Dear friends,
I am happy to announce that a new webmaster has been chosen. This is ‘HCS’ who will now be in charge of webmastering for all the Saker blogs. HCS is not new to our community as he had already participated in the efforts to salvage a lot of the data which had been lost as the result of the problems which happened this winter, and he has participated in the moderation of this blog. HCS will work in close coordination with the two volunteers in charge of servers and security (AA and LL). Between the three of them I am confident that we have a world-class team supporting our efforts.
I am immensely grateful to them all for their time and kind assistance!
The Saker
now we know where putin was those 10 days…fixing ya server!
Hahaha,if that is a picture of him.He certainly looks familiar.I know I’ve seen that face before,just can’t place it,lol.
The Saker…is Putin
No! No! The Saker == The Putin. For example HH == VV. And if you square VV, what do you get WWW == World Wide Web. Now square HH you get HHH == Heavy Hitting Hyperhero. Therefore its quite obvious that VV=HH=WWW=The Putin=The Saker. QED
Even more conformity.. When they say the free western press. Do they mean free to print what is allowed or just free junk ads? Not only does the US government or any western government use coercive tactics like the worst dictators in history. They get their minions of the so called private enterprise to enforce their dictates. Almost all US companies are an arm of the US government. They would not have been allowed to become so powerful if they were not like in any country private or not. Only the US has it figured out how to do it in stealth. Because the so called free press will not print anything of what is going on with someone else.
Google Disables All Ads on
On 3/18/15 we received a note from Google Adsense informing us that all ads for our site had been disabled. Why? Because of this page showing the horrific abuses committed by U.S. troops in Iraq at Abu Ghraib.
This page has been up for 11 years. During all that time Google Adsense has been running ads on our site – but as Washington gets ready to re-invade Iraq, and in bombing, killing, and abusing more civilians, they suddenly decide that their “anti-violence” policy, which prohibits “disturbing material,” prohibits any depiction of violence committed by the U.S. government and paid for with your tax dollars. This page is the third-most-visited page in our history, getting over 2 million page views since it was posted.
Is Google now an arm of the U.S. State Department?
Well, almost everyone else is, either knowingly or more often unwittingly, so why should they be any different?
The Hegemon’s ‘suits’ can be quite persuasive I hear.
Once I have read more details about how Google is managed by the US elite. Just follow the former CEO Eric Schmidt, he is part of the Deep State. He is on the board of Economist magazine. He is the chairman of The New America Foundation etc.
If you don’t have to, don’t touch and use anything even remotely related to Google. Don’t use @gmail !!!
You can use
Before using Gibiru (rhymes with “Nibiru”) see a Gibiru Review, and that site’s home page.
Google has made no secret of the many contracts it has to provide services to the US security state.
I concur with the suggestion that everyone stay away from Google. Use Duckduckgo or other search engines, and boycott gmail altogether.
You’re right. An other nice Google service:
If you want to see what your cell phone history has, go to here: and Login with your gmail username / password
If you have an iphone with google maps installed (prior to version 3.2.1), then you can access the same information.
More information on this is here:
You can see on google maps EVERYWHERE you’ve ever went. You can see your movements 24/7 for the last several years.
Google and many other western media/internet companies are pretty heavily dominated by zionists. I’m not sure their (often hidden) power is all for the good on the non-jewish populations using them.
I wish there were like tens of different alternative search engines with same width as google. Google has totally taken over national search engines that existed at the beginning of WWW.
Comeuppance come late for raimondo there & his merry band, who not just vehemently denied anything wrong about the official 911 story, but would send out e-mails openly mocking truthers who deviated one bit from it.
Quite the mother of all disconnects, no, considering 911 was the supposed reason for it all along.
i suspect it’s an arranged publicity shadow boxing puppet fight; just look at the 2 ‘contestants’ here.
mmiriww says, “Almost all US companies are an arm of the US government. ”
You know, mmiriww, I think it’s just the opposite: The corporate world, including especially the banks, control the US govt. Certainly they control the Congress and the two political parties thru their immense campaign funds. Thru the 2 political parties they select who gets to run for president so that there is no possibility of getting an honest candidate. Then the president appoints so many others to head the bureaucracy and the military/intelligence and the judiciary and State Dept.
