By David Sant for the Saker blog
During its rise to world domination, the City of Rome had one major competitor, which was its equal in every way. That city was Carthage, located 370 miles away, on the South side of the Mediterranean Sea.
Carthage had been planting colonies around the Mediterranean and Atlantic for over a century before Rome was even founded. As Rome rose to power, these two Mediterranean cities fought two wars for control over the Island of Sicily, called the Punic Wars. Despite an admirable performance by Hannibal who managed to invade Italy twice and inflicted a terrible defeat on the Romans at Cannae, Carthage still ended up losing both wars.
At the close of the second Punic War in 201 BC, Carthage was conquered by Rome and placed under a special administrative status that disallowed it from fielding a navy or overseas military without permission from the Roman Senate.
Carthage was one of only three powers that ever managed to directly threaten Rome during the days of the Republic, the others being the Gauls who sacked Rome in 390 BC, and the Macedonian Greeks, who were defeated in 197 BC.
The Roman attitude and behavior toward Carthage then was very similar to the Anglo-American attitude toward Russia, today. The main “sin” of Carthage in the eyes of the Romans was that it was equal in power and influence to Rome. And for that sin, it had to be destroyed.
Cato the Elder was a Roman soldier, who later became a Senator and famous orator who gave many speeches in the Senate even after his retirement. Over a period of forty years, he routinely ended his speeches on any subject with the statement, “And furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed!”
Cato repeatedly made this demand, despite the fact that Carthage was now a Roman client state bound by a peace treaty.
For fifty years after losing the Second Punic War, Carthage submitted to the terms of the treaty. However, after the death of Cato the Elder in 149 BC, a certain faction in Rome deliberately allowed the King of Numidia to pillage and conquer Carthagenian territories, in violation of the treaty.
This placed Carthage in a position where they had to defend themselves from predations by a neighboring Roman client state. Their appeals to the Roman Senate were ignored. So, they took action to defend their interests against Numidia without permission.
When they did so, the Roman Senate immediately interpreted this as a violation of the 201 BC peace treaty, and authorized the invasion and destruction of Carthage. This was not unlike the “rules based international order” of Washington, DC, where we make the rules (for you) but we don’t have to follow them ourselves.
Despite having surrendered their weapons at the outset of the Roman campaign, the walls of Carthage were so well made that it took the Romans nearly three years of siege to break through.
Finally in 146 BC, Carthage fell for the last time to the Roman Army, and was deliberately razed to the ground and burned. The Romans slew all of its population, men, women, and children, except for 50,000 who were taken back to Italy as slaves. According to Polybius, the wife of the last general of Carthage threw herself and her own children into the burning temple of the city rather than surrender to Rome.
Moscow as the New Carthage
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was not the result of losing a war. It was caused by the failed policies of a centralized economy, exacerbated by American manipulation of the oil markets, and a costly American-backed guerilla war in Afghanistan. The United States moved in with “shock therapy” economic advisors and took the opportunity to restructure a confused and gullible Russia, including writing a new constitution.
For Russia the collapse of the Soviet Union had many similarities to the loss of Carthage in the Second Punic War.
Despite making peace with their former adversary, and honoring their treaties, Russia found that she could never be accepted as a friend on equal terms by the Western world order. And this was for the very same reason that Carthage could never be tolerated by Rome. Russia was and is in every way an equal to the Anglo-American Empire.
Ever since Vladimir Putin became President of Russia, the chorus of the West has become louder and louder that Putin must go. While they cannot say it aloud yet, what they really mean is “Russia must be destroyed!”
If Russia had continued the policy of submission to Western control that was begun by Boris Yeltsin, we can be assured that Moscow would have eventually met the same fate as Carthage from the Anglo-American Empire.
However, the appointment of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia derailed their plans. Under his rule Russia has steadily reasserted her former leadership and strength against the machinations of the Anglo-American Empire.
False Flag Attacks as a Means to an End
While at first Mr. Putin made a genuine effort to be a “partner” with the West, by the year 2011 it was clear that the West would never accept Russia as a friend or an equal. The West had enjoyed two decades of bossing everyone else around and had learned to enjoy giving orders rather than negotiating. One might say that the West forgot the art of diplomacy.
After watching in horror the NATO-led destructions of Serbia, Libya, and Syria, the Kremlin began asserting itself with foreign policy problems that directly affected Russian security interests starting in 2013.
The Obama Administration was very busy from 2011 to 2013 planning the overthrow of the Assad Regime in Syria. Two major hacks of intelligence related companies shed some unexpected light on what was going on behind the scenes. These were the Stratfor hack in 2011, and the hack of a British private security company (ie. mercenaries), that shall not be named, in January of 2013.
I must note that the private security company (PSC for short) admitted that they were hacked, but claimed that two of the most damning emails released within the gigabytes of leaked files were “fabricated.”
The “fabricated” email as reported by the Oriental Review, purportedly from the business development officer to the company founder reads as follows:
We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards
The original story and its context can be found at The Oriental Review:
Despite the file dump including personnel files containing copies of 58 real Ukrainian passports of employees of said PSC, the “fact checkers” at the time examined the email headers and noted that the email in question had a very similar time stamp, of three minutes before midnight, to another email in the release that was sent on a different date, also at three minutes before midnight. While this could be explained by a mail server or laptop setting which sent mail every day at the same time, it was accepted as proof of skullduggery and the entire affair was quickly dismissed and mostly forgotten.
Said PSC then sued The Daily Mail for libel for reporting the “obviously fake” email above as authentic, and was awarded damages and a partial retraction in January of 2022.
The supposedly fabricated email above happened to fall between several other breaches which revealed US and British intelligence were planning to release a video showing Russian-speaking soldiers as the operators of Syria’s chemical weapons depots.
I consider the aforementioned “hoax” to be one of the most amazing coincidences of the past two decades.
The PSC hack was shortly followed by claims of the Khan al-Assal chemical attack near Aleppo only three months later, and another at Ghouta five months after that, both of which were blamed by the West on the Assad Regime in the ramp up for an American invasion of Syria.
It is simply amazing that some unknown hacker managed to fabricate an email discussing the details of an event that hadn’t even happened yet. But the truth is often stranger than fiction.
Of course I know that the PSC referred to above couldn’t have had anything to do with either of the real chemical attacks which followed, because after their demonstrated incompetence of allowing all of their operations in the Middle East to be breached and published on the Internet, I seriously doubt they would be trusted to handle such an offer, had it been real.
The “fabricated” email shows us a picture of what was certainly going on in Syria as US and British intelligence farmed out projects to mercenary groups like Blackwater and other “private security companies.”
However, the invasion party was halted in its tracks in September of 2013, when Mr. Putin completely neutralized the Anglo-American casus belli against Syria by offering to help Syria destroy their chemical weapons stockpiles.
This was successfully completed and verified by the OPCW as being completed in late June of 2014. Thus Syria’s chemical stockpiles were completely removed before the American false flag plan could be convincingly executed. In poker this is known as calling the bluff.
Anyone who actually believed the Western propaganda about chemical weapons might have expected that President Vladimir Putin would be given some kind of international award for bringing Syria into the Chemical Weapons Convention and averting yet another major war in the Middle East.
However, rather than being pleased at the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, the Atlanticists were furious. This was the first major chess move by Mr. Putin that completely derailed the plans of the Atlanticists on the world stage. They shifted gears to the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine, beginning in November 2013.
However, the chemical weapons saga in Syria was only getting started. The Assad Regime continued to be accused of chemical weapons attacks in 2015, 2016, 2017, and even up until 2022. Syria has suffered from multiple attempted chemical weapons attacks since 2012, culminating in a major one in Idlib on April 4, 2017. The Idlib attack was used by President Trump to justify a cruise missile strike on Syria, two days later, before any facts could be ascertained about the event. Since 2017, Russia has warned repeatedly that the White Helmets group were planning false flag chemical attacks to be blamed on the Assad Regime. This activity has continued all the way up to the present year.
The most important lesson to be learned from the chemical weapons saga in Syria is that the Atlanticist intelligence agencies have such complete control over global mainstream media outlets that they do not fear exposure of their false flag attack plans. And furthermore, if you want to anticipate their plans, all you have to do is listen to what they say.
On August 20, 2012, a few months before any of the false flag chemical attacks in Syria, President Obama made the following comments:
We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.
Obama started warning Syria that using or even moving chemical weapons was a red line, shortly before the American false flag attempts began.
Thus, we can see that the US regime will telegraph their plans by first naming a casus belli, and then secretly working to create the false appearance of violation of the casus belli by the intended victim.
Even when the plans are exposed in advance, they will still be carried out. The MSM will pretend that there was no prior warning, and fact checkers will claim the prior warning was part of the deception by the country that was in reality falsely accused.
Russia Must Be Destroyed!
This brings us to the likely culmination of the Western war against Russia. In Septemer of 2022, Biden officials suddenly started clucking about how Russia must not use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. This refrain was repeated to the media multiple times by officials including the President, Secretary of State, and National Security Advisor, as well as several retired military officers.
Anyone with an ounce of sense can see that using nuclear weapons in Ukraine would go against every interest Russia has there, as well as breaking all the rules of Russian nuclear doctrine. The majority of Russian citizens have relatives in Ukraine, which would make such an action political suicide. Russia has never threatened to use such weapons in Ukraine. So, why would the USA give such warnings?
The ridiculous American warnings against nuclear weapons in Ukraine show the wise observer exactly what the US State Department is planning to do. They obviously intend to deploy a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb through their proxies in order to blame Russia for it.
We have already seen this beginning to play out. The Kremlin warned several major countries in October of 2022 that Ukraine was planning to detonate a dirty bomb to be blamed on Russia. US Defense Secretary Austin immediately spun the story to say Russia is fabricating that accusation to justify their own intent to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Then the topic seemed to die down for a spell.
