bu Sushi for the Saker Blog
Part I may be found here: https://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/a-curious-incident/
Part II may be found here: https://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/a-curious-incident-part-ii/
Part III may be found here: https://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/a-curious-incident-part-iii/
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”
Sherlock Holmes
Theresa May and the Dodgy Statement to Parliament
On Monday March 12th 2018 Theresa May rose in the House of Commons and made the following statement:
“It is now clear that Mr. Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent of a type developed by Russia.”
How did May know this to be true?
On March 14th, the Times published a letter from Stephen Davies, Consultant in emergency medicine with the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust. Davies asserted “no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury” and directly contradicted the assertion the Prime Minister made to the House of Commons.
Davies is a clinician directly involved in the treatment of the 3 poisoning victims. These three are understood to be Sergei and Yulia Skripal and Detective Bailey. As a physician, Davies has a duty of care imposed upon him in law. This duty requires him to at all time act in the best interests of a patient under his care.
If you deliver medical treatment, you have the responsibility to ensure the injury diagnosis is correct, that the treatment delivered is appropriate to the diagnosis, and that you do no harm to your patient.
On Monday, May tells the world the poison was a nerve agent.
On Wednesday, the treating physician publicly states: “no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury.”
How is it possible for May to know more than the treating physician?
On March 20th, 2018 the Russian web publication “The Bell” published an interview with Vladimir Uglev, one of the Russian scientists who was actively engaged in the research and development of the nerve agent May named as “Novichok.”
Uglev states the nerve agents were not known by the name “Novichok” but were part of a nerve agent research program called “FOLIANT.”
Uglev also declares that the nerve agents researched as part of “FOLIANT” actually bore the following names: “B-1976,” “C-1976,” or “D-1980.”
Where did May learn the name “Novichok” when this was not a name used by the scientists who were actively engaged in the Soviet research upon these nerve agents?
“Novichok” is the name of the nerve agent used in an episode of the television show “Strike Back.” This episode was televised one month before the Skripal attack. Uglev worked on the “FOLIANT” program “from 1972 until 1988.” The USSR was formally dissolved by the The Belavezha Accords on December 8th, 1991. Russia, was not therefore a party to the FOLIANT program.
The implication is that May and Johnson are accusing Russia of undertaking an attack using chemical nerve agents named and popularized by a TV show, a show which provides a plot line for an attack similar to the Skripal attack.
On February 13 2017 the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was assassinated in Kuala Lumpur International Airport using a nerve agent of a type developed by the UK. Under International law nerve agents are classed as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). When will May take responsibility for this indiscriminate and reckless attack? It is well known this nerve agent was first produced in the UK in 1952 and it was later militarized at DSTL Porton Down.
There exist only two plausible explanations: 1) Either this was a direct act by the UK against North Korea, or 2) the UK government lost control of this potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to fall into the hands of others. May has 24 hours to deliver an explanation to the world.
The question of how it is possible for May to demonstrate such absolute confidence with regards to the identification of the toxin becomes more acute when one learns the background to the USSR chemical weapons program and its research into nerve agents.
In 1959 the US successfully initiated a deception program. This program employed a fake double agent who was used to feed false and misleading “chickenfeed” to the USSR.
This deception program continued up until 1982. When running such a deception operation you must provide some genuine information to establish the validity of the false agent. Once you have gained the trust of the very suspicious opposition, you can then start to feed the opponent a mix of true and false information. The goal is to cause the opponent to waste scarce resources in creating a defence for a weapons system that does not exist, or to devote even more resources in an attempt to duplicate a weapon, or a process, known to be a technical dead end. Operation Shocker sought to convince the USSR of US advances in nerve agent research culminating in the US development of an entirely new, and highly lethal, agent named “GJ.”
In a twist worthy of John le Carré, the USSR accepted the truth of the deception program and commenced research intended to duplicate the presumed American advance in nerve agents. This Soviet research program was named “FOLIANT” and, unknown to the Americans, the USSR was able to make technical advances which resulted in a new class of nerve agents. These new agents were named “B-1976,” “C-1976,” or “D-1980.” The Soviet scientists were convinced they were mirroring US advances.
The USSR then turned around and commenced their own deception program against the Americans. The human conduit for this deceptive information is believed to be Vil Mirzayanov.
Mirzayanov was arrested for treason but the case collapsed when it was discovered “the real state secret revealed by Fyodorov and Mirzayanov was that generals had lied — and were still lying — to both the international community and their fellow citizens.”
Mirzayanov later migrated to the US where he wrote a book, available on Amazon, in which he described what he knew of the USSR nerve agent research program. Mirzayanov’s book included a large number of formulas for Novichok nerve agents. According to Uglev the formulas published by Mirzayanov are inaccurate and do not represent the work in FOLIANT.
This assertion by Uglev makes some degree of sense. Few states are able to master all the technologies required to construct a competitive jet fighter, or main battle tank. But almost anyone with a basic chemical knowledge can attempt the synthesis of a highly lethal nerve agent (it is highly unlikely they would be able to do so safely).
Proof of this thesis is found in the sarin attacks conducted in the Tokyo subway system, and the assassination of the brother in law of Kim Jong-Un by a military grade nerve agent of a type developed by the UK.
We are left with a question – Given this wilderness of mirrors, of endless deception, ruse, and counter deception, how is it possible for May to be certain of the toxin used in the Skripal attack? And how can May be so sure of who actually produced that toxic agent?
Methods of Detection
There are two primary methods of detecting a chemical agent. The first method is to locate chemical residue from the attack such as the VX of a type developed by the UK found contaminating the clothing of one of the Kim Jong-Un attackers.
This trace evidence is then subject to CGMS analysis which produces a “signature” or “fingerprint” of the agent used. Once this is obtained it may be matched against a database of known chemical agents to determine its provenance.
Problems may arise. VX and other organophosphates are subject to degradation. Weather conditions may accelerate this degradation. VX is a persistent agent meaning it is intended to remain active for a period of 2 to 3 days after application. Other nerve agents are much more volatile and will evaporate, or degrade, within a period of hours. High volatility may be of military significance as it permits a nerve agent attack on a position that your own troops can then storm and occupy with limited risk of exposure to any residual nerve agent.
Another fingerprint problem arises. The FOLIATE program agents were only produced in the amounts required for research. Mirzayanov, and others, report the destruction of these research stocks via incineration around the time of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If the research materials were destroyed then there would be no sample available for fingerprinting.
Nerve agents degrade over time at approximately 2% a year with this rate of degradation accelerating as the decomposition by-products accumulate. So even if a sample of Soviet agent from 1988 was obtained, the chemical signature may be inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrect. How then can May be so definite about the nerve agent used in the Skripal attack?
As Uglev reports, the FOLIANT research resulted in the creation of hundreds of toxic agents and derivatives of those agents. Most had no military value and were therefore discarded. So how can May be so definite about the nerve agent used against Skripal?
The OPCW signature for the “Novichok” agents was produced by Iran under OPCW supervision for the express purpose of adding this agent to the OPCW database of agent signatures. But what formula did the Iranians follow? And was it an Uglev formula, a Mirzayanov formula, or some other formula? This is not a frivolous question as the following graphic illustrates:
The question therefore remains – how can May be so certain of the identification of the agent used in the Skripal attack?
