[This article was written for the Unz Review]
First, anti-Semites everywhere!
It has been over a year since I wrote an article entitled “A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism “. I tried to illustrate how the kind of ideology and worldview of what ought to be called Rabbinical Phariseeism but is, alas, usually referred to as “Orthodox Judaism,” results in an inevitable hostile backlash from those whom this ideology and worldview even deny the status of “human being.” Today, I want to do something a little different: look at a political tactic which appears to give Jews a very desirable position but which in reality places them all at risk: the use of the accusation of “anti-Semitism” on practically anybody who dares to be critical of anybody and anything Jewish. The following recent headline on RT was what inspired me to discuss this issue:
Trump accused of anti-Semitism over claim Soros funds ‘elevator screamers.’
I won’t take up space here by quoting the article at length so please check it out on the original RT page. Here is just a short excerpt:
Critics of US President Donald Trump were quick to accuse him of anti-Semitism over a tweet claiming that women accosting senators over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were paid by liberal billionaire George Soros. “The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it!” Trump tweeted on Friday. “Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love!” Outrage ensued, obviously. ThinkProgress, the media arm of John Podesta’s Center for American Progress think tank, immediately accused the president of anti-Semitism. A Slate editor chimed in, calling Trump’s words an “anti-Semitic dog whistle.” And a staff writer for The Atlantic called it a “conspiracy theory that a rich Jewish boogeyman is making women claim to have been raped and assaulted.”
I have no idea why the RT reporter wrote that outrage ensued “obviously,” but let’s first note that none of those who accuse Trump of anti-Semitism makes any effort to explain why exactly Trump’s words are anti-Semitic.
[Sidebar: I know, “anti-Semitism” is a misleading and basically meaningless notion. In this article “What is Antisemitism” Michael Neumann how this already ambiguous and misleading concept became fundamentally meaningless (he concluded his analysis by saying “the real scandal today is not antisemitism but the importance it is given”). I will be using this term only because it is so widely used by Jewish organizations to discredit pretty much all those who dare to express a critical thought.]
Think Progress simply tweeted this: “Trump tweets out anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about George Soros.” Here we have a classical double-whammy: anti-Semitism, of course, but also a “conspiracy theory.” We will come back to this conceptual pair.
But first, the basics.
Is there any doubt at all that Soros sponsors all kind of protests in many different countries including the USA?
Let’s check the hyper-politically correct and doubleplusgoodthinking Wikipedia and see what we find there. In the 6th paragraph of the introduction to Soros’ entry, we see the following sentence:
“Soros is a well-known supporter of American progressive and American liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations.”
Really?! Not only does Wikipedia unambiguously state that Soros is sponsoring various US progressive and liberal causes, but he has also even created a special foundation to do that. Does this entry mean that Wikipedia is also part of an anti-Semitic campaign and is spreading conspiracy theories? Did Trump not say precisely the same thing as Wikipedia when he tweeted about “screamers are paid professionals” and “professionally made identical signs? Paid for by Soros and others”? It sure looks to me that Trump and Wikipedia are saying the exact same thing, yet one gets accused of being anti-Semitic while the other is left in peace. Why? Besides, what Trump said is really something which is common knowledge and which is not even denied by Soros himself. Even better, the “elevator screamers” themselves don’t even deny it either.
And yet, in spite of that, the Daily Beast says that “Trump goes full conspiracy nut” while the Deputy Washington Editor of The New York Times, Jonathan Weisman tweeted that “I’m sorry but the “Soros is paying them” trope from the president of the United States is … wow” and then proceeded to plug his book (((Semitism))) Being Jewish in American in the Age of Trump. That book was enthusiastically endorsed by The Washington Post: (“a passionate call to arms”), the Jewish Book Council: (“Could not be more important or timely”) and the inevitable Bernard-Henri Lévy: (“It would be wonderful if anti-Semitism was a European specialty and stopped at the border with the United States. Alas, this is not the case”).
How do you go from “professional elevator screamers” to anti-Semitism?!
Trump says something which is both undeniable and actually undenied, and that somehow makes him a conspiracy nut and an anti-Semite and that, in turn, is supposed to suggest to us that Jews are in great peril in the USA (“call to arms” + “could not be more important”).
Does that make any sense to you at all?!
Trump is accused of being an anti-Semite because he had the nerve to actually openly state an undisputed fact. More specifically, Trump is guilty not just of stating an undisputed fact, but of stating an undisputed fact in reference to a Jew (hence the specific accusation of anti-Semitism and not of some other form of crimethink). But since Wikipedia and Soros himself pretty much say the same thing as Trump, albeit in a more educated way, what is the problem?
Setting aside the fact that Trump has proven to be the best shabbos-goy the Likud ever had (just his move of the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem was an act of truly abject servility to Israel), let’s deconstruct what is really going on here.
I submit that for all the official propaganda, everybody knows that free speech in the AngloZionist Empire is strictly limited: in the European colonies by means of fines and incarceration and in the USA by means of political hysterics. The methods are different (no First Amendment in Europe!) but the goal is the same: to smear, discredit and eventually silence the crimethinkers.
Let us look at two examples:
Next, anti-anti-Semites everywhere
First, check out this article about “conspiracy theories” in which the author writes: (emphasis added)
The term “conspiracy theory” is used to describe any theory that attempts to characterize observed events as the result of some secret conspiracy. The term is often used dismissively, implying that the theory is implausible. Although conspiracy theories (particularly aimed at Jews and Bankers) date back hundreds of years, the earliest usage of “conspiracy theory” does not always have this connotation, although the theories are quite often dismissed in other ways. Usually, it’s simply a way of identifying the theory from other theories – as in “the theory that happens to have a conspiracy.”
Therefore, since discussing Jews and Bankers is a typical “conspiracy theory” and since the term “conspiracy theory” is often used dismissively, implying that it is implausible, it is therefore implausible that Jews and bankers would have any special political or historical importance. But if this is so implausible, why are such theories particularly aimed at Jews and bankers and not at Buddhists and bakers? Where is the logic here?
The second example is from an article entitled “Holocaust denial and 9/11 “Truth”: Two crappy tastes that taste crappy together” which clearly states: (emphasis added)
Holocaust denial fits into the 9/11 “Truth” movement hand-in-glove. Think about it. Whenever you see claims by 9/11 Truthers that there was some sort of “conspiracy” to bring down the World Trade Center towers, who is inevitably part of the conspiracy in the paranoid vision of the “Truth” movement? Well, there’s usually the U.S. government, but almost invariably the Mossad is said to be involved. Yep, the Jews.
This is interesting. Let’s assume that 9/11 truthers mostly think that Israel was involved in the 9/11 false flag (I certainly believe that!), how does that in any way imply that “the Jews” did something wrong or, even more so, the denial of the so-called “Holocaust”?! Furthermore, how does reaching the basic and inevitable conclusions implied by high-school level Newtonian physics about WTC 7 in any way indicate that somebody is paranoid? Maybe the label of “paranoid” ought to be applied to everybody not trusting the government?
Would it not be much more fitting to apply the term “paranoid” to those who manage to jump from “paid elevator screamers” to anti-Semitism or from doubts about 9/11 to Holocaust denial? I think that the paranoid nutcases are the anti-anti-Semites who are constantly doing two very dangerous things:
1) strenuously denying obvious and well-known facts
2) accusing anybody capable of critical thought of being an anti-Semite
Make no mistake, those still capable of critical thought will challenge the official narratives about 9/11 or about the “Holocaust”. I would even argue that any good and interesting history book will always be revisionist, at least to some degree. Good historiography should always challenge widely accepted beliefs, should it not?
In a mentally sane and politically free society challenges to the official 9/11 conspiracy theory (because, make no mistake, the official fairy tale about 9/11 is quite literally a “conspiracy theory” and a most unlikely and most implausible one!) or to the official narrative about the “Holocaust” should be treated just like the “no moon landing” or “flat earth” or any other theory which should be discussed on its merits and not treated as a form of egregious and evil crimethink. Alas, as we all know, this is far from being the case today.
Personally, I don’t blame “the Jews” for this state of affairs, if only because I don’t even use a category like “the Jews” which I consider to be meaningless. However, I do lay the blame for this situation on organized Jewry; that is, the main Jewish/Zionist organizations who by their constant efforts to place such utterly ridiculous limits on free speech (and even free thought!) create a world in which two main camps struggle against each other:
- First, the doubleplusgoodthinkers who are fully zombified by the mass media and who have fully internalized all the characteristics of the doublethink Orwell described in his book 1984: these brainwashed zombies can fully accept and believe two mutually contradictory things with no cognitive dissonance whatsoever.
- Second, the crimethinkers who dare to doubt the official views about any topic and who, once they realize that they have been lied to about almost anything which matters, distrust and even challenge those ideas which are the most widely and systematically propagandized.
Of course, this state of affairs is bad for non-Jews, but it is even much worse for Jews because it creates an extremely dangerous mechanism: by rabidly enforcing such outrageous limits on free speech, Jewish organizations are profoundly alienating all those capable of independent thought. Even worse, once they start doubting one thing, e.g., the official narrative about 9/11, they inevitably wonder if they have been lied to in another matter, e.g., the “Holocaust.” In fact, what this pressure to conform to the official doxa of the day, the Zeitgeist if you wish, results in, is what I would call a “chain reaction of doubts,” including very unreasonable doubts. Let me give just one example:
After having read many books and articles about this topic, I find it extremely unlikely that the Nazis used gas chambers or crematoria in any large numbers. I would never presume to say that this “never” happened, but I personally don’t believe that this happened in any large numbers (this is why I consider the word “Holocaust,” which means “all/whole-burning,” a very misleading term). I also believe that the (quasi-obligatory) figure of 6 million is a vast exaggeration. Why? Because I read a lot about it, from both sides, and, frankly, the “revisionists” have much stronger arguments, both factual and logical.
There is also no doubt in my mind at all that the Nazis were genocidal maniacs and self-worshiping racists who butchered millions of totally innocent people, including a very large number of Jews. I just believe that most of their victims were either murdered by the SS Einsatzgruppen or starved to death in various concentration camps (including many smaller, lesser known ones). Is that really less evil than using gas chambers or crematoria? I sure don’t think so. Neither do I think that four, three, two or even “just” one million murdered innocent is much better than six million. I know that there are many others out there who came to similar conclusions. But the problem is that there are also those who, once they began having doubts about gas chambers or crematoria, then decided the entire narrative about the “Holocaust” was one big lie and that no Jews at all were targeted or murdered by the Nazis.
My personal observation is that the vast majority of those who come to such a (completely unwarranted) conclusions are, indeed, Jew-hating folks who want to whitewash the Nazis and who would gladly parrot any inanity as long as it is somehow anti-Jewish or pro-Nazi. Not very smart, for sure, but it is nonetheless true that their hostility towards anything Jewish or their sympathies for the Nazis did not come out of nowhere but are a reaction to what they feel is the toxic and oppressive power of “the Jews” over their countries or society. Replace the “the Jews” with “Jewish and Zionist political organizations,” and they have a point, don’t they? One quick but honest look at US or French politics will immediately and easily confirm this.
Conclusion: anti-Semitism is something artificially kept alive
It seems to me that Jewish/Zionist organizations are apparently dead-set on creating as many enemies as possible or, at least, to alienate as many thinking people as possible. I can see how a rabid Zionist would find such a situation helpful for the Aliyah, but is it really good for the Jewish people? I very much doubt it.
