by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog
Neoliberal economics:
Establishment version: modern free market freedom, practised by freedom loving people, to freely create freedomaceous wealth everywhere! Woohoo!
Real World Translation: rigged system to funnel wealth from the poor to the rich by imposition of slave wages and debt servitude = economic enslavement of the 99%
Establishment version: anything contrary to the “truthiness” narrative espoused by Western Mainstream Media Patriots. Is Israel an apartheid state? That’s disinformation!
Real World Translation: anything which portrays the AngoEuroZionist Empire in a bad light and their enemies du jour (Russia, China, Iran etc) in a neutral or favourable light. Absolutely nothing to do with truth or facts.
National Endowment for Democracy:
Establishment version: benevolent fund by the USA to promote rule by, for and of the ordinary people in foreign countries. Yay!
Real World Translation: CIA cutout to finance astroturf campaigns to destabilise foreign governments that do not bend to the US will, in order to install US puppet regimes that will funnel wealth to the USA.
US invasion of Iraq in 2003:
Establishment version: act of “liberation” to save the world from Saddam’s WMDs and bring democracy to the Iraqi people.
Real World Translation: WMD story was a fucking LIE, invasion was done to preserve the US petrodollar and control Iraqi oil assets and give massive contracts to US corporations. Killed more than a million Iraqis by 2010, so I guess you could say those Iraqis were “liberated” (from life).
Russian invasion of Ukraine:
Establishment version: unprovoked aggression by Russian dictator Vlad-the-Impaler Putin on 24 Feb 2022 because he is just plain crazy (also a vampire). So naturally the West needed to ban Russian cats and Tchaikovsky in response.
Real World Translation: belated response by Russian Duma (democratic parliament) to relentless aggression by the US/NATO since 2014 – including the murder of 14,000 civilians in Donbass, ie Russia was forced to intervene to protect Russian speaking Ukrainians from genocide by the US proxies. Also more than 30 bio-pathogen labs funded by the USA (by Victoria Nuland’s own admission) were discovered in Ukraine, so there WERE WMDs in-the-making in Ukraine.
International “Rules based order”:
Establishment version: even the USA cannot properly define WTF this crapulent term means.
Real World Translation: USA makes up their one-sided rules (to always benefit itself) and orders everybody else about, otherwise foreigners face sanctions or coups or assassination of their leaders or invasion. Nothing to do with United Nations International Law.
Far too many Newspeak and Doublethink terms to itemise here!!
Commenters can think of many more!!
- Speaking Truth is an act of Treason in an Empire of Lies.
- Putin called the USA an Empire of Lies.
- Who is the most prominent Truth speaker in the Empire?
- Julian Assange – who is now being suitably punished for such Treason.
I would highly recommend Michael Hudon’s book, J is for Junk Economics, to get a sense of the doublethink going on here
Michael Hudson is the best economist in the world although some may say he shares first place with Richard Wolff.
This article mirrors my own personal experience so closely, it is spooky
best economist in the world???
better than Thomas Sowell
Better than Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich Hayek
what about Milton Friedman, or Murray Rothbard
“max” is impersonating me, the “Max”.
max, please stop using the name “max.” I have been using the name “Max” at Saker’s blog for more than a year. Now that I have revealed the reality, the Empire’s trolls want to use my name to create confusion about me. This is wrong, and thanks for validating that we are on to something that will expose this Empire.
Let’s look at the last four economists that you mentioned (Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, & Murray Rothbard), who are their backers & financiers? What are their core common characteristics? This will reveal their reality and OWNERS.
Thomas Sowell was influenced by Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, … We know a lot about him. What are the key themes that appear in his writings? Who are his backers and bankers?
Please share all affiliations about individuals that you’re promoting, particularly their backers and bankers. They will be revealed one day. Reality trumps delusions and propaganda.
Mr. Max –sorry if I hurt your feelings you can be Max and I can be max
who are their financiers is of course relevant.
that is why you should see if any of their writings have come true.
well Ludvig von Mises wrote in 1922 that socialism can not work –and USSR,SFRY…are gone.. he was right.
Now let see what did your people predict.
by the way I am conservative by way of Edmund Burke –he was right about French Revolution.
How about you changing your nom de plume to Snide Troll72?
The great predictors at Goldman-JPM-Moodys and Fitch AAA + excrement didn’t see the Subprime Scam coming but managed to clean their own positions before the SHTF, courtesy of The Federal Reserve Bank (can you smell the trash on their book and their difficulty in maintaining the charade of a going-concern?). When you can screw the little guy and pay so-called regulators to look the other way, who needs ‘financial experts’? Communism/socialism US style wins . . . . . until it doesn’t.