It is unfortunately naive to think Mr. Shoigu’s warnings averted anything. In the past, exposing the planned chemical false flag did not prevent its eventual execution. We know from the Russian MOD that a radiological or nuclear false flag event has definitely been planned for Ukraine.
Since Russia announced this, it is possible that the Atlanticists may have upgraded the plot to use an actual tactical nuclear weapon, because Ukraine supposedly doesn’t have those, and it would be harder for Russia to deny. It will probably be saved for a moment where it looks like Russia is about to win a major victory in Ukraine.
In the larger context, Britain’s MI6 has run a series of false flag poisonings blamed on Russia, starting with Litvinenko in 2006, followed by the Skripal poisoning, and most recently the Nalvany poisoning. The purpose of these theatrical false flag campaigns has always been to reduce Russia’s influence in the international community, and attempt to isolate Russia as a “rogue regime.”
And going back to the “fabricated” email of the PSC quoted above, we see that the requirement to get video of Russian-speakers deploying a chemical weapon against innocent Syrian civilians fit right in with the British narrative that, “Russia poisons people, because Russia is a venomous serpent!”
The downing of MH-17 would also count as the same class of false flag incident, but with a somewhat more tactical purpose of trying to create enough international hysteria to turn the victory of the Donbass militia into a major defeat for Russia internationally through sanctions.
The downing of MH-17 succeeded in energizing Europe to apply the first round of sanctions against Russia. And even more so, it generated enough hysteria that Russia no longer is given the chance to defend her actions, to cross examine witnesses, or bring her own witnesses with regard to accusations against her. Russia and her citizens are now routinely accused of atrocities by the West and summarily punished by confiscation of property with no recourse in the international bodies that were created to adjudicate such disputes.
As the Ukraine War has stopped trending on Twitter, freezing Europeans are ready to take up pitchforks against their masters, and Russia’s presumed Winter offensive seems very likely to inflict some major losses on Ukraine and the NATO backers, the Atlanticist spin masters badly need a bigger shock to jolt the UN and EU into doing their bidding.
As in the case of MH-17, the Satanists running the Empire of Lies need a large sacrifice of human lives to generate enough shock and outrage to achieve their next big foreign policy coup.
The reader should recognize the same playbook as the warnings for Syria not to use chemical weapons in 2012, followed by years of false flag attempts.
After hearing the US warnings against Russia using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, we should not have been surprised to learn from the Russian MOD that the Zelensky regime was planning to deploy a dirty bomb to be blamed on Russia as a tactical nuclear weapon. The American forewarnings, followed by exposure of such a plot, express the same pattern seen in Syria playing out again.
I expect that some version of this nuclear plot will eventually be carried out with the backing of Atlanticist intelligence agencies.
To What End?
Russia’s position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council with veto power has been a thorn in the paw of the Atlanticist beast since the Cold War.
Russia’s willingness to use her military to defend allies in Syria, Ukraine, and Armenia presents an uncontrollable risk factor for Anglo-American hegemony. They cannot tolerate it.
Russia has used her veto on the Security Council multiple times to block American warmongering. If Russia cannot be destroyed literally, then at minimum, they must destroy Russia’s reputation to the point of revoking their seat on the Security Council.
If the Atlanticists cannot risk directly attacking Moscow itself, then they can achieve the next best thing by creating a provocation to justify kicking Russia off the United Nations Security Council.
The Atlanticist Axis is desperate to remove Russian leadership and influence on the rest of the world, because Russia keeps blocking their imperial plans, whether in Syria, Ukraine, Asia, Latin America, or Africa.
The purpose of such an overt false flag attack as a nuclear detonation, real or fake, would be to generate sufficient international horror and emotion to remove Russia from the UN Security Council, or expel her from the UN entirely. They will require a 9-11 level event to achieve that.
Rest assured that when the bomb is finally detonated, the paperwork to expel Russia will be presented to the UN General Assembly before the ashes have hit the ground.
It doesn’t make sense to view such an event as an attempt to stave off Russian advances in the Ukraine. A nuclear bomb might be tactical but its purpose is strategic – to excommunicate Russia from the UN and all other international bodies of which it is a member.
The long term campaign by the USA and UK intelligence services to frame Russia for provocations using weapons of mass destruction follows the dark parallel of Rome’s treatment of Carthage.
Cato and his faction demanded the destruction of Carthage, not because Carthage was involved in any current plots against Rome, but because Carthage was a near equal to Rome in wealth, in culture, and in potential military power. Carthage was a potential adversary that could block Rome’s path to Empire.
Cato made these speeches for decades prior to his death, and ended every one of them with the demand that Carthage must be destroyed. At first it was probably considered a joke. But eventually through repetition he succeeded in priming the minds of the Roman Senate to carry out his desire.
Rome could brook no competition, and therefore did not recognize Carthage as an equal. The existence of Carthage, to the Roman mind, required its destruction. And this is exactly how the think tanks in DC and London view Russia today. “Russia must be destroyed!”
Just as Rome used the peace treaty with Carthage to prevent Carthage from defending herself, while encouraging Numidia to go to war against Carthage, both Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko have now admitted that the Minsk Agreements were only used to buy time for Kiev to prepare for war against Russia.
Cato the Elder died at the old age of 85 years in 149 BC. Within a year of his death, the Roman Senate used their client kingdom, Numidia, to create the false pretext to go to war against Carthage. After an extended siege they burned the city to the ground and ensured that it was not rebuilt for generations.
The deliberate destruction of Carthage by Rome was completely irrational. They destroyed what would have been billions of 2020 Dollars worth of property. They destroyed a civilization that wasn’t even at war with them. The Roman Empire became poorer by the destruction of Carthage, not richer. The irrational destruction of Carthage was entirely driven by hatred and jealousy, both of which are irrational.
If Russia ever capitulates to the Atlanticist Axis she will meet the same fate. “Russia must be destroyed,” is the mantra that has been woven through all of the actions, plots, and strategies of the Atlanticists ever since Putin became President of Russia. We should have no doubt that Washington is willing to use nuclear weapons to achieve that objective, whether outright or by farce.
In the nearterm, we should expect the farce – a false flag nuclear attack on Ukraine. If Russia achieves a major breakthrough in Ukraine in the coming year, the nuclear false flag will probably be triggered, followed by hysterical condemnation and demands that Russia be immediately expelled from the United Nations.
The question to which I have no answer is, how can Russia defeat such a strategy?
The End of Mutually Assured Destruction
The doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction is based on the assumption that two rational actors who understand that a certain action will destroy them both will avoid that action at all costs. This was the lynchpin of foreign policy during the Cold War.
The problem is that most humans are only rational some of the time. And some small percentage of us may reach a state of complete irrationality most of the time.
Furthermore, humans have a strange tendency on rare occasions to go mad together in crowds, not unlike lemmings who follow each other over the cliff into the sea. Nazi Germany in the 1930s comes to mind.
While Russia has recently been trying to protect herself from the acidic influence of Western imposed sodomy, the West has fully embraced it. And that, not merely as one of many valid options, but as a totalitarian state religion that children must be indoctrinated into. This is what Mr. Putin meant when he said that the West has become Satanic.
Sodomy is not merely an individual choice. It is a suicidal choice both for the individual and for human society. Consistent sodomites have no offspring, so they must recruit the offspring of normal people in order to grow in numbers. But in the end, a civilization that embraces sodomy as the preferred lifestyle will completely collapse morally, economically, and numerically.
The West has come under the spell of a death cult, currently led by the World Economic Forum. Their irrational desire to deindustrialize and depopulate the world in the name of environmentalism and technocracy can only be described as insanity. Ultimately both sodomy and Malthusian environmentalism are rejections of our Creator, and the mandate to be fruitful, multiply, and exercise dominion over the Earth and its living creatures. It is a rejection of the mission of transforming the Earth from wilderness and wasteland into a garden.
But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death. (Proverbs 8:36)
Such leaders cannot be counted on to act rationally under the MAD regime, because they may view a nuclear war as a shortcut to achieve their goals of deindustrialization and depopulation. Of course, they have their bunkers in Switzerland and irrationally believe they will survive the conflagration to become the new elite of a greener world controlled by technocrats.
The Heaven’s Gate cult members also believed that by committing mass suicide they would ascend into a higher and better state. As far as anyone knows, they were completely wrong. But that did not stop them from carrying out mass suicide.
Jesus said that you don’t pour new wine into an old wineskin. The reason is that the leather of a wineskin stretches under the pressure of fermentation. An old wineskin has lost its elasticity, and cannot contain the power of a second batch of fermenting wine. It will burst.
It appears to me that Mutual Assured Destruction is an old wineskin of the twentieth century that may not be able to contain the fermenting minds of the annihilationist “young leaders” whose hearts were trained by the World Economic Forum.
In the past year we have already seen the West demonstrate it has reached a state of chronic criminal insanity.
First, they blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline which will cause the deindustrialisation of Western Europe.
That is criminally insane!
Then, Ukraine, under western supervision and using western weapons, has spent the past six months shelling the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Station in an effort to cause a nuclear accident.
That is criminally insane!
Now, the Russian MOD already has said they have evidence that the NATO-backed Ukrainians are planning a false flag radiological or nuclear weapon detonation on their own soil!!!
That is criminally suicidally insane!
We have reached a point in world history where the West appears to be planning a nuclear false flag attack in Ukraine to be blamed on Russia in order to justify the next big change, whatever that is. And Russia stands in their way. The leaders of the West have gone certifiably mad. And this means that MAD is no longer a shield against nuclear war.
Any remaining sane powers in this world need to immediately take that into account, and start preparing and planning to survive and win a nuclear war against a diabolically insane and suicidal adversary who may not see a total nuclear war as a bad thing.
If Carthage waits for Rome to make their next move, trusting in the good faith of the parties to make rational decisions under international law, then it is quite likely that once more, Carthage shall be destroyed.
Kyrie eleison on us all!
“rules based international order”
Could have sworn it was:
“ruleRs based international order”
Rome and Carthage never returned from collapse, unlike russia from the soviet union.
