Dear friends,
I am still on the road, but I want to tell you all that things are looking much better for the Resistance and infinitely worse for the junta in Kiev. I will write an analysis of all that when I get all the facts (and the couple of hours behind to sit my keyboard), but already I will tell you that we might well have reached a turning point in this war. Hence this hate-laced hysterics of BHL in the NYT.
Also, I hope to get a very interested statement of the Russian Deputy Defense Minister translated and subtitled very soon.
As for the Khodakovskii interview hoax, the Reuters reporter apparently never realized that his entire “one on one” conversation with Khodakovskii was video taped. I have not seen it yet, only excerpts, but this video proves that Reuters is guilty of a gross hoax and political manipulation: they tried to do two things simultaneously a) make it look like they had THE proof that the Resistance had (working) BukM1s and create a conflict between Khodakovskii and Strelkov. Now that their forgery has been uncovered it leaves is most “prestigious” and “respectable” organization looking like just an CIA/MI6 front. Good.
I hope to get a military SITREP either from Gelb or from Juan soon, but I think I can already tell you the following: there was some *very* heavy fighting almost everywhere, the Ukies gave it their very best, there are heavy losses on both sides, some villages have changed hands, but all in all, I think that I see the contours of a comprehensive failure of the Ukie plan. If I am correct, then there is a very real change of a Ukie collapse along the entire combat area. Don’t take it to the bank quite yet – but I think we can begin to hope that the Resistance has succeeded absorbing and repelling the Ukie assault.
I am going offline again for a few hours and I leave you in the tender care of my trusted friend /dev/null who will keep an eye on the open thread.
Kind regards,
The Saker
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please do not count the chicken before eggs hatch.
russia has many times victory snatched by the anglosaxon cabal because russia or allies speeld the beans beforehand.
best way to tackle anglos is to act like them -cruel ,cunning and scheming and then pounce on them to finish the anglos nation.
remmebr when assadf was at brink of votroy before abgls sent kofi amman to derail him/
or when libyan gaddagfi was at point of victory before anglos with russian help imposed no fly zone/
be preparted for the scheming bas–ds.
Saker, this might be the most delusional entry you ever made.
Dear Saker,
warm thanks for your invaluable commitment.
A new Hope is eventually rising!
Good luck to everyone.
Sounds awesome! Thank you!
@Anonymous:Saker, this might be the most delusional entry you ever made.
I sure hope you are right ;-)
Thank you,
The Saker
Well, today’s meme from the U.S. is Russia is shooting all the grads and 122mm mortars and BUKs and MANPADS, not the militia.
They sold this on the Internet and over cable news. Fox even bamboozled their best Pentagon reporter who is very dependable to mouth the “story”. Jennifer Griffin, sadly, was used badly by Murdoch and his dogs of war Fox News operation.
Also, BBC and CNN have sent their best toadies on camera field reporters to the “scene” in Donetsk to tell us all the “new truth” of the air shoot down.
The funeral in Holland didn’t swing public opinion enough. They now have this Russia is shooting across the border stuff.
The images accompanying the “story” is stuff from weeks ago on the Internet. Just fits, so they use it even though, like the shoot down “proof”, it is bogus and easily disputed.
Desperation in the public realm means they will do some more wild things on the battlefield. It sounds like another all out Ukie assault tonight. The militia is not able to keep taking on the armor and the artillery without experienced volunteers and more anti-tank and heavy mortar teams.
The video of the 79th being finished off that I saw today looked like very accurate heavy mortar fire. Tanks were getting nailed. Nowhere to turn.
The other component today is the government of freaks in Kiev is caving in sooner than we thought. The discovery of mass burials in lakes and graves of their troops is erupting in the Ukie news.
They have a discrepancy of about 3500 dead to explain at some time, and each day they seem to be losing scores of men. Morale must be abysmal.
I think Russia should drop leaflets with maps and a standing offer to buy their weapons and give them a job on the Russian side. They can get free passage, a shower, some rubles and wait out the remainder of the war.