WTFUD — not sure if you are talking to me.
you sound like you like mental bank and fiat money run by political class –like Lenin,Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Tito
Me I do not like central bank or paper money — honest money would be gold or silver, everyone should have right to mint. that is call freedom and free market. Existed in America more or less until 1913. Existed in the Switzerland as well.
“So naturally the West needed to ban Russian cats and Tchaikovsky in response.”
Rules based Order?
Whose the Authority figure is the problem.
Perhaps a Valiant Thor can help?
See comment:
Hi Moderator, I know I am repeating part of this comment, but it communicates very important points and the control mechanism. I will appreciate you publishing it again. Thanks. Regards, Max
Democracy, rule of law, free markets, capitalism, rules based order,… are MYTHS. An avalanche of Empire’s myths is coming down! ‘Truth alone triumphs’
“The true equation is ‘democracy’ = government by world financiers.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien
“Democracy” is a temporary phase of history which allows the Global Financial Syndicate to take control from the earlier generation of dominant power players: the monarchies. The fact is that most democracies are a suzerainty externally and an Animal Farm internally.
The beauty of the present situation is that the evil has left a good trail of its Playbook. There are good and bad apples in every community. It is better to focus on the mechanisms of corruption, cornerstone (foundation) and control. This way we can prevent any future empires.
To understand a nation, comprehend its monetary and banking history, particularly its CENTRAL BANK history. Most revolutions are financial revolutions.
Here are a few questions that will expose the presence of the Private Financial Empire in a nation:
– Why is the first central bank in democracies PRIVATE?
It is private so that the Private Imperialist Financial Oligarchy (PIFO) can use the private money that it creates, to bribe individuals and lay the foundation for the control of the nation. A private central bank enables it to control who get the banking license and control the kleptocrats and oligarchs. Through them they control the political parties, media and corporations. Voila, now they have the control architect in place.
The Bank of England was private, when founded in 1694. It was private all through the era of the British Empire. It was nationalized in 1946. The First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) was private. Who were its owners?
Any nation with a private central bank in the last four centuries is a suzerainty of the Private Financial Empire. Some nations like Russia are working towards gaining sovereignty. It doesn’t matter if the central bank has been nationalized later or become autonomous, like the Fed. Bank of Japan is private and listed on the stock market. The central bank of South Africa is private.
– Who creates majority of the money in the U$A, UK & EU at the present time? PRIVATE BANKS.
In the U$A, majority (95+%) of money $ is created by private banks and is private money. In the UK, it 97+% of money creation by private banks. The Financial sector enables the Private Financial Empire to maintain its control and dominance. The UK plays the arbitrage of regulations, is lenient, let the financial bubble to expand. The U$A has better regulations, to work around it the American financial sector and the Empire created the Eurodollar market. The Euro$ market enables the Empire to control $, £, and €, and is bigger than the internal dollar market.
– Who has been driving the stratagem of the creation of private central banks, democracies/republics, private money, privatization, financialization,… all over the world?
If most democracies have an identical fractal then it is obvious to ask the question, who has been driving this stratagem.
– Central-Private Banking System have enabled major wars and creation of an Empire.
Most big wars have happened after a creation of a major private central bank. In 1609, a central bank was created in Netherlands. The Thirty year war happened in Europe after this creation. Also, the civil war in the UK happened following this development. The French Revolution happened after the First Bank of the United States was founded. The WWI happened after the Fed was created in 1913. The WWII happened after the founding of BIS.
The attached paper exposes the propaganda about wars , which are mainly financial revolutions.
“By 1713, Britain had fought twenty years of wars against Louis XIV, and built a substantial fiscal-military state that had overtaken Amsterdam as the center of European finance and commerce –- all made possible largely by William’s financial innovations. Britain’s enhanced military capability no longer served merely defensive purposes but now would be used to support strategic foreign and imperial policies designed to weaken rival commercial empires. Central to this fiscal-military state was the foundation of “credit” or a national debt, which served as both a safe haven investment for consumers and an instrument of increased government spending. Also critical in this era was the development of a more mature financial sector from the humble goldsmith-bankers. Credit provided for government spending to increase threefold in the decade and a half of William III’s reign to fight wars abroad, and the steady interest that the Bank of England’s bonds provided formed the basis of a financial sector. This financial sector was not only important economically, but also socially because they saw themselves a distinct socioeconomic group.” Yes, this paper isn’t perfect but shows how the game was played.
