First, is it even possible?
The answer is yes, absolutely. There is enough (non-weapons grade) spent civilian nuclear reactor fuel to get enough radioactive materials. Much more importantly, there is plenty of “know how” amongst Ukrainian scientists and engineers. Besides, bringing in radioactive materials or specialists is something the AngloZionist Hegemony could do. Did I mention plenty of starry-eyed Ukronazi politicians daydreaming on camera about how to nuke Russia and kill as many Russians as possible?
Quick reminder: a “dirty bomb” does not set-off a nuclear detonation but, instead, uses a conventional explosive to spread radioactive materials.
How big does such a bomb have to be? The bigger the better since the bigger the more materials will spread. That is also a problem, however, since that means delivering a large payload to the place you want it to go off. Here I see three basic options:
- Set off the dirty bomb behind Russian lines
- Set off the dirty bomb near the line of contact
- Set off the dirty bomb in Ukronazi occupied territory
Each of these options have serious drawbacks.
If the first case, how do you get, say, a truck similar to the one blown up on the Crimean Bridge, to somewhere near Kherson or elsewhere? Putin has passed a set of decrees which now gives the Russian security organs a solid legal foundation to conduct extensive security operations and take many actions they could not before. So would it be possible? Maybe yes, but not easy.
Setting off the bomb somewhere near/along the line of contact risks having the delivery vehicle (truck, APCs, etc.) detected by the Russian C4ISR and blown up. Of course, the US/NATO would blame Russia, but this begs the question of why Russia would ever use a dirty bomb considering that 1) Russians have plenty of regular tactical nuclear weapons and 2) such an attack would make no military sense. Also, an attack near the front my result in a MH-17 like screw-up where the crime scene is under Russian control and not, as hoped for, Ukronazi.
Which leaves option three. Blow up that nuclear bomb in a Ukronazi occupied city or town and declare that this is part of a “ethnic cleansing of the proud Ukrainian nation by the Rooski hordes” and then switch into a Srebrenica-like mantra and chant “genocide! genocide! genocide!” until the hatred of Russia reaches the needed intensity.
Of course, this begs the question of why, if the Russians wanted to genocide the Ukrainians, they would use a rather ineffective device (a dirty bomb’s main “quality” is the panic it induces) when they have everything they need to obliterate not only the Ukraine, but the entire West?
But then, the target audience for such a dirty bomb would be the doubleplusgoodshiteaters (to paraphrase Orwell) in the West who “bought” 9/11, MH17, Skripal, Ghouta, Viagra in Libya, Racak, Srebrenica and the list goes on and on and on.
So the answer is definitely “yes, it is possible”.
The second question is why? what would be the purpose of such a dirty bomb explosion?
Here we need to understand that the Hegemony and Russia have been fighting two completely different wars. For the Hegemony the war against Russia, started in 2013, has always been about optics, PYSOPS, PR and propaganda. Hence the constant flow of idiotic, mostly self-evidently false, “information” fed to the doubleplusgoodshitheaters which swallowed that nonsense because it 1) comforted them in their mental representation of the world and 2) made them feel good about still being part the Master Race. In sharp contrast, Russia was conducting a SMO trying really hard to minimize civilian casualties or touching the Ukraine’s infrastructure which she will now has no choice but expand into something much more akin to a regular combined arms operation. But even that is not crucial, the crucial thing is this:
==>>NATO is losing, and they know it, so they are freaking out<<==
Until you can wrap your mind against this reality you will never understand the actions of the classes ruling the Hegemony!
[Sidebar: right now, NATO simply does not have the forces needed to attack Russia with any hope of success. One single Airborne Brigade Combat Team won’t make *any* difference here. And even if the US decides to go to a full mobilization (which is really impossible, good luck with that!), it would have to bring those forces to Europe. And even if the US can bring in, say, 1’000’000 million men, it will be far easier for Russia to mobilize, say, 3’000’000 men in response. Then what? And did I mention that as soon as the US ships set sail, Russia will obliterate any ports and facilities expecting to receive the US forces. Try this: take the full Polish, 3B, Romanian and Ukronazi armed forces, then add the FULL 101st and 82nd and what do you get? A multinational (“combined”) force which was never designed to operate in such a convoluted way, especially against the better-than-peer united military under a single command! And I won’t even go into such thorny issues as assembly points, maneuver, logistics, air defenses, etc. As I have said, this is all optics, optics and more optics, nothing more]
While zombies like Brandon and his “genius” VP are clueless about any of that, there must be at least a few folks in the Pentagon or the letter soup agencies who understand the simple fact that the way things look now, the Hegemony has three options:
- Be defeated
- Declare victory and leave (same deal, just with a tiny fig leaf for modesty)
- Commit suicide by attacking Russia directly
Not very good perspectives. So here is one more: how about creating total chaos and hope that something advantageous comes out of it? In other words, while setting off a dirty bomb will do nothing in purely military terms (it sure won’t stop the Russian military), it will create such a huge political reaction that the current situation will turn into total chaos, panic, rumors, lies, etc.
To the demented minds of the Neocons, total chaos would look better than total defeat, right?
Yes, I know, nobody with half a brain will ever sincerely believe that the Russians did it. But if past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, I would submit that there will always be enough doubleplusgoodshitheaters in the Hegemony to believe literally *anything* no matter how self-evidently stupid and preposterous that *anything* is.
We do, after all, live in a society were nobody teaches how to think anymore (schools just make kids dumber and dumber) and the vast majority of people still reply on legacy corporate propaganda machine to get what they think is “information”. Not to mention that on a psychological and spiritual level, we live not only in a post-Christian society, but even a post-Truth society in which true and false have simply lost any objective meaning other than “like it” or “I don’t like it”. We could even call this a “post-reality” society!
The bottom line is this: at this point in time, NATO needs any distraction or, even better, as much chaos as possible to change the narrative and hope to use that distraction to regroup and try to find an out from the abject defeat NATO is facing in the Ukraine.
So don’t seek a military rationale for a dirty bomb attack, look ONLY for optics.
What else could the Hegemony try to do to delay the inevitable?
The most often mentioned options are:
- Blow up a damn and put thousands of people into a flood-zone
- Rain a huge number of missiles at Kherson or any other liberated major city
- More diversionary/terrorist attacks inside Russia
Again, the goal here would not be any real military advantage, but the only two things NATO is really interested in now:
- Optics (the Ukrainians are winning! the Ukrainians are winning! The Ukrainians are winning!)
- Chaos (both as a means and as a goal in itself)
By the way, there are plenty of folks in Russia who fully realize that the Hegemony is “losing it”. For example, there are discussions on the Russian media about whether Putin should fly to Indonesia for the G20 summit. Why? Because some are saying that attacks on the NS1/NS2 and Crimea Bridge have shown that Neocons which run the Hegemony are capable of anything, including trying to assassinate Putin. This would be an especially attractive option if it could be done with some (even thin) “plausible deniability”.
Truth be told, Russia is still, alas, a “one man system”, meaning that as of today, Putin is still totally irreplaceable. Just for that one reason, I would recommend he stay in Moscow for the foreseeable future.
Do I hear somebody saying “oh come on! they are not that crazy!” (whomever the “they ” refers to). So we need to conclude and ask this question:
Are they really that crazy? or the role of hatred in this war
I think that this the wrong question to ask. The real question is are “they” that hate-filled and evil?
And here the absolutely YES, no doubts about it. None.
Here I have to explain something which most non-Russians or non-Ukrainians will find very hard to believe: the modern (as opposed to the historical) Ukrainian self-identity is entirely built around hatred. First and foremost, the modern Ukronazis hate Russia and everything Russian. Which makes sense, since the Ukrainian national identity currently has no positive contents/value, it the more anti-Russian you are, the more Ukrainian that makes you. Your ethnicity, mother tongue, place of residence, etc. make absolutely no difference. And this is why even former “heroes of the Ukraine” (such as Nadezhda Savchenko or Vyacheslav Boguslaev) have been arrested for “treason” (along of many THOUSANDS all over the country!).
Traditionally, Ukronazis also hate Jews, Poles and pretty much everybody else (hence their saying about “drowning Poles and Jews in Moskal blood”).
To repeat: the modern Ukronazi identity is based on hatred. Hatred is not a feature of that identity, it is its core component (see here and here for a historical discussion of this). Just see how the Ukrainian and Nazi ideologies are brought together and fused in this very famous Ukrainian song:
Original Ukrainian | English translation |
Батько наш — Бандера, Україна — мати,
Ми за Україну пiдем воювати!
Bandera is our father, the Ukraine our mother, we will fight for the Ukraine |
While hated is a very bad advisor in most cases, it is very energizing. It also give you the kind of blind courage which can make you volunteer for suicide missions. European Imperialism, born of the Crusades, was also born of hated. And, of course, the Judaic/Zionist supremacist and terminally narcissistic worldviews are also born from the hatred of the “other”. Do I need to mention that rabbinical “Judaism” (pharisaic talmudism) is nothing but an anti-Christianity while the Latin heresy is nothing but an anti-Orthodoxy?
I would argue that hatred is the glue which holds together the entire AngloZionist Hegemony. And the most hated target of this Hegemony is, of course, the Orthodox and never-conquered Russia and what she represents in the modern world.
I won’t tell you here what I think Russia stands for or, even more interestingly, what she might stand for in the future, that will be for a future analysis, but what I can tell you right now is that there is (almost) no anti-Ukrainian hatred in Russia. And I don’t just mean from public figures. For example, I recently watched a pretty well made Russian movie about the war in the Donbass entitled “The Best in Hell”. The movie basically shows a 2 hour assault by Russian forces (called “white” in the movie) against 4 Ukrainian (called “yellow” in the movie) held buildings. What is amazing is that both sides are shown as courageous, determined, soldiers. None of the Hollywood tricks to “show the bad guy” (ugly faces, evil grins, vicious inclinations, etc.) are used. In fact, I am personally very much bothered by what looks like an “equal” sign this movie places between both sides whom I see as morally as different as can be! But the point here is this: in spite of two hours of nonstop boom! boom! and bang! bang! (as action movies go, this is a pretty good one) hatred is conspicuously absent from this movie. And that is just one example. Did you know that in Crimea Ukrainian is still an official language? Most amazingly, the Russians never produce the kind of collective orgasm which the Ukronazis (and their Western patrons) engage in as soon as any terrorist act (be it destroying the water supply to Crimea or the murder of Dugina) hits Russians.
