A message to VENEZUELA from SWITZERLAND via CHILE#HANDSOFFVENEZUELA, We were right about #RUSSIAGATE we’re right about VENEZUELA.LoveR.
Posted by Roger Waters on Sunday, March 24, 2019
A message to VENEZUELA from SWITZERLAND via CHILE#HANDSOFFVENEZUELA, We were right about #RUSSIAGATE we’re right about VENEZUELA.LoveR.
Posted by Roger Waters on Sunday, March 24, 2019
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(…vivo en Buenos Aires, Argentina, por eso el mensaje en mi idioma…)
Gracias, querido Roger, por sacarme lágrimas a mis 59 años, cada vez que te escucho.
Dios te guarde SIEMPRE, mi Hermano..!
(…my apologies and gratitude EVER, Dear Saker..!)
Translation – “(…I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, that’s why the message in my language…)
Thank you, dear Roger, for tearing me to tears when I was 59, every time I hear you.
God keep you ALWAYS, my Brother..!”. Mod.
Venezuela is going to be alright. Guiado’s accomplices are being rounded up, the people have enough food, the country is united and apart from anything else Venezuela has numerous powerful friends.
Maduro also said that the union of Russia, China, Iran, Turkey and Belarus will allow Venezuela to receive everything necessary to meet the country’s pharmaceutical needs.
What does seem quite amazing is the rate at which the US is being reduced to idiotic impotence. It seems to be happening quite fast.
Don’t they realise how ridiculous they now look and weren’t Nicaragua and Cuba also slated for destruction?
They are being outmanoeuvred right across the planet, quietly and systematically.
“… Pompeo … told … Lavrov that the United States and regional countries will not stand idly by as Russia exacerbates tensions in Venezuela …” https://sputniknews.com/world/201903251073524212-pompeo-venezuela-russia-tensions/
What, specifically, is the AngloZionist Empire now going to “do”? Release more hot air?
But far more importantly: how much actual leverage does Russia have in defending Venezuela?
“… how much actual leverage does Russia have in defending Venezuela? …”
25 March 2019: Venezuela Military Deploys S-300 Missiles Following Russian Troop Arrival
“This prick Richard Branson”..This is priceless!
Wonderfully humane and spontaneous message from RW- I agree.
Do please visit the Café and let us know how is life in your new home in Russia. I am truly deeply jealous in the purest sense
This is what a free man sounds like and how he has to live. In any language, singing or not, anywhere on our planet.
Viva Roger Waters!
This video is like the cold pure water of high mountain stream. It cleanses and refreshes.
Cheers to Roger Waters:
‘Guaido Can Go Back to Being Street Thug’: Waters Says Venezuela Coup Has Failed
“The legendary former Pink Floyd frontman and activist has repeatedly slammed US meddling in Venezuela, denouncing politicians from across the political spectrum over their alleged ‘collusion’ to try to destroy the country.
The attempt to carry out a foreign-backed regime change operation in Venezuela has failed, Roger Waters has announced.
“It’s failed. The coup failed. Guaido can go back to being a thug on the street, or whatever it was that he did,” Waters said, speaking to his followers on Twitter.
We were right about #RUSSIAGATE we’re right about VENEZUELA.
Watch full video: https://t.co/l6XGCacGrv #ElDerechoDeVivirEnPaz pic.twitter.com/uvuJqFAk1j
— Roger Waters (@rogerwaters) 24 марта 2019 г.
“To see a great experiment in Bolivarian socialism taking place in a great country like Venezuela, and to watch the evil empire destroy it, is sickening,” the rock star stressed, presumably referring to the United States and its efforts to meddle in the Latin American country’s internal affairs.”
‘Stop the evil empire’: Roger Waters says ‘the coup’ in Venezuela has failed (VIDEO)
“The attempt by foreign powers to impose regime change in Venezuela has failed, ex-Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters has said, adding that final victory over the “evil empire” was on the horizon.
“Maybe Maduro needs to take lessons in evil dictatorship from some of the people supported by the United States of America,” the rock star joked.
He ended his video with a short message to his fans.
We are strong, and we are many, and we will win this battle in the end. Stop the evil empire.”
The zionazi quisling, and obvious closet homosexual, bolton, accused Russia of supporting the legitimate President of Venezuela. Imagine that. What unimaginable horror will Russia engage in next.. :-D
US Will Not Tolerate ‘Hostile Foreign Meddling’ in Western Hemisphere – Bolton
Hat’s off to Roger Waters – spot on. Growing up in the sixties, I am accustomed to this display of activism – this is what a LOT of famous musicians did back then – spoke out with force and eloquence against war and all that BS. Drove the so called ‘elites’ insane. Bravo.
Over $30 billion of Venezuela’s assets stolen on ‘Trump’s orders’ – official
“More than US$30 billion were illegally diverted from Venezuela in two months, the country’s communications and information minister has revealed, accusing the US of orchestrating the operation.
Around $1 billion of the stolen funds from national assets in international banks was transferred to the personal accounts of opposition leaders, according to Communications and Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez. The money is meant to finance “terrorist cells against the country,” he added.
“They have resorted to stealing the assets that Venezuela holds in different banks. This money is being confiscated at the request of the [US President Donald] Trump administration. Over $30 billion has been stolen in the past couple of months,” Rodriguez said on Saturday as cited by VTV state television.
The scheme was allegedly coordinated by US-backed opposition leader and self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido, as well as his key aids – Leopoldo Lopez, and the recently detained Roberto Marrero, among others. Information gathered from Marrero’s cell phone indicates that Venezuelan lawyer Juan Planchart received some part of the stolen money, according to the minister.
Last week, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accused “the devil’s puppet” Guaido of plotting his assassination. Earlier in March, he accused Washington of stealing $5 billion in Venezuelan funds allocated for buying substances necessary for medicine production and their delivery to hospitals and pharmacies.”
Venezuela Minister Posts PHOTOS of ‘Attacked Power Plant’ to Show Blackout Cause
There have been a number of large-scale power outages across the country in recent weeks, with
the most massive one to date occurring on 7 March, when over 30 million citizens suffered from lack
of access to vital needs like water supplies.