by Sushi for the Saker Blog
This series of articles commenced as an investigation of a curious incident: the alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury UK on March 4th, 2018. The series represents an attempt to collect and sift the available relevant evidence. Links to prior work may be found at the end of this article.
It is now believed sufficient evidence exists to elevate this curious incident to the level of “Skripalgate.”
On March 28th, the Police Service announced their theory of the case: that a toxic agent believed to be an organophosphate poison in the VX family of the type developed in the UK and militarised at Porton Down, was found in the highest concentrations on the door of the Skripal residence. The police thesis is that contact with the door handle was the means of poisoning the Skripals.
For the reasons which follow, this claim by the police provides evidence to support the assertion the curious incident of Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia, is a false flag.
General Introduction to the Toxin
Vladimir Uglev was one of the Soviet researchers actively engaged in the FOLIANT program, the Soviet program for developing Next Generation Agents (NGA).
Uglev claims to have worked on these nerve agents “from 1972 until 1988.” In his March 20th, 2018 interview with The Bell he claims the Soviet research on NGA, and his own participation, ended approximately nine years prior to Russia joining the OPCW, the international body which seeks to regulate chemical warfare.
At the time the FOLIANT program ended the Soviet Union was in a state of collapse. Russia denies any involvement in a research program involving a NGA called “Novichok.” This is an accurate statement for three reasons: 1) Novichok refers to the attempt to develop binary forms of the NGA developed under the FOLIANT program not to any unique NGA; 2) Novichok may also refer to a deception operation intended to confuse the Amercians. It was this deception operation that lead to the original arrest of Vil Mirzanov; 3) The FOLIANT program was operated by the U.S.S.R. The Soviet Union underwent a complete collapse and disintegration at this time and was a very different entity from the present day Russian Federation. This point seems to be missed by a great many writers who conflate the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. The German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany are two very different entities. The same is true of Russia and the U.S.S.R.
All NGA research stocks were destroyed by incineration at the close of the program. All nerve agents, including any NGA FOLIANT agents, degrade at a rate of approximately 3% per year. This is not a linear rate of degradation. As decomposition by-products build up, degradation accelerates.
Mirzanov further said that there was probably no current stockpile of novichok to steal, because it has a limited shelf life and the preferred form would be a binary version in which two relatively benign, non-banned substances were mixed to produce novichok.
“The final product, in storage, after one year is already losing 2%, 3%. The next year more, and the next year more. In 10-15 years, it’s no longer effective.”
The poisoning of the Skripals occurred 30 years from 1988. With a linear rate of decay of 3% a year, any retained sample from 1988 would not constitute an effective toxin (30 x .03 = 90%). The clear implication is that even if any Soviet stocks had been saved from incineration the toxicity of these agents would be extremely low to negligible.
Little is known of the physical characteristics of any FOLIANT NGA program output. The researchers developed hundreds of variants of organophosphate based VX. The research involved continually tweaking the chemical formula for VX to identify new derivatives. Any discovery was then evaluated for its possible military potential. All the Soviet NGA were given a name. The naming convention consisted of an alphabetic character followed by 4 digits representing the year of discovery i.e. B-1976, C-1976, or D-1980.
Uglev also states that there exists no antidote for any of the FOLIANT NGA. If poisoned with VX the victim has from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to inject atropine as an antidote. If the victim becomes unconscious and is removed to hospital care, medical therapy consists of sedation together with the regular application of atropine until the patient makes a recovery. Uglev is claiming that not only is atropine not an effective therapy, he is stating that there exists no antidote.
Uglev asserts that all of the FOLIANT agents were in liquid form with the sole exception of D-1980 which came in the form of a powder.
Vil Mirzanov wrote a book about the FOLIANT program but he was not a member of the NGA development team. Mirzanov performed a monitoring function. He conducted ambient air surveys on the perimeter of the research facility. His work had two objectives: 1) to identify any release of toxic material which might pose a risk to persons in the immediate vicinity; 2) identify any chemical trace evidence which a foreign intelligence agency might use to determine the nature of the research being conducted.
Because the FOLIANT NGA never went into production, and the research stocks were incinerated, there exist no known samples of this toxin. Since Mirzanov made the formulae public, any state body with a reasonably well equipped chemical research capacity has the ability to duplicate the Soviet research and produce an equivalent toxin. The FOLIANT NGA was rumoured to be 8 to 10 times more toxic than VX. Since the properties of VX are reasonably well known, the following analysis is based on the known properties of VX nerve agent.
Physical Characteristic – Touch
VX is a viscous liquid with the approximate consistency of Lyles Golden Syrup for the UK readers, maple syrup for the Canucks in the audience, and IHOP syrup for the US readers. The viscosity of VX may be modified so as to better enable its application as an airborne spray. Within a normal ambient temperature range VX is found as a liquid.
Here is an experiment.
Go get the syrup of your choice and apply it to your doorknob. Note what happens. It will run off. It may take an hour or so but it will eventually form a noticeable pool beneath the area of application.
Now grasp the handle to which you applied the agent and open the door. Notice anything strange? You now have some gunk on your hand. The Skripal investigation asks you to believe that Skripal and his daughter left the house, closed the door, got something very strange on their hands, and did nothing about it. They went to lunch.
Try wiping off all the syrup you placed on your door handle. Once again use the door handle. You will still feel skin contact with something other than a bare metal surface. Contact with minute quantities of VX will give you a “buzz.” Ii is difficult to believe that two people touched an object contaminated with a viscous liquid and that neither of them noticed such contact.
