. The Russians also understand that as they themselves were in a similar position between 2000 and 2018. But they know that the Chinese Dragon will have to fully “wake up” sooner rather than later.
Yeah, I know, most folks in the West don’t know that, or don’t care, but the point is not what the folks in the West do not know, but rather it is what the people of Russia and China know and understand quite well. Only an utter fool would doubt or disregard the kind of determination which sits deep inside the souls of the Russian and Chinese people to never allow the West to subjugate them again. Ever.
[Sidebar: yes, I know, the Japanese Empire which attacked China was not part of the West (yet), but that is an extremely superficial argument which fails to understand that it was precisely Western imperialism which created the conditions, in both China and Japan, which resulted in the Japanese imperialist attacks against the entire Asian-Pacific region!]
The above does not even begin to cover all the amazing developments which have taken place in the last few months. Not only have there been truly huge changes INSIDE Russia (and they are only accelerating), but also in Latin America, Africa and the Middle-East. And I will revisit all these topics in about a month or so, when I will come back to full-time blogging. Besides, in a month or so many of the things I mentioned above will become even more obvious for all to see so rather than trying to establish “fact X” we will be able to actually discuss and analyze it, its reality having been quite established.
[Sidebar: please remember who told you the truth and who lied to you over the past months. There were many, many such liars, ranging from the official propaganda machine (aka the “free press”) to the “Putin has lost it all” emo-Marxists and assorted 6th columnists who, whether they understood it or not, served the purpose of the Empire’s PSYOPs. Also please remember that Andrei Martynov, Bernard and Gonzalo Lira not only spoke truthfully, but they were right and their detractors totally wrong. We all owe them an immense debt of gratitude!]
Frankly, before my forced break, I was getting really frustrated trying to prove to misinformed or even fully brainwashed commentators that the official narrative (produced by the biggest strategic PSYOP in history) was a load of bull, based on lies and/or on a total “misunderstanding” (and I am being kind here!) of the real world outside the “mental Zone A”. Now most of that narrative has collapsed.
I am also confident that a month from today, things will be even more obvious than they are today.
So, my friends and readers, I leave you in the (very competent) hands of Amarynth, Herb and the rest of the Saker team and I very much look forward to my full return, God willing, in a month or so.
Kind regards to all, and many thanks for your support!
PS: yesterday I was re-watching the superb movie by Costa Gavras “Z” which, at the end, lists all the works of art, literature, music, etc. which the (US CIA backed) Greek “colonels” banned and I thought to myself: “what leftist director would make such a movie today about how the entire West is now doing the same with all things Russian?“. None, of course. I also noticed the sweet irony of Costa Gavras’ movie being called “Z” (which in Greek stands for “Ζει” or “he lives”) and I wondered if the copyright owners of the movie will now have to rename it since the letter “Z” is now banned amongst doubleplusgoodthinking russophobes. Finally, there are some in the West who want to create two categories: “good Russians”, who are expected to publicly denounce their country and President, and “bad Russians” who refuse to do so. Hitler wanted Jews to wear a star of David, so could we see a day when “bad Russians” in Zone A will be told to wear a “Z”. Right now, no T-shirt or mugs printing companies in Zone A will accept to print a “Z” on their items (I know, I tried and failed!), but considering the collective rage and insanity of the western ruling elites, maybe the letter “Z” will become obligatory for “bad Russians” in Zone A? Just kidding, of course, but rewatching the movie “Z” felt quite eerie anyway.
Good to hear from you again! Thanks for this summary, hopefully it will wake up more people.
Take care!
GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any Yugoslav or Orthodox Serb who lived through the 10 year War to Destroy the SFRY recognizes the War Party is trying to use the same playbook in its War to Destroy the RF.
The difference this time;,Eurasia knows how to defend against the War Party. At the time, Yugoslavs couldn’t fathom how evil the War Party is. Today, Delhi, Peking, Moscow, etc. have no illusions regarding the war party.
Thank for Saker for hosting this website
There are rumours that the Yugoslav War was the test run for crushing Russia, I think there were even official Think Tank papers who stated that. The Chechen Wars were the first and second test run, now they thought to install a Anti Russia as Putin said to achieve that.
Those morons thought that when they start their ridiculous media smear campaign that many people in Russia would start to rise up against Putin. But Putin and the Elite of the Russian State did a great job in the last 20 years, all important social and economic policies improved the lives of the Russian people significantly while the Western corrupt goons worsened the lives of their populations.
There are rumours that the Yugoslav War was the test run for crushing Russia
Absolutely true!
One Neocon even said so openly, alas, I forgot which one.
But it was (and still is) pretty obvious, the message was: look what we did to Serbia, and you are next unless you totally capitulate.
What they forgot is that the Russian and Serbian people have dealt with such thugs for CENTURIES.
Now it is their turn to feel the pain
“One Neocon even said so openly, alas, I forgot which one.”
Doesn’t matter, they’re all completely interchangeable.
“Yeah, I know, most folks in the West don’t know that, or don’t care”
Nor can it be explained to them, even the few who are genuinely curious. It’s just too strongly against their programming to accept that they are, in wokeness’ own execrable phrase, “living on the wrong side of history”.
It’s unfortunate that this much-needed dissolution of globohomo is happening when I’m old and tired rather than when I was young and vigorous, but such are the vagaries of history.
@ Gryunt Scarhide,
Aren’t we all getting old ahead of time? I also wish I was young, now, to live in the new world that is coming… Such is life…
As to the folks in the West “who don’t know that, or don’t care”, they may eventually realise the truth because their idiotic fantasies will never materialize.
“As to the folks in the West “who don’t know that, or don’t care”, they may eventually realise the truth because their idiotic fantasies will never materialize.”
Nope. It’s not a merely an American phenomenon, but a human one, that many, many people would literally rather die than mutter those three little words, “I was wrong”.
With all this discussion of “Neo-Cons” (includes “Neo-Liberals) are we defining what a NAZI is? Obviously the meaning of Nazi to Russians is not the same as in NY or London. But maybe we have pinned down the meaning here.
The Neocons ARE Nazis, just not German/Aryan ones.
So true what the “leaders” thought, but they are like a broken record. They also thought that the Iraqis would greet them as liberators after Saddam went down. They consistently over-market their ability and capability. They create quagmire after quagmire for themselves and sadly the rest of us who foot their bills.
Sadly too many people fall for their marketing that you can create your own reality/truth. Those falling for this satanic fantasy are heading towards ruin. You get pushed so far down a path, that your ego prevents you from aver admitting the path is wrong. This ruin is being pushed in all aspects of society in all area controlled by central bankers. I pray that Putin helps show more people an alternative is viable and not destructive. The more that resist the globalist central banker’s will the better our world will be. In God there is truth, where there is truth you will find love.
“Yugoslavs couldn’t fathom how evil the War Party is. Today, Delhi, Peking, Moscow, etc. have no illusions regarding the war party.”
Back in the 1990s when the US decided to build an embassy in Skopje, I was elated. I thought the American influence would be good for the region and it would bring stability and prosperity. Boy was I wrong. Everything you and everybody else have said about the US government the Balkans is absolutely correct and like you say, after having lived through that, it’s transparent what they are trying to do to Russia.
This is all Reagan’s fault actually. Nobody listened to these neocons until Reagan gave them a seat at the table. That cancer has grown and spread through the entire US Government.
We used to think we were the good guys, that is America. Maybe we were and maybe we weren’t, but we’re not now.
You forget JFK and his crusade against the Cubans. Yeah, he blamed the CIA afterwards (sound familiar?) but he was raring to go–Vietnam, too. Blaming Reagan is dumb, Clinton was far more of a warmonger, but JFK was ahead of both of them (some blame Truman also; frankly Roosevelt was excited by war, and it was the only thing that bailed out his economic fascism). So you need to look a little deeper.
I’m afraid that the Americans have not been the “good guys” since *at least* 1945. They started the Cold War with their hare-brained plan to lob over 300 atom bombs onto the Soviet Union, barely after the dust had settled from WWII, and they have been involved in over 50 coups, regime-change operations and wars of all kinds across the Globe since then, with tens of millions being slaughtered, maimed, tortured and even burned alive in the process (you must be very sick -minded to invent something like Napalm, for example). Just ask the Iranians, the Indonesians, the Greeks, the Chileans or the Guatemalans. More recently, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Afghanistan have also been on the receiving end of “delivering peace and democracy from 30,000 feet”. Read William Blum’s excellent work “Killing Hope” for more *real* History.
“Nobody listened to these neocons until Reagan gave them a seat at the table.”
You have that completely backwards. Neocons are the ones who give out places at the table, and have been the ones doing so since at least 1945.
I am sorry to say, but this is true. I saw that personally while studying in DC between 86 and 91.
Yes, Reagan brought the Neocons to power.
The same tactics are being employed –> economic measures to pressure the central government, demonising one party being the largest party against which all the others can be set against, incentivising nationalistic and separatist movements regardless of how extreme said movements may be, internationally isolating said country, employing NGOs and other actors to identify domestic dissidents and malcontents, arms supplies, WWII imagery, personifying and individualising the opposition into some supposed new ‘Hitler’ as they did with Milosevic and they subsequently did with Saddam and Gaddafi and now are doing with Putin to justify brutal tactics against the people targeted (eg. remember Wesley Clark’s famous: “We (NATO) are winning, he (Milosevic) is losing, and he knows it”), undermining the legitimacy of the state in question (and we now see that with the “decolonize Russia”), and then trying to mobilise domestic public opinion to justify interventions
but in a unipolar world, sanctioning, demonising, attacking, occupying and dismembering a small and isolated Serbia was relatively easy for the West
Russia though represents a totally different proposition for the West and the freedom of non-Western nations from the hegemonic West is at stake
Are these not what we’re seeing also being fomented in the US? The US is so splintered right now, it won’t take much to light the fire needed to discard the facade of democracy and implement full autocracy.
@ Saker
PS: yesterday I was re-watching the superb movie by Costa Gavras “Z”
Sure, that is quite a relaaaaxxxxing movie.
Glad you’re doing better.
May Allah bring you back to full health.
Trench is waiting.
Lone Wolf
Glad to hear you are getting better….but while you were gone……just kidding, amarynth, Herb, the volunteers and mods have been doing a bang up job of keeping the site running. Good people.
Cheers M
Thank you, Andrei, for a concise, precise and brilliant summary of everything that has happened and is happening. Many Years to you!
“Z” and “Putin” T-shirts, fridge-magnets, and mugs are available on every street corner in Serbia. What price will the Serbian people pay for their disobedience?
They already have the eternal hatred of the West, and they understand that.
But as soon as NATO tanks, as it will, the Serbian nation will be liberated and reunited again.
Take that to the bank as the expression goes :-)
Serbia will need a strong leader to arise from the ashes so to speak. That leader does not exist today.
