The parallels with Gaza are really becoming uncanny:
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The parallels with Gaza are really becoming uncanny:
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Not even close. Gaza’s suffering is a lot multiple times worse.
Gaza has a complete blockade. Complete control of the sea and the economy by Zionists. 100% alone without any REAL super power support.
Russia is diplomatic about Palestine. Not an enemy but no friend either. Closer to Israel than to Palestine.
I keep seeing this more and more often that the Russian are trying to please everyone. Trying to be accommodating to avoid upsetting anyone. This would be OK if they are dealing with normal human beings but they are dealing with power hungry psychopaths.
The more accommodating they are the more American psychopaths think they are winning against Russia. Also the more likely that the EU will get closer to the US. This can be seen by the ever Americanisation of our news. The propaganda is laughable now. News is becoming dumber and dumber, filled with slogans.
If it works, why change. And it is working.
I disagree with AntiNWO @ 26 July, 2014 14:11
Russia and China are scrupulous in not interfering in other sovereign states’ internal affairs. They don’t want anyone doing that to them so they don’t do it to others.
It is also a long term winning strategy for gaining international influence when their non-interference is seen juxtaposed to the Empire’s continual interference in other countries.
We have become so used to the interference and we have taken on board, without realizing it, the bullshit ‘humanitarian’ excuses for overriding others sovereignty that the US and Britain have used for decades. We do not see it for the arrogant bullying it actually is (quite apart from the lies)
Israel’s ‘Waterloo’ is coming its way and it will not avoid it. Israel will be undone economically without a shot fired by Russia or anyone else and my guess is that Putin is very well aware of this. Call it karma if you like.
It used to be that the PLO was said to be supported by the Soviets. Would there be a possibility that Russia could return to such a policy?
the same nazi psychopaths that burn people to the bone alive with WP in Gaza are using the same methods in eastern Ukraine.
I wanted to repeat what AntiNWO said that is worth repeating:
‘NAZIS are not normal human beings but are with power hungry psychopaths’
I think Putin and his advisors are very aware of this fact, including the idea that accommodation to these NAZIS will only be seen as confusion and weakness which they will then push to their advantage.
Putin is methodical, decisive and humble, with a greater strategic accumen than the murderous USA-UK NAZIS.
james@wpc @26 July, 2014 14:45
It is also a long term winning strategy for gaining international influence when their non-interference is seen juxtaposed to the Empire’s continual interference in other countries.
I was not talking about interference in internal affairs, but support of legitimate government and denunciation of illegitimate actions. When and if it denounces nations actions it does it so cautiously. Also Palestine need support not just words. Lots of nations give them support by words but by action none. Israel gets money, weapons from EU and America in the bucket load.
As to this rosy picture that Russia does not interfere, is not completely true. It applies “soft power” to much of its weaker border neighbours in Asia. Also it has sponsored separatists in the past, example in South Caucasus regions and now in Ukraine (though one can understand why). If they only interfere after America has, well they will be playing catch up all the time.
The way I currently see it, it is a build up to WWIII. Like WI and WII the small nations are being either through hook or crook aligning themselves with the military blocks. The stronger opponent gathers more nations.
NATO block exists. Russia does not have one.
Israel’s ‘Waterloo’ is coming its way and it will not avoid it. Israel will be undone economically without a shot fired by Russia or anyone else and my guess is that Putin is very well aware of this. Call it karma if you like.
I wish I had the same optimism as you. Israel collapse, much like America has been prophesied plenty of times before.
Anonymous 26 July, 2014 15:48 said:
Putin is methodical, decisive and humble, with a greater strategic accumen than the murderous
He seems trustworthy and honourable but like stated in the Elders of Zion, they have the advantage of not being held back by morals or sense of honour. They are a pack of filthy Zionist wolves.
He will win the hearts of the people that understand what is going on and are unplugged from the MSM. I fear that will be the minority of people as the West knows how to play propaganda well.
I’m fairly sure of Israel’s source of WP.
Where do the Ukies get theirs?
My points still stand. Soft power in regard to Russia means offering economic incentives not threatening economic penalties; big difference.
The stronger opponent gathers more nations.
Yes, like all bullies do . . . . for a while. But because of inherent resentment they will bailout when given the opportunity. “Might is Right” has been the guiding philosophy but Russia is offering something different and much more attractive now.