With these facts, one can expose the facade of democracies, free markets, capitalism,… Any politician or government administrator, and anyone that doesn’t expose this reality, is an accompli in the crimes of this Empire.
“The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien
“We now have a plutocratic system, and many politicians see it simply as a matter of buying elections.”
“If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic [i.e., honest Constitutionally authorized debt-free money] should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt (to the International Bankers). It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe!”
The Times of London newspaper, opinion-editorial commentary, 1865
sound to me you are Greenbakers — instead of bankers in charge of central bank and fiat money you want politicians to be uncharge of fiat money.
why do you think that democracy is good system?
Plato and Aristotle explained that is not.
free market means You and I do a trade –there is no third party involved –nothing wrong –same as auction.
“max” is impersonating me, the “Max”.
max, please don’t assume or distract from the main points that I stated in my comment. You come across as a troll with an objective to distract and obfuscate. You don’t have anything to say about the Empire. Why?
I am all for sovereign money. There is no sovereignty without monetary sovereignty. However, the focus of my comment is on the Private Financial Empire. Its fraud and crimes will be revealed. There is more to come. A reckoning with reality is on deck! How much later is a very good question. The Empire’s end has arrived and it is out of luck!
The bankers, central bank chairperson, Congress, and the treasury secretary have lost the right to be responsible for our money creation and its allocation. They sold Americans thrice into debt ENSLAVEMENT. Three strikes and you are out. What a betrayal…
The First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) was private. Who were its owners?
The Second Bank of the United States (1816-1836) was private too.
The Fed (1914-) is a cartel of the private banks.
A creative solution will end American enslavement and make America great again. Please focus on the Empire, the problem space for now.
Gerry, thank you.
if you go to the:, or
you can find plenty articles about American empire, or British empire or Russian empire …
Gary North:
The United States of America is an empire. But it is an empire like no other in history. It is an empire based on giving away money. The general taxpayers are taxed to give the money away, and those who profit from the expansion of the empire are paid by the government to produce the weapon systems which enable the United States government to project power around the world.
The foreign aid system is a system of bribery. It bribes leaders of countries around the world to keep their mouths shut regarding the extension of American power. This extension of power does not benefit the man in the street. It benefits various special interests, especially the military-industrial complex.
These days, the empire opens up markets for American exports, especially weapons and spare parts — the dependence effect. It also makes sure that Middle Eastern oil reaches its destinations, where it is sold only for United States dollars. This helps to maintain the international value of the United States dollar.
It has sold over a trillion dollars in IOU’s to China. This finances our defense of Taiwan against China.
This makes as much sense as federal subsidies to lung cancer research to offset the effects of federal tobacco subsidies.
or google this:
American Imperialism: Born Hand-in-Hand With the Constitution on
@ max, the impersonator, you’re full of propaganda and a distraction.
Mises, Gary North, Lew Rockwell, … are all propagandist and lackeys of the Private Financial Empire. This is the reason you won’t answer the questions asked, as it will expose their reality. Many have debunked their propaganda, as they support the Empire’s narratives. No surprise there.
Don’t need to engage further and distract from the main subject matter of this post. Time will reveal reality!
I wish to reply but moderator maybe will not allow it.
Gary North:
Every movement has its share of fringe people. There is a bell-shaped curve of brilliant people, normal people, and outright kooks.
With this in mind, let me quote a recent email from a certifiable fruitcake. This one is a libertarian fruitcake. He is also an anti-Zionist.
There are plenty of crackpot anti-Zionists who are deeply anti-Semitic. They are usually on the Right, although Social Credit Lefties sometimes are anti-Semitic, because of the banking issue. They warn against the IJBC: the International Jewish Banking Conspiracy. This anti-Semitism goes back to the American Populist movement.
This one is just anti-Zionist.
@ max, the impersonator, you’re full of Gary North propaganda and his opinions. Please don’t pursue the race angle. There are good and bad apples in every community. We’re all creation of the same Creator.
Why is the first central bank in democracies PRIVATE? It is that simple. There is an interesting fractal with various elements of the socioeconomic system, beyond banking. This will reveal reality and will be revealed. The evil will have no place to hide in our world!
The Creator will do the right thing and end humanity’s enslavement, and all nations will be SOVEREIGN. No more imperialism and enslavement.
“In God We Trust”
Max, maybe you do not know but US of A should be constitutional republic, no democracy is mentioned. Americas first constitution, Articles of Confederation did not allow for a president, did not allow federal government any whatsoever to tax, so it was extremely restrictive of any executive or federal power whatsoever.
Fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto
Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Bank of North America was a private bank first adopted on May 26, 1781, by the Confederation Congress, and opened in Philadelphia on January 7, 1782. …Nation’s first de facto central bank… it was based upon a plan presented by US Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris on May 17, 1781,based on recommendations by Revolutionary era figure Alexander Hamilton.
Why America nee central bank —to pay for revolutionary war.
Why England king needed central bank in 1694 — to pay for the war.
The Corrupt Origins of Central Banking by Thomas J. DiLorenzo at
Central banking has been a corrupt, mercantilist scheme and an engine of corporate welfare from its very beginning in the late 18th century. The first central bank, the Bank of North America, was “driven through the Continental Congress by [congressman and financier] Robert Morris in the Spring of 1781,” wrote Murray Rothbard in The Mystery of Banking (p. 191). The Philadelphia businessman Morris had been a defense contractor during the Revolutionary War who “siphoned off millions from the public treasury into contracts to his own … firm and to those of his associates.” He was also “leader of the powerful Nationalist forces” in the new country.
The main objective of the Nationalists, who were also known as Federalists, was essentially to establish an American version of the British mercantilist system, the very system that the Revolution had been fought against. Indeed, it was this system that the ancestors of the Revolutionaries had fled from when they came to America.
An important part of the “Morris scheme,” as Rothbard called it, was “to organize and head a central bank, to provide cheap credit and expanded money for himself and his allies. The … Bank of North America was deliberately modeled after the Bank of England.” The Bank was given a monopoly privilege of its notes being receivable in all tax payments to state and federal government, and no other banks were permitted to operate in the country. It “graciously agreed to lend most of its newly created money to the federal government,” wrote Rothbard, and “the hapless taxpayers would have to pay the Bank principal and interest.”
Thank you very much for the Carroll Quigley link. All need to know about what he said about international bankers. We do indeed now live under a plutocracy. It is this paragraph however, given energy issues today which speaks volumes and this came from him 1972!!!?? Given what I know about the scale up now of hydrogen and the governments of the world investing billions toward it to read this from Quigley is astounding!!! WOW!!!! My word how close did we actually come to a system of rationing of fuel and oil on this continent in the 1970’s? Woe!!!!!!
Here’s an example of what I mean. Consider the related problems of pollution and shortage of energy. We are now going to spend at least $3 billion to ensure delivery of Middle East oil to this country by building supertankers and deep-water harbors to accommodate them. At present we have only one port in the United States that can handle them, near Seattle. They’re even talking about spending $47 million, I think, to deepen the tunnel bridge across the Chesapeake Bay so that supertankers can come under it.
There’s another solution, the hydrogen engine. Its emissions will be only water vapor. Or we can use the sun’s energy directly. Out in New Mexico they get 400 or 500 days of consecutive sunshine. So cover some of these sun-baked surfaces with energy accumulating devices and channel the energy into our electric grid. There was an article on this in Science three weeks ago and a book came out recently on the hydrogen engine.
Fascinating stuff!!!! Again thank you Max
Gary North:
Carroll Quigley’s 1,300-page unfootnoted tome, Tragedy and Hope (Macmillan, 1966). Here, in the most revolutionary 20 pages for American conservative history (pp. 950—70), a liberal history professor at Georgetown University blew the American Establishment’s cover. The Old China Hands’ money source and publishing outlet, the Institute for Pacific Relations — the conservatives’ dreaded IPR — had been an extension of the J. P. Morgan banking empire. Using the IPR as a springboard, Quigley backtracked into the story of American foreign policy: the connection with Morgan and Rockefeller and Carnegie, the connection to the entire foreign policy Establishment, including the Dulles brothers. It began to look as though American foreign policy had been little more than an extension of American oil and banking interests.
Then what of the century’s great crusades? Were they nothing more than the policies of the Morgans and Rockefellers? What of the leadership of the two political parties? Was the battle for the presidency really a battle over whether Council on Foreign Relations Team A beat CFR Team B (to use Susan Huck’s subsequent description)? It had that look about it.
In Reds (1981), Warren Beatty’s movie about John Reed, the author of Ten Days That Shook the World, a laudatory contemporary book on the Bolshevik revolution, Beatty begins the movie at an exclusive dinner party in Portland, Oregon in 1915. Reed is a guest. The host asks him what he thinks is at stake in the European war. “Profits” is Reed’s one-word answer. The host is horrified. Yet the Old Right and the interwar Left agreed with Reed two decades later.
The Left loves crusades. So does the Right. They join hands as they go marching.
The Left wants to defeat evil. So does the Right. The Left wants to make America the launching pad for world democracy. So does the Right. The Left wants to expand the federal government. The Right wants to expand the Defense Department. They compromise.