I realize this is a small point, but. The west does not feature eternal hatred, in the same way they do not feature eternal love. Yesterday’s deepest enemies can now be friends (e.g. Communist Vietnam), so long as they conform to empire. Good guys and bad guys are constantly changing places. The US supports the MEK, which is terrorist, and also Marxist, (and also kooky) against Iran. But it’s ok because it’s against Iran. Which used to be a BFF until 1979.
When it is convenient, the west supports Nazis, drug dealers, jihadis, Communists, Arab monarchists, terrorists, people who by all manner (and history) we should be opposed to. But aren’t. Because the values we espouse are not values, but purely transactional.
The west chews up friends and constantly re-shuffles enemies. If there is any mainstay to be discerned, it’s that any uncommitted country is better off being an enemy of the US than its friend. Ask a Libyan. As soon as Qadaffi disarmed and made friends with the empire, dropped his weapons programs – such as they were – it only took a couple of years until the west overthrew his country’s government and had him literally sodomized to death, with a bayonet, as jihadist creeps filmed it, when he was aged 70 or so. That is what they do to their friends.
How about “Putin on Z Hitz!” (copyright) T-shirts???
@Michael Thomas.
The Serbian peoples’ reply to NATzO.
As a Britisher I am still furious at the memory of a grinning UK Minister standing on a NATZO tank in tiny Serbia and boasting: “No one can withstand our armed might”.
AliExpress has “Z” t-shirts in all sizes and colors for cheap. I’ve picked out a dozen to gift:
AliExpress: “Dieser Artikel kann nicht nach Germany geliefert werden.” (This item cannot be delivered to Germany). What a surprise!
I tried to have it shipped to the USA, and so far, I got no such message (the order is “processing”).
Keep my fingers crossed :-)
and thank you for the info!
Serbia will be punished, the Anglo-Zio menace has opened the Albanian base, put troops in the neighboring countries and both Bosnian Serbs and the Muzzzies have made noises about re-match/separation.
What did Pournelle call that book series,”There Will Be War”.
and calling them “Muzzzies” will do miracles for peace. Not.
Yes, it is a war, so how come Mr. Putin thinks it is a friggin good idea to keep still supplying oil, gas etc. etc,.. to NATO countries? To me, that is outright treason. Because of that, the EU can still supply materials to Ukraine, and still is able to support the US-NATO. Because of that, the EU still is able to help Ukraine kill civilians in the Donbas, and Russian and allied soldiers. Because of that, the war is extended and Mr. Putin has the blood of his soldiers on his hands.
Just shut off the oil, gas, and mineral, food deliveries to Europe and stop the oil deliveries still reaching the US – an outrage permitted by the leaders of the RF if there ever was one. That alone put in doubt if Putin is really serious about fighting the NATO forces, or is he more committed to keeping his oligarchs happy?
That lack of commitment to fighting the war on the economic front, to kick the EU where it really hurts, puts into question Putin’s motives to fight the war, and almost convinces me of the contention of my brother-in-law: that all the oligarchs are in this together, and they are just pulling an Orwellian fake war Eurasia against Oceania to hide that, in reality, they are establishing a Neo Feudalism that as per Mr. Schwab will have none of us 99.9% own anything, and we are just renters totally dependent on the goodwill of our lords.
He believes that it doesn’t matter if we talk about Russian oligarchs, the Chinese variety, or the NATO types – their goal is to impoverish humanity, to be able to control us – as the Covid response clearly demonstrated as to what is already possible in population control, and keep us in fear with pandemics, fabricated most likely, wars, or threaten famines if we should get out of line.
Unless Mr. Putin gets serious on the economic front and instead throws soldiers in the field when this could be cut short by serious economic warfighting, I see no proof that he is engaging in serious war and not a side show.
Not that it matters what I think, it is just that I don’t like being lied to, and don’t like that a source like The Saker doesn’t address that incongruity.
“Yes, it is a war, so how come Mr. Putin thinks it is a friggin good idea to keep still supplying oil, gas etc. etc,.. to NATO countries?”
Very often, the threat is stronger than the execution. If you have a loaded crossbow and an armoured knight is approaching you, you can shoot – but then you have disarmed yourself. Until he is within ten feet or so, the closer he gets the easier it is to kill him. But you had better not miss.
It is not good strategy to fire all your weapons at once. Keep them ready so that your enemies are frightened and uncertain. Best of all, keep your strongest weapons hidden – like the T-34 and KV-1. When will Russia cut off supplies of fuel, and from whom? Together with what persuasive arguments? (“If you defect from NATO, you may retain your supplies of fuel”). When, if ever, will China dump its immense stock of US Treasury bills? It would be a big sacrifice for China, but it would create an immense global storm that would wipe out financial systems, banks, businesses, and ordinary honest people. When if ever, will it be a good decision to destroy the USA as a viable nation? Not before it is really necessary.
The zionist controlled media shout for the destruction of Russia and Putin calls them his friends. If Russia threatened to properly arm the Palestinians this war would be over in a week.
We want to believe everything is 5d chess but something is badly wrong.
Hmm now why would Putin wish to cut off the trade, it would be like cutting off your nose to spite your face let them finance the special operation in Ukraine and bleed them both way’s loss of all their military equipment added to the cost of the sanction’s sure look like a win-win to me. And that also includes the U.S. and their weapons, which haven’t worked very well anyway and the sanctions biting them in the ass as price go thru the roof caused by inflation with more to come and who knows what that may usher in on the wind perhaps a civil war or revolution or simply the house of cards falling in.
Removed. Mod. As Russia marches on westwards, behind them is a lot of destruction, certain places/communities in turmoil. Thankfully the rehabilitation/healing process has begun.
This requires a boatload of money/investment before the New Republics can stand on their own two feet.
This ain’t no disco
This ain’t no Baghdad/Kabul (up and go)
This ain’t no fooling around. . . . .
Okay, one of those again. sigh, rolleyes.
Look, I really don’t care what you think (well, “believe you think” would be more appropriate), just stop spewing this (now obvious nonsense) on this blog.
there are plenty of blogs out there which will still give you a standing ovation, why not stay there?
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Personal attacks and wishful thinking dont replace objective logic. The west has achieved most of its objectives and Russia gave away its foreign reserves. Nice
Russia certainly didn’t ‘give’ away anything, and what objectives has ‘the west’ achieved, self isolation and another military disaster?
Russia continuing to take huge sums of money for gas and oil from Europe whilst grinding up western military power on the battlefield is extremely demoralising for the West. It is reminding the West that it needs Russia more than Russia needs it. This is a big new thought, in Europe especially, and needs time to penetrate thoroughly.
It is a vital strategic objective of the US to keep Europe and Russia apart. It is not vital but extremely advantageous for Russia to be able to trade freely with Europe. This explains Putin’s patience.
Nor is the absurdity of the West funding Russia’s war against the West lost on western commentators.
A very good point. Many people in the West don’t understand how a domestic economy works. They either think its all the stock market or think its just the biggest corporations. But the biggest corporations or the stock market just make a fraction of a state economy, most companies are small like a baker or a bike repair shop or a small restaurant, in most western economies those small companies represent 80% of the economy.
Furthermore they don’t understand that Russia has a significant world market share in at least 20-30 commodities, which are important to production processes or the energy market of the importers. You can’t just replace those with a snap of a finger. But what you can replace with a snap of a finger is stuff like Mercedes, McDonalds or Gucci bags. Its maybe an inconvenience if you are a fan of iPhones or Porsches, but its not a game changer so to speak. But having no Gas to heat or no Oil to make a couple of thousand other products like plastic or to fuel your car is a game changer. Or having no wheat or having no fertilizer for your farming fields. Or having no copper for thousands of products. That is a game changer.
The Western Elites are just moronic in those fields, Russia is the biggest country on this planet, it has enough food producers, it has enough energy and thats pretty much everything you need. What you don’t need is a Mercedes or an iPhone. If Iran or Cuba managed to get through the sanctions for the last 30-40 years I don’t understand how those buffoons thought Russia couldn’t withstand their stupid sanctions. Maybe they thought Russians gonna cry because the Russias Football Teams aren’t allowed anymore to play in the Champions League…
I suspect these sanctions were pure virtue signaling to cater to the brainwashed populace. Clueless western leaders were expecting Russia to crumble before the sanctions would hurt themselves, which obviously was a catastrophic miscalculation. My sudden realization European politicians were indeed that stupid was certainly stupefying and quite disheartening.
Already, “first press” vinyl Michael Jackson albums are almost unobtainable in Moscow, not to mention top quality hand-bags and fragrances. Russia is about to collapse!
“Yes, it is a war, so how come Mr. Putin thinks it is a friggin good idea to keep still supplying oil, gas etc. etc,.. to NATO countries? To me, that is outright treason…”
Such a question has been raised several times by commenters here and elsewhere. But I guess there is still wisdom in Russia keeping that “gunpowder” dry. It lends more resources to the coffers of Russia to implement the positive restructuring of the world.
Should Russia pull that rug from under the feet of the NATOstans now, they might quickly realize the folly of their self-defeating permutations, and coming to their senses quicker might ‘short-fuse’ their defeat and truncate the deserved denazification.
Let them have enough rope to hang themselves.
The problem with wannabe military experts is the exact same as with wannabe microbiologist/virologists.
They are wannabes who think that they could do much better than those who actually are experts.
Mind you, these wannabe military experts have been predicting the fall/betrayal/overthrow/death/failure/etc of Putin for MORE THAN A DECADE, and now in 2022 they are still at it, even while he, Putin, is watching in an amused awe how their own societies are going down in utter chaos.
And STILL, these “I could do so much better than the Kremlin or Russian GS” folks continue to pontificate and advise Putin what he should do next.
Yes, that is very human, but also infinitely irritating (at least to me).
Oh how I wish they simply did the rest of us the kindness to simply go away and stay away.
But they have that typical urge to preach and preach and preach some more.
Maybe “compulsive preaching disorder” should be mentioned in the next DSM version!
Great to read you are getting back your health !
Faced with similar ‘inability to perceive realities,’ in my own surroundings, I shut them up by stating that i am suffering from ‘Bullshit Fatigue Syndrome’ ;oP
well does one watch victory after victory by Russia et al and then proceed to enumerate their mistakes?
Since the real motives of the powers that be are never declared, the only source of truth is deduction…… after the fact.
We must observe what actually happens and deduce why it was done.
That’s all we’ve got and presumably that’s all you’ve got Andrei.
If we are to assume Putin is an innocent genius and Russia has it all covered, well there’s not much point being here, is there? Other than for some war porn and lectures.
It seems to me the west is achieving its objectives. Inflation to save the monetary system, stimulus for the MIC, breathing space for the failing covid narrative, the destruction of Ukraine, enrichment of the oligarchy, the re-emergence of a peer competitor, etc.
I’m a supporter but I’m too old to be told to shut up and believe what I’m told.
I suspect I’m not alone here.
PS Either Russia is being used to achieve those goals or it is co-operating to achieve those goals.
Or both.
