by Sushi for the Saker blog
In the immortal words of USN Rear Admiral Joshua Painter: “Russians don’t take a dump, son, without making a plan”
A Curious Incident Part I may be found at this link:
One intent of this review is to demonstrate a lack of the degree of planning expected to occur if the Skripal incident were in fact a state sponsored assassination attempt.
Part 2 seeks to address some comments made in response to Part 1 (Thanks to the Saker’s readers for all the comments. They have assisted in honing the analysis).
Second, Part 2 describes the likely mode of application of the toxic material.
Third, Part 2 provides evidence to suggest the toxic material likely used.
Mode of Toxin Application Scenario #2 Review
This scenario involved toxic agent in powder from being placed in Yulia Skripal’s luggage while she was still in Russia. Yulia then unwittingly introduced the toxin into her father’s residence.
Readers Sidehill Dodger, Macon Richardson, Cassandra, and Anonymous all raised issues with Yulia’s luggage as the mode of toxic material delivery. I believe both the luggage scenario and the poisoned residence scenario are unlikely for the following reasons.
The first question is where do you place the toxic agent? If you place it in Yulia’s intimate undergarments, or her nightgown, then it is likely she may change into fresh garments after her arrival, go to sleep on March 3rd and wake up dead on March 4th. Sergei, the presumed target, is unaffected.
If the toxin is concealed in Yulia’s supply of cosmetics the same outcome obtains unless it is known that Skripal borrows his daughter’s face powders.
Any customs inspection of tainted clothing runs the risk of exposing the customs agent to the toxic material. The customs agent becomes ill before Yulia arrives in Salisbury and the entire assassination plot collapses.
One might conceal the toxic agent is a metallic drinks bottle equipped with a diabolical electronic timer such that it goes pfffft in the Skripal residence at 0315 in the early morning hours of March 4th. But, as Cassandra notes, you then have the problem of getting the device through an airport X-Ray examination. How do you respond when the customs agent asks “Is that a bomb in your luggage or are you just glad to see me?”
Mode of Toxin Application Scenario #3
An unknown person enters the Skripal residence while they absent and places a toxic chemical powder with the intent to poison Skripal.
I think the residence is a poor point of attack for the following reasons:
– There are neighbours to contend with
– Need to break into residence with no evidence of forced entry
– Release of toxin into residence atmosphere requires protective equipment
– Significant interior volume requires increased amount of agent
– Skripal may return at any moment
The last concern can be addressed by posting an external watcher to provide warning if the Skripals return. The Skripal residence is located at the end of a dead end street and the only access route is observable from at least six adjoining houses. An external watcher armed with a black hat, dark beard, sunglasses, binoculars, and a radio transceiver, will likely stand out like a sore pimple in suburban Salisbury.
You can avoid this problem by using a team of watchers and rotating them through the area. One will be a will be a package delivery person, another a strolling couple, followed by an ice cream vendor with a pushcart, then a dog walker, after that a pair of ornithologists.
I expect a neighbour of Skripal to look out his window and remark “Mavis! Come look at this parade of odd jobs they are using to monitor Skripal’s house!”
Providing a degree of perimeter security requires the use of a team. The need for a team increases the size and complexity of the operation. Team coordination requires communications. All of these things incur costs and all of them increase the likelihood of being observed by counter intelligence, or leaving trace evidence that may later be provided to the authorities: “Officer, I knew the Russkies were up to no good when the same ice cream vendor came by three times on the same day.”
Here is an interesting exercise. 1) You want to poison yourself by placing toxic powder in your residence in a location where you are assured to make contact with it; 2) You want to avoid any obvious visible evidence of intent i.e. just dumping a mound of powder in the centre of the living room doesn’t count; 3) Ask yourself if an outsider unfamiliar with your habits would have selected this same location.
I may lack imagination but, other than mixing the toxic powder in with the Hungarian paprika and hoping Skripal decides on last supper of goulash, I find it difficult to see the residence as a viable mode of toxic agent delivery.
Mode of Toxin Application Scenario #4
An unknown person approaches Skripal’s car in the London Road Cemetery parking area and inserts the toxic agent into the car.
SCENARIO #4 Conjecture 1
The toxic material is in powder form and lacks odour or colour. If you sit in your house on a sunny day you will likely observe dust motes floating in the air. You breathe these dust motes but you do not perceive them. It is suspected that the toxic material is in similar form. When the Skripals return to the dusty parking lot they find some dust has entered their car.
SCENARIO #4 Conjecture 2
The cemetery is an excellent point of attack.
– It is remote
– Few members of the public present
– CCTV coverage unlikely
– No suspicion attached to being in visitor car park area
– Can park alongside Skripals car or very close to it
– Relatively quick and easy access to Skripal’s car
– Small car air volume so less toxic agent required
– Person placing the toxic agent is exterior to the poisoned air volume
No protective equip required
– Placement on seat cushion will displace toxic agent into air volume
– Movement will disperse toxic agent in air volume
– Car has mechanical means to recirculate air volume
– Clothes will also be impregnated with toxic agent
In short, all of the problems which attach to using the residence as the mode of toxic agent delivery are obviated by making the attack in the area of the cemetery parking lot. Security is provided by the remote setting and no large team of watchers is required. But how to get the material into the car?
SCENARIO #4 Conjecture 3
Access to the Skripal car may be obtained via a number of means:
– Skripals leave a car door unlocked
– Car door opened using thin blade inserted between window glass and door bodywork
– Car window left cracked open permitting insertion of small diameter nozzle
– Car door opened using master key
– Jimmy the door in the frame to twist it open enough to insert small diameter nozzle
– Bypass the rubber window seal and insert nozzle
– Drill hole in unobtrusive location and insert nozzle
If you have the intent to murder someone I doubt you will see the need to avoid some property damage to the target’s car. The tool of choice for bicycle thieves is a battery powered drill equipped with an abrasive disk which saws through most bike locks in under a minute. The same drill equipped with a carbide drill bit would create a small diameter access hole in under 15 seconds.
The toxic agent may then be blown into the car interior. Most garden stores carry a variety of pressure sprayers. You insert the material, pump the device by hand, and then spray. Bike stores sell CO2 cylinders designed to inflate a bike tire to 120 PSI. It would not be difficult to adapt this to pressurize a container full of toxic agent and then blow the agent into the car interior. The toxic effect comes from the fact the target is breathing the poisoned atmosphere for an extended period of minutes. In the case of the Skripals movements on March 4th they spent a total of 25 minutes in the car after leaving the cemetery (15 minutes cemetery to home, 10 minutes home to the Maltings area in Salisbury).