But I wd definitely say its the corporations that are in the driver’s seat– or rather, a tiny group of people who sit on their boards and own major shares in the financial institutions.
Thank you for your work in opposing war.
Google is an invention of the CIA,,,, Nafeez Ahmed covers it here
Thank you Ann for this article, got a glance at “snooping” community. Does that imply they participate in the Saker’s forum?
Regards, Spiral
Glad you got more help, now don’t blow it and tick this new guy off. ;D
I’m sure that was not the case…
Ann – I was joking.
well, I’ve given it some thought.
This HCS fella is obviously a real swell guy, to be working for the Saker when he could be making a lot more money hiring himself out as a double for Putin.
note to editor;
I am happy to announce that a new webmaster
havebeen chosenI am happy to announce that a new webmaster has been chosen
@ webmaster HCS,
Thank you.
The videos of the saker and of are all blocked. An easy way to censor globally. How does one unblock these? Your new team must be aware how this is accomplished?
Use a different search engine. I prefer
I’ll be working on a small stealthy app to scrap and index all the videos for posterity.
@The Goat
Just kidding – I believe you..:)
Unfortunately most of these videos are hosted on Youtube, which I believe is a subsidiary of Google now. They have a sophisticated censorship system, and may selectively block things depending on your IP address and other information about your location.
You can try to find a proxy, and play the videos through that. But they also tend to block those.
Anyway, the bottom line is that there is nothing HCS nor the Saker nor the host in Iceland can do about blocked videos. (and probably can’t afford the bandwidth to natively host videos in Iceland) The other day I went back and looked up an article about MH17, where there was a video that was made by the BBC but never run on TV. That video has now been removed. By order of the BBC. Too bad, but that’s the way it is. (in the video, the translated statements of locals all described two or three “steel-colored” small jets following the airliner and hastily retreating to the east after the crash [as I recall])
Oh, and welcome HCS. This new job promises to be a challenge. From you picture, I’d say you are more than equal to it, however.
Another thing you can try is to look around for the source of a video. A while back, when the Saker was posting episodes of ANNA News, Youtube decided not to host them for political-correctness reasons or something. They probaby got a note from the Ministry of Truth. I searched around and found them also hosted on a place called RUtube. But the link was slow and less reliable, because RUtube clearly doesn’t have the gargantuan, cosmic, budget for bandwidth that Youtube has.
For example, the same video can be seen in all of these places:
Good luck.
hi saker doin some fine work i recently asked you about getn twitter links for your articles so they could be sent to my followers and all to see on twitter but they havnt appeared on updated site will it be done do u know thanks
Suggestion: use a free service like to shorten the links to the Saker posts and then post them on Twitter
Thanks a lot, HCS, for your support, and good luck to all.
The picture had me dreamwalking :P
Dear HCS,
Welcome and thank you for helping The Saker and AA and LL to keep the blog running.
(off topic, but timely)
Proposed: people should repeat as often as possible the phrase:
Netanyahu’s “two-faced” solution.
What could be clearer, now?
When Netanyahu refers to a “two-state” solution he means a “two-faced” solution.
Netanyahu pretends to seek a negotiated peaceful “two-state” solution but all the while
in reality he pursues a prolonged act of theft.
Stuff like this might, just might be kind of embarrassing for Nutty and Obomber:
Congratulation for attracting the best Saker and thank you “HCS” for your contribution.
I have a question for you Saker or anyone from the community:
a) Is there a full version of the movie “Crimea. A Way Home” with English of French sub-titles?
b) If the answer is no, do you know if a version will be available, and when?
There is a version in many parts at live leak — don’t know if all the parts are there yet. LInk to firs is and search results is with further parts on the first two pages.
These are not nice to try to download, though, and I got some sort of spoof rootkit message from one of the web sites that provides that service.
Someone said it will be available on Wednesday — dunno… But you can watch it on line at liveleak.
Russia should put up a site to store videos and such, with provisions to download, both for archiving and because the on line players are terrible. Getting away from google and youtube and having an alternative host is important. Perhaps Yandex could do something like that. For Russia to do something like this would be a very small bite in it’s defense or public relations budget and would be very cost effective — it wouldn’t have to carry everything, but just the blocked political material.