Physical Characteristic – Powder
Well perhaps the agent was applied in the form of a very fine dry powder. What about that scenario?
Get some powdered mustard, or paprika, and sprinkle it on your doorknob. Once again it falls off and forms a little pool of powder on the front step. Fine powder is an excellent inhalation agent. You place the agent in a volume of air (such as a car interior) and wait for the victim to occupy the tainted air volume.
Each year some 30% of the population experience this form of poisoning as hay fever. Minute particles of pollen loft on the wind and are inhaled without notice by the victim. Powder placed inside the Skripals car is a viable mode of attack. Placing powdered agent on a doorknob is not.
Physical Characteristic – Smell
Igor Nikulin, a former chemical-weapons adviser to the UN secretary-general, stated “ . . .this substance [Novichok], unlike sarin gas, is difficult to use without detection. It has a strong and unpleasant odor. Sarin is colorless, odorless. It can be applied without detection. But this substance (Novichok) cannot be used without detection,” Nikulin said.
VX has no odour and no smell.
Physical Characteristic – Degradation
All chemical warfare agents (CWA) are subject to environmental degradation. The primary cause of this degradation is through exposure to sunlight (UV).
From 1600 on March 4th, to midnight March 28th, the Salisbury area received 163 hours of sunlight. You can verify this yourself at this online record.
By March 8th, the sunlight exposure was around 16 hours. These figures are not precise. The weather station of record is located at Boscombe Down not in the Maltings, and not immediately adjacent to the Skripal residence. Weather patterns may vary significantly even within a small region.
Physical Characteristic – Solubility
VX exhibits an unusual property. It dissolves better in cold water than it does in warm water. This is the exact opposite of most other compounds.
From 1600 on March 4th, to midnight March 28th, the Salisbury area received 196 hours of precipitation. This includes rain, sleet, snow, mixed conditions, drizzle, and fog. By the 8th, of March there had been 58 hours of precipitation.
Fog is being counted as precipitation. Rain is liquid water falling from the sky. Any area under an awning, a roof eave, or under a tree in leaf, will receive protection from falling rain. The prevailing wind also plays a role. If the wind drives the rain directly at the Skripal front door, the amount of moisture will be greater than if the wind is blowing over the house from the rear. In this case the house will create a lee and reduce the amount of moisture reaching the door handle.
Fog is different. It envelopes all surfaces, even the underside of surfaces. By March 8th, the Salisbury area was exposed to 21 hours of fog and 15 hours of rain. Both the fog and rain would have been cold and therefore would have resulted in the increased dissolution of any VX on any exposed surface.
Event Sequence – Simultaneity 1
Most striking about this case is that both victims fell ill at precisely the same time. This is unusual. One was male and the other female. One was 66 and the other 33. Different sexes have different metabolisms, as do persons of different ages. If you delivered the same amount of toxic agent to both Sergei and Yulia it is expected that one of them would fall ill before the other. The one with delayed onset of symptoms would likely summon help for the other person. There were at least 5 passersby: 1) an off duty doctor; 2) an off duty nurse; 3) Freya Church the 27 year old employee of Snap Fitness Centre; 4) Jamie Paine; 5) Jamie’s girlfriend; 6) Georgia Pridham; 7) Dan Holmes, who walked past them just after 4pm; 8) Emma Pearson. It is reported that other people strolled through the area and did not attempt to intervene. Freya Church reported that the two victims appeared to be intoxicated homeless people. It was not until Sergei Skripal bent over and began to vomit that passerby intervened.
That both Skripals were stricken at the same time is strongly suggestive of them having been attacked at the same time. An alternative explanation is that someone highly familiar with the properties of the toxic agent employed carefully adjusted the dosage to ensure that both fell ill within seconds of each other. This would be difficult to achieve. It would be impossible to achieve if the mechanism of application was via contact with a tainted doorknob.
Event Sequence – Simultaneity 2
Person A goes out the door, touching a contaminated doorknob as he / she does so. This contact with the doorknob transfers toxic agent to the skin of Person A. Less toxic agent is left on the doorknob. Person B follows A out the door and uses the same doorknob. Person B should therefore receive a lesser dose of toxic agent than person A. This suggests a differential time of response between Person A and B due to the lessened degree of exposure.
In the case of the Skripals we are forced to make the assumption that the differential exposure exactly compensated for the different body mass, physical characteristics, metabolic rates, and ages of father and daughter. This is possible but statistically highly unlikely. We are left with the question: “Why did both fall ill at exactly the same time?” Why did one not succumb before the other with the unaffected one urgently summoning assistance: “Please help me, my dad! He is suddenly ill!”
Event Sequence – Simultaneity 3
The Skripals depart the residence making contact with a slimy doorknob and they do not notice this fact. Nor do they notice the fact of differential exposure to the toxic agent. They leave at 1320 and both fall seriously ill within seconds of each other at approximately 1610 an interval of exactly 3 hours.
Skin contact with VX results in the onset of symptoms within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Incapacitation quickly follows if no atropine is injected. The FOLIANT NGA are rumoured to be 8 to 10 times more toxic than VX. Yet these two individuals make contact with this extremely toxic agent and exhibit no effects for 3 hours. Theresa May thinks this is a very plausible outcome. I think it is impossible to achieve even if you carefully administered doses adjusted to compensate for the unique characteristics of each victim. You would need to know the full details of the toxin in addition to having extremely detailed knowledge of your target.