The same goes for the mindset which makes any criticism of Soros or of Jewish bankers into a manifestation of anti-Semitism? Again, great for the Aliyah I suppose, but it is good for regular Jewish people? What about applying the label of “nutcase” to all those who dare to question an official theory? In the bad old days of the Soviet Union quite a few “dissidents” were declared suffering from “slowly-progressing schizophrenia” (вялотекущая шизофрения) by “official” psychiatrists and the “free and democratic world” was outraged (in spite of the fact that quite a few of these dissidents truly were suffering from mental issues). Is that profoundly different from placing the label of “nutcase” on somebody expressing doubts about an official theory?
What Jewish/Zionist organizations are trying to impose on the rest of the planet is a blanket immunity from any criticism for all Jews (except the “self-hating” ones, of course!) combined with a grim determination to crush anybody daring to oppose such plans.
The chances that most of the world will ever accept such mental shackles are virtually nil. What is much more likely is that the resistance to such efforts will grow, no doubt reported to the public as an “emergence of a new anti-Semitism” or something equally vapid. And at the end of the road, there will always be a powerful backlash against those who started it all. So what is the point?
I am left wondering whether all these Jewish/Zionist organizations are staffed merely by incompetent people, or whether creating more, not less, anti-Semitism might not be the *real* goal of these organizations.
Whatever may be the case, anti-Semitism is not something which “just exists.” It is something which must be rekindled over and over again. Left alone, it would just fizzle out.
The Saker
Would it be possible to give references to the principle revisionists on Nazi policy towards European Jews (and Romani etc.) and to the principle “consensus” historians.
You mean a list of names? Try Jurgen Graf, Robert Faurisson, David Irving, etc..
There are too many to list.
See here: http://holocausthandbooks.com/
but also make sure to read such historians as Raul Hilberg who is one of the best one.
And, of course, Hannah Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem”
The Saker
The great Raul Hilberg, of course. Who are the consensus scholars the revisionists have refuted?
All of them. Read their works.
The Saker
All of them? I’m working on reading these scholars (having started with summations of current research like Peter Longerich’s volume and narratives like Christopher Browning’s). It is far from clear why you would think the revisionists have the stronger evidence or arguments – but that is a judgement we each have to try to make. Is it not excessive to say that the revisionists have refuted all the consensus scholars?
You might wish to add Arthur Butz, his Hoax of the 20th Century did it for me, and the Godfather of revisionists Paul Rassinier’s The Lie of Ulysses to your list.
David Cole’s vid on Auschwitz is worth a watch. Available on YT.
Not so sure in your belief that the Nazis were a genocidal bunch of crazies. Who was it who bombed Dresden for two nights killing over 500,000 people ?
Without the Transfer Agreement, the Haavara, (see Edwin Black) between the Nazis and the Zionists, an agreement which transferred most of Germany’s jews to Palestine, how else would the state of Israel come into existence in 1948. You cannot create a state without a people.
If you want to see the real genocidal maniacs watch Hellstorm on YT. Who were the real genocidal maniacs, the Soviets or the Germans ?
As for the Einsatzgruppen, where are the bodies of the victims of the Einsatzgruppen ? Have mass graves of their alleged victims been found since WW2 ? Since many of the massacres allegedly occurred on the outskirts of towns and villages, most of which have expanded since, one would have expected mass graves to have been found. None have been.
So much more but not enough time.
“But the problem is that there are also those who, once they began having doubts about gas chambers or crematoria, then decided the entire narrative about the “Holocaust” was one big lie and that no Jews at all were targeted or murdered by the Nazis.”
“As for the Einsatzgruppen, where are the bodies of the victims of the Einsatzgruppen ? Have mass graves of their alleged victims been found since WW2 ? Since many of the massacres allegedly occurred on the outskirts of towns and villages, most of which have expanded since, one would have expected mass graves to have been found. None have been.”
Don’t be daft.
This is what the Saker is talking about (I think—I won’t speak for The Saker).
Denial of fairly extensive photographic record.
Just look.
Plenty more like that.
As I asked, where are the mass graves?We are talking of graves containing over a million bodies. Such vids as the one you posted mean nothing really. Go watch David Cole at Auschwitz, since when did gas chambers have drains in the floor ?
Photos of piles of dead bodies of Germans taken after the bombing of Dresden have been presented as victims of the Nazis.
It has recently come to light that some of the camp film footage was shot on Statten Island.
I first started researching the events of WW2 some 40 years ago. From what I remember the primary task of the Einsatzgrupen was rooting out the partisans who were causing havoc behind German lines. When they caught such partisans, who were killing German troops in the most barbaric manner, justice was quick.
Ever hear of the Lindemann Plan whereby every German city with a population of 50,000 was firebombed by the RAF.
The working class and densely packed housing was deliberately targeted to kill as many people as possible. “To spread terror”. When the cities were finished with the RAF turned their attention to any village containing a T junction as this qualified the village as a center of communication and would thus be targeted.
I once heard an RAF pilot of WW2 explain this. He also described how he flew over and bombed such villages. He named one village that by the morning after his bombing run had ceased to exist. 1500 innocent souls were vaporized by his bombs.
From his disposition it was obvious he was suffering from the realization of what he had done.
Remember the mobile gas buses that were supposedly used. Not one was ever physically produced as evidence against the Germans. Gas buses were found and used, but not in Germany. They were found in the USSR where they had been used by judeobolsheviks to gas helpless Goyim.
That’s where the holohoax meme was created, the USSR. It came from the minds of its alleged victims, the chosen ones. Sheer brilliance in its concept.
What they call Chutzpah.
Was it not the judeobolshevik Ilya Ehrenburg who urged the Soviet troops to rape, pillage and not leave any German alive.
German camp commanders were actually tried, convicted and executed for crimes against camp inmates.
Compare and contrast with the mass Soviet rape of German women after the invasion and conquest of Germany. Not one Soviet rapist was sanctioned. Though I am open to be corrected on that one if I err.
Watch Hellstorm.
Meanwhile after war’s end the camps in Silesia were packed with Germans for no other reason than they were German. Their Jewish captors exacted a heavy price against the German inmates. All of this is well documented, unlike the holohoax.
If you read James Bacques’s “Other Losses” and “Crimes and Mercies” you will learn how the US killed over one million German military POWs in POW camps and how over 10 million Germans died between 1944-50 after being expelled from their ancestral homelands. In Czechoslovakia they just lined up German civilians and machine gunned them.
Germany had to be destroyed. In the process enough jews were transported to Palestine so that a Jewish state could be declared in 48, only after some arm twisting and a second vote at the UN. Half of Europe was handed over to the judeobolsheviks, most if not all of the new leaders of the Warsaw Pact countries was a jew from the USSR and the bankers made a killing in interest payments on the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe.
So for the chosen ones WW2 was a win, win and win situation. A triple whammy. Which begs the question , why do they bitch so much about WW2 ?
But getting back to the point, just who were the real genocidal maniacs ? Is there anything that I have written that the Saker will not like, possibly, or may find fault with or even believe me to be wrong. I stand willing to be corrected.
“Ever hear of the Lindemann Plan whereby every German city with a population of 50,000 was firebombed by the RAF. ”
Classic whatboutism.
Mass graves of Jews and others killed by Einsatzgruppen are being found all the time.
You’re not even trying!
For example, when gas pipelines are excavated.
The work of Einsatzgruppen was fairly well documented photographically. And also administratively (reports on the number of Jews and others but esp. Jews killed, in order to achieve the “Judenfrei” standard.
But, sticking with photos, if you have a photo of naked dead bodies piled up in a ravine, I think you can be pretty sure that these were bulldozed over with dirt and are still there until they are unearthed by accident while a hole is being dug for another purpose.
I do NOT think that one should infer that the bodies were played by crisis actors.
By your logic, one could challenge the fact that any humans lived on earth before a certain point, or the number of humans, because: Where are the graves? They must not have lived at all! For example, it has been estimated that the pre-Columbian population of North America was 2.1 million to 7 million.
Let’s say, 5 million. Have 5 million graves been found? Negative.
So, I guess those people just didn’t live!!
The logic is on that level.
People are buried all over the place and we don’t know exactly where. In many locations, before a house can be built a survey must be done to make sure there are no Native American remains.
Similarly, mass graves are being discovered in Eastern Europe all the time.
Ravine at Babi Yar:
It looks as though this was a site of ongoing massacres for a number of years. The presence of the ravine made it convenient and efficient: No holes had to be dug; the people who were shot at the edge of the ravine just toppled over the edge and piled up at the bottom.
Give “them” (Let’s call them the boo-boos), no mention whatever in our “Alternate Opinion” press, our social media or on our “public” walls and they would all starve from attention-hunger. We ADVERTISE for these creeps.
It is not that Germans weren’t also killed, firebombed, etc.
Of course they were. As a half German who also lived in Cz, I am very cognizant of these events and the reverse ethnic cleansing that took place
But that is kind of OT in this thread.
The topic is anti-semitism, and the danger, as mentioned by The Saker, that WW2 study and revisionism is hijacked by total H deniers who make truly loony claims, thus discrediting valid H revisionist history and eliciting the charge of anti-semitism. And thus totally muddying the intellectual waters.
A question to Deborah Lipstadt:
Do you believe what you are telling?
Someone comes and without knocking opens the door.
Well, guess what? Investigating the Holocaust is illegal in most European countries by now.
So who’s going to do all the good investigating and putting ALL evidence on the table so we can form a REAL picture of what happened?
Because one thing is absolutely clear: the official story is bogus. So what is the truth?
Are we going to live to see it be allowed to be discussed?
The graves are there, you are simply ignoring them.
Today, I was presented with a theory that the whole atomic bomb program was faked, and there is no such weapon. Good luck arguing with a flat-earther . . . but I take my chances.
Americans really flew to the moon in the late 60s / early 70s. They have lost this ability since then. And atomic bombs are really big and powerful and dangerous. Their sheer scale defies human imagination. And yes, the architects of 9/11 really pulled it off right in the faces of Americans, and have gotten away with it to this day.
Yes, Hitler killed (not personally, but ordered) millions of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and whoever else caught his attention.
Stalin killed (no, he didn’t actually insert the knife or pull the trigger) millions of his countrymen as well.
I understand Pol Pot did a similar thing, and like Stalin, died of old age.
And Obama killed millions in Iraq and Syria, as ‘Dubya’ Bush did before him. And (in part thanks to the Saker), I now realize that Clinton killed hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavians.
One piece of evidence you might consider, Neil, is that hoards of gold coins and artifacts are still being dug up in England, dating from Roman times (and some from pre-Roman times). They managed to stay buried for a couple thousand years. And there is little doubt that a lot of those Nazi mass graves (which were bulldozed over at the time) have been further paved and built up in the 70 years since then, and are now covered with highways and cityscapes. Some of them may never be discovered.
Watch this amazing 10 hour long documentary (filmed in the 1970s) called the Shoah:
Hate to break this to you, Dave, but the Zionist racist Claude Lanzmann’s, Mossad staged and edited 10 hour “SHOAH Business” film, was an Israeli Government inspired and financed PROPAGANDA FILM. Good old Claude Lanzmann was also helped with his film by MOSSAD AGENTS.
Here is an interesting excerpt from the blog of Secular Left-wing Jewish Holocaust Zionist, Philip Weiss:
“Algeria and Six-Day War led Lanzmann to make Shoah (and to deny the Nakba)”
“I didn’t know that the film Shoah was commissioned by the Israeli government. Sort of like Leon Uris getting commissioned to write ‘Exodus’:
Lanzmann’s first film was an admiring portrait of the Jewish state. Released in 1973, ‘Pourquoi Israël’ led to a summons from Alouph Hareven, director-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hareven told him that Israel had a mission for him: ‘It’s not a matter of making a film about the Shoah, but a film that is the Shoah. We believe you are the only person who can make this film.’