Which one is correct Ms May? Apologies if I begin to sound like a broken record. But I think somebody needs to ask May how she knows what she claims to know. The Guardian has not asked. The BBC has not asked. Jeff Bezo’s paper has not asked. More problems arise because the OPCW signature was derived from the Iranian synthesis of the Novichok nerve agent and the Iranian formula for Novichoc looks like this:
All I can remember of organic chemistry was Laurel. She was intoxicating. But somebody needs to ask May which is the correct formula. After all, May is the one attempting to invoke NATO article 5. It is May who has described the Skripal incident as an unlawful attack on the territory of the UK. In International law that is grounds for war. So it is not just the citizens of the UK who should demand an answer. The global public should also demand May explain how she knows the VX used in the Malaysia attack was of a type developed in the UK. Oops. Wrong agent. Wrong incident. After a while they all look the same. Who you gonna call? Bill Murray?
The second method of identification is through the analysis of blood serum, or other human tissue, in search of the metabolites of the agent. At present the Skripals are being kept under heavy sedation. The medical reason for this is to permit their bodies time to complete the metabolic removal of the agent (given the toxin’s mode of operation this may prove to be impossible).
This mode of analysis can be extremely accurate. But there are still problems. Imagine the following.
A person eats an apple. You want to know where it came from. You analyse blood, or other human tissue, for the metabolic byproducts produced by an apple. You find what you are looking for. Aha! Now you know! Apple!!!
But was this apple a Fuji? A McIntosh? Gala, Granny Smith, or Red Delicious? These are all apples but they vary in their taste and chemical composition. And, once you determine the exact genus of apple, you are faced with a further problem. Did this apple originate in the Yakima Valley, or the Annapolis Valley? Did it come from Shandong? Maule in Chile? Or from Trentino in Italy? If you are going to invoke NATO Article 5 do you not think it imperative to determine the precise provenance of the apple. Maybe it came from Islington North?
The Skripal Attack Setting
The Image A is an overhead view of the Market walk area. The Market Walk is a covered passageway that leads from Castle Street, though a shopping arcade to a bridge over a portion of the Avon River. Once across the bridge, a small jog to the right will take you to the bench on which the Skripals were found incapacitated at 1600 on Sunday March 4th, 2018.
The Zizzi restaurant, the place of the Skripals last meal, is contained inside a rectangular red frame. The couple would have walked south along Castle and then entered the Market Walk shopping arcade. This passageway is highlighted in grey.
Image B
Image B was taken by a CCTV camera within the arcade. The Skripals are shown walking west along the north wall of the arcade. They both look up toward the camera location. The time stamp shows that in less than 13 minutes their life will be dramatically altered.
Image C
Google street-view contains imagery taken from within the arcade. At the approximate position of the small red circle superimposed on the Market Walk in Image A, there is a shop entrance. Adjacent to the door is what appears to be the image of a Hasselblad camera. The other shops on the South side are a fitness studio, and a stationary store. The only store stocked with high value products, items easy to carry and sell, appears to be the camera store. Immediately above the camera store entrance is a black fixture. This black fixture is believed to contain the CCTV camera used to capture the image of the Skripals shown in Image B.
Image C is an interior image of the arcade. The camera store would be hard left. The Skripals walked on the right along the line of coloured pavers. Ahead is the arcade exit and a footbridge over the Avon. Image D shows the view after exiting the arcade. The route taken by the Skripals bends to the right around the G&T store toward what appear to be tent canopies just past the large tree.
Image D
Image E
Image E shows the G&T store on the left and the open park area to the North. The red vertical arrow points down toward the approximate position of the bench upon which the Skripals were found at 1600. The young woman who first discovered them reported they were so incapacitated that she did not feel she could do anything to help them.
Thirteen minutes earlier, the CCTV capture shows the Skripals striding purposefully forward. They both appear to be alert and untroubled, sufficiently alert that they notice, and look up toward, the CCTV camera location. By the time they reached the area of the park bench they were incapacitated and on the verge of death.
What occurred in those 13 minutes?
Skripal Attack Conjecture
The Market Walk is a pedestrian tunnel. This presents four problems for an attacker. If you attack within the tunnel, you have only two available exits. If someone wants to stop you, it is possible for them to trap you by closing off one, or both ends.
Second, the tunnel blocks visibility to the area beyond the exit on each end. The attacker has no way of knowing if a police cruiser has just stopped adjacent on Castle Street.
The third problem is critical. Go buy an aerosol can of orange spray paint, change into a clean white shirt, stand three feet from a wall, hold up the aerosol can and spray an imagined target. When you later examine your shirt sleeve and shirt front you will find it speckled with orange pigment. If you laid out sheets of white paper and returned a few hours after spraying you will find the white sheets also exhibit trace amounts of orange pigment. If the orange pigment was actually a military grade toxin like VX then congratulations – you have just killed yourself.
An attack within the still air of the arcade presents a similar problem. Any sprayed powder, or liquid, creates a toxic cloud of blowback which endangers the attacker.
To safely conduct the attack would necessitate the attacker(s) wearing breathing apparatus. You may have noticed from the news coverage that people wearing breathing apparatus have a distinct look about them. It is extremely difficult to run for any distance wearing BA gear; believe me, I have tested this fact. Blowback contamination requires the attackers to quickly change their clothing. If they do not they will be poisoned by the same toxin applied to the Skripals.
The fourth and final problem is the fact the arcade contains a CCTV camera. Image B shows distortion. This distortion is due to the fact the image was created using a fisheye lens, one which covers a field of view of 180 degrees and therefore shows both the east and west approaches to the store entrance. Any attacker would survey potential attack sites in advance and identify the presence of CCTV equipment. Such sites would either be avoided, or the CCTV disabled.
May makes the claim the Skripals were attacked with a military grade nerve agent of a type developed in Russia. This is the same as declaring the death of Kim Jong-nam on 13 February 2017 was due to a military grade nerve agent of a type developed by the UK. According to May’s logic the world should impose sanctions on the UK and withdraw all diplomatic representation.
It is believed the Skripals exited the arcade tunnel and crossed the bridge before the attack. Whereas the arcade tunnel previously presented obstacles to the attackers, it now offers benefits. The bridge and tunnel combination serves to channel and restrict all foot traffic coming from the East. The jog turn past the G&T shop obscures visibility from the South. Images taken on the day of attack show a light rain appears to be falling. This would ensure few pedestrians in the park to the North.
It is suspected that two attackers approached from the West walking toward the Skripals. As they came within range they pulled out aerosol guns and sprayed their victims. The toxic spray would have flooded the Skripals eyes. Unable to see, they made for the nearest seating, which was the park bench. The eyes represent a point of entry into the body. The mucous around the eye, and they eye itself, is an immediate conduit to the bloodstream.
The attackers continued on, walking as if nothing at all had happened. Only a few seconds would have been required to make the attack and, if you find yourself suddenly blinded, you put your hands to your eyes and try to move yourself to a place of refuge such as the adjacent park bench. You don’t cry out. You are too busy tending to your eyes. You are in cognitive shock with no true understanding of what just occurred.
In the first media reports of the attack, when the incident was still under local police control, there was a request for public assistance to locate a couple seen walking in the area at the time of the attack. Once control of the case passed to the Met Terrorist Investigation team, this request was no longer made.