Despite May’s claim to the use of a substance 8 to 10 times more toxic than VX, citizen responder Jamie made contact with Skripals spittle and suffered no ill effect. The passing doctor placed Yulia in the recovery position and suffered no ill effect. Yet DS Bailey ends up in the same hospital as the Skripals and is significantly poisioned. Theresa May needs to explain how these outcomes were achieved. Her assertions to the global public fail to accord with the facts, or explain the facts. May’s claims are simply not plausible.
Event Sequence – Conjecture 1
Two people use the same contaminated doorknob and both transfer some amount of toxic agent to their own skin. There is a diminished amount of toxic residue left on the doorknob.
DS Bailey departs the incident scene around 1710 after the victims are transported to hospital. Bailey travels to the Skripal residence, a 10 minute trip. He makes contact with the same slimed doorknob but, as a trained Detective Sargent, he dismisses this contact as irrelevant to his investigation, or to his own safety, and goes about the house poking at computer keyboards, touching other household items, and gaily spreading toxic agent everywhere he goes.
Bailey finds nothing of interest and departs the residence to drive back to the Maltings. It would not be a surprise to learn that DS Bailey makes contact with his police station to determine if they have learned anything of the Skripals prior movements. Bailey is informed the Skripals charged drinks at the Bishops Mill pub and went on for a meal at Zizzi. DS Bailey proceeds to each of these locations to learn what he can of the victims, unwittingly leaving a trail of toxic agent as he goes. The he turns himself in to the hospital as he begins to feel unwell.
If Bailey arrived at the Skripal residence at 1720 and obtained a toxic dose from the same doorknob that poisoned the Skripals and, if his dosage was the same as the Skripals, then he should have found himself becoming ill 3 hours later at 2020.
DS Bailey is a key aspect of this case but the sequence of his movements is not found in any of the available MSM reporting.
Event Sequence – Conjecture 2
The police learn that Yulia is recovering. This is most unexpected. She was supposed to be dead, or on permanent life support. Her recovery presents a major problem – she may remember the attack upon her and her father. She may be able to describe the assailants. This was not the expected outcome. Both Skripals were supposed to be dead. If not dead, they were supposed to remain in a coma for the rest of their natural life. It may be near Easter but a return from the dead was not part of the original script.
If Yulia retains memory of the incident, perhaps she will describe being accosted by two men who claim to be police. These police requested assistance in the identification of a person believed to have committed a minor crime in the area. The Skripals are happy to assist. Policeman A pulls a tablet computer from his pocket, explains he will show them a series of images and afterwards ask them to point out anyone they recognize and where they may have been seen. “Look closely” he says. He flips open the tablet’s protective cover, something squirts out, and that is the last thing Yulia can remember.
The investigating officers then take great pains to explain to Yulia that what she describes is a very unlikely event, that there was no evidence of any such “police” on the hundreds of hours of CCTV recording confiscated by the investigators. Her memory is most likely a false memory, a delirium resulting from her exposure to the extremely toxic nerve agent that known Russian agents placed on the door handle of the residence as part of a plot by Vladimir Putin to kill Sergei Skripal. “And we are here to help.”
What they do not tell Yulia is that immediately after the attack at 1610 on March 4th, the two “police” travelled to the Skripal residence arriving at 1620. They let themselves in using tools and techniques known to all intelligence operatives, and then searched the residence to locate the McGuffin that connects Skripal to some nefarious activity such as the creation of the Steele Dossier. They depart 20 minutes later at 1640 after having inadvertently contaminated both the door knob, and much of the household.
DS Bailey then arrives in the driveway at 1720 and enters the residence by the same door unwittingly making contact with the toxic agent left by the other “police.” He then spreads the same contamination to the Bishops Mill pub and to Zizzi. The contamination at Zizzi is so bad they are forced to burn the table at which the Skripals were seated.
This sequence of events is just as plausible as May’s claims that a 30 year old nerve agent created by Soviet scientists during the disintegration of the U.S.S.R., a new form of chemical weapon unknown to the OPCW and to every other CWA researcher, was magically resurrected to kill a man released from a Russian jail 8 years previously.
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Prior articles in this series:
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Many persons commenting on the Saker blog, and in information sources other than the MSM, have made statement similar to the following:
While scanning for news that morning I noticed that all of the MSM had basically the same text to describe the event, but in a few cases different headlines, mainly dependent on which side of the Pond they came from. I skipped them, they seemed too coordinated.
This lack of critical coverage on the part of the MSM reduces your ability to come to your own conclusions with respect to the truth. This is a critical issue both with respect to an understanding of this Curious Incident, and to the proper functioning of any democratic polity.
The Saker does not tell me what to write. But he is generous enough, and sufficiently concerned over the current state of geo-strategic chess, that he makes these, and other articles, freely available to a global audience. I see he is presently making an appeal for donations to help defray the cost of hosting the site. I am paid nothing, but I do have an IT background and IT is not inexpensive. I ask that if you find this series informative that you support the site.
The Saker has not asked me to make this request.
Part VII presents the motives of the attacker.
In memory of David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944 – 17 July 2003)
Someone remembers a few weeks ago, Russian secret service gained knowledge of a planned false flag with chemical weapons in Syria, and informed the world. It is kind of ironic, in front of my inner eye some CIA dudes quarrelling in front of some chemically yellow barrels: “Damn those Russians, blowing our party. Now what do we do with this stuff?” A few days later, the Skripal narrative was played out … We know they are stupid, but this is silly, is it?!
I would not say stupid, but unscrupulous to the extreme.