The following few are just examples of the kind of rabid hated the Ukronazi identity is shaped around:

Logo of the Ukrainian military intelligence service: notice where the dagger points.

This (ISIS-inspired) charming pastoral scene is the Ukronazi idea of a bright future for the Kharkov region

Two “proud” Ukronazis take selfies before a planned Ukronazi stamp to commemorate the (failed) attack on the Crimea Bridge. Welcome to Banderastan!
Banderastan is a completely hatred-saturated society.
So is most the entire collective West (aka “Zone A”)
So is every Neocon out there.
In sharp contrast, hatred plays almost no role at all in Russian society.
Disgust with the Ukronazis? Sure! Contempt for the West? Yes, absolutely. But rejoicing in Ukrainian suffering or losses? Hatred for the (real, historical) Ukrainian culture and language? Nope, hardly ever (there are, as always, a few nasty nutcases everywhere, including Russia, though most Russian nutcases hate Russia more than the West anyway).
In fact, I would argue that they all hate Russia even more because Russia does not hate them back.
Conclusion: yes, they are capable of absolutely everything
There is no doubt in mind mind that if the Ukronazis could use real nukes against Russia they would. Zelenskii himself said so much. As did others. In fact, there is absolutely nothing I would put past the satanic souls of the classes which run the Hegemony or the Nazi freaks in Kiev. That is really bad news on two levels:
- They are capable of the worst imaginable atrocity
- They are also capable of the dumbest imaginable action
The first is obvious. But the second one needs a quick expanding upon. While hatred does give you energy, determination and even courage, it never contributes to a sober and realistic assessment of the situation. I would even argue that hatred and stupidity go hand in hand. So we should never use the “oh no, they can’t possibly be THAT stupid” argument because yes, they most definitely CAN be that stupid (just look at the self-defeating sanctions they passed!).
So are we about to see a dirty bomb go off somewhere in the Ukraine or Russia?
My best guess is that no, not after Shoigu and Gerasimov called their western counterparts and spelled out to them what the consequences of such an action might be (the Russians know exactly where this dirty bomb is being designed and manufactured, they know who is doing this work, and they know what the current stage of the project it. Of course, they could bomb/strike these locations, but that would risk releasing the nuclear material into the air, thus exactly creating the dirty bomb the Nazis are working on.
Now that the Russians have warned the entire planet (via this intervention at the UNSC) nobody besides the doubleplusgoodshiteaters in Zone A will believe that “Russia done it”. And since the said (and sad) doubleplusgoodshiteaters in Zone A are ALREADY convince that “Pioootin” is the “New Hitler” and Russia is Mordor, convincing them even more is not much of a success. And while the many comprador colonial administrations in “Zone B” will say exactly what their AngloZionist masters will tell them to, the people in Zone B will quickly realize the idiocy of the entire notion.
So will “they” do it? I don’t know. I hope not. I think not. But I know that they are capable of anything, including a dirty bomb or any other conceivable atrocity (including biowarfare, by the way).
Nothing can be built on hatred, at least nothing sustainable. But hatred is a fantastic source of destruction, capable of inflicting colossal damage in too many forms to count. Russia wants to build a stable and safe Eurasian continent as part of a multi-polar world. The Hegemony just wants to destroy anything standing in its way. In this sense, it has a huge advantage as destroying is always much easier than building or even preserving something.
So I will simply end with one of my favorite quotes from the Quran: “And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus]; but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers.” (Sura Al-Imran – 3:54).
“Banderastan is a completely hatred-saturated society.”
Great article.
The hatred of all things Russian go beyond Banderastan. It’s a Zionist induced poison that became reality following the Zionist coup d’etat in 2014 in Ukraine.
The trail of that hatred is over a century old.
This is the best article on that trail of hate.
That is a great read. Most of the content is well known to me but never the less it covers the subject very well.
“Love your neighbor.” – Jesus
“Hate your neighbor.” – Zionism
The Zionists have gotten away with defying Christ for 75 years as they destroy Palestine.
Will the Zio-Nazis in Ukraine take as long?
God protect Russia!
And deliver Palestine as well!
Almost. Rabbinical Phariseism defines “neighbor” as *only* as fellow Jews whereas Christianity defines every single human being as a “neighbor” (in the sense of the Commandment)
Which makes it terrible, heart-rending, to war on the neighbor. Which explains Putin’s strategy.
And shows the Kiev junta is definitely not Christian, but pagan which did not have this anguish.
I must correct that – at Troy the Ionians spoke with the Hittites as neighbors, nevertheless they had to level the city. Homer, 800 years after the 1100BC pre-christian holocaust, warned us. How is it that oligarchs (Agamemnon et al) do this?
Troy was one if the earliest wars that used a lie to rally the men to war. Agammemnon and his men were pirates, and Helen was never at Troy, or else they would have handed her over.
Moses said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus said, “Love your enemies.”
Jesus also said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” The standard for brotherly love is no longer our self love, but Christ’s love for man.
Amen. God protect Russia. God protect us all from evil.
“O Lord, save Thy people.”
As evil as Azov types are, the evil of USA is of a far greater magnitude. The Azov are basically dumb f-cks.
The Zionist rulers of Ukraine have no real agency. They are merely an extension of USA and its evil.
The threat of using a dirty bomb is clearly a sign of weakness. It is meant to dissuade Russia from liberating more territory
The USA/ West owners and rulers hate themselves first and foremost and everything they do is an expression of their self hatred (like their tendency to engage in homosexual acts).
“The USA/ West owners and rulers hate themselves first and foremost ”
Perhaps so, but their hate burns hottest for those that remind them of why they hate themselves. Thus their vehement lust to destroy anyone who displays non-NPC thoughts, holds any traditional value, or even simply displays a modicum of self control.
Interestingly, at least to me, is a known psychology characteristic; that men who subliminaly or consciously hate themselves, lash out and hurt most the woman / women, who love them!!
Where ever you look, you see in action the meme of the ancient texts “as above so below”, that which is of the heavens, of the macrocosm, is reflected even in the lowliest life, the microcosm.
As those individual humans who hate themselves thus living in hatred, want to expend their anger and pain on their direct opposite human, those who love, so too do nations and their people most of whom share national character.
The US is perfectly happy to turn Europe into a mass of failed states (like Ukraine) perpetually at war with Russia. A dirty bomb false flag would (in theory) assure war between NATO (in Europe) and Russia – this would be the chaos.
Sabotaging Nord Stream was similar in strategy, intended to prevent reconciliation between Germany and Russia.
While hatred is real I have found that most malfeasance is rooted in greed. Fear is a manipulative tool used to incite hatred. Those pursuing profit at any cost use every possible means to achieve their ends. This is simply the result of a BAD (and by bad I mean truly awful) value system where money is the measure of everything.
“The US is perfectly happy to turn Europe into a mass of glass”
There, fixed it for ya.
“Man cannot serve two masters, for he will love the one and hate the other. Man cannot serve both God and mammon.”
Mammon means money, or riches. God’s Kingdom is waging war against mammons empire. These are the two competing value systems you speak of.
Spiritual values are revealing their eternal power over worldly values. Worldly values tried to smother spiritual values, only to discover they couldn’t. Like a candle in a darkened room the truth is piercing through falsehood. Out of this heartbreaking tragedy comes the dawning of a new age, an age filled with peace, prosperity, and spiritual values.
Don’t fear the nukes. Read up on what Ray McGovern says about UFOs disarming nukes. The world won’t be allowed to destroy itself.
I feel like I’m living time backwards. I can see the place we’re going more clearly than I can see the place we’re coming from. the placebo effect tells us that we create what we believe, right? Let’s all create a better world by believing in the inevitable victory of spiritual values over worldly values. In a fallen, broken, materialistic world, spiritual values are destined to emerge unscathed and victorious. Let’s keep forgiving our enemies, and let’s keep the faith.
Be careful with psychological projections – there is a very real military calculation going on :
The United States showed its readiness to launch a nuclear strike on Russia
There are details of nuke war policies, and the fact a US Boomer showed its position, a major signal.
The US has a nuke first-use posture.
“Does the United States have the ability to launch a disarming and unanswered nuclear strike on Russia instantly, within minutes? For decades, it has been believed that no, any U.S. attack would trigger an immediate similar response from the Russian military. But now there is reason to believe that Washington has come to a different conclusion – and is brazenly demonstrating it.
On Thursday, October 20, an exceptional event took place in the Arabian Sea. ”
As RF said it will take any use of any type of nuke are a serious threat, maybe go to alert, there is NATO just waiting. And there is a NATO nuclear exercise right now in motion.
NATO Straussians have repeatedly said a nuke war is winnable, dismiss that as babble, waffle, raving – they mean it. “Nuke ’em Truss”‘ would have pushed the button – is now tending a lettuce garden.
Which means the RF is preparing for it. Rishi Sunak must be asked the same question on Sky.
Bonzo, excellent. It rolls up their evil intentions. Nuland, Rice, Hillary and her Capitol Hill democrats define this mess. Anything is now possible. This why you never put women in power.
Women are ’empowered’, not in power.
Those that are, have hooves, ruin with burn marks the parquet flooring of the Vatican.
Keep them out of the Basilica!
Wrong, all due respect. In every venue in the west, they are IN power.
Count the cloven hooves.
That is an old British Hell-Fire Club maxim.
– The US has a nuke first-use posture.
Let us keep it simple. DEM is freaking out because polls are showing they will lose election.
First they have to know whether DEM will keep House, before they start WWIII.
We find Mokeypox+ in the pipeline as next step. That is less risky for the Anglo-Saxons than total war.
Hi bonbon – pity your link is in Russian only. Too many Russian sites have no English translation which makes it hard from a propaganda perspective.
Use Win Edge – it is automatic, uses some kind of engine back there.
No addon needed.