There has been limited coverage of the people who first responded to the scene. The first person to discover the Skripals was a woman who reportedly found them to be so incapacitated she believed herself unable to render any assistance. This women is believed to be the person who first notified the police. Detective Bailey was likely nearby on patrol. He heard the police radio broadcast and he immediately responded. There were other persons reported to be present on scene but no names, or identification, or interviews, can be found. MSM reporting does indicate that a passing physician placed Yulia Skripal in the recovery position.
Further Conjecture
What follows is further conjecture. It is likely the toxin utilized was a liquid agent based on organophosphate chemistry. It was discharged as a stream, or jet, from an engineered applicator something like a very sophisticated water pistol. Two targets, two applicators, two streams. The streams splashed against the face of each target and washed into his and her eyes blinding the victim. The toxin is fast acting. Ten times more lethal than VX. Within the space of scant seconds you are vomiting and experiencing muscle seizures. You lose control of your faculties. You are no longer able to cry out. Your muscles cease to operate under voluntary control. You are unable to rise from the bench and stand, your chest muscles are beginning to experience tightness and seizure activity and you are beginning to have great difficulty breathing. You defecate and urinate but are completely unaware of this. You have not had sufficient time to come to a conscious understanding of what has befallen you before all of your cognitive functions are impaired. Unconsciousness quickly follows.
The ideal toxic agent would be highly volatile in addition to being fast acting. Target knock down occurs within seconds of toxin application as opposed to the minutes available under a VX attack. This high degree of volatility means the excess agent would immediately begin to degrade and disperse, eliminating any trace evidence of the applied toxin. The intent is to ensure the knockdown and immediate incapacitation of the target, with a lessened possibility of secondary collateral attacks such as affected first responder Detective Bailey. It is likely some of the persons who first responded to the scene were confederates to the attackers, persons with the responsibility to clean up the incident site, prevent injury to others, and ensure any residual trace evidence was wiped away, or otherwise neutralized. These good Samaritans vanished and have never been interviewed by the Guardian, or the BBC, or any other major “news” outlet. Which is a little surprising considering the British press is known to pay top dollar for stories which can be headlined “I was present at the opening shot of WWIII.”
And Theresa May knows exactly the toxic agent utilized in the attack.
What else does she know?
And why does no one ask her the question?
How does she know what she claims to know?
In memory of David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944 – 17 July 2003)
Several countries including USA expels Russian diplomats. US alone expels 60 Russian diplomats
What will the answer be?
It would be more reasonable if other countries expelled US diplomats. Every single one of them, if need be.
After all, the USA does not need diplomats. The only language it uses is that of force and threats of force. Such threats can easily be issued remotely, using modern communication channels.
So the ONLY conceivable tasks that “US diplomats” can possibly be carrying out are espionage and subversion.
Absolutely, Tom. Or restrict them to their Embassies, only. US diplo-thugs only operate as agents of subversion and stand-over thugs, like the thug Ford egging on the jihadists in Deraa, after his experience in creating the ‘Salvador Option’ of death-squad terror in Iraq, along with Negroponte, who himself ran death-squad operations in Honduras and the attacks on Nicaragua in the 80s. We, here in Austfailure, know of US ‘diplo-thuggery’ from Marshall Green, the CIA architect of the 1965 Indonesian genocide, who was ‘Ambassador’ here in 1975, and organised the constitutional coup that removed our best ever Government, that of Whitlam.
Dear Mulga Bill from Eaglehawk,
You’ve got one thing wrong, and that is your description of Gough. I met the man and his sidekick, Bob Hawke at the Melbourne City Square on At Andrew’s day when we were supposed to play for The St. Andrews Hospital, and Gough told us to ‘Go away; the people have come here to see us, not you!’
Arrogant, egotistical stupid and God help any in his cabinet whose name started with ‘C’. He and Senator Lionel Murphy were an absolute pair of (my mother won’t let me say those words, nor would the moderator!)
Why did the US want to get rid of Gough? He didn’t want to continue the Pine Gap agreement. He also gave the Israelis and the Palestinians equal billing and that certainly didn’t please the Jewish lobby which included Rupert Murdoch who then set Gough up with ‘The Boys From (Tel Aviv) Baghdad’.
Of course old Gough didn’t suffer the fate of his predecessor, Harold Holt who when he declined LBJ’s stance on Pine Gap was forcefully removed and the body dumped at Portsea.
“Or restrict them to their Embassies, only.”
This would have been my preferred option. Basically ground them, and not allow any consular access. After all, they *are* “consular access”!!
Let them sit there, like Julian Assange, until the USA and UK do something in exchange for freeing them. Pehaps one hostage per retraction of one sanction.
In other words, take them hostage. Treat them nicely, but they aren’t going anywhere.
The best answer “should” be the one the Russian Ambassador to the US gave,”the US only understands strength”. He lives in the US so has a much better grasp on the way Americans think and act.Than higher bureaucrats in Moscow that seem to think “reasoning” with the US will work best. Always go for the person “on the spot’s” thinking.They have a more realistic understanding of a situation. Let’s hope the “newly” re-elected Putin takes this opportunity of his electoral victory to strongly retaliate over these violations of law and common sense. Since the US has directly violated international law and the UN Charter with expelling Russian UN staff. Russia needs to appoint a strong UN Ambassador to be the new “Comrade NO” at the UN.Not a single Western backed resolution (no matter what it is on) should go through (not a single one).They want to play rough at the UN,fine play rough back.Russia has been on the defensive since 2014 (at least),its time for a counter-offensive.Close all the US Consulates in the RU.And expel 48 US diplomats,the 12 UN diplomats are a violation of the UN Charter. To expel 12 more US diplomats in retaliation would be to appear accepting of the US’s right to expel the UN diplomats. So they probably shouldn’t do that.
But, another question is what do the Chinese understand?
The Russia-Chinese alliance is key to the world situation. If China stands with Russia, then combined they are much stronger and able to withstand the attack from the west.
People who follow the western media constantly urge that Putin ‘show strength’ and to my mind act like a pro-wrestler or TV gansta would in responding to the ‘disrespect’ of the west. But one has to wonder what the Chinese would think of this? While Putin’s reasonableness and the Russians reliance on facts may seem ineffective in the minds of westerners who live in western culture, one has to wonder if perhaps this reasonableness is a part of what has helped to bring the Chinese along as a friend of Russia?
China has been quietly supportive during this entire crisis. Global Times had a strongly worded editorial this last weekend, and has continued a theme that says China knows that if Russia goes down then China is weaker when it has to face the same attacks from the west. And GT has been saying that Chine knows that they or any other country not a part of the western ‘club’ can and will face such attacks. The latest one called for all non-western nations to rally together, which was quite interesting since Iran had just called for Russia, China and Iran to be closer together for mutual security in the face of threats.
So, while westerners say that Putin has to act like a western gangsta to get any respect from the west and a corrupt western media that will never ever show Russia any respect when the corporate bosses insist on disrespect and fire the reporters who don’t provide it. But its well to consider that there are larger games being played on this stage and while the west likes to think its not only the center of the world but the entire world, there are other nations and people’s out there who can also count if it comes to a crisis.
UN ambassadors take instructions from the home government on what to vote yes or no about. The only difference an ambassador can add or subtract is in the areas of personality and charisma. This is not the 17th century when ambassadors traveled slowly and it took letters and instructions from home months to reach them. In those days, ambassadors might make decisions on how to vote themselves. But not today. Today they call home and are told which resolutions to support and which to block.