Well, it wouldn’t be exactly the same ‘stuff’ for some obvious reasons, one being that the Syrian army captured the labs and the stockpiles, but I can certainly see them taking the idea and running with it.
Excellent series, well presented and thought through. I believe congratulations to Sushi are in order.
I assume part VII will precede the answers to 27 questions or more posed to the UK by the Russian Embassy, infinity being a long time.
So a nerve agent that had seriously degraded. One that might not kill. It fits.
Didn’t affect many people so it was well-targeted too. Good that NHS Salisbury has such close ties to Porton Down and that it has an Arrmy Representaive (vacant) on its Governing Council
Russian FM: Western Powers Likely Aim to Curb Upcoming Finals of FIFA World Cup.
Russian Envoy to US: Skripal Case Pretext to Launch Long-Planned Smear Campaign.
The Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, said on Sunday that the Skripal case was a pretext to carry out a provocation against Russia that has been in the planning stages for a long time.
“The developments in the United Kingdom served just as a pretext to carry out a provocation against Russia that was planned a long time ago. We have closely monitored, who attended the US Embassy in Moscow recently, what kind of people [attended it],” Antonov said in an interview with Russia’s Channel Five.
The ambassador indicated that those people were from the crisis center of the UK department of the US State Department.
There was no chemical weapons attack. The Skripals were and are willing accomplices in this hoax. The Skripals took some Valium and a few enemas and rushed to the seat to s*** themselves as part of the proofing up of this hoax. You are deaply committed to carrying on this disinformation campaign. Why argue over the props for this hoax.? Why but into the nonsense at all.? This is a hoax. No one base been poisened.
It is time you opened your myopic eye to the truth. You can do that by visiting the following page at
Here is the link to the truth:
Well you covered my intentional comment well enough and even posted a link to the most comprehensive coverage of the story, namely MOA.
I would rather focus on why our MSM is so devoid of covering including facts ? Well , they are and therefore I declare it a conspiracy, because ALL MSM stories carry the exactly same discrepancies, the same omission of facts and basically spout the same theme : “The Russians did it”
I can only hope tha the general public does wake up in time and try stop this nonsense. Or the Russians deliever some absolutely credible evidence of a false flag operation.
The Evil Empires hold on the MSM is the biggest challenge faced by peace loving people.
The “news” on MSM amounts to a daily script sent straight from the Ministry of Propaganda to the presstitute readers/actors.
Watch as this video illustrates the choreography:
News is Propaganda – Open Your Eyes – YouTube
DeNiro and Hoffman, “Wag the Dog”
If they could fake a war on TV with the technology of 20 years ago, how easy it would it be just to put up some tents and crime scene tape and have some guys in hazmat suits walking around and say its a nerve agent attack?
I can almost hear DeNiro and Hoffman bouncing the idea around…..
“What can it be?”
“It has to be something big!”
“Nuclear bombs. That always does it. And nothing is bigger than a nuclear bomb.”
“We can’t nuke a village, can we?”
“I’ll have to check with the President, but probably no.”
“OK, so it can’t be a nuke this time. What else is big and scary?”
“biological weapons. Those are scary.”
“Yes, anthrax worked before.”
“But its been done before. Its like the yellow ribbons. We can’t do it again.”
“So, a chemical weapon then?”
“NBC, N is out, B is out, so I guess we got C.”
“A chemical weapon attack on an English village.”
“That’s good, but nerve gas sounds even scarier. People are too used to household chemicals.”
“Yes, a nerve gas attack on an English village. It works.”
“And the nerve gas is from Russia.”
“Of course.”
“Except, lets make it be Soviet. Soviet sounds scary. The old cold war propaganda still lingers on.”
“Yes,a Soviet nerve agent from Russia.”
“Ok, that’s settled. Call they guy to get the hazmat suits and tents for an English village.”
You make assertions as if they were proven fact when really they are mere speculations. You do truth a great disservice.
What we should be doing is spreading the word about the information posted on and the emails shown thereon from and to Hillary Clinton about what the west calls Novichok.
These 7 analyses have some nice detail however the lines of reasoning shown throughout are simply buying into a set of hoax facts.
Why don’t you stop promoting what amounts to a fetish and help all of us effectively stave off ww3.? What Moon has to say is like a nuclear bomb compared to what is a damp squib or at the very a tiny little firecracker.
Please reconsider furthering disinformation.
See my response to Arioch on April 01, 2018 · at 11:41 am UTC down thread.
joke cartoon The Salisbury Sasquatsh
May I point out that when two people leave a residence, one handles the inside door knob to open the door and one handles the outside door knob to close the door–either the same person or the second person. There is no reason at all for two people to handle either door knob. Therefore, it is most unlikely that the outside door would have been handled by two persons. Anyone planning a door-knob poisoning would have thought this through far in advance and chosen another method of delivery.
My thoughts exactly, to propose this as an effective method of assassination is ludicrous, sounds like something from the Keystone Cops.
Its a British Tory government … think Bennie Hill! :)
Agreed, the only time two people would use the same door knob at the same time is when they are entering the residence. The first person when unlocking/opening the door before entering, the second person when entering and closing the door. Although the second person could easily have used any other part of the door instead, or indeed the first person could have let them in before they then closed the door behind them.
So not a guaranteed or ideal way to administer toxin to two people. Or, it is possible Yulia was not a target.
It’s like the scriptwriters are constantly having to do writes but still get the plot lines wrong.
I thought policeman carried disposable gloves when visiting possible crime scenes and potential sources of evidence ?