This is a Yandex translation of the article in Russia:
The US has shown its readiness to launch a nuclear strike on Russia
Image: Submarine “West Virginia”
October 24, 2022, 13:18
Photo: U.S. Central Command
Text: Alexander Timokhin
Does the United States have the ability to instantly, within a few minutes, launch a disarming and unrequited nuclear strike on Russia? For decades, it was assumed that no, any US attack would cause an immediate similar response from the Russian armed forces. But now there is reason to believe that Washington has come to a different conclusion – and brazenly demonstrates it.
On Thursday, October 20, an exceptional event took place in the Arabian Sea. It was publicly announced that Michael Kurilla, commander of the US Central Command, paid a visit to the Ohio-type West Virginia SSBN (nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles), which specially surfaced in the Arabian Sea. This submarine, like all its “sisters”, is armed with 24 Trident II ballistic missiles, each of which can carry 10 warheads in the limit, which in total gives the boat an ammunition supply of 240 strategic nuclear charges.
But the fact is that the purpose of such boats is always to be secretive and never to designate the place of their patrol. The fact that now the location of this SSB is specially highlighted, it is impossible to perceive otherwise as a special signal. It is difficult to remember when earlier in this way any American military commander so clearly and openly visited a boat at sea on combat duty. All this is directly related to the nuclear deterrence system that exists between Russia and the United States.
Nuclear deterrence and nuclear attack
Nuclear war, preparation for it and its conduct is not as simple as the average person thinks. Let’s briefly list the key concepts.
When both sides – in this case, Russia and the United States – have both nuclear weapons, and means of their delivery to enemy territory, and a missile attack warning system, and the technical capability to launch ballistic missiles after this system detects the launch of enemy missiles, then a simple missile attack becomes suicide for the attacker. If the United States or Russia launches their ballistic missiles at the enemy, the enemy will be able to launch their missiles before the attacking side’s missiles reach their target.
Such a strike, when a counterattack is carried out before the enemy’s missiles have reached, is called a “counter-counter”. It is applied with the help of intercontinental ballistic missiles based in mine launchers and ready to launch immediately.
The problem is that the passage of the command to counter-strike takes time. And besides, it is necessary that someone from the leaders who have the right to order such a strike would be physically able to do it, that is, would be alive, conscious, and so on.
This vulnerability can be exploited by delivering a so–called decapitation strike (for Americans, decapitation strike). A strike aimed at destroying the leadership. To prevent or to neutralize the consequences of such a strike, there are different ways, we will not list them, as well as methods of application (this is not only a missile strike).
In addition to the decapitating blow, there is such a thing as a disarming blow (counterforce strike). Its goal is to attack the nuclear arsenal of the victim country in such a way that the enemy, even with a workable leadership, simply did not have time to launch its missiles in response. To do this, the time for which the blow is struck should be less than the enemy needs to make a decision and pass the order to the launchers.
Therefore, in addition to providing a retaliatory nuclear strike, the country’s nuclear forces are invested in ensuring a guaranteed possibility of a retaliatory strike. Which will be produced even if the enemy struck first, and all his missiles hit their targets before at least something was launched in response. The most common way to ensure a retaliatory strike are strategic submarines. As a result, the enemy’s attack in any case causes a counter-counter or retaliatory strike. Nuclear war turns out to be a dead end, it cannot be won, and even the participant who successfully attacked also dies.
This principle is called “mutually assured destruction”. It was this, and not something else, that guaranteed the absence of major wars on our planet after 1945.
But today the situation is somewhat different. The number of nuclear warheads has become such that the exchange of nuclear strikes cannot lead to the guaranteed death of all living things. The number of carriers of nuclear weapons has fallen to such values that even after a massive, all-out strike, wildlife, untouched cities and towns, and people will remain in the Northern Hemisphere. A nuclear war without the death of all participants has become possible.
The second problem is the combat stability of the Russian nuclear forces in their current configuration. Russia was able to revive the Missile Attack Warning System (SPRN). The missiles that are supposed to strike back and counter are regularly updated.
But now our fleet has fewer ships than Japan. There is no possibility to block all dangerous waters with the actions of anti-submarine forces. And this means that, as in the case of the Arabian Sea, the Americans and the British, who can hold them, will freely turn around to strike from where the missiles reach us too quickly. For example, in the Northern, Norwegian, Barents, Mediterranean and Arabian Seas.
Russian strategic submarines are few in number today compared to Soviet times. Together with the qualitative superiority of the US Navy, this creates an environment where the Americans can destroy our submarines immediately before the attack begins. This, alas, is a fact known to experts. At the same time, 44% of all strategic nuclear warheads in Russia are placed on submarines. And almost all of them are in two (!) fleet bases vulnerable to the first strike. The Russian strategic aviation has never learned to fight like the American one, and it is not a means of guaranteed retaliation.
The combination of these factors creates a technical opportunity for the United States to launch a successful disarming nuclear strike against Russia without receiving a significant blow in response. At the same time, the intensity of anti-Russian propaganda is such that the Western man in the street will not have to justify anything, from this point of view everything is ready there. And it is a hint of the possibility of such a strike that the West Virginia surfaced in the Arabian Sea.
Some experts believe that the American SSB was carrying out tasks to put pressure on China during the congress of the CPC. On the one hand, indeed, it is easy to attack China from the Arabian Sea “from the rear” – the approach of missiles to its populated areas will be from its deserts in the west of the country.
But there is no logic in such pressure. The Americans don’t know exactly where the Chinese have missiles. In addition, China does not have its own full-fledged SPRN. And the Americans can organize a sudden strike on this country with Pacific submarines from other directions. They simply do not need to threaten China from the Indian Ocean, and without this, they have complete order with threats.
The US is preparing to move on to the next phase of the conflict in Ukraine
NATO was afraid of the start of tests of the Russian underwater nuclear drone “Poseidon”
NATO begins a war of attrition in Ukraine
In contrast to China, the coordinates of Russian mine launchers and the corridors along which mobile installations moved until recently are known to the Americans extremely accurately. We gave them all the information ourselves during mutual inspections of each other’s missile positions. Thus, the PLARB in the Arabian Sea is a hint not to China, but to Russia. At the very least, we should not rule it out.
In order for the strike on our country to be successful, it must be delivered faster than we will have an alarm, an assessment of the situation and a command to launch. To do this, the distance from which the strike is carried out must be about 3000 kilometers, otherwise the flight time of the missiles will be too long. And now we look at the map.
When the SSB is deployed in the northern part of the Arabian Sea, it just happens to be at about such a distance from the formations of the 31st Missile Army of the RVSN and some units of the 33rd Guards Army of the RVSN, which allows them to deliver the same disarming blow in the minimum flight time.
It is clear that such a task cannot be solved by one submarine. And it is clear that such a task cannot be solved only from the Arabian Sea. But no one is talking about “one” and “only”. The deployment of SSBMS in this water area is not a preparation for a strike on Russia. But this is a demonstration that technically the United States can strike such a blow if it sees fit. And they’re not bluffing.
There is one little-known technical aspect to the layman. A ballistic missile can fly not only along a normal trajectory for itself, when the payload is thrown into the upper point of the trajectory and falls down from there. In addition to ballistic trajectories, missiles can also fly along the so-called flat (depressed in English terminology). The meaning of the flat trajectory is that the rocket goes very low, not even rising to 300 kilometers. With such a trajectory, ranges and accuracy suffer greatly, the spread of combat units increases, but it turns out a serious gain in flight speed to the target and a very small flight time.
If during a strike from the Arabian Sea, for example, on the 13th missile Division in the Orenburg region, inflicted on a conventional trajectory, the flight time of the missiles is comparable to the time of making a decision and passing the command to a counter-strike, then when hitting from there on a flat trajectory, the picture changes dramatically not in our favor.
ok but not a word on Russia’s hypersonic missle tech abilities ??
“Doubleplusgoodshiteaters”, that’s a good one. I think you’ve once again coined a new term!
A nuclear incident, maybe in moldova, may bring nato peacekeepers against transnistria.
See comment
If I’m not mistaken I believe that hatred is a violation of the Sixth Commandment. I know that rage and hatred can turn an otherwise rational man into a violent lunatic.
@ Jamie
A Sound Mind? 2 Timothy 1:7
Time for a song, I’d say yes?
In this article, just replace Russians with Serbs and Ukranians with croats, muslims and montenegrens and you will get 100% accurate parallel.
As for V.V. Putin’s travel to G20, I wish he catches cold so he misses it. Especially when we all know that 500k dead Iraqi children were well worth the cause …
Why not cause a ruckus at G20 – you have to have fun!
The G20 is changing, the ruckus in D.C. and London demands large pop-corn bushels!
Your fear of what the crazy West could do is well-founded. I have been thinking about what might go wrong at the G20 ever since it was announced. I’m sure the Russian security services and the government in general are also thinking about it seriously.
The truth is that Brandon is easily disposable to the Western hegemons. So staging an accident that could potentially take out Brandon and their person of rabid hatred would cause them no qualms. And in such scenario it would be hard to blame them for the accident.
They probably already have a member of the fifth columnist standing by to take over if they succeed in eliminating the person of their hatred.
Their replacement would make initial angry noise, but by and by, would mellow and start uttering such banalities like: “for the sake of humanity”; “even our late leader would not want the whole humanity destroyed just for his sake” etc. Yes the collective West is that stupid and heartless to plan such. The flagrant assasination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey during the Syria operation is a cautionary incident which I’m sure the Russian establishment has not forgotten.
With a friend like Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, one doesn’t need an enemy. The problem is that there many like him in and out of power in many places.
If I had a say in the matter I would suggest that President Putin stay back and let some other senior government official attend the meeting instead. The no-nonsense Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov could be given the honor. As much as the hegemon detest him he is not a significant target of their rabid anger. And also, Indonesian being a muslim country, Kadyrov would be a great face of Russia in such setting.
But of course if we ordinary can think this far I’m sure the Russian professionals are ahead of the matter. And if President Putin decides to be at the meeting personally, I have no doubt that every eventuality has been considered.
Curiously Biden said yesterday he could die tomorrow.
That means Harris. Not sure if the elections would survive that.
Meanwhile have fun, give recalcitrant G20 attendees heart attacks, strokes, conniptions and major gas exhaust.
..already…ashton carter… former former head of DoD..died “sudden heart attack” ..he loved all wars..
This is getting messy!
“That means Harris.” Her American birth status is contentious. Next in line is Pelosi. And no one would survive that.