Lanzmann accepted the assignment. The Foreign Ministry’s support for him reflected a shift in priorities. Until the 1960s, Israel had shown little interest in the Holocaust. The survivors, their stories, the Yiddish many of them spoke – these were all seen as shameful reminders of Jewish weakness, of the life in exile that the Jewish state had at last brought to an end. But with the Eichmann trial, and particularly after the 1967 war, Israel discovered that the Holocaust could be a powerful weapon in its ideological arsenal…”
Yes, the references include great scholars such as Germar Rudolph and Mattogno have very strong evidence and revisionist arguments. Raul Hilberg and Reitlinger were part of the black propaganda, whether they understood that or not (not objective scholars really).
My thoughts concur with what is written here: atrocities plenty, including dying in camps of typhoid (the main cause of deaths and cremations).
The Saker puts it in the right perspective: not to blindly follow black propaganda does not mean we negate war crimes. The two main points revisionists refer to is the question of the 6 million figure, which means something else once we understand some facts of how this figure has been endlessly used well before WWII.
The intention of extermination is the second main issue revisionists studied. It sounds more as if certain writings were part of the extreme lack propaganda fantasies which weaponized these “facts” for political purposes (such as realizing the State of Israel through violence and acts of terror as still is used to this day with impunity).
If you are not a member – or at least a blind follower – of the Jewish Mafia your are
– a Nazi
– a conspiracy theorist
– a Holocaust denier
– a racist
– a misogynist, and obviously
– an anitsemite
by default.
Get used to it folks, this ‘something artificially kept alive’ won’t go way anytime soon, nor will the Mafia’s elaborately woven faux narrative of the last five thousand years of history change by a single iota. Can you compute this, goy, or do you prefer a sugar pill ? Oh I see, here is a handful of pills for you, gentleman.
I alienated a good friend of fifty years last week. After being told that Trump’s election was due solely to Russian meddling in American politics, I said I would consider the case of Russian meddling if he would think about Israeli involvement in 2016. Yes, apparently I too am an “anti-Semite”, and anathema.
Keep the door open and don’t lose hope. People can change. We have deliberately been conditioned to ‘think’ in a certain way. But that way is to not actually think critically at all, but to simply accept what we have been constantly fed. Your friend is a victim of that, so much so that he cannot even honestly consider an opposing view to his own. I was like that not so long ago. I would reject in the face of all evidence any and all condemnations of the Zionist state. When the case of the dancing Israeli’s was revealed regarding 9/11 I even conjured up the excuse that it must have been Saudi agents pretending to be Mossad! I kid you not. And I swallowed the state sponsored explanation of that and all other events. Eventually a crack developed. As soon as an undeniable fact got through to me that contradicted everything I believed everything else started to unravel. Not really to diverge from this topic but to illustrate how far this unraveling has gone: A day came when I sat back and said “I’ve always been Protestant, but something is terribly wrong with this”. After some searching I finally believe I discovered the original apostolic Church in Orthodoxy. I would never have thought in a million years I would become a member of a Church with all this ‘ritual’ I had been convinced was heretical. I was in pretty bad shape as far as being a well meaning but unable to think drone. Just a little crack in the veneer. A tiny doubt is all it may take to open ones eyes. And when that happens, a whole world opens where we can read articles such as this and not feel we are being ‘anti-Semitic’.
David Cole: Jews need “Jew haters”
Norman Finkelstein addresses antisemitic overestimations of the Israeli Lobby’s role
That is the core of the Zionazi Mafias’ modus operandi-hatred. They welcome real Judeophobia, because it mirrors their own intense hatred of the goyim. The real ‘First Hatred’ was not Judeophobia, or the phony ‘antisemitism’ myth, but Judaic hatred of the non-Jew.
No doubt most Bronze Age Near Eastern cults were characterised by xenophobia of differing degrees. We know of Judaic xenophobia because the Jews have survived as a coherent collective, down to today. And if you simply read the Torah, you see the oldest extant descriptions of genocide, and its methods, described as religious duty. And the later Talmud, the real root of Rabbinical Judaism, and its innumerable exegeses, contain numerous tracts of raw hatred for the goyim. And Orthodox Judaism was Judaism for centuries, and the Rabbis were ever vigilant to destroy any apostasy, with torture and murder of any dissident Jews. Indeed Spinoza only survived because the Dutch authorities protected him from the Rabbis.
Today Israel is dominated religiously by the Orthodox. They control religious affairs in Israel, and they dominate the settler Judaic Taliban illegally occupying Palestinian land and terrorising the Palestinians. Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox parties are central to Rightist coalitions, and Shas, led in the past by the Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, is the most important.
The hatred that fuels Zionazism comes, I believe, from three primary sources. First is Talmudic goy-hatred. Second is the typical European settler hatred of the indigenous who must be exterminated or expelled so that the Herrenvolk can steal their God-ordained lebensraum. And last, but by no means least, is the heightened hatred and fear of the goyim that grew out of the Nazi Judeocide. The concatenation of these hatreds is the essence of Zionazism and Israeli State policy, manifested in the unending sadistic hatred and persecution of the millions of Palestinians, and Israel’s incessant, genocidal aggression against its neighbours, following the infamous Oded Yinon Plan.
The chances of Zionazism changing are zero. Inside the Jewish Diaspora the support for Israel is falling. The vast bulk of humanity sees Israel in its true light, but the Zionazis, through straight money power and concerted nepotism, plus the unending ‘antisemitism’ campaigns to attack any resistance, control Western politics and the media, to an extent without historical precedent. And the future is grim indeed, as Zionazi ambition is unbounded, following the Talmudic belief, expressed by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, that, ‘The goyim only exist to serve the Jews’. A statement well-known in Israel, but mention of which is utterly verboten in the West. And even more sinister is Israel’s repeated pledge that they will ‘Take the world down with us’, through their nuclear weapons, if ever they feel sufficiently threatened. And as a Professor Perlmutter stated in the Los Angeles Times, in 2002, in reply to EU protests over massacres of Palestinians during the al-Aqsa Intifada, Israel causing a nuclear winter through the use of its nukes would be a fitting punishment for centuries of oppression, by a ‘Jew-hating world’.
It would be great if along with doubting sources on real numbers on Holocaust you would doubt sources on Gulag numbers….a critical thinker would do that….a non biased one, of course….
How does this look to you:
Honest enough or not?
The Saker
Grover Furr – Blood Lies: The Evidence That Every Accusation Against Joseph Stalin And The Soviet Union In Timothy Snyder’s Bloodlands Is False
Remarkable book. Everything fully sourced, piece by piece rips apart all the lies we grew up with.
As shown in this article, American Jews have a far different level of support for how the Trump Administration is handling Israel than their Israeli counterparts:
Despite Donald Trump’s highly publicized overtures to Israel and his vilification of Iran (along with Benjamin Netanyahu), he has done very little to ensure that American Jewish voters will vote Republican in either 2018 or 2020.
I think where Trump’s comment can be criticized is that it lacks evidence that Soros funded the protestors. Otherwise, I agree that for the gazillionth time the accusation of anti-semitism is being misused.
As far as I knew, this was not a secret that Soros’ so called NGO outfits offered good money through their internet sites. Some Conservatives (Trump supporters) pointed this out in 2016 and 2017 as the Dem’s were organizing protests and various provocations. I guess, Trump’s people did not advise him and provide him with documentation by actually collecting copies of the said internet pages, when they were on the net. The pages by now may have vanished. Trump should have been more in touch with modern technologies, since he “tweets”. Mind you searching the net today using Google may be futile. I suggest this interesting article about outfits like Google in Duran:
Wow, now I’m impressed. People actually pointed out in 2016 that protesters against Kavanaugh in 2018 would be funded by Soros. Yet another sign that someone out there has a working Tardis.
Note of course the logical fallacy of saying that because people claimed that groups to which Soros had donated money had paid protesters following the election somehow equates to proof that now of course all protesters against Trump are paid by Soros. If there was actual proof of this from 2016, then of course it is within the realm of possibility that it has happened again. But it does not make it a proven fact.
Since google censors their search results, everyone should know that there are other search engines out there beyond google. The other big corporate ones like MS or yahoo likely also censor and push some results to the top and other down. But there are still other search engines out there beyond.
I use one that advertises itself as “european” and “uncensored”.
Note also that the search engines that say they protect your privacy from google’s spying on their customers often just return the same google search results, but do so without giving your IP address to google. Thus “protecting privacy” is different from “uncensored”.
I’m not enough of an expert to try to plug one particular search engine. I always keep looking, so I might be using something different by next month. But I do want to point out to everyone on this site that there are other search engines out there beyond google.
Mod: “duckduckgo.com” is one that says they don’t track you. Don’t know about censoring.
Accusing Trump of anti-semitism equates accusing Hitler of being an infiltrated communist agent….
These are but theatre plays to confuse people, and I think that to continue ecoing this nonsense plays in favour of the disinformation aims of the Trump administration and their Democrat counterparts….who hold the same goals….
You only have to hear what any of his main administration appointees do, to know what this administration is pushing to….
Strategic goals of the US are the same for the Republicans than for the Democrats, and thus…..
You don’t know. None of us do, except maybe “Q”.
We have a ton of contradiction, maskirovka, dodging and double-backing in the midst of a slowly faltering slow motion coup d’etat.
If the Soros minions miraculously turn a red wave blue, we will never, ever know what Trump or Q or his wider aggregated confused consensus of conscious and unconscious support might make possible and then DO.
You and many,many others can complain about this mess of contradictions between campaign pledges and neocon appointments………….but it were more productive to allow the Red Wave to prevail, smash the MSM and much else evil besides….and finally, free up that executive branch to show its true colors.….as there’s very little to lose in such a stance (other than ego) and a very great deal, quite possibly, to gain.
Impatient, impotent complaining and the inability to distinguish clear anti-globalist accomplishments (such as even talking to Putin or Xi face to face!) may be tempting for the self-satisfied type that contributes nothing to tilt the outcome or increase the possibilities of anything good happening…./.but is your real goal only the self-satisfaction of declaring (blue wave or red) “See, I was right!” ?
These matters are highly subjective and the objective truth is not easy to discover quickly, a great deal of the time. A guest on a farmhouse porch may gaze into a field of cattle on a moonless night and declare that “all the cows are black”…but that’s a subjective perception…not an objective fact. He or she might find out otherwise if they ventured out into that field and took a closer look, with a flashlight. The “I ain’t gettin’ off this porch!” perspective is called “Reductionism” and while it reduces the cerebral workload amazingly….”no pain, no gain” ……such lazy reductionism also reduces the IQ.
Which does no one or no thing any good.
Trump has been in power for almost two years. By now we have a pretty good idea of what he wants to do and what he thinks is worth fighting over.
Used to hear this from the Democrats about Obama. That Obama really wanted to do something completely different from what he was actually doing, but that threats of assassination or other coercion were preventing him from doing so. The message of course then ended by urging people to vote Democrat to free up Obama.
Given that the Red Wave already owns and operates one major MSM network (fox news) and has considerable influence over the rest, it is highly unlikely that voting Red would somehow smash the MSM. Most of the Reds running are very pro-corporate mainstream republicans who have no intention of smashing corporate power centers like the MSM.
Trump had a choice while in power. He knew he was coming to Washington with only a minority in Congress backing him. What used to be known as the Tea Party faction, which always failed in its attempts to elect a speaker of the house where they had by far a larger faction than in the senate. Trump could have chosen to fight for what he believes, knowing that he’d be defeated at first, but also setting up a big battle in the recent Republican primaries to elect his people to Congress. Trump could have run against an obstructionist Congress that has been blocking what the voters elected him for. But he has not. Such a strategy is the way for a true outsider President to follow up his/her victory by building a congressional faction to support them. But Trump has clearly and obviously chosen not to do that.