The US and israel are frantic (just read the press) because Russia and China are destroying the value of the $US simply by not using it any longer. This is something very new. When the dollar collapses, the US will have to use Yuan or other currencies to buy their stuff from the rest of the world which will cause them major economic pain.
The US will no longer be able to afford to keep its troops occupying all those countries around the world and have to repatriate them back to the US. This will weaken israel.
The US can give israel lots of dollars still but it won’t do israel much good if they cannot exchange them for oil for instance. At that point israel will be totally screwed because it spends much more than it earns and has done so for decades.
This could all happen in the next couple of years.
Good question. From the same place?
So if I get you right, this whole mess we’re seeing, uh, everywhere is bc the US is going after resources and pushing its satraps around everywhere while trying to snare new ones bc we won’t have the money much longer to use our soldiers to stay on the top of the heap. I think you’re absolutely right, from our end of it. Now, what about the UK? And now, Israel? As long as oligarchs all over the planet stash and spend their ill-gotten gains there, how does London get hurt ? And as for Israel, I joyously await the day we no longer give them a penny, but they’ll still be blackmailing Germany and extorting everything they can from everywhere they can. No?
Tend to subscribe to your observation about this situation. Something that has been glossed over in most, if not all, debates and/or discussions, is how Ukraine and its expats fits snuggly together. Pre WW1 and pre WW2, the narrative directed to the AngloAmerican sphere was to “use” the 6 million Jews are being targeted by Russia/Germany. This narrative took a few years to “stick” into the minds of the masses. The primary drivers and lobbyists were of “Ukrainian” decent that had the anonymity (to a degree), safety and security that “living in America” afforded them. It almost appears as if this is nothing more than the same strategy being used to set the stage for the next WW now that the “State” of Israel has been rooted. It is also odd that both “groups” of “invented” peoples converge in this way under the banner of Zionists. We may consider them “fiat” people that use “real” people as cannon fodder under the guise of ideological nationalism to further distort and control reality. This may explain why Putin is using the soft power approach, the hard power approach against the atheistic, money worshiping Zionists has failed twice. If that makes any sense, maybe the third time is the charm…
There is a financial elite that controls the governments and the economies of the US, the UK and israel. They use these countries in a co-ordinated way to bully the world.
These three countries will either sink or swim together.
This financial elite’s power is entirely based on their ability to issue the $US and on countries around the world accepting it for trade. They have used this money that they have made out of the air to build the US military machine. Every country that has accepted $US has effectively paid for their own military occupation and their own subjection.
This all stops when countries around the world stop accepting $US for trade. So all the wars going on now is about controlling other countries’ ability to ditch the dollar together with controlling as many oil and gas wells and pipelines as possible. The value of the $US is based on oil and gas sales being denominated in $US. So ISIS is grabbing oil wells and stopping Iranian gas going via a pipeline through Iraq and Syria to Europe (which would not be sold in $US) and seizing pipelines in Ukraine.
Saker is absolutely right when he says it is a war against Europe rather than Russia. The Elite are making a bogeyman out of Russia to tighten their financial and political and military grip on the likes of Germany and France to stop them from going with Russia and China economically and so not using the $US for their trade. This will bring down the US empire.
They don’t have much time. They have to act now and they are very desperate.
That’s very brief but I hope that helps
Anonymous @ 27 July, 2014 00:16
I won’t presume to comment on the history you mention as I don’t know enough about it.
But I think your division and description of “fiat” people vs “real” people is very good way of describing psychopaths and ’empaths’ to me.
The “fiat ” people do not hold to any ideology including Zionism. They just use ideologies to gain power and use them to fool people.
The propagation of violence just create more violence and helps no one in the end except psychopaths. Putin will use force for self defence but not violence for aggression. Because the psychopaths have controlled our culture for so long, we have lost the distinction between the two and so we don’t see clearly what is happening.
Putin is trying to emphasise that distinction not only in Russia’s foreign policy but also in the minds of the world’s political leaders (excepting the US/UK leaders, of course)
Putin’s success relies in part on winning over these world’ political leaders and he is focusing on them and not the western public so much.
The western propaganda is aimed at us of course but that is to prop up the military personnel and provide future recruits.
Your comment is incredibly valuable; I think I finally get how this whole thing fits together — THANK YOU!!!
Here is a copypasta of an intro that was posted elsewhere a while back with the headlines. Since they are not publicly available where they were original posted and discussed, we have also received some assistance in retrieving, uploading and republishing pdf and image (except the last one) files so that they may be readily available for those that may be interested. (Please note that it will take a couple of posts since it is above the character limit.)