After the latest war is over, the Left wants to get its hands on the tax money that is now flowing into Washington because of emergency wartime taxes. Why? To fund bigger and better social welfare projects. The Right still wants to fund the Defense Department. The Left is officially uncomfortable with the Defense Department. The Right is officially uncomfortable with high taxes. They compromise.
Then they agree to fund each other’s projects with deficit spending. Banks buy bonds. Taxpayers then pay the banks. J. P. Morgan and friends applaud bipartisanship in action.
”The First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) was private.”
”The French Revolution (1789) happened after the First Bank of the United States was founded (1791) ??
“The French Revolution was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799…
The Bank of France (French: Banque de France), headquartered in Paris, is the central bank of France. Founded in 1800, it began as a private institution for managing state debts and issuing notes.”
Why was the Bank of France PRIVATE when founded?
Max relax, I have song for you:
If there’s somethin’ strange in the neighborhood
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
There’s somethin’ weird and it don’t look good
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
The 1720 South Sea Bubble scandal serves as Britain’s first modern financial crash.
After the disastrous “Mississippi Bubble” collapse of the 1720s, paper money lost favor among the French for many years.
The French Revolution brought with it a massive inflation of the paper money called Assignats. When introduced in 1789, it was nominally backed by confiscated lands. Eventually it was printed to finance all government’s expenses and had lost most of its value by 1796 when its production had stopped.
If this does not sound familiar to you than you need to read story about American revolutionary money continentals ( Not Worth a Continental )
A courageous American contemporary wrote a fitting epitaph to the continentals:
“We have tried every art and device to keep up the credit of paper money except one — we have never yet tried the effects of being honest.”
Here comes another impersonator, “maxbnb.” Trolls want to use my name, why? It seems like I revealed something profound.
The first central bank is private in democracies, enabling the Global Financial Syndicate to control the new democracy.
To distract from the main message that exposes the fraud of democracies, private money, and suzerainty, trolls want to go on tangent. We know the monetary history of the past five centuries thoroughly and will expose more. Please share the FRACTAL of democracy creation and control.
Why create a private central bank, The Bank of France (French: Banque de France), after the French Revolution? What was the purpose of the French Revolution? Napoleon attacked Russia after the creation of this bank.
Please don’t just focus on the past. Talk to some good Federal Reserve employees, and they will share its shenanigans!
‘There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.’ George Orwell
This is my profile: Joined Jun 23, 2017
Yugoslavia had central bank under Tito, it was doing exactly what Tito and party say. Same was for USSR, Cuba, North Korea.
No central bank should exist — there is no difference if central bank is private or national/socialised — both are run by group of cabals for cabals.
Money should commodities like gold, silver, platinum … mineable by anyone.
Legendary investigative journalist John Pilger recently asked,
“When will satirists stand up, as they did a generation ago?”
Catch 22 and Slaughterhouse Five were great anti-war novels portraying the insanity of WW2. Deer Hunter and Platoon were great anti-war movies portraying the insanity of the Vietnam war. Where is the great anti-war novel portraying the insanity of the 20 year long US murder of Afghans?
I found this hilarious satirical political / scifi dystopian story – downloadable for free (until it gets censored for too much truthiness):
Many of the great satirists of the United States from the 1940s through 1970s were Jewish. Those who were not were still beholden to the owners of media, i.e., movies, television, radio, theater, newspapers and publishing. The consolidation of ownership of media In the United States accelerated to hyper-speed by the late 1960s and early 1970s. This transitions paralleled three significant events that are still effecting America today. The first was the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the absurd explanation of his murder and the obvious official coverup by government (i,e, huge loss of credibility). The second was the Vietnam War and the fact that the state lost control of the narrative and could no longer justify the cost politically, socially and economically (i.e., loss of public trust). The third was Arab-Israel conflict and the six day war (full scale intimidation of alternative narrative, see the Attack on the USS Liberty).
The assassination of JFK was joint effort between elements of the US Deep State ( eliminate the troublemaker) and the government of Israel (eliminate the main hurdle towards acquiring nuclear weapons). It created a special bond that could never be spoken and required an all out effort to suppress the truth and ridicule anyone that challenged it. The nightmare fiasco that was Vietnam taught the DEEP STATE that it could never allow open discussion to determine policy. Going forward all information would have to be controlled. The Arab Israeli war forced many people of the Jewish faith to choose between preserving the state of Israel or pursuing peace and justice . Whether they wanted to or not, the vast majority of Jewish Americans chose Israel.