Quite obviously the Russians and perhaps others are indeed raising a stink at the UN. Someone asked a UN spokesman the other day about any notice the USA might have given about expelling UN accredited diplomats. The spokesperson responded that ‘Its sensitive.”
That of course does not mean sensitive as in the euphemism for military secrets. Instead it told the world that nations had certainly been complaining and probably loudly to the Sec. General and UN higher ups and that it would be a ‘sensitive’ issue for a spokesperson to comment on.
One of the best answers would be to close Russian airspace for civilian traffic for all those western countries involved with expulsion of Russian diplomats. No flying over Russian airspace.
That will result in reciprocal action which will harm Russia.
Russia should expel exactly the same number of diplomats but target those that have a real diplomatic function e.g. business relations, visa handling. It should pointedly leave the CIA (etc) agents in place. This would harm US business interests (US companies are trying to get in on gas deals, etc, even the Rothschilds are in on the action) and send a message that the agents are known.
“Detective Bailey was likely nearby on patrol”.
But detectives do not patrol! They are called in only to cases that require their special expertise and methods – usually by the uniformed police who are first responders, and who do patrol.
Detective Bailey’s early involvement is another unexplained anomaly. There is no good reason why a detective would have been called in until someone had already determined that a crime might have been committed.
Furthermore, if Detective Bailey was contaminated by nerve agent though examining the Skripals as they lay on the bench, why did the doctor who apprently attended them in the same place suffer no ill effects?
And if Detectvie Bailey was not contaminated at the park bench, how did he become ill?
Maybe it was detective Bailey who was the attacker. He did it carelessly and got contaminated himself. Maybe detective Bailey is actually not a detective but agent..
He was also possibly the Skirpal’s minder. The story is he attended them, then went to their home after taking the house key from the Skirpals. The Skirpals were unconscious at the time, and supposedly unidentified, so how would he know where to go, unless he was already familiar with them and where Mr Skirpal lived.
Its also plausible that a DS might simply have been eating lunch at the same shopping complex or perhaps following other inquiries in the area, and then either way, seen the couple slumped on the bench and gone over to inquire.
I thought the story was supposed to be that DS Bailey then went to the Skirpal’s home to search for a cause of their being slumped on the park bench? The one interesting part about that story was that the time frames between exposure and hospitalization appear to have been different for the Skirpal’s and DS Bailey.
May I ask some silly questions?
What exactly were the Skripals doing in Salisbury at that particular time and place?
Who had they planned to meet there, and who made the appointment?
To my mind I would classify Detective Bailey as the Skripals minder. He was not on patrol, but he was at the scene.
There are no silly questions, not in this matter.
There are lots of good questions not being asked by the MSM,
Which leads to asking why is this so?
Ahh! A disciple of Julius Sumner Miller; ‘why is this so.’
Apparently the British spy and elder Skripal lives there. The daughter was visiting from Moscow, and it is not of course uncommon for a parent to invite adult offspring to stay with them and visit. Earlier parts of this series and many media reports have referred to the elder Skirpal’s residence being somewhere nearby to Salisbury. And a father and a daughter going out to lunch together during the daughter’s visit doesn’t seem to be suspicious behaviour in anyway.
If any of this is somehow suspicicious, than my own dear mother is a very suspicious individual. :)
Dear Anonymous,
Wrong answer!
The Skripals were there at the park bench to meet somebody that Skripal knew very well and trusted, somebody from within MI5. Sergei had a ‘minder’, Det/Sgt Bailey and that explains how Bailey was also given a ‘dose’, but where and when hasn’t as yet been disclosed and probably never will be disclosed.
Now I’ve read that Det/Sgt Bailey has been released from hospital, but the Skripals are still in ICU, and that tells me a couple of more things, but oh, those things are so conspiratorial!
So how is it that Det/Sgt Bailey was the only one to recover?
Now that is a naughty question!
“What exactly were the Skripals doing in Salisbury at that particular time and place?”
Well, Mr. Skripal lived in Salisbury, no?
And his daughter was visiting him?
Me, I find it odd that this occurred just when the daughter was visiting him.
Now we hear that Mr. Skripal had applied for a pardon from the RF.
If true, this adds questions reagarding the presence of daughter Skripal.
Why did the attack take place during the daughter’s visit?
If it had been long planned to attack Skripal and then—dang!—the daughter is unexpectedly there on a visit, one would think this would lead to a delay in the plan. Unless someone wanted to kill the daughter, too. But why? Furhermore, surely the attackers would have known Yulia’s travel/visit plans in advance. So, either they would ahve aborted the mission, or, Yulia is actually part of the mission.
Attack her when she is vulnerable, outside the RF.
I think the daughter’s presence in Salisbury and her becoming a co-target for the attack has to be explained.
Why was she visiting, and was this actually the reason for the attack? Could Yulia actually have been the target of the attack, and the fact that Skripal pere was a former agent is a red herring or false lead? LIke, when my physics teacher used to include a piece of info in the problem that was not necessary to solve the problem, just to see how many students were confident enough to solve the problem and not waste time and get tied up trying to figure out the problem could be solved by including the superfluous piece of info. in the calculations.
President Donald Trump has ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats and the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle. It comes in response to the poisoning of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, which the UK has blamed on Russia
Of the 60 diplomats expelled, 12 formed part of the Russian mission to the United Nations. In a statement, US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said the 12 Russians in question had “abused their privilege of residence” in the US and had “engaged in espionage activities that are adverse to our national security.”
Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, France, Denmark, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Canada, Romania, Finland and the US have decided to expel Russian diplomats amid the Skripal case, according to the latest reports.
And Croatia too
EU countries that didn’t announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats (so far at least):
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
And it is entirely possible that this operation was “farmed out” to another friendly intelligence agency to add an element of plausible deniability should things go wrong. In the US the Steele fraud was British intelligence work.
Thanks for your excellent work of discernment, discrimination and deduction.
I suspect you to be correct.
Agency 1 did the planning.
Arranged for contributions from Agency 2.
Contracted out major parts of the work to Agency 3 or to private contractors.
The big problem is finding satisfactory evidence of this. Instead of evidence I think what appears are “gaps” in the narrative where the official story fails to make sense.
Looking at the immediate launch of yet another fraudulent ‘antisemitism’ campaign against Corbyn, allied with vicious criticism for urging caution in the Salisbury case, I’d bet MOSSAD was behind it. Who, in the world, has more experience in targeted assassination of its enemies, with a variety of toxins like the Polonium 210 used to kill Arafat.
I should start a pool about how far down the comments thread one can read before someone says “Its the Jews fault”.
Hint, you don’t seem to want a big number in such a pool.
Lets understand the power relations between the possible players.
The UK would not have undertaken such an operation without the prior approval of the US.
Also, its rather obvious that the political and media response appears well coordinated with the operation. Some items in the media now even look like pre-cursors to the attack, like the smears aimed at Corbyn that now seem to be designed to discredit the main opposition to crazy May and BoJoke just before this campaign. An opening pre-emptive media strike in other words.
It also seems far preferable to have the home country execute the attack. Much greater resources available and a much better ability to stay hidden when the home police and intel are a part of the operation. The only reason for bringing in a third nation would be to have a handy scapegoat available to blame for the operation, and in this case the ‘blame’ appears to have been decided before the attack. And, most third nations would or should be very worried that they were being set up and would likely refuse to conduct such an operation.