No it isn’t. She is a “Natural Born citizen” as defined by the US Constitution and clarified by the Supreme Court.
“They” do hate and “they” are so consumed by hatred that “they” are very capable of doing the stupidest acts. “They” are also predictable in their chutzpah. “They” will up the ante and really don’t care about the world’s opinions. “They” have their doubleplusgoodipshits that will believe anything and a very loud megaphone to make the others question themselves.
If they go live with a dirty bomb I would think Mykolaiv the most likely target. Bringing the 101st BCT into Odessa for humanitarian reason to occupy and pass out food and water. I know some people would look for a Desert Storm like build up but this is unnecessary. Logistical support has been prepositioned at several bases in Romania and Poland for years (especially Romania). Much heavy equipment is still stored in Germany. Still not enough to beat several Russian fronts but enough to make a gigantic mess out of Europe with just conventional weapons.
“They” are cornered and desperate in Ukraine. Just declaring victory and packing up isn’t an option imo. So what options are left for them here? A dirty bomb seems outrageously stupid to me but you never know with these people, do you?
Thank you for putting your thoughts to pen.
You noted that there were three choices the US Hegemon could take:
“While zombies like Brandon and his “genius” VP are clueless about any of that, there must be at least a few folks in the Pentagon or the letter soup agencies who understand the simple fact that the way things look now, the Hegemony has three options:
Be defeated
Declare victory and leave (same deal, just with a tiny fig leaf for modesty)
Commit suicide by attacking Russia directly”
The issue seems to be that the US has concentrated all of its interests in destroying Russia. We beg to differ.
In realizing the power of the US Financial Hegemon and their legions of financial markets in the UK/EU, let’s take a look at what happened with PM Truss:
Earlier, she announced massive “tax cuts”, but it turned out none of that was “funded.” This caused a huge uproar in the Markets of the US/UK/EU Financial Hegemon. The English Pound plummeted within a few hours as a lot of volatility was witnessed on Wall Street/etc.
Within a few hours, folks like Larry Fink of Black Rock, and many others of extreme Wealth, went ballistic.They went ballistic because a little dweeb like Truss made the wrong move. How dare she intrude on their never-ending search for MOAR profits. So Truss had to resign, and in her place the new PM is a former Goldman Sachs Bankster. That tells us a lot about what the US Hegemon is all about.
Of course, most citizens paid little to no attention to this. But the point is, The US Financial Hegemon EVEN overshadows its Military Power. Please keep that in mind.
Thank you.
– Earlier, she announced massive “tax cuts”, but it turned out none of that was “funded.”
In this case Truss’ mini-budget was about not adding more taxes to corporations, i.e. no change. RT freaked out of course.
Nothing of the COVID-19 reparations have been “funded”. Trump added $7 trillion to US deficit, Biden added abother $3 trillion in 2 years, in total $10 trillion.
I’m not quite sure it is the “US Financial” Hegemon as it is the “Western Financial” Hegemon.
There are too many people in the West that own it… in some ways, I believe the US Financial machinery was bought out a long time ago by interests based in London.
For the UK, the Ukraine and the financial threat of an independent Russia are existentialist threats. There have nothing without their “financial markets”. The US and the European continent will survive just fine in a multi polar World, but not the UK.
Thank you for the timely article. I have no ideas of what the odds are of the West/Ukrainians detonating a dirty bomb are, nor do I know what the Russian response to such an atrocity would be. But what I do believe is this will not deter the Russians from their mission of disarming and denazifying Ukraine. If anything, a dirty bomb would intensify Russian resolve. How can one live with a neighbour intent on ending all life that surrounds him.
What are the Europeans smoking? Do they not know which way the wind blows? Are they so oblivious that they cannot see how badly things are already going without a radioactive bomb going off?
The only answer to how this can be is hatred of all things Russian.
I am more of the belief that the dirty bomb plot was a fake for the Russians to misdirect attention. After Russia hung up the phone the NATO side probably said, “They fell for it”. Of course, on the Russia side they probably hung up the phone and said, “They think we fell for it!”
It is like the feigned retreat leading your enemy into a trap. The retreat has to appear to be the real thing.
We will probably just have to wait to see who the better chess player is this round.
Hi Sakerites I don’t believe the Heads pulling the strings behind the west’/Globalists ever thought Ukraine could win a war against Russia {so no “freaking out there”}
the fear porn of 2020-present has been non-stop unlike anytime ever before inducing confusion/panic in the sheepfold.
the US led ecconomic/military dominance of the world is coming to end with the rise of that strange other {east} China led bloc
petro dollar {see Saudi signaling joining East} in jeopardy
nordstream destruction capturing Germany dependance on West {US} thus EU as well
preventing China’s Eurasion connection east to west {EU} keeping EU under West control
causing US/EU consumers destruction to cripple China’s ecconomic growth { see current massive inflation world-wide}
I would say everything seems to be going as planned for the Globalists plan to ‘reset’ world
from nationalist to a global government by the elites via digital currency control / energy control
The plan was the best made plan of mice and men, Burns the Bard.
It did not work. imagine that!
To a Mouse By Robert Burns On Turning her up in her Nest, with the Plough, November 1785.
Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi’ bickerin brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee
Wi’ murd’ring pattle!
I’m truly sorry Man’s dominion
Has broken Nature’s social union,
An’ justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle,
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
An’ fellow-mortal!
I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve;
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen-icker in a thrave
’S a sma’ request:
I’ll get a blessin wi’ the lave,
An’ never miss ’t!
Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin!
It’s silly wa’s the win’s are strewin!
An’ naething, now, to big a new ane,
O’ foggage green!
An’ bleak December’s winds ensuin,
Baith snell an’ keen!
Thou saw the fields laid bare an’ waste,
An’ weary Winter comin fast,
An’ cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro’ thy cell.
That wee-bit heap o’ leaves an’ stibble
Has cost thee monie a weary nibble!
Now thou’s turn’d out, for a’ thy trouble,
But house or hald,
To thole the Winter’s sleety dribble,
An’ cranreuch cauld!
But Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!
Still, thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e’e,
On prospects drear!
An’ forward tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!
I’m sure now that I like modern English to all that ancient mumbo jumbo. Others here must have had similar a similar problem :)
Scottish dialect, their national poet, Burns.
Try saying that in Glasgow! For the English, this surely is the point :
Still, thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e’e,
On prospects drear!
An’ forward tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!
Backward do we cast the eye, and here we guess and fear.
Digital only currency will never happen as 100 % of all trafics are and will always be in cash, or gold, silver, diamond anything the traffickers can control and has fluid value or real thing.
Drugs, weapons trafics count for 50 % of CIA black budget and also of other operations(even Pentagon).
Illegal migrants manpower is paid in cash on all continents.
100 central banks already in various stages of planning CBDC ,including China
crime in US out of control cities in panic ,reversing “defund the police”
with collapsing spending power {inflation} crime will skyrocket even more!
food shortages worldwide will increase , massive desperation setting in
Ukraine war isn’t the problem its the distraction
hell is unleashed upon the world {just beginning} so buckle seatbelts were in for the ride from Hell!!
Not so fast.
Currency is whatever TPTB dictates it to be. You better find a way to get some to pay your bills, or suffer the consequences.
In a world which money makes turn around, DC is a totalitarans wet dream come true
Cash for freedom ! Every tap of the watch, on the terminal to pay, is a step into the abyss.
exactly Ir if in the coming global breakdown ecconomy CBDC can be presented as the only way to restore stability and the desperate sheep will step right up to the enslavement joyfully/an gratefully , it’s already baked in Govt is our only savior .{as covid so completely demonstrated}
History does, indeed, repeat itself.
The last time US forces fought for Russian regime change very bad things happened that put a stain on our reputation. Those troops ended up under the command of foreign officers. Their original mission as defined by the US government went out the window and were ordered to do some other country’s dirty work.
NATO has made no secret of the fact that US troops will once again be under the command of foreign officers. Bad things will happen.
Some other country – meaning France and Britain bombing Bosnia?
Under foreign command circumvents the US Constitution – guess who is servant there?
Excellent article, even if quite disturbing. Another consideration bearing on this issue might be the US midterm elections. The Democrats, particularly Biden’s shadow government, have been doing almost anything they can to threaten and smear Republican candidates and Republican voters because of the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. So many of their recent moves indicate that they are desperate to retain Democrat power.
Chaos would suit the Democrats. See the BLM and Antifa riots of 2020 which could not have continued without the collusion of the DOJ and which were supported by Democrats, including the vice president. The US media would stir the flames. Ukraine has already been warned that if the Republicans win enough seats to control the House and/or the Senate, the funding of Ukraine may be in jeopardy.
Your description of the Democrats/Republicans aptly describes their constant bickering over ideologies and policies. But that’s mere theater.
But what lurks far more importantly beneath that surface are the US Oligarchs,Financiers who control both Parties.
Both parties are targeted by lobbying groups, aka, Big Oil.Gas/Defense Industry Monopolists, as a simple example. It is this very wealthy class of people who direct legislation & policy that will further increase their wealth.
You particularly saw this in the 2020 Election. Biden/Democrats received many more Billions of $$s than did Trump & the Republican Party. There were specific reasons for this and we don’t want to go into those details.
But the most important point is that ALL American citizens need to know ….both Parties have long since been “bought off” by the Super Elites in Finance, Oil/Gas,and “Defense” companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
You got that right. Once I realized that I broke the chains of their narrative and now have catalogued all their lies.
…I can tell you right now is that there is (almost) no anti-Ukrainian hatred in Russia.
If I may add to the examples you gave Andrei:
Here is a video of an interview of Donbass fighters made by Eva Bartlett recently. These guys are at the sharp end of the SMO, at Avdiivka, and still, after eight years of fighting, they show no hatred. Remarkable!
I believe this attitude pervades the RF military, right to the top.
The hatred of some Ukrainians for Russia is exceeded by some American politicians, mostly of the Neocon variety. But even among them this is an incredible statement of ossified hatred towards Russia:
Did a lot of these American Jewish people come from Russian families that suffered in Russia at some point? I know Max Boot was part of the 1980s Jewish out-migration from Russia. He seems to be holding a grudge. But Raskin is a 3rd generation American, and his father was a very successful fellow, and worked for JFK.