How’s that going to look when two hundred tanks are parked with the keys in the ignition on the Ukie side of the border, white flags waving in the breeze?
Those guys are eating snakes and desperately trying to run a gauntlet. Surrender is much better option. Leaflet those Ukies. Show them the way to safety.
Kathleen A. Rosser
Thank you for your peace proposal. Can you post a link to it in the comments?
No doubt the false flag has backfired on the Nazi USEUUA scum, but they will not stop.
So please everybody do what they can.
I think that many in the West don’t really understand what’s happening. In many ways, the President of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with this. This is the Russian people’s revolution. A unique event in history. Beautiful to see.
The harder the US pushes, the harder they lose – and Europe pays the price.
Many from all around the world will join the Russian people, from the Americas to the East.
Yes, the Russian people’s revolutiomary will is playing a fundamemtal part with very little recognition. The people have had it with oligarchs and capitalism. They want real proletarian socialism again, Marx, Lenin, all that.
They did it before. They will do it again.
Can’t wait for the analysis, for I must say I have been a lot more pessimistic.
Seems like the corrupt west is closing in on Putin, who still does — nothing.
Russian Air Force retired colonel Aleksander Zhilin in an interview on ANNA News said Kiev shot the MH-17 first with an SU-25 air-to-air missile which damaged the right engine but the plane was still operational. Then they ordered a Buk missile to take it completely down. If true this is a bombshell.
I hope you are right.:-) I am all for word of caution, but I hope RF had finally realized there is not other way than full speed forward, and that will turn everything to resistant favor, and able to stay that way.
Look forward for your write up.
Saker, I’ve got a buddy who was a special ops soldier for some time here, in Ukraine. He brought up an interesting fact: apparently, the administration has only sent conscripts and volunteers to the front so far. However, they have yet to mobilize the most experienced troops. This guy was only offered work in the ATO, but he declined. It seems they’re keeping these guys in reserve, in anticipation of the most serious phase of the fighting, perhaps to hold Kiev. Regardless, we may not have seen the bloodiest phase yet, and I’m not quite sure about a turning point at this time.
There is no “turning point” in this war if Putin refuses to send peace-keepers into Novorussia, and allow Ukraine to peacefully divide into new nations, just as Czechoslovakia did a little while back.
No amount of covert support from Russia can save the Humans defending their homes from the neo-Nazis from Kiev. At best, the defenders will reach their biggest possible size (given the circumstances), and without victory, will see this peak army eroding by continuous conflict.
Kiev, on the other hand, will receive essentially infinite resources, thanks to the EU/NATO/USA. The rebels can have a ‘kill-rate’ of better than ten-to-one, and it won’t/can’t make a difference.
Worse, the West gets better/more murderous the more it fights. Soon, the rebels will be left with only ‘terror tactics’ as a viable means of striking back- which is exactly where the West wants the Russian side- desperate and increasing vicious, just like we watched in the immediate aftermath of the invasion of Iraq.
The ‘collapse’ of the ‘government’ of Kiev is simply proof there in no-one in Kiev to ‘negotiate’ with. Ukraine is run by the USA, and what the people of Ukraine want, even on the far Right, couldn’t matter less.
The rebels try to hold on to the fairytale that if they fight long enough and well enough, sanity will prevail. No! The USA wants to create a lasting cause of regional terrorism, and knows that if Putin keeps out of Novorussia, they will be successful in achieving this goal.
Look to Iraq, Libya, Gaza and Syria to understand the intent of the USA in Ukraine. No mercy, no Humanity- just never ending, every expanding death and destruction. A fire designed to burn into the very heart of Russia herself.
That’s the way do it! Laughing so hard got tears in my eyes.
Nothing more frustrating than a positive outlook.
I’m so proud you! Bless you again.
Can’t wait for the sitrep and updates.