Apparently…..Police interview friend supplying a packet of breakfast cereal that the daughter did not bring…(ergot poisening?????)
….btww…if a binary chemical.. the two parts separated by the hours?
Its a hoax chemical weapons attack…ie…there was no chemical weapons attack…the Skripals took some Valium and maybe an enema each so they could fake having been chemically attacked…atropine…ie alkaloid first isolated from atropa belladonna counters most nerve agents. Am totally sick of this red herring promoting series. It is an obstacle to doing anything positive to help the situation.
No reason to throw up, IBM
Nothing wrong with dissecting the inconsistencies and fallacies of a narrative on its own terms before going back to Square One and chucking the whole poisoning thing in the waste basket.
The same happens with a lot of shooting false flags, where the ultimate most reasonable conclusion is that no one died.
I read a lot of the MOA stuff last night. Good chance you are entirely right. But there is almost always significant doubt.
WHY?? Because while the picture is sometimes sufficiently complete to end the speculations and act, it is hardly ever completely complete! Like History! How much is lied about? How much is forgotten??How much is hidden??
A lot!
Ergo why the rush to judgment, as long as the clear and correct instinct to question the Same Empire BS is being pursued on various tacks? The elites know the average person has the attention span of a flea and can’t stand the tension of suspending judgment for long enough to think through a problem from nearly every possible perspective. Patience!!
Speaking of what’s hidden, occulted, the thing that I am most convinced of is that the Occult Bureau of British Intelliigence and Deep State (US) and French are heavily involved in a War on Consciousness to Divide and Conquer and imprison consciousness of the masses. Globally. Nothing new!
Just look at the hats that law enforcement in the UK wear: A band of the masonic checkerboard of black and white tiles wraps itself around the temples of the police, who the Illuminatti contemptously call “our dogs”.
The Temple of Solomon, besides a biblical reference also refers to your brain. SOL = sun = masculine or left hemisphere Mon = Moon, feminine, right hemisphere.
The floor of the temple is the black (darkness, ignorance) and white (light, knowledge) grid that the masses and uninitiated are supposed to wander during their lives, never ascending, while the oligarchy keeps the real power of Knowledge (they egoistically imagine..) for the power differential it gives them….ALL to themselves.
Then they wrap a portion of the black and white grid from the base of the Temple, right around ,the temples of their “dogs’…” heads.
You have to admit they have a sense of humor. LOL.
“Am totally sick of this red herring promoting series. It is an obstacle to doing anything positive to help the situation.”
You are free to leave anytime. Valium, if you know anything about it, would not present the symptoms spoken of by eyewitnesses and would not fool the doctors/medical devices.So they would all have to be in on the scam -which is possible but unlikely for all. False flag, yes, hoax less likely.
Kindly explain why discussion on this blog “is an obstacle to doing anything positive to help the situation.”
You might want to consider changing your moniker as ‘IBM’ is an unfortunate acronym that for long as the company has existed -which is many decades- it stood for “I’ve Been Misled”.
The presence of Valium would also have been indicated in any commonly used drug screening test by the hospital.
It is probably fair to say that anything the UK government/media say about the Skirpal incident is made up smokescreen or post-facto creation to fit unexpected events, eg the Bailey effect.
It is interesting that as well as sending a list of fundamental questions to the UK government, the Russians have sent a similar list to the French government. How/why were they involved?
Re French involvement.
At this point no one truly knows the reason for the questions to the French.
The only valid assumption is that the Russian Federation has knowledge that implicates teh French in some way and they are following up either to: 1) obtain confirmation of what they believe to be true; or 2) letting the French know they have awareness of French involvement.
Wow! Excellent report Saker! I will spread the word!
A word of warning to your readers:
Warning To All Travelers To America! Delete Social Media Accounts And Bring A Disposable Phone If You Must Travel To This Fascist Nation!
Happy Easter,
Andrea Iravani
Have you ever walked out through a front door? I do it all the time. Sometimes my daughter accompanies me as we go shopping or I drive her to work.
It normally goes like this. The first person to reach the door from inside the house opens the door, and holds it open. The second person then approaches the door way and then walks through without touching anything. The first person then walks through the doorway and once through, turns and reaches back and closes the door. Quite often, the outside door handle is not touched; the second person through the doorway simply takes hold of the door, not the knob and pulls it closed behind them, as the latch does not need to be worked to close or lock the door as it has a spring fitted to do that.
Again, if a ‘deadlock’ is fitted there may be a need to put a key in the lock and turn the key, but normally the door is pulled shut as the second person exits the house.
Ergo, any substance placed on the outside knob would not come into contact until the residents return home.
So, again, if there was a ‘substance’ placed on the doorknob that actually contacted both persons, it would have to be the inside doorknob, and as I stated previously that possibility is almost non-existent.
So just exactly how was the substance applied to the doorknob? The applicator would actually have to enter the house to do so, and virtually in front of the two victims. Are you telling me that Sergei and Yulia were that thick as to let somebody into their house to apply poison to their doorknob?
Again, if Det/Sgt Bailey was to enter the house after the poisoning event, which doorknob would he touch? The outside knob of course, but would he touch the inside knob? Possibly, possibly not, and that is the problem with the police report of the substance being on the doorknob. Its application would normally at best be only 50%. In normal circumstances its success rate would be zero
Has any British government bureaucrat be it spy, police, or Prime Ministerial staff even considered this scenario?
Very interesting and important series!
I do have one remark. Why is the ‘incident’ or ‘time spent’ of the Pizza palour NOT investigated???