The answer is not yet definitive on the evidence.
Personally I think it is great that NATO countries are providing the funds to rebuild Donetsk and Lugansk. There is a certain delicious irony in this that still seems lost on the EU.
First of all, even in the second World War the opponents very often had trade between them, its not that easy to break logistic chains for both sides. It takes months to years to achieve that. The German Central Bank was not sanctioned in the US during WW II.
Second of all your point with ‘Russian oligarchs, the Chinese variety’, Putin told the Russian Oligarchs to stop intervening in the political affairs of Russia or getting serious trouble, some of them didn’t listen as Chodorkovsky and he was thrown into jail. Putin is no friend of the Oligarchs. China is different, but similar in that sense, that Chinese Oligarchs also don’t have that massive influence over the Leaders of the Country. Russia and China try to help their companies, but they don’t tolerate the kind of influence the Western Oligarchs have.
And the third point is, Putin is no globalist, Xi is no globalist, they try to improve their countries and to better the lifes of their people, which both of them achieved over the last 10-20 years.
Are you sure? Putin and XI wont take orders from US/EU especially when they succeed in a superior way than those two. So a power struggle is shifting balance ?
But I have sometimes difficulty in seeing what difference there is in the overall globalist goals defined by UN and WEF and the usual IMF gang.
I see the satanic and extreme evil pupping up in West, and a true justified war against it in East. But when I see behind the frontline, I see the same totalitarian WEF/UN agenda where every single spot on earth is surveilled 24/7, own nothing and be happy with your monthly booster.
Is it necessary in all cases to follow every steps and movement and even small mimik in all people’s faces by 100% surveillance by camera, but also by EMF electronic waves, but also by QR systems, but also by nanobots, by chips, by smart watches, you name it?? “Russia develops screening system for exposing potentially dangerous individuals”. (I know this could be relevant in a war situation like now, so the raised is seeing the big picture).
So we are fighting against present evil and to not getting bogged down ok. But what are we fighting for, a QR system?
if the loss of my personal privacy ends up deterring a potential rape or burglary in my community with the aid of the use of CCTV, i would very happily donate my privacy for that very noble cause – now that defines the fundamental difference between me and you.
“If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear” – Joseph Goebbels?
How was it said? (can’t remember who. A USA president?): “If you are willing to give up your freedom in order to have safety, you don’t deserve any of them.”
That said, I am not against CCTV cameras, not because I think it will make my surroundings safer, but only IF the police/justice system ever try to do someting right, and try to prosecute rapist, burglars, arsonists and so on, who are doing their things unhindered, I would like that there is some evidence. One can always hope….
( A little like if RF finds a film of some Ukranian phone, with eveidence of atrocities that Ukraine commited, I think it is a good thing….)
Totally agree.
Don’t worry about ventito – his eyes will open one day.
The problem is they lie to us…again. This is not to catch “dangerous individuals”, as we see that criminals and dangerous individuals are being exploited to make profits to and from the public coffers.
So all this surveillance tools is for profit and control purposes, big data, intimidation, blackmail, fines, post-humanism.
As usual the global elite have chosen an alien as chief ideologist, a daddy longlegs Uval Harari, who I read have all kind of reservations to the big data they want so much. Last time it was Ayn Rand.
They still dont know what exactly to use from all these data other than they think they control it.
Its just, if we fight this war against evil and end up with victory just to receive a QR card and forced monthly boosters in the butt, we end with the same satanic agenda we tried to avoid?
Whatever it will be, my answer will still be a loud NO as it goes directly against the way our universe was created to us.
Very strange situation .. for both sides. Russia needs income to churn out all the shells it uses to grind down its opponents. West stays solvent so it can continue to supply targets, I mean weapons for Ukrainians .. but so what. The weapons cant get to the East where they can do harm. The big important stuff has to roll on open highway where they are easy targets. And then theres the water obstacle of the Dnepr. Everyone in the West acts as if the Dnepr doesnt exist
And Russia still has 4 months before desperation time strikes Western Europe. At that point Europe will have to fold or freeze. Doesnt this partly explain the pace that Russia is employing? Why rush? In a few months the Ukrainians will run out of everything, including food. And then comes General Winter for the Coup d’ Grace
General Winter will arrive like day follows night, hopefully not a nuclear winter, though. Collin Powell called the neo-cons “crazies” and he was certainly right about them.
One thing to keep in mind is Putin is totally aware of how many western governments are governing against the wishes of a significant portion of their people.
One strategy of his could be to make that clarification clearer and end up having the rulers replaced without having to go to war.
He does this by being reasonable and proportional. The risk to Russia is the west doing something over the top and unexpected.
But why not let your enemies (the rulers) do themselves in rather than destroying all the little people’s lives.
Just my 2 cents.
It seems the kernel of western misunderstanding is in the nature of power itself, apart from its various instances or expressions, as Plato would have it. The quantum of action responsible for lawful increases in potential and power, cannot be properly understood through the constraints western thought insists upon. This makes it impossible for the west to identify optimized policy principles.
I really hope that portion is “significant”… Less than 10% of all my acquaintances would challenge the official narrative (bad Russia, good vaccin, good NATO, good Euro, evil China, good Netflix, etc…), and I can freely talk to less than 5% of them…
I think Russia is playing a multi-dimensional grand master chess rather than the one played usually at high school tournaments. Consider the fact that by selling oil/gas to Europe in Ruble, how it does break the US dollar monopoly, on the world stage. Also, Moscow is well aware that if it cuts off energy supplies to the EU, it would hurt many other countries in the Zone B a lot more than the Europeans and the Americans. Instead it would provide big excuse for the western media to rally support against Russia domestically and among poor countries of the south. So, this is a very well calculated chess game by Russia. We can only hope and pray that Moscow keeps its immense concentration power, since the Americans are such a lousy players and losers, they will do any monkey business just to make the Russians lose their world class concentration. Most likely these recent media talks about the collective Woke Culture being promoted 24/7 by the western media fits in that category.
It’s not looking good for Ukraine. Even CNN is being forced to ante up some truth: “The US assessments paint a dismal image of the future of the war….”
And “Evil Putin” scores again! in his maniacal game to destroy the World:
Putin’s heart is cold because he loves only gold. Its the kiss of mister Goldfingerrrrrr.
Ian Flemming 007 was also promoting Marxism
The world of Marxism
– Here we have a war
– Some are making tons of money then
– Here we have a peace
– Some are making tons of money then
– Here we have nether war nor peace
– Some are making tons of money then
@Citizen Fitz: “It’s not looking good for Ukraine.”
Au contraire, mon ami Fitz, au contraire.
It’s looking really good for Ukraine. Take it from me; delighted to see Ukraine de-Nazified. The second time in my life I’ve seen Russia do that. Hope this time it sticks.
Welcome back, Andrei!!! I have to admit how much I’ve missed your sharp and realistic analysis!!! Be well, take care of your health and come back to us.
Rest, recoup, recover, return!
Russia thanks France for new arms..
#RUSSIA 76 – 23.06.2022
Russian Army Captured Two French CAESAR Howitzers From Kiev Forces
The Russian military has captured two French-made CAESAR self-propelled howitzers from Kiev forces, French lawyer and politician Regis de
Russia MoD is supposedly is looking at reverse engineering the captured CAESAR according to one news source.. I wonder if it is any better than anything the Russians have.
The funniest thing I read was the Ukies did not want the American propeller driven drone. I am not sure if it is the Reaper model. The Ukies said Russia would easily shoot them down. The USA was worried that the Russians might get ahold of one. Ha ha. I think Russians and others (Iran?) have been able to spoof these drones and take them over.
You are assuming that Russia has any desire to reverse engineer French gear.
Why make such an assumption?
So far western kit has shown itself to be nothing short of *DISMAL* in the Ukraine.
For one thing, it is hugely FRAGILE and VERY maintenance heavy.
Oh sure, on paper they are good. And they are good on testing grounds and on parades.
But in real combined arms operations? Nope!
I bet you that the folks in the Russian military would much prefer their old Msta-S or their new Koalitsiya-SV.
Sorry, but artillery is about the last thing the West knows more about than Russians…
I think they will at least take a look at it, if they don’t already know the basic specifications. Its better to know if you can jam it, from how far away you can jam it, if you have a specific radar sign for it, to identify it really early on the battlefield. So the point of reverse engineering could point in that direction, why not disassemble it and try to assemble it again, maybe to assure yourself it has nothing of value. But yeah, you’re right, I also think the Russian artillery is superior, but again, why not. You loose nothing, if you disassemble it.
I mean, they will study stuff like the communication/targeting systems, the electronics, the kind of propellant used in shells, etc.
Not to reverse engineer or copy, but to understand what technologies the West is using.
UVZ will look at the CAESAR for any good features, they won’t be interested in the artillery piece, but in the chassis. It is also probable that they will refurbish the vehicle, refit it with a 152mm gun and return tit to the DPR.
IMHO, it is prudent to carefully check any relatively modern OTAN guns. However, the really confusing question is how CAESAR quite big artillery pieces along with others could reach unharmed, plus their ammo,the far eastern part of UA. And they are said to shell even the town of Donetsk and kill non-combatants there on purpose. Perhaps some new Ho Chi Minh jungle trail? And yes, I know this is of no strategic importance.
This one was funny!:)))
There’s your answer to the quality of the captured French guns. The Russians are asking for more to be sent to Ukraine 🤣🤣🤣
Welcome back KOTTER!
Of course in Amerikkka since “Let’s Go Brandon” is already entrenched, we are now saying “Welcome Back, Carter”….as in Jimmy.
You are correct…the Burisma war isn’t even editorial page material any more.
Take the rest you need and get your health right! We’ll still be here! Your team is doing a superb job in your absence, by the way.
Regarding your frustrations with trying to explain reality to people, I can empathize but honestly, after you lay it out in simple terms and people still refuse to see, there’s nothing more to be done but smile and say “well, I guess we’ll see how it shakes out”. Maybe now that the narrative is collapsing some folks will wake up but I’m not hopeful of it on a large scale. The West, especially America, will have to be on its knees before it comes to its senses, repents and makes meaningful changes.
BTW – I came across a book you might find interested given your references to the West’s attempts to destroy Orthodoxy (I watched the videos you linked in a past blog entry where panelists discussed a particular treatise on it – titles escapes me at the moment). The book you might find interesting is Holy War: The Untold Story of Catholic Italy’s Crusade Against the Ethiopian Orthodox Church – by Ian Campbell. Available at Hurst Publishing –
I just came across it so haven’t had a chance to read it yet so can’t speak to its quality.
Thanks for the update! God Bless and Good Health to you and your family!
Your team is doing a superb job in your absence, by the way.
on their behalf, THANK YOU for saying that!!
I will order the book, thank you!
This are really good news to welcome the Saker!
The Lisichansk front collapsed!
The Lisichansk Oil Refinery is under reconnaissance!
Aidar nazis about to mass surrender in Severodonetsk!