These events eliminated any last gaps or points of separations that may have existed between the US protestant establishment and the Zionist (central bankers, media, etc). To maintain their pet projects (empire and greater Israel) they actively suppressed all public thought. The final consolidation of American media into Zionist controlled territory (1980s) was undertaken with the full acquiescence of the US DEEP STATE, which was now firmly bonded to world Zionism, from the lowliest local political hack in state office, to the chief justice of the supreme court, to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff (see the Enterprise).
The reason why the satirists have not stood up because of (1) tribal affiliation; (2) fear of career suicide; (3) propagandized ignorance; (4) lack of access to wide reach, major audience platforms, (5) good old cowardice; and (6) the fact that the SATANIST are now in charge.
Instead of waiting for the Satirists, it is past time for the American People to rise up against the criminal elements that have taken full control of government.
If they are not prepared to lead a revolution for the sake of the world, then they must do it for the freedom of their children and grand children
Here are some entries from the Oxford English Dictionary of NewSpeak, abridged edition:
Enhanced Interrogation=Torture
Regime Change=Coup d’etat
Extraordinary Rendition=Kidnapping
Targeted Killing=Assassination
Disposition Threat Matrix=Kill List
Preemptive War=Unprovoked War
War of Choice=War of Aggression
Homeland Security Department=Homeland Gestapo Department
Hope and Change=Hopeless Change
Make America Great Again=Make Israel Great Again
xvfsb: good examples!
Since February 24, 2022, Russia has been conducting a genocidal intervention campaign (code name, “SMO”) authorized under the United Nations Responsibility to Protect doctrine, whereby Russian-speaking Ukrainians living in the eastern region of Donbas have been systematically murdered by military forces of the central government of Ukraine since 2014.
See: .
To wit:
“Mindful of the fact that the responsibility to protect is based on three pillars: the permanent responsibility of each individual State to protect its population, whether nationals or not, from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, which entails the prevention of such crimes, including their incitement, through appropriate and necessary means; the international community’s commitment to assist and help to build the capacity of States to fulfil this obligation; and its commitment to take collective action in a timely and decisive manner when national authorities manifestly fail to protect their populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity,” by U.S. supported military aggression.
The most recent example of random killing of Ukrainians by Zelenskyy’s regime happened a few days ago right after the U.S. led counter-offensive in eastern Ukraine previously held by Russian liberation forces.
This is war conducted on Ukrainian soil against Ukrainians by the United States. Its purposes is to create a “corridor of death” for its European ally under the auspice of the NATO alliance to establish permanent military bases within striking distance of the western border of the Russian Federation.
We don’t know what Russian military strategists are thinking or planning however it is clear that it involves the application of geopolitical economic inducements in addition to tactical maneuvers integrated into the overall operational plan.
The SMO is a dynamic phenomenon; it has ebb and flow like the waters of the Black Sea. But at some point the Russia MOD will have to decide that more men and materials will be needed to blunt the crescendo of U.S. paid mercenaries moving into the battlespace or if the U.S. attempts to open a second front in the Caucasus to distract Russia from its primary mission.
I know this is OT, but…
Ignoramuses, notstrategists and not properly educated claimed why not Persian drones for RU army. The same said the armchair YT general Dima Military Summary.
Even the Baghdad Bob, Mr Arestovich is nervous, to some extent.
It seems the Persian thingy has been working.
In the first millennia the Europeans were killing each other, the great white European civilization began with the killing of indigenous people and the theft of their lands, although it was never named that way, it was said and is said that they were civilizing those poor brutes when in reality they were killed and their goods and land were stolen.
From that moment they began to lie and what is said is not what is done and something very important, after that great theft of land from the indigenous, private property became sacred.
The war is practically over, Europe is tapped out and can no-longer supply weapons, this is a U.S and British project now.
German daily temperatures are now constantly in the teens heading south, they didn’t achieve 100% gas storage and the Nordic gas imports are tapering off, Europe is shutting down and we aren’t in winter yet.
I suggest Zalenski will be told to negotiate soon, Russia should not accept anything but all conquered territories and the Donbass.
Russia has won, it’s only waiting for the U.S to see this
Economic Fascism and the Bailout Economy by Gary North
The American political system has been soft-core fascist for almost a century. Liberals love to call conservatives fascists. The problem is, the liberals are right. Of course, well-informed conservatives like to call liberals fascists, and they are correct, too. Everyone who believes in the efficiency of the so-called government-business alliance is a fascist.
The fascist state has always been an attempt to control private industry by means of inflation, taxation, and regulation. Fascism has always been a system of keeping the big boys alive and happy at the expense of the taxpayers. Of course, the faces change. The system was always one gigantic system of cartels, regulation, and fiat money. It was, in short, everything that the critics of modern capitalism say is wrong with capitalism.