What was the Toxin?
Up to this point the primary concern is with the mode of application and finding an answer to the question “How do you apply a toxic agent to your target without arousing undue suspicion?”
It is assumed that Skripal, as a former GRU agent, has some knowledge of trade-craft. I suspect that a stranger approaching him on the street and spraying him with a foreign substance of any kind would cause him to yell out and seek shelter in the nearest store and summon both the police and an ambulance. There is no evidence of Skripal having taken such action. This suggests the toxic agent was applied in a surreptitious manner and the first indication of a problem came after leaving the Zizzi restaurant. My hunch, as there is no evidence of this, is that the Skripals felt the onset of fatigue and “tummy troubles” and went to sit on the park bench to rest. They never had a chance to get up as they were incapacitated by the agent.
The next question to be asked is “What was the toxic agent?”
Toxic Agent – The First Item of Evidence
The answer is found in two items of evidence located in Scott Humor’s article on the Saker web site:
The first item of evidence is the letter from a physician at Salisbury Hospital. The letter states:
“No patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only ever been three patients with significant poisoning”
The physician denies the existence of any patients with “nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury . . .”
The physician also states there have “only ever been three patients with significant poisoning.” I believe these three to be the two Skripals and Detective Bailey.
What the doctor is saying is that no patients have been admitted with signs of poisoning by a military grade nerve agent but the hospital has admitted three patients with a significant degree of poisoning. Just as there is a difference between being hit by a caterpillar, and being hit by a Caterpillar D9, there are differences between being poisoned by a military grade agent and being poisoned by something else. The doctor is intimating that in regard to the Skripals, they were poisoned by something other than a military grade nerve agent.
Toxic Agent – The Second Item of Evidence
The second item of evidence (and I thank Scott for going to the trouble of saving me some work :-) is found in Scott’s excellent set of reference links. I refer to the article by natsouth at the following URL:
This article contains the following image:
When the image is increased in size the following detail is clearly shown:
The same image is too large to be viewed in a single image. The second portion of the enlarged image is presented here:
The final portion of the enlarged image is presented here:
Why is this important?
The key information is found in the left column. All prior military grade nerve agents were unitary agents. That is to say they were created in a production facility and then transferred to a second facility where they were loaded into artillery shells, or into military rockets.
The problem with unitary nerve agents is that the nerve agent degrades over time. The second major problem comes when it becomes necessary to move the loaded projectiles to the front lines for use.
The Novichok program attempted to create a binary chemical weapon. This had two clear advantages. First, the toxic agent was in two parts which were mixed within the projectile at time of use. This resulted in greatly increased safety as the unmixed binary components were either non-lethal, or much less hazardous than the final mixed form. Second, because the binary agents were mixed immediately prior to use the chemicals did not have a chance to degrade and therefore exhibited an increased level of toxicity and lethality.
But this is the important part. The Russian research was not concerned with creating new nerve agents. The Russian research concentrated on taking existing known nerve agents and remaking these agents in a binary two part form.
I believe this fact is known to the scientists at Porton Down and this is the reason they are being very careful in exactly how they describe the toxic agent employed in the Skripal incident. The British government, Teresa May and Boris Johnson, are deliberately misleading the people of the UK and the greater global public. They are also acting to mislead parliament and, in most Westminster jurisdictions, if you do that you are compelled to resign.
Toxic Agent – The Third Item of Evidence
Finally I wish to present a web site of interest. When you open this page read carefully the list of agents found in the first paragraph. All of the agents.
What you are reading is a list of organophosphate toxins. I believe the Skripals were poisoned with an item found in this list. But I doubt very much that it was one of the listed nerve gasses: Soman, sarin, tabun, or VX. The Skripals were likely poisoned with one of the other organophosphates found in this list.
The nerve gasses Soman, sarin, tabun, and VX are military grade toxins. What the Salisbury doctor is saying is that the Skripals, and detective Bailey were poisoned, but they were not poisoned with a military grade agent as Theresa May and Boris Johnson would wish you to believe.
If Craig Murray is accurate in his reporting, what Porton Down is saying under pressure is that the agent was “of a type developed by Russia.” Porton Down does not make the claim that the Skripals were poisoned by a military grade nerve agent. Porton Down is making the claim that they were poisoned by a type of organophosphate of the type the Russian’s were attempting to recreate as a binary nerve agent. There is a significant difference.
Porton Down is known to contain a sophisticated treatment center capable of treating persons poisoned by a military grade nerve agent. If in fact the Skripals and Detective Bailey had been poisoned by a military grade nerve agent they would have been relocated to Porton Down for treatment. That they remain under treatment in Salisbury Hospital is evidence that they were not poisoned by a military grade nerve agent as alleged by Theresa May and Boris Johnson.
I have been through military NBC training as has Cassandra who wrote in the Part I comments that with a military grade nerve agent “a drop on your skin is enough to rapidly disable you and, if an antidote isn’t rapidly administered, kill you in very short order.”
I agree with his statement. Note that what is being referenced are military grade nerve agents of western origin such as VX. Russian research sought to increase the lethality of the same agents 2 to 7 times by recreating them in binary form. The fact the Skripals are still alive and under treatment is prima facie evidence that they were not attacked by a military grade nerve agent of the Novichok type originally researched by Russia.
Both May and Johnson should resign for misleading parliament.
In memory of David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944 – 17 July 2003)
The motive behind this UK hysteria? According to Petri Krohn column published by The Duran, all roads, in this matter, lead to Damascus… and Tel Aviv… « It now seems evident that to real reason for the poisoning of Sergei Skripal was to drum up British support for a war against Syria and Russia. One must must thus ask who would most gains from such a war. If the above analysis is correct, then the answer would be Israel »
Thierry Meyssan has some very cogent factoids to illuminate this Macro False Flag.
Hhmm…not a plot by Pompeo to remove Tillerson????
Trump’s signature line as a reality TV star was “You’re Fired!”.
Trump obviously fired Tillerson on the spot for some unknown reason. White House sources have said it was related to Iran policy. Which in neocon crazy-talk includes Syria.
Normally if a plot to remove someone and replace them suceeds, then the target announces his resignation. Usually some sort of language about ‘spending more time with their family’ or ‘pursuing other interests’. With Tillerson I could see it likely being that he desires a return to the private-sector and away from the back-stabbing nasty politics of DC. But typically the person resigns and provides some such statement.
This was instead obviously a firing. And another high State Dept head was fired for simply stating that Tillerson found out he was fired from Trump’s Tweet. Which is a bit bizarre unless the White House didn’t want the story to be that Trump fired a senior advisor in a fit of impulsive rage, which doesn’t look very Presidential.