Nope, Occam’s razor says the simplest solution was that this was a pre-planned operation and media campaign and that the easiest way to set this all up was to have it done by the Brits. As well as understanding that this was all cleared with at least some deep state forces in the US in advance and that they knew of the planned operation and campaign and approved it. That is if they didn’t suggest the plan themselves.
The image of the Skripals looking at the CCTV camera is deliberate. That is it the Skripals are plainly laying down a trail for the hoax. I would also say it is a still image. That same camera should have captured a 1000 frames of the Skripals and importantly other passersby. I don’t believe the Skripals were poisoned. I think it is an outright hoax conducted with enthusiasm by the Skripals and their UK handlers.
In any event given that it looks like this incident might signal a new front in the global war upon us all it may be a good idea to consider what remedies could be available to the man on the street in case of such an attack. It is my understanding that many of the nerve agent effect chologenic pathways and as such the herb Bella Donna could save your life.
“The Zizzi restaurant, the place of the Skripals last meal,”
In the famous words of Monty Pyton …. “I ‘m not dead”
Bring out your dead!
CUSTOMER: Here’s one.
CART MASTER: Nine pence.
DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!
CUSTOMER: Nothing. Here’s your nine pence.
DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!
CART MASTER: ‘Ere. He says he’s not dead!
CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.
CART MASTER: He isn’t?
CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He’s very ill.
DEAD PERSON: I’m getting better!
CUSTOMER: No, you’re not. You’ll be stone dead in a moment.
CART MASTER: Oh, I can’t take him like that. It’s against regulations.
DEAD PERSON: I don’t want to go on the cart!
CUSTOMER: Oh, don’t be such a baby.
“I think it is an outright hoax conducted with enthusiasm by the Skripals and their UK handl”
In that case, the reports that the Skripals had lost complete control of their basic bodily functions must be made up. Because I very strongly doubt that anyone would go so far as pee and sh–t themselves in a public place or even a private place in order to promulgate a hoax. So if it is a hoax, then Bailey is the only one who (maybe) got poisoned, and the stories of teh Skripals’ physical incapacitation were made up.
“look at camera was deliberate”
That was my first thought. Why look at the camera?
Maybe this was the first time they noticed the camera and it alarmed them because they hadn’t realized that it was there, and might turn out to be a nuisance.
OTOH, a professional spy such as Skripal would not make “sensitive” plans without being aware of such items.
Unless, Skripal had really “hung up his spurs” and so was no longer on the lookout for CCTV cameras
Although, from what I have heard, it is well nie impossible to dodge CCTV cameras in public places in the UK.
Again, there was no toxic nerve agent involved in this false flag incident, and no solid evidence of such will ever be presented.
D Peskov fired soon?Medvedev will survive new cabinet.
All pro western ministers out as well.
Russia Vows Imminent Response: “The US Only Understands Force”
I agree with Russia’s statement. Why not start to expel US staff from Syria?
Because there aren’t any?
I found a story from 2014 saying the US was closing the Syrian embassy and consulates in the USA. The WaPo article went on to say….
“The United States withdrew its diplomats from Damascus in 2011 and formally closed its embassy there in 2012, although it has never officially broken relations with Assad’s government. The order announced Tuesday requires Syria to immediately suspend operations at its embassy and its honorary consulates in Troy, Mich., and Houston.”
There is a website for the US embassy in Syria, but only advises Americans not to travel there and advises that ’emergency services’ can be obtained through the Czech embassy.
I’d provide a link, but I hate to send people to nasty sites like WaPo. The information can be freely found on the web with only a little effort.
I did not mean embassy staff, but the illegal war criminals. :D
Helmer seems to have something perssonal against Peskov. He holds Peskov at fault for not doing things outside his remit.
The whole thing from start to finish is bollocks, absolute baloney… Period.! The couple conjectured to have carried out the attack are straight off the shelf fairies or garden gnomes. They are simply red herrings. Balderdash. It is not possible to believe any of what is currently reported about this matter.
Habeas Corpus is the test the world now fails. The Magna Carta grew from the seed of habeas corpus. It preceded the Magna Carta by many years. Show us the body.!
Johnhelmer.net has several fundamental things to say about this hoax.
The complete sentence of Dr.Davies to the “Times” reads:
“Sir, Further to your report “Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment”, Mar 14), may I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only been ever been three patients with significant poisoning.”
Interesting Part IV. I suppose the sub-title could be “Were the Skripals attacked with a military grade nerve agent?” Because as is discussed without expressly stating, if they were attacked with a military grade nerve agent, it would be extremely fast acting. The ever-evolving story of intrigue by May, about luggage and cars and homes–presumably made to explain away the absence of any witnesses of an attack at the scene–also effectively rule out military grade nerve agent.
Supposing for a moment that they were indeed attacked, and with such an agent, they had to have been either already seated on the bench chatting, or very near the bench as noted in the narrative. Perhaps they were approached by someone presenting as an authority figure–say, a detective–who might even have been able to thusly approach and momentarily detain long enough to physically touch the pair. As noted in the discussion, with such a powerful nerve agent would require extreme care in “application,” and even the most minor slip-up could easily result in the assassin himself being forced to the hospital for quick application of what he would know to be the correct counter-agent, thus enabling full recovery. Of course, this might lead to then having to fabricate a story of where the assassin came into contact with the poison other than when assaulting the Skripals, which as more and more people remark on the logical inconsistencies with this leads to ever-changing stories about rushing to their home, etc. The quick-dissipation of the nerve agent (an important quality for an agent designed for assassination, both to hide evidence and to avoid collateral exposure) would explain why the people quickly coming into contact with them, such as the off duty doctor, were not affected at all. But of course this then calls into question how the “detective” was affected, unless he had “contact” with the Skripals even prior to the first responders. Which would mean….
Anyway, none of this is to say that the Skripals weren’t afflicted by food poisoning, or by an enhanced commercial poison, or some other much slower acting non-military nerve agent, but that doesn’t fit with the story May wants to tell, and would be a logical impossibility if talking about military nerve agents. But I enjoyed this Part IV because it certainly does send one down an interesting rabbit hole.
Checking the past weather for Salisbury on 4th March (https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/uk/salisbury/historic?month=3&year=2018) shows the wind was from almost due south between 1200h and 18hh, and averaging about 12mph. The wind speed, while not large is also not small enough to discount as a factor, and I would suppose would pose a significant risk of blowback – assuming a liquid or aerosol vector – if delivered from the wrong direction. The conjecture that the attack happened as the Skripals crossed the River Avon, itself running north-south and effectively a wind channel in that stretch, must then suppose they were walking on the north side of the bridge, and the attacker(s) on the south side. Image B suggests that the Skripals were in fact proceeding as to cross on the north side of the bridge. But if the attack was planned to happen on the bridge, the assassin(s) would have to prepare for the contingency that Skripals would not take that line of travel. Of course, there may have been no pre-planning involved, the assassin(s) deciding the appropriate moment while the operation was in progress. The location is also problematic from it being a Sunday, local shops would still be open, and the bridge itself a pedestrian funnel visible from a distancem so odd or unusual behaviour on the bridge by anyone would be clearly visible. AFAIK no such reports of strange behaviour on the bridge has yet come to light.