Excellent post and I hope you feel better.
NATO has been freaking out for months as evidenced by their actions. I agree with you that Putin avoid the G-20 Conference.
I love your Sura at the end. Amin.
Excellent analysis Andrei! thank you so much! Hope you are well.
Would a dirty bomb on the Ukrainian side of the front line, say in Nikolayev (as per Gonzalo Lira’s video) stop the Russian military advance along the Black Sea coast?
Could a dirty bomb be used as a false flag to galvanise public opinion in the West and initiate official entry of the US / NATO into the war ?
I don’t think the US ever thought they would be losing the economic war at this stage…
It is quite possible that key elements in the Pentagon do not approve of the “dirty bomb”; however, I have no doubt that elements withing the State Department and the White House, Nuland and Sullivan in particular, are the impetuous which will be carried out by the Ukrainians with the assistance of the SAS and MI6 and perhaps a particular third-rail intelligence entity.
The dirty bomb will be the climax of a series of lies which go back to the Russian withdrawal from the region of Kiev. This withdrawal was represented in the media of the Collective West as a Russian defeat; and they have built on that false narrative ever since: Russia is loosing the war and is desperate!!!
Since President Putin’s speech on 30 September 2022, they have embedded another lie into the original lie: the Russians are losing, and President Putin has threatened in his speech – a lie of course – to use nuclear weapons.
The the use of the “dirty bomb” is the climax of this narrative of lies because it gives the media of the Collective West the context to assert that the Russians used the dirty bomb because they are losing and because Putin said that they would use a nuclear device. All lies, of course, but nevertheless quite effective on the useful idiots in the West.
There is good reason to believe that this device will be used before Tuesday, 8 November 2022, which is “election” day in the U.S. While I do not in the least trust the Republicans, for they have been the enemy of my people since their inception, there are nevertheless Republicans running on a platform of defunding the war in the Ukraine if the Republicans get control of the House in the new Congress. It remains to be seen whether they can win and whether they will even attempt to keep their word. If the dirty bomb goes off on or before Friday, 04 November 2022, it could very well take the wind out of the Republicans campaigning of defunding the war. Over night, they will be branded as traitors. Even if the Republicans take the House, it would be highly unlikely that they would have the will, post dirty-bomb explosion, to defund the war.
In addition, if the dirty bomb is used, it is quite likely that the men of the 101st now in Romania will be sent to the Ukraine, likely to Odessa. It is obvious that the Russians will destroy that unit which is precisely what the evil elements in the State Department and White House want because that act will have directly drawn “American” blood and demand an escalated response. It is quite as obvious that the Russians cannot allow the 101st to be in the Ukraine and “freeze” the conflict. I am quite sure that the Russians have this potential of escalation in their strategic planning tree.
The dirty bomb strike, the insertion of the 101st and the annihilation of the 101st will be a set of steps to the nuclear threshold. Note, the elites of the Collective West are absolutely evil. They will boldly step through this threshold and the devil take the hindmost!
In the hypothetical case of Kiev being flattened by 10 nukes, would Pentagon then put New York / Washington / Denver (where the Washington DC politicians are going to stay?) at stake … because of 3 mill Ukrainians? No. Pentagon are not stupids, with a desire for suicide.
I was watching a very good video a few days ago. A Russian TV presenter in his sixties, with a grey Einstein mustache, was sitting in a study with shelves of books and talking about Ukrainian history since 1991. I put it aside until the anaesthetic had worn off, but now I can’t find it! Any clues?
The vid is recent. He’s speaking Russian. English subtitles. Clips of Maidan and Odessa massacre.
Search for “nikita mikhalkov on ukraine”, I believe it is what you are looking for.
He shows how the project for brainwashing Ukrainians began with children and youth already in 1991.
And for 30 years, the “democratic” West, the Eurocrats never commented anything about extremism and fascist tendencies in Ukraine.
Awesome, Lyy! Thanks a lot!
I recommend that vid to any adult not having a nervous disposition:
I’m with the saker on this one. Putin pls don’t bother with the G20. You are already leading the world. A lot just don’t realize that yet. Everyone on this planet needs a person like you at the moment. Nothing to gain by going to visit the insane asylum aka G20(with a few exceptions). Just keep doing what you are doing. Don’t underestimate the desperation of these maniacs, anything is possible.
P.s. only posted this b/c it helps lower my blood pressure. Currently live in the US and it’s unreal the brainwashing taking place. Very disturbing actually. We can as a species make it through this, but only if we have someone who can decipher truth from fiction at the helm.
I suspect that much of what The Saker writes here can be seen within the theme of “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” by Naomi Klein (2008). The overarching concept is to either cause or react-swiftly-to some form of shock to a culture/country/population, with the intent to profit (politically and/or financially) from the resultant chaos. Ms Klein gives many examples in her book, including the ‘rape’ of Russia in the ’90s. I would see the dirty-bomb scheme in this light. I believe the AngloZionist Hegemony is acting quite ‘rationally’ within this mindset (stirring up anger against Russia included). Evil, yes, but a calculated evil.
I would also add that we are probably edging into a Problem -> Reaction -> Solution scenario. Create a deep crisis, wait until the populace cries out for succor, and then introduce a (pre-made) solution that just happens to favor the interests of the hidden perpetrators. Ukraine and its widespread consequences just screams of this ‘tactic’.
As I have mentioned before, the only way to stop these forms of shenanigans is to (1) find the uber-hidden top-decision-makers, (2) find out what they hold dear (it may not be what you think), and (3) demonstrate that you can hold whatever-those-are at risk. The shenanigans will stop.
Always go for the head of the snake, not the tail…
– Klein’s third book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, was published on September 4, 2007. The book argues that the free market policies of Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics have risen to prominence in countries such as Chile, under Pinochet, Poland, Russia, under Yeltsin.
In 1973 Chile was a default state. During the years of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics, which started some years after 1973 (when the generals concluded economy was not their domain) Chile became the fastest developing economy in Latin America, passing even Argentine. Thanks to improved economy and improved housing (constructed to handle earthquakes), Chile escaped being victimized by a large earthquake later.
Compare that ti what happened with Managua
– Managua’s progress came to a sudden halt after it suffered a second major earthquake on December 23, 1972, which destroyed 90% of the city’s downtown and killed more than 19,120 people.[13] Infrastructure was severely damaged and rehabilitation or restoration of buildings was nearly impossible. At the time, Managua’s limited resources had to be directed to other disaster relief purposes. Managua’s ability to cope with the disaster was also limited. Surviving fire squadrons and ambulance companies were not able to handle the skyrocketing demand for their services.
Managua was not rebuilt after earthquake
– No money, no funny
Using Wikipedia for this subject is almost criminal. From the actual book :
“I [Naomi Klein] discovered that the idea of exploiting crisis and disaster has been the modus operandi of Milton Friedman’s movement from the very beginning — this fundamentalist form of capitalism has always needed disasters to advance.” Then, “Seen through the lens of this doctrine, the past thirty-five years look very different.”
“The three trademark demands — privatization, government deregulation, and deep cuts to social spending — tended to be extremely unpopular with citizens…”
“The bottom line is that while Friedman’s economic model is capable of being partially imposed under democracy, authoritarian conditions are required for the implementation of its true vision. For economic shock therapy to be applied without restraint — as it was in Chile in the seventies, China in the late eighties, Russia in the nineties and the U.S. after September 11, 2001 — some sort of additional major collective trauma has always been required, one that either temporarily suspended democratic practices or blocked them entirely. This ideological crusade was born in the authoritarian regimes of South America, and in its largest newly conquered territories — Russia and China — it coexists most comfortably, and most profitably, with an iron-fisted leadership to this day.”
“When the September 11 attacks hit, the White House was packed with Friedman’s disciples, including his close friend Donald Rumsfeld.”
“What [Orlando Letelier, Allende’s former defense minister] could not know at the time [1976] was that Chile under Chicago School rule was offering a glimpse of the future of the global economy, a pattern that would repeat again and again, from Russia to South Africa to Argentina: an urban bubble of frenetic speculation and dubious accounting fueling superprofits and frantic consumerism, ringed by the ghostly factories and rotting infrastructure of a development past; roughly half the population excluded from the economy altogether; out-of-control corruption and cronyism; decimation of nationally owned small and medium-sized businesses; a huge transfer of wealth from public to private hands, followed by a huge transfer of private debts into public hands.”
If you would like many more quotes from the actual book, I did a long review at Amazon :
Naomi Klein, daughter of famous Canadian feminist, dit not get it right
The numbers found in CIA factbook states
Population below poverty line 41.9% (2018 est.)
Population below poverty line 8.6% (2017 est.)
Life expectancy: 79.79 years
Income per capita: $23,300 (2020 est.)
lowest 10%: 1.7%
Taxes: 20.8% (of GDP) (2017 est.)
Income lowest 10% tax adjusted: $3129
Life expectancy: 81.49 years
Income per capita: $27,300 (2020 est.)
lowest 10%: 1.7%
Taxes: 49% (of GDP) (2017 est.)
Income lowest 10% tax adjusted: $2366
Socialism in Greece – income tax + 25% VAT – is causing the
poor Greeks to have less money than poor (Indians) in Chile
Capitalism in Chile is better for the poor than socialism in Greece.
Yes, we all know the CIA “factbook” is not massaged to reflect a certain viewpoint. Again, from the actual book :
“All these incarnations share a commitment to the policy trinity — the elimination of the public sphere, total liberation for corporations, and skeletal social spending — but none of the various names for the ideology seem quite adequate. Friedman framed his movement as an attempt to free the market from the state, but the real-world track record of what happens when his purist vision is realized is rather different. In every country where Chicago School policies have been applied over the past three decades, what has emerged is a powerful ruling alliance between a few very large corporations and a class of mostly wealthy politicians — with hazy and ever-shifting lines between the two groups. In Russia the billionaire private players in the alliance are called ‘the oligarchs’; in China, ‘the princelings’; in Chile, ‘the piranhas’; in the U.S., the Bush-Cheney campaign ‘Pioneers’. Far from freeing the market from the state, these political and corporate elites have simply merged, trading favors to secure the right to appropriate precious resources previously held in the public domain — from Russia’s oil fields, to China’s collective lands, to the no-bid reconstruction contracts for work in Iraq.