UkroWerhmacht shelling positions toward Horlivka eliminated!
Mass surrender along the supply road for Severodonetsk/Lisichansk, the Artemisvk/Lisichansk road!
And more…
TOTAL DEFEAT OF THE Armed Forces of Ukraine in Lysychansk: VIDEO of throwing weapons and running away! Yuriy Podolyaka – the hottest evening on June 23 (19 videos)
Reconnaissance is underway at the Lisichansk Oil Refinery, the enemy’s defenses in the south of the city are collapsing before our eyes. The refinery is located far to the south of the city in the deep rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is an industrial zone of three by three kilometers.
From Severodonetsk, it is reported that a mass surrender of aidar members who are blocked on the territory of the Azot enterprise in Severodonetsk is expected. According to the evening report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the allied units captured Nikolayevka – this is between Berestove and Volcheyarovka.
“Now along the entire front line in this area of the terrain, both locally and massively, there is a surrender. This also applies to the Lisichansk-Severodonetsk grouping, this also applies to the Gorsko-Zolotovsk grouping,” said Andrei Marochko.
In the morning, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked in the direction of Yegorovka with a reinforced company. The enemy column was timely identified by the OBTF UAV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR. A fire defeat was inflicted. The enemy infantry scattered over the “greens”, and a battle ensued. As it became known from the prisoners, today, by 8:30, today they were supposed to seize Yegorovka, but something went wrong. Judging by the radio interception, the infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine frankly sent their superiors away, saying that they did not want to become cannon fodder.
The village of Codema in the Artemovsky/Bakhmut district was liberated. This is extremely important news for Horlivka: from those positions, Ukrainian militants continuously shelled this frontline city in the DPR.
The situation in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk direction as of 17.00 on June 23, 2022. Units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, having broken through the enemy’s defenses, completed the encirclement of the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Gorskoye – Zolote. ️The Allied forces are clearing the boiler: Katerynovka, Zolote-4, Zolote-3 (Stakhanov), Novoivanivka, the area of the Karbonit mine in Gorsky are occupied. In Gorsky, Zolotoye and the suburbs, at least 4 battalions of 24 ombr, 57 ombr and 10 ogshbr are surrounded.
Developing the offensive, the Allied forces reached the southern outskirts of Lisichansk. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, pursuing the retreating units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, occupied the southern part of Volcheyarivka and established fire control over the Lisichansk-Seversk highway. This is the last supply route for the Lisichansk-Severodonetsk group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Units of the Ukrainian army in Lysychansk and Severodonetsk are in operational encirclement. Fierce fighting unfolded in industrial zones on the southern outskirts of Lisichansk, where units of 24 Ombr, 80 Odshbr and 110 Brigades of Territorial Defense hold positions at the gelatin plant and the rubber products plant.
Some enemy units are trying to leave Lisichansk. There are both attempts at an organized exit from the city, and flight as part of columns with a civilian population. Columns with military equipment are hit by guns with rocket and barrel artillery. There is an intensive shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in certain areas of Severodonetsk. Units of the 79th Brigade suffer heavy losses. (Rybar)
They write that the French SELF-propelled guns CAESAR, were in Uralvagonzavod. Either they abandoned them to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or they sold them. We won’t know.
The situation in the Kharkiv region as of 21.00 on June 23, 2022. ️In the north of the Kharkiv region, the Russian army has finally entrenched itself in Tsupovka and is fighting on the northern outskirts of Prudyanka, regaining lost positions. On another sector of the front, clashes continue in the vicinity of Upper Saltov. In addition, the Russian Armed Forces continued to strike at the facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kharkiv itself, Chuhuiv and Zolochiv district.
In the Izyum direction, Ukrainian forces have not been able to cross the Seversky Donets and hold positions on the Chepel-Petrovskoye border. The Russian Armed Forces, in turn, were able to gain a foothold on the opposite bank of the river, occupying Nortsovka in the Nortsevsky Forest located north-west of Izyum. In the area of Slavyansk – Barvenkovo, the MiG-29 and Su-25 of the Ukrainian Air Force continue to fly. The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a field radar post near Kostiantynivka in the Kharkiv region.
Lone Wolf
Thanks for posting this report. My wild guess is of the 12 or so Kiev combat brigades that started out in Donbass zero of capable of any offensive action. Perhaps a handful of battalions are capable of some maneuver. The rest are only able to stay put and defend from fortified positions.
The Volksturm are tragically cannon fodder. I pray for their souls.
Finally – phase 2 is taking a bit longer than my original estimate of “end-June to mid-July” might now be mid-July to end-July. This impacts start of Phase 3.
Phase 3 ( liberation/isolation of Odessa? ) needs to be completed before onset on winter. This is for a host of reasons that are obvious and need not be explained here. Perhaps that is why we are now seeing the beginning of activity in the Phase 3 area.
I doubt the LPR and DPR will be able to supply many units for Phase 3. Their Armies will be in need of some months of retrofit and rest. This implies Phase 3 is going to be a mostly RF affair.
Phase 3 depending on the extent of success, will certainly mold the 2023 NATO response. There is surely lots of Staff Activity going on behind the scenes on both sides regarding the 2023 campaigns.
Just semi-educated speculation on my part.
Canada and NATO supply the weapons…..Ukraine supplies the dead.
Watched Freeland/Chomiak present at the Empire Club of Canada and vomited.
Nice to hear from you!!!!!
We are experiencing the second patriotic war of the combined western power structure against Russia.
This video ‘Donbass is Behind Us’ (English Subtitles) ДОНБАСС ЗА НАМИ Donbass-Russian Song About war in Ukraine perfectly embodies this parallel:
This brought tears to an American. Powerful. Beautiful. Pride in God, the blood of our fathers, and the soil of one’s country. What the hell happened to us?
The same thing which happened to Russia in the 90s.
Please don’t lose hope!
The USA and maybe even Europe will rise up again, but, finally, as normal, civilized states, not as thuggish imperialists.
Empires die, countries change, but humanity survives.
Unless, of course, the crazies and hyenas get their way, and then it will be the end, at least for most of the northern hemisphere.
It is that simple: a multipolar world is viable. A world hegemony is not, especially not one based on capitalism which itself is based on usury.
I chose to believe that there is more good than evil in most people.
That, and God, are my only hope left.
But even Russia in the ’90s did not have this new thing, this satanic thing. (I’ve been around normal human evil and satanic evil, and believe me, there’s a diffetence.) There’s the usual human evil, like the Mafia (or Russia in the ’90s), and then there’s satanic evil, like the rituals of the adrenochrome-ingesting Illuminati, or like the drive to convince little children that they were born into the “wrong” bodies — i.e. that their very self is a huge cosmic MISTAKE — which is the most horrid act of mental cruelty anyone could do to a child, especially if it is followed up with permanent, physical mutilation of their growing bodies.
No, I submit that we are actually facing something new under the sun. Only God’s help gives us a chance, and all people of good will are needed to pitch in.
Faith, even more than hope. We are not alone – they are. If Biden/Obama/Klaus/Soros… are the best they got, and, are their own gods, we win. Most of us have had it pretty good our whole lives, more or less. Most haven’t. It’s not supposed to be easy. We will respond with Faith in our choices, actions, and lives. I am prepared. Poring through C.S. Lewis writings and others, including orthodox! Thanks again for this site.
Nah, I wouldn’t see it that dark. Yes the amount of Propaganda in the West is astonishing, I live in Germany and the state is pumping 10-20 billion Euros into it every year, thousands of Media Outlets who are basically saying the same, Putin is Satan and Ukraine and its heroes are fighting for the freedom of everyone. Yeah right, those heroes with Swastika Tattoos all over their bodies.
But if the leaders or Elites of a state are as stupid as the German or the US Government, than we will maybe see people freezing and starving by the end of the year. And thats maybe the smack on the head that most people need, if not, they will maybe suffer more, but if you are that indifferent and naive, than we can do nothing. Russia is winning, China is winning. And maybe we get a good new world without those corrupt idiots who just attack nations like Iraq or Libya furthering their illusion that they rule the world. They rule nothing, they are just killing millions and millions of people. I am an agnostic, but I hope in that case, that Clinton, Bush, Obama and all the other nutcases, will suffer in hell for eternity.
In the same vein:-
@Krollchem Thank you
Donbas is with us
In the deep darkness, a beast awoke,
And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.
The year was graceful and fruitful,
And with blood and death it was painted,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.
And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red,
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
May be it that you die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Moscow is with us,
And so is God!
I am new to your site, found it via Telegram channels I believe somehow.
I live in the USA and your site has been a breath of fresh air amid a madhouse of propaganda. Even the people who detect the propaganda in the USA are confused as it is hard to get accurate news frankly about anything.
The conclusion here is simply that there are some very evil forces at work in the West, as a person who values logic and has been very successful at using logic to solve problems it pains me to say this. What is currently happening in the United States seems like some type of controlled demolition to demoralize and confuse people about literally every facet of their lives: health, safety, economic, family, etc. There seems to be some tug of war behind the scenes of the ruling classes of the US or perhaps it’s by design because we get contradictory actions/results daily.
The war on the family in the US is insane right now, it’s hard to describe to people outside of the US but it’s an onslaught that really has no parallel in US history. However, don’t lose hope there are still people like me who believe in family, hard work, and honesty, we will rebuild after this is all over.
I agree 100% with your message and I am very grateful to you for expressing it so clearly. I am so utterly boggled by what’s going on that I have difficulty finding any words for it
What those outside the U.S. probably do not understand is how FAST the onslaught is. I now have a sense of what it must have felt like to be in the path of Hitler’s blitzkrieg. It really is like lightning. The world is being turned upside down at a pace that is simply breathtaking.
I live in a small, rural Kansas farm community and, thanks to media, from TV to TikTok, the cultural blitzkrieg has hit even here. In our high school are not only “trans” students but “furries” — there are three girls who “identify” as CATS. Thanks to the recent Biden edict, we now have to figure out if we’re willing to cancel the school lunch program in order to keep boys out of girls’ restrooms and off of girls’ sports teams. Thanks to smartphones, the children’s minds are being colonized and occupied by the same satanic forces that dominate the coasts. No safe harbor anywhere. A 13-year-old boy here, his mind warped by online pornography, tormented, tortured and raped a 13-year-old girl. Right here, in our little rural town. No more Mayberry. And it happened seemingly overnight.
Yes, I know, the cultural forces have been at work for decades, but the “trans” thing? Virtually OVERNIGHT. And virtually TOTAL. (There’s a reason they call it TOTALitarianism. You cannot escape it, it’s everywhere.)
What those outside the U.S. probably do not understand is how FAST the onslaught is
Agreed 10000 percent!
It’s even got Disney pushing homosexuality to kids. Horrifying.