Thus, we know what Trump wants. We’ve had two years to observe just exactly what Trump wants and what he fights for and what he throws overboard at the first sign of opposition.
‘Orthodox Judaism’ IS Rabbinical Phariseism.
yes, thank you, I think that all those who read the article got that.
but thanks for reiterating this one more time
The Saker
First, the RT author added the word “obviously” because no matter what Trump says, it causes either real or artificial outrage, but outrage is always there, hence, obviously.
Second, the 6 million figure, which is always cited as the number of Jews Hitler supposedly murdered, is complete and utter horsecrap. There is no doubt he murdered Jews, he murdered all sorts of people, but here in Germany for example, the Jews are treated as some sort of “premium” victims while all the rest are free to be spat upon, like the Russians, who suffered far more than the invented, yet official “6 million” figure, and are still treated like “Untermenschen” by the pieces of human excrement in power. Just recently we heard our so called foreign minister say the reunification of Germany was made possible by the Americans, statements like these make my blood boil with anger at the blatantly Russophobic perversion of history.
This is a sampling of newspapers predating not only WWII, but Nazi Germany, Hitlers rise to power and even the end of WWI. 6 million Jews supposedly died in Russia in 1915, then 6 million died a few years later and then 6 million more a few years before the war started and somehow… 6 million were killed during? How many Jews were there? The Answer, 12 million, which is double the number of victims.
I could not find it anywhere when I tried researching it on the internet and if somebody here has a reference, please share it with me, but supposedly, this 6 million figure dates back to a prophecy from the 19th century, which says that half the Jews will return to their homeland and reclaim Jerusalem as their capital, after the other half has been killed. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but seeing as how they tried for decades to make the number stick to one villain or another and finally pinned the number on Hitler, which prompted the creation of Israel by the UN, it fits like a glove.
The anti-Semitism smears are surfacing in the US, the UK with Corbyn, it’s been inflated to the point here where the German government is mulling the creation of an anti-Semitism appointee, to combat the “rise of anti-Semitism” and prevent a new “rise of the radical right.” Meaning the Israel-subservient good-goys club AFD, which they are desperately trying to paint as anti-Semitic, which is nonsensical because they are the party most supportive of Israel, even more so than Merkels CDU, and that’s saying something.
There is another smear here in Germany which is often used, though it doesn’t have the gravitas, and that is anti-American, or anti-Americanism, since we are a US vassal state with over 200 foreign military bases and even nukes which go against international law, our own laws and even our constitution.
If you want to find out who is in charge, find out who you are not allowed to criticise.
The first time the number 6 Million was brought up (in an entirely different context), was in a speech by Konrad Adenauer in 1949 (Creation of the council of Europe) where he said that 14 M Germans were displaced during WWII of which 6 M are unaccounted for.
Interesting how this number of 6 M unaccounted Germans became the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust…
It’s at the 4 Minutes. In this interview she covers the Talmud, Dresden, Holocaust etc. By the way, 87 year old ursula Haverbeck is currently in jail for holocaust denial.
In my country it is very tricky to discuss the issue of antisemitism and the jewish holocaust, because inevitably the question arises and what about Jasenovac (the death camp run by the Croats where )? My answer to that is that the entire western European policies and the creation of Israel rests on the Holocaust of the Jews and therefore anything that maximises this number of dead jews is desirable and politically expedient. Quite the opposite in the Balkans: Croatia and Serbia were to be joined together in the SFR Yugoslavia, and therefore the genocidal crimes committed by the Croats had to be swept under the rug, and the true numbers we’re revised lower, for the sake of peace in Yugoslavia.
I’ve been to Jasenovac
when I was a kid we did a school trip there -I still remember the photographs of killed people piled up, their shoes, golden teeth pulled out etc.
I remember a giant hammer – as big as an armchair almost with metal pieces sticking out they used to hit their victims on their head with
also there was a glove with a built in knife underneath so to make cutting throats fast and efficient.
I kept wondering as a kid – why did these people not just rebel and start fighting all at once – it’s better to die fighting than to have your skull crushed with the armchair-sized hammer?
I read somewhere that after the YU wars – Croats modified the concentration camp museum to make it more like Disneyland – not sure what it looks like now
Dear Serbian girl,
This is part of my article on The Balfour Declaration:
In the Zionist Congress of 1911, (22 years before Hitler came to power, and three years before World War I), Nordau said, “How dare the smooth talkers, the clever official blabbers, open their mouths and boast of progress … Here they hold jubilant peace conferences in which they talk against war… But the same righteous governments, who are so nobly, industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for six million people, and there is nobody, except the doomed themselves, to raise his voice in protest although this is a worse crime than any war … ” (7) [Behind the Balfour Declaration by Robert John]
What Max Nordau, a Hungarian Jewish physician and author, who delivered a polemic against assimilated Jews, is telling us is that the Europeans were holding ‘Peace Conferences’, but were ignoring the Jews. But if these European countries were ‘ignoring the Jews’ then just exactly how could Max Nordau accuse those very same countries of the ‘annihilation of six million Jews?
My take on RT saying “outrage ensued, obviously” is that RT now takes for whatever reason a very right-wing approach to US and Europena politics. During the Kavanaugh nomination affair, they were constantly backing the pro-torture, pro-illegal war, pro-surveillence state, pro-corporate power, nomination of Kavanaugh, and regularly attacking those who tried to fight against it. There was no attempt at balance in their reporting that I could ever see.
Thus, the used the word “obviously” as a form of dismissal towards those who were arguing against Trump and Kavanaugh. Such words are used to dismiss and diminish the protesters. In this case, they were saying that no one should take such outrage seriously. The story was about that, so they had to mention the outrage, but they tried hard to underplay and diminish any effect that transmission of the fact that there was outrage would have.
I doubt that very much, I read RT on a daily basis and I don’t remember seeing anything like that. What you perceive as pro-Kavanaugh coverage is an anti-propaganda and lies stance. It’s why people like Jimmy Dore are accused of supporting Trump when they simply point out the lies behind the attacks on Trump. Trump is a ridiculous dumbass who got tricked into becoming a war criminal, he was too dumb to run his companies, which were only saved by the countless revenue streams his daddy set him up with for life, he is way too dumb to be a president of anything, let alone an empire. However, me not liking him, does not mean I have to believe or support the utterly ridiculous and invented from beginning to end by the democrats narrative of Russiagate. Not liking Kavanaugh does not mean having to believe or support the lies this woman told to damage him. Did you know that the Democrats had all these accusations and disinformation primed in 2012, when then candidate Mitt Romney mulled appointing Kavanaugh? They had the interviews, the press releases, the public statements all lined up… and then Romney lost. It took 6 years to get it into the open… really? And I’m sure it had nothing to do with his nomination for the Supreme court.
No matter what you think of him or his policies, nobody deserves to get their life ruined by lies for political gain. They could have attacked his views or court decisions, instead they chose to lie and smear him.
“However, not liking him, does not mean I have to believe or support the utterly ridiculous and invented from beginning to end by the democrats narrative of Russiagate.”
Hear! Hear!
There is no more authoritative account of whether there could have been a German extermination programme in ww2 using gas chambers than Fred Leuchter’s whose report I link to.
As the designer of gas execution chambers in the USA he forensically examined the evidence and I strongly encourage those wishing to learn the truth of this story to read “The Leuchter Report”
Once again, these are all psychologically charged trigger words to dismantle and discredit those who dare to see reality on they own terms. However, it appears that the number of people who fall for these rather obvious tactics is diminishing. Just recently, in a grocery shop, I overheard a conversation with the following phrase “…how anti-Semitic of you, to keep your sex organs unmodified by the doctors of tolerance”. Not bad.
Our goyim foods are modified, schools are turned into alternative sex propaganda camps, medicine serves as a chemical cover up for genocide, entertainment is there to normalize the abnormal etc, etc…
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
One small note, providing funding to an organization and paying protesters are two different things. They may be related at times, but that is not a logical requirement.
An organization with funding is likely to have some paid staff, and a HQ office somewhere. Possible regional offices and more paid staff. And it is of course quite possible and even likely that this paid staff would participate in rallies and protests. But, that in no way means that every protester out there has been paid by George Soros or the Koch brothers or whoever the boogeyman of a given cause might be.
It has become quite fashionable with the right, and also with outlets like Right-WingToday (aka RT dot com) to dismiss any who protest against rightwing causes or politicians as being paid stooges of George Soros. But that of course does not mean its correct. Usually at best the is evidence that some of the organizations at a protest (and often there are more than one) might get funding from a backer. But that is still a long, long way from proving the conspiracy theory that all of the protesters are only there because they’ve been paid.
Such smearing of protesters has of course a long history amongst the elites who hate to be protested against. There was a point in time when Dr. King was called a paid communist stooge and any who worked for civil rights had of course to be paid communist agitators. Generally the elites who want to do whatever they want without protest or opposition can always find some conspiracy theory to explain away the protesters.
One interesting thing is that of the two allowed American political parties, the Democrats are much closer to a sea-change in foreign policy switching from supporting Israel to supporting the Palestinians.
There are a few in the Republicans that would support at least the backing away from an Israel-first policy, even though they’d probably object to supporting the Palestinians. But, there is a much more sizeable movement within the Democrats to make such a shift. Its not a big enough group to change the party. Especially since the Democrats now abhor any thought of democracy on internal affairs. Which likely leaves the pro-Hillary Israel-firsters in charge of the party until there is some sort of sea-change in the internal affairs of the party. But its still far more advanced in such a direction than the Republicans where subservience to Israel is a key factor in not being banned or shunned by that party. IIRC, Trump early in the last campaign was not an Israel-firster, but as he began to realize that he might actually win Trump shifted his position to match that of his party.
If I really wanted to dig into some research, I’d say its highly likely that I could find Soros supported groups on the left of the Democrats who support Palestinians over Israel. Not sure, and I might be wrong. But there are definitely groups on the left of the Democrats who would support Palestine over Israel, and of course all the right-wing tells us that every group to the left of Ronald Reagan is part of a Soros backed and funded conspiracy.
in my 14 years spent in the US I have never met anyone who supports Palestine
Even a Palestinian friend from San Francisco ( a very wealthy successful businessman) never says anything about Palestine or against Israel- and if I mention it he just shrugs it off.
I have always found it very strange – I have never met anyone at the US of AIPAC who was pissed off about that injustice and/or say anything about it.
Its not strange at all.
Its how human beings, interested as we all are in our own survival, react in the face of constant low-grade hostility from the general social environment. Your Palestinian friend has likely exhausted whatever stamina he had for constantly banging his head against a brick wall and now just shrugs off any discussion of it. Avoiding a potentially futile discussion is not really indicative of anything substantial.
Your friend has simply decided, as is his right, to keep his feelings on the subject to himself, as is also his right.
The American culture of ‘openess’ where others demand to know all about their neighbours thoughts (and frequently impute erroneous thoughts to their neighbours on the basis of complete ignorance) is bizarre in the extreme and far more about deluded power-seeking than about tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
Your Palestinian friend sounds very sane to me.
I like my friend a lot – but I am not sure what you describe is true.
I’ve known him since 93 when he was in his early 20s (he became very wealthy and successful about a decade or so ago). He has always been like that.
I find most Arabs in the US to be the same way – they never seem to say anything against Israel or to do anything to help their fellow Arabs suffering under US of AIPAC and Saudis. Even among friends
I don’t think they are hiding anything from me (they trust me and know what I think about anyone invading anyone else so to rape and steal from them ).