“A more accurate term for a system that erases the boundaries between Big Government and Big Business is not liberal, conservative or capitalist but corporatist. Its main characteristics are huge transfers of public wealth to private hands, often accompanied by exploding debt, an ever-widening chasm between the dazzling rich and the disposable poor, and an aggressive nationalism that justifies bottomless spending on security. For those inside the bubble of extreme wealth created by such an arrangement, there can be no more profitable way to organize a society. But because of the obvious drawbacks for the vast majority of the population left outside the bubble, other features of the corporatist state tend to include aggressive surveillance (once again, with government and large corporations trading favors and contracts), mass incarceration, shrinking civil liberties, and often, though not always, torture.”
Francis Lee
– There has never been an example of industrial development and a sustained path of growth and raising of living standards based upon a policy of free trade. riter.
During Francis Lee’s Chile early 70-ies income per capita was $1,300. After Milton Friedman had gotten rid of all the Francis Lee bureaucrat in Chile, income per capital has become $12,600
– Yes, we all know the CIA “factbook” is not massaged to reflect a certain viewpoint. Again, from the actual book :
A lot of denialism here, with no source. You cannot even cite numbers from Naomi Klein as you have never read her book.
Link should be
Chilean Roberto on June 25, 2022 · at 2:06 am EST/EDT about Chile 1973
– We were a country with such a poverty level that there was undernourishment.
Naomi Klein about being a “Trojan Horse Greenie”:
MCKAY: What would you say to the “Trojan Horse” charge?
KLEIN: That we’re green on the outside and red on the inside? We’re all red on the inside!
Naomi Klein and Liberal is the same
Naomi Klein
– The hopes of something like a Green New Deal is that the job creation potential and attaching measures like a wage guarantee, a benefits guarantee, a jobs guarantee – that these can be enough to capture the imagination of workers and their representatives so that they will fight for it. I don’t think it is just going to be a vanguard that’s going to win the kind of transformation that we need.
“Green New Deal” ?
CNBC: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just released her massive Green New Deal — here’s what’s in it”
kjell108: “You cannot even cite numbers from Naomi Klein as you have never read her book.”
Yes, I have – from intro to appendices. I even scanned pertinent paragraphs as I read the book and used text-recognition software (OCR) to enter them into my comment, so people who did not want to start blind could get a sense of the book before buying it.
From near the end of her book (remember, this book was published in 2008) :
“Latin America’s new leaders are also taking bold measures to block any future U.S.-backed coups that could attempt to undermine their democratic victories.”
“The new leaders in Latin America are also becoming better prepared for the kinds of shocks inflicted by volatile markets. One of the most destabilizing forces of recent decades has been the speed with which capital can pick up and move, or how a sudden drop in commodity prices can devastate an entire agricultural sector. But in much of Latin America these shocks have already happened, leaving behind ghostly industrial suburbs and huge stretches of fallow farmland. The task of the region’s new left, therefore, has become a matter of taking the detritus of globalization and putting it back to work. For the [democratically-run Argentina business] cooperatives, there is no fear of facing an economic shock of investors leaving, because the investors have already left.”
“Latin America’s most significant protection from future shocks (and therefore from the shock doctrine) flows from the continent’s emerging independence from Washington’s financial institutions, the result of greater integration among regional governments. The Bolivian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) is the continent’s retort to the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the now buried corporatist dream of a free-trade zone stretching from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Though ALBA is still in its early stages, Emir Sader, the Brazil-based sociologist, describes its promise as ‘a perfect example of genuinely fair trade: each country provides what it is best placed to produce, in return for what it most needs, independent of global market prices.’ So Bolivia provides gas at stable discounted prices; Venezuela offers heavily subsidized oil to poorer countries and shares expertise in developing reserves; and Cuba sends thousands of doctors to deliver free health care all over the Continent, while training students from other countries at its medical schools.
“…the major benefit is that ALBA is essentially a barter system, in which countries decide for themselves what any given commodity or service is worth, rather than letting traders in New York, Chicago or London set the prices for them. That makes trade far less vulnerable to the kind of sudden price fluctuations that devastated Latin American economies in the recent past. Surrounded by turbulent financial waters, Latin America is creating a zone of relative economic calm and predictability, a feat presumed impossible in the globalization era.”
“When one country does face a financial shortfall, this increased integration means that it does not need to turn to the IMF or the U.S. Treasury for a bailout. That’s fortunate because the 2006 U.S. National Security Strategy makes it clear that for Washington, the shock doctrine is still very much alive…”
This is from Naomi Klein interview:
– The hopes of something like a **Green New Deal** is that the job creation potential and attaching measures like a wage guarantee, a benefits guarantee, a jobs guarantee – that these can be enough to capture the imagination of workers …
This is how Media promoted
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just released her massive Green New Deal — here’s what’s in it”
– In addition, the **Green New Deal** envisioned by Ocasio-Cortez aims to implement progressive policies such as a federal jobs guarantee, basic income and universal health care.
IT IS THE SAME. Naomi Klein is a left liberal author, not an economist.
Francis Lee on The Saker is also a liberal believing “there has never been a successful free market economy”. After reading The Shock Doctrine Francis Lee believed Chile was an example of “how bad free market could be”. I am not making this up.
exactly right Goshawks …. and indeed “go for the head of the snake” was done
by Christ {see genesis 3:14-3:15 }
“Here we need to understand that the Hegemony and Russia have been fighting two completely different wars. For the Hegemony the war against Russia, started in 2013, has always been about optics, PYSOPS, PR and propaganda. Hence the constant flow of idiotic, mostly self-evidently false, “information” fed to the doubleplusgoodshitheaters which swallowed that nonsense…”
The PSYOPS,PR and propaganda are only a means to an end. The end is to build up the political support among the populace of Zone A. In this matter they are succeeding. This will make it easier to act upon a false flag as and when the time comes.
==>>NATO is losing, and they know it, so they are freaking out<<==
Maybe they are freaking out but they are also preparing for a nuclear battle which is their last and only hope.
Remember the logic from Dr. Strangelove? If they (Russians) lose 100 million and we lose 200 million we still come out tops because they have 50 million left and we have 100.
Yes, they are that crazy as they are psychopaths.
“they are also preparing for a nuclear battle” – this is what Dr. Konstantin Sivkov says (for those who speaks Russian). Basically, he says that the reduction of the total number of nuclear charges on the planet led to an increased risk of nuclear conflict. Because the prospect of a nuclear winter has become unlikely. The long-term radioactive contamination is what it is – a long-term prospect, while the winter without energy and financial crisis are coming now.
This ends with regime change in Kiev, either now or next month or next. The difference will only be in more dead and more destruction, including of the European Union itself, the longer it lasts.
Over to you, Brandon.
Back in 2012 when my then girlfriend and I holidayed in Goa, the hotel room next to us was occupied by a young Ukrainian who was pretty much always in the company of pretty young Russian girls (who spent a lot of time in his room too). I’ve seen older Russian and Ukrainian people singing songs together on the beach. Whatever the source of the hatred is, it was artificially injected and inoculated in the mass of the Ukrainian people since 2014; before that there was no overt animosity at all.
As for the dirty bomb, it’s, they’ll most certainly do it. They’ll do it to one of their own cities and bland Russia, and NATO is waiting for the excuse to occupy west Ukranazistan as soon as it is done.
By the way, Zhou Enlai was on the CIA’s murder last and in circa 1956 they blew up an Indian plane Zhou was allegedly on (the Chinese government had chartered it to fly Zhou to – I think – Indonesia for a summit but he didn’t actually board it). So, not only could they to to murder Putin, they have already tried the equivalent.
And Putin really needs to create a succession apparatus. I have been saying for years that an apres moi l’deluge approach will not work.
*list, not last..
Is The Best in Hell online to watch?
The hatred seems to be inbuilt and encouraged. The way the USA ensures that no rival is allowed to succeed, that cooperation is never allowed, only punishment of anyone the US régime has decided is an enemy. Friends (!!) like Saudi Arabia are suddenly enemies, and allies like Germany (!!) are destroyed and pretend not to notice who has done the deed. The EU is headed by a wicked witch full of Russophobia, determined to allow no dissent among her 500 million underlings shouting “democracy, freedom, sovereignty, independence” (only for Ukraine of course). The UK Brexit drew that poor kingdom right back into the EU’s clutches.
Very accurate analysis re. how the Russians feel about Ukrainians & what the modern Ukrainian “nation” is.
The latter is a product of a ~ 8-20 years selective breeding (by anglo-saxons) of the narrowly specialized on hatred human species. Using the same methods which were so successful in Nazi Germany. The anglo-saxons were playing God, as has become their habit.
As with all human selective breeding programs, while the result always superior of its natural counterparts in one chosen characteristics, they could never exist on their own in the natural environment, without reliance on the continuous uninterrupted external assistance with virtually everything , from fertilizers (food) to heat(energy) to defense. This is true about virtually all experiments in this area. The result is for a single purpose and in case of “Ukrainians” – one-off use.
“Houston, we have a problem”
@ 2014 the boys in the Duma that were online regularly (Putin; Lavrov;etc) asked “”why does the USA and the Western powers that be, not respond to logic and diplomacy?”” to which I (sadly) had to inform them that they (the West) are clinically and verifiably insane. I was surprised they apparently didn’t realise this, but have conducted themselves accordingly. It’s now very obvious to anyone with half a brain that Russia has sacrificed and bent over backwards to appease such psychos that only prove the allegation in their (the West’) responses and cover-ups to the atrocities committed against Russians and Russia.Only problem seems to be that most westerners lack the half a brain needed to comprehend it.
I think this ‘dirty bomb’ thing is primarily a psyop, which has been long time comming. I remember in the beginning of the operation back in feburary, how quickly the talk about ‘tactical nukes’ came up out of nowhere from the west. That was a bad sign already there. I see several angles.
1. It could give Empire an exit ramp, Putins crazy we need to back off … sorry Ukraine.
2. It could scare the shit out of people. Influencing the mid-term election, even delaying it.
3. Be used as a justification for preparations for a preventive first strike.
4. Induce and rationalize a crash in the financial system.
5. Justify overt NATO involvment in Ukraine. “We need to stop them here, before they reach our doorstep.”
or “We’re no fighting Russia, we are defending Ukraine.”