There are 14 episodes for the whole movie on LiveLeak. After part 10 (until a moment ago) there is no link to the other episodes on the site. But when you put “Crimea. Way back home episode ..”(number)” in your search machine, you’ll find a link to the referred episode on LiveLeak.
Thanks to Blue and maybe others(?), I visited Liveleak, collected and watched the remainder of the fine movie. I’ll copy my list and please pardon if this appears too repetitious in 1 post — but it is Complete, enjoyable and 100% gripping! About 2-1/2 hours, total :-)
Crimea. Way Back Home. Ep.1 – Saving President Yanukovich
14 minutes
Ep.2 – Rage of the Maidan Orcs
7 minutes
Episode 3 – Berkut. People’s Protectors
12 minutes
Episode 4 – Sevastopol. Defence of Crimean Parliament
13 minutes
Episode 5 – Crimean Tatars
6 minutes
Episode 6 – Greeting Right Sector’s “Train of Friendship”. Simferopol Airport
15 minutes
Episode 7 – Crimean Referendum. Vote of Crimean Parliament
9 minutes
Episode 8 – Berkut and Kuban Cossacks. Defence of the Border
10 minutes
Episode 9 – Black Sea Fleet. Coastal Defence System Bastion-P
5 minutes
Episode 10 – Night Wolves in Yalta. Apprehension of Ukr. General Mikhail Koval
9 minutes
Episode 11 – Neutralization and Defection of Ukr. Foces in Crimea to Russia
10 minutes
Episode 12 – Natalia Poklonskaya. Night Wolves in Sevastopol
10 minutes
Episode 13 – Neutralization of NATO partners – Battalion Galichina
9 minutes
Episode 14 – Return of Crimea. Summary
14 minutes
Excellently collected. Thank you.
Thank you very much to all of you. My wife and I watched each episode and we are very impressed.
I knew the Vineyard community would help in my request, but I did not expect such an overwhelming response… What a team…
thanks, but it’s not us.The Live-Leak network did it, and there are translations coming in they said 30 languages. We try to spread important information, wherever it comes from .
US Woman, thank you so much. Now I can watch it trouble-free tomorrow.
Thanks for the list – spread widely.
Episode 9 was damaged and has been re-uploaded to
Excellent series on Crimea interspersed with an interview with Putin. Many, many thanks.
Very well done and it should be front and centre here and elsewhere too, IMO.
Episode 9, especially, should be viewed by everyone, to demonstrate just how ridiculous and dangerous to world health the US driven Neocon brinkmanship has edged.
I think Putin could hardly keep a straight face at 8:45 when he stated the SU-24 buzz-jobs were not authorised by him and that they had been ‘naughty’.
I saw the post from HJay and wnet to live leak, and then went back and reposted the link to the source (but had lost who posted it originally). Now we have a complete list thanks to US Woman, and further information.
That’s the way this community works: gathering, correcting, and augmenting information and ideas, making up a formidable collective intelligence and information source, which is then picked up by others and spread around the world, in a vast non-hierarchical anti-fascist network.
This is how we will win.
Not just you. We, the community, are, also, gratefull.
Excellent news and much gratitude towards HCS (and the other information warriors involved).
As to the issue of ‘free speech’ which is being discussed in various threads, we should remember that it should be about information, political content, bewaring the ‘Ideas of March’ (and other monhs), etc. — not about long rants of poopoopeepee and nasty Hebdo cartoons. Sure, one can say the medium is the massage, but that goes only so far, and the legitimate content is the most important thing, and that’s what is generally blocked or banned by the empire’s sites. One does not have to troll or be blatantly offensive, or tell lies, or be ridiculous, to effectively transmit legitimate content.
@ blue,
Q; Sure, one can say the medium is the massage..,
R: Et tu,
Hey — Ah’m an old guy with ehquired desleeksieh — geev me rehm foower tipagraphehcal eerurs.
(It’s from reading that thread abute Franch sensuresheep.)
But then, a message often is massage now — knead the brain and turn it around with psycholinguistic massage.
It’s a shame Peter Sellers died so young — but Dr. Strangelove lives on. What used to be satire is now foreign policy.
And this time they really really really mean it.