An ideal place to adminester some sort of drug (NOT a nerve agent). I know, conjecture, but imagine one of the staff of the Pizza Place being an ‘operative’ of an ‘organisation’ (U$, UK, Moassad or even Russia). How easy is it to drop powder on their pizza, or drug their drinks, and easily dispose of the remains after???
There is the problem with this ‘explanation,’ why don’t any of the staff of Zizzy Pizza experience symptoms??
Maybe Skripal used a credit card (likely) which did not involve contact with the staff! Maybe the staff that served Skripal was the assaliant, and would have taken precautions.
Then why did Detective Bailey did contaminated?? During the search for their identities, he would have have to handled the credit card of Skripal, thereby being exposed to the poison.
Another theory, is that their drinks (either at the Pizza parlour or at the pub) was ‘exposed’ to something (poison, LSD, or whatever) – and when (the valient) Detective Bailey seached the premises of Skripal, he was exposed to ‘something,’ left by a person working to set up the operation – the arrival of Baiey premature, hence his ëxposure.’
We can now rule out that it was a ‘millitary grade nerve agent’ – in wich case all exposed would have been dead – including numorous guests at the pub or the pizza place, not to mention first responders or staff at the nearby hospital.
The reason I focus on the pizza place?? No one seems to have paid attention to one fact. Skripal (the Farther) was ‘clearly agitated and behaved angry’ – why?? Was he upset with the ‘service,’ or did he aruge with his daughter, was he disappointed with the meal, did the MI6 told him that he would not receive any money, was he forbidden to return to Russia??? There are many quastions here!
These were not initial symptoms of the poisening??????
Just wondrin.
Maybe – but, then neither Yulia (the daugther) or the detective had similary behavior!
Strange, also, why send a ‘detective’ to the site – a more reasonable dispatch would be to send ‘Constable Barnaby’ to the scene! The sight of two people, seeemingly comatose, slumbing over a bench??
What would be the first obvious responce?? Constable Barnaby! Besides, the responsible behavior of the police officer would be to ensure proper treatment of the victims! Ensure their transport to the earest hospital, make sure that they got proper treatment, and THEN check their identification or residence!
Instead, the valient Detective Bailey begun whit a search of their belongings for ID, Why?? Was there iminent proof of foul play??? Did any of their actions (they were comatose) imply criminal intentensions??
How long did it take the doctors to ‘comfirm’ the presence of a nerve agent?? Why did detective Bailey search the ‘victims’ for ID?? Why did Bailey visited the residence of Skripal??
Maybe I’m ignorant, but the proper procedure in this case would be: Who dispatched officers to the ‘scene of the crime’? It might be proper to assign a police officer to the bench, where two people slumped and behaved ‘abnormal’ – but you would assign a Constable, not a detective! A detective imply criminal intent – why is that evident?? Why didn’t Bailey not care for the resposibility of his ‘clients’ (the Skripals) and ensured they received proper care at the hospital??? How long did it take to ‘establish’ that is was a nerver agent??? If it was ‘millitary grade’ they would be dead – but, lo and behold, first Bailey and then Yulia Skripal recover!!!
Who determined it was a nerve agent??? Who, and when, did the MOD (presumably involved) got engaged??? Who is in charge of the investigation – the Constabulary of Salishbury, the MOD, MI5, or MI6??? How much, if indeed any, information is shared with the OPCW???
There are an absurd amount of questions sorrounding this case!
Has anyone considered the possibility that one of the Skripals tried to kill the other, and got contaminated?
If so, the lethal Skripal may have had the poison in the house, and some of it might somehow have gotten on the door. or, Bailey might have come in contact with the poison in the house and left some on the inside door handle.
Have the authorities clarified which door handle had the poison on it, the interior or the exterior?
Yulia Skripal last used VK on 7 March while in critical condition at the hospital in Salisbury 3 days after the alleged nerve agent attack
“Last seen 7 Mar at 07:35”
She clearly had WiFi in hospital then. There is free WiFi but that would require registration and I wonder what kind of phone she had with respect to password or fingerprint lock
I have neither pword or finger recog but you connect via a valid email(if so done which email)… thinks…we do not know much about her employment at some usa thingy I seem to remember???,,,
Was that Yulia Skripal checking in, or some uk cop/mi5 agent investigating what she had on her phone?
My vote goes to the latter.
Thank you . Reading your articles only makes me more certain to support this site which I have done since the Odessa Massacre and seizure of Ukraine by the forces of darkness. You have aptly shown that the devil is indeed in the details as well as in the master plan.
Moon Of Alabama publishes that since 2006 US/UK agencies were acting to dismiss Novichok information as bogus rumors and to remove (sic!) it from OPCW database.
At some later point this work was coordinated by someone Clinton.
1) US and UK working on similar nerve agent and wish to conceal this fact
2) No known antidote to the FOLIANT chemicals. There exists great risk to the global public in making any revelations about this NGA.
3) FOLIANT program designed to utilize unregulated precursor chemicals. The proliferation risk is therefore extremely high and this is again good reason to not draw attention to these materials.
4) Regret over release of the 1995 publication of the Mirzayanov book which included formulae. Vladimir Uglev, claims the Mirzayanov formulae are incorrect. Since Mirzayanov was not a government employee he had freedom to release any information he desired even if such a release was not in the public interest.
5) Commercial implications. There is collateral evidence to support the thesis that because the FOLIANT chemistry utilized readily available chemical precursors any attempt to prohibit or regulate distribution would have significant commercial implications.