Tillerson obviously disagreed with Trump one time too many in a meeting, and Trump fired him shortly afterwards. Since then the rumors of the time have been hinting at a US attack on Syria after a chem weapon false flag operation, that seems to be the most likely issue. Since the DC neocons view the attacks on Syria as an opening salvo against Iran’s ally before starting their dream of a war with Iran, this corresponds to the White House saying it was about ‘Iran policy’.
Apparently Tillerson didn’t believe that giving chem weapons to terrorists to stage a false flag and then risking the start of WW3 was good for business.
That article certainly connects a lot of dots. If it were a US operation they would likely have involved UK security services, which would have needed ministerial approval, probably by May. Which likely explains why the Skripals are alive as she would have not sanctioned murder.
I agree most likely a simple organo-phosphate poison – eg Roundup. Put in the milk as they would need a cup of tea after a long journey. Also could explain why the cop was poisoned; being a cop he helped himself to tea and buscuits when he visted their house.
Anyone who thinks the British government would not sanction murder knows very little about British history.
Might want to search on terms such as Bloody Sunday or Basra.
Coventry in WW2 is just one example of when the Brits are willing to kill their own people for their own geopolitical ends.
Those are more recent terms of course. Bloody English murder goes back as far as one can search in history. Killing even small boys in the notorious Tower in a quest for power is a long English tradition.
Its fiction, but the original, pre-Kevin Spacey, version of House of Cards gives an insight into the British government, and especially the conservatives. Its fiction, but something about the British government inspired that author.
‘………..she would have not sanctioned murder.’
You joke, surely. Game of Thrones is a pale imitation of the machinations that Brits have perpetrated throughout history to hang on to power. The Maybot has plenty of British blood on her hands from her long term as Home Secretary, she wouldn’t blink or hesitate to order the shedding of foreign blood either if it serves her nefarious purposes.
May is the most grovelingly pro-Israel UK PM ever-and that is quite a contest. She’d do this, for Israel, without an instant’s hesitation.
The Israelis are indeed a possibility, but the Israelis generally prefer blunt force trauma options, not the Baroque machinations of this case. The Baroque (or even Rococo) quality of this attack smacks of Princeton/CIA or Oxbridge/MI6, aging frat boys out on the town.
Polonium 210 to kill Arafat, or Khaled Meeshal with poison in the ear. For starters. And we don’t know how many other killings by ‘The Gods Upon the Earth’ were disguised as ‘natural causes’.
I noticed some interesting gambits in the statement from the Russian Foreign Ministries Dept head for Arms Control.
“Moscow considers the Salisbury attack as an act of terror against Russian citizens carried out on the UK territory, he stressed.”
A bit before this (at least in the order presented by TASS), they complain about the ‘idleness of the British authorities on their own territory”
The Russians are now also stressing that “…It is no secret to anyone that the UK’s closest partner is the only state officially keeping the largest arsenals of chemical weapons in the world,”
In the same piece, they are questioning the OPCW’s cooperation with the UK’s investigation as there is no provision for such an action in the treaty.
I wonder if this Petri Krohn is THE finnish anti-fascist Petri Krohn… or someone else.
Still curious: how many regular people on the streets of England either believe the “official story”, or, really want England to go to war with Russia?
@Chad. Judging by readers comments in the Independent I would say, Not many. Which is why Jeremy Corbyn — the man who says, Wait for the evidence — has come from nowhere to be Likely Winner of the Next Election.
EVERY fakestream presstitute from the UK that I have seen or heard, mostly on YouTube, is positively vibrating with hatred at Corbyn, for not ‘getting onside’ with May. One Daily Fail psycho asserted that it guaranteed his defeat, at the snap election that May is plainly angling for (‘Vote Tory for Armageddon’ is at least honest)and a British Bulldust Concoction harridan observed that it was no surprise because Corbyn had been an agent of the Russians for decades. The most salient feature is that the diatribes are not delivered with cold deliberation, but with a sort of manic hatred that you can see in the body language, and the eyes in particular.
According to a yougov poll published on 12th, before the action, only 1 in 5 in favour of strikes.
If the timeline posted in the original article is correct, there was plenty of time to introduce the agent into the vehicle while the Skripal’s were visiting the cemetery. However, some of those methods would leave some kind of tell-tale sign of forced entry. I wonder if the police have bothered to check?
Also, is it possible that the doctor’s letter could be construed to mean that the three patients admitted to the hospital for poisoning were 3 past patients having nothing to do with this incident? Of course, it’s out of context with the narrative but if the doctor has been coached or pressured to mislead might it be possible? IOW, the Skripals have not been poisoned at all? Has anyone seen them since the attack?
I did hear that the camera system had been replaced by the city council for a cheaper one, so cameras are not perfect in Salsbury (on the BBC on day 1 or 2)..
What we have here is a false flag attack instigated before the elections in Russia. Ostensibly a military nerve gas was used. It would appear something else was used. Russia, of course, was the intended victim, political and propaganda. The intent was to lower President Putin’s chances at reelection (a very foolish hope, as the opposite happened), and also to vilify Russia on the international scene. Neither intentions succeeded. Yes, the media went into hysterics, but as far as I can see, ordinary people are not buying it. Even the political backing Britain received from France and Germany was highly unconvincing, with both knowing they were dealing with a false flag attack.
What people forget is that the Novichok nerve gas was never produced in Russia, either when Russia was part of the Soviet Union, nor when it became independent. It was produced in one of the former Soviet republics, the chemical factory being closed down by US Army specialists, which means that NATO has samples of the nerve gas. Also, the chemist who developed Novichok now lives in the US, in New York City.
This whole episode was planned and executed by people who belong to a different, past age. Things are not turning out as expected, as people are seeing this to be nothing more than a propaganda stunt, which it is. No doubt analysts at MI6 and the CIA now regret that this stunt has been pulled in the first place. The results are contrary to those they expected.
Not only would the US have samples from the site, but they had the opportunity to examine and document any equipment and processes used to make the samples.
One thing that could be observed in the lead-up to the Iraq War is that the politicians and media are on their own feedback loop. Certainly, in the USA, since the USA is not a democracy, the fact that ‘ordinary people’ are finding flaws and not believing in the story does not really matter. Many people in the USA understood that the entire Iraq WMD story was bogus, but they were unable to effect the politicians. Letters to representatives and letters to the editors of the press have no effect when the politicians and the press have their own feedback loop and none of the above are listening to ‘the public’ because they are convinced that they know better.