However, if the location of the bench on which the Skripals were found is as marked on the images, then we see it is aligned east-west and anyone seated there is facing north. This would make it a better location to deliver a liquid/aerosol vector, since the assassin(s) could insinuate themselves behind the bench without necessarily being seen by the Skripals, and at which point they would up-wind of the victims and with lower risk of blowback. This scenario also suggest that application of the “Novichok” could be more efficient, ie, producing lethal effect but minimizing traces on the victims’ clothing.
The more interesting speculation, given that the Skripals have not been seen or heard from since they were supposedly hospitalized, is when and whether they will be seen or heard from.
Thank you for the historical weather record.
This shows ther was a sprinkle of rain in the 1905 time block on the evening of March 4th 2018 and some additional short periods of rain on the following day.
In any criminal act where murder is the result, there has to be a motive.
Even a psychopathic serial killer has a reason which is to see if the actor is disciplined enough and clever enough to leave as little an evidentiary trail as possible or to deposit clues that may look relevant but are a ruse to lead the investigator astray. So what was the objective, what was the gain that necessitated an act to kill Skripal or his daughter?
A State does not need to prove it has the skill or the sophistication to kill for the sake of taking a life; history has shown it has successfully done that directly or by proxy. So what would have been the Kremlin’s objective to do it? The logical answer is there wasn’t one, it was the enemies of Russia that did the deed. They could be the cabal of western powers or an internal group working undercover for U.S.-NATO Murder Incorporated against President Putin’s government.
An accusation by a plaintiff requires the defendant to put forth a credible defense at a trial. Why doesn’t Russia demand a trial since the U.K. says that “Putin did it” and has the overwhelming evidence to convict? Putin should call the U.K.’s bluff and bring a criminal lawsuit to the ICC (International Criminal Court, not to be confused with the International Court of Justice) naming the U.K. as defendant and charging them with a Crime of Aggression (see: https://www.icc-cpi.int/about/how-the-court-works ).
The U.K. is a signatory to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Russia has stated they will not adopt the treaty and therefore is illegible to bring a lawsuit as a State. However that does not mean that a “person” (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin) is denied the services of the court and can ask the court to investigate an alleged crime (see: https://justicehub.org/article/how-can-people-report-crimes-icc ).
Russia must not tolerate being treated like a Piñata, she must counterattack. Putin should file a lawsuit not as President of the Russian Federation but as himself, a citizen of the republic who has been wrongly accused of a heinous crime.
Poke, Russia should launch prosecutions against the US and UK (and Austfailian) criminals responsible for the 2003 illegal aggression against Iraq, and the consequent genocide. And those NATO thugs responsible for the terror-bombing of Libya and the murder of 50,000 Libyans there and the installation of international outlaw jihadist butchers in power. And the Israeli leaders responsible for the Gaza atrocities. That will be a nice start. Publish all the evidence and findings, and then issue arrest warrants for their detention. Perhaps rewards for the delivery of these criminals will add to the PR value. These crimes have no Statute of Limitations and Universal Jurisdiction hopefully applies, and, if not, should be legislated for. Personally I’d indict the Western fakestream media liars, as well, who agitated for aggressive war and genocide. The thought of a conga-line of Fraudian presstitutes under threat of the ‘Streicher Treatment’ fills my heart with joy. I’m against capital punishment however, so Life without parole must suffice.
Channel 4 UK tonight running a programme “russian spy assassins…..might be useful to be able to pick holes in it …….but the escalation continues…..
Lots of readers will have no access to Channel 4.
Put a note in the comments if the show pops up interesting new detail.
Mailman here. Online Science Library reveals that US developed a Novichok agent — probably THE agent in the case. Post by Bundy with 4 links, on SyrPer 15min ago:
“The United States was developing the gas A-234, we have a document that confirms this – MOD Russia
Head of OPCW lab shows listing of Novichok A234 in the NIST Spectral Library 1998. Contributor: D.Rohrbaugh, US army Edgewood Research, Development & Engineering Center (ERDEC) in Maryland
A234 nerve agent allegedly used against Skripal was developed in the US – a Novichok was developed by the US chemical warfare division…… Interesting.”
“We are left with a question – Given this wilderness of mirrors, of endless deception, ruse, and counter deception, how is it possible for May to be certain of the toxin used in the Skripal attack? And how can May be so sure of who actually produced that toxic agent?”
We don’t need to wind through the smoke and mirrors or jump through hoops to find out exactly how these people were poisoned with a nerve agent – we have the words of their doctor:
There it is:-
“no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury”
May and Johnson are lying.
They know they are lying.
Just like Blair and his lot did.
Darrrrrn my link didn’t work. Sorry.
It should be
But that then means the Skripals are not in the hospital in Salisbury at all ? That should be simple to check ! So everything is a hoax !
Is it correct if I assume that most likely the lifespan of that honest Mr. Davies will be a remarkably short one ?? WE should remember his name to check in a few years or maybe even weeks or days ?? Or maybe he tells soemting different already saving his life.
Do we remember the French Police Commisar who allegedly committed suicide in his office while investigating the ongoing Paris shootings ??
Was that the Comissar who shot himself 3 times in the back of the head?
That is always the problem with the French. Poor marksmanship.
You might want to consult <this document. It is the legal response from the judge handling the UK government’s request for blood samples to be taken from the unconscious Skirpals. It gives brief details of their condition and their medical treatment, the fact that the UK knows the Skirpals have relatives abroad but have not tried to contact them, and under oath statements from Porton Down scientists.
One Porton Down scientist (chemical and biological analyst) states:
“Blood samples from Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were analysed and the findings indicated exposure to a nerve agent or related compound. The samples tested positive for the presence of a Novichok class nerve agent or closely related agent.” [bold added]
There is no reference to Russia, not even via the deceptive ‘of a type developed by Russia’ line peddled by May and the rest. The analysis also does not distinguish between a Novichok and any other ‘closely related’ nerve agent. Basically all they are saying is that they detected a nerve agent which could potentially include an organophosphorus weed killer.
I think that legal application is very interesting.
May is making statements in the House of Commons which are statements of absolute fact made with total confidence. She appears totally sure of herself and the facts she is asserting.
Whne it comes to HMG making assertions of fact in a legal document where lying is very bad form, HNG is much more careful about what is said.
This leaves us with the question “How does May know?” and “How can May have such certainty in her statements?” One gets the sense that May is engaged in “political theatre” and the MSM are going along and failing to ask tough questions on behalf of the public.
What I found interesting about that doc when it popped up on the Saker’s reader submitted newswire was that it only said that the Skirpal’s could not be consulted because the were constantly under heavy sedation.
There of course could be medical reasons for that. But it does cross my mind that its also one way to keep people from talking or being interviewed.
Amb Craig Murray wrote about the phrase ‘of a type developed by’.
The key point is that every official spokesperson used exactly that wording. That tells us that there were internal meetings in the government and at least some important parties would not agree to any language stronger than that. The fact that everyone uses exactly the same words tells us that this is exactly what was agreed to. And of course, May and BoJoke would like to use much stronger language. They’d want to call it directly a “russian nerve agent.” But they could not get their own people to agree to that, and the people who would not agree to the stronger language also had enough clout to enforce an edict that exactly those words were all that they would agree to and that they must be followed.
One likely group with such leverage might be the actual scientists who analysed the substance and they may well threaten to leak the real info if the rest of the government doesn’t follow the limits of what they will agree to say. Of course, it could be anyone or any group with leverage over May, and since May’s Tories lost their majority in parliment in the last elections, that could be a long list for a government that’s only hanging on by a thread.