However well the Novorossiya resistance is doing at the moment, or at other moments ahead – it does not redeem the tragic malfeasance of Vladimir Putin, or save him from the charge of now being exposed as an agent of the globalist NWO – New World Order.
A long, slow burn of bloody death in Ukraine, success ebbing and flowing (like in Orwell’s 1984!), taking a long time to reduce Ukraine to wreckage and failed-state status, is precisely the NWO plan for many if not most countries (Libya, Iraq …), including the USA and Russia itself.
Putin’s previous years of toughness – as with Syria 2013 – was NWO Final Phase 1, to achieve the start of the permanent degradation of the USA, the beginning of the end of the Petro-Dollar.
Now it is NWO Final Phase 2, the take-down of ‘opposition’ Russia, as an embarrassed Putin plays his new assigned role of rolling over for the murder of thousands of Russian speakers on his doorstep, people killed, incredibly, by a bunch of second-rate thugs backed by a dying, bankrupt US empire and a laughably weak, Russia-dependent European Union.
This Russian moral implosion, sets the stage for some wider hot war and then the attempt to impose some globalist nightmare on much if not all of the world.
Putin is suddenly 180 degree the opposite from the iron, clever figure who humiliated the US, Nato, Israel and Saudi last year, in the Syria crisis. Now Putin is an utter lay-down craven, letting genocidal murderers romp a few kilometres from his border, in violation of his promises, betraying the Russians in Donbass who trusted his words and his invitation to have referenda (Putin’s later weak request for delay is no excuse for allowing genocide of Russian Donbass voters.)
Putin now lets the West frolic in propaganda, while Russian media wimps, and Russia Today half-implodes and is compromised by pro-Nato traitors. Putin has opened the door for Russia herself to be de-stabilised internally, both economically and politically. MH17 is proof that Putin should have moved Russian forces into Ukraine right after Odessa massacre at latest, not only for the people of Donbass, but to protect mother Russia as well.
There are too many apologetics for Putin, from those of us too fearful to let go of belief in our final European-heritage ‘hero’ Vlad, when we should see the truth before our eyes … we see what we knew before, that appeasement of Nato goons only encourages them, whether on economic sanctions or outright murder. There is nothing ‘tactical’ about it – Putin has needlessly submitted to genocidal murderers.
Long ago, US Liberty Movement commentators from the financial arena – for example, Brandon Smith of Alt-Market and writers on The Daily Bell – have had a theme that Putin is NWO ‘fake opposition’, and that things like the new BRICS ‘anti-dollar’ bank and the BRICS itself, are all NWO constructs and assets and tools. They predicted that in the end Putin would show himself a traitor to freedom and fighters for liberty. That day seems to be here, and Saker might well eventually change the site logo to say, ‘For a time, for a season, Russia had STOOD for freedom, but not anymore, and we all grieve.’
God help us all.
While any good news is both a relief and welcome, it is a long way from stopping the Ukrainian army advance to a Novorussian offensive that takes control of the area that would be necessary for the viability of a Novorussian state.
It is obvious to me that Russia will not be able annex Novorussia at any time in the foreseeable future. Therefore the only other option is for Novorussia, once viable, to relate to Russia as does Kazakhstan or Armenia.
This then requires the Novorussian entity to be a viable state with sufficient land, water, and economic resources to support itself.
It is the realization of this goal that is the measure of final success. While no one in their sane mind would wish to prolong the fighting, perhaps the biggest obstacle will be premature cease-fires that prevent the realization of that larger Novorussian entity.