Sometimes, while on the quest researching and exploring for relevant historical information and articles through the thousands upon thousands of archived print newspapers, that are not searchable with the traditional search engines, one emerges to the forefront unexpectedly. One that covers a couple of topics and ties them together on 2 pages that in hindsight potentially exposes how the infamous and highly profitable “Big Lie(s)” may have actually begun…
Let’s explore: The Sun, June 06, 1915, FIFTH SECTION
Horrors Worse Than Kishineff Charged Against Russia To-day
Unparalleled Conspiracy to Crush the Jews Alleged to Be Organized to Cover up defeats of Czar’s Troops… Torture and Massacre Declared to Be Rife in Hundreds of Towns [pdf] [jpg]
Our Capacity for Making War
Vast Manufacturing Resources as Yet Untaxed by Demands of Europe… Lesson to Army Officials in Adaptability of Private Plants to Government Needs… The German System [pdf] [jpg]
Nora, I’m glad it was useful!
Anon, thank you for the links. History repeats, eh?! The words and figures (6m) have a very familiar sound. And always either very weak or non-existent reasons given for the atrocities cited. And untraceable sources.
@James, np. it’s indeed a pleasure and thx for all of the info you have shared as well. For some reason the follow up post/comment disappeared into the captcha abyss, so here it is…
Commission to Visit Europe and Prepare a Memorandum for President Wilson.
Mass Meeting Hears That 127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril.
18 September 1919 NYT [pdf] [jpg]
Six Million Souls Will Need Help to Resume Normal Life When War is Ended.
Committee of american Jews Lays Plans for the Greatest Humanitarian Task in History.
18 October 1918 [pdf]
Those links are all keepers. Thanks Anon. The last one dated Oct 1918, describes the slaughter of Jews but if my memory serves me correctly, that is when the Jewish commissars were slaughtering the Ukrainains.
So they have reversed the truth which is being done again by the same people against the same victims. Which is exactly you point!
@James, it was a pleasure to provide some additional nuggets to your research and you have summed it up rather nicely.
Indeed, this is as predicted in “The Coming Battle” and explained in the the original “Wizard of Oz” series of not so children books during the midst of the “Great Binge”. The rise of the money changers, munitions makers and political Zioninism is the fundamental root of all evil that plagues humanity at this point in our existence.
These events transpire in generational sequences that simply flip the script to assure the same order out of chaos scenario may be repeated by those familiar with the strategy. It’s as simple as creating fiat people to prop up fiat currency by creating perpetual victims and oppressors. This way the invented people can claim to be a nationality, race and religion at the same time, if ya get the gist.
The only difference now is that due to their sloppy arrogance “they” have publicly connected themselves to each other and to their deceptive crimes against humanity, therefore the emperor has no clothes. That is when “they” are the most dangerous.
Hopefully, if history is any indication, good will overpower evil as they consume each other and “We the People” may potentially enter a true period of peace and prosperity once the purge is complete…
(btw: we have a fairly large repository of infos at the same source that those files are located for those that may wish to explore.)
Anon @ 28 July, 2014 03:52
“These events transpire in generational sequences that simply flip the script to assure the same order out of chaos scenario may be repeated by those familiar with the strategy. It’s as simple as creating fiat people to prop up fiat currency by creating perpetual victims and oppressors. This way the invented people can claim to be a nationality, race and religion at the same time, if ya get the gist.
I am getting a better idea of what you mean by “fiat” people i.e. invented people who present themselves in multiple ways except in the way that is true. Though everyone belongs to a race, ethnicity, nationality and perhaps a religion, the culprits we are looking at as a group are not a religion, race, ethnicity or nationality but, in fact, are a culture in the same way mafiosi is a culture.
The only difference now is that due to their sloppy arrogance “they” have publicly connected themselves to each other and to their deceptive crimes against humanity, therefore the emperor has no clothes. That is when “they” are the most dangerous.
Like gatekeepers, they have to show themselves to be useful. They are doing an ‘end run’ and hoping the smoke from the chaos will give them enough cover. I don’t think so this time.
Those docs you linked to are extraordinarily valuable and not the sort of thing usually found on the internet. A friend of mine, McJ at Winter Patriot says the dumpharper site is well worth checking out. I also found this-!world
Thanks :)