March 22
The underlying problem for Greece, as we have been writing ever since October, is that the country is not only out of money, but it is now almost $4 billion in the hole. It is, in effect, insolvent. Which is why Greece is now desperate to walk back on all of its election promises because having lost the one trump card it had, namely to default on its Eurosystem debt (precisely what the infamous Varoufakis “middle finger” speech was all about), or exist the Eurozone on its own terms, Greece is now scrambling to survive day to day, even as its bank run threatens to implode its banks at any given moment. More from the FT:
Re Greexit:
I often find good items at David Stockman’s Contra Corner. I cannot evaluate them as an economist because—surprise!–I am not an economist. But he makes sense to me. Here is his most recent take on the situ with Merkel/euro/Greece:
David Stockman’s Contra Corner
By David Stockman
With each passing day it becomes more obvious that Europe is heading for an epochal financial conflagration. So buy-the-dip if you must, but don’t believe for a minute that the US has decoupled. When the euro and EU eventually implode it will rattle the bones of every gambler and algo left in the casinos anywhere on the planet.
Yes, the school yard name calling and roughhousing now going on in Europe makes it appear that behind the sturm und drang there is some negotiations happening. But the truth is there is nothing to negotiate. Greece is so completely and terminally bankrupt that there is no solution other than default and greexit. .. . .
[continue reading rest of article at the URL]
I’m so glad Putin not only reads Saker religiously but actually runs the whole vineyard. Don’t let the Wicked Witch of the West get wind of this or she’ll tax our mountain dew grapes. What can one do with a witches’ cauldron but laugh it into oblivion? I must escape to the garden before I become part of the stew. I feel relieved that we have three virtuous websters that have Saker’s back. Cheers.
Not sure where to post it. You may be interested. Here is the link:
Harper™, leader of the former parliament led Canada, is incrementally shutting down the independent CBC, preferring Fox News style broadcasts that soothe his narcissitic wishes and spew hate propaganda without any question of journalistic balance.
Others are trying to save the CBC but with the swill they are continually churning out on Russia/Ukraine I think they are now beyond worth saving.
Terrific, Anonymous. Wow, who are those two gorgeous women w Putin?
Don’t say that. Andrew said we are not supposed to mention attractive women.
Should be a good real life acid test to see who really runs this AIIB, because if they actually invite in ol’ Leatherface here & her cohorts trying to weasel in, u’ll know!
So many events to keep track of, but IIRC this AIIB did invite (mockingly?) the USSA in, but as an observer only, a few weeks ago. they declined the offer, seeing it as an insult.
Meanwhile, Switzerland is now on board and India, Indonesia, and New Zealand are reportedly set to follow. As a reminder, the deadline for applications is the end of this month and it appears that the UK’s move to become a founding member has suddenly made the AIIB the coolest club on the block. Australia is expected to tender a “qualified yes” tomorrow.
I smell Rothschild. An end to Chaos Theory, and something more devious instead?
Mr Global at work. Penelope, did you see the Catherine Austin Fitts lecture at the Secret Space Program…I linked it a couple of days ago, but its super easy to find.
I was thinking of you.
I am sure the pictured ‘webmaster’ above is well aware of the vile family business of dealing in death portrayed here. Quite the horrible family.
‘Thuggess’ Nuland and PNAC thug hubby Kagan responsible for thousands of killings in Ukraine and elsewhere and upping the risk of nuclear confrontation. Hey, it’s only ‘bidness’:
Bollyn did have an article up, “Russia Under Attack”, supposedly /14562/ on his site, as the detailed expose of Kagan/kaganovich & nuland, but it’s now missing!
(but use browser page word search “kagan” to find, scroll far down main page is enough of a discussion later of it gives you the flavor).
here’s his recent piece on that Tunisian massacre. (near top main page)
Is Netanyahu Behind the Massacre in Tunis?
March 20, 2015
The senseless terrorist attack on innocent civilians at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, in fact, bolstered no one except Benjamin Netanyahu, whose duplicity had been utterly exposed the day before the attack – when he was re-elected to head the Zionist state that occupies Palestine.
The Three Stooges of Mossad’s SITE Intelligence Group
No group had even claimed responsibility for the murderous attack on tourists visiting the Bardo National Museum in Tunis until the Israeli website, SITE Intelligence Group, “interpreted” the terrorist attack for the Western media – and blamed Islamic State – the following day.
note to editor;
[1st paragraph, last line]
…team supporting
outefforts.…team supporting our efforts.
note to editor;
Between the three of them I am confident that we
arehave a world-class team…Between the three of them I am confident that we have a world-class team
i prefer commas in this place
“we are-comma- have-comma- a world class team”.
thanks for last podcast Saker.