I think it’s just that when Arabs immigrate to the US – they became like the natives – they don’t care about anyone at all – there is zero solidarity. All they have are status symbols and greed, unhappiness, addiction etc …being ‘popular’ – like a bunch of immature dumb teenagers (and I’ve met a few very senior executives of HBO with that exact mentality)
That’s what I think the real cause for not caring about these issues is and not speaking about it
Likewise pretty much all my American (non-arab) friends (many are educated, successful and famous) don’t really care about what is happening in their neighborhood – let alone in other countries and they somehow assume what their country does to Syria, Iraq etc is probably good for them in some way – so why rock the boat. A famous designer (educated) jewish friend once told me – “Why don’t we just nuke Iran?” I asked her what did Iran ever do to her? She didn’t know – then I asked why not just nuke Israel instead? She didn’t know what to say.
That is what I have found the most tragic in about the US of AIPAC in all my years spent there – no solidarity at all – everyone is competing about everyone and they don’t really care about anything -just money
The American culture of ‘openess’ where others demand to know all about their neighbours thoughts (and frequently impute erroneous thoughts to their neighbours on the basis of complete ignorance) is bizarre in the extreme and far more about deluded power-seeking than about tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
Double thumbs up. The same mentality as “political correctness” forced upon, not only in real world but also in games and other form of entertainment.
Hmmm, I guess I missed the part where the Saker referred in this article to the killing of a CIA-Post columnist in the Saudi consulate. I guess I need to re-read this article again if I’m missing such large topics by apparently not paying attention while I read.
Mod: Good point. The post you are replying to from Anonymous appears to be 1) off-topic, and 2) likely a troll. It was approved by a previous moderator. Because of your post (thanks much, by the way), I’ve UN-approved the off-topic/troll post and sent it to The Saker for a final decision.
Interesting. I started to try to search to see if George Soros and Judaism were actually connected. Its funny, but on the modern internets, I do not take something as fact just because someone says it.
The top item on my non-Google search came up to a site called Religion wiki. Its opening paragraph on Mr. Soros includes the following.
“The birth-name of George Soros is György Schwartz, he changed his family name in 1936 from Schwartz to Soros to avoid antisemitism. George Soros later said that he “grew up in a Jewish, anti-semitic home,” and that his parents were “uncomfortable with their religious roots.”[1] Soros is an atheist.”
Of course, in this day and age of “Who’s Your Daddy?” politics, the fact that his father was Jewish defines the man and everything he does. Even if his father rejected Judaism, its the race of a person that is all that counts.
In this day and age, there are no end ot the amount of websites and articles that come up on a search of the name Soros. But it was interesting that amongst the titles on the page I saw one …..
“Hillary: George Soros is NO Friend of Israel”
Hillary was of course for political gain trying to say she was a better Israel-firster than Obama, and this statement was a part of that.
“Anti-semitism? It’s a trick. We always use it.” Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni
An anti-semite is now anyone who Israel hates.
thanks for the link
I think a lot of Jews use cries of antisemitism just to shut up opponents and win arguments. I do believe the Saker is right, in the long run it is self defeating and probably causing more people to become antisemitic . It is so convenient to win arguments when you don’t have a case and shut up opponents . The religious types really believe in the chosen people, so they use antisemitism in place of heretic, which they feel.
The interesting feature of using it against Trump is that it is absurd. Not only is he pro-Israel in the extreme. he is happy that his son and daughter married Jews and his daughter converted, and he has 4 Jewish grand children. A lot of doublepluss goodthinkers use the charge just as in 1984 Winston Smith, tortured screamed out to take Julia his girlfriend. Many of the non Jewish media use the charge to prove their loyalty. Calling someone a Racist or antisemitic sounds better to modern sensibilities than saying they are a Heretic to the Democratic Religion.
RT does not “get it” when it comes to covering news in Looneylandia because it depends too much on trained journalists who think in either/or terms or who fail to step out of a particular narrative stream. Things are topsy turvey and creative discernment is required in order to get it right.
for example Edelson…this man gives to both Reps and Dems and he is a lot more “Jewish” than Soros who is actually distrusted in Israel.
Your analysis might be true for the US. It does not explain the creeping anti semitism in Europe. But Europe is generally more simple to explain. Because of our history we are very PC concerning the Jewish people.
I am a half, a quart ? Jew, my mother was Jewish, but a non believer and married a Christian, and I was brought up as an agnostic and socialist minded person, who has never flouted my ancestry. Where I was brought up, early 60-70 Copenhagen, there was a very pro Jewish sentiment (During the war we (the Danish) did try get as many as possible to Sweden when the crackdown happened), none of my ancestors were affected by that, but some with connections to the resistance did end up in the KZ camps (Thereisenstadt, Dachau and Bergen-Belsen) I can’t remember how many went to the extermination camps 900 ? ). And they were real enough, how many died is a question “we must not ask” “ Why? ) and the going was that Israel was kewl. That slowly changed.
Anyway the very pro Jewish sentiment took and are taking a hard hit by the actions of Israel, which is not entirely fair, as many Jews living in bot Denmark and Sweden are anti racists. But most ordinary people associate Jewdom with Israel, which is not true, but easy. Due mainly to MSM.
Ordinary people have a difficulty in separating being Jewish from being an Israelite , and that is the problem. No baby born is born evil, either by blood or ancestry, you actions in life decides that. Stupid people made progroms, Jews were identifiable, easy pickings.
But now the they have a contester, Muslims. Easily identifiable by their clothing and “awkward manners” , so we trounce on them also.
The real funny part of course is we are originally the same people, Semites! But anti semitism has been conquered by the anti Jew liga, and it is wrong, they do not have a patent on it.
To make a long story short, Israels actions affects is jewish populations in all countries, because Jewish = Pro Israel, which is not true.
And before anyone starts up I am so Aryan looking that Heydrich wold have welcomed me. You can’t judge a dog by its hairs.
I am sorry it my comment is not entirely coherent,, but so many thoughts appear it’s difficult to select.
my understanding is that the European Jews – the ones Prince Charles talks about in that famous letter –
have no Semitic blood in their veins – and that the Semites are the Palestinians and other arabs – who are the true descendants of the original Jews – ie Abraham – and even before – Semite means from Shem – Noah’s son. The Palestinians are much closer to King David – bloodwise – than the European Jews.
This folk – now called Jews, were a pagan tribe from a no-longer-existing country beside Hungary. They were defeated in battle about 1000 AD by a neighbouring country – were told to choose one of the mono-theistic religions – Judaism – Christianity- or Islam – and they chose Judaism, and then were scattered across Europe for the next 1000 years or so.
It is them that became the bankers and the money lenders during the Middle Ages – and were hated – even by Shakespeare – FOR THAT – Henry Ford wrote a book – The International Jew – that defines normal folks that were descended from that original Kazanian tribe (beside Hungary) and who have suffered and lived like other people – from the Rothschild-style rich Jew –
Addition to my comment:
I am Danish /Swedish before I am anything else. I will to my ability defend either country to to my last breath, but I will not engage on war on foreign soil.
great article
To me they look like a well-oiled Psychopath Club or a criminal support group
the members are not happy since their fearful greed is insatiable
In my experience they don’t even get on well with each other – they just stick together anyway
Like most psychopaths they tend to eventually self-destruct
the best book on the subject (I recently found it in a library in Toronto) – here is a free pdf
see amazon link for the description (the author is jewish):
Fascinating book.
tomo was ahead of me, but I want to support and invite anyone to read this outstanding work of Israel Shahak (an Israeli Jew, who unfortunately is no longer among us).
It is 104 pages, it will take 3-4 hours to read it, but you will certainly not be disappointed. It’s about the deep heart and motives of Jewry and Israel, deeply embedded among them.
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon this book via an article of Ron Unz (a Jew himself), who stated that this work radically changed his view on the world. He even hired a scholar to check the facts stated in the book, and they all appeared to be true…
I could put many quotes here to highlight, I will just choose one:
“When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as there is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our forces, then according to the Halakhah they may and even should be killed … Under no circumstances should an Arab be trusted, even if he makes an impression of being civilized … In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good.”
(The Halakhah is a version of the Talmud).
This is taken from a booklet published by the Central Region Command of the Israeli Army for their soldiers. When reading the Talmudic thoughts considering goyim, you will understand. And this is not exclusive for orthodox Jews, but deeply embedded in the Jewish and Israeli society.
Please also read the notes at the end, they are worth it.
OT: *antisemitism* seems to be a Pavlov reaction of Jews about anything that deviates from their point of view. They kind of hijacked the Holocaust for their advantage.
I would like to add, that my opinion about the Holocaust is roughly the same as stated by the Saker. I once stated this in an online discussion, and I was surprised about the outright vicious reactions I received from Holocaust deniers, mostly immediately starting with ad hominems.
Funny that they don’t seem to see that this behavior is exactly the same as executed by the vultures of the ADL (Just as those thugs of Antifa, using violence against people with different ideas, don’t seem to see that in stead of 180 degr. against, they have turned 360 degr.).
The sad thing is, that this smothers any discussion on these topics. Jews may feel nice about this, but hey, in Germany you go to jail for 5 years immediately when just putting a question mark about the Holocaust. Is that fair and just, in a country that -in name- has a constitutional freedom of speech?
There is still a long way to go about this.
And read Israel Shahak. He’s good.
Cheers, Rob
thank you Rob – I think it was you or someone else on this blog who recommended that book to me a couple of months ago – so I ordered it from a library
really fascinating – it connects all the dots and really helps make sense of many things. I recommended it to all my jewish friends also
I once had occasion to start to read up on the conditions and religious practices of the shtetls in Eastern Europe. the more I read and the more pictures of these gross old rabbis I saw, the more alienated I felt from the whole concept of Eastern European Judaism and Judaism as a religion. None of the picturesque romanticism of Fiddler on the Roof! I felt horror at the life that these poor Jews had to live.
Bound to the tribe, and no real alternative to get away. Not to mention, that the men, at least, were markd for life. No escape. I have often felt that there was a terrible irony in the tattoo or the yellow star. Because the Jews had already embraced the practice of marking themselves irreversibly—in fact, this marking through mutilation is a foundational cornerstone of the religion.
Reading Shahak’s book really reinforced this feeling: That we have to feel compassion for those who were and are under the control of these awful rebs and their atavistic beliefs and practices, such as genital mutilation. Per Shahak, the Jews are trained from infancy up in basically antisocial habits of thought and, yes, prejudices against the goyim. In which case, the whole anti-semitism t hing is (1) a gigantic projection and (2) the most successful example of misdirection of attention/sleight of mind ever.
Aren’t there some parallels here to the power of Wahhabist imams etc. over Muslims?
Don’t we also feel sorry for the people of Saudi Arabia, ruled over and controlled by the combo of their fundamenatist imams and (hypocritical) despotic royals?
It is a terrible irony that Germany, the country that, in addition to the USA, offered Jews the best escape from their socioreligious shackles, was the one that also came up with the Final Solution.
Regarding the achievements of Jews out of proportion to their actual numbers in the population, in Germany and elsewhere: Isn’t it possible that there was an enormous pent-up intellectual energy and thirst for “normal” achievement and knowledge such that, when Jews were able to get away from the shtetls and the suffocating authority of the rebs, when they were free to apply their studying skills to something other than the Talmud—to all of western knowledge—they dove into study with supercharged energy, ambition, and intellectual hunger?
It’s somewhat amusing to hear the MSM and the West’s 99% denounce unwelcome lines of thought as ”conspiracy theories”. In case you haven’t noticed, according to these ’respectable’ MSM sources poor little West is the innocent victim and target forever of monumentally über-evil conspirators and their plotting, the most recent being Russia in general and Vladimir Putin in particular. Earlier villains were Saddam Hussein (WMD) and Communism. Thank God we have good ol’ BHL and Mathias Döpfner supporting the good guys here.