The phrase ‘of a type developed by the Soviets’ is of course really a very vague statement and doesn’t really implicate the current Russian government at all. But as we saw in the lead to the Iraq War, a compliant media with Deep State links can take it and run with it and try to avoid the weaknesses and emphasize the far-out possiblities.
A few questions for anyone that might know the answers:
The Skirpals have had blood samples taken which were analyzed at Porton Down where evidence (allegedly) of a nerve agent was found. Did the police officer go through the same process? Was it confirmed that he too was poisoned by the same agent? How did the levels of agent in the blood compare? Was he given the same medical treatment as the Skirpals? It seems a little odd that he walks out of hospital and the Skirpals are unconscious, sedated, and possibly facing permanent brain damage, given all were supposedly affected by a ‘military grade nerve agent’.
Good questions.
My interpretation of the legal application to draw blood for OPCW testing :[see the post by Anonymous on March 26, 2018 · at 5:45 pm UTC ] is that the Hospital can draw blood on behalf of an unconscious patient to perform hospital testing for the benefit of that patient, but the Hospital needs legal approval for the conduct of any blood sampling that will go to a third party.
None of the reporting I have seen on Bailey suggests that he ever lost consciousness. This further suggests that he was at all times able to give his own permission for blood samples taken by the Hospital for his own immediate welfare and permission for blood samples to be taken by, or for, some 3rd party such as Porton Down or OPCW.
We are treading on a point of law here but what appears to be the case is that absent a conscious victim able to give informed consent for a blood sample draw, and the conveyance of that blood sample to other than Hospital staff, it would not have been possible or legally acceptable to send a blood sample to DSTL Porton Down for testing.
In other words, to get this case to develop in the direction that May appears to be pushing it. the case must include two serious victims but must also include a less serious victim, one able to give consent to convey a blood sample to an outside third party such as DSTL for testing.
There is conflicting reports as to how DC Bailey was exposed (subsequently discharged from hospital) alls good with him now, apparently.
Anyway, he’s a detective. Not a beat cop. Detectives are not first responders to a scene, only dispatched once the initial assessment by beat police has been ascertained.
Other conflicting media reports puts him in the Skripals home – only….
Hes the only other person, apart from the Skripals that was exposed to the nerve gas.
Curious indeed.
So these outdoor photos were from Google and were not taken at the time the Skripals were there, with the only photo of them taken in an interior shot at night, with the glass all dark?
Because the outside photos show leafy trees with some leaves on the ground, and people are dressed for early fall – around early October.
Where are the actual photos of the Skripals walking outside at the time of the alleged attack.
Only Image B was taken on the day of the incident.
All the others were taken on an unknown date prior to the incident.
I have not found any online photos of the Skripals taken after the one of the them in Image B,
Really important point here:
Bailey was a Detective Sergeant. Detectives DON’T go on patrol and DON’T act as first responders! OffGuardian discusses this and other issues with Bailey’s story
“Novichok” is the name of the nerve agent used in an episode of the television show “Strike Back.” This episode was televised one month before the Skripal attack.”
There is a precedent for this type of preconditioning in regard to the MH370 hijacking in March 2014.
In about January or early February 2014, Current Affair programmes in both Australia and the US ran an article in regard to the duplication and production of false documentation such as drivers licences and passports in Bangkok. This was in relation to two passports, that of Christian Kozel whose passport stolen in Phuket in either February or March 2012, and then in August 2013 when Luigi Maraldi’s passport was also stolen in Phuket.
These stolen passports were then used by Nour Mohammad Mehrdad (Kozel) and Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza (Maraldi) to board MH370 undetected by KL’s airport security. However it was also stated that both of these Iranians had travelled directly from Iran to Malaysia, and that the stolen/fake passports had been supplied to them in KL by another supposed Iranian, Ali Kazan aka Ari ben Menashe, who after giving details to the Malaysian authorities including James Yacone of the American FBI CIRG who was leading the investigation and the BBC Persia correspondent, Bahman Kalbasi
Of course another precedent was with the London Bombing which was a rerun of a BBC Panorama program in May 2004.
It terms of ore-conditionning ther was a major military exercise which concerned a response to a nerve gas event which was conducted on one of the training areas near Salisbury about a month before the Skripal incident.
As best I can find this was the first training exercise of this type to be run anywhere in the UK up to that time.
In other words, it appears as though the Brits needed familiarisation with a substance not normally known to them.
Now the timing of this incident is critical. It comes at the right time for the line the US is pushing the story of a chemical attack in Syria, and this cannot be coincidental.
We now also have Detective Bailey out of hospital, but I doubt if Bailey knows anything if he was the Skripals minder. But the Skripals know far too much, as they know who told them to go to the park and to sit on that seat. And that was not Russian. Ergo, I cannot see Skripal making a full recovery.
Perfidious Albion strikes again.
Thank you for the interesting series.
Why is rusdia still giving gas to england in winter ?
Russia is herself to blame for not recognising her persistent enemy of last 300 years.
There’s more to DC Bailey than meets the eye. It’s odd, but not unbelievable, that he was so close by but even more odd that he would then take a key from Skripal and proceed to his residence. Why? Unless DC Bailey was the perpetrator, which would tidily explain why he was contaminated, somebody must have told him just who Skripal was and told him to get to the residence and without a search warrant find something or other. Isn’t an Englishman’s home his castle -or does that not apply to those with Russian citiizenship?
If we are to believe what we read, the delay in DC Bailey’s symptoms could be easily explained by clothing contamination that migrated to skin contact at some point.
Clearly there was no nerve agent poisoning because the Salisbury hospital was not equipped for decontaminating and isolating chem warfare patients -they’d otherwise have been sent to Porton Downs which does have such a facility.
Dr. Stephen Davies at Salisbury hospital stated that “no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury”, so it was a cocktail of something else -including a toxic but non-nerve agent organosphosphate that causes coma and permanent damage. Assuming that is, that it is the Skripals that are in hospital – so far we have no motive, no means and no confirmed identities, except in the latter, DC Bailey -who himself may be under suspicion.
I am curious why Russia has not reacted quicker to the supposed poisoning of two of their citizens. The consistent denials by Russia without pointing out the absurd details, denial of samples, denial of access to the Skripals, demands to prove a negative and other outrages etc. etc. unfortunately mean that by now it too late.
In the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davies when counsel stated that “Lord Astor denied an affair or having even met her”: “Well he would, wouldn’t he?”
Russia should have been on the offensive from the very beginning.
“…Assuming that is, that it is the Skripals that are in hospital – so far we have no motive, no means and no confirmed identities, except in the latter, DC Bailey -who himself may be under suspicion…..”
Indeed, we have only May and his minions statements on what they were the Skripals….And i would say that those images in Image B does not seem the Skripals themselves, as they were shown taking some drink in a pub at other images published…( Anyway how to know with such a blurred image? ) Skripal himslef looked much more fat that the man in the image, and Yulia had a darker blond tone than that platinum blonde tone than woman in image B is wearing…Not to mention that hair would show darker that in a well illumniated pub or in plain day light that in the interior of an arcade…..Then you have that the platinum blonde in Image B seems quite older than young Yulia ( currently in her thirties, if I am not wrong ), indeed of almost the same age of the man accompanying her in Image B….Thus, I conclude thay are not the Skripals….