From Fort Russ
>Just to make things more interesting, Kolomoysky called for recognizing DPR and LPR as the de-facto authorities in Eastern Ukraine, in an apparent bid to prevent a two-front war against both Kiev and Novorossia. At the same time, Kolomoysky called for “financial federalization” of Ukraine, under which 90% of tax revenue would never leave the regions.<
If this is correct it is a major game changer.
I was just about to post this. The start of the Oligarchs turning on each other.
I note Chocie boy is going to have a headache tomorrow as he didn’t deal with the first break-in and now things are getting worse……will Chocie cave in again and the rest of the Rada?….or is this the start of new fronts…….or are the US encouraging Kolomoisky to get rid of Chocie? – we shall see…..
Vladimir Putin Not Responsible for Ukrainian Civil War, Expert Says
Worth watching share around.
Through a careful review of recent history, Russia and Soviet scholar Paul Robinson debunks the claim that Russian President Vladimir Putin is directing the rebels fighting in Ukraine’s eastern region.
“No plausible evidence has been produced to indicate that members of the Russian army were involved at the start of the uprising,” says Robinson of the civil war in the
Very naive if he thinks US NGOs, CIA, US Department of State were not behind the coup.
Hey Saker:
You must post this series of videos, Crimea: Way Back Home!
Fantastic Rescue of #Ukraine President Yanukovich!!! (Part One)
And don’t EVER mess with this guy . . .
Send in the 5th columnists!
This will be the exact opening play of the playbook as that john perkins wrote about a decade ago for taking down countries.
But I’m having a tough time picturing Lagarde seated with this bunch in the picture, trying to look inconspicuous.
Because the AIIB effectively represents the beginning of the end for US hegemony, the White House has demeaned the effort from its inception questioning the ability of non-G-7 nations to create an institution that can be trusted to operation in accordance with the proper “standards.” Now, with 35 nations set to join as founders, it appears Washington may be set to concede defeat. Here’s more, via WSJ:
Citizens riot against National Guard
Soft power and hard currency on China’s part seems to have won the day.
As far as I know China will retain 49% voting rights, so 5th columnists will be fighting an uphill battle.
I found this article on US plans quite interesting
Cassad warning of buildup to amphibious Donetz crossing coming.
looks to be just over these past few days (weekend?)
Plus there is also information that the junta is deploying pontoons for crossing Seversky Donetsk and is pulling vehicles towards the supposed locations of crossing. Overall, to the question of “When?” almost all militia fighters and those who have to do with them reply “Soon”.
but only the other day militia was reporting that ukr forces have destroyed at least 40 bridges in recent months……..
Welcome HCS we are so grateful that you have decided to join this fantastic blog respected by many around the world
to the western intel agents monitoring this site: america will fragment and devolve into guerilla warfare. no operations can prevent this outcome. you are losing- you have lost the infowar. you have lost the hot war. peace sought by ru and cn will destroy you.
your only options are surrender or the nuclear destruction of the planet.
ypur fight has been devoid of humanity and honor starting with the genocide of the indian nations.
your efforts in the service of capitalism won’t be rewarded.
you don’t deserve to survive the coming times.
AsiaTimes MAR 22 re-did their site completely, to my surprise I caught it now just 1 day after.
Pepe Escobar on the Silk Road & high-speed TSR railway Siberia- China planned.
I finally caught Pepe in perpetuating a gross lie peddled down history, the one about Marco Polo.
The only “trip” he ever took to the Orient in the 1200’s was in a hookah pipe dream.
just search it & you’ll see the outrageously obvious things, sights & customs he somehow left out of his scribblings.
And somehow all local records of his trips to these places & potentates show no such person ever being there.
t’s as if the Angel of History – that striking image in a Paul Klee painting eulogized by philosopher Walter Benjamin – is now trying to tell us that a 21st century China-EU Seidenstrasse synergy is all but inevitable. And that, crucially, would have to include Russia, which is a vital part of the New Silk Road through an upcoming, Russia-China financed $280 billion high-speed rail upgrade of the Trans-Siberian railway. This is where the New Silk Road project and President Putin’s initial idea of a huge trade emporium from Lisbon to Vladivostok actually merge.