On a more serious note, it is Stalin and the USSR that he led through three decades of ferocious struggle against Anglo-Nazi Western imperialism that merit a serious re-assessment. As I’ve pointed out before here, the West’s 99% are roughly made up of the following constituent parts:
1) Those forever high on corporate mindrot. Extremely ugly caricatures of the ruling Zionazis themselves. Don’t question anything with a sufficiently imbecilic, reactionary stench pertaining to it.
2) Those who make angry noises about the accelerating rot of the social fabric of the West and the plain MSM lies put forth to prettify it, but who instantly fall in line as soon as the blame game is ”shifted abroad”: Russia, Iran, the DPRK, China etc. At bottom, they trust Massa when slandered foreigners are ’misbehaving’.
3) Same as (2) except for the fact that they switch their allegiances in favour of the Zionazis based on the time parameter. They rightfully reject today’s stinking swamp of Western lies, lawlessness, and corruption worldwide, but fall instantly in line as soon as the subject is switched to the West’s slanders of the 20th century; hence the fashionable memes of ”USSA”, ”Bolshevism”, and what-have-you.
”Feel free to call me anti-Semite. It is false but more importantly, I really don’t care.”
Well put, CogitoMan. My pet phrase on the same subject:
”Calm down, I’m sure there are pro-Semites in abundance should any problems arise”.
Pangloss ‘anti-Semitism ‘ serves to legitimise the funding for organisations ‘dedicated’to ‘ rooting it out ‘.
It’s a multimillion industry. The ADL CEO gets a salary that puts him in the 1% ‘earning ‘bracket. He wouldn’t even have a job if the truth was allowed to be told.
Along with groups dedicated to suppressing ‘hate speech’ and ‘ bigotry ‘ , these Zionist organizations also act to justify censorship: indeed , the same people often staff the boards of both.
“Pangloss ‘anti-Semitism ‘ serves to legitimise the funding for organisations ‘dedicated’to ‘ rooting it out ‘.
It’s a multimillion industry.”
Good point. And in that way, analogous to the MIC, which creates war to keep their income stream flowing.
Oswald Mosley explains anti-semitism in the UK in the 1930’s:
Well said. The media blackout on crimethink is much less effective in the Internet age but still the gatekeepers try. The current generation is more primed for challenging the propaganda because of obvious big lies. For most Americans, the big lie of Saddam Hussein’s WMDs is more obvious than the lies about 9/11. For me, that is what finally dropped the blinders from my eyes. There are plenty of conspiracy theories which are just as likely to be true as the official history, aren’t there?
Keep up the good work!
Ben Chaim: “Judah awake!” – Zurich 1938
Under the title “Judah awake!” In 1938, in Switzerland, the Jew Ben Chaim published a proclamation to the Jewish people. This appeal was of the utmost importance to the anti-Jewish world because of the grave wrongdoing of Judaism towards mankind and the opening of proposals for the solution of the Jewish question, which had never previously been made public by the Jews.
Quotes from his book
“The universal hatred and general rejection that our people have received in the world, especially in Europe, is reaching a scale in our day that can scarcely be surpassed.” The people have stood up like a man and are in agreement They all agree that they have grown tired of the so-called “Jewish question” and demand radical solutions, from public national discrimination to the forced eviction of our individual ethnic groups until its utter exhaustion and complete demise is not very far. ” (P. 3)
“But once we too were in the position of these millions of white Russians (opponents of the ‘red’ Bolsheviks, as) after the destruction of the Jewish state (Wrongly! The Jews lived long before the destruction of Jerusalem … Throughout the territory of the Roman Empire, UF) knocked on the gates of the world and begged for admission.At that time we were undoubtedly given the same fair play, the same probation period, the same generous opportunity to acquire the goodwill of the peoples and thus the true citizenship. Why did not our ancestors succeed at that time, when they still had to fight with no anti-Semitism, as the eternal companion of today’s Jew? Probably even then our attitude was such that they created the first rejection and thus the reason Presumably our behavior throughout the long exile had remained the same, so that the attitude of the W It has remained the same for us. ”
“Most discouraging is the fact that it is not a particular people or country that hates us openly and persecutes us, but that it is essentially the whole world that openly reveals its disgust.” (P. 6)
“What is the cause of this unprecedented historical failure of the Jewish people, what are its causes? The worst reason for the misfortune of the Jewish people lies only in the belief in its electiveness through the millennia of the Jewish religion Flesh and blood has passed on that even today he has created the consciousness of otherness and eligibility even in the case of completely areligious or anti-religious Jews Who knows the Jewish people, who grew up among them, knows that this misconception still today and perhaps Today, more than ever, there is still bloodful reality, and not the dead letter of an ancient religion that no one else takes seriously any more.”
“In all his actions and actions, his whole feelings, his whole world view, in all his views on morality, marriage, etc., this belief is still clear enough. But in doing so he establishes such a dividing wall between the feelings and the views of the rest of humanity and ours, such a gap, which millennia ago … “(p. 9)
“But did our people become aware of the unreasonableness, the bloody insult, and the untenable morality of tolerating sexual intercourse with non-Jews and even liking to see them as unworthy of marriage? The Nuremberg Laws, which have found so much indignation and rejection, a completely different face, because they create only with great severity and recklessness clear conditions and thus throw back the imposition of our people by, even if for other, racial reasons already forbid sexual intercourse where marriage was usually undesirable, and only when our people cease to choose to go through a strict school of purification for a few generations will intermarriage with the other peoples be allowed , but also worth striving for And in the foreseeable future, we must not blame the world if, on its own initiative, it refuses or prevents it from mixing with us, because of the duty of self-preservation before the people and the race. ” (P. 10)
“Is it a piety of the past and of the history of our people, in which this belief was the dominant force, or stubborn opposition spirit, true Jewish Talmudic Davkinism, of all commandments of reason, out of pure spirit of contradiction, of this old, rusty fad or simply inertia of the heart and mind, which does not liberate the liberating act? ” (P. 11)
“The new religion does not change the nationality of the Jew any more than a Chinese or Arab accepting Christianity now become Europeans.”
“Boundless and indescribable is the horror and contempt that paint on the face of a Jew when he is told of baptism, and he feels physical nausea at the very thought of it, and every family feels dishonorably disheartened black sheep come in. ” (P. 12)
“These Maran (s) are the Jews who have converted to Christianity in Spain, who inwardly remained faithful to their faith and their people, UF) example is so outrageous in his stubbornness, his tenacity and already brings the degree of mental illness of our people so clearly expressed at the time of the Inquisition, that one despairs almost ever to heal our people from their religious delusions.Never mind that once converted to the new faith, men endanger their new position, their wealth and their prestige, even their lives of pure fanaticism, out of mad devotion to a religion formerly taught to their people in the distant past, so much does our people consider themselves as people of God that their members, even after generations of new faith, never cease to feel chosen. ”
“Every day many hundreds of thousands of Jews repeat in their prayer:” Ato bochartonu mi kol ho om “/ You God, have chosen us from all peoples – and though not all or many of the enormity, the criminal and the whole ridiculousness of this sentence becomes aware, yet this prayer is only an expression of the whole basic attitude of our people, which manifests itself in everything we do and what we can do. “In all areas of our lives, this attitude is obstructive and divisive, be it in our relationship to morality our fellow citizen, our host, etc. ” (P. 13)
“If we complain about the bad treatment on the part of the world, we must first ask ourselves if we ourselves have done nothing to ensure that human hunts of a scale such as the persecution of the Jews year in, year out, because after all, the world is not populated by predators and even the wildest anti-Semite is only a human being who, like everyone else, carries within him the divine spark of justice. ” (P. 14)
“The reason for this, as everywhere else, is solely to seek in the fixed idea that has infested the Jewish people, and has prevented it everywhere and at all times from entering into friendly human relationships with the others, under these circumstances This total stupidity of our people, is anti-Semitism, is the defense of the non-Jewish world against this arrogance and arrogance of our people in all its manifestations, almost a natural historical inevitable phenomenon.
“The Messianism of our people is the serpent, which we nourish on our own breast, and whose creeping poison our people slowly but surely perish. “(P. 16/17)
“For his deepest cause, his real root, is the hatred of the Jews of all time, of all shades in this instinctive consciousness, of the non-Jewish world of the lack of inner truthfulness of the relations of our people to their non-Jewish fellow-men.”
“The uneducated, straightforward, modest, simple, non-Jewish man feels the strange people, who are constantly eager to set up daily barriers of custom, morality, habits, and ritual worship, and make him the spectacle of one in all districts of the world To deliver life to a completely different group of people, as deeply alien to others. ”
“In order to understand anti-Semitism, we Jews must try to picture ourselves with the eyes of others, and we must imagine, as in the midst of us, people of foreign appearance and strange movements, gestures and attitudes, as they are the interests of our economy What is important above all is the fact that the others are not, as we often imagine, systematically brought up hatred of the Jews from an early age It is not so. “And that is not how they are treated, so to speak, with anti-Semitism.” (P. 17)
“Is the talk of the” Goi “in the bosom of the Jewish family less dismissive, less unfriendly or even hostile than in the other reversed case? It is called in this connection with us that it is only the enmity of the others that trigger these reaction sensations . ”
“It is clear, however, that it was we who laid the groundwork for this terrible misunderstanding through the proclamation of our election, so we first and unprovoked delivered the first blow against humanity.” (P. 19)
“The birth of this monstrous messianism is also the birth of anti-Semitism.”
“And even today, when the Jewish people have given so many revolutionaries and atheists to the world – for which the world overwhelmingly thanks the world in the vast majority of the Jewish people – consciously or unconsciously lives much of this Messianic idea At the same time our people probably did not even realize that his religion, to which it professed itself so proudly and with so much devotion, was and is a slave religion created for people in deepest, spiritual and external distress When the people of Israel fell into Egyptian bondage in the gray past and had to perform heavy and humiliating slave labor in accordance with the customs of the time, his liberator could not think of anything better than these slaves and slaves Chosen to preach before God and humanity and to give them a land bite where it could live godly and happy. This psychological trick by Moses, the so-called teacher and liberator of the Jewish people, by which he wanted to uplift enslaved and desperate people emotionally and morally and to lead to resistance against their oppressors, was perhaps appropriate for the then state of the Jewish people, in the subsequent period but of devastating effect on his mental and spiritual development. So well-conceived and, above all, cleverly brought into a system was this popular seduction, that Moses drew on the ancient tradition of the revelations of God to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in which Jehovah offered them and their descendants an everlasting covenant of protection and trespasses, and promised, and from the very beginning, to pretend to the Jewish people, who probably did not descend from these patriarchs, the delusion of divine predestination and the elect. ”
“This procedure could only have a momentary effect, if at all, but in the long run it would have to be devastating to the bearer of such megalomaniacal ideas.” (Pp. 20/21)
An entire nation is laden with history through the curse and the delusion, its chosenness, and thus becomes a disgusting example of spiritual and moral self-mutilation.”