Student Newspaper — July 24, 2014. Oh dear. The sorority sisters of Phi Epsilon Upsilon (Phuk-EUs) at State are very upset and have registered a complaint with the Dean of Students against those “wild-azz-Rus-boyz” at Phi Zeta Omicron Gamma (Phuk-ZOGs). Phuk-EUs rush chairman — Ms. Half-a-loaf — reported to the Dean of Students (who’s predecessor is Mrs. Clinton, hallowed Phuk-EU chapter alum) — that the Phuk-ZOGs were throwing beer-cans, beer-bottles and making mischief — yet again — at the Nu Alpha Zeta Iotas(NAZIs) brothers. The NAZI’s are brother-sister-chapter to the Phuk-EUs, and are always available for an evening of hi-jinks and date-rape. The Phuk-EUs are organizing a campus-wide-twitter-protest to demand that the Phuk-ZOGs — particularly Mr. Strelkov (an upperclassman and lead instigator of this incursion) cease and desist lobbing beer-bottle-projectiles from Phuk-ZOGs front lawn into NAZI’s chapter house. It’s upsetting NAZIs housemother — Mrs. Kolomoyskyi — who says she may have to leave campus for Switzerland — to get away from the Phuk-ZOG ruffians. The IFC (Inter Fraternity Council) and Panhellenic (Sorority) Council will be reviewing these charges. In the meantime — PhuK-ZOG invites everyone to their Fall Rush party. Beer will be served.
The new anti-Putin trolls are with us. They expound on the Putin is a deep cover asset of the NWO. And he is steering Russia and China and the BRICS into permanent captivity.
Save us the crapola, trolls.
Short form or lengthy and well-written crap is still attracting flies because it is crap.
Putin has an M.O. that terrifies the West. They know he will use whatever he must to protect Russia.
And the West is a band of bathhouse boys used to soaping up and getting busy with one another.
Picture “Eastern Promises” with Viggo Mortensen. The bathhouse scene. Putin is Viggo and all the West’s best hit men get taken down. Putin is the man Viggo plays. Even naked on a slippery tile floor, the righteous survive the knife slashes.
Eastern Promises
That’s Putin, dear Troll. Your paymasters are the dead guys.
I’m just somehow afraid that this last news about a Ukraian government is one of the traps what they are going to be produces for a while before their total end.
Saker, while Reuters is not reliable nor respectable news source, if it ever was ..
Here in Spain, most newspapers and television news feed on this agency and it’s all humbug proimperalist. The newspaper El País, now an absolute outrage, bought by a U.S. investment fund, too. The same heard when his representative participates in a televised debate supposedly plural.
“Yatsenyuk also expressed disappointment with Ukrainian parliament’s decision to reject a bill that allows the government to hand over up to 49 percent of the country’s gas transport system to investors from the European Union and the United States.”
Larchmont…I always look forward to you most insightful and well-informed comment…a nugget a day keeps the doldrums away! Nardami
A fairly stunning video – a frantic phone call from the ATO zone (the 79th?) to (apparently) relatives back west. The stunned shock on the faces of these people indicates they’ve had no clue up til now what some realities on the ground were in the southeast.
(I believe Gleb Bazov’s crew is working on subtitles for this video.)
Also – there are increasingly large protests against the mobilization orders by Kiev. Only women, tho – the men are afraid to go out in public. A tweet from Mark Sleboda: SO many reports incl from mothers of #Ukraine men of all ages forcibly conscripted at gunpoint or arrest by regime – must be massive scale
Who knows how the tide will turn? But for today, the situation for Kiev is, as Obama (the official face of the Antichrist) would say, “Not optimal”.
Let’s remember that the Russian Federation can achieve any desired military result in Ukraine in about 60 minutes at any time. There will be no intermediary position or move. If and when the Russian Federation military enters Ukraine, it will create a decisive situation on the ground that will certainly result in thousands of deaths.
A Russian peacekeeping force would only create an artifical situation, an international crisis, an economic debacle for Russia. So I doubt there will be an intervention unless the US steps over the line. In that case, all bets are off.
There is an article in the British press, an interview with one of the neo-Nazi battalions. Interestingly, they see two enemies: the separatists, and the EU/Atlanticists. So not only is there no government in Kiev, no law in the country, the NAF resistance, but there are splits in the neo-Nazi brigades, splits between the oligarchs, civilian anti-war unrest in the western oblasts, etc.