Weakening dollar hegemeny. Will you look at this.
great audio of Cynthia McKinney, 1 month ago…at the end she talks about organizing resistance.
Very big standoff Kolomoisky and Poroshenko w his US backers over Kolomoisky’s takeover by force of Ukrnafta. Kolomoisky is barricaded inside, using his private army, in defiance of the Ukrainian state.
There’s no way he wd do this w/o serious backing to counteract the US, so I’m betting this is a Mossad operation. Kolomoisky occupies a couple of executive positions in Jewish organizations, has Israeli citizenship.
He was warned by the US ambassader about “law of the jungle,” but is not heeding. Scroll down to find 2 stories on this topic, pics.
There has been recent Rothschild action to buy up Ukraine bonds. 2d Jewish homeland??
Kolomoisky’s brinkmanship in grabbing Ukrnafta likely to be the manner in which Rockefeller and Rothschild are fighting each other to take over Ukraine. Looks like Rothschild is offering thru Kolomoisky to give up DPR/LPR in return for a free hand with the rest of Ukraine. (Maybe)
It’s bothered me for a long time: Where is China getting all the money she’s spending for these huge infrastructure projects? She is NOT selling her US treasuries. Reason for her slowdown to a “mere” 7% growth said to be her debt burden. Who does she owe it to– anybody know?
Any “western” country with 7% growth would be booming. Work everywhere, money everywhere.
In securities and foreign exchange I thought China held about 4 trillion $US. Perhaps those figures are not right, but maybe rather than holding profits in US treasuries, China is looking to sink profits into offshore infrastructure? They seem to have built more than enough domestic infrastructure to last for awhile and all the time accumulating foreign reserves.
Peter, China DOES hold huge US T-bills but she didn’t sell them down to finance her infrastructure spending. Instead she borrowed, has debt of about 240% of GDP. My question: WHO did she borrow from?
Here is link for monthly US (TIC) Treasury International Capital.
Current to JAN/2015.
Lists by country/principality foreign holdings of UST securities (all debt instruments= dollars, and payable in dollars= whatever 1 dollar will buy that day. so that’s why so much–just printed out of thin air )
Interesting ! The MSM (and RT) is carrying the report that Texas Senator Ted Cruz.A nutcase crazy is going the run for President in 2016.The only problem (besides him being a nut) is he was born in Canada,not the US.And so is ineligible to be President.Before anyone brings up Obama.Remember, he denies not being born in the US.And no one has provided any real proof he wasn’t born in Hawaii.While Cruz doesn’t deny (at least until now) being born outside the US. Here is the RT report:
“Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz announces 2016 presidential bid”
Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz announced on Monday that he’s running for the 2016 presidential elections. He became the first major candidate to jump into the race. “I am running for president and I hope to earn your support,” he tweeted. The Tea Party favorite will officially launch his bid during his speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. In an online video on his Twitter account, the 44-year-old showed a preview of his campaign’s message. “It’s a time for truth, a time to rise to the challenge, just as Americans have always done. I believe in America and her people, and I believe we can stand up and restore our promise,” he said.
Great, another ultra-zionist as president of the war empire. Remember: “If you hate Israel, you hate America”
Ted Cruz Booed Offstage By Christians Who Had Enough
US Scolds Allies Who Don’t Buy US Weapons
As I’ve said before, the number one export of the US is war. Trillions of dollars are made by the US Military-Industrial Complex, and a large sized chunk of change is made by selling instruments of war to countries considered allies.
US To The Rescue! New Budget Weapon Plan!
Last month, the US launched an easy-payment plan for NATO countries to get their weapons at a better price.
I ran across this article on US troops “having fun” in Afghanistan.They reminded me a lot of the “Bandera” having fun in Novorossia. It would be a good idea to read the article.And then think of the contrast between those men,and the men of the NAF we see and hear about.And then also think that those type of US troops will be training the Bandera to “fight” against the people of Novorossia:
“The Kill Team: How U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Murdered Innocent Civilians
Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime images the Pentagon tried to censor”
Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
Congratulations and, once again, thank you so much!