To give you a better idea of the problem: every reader of this blog has available to them kitchen ingredients which, when combined in the appropriate way, have the potential to blow the roof off.
With a little more knowledge it would be possible to use the same ingredients to flatten half the neighbourhood.
What then is the state to do? Ban cooking? Outlaw kitchens? Publish the technique and issue a public edict saying “Do not do this? It is extremely dangerous!!!” Imagine the attention that would draw.
Or do they simply bury the knowledge and hope that no one knows chemistry. Or, if they do know chemistry, they are simply too preoccupied to twig to the possible implications.
The problem with conspiratorial thinking is that it tends to foreclose potential lines of enquiry and, as Macon Richardson in his comment of April 01, 2018 · at 4:54 am UTC points out, such an approach “does the truth a great disservice.”
Organophosphates are not so special. UK/US troops were dosed with organophosphate agents during Gulf War supposedly against Saddam’s chem weapons but instead they developed Gulf War Syndrome which both regimes denied.
If these organophosphates are linked to Gulf War Syndrome the whole inoculation of troops currently taking place would seem criminal
The gulf war syndrome is radioactive poisoning by the more than 300 metric tons of depleted Uranium (DU) munition fired by the invaders. To avoid the word DU, apparently natural ore was used as well (it was possibly reprocessing waste). Add the shell shock (PTSD) and you get what you observe among the veterans.
If you really want to know the consequences of this munition to the people as a whole, ask the women and doctors in Iraq for images of grossly deformed babies; children dying of cancer; adults having horrendous illnesses; etc. pp. Frankly, I find it kind of fair that the soldiers and mercenaries that use this munition get sick themselves as well.
AND, Marcel, the Vietnamese are still suffering horrendous birth defects and adult and childhood diseases caused by the US chemical weapons assault on Indochina, fifty years ago. Not only are the poisons from the large range of chemical weapons (Agent Orange was but one of at least several)still directly affecting victims, but they have caused genetic changes that will afflict the population for generations. And it is this vile regime that has the stinking audacity to falsely accuse Russia of using chemical weapons.
Yes Mulga, I know.
Agent Orange’s main constituents were two herbicides. Once sprayed they last for decades in the soil. For this reason, these two herbicides were banned from agricultural use (I am not sure if before or after the war against Vietnam). An insecticide banned for similar reasons is DDT, which also last way too long before decomposition.
Comparing Agent Orange and DU, the former is ugly, the later is pure evil as it will last forever (Uranium takes billions of years to decay – for this reason it can still be mined). DU weapons are radiological WMD – dirty nukes with zero explosive power. Since the war against Yugoslavia, iirc NATO fired 700 metric tons or more of this shit in dozens of countries. An equivalent contamination would be achieved by detonating 8 to 10 nuclear reactor cores fully loaded with fresh fuel.
Using DU is worse than war crimes. In my opinion it literally results in ecocide.
By the way, US solders died in droves in Vietnam but this body count dwarfs in comparison to the deaths at home in the aftermath. Veterans succumbed to illnesses due to contamination with the chemical agents they used. Also, an incredibly high number of veterans committed suicide. I suspect that if one is shell shocked and knows one is guilty of atrocities too bad to be spoken out, suicide feels like heaven.
May is seriously lying and the whole sordid FAKE affair will soon come crashing down around her head. Look for a weak apology to Russia and a furious Russian response. Russia cannot put up with such lying without striking a hard blow back and that blow will hit the UK foursquare.
Is there any possibility this was a false-flag gone wrong? Without dismissing any of the many conjectures suggested in Parts I -VI could this have involved something like VX or other organophospate/poison that for whatever reason was expired/faulty/insufficient strength/incorrectly applied?
In other words, the initial poisoning in the car or house or elsewhere was bungled and a hitsquad had to then step in by the park bench?
This would explain the foreknowledge by Boris the Buffoon, Mad May, the insulting litttle brat Gavin Williamson, and the contamination at the Pizza place and house.
This pargraph in Wiki is what prompted this thought, especially the 3.5 hour timelag:
“Beginning in 1959, the United States Army began volunteer testing of VX in humans. Dr. Van M. Sim underwent an intravenous infusion of VX to evaluate its effects and to establish a baseline for future experimentation. After approximately 3.5 hours following initial administration of the agent, Sim suddenly became pale and delirious. The experiment was immediately terminated to preserve his life. In their conclusion, the researchers estimated that 2.12 μg/kg of VX delivered intravenously over the course of several hours would be the maximum tolerable dosage and that any more would risk death in a human subject.[31]”
The analysis I’m finding on the Saker is excellent. But what we are mostly missing in the AltMedia is ‘who the real target of all this ‘propaganda’ really is. But we have the paragraph above which alludes to the real motives of SkripalGate.
“Many persons commenting on the Saker blog, and in information sources other than the MSM, have made statement similar to the following:
While scanning for news that morning I noticed that all of the MSM had basically the same text to describe the event, but in a few cases different headlines, mainly dependent on which side of the Pond they came from. I skipped them, they seemed too coordinated.
This lack of critical coverage on the part of the MSM reduces your ability to come to your own conclusions with respect to the truth. This is a critical issue both with respect to an understanding of this Curious Incident, and to the proper functioning of any democratic polity.”