I imagine a ‘Dirty bomb’ does not have the same ‘Cinematic’ effect as a small tactical nuke, for effect it would therefore be an advantage to ‘model’ the area where the strike supposedly happened. Empty town a +
This could be done with synconized demolition blasts around the impact area, or by actually using a small tactical nuke as the detonating charge of the dirty bomb. I guess it would be hard to find the nuclear signature of such an event.
Many thanks to Andrei for posting this important article. The decision to drop or explode a dirty bomb won’t be made by the puppet Zelinski or any of his teammates. For sure, it would be made in Washington- Tel-Aviv- London axis after some closed door consultations. The use of a dirty bomb means the empire has run out of false flag options following series of successful mind-diverting false flags from those in the past including the 911 – Skripal poisoning affair – Bucha massacre – Syrian Chemical Bombs – Crimean Bridge bombing, NS1 and NS2 … and many others. It represents not only a major threat against Russia but in fact a direct threat to the entire world, since it means they are spreading radioactive substances which can cause various diseases such as cancer in people living anywhere. So it’s not a joke, allowed to be made by the former comedian put in place by NATO, now acting as the official president of the Ukrainian Nazi state. The Ukrainians may be very enthusiastic about the hate-Russia narrative, but the reason behind it is because many people in Ukraine receive their social security, pension, salaries …directly from Uncle Shmuel’s casino banking, which can still afford to bankroll not only the poor Ukrainians but also the full western camp including the EU with unlimited dollars. So they are being bribed for their services. The more they show their cheerful enthusiasms about hate-Russia or express solidarity with the independence of Taiwan from China, Iran bashing …etc. the more solid becomes their memberships in the payment list of those to receive remunerations. The Americans are telling the Europeans that they should be patient and quiet when buying the American LNG for 10 times more than the Russian N-Gas, in anticipation of a Russian defeat and its ultimate conquest by the Anglosaxon-Zionist bankers say in the next two-three years when the Europeans will then enjoy unlimited Russian, followed by Chinese and then Iranian oil, gas and other resources as they become part of the West’s own private assets. Again, the Americans and their Zionist collaborators could go on with this sort of brinkmanship for as long as they can pay for everything on their list. Right now, the west is still confident that the Persian Gulf Arab gas-stations will continue pumping enough oil/ gas to the west until their grand project is accomplished. It would be not only rational but also necessary to tie the use of false flag dirty bomb in the Ukrainian scenario with the immediate closure of the Strait of Hormuz, Bab-el-Mandab and the Suez Canal to all western-directed shipping and trades. Russia, Iran and China should hold their own closed door consultation about this issue.
– the reason behind it is because many people in Ukraine receive their social security, pension, salaries …directly from Uncle Shmuel’s casino banking,
Sounds like US are the generous ones, funding pensioners in Ukraine …
That was new to me.
Income level in Ukraine is at minimum level (half of Israel), but we are to believe that is “subsidized income”
Yes of course. When you think about it the Ukronazis that are funded and supported by more than a couple of billion dollars per month, which would trickle down to all the sectors of the economy in their war torn country. Not all of that money goes to the military or equipment. Last week, some top Uki officials asked for more money from US-EU to pay for civil servant sector salaries. The country is bankrupt and can’t pay the salaries, pensions etc. All mercenaries in Ukraine are paid thousands of dollars per month. Ukrainians soldiers also get dollar salaries but perhaps at a lower scale. Currently, they are running a war economy that couldn’t last a week without NATO financial support. Millions of Ukrainians receive monthly social security pay checks in EU host countries including Germany, UK, Poland, sending some to their relatives in Ukraine. By the way it’s not the US that’s the generous one, but the Arab Persian Gulf countries should better fit that description.
Again the Us is spending billions of dollars it just doesn’t have. It’s the Arab oil kingdoms that are supporting the current western financial casino.
Electricity is paid by government ..? The consumer themselves are funding the electricity provider
The printing press story is a ruse… third of all international clearing house transactions is laundered black market drug money…..trillions upon trillions internationally, which are then magically printed back into the system. To totally collapse the system, or take control from the most organized criminal gang on the planet one needs to stop or curtail black market drugs.
Cheers M
– The country is bankrupt and can’t pay the salaries, pensions
In the normal case pensions are money the pensioners has paid during a lifetime, allocated to a pension fund (stock / bonds / cash).
Government salaries are paid from tax money, like tax inspectors are paid by tax. When tax disappear, the tax inspectors also disappear. Then they move home to their local family (using Greece case).
Doctor who are not paid emigrated.
No tax -> an informal economy with all type of business opportunities – a golden age for farmers
fz-mod: interesting point, but the article is about the “dirty bomb” and hatred and not about Ukraine’s dire economic situation
Good morning All, I have been daily reading the discussions over the last few months and I’d like to thank you all for the great work and articles explaining all that is going on from a non msm point of view. I am nowhere near as great at writing as most of you but it’s just nice to be able to reply to some posts and give my say.
With regards to a nuclear confrontation , I picked up about a year ago that in NZ property was being bought up by the very wealthy, talk was of underground facilities being constructed, although this could just be misinformation. Is it feasible it could be the last great bunker for a select few due to its geographic position? Can anyone expand or does this have no relevance at this time. Thank you
If thermonuclear war starts, the living will envy the dead.
I personally knew one wealthy person from the US who told me he bought his get away spot in NZ (ranch of some sort). This occurred around 2005-2007. Also have read about many others doing the same. Seems to be a preferred location for the wealthy to build their own bunkers. They just have to put up with “Woke-ioactive” fallout even without a war, and it seems likely the Chinese have that nice real estate in their Lebensraum planning.
The significance of the dirty bomb story, to my mind, is that it signifies a shift in the US/UK/NATO strategy to desperate measures that have no tactical advantage on the battlefield but are intended to create a psychological effect. In short, it means that irrespective of the triumphalism in the western discourse, the claims of impending Ukraine victory & other such nonsense, the planners behind the scenes are all too aware of the direction in which all this is headed. Although, in the western mainstream media, a slightly more realistic perception is creeping in, it is not all that obvious, but here & there one can detect voices that were once triumphant on Ukraine, & have changed their tune somewhat & are beginning to sing a different song. The issue at the core of all of this is, in my opinion, this: the power behind the scenes, the real power, the ruling class so to speak, in the Anglo-American sphere, how do they perceive a Russian victory in Ukraine? Are they prepared to grudgingly accept it, as they have had to do in Syria, & move on the fight their endless war in some other part of the world, such as China/Taiwan? Or is this existential to them? My feeling is that it is existential, that this is a battle they cannot afford to lose, & cannot afford to be seen to lose, & they will therefore escalate the conflict in any manner they see possible if they can gain an advantage. That is key, because if that is how it is, then a direct conflict between the US & Russia is on the cards. But, if the ruling class in the US is prepared to swallow a defeat & move on, then we will just see the battlefield change location. I think it is the former, but I am not 100 per cent, because I am not certain that ruling class itself knows how far it is prepared to go. And that perhaps, is the most dangerous component of all in all of this.
Lots of loose talk about so-called dirty nukes.
Here is someone who actually inspected some of these :
I read Ritter’s article but am not impressed. Just because the Iraqis failed at their dirty bomb attempt does not mean much. Zirconium isotope was readily available to them, and it could well be that they were thinking carefully to avoid a nasty disaster. By choosing Zirconium, they could look towards sufficient decay in less than 2 years. After that, it would be as if it had not happened (from a radiation perspective).
Both cesium and strontium present a vastly worse scenario that Ritter conveniently overlooks. First, their half lives are on the order of 30 years so a couple of centuries or more are needed for the radiation problem to “go away”.
Second, both are readily incorporated in the body. Cesium behaves similarly to potassium in the body, and strontium like calcium. Once incorporated in the body, they dangerously irradiate the cells at close range, with both beta and gamma rays. There is another half life, called the biological half life, that governs the slow excretion of these substances. Cesium is also known to accumulate in the pancreas, where it is especially dangerous.
One study found that dogs die 33 days after ingesting 44 ug/kg of Cs-137. This limited data suggests that ingesting just a few milligrams or less is a certain death sentence. EPA rates human risk as a 10% chance of cancer after ingesting 270 million pCi, which equates to a about
3 micrograms.
Cesium has a fairly low melting point, so a bomb can easily vaporize it resulting in fine powder condensate blowing far and wide with the wind.
If ingesting 3 micrograms results in a 10% cancer risk, imagine 1 kg or more vaporized by a bomb. As a minimum, it would be a gigantic mess and ruin a region for normal life. And you do not need to ingest it for it to be dangerous. While both gamma and beta wreck havoc with an internal dose, the gamma alone can be deadly from an external dose.
So, hard to say where Ritter is coming from. Just more ignorant than he ought to be? Messaging for his bosses?
– So, hard to say where Ritter is coming from
Ritter’s career is transparent reading.
He became the de facto expert about Saddam’s weapon cababilities.
On link he is telling us what Biden is like – from meeting him one-to-one.
According to Ritter Biden should be arrested tomorrow.
As many here point out the Ukronazi selfies show 2 explosions on the bridge.
Looks like the plan only half worked.
Z claims he did not order it. likely was done as a favor,
Kiev media is having fits about Grom-2022, the RF nuclear forces exercises which involve :
the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from Plesetsk;
a salvo of ballistic missiles with nuclear submarines from the Kola Peninsula area at the Kura test site in Kamchatka;
launch of cruise missiles from strategic bombers-missile carriers in the Arctic.
These exercises in no way threaten either Ukraine or the West. This is recognized in the Pentagon. Agency spokesman Patrick Ryder said: “Yes, the U.S. has been informed. And, as we have emphasized before, these are routine annual exercises of Russia. ”
You forgot the fourth option:
Replace the warheads on HIMARS rockets with dirty warheads and send barrage after barrage of them to Kherson. Eventually, Russians will have to redeploy AD assets to Kherson to defend the city, and *then* you hit Nova Kahovka dam! Collapse the dam and then you can take more fields from the Russians playing mobile defense, you can leave Russians without a dam, without the lake and without water supply to Crimea. Also the ZNPP will probably be inoperable without the lake for cooling. And whatever remains of Dniepr after the lake flows off will probably be easier to cross so the Russians will need to extend their forces to defend the land, thus giving you another opening for taking land from their mobile defence game.