“The thought that God created two categories of people, and one of them favors is both absurd and criminal at the same time.” (P. 22)
“To this day, no religion, no reformer has arisen for our people’s religion, which has freed us from this inhumane and misanthropic heresy! And today it is so far that the belief in the Chosen One and the Jewish people have become almost a concept.” (P. 23)
“So our people actually live only for the time being, and their true life is not to begin until the kingdom of Israel and Jehovah has been reestablished.” This fiction, this imaginary existence, is like collective madness that has befallen our people. ”
“So all our actions and actions, thinking and feeling, are nothing but a stubborn ignoring of real life, of our whole environment.” (P. 24)
“For example, educate a child of whatever race in the belief that it is higher than all the others, that it is better, wiser, and above all, that it has no equal in any relation, then a man will grow up, through this megalomania ruined for all his life and by his arrogance, arrogance and recklessness will spoil it with all and make no living with anyone around him, so a corrupted child will undoubtedly become more and more of a threat to the livelihood of his environment, so that the others, even out of a pure instinct of self-preservation, will be compelled to reject this madman and to strive for his invulnerability. “The situation of our people is similar.” (P. 27)
“If a nation or a race, as we Jews undeniably do for thousands of years, disturbs the peace of other peoples, it must be brought up and improved.” (P. 28)
“We Jews complain that the world is intolerant of us, to reply that the world has shown and proved the greatest tolerance for us since ancient times, the peoples of the earth are truly magnanimous enough, if they will allow it, that among them may dwell and act groups of men whose highest law is that the people granting them asylum are inferior to God and to men than themselves. ” (P. 29)
“Under these circumstances, anti-Semitism is something entirely natural and consistent, and, conversely, the rare periods of our history that show the disappearance or lessening of anti-Semitism are unnatural and incomprehensible, for they testify to the other peoples’ natural defenses lost to something foreign and wrong. ” (P. 30)
“Worst and most fatal, in our present situation, is the most terrible vice of our people, namely, their self-righteousness.” Today, as always, we firmly believe in our blamelessness, seeing in all the sufferings and torments of our people only the suffering of an innocent victim It occurs to us, in the face of such a catastrophic collective aversion, as the world testifies to us, to investigate once again whether ours is all right, or whether it is us who are the others to their violent reaction irritate and annoy them. ” (P. 32)
“Instead, it continues to regard itself as an innocent sufferer, cries out and calls all the world for justice for itself and cheerfully continues its bustle, but the ruthless exposure of our mistakes and vices is a bitter necessity, without which recovery is impossible . ” (Pp. 32/33)
“Where, for example, are the Jewish committees for protesting and upholding the rights of Negroes in America, who are also persecuted, or where the great indignant storm in the Jewish world remained, when tens of thousands of (Christian, the Turks, d.) Were slaughtered? ” (P. 33)
“For example, has our people realized what a profound offense lies in the fact that we refuse to eat together with the other peoples, and instead appeal to our religious customs, which also give us a separation in this one Even today, large strata of our people, if at all then only with great overcoming, can take common meals with others. ” (P. 33)
“From this point of view, a general ban on slaughtering in all states of the world is not a blow to our people and their rights, as we like to portray, but just an important step in the direction of our people’s de facto and real equality to enable with the others, so a blessing for ourselves. ” (P. 33/34)
“Today our religion is unmolested as such, but today it is only our own knowledge that through our messianic delusion we have fallen into a terrible impasse, into a dangerous idle of mind and heart, out of which only its sudden and radical shaking off can. ” (P. 39)
“In the meantime, the world itself has become much smarter and knows how to counteract and pre-empt all our machinations in time.” (P. 41)
“Our people today are undoubtedly mentally neglected, it is incompetent, because it is blinded by its megalomania, by the fussy of its Chosen.” (P. 45)
“Evaluating new ideas or movements merely from the point of view of whether or not they are pleasing to us Jews and rejecting and fighting them, even if they can bring so much blessing on to the rest of humanity, is the height of injustice and unreasonableness . ”
“But it is just as unforgivable, if we Jews believe, that our sufferings and torments give us the moral right to strive for realizations of ideas in the states in which we live, which appear just and sublime in our situation, but which reject the host populations in their majority. ” (P. 47)
“But the state has the right to demand that we do not disturb and endanger the general harmony of its community by opposing beings.” (P. 49)
“It is surprising that the peoples, always reluctantly and without any inner conviction, agreed to grant us formal equality, but are always ready to take back on every occasion a gift that has never been reciprocated, for, in spite of all the harassment, it is true For example, since the French Revolution, the starting point of the emancipation that brought us equal rights to the world, what have we given to the world today in a period of some 150 years as thanks for that? Scientists and musicians of world renown can not remotely make up for the large number of sliders, speculators, and so-called revolutionaries who have sullied the name of our people. ” (P. 51)”In this sense, our people have led a parasitic existence until now, demanding and accepting without being willing to give it back to the world.” (P. 52)
“We Jews have every reason to thank the various Christian churches who have applied the commandment of Christian charity, regardless of race, to us Jews, and thankfully have courage and openness in many countries, and not seldom, for their own cons, raised their weighty voice to foaming hatred of the Jews, and called for moderation. ” (P. 53)
“However, we Jews suffer first and foremost from a false spiritual and moral attitude towards the world, and this spiritual and moral distress of the Jews will persist even within one’s own state, indeed it will be even more dangerous and threatening to the environment, since the bodily incarnation arrogance, that is, the Jewish Messianism, will then be endowed with a state power and in its disastrous effects on humanity will be able to live unhindered and uninhibited. ”
“No state in the world, not even Germany, not Italy nor Japan has the supreme position of its people before God and before humanity and the corresponding discrimination of other peoples in religious and moral relation to the dogma of their state and national life National Socialism and Fascism, both of which make only a proud confession of their own people and turn only by reaction and compelled thousands of years of experience against our Jewish race, but without in principle and exofficio, the religious and moral superiority of the German or of the Italian people to preach to all other races and peoples. ” (Pp. 57/58)
“… because the states can not idly tolerate the frenzy of foreign agitators and therefore, if necessary, also be forced to defend themselves and fight against the authors of communist propaganda.” This is the meaning and the cause of the cause of the anti-Comintern and not world-political aggressive Expansion goals of the anticominate states, as falsely assumed. ” (P. 58)
Conversely, Germany, if only its natural rights and needs are not withheld, constitutes a bastion of world peace, since its compact mass and power could nip in the bud any disturbance of peace in the world moral demand, nor a natural struggle for the rights of life of a united national unity, but on the banner of Jewish messianism and thus also of the Jewish state would be written only religious and human arrogance, madness and madness. ” (P. 58)
“… our Palestine … but can only be regarded as the national center of the overwhelming majority of our people, because of the narrowness of the territory of their own country …” (p. 71)
“But it is high time to finally take inventory and sweep all the old decayed, foul-smelling and air-polluting so-called traditions to the dumping point.” Let’s once again stand apart from the great current of world history, continue our delusions and then, when the time is over again we will have gone over to complaining mournfully and wailing. ” (P. 73)
“The world today is amazed and horrified by the fact of the rigorous Jewish policy of the Third Reich and above all can neither understand nor excuse the inhumanity of the methods.” And yet this new German race policy was not one for us Jews, but also for the Germans themselves The logical consequence of the overall development of the last decades is that, because of the latent Messianic idea, the Jewish ethnic group could not on the one hand end the assimilation process to the end and had to annoy it on all sides in an unbearable and untenable intermediate stage without any moral and their spiritual foundations get stuck, the Germans, on the other hand, in their situation after the lost war, if they wanted to regain their former size, had to mercilessly eradicate all foreign and disturbing things, which somehow stood in the way of their natural collecting process It was obvious that an extraordinary effort, as required by the national survey, could not be used. ”
“It made it comprehensible, to some extent, that he, namely, National Socialism, in order to realize the resurrection and full development of his national powers on the basis of the closer national community, was to exclude foreigners, especially the Jewish German foreign people of this process of renewal, and make the excretion of the Jews, therefore desirable so inevitable. ” (P. 78)
“If one finds today fresh German Jews throughout the world and not least in Palestine, who have turned to productive professions, while in another course of history they would inevitably have filled the Kurfürstendamm with indifferent intellectual and gibberish, and otherwise in their imaginary In order to do a great job as a German intellectual, we must confess that Adolf Hitler ultimately also gave these German Jews a useful lesson. ” (P. 84)
“The neo-German attitude is only the crudest form of expression of reaction of the entire non-Jewish world to stubbornness and delusion, driven to the top of mania, where Nazism was only the executor of a historical development, which in all circumstances would sooner or later be compulsory and it is almost accidental or indifferent that it is precisely the German people to whom this hard historical task has been assigned. ” (P. 85)
“Hitler and his movement saw clearly that emancipation was probably the most advanced in Germany, where people and society more and more blurred the natural barriers between Germans and Jews, yet it was not crowned with success, that is, Jewish emancipation It has not been able, despite much external alignment, to create from the Jews in Germany people who would be related to the Germans according to their thoughts, feelings and views, that they have remained what they called themselves, namely German citizens of Jewish faith. whereby the Jewish faith unconsciously sat so firmly in their bones that the two generations of assimilated or baptized Jews could not yet produce truly German-feeling and German-thinking people, much the more so as not turning away from the Mosaic religion as a conscious spiritual upheaval and was completed, but mostly from e reasons for moving forward. ”
“But the creation or, more correctly, the re-emphasis of the Aryan German was an ironic and bitter historical necessity for National Socialism, as a folkish movement, to which the immense task of unification of the fragmented German nation fell after the unprecedented defeat of 1918 It would not have been possible to exclude the foreign-patriotic Jewish element which could not be assimilated in Germany in a hundred years, but which, for its part, according to the state of affairs, was to be regarded as a precondition for the real union of the German people. ” (P. 87)
Do not be fooled by the uncompromising and unchangeable nature of Germany in the Jewish question and its determination to roll up the Jewish question in its own right and international sense, and to demand from the world to imitate its recipes, if relevant German personalities also often enough Having declared that National Socialism is not an export commodity, they regard the Jews as a world danger, a question that concerns not only Germany alone, but the whole world, and especially with regard to a future war, Germany knows well enough that then the Jews of the whole world, out of understandable reactions, will make front against Germany. ” (P. 90)
“This world-historic Munich Peace Foundation is only the beginning of a new era in Europe, where with the funeral of the Spirit of Versailles at the same time the spirit of peaceful reconciliation of the peoples and the personal touch of their authoritative men who have contributed so successfully to success in Europe We Jews must remember and duly understand that this new atmosphere of peace was being created in Munich, that the new spirit will in future dominate the peoples of Europe, of all places in Munich, the starting point and the capital of In this almost coincidental fact, we must see the symbol of the spirit of the peoples of Europe in the order and solution of the problems they are facing, and thus in the spirit of the National Socialist movement even the due now, not aufzusch the urgent Jewish question. ” (P. 91)
“The peoples will no longer be so easily against each other, they have realized that the direct negotiation path over all differences, the way of their happiness.”
“Or do we want to continue moaning and standing aside for justice and equal rights in a stupid and incorrigible way, without even making the necessary step to reason with us?” Our destiny hour certainly struck! ” (P. 92)
“A war on our account is therefore unthinkable nonsense, and even if such a thing would be possible, we Jews would have to prevent it ourselves, so only the hope of the justice of the world, and thus the hope of a phantom, would remain own interest, the later or earlier unavoidable international Aufrollung the Jewish question should not be left to the initiative of Germany or any Democrat, who sees the salvation of Jews in emigration and relief commissions, but we ourselves must come before the world to tell her our will, to achieve the rebirth of our nation on a national Semitic basis, for which the world should give us its help in the spirit of brotherhood. ” (P. 93)
“It is senseless and criminal, therefore, if not a few of us believe that a war will change our fate for the better.” The speculation that the next war will throw Hitler Germany to the ground and Judaism thereby not only in Germany, but in the whole There is no reason why the world should be freed from the terrible nightmare of National Socialism: anti-Semitism is not only an invention of National Socialism, but rather as old as our people. Even before Adolf Hitler, there were enough men at all times and places The disappearance of National Socialism would bring with it the elimination of a significant and extremely important factor of order in Europe and in the whole world, but by no means eliminating hatred of the Jews, just as little as he did he was created. ” (Pp. 93/94)
“All the more so, as the hostage system, this frivolous game of innocent human life, is not only an invention of the National Socialists, but especially since the socialist revolution first applied by the Bolsheviks, has quickly found imitation in the whole world, even into the unfortunate Spanish Civil War Where, from both sides, this inhumane recipe is followed, but what else can the Jews of other countries gain from a war, nothing but ruin, because immediately the war debt charges will be heard again from all sides to our address, and there the next war still less victorious than the one of 1918 but defeated and defeated everywhere, if at all possible, and general dissatisfaction and despair can find no better lightning rod than the classic whipping boy of world history, namely, us Jews, so will the general hate only strengthened and bitter against us. Even so, if the next war will bring a complete victory over National Socialist Germany, it will only marginally change our fate. The peoples will persist and with them anti-Semitism.”