Gary North:
The essence of fascism is the doctrine of the government/business alliance. Private property is maintained on paper, but control is transferred to the state, especially the centralized national state. The state sets the guidelines. The state establishes the economic sanctions. The state prohibits those activities that would seek to be independent of state control and direction. The black market is actively suppressed. Central planning is introduced at the level of the central bank. Once there is a war, central planning becomes dominant throughout the economy. The public is willing to submit to the controls, all in the name of winning the war.
By the end of World War I, the fascist mindset was established throughout the West. The businessman who had operated under wartime controls wanted something like that again. They resisted the idea of the reintroduction of open competition on the free market. They preferred what was known as cost-plus pricing. This system favored large, established firms. It worked against innovative firms, whose main economic tool is price competition.
By the 1930’s, the basic marks of the fascist state were visible throughout the West. First, there were various price floors enforced by law. Second, labor unions were brought under the protection of the government. Third, corporations were forced to deal with labor unions. Fifth, the banking system was controlled at the top by the central bank. Fifth, massive bureaucracies were set up to regulate specific sectors of the economy. Sixth, taxation on a graduated level extracted great wealth for the central government. Eighth, radio broadcasts by the nation’s supreme leaders became regular features of the society. Ninth, the gold coin standard was abolished universally. For most of Western Europe, most of this took place during World War I — radio excepted.
The centralized economic planning that characterized Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy was widely praised in the West. Then came Keynesianism in 1936, which offered what appeared to be an economic justification for this system of central banking, central regulatory control, and government fiscal deficits. Keynes wrote the following for the 1936 Foreword to the German addition of the General Theory.
Rules based international order
Demanding that people of Orthodox Faith remain in a faux “republic” with nominal Catholics, even though this happens nowhere else on Earth
This is even more necessary where the Catholic group harbors a pathological hatred for the Orthodox group
It has often been stated that Russia would deem Ukraine being equipped with long range missiles as a “major provocation”. I really do hope that Russia does realize that there has all ready been many major provocations and is not using this as the “red line” of major provocations so as to avoid facing the inevitable.
Does the 300mile limit of missile reach suddenly become a 500 mile limit when the former are supplied by the US to Ukraine? All that is happening is that it assists Natostan in acting with impunity because the long range missies are not yet in their possession and Russia would view whatever illegal and evil actions they commit as not provocations because they have not used long range missiles!
Just covert 300 miles into kilometres and then back again.
Americans are great at math.
“Spreading Democracy” (most often at the end of a gun barrel) is a code phrase for spreading capitalism.
The primary goals of ‘spreading democracy’ are profit, more profit, and the elimination of any system that competes with unfettered capitalism for profit. This is why socialism, Islam (where usury is forbiden), and communism are cosidered deadly enemies that must be eradicated.
American democracy is the will of American people. In America they just call it “democracy”, adjective is implicit. Exporting democracy = expanding American control to other nations, aka colonialism.
American Democracy has nothing to do with “the will of the people”.
“Democracy” in the West is a euphemism for “oligarchy.”
AngloEuroZionist Establishment (AEZE) versus The World (Truth)
911 (AEZE) the actions of Islamic Fanatics to destroy the fabric of democracy by attacking the ultimate symbols of Freedom, Justice, Peace and Security for the World
911 (Truth) a successful false flag psy-op conducted jointly by Mossad and specialty compartmentalized elements of the US Deep State that blamed Arabs and Muslims (i.e. Palestinians) for the controlled demolition of buildings in the world trade center (tower #1, #2, #4, and #7 after the event), strike on the Pentagon and plane crash into Pennsylvania and damage to the world economy)
Attack on the USS Cole (AEZE) – a bell weather warning to the World the Al Qaeda wanted blood
Attack on the USS Cole (Truth – a preamble by the Deep State and Israel for the fun just around the corner to be blamed on Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians
Attack on the Khobar Towers (AEZE) – The first act of carnage perpetrated by Al Qaeda against the American people
Attack on the Khobar Towers (Truth) – The first false flag perpetrated by the Deep State and Israel against American soldiers to be blamed on Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians
The Berlin Disco Bombing (AEZE) – a cowardly act of Arab Terrorism led by Libya and Qaddafi targeting American GIs for the US governments support of Israel
The Berlin Disco Bombing (Truth) – Mossad orchestrated bombing of Berlin Bar (with support of Deep State) to frame Libya and maintain image of Arab Terrorism
The Attack on the USS Liberty (AEZE) – an honest mistake by the Israeli Navy/AF during the Fog of War and full accepted and protected by the administration of Prsident Lyndon B. Johnson.