You are I are the target of SkripalGate. Every one is focused on ‘Russia Russia Russia’ and this is the ploy that is being employed by the MSM and ZioMedia. We have seen it with ‘FancyBear,’ RussianDoping’ ‘RussianElectionMeddling’ ‘NordStream’ ‘RussianAggression in Ukraine’ ‘Russia & Syria’ and a host of others propaganda campaigns that include the biggie of them all, MH17 (I flight I nearly flew on with my family.)
When will The West wake up and realise that all the RussiaGate garbage is actually targeted at us ‘normal people’ who’s hearts and minds the DeepState are trying to deceive? When will we say enough is enough? The ZioMedia are attacking ME! They are trying to manipulate me with hatred and racism. And the people of Europe are swallowing the message whole. Who in their right mind would ‘break of diplomatic channels’ with Russia because of the sham that Skripalgate has been shown to be? Who would do that? Only DeepState Puppets would do that under such dodgy and false pretext.
SkripalGate is a sham. MH17 was a sham. RussianElectionMeddling is a sham. RussianDoping is a sham. The Eastern Ukrainian civil war is a Western inspired and fueled sham.
Thank you for posting the above article. It was very informative and shows things in the light that they should be shown in.
Polls have shown that about 70% of the American people are not buying the Russiagate story.
Which means that not even all the Democrats are buying it.
Has anyone read that the halfwit “Private Pike” Defence Secretary in UK is backed by a Ukrainian Alexander Temerko who has put £1 million into Tory Party ?
Yes-Private Pike he certainly ism but an utterly charmless Pikey. I rather fancy myself as Fraser. ‘We’re doomed, doomed I tell ye!’.
So, did “the friend” smear the buckwheat on the front door or what?
The British Daily Mail today:
Why don’t we all consider and accept one simple fact in this false-flag operation?
No One Was Poisoned (please don’t use caps its shouting – amended this one time. Mod). There was no Yulia Skripal or her father. (At least, not in their role as the victims). Nobody has seen them. No photos have been taken or released after the alleged incident.
If we proceed from this premise, then there is absolutely no point in discussing all the related “facts”? They are just not relevant.
Just came across this press conf from Davos 2018, it’s Trump and May and he says something at 00:54 seconds which I didn’t pick up on at the time but which now seems to be somewhat prescient.
Trump: “….we are very much joined at the hip when it comes to the military, the same ideas the same ideals and there is nothing that would happen…to you, that we won’t be there to fight for you…”
Hmmmmm, I wonder.
Since Trump (rightly) called NATO a waste of money during the campaign, he’s been forced to constantly reassure the European allies that the USA is still a firm and resolved ally to them. I’m sure he’s briefed on it before every trip to Europe and its a constant talking point he’s drilled on before every press conference. After awhile, a showman like Trump would just make it a standard part of his patter when he’s in Europe or with European leaders.
VX is extremely toxic, and impossible to be delivered, but VX binary (VX2) is created by mixing two non toxic compounds: “O-Ethyl O-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite” with a compound that contain sulfur, as with the liquid “dimethyl polysulfide mixture”.
Any chemist is able to do this, and Russians are not that stupid to use their chemicals.
“Theresa May thinks this is a very plausible outcome.”
Well, remember that Theresa may thought it was a plausible outcome that if she called for early elections then she’d easily steamroll the opposition and that her party would win a massive gain in seats in Parliament then she’d have the votes behind her to tell the Europeans where to go stick it on Brexit and get a great deal and then that the name May would be mentioned in the same breath as Thatcher for the rest of time.
With Theresa May, there seems to be a large distance between plausible and reality.
“The US government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes VX as the most potent of all nerve agents and one that would be lethal on contact with the skin unless immediately washed off. Its only known use is in chemical warfare, it says. VX, a clear, colourless liquid with the consistency of engine oil, was developed in the UK in the 1950s during research into pesticides but was found to be too toxic to be used safely.”
Published by, The Guardian on Fri 24 Feb 2017 10.29 EST
Here’s probably my last conjecture:
The Skripals ate Sushi or Sushimi and were affected by Saxitoxin or Tetrodoxin. The poison was either accidental or deliberate and possibly added to e.g. neosaxiton and gonyautoxins I to IV.
If accidental, Skripal’s minders and MI5/MI6/CIA capitalised on it with the ‘Novichok’ nerve-agent wrapper and subsequent anti-Russia saga. DS Bailey was likely collateral damage and innocently blundered about spreading the ‘Novichok’ wrapper all over or was part of the scheme as an obfuscator and accidentally got contaminated.
From Wiki:
“,,,the CIA is known to have issued a small dose of saxitoxin to U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers in the form of a small injection hidden within a silver dollar, for use in the event of his capture and detainment”
“Symptoms typically develop within 30 minutes of ingestion, but may be delayed by up to four hours; however, if the dose is fatal, symptoms are usually present within 17 minutes of ingestion.[41] Paresthesia of the lips and tongue is followed by developing paresthesia in the extremities, hypersalivation, sweating, headache, weakness, lethargy, incoordination, tremor, paralysis, cyanosis, aphonia, dysphagia, and seizures. The gastrointestinal symptoms are often severe and include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain”
Has anyone else seen this
Reasonable enough.
Although of course, if you watch any two people emerging from a residence, only the last one out touches the external doorknob.
And no reference to the seafood meal eaten at the pub; the extremely toxic TTX is associated with shellfish, even though it is more commonly known as a contaminant of the Japanese puffer fish delicacy.
Sorry for being pedantic, but 3% decay compounded over 30 years leave you with 40% of active material. But the actual decay rate is reported to be accelerating rather than constant. So your estimated 10% might be closer to reality than 40% after all.