Re Many people in the USA understood that the entire Iraq WMD story was bogus, but they were unable to effect the politicians. Letters to representatives and letters to the editors of the press have no effect when the politicians and the press have their own feedback loop and none of the above are listening to ‘the public’ because they are convinced that they know better.”
I think it is important to state this, or re-state, as needed. So many pundits and politicos utter statements such as “even the professionals were fooled,” and other such BS. Well, many of the worms on the ground were not fooled by the pathetic WMD fabrications. In the lead-up to the Oct. 2002 vote that gave Bush Congressional authority to pursue a military action in Iraq, I heard that phone calls to John Kerry were running 180-1 pleading with him to vote NO (he voted yes). I was one of those. Recall also the millions worldwide and in the USA who took to the streets and called out that mendacity of the supposed evidence of WMD. Remember how Scott Ritter was taken down.
I am not so sure that the “leaders” are convinced they know better. I would say, rather: they have another agenda, and even though they know that the public is right to see through the lies they are purveying, they have no intention of changing course.
God help us if they want to take us to war now, against . . . the whole world, but esp. Putin’s Russia. Because they won’t listen to anyone.
I remember when former weapons inspector Scott Ritter was going around the country giving speeches on what was really going on. I was part of a group that organized one of those speeches. We had a hall that would hold about 500 people. The hall was completely full an hour or so before the scheduled time. We were scrambling trying to setup speakers outside for an overflow crowd. I’d estimate there were at least 1000 people outside, plus even more who left when they couldn’t get seats inside. This on top of the many people who packed the hall as full as the fire codes would allow.
There was great interest among people to find out the truth. Meanwhile, the congresspeople who actually had a voice and a vote couldn’t even be bothered to go down the hall to see the classified intelligence reports.
This Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is quite a piece of work.
Mentioned in the link in the article above (also here below):
He claims Novochok “only produced at one site in Russia”.
Hamish is writing heavy propaganda for propaganda outets such as the Guardian and BBCIA, e.g.:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Hamish de Bretton-Gordon OBE (born September 1963) is a chemical weapons expert and chief operating officer of SecureBio Limited. He was formerly a British Army officer for 23 years and commanding officer of the UK’s CBRN Regiment and NATO’s Rapid Reaction CBRN Battalion.[1] He is a visiting lecturer in disaster management at Bournemouth University.[2] He attended Tonbridge School and has a degree in agriculture from the University of Reading (1987).
His company went belly-up:
Company number 07687281
Company Overview for SECURE BIO LIMITED (07687281)
Filing history for SECURE BIO LIMITED (07687281)
People for SECURE BIO LIMITED (07687281)
Insolvency for SECURE BIO LIMITED (07687281)
17 Aug 2017 Final Gazette dissolved following liquidation
The scene from the movie Red October that echos in my minds is a bit later when the same admiral says “This thing will get out of control. It will get out of control and people are going to get killed.”
By this time, well after the attack, I’d expect any competent crime lab to have completely traced the toxin back to its source.
By looking at concentrations, they could determine where any bit of contaminated clothing on the victims was the vector of the attack.
By now they’d have gone completely through the apartment and found any instances of the toxin.
They especially would have concentrated on the luggage and its contents if the police/government theory was that this came from Russia via this route.
Thus, by now I’d fully expect the CSI types to be able to have determined the exact source of the toxin in the belongings and then trace it from contact to contact to the victims on the park bench. I also still strongly suspect that such a powerful nerve agent as the presumed Novichukchukchuk would act so quickly that a contact in the morning would have effects long before they sat on the bench late in the afternoon. Espcially since we do know the victims were operating an automobile in between, apparently not suffering any mental or muscle effects of the powerful nerve agent.
Which should mean that some item was removed from the luggage and carried with them before being used or opened later in the afternoon.
If the target was Skirpal himself, then presumably this was some sort of gift or some item that the assasins would know the daughter would later share with the victim. And, by now, I’d have expect the lab techs to have fully identified this item among the rather limited number of possibilities.
Again and again and again we keep coming up against the brick wall that the UK government is releasing no evidence at all to back up its wild claims.
Calm down. Remember the post on part 1: Letter to the Times from Salisbury hospital, they received only 3 patients (not 40!) no patients are being treated for nerve poisoning, and blood samples are normal. Also no one has died.
Chicken Licken syndrome?
Something like a hypdermic syringe even cake decorating syringe with one of those slightly bendy plastic tube nozzles affixed from those expanding building foam aerosols…or length of silicone tubing…a minute at the most…inserted but no damage to car door rubbers?
Test with some talcum powder maybe…..
JJ – Those are even better ideas than the ones I came up with. I do not see any technical or physical obstacles to getting a finely powdered agent into the car.
On the issue of car damage this only needs to be to the minimum that it will not be immediately noticed by the car owner following placement of the agent. I suspect one of the things the investigators will now be doing is going over the car examining it for any sign of damage.
Yup…but highly risky of course to operative( any unanounced deaths of special agents one wonders but as Skripals have not died then operative would have recieved antidote how does that work what are symptoms of antidote treatment)Posted below but repeating here…car has a standard alarm fitted yes no or anything else….especially considering presumably he was under some kind of protection scheme( or had this recently been reduced to “permit” events)…or had that been abandoned…was he still meeting a handler sometimes…house alarm fitted…had a tracker on mobile phone…can FSB find phone records of daughter and father back to Russia- I would think Russia has every right to see these legally at the minimum??????
Plus Russia should be legally permitted to info on did father go on holidays who did he meet…what social life did he have…what tv channels he used…any social media email contacts etc….and applies to daughter too and her workplace.
One place a person in a home is guaranteed to touch at least once per day – the toilet. Depending on how long it takes for the person to respond to the toxin with observable symptoms, it is likely that both persons – especially an older man – will use the toilet and be exposed before the other shows symptoms.
As for easily penetrating the home, this is done all the time by burglars. Spies are even better trained and equipped for a “black bag” job. Regardless of the layout of the vicinity, penetration would be relatively easy, not requiring a lookout if the targets routines are well known. No operation of this sort would be engaged in without a minimum of a week of surveillance of the target to learn their routines. The entire operation would be over in less than five minutes from time of infiltration into the home to positioning of the toxin to exfiltration.
Of course delivery by car would be the more effective method.for the reasons listed.