Heartlander, this is truly tragic. Here in NZ we have not reached that level yet and the LBGTwhatever thing is making its presence felt but I do not think it will reach the heights it has in the US. Folk in the states seem to go in for fads boots and all and it is beyond me why people wish to participate. However, I think if you were to read about the strategy of the Schwab et al, along with agenda 2030, this is just the kind of thing TPTB are wanting to occur – the break down of social cohesion and widespread confusion. One could read about this 20 years ago and now it is becoming reality – a divided & confused society is easy to take apart; perhaps there is no other way in this instance . The aforementioned criminal says we shall have a multi-polar world by 2030 and it appears that we are heading for that. Will there be more than two players ? I cannot see the US being part of that multi-polarity. However, I place get store in – if you don’t know of him read this for some background & then checkout his site – . Looks like WWIII will be along next year or ’24, according to Armstrong/Socrates.
In the meantime, it is good to see Russia doing well in the SMO and while the loss of life (perhaps the dead are the lucky ones) is very, very sad this needed to happen. The “West” is getting to big for its boots and needs to be shown how to behave. Even our PM, a mendacious bitch if there ever was one, is cosying up to NATO – for god’s sake, NZ has observer status – last time I checked NZ was in the Pacific & not Atlantic ocean. No one asked the rest of the country what they wanted. Never mind, we have 3 or 4 frigates along with a few Hercules & some Iroquois (Huey) choppers and I expect Messers Putin & Xi will be alarmed at the prospect of NZ becoming integrated in some way with NATO.
It seems sudden to me, too, although way back in the 70’s and 80’s, when I was a deputy sheriff (US Midwest), we were already talking about social disintegration. It wasn’t as clear then unless, like cops, you were walking into and out of the very different worlds that some people live in. For instance I developed a lot of sympathy for prostitutes, who lead difficult, dangerous (and short), lives, usually with no survivable escape options.
But what turns out to have been going on behind the scenes now is really mind boggling. It isn’t only evil, it is incredibly stupid. People who seemed relatively normal before have gone completely insane.
Nice post, dog184
I just want to mention, when you write that aside from Saker Blog it is difficult to get good information even if you want to stay informed, that TASS’s short news notices are a very good start. Several times an hour there is a short notice about what is happening in Russia and LDNR.
Click on the little red icon (a Z or perhaps a N, probably meant to be a lightning bolt) in the upper right corner.
Nice to hear from you, Saker! Don’t worry for the pause, take all the time needed. In any case, Russian army also is taking all the time needed.. I don’t know what will happen, but living here in the West is becoming an act of faith if we want to save something good of our civilization. Have a nice day!
Wish speedy recovery and very good health for you and your family.
Great to hear from you Andrei!
You are correct about the Zs. I purchased two some time ago and now it is impossible. One of them my wife will not allow me to wear in public, whereas the other has some plausible deniability.
Purchased 50 ft of the Ribbon of Saint George from Belarus but again am a little shy about wearing it.
However, a can of white spray paint does wonders to asphalt; my latest project inspired some sand to cover it up, but the wind and rain has blown the sand away and the Z remains.
As I like to tell some: Russia has the right to defend itself!
Jackson Hinkle on You Tube managed to get Z tee shirts made. Perhaps you could get in touch or find out how he did it. I think you can buy one via his website. However, he has recently been sabotaged on various financial platforms such as PayPal but there’s still a chance you might get one.
Nope. I believe that his order was “cancelled” (what else?) by the printing shop (Represent). Here is what happened then:
First, I got the typical order confirmation. “Your order ID 5232811 will go to print when the campaign ends on April 22nd, 2022. You will be receiving another email from us once your order has shipped on May 9th, 2022.”
Then nothing, silence.
So I emailed them.
Here is the full exchange:
Dear Madam or Sir
Why have you canceled my order????
I never requested a cancellation.
Please let me know.
Andrei Raevsky
Hey Andrei,
Thanks for reaching out!
Unfortunately, the campaign you ordered from was taken down for legal reasons and will not go to print.
I am very sorry for the inconvenience, the money that you paid were refunded to your original form of payment.
Thank you for your understanding, and if there’s anything else we can assist you with, please let us know!
Take care,
Customer Experience Hero
What legal reasons?
Is the letter Z banned in the USA?
Please give me the law, statute or regulation which banned it
Hey Andrei,
Thank you for getting back to me and I apologize for any confusion! You are totally right and I listed the wrong reason for you, I am very sorry!
This campaign was taken down for violation of our terms and conditions. Represent reserves the right to make available or withdraw any content and items at any time in our sole discretion.
I hope this now makes it clear!
Have a great day :)
Take care,
Customer Experience Hero
So what made you start a campaign and then cancel it? At the very least, I think I deserve an honest answer, no?
Hey Andrei,
Thank you for getting back to me and once again I am sorry for my previous honest mistake!
The campaign has been taken down upon our first review due to the nature of what the merch was promoting. It is against our terms and conditions to promote aggression.
Hope this helps answer your question.
Take care,
Customer Experience Hero
Dear “customer experience hero”
“promote aggression”
So because you now “stand with the Ukraine” you have “canceled” the letter Z.
What you fail to realize is that in the process you, and the likes of you, have canceled what the USA used to stand for: free speech.
Your country is falling apart precisely due to people like you because you have betrayed your own principles and values.
You “stand” with nothing other than conformity and money. Don’t kid yourself.
Future generations of Americans will be ashamed of what has been done to this beautiful country and people.
Far from being a “hero”, you are a willing and obedient slave to the establishment’s ideological dogmas.
In my book this makes you dishonorable cowards.
Most sincerely
So sorry! Thank you! Come back soon! Have a great day! …
Passive aggressive F-in A-holes. Will only print rainbow shirts etc. They don’t get the end game is for them to be eating cold bugs in unheated hovels then be eaten by antifa and BLM.
And that in spite of the saying “go woke and go broke”.
To them their demonic ideology is even more important than their bottom line.
Amazing but undeniable.
I was able to order an old Z nation t-shirt on Amazon. :)
Thank you Saker for the valuable information you provide to us. Great to hear you
are feeling better. Please take all of the time you need to fully recover. I will keep
you in my prayers. God Bless! Prof. David Lomshek (ret.)
against aggression. so no more printing the old red, white and blue, eh?
How to make an authentic “Z” T-Shirt in three steps on a budget:
1. Create a “Z” stencil from preferably thick paper stock or plastic sheet. Use X-Acto knife to cut out the shape of the letter Z.
2. Place stencil on a T-Shirt
3. Use a spray paint of your choice and do it.
4. Go out and iritate zionazis.
Absolutely! “All I can say is this: continue to act like Nazis and you shall be denazified. It is really that simple.
Glad to hear from you Mr S ! Keep well.
The US has become Sodom and the EU has become Gommorah. 🔥
The global hatred of the West against the Russians is perceptible, obvious. Its exalted expression since the beginning of the SMO changes the situation. Russia is in a favorable position both internally and militarily, without precedent in its history. The repetition of existential warfare is being paid for by a demographic and global development deficit which Russia must end in order to develop its unique path as a civilization. Russia has to put the crazy team in power in the West out of history.
My favorite scenario is new reserve currency, exit from Swift, collapse of the $, DC the whore can no longer finance these extravagances resulting in the breakup of the US. If that’s not enough, the attack on Taiwan will precipitate a blockade to achieve the same goal but with more damage to the US. It is necessary for this country to experience devastation in order to change.
The madmen can do a lot of damage but I don’t see how they can escape their fate.
The world, since Feb. 24, has separated the wheat from the shaft. There was confusion in the early days of the SMO with Marxists-6th columnists declaring Russia a sell-out and so-called pro Russians like Regis Tremblay complaining continuously that Russia is losing the PR war. I got so infuriated by him that I just stopped watching his videos. Andrei you’re so right about Martynov, Lira and Bernard. They always kept a steady ship. Gonzalo Lira had a great response that who cares about the PR war if Russia is winning the real war. Also other heroes from the past such as Scott Ritter became a non-person with me (no need to answer why, you know). This war has also presented new personalities to the public such as Jacob Dreizin, Jackson Hinkle and The New Atlas. Jimmy Dore and Garland Nixon have also been consistent and outstanding. And of course Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Larry Johson are one of the best.
Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Larry Johson
Agreed. Unlike the total opportunist and rehabilitation seeker Scott Ritter (whom I never took seriously anyway, typical USMC loudmouth imnsho).
He’s starting to become quite intolerable with his constant sensationalism. Just recently he was relying on Ukrainian claims of destroyed Russian artillery to support this idea of his that the $40bn of western aid is a “game changer”.
You know your argument is bad when you are relying on Ukrainian claims to prop it up.
Jacob Dreizin isn’t a whole lot better either.
Brain Berletic over at the New Atlas is superb though. No bragging. No sensationalism. Just the facts.
The world, since Feb. 24, has separated the wheat from the shaft.
And, of course, I totally agree with this!
It’s “to separate the wheat from the chaff”. chaff being the husk and rubbish of the plant left from the threshing process to isolate the wheat seed.
So happy to hear from you again.
End of July is far, it must have be something serious with your health. Take as much time as you need to rest. The blog can manage.
Don’t worry about the World; you don’t need additional stress. By the time you come back, the world will either still be here or not. If it is still there, we go on. If not, well, worrying now will not matter.
Stay well and all the best. Take care.
You sound hearty and hale! Good to hear from you. I can’t say it enough about the wonderful job Amarynth, Herb and the rest of the Saker team have been doing. Just smashing, really. Take care.
THANK YOU for taking the time to thank them – they are indeed doing a superb job!
I will also chime in. Glad to hear you are doing well and feeling well enough to return!
As a couple of other posters have noted, the Saker team have indeed been doing a great job of keeping the wheels on. Thank you to all!
Google-translate from mod:
Hooray, Andrey Raevsky !!
Hooray, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk and Golden !! Russian victories !!
Glad to hear you are doing well! Worry not, the truth will prevail, and we shall see better times ahead.
Fantastic to hear that you are recovering and will come back to us in a month or so. Every word you write is gold for me and my wife in Sweden. I completely agree, : I now also have a total hate of the west. So utterly rotten. I also believe that Russia will stand when all others fall. May God still bless you and make you stronger and we help you and your family with prayer. Z is now a very important letter ; a very important capital letter!
Dear Saker, Sir ! We are glad that all go well with your health !
Please, let me change ”Zεί” to ”Ζή”.
Ancient greek were differently phonetic, but now all that is gone and some different vowels sound the same.
Ζεί means ”it boils” (!!) > Ζέω.
Ζή means ”he/she/it lives” > Zώ.
Τhat’s why we cry ”Ζήτω” (let it live) = Hurrah !!
In any case, it doesn’t matter at all, because it is the same sound and the same ”Z”, which has become the universal letter/symbol of the victory of the Good over the Evil !
Again, we thank You and all our friends, who help run this site !
You forgot the ypogegrammeni!
The ει is equivalent with ῃ (and not with η).
The ancient greek verb is ζεῖν.