The absence of the Skripals could well justify the stubborn denial of access to them by the Russian Embassy officials, a detail which should sound quite scratchy to any other European and world wide partner diplomat….Are the English stablishing new diplomatic rules by themselves, or for themselves only?
Dear Sushi,
It’s 1:50 in the morning; I had been sleeping.
Did you ever watch the film, ‘Three days of the Condor’ starring Robert Redford?
The professional assassin in that film near the end tells the Redford character how the CIA would take him out.
That was the way the Sergei Skripal was taken out.
Who did Sergei trust the most in MI5/6? Who did Sergei trust implicitly? Who did Sergei trust so much that he took his daughter with him for the meeting?
That was the man who met Sergei and attacked him. The daughter was ‘collateral damage’. The target was always only Sergei. The hit was purely political and by the British! The only man that Sergei believed he could really trust.
Three Days Of The Condor – Film, Literature & The New World Order
… sorry I posted this … I thought it is the movie, which I wanted to watch.
I cannot stand anyone telling me how to think in this manner.
For those who have seen the movie, it may be useful.
I think that a new false flag op. could have been planned for these days, something much, much bigger than 911!? It could be of a nuclear character?! The British pathocracy would know about it, and this is why it does not care about any evidence in Skripal case?! Probably, it was all about painting the Russians more black, than they were before, prior to start of the chaos/WW3?!
Some new wrinkles in this convoluted tangle of obfuscation:
‘We don’t even know where he is’: Sergei Skripal’s Russian family speak out
“…the facility had “not been approached by anyone known to the patients to enquire of their welfare.””
“”That is misinformation, because we care,” he told Sky News, referring to the consultant’s statement. “I asked the police several times if we could go and see them, quietly and away from the media, but I was told quite categorically that we were not allowed. We asked the question and the answer was ‘No.'””
Chemical weapons experts rebut claims that Russia was behind Skripal attack
“After the British government placed the blame for the Salisbury attack on Russia, Moscow demanded a sample of the agent used for their own experts to analyze. This would have allowed Russia to publish their own findings, but the UK declined to provide a sample.
Leonard Rink, one of the Russian scientists who confirmed the existence of the ‘Foliant’ program that originally developed the Novichok chemicals, believes that the UK’s refusal to provide the chemical sample suggests that it is not necessarily of Russian origin.”
So although it is likely that the Skripals are in fact in a coma on life support at Salisbury hospital at this point we don’t have any confirmed victims (the Skripals could be part of the hoax), we don’t have a motive (May’s arguments are beyond weak) and we don’t have a weapon (clearly it was not a nerve agent, as per the consulting doctor’s statement).
Confirmation of the victims and independent blood sample tests with linked provenance to those confirmed victims is necessary. These tests are perhaps already too late due to break-down with time?
That all these are denied is in itself damning evidence of a pack of lies; I wonder if the countries that are ‘showing solidarity’ with this travesty by ejecting Russian diplomats realise how much future damage to their credibility and global reputation is now irreversible?
“…the facility had “not been approached by anyone known to the patients to enquire of their welfare.””
I neglected to mention that this statement could be entirely true -but only if the Skripals are not there or are not the actual victims being treated for non-nerve agent poisoning.
If the statements of the first responders are true then organophosphate poisoning fits:
“OPs are one of the most common causes of poisoning worldwide.[2] There are nearly 3 million poisonings per year resulting in two hundred thousand deaths.[2][3] Around 15% of people who are poisoned die as a result.[2] Organophosphate poisoning has been reported at least since 1962.[7]”
“The effects of organophosphate poisoning on muscarinic receptors are recalled using the mnemonic SLUDGEM (salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal motility, emesis, miosis)”
British police say that the highest concentration of the nerve agent that came in contact with double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, was detected on the front door of his home in Salisbury.
“At this point in our investigation, we believe the Skripals first came into contact with the nerve agent from their front door,” Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon, Senior National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing, said on Wednesday evening.
Haydon said that further police work would concentrate around the neighborhood where the Skripals, who remain in critical condition, live, but he insisted that “risk remains low” for ordinary inhabitants.
Haydon added that “officers are likely (to) be in the area for several weeks and months.”
So now we are to believe we have a delayed action nerve-agent, so delayed that the Skripals can dine, have drinks and wander about before suddenly becoming utterly incapacitated and comatose with all body orifices ejecting.
If it is on door handles then in consequence it is everywhere that the skripals might have touched -but there’s no real danger to the public, mind you.
Just as the media attention atrophies another piece of obfuscation is presented with the promise of more dastardly details in the weeks and months ahead.
Do people really believe this crap?
I suspect the the poision on the doorhandle was deposited there when DS Bailey entered the house to condut his warrantless search.
There have also been other reports of trace toxic agent on keyboards and on other articles in the house.
These were reported to be lesser amounts than the doorknob.
That would make sense and assuming DS Bailey thought he might find illicit drugs -and later obtain a search warrant so he could return and ‘find ‘ them- that would explain why he was messing around in the house.
Taking a look at computers too for additional evidence and contacts.
But from what I understand of nerve agents it seems unlikely there is any time delay so if DS Bailey got some persistent agent on his sleeve and then wiped his nose while at the Skripal residence that would explain his sudden illness but it doesn’t explain the first responders -the doctor who physically placed them in the recovery position due to vomiting and who would have checked pupils etc. i.e. more contact than DS Bailey had. Unless gloves were worn and no other contact made or unless some or all of all this is kabuki?
I recall the stories about a certain class of people in Germany who carried umbrellas in all weather. I can’t remember just now if it was pre WW-II or post WW-II, but the people were suspected of being disloyal to Germany at the time.
The umbrella wasn’t to protect against rain, but against assassins armed with water pistols. The water pistols being loaded with cyanide solution to spray in the target’s face.
I’d suggest a targeted attack with most liquid poison agents is better executed with a water pistol than a spray can.
Interesting conjecture. It would suggest that the Dr who is reported by the Sun Newspaper to have attended Yulia is possibly an associate of the ‘hit team’ ? See: She’s Stopped Breathing
Does the same perhaps apply to Detective Bailey?
Here is a very basic question, ignoramus level:
Why isn’t there a Geneva Convention against the use of nuclear weapons?
They are far worse than any nerve or other chemical weapon.
In fact, aren’t they actually a form of chemical weapon?
Why a Convention against the use of chemical weapons and not against the use of a nuclear weapon?
Also, since there is a Convention against the use of chemical weapons, why isn’t it a breach of the Convention to develop them in the first place?
Part of the nuclear weapons’ non-proliferation treaty (NPT) is that nuclear powers are forbidden to threaten, blackmail or attack non-nuclear powers with nuclear weapons. This provision was key for the signature of the treaty by non-nuclear states. Most importantly, the nuclear arms race could not have been stopped otherwise. Thus, there is an international treaty that was signed by nearly all states. Two exceptions are worth noting:
i) North Korea did not sign the NPT because it wanted to develop its own nuclear program unimpeded, without threatening anyone not attacking it.
ii) At the time of signature, Israel already had completed its weapons program (I might err on the timing). It did not sign the NPT to keep its nuclear program off limits from international inspection. I consider its infamous Samson option an all-out economic/political blackmail of its European vassals. Israel is a rogue state in more than one aspect.
There are some attention-grabbing closing dates on this article but I don’t know if I see all of them center to heart. There’s some validity however I’ll take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well