What we know is that the Skripals or someone identified as them were attended to on a park bench by local emergency medical services and taken to hospital. The promptness and scope of the emergency response could be explained plausibly if the pair were under surveillance. If the doctors can be believed, the woman (at least) was severely ill, but working on her did not harm the doctor. There’s no evidence, therefore, of military neurotoxin. Reported symptoms could suggest severe food poisoning. We are not told what shape the pair are in now. No medical results have been reported. We can guess that the Skripals are in indefinite detention (or dead) so the authorities can continue to control the story.
There is no need whatever to take any part of the UK/USA baloney seriously and speculate about how the supposed Novichok was delivered etc. Ask Fox Mulder! Ask the producers of the TV show that provided the plot elements for this bullshit “incident.”
Fuju fish, or similar?
One of the key “facts” in this incident is that both the Skirpals were incapacitated at the same time.
You have identified the problem that occurs if one of the vicitms is exposed prior to the other. One Skirpal becomes ill before the other and the unaffected one then calls for medical aid etc. Even with respect to the toilet there is a time differential of use and women and men tend to use it differently. Men aim. Women sit.
The fact that both were overcome at the same time strongly suggests that both recieved a similar degree of exposure (i.e. the same number of exposure minutes) and both were exposed at the same time.
Both of them sitting in the same car for the same period of time is the only circumstance that would logically meet the requirements.
Who is the man in the mirror? I think it is the MI6 handler for Mr S
how did picture get published?
If they were “poisoned” it was not the real stuff, maybe just strong street dope, or bad anchovies…
See moon of alabama
I have had a number of different hobbies, but the one that is most relevant at this juncture is photography – and here I am referring to the supposed picture of the Skripals in a restaurant prior to their discovery incapacitated on a park bench.
Why am I perturbed by this image?
Well, look at the angles:
* From the viewpoint of the camera taking the image we can see the back of the right side Skripal’s head.
* So the angle of the shot is not at right angles to the pair of them. Because we can see the left side of Yulia’s head we can deduce that the angle is fairly small, say 5 to 10 degrees – this is confirmed by the reflection of the pouring spout on the bottle in the foreground.
* Yet, we see a reflection in the mirror of someone holding a camera.
* Now, at this point we must defer to the laws of optics and accept that a light ray incident on a mirror at an angle cannot reflect back along the same path as it was incident.
* So the camera show in the reflection cannot possibly be the camera that took the image.
* So, in addtion to wondering who it is that is holding the camera in the reflection, we must still ask who took the image, and using what equipment.
This is yet another inconsistency that leaves me with the feeling that we are being fed breadcrumbs to draw us away from what should be our focus of interest.
Will be interesting to read if Russian Ambassadors being called in by Sweden and Czech republic to request explanation are successful in confirming Zakharova’s comments that the supposed
” novitchuk” has been made outside the USSR including Czechoslovakia as it was I presume….noting the Russian UN said he had proof of 200 references to this……and hopefully both sides will make public statements and especially Russia release the list……
Just a thought. The policeman was a detective who would be in plain clothes. Could he have been a minder from the local special branch office and did he eat at the restaurant with the Skripals. I do believe that the restaurant was a `seafood’ one, and being as no other person was contaminated at the scene in dealing with the Skripals, that being the reason why. It was a simply a case of serious food poisoning. The detective being the one that summoned the ambulance? It took some days until the `details’ were released giving time for a good story to be concocted.
The way most restaurant kitchens work, it is unlikely that only one table would be effected. Usually food or sauces are cooked in large batches, thus cases of food poisoning from a restaurant usually effect multiple people.
And its quite possible that one person at a table could be effected while their dining partners would not be. Usually the first question an investigator would ask is did the effected people have the same item from the menu?
Of course, since the UK government is obviously being duplicitous about all of this, it seems quite possible that we would not be told of other cases of food poisoning from that restaurant that day.
Remember the “odd” declaration of Mr.Putin on the night of the elections in Russia?The Guardian-Putin said that if the substance used in the attack had really been a military nerve agent, then it would have killed anyone targeted on the spot-18 march.U think that May and the gang realised the message?That the russians already know the plot? :)
Great sleuthing and reporting!
Much appreciated.
Yes, thank you for these very interesting and thought-provoking articles!
Major bombshell.
Litvinenko’s Father Hugs Lugovoy, Suggests His Son’s Murderer Was CIA Agent
“Could you imagine the father of the late ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko hugging Andrey Lugovoy, whom the British have accused of poisoning his son? This actually happened in front of the eyes of millions of Russian television viewers. A new twist in the story.
During the primetime program “Pust govoryat” (“Let people talk”) on First channel, the major Russian federal television channel, Valter Litvinenko, father to Alexander, who was fatally poisoned in London 12 years ago, came up to Andrey Lugovoy, embraced him and went on to detail how he watched his son die.
Litvinenko’s father is certain that his son was poisoned by biochemist Alexander Goldfarb, who was part of the inner circle of Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky, who was found dead in London in 2013. According to Valter Litvinenko, in 2000 Goldfarb helped the fugitive Russian spy Litvinenko to make his way from Turkey to Great Britain, where he was granted political asylum.
He represented Litvinenko’s interests during the final weeks of his life and upon his death, he read out his deathbed letter to the media. Valter Litvinenko said that Akhmed Zakaev, who was in London at that time, called Goldfarb a CIA agent.
According to Valter Litvinenko, his son had been poisoned several times even while he was in hospital. Anyone could enter the hospital, added Litvinenko’s father, noting that at first, his son had been diagnosed with food poisoning, then – thallium exposure, and subsequently there emerged reports on the use of polonium 210.
“I am sure that no one in the world, neither CNN, nor BBC would ask the First channel for the permission to show Litvinenko’s father’s interview. We were lost for words, all of us, including Dmitry Borisov [the anchorman]. He didn’t expect to hear that kind of confession,” said journalist Andrei Karaulov, who also partook in the program.
Valter Litvinenko also noted that he had never been admitted to the files on his son’s death, he said he had been denied access to the autopsy act.
“It’s now clear why all the documents on the Litvinenko case are highly classified in London for the next 100 years. It was, by the way, carried out by Theresa May. And nobody asked her why on earth she had to classify something that had been on everyone’s lips,” the journalist indignantly remarked. He thinks that had Valter Litvinenko confessed earlier, the Skripals wouldn’t have been poisoned.”
Actually the brother was interviewed on ukmainstream tv…the other day.. saying the same.
So how did Goldfarb die……
Goldfarb seems highly likely as Polonium poisoning was first noted at Dimona in Israel in the 50s, when staff were accidentally exposed. Goldfarb could have received a tribal discount, too.
I am afraid the author is missing the fact that by description ‘Novichok’ is a BINARY CW. Which means it becomes lethal only after two harmless or relatively harmless precursors are mixed together.