Ζεῖ does mean he/she/it lives. And if spelled with ῃ, then it means “to live” (ypotaktiki egklisi) or “will live” (future tense.)
Thank you, my dear ”Goddess Εκάτη”, but unfortunately it is not the same.
They are two diffrent verbs of the same sound in new greek, (infintive forms) : ζείν (boil) and ζήν (live).
Actually ”ζή”, (even with ypogegrammeni), – (third person singular of the present tense, final inclination)-, is derived from the verb ”ζάω/ζήω or ζώω > ζώ”.
In the present era of the by the Global Powers destruction of the greek and other languages in order to let esperanto in (Soros’s father), the ”η” is written as ”ει”, because in modern greek they have the same sound. They politicise even the letters, so the ancient ending ”-η” is assumed to be ”against the people”. But in ”ζήτω” (”let it live”), (third person singular of the present tense, imperative), the ”η (ita – EE-tah)” remains unchanged.
In any case, this is a ”warm grin producing” problem among the all over the world esteemed friends of the ancient greek language. I wish it could be the same in my country, too. But it is not. There is only one public figure, Mr. Dimitrios Giannakopoulos, a pharmaceutical industrialist, a friend of the industrial nationalism, who called courageously for the return of the school teaching of the ancient greek.
In vain !!
But we never loose hope, do we ?
”Dum spiro spero !”
Dear Hecate, because there will always may be some confusion between ”ζέει – ζεί – ζή”, it is enough to write ”Z” to symbolise the Hope, that lives (ζεί or ζή) for the Ultimate Victory.
Winning helps to reinvigorate the soul.
Mykolaiv Oblast –
RF-Republic forces have entered Stepove but have to Stepover dead Ukrainians to gain a foothold.
The Zelensky regime has ordered a 100 million Russian books destroyed. This is scorched earth policy against anything Russian. This goes on to show they plan to fight tooth and nail for every square inch in all domains. And they will never stop till either they destroy Russia or are destroyed by Russia. So Russia cant just stop with the SMO in the Donbass. Thus Russia may be bogged down for God knows how long – years maybe. Meanwhile the west sits and watches from a distance how the slavs massacre each other. Moldova and Lithuania are the next provocations.
They are insane and demonic facists. Shell innocent people in the Donbas, ban political parties, ban the Russian language, ban books, keep begging the West for money, lie when signing Minsk.
The Ukraine is infested with criminals.
Oh it is worse than that!
The Ukronazi identity (as opposed to the real, historical, Ukrainian identity) is purely based on hatred and nothing, absolutely nothing else.
I always knew that (I was listening to the Ukrocrazies on VOA and RFE/RL many many years ago), but I never imagined that the folks in the West would given them total, unconditional support.
Banderastan wanted to join the West.
Instead, it is the West which joined Banderastan.
Massive Book burning was also a favorite activity of the NATO quislings during the War to Destroy Yugoslavia.
Book burnings also likely happened in vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc etc. We just don’t hear about it.
Just looked ist up. Amazon is selling t-shirts with the slogan : my heart beats for Russia! At least something.
Otherwise, geht well soon!
I just ordered one.
Thank you!
Z is the mark of Zorro. I just did a web search for merchants selling Zorro t-shirts and discovered there are several available with the mark of Z seemingly slashed by the blade of a sword across the chest. There is a good one in black with a white Z from a company called Fairshirt at, priced at $16.99.
Saker, sounds like you have the time to make your own Z t shirt, I made one for myself and a friend. Use masking tape to outline the Z, then go to Wal Mart and get some cloth paint, two coats of the paint and your ready to stroll down town and piss the sheeple off, the few that understand the meaning of Z anyway. Get well Andriy, and not to be crude but if you ever had a sick dog you probably noticed they licked their balls quite often which seemed to get them back on their feet, not a suggestion just a thought.
Saker, sounds like you have the time to make your own Z t shirt
Actually, no. :-(
Western financial elites (and therefore the political elites on the ends of their leashes) all love the book “The 4th Turning”. It prophesies that we are in the middle of a world wide, epic struggle which will remake the world order. I’ve felt this war to be the watershed event. As both the book and Putin both say, things will never be the same again. However it turns out, the winners will reshape the world and the loosers will have to pick up the pieces and make the best of it.
A sequel to that 1997 book is due to come out in the fall. I do not expect the author to realize that the collective West just overplayed it’s hand.
The people at will absolutely work with you on “Z” T-shirts, mugs, etc. They don’t shy away from controversy, are solidly Christian, and already distribute this:
Thanks, I looked, and while I am grateful for the effort, I really don’t like their design (sorry!!!).
A simple Z would be way better I think :-)
Andri, Family,
Thank you for coming up and surfacing, from the deep life giving waters, where you reside. You are missed; I look forward to your return. Alas, I will have transitioned to a Latin America country, yet with my sturdy she goes, VPN, I will follow daily. My enjoyment is immeasurable, thank you again. Health and such to your beloved family. Godspeed.🔥
Finally, Alex Mercurious consulted a knowledgeable member of the British General Staff who did the numbers.
Russia expended 1100–2000 long range missiles since 24 Feb.
Russia expends ~ 40,000 artillery shells / day.
USA production of comparable missiles in 12 months is 1/4 of what Russia expended thus far.
NATO production of artillery shells is < 10% of russian daily expenditures.
Russia likely is running the war on current production, and likely can continue the war indefinitely.
Ukraine's most recent request for heavy weapons approximates 1/2 the losses claimed by Russian MOD in their daily clobber report.
Finally, Alex Mercurious consulted a knowledgeable member of the British General Staff who did the numbers.
Seriously? If these are your sources, please don’t post here or I will ban you.
Because such “sources” produce this kind of nonsense: “Russia expended 1100–2000 long range missiles since 24 Feb.”
WTF is a “long range missile” anyway???
And out of whose behind do these numbers come from anyway???
This is utterly nonsensical. One clueless civilian, quoting another clueless civilian, quoting a (supposed) British General Staff officer.
Stick to topics you understand and quote serious sources or refrain from posting here.
FYI Saker, I believe the writer above has badly misinterpreted a much more valid and valuable source.
See, from the nearly 200 yr old Royal United Services Institute, written by a Lt. Col, retd. It is evidence based and substantiated.
Thank you, Andrei, for the update. Glad you are healing & look forward to your return!
I don’t recognize the country I live in anymore. I stopped watching tv in August 2020. I get my “news” from various substacks, & can barely look even at them these days.
Most people I know simply seem to stay focussed on the day-to-day. I think its a defense mechanism to maintain a semblance of sanity.
I no longer try to convince anyone. I just end disagreements with “Time will tell” & a shrug.
The evil of these imposters is palpable.
I feel the same way.
The country I was born in, Switzerland, has gone to shits, and the Switzerland I knew does not exist anymore.
The USA I discovered between 1986 and 1991 has also become totally unrecognizable.
Europe is a rotten corpse whose stench nauseates (or amuses) the rest of the planet.
So yes, we are in bad bad shape.
But Zone A is already clinically dead (including the Empire and the USA as a country).
So the future will belong to Zone B or we shall have no future at all.
The changes ahead are the biggest in history, and BY FAR, even more than WWI or WWII.
So lets pray for God’s mercy and act following our conscience no matter what.
This way we win whether we “lose” or not :-)
Бог благословит to you, Andrei, and all your team!
May the Lord remember you for all your good works.
Thank you for keeping this submarine afloat…(in the desert).
With love,
~ Fr Thomas
Great to hear from you again, Saker!
You mentioned the proliferation of “minority” faces on TV and in the movies, along withe overt promotion of sexual deviance in even our Kindergarten schools. I’ve often mentioned to my wife that if an alien received a satellite transmission from our planet he would conclude that the USA was at least 50% black, and that those blacks were all brain surgeons and CEOs. The other 50% would be Latino, gay, and Indian, with a tiny minority of white men who were either buffoons or downright evil.
This is not an accident. It is one of the many means that the oligarchs use to “cancel” white people in the country where they were born and which their ancestors largely built, and to erase any vestiges of Christianity that still exist in the hinterlands, which they plan to disarm, depopulate, and destroy as a coherent culture. The replacement will be a deracinated polyglot mass of humanity with no discernible connection to each other other than a desire to consume.
if an alien received a satellite transmission from our planet he would conclude that the USA was at least 50% black, and that those blacks were all brain surgeons and CEOs. The other 50% would be Latino, gay, and Indian, with a tiny minority of white men who were either buffoons or downright evil.
All true. And no, this is not an “accident” – you are right here too.
It is quite deliberate and coordinated too.
I am black. The thing you guys must realise is that this is primarily for the consumption of the very minorities you disparage. This is typically to make black people believe that all is not lost if they can see faces of their own in positions of influence. The truth is the situation for black americans is worse than ever in terms of real progress in the society.
Dont for one second think this is some unified kumbaya moment.
Its programming aimed at us, and pissing you off at the same time.
Bravo for this comment! Short, concise, and just excellent reasoning!
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
If seeing black people on tv pisses these people off, don’t waste your time explaining the situation black folks are in because they don’t care and you don’t need to lower yourself.
You are spot on, except when you say that I “disparage” minorities, but setting that aside, OF COURSE Corporate “America” does not give a damn about blacks, they are USING their hypocritical anti-racist/inclusive value signaling to create racial tensions inside the USA. And when you write “The truth is the situation for black Americans is worse than ever in terms of real progress in the society” I totally agreed.
As Malcolm X so brilliantly said, the ruling elites are using what he called “house Negroes” (basically most/all of the blacks in the White House” and will use “field Negroes” as political “cannon fodder”.
Furthermore, from a purely racist agenda, we now see a deeper underlying class agenda: the 1% (in reality less) have also created a huge white underclass of poor people who live in conditions every bit as bad as the poor blacks.
So what the powers that be are doing is hiding their CLASS WARFARE by trying to create racial tensions.
The old “divide and rule” thing, but used internally, inside the USA.
We have the same enemy, and it is not a sink color, or any ethnicity, it is a transnational gang of thugs who make their fortunes off the blood and tears of the rest of us.
Kind regards
Me too! I am Black. I dont think I have made the Saker happy as a commenter on his blog. But I am still around because I find this blog to be just about the best I have encountered on the net so far. And if that is not a compliment I dont know what is.
The fact that the Saker had to take time off for health is not easy. We would all be poorer for the loss of Vinyard. Come on Saker! I am holding on as tight as anyone for the Sakers return in good shape.
Ease up on me man. I am not an enemy. I have said nothing here as an enemy – with hateful and harmful intent. I had to be watchful about Putin as we must all be watchful of all leaders given the utterly corrupt reality we live. To trust anyone at all just like that makes little sense in light of the general corruption of society.
That Putin, along with Lavrov and others in his government has turned out to be real is a most magnificent development. I cant say the same about Medvedev. I am not trustful of him at all and Hop Putin sticks around long enough to deprive him of another opportunity. He had his chance. The stage is too grave to society to risk another Medvedev run in grave human situation we are in
I am not an enemy
Have I ever suggested that you, or blacks for that matter, were the enemy?!?!?!