I don’t think a Russian intervention would actually solve any problems, better to keep the eastern resistance alive and push it as hard as it can go, if NATO fucks up, cool, but either way, if the RF enters, it will be a final solution.
CNN is pimping the alleged abduction of “CNN freelancer” Anton Skiba by the resistance. The guy looks pretty sketchy, not at all like a journalist.
At some point the Russian government will have to face the fact that it doesn’t have “Western partners.” Russia has Western enemies who are being organized to isolate Russia, to injure Russia economically and diplomatically, to surround Russia militarily, to destabilize Russia by calling the American-funded NGOs into the streets, and in the absence of a coup that installs an American puppet in Moscow to attack Russia with nuclear weapons.
I respect Putin’s reliance on diplomacy and good will in the place of force. The problem with Putin’s approach is that Washington has no good will, so there is no reciprocity.
Washington has an agenda. Europe consists of captive nations, and these nations are without leaders capable of breaking free of Washington’s agenda.
I hope that I am wrong, but I think Putin has miscalculated. If Putin had accepted the
former Russian provinces requests to reunite with Russia, the conflict in Ukraine would be over. I am certain that Europe would not have joined Washington in any invasion with the purpose of recovering for Ukraine former provinces of Russia herself. When Washington says that Putin is responsible for downing the Malaysian airliner, Washington is correct in a way that Washington doesn’t suspect. Had Putin completed the task begun with Crimea and reunited the Russian provinces with Russia, there would have been no war during which an airliner could have been downed, whether by accident or as a plot to demonize Russia. Ukraine has no capability of confronting Russia militarily and had no alternative to accepting the reunification of the Russian territories.
Europe would have witnessed a decisive Russian decision and would have put a great distance between itself and Washington’s provocative agenda. This European response would have precluded Washington’s ability to gradually escalate the crisis by gradually turning the temperature higher without the European frog jumping out of the pot.
O/T for this thread but I was late getting back and I want you to see my response.
Yes. Reducing the intellectual capability of people via the water supply is mind control. Or, maybe we can agree that using the water supply to medicate the public is a very bad idea — especially when you are governed by a psychopathic and genocidal elite —
Don’t ya think?
Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ – Published in Federal Gov’t Journal
Do some research.
The hardest part for most people is getting your head around the idea that decisions aren’t made based on your best interests.
I think Saker is right, check out this news blurb that came out several hours ago:
Nalyvaychenko reported Poroshenko on mass desertion of the Ukrainian army
Public of Ukraine became the correspondence of the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaychenko and the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
In particular, Nalyvaychenko reported that “in the period from 14 to 19 July 2014 notes catastrophic growth (3473 man, 47%) of the number of deserters from the Armed Forces and the National guard of Ukraine in comparison with similar indicators for the previous week (1847 people, 25%).
In addition, for this period has increased the number of missing people (1344 people, 47%; last week – 344 people, 10%)”.
These phenomena the head of the SBU explains “the increased activity of the enemy (army soldiers Novorossiya) in Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the increase in the number of us casualties units above the power structures”.
The conclusions Nalyvaychenko, disappointing: “This fact affects the combat readiness of the personnel and makes the continuation of ATU impossible. If the negative dynamics will remain at the same level, through 4-5 days 2/3 combat-ready units involved in ATU, will cease to exist”.
From the periphery. “coalition of the grieving” — a 5-nation ‘peace keeping’ force which includes Dutch, Malaysian, German, UK and Aust personnel.
Perhaps even a little touch of public ‘humility’ creeping into the Oz gov narrative (video)?
Still, in spite of apparently accepting that the Federalists are in control of who comes in and who’s armed etc, the macho-west can’t let quite let go of the “we’re in control” narrative – the Oz spin mirrors this: “The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf has flagged the possibility that members of that country’s airborne brigade could be deployed alongside military police.”
To Anonymous 22:49 who said: “Thank you for your peace proposal. Can you post a link to it in the comments?”