Russia was reborn from the ashes of the USSR.
Neo Babylon must be destroyed
The Western Roman Empire lasted another 626 years after the the 3rd Punic War in 149 BC; the Eastern Roman Empires, headquartered in Constantinople, now Istanbul, lasted another 1,600 years after the downfall of Carthage so you are incorrect.
Very good analysis because that is exactly what is going to happen. That’s maybe the reason why the Russians haven’t pushed further…
Concerning the Russian response to such a provocation, I am sure their high commandment possess the kind of technology which assess all posible outcomes and combinations. Anything they say will be taken into account by the empire and its vassals. No neutral players will be allowed either. Other than blackmail this has a name: Intimidation
The fact is the empire is a house of cards which stumbles at the slightest push. If Russia backs off and swallows the bluff, if Russia shys away and downs ears and tale, their lost. The slandering campaign will go on for years and years.
How can someone respond to intimidation? : Intimidating the bully. The Russian response should be twofold: First, putting up a solid PR narrative for their controlled informational sphere, ie, Russia, Belarus, Kazahstan and whats left of the Russian speaking world and allies, clearly stating the purpose of the false flag. Secondly, launching a shocking show of power reaching the empire’s inner circles which will make the false flag narrative fade away and make stumble even the most caillous Catos in London and DC.
We can just wondered what would have happend if Carthage has had state of the art nuclear weapons.
The control of information v the MSM and social media platforms means most people will never even read the claims it was a false flag, they will be whipped into a frenzy and that will be that. Its hard for non Westerners to understand how the flow of information is controlled. Once your eyes are open its impossible to miss it. Its everywhere.
Carthage did not have Nukes.
“Jesus said that you don’t pour new wine into an old wineskin. The reason is that the leather of a wineskin stretches under the pressure of fermentation. An old wineskin has lost its elasticity, and cannot contain the power of a second batch of fermenting wine. It will burst.”
There is another reason that we also often say “you cannot put a new wine into an old bottle”. And indeed, for anyone who makes their own wine and has tried it, they find it is so. But it’s because there are always and always minute, almost invisible to the eye, scratches and abrasions to the inner surface of the used bottle, which harbour microbes from the previous wine and thus will contaminate a new wine, turning it to vinegar.
This is certainly the case with a civilisation dying, but the causes of it’s death being passed on from generation to generation – the sick philosophies, mistaken premises and distorted perceptions of the previous rules get passed on to the new incoming ones such that the same behaviours are maintained, even sometimes exaggerated. As Vladimir Putin said to Oliver Stone “your presidents change, your policies never do”.
I will say what I have been thinking which I think the writer here is implying but not stating outright. The facts are these. If you have an aggressive cancer, and want to save the whole patient, you have to go to the heart of the growth, and destroy it. You have to surgically remove the growing tumour.
We say “one bad apple destroys the entire harvest”. and it is so. If you are caught in the grip of an octopus clearly determined to eat you, you will not survive by hacking off the tentacle gripping you, for another will appear and another and another, and before you can hack them all off, you will be dead of exhaustion, of depletion of your energy and will.
There is a way to save yourself – you must strike it hard between the eyes, whether to shoot with gun or with a spear, you shoot between the eyes to kill the brain, and all the tentacles are instantly harmless.
Ive been thinking for a long long time, every time news of some new attack by America comes; fomenting strife along the Near Abroad borders, between the different Caucasian Islamic Stans, between them and trying to tear them from Russian influence; when I read of the growth of American influence along the Pacific Oriental coastal nations, of the placing of US bases; when I learn of America angling for more influence in Africa , moving missiles into Poland, it seems to me it’s just more tentacles, done in the conviction that Russia cannot fight all of them off, and will become exhausted. No nation can survive years and years of war and siege.
I believe there is only one hope, and that is to take the battle directly to the American homeland and destroy the enemy there. But I have little hope that Russia will do this, based on observation of past behaviour. I have said, Putin has admitted they left the issue of Donbass alone for too long, they should have gone in in 2014, something so many of us always believed.
it’s to be hoped they dont make the same mistake again.
I think Russia has made it clear that if any of the tentacles tries to harm them, they will eliminate the command and control centers. Similar to what you are saying.
The 2014 was not a mistake, infact it would have been a mistake to react in the way Empire desired in Ukraine at that time. This was before military supremacy and sanction resistance ability.
The 2015 Syria assistance was a higher priority, destroying the serpent nest of Jihadi fighters. Which theses days would be swarming the soft underbelly of Russia, distracting from the Ukraine business.
Empires crossing of the red line in 2014 gave Russia 8 valuable years to prepare. And what an unbelivably impressive job has been done in those years. The western soft attack after the SMO barely made a scratch, on the countary it seems to be re-vitalizing Russia and the rest of the world not core part of Empire.
“The Assad Regime continued …”
The article is in fact very good and well written but I am curious…why does so many people use the overused word (by the way,… Anglo word to demonize ONLY their enemies) “REGIME” ?
Should not be the Assad “goverment” ?
Sometimes I think that many people, even in our side, does no understand the meaning of some words or how these words are used by the Empire of Death.
Heavens above but I do so agree with you.
It is, I think, a tracker of the extent to which the Empire has captured the minds of those of us who see its vileness and it’s dangerous aims but are not clear of the words and thus concepts it used to capture its enemy.
I think it every time a read those whom we think of as being “on our side” use phrases like “ethnic cleansing”, a truly disgraceful phrase if ever there was one;. And also, to my great hatred “Eurasia”.
The word coined by the British Raj in India applied to the offspring of a union of a British man and Indian woman, used pejoratively to designate a person to be cast out of society. It was resurrected after the end of the Raj by Orwell in his “1984” to describe Russians accused of being a race of half Mongol half castes, something which modern day Ukraine has claimed of Russians, and the basis of their Nazi Racism.
Finally it got it’s third life from the arch hater of Russia, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book “The Chessboard”, claiming to show how the West could destroy Russia.
And here are Russians and those who claim friendship with her using it regularly, seeming to have no idea what they are referring to.
And, as you say, the nasty “Regime’ and “Regime change”, used of every nation the drooling Empire of Hate is seeking to destroy and eat up.
It’s puzzling that people so little seem to think about the words they use.
It was always going to be a losing battle trying to persuade English-speakers to stop calling German National Socialists by the Jewish slur “Nazis”, but now we see nazi salutes and tattoos in Ukraine, I guess we can stop complaining.
But it’s The US war in Ukraine, not “Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine”.
As you say, “nazi” is an obvious phonetic abbreviation of the Ukrainian word “national” used as a noun.
If a culture was trying to hide it’s true identity, then history’s litany of misspellings, mispronunciations, slang overuse, and phonetic slide leaves plenty of spaces to hide.
No wonder no one likes being called “Nazi,” when the original Nazis refer to everyone else as their alter-ego.
Its been defined as someone(s) who wants to control someone else, with their own resources.
This is pretty straight forward.
I think a lot about the origin of words, especially such ancient names as Europa and Asia, Bosphorus and Caucasus. So I feel justified in using the word EurAsia to mean that largest continent in the World Ocean: the continent that stretches from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Europe (from Europa who crossed the Bosphorus) is the name of EurAsia’s northern region. To my mind, Europe stretches across the entire EurAsian continent East to West, and includes the same continental cities Lisbon and Vladivostok together with island cities London and Dublin off its Western coastline.
Pedant’s corner: Asia
Member of the Oceanids
Personal information
Parents: Oceanus (father) Tethys (mother; also mother of Achilles)
Siblings: Oceanids, Potamoi (rivers)
Consort: Iapetus (Japeth in Genesis nations: Shem, Ham and Japeth)
Children: Atlas, Prometheus (chained on the Caucasus mountains)
In Greek mythology: Asia (Ἀσία) one of the daughters of Titan Oceanus and his spouse Tethys, sister of Libya on the continent of Africa.
Regarding the proper use of words, and now that you mention “Eurasia”, I have a similar problem with the use of the word America to refer to the USA. If you pay attention, you will see that in this blog Andrei NEVER uses the word America and instead uses US. This proper use probably makes many Hispanoamericans (like me) quite happy.
America is a word that, for many people in Hispanoamerica is quite offensive if used to refer to the US. But people is polite and they are no going to tell you that (at least in your face). Although many people, I have to admit, do not even realize the wrong use of the word.
It could be that somebody, eventually and trying to poke you in your eyes, if you say you are American, he/she will ask you ” which country in America?”
Just a “small” difference: carthage did NOT have nuclear bombs.
This is why I believe that Moscow will necessarily have to use nuclear weapons on the “American Numidians”, because for “Slavic Carthage” accepting a long “Roman siege” without using them is extremely risky. For me it’s better to warn” Rome” as soon as possible about a possible “die Samson and all the Philistines”
Spot on comment -I fully agree. Russia just has to take the fight to the uS & the UK. Start with their Embassy’s in Ukraine & then hit their Countries directly with promised Nuclear response if they continue. It’s that or be torn apart over a protracted period.
From a article I read yesterday..
Today, the Chairman of United Russia and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, clearly expressed the idea of the possibility of considering the hybrid war unleashed by NATO as an entry into a conflict. You have to understand that the main enemy is not in Kiev, Lvov, Chernigov, but in Britain, well, and behind a larger puddle. If we admit that the alliance has entered the war with us, then only a threat to the British, a preemptive strike will allow these figures to come to their senses. There is no other option.
Otherwise, they will not stop deliveries from the Americans, they will supply adjustable bombs, they will take the last MiG-29s from Slovakia, they will send F-16s, Eurofighters, and other weapons. Let’s admit that NATO is at war with us in Ukraine. We must acknowledge this, declare it, and only a real threat or a preemptive strike will make everyone think. Why are 200,000 Poles preparing reservists? When the Ukrainians run out, they will go, then all the rest of their friends. We need to prepare for these challenges, look at them realistically.