Great news from you, Andrei!
“Also please remember that Andrei Martynov, Bernard and Gonzalo Lira not only spoke truthfully, but they were right and their detractors totally wrong. We all owe them an immense debt of gratitude!]”
Andrei and Bernard, sure, but what happened to Eva Bartlett and Patrick Lancaster? Both have done far more than Lira to get the truth out, often putting themselves in harm’s way. I think Bartlett’s account of what happens to journalists that fall into their hands is a bit more accurate. Lancaster has been accused of opportunism, but I don’t think opportunists show us the footage where they’re scared out of their wits – they tend to edit that out unless it serves their purpose. Again, instincts. I have good reasons to trust mine.
A lot of this post was removed as it was just an attack on an author on this site. Any further attacks will just go to the trash. Mod.
what happened to Eva Bartlett and Patrick Lancaster?
I don’t know. I decided to recommend those whom I wanted to recommend.
Have a different set of recommendations?
Create your own blog and quote whomever you want.
But don’t act like a petulant kid who did not get his toys
Get some vitamin d3 and zinc with a bit of elderberry syrup and you’ll feel fine Works great for stress. The slow-mo tactic is taking to much time . The Lithuanian crises Will require that the RF changes its approach.
“the Japanese Empire which attacked China was not part of the West (yet), but that is an extremely superficial argument which fails to understand that it was precisely western imperialism which created the conditions, in both China and Japan, which resulted in the Japanese imperialist attacks against the entire Asian-Pacific region!]”
I just finished reading Sterling Seagrave’s The Soong Dynasty.
Although it reads like a novel, you will get a very clear picture of what the Japanese, Chiang Kai-Shek, gangs and triads, and hatred of the “reds” did to China from ca 1880 to ca. 1957. .
One interesting sideline is the way early Chinese revolutionaries would hightail it for Japan when things got too dangerous for them. It looks similar to the way Continental revolutionaries would go to England to escape persecution and prison.
The savageness of the gangs (esepcially the Green Gang), their power behind Chiang’s throne, the way they robbed the country blind and exact horrifying revenges is really hard to grasp. The Nationalist program turned out to be a huge grift, with Chinese civilians—also intellectuals—paying the price with their lives in grotesque assassinations and murders. Where did these “traditions” come from?
Well, it’s all gangs, I guess.
Anyhow, highly recommended.
good summary!
Even without any war in Ukraine the Europe would have been doomed to be marginalized by South (huge zone from China to Africa) where almost 6 bln people (consumers but also producers) are living. The SMO will only fasten that gigantic process.
The future of USA will be interesting. I doubt will American business very long see Europe very interesting at all. After all Europe has been unveiled as slow, stupid, aging and quite boring small corner in global trade and business. Let the Neanderthal die out.
Europe is dying out. They have no children and all the population growth comes from immigration from Zone B.
“From the first Crusades to the invasion of the USSR by the united Europe under Hitler’s command …” Not entire Europe though. There is a Balkan nation that did not march to Russia under Hitler’s command and does not do it today.
Good hearing from Andrei. I really looking forward to discussing topics of future free world like new Europe order and security, cultural and economic soveregnity and free nations’ consolidation.
You are absolutely correct!
I did not mention Serbians because I never considered them as part of “Europe” in a political/cultural/spiritual sense.
But my apologies for this oversight, again – you are absolutely correct.
And You’re right ! We are not !
Alas, we do have an “Intellectual elite” which is mostly westward and some other flip-flappers…
Full health!
These days I watched the movie below, maybe you will like it.
thanks for the pointer, I am downloading the movie as I type this :-)
I watched the movie and I liked it a lot.
thank you again for that recommendation!
Lovely to hear from you, andrei.
The blog has been very well looked after, but I will be glad to see you back at full strength.
It seems to me the pace of the conflict is quickening now and victory is assured, We will all wait to see how President Putin conducts the next phase. Intelligently with great foresight and careful planning, for starters.
The USA is clinging to the flotsam as the sea rises around us and the once mighty ship Atlantis sinks to join the vessel Britannia, deep beneath the waves.
Dear Andrei, wonderful to hear your health is improving. Reading your perceptive, rational thoughts has always been a balm to my agitated Western Soul. Being subjected to viscous verbal attacks by family and friends when attempting to explain the reasons for Russia’s SMO takes a toll. The Saker, Moon of Alabama, Reminiscence of the Future are small psychic chapels to which I can retreat each day and know that I’m not completely mad.
Be well, warm regards to you, your family and the Saker team.
Colonel Cassad and Military Chronicle, posted above, carry almost the same info, worth to check both for the sake of comparison.
The fast collapse of the Lisichansk front and the Gorskoe/Zolote cauldron, without almost any resistance from the Ukrainian army, rises doubts about whether they had any intention to put up a fight, or there was a general understanding that falling prisoners was better than falling dead.
They were able to read their predicament objectively, realized there was nothing they could do to help the Aidar battalion and mercs in Severodonetsk, couldn’t extricate themselves toward Slavyansk or Artemivsk, only option was the white flag, as I mentioned earlier.
Details will come out in the near future, we hope.
In the meantime…
The war in Ukraine. Summary 23.06.2022
1. Severodonetsk.
It is reported that negotiations are underway on the possible delivery of prisoners at the Azot plant. Some more hostages left the factory territory. Supplies to the encircled go only by boat across the river.
2. Lisichansk.
Our troops are fighting for Belaya Gora and in the area of Volcheyarovka. The Seversk—Lisichansk road is under fire control of the Russian Armed Forces.The Lysychansk-Sievierodonets group was surrounded by operational forces. Today’s attempts by part of the group to withdraw to Seversk ended with heavy losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On this sector of the front, panic among the enemy’s personnel is growing.
The elimination of the Gorsko-Zolotoe Cauldron continues.
In Gorsky there is a sweep, part of the Gold is already occupied by our troops.
Katerynivka has been released.
According to various estimates, in the cauldron — from 1000 to 2000 soldiers and officers of the enemy.
4. Artemivsk.
Battles in Klin. There is no promotion on Pokrovsky yet.
Semigorye and Kodema are still held by the enemy.
5. Soledar.
The battles for Berestove and Belogorovka continued. The enemy still holds Nikolaevka.
6. Slavyansk.
Battles for Krasnopolye and the Valley. There is no serious progress towards Sidorovo yet.
7. Ugledar.
The enemy continued its attacks in the area of Pavlovka and Yegorovka. In the evening, intense fighting continued here. Positional battles continued in Marinka and Novomikhailovka.
8. Kharkiv.
Russian troops again entered Tsupovka, and also continued to fight for Verkhny Saltov.
The enemy went on the defensive almost along the entire line of the Kharkiv front.
9. Nikolaev.
Positional battles in the Mykolaiv and Kryvyi Rih directions. Kiselevka-for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Davydov Brod is in the gray zone.
Both sides are actively using artillery and rocket troops.
10. Zaporozhye, Odessa, Avdiivka — no changes. -broadcast of military operations in Ukraine as usual in Telegram (who is interested, subscribe)
PS. It is also worth noting the statement of Lavrov, who clarified that in any negotiations, Russia will proceed from the situation “on the ground”, and those territories that are already under the control of the Russian Federation are unlikely to want to return to Ukraine. A clear hint that Zaporizhia and the Kherson region are already lost to Ukraine.
Lone Wolf
Very happy that you are recovering. Every soldier, whether his battle is physical or spiritual, needs some R&R.
” When I see this collective woke insanity, I cannot help but wonder whether corporate “America” is not deliberately trying to really piss off the vast majority of US Americans and trigger some kind of major and violent internal crisis.”
I have wondered this myself. But Satan delights in chaos, death and destruction. He happily devours even his own servants.
“former Atlantic Integrationists like Medvedev now “coming out” as a Eurasian Sovereignist hardliner”
I would like to believe that Medvedev simply naively believed Russia would be accepted as an equal partner and that now he knows that ship has sailed. But yes, he is also a politician. At least he has a keen sense for the direction the wind is blowing.
I wonder if you know this guy?
Not personally.
He worked in the same outfit as I did, in the now long gone SND (strategic intelligence service)
I have seen his recent analyses, which are very solid.
I met a quite few of very good people during my (rather short) time at the SND. My direct superior (the initials UG is all I can share) was a superb analyst and a true officer, that means a man of honor and integrity.
Those man of honor when replaced by pathetic and utterly dishonorable NATO doormats in the early 90s.
love baud. also an article in, iirc, that is a great article, as someone else also noted, to give to curious people. fact-based, his background is very solid, pretty long but so readable. will look for link but have to go and wanted to thank you.
Great interview.
Baud definitely picks up steam as the interview progresses.
Guy Mettan from the Tribune de Geneve, Switzerland, nails Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde perfectly :
Dr. Volodymyr & Mr. Zelensky: _ the dark side of the Ukrainian president
La Suisse use to be my favorite paper, until it was dumped after reporting the murder of Uwe Barschel at the Hotel Rive Geneva.
Writing off entire countries, Switzerland, even UK, France, Germany or USA is a mistake.
Delighted to hear from you, but please do take the time you need to get well.
Our cause is just, victory shall be ours!
The untenable situation in which the Ukrainian troops find themselves at the front, and the perception they are being used as cannon fodder, which they openly state, could be one of the reasons for the collapse of the Ukrainian army in Severodonetsk/Lisichansk/Gorskoe/Zolote.
The effect on their morale is inevitably paralyzing.
The 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade, to which these “teroborona” (territorial troops) belong, is supposed to be an elite unit, one of the first ones to receive US training and weapons. From what these suffering men describe, the Brigade is in shambles. And where are the billions the CW is giving “Ali Zelensky and the 40 thieves”? Safely in their offshore accounts, while these men are being sacrificed in the altar of “democracy and freedom.”
“…We have big problems with food, water, medical supplies, and the treatment of the wounded and sick. We didn’t have any heavy weapons. The enemy’s heavy artillery worked on us all day and there was no response from our artillery. We all have various contusions or injuries that we received in combat positions. There are many people with chronic diseases. We could no longer continue our service…
Of course not.
They are being butchered, and they know it.
Check it out.
Ukrainian territorial defense in the Donbas: “We have a feeling that they want to dispose of us”
In the course of the Russian special operation on Ukrainian territory, complaints from the Armed Forces of Ukraine about their command, addressed to the public, began to appear more and more often on the Internet. This time, soldiers of the 1st company of the 74th battalion of the 57th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a video message. They themselves are from the Kirovohrad territorial defense, which was sent to fight in the Donbass.
One of the servicemen described in detail what problems they had to face.