I will try to post it on the open thread (the comment section of next article). The proposal exceeds the 4096 character limit, so it will take two posts.
Kathleen A. Rosser
The Kiev junta is now exposed as chaotic – fighting in Parliament, banning opposing political parties, coalition breaking up. Yatsenyuk’s record as PM has been abysmal, and he will surely do less well at elections.
Those calling for Putin to “do something” last week, didn’t know what Putin must have known was coming. This gives him fresh ammunition to call for a ceasefire, like the statesman that he is.
Reuters was controlled by Virginia even back in the early 1990s.
I knew one of their correspondents back then.
Well, I have resisted posting this bit of news on this blog, but here goes. I succeeded in getting a column about Ukraine and US involvement in that country’s affairs in a county newspaper which led to a forty minute discussion on a radio program that covers a much larger area. Received some very positive feedback.
Many drops in the bucket, etc.
The Rats quit the ship!
“UKRAINE’S prime minister has resigned after his governing coalition collapsed, plunging the country into political limbo and threatening further to complicate the investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 last week”.
You may consider posing your proposal on (or similar sites) so that it can be shared and copypasta’d by others. Kind crude method, but can be done rather easily, efficiently and effectively plus it will provide a pretty short url…
Reuters CANNOT be relied upon. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The ‘news’ organisation that is Reuters has been owned and controlled by Rothschild interests (the family that historically sits at the absolute pinnacle of the anglo-zoinist empire) for a century. This ‘respectable’ news agency is nothing more that a cleverly disguised propaganda machine.
Anonymous @ 23:03: Re This is the Russian people’s revolution. A unique event in history. Beautiful to see.
Three things I told Tamara Guzenkova, the deputy director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies and leading Ukraine expert on March 3rd, at the reception I hosted to celebrate the liberation of Crimea, and after toasting to a Free Odessa.
1) Novorossiya will be liberated.
2) This is not a question of Putin, not even the Russian Federation. It is a question of the Russian Nation exercising its right to self-determination.
3) Russia will not get involved – unless she can do so while acting clearly within international law.
I hope she delivered the message to President Putin, because it will take a magician to do the three mutually inconsistent things at once.
@ Anonymous 02:19
The Rothschild banking family (the same one that owns the US Federal Reserve ‘bank’ for 100 years and has received the absolutely staggering amount of interest paid by US taxpayers ver that time) acquired Reuters in 1895.
In 1988 Reuters (ala the Rothschilds) acquired the controlling interest (44% at that time but believd to have increased since) in Associated Press.
Although this is not be any means common knowledge (and why indeed would they want it to be) – all of it is easily verifiable for the doubting thomas’ out there.
Given pretty much all western media is fed from those 2 newswire sources, it is rather easy to understand how one family dynasty can dominate the western world so completely yet stay out of the public eye.
Still confused about how the anglo-zionist empire continues unabated…?
The Australian newspaper link you gave cannot be opened.
Please post again. Thank you.
@Carmel by the Sea,
That’s no more necessary. It is in all the news, with videos.
I want to add my corroboration to the two Anonymous posters who called out Rothschlds as owning Reuters for over a century, This is a matter of record and completely true. I wish I had a link to hand, but it’s not a hidden thing, the acquisition is easily veririfed. I hadn’t known about AP, but it makes sense.
The point to understand, as our Anons make clear, is that editorial control of our principal sources of news, in the US at least, has been firmly established for more than a century.
What’s appalling is how easy it is to control the narrative. I believe it was JP Morgan at the beginning of the last century who set his people to discover what was required to control the political discourse of the United States, and the answer came back, merely owning 25 newspapers.
On the other hand, as I watch the Saker site grow, and see Colonel Cassad’s site become a reliable English source, I realize that the ease of controlling the narrative works both ways. The truth can be told also, simply if it strives to prevail, in the same way that the lies have for so long.
Larchmonter, you are being naive, that other guy is no troll.