Kolomoisky has shown his true colours. He is taking over offices of the energy companies in a direct move against Poroshenko. He has also stated that he recognizes LNR and DNR. I’m sure the people of the LNR and DNR are fully aware of his part, along with other oligarchs, in Odessa and Mariupol, so this has to be an excellent example of chutzpa.
See 2 leaked phone calls from 23:45 onwards in Roses Have Thorns Part 9
Putin disappear? Looks like he was there all along. see article by Alexander Mercouris on how the West does not “get” Russia again.
Crimea:still ongoing ;
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan offered a $50 million loan to Ukraine and called for the rights of Crimean Tatars to be protected during a trip to Kiev on Friday March 20th , but avoided outright criticism of trade partner Russia.
In a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Erdoğan said Turkey was also offering $10 million in humanitarian assistance on top of the loan, which is meant to help Ukraine cover its budget deficit.
“We have expressed our support for the territorial integrity, political union and sovereignty of Ukraine, including Crimea, in every platform,” Erdoğan said, voicing support for the Minsk ceasefire brokered by Germany and France in February.
Sooner or later the Crimea will return there to whom it belongs, and our shared responsibility to do so as soon as possible – out of respect for the rights of our citizens, international law and for the sake of global security “- calls Poroshenko. “Russia by their actions not only” encroached on international law, but also robbed Ukrainian citizens the right to live in their own state, “- says the president of Ukraine, mentioning the” threat of deportation and violation of the rights of local inhabitants of the peninsula, especially the Crimean Tatars. ”
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko 23rd Feb has met with Crimean Tatar leaders in Kyiv to discuss the situation of Crimean Tatars in Crimea, [the chairman of the] Mili Mejlis Refat Chubarov wrote on Facebook.
The meeting was attended the Ukraine’s President, Commissioner on Crimean Tatar issues Mustafa Jemilev, Mili Mejlis chairman Mejlis Refat Chubarov, and Kurultay delegate Rustem Umerov.
“All the discussed issues were related to Crimea and the necessity of protection of rights of Crimea’s residents, – Chubarov said. “I hope that the results of the initiatives we made on the international level will have an effect”.
National Tatar Movement
Thousands of Crimean Tatars gathered at the building of Crimean Parliament Feb 26 2014, to show their support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.Some were arrested,appeals refused.
Human Rights Watch etc amongst others “monitoring” claimed Tatars problems some while.
On March 13, 2014, Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People MRefat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People met in Simferopol with a group of 13 EU member states: Lithuania – Mr Petras Vaitiekūnas, France – Alain Remy, Sweden ,Refat Chubarov underscored that the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People makes it best to avert a threat to life and security of Crimean population.
The ambassadors of Lithuania, Sweden and OSCE assured that the international organizations and governments of their states use all mechanisms in order to solve the crisis in Crimea and around Crimea.
SIMFEROPOL (QHA) – Deputy head of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people Nariman Dzhelal was appointed first deputy head of Mejlis. The decision was made March 21 during Mejlis session in Simferopol, attended by 24 Mejlis member.
Nariman will now supervise the activity of Mejlis—representative body of Crimean Tatars—in Crimea.
Meanwhile Ilmiy Umerov was appointed deputy head of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people, so became a member of Mejlis Presidium.
The appointment of Dzhelal comes amid the arrest of Mejlis deputy head Ahtem Chiygoz, charged with organizing mass disorder during pro-Ukrainian rally in Simferopol, which took place before Crimea’s unification a year ago.
Refat Chubarov—head of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people—was banned from entering Crimea for 5 years, charged with “inciting interethnic hatred”.
re Tatar dispora networks
claims Tatars have a much worse life now, Mr. Dzhemilev, who was barred from Crimea after the Russian takeover, warned that “if the war starts in Crimea it will mean the extermination of the entire Crimean Tatar population” in the region.”
Crimea cont:re previous post
Lithuania had organised the Tatar meeting at United Nations March 19th
re Tatar TV channel:
(QHA) – “Those who incite conflict and give people hope that Crimea will back to Ukraine will not be able to work in Crimea, head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov said in an interview with Ria Novosti
Aksyonov specifically mentioned ATR saying that “the management of the channel has been told that (it is unacceptable) to escalate the situation and arouse a feeling of tension among the population, linked with the fact that the channel gives hope of Crimea’s return to Ukraine, inciting other people to action, and speaks of how later those who received Russian passports will be dealt with. The work of such channels at the present semi-war time is unacceptable”, Aksyonov said.