An excellent article Mr. Sant. You have summarised major points very succinctly, given – probably many of us – a nice neat lesson in history, and drawn your parallels clearly and firmly.
It does show that, down the millenia, Empire building comes from a specific mindset – the psychopathic desire to grasp and hold that which you want but is not yours;, the pathetic fear from the realisation of your own total inadequacy, for only the loser so fears competition he sets out to prevent it by killing his competitor, a Paradigm incidentally which the American business model has long been based on. And finally a total commitment to refusing to acknowledge a truth you dont want to see, a tunnel vision which sees only that which it wishes to, and a willingness to live a lie, unable to see exactly what that brings.
And this mindset seeks and finds it’s own, so that those with the same mindset cluster to it, and the sick tumour ruling a society, a tribe, a nation, just grows and grows. From Sargan of Mesopotamia shocking the entire world of that time by doing something incomprehensible, which was to invade his neighbour, to now the biggest cancer of them all, threatening the entire world.
And for some reason, no nation has ever seen fit to protect itself from this incursion by setting the structure of it’s systems and Paradigms to mitigate against it from the very beginning. I wonder why that is.
Great article, and thanks Pamela for your comments. I resonate with your “psychological “ portrait. I have lived many years with a “borderline” partner. That personality disorder can morph into narcissistic or psychopath depending on the stress level, but that is not the subject.
I can see a few elements of response to your “ I wonder why that is”. Or , at least, it motivates me to see what I can come up with. So, thanks for your inspirational words.
One thing, seems to be that by fighting evil, we fall in its game… So, we cannot really win, it seems…
unless, maybe, if we can be conscious of our connection to the Source as we kill, as in a true sacrifice.
It is possible to “achieve” that state at times, an then, in effect, it is curbing evil.
But, nowadays, can one be in that state all the time? Can a collectivity be in that state? All the time?
That would be the golden age. Not our present age of conflicts.
I have to agree with the I Ching saying that evil will not be vanquished. I “sadly” tend to believe also that the dark power of evil will rather vanish when “all” will have been consumed, whatever that means.
Then the new era will start, the harmonic, telepathic age of truth, where good and bad might not even belong.
Who knows? We’ll see.
As jimmy Hendrix said, “ with the power of Soul, everything is possible”.
Another thing, more of a detail, but every detail counts: also in the I Ching, it is said that often, by neglecting or dismissing a seemingly harmless thing, one let it rot further.
The I Ching (again) insists in “enduring” and let evil dissolve by itself… in time!
That take Jesus in us.
That said, I also wonder, as the author said: “The question to which I have no answer is, how can Russia defeat such a strategy?”
I then fantasize about chasing down the “ashkénazes financial lords”, dismantling CIA and Co, the International Regulatory Bank and tax heavens… and and and…
Then I realize my powerlessness (first of the 12 steps), and, realize also, at times, that there is a magical power beyond our ego drives.
Back to the question… Maybe, it would be time for most countries to say: “we won’t to create a fair United Nations organization”. We also could use a “great jubilee” and have each country state create their own public currency.
Meanwhile, I need to manage to stand still in those challenging emotions and stick as much as I can to a communication that is “kind, true and necessary “.
Sorry, if I repeat myself. Maybe it is an attempt to hypnotize myself.
It is not easy to face our lies and mind games and just be in our heart.
I wish us trust.
Be well.
Great article.
History repeats indeed!
The US analogy with being the new Imperial Rome is weak, since the the underlying US economy is a post-industrial paper tiger. It seems that Ukraine is proving the US and all its poodle states cannot match Russian industrial defense forces. The US and vassals are playing a very weak hand and indeed committing economic and cultural suicide in embracing a Green tinged New Dark Ages agenda.
Furthermore, US interests are not directed at Russia per se, but at undermining the burgeoning BRICS Multi-Polar World Order led by Russia- China. This is what makes the stakes so high.
Facing the eclipse of the Anglo-American Uni-Polar World order, the latter could opt for Global Immolation… just as the Fuhrer himself did at the end.
That being the case the logic points to a massive China- Russia preemptive strategic strike (all out ICBM attack) against the US and NATO Poodles in hopes of partial survival. Grim, but a logical conclusion.
I agree with the author David Sant .
What is the real goal of the of Rome ?
My opinion is that Rome want’s to destroy not only Russia but Europe and America at the same time .They want
to depopulate the World if you can not see that I’am sorry , the northern hemisphere is six billion people and
two billion in the southern hemisphere. five and half billion people have been vaxed they will pass prematurely,
a nuclear war will do the rest. the reason that know one’s wants to believe this is is because normal people
can not believe that their are people in this world that are so crazy that there is not a word for them in the
It’s up to Putin , this does not have to happen, this war has to be a different kind of WAR not nation’s
against Nation’s but to remove the individual’s and families that are behind this , I’am sure he knows who
are the real enemy of mankind .
Fantastic analogical analysis of the American Russophobic imperial project. But the Christi-fascist homophobic tag at the end fails to deliver. First, Catharge was famously a hotbed of homosexuality. Second, the Christian tradition is a mindless bronze age (in the Jewish lineage) sky god cult. Indra, Thor, Yahweh, Allah…pick your poison. Liberal interventionist humanism isn’t problematic because it is “sinful.” It’s problematic becuase it’s a Lockean cover for rapacious banking cartels hiding behind the institutional power of nation states. Thanks.
” the Christian tradition is a mindless bronze age (in the Jewish lineage) sky god cult. ”
The sky god cult that became Judaism is more relevant to this discussion than Christianity qua sky god cult.
Carthage was turned into Roman “Key West” late in the Roman Empire period. It was not known to be a hotbed of homosexuality during the Punic Wars.
This is a most interesting article, beautifully written, well researched and extremely thought provoking. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.
Thank you Mr. Sant.
The only problem I see here is that the real threat doesn’t come from Moscow, so why all the nuclear talk?
Could just be a case of financial diarrhea disguised as a nuclear bomb.
As to what is Russia to do in order to head off this western demonic irrationality, well, it is off to a good start. Now something that I have thought since the 2015 days in Syria, they must get even more blunt with their descriptive language, w/o camouflage. I would say the language must get even more unequivocal. As with the MH 17 my advice regarding the pipeline ‘rupture’ would have been to immediately denounce the UNITED STATES as without any doubt the Primary Cause. Same as could have been done regarding the MH 17, in public in the loudest voices possible, in ways that cannot escape world news attention. Do things like petition the UN to hold hearings or prosecute the US as they deliberately lied about Libya, invaded for totally Imperial reasons. The US is ISIS in Syria, in Iraq, etc., it is the cause of and enabler even if they farm out some of the financing. Russia is already on the job doing a lot of this, but there is still plenty of room left to make it clear as day. List and trumpet the crimes of the Empire, as daily and loudly as possible. Send that guy Medeyev ( spelling) on a speaking tour, unmuzzled, he gets pretty blunt, turn that up even. Insult them in their face. Give history lessons on how they Wall. St. created Adolph Hitler and he was just their errand boy, and btw the war in Vietnam was based upon an outright fabrication, Lie, and obviously was just another Imperial atrocity, but then just one of several so make a List ! and hang it up in Public Places. For starters.
Edwardi, I agree with this approach.
Go on the PR offensive. Don’t “look the other way” when hostilities and atrocities occur.
E.g., the sabotage of Nord Stream and the Kerch Bridge, the silly attack in Poland, etc.
The conspirators have to know that they are not the only ones with a megaphone, or Wurlitzer, to shape what the world thinks.
IMO Russia must up its communication game.
Many have been saying this for years.
It is not “just” an image thing.
In the Information/Disinformation Age, domination of the information space = survival.
Russian strategists must find ways to break through the Western “information curtain”—if necessary, stage events that attract coverage by Western journalists.
Stunts, so to speak. Look at how successfully DeSantis’s Martha’s Vineyard stunt put the migrant/border issue on the national stage.
IMO Russia must accept the need to compete for the minds of Westerners as well as those in Russia itself and the Global South.
“If Carthage waits for Rome to make their next move, trusting in the good faith of the parties to make rational decisions under international law, then it is quite likely that once more, Carthage shall be destroyed.”
Yes, “Carthaginem delendam esse!” Even to the most naive of the political experts it is clear that this is the plan of the empire, as it is also clear that president Putin preferred “knowing he had to be attacked, to attack first”.
President Putin knew that sooner or later he would have to face NATO and the US, and I hope he made well-shrewd preparations, possibly (and this seems to be circulating in the minds of some Western observers) with weapons unknown to Western nations. It could be Zelinsky’s zionist insistence on involving NATO in the conflict (the missile in Poland), or the psychopatic Russophobia of the neocons in WA to determine the next move, but Russia is ready and vigilant, and will strike dead the challengers.
Very excellent analysis. But what does it mean to kick Russia out of the UN and UN Security council? Practically it’s impossible since for all practical purposes Russia could say she reserves the right for herself of not only to be in the UN and UNSC but also keep a veto power above all the other members i.e. if the members vote no and Russia votes yes then it’s the yes that counts and if the members vote yes and Russia votes no then it’s Russia’s no vote that should count. Who can stop Russia from doing that? All of that nonsense is nothing but hot air. The UN right now is terribly corrupted by the Zionist-backed dollar mafia, its role as the global peace arbiter is pretty much absent so it makes little difference if Russia, Iran, China, Syria … terminate their cooperation with the UN. The Anglo -Zionists and western followers could keep the buildings in that AIDS-infested filthy NY for themselves and use them for their group orgies. What’s important is that the new Eurasian World Order unlike Carthage is virtually unbeatable. Once the entire Middle East, Venezuela and North Africa joins the SCO, Eurasian Economic Union, BRICKS then almost 90 percent of world’s energy resources is under their command so who is going tell them what they must do? It’s no longer possible for US – UK to send ships to control the world’s important trade routes as they did in the 19th-early 20th centuries.