“So hope for a war, as salvation from our present situation, is false and unfounded. “(P. 94)
“Every Jewish man and every Jewish woman should have the right to decide whether to continue being at the mercy of Jehovah’s tyranny and the messianic-capitalist seducers and spoilsport.” (P. 95)
“But all of this did not entitle us to play the role of warmongers and warmongers in this conflict, for many of us saw no other way out of saving this last haven of democracy and toleration for us Jews than to launch a new world conflagration Many of us wanted to burn the world rather than giving up this last Jewish domain, and this attitude of much of our people is irresponsible and insane. ” (P. 96)
“Then, in our ranks, we again committed the unpardonable crime of confusing our own interests with those of the world, and of sending millions of non-Jewish people to die for Jewish interests To play criminal games with the peace of the world to the extreme and one did not shy away under the cover of the rescue of the democracy, to raise oneself to the defender of the Czechoslovak national state state and to the war in the whole world. ”
“So it is true, as Adolf Hitler recently said, that the most bloodthirsty warmongers were the most peaceable democrats.” (P. 97)
“In the process, thank God, the whole war cry was of no avail: Germany got its right, got it in peace, and millions of Germans return to their motherland after centuries, a process of unheard-of, barely comprehensible significance in world history, again accomplished by the will and idealism of one In a period of scarcely eight months, 10 million Germans found their way home to the Reich.The German people truly have every reason to pray for their leader daily.now stands the Greater German Reich of almost 80 million people, all Germans and all animated by Feeling of gratitude and faith in his leader, more powerful than ever, and thus we are again faced with a new defeat and defeat, for every increase in German prestige and power must, to our detriment, grow to our detriment. ” (P. 99)
“… and there will not be any time when the call from this new Europe will soon be heard: anti-Semites from all countries will unite you, because then it will be inevitable to solve the Jewish question internationally as well their mere existence disturbs and strains the peace of the world. ”
“We are still the eternal yesterday, those who have learned nothing from history and have forgotten nothing, and who run after and lament history, but one desperately wants to see if, while hardly the ink of the Munich Agreement dried Again, not a few of us have participated in the international well poisoning, which has been used to counteract the spreading yearning of the peoples for reconciliation by spreading new suspicions and accusations against Germany. “Are we struck so blindly with us?” (P. 100)
“I therefore make an urgent appeal to all Jews in the old and in the new world to refrain from any interference in world politics and devote all their strength to our own Jewish concerns and hardships that cause us enough.”
“We Jews are also the very last to invoke the opinions and thoughts of the rest of the world on their correctness and justice, we who claim to indulge in thoughts that strike the face of the rest of humanity mean, have no right to claim this presumptuous and megalomaniacal referee role. ” (P. 101)
“Even the hope for the International, for the second or third is illusory and wrong.Why should the worker, however socialist he may be, stand up for us Jews, just because his abstract, Marxist dogma calls him international solidarity? But the suffering and hardships of our people have very little to do with the situation of the workers, our oppression is very different from the lack of freedom in which the worker still lives today. if not regularly, the same oppressed Jew, whose salvation he is called upon to be, is his beneficiary, his exploiter, the capitalist, in another district of existence, so it really takes delusion to believe and hope that it is the organized one Working class for us, will fight in our present mental condition and social structure.
“All the more shortsighted and unpardonable was the attitude of our people throughout the world, when fascist Italy underwent one of its most severe critical moments, namely, when Italy, in the course of its Abyssinian campaign, faced a hostile world which was destroyed by a murderous policy of sanctions In this historic fateful hour of the new Italy, where it was for us Jews to pay the thanks to the fascist Italy for his long-standing magnanimity, which was all the more important to him, as it started from a national renewal movement, which in other countries regularly is mixed with anti-Semitic tendencies, and therefore as the only nationalist current without anti-Semitic goals has made a widely visible and bright positive, in our favor strong impacting example, then our people knew nothing better to do, as in the general chorus of the stalwart Sankti onspolitiker. In all parts of the world, Jews were among the loudest and most ferocious agitators against fascist Italy, who, out of alleged feelings of justice for poor Abyssinia, could not do enough to insult Italy and its splendid Duce. Likewise on the Spanish question, many of us tried unceasingly to oppose the interests of Italy, as they always fought and condemned them under the shortsighted and hypocritical anti-fascist slogan wherever Italy’s interests were at stake. This attitude was gross ingratitude and simply unforgivable. “(P. 106)
“The old folly of our people, one of the many consequences of his messianic attitude, namely the pursuit of justice only for itself, without being willing to unconditionally grant it to the others, came once again in this ugly and filthy attitude of our people towards Italy What a miracle, when Duee, faced with such stupidity and ingratitude for our people and the increasing involvement of large Jewish circles in the activities and the incitement of fascist Italy, was compelled to revise his position on the Jewish question . ” (Pp. 106/107)
“Jewish messianism and Italian fascism are alien to each other.” (P. 107)
“It is therefore also understandable that fascism liberates people from such a responsible office as the education and instruction of the Italian youth, because they are not in their whole mentality able to teach Italian nationalism unconditionally, because they themselves are permeated by the firstborn and the elect of their own race. ”
“The news of the founding of a Jewish legion in America to fight fascism and National Socialism, which is said to number one million members, is now devastating, and one million Jews have joined forces in America to make their grave for their stupidity and dishonesty For now fascism will also be forced to enter into the active stage of world anti-Semitism, and in conjunction with the Third Reich and its numerous smaller epigones to blow the assault against our poor, blind people but well enough shown that all our boycott efforts have been fruitless, on the contrary, the German economy flourishes today more than ever, despite the angry challenge of Judaism to the whole world. ” (P. 109)
“The use of even the Italian Empire, with all its weight in the anti-Jewish campaign, would bring us the last death blow.” (P. 110)
“As you can see, the authoritarian states are not as bellicose as they are in many Jewish brains.”
“In pursuance of this realization, the Jewish people will not be able to reverse its position on National Socialist Greater Germany, and despite everything that has happened, we must go about fundamentally changing our views and views on the new Germany!” (P. 111)
“Because Adolf Hitler is in the deepest and just.” (P. 112)
(Google translation)
“(Google translation)”
This passage is suggestive but elusive.
Needs a human translator.
Too much of it does not make sense.
Of course anti-Semitism is a manufactured idea. The mere existence of anti-Semitism reinforces the base tribal urges of those who do the discriminating as well as those who are discriminated against. Appeal to God through Holy Books and appeal to man made laws are really the same thing – attempts to justify tribal instincts to “keep the tribe together” and to punish “the other”. I find it bizarre in the extreme that our modern world is still hamstrung by the three major revisions of “God’s Word and Law” – the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Aside from any social good that may be derived by observing some aspects of these books, all three are premised on the equivalent of “bone in the nose” tribalism.
Tribalism is the essential mechanism for asserting colonialism and genocide. To the extent Israelis, Americans, British and any other tribes murder their neighbours and those within the tribe who dissent, we will never be any better than cave men and Neanderthals, mesmerized by our discovery of fire and the ability to murder living beings and sacrifice them to the God of our tribe.
Thank you for this article. It is one of the best I have read on the topic of “Semitism, pro and anti”.
It is reaching new heights in France, the israeli ambassy is now openly asking France Television on a documentary on Gaza:
last time we saw this, it was when the ukrops tries to have “Ukraine, the masks of revolution” censored on canal + by pressuring their billionaire CEO Vincent Bolore….
This site is an antidote to the above. http://jewishdissident.blogspot.com/2018/10/antisemitic-misconduct-what-it-is-and.html
First, thank you Saker for yet again, courageously addressing this topic.
Anyone who publicly addresses this topic is benefiting everyone, but taking risks, themselves to do it.
Again, after having spent quite some time trying to fully unpack and collate the question, and reading this, and other, extremely well composed, reasoned, and fact-based, Ron Unz, Michael Hoffman, we’re yet left without a clear definition of just exactly what we are talking about.
I’m still not very clear on it, and I don’t think that it is a random condition; it seems very likely that this has been fostered, relentlessly, for… a long, long time.
The term “Rabbinical Phariseeism” is interesting, and has some favorable attributes, such as, it is shorter than my preferred term, “Torah-Talmund-Pharisees-Ideological Collective, but the question remains, just what does that translate to, in terms of common behavioural attributes in the self-identifying population?!
Here is my list, in order of primacy (I’m not saying it’s perfect, it’s just a hack at it):
1. secretive fundamentally discriminating beliefs/behaviours against all out-group people, including ingrained/indoctrinated culturally-rooted superiority-differentiation of the in-group, and ‘psychological adjustment‘ of all progeny to selectively impair/suppress the natural human empathetic response to out-group people, as well as the imperative to further imprint this on successive generations.
2. geographically global distribution, secretly behaving in a manner that systematically favours the in-group, within host country national boundaries, but also favouring in-group foreign/global objectives, even when in antagonism to host-country national best interests!
3. at a ‘group’ level, systematically gaming established societal/cultural values structures, which represent voluntary self-repressions for the positive-sum-gain greater good, for accumulation of super-normal profit, at exploitation of the voluntary self-repressions at an individual level.
4. on the fundamentals of 1., 2., 3. building parallel supplemental societal infrastructures and networks, systematically favouring in-group adherents
5. achieving positions in society with disproportionate societal decision and and policy-making authority, i.e. law, education (all levels of policy-making positions), and, of course, finance/banking/insurance
Is this not it?
Until this question is answered, all analyses of ‘the reason‘ cannot be properly addressed.
What does it mean?
If you know someone who can translate french, i think you may be interested in this article
Why the Zionist Movement Needs Anti-Semitism
Or with google translate
It’s about the creation of anti-semitism in Europe, creation of zionist movement in US and link with US bank, zionist and Nazi.
I call ’em as I see ’em; I accept that others also have that right. Anything that suppresses discussion and inhibits any search for truth is by its nature evil. No one has that right.
“I want to cleans this country of all white people. we must act as Hitler did to the Jews. ”
“white people in south Africa deserve to be hacked and killed like Jews.”
The LRC also made the case that the identity of the target group mattered when deciding on hate speech – and Khumalo “did not aim his attack at Jewish people”.
Why are these mass findings always JEWS? How about some from other times and places, like Armenians, Russians, Poles, Central American natives, North American natives, African natives, Tasmanians, the Sabra & Shatila Beirut massacres of Palestinians?…..One of my very early Google searches was on the Spanish American war. I came across some pretty graphic B & W photos – which seem to have disappeared now. One of them was of a very large, pyramidal pile of naked Filipino “soldier’s” bodies, with two uniformed American Marines, standing proudly at the top, with their bayoneted rifles, in the at-ease position. (I think a U.S. General named Smedley Butler had input or was mentioned at this site).