To recall, Russia’s mass media and telecom watchdog Roskomnadzor refused to register ATR– the only Crimean Tatar television channel—as Russian media. All attempts by the channel to re-register were unsuccessful, as has returned documents submitted by ATR four times, refusing to consider the channel’s application, amid the deadline for registrations is April 1.
Children’s Crimean Tatar TV channel Lale and the only Crimean Tatar radio station Meydan– are also at risk of closure, as they had also been denied the registration by Roskomnadzor.
Meanwhile, Yury Stets, Ukraine’s Minister of ‘Information Policy’ announced that ATR will be able to broadcast its content from mainland Ukraine.”
final bit :
MOSCOW, 5 March. /TASS/. Allegations of the former leader of Mejlis (the body representing Crimea’s Muslim minority, Crimean Tatars), Mustafa Dzhemilev, about arrests of Crimean Tatars in the Black Sea peninsula are groundless and distort the real situation there, the spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday commenting on Dzhemilev’s interview with a French magazine.
MOSCOW, March 23 /TASS/. Results of recent opinion polls conducted by Western companies in Crimea fully match the results of the March 16 referendum on the peninsula’s status held a year ago in 2014, a Russian lawmaker told journalists on Monday.
“Some Western politicians can say whatever they like about last year’s March referendum in Crimea but it is very hard to deny the survey results canvassed from Crimean inhabitants by Western sociologists this year,” Vladimir Dzhabarov, the first vice-chairman of the Federation
He noted the fact that the results of this year’s sociological surveys fully matched the results of the 2014 referendum showed that the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol had no plans or desire to return under Kiev’s jurisdiction.
Divide and conquer#umpteen..
Since the Tatars primary identity is neither Ukrainian nor Russian, whither the concern by such ‘leaders’ with the ‘sovereign integrity’ of Ukraine? The Crimeans are overwhelmingly Russian-ethnic – around 75% – with much of the remainder made up of Euros. Since when does a minority get to decide the fate of the majority? Why disregard the democratic will of the Crimeans?
As there is no Tatar homeland/nation, why do those that do not like Russian Federation simply relocate to rump Ukraine?
I smell a Saakashvilli-type stunt. What a pathetic, transparently-obvious attempt to destabilize and misrepresent recent history in the Crimea.
Wonder how many USDs this douche is being paid?
long article with details of USA info/psychological IO wars etc, who etc
maybe Saker knows these persons personally……!!!!!!!
Tony B. Liar, jet-setting war criminal at large.
Offshore Gaza Gas/Egypt/BP…
Around the same time BG signed its letter of intent with the Israeli energy consortium, Israel launched its military incursion into Gaza, Operation Protective Edge. Even as Israel resumed air strikes against Hamas after the predictable failure of an Egyptian-brokered “ceasefire,” Israeli and Egyptian officials were in secret talks over the sale of $60 billion worth of Israeli gas to Egypt.
The focus of these deals was not just about meeting domestic demand in Egypt, but to provide Israel an avenue to export to global markets. David Shrem, a Tel Aviv-based portfolio manager at Sphera Funds Management Ltd described the deals as “the first significant ones for regional export . . . From these LNG plants in Egypt, Israeli gas can reach European and Asian markets.”
MAR 19
Re Russia Insider. It appears to me that this site is going ahead in leaps and bounds. There has been a huge response to the site. But it feels a little strange to me this amazing growth AND the slickness of the site including the appeals for crowd funding etc. more than just a few friends getting together. I wonder if RI so called growth is so that it can capture the pro Russian market to better control many of the messages that go out about Russia. I think it needs to be kept an eye on. It’s to slick, got big too soon and must have some backing from somewhere.
Charles Bausmann has quite openly stated that RI has some big donors behind it – he said so at the launch of the crowdfunding appeal.
But its unexpected success – and the speed of it – took them by surprise. Hence the appeal. Plus, a more diverse source of funding gives it’s editorial strategy much more legitimacy and dilutes financial control.
If I may be permitted a (dis)respectful comment, I think the caption for the picture illustrating this article should read:
“Hmmm…Who are these fleas which dare talk about me ?