Agreed. I do not forsee Russia being defeated by the Anglozionists. They see the wind up for the punch. The purpose of this article was to illuminate the reason that Russia must act. The Kremlin has seen this coming for a long time.
This Ukraine war is sorting the nations of the world into two camps. The Global South largely sees through the Atlanticist lies.
Russia is taking the brunt of the attack from the bullies, but the rest of the world is start8ng to get off the fence and line up behind Russia and China.
The result will be respect for Russian leadership in the world to come.
Even stupid Canada is sending warships to the South China Sea in a brave attempt to control that important trade route.
Excellent article, David! Truly excellent!
Spot on article, the West will use nukes just to get their own way.
Russia needs to grasp the nettle, and state unequivocally that Elensky and company are US stooges, and should they use any type of nuke close to Russia, then Russia will ensure a similar disaster will take place immediately in Washington D.C, without a moments notice.
If the US establishment decide to flee Washington D.C, this should be taken as a certain sign of a US nuclear strike, and Russia should fire everything they have at the US, London and Israel.
Russia should announce this at the UN, prime their nukes and then finish off this US war on the territories of the former Russian Empire immediately.
My bet is the US establishment leave immediately for their nuke shelters, as they don’t care about nuclear war and the end of humanity.
I don’t want to die, but it would be better to go with the knowledge that the rich thieves who caused this war are ashes before I am.
Agreed — Well spelt out. No more copping it sweet -it’s now time to strike back at the hearts of the enemy.
Rightiswrong, thank you. Yes, well said.
Let me add more ideas to your comment here:
Rome had ability to destroy Carthage and used it. US-UK Atlanticists (financial speculators + secret services) do not have ability to destroy Russia, know that they do not, want to live as if they do, talk as if they do, parade as if they do. But they plan as if they do not because they do not, which is the truth. And everyone else knows that, too.
And they always pre-signal their intentions, which is and are always infantile and, in military terms, incompetent.
Weapons do not win wars. People do not win wars. Military-Industrial organizations led and staffed by competent personnel win wars.
Name one country besides the usual suspects who, knowing what is known today — and they all do — will side against Russia in any context.
This essay, although informing, is shallow in the strategic and operational directions.
The UK-US secret services settled on Joe Biden as their face because he is a consummate con man, and they knew they needed one such to keep operating as they do. People call them (Atlanticists, Neo-Cons) and their legislators and bureaucrats Deep State. Deep Grift might be more descriptive. In any case, The USA qua The USA have neither strategic, operational, nor tactical means to inflict a Carthage on Russia. More like the opposite is true at this time.
The true end state of this affair is that India, Russia, and The USA are brother nations jointly responsible for cooperating for fair, respectful, and reliable communications between the nations of the earth.
While I completely agree with the modern industrial warfare notion, that its the weapons pipeline which wins war, and not the people or the strategy or tactics (he who throws the most bombs the quickest the most accurately wins), I do not agree that this is a shallow article in any way.
The reason being is because for years now I’ve been reading about notions like “to succeed, others must not succeed” and “to be successful, even your own brother must not be successful”, and so on. Its part and parcel of human nature to undermine the opposition or potential opposition.
So this article just articulates the truth about human nature, and it is therefore quite good. Some more human nature truths can be found in the quote “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” Russia has therefor made the correct choice to be an enemy of America. Russia’s SMO in Ukraine has cemented that choice. All Russia needs to do now is forget about any delusions about peace and harmony she might have and just throw the most bombs the quickest and the most accurately and Russia will survive forever (I’m talking in a conventional sense, not nuclear).
“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst.” – Starship Troopers
An interesting piece of testimony from Dr. Cantelon:
“In San Diego, I talked with Captain Eddy. He had been with the expedition in the Marshall Islands on November 1, 1952, when America exploded her first hydrogen bomb. In a sober voice, Captain Eddy said, “No one could visualize the awfulness of that sight unless he were there in person.” Two hundred miles above the Pacific, the mighty hydrogen bomb was detonated. The blast lighted up thousands of miles of Pacific sky. At Auckland, New Zealand, 3,800 miles away from the scene of the blast, New Zealanders said the ocean showed a reflection that was blood red. “The scientists present at the scene were dreadfully shaken,” said Eddy. “They thought they had set the heavens aflame with a chain reaction of exploding atoms that would surely go around the world.” On returning from his mission, Captain Eddy asked to be transferred to another department of service and was given a position in the field of seismology, studying earthquakes back in the South Pacific.”
This was a most excellent read, I wanted to hear more if your thoughts.
When I was young this fellow was put up to fight me until I defended myself, for which he later apologized.
Why do folks make senseless violence routine?
Why teach kids this ….
Why ought one have to defend oneself?
Oh, cause I was born in Russia.
Shall I learn now how to fight ? The whole US of Arrogance?
I tire of being all alone.
Russia will win as the West loses its debt dependent assendency with the help of China getting Saudi oil paid for in not- dollars…
The analogy of Carthage with Rome is interesting but this time the outcome will be reversed.
Rome at the time was growing and mainly united, but not so today with the west – US EU UK are all collapsing and divided. Whereas as Russia is united, recovering from the USSR demise and getting stronger.
But Putin and Russia must continue to remain firm and fight off the evil forces arrayed against them.
Carthage was small in size and its territories were scattered – again, not so with Russia.
The conditions are not the same.
Wicked regimes always fall, and their unjust wars fail.
And this is where the US EU & UK are headed unless good men take action.
Thank you, Mr Sant. This is by far the best analysis I have read about the conflict, and rhymes with my own fears (namely that war — needs a nuclear one — is unavoidable if Russia is to survive, and the later Russia realizes this, the smaller the chance of its getting out of it alive). Terrible times indeed.
I say to Russia:
“Ceterum censeo delendam esse Republicae Unitae Americanem”
“Furthermore, I think that the United States of America should be destroyed”
…saaaaaaaaaaadly…goverment can not be change by pres.election(it’s a selection)by people revolution …never in the US…so what is left beside endless talks about exceptionalism…to make changes on ..shining city on the hill…..hmmm
Following from my other comment lets look at Carthage and Rome 149 BC from another perspective.
Overall the whole history of the next 2000+ yrs would be different.
(And its surprising back then that Babylon/Persia did not come to Carthage’s aid which raises similar issues now).
And had Rome failed and Carthage won, the west today would not be using Roman alphabet but probably Phoenician.
Also the mindset would be different, and perhaps places like UK Germany etc.. would be less advanced, as I doubt the Carthaginians would have wanted to push up there to those cold climates.
But is also noteworthy the Roman General who was ordered to destroy Carthage was upset about it and regretted it.
We are now on the cusp of something similar, and the future has 2 choices – one good, one bad.
And the current administration of the west and their agenda is not the good one.
One answer: state clearly and unambiguously that any detonation of a nuclear weapon in Ukranazistan/Russian territory claimed by Ukranazistan will immediately trigger a full scale Russian nuclear response against NATO and thereby WWIII.
A few readers have pointed out some details where the allegory to Rome and Carthage breaks down. All such allegories break down when extended too far.
The main point was the Rome’s animus towards Carthage was rooted in jealousy, and that a peace treaty was used disingenuously as a weapon to constrain the signatory until they could be destroyed.
The Kremlin is perfectly aware of all this, and have instinctively understood it for decades. I do not believe the Kremlin will ever make the mistake of surrendering their arms like Carthage did, though that very nearly happened in 1992.
Unlike Carthage, Russia has developed hypersonic missiles, as well as the S-500/550 family of missile defenses. So, militarily, Russia has an edge at the moment. However, all such technological edges tend to become equalized within a generation.
As has been seen in Ukraine, militaries are constantly adapting, especially during a hot war. The US-sponsored Ukraine War is constantly evolving, and NATO has adapted to Russian tactics and vice versa.
I expect that the only way to avoid having to put Washington down with a barrage of Sarmats will be if the USA manages to hyperinflate the US Dollar and collapse into civil war before that can happen. At this point it is a toss up. But like Tyre, Rome, and Babylon of old, it seems certain that the city “that rules the world” is doomed to an evil ending one way or the other.
@ David Sant
“that rules the world”
I believe you have quoted from Rev 18 about the city with seven hills upon which she sits? and at one time I firmly was of the belief that it was talking about the city of Rome. 7 hills yes? However, today it is becoming increasingly clear I fear it may have more to do with Washington, DC. I was especially unnerved to learn she herself was built upon seven hills? Some interesting paragraphs to mull over:
For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
Give her as much torment and grief
as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
In her heart she boasts,
‘I sit enthroned as queen.
I am not a widow;[c]
I will never mourn.’
Your merchants were the world’s important people.
By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,
of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”
David, thank you for your diligent and thought-refreshing historical analogies.
You raised the question, but no one knows the solution.
One of the answers is:
“I do not believe the Kremlin will ever make the mistake of surrendering their arms like Carthage did, though that very nearly happened in 1992.”
For you, the behavior of Russia seems rational, but if I would be one of the citizens residing in Russia, I would have the right to bitterly say that the behavior of my county sometimes is not rational and not irrational, but corruptional. More is in above comment near paragraph “Moreover, Russia have problems much bigger than 5th or 6th column. Just watch … ”
“if the USA manages to hyperinflate the US Dollar and collapse into civil war before that can happen. ”
As it is said in Russia, “underestimating the adversary is a crime”. Western Elite (WE) is not stupid.
Why it will hyperinflate?
An opinion: people miss true economical causes. Printing trillions of money in US does not cause inflation.
Because a cliche/myth: excess of money => inflation does not work for US as it does for other countries.
That cliche based on “insight”: $ = V/T, where V volume of money, T volume of trade, and $ is a real value of
unit of money per unit of goods. Yes, excess of V causes an inflation. But how much? Take Russia for example. In Russia, T is volume of goods circulating internally. Printing 20% more of money will case about 20% inflation and people going on streets to throw stones.