I agree with your comment.
My explanation for that will be in Part III.
Details of the Novichock program are difficult to find.
Most of the information comes from Mirzanyanov who left Russia and resettled in the USA and who has been the primary source of information on the Novichock research program. There is some degree of skepticism over Mirzanyanov’s claims. He appears to have inflated his own degree of involvement and there is some doubt about the validity of his claims in respect of an Russian technical advances in nerve agent production.
At this point my bet is that the only Novichock comes from Boris Johnson. If an agent 2 to 10 times more lethal than VX had been used the Skirpals would have been found dead in the park. The fact they are still alive (as is presently claimed) is evidence that no military grade nerve agent was used in the attack.
My hunch is that the Skripals are presently on full life support. At some point a decision will need to be made on pulling the plug. Yulia is a Russian citizen and so her family in Russia, and the Russian government, will be involved in that decision. I expect the Russians to seek to relocate her to a Russian hospital.
Since Skripal’s wife and son are dead, Yulia would be his next of kin and legally the person to make decisions with respect to the continued treatment of her father.
How this situation plays out in future looks to be very messy.
One wonders….anyone at Salisbury noticed a change of guard so to speak…at shift changes….extra police military police..anti terrorist police etc..extra security cameras being installed…( zizzi is still shut why if? it has been cleared. ….. car park sealed off? shut off) and isolation areas…anyone got a genuine relative they can visit and check out…..oops better be careful.
Surely medical staff will have had management meetings and reaffirmed that medical info privacy is paramount…msybe had to sign official secrets act….maybe being warned by police anti terrorists officers of the “importance” of this critical international situation…that can go critical….any special chefs( eg under supervision of Porton Down) brought in diets being prepared to assist with poisening recovery…. any persons from PD visiting…surely must be extra people visiting… rooms set aside…extra tea coffee for them…MiB peoples eating in canteen… Humvees parking….extra taxis coming and going…Home Office.. Foreign Office staff…Government advisors…extra internal and external security ???????
Because this event can change the world…..
I would suggest the home’s doorknobs or the car’s door handles as possible vectors for the nerve agent.
The underside of a car door release is particularly likely because it is more publicly accessible than the doorknob of the house, and not easy to visually inspect before touching.
Clearly there is a whole range of clues that suggest the Russians did it :)
1. 8 miles from Porton Down – only someone desperate to indicate the US or UK would commit a murder there.
2. The nerve agent was added to the daughter’s bags in Moscow. Now only a nation that didn’t care a damn about the lives of Russians would mess about with nerve agents in Moscow – one mistake and thousands might die. Much easier to do that at a UK airport or in Salisbury. Unless of course, the Russians were extremely cunning!
3. Christopher Steele. How clever of the Russians to tie him into all of this. Clearly intervening in HRC’s post election grieving.
4. Using Novichok, as created in a neutral country, Uzbekistan, but at a plant decommissioned by a US company. Dastardly clever these Russians to put the blame on US.
5. A nerve agent that doesn’t exist, and doesn’t kill either. Those clever Russians sent out a spy, Mirzayanov, to the US to plant the false idea that a dangerous Novichok existed. Under hypnosis the Skripals were made to believe they would fall ill on the third strike of the Salisbury Cathedral Clock. May and Boris are going to look like idiots. But ask yourself, cui bono?
Why should the Kremlin take this scurrilous accusation on the chin, so to speak?
As far as we know, Skripal and his daughter are still alive and probably conscious by now. Why don’t the British ask them what they remember and release the interview to the public rather than accuse the Russians of some cold war diabolical scheme that gained them absolutely nothing? For all we know, the two may have been subject to a bad case of food poisoning rather than a mysterious, invisible gas labeled as a chemical weapon.
Skripal was a double agent who spied for the UK. Maybe Skripal tried to double-cross the Brits in exchange for something that we don’t know about. MI6 decided to silence him and his daughter but botched the job badly and then turned it back on the Russians as a cover.
The Russian government needs to hit back publicly with a theory of their own and demand the UK prove otherwise. Tit-for-tat sometimes is the easiest way to settle a case where materials of fact have not been disclosed to the court of public opinion.
The Skripals are dead meat, already. The UK regime won’t allow them to recover and possibly make ‘unfortunate’ statements, that is for certain.
The Skirpal incident is state sponsored, but planned to only one move ahead. The idiots probably really expected Russia to cave, but its resistance and the independent publication of obvious flaws in the scripted plan (see whichever TV series it is based on – Craig Murray has the details) leads them having to create an ever expanding set of secondary ‘explanations’ on the fly trying to divert attention from the fundamental false flag nature of the incident.
As for motive, there will be many reflecting the different interests of the participants – revenge for Syria, revenge for standing up to the hegemon, revenge for Crimea, revenge for not appeasing Israel, revenge for potentially blocking its plans to control energy supplies to the EU, trying to stop Nord Stream to favor US energy sources (cf one of the rationales behind Ukraine – to give the US control of the energy flow from Russia to the EU), etc, etc.
I have a very bad feeling its bigger than that. I think the western militaries have decided that now is the best time for World War 3 with Russia.
Putin just announced a series of new weapons. These are have been tested and either are now or soon will be entering production. Therefore, Russia will be stronger in the future.
Meanwhile, the pipeline for new US weapons is largely empty. They are producing the F-35s and deploying them. But only half of those can fly, and the system had to have rigged tests to even get approval. I can’t think off the top of my head of any other new systems in the pipeline for the US.
The math of this would add up to a crazy, war-loving SOB that now would be the best time for World War 3.
I think that you may be correct in your reasoning Anonymous. It seems clear that western intelligence and their analysts have been caught on the hop. The level of hubris amongst those who rule in the west is such that they will not want to believe that the Russians have really developed and deployed such weapons, but there is still the possibility that Putin isn’t bluffing and that the Russians really do have the weapons cited and they have already been widely deployed. Thus, if there is a strong belief in the latter there will also be a sense of urgency – strike now while there still remains the possibility of a successful first strike or lose the initiative.
But there is one word that keeps cropping up in relation to many of the recent false flags (and by recent I mean the last 30 years), that word is ‘inept’. They just never seem, as Sushi has implied, to have a good plan (one wonders if they ever take a dump), more often than not there are more holes in it than a cullender made from chicken wire.
Why the ever present need to manufacture consent? Is this in case it all goes wrong and when people look for someone to blame, this consent can significantly delay any enquiry and thus protect those who were culpable?