If you *know* for a fact you’ll not regain Kherson this century, you don’t care about poisoning it with dirty HIMARS rockets. But you deny Russia the city. And also you deny Russia the dam, if you blow it up. Any way you look at it, the Hegemony hurts Russia. And if you think about it as a zero-sum game, hurting Russia means winning so the Hegemony might just go for it, even with Shoigu’s warnings.
You quoted : “And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus]; but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers.” (Surah Al-Imran – 3:54)
Another English translation of that verse is: “And the unbelievers schemed (plotted and planned); and God also planned: and God is the Best of Planners.” (Surah Al-Imran – 3:54)
Not only was their plan brought to nought but also became a problem for them. It alludes to an active Divine intervention again all such schemers. The ongoing crises in some countries are a realtime display of such Divine intervention.
Extremely interesting report on Kadyrov announcing a Jihad .
Chechen commanders decided not to defend themselves, but to attack
“Jihad” cannot do without references to the Quran. In Islamic law, which is based on the holy scriptures and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, there are a number of laws that believers must obey during a military “Jihad.” The law categorically prohibits the killing of the elderly, women and children, as well as clergy and other peaceful people who do not take part in the battles.
There is much more there completely new to me. This is worth a thread of its own.
Ukraine was upset by the plans of the new Prime Minister of Britain, writes Politico
Military budget cuts, and :
In an attempt to appease Kiev, which still yearns for its departed ally Boris Johnson, Sunak declared his support for the British armed forces and said that the conflict in Ukraine must be brought to an end.
Kiev might become a luxury item, nice to have, if one understands innuendo….
“So will “they” do it? I don’t know. I hope not. I think not. But I know that they are capable of anything, including a dirty bomb or any other conceivable atrocity (including biowarfare, by the way).
Nothing can be built on hatred, at least nothing sustainable. But hatred is a fantastic source of destruction, capable of inflicting colossal damage in too many forms to count. Russia wants to build a stable and safe Eurasian continent as part of a multi-polar world. The Hegemony just wants to destroy anything standing in its way. In this sense, it has a huge advantage as destroying is always much easier than building or even preserving something.”
Yes, Pedro Escobar once wrote a book that accurately described America as the Empire of Chaos.
It is always easier to destroy something rather than to build something positive.
The former merely involves sowing chaos, conflict, and war in a fit of pure negation and spite, while the latter requires patience and the cultivation of our better angels, despite the arduous hardships created by the former.
The USA and its allies in the Anglosphere to Europe to Japan are now deploying the deliberate fomenting of chaos as a geopolitical weapon–all in order to maintain their jealously guarded domination of the world.
Very thought provoking article! I knew that the Ukies were indoctrinated with hate from childhood but your article lays out its scope in stark detail. It is both horrifying and pathetic.
Allow me to mention something that I feel is relevant in this context that most people may not be aware of. It is called Planck’s Principle: ( “An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning”
IMHO the same thing happens with hate preached from the childhood, as an anchor of one’s personal and social identity. No amount of preaching is going to stop the all pervasive hatred that has consumed the Ukies and their foreign sponsors around the world. They are like dogs suffering from rabies, who are driven by their diseased psyche to hate and dream of destroying Moskals, Jews, Poles, blacks .. . It would harm our own sense of being human to hate them back for their disease. The best that anybody can hope for them is a quick and merciful end to their diseased existence and that their future generations are properly inoculated against this disease. Application of Planck’s Principle to generic hatred, if you will.
By the way I want to draw your attention to an article by a retired Indian diplomat:
“… Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov disclosed on Monday that “Detailed information indicating the institutions that may be commissioned for this purpose was conveyed through the defence minister [Sergey Shoigu] during his contacts with his counterparts in the United States, Britain, France and Turkey. More contacts are planned between our defence ministries.
“Lavrov added: “Some of our partners have really suggested a discussion of the information we have at a professional military level. This is a kind of approach that we supported.”
Could elements in Kiev be having their own Plan B to escalate the war and drag the US and NATO into it? There are no easy answers.
The bottomline is that “constructive engagement” has begun between Moscow on one side and Washington, London and Paris on the other. But it’s really touch-and-go. The Moscow daily Izvestia quoted the noted Russian military expert Vladislav Shurygin on Monday: “What is a dirty bomb? To create it, all that is necessary is to dig up a barrel with nuclear waste from some power plant, put them in a capsule and then jerk 100 kg of TNT.”
Shurygin explained: “Even in this case, the infection will be in a radius of maybe 500 metres, maybe a kilometre. And then it all starts to sink into the soil… If it is torn in the water or infect the water, then it will all sweep downstream, lie on the bottom and gradually go away. To make the waters of the Dnieper radioactive, I do not even know how much [water] would need to be drained out. Remember, Fukushima poisoned the sea for six months and no one even noticed it. The intention of the Ukrainian authorities is not very clear. If they want to blame it on us, it won’t be easy; when we have “clean” bombs, why we would need “dirty” ones is completely unclear.”
Here is my Question to the Saker, and as Gonzalo Lira has just posited in his video here, what if the dirty bomb is pulled off, gets exploded somewhere, as a pretext to allow the US troops into Odessa. Just asking, what if the US/NATO troops poured into the Odessa region and tried to squat and hold the area as they do part of Syria, successfully for the past several years. What would be the Russian reaction ? Are they going to tolerate it or respond immediately ?
One observation….
Here in coastal SoCal the once common as a Chevrolet (*) German luxury cars – Benzes, Bimmers, Audis – have been all but displaced by luxury Teslas.
My one neighbor is an aberration: still has three Bimmers, including an M5.
But the other neighbor is common: three Teslas. (**). Gone are the S sedan, CLS and 750-iL.
Seems like the US has been planning on letting the EU hang for a while.
(*) Bumper sticker seen on a local Porsche 911: “Newport Beach Chevy”.
(**) We are the true aberration: three Hondas.
Remember when the Bush regime scared us with specters of dirty bombs being used by terrorist groups? Now we see who the real terrorists are.
Weak. A dirty bomb makes perfect sense, not because of hatred, but because it is strategically intolerable to allow Russia to control the entire northern coast of the Black Sea and Ukraine’s richest agricultural and industrial areas. Yeah the Ukies are nutty racists. Funny how effective relentless propaganda can be. Did you know that in 1914 Germans threw Belgium babies in the air and caught them on bayonets? Better go to war! US policy makers are not filled with hate. They simply have a job to do. Did the US hate the people of Hamburg, Dresden or Cologne? Or the Japanese, or the Vietnamese, or the North Koreans, or the Libyans, or the Iraqis? Join the club. Fall in line and we’ll be best friends. Biden and Harris are idiots. This has nothing to do with US policy. They don’t make policy. What will the US do now that it has achieved its goal of isolating Europe from Russia and China? It will engage in a lot more sabotage, behind the lines attacks, subversion, lies, deceit, sanctions, threats and intimidation. Because that’s what it does to enemies. Hatred and demonization are simply a tool in their tool box. Nothing unusual or special about hatred of Russia. Business as usual. Oh I almost forgot, the West is butthurt because of the defeat of the Teutonic Knights. Damn that Alexander Nevsky! Russian exceptionalism belongs in the trash can with American exceptionalism. You’re fighting The Empire. It’s how The Empire fights. There is nothing off limits, there is nothing beyond the pale. Hatred is the least of Russia and China’s worries.
Andrei wrote above ” . . . . . what I think Russia stands for or, even more interestingly, what she might stand for in the future, that will be for a future analysis . . . ”
Now I may have pasted this here once or twice in the past but it’s something I’ve carried in the back of my mind since I read it many, many years ago. A renowned medium (DO NOT scoff) Edgar Cayce said in 1944
” In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” ~ Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29
I feel that Vladimir Putin & Russian culture is TRYING to show the West the way forward. Alas I think it may be too late for many to grasp. Perhaps a winter or 3 in northern Europe may turn things around & more European men will ‘grow a pair’
I found this good video explaining the cheap drones.
Funny thing is they show them as targeting radar and then suggest the best counter is a German radar assisted machinegun vehicle. If the drones target radar, it would seem the drones would take these solution machines out.
This would have to make the US very nervous with military presence such as Japan or S Korea. They could get swarmed and totally screwed with a couple waves of drones. Even Israel could get drone swarmed and become defenseless. It would seem to me this is a weapon of the future that both China and India could mass produce and lay waste to all of NATO. Combined arms warfare has a new tool in the toolbox.
Interesting video. Who made that video?
I choose door #1 as the most likely scenario, a dirty bomb strike against Russia sponsored by NATO.
Neocons have a singular way of thinking. Attack another country (economically, soft power, limited strike, etc), if that country responds, accuse them of aggression and plan the next attack. If the country does not respond, their govt will look weak to their own people and demand regime change. I’m not saying this works, only that this is the playbook.
Ukraine, allows NATO to do (or try) a dirty bomb strike on Russia. The U.S. hopes Russia will respond with a tactical nuke allowing us to escalate or at least keep the war going. If Russia does not respond with a tactical nuke then Russians get pissed off at the govt for doing nothing. This is the Neocon fantasy of regime change.
U.S. state media, masquerading as a free press, enables this type of mischief. They will just repeat what they are told and say that this is ‘yet another Russian false flag attack’.
Wow you have come back from the tangle with mother nature more intense and creative than ever.
One of your central ideas brings me back to, “hate is closer to love than indifference”. This quote has often resurfaced in my life.
Hate and love both can blind us to reality and our well-motivated action turns into disaster. Indifference with a secure sense of reality gives one staying power. After 1165 years of existence Russia has proven its ability to survive.
At this rate the US will be recorded as a scourge of humanity, flash in the bucket, psycho-society that ultimately lost its mind but was thankfully prevented from destroying the world when cooler heads prevailed.
According to this article below, an American nuclear submarine–the Ohio-class West Virginia SSBN–deliberately revealed its position while on combat patrol by surfacing in the Arabian Sea in October of this year.
The point of this unusual surfacing was to deliver a thinly disguised nuclear threat to Russia:
It is all about hatred. And hatred is a mad dog response.