But. In case of US T is a volume of good traded around the World. If to express T in term of money, this perhaps 100 – 200 trillions of dollars. This is why US freely flooded 4 trillions of dollars during the pandemic. 4/100 is negligible for the “price of dollar”, $.
Hence, even China and Jupun do get rid of their 3 billion US Treasuries – nothing big happens. People are confused with stock exchange mentality: paper bills overflow market, – dollar drops. No dollar simply sinks in a vast ocean of the trade and that’s all.
Moreover, this is actually an obligation of money issuer to print money. Because money are demanded by the World for ever increasing number of circulating goods T.
There can be nuances, fluctuations, crashes, but the trend does not change
So what really happened, when pandemic money were printed. I got my $1000 check, went to Amazon and bought an extra computer from China. And others did the same. And the money simply melted in the ocean of trade. Every body needs dollars for trade. Pretty simple, US prints – the World works.
There are actually other things which can actually erode dollar. Math is simple: suppose an alternative currency volume Y is added to the world trade. Now V = D + Y, and D is still world volume of dollars.
Since V is fixed and if Y does not decrease, that necessary amount of D = V – Y is limited. Then
dollars printed in excess of D will automatically de-price dollar value.
Y can be gold as well.
Back to the topic of what can catch USA. Yes, finances. But not printing money. Wanting money. The world stops wanting dollars. Appearance of the currency Y, X, Z, …. Gold day for example. Or yuans.
Gold can produce effects far above its value.
G-day: Gas for ruble sale myth
This is why reportedly China stored 30000T = 18 trillion dollars:
with current gold price 1g is $60, 30000T = 3 10^(4+3+3)g 60 = 1.8 10^12 = 18 trillion dollars
At glance, 20-30 trillions are not enough to cover all trade. But.
Nobody will move gold for every trade. There will be electronic equivalent exchangible for gold.
And because, because the currency issuer will guarantee exchange for gold, the need for moving gold ceases.
As I read, like in 1923, there was gold Russian ruble (even physical coins) but no one needed them at the end because it was exchangible to paper.
Let’s stop here. That’s a topic for different article.
(same link:)
И если в один день нам рубль нельзя поднять,
Зачем не золотом с соседями торгуем?
Чтоб как мечтал Кадаффи – в миг зависимость убрать,
Пробив фиатных денег фейк – которым Запад всех мифует,
Когда на Западе элита нам внушает:
“Деньгами золото не может быть давно”,
Боясь отчаянно того, кто первым их ударит, –
Эффектом золотого домино.
A fascinating read – thanks. In answer to your main point:
The question to which I have no answer is, how can Russia defeat such a strategy?
I would suggest you send your top security official to meet with the top CIA chap at, say, Ankara and have a little chat. After Sergey Naryshkin met William Burns Nov. 14 there was a lot less talk about Ukraine winning and thus Russia being forced to use nukes out of desperation. Russia also stepped up attacks on the Ukraine energy grid using conventional missiles to further prove the point (and win the war as a useful side-effect!)
Also, apparently Russia is using older nuclear missiles – without the warheads – during these attacks. These might just be decoys to ensure Ukraine fires extremely expensive counter-missiles at them, or Russia being kind and allowing anti-nuke target practice, or evenRussia enjoying a very pointed joke.
Fantastic article and history lesson. I really enjoyed the clarity of thought and writing.
For further thought or perhaps a future article: We are actually in a three-way stand off. In physics, there is a world of difference between two and three. You can solve completely a system of two bodies (e.g. sun and a planet), but three bodies is vastly more complex with no closed form solution even though we know the underlying laws of motion.
It is probably similar in geopolitics when there are three mega powers. China reportedly has 17.5 million more men than women in the 20-40 age group. That is a large resource of easily accessed soldiers. And we all know about their manufacturing strength etc.
For the moment, Russia and China are allied by necessity against the west. It is an effective alliance just now as they try to unseat the dollar and longstanding global “rules”. The west appears to be on the losing end of all this.
On the other hand, Russia is carrying the brunt of effort on the military side losing people and resources while China sits pretty. Considering that Russia and China are neighboring countries with differing interests (e.g. China needs land), the situation is dangerous for Russia.
Much to consider here. The NATO/Russia conflict may continue effectively “in a vacuum” for a while, but probably not for long. Geopolitics will likely grow very complicated in the coming months.
Nobody, including our author, has really said who is this enemy?
I don’t know either, but I think there are some clues.
▪ Is it the “brave”Ukrainian Soldier, fighting for the right to live unmolested in their free country, with a GDP/capita of $10 a day?
▪ Is it the Zelensky Regime and his OUN organized power structure?
▪ Is it the NATO forces or the NATO administration?
▪ Is it the frightened and suffering European populous?
▪ Is it The USA, or the US population?
▪ Is it President Biden or Tony Blinkin?
▪ Is it the US Regime?
▪ Is it the US “CIA or NSA”?
▪ Is there a “Deep State” at play here?
I don’t know any of these answers, but I will say these enemies are men and women, they are people. They may not all agree among themselves, but in summation they pretty well control all of the above. The proof is that the situation moves forward in a certain direction, and it’s not that all movements in opposite directions are cancelling each other out.
We must believe these people have wealth and money, and they have the power to create money at will. Let that money be only an incremental phenomenon, but it does have the power to get things done in the short term.
I don’t think there are that many of these people, maybe 500 important ones, or a few thousand? They do move around in public, and some are known and speak out. Many are hidden, but still they are known.
They fly in private jets. They don’t really have a private army, other than their control of NATO, and the US Military.
Why contemplate Nuclear war or killing millions, or even 100’s of thousands, when your enemies are numbered in the 100’s?
He mentioned world economic forum there. That pretty much sums up the current state of affairs.
It is known that people with even bigger influence don’t even come to davos, they just tell the davos gang to do it for them.
It’s a mess having centralized power control.
My sense is that while rarely in human societies, gender confused individuals emerge (called ‘Two Spirit’ by the American native peoples), the numerous individuals who reject heterosexuality in the West is a symptom of the underlying chaos of modern Western life. Essentially, these people from very early in their lives intuit that they do not want to take part, and they reject their culture in the most fundamental way by rejecting the impulse to breed and participate in their genetic future. Rejecting the instinct to breed does not mean rejecting the instinct to nurture, so these people will adopt.
My point is that ‘sodomy’ is not some vicious plot, but just another sign of decadence.
Your words are wisdom, Tedder.
I also believe that part of the elite of the Empire of Evil is willing to go nuclear. But not because they are mad. But simply because they don’t consider the inhabitants of the Empire “their people”. For them it would be ok to have the european populations pay the price of a nuclear conflict. But there is one problem with the hypothesis that they still intend to go along with this plan. The problem is that China, Iran, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Brasil have certainly all been informed about the plans of the foreign rulers of the western Empire of Evil. If all of those countries are willing to submit to the Americans, then Russia can be defeated by completely isolating it and by wearing it down with continuous small scale proxy wars. But if at least China is 100% sure that they do not want to submit to the Empire of Evil, then it is hard to see how the false flag could really work. Together with China and Iran there are enough people and ressources (physical and know how) in Eurasia to withstand the Empire. And once such an alternative block exists it is not clear to me that the Indians and other Asian countries would be so happy to completely submit to a weakening West.
It is one thing to use false flags to create outrage within the empire itself. That can be used to get the population to go along with extremely ugly things. But false flags are not useful to convince someone who knows what the Empire is up to and does not want to submit to its dominion. Therefore in order for the theory of the author of this article to make sense we need to assume that China, Iran and the other Brics nations would feel obliged to go along with the plans of the West even though they perfectly know that they will be the next ones on the to-do-list of the Empire. That does not make sense to me. The only thing that would make sense to me is that the West forces every country to make a once and for all “us or them”-decision. But would be awefully risky and could go very badly wrong.
The article and many of the comments much appreciated. But there’s a sort of Achilles Heal which at times threatens to weaken the coherency (sanity, rationality) of the this discussion. I am referring, very simply to the open recommendation of resorting to “winning a nuclear war.” I was 15 when we went through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and over the years I have repeatedly studied the effects of even a limited nuclear exchange. All of you are aware of this, yet, in the passion of countering Satan, some otherwise intelligent comments are terribly flawed by an allowance of taking things to the next level, in other words of taking the initiative and thereby “winning” a nuclear war. Please, let’s get real! Hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but the saner sections, nations, communities, etc. had better avoid any suggestion that nuclear war is an option. It is not. And once it happens, the wretched “survivors” would not find any comfort that the other side, e.g. NATO, was to blame. I know it’s not easy to curb righteous anger, to inhibit a chivalrous, martial spirit. WW 3 would be horrific, yet acceptable, so long as it remained conventional. But we all know, we cannot deny, that it is next to impossible to remained contained within the conventional framework. Something’s gotta give. And it will. And we should exercise the intellectual of mental disciple of expunging Armageddon from our purview. Thank you for calmly considering my concern. I respect you all.
The words of Albert Eistian shortly after the first nuclear testing:
Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the Universe.
The insanity of gambling with the ionosphere is nothing short of unbelievable really. An amazing history of it can be found here: Nuclear Testing 1945 – 1998 Complete Video HD
Science? They really only learn by trying it first to see whether it works or not. One day it’ll be O sorry about that. An excellent movie to watch is Sunshine.
What we are doing out in the solar system by sending nuclear powered satellites out to places like the sun for example is shocking.
Great article and many pertinent comments. When in doubt ask yourself: What would Jesus do? I guess he would ask the good guys to sacrifice themselves and the bad guys will eventually self destruct, as evil always does.
France, Germany and UK were all eventually destroyed by the spoils and consequences of the Versailles “peace” treaty. I believe the same will happen to The West and Russia after the false flag nuke(s) in Ukraine and a terrible peace treaty.
This would leve the playing field open and free to the Global South who will inherit the earth. Russia will be honourable destroyed by self sacrifice and USA dishonorably thru woke anal homo pedo civil unrest and financialization suicide. The world is saved from nuclear holocaust.