Given the manner in which they have chosen to manufacture consent and the obvious failure of at least one of its components to gain sufficient traction I am certain that there is a growing sense of uncertainty which will inevitably cause them to stay their hand because they have lost the initiative. There’s that word inept again.
One thing that gives me confidence in this is the recently released UFO reports – what if the UFOs seen were none other than the nuclear powered cruise missiles on test flights?
Your last few lines…yup.
This article suggests that the car was only investigated days later:
Days or weeks later – that is still 20 months faster than the Russian hacked DNC server was investigated.
Very nice exposition. What I want to know is why did his daughter come to Salisbury to visit in the first place. I suspect they both knew the person who attacked them; did not feel threatened and had an important reason for meeting this person.
Most people who are trying to untangle this “mystery” proceed from an assumption that this “attack”, indeed, occurred. It seems to be a given in their analysis.
I believe that the only reasonable approach that needs to be adopted is: no body – no crime.
In jurisprudence this principle is known as Corpus Delicti.
“Corpus delicti (Latin: “body of the crime”) is the material substance (such as the body of the victim of a murder) upon which a crime has been committed (Merriam Webster dictionary)
Thus, until and unless the bodies of “the Skripals”, the alleged victims, are produced, any analysis is just a waste of time.
Finally, if Great Britain still subscribes to the notion of “the rule of law”, it should, first and foremost, proceed from presumption of innocence. Since it apparently doesn’t, how can it consider itself a civilized country where the said rule of law is supposed to reign? It seems that the leaders of the country (where, by the way, that notion had originated !!) that violate this fundamental principle should be called out on it.
17 days and counting!
Time has run out for May’s government, if Bailey recovered in 2 days, the Skripals should have recovered. They are obviously being held and their safety is entirely in the hands of Britain.
Chances are they will be killed to snuff their story.
There is no reason a Russian citizen couldn’t be seen by a Russian representative even if they are in cahoots with the Brits.
Everything done by the British Government till now is nefarious, wrong and exposes unsubstantiated falsehoods. Clearly they have much to hide and have damaged long standing relations with Russia which if anything is the closest source of keeping themselves warm.
Her Majesty should dissolve this Government and begin a Royal Enguiry otherwise Britain will dissolve in total humiliation.
Skripal could have been plotting to defect back to the Russians- and the visit of his daughter (a Russian citizen and resident of Moscow, with no problems with the Russian authorities) could have been to facilitate this. Could Skirpal have told her information, which she would relay back to Russia. Who knows what he knew about Salisbury army/security establishments, that city is a completely military town surrounded by barracks and training grounds, Salisbury Plain is one of the worlds largest NATO training grounds and Porton Down is Europes biggest chemical weapons facility. Many formerly anti putin, pro western Russians living in USA and UK are turning back to Russia, now they see the pure evil of the russophobia of Anglo society, a pure racist hatred of Russia.
He was in prison in Russia for years, if Putin really is as evil as the Anglo media makes out, then Skripal would have had a ‘accident’ or a heart attack in prison while he was there. It looks like something went wrong in the script somewhere. Anglo dont know what to do. This whole situation is amatuerish.
I came up with a similar motive which goes like this:
1) Skripal is involved in adding detail to the “Steele Dossier” created to damage Trump
2) Through this involvement Skripal learns the west is as duplicitous and evil as Russia, perhaps more so
3) Skripal consults with his daughter on returning to Russia to live out his days close to her
4) These communications are intercepted in the West
5) US intelligence community concerned over revelations of active conspiracy to undermine Trump presidency
6) Decision to prevent Skripal’s return to Russia
7) Decision to maximize benefit to western interests in the covert action
8) Attack is made by covert western agents or persons paid by them
I think this remains a possibilty. I also think there may be a simpler explanation. This is the subject of Part III
Sounding sensible…looking forward to part 3….what alarm systems does car have…hhmm.
I second this
What I suggested in -part I…
Still, try this – The Skripals acquire food poisoning at Zizzi’s. (It can act very quickly). When they are found, one of them has vomited. It would not be unusual for them to be quickly identified. (All coincidence).
Someone “back at the office” quickly picks up on this (Eureka!). A scenario is quickly put together. Bailey goes through the motions. Who says it was a “nerve gas”? Has it been proven? Only the “authorities”. “Nerve gas” sounds better; and nerve gas from Putin sounds better yet.
The reason I’m on this is that it all happened so quickly and the Limey reaction was so wild and violent, it just seems that this might have happened to fly by them and they were lucky enough to reach up and grab it. Check Zizzi’s record for the day.
I thought of a possibility just now: Suppose MI6 comes to Skripal and his daughter with a fantastic story – an “intelligence source” has revealed that “the Russians/Putin/etc” are planning to kill some traitor with a special nerve weapon, but it is not know who it will be so, being kind and loving intelligence agents, they provide an “antidote” to be administered to the two. It is a slow acting poison which finally takes effect just before they arrive at the park bench. In any case, a chemical weapon or nerve agent seems unlikely – this shows all the signs of a standard poison, which can easily be called “super evil Russian nerve weapon” for the purposes of propaganda. The first assumption should be that no Russian government employee or affiliate had anything to do with it, and the prime suspect would be MI6/CIA or Mossad. Motive: To make it easier to agitate for military attacks in Syria on areas where Russians may be killed. Linkage between “chemical attack on UK soil” and “Assad brutal dictator chemical attack on own people”. Occam’s razor, etc.
My comment yesterday was not to suggest that the poison was contained in the luggage. Rather it was a chain of custody comment, that if the poison were contained in the luggage, there was ample opportunity for someone other than “Russians” to place it there. However it was transported or if it was transported, the chain of evidence problem would prohibit any assumptions that it was placed in the luggage while in Russia.
My bet is that the British government at the command of the Americans is the culprit. However, just as Theresa May’s and Boris Johnson’s assertions are unprovable, so are mine.
One problem with the drill through the car door possibility is that car doors are hollow. There is the outer metal skin of the door and the inner trim skin of the door. While a drill could easily penetrate both skins, one would need to thread a plastic tube through both holes to reach the interior of the car. That would not be easy to do.
It would be easier to drill through the firewall between the engine compartment and interior wall behind the dashboard. This plate has only one element and would also be completely invisible to driver or passengers. Thirty seconds to jimmy the door and pull the hood latch. Thirty seconds to drill through the firewall. Thirty seconds to inject the poison and close the hood. Easy-peasy.
You got it backwards, DC is an owned Corp. Britain controls DC.
As for gaining access to a BMW, the doors are controlled by NFC (near field communications) remote, no need to drill holes. Any official can get the access code from BMW given the VIN displayed at the base of the driver’s windshield.