Today we came out from near Severodonetsk. We have big problems with food, water, medical supplies, and the treatment of the wounded and sick. We didn’t have any heavy weapons. The enemy’s heavy artillery worked on us all day and there was no response from our artillery. We all have various contusions or injuries that we received in combat positions. There are many people with chronic diseases. We could no longer continue our service. We want to protect our homeland, but we have a lot of problems that need to be solved and cured now. We could not get this from the management. We will now be heading to the hospital for treatment. We express our distrust to the leadership of the brigade, the leadership of the battalion, as we have a feeling that they just want to dispose of us
– he said.
Other soldiers added that they were promised to provide artillery and other possible support. We promised them a lot. As a result, they ended up in the trenches with only machine guns and forgot about them. There was no communication for 10 days, and there are no thermal imagers or other equipment. When they asked to increase their firepower and give out various accessories for shooting, they were told-not allowed.
Before that, they spent three months at roadblocks in the Kirovohrad region. At the same time, no one was engaged in preparing them for real combat operations. Then they ended up in the Donbas. Now they are asking to deal with the managers who make such decisions.
Link to video.
Lone Wolf
Pray for those Volksturm my friend. They are tragic victims.
Reminded of that scene in the movie Downfall where the Wehrmacht medical Officer confronts the SS loading up trucks with artwork, carpets, and furniture hightailing it out of Berlin
Scene linked here
Lone Wolf,
It seems that the war is now between the Ukrainian government and their soldiers… Perhaps the ‘authorities’ fear that they are going to turn against the government, soon… This may happen.
Dear Saker: I agree with you both in general, and in every particular; especially: “… the Russians still consider homosexuality as a psychological disorder which might deserve compassion, but not affirmation (never mind encouragement). …”
You may (or may not) be pleased to learn that so does the Catholic Church: The Catechism states (2357) “… tradition has always declared ‘homosexual acts are always intrinsically disordered.’ … Under no circumstance can they be approved.”
(2358) “The number if men and women who have these deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disorders, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. ,,, .“
In other words: hate the sin, but love the sinner. In this at least, you and the Pope are on the same page
You want to put Popes and the topic of sex in the same comment?
Maybe this is news to you, but the Papacy is the SOURCE of a deeply pathological (mis)understanding of sexuality which has now fully flooded the West.
Look up “pornocracy” or “saeculum obscurum” if needed.
It was the Papacy which perverted the Patristic teachings on the original sin and its effects and which ended up officially engaging in a crusade against sex while engaging in endless perversions behind closed doors.
That is the self-same Papacy which created western imperialism.
So no, no Christian could EVER be on the “same page” as a Pope on anything.
Try your newfound Judaic friends (well, not so new found either, read Michael Hoffman) if you wish, but please leave us, Orthodox Christians alone, forever and ever, pretty please.
Also, your propaganda is banned ( by rule #20 and should not have passed moderation.
Try again and I will ban you.
Most sincerely
Eu sou ateu portugues. Sou 100 por cento a favor da Russia neste conflito com o mundo a que pertenço. Meus 5 filhos, adultos tb.Mas peço lhe que nao seja tao drastico para que o numero de pessoas do nosso lado continue a crescer.
Russia has been locked into an existential war against the West since October 1917.
oh no, not since 1917!
Since the Northern Crusades ( almost 1000 years ago.
While I was mostly busy replying to some pretty bad comments, I want to thank the rest of your for your good wishes and kind words of support. I wish I had the time to post a “thank you” under every such comment, but that would take too much time and make the comments section unreadable. So I just want to say it now
I will now retire again and prepare for my fulltime return in late July. I just wanted to tell you how touched I am by your kindness.
Hugs and cheers to all (in spite of the crazy and ugly times)
Thanks for stopping in. All the best for a speedy recovery.
The tactical analyst, I feel being the best, thinks the Lysychanks cauldron would be sealed at mid-July, and then we can hope to the end of July it would be demilitarized.
If Saker comes back after July he probably would be in time to witness some big collapse of Eastern Ukraine Frontlines. Would be lively times.
P. S. the said analyst:
People complain that his predictions are bad quality because they happen week or two off the dates he pegged. Wow, so bad indeed.
You are a light in the darkness, Andrei.
Be well.
Dear Andrei,
Your work and views are very much appreciated! Looking forward to your healthy return!
Dear Andrei!
My words (and they may count to thousands) would do no justice to your efforts. To the time spent, to your wisdom and truth that you so generously spread. I am actually envious of your ability, perseverance, generosity.
May the Providence, the Universe, the God on high provide you with a just a well earned reward.
All that you have written today is like music to my ears. Thanks, keep well, keep calm and guard your inner peace.
Happy to see you are well and will be back soon!
Thank you for your new article. We are glad your health has improved.
Just a few points here; Andrei stated…….”what began as a special military operation (SMO) has now turned into a open and full-scale war between the consolidated West (aka the Anglo-Zionist Empire) and Russia:….”
We concur with Dr. Hudson, the economist who has stated quite clearly that those within the US Hegemon thought very clearly in how to maintain the US$$ Power System. The first inkling that their system was slightly wobbly, has produced complications for President Putin and other natons ’round the world. Those plans were hatched more than a year and a half ago.
This is very typical of how the US top bankers, State Dept. folks like Victoria Nuland, Robert Khagan and many other Neo-cons think. They are quite cognizant that much of Eurasia, parts of Latin America, and elsewhere are developing their own trading partnerships with non-US currencies. This is a direct threat to the value of the US$$.
As for the anger by the Americans: – US corporate monopolists are purposely raising costs in oil/gas/water/natural gas/food/clothing against Americans not to anger them, but because their sole goal is to Make Profits.
Regarding “the Eurolemmings:” it should be pointed out these very wealthy corporate/political leaders, and EU Bankers are ALL paid off Big Bucks by the US. The US powers have been doing this for decades. And let us be cognizant of these EU “lemmings” who are making untold profits from the US/EU financial system.
Yes, there have been positive developments by the afore-mentioned nations, but it takes time and due diligence to initiate a new Financial/Trading System to reach a truly well functioning level.
For instance, Pepe Escobar is very enthusiastic about new land and sea trading ventures, but that takes years to complete. Years in the making….but those nations must all be very cognizant of what the US Hegemon can do to scuttle those developments and, oh so, much more.
Thank you for your time and we do very much appreciate your views, Andrei.
First and foremost I’d like to say all of you that it’s good to read news about Andrei Raevsky the Saker, and also reiterate the truly superb job Amarynth and Herb (sounds like an old duo that used to sing “reunited”, it was a very great time) have been doing taking care of the blog.
That said, I’d like only to underscore how deft is Dmitry Medvedev paving his way through the big crisis. I’ve been watching him and I believe he’s quite someone to keep an eye in the near future even though I’d personally prefer VVP to indicate Sergei Shoigu or the truly brilliant Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, or even the ever patient Igor Konashenkov. Here in Brasil, later this year people will decide between 2 neoliberals: Bolsonaro and Lula. I wonder when our mainstream will finally get rid of that accursed religion. Cheers and good evening everyone from fresh (14C/57F) Vale do Ipiranga
Hello Andrei.
Good to hear from you. I read your text with a bit of sorrow though. It is so much filled with contempt, disgust and even hatred towards the collective west and its leadership. My views on the world have probably a lot of similarities with your own (big exception: I’m not nearly as religious as you seem to be). And my bio (born and grown up in Europe, seen the life in dozens of countries and ended up in the U.S. almost 20 years ago) has certainly shaped my perspectives and philosophy.
However, we should try not to get too much affected by the bitterness of current events. I remember the case of a well-known German vlogger who got emotionally very involved with his topics (mainly corona) and finally understood that his cancer diagnosis may not have been coincidental.
Our bodies reflect what our minds produce. More than we know …
Having recognized this issue, I’m still struggling every day to protect myself accordingly.
All best!
“The truth is that the real West, the one born from the Middle-Ages (and *not* from the Roman or Greek civilizations!) has always been ruled by cynical, evil, thugs. In the past, these thugs always concealed their real worldview and agenda under all sorts of pious pretexts, now its only “ideology” left is pure hatred and wokism (same thing, really).”
“The period of European history extending from about 500 to 1400–1500 CE is traditionally known as the Middle Ages. The term was first used by 15th-century scholars to designate the period between their own time and the fall of the Western Roman Empire.” [ Encyclopedia Britannica]
That time span covers the rise to domination of the Roman Catholic Church or, if you will, the Latinized Christianity; and it ends with the establishment of Reform Protestantism, which understood the true nature of the Roman Church.
As an American who is fighting our mutual enemy from within, I thank you for pointing out that this is a cultural and spiritual battle. I’m an old man and my life has spanned the sexual revolution 1960’s to present and the collapse of America into cultural Marxism. Thankfully, my career as a military was over before the DoD had give itself over to perversion. America has been under attack from many fronts, none of which are foreign. It has committed warmongering relentlessly and Carrie’s the stains of the blood of millions abroad, and from abortion, at home. God is openly mocked and for the first time Christians are under assault. As for Christianity, the church in America has been gutted by liberalism and false teachers rendering it a mockery of Christ. God will not be mocked. Judgement has begun, as is evident through the ascendancy of Sodomists of every stripe. Without massive repentance, the West is finished, as it should be if God is just.
Those of us fighting to survive look to nations such as Russia as a a light in the the darkness of humanity. America is too corrupt within to correct itself. It’s cultures are too diverse and divided. I believe that a breakup of the nation into regions is the best immediate corrective. The leftist portions are beyond repair. We should know the outcome by 2032. God may have mercy and revive true Christianity.
Good to hear from you again, Saker. Glad to hear that everything is going well for you!
I have read some good news from the front. Sputnik News posted a brief listing 11 hours ago that, “LPR Forces Seize Control Over Zolotoe Settlement, Authorities Say.” Unfortunately, the report does not go into any further details, such as if the entire Zolotoye/Gorskoye pocket was liberated and if all the approximate 2,500 Kiev regime forces there surrendered. Colonel Cassad’s report from about several hours ago states that the nearby village of Katerinovka was liberated, that part of Zolotoye was liberated, and that Gorskoye is currently being cleared out. In any case, it looks like the entire pocket should probably be cleared within the next 24-48 hours.
Now, a few videos for today.
Donetsk Republic locals describe Kiev regime’s relentless shelling of their homes:
Patrick Lancaster’s recent report showing the DPR army firing Grads at Kiev regime positions near Avdeyevka:
Allied forces’ artillery hit enemy positions in the Donbass:
Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter in action:
Russian Grad’s target Kiev regime military positions:
Mr. KINZHAL taking out ammo dump!
I don’t think so. Too slow. More like unknown class weapon with Plasma or new technology.
Never apoligize for your health Andrei… enjoy it… I appreciate you and sometimes it’s good to be selfull and just focus on you and the things that are close to you and care about you, and that’s starting with your health.
There are two sides to war:
the bullets and bombs side
the talking side
I have been on both sides.
Andrei – take care of your health. The talking side always prevails.
Hello Saker!
You have been missed.
God Bless and look forward to your return.