Our human civilization will carry on upward as usual to new highs, standing on the shoulders of past horrors and sacrifices.
“The question to which I have no answer is, how can Russia defeat such a strategy?”
Rather straightforward actually. If — and this is the question — if Vladimir Putin is aware of this solution.
The war against Russia, as we all know, is not a war of Ukraine against Russia. Not even a war of NATO against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy, or a war of the US against Russia using both NATO(ie the EU) and Ukraine as proxies. No, in truth it is a war of the Neocons against Russia, using the US and the EU(ie NATO) and Ukraine as its — the Neocon’s — proxies.
The Neocons are a Zionist/Israeli fifth column.
On the other side of an ocean, feeling invulnerable, arrogant and insanely aggressive, the Neocons are now in full control of the US. Biden is a cognitively incompetent, infantile and helpless Presidential placeholder, surrounded by the Neocon cabal that is now running the US: the Presidency/executive and in particular the State Department.
The Neocons are capable of anything. The key point is that the Neocons are an Israeli fifth column. They have no loyalty to the US; don’t care in the least about the interests of the US or its people. What they care about above all is Israel That’s the key.
When confronted with the intolerable reality of defeat at the hands of the Russians, no one in the US, the EU, the UK, and certainly not the Russians, would be able to persuade the Neocon death cult to stand down.
One thing and one thing only can bring them to their senses: their concern and devotion for Israel.
So here’s what Putin has to do: quietly … very quietly … send a diplomatic emissary to Tel Aviv with a message. Something “diplomatic” along these lines: “It would be helpful on your part if you were to suggest to those Neocon loyalists now in control of the US Presidency and State Department to stand down regarding Russia’s efforts in Ukraine. A desperate and impulsive act in a futile effort to stave off defeat, could provoke an unwanted escalation, which would then certainly lead to existential consequences for the State of Israel and its people.”
Translation: “Call off your Neocon dogs or Russia will preemptively use Israel — per the Chinese dictum: ‘Strangle the chicken to frighten the monkey.’ — as “a teaching moment” of what nuclear annihilation of a modern society and its people looks like.”
Israel will make the call, and the Neocons will stand down.
Nasty business, this.
Jeff: that is also Larry Romanoff’s suggested solution. He can see no other.
Hello jeff
Did you notice the announcement by Iran recently that they have developed hypersonic missiles? Amazingly quick development as neither Israel nor the US is that far advanced – wonder where they got the technology? Perhaps that diplomatic message is being sent, slowly.
According to this article then it’s a certainly that eventually the Evil Empire will succeed in destroying Russia because they play a long long game.
@ Rightiswrong, thank you. Yes, well said.
While I did prepare my comment, you said this first. Let me still add more.
a. This is paraphrasing Rightiswrong thought:
If Russia really believes in possibility of fake flag, let Her just say this. Just say that if in case of any
nuclear or major accident in Europe or anywhere else which R. belives by ownself is perpetrated by country N as a false flag, it will respond directly to this country N proportionally to accident by the
means of her nuclear tirade.
In this message, R takes some responsibility, which is much better than undefined cat and mouse game, or who blinks first game. It also makes Russian moves more predictable and therefore decreases the risk of non-controlled nuclear escalation.
b. as Rightiswrong said “Russia should announce this at the UN”. I believe that diplomacy between
adversaries must go openly in the World. No reason to hide from own people, and the reason to
unhide the adversary. So, secret channels must be minimized – they are an evil. [2]
Rereading unthinkable things I just wrote, puts me in horror. How even possible to discuss such topics? Does it give any advantage to WE strategics, some thoughts? I don’t know. I already made comments [3][4]
but since brilliant David Sant’s and other people thoughts are non-stoppable, I am adding my own.
In details: I, II, III.
One should apply chess logic. I.e. every move is a change of position. And position must have a context or scope.
For example, suppose Kherson retreat to the left side of Dnieper
in scope of a week and in scope Kherson district was loss of position simple because of the loss of
Hover in wider scope of Ukraine, it was an improvement of position because, overall, it removed a weak point
of a river supply roads and risk of flooding.
In overall campaign scope, Russian victory and occupation of entire Ukraine will be Her win in scope of the
year. But in scope of two decades this position still worse than in 2000. So the “move” between 2000 – 2023
is a loss. Because in 2023, Russia will have a country which has to reconstruct and will have a population which will partially hate Russians for decades. Which is worse than in 2000.
But if to take even large scope (but still in the same time scope 2000-2023), the union of scopes of both of Russia and Ukraine, there may be some win inside Russia internally. Mainly, the win in the hearts of Russians.
Yes, to military scope, we now ad a moral and political scope.
In other words, Russia may wake up. The war will clean up some corrupt part of elite, government. Russia
may mobilize. (The society mobilization is not only 300000 of recruiters, but is an entire upside down process.)
So that may prove intuitive sense that progress is still going on.
II. Now, back to the topic of nuke false flag (ff).
In scope of public opinion and available tools Western Elite (WE) has one tool (say rooks on chess board) which Russia does not have. These rooks are false flags. Russia does not have these rooks simply because
it will be immoral to use them.
For example, WE can send missile air-land and nuke Paris. (Why Paris? it does not matter. Can be any.
Can be any number of false flags. The more absurd – the better.) Then accuse Russia.
Even if R. may trace these nukes and show undeniable evidence, but who in Western public will believe?
Of course the best rook is defined by accurate calculation of smaller positions and nuances.
For example, nuking Kharkiv by WE has more advantages for WE than Kiev:
1. because even Russian society may be split by WE propaganda
2. more Russian-supporters will be killed in U.
3. part of Russian territory is also poisoned
4. more plausible for Asian audience
III.So what can confront R against these ff rooks? In military scope – nothing.
There must be moves by other chess pieces.
But, 8×8 chess are not calculable by a human. World chess – even not by a supercomputer.
The game must go in scope of strategies. In that scope, one of WE strategies – is using false flags.
What is Russian strategy? One, which I believe to, is a “truth”. But naked truth works only
in case face to face: my opponent treats to kill me and I give him my cheek. I am dead then, but morally
But if I have a family, this is another matter. Truth is that family must be protected.[1]
So, Russia must be protected. But how?
If Russia really believes in possibility of fake flag, let Her just say this. Just say that if in case of any
nuclear or major accident in Europe or anywhere else which R. belives by ownself is perpetrated by country N as a false flag, it will respond directly to this country N proportionally to accident by the
means of her nuclear triad.
This will cause a PR storm in the West. But in this storm, it will be R who won’t care about this storm.
Of course, there is a risk of accident as of accident. But possibility of ff is greater, so make the best
move in assumption of the worst position. Min-max principle.
R can even temporary include this proposition in its Military Doctrine aka “…taking in consideration
WE practice of ff in Syria, Uk, we, Russian Duma have a right … “.
R even can add as a cause “recent attack in strategic bombers airfield”.
Summarily, in this proposal, R takes responsibility, which is much better than undefined cat and mouse game, or who blinks first game. It also makes Russian moves more predictable and decreases
a risk of non-controlled nuclear escalation.
(x) Moreover, this scenario is the same as in Syria (as I remember right) when R MOD stated
that every plane on the West part of Euphrates will be on radar. Which does not mean actually shut,
so likewise, Russian response can be a conventional missile.
[1] Actually, Putin once said like this “Cannot imagine the Earth without Russia”. Hard to imagine the man carrying such a responsibility on his back.
@ David Sant
“The Kremlin is perfectly aware of all this, and have instinctively understood it for decades. I do not believe the Kremlin will ever make the mistake of surrendering their arms like Carthage did, though that very nearly happened in 1992.”
“instinctively understood” – Russia has a dangerous trend to be to polite and call US military “colleagues”.
Moreover, Russia have problems much bigger than 5th or 6th column. Just watch Alex. Khodakovskiy or Yurii Pronko, Y. Podolyaka, Glaziev, … And WE should be well aware about them, if not created them. The winning
of Ukrainian war too easily may have negative effect on Russian transformation, because would not trigger
necessary hardship on Russia to transform.
Like if loosing Kharkov district and Kherson did not happen, this would not trigger discover of corruption and problems in Russian military.
I already tried to mention possible scenarios, their pros and cons for Western Elite:
Nov. 03-04, 2022, [3]
And suggested “decoy” provocation: [4]
@ Posa on December 16, 2022 · at 1:53 pm EST/EDT
One note: “post-industrial paper tiger”
– Seems wrong, World is ruled not by the strongest economy, but the one who controls strongest economies.
Mainly by financial and political tools. US vs Japan, South Korea, UK, Germany, France
@ edwardi on December 16, 2022 · at 2:45 pm EST/EDT
“guy Medeyev ( spelling) on a speaking tour, unmuzzled,”
– I don’t think Medvedev is enough smart and compentent. He was a weak Atlantist and now he became same weak
Euroasianist. His nuke talk may contribute more emotions and may benefits West strategy of ff.
@ Ukranazi Stepan on December 17, 2022 · at 12:02 am EST/EDT
“…how can Russia defeat such a strategy?”
“One answer: state clearly and unambiguously that any detonation of a nuclear weapon in Ukranazistan/Russian territory claimed by Ukranazistan will immediately trigger a full scale Russian nuclear response against NATO and thereby WWIII.”
Using bishop piece move against the pawn piece move is not necessary and dangerous. Just tit for tat is wise.
@ Ferdl
“But false flags are not useful to convince someone who knows what the Empire is up to and does not want to submit to its dominion.”
Very god weak point of using ff “move”. But this is still one weak point. There are 1,2,3,4 pros which are still very attractive for WE.
@ nuclear sanity
You say right things. But we can talk about elaborated dozed behavior which also applied for case if ff happens first from offending party. And as we can see the real response on nuclear ff is a hidden option which does not have to be nuclear as described above. See marked (x).
[2] sparse thoughts:
Как грустно то что дипломаты в этом мире
Друг с другом за закрытой дверью говорят,
Как слуги что хозяина забыли,
Когда судьбу народа своего творят.