Crazed Ukrainian zealots cook up a plan with support from MI6 to poison some Russians and blame it on Putin. The plan is not well vetted and poorly executed but once it has gone forward the UK government is convinced to attempt to use it anyway and hope they can hide the truth. Seems as likely as any other scenario to me. We have too few facts to decipher what actually happened in my opinion.
All foreign countries Ambassadors have been invited to a MFA meeting in Moscow today says Zakharova.. but UK has refused to attend…..something is going on perhaps….hope we get a report…..more Russian responses to UK allegations actions…. calling them out…maybe evidences of sorts….will this be publicly reported later….hopefully tass will report but let us have a live presentation please RT if there is one…..
Live at the moment…extensive presentation from Russia regarding Salisbury OPCW Syria eyc.. q and a etc… hopefully whole presentation can be posted here… Russia not going to blindly accept OPCW findings without their own investigations from source material….
An absolutely critical forthright presentation..only caught q and a.. main presenter genius against hubris of usa and France saying they stand in solidarity with UK Russia did it with no proveable facts or evidence as yet…referred to Serbia.. that usa does have info re MH17 and refuses to share it yet declared Russia guilty before the plane hit the ground….unipolar v multipolar …. height of western democracy is using uranium shells… but Russia still offers to participate with honest joint investigations…..Syrian chemical truths ..
Video and subs …transcript surely deserves publishing here on saker !
Events of the last year in Syria revealed the OPCW to be a tool of western interests. Or at least certainly that’s the view from Moscow.
Russia is once again asking for the outrageous request that international law and treaties be followed as they are written.
I think this is ull meeting….really really worth viewing folks for the brilliant answers from the main man…any chance could be a post in its own right with analysis?????
another skeptical voice:
Postscript: Another View of Novichok last part of the enclosed link is very interesting and was indeed my own thoughts about this poison “scandal” meaning that “Novichok” was not a name of the CW but the code of an KGB operation carried out to identify the mole (the information leakage channel), as well as the supply of disinformation.
Yup the last part actually sounds very plausable despite the election analysis yuk of the first part.Ta for link.
A stone large enough thrown into a small pond causes ripples….which bounce off the bank and go back to the centre meeting in chaos.
I cannot understand why so many commenters assume that a toxic agent had anything to do with this obvious false flag charade. I wonder if Skripal or his daughter were actually sick at all, or merely doing a crisis acting job. Curious that they have been spirited away from anyone who might assess their condition. And the notoriously deadly nerve agent apparently did not do it’s job on them. Because there was no nerve agent involved. Now after a long lapse of time some concocted nerve agent may be produced to back up the whole scam.
And I suppose Skripal and daughter will be held in protective custody for a good long while now, to “protect” them from the “evil Russians.”
Yet Leonid Rink say something else. I don´t know what to Believe
Incidentally…as 260 police etc have been publicly anmounced by UK as investigating this….one wonder how many FSB and what other resources will be investigating this what has been called by Russia a criminal investigation…..but after todays presentation is now an “a terrorist attack on Russian citizens”…considering Russia has offered previous terrorist security information so they would have it….potentially the “agents” carrying out the attack are now declared as terrorists as such themselves now being vulnerable to Russian international justice……hopefully much quicker than no WMD and Chilcott Enquiry……
Sensible people, some common folk at least:
A British commentary on a visit to the scene of the crime.
Trump, Macron Agree Action Needed Against Russia Over Skripal Case
“The Presidents reiterated their solidarity with the United Kingdom in the wake of Russia’s use of chemical weapons against private citizens on British soil and agreed on the need to take action to hold Russia accountable,” the release said.”
Since the call is simply a psywar exercise, with tel aviv creating both the message and zionazi-gay media portrayal of it, the two presidents probably just engaged in some old fashioned phone sex. With pence there, as usual, supervising.
“Valery recalled once communicating with Skripal. The two men met casually, with Skripal leaving an ambiguous impression on him. “On the one hand, he was very sociable and open. On the other, he mentioned that he was working as a security advisor to a British-American firm, communicating with representatives of the special services and, possibly, intelligence services. I didn’t like this, and decided not to cross paths with him again,” he said.”
Extract from
So there is a chance, really, that Skripal and his daughter have just both suffered from acute food poisoning after eating a few bad prawns at the Zizzi restaurant?
Incidentally, Zizzi means ‘dick/cock’ in French
I keep hearing that this is a part of a campaign to keep Britons from going to Russia to see the world cup.
If so, then Russia should issue a very big statement saying THANK YOU!
The biggest problem in every european or world futbol tourney over the last few decades as been the gangs of British football hooligans that arrive at each tournament. These people are violent and like to brawl in the streets and, if they can get away with it, inside the stadiums.
Host countries have to take a lot of special measures to try to keep appearences by the English futbol team from turning into local riots. Extra security has to be deployed, presumably at a high cost to the host nation. I’ve seen special schedules arranged such that the English side plays at remote stadiums with special security arrangements to try to prevent the English fans from sparking riots. In every tournament held in Europe, this has been the number one security concern of the host nation.
Thus, if the UK government is able to convince English futbol fans from attending the tourney, then that’s a good thing.
On top of that, Russia now also gets the additional benefit of not having a bunch of whiny, inbred British royals arriving with their large entourages and special requirements.
And even better, they get to host a tournament without creatures like BoJoke showing up.
This is all win-win-win for Russia. The fewer visitors from England that arrive, the better. I suppose it would be undiplomatic for Russia to simply ban the English from their country. But if the English want to ban themselves, the Russians should at least send a Thank You note back to England.
How about it was in a present given to Yulia to be shared with Sergei. That way they would open it together. If the present was under-pressured, simply opening it would have ejected particles and done the job.
Personally, and I said it about a week or so ago, it looks like a Nut&Yahoo job, for many of the same reasons that Petri Khron has set out, Nut&Yahoo was yet again interviews by police but on another issue before this happened.
I suspect that this plan was already in the preparation, but that his most recent police interview forced the timing of it forward.
The best way to get out of domestic trouble is the tried and tested, make trouble abroad.Undermining Russia at any cost to push forward a potential war with I-ran when it looks like his window of opportunity is shrinking may have led to this crazy gamble.
Putin will roast his nuts when he gets confirmation and Nut&Yahoo & Israel’s security establishment will be given either very short warning to exit the gift shop, or none at all. As for the UK, who knows what he has in mind. I’m sure he’d rather have retired already, but as long as they have got it in for you, best to do so after you have slapped them down massively.