Putin’s idea that he could have his cake and eat it – smoothly annexe Crimea without saving Novorossiya as a whole has back-fired due to the ruthless Nato response to the inevitable Donbass uprising triggered by Putin’s Crimea action.
Instead of doing it all with one cut he now needs two, with incalculable damage being done in between times. This shows a lack of depth analysis by the chess players of Moscow compared to those of NATO.
The alternative is to continue doing nothing. But what does that look like? Zugzwang.
I have my own ideas as to how Putin could regain the initiative against the evil empire but they are hardly for a polite audience.
Reuters is absolutely untrustworthy. They are blacklisted by China.
Singapore where the govt is more pro USA than Taiwan’s DPP, attempted to steal the Shanghai stock index (use without approval) for futures trading making China’s market vulnerable to foreign manipulation. The key partner to the plan was Reuters who would provide the real time data in a manner in violation with their agreement with Chinese regulators.
Well they lost and Reuters has been somewhat locked out of China since.
It looks credible that the MH17 was going to be shot down over the border between Ukraine and Russia at the Southern Cauldron according to Russian Air Force retired colonel Aleksander Zhilin.
This was both to relieve the pressure and encirclement on Ukrainian special forces trapped there and to seal the border with international observers and possibly NATO troops. The militias would have been slaughtered after. But the plan didn’t work because the flight survived the precision shot and did a U turn maybe on auto pilot. However, a coalition of the grieving force may still be looking to land in the theater. These people do not give up that easy.
Note that it may very well be possible that the Russians launch GRADS & Tornado MLRS or even conduct cross border raids into the “southern cauldron.” This is at least what the Ukrainians and NATO = “the US” have accused Russia of doing in the past few days. So the “cauldron” might be being shelled from both sides of the border. If Russia is indeed shelling the cauldron as alleged, then Russia is not holding back anymore. This means they find it an existential threat and are acting according to National Security doctrine and interests.
Both Russia and NATO, which is essentially the US, were fighting a low intensity proxy war in the Ukraine. The downing of MH17 represents a significant escalation and venomous provocation. The gloves just came off. Next is going to be NATO troops face to face with Russian troops. No one is blinking yet. I believe tactical nukes will be used. Hopefully, strategic nukes will not be used.
It looks to me that the apparent original strategy was to draw Russia into a quagmire but what is more likely happening now is that NATO (US) is being drawn into a quagmire. Role reversal? The hunter becomes the prey.
Sun Tzu
And for anyone who may be confused about the comment by anon that only 44% was a controlling interest in Associated Press – in many cases a controlling interest in a large corporation can be achieved with as little as about 15% if there are no other larger shareholding blocks.
It’s all very easy when you understand how it’s done and how by extension how these people are able to control the mass through corporatism
@Anonymous 22:51
It is very odd that you highlight that odd 15% phenomenon. Here is an excerpt from the working draft page of a pending “theory” that begs to be solved mathematically to determine if this is indeed a “rule” possible formulated via Babylonean base 60 mathematics as opposed to the way the population is taught via the base 10 system. This may explain many things if we consider the possibility that the so called PTB may be operating in another system. It may also explain why pretty much any they propose in their reality or impose upon the masses, never adds up in our reality…
“This article/essay is a working theory that is being copypasted from various sources and is a never ending process. One that, over time, can reach a possibly, probable, plausible conclusion, base upon a combination of trend analysis, economic data, historical events, conspiracy theories, ideology and sectarian influence. Since this is a hodge-podge, unorganized, collection and collaboration of various bits and bites of information with the intended result of analyzing the significance of the following, 15% and 65%, and how they apply to the economy, politics, religion, ideology, and society. We are also going to attempt factoring how an even smaller minority can utilize “democracy” as we know it, 51% vs 49%, and take control of entire core ideology. Please note that the date of original publication of this “article” was chosen based upon a truly historic achievement that began the destruction of reality in the year of 1609.”