Major General Philippe Montocchio, Deputy Director of the NATO Collaboration Support Office:
“Cognitive Warfare is the most advanced form of human mental manipulation, to date, permitting influence over individual or collective behavior, with the goal of obtaining a tactical or strategic advantage. In this domain of action, the human brain becomes the battlefield. The pursued objective is to influence not only what the targets think, but also the way they think and, ultimately, the way they act.
but in the end we get UK news talking about putin pooping himself and his 7 kinds of cancer. all for a few billions in funding
@The pursued objective is to influence not only what the targets think, but also the way they think and, ultimately, the way they act.
This is souls plan A, but if no soul is home, you get a denial the likes of which can not be competed against.
Thank you, pabloz.
Apparently commenters underestimate the power of “Cognitive Warfare”.
Perhaps 50% of Russia economical power was destroyed by that, by an ordinary “Cognitive Trap of Reflexive Control.” [2].
Minsk agreements were such successful attack on R. gov. mentality for 7 years.
“Cognitive Warfare” is a “Minotaur in the room”.
Details 1,2,3,4,5 are below:
Leader of the country is a first target of cognitive attack.
In Western Elite (WE), there must be an army of analysts who collects all known videos, texts, stories about the leader. They analyze, model, and predict his behavior and do plan cognitive signals to the leader.
Cognitive signals through the form of diplomatic initiatives, communication between the leader and his other “compromised” team members, friends who are also under influence.
Minsk agreements must be typical example of cognitive signal attack which played with Vladimir Putin’s illusions, sympathy, and respect to the West. Even, apparently by Putin’s words, the delayed response to Donbass genocide was a mistake.
Another possible President’s trap are his financial views which were exploited for decade by RCB and financial government which stagnated the economy. Which in turn were conducted by recommendations of WTO.
Possibly by his fear of scientific, flexible, and logical regulation, by the fear “all will be stolen” in case of removing hard and transparent stupid RCB %ratio regulation and budget rule.
See S. Glaziev: “…It is obvious that our monetary authorities are in the cognitive trap of reflexive control…” [2] and much more.
Or, Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson:
“So there is no point to the foreign borrowing. A Russian government that cannot understand this is in deep trouble.” [5]
Moreover, the core leader’s believes deeply affects a course of the country. Hence, simply knowing who is President’s favorite philosopher and politician gives a lot to manipulate and attack.
2. Even ordinary readers as we can be aware about inner circle of Presidents school friends, co-patriots, coworkers, relatives who make the core of his team and cultural environment. But how immensely more is known about this circle by the army of professional attackers? Influencing this circle is a rich field of attack.
So when watching his impressive guard cortege on the street or formidable missiles protecting the country, remember how can be vulnerable the center of this cortege in reality. In the West, the politicians are insignificant and controlled toys and real leaders habits are hidden. In Russia, the leaders are apparently on the open.
3. By the way, there is a protection from being influenced though. The faith. It should make human enough immune from wrong suggestion. But we are still humans, do not have perfect faith and a subject for cognitive attack. It is notable that suggestion is inverse proportional to development of personal spirituality.
As it is written, the ability to fall to false prophets is a test bed for testing the spirituality as for example [1]:
“Such persons are used by the order to test
other people and find out whether they accept and follow false prophets or
whether they have progressed far enough in thinking independently and
reaching their own decisions so that they weigh every word they hear and only
accept it after it has passed examination. Those who follow false prophets are
still blind, allowing themselves to be led by blind, and both fall by the
The community of analysts and commenters in this blog also is a non-formal cognitive team which shapes public perception. Just a very low budget comparing with the immense teams of WE. Fortunately for us, our influence is enough miserable for WE to notice us. And hopefully is enough strong to contribute an effect. For if it would not be miserable and would be noticeable, we would be banned in a day, blocked, deprived from bank accounts, and some turned to serve the opposite side by being blackmailed and intimidated. And the list of commenters would be hacked by “WE” who even did not have to search for participants in this case.
Perhaps we exist just because we are in shadows. Shadows of, China’s media, and other big informational players. But the “Cold Wall” may be raised and time to small players will come too.
Be prepared. Enjoy the community.
[1] page 124. Elisabeth Haich. Initiation.
[2] The operation to denazify Ukraine in the context of the World War
Операция по денацификации Украины в контексте мировой войны.
if you can read Russian use the original
Here is Google translation by us. Use on your own risk.“>Google auto-translation
Possibly the same:
[3] It is not humble to cite own self, but even during Ukrainian Liman offensive, things where obvious to
me, an ordinary moron, on September 17. 2022, so perhaps R. gov. was on sort of “blindness”.
F.e.: “SMO must be achieved as fast as possible. Insted of slaughtering people (by applouding West), R. can immediately shut down all electricity, refineries, transportation in Ukraine and take over the late and noisy party immersed in the dark.”
Cognitive Trap of Reflexive Control
(Когнитивная ловушка рефлексивного управления)
And more of this in [6] below.
[5] “Regardless of whether Russia borrows abroad, the central bank must create rubles with which to finance the projects. So there is no point to the foreign borrowing. A Russian government that cannot understand this is in deep trouble.”
Can Russia Learn From Brazil’s Fate? — Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson
September 28, 2016
“Все чувствовали фальшь”: реальный анализ спецоперации на Украине
Oct. 5, 2022.
Константин Сивков
следуя имени:
[] 10:06 Кратко: “Операция была свёрнута и превращена в тупое долбление бетона.”
Excellent analogy of past to present events, and the pattern of destruction that follows these cultures.
Similar to those before BC, in 825 AD the Russian Czar let the Khazarians go after waging war to bring an end to their practice of Babylonian Talmudism and evil ways of satanism. Stopping short of their annihilation for the promise of conversion to one of three religions: Islam, Christianity, or Judaism. The Khazarians chose Judaism and in one way or another, have been holding the world for ransom ever since.
The Russian Empire won’t make the same mistake twice.
Just dying to know which professional military contractors the author had in mind: PMRC or Hakluyt or whoever. August 2013 was when I was forced to cross over against the narrative of my home country. Hopefully other actors on the world stage have taken the reins from the degenerate US ruing class!
Check out the Oriental Review Link posted in the article. It’s specifically named there.
whats the point of living through this trash when youre not an evil person? seems the like the future is shit beyond repair.
excellent piece of writing, Hopefully Russia will find a solution , Russia must win the war
Excellent analysis. However, I think the comparison to the modern Empire is a bit unfair to the Roman, on multiple grounds.
1. The initial conflict (first Punic War) while started by Rome attacking first, the context is that Carthage on its own interests , sent forces to a strategically important Messana first.
Before that relationship was friendly.
2. During the second Punic War, Hanibal’s rampage in Italy caused extreme humiliation and losses to the Roman. This resulted in unforgettable hostility, long enduring factions against Carthage, for which Cato the Elder were just a representative.
It is hard to say that Cato’s voice is irrational either: an enemy that nearly totally destroyed you should not be allowed to recover, ever.
Yet for 50 years Rome left Carthage alone both politically and economically. Despite heavy indemnity and a limit on the size of naval, as well as the loss of foreign territory, Carthage was still prosperous. There was no limit on the size of land army either: just before the final Punic War Carthage still fielded an army of more than 30.000 against Numidia. They themselves lost this conflict. Had they managed to win, Rome probably would have to think twice before invading again. (for comparison Rome sent to Carthage ~50.000).
3. After the war Rome did not try to spread their ideology , or to destroy local culture.
Personally, I would compare modern Russia to Rome after the 2nd Punic war: Russia managed to come back after a long decline. If Russia can win and be in a position to deal a finishing blow, by all means do it. Don’t wait 50 years later like the Roman did.
Rome was lucky that Carthage fumbled themselves, but Russia’s enemies may not.
You are correct on all these points, sir. Analogies tend to break down when overextended. My main point was that jealousy is the root of the Atlanticist compulsion to destroy Russia.
Thank you David Sant for addressing an extremely difficult subject in such clear terms.
By the way, have you noticed how easy it is for Satan to carry out his agenda and how difficult is the task of the Angels to expose his crimes! This is because it is much more difficult a task to create than it is to destroy. Witness Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Serbia, Venezuela…
This time, If Carthage is destroyed, Rome will not be in a better shape. I do not expect to see the destruction of Russia as long as I am alive.
I am convinced that the elite in the US today, is mad and could be driving the world towards the apocalypse. This elite which pretends to have the right to run the world, is manipulated by its master, which does not need it anymore and is using it to trigger the apocalypse
At the very day of making the explosion in Ukraine, do the same on the territories of Russsia, China, Iran, SAR, Argentina … than start blaming everyone )))
While it may have delusions of being a modern day Rome, America in fact is the mutant spawn of the British Empire and the Nazi Third Reich.
It was the British that birthed the USA has an Anglo colonizer nation founded and built upon the genocide of Native Indian people and the enslavement of Africans who were brought in chains by the “Land of the Free” to serve as exploited labor.
Subsequently, in the aftermath of the World War 2, the United States injected itself with a transfusion of Nazi blood in order to mutate into the hegemonic power of the Capitalist world order. This transfusion was performed by transporting Nazi war criminals and scientists to the USA who would faithfully serve their new American masters with their expertise in the black arts of intelligence operations, weapons, and rocketry.
America’s Nazi infusion was called Operation Paperclip and the Gehlen Network.
Ex-Nazis in the service of Uncle Sam: How the US took control of Germany’s main intelligence service
It’s been said that America is an experiment in democracy.
This is not quite true.
America is an experiment alright–but a macabre Frankenstein experiment combining the worst civilizational DNA of the British Empire and the Nazi Third Reich.
As such, one can only respond: America Delenda Est.
This was a great read. Thanks man
Two weeks after this post was published, the West is still talking about what to do if Russia uses a nuke in Ukraine. As I said, the game is still on, and the false flag will be carried through to completion.