The Attack on the USS Liberty (AEZE) – the planned murder of American personnel and proposed sinking of an America Ship to blamed on Egypt to justify the entry of the United States into the 1967 Arab-Israeli war on behalf of Israel perpetrated by the full leadership of the US deep state and Israel
Does anyone see a pattern here ???
Maybe just a little ???
The assassination of Robert F Kennedy (AEZE) – A lone gunmen of Palestinian origin (!!!!!!) murdered the likely nominee of the Democratic Party (over Hubert Humphrey) and the favorite to win the presidential election (over Richard Nixon)
The assassination of Robert F Kennedy (AEZE) – A 24 four year old Palestinian (!!!!!!) Manchurian candidate drugged and setup by the Deep State and Israel miraculously shoots RFK in the back of the head while standing two feet in front of him. His revolver carried eight bullets. Three bullets were claimed to have struck the senator, Five missed. The fatal bullet that struck the Senator’s head did not match patterns generated by a bullet fired from the revolver. Amazingly, the Palestinian’s eight shot revolver some how accounted eleven bullets or bullet holes on the scene, as well as, a total of 13 recorded on tape. Two witnesses who saw a man and a woman, in a polka dot dress, exist the hotel kitchen, run down the metal staircase and run on to the street while screaming “we shot the senator, we shot the senator, we shot him”. The hopelessly corrupt Los Angeles Police Department spent the next four hours brow beating the witnesses on tape until they changed their testimonies. Hotel security was not used for the event. Instead a newly created private security firm was given the job without prior experience. One of its guards, stood immediately behind the senator when he was shot. The man moved to the Philippines a few days after the shooting and never returned to the United States nor was ever questioned by the LAPD or FBI about the shooting. He was armed for the even but never interrogated nor had his gun examined. The security company was created by a respected long standing member of the Democratic party who was also active with her synagogue, and regularly lobbied for Israel. The company never filed required state paperwork for taxes or registratiion. The job one and only job it ever had was to protect RFK. The Senator if elected president would have reopened the investigation into his brothers murder, reexamined the theft of 200–600 pounds (91–272 kg) of highly enriched uranium from Apollo Pennsylvania and forced a resolution to the Arab-israeli crisis that to that point had already been festering for 20+ years.
That was a damn good article, very enlightening. If only brainwashed America can see these truths. An Australian blogger named Caitlin Johnstone has a similar take.
There’s hope. At one time I was a Neocon dupe.
Democracy-when the super-rich can rule uninterrupted while the wishes of ordinary people are absolutely irrelevant
Freedom-when the 1% can freely control a country
Personal right-the right to be gay, trans or whatever…all the rest are under consideration
Free market-when the state does not interfere and the economy is controlled by the usual suspects
« Far too many Newspeak and Doublethink terms to itemise here!!
Commenters can think of many more!! »
I do agree with you on both counts. Here is my list from the top of my head. I do not pretend it’s exhaustive.
Putin’s fault if NS2 is stopped.
Buried bodies of the VSU in the Izium region have been murdered by the Russians.
There is no VSU bombing of the city of Donetsk.
The main threat to NATO is Russia.
There are no nazi in the VSU.
Crimea is in Ukraine.
Russia prevented civilian from leaving Mariupol by shooting at them.
Ukraine is winning the war.
Any decent westerner supports Ukraine.
The USA are defending freedom.
Memory hole is full.
Maidan was organized by the West because Yanukovich took Putin’s proposition instead of the EU’s one.
Porochenko promising the people in Donbass will have their kids growing in basements when the other kids will go to school.
In Odessa, protesters were burned alive because they did not agree with the new Maidan regime.
Every opposition outlet, each opposing political personality is closed, in jail or in exile.
At the beginning of the Maidan’s coup, the people in Donbass asked for the right to speak Russian.
I’m absolutely sure that if I do some research I’m going to find many more things along that line.
Those after “Memory hole is full” are all true.
And the ones above are all lies, completely admitted as truths I remember from reading the news.
Among them, I could add the number of times Russia invaded Ukraine between Maidan and Minsk II. It is ridiculously high. I also forgot the MH-217(not sure of the number) shot down by the Russians. If you dare doubt these lies, you’re a Putinist, a Russian asset.
One last I love : Trump is a Russian asset put by Putin in the seat of US president.
Russiagate is still running.
For background related to the downing of malaysian airlines MH17, please read my comments at